A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

24 February 2012

24 FEB.'12

Black History


Santorum Suggests Romney, Paul Struck Deal

Amazing video of Apollo 17 astronauts singing and dancing | Mail Online

Google Agrees to Allow ‘Do-Not-Track’ Button in Browser - Businessweek

Why humans are not naturally nasty and more likely to be kind than cruel | Mail Online

Don't use Twitter so much... says Twitter boss as he brands spending hours on site as 'unhealthy' | Mail Online

How a modest drop in rainfall 'led to the collapse' of Maya civilisation 1,100 years ago | Mail Online

White House Asked Vince Carter To Throw All-Star Weekend Party | Sinclair News – LS News Group

Roy Tov: Anne Frank’s Cult Backfires

Top Social Media Websites Caught Censoring Controversial Content

Spider Goats, Bullet-proof Skin, Meat from a Petri Dish and Transhumanism – Oh My! | Farm Wars

How to Remove Your Google Search History Before Google's New Privacy Policy Takes Effect | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Immigration enforcement program to be shut down –

Who’s Behind The Firing Of Pat Buchanan? | Real Zionist News

Insider Warns Family Of EMP Strike On U.S. This Year « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

Iran successfully tests anti-drone radar systems - Israel News, Ynetnews

Could a 'Robopocalypse' Wipe Out Humans? | Could Robots Kill All Humans? | Weird | LiveScience

Dolphin expert asks: Should they be treated as humans? | Mail Online

'Voice of God' to scare church roof raiders - Telegraph

Shrinking Sky! Cloud Tops Dropping Closer to Earth, NASA Satellite Finds | Atmospheric Science & Climate Change | Cloud Formation & Height | LiveScience

First Photos of China's 298-Million-Year-Old Buried Forest

The “Global Crises of Capitalism”; Whose Crises, Who Profits?

BBC News - 4G TV interference: Up to a million homes 'need filters'

A 75th Anniversary for the American Dream | Opinion Maker

Don't Get Snared By Schools Of Thought | Before It's News

USDA to Give Monsanto's New GMO Crops 'Speedy Approval' | Natural Society

Obama Contraception Rule: 7 States File Lawsuit Challenging Administration Mandate

House transportation bill backs offshore drilling

Obama Defends Energy Policy Against Gas Price Attacks - ABC News

Fortress DC: New Capitol lockdown plan in works | Washington Examiner

Congress: We are insane to let these people even assemble « The PPJ Gazette

10 Excellent Reasons to Attack Iran | True Activist

Hacking group Anonymous could shut down the entire U.S. power grid, head of national security warns | Mail Online

Vatican ruled by 'omerta' code of silence, whistle-blower claims - Telegraph

Internet Pharmacies Sell Illicit Drugs, Target Young Audiences

Scientists did not break speed of light - it was a faulty wire - Telegraph

Male chromosome is not doomed, say scientists - Telegraph

Kavli researchers say galaxy may swarm with 'nomad planets'

Doctors 'agree to abort babies for being the wrong sex' | Mail Online

Why the sky really is closing in on you! Cloud level has fallen by 1% a year over last decade | Mail Online

Carcinogenic Driveway Sealant Chemicals Polluting Homes | Natural Society

In the Times of the First Church of Blind Acquisition. Smoking Mirrors

Sacha Baron Cohen -- Is Academy Blinking On Banning Him?

AIPAC Declares War

Obama sends letter of apology to Afghan president over Koran burning - Americas - World - The Independent

New Animation Reveals Japan Tsunami Debris Path | Japan Earthquake & Tsunami | LiveScience

NYPD built secret files on NJ, Long Island mosques | World news | The Guardian

Gingrich: Obama Should Not Apologize for Koran Burning - Sarah Huisenga -

The President’s Billionaire Playboy Bundler | Washington Free Beacon

Bill Maher donates $1M to Obama super PAC - Political Hotsheet - CBS News


Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : "Mitt Romney & Rick Santorum Are Working Together In Minnesota" Doug Wead Ron Paul Campaign

Maine GOP needs to repair damage caucuses caused | The Kennebec Journal, Augusta, ME

Lone Star Watchdog: Ambassador John Bolton Insults Iraq War Veteran on National Television. Fox Bussiness Feb 23, 2012

poorrichard's blog: Utah Bill: Videotaping a Factory Farm is Same as Assaulting a Police Officer

Activist Post: ACTA 2.0: The Trans-Pacific Partnership

Mainscream Media: Iran hysteria stirring up in US - YouTube

Activist Post: Antidepressants Proven to be Useless, Pushed on Public Anyway

REVEALED: Romney’s Top Funders Made Billions on Auto Bail-Out | NationofChange

8 Dec.'10/"The American people were looted to make good on the fraud perpetrated by Wall Street not only against American financial institutions, but bankers in the Eurozone as well." - Mike Rivero. | Before It's News

1 Dec.'10/Fed Opens Books, Revealing European Megabanks Were Biggest Beneficiaries | Common Dreams

2010-11-09 Greenspan Admission - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: Poltics Does Not Make Strange Bedfellows with a Romney and Paul ticket. A Bad Idea

Lone Star Watchdog: RINOS Sold Out the Second Amendment Again;Another Obama Nominee Confirmed to the Bench

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Gerald Celente - The Beginning of World War III

What Really Happened in the “Yom Kippur” War? | My Catbird Seat

What is Sovereignty and How Does it Benefit Me? « « The Freedom Articles The Freedom Articles

The $15 TRILLION Money-Laundering Mystery

Diebold voting machines hacked with $10 in parts | Raw Replay

FEC warns Gingrich for paying himself with campaign funds | The Raw Story

Dow and Monsanto Join Forces to Poison America's Heartland -

DIA director: China preparing for space warfare | Washington Free Beacon

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : "Where Is Ahmadinejad Currently Threatening To Destroy Israel?"

Iranian Female Ninjas Vs. American Soldier Girls « Revolt of the Plebs

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : NSA Warns Anonymous Could Shutdown Power Grids! Anonymous Responds STFU!


*Regression and Hybrid Aliens - June 3, 2011 - YouTube

*Coast To Coast AM (Jan 03 2008) - UFO's & Parallel Realities (Whitley Strieber & Art Bell) - YouTube


The Trivium - How to Free Your Mind - Jan Irvin at the Free Your Mind conference - 04-10-11 - YouTube

Jan Irvin and Bob Tuskin: Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric - YouTube

The Trivium Method - Gene Odening (entire) - what you should have been taught in school but weren't - YouTube

Jan Irvin - Free Your Mind Conference 2011 - YouTube


**War is always by Deception - YouTube


$15,OOO,OOO,OOO,OOO FRAUD EXPOSED in UK House of Lords - YouTube

What Really Happened with Mike Rivero 21st Feb 2012 - YouTube

What Really Happened with Mike Rivero 22nd Feb 2012 - YouTube

Foreign nationals willingly gave passports to Mossad

The Pentagon Has 6 Bomb-Zapping Ray Guns (Which May Be 6 Too Many) | Danger Room |

Police Use of Excessive Force By Bullet on the Rise Throughout the Country :

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : 3 Members Of Congress Received Threatening Letters Containing Suspicious Powder

poorrichard's blog: Stop The Pillaging of America

HALF of Americans don't pay income tax despite crippling government debt | Mail Online

Chart: 'America’s Per Capita Government Debt Worse Than Greece' | The Weekly Standard

Energy independence, or impending oil shocks? | SmartPlanet


Reporters Without Borders(


Newt Gingrich to address AIPAC conference

The Secret behind "The Secret"


*Slavery By Consent @Vimeo

+CIA Asset Susan Lindauer.. Can Now Speaks 10 years after 2001-9-11 - YouTube

C2CAM The Nephilim Built the Pyramids -The Great Separation - Patrick Heron - YouTube

The Awakening-Final Version-Full Length Documentary - YouTube


Do You Believe in Magick? Part I - YouTube

Do You Believe In Magick? II - YouTube

Do You Believe in Magick? III - YouTube

Do You Believe in Magick? IV - YouTube


David Icke - The Reptilians and the Moon - YouTube


David Icke - The Moon Matrix part 1 of 6 - YouTube

David Icke - The Moon Matrix part 2 of 6 - YouTube

David Icke - The Moon Matrix part 3 of 6 - YouTube

David Icke - The Moon Matrix part 4 of 6 - YouTube

David Icke - The Moon Matrix part 5 of 6 - YouTube

David Icke - The Moon Matrix part 6 of 6 - YouTube


Scientists Talk About, Inside Monsanto, The Truth. - YouTube

Google - Dont be Evil - YouTube

A Swarm of Nano Quadrotors - YouTube

Paul Drockton M.A. Henry Makow's. Emotionally Unstable?


Ancient Discoveries Season 1 Episode 1 - Ancient Computer? {s01e01} Full Length - YouTube

Ancient Discoveries Season 1 Episode 2 - Galen, Doctor to the Gladiators {s01e02} Full Length - YouTube

Ancient Discoveries {s01e03}Heron of Alexandria - YouTube

Ancient Discoveries Season 5 Episode 2 - Impossible Naval Engineering {s05e02} Full Length HD - YouTube

Ancient Discoveries Season 5 Episode 4 - Ancient Torture Tech {s05e04} Full Length - YouTube

Ancient Discoveries Season 6 Episode 8 - Special Forces {s06e08} Full Length HD - YouTube

Ancient Discoveries Season 6 Episode 11 - Mega Ocean Conquest {s06e11} Full Length HD - YouTube


Philosophy A Guide To Happiness Episode 1 on Vimeo

Philosophy A Guide To Happiness Episode 2 on Vimeo

Philosophy A Guide To Happiness Episode 3 on Vimeo

Philosophy A Guide To Happiness Episode 4 on Vimeo

Philosophy A Guide To Happiness Episode 5 on Vimeo

Philosophy A Guide To Happiness Episode 6 on Vimeo


What the Ancients did for us - The Greeks - YouTube

Travel Around the World in 90 Minutes with the International Space Station - Full Length HD - YouTube

ZERO - An investigation into 9-11 (Full Length) - YouTube

The Marketing of Madness 2009 (Full Length) - YouTube


Ron Paul: The choice of the troops | Washington Times Communities

'Satan stalks America': Santorum words come back to haunt him - Americas - World - The Independent

Con artist made $359m selling worthless drugs over internet to customers in UK and US | Mail Online

Blind, Footless Chickens for Future CAFOs | Farm Wars

Peres: A nuclear Iran would be a catastrophe - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Judge warns Rupert Murdoch: Your trials aren't over - Press - Media - The Independent

US and North Korea talk food and 'other topics' - Asia - World - The Independent

KBR Ex- Chief Says 'Ambition, Ego, Alcohol' Fueled Bribes -

Balochistan In Historical Perspective | Opinion Maker

Iran protests to UN: Israel kill... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

Peres to tell Obama: U.S., West should lead battle against Iran nuclear program - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Irresponsible Anti-Iranian Fear-Mongering

Afghanistan Koran burning protests: Effigy of 'Black Dog' Obama set alight | Mail Online

Amnesty says half a million Afghans displaced | World news | The Guardian

Network : We Feed the Network (by Michael Rigley) - YouTube

The Toddler's Brain On Modern Television

*Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America « Søren Dreier

London Olympics 2012 Illuminati Card Game NWO Zion False Flag Attack? « Søren Dreier

+55 Interesting Facts About The U.S. Economy In 2012 -

Chicago Will Have Eyes In The Sky For NATO/G8

+Buying The Vote: 12 Facts About Super PACs That Will Blow Your Mind -

The Kill Switch Comes to the PC - Businessweek

World Bank proposes global coalition to save oceans

Remotely Piloted War: How Drone War Became the American Way of Life -

Is a 9/11 Attack Facilitator Alive and Well in London? -

London-based oil executive linked to 9/11 hijackers - Telegraph

Graham: FBI’s public statements are in conflict with still secret records of Sarasota 9/11 probe | Broward Bulldog

AllGov - News - Did FBI Hide 9/11 Info from Congress about Saudi Couple in Florida?

FBI found direct ties between 9/11 hijackers and Saudis living in Florida; Congress kept in dark | Broward Bulldog

Saudi family in Sarasota investigated by FBI in 9/11 attacks |

Media Sleepwalks, While History Is In the Making

AntiWar.Com Joins MSM to Attack Independent Reporters, Authors & Analysts

Russia Today: Obama’s Record as the Worst US President against Government Whistleblowers

Punishing the Population: The American Occupations of Haiti & the Dominican Republic

The EyeOpener- TSA: Tyrants Sucker America

VIDEO: Open Seeds: Biopiracy and the Patenting of Life

SOCIAL MEDIA "TACTICAL INTELLIGENCE COLLECTION": Spying and Propaganda using Facebook, Twitter

America's "War on Terrorism": The Truth will Prevail

Reports: U.S., NATO Allies Preparing For Ground Assault In Syria

CIA and Mossad Rebuilding Spy Ring in Tunisia

Turkish Secret Agents Trained by the Mossad Captured in Syria

VIDEO: "Food Rules" for Healthy People and Planet

VIDEO: DHS Testimony on Social Networking and Media Monitoring

Top Social Media Websites Caught Censoring Controversial Content

VIDEO: C-SPAN Audience Rejects Fake Terror Claims

VIDEO: Real Wealth vs. The Debt Bubble

Look at the Facts: Who Is The REAL Nuclear Threat in the Middle East?

VIDEO: Don't Get Fooled Again on Iran

VIDEO: Euro Currency Crisis: Trapped Inside an Economic Prison

Puppets, Lackeys And The Drums Of War

Afghans Besiege US Bases in Koran Protests

CIA-NATO Front Group Drafts “Humanitarian Aid” for Syria

New York Times Lets Unnamed Officials Smear Critics as 'Terrorists'

Arab League As An Anti-Arab Weapon

Proof that War Is Bad for the Economy

Intervention, Reloaded by Nebojsa Malic --

AIPAC Declares War by Philip Giraldi --

Clinton: Syria Rebels to Find Arms ‘Somewhere’ -- News from

Iraq Slaughter: 97 Killed, 348 Wounded --

About 400 Afghans Displaced Every Day -- News from

Manning Defers Plea as Arraignment Begins -- News from

Clinton Threatens Sanctions, Increased Presence in Somalia -- News from

An attack on Iran would be an act of criminal stupidity | Seumas Milne | Comment is free | The Guardian

Deconstructing Lieberman’s Iran Resolution by Muhammad Sahimi --

As the Underwear Bomber Receives a Life Sentence in Federal Court, Lawmakers' Obsession with Military Trials Looks Idiotic

Military: Who Cares How Many Taliban Stop Fighting? | Danger Room |

Homeland Analysts Told to Monitor Policy Debates in Social Media -

Taliban's Response to Obama's Apology: 'Kill Them, Beat Them, Take Them as Prisoners'

U.S. General Cautions American Troops About 'A Desire to Strike Back'

Gingrich: 'If Karzai...Doesn't Feel Like Apologizing We Should Say Goodbye and Good Luck'

Obama Vows to ‘Double Down’ on Green Investments Despite Solyndra and Volt Flop

Obama's Energy Plan -- Algae

Obama’s Claim of Increasing Domestic Drilling Not Accurate, Say Energy Analysts

Michelle Obama: Middle-Class Struggles Are Nothing New; Folks 'Squeezed' for 'Decades'

Obama Adviser Argued: Kids from Big Families Have Lower IQs

HBO's Palin Pollution

Did ‘The Great Society' Ruin Society?

The $4 Billion Obamacare Slush Fund for Progressives

Polls Show Liberals, Not Santorum, Are The Ones Who Are 'Well Outside The Mainstream'

Planned Parenthood's 'Health' Brand Tells Teens 'You May Be Ready To Have Sex'

CNN Grills Santorum's Press Secretary, Gives Free Pass to Obama Aide

Bill Maher Jokes About Mitt Romney Paying a Bum for Gay Sex

After Scolding Newt and Santorum, CBS Tosses Softballs at Obama Flack Gibbs

Rev. Franklin Graham ‘I Cannot Support the President or Vote for Him’

Rep. Pelosi: Catholic Church 'Has Not Enforced' Contraception Ban

Romney: I 'Absolutely' Did Not Force Catholic Hospitals to Provide Abortion Pills to Rape Victims

All 4 Republicans Cheered for Their Responses to ‘Birth Control’ Question: Obama’s the ‘Extremist’

Higher Gas Prices Cloud Obama's Re-Election Hopes

Dems Stage a Single-Witness ‘Hearing’ to Frame Their ‘Reproductive Rights’ Argument

Newly Released E-mails Show Palin's Frustration With Alaska Job: I Can't Take It Anymore

Conservative Al Regnery Resigns as Publisher of The American Spectator

Father Says 3rd-Grader Who Shot Classmate 'Made a Mistake'

All 4 GOP Candidates OK With Women in Combat

U.N. Human Rights Council Losing Controversial Members, As Others Prepare to Join

Republican Says Obama Must Boycott OAS Summit If Cuba Is Invited

Qur’an Furor: U.S. Leaders Offer Abject Apologies to ‘the Noble People of Afghanistan’

U.S. Gov’t Condemns Iran Over Death Row Pastor, Urges Pressure on Tehran

Serbs Shun Jolie's Directorial Debut

Judge Takes Up Bid for Bail by Jackson Doctor

'Idol' unveils Top 24 with a twist

Per-person cost of Obamacare's high-risk medical plan doubles

Nation might reach $16.4 trillion debt limit close to Election Day

Polls: Romney leads in Michigan

Number of deportation cases drops by nearly a third at end of 2011

Rick Santorum winning more support from Republican women

Environmental mess left at Solyndra plant

More than 1.4 million families live on $2 a day per person

Babeu staff facing federal inquiry regarding on-the-job politicking

'Friends of Syria,' including U.S., ready ultimatum for Assad

Maryland joins seven states and D.C. in allowing same-sex marriage

Schumer invites Gov. Jan Brewer to defend Arizona immigration law

Feds deny permit for project to pipe water from Wyoming's Flaming Gorge to Colorado's Front Range

Both winners and losers are cool to Obama's corporate tax reform

In 2007 email, Palin said her divorce was 'when' not 'if'

Jury saw a limit to U-Va. killer's malice

Obama: I've got 'five years' left to solve immigration

Sanctions make life tough for ordinary Iranians

Obama scoffs at rivals' promises for lower gas prices, saying there's no "quick fix"

Democratic challenger says Gov. Scott Walker has ruined Wisconsin

Rush Limbaugh: I 'cringed’ at Rick Santorum comment

Federal appeals court upholds DNA 'test on arrest'

Social issues dominate state lawmakers’ debates

John Edwards sex tape suit settled

Nasty, contagious norovirus is 'everywhere' now

Nudists hope Aniston and 'Wanderlust' give resorts a boost

'Sovereign citizen' movement now on FBI's radar

Israeli strike on Iran would pose risk for US economy, Obama reelection bid

Spate of arrests shows rise in reporting, not in abuse, police say

Man charged after cooking own meal at Denny's - Houston Chronicle

'Today' Show Panel Ponders: 'Does Religion Belong in Our Political Discourse?' |

MSNBC's Luke Russert Asks Democratic State Legislator: Are Mandated Abdominal Ultrasounds a Sort of 'Sex Crime'? |

Obama Justifies FEMA imprisonment of civilians! - YouTube

The True Unemployment Rate: 36% - HUMAN EVENTS

The compression of generations – 25 million adults live at home with parents because they’re unemployed or underemployed. The crushing cost of a college education today.

Is Real ID a step toward ‘mark of the beast’? » Local News » The Register-Herald, Beckley, West Virginia

Electronics Made From Human Blood Cells Suggest Cyborg Interfaces, Spark Nightmares | Fast Company

Why did US Census Bureau award $500M Contract to Lockheed Martin, Worlds' Largest Defense Contractor? - SCMLA (Los Angeles, CA) - Meetup

Why Quantum Theory Is So Misunderstood - Speakeasy - WSJ

Activist Post: Police Use Laws To Paint Cold Med Buyers as “Meth Heads”

Pentagon as Lying Machine » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Researchers resurrect new species of life from ancient Andean tomb

Obama Threatens To “Hold Accountable” U.S. Soldiers for Burning of Koran - The Ulsterman Report

"Caliphate Conference" Seeks to Islamize Europe, U.S. :: Stonegate Institute

'Friends of Syria' Begin Talks in Tunisia

Russia's Prime Minister Vows Military Spending Hike

Nixon's China Visit Marked Turning Point in Sino-American Relations

Math May Determine Best HIV Drug Combinations

Briton Extradited to US Over Alleged Iran Missile Parts

Obama Promotes Plan to Fight Rising Fuel Prices

Publisher Who Defied US Censorship Laws Dies at 89

Chavez Heading to Cuba for New Surgery

Fresh Anti-US Protests Erupt in Afghanistan

Putin Wraps Campaign in Patriotism at Mass Rally

2 Foreign Telecom Companies Close Shop in India

Volcanic Ash Preserves Ancient Tropical Forest for 300 Million Years

Mango Pits, Coconut Shells Could Generate Electricity

Millions in Education Money Stolen in Kenya

New Education Center Honors Abraham Lincoln

India's Surging Vehicle Count Creates Public Health Hazards

In US, Prescription Drug Overdoses More Deadly Than Car Crashes

Tibetans Mark Solemn New Year Amid Standoff With China

Astronomers Measure Record Cosmic Winds Near Small Black Hole

Can Cold Case Posse resurrect eligibility issue?

Save the people – kill the European superstate

America's full-blown dhimmitude

An 'honor killing' exemption?

Question Obama's faith? You bet we should

Did 'The Great Society' ruin society?

The media have found their devil

Obama's bogus 'tax cut'

R. RINGER: Will the race hustlers prevail?

A. NAPOLITANO: What if democracy is bunk?

J. FARAH: How to win Republican nomination

L. ELDER: Voting for skin color

Initiated force: Liberals' tool of control

B. FARBER: Obama's political hypnotism

J. CASHILL: 'The Obamas' author and the Ministry of Truth

‘Silent majority’ preparing to confront Washington

The antidote for Alinsky?

Alinsky-style leftist ramps up effort to oust Sheriff Joe

Offended Muslim chokes atheist, and then …

Evangelist leaves celebrity psychiatrist tongue-tied

'Sovereign citizen' movement now on FBI's radar -

Career atheist Richard Dawkins admits he is in fact agnostic | Mail Online

Public outcry sought to save Iranian pastor

‘Most Dangerous Man’ reveals ‘Greatest Hoax’

The Rotten Banana Award goes to …


**BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- February 23, 2012

**BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- February 22, 2012


**85 Things That Might Get You on a DHS Terrorist Watch List

How Ron Paul Rocked Our Family (Unabridged) by Jo Ann Cavallo

Against McCain’s Interventionist Policy by Michael S. Rozeff

USA Slipping and Sliding Towards Fascism by Jeff Berwick

Doug Casey on Africa

New Government Initiative Would Circumvent Second Amendment By Targeting Ammunition Not Guns by Mac Slavo

Gold Bullion or Cash?

Borrowing Your Way Out of Debt and Other Normal Abnormalities by Bill Bonner

Welcome to Forbes

Gasoline Prices Are Not Rising, the Dollar Is Falling - Forbes

What You Should Be Able to Say to a Cop… But Don’t Dare To | Eric Peters Autos

The JFK Factor: Bill O’Reilly on the Assassination, Then and Now by Russ Baker

G.DeMohrenschildt - The Security Alarm - YouTube

Is Aspirin Safe? | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

How Companies Learn Your Secrets

Mass Media Promoting Transhumanism: the “Mind-Blowing Benefits of Merging Human Brains and Computers”

50 Years Later, Agent Orange Still Killing | American Free Press

Phony 9/11 Hero Jordan Lifander Comes Clean, Bu - Flash Player Installation

Face of 9/11 terrorist Mohammed Atta used to advertise CAR INSURANCE on Facebook | Mail Online

Jilted boyfriend Andre Flom posts sex ads in pregnant ex-girlfriend's name on Craigslist | Mail Online

Newt Unveils Plan for $2.50 Gas to Kickstart Campaign Comeback

Pelosi Blames Wall Street for High Gas Prices

Sabato: Romney Suffers McCain Hangover

Businesses of All Stripes Oppose Obama Tax Plan

Jeb Bush Chides GOP Candidates

Franklin Graham: Obama Must Thwart Islamic War on Christians

Sens. Leahy, Shelby Meet With Cuba's Raul Castro

7 States File Suit Over Obama Birth Control Mandate

Quinnipiac: Economic Confidence Rise Doesn't Lift Obama Approval

Obama Seeks to Make Mark on Appeals Courts

Pawlenty: Voters Tire Of Presidential Candidate Bickering

Santorum's Support of Specter Could Be Achilles Heel

Al-Qaida Claims Deadly Attacks on Iraqi Cities

US Envoy Cites Progress in NKorea Nuclear Talks

Geithner: ‘There’s No Quick Fix’ for Soaring Oil Prices

Faber: Western Standard of Living Won't Recover in 'Economic Armageddon'

Buffett Reveals Flaws as He Prepares Annual Letter

Morning Heart Attacks Unmasked

Lesson of Whitney's Tragic Death: Beware of Prescription Drug Dangers

AP Poll: Spending Cuts Beat Out Tax Increases

Rasmussen: Romney's Debate Showing Not Strong Enough

Gallup: Santorum 35, Romney 27 in National Poll

Rubio Baptized as Mormon During Childhood

Gingrich criticizes Quran burning apology by US

Nostalgic Oscars party like it's the 1920s again as show celebrates timeless cinema - Yahoo! News

Academy Awards, Oscars Nominations, Emmy Awards, Grammys, Golden Globes Awards - The Envelope - LA Times -

Daily Star: Simply The Best 7 Days A Week :: News :: WHITNEY GRAVE ROBBERS

Michelle Obama's pitch: Share the wealth | Washington Examiner

Minister praises plan to heat swimming pool from fires of crematorium - Telegraph

Formerly secret telexes offer window into Iran’s nuclear deceit - The Washington Post

World News - Australia inquest hopes to solve 1980 mystery 'dingo baby' case

NASA Will Pay You to Eat Astronaut Food for 4 Months - Forbes

Karen Santorum: Husband's surge 'is God's will' - Washington Times

No conspiracy: Ron Paul just dislikes Santorum - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Man Charged With Chopping Off Friend’s Hand For Insurance Money « CBS Charlotte

‘Lunch-In’ Protests Crackdown on Homemade Lunches | The Weekly Standard

Robber Tries to Buy Back Gun From Victims: Cops | NBC 6 Miami

Cops: Dad hit son for not watching Obama - StamfordAdvocate

IRS still experiencing delays in sending tax refunds - South Florida

California Asks Judges: Gay or Straight? | The Weekly Standard

What Does The Civil War in Syria Really Mean for Iran, Russia and China?

Video:Presstitute: Tucker Carlson Calls For Annihilation Of Iran

Bradley Manning, Solitary Confinement and Occupy 4 Prisoners

Remotely Piloted War How Drone War Became The American Way of Life

Pentagon Says U.S. Citizens With Terrorism Ties Can Be Targeted in Strikes

Rise of the National Security State ; The CIA’s links to Wall Street

Air Marshal Whistleblowers Reveal a Federal Aviation Culture of Discrimination, Abuse, and Incompetence

Hey Rick Santorum, What's The 4th Amendment? - YouTube

Tucker Carlson Defends His "Red Eye" Comments - YouTube

Tucker Carlson Calls For Annihilation Of Iran - YouTube

Marc Faber Bloomberg Radio - 21 Feb 2012 - YouTube


- Court Rules TrueCrypt User Cannot Be Compelled To Decrypt Hard Disk - informationliberation

+Ruling /PDF


*How Internet Companies Would Be Forced to Spy on You Under H.R. 1981 - informationliberation

Text - 112th Congress (2011-2012) Bill Summary/H.R.1981


+The NSA Unchained [Infographic] - informationliberation


Document Proves DHS Is Monitoring Social Media For Government Criticism - informationliberation

Chris Dodd Extends SOPA 'Olive Branch' To Silicon Valley... And Proceeds To Bash Them Over The Head With It - informationliberation

New Rules To Block 'Distracted Driving' Will Likely Make Things Worse, Not Better - informationliberation

Who Benefits from the War on Drugs? by Tim Kelly

A New Poll Shows That Most People Prefer Austerity To The 'Millionaire Tax'

DOJ Urges Supreme Court to Halt Challenge to Warrantless Eavesdropping | Threat Level |

Insinuation as War Propaganda - informationliberation

Westboro Baptist Church protests at White House - YouTube

Charleston Voice: Breaking News! Documents Reveal US Fed Reserve & Timothy Geithner Engaging in Criminal Activities


FINANCIAL TYRANNY: Defeating the Greatest Cover-Up of All Time

A March 31st deadline has been delivered to the committee of 300 by the gnostic “illuminati” faction

John F. Kennedy Secret Society Speech (Part 1/2) - YouTube

John F. Kennedy Secret Society Speech (Part 2/2) - YouTube

13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati ~ RiseEarth

Reincarnation – Why do some people still doubt it? – My Story. » Philosophers stone | Philosophers stone

Massive Reptilian Undersea Base Destroyed - 5.1 quake Nicobar Islands area - YouTube

The Great Pyramid Was Built By The Druids Of Ireland | Before It's News

Report: Area 51 Builds Massive Alien Pyramid | Before It's News


+Film - Flow: For the Love of Water | Before It's News


02-23-2012.Kevin Trudeau Show

2012-02-24. Jesse Peterson Radio Show

2012-02-23. Jesse Peterson Radio Show

02/23 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2012-Feb-23, Thursday

Redding News Review 02-23-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 02-23-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 02-23-12 Hr 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 02-23-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 02-23-12 Hr 2

The Manning Report – 23 February 2012

The Manning Report – 22 February 2012

Feb. 23, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

David Duke Show 24

David Duke Show 23

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2




"They Do Have It In For Bradley Manning The President Has Acknowledged That" Jane Hampsher - YouTube

Canadian Cop Charged With Murder For First Time In Canada's History - YouTube

Do Miranda Rights Still Exist In The U.S.? - YouTube


+Video: CNN GOP Debate in Arizona, Feb. 22

Ron Paul Highlights from 2/22/2012 Debate (Higher-resolution version) - YouTube

CNN Arizona Feb. 22, 2012 Debate Transcript - Lynn Sweet


Question Obama’s Faith? You Bet We Should

Pelosi Blames “Profiteering” for Skyrocketing Gas Prices

Document Proves DHS Is Monitoring Social Media For Government Criticism


**Bob Marley & The Wailers (Full Concert) Live at Santa Barbara 1979 - YouTube


Limbaugh: Mitt Romney Describes His Tax Plan As Though It’s Aimed At Moderates

Limbaugh: Newt Was On His Game With The Pressure Off

Limbaugh ‘Cringed’ At Santorum’s ‘Team Player’ Comment

Limbaugh: Romney May Be Offering Rand Paul The Vice Presidency

Rush: Obama Needs A Pond Scum Czar. Someone Slimy Like Bill Maher.

Limbaugh: Stan Greenberg Warns Obama “You Need To Find Another Big Lie”

Rush Limbaugh Reviews ‘Act Of Valor’

ebbie Schlussel:Muslim Judge Protects Muslim Who Choked Atheist: Story Ripped Off by WorldNutDaily

ebbie Schlussel:Tired of Obama’s Koran-Burning Apologies Yet?

ebbie Schlussel:ABSURD: Army Forces Male Soldiers to Wear Fake Breasts, Belly to “Understand” Pregnant Soldiers

ebbie Schlussel:Obama Immigration Policy Allowed Saudi Muslim Qaeda Fan on Flight After Drunk Driving, Attempted Murder

Reza Kahlili and the Truth About Iran

Son of Marx

Barack 'Bad Fruit' Obama Redefines Christianity

Note to GOP Candidates: It's ObamaCare, Stupid!

The Media's Brokered Convention Hypocrisy

A U-Turn Strategy for the GOP

Noam Chomsky's Internal Contradiction

Planned Parenthood's Self-Damning Claim

Janet Napolitano Claims Ignorance in Second Gun Link to ICE Agent's Murder

SCOTUS may scrap affirmative action

'The 5 biggest whoppers in Obama's energy speech'

If OWS has Lost San Francisco...

Michelle Obama lays the guilts on rich people

In Iran, the magic is gone for Ahmadinejad

British Parliament heard devastating testimony overturning the global warming hoax

Gasoline Prices and Dollar Prices

On the Cusp of a Natural Gas Bonanza, Massachusetts Bets on Wind Power

Invisible Hand at Work?

Obama and the Problem of Evil

Obama Has Already Lost, and He Doesn't Even Know It

The Establishment’s Last Stand: Keep Obama

Politics’ Strangest Bedfellows

The Honest Simplicity of Early Americans is Disappearing Through Rogue Liberals

The Russians and American Progressives: Together Again

The Forbidden Word Impeach

The Clinton Years

Do You Believe In The Devil?

Romney’s Religion: The Most Scrutinized Doctrines of Mormonism

The real reason why there is no peace between Palestinians and Israelis

Ron Paul: A TRUE Libertarian! NO LAWS Legislating Morality!

Majority Minority Tradition Must End

Never at the Cost of Freedom

Republican stable looked terrific, and very unified!

President or Constitutional Criminal?

Social Networks Aren't

Santorum on Romney/Paul alliance: I’ll take on all-comers, even in pairs » The Right Scoop -

Rick Santorum: Arlen Specter is lying » The Right Scoop -

Obama: My presidency isn’t over. I’ve got another 5 years coming up. » The Right Scoop -

Watch Ron Paul Slam Santorum and Protect Mitt Romney » The Right Scoop -

Rick Santorum and family on GBTV » The Right Scoop -

Occupy Romney to cut charitable deductions because top 1% needs to pay more » The Right Scoop -

Imam: Democracy is opposite of Islam » The Right Scoop -

Obama: Republicans are “licking their chops” at rising gas prices » The Right Scoop -

Bloomberg examines Obama’s unfulfilled jobs promises » The Right Scoop -

Rush eviscerates a Mitt Romney caller » The Right Scoop -

Rush explains Santorum’s “team player” comment » The Right Scoop -

Obama apologizes for America again » The Right Scoop -

Rick Santorum releases new Michigan ad » The Right Scoop -

Judge rules in favor of Muslim attacker in Pennsylvania » The Right Scoop -

Santorum hits Romney hard in new ad » The Right Scoop -

Update: Felony Charges Dropped Against NH Man Who Fired Warning Shot During Burglary

These Jeans Give New Meaning to the Word ‘Laptop’

Jake Tapper Challenges Carney on WH Policies: ‘You Want Aggressive Journalism Abroad’ But Not in the U.S.

Franklin Graham Explains Obama Comments As CNN Host Wonders if He‘s ’a Republican in Preacher‘s Clothing’

New Heart-Pounding Video Shows Wingsuit Athlete’s Mountainside Crash…From His Perspective

Obama: ‘I’ve Got Another Five Years Coming Up’ to Tackle Immigration

See the 90-Mile-Wide Storm Brewing Underwater

This Chart of America’s Per Capita Debt Should Worry You

‘Seaview’: Great Barrier Reef to Get Google Street View Treatment

Occupy Imitates Tea Party, Founding Fathers With ‘The 99% Declaration’

Santorum Uses Romney‘s Own Words Against Him in ’Say What’ Michigan TV Ad

Pelosi: Catholic Church ‘Has Not Enforced’ its Teaching on Contraception

Companies Agree to ‘Do Not Track,‘ White House Proposes ’Privacy Bill of Rights’

Sacha Baron Cohen‘s ’Dictator‘ Mocks ’The Academy of Arts and Zionists’ After Oscar Ban

Why Should Glasses Cost More Than an iPhone? Two Entrepreneurs Explain Their Innovative Business Model

Do Shorter Hemlines Really Imply a Healthy Economy?

‘Amazing Incompetence’: Artwork Valued at $1 Million Accidentally Sold for Less Than $200

Obama Says Republicans Are ‘Licking Their Chops’ Over High Gas Prices

Atheist Calls Christians Planning to Attend D.C. ‘Reason Rally’ ‘Mindless Parasites’

Surprised? Planned Parenthood Allegedly Created Indiana Girl Scouts Sex Ed Program

White House & State Dept. Call on Iran to Release Christian Pastor Condemned to Death

Diane Sawyer Stunned as Gas Price Jumps 10 Cents During Live ABC Report

‘Thomas Paine vs George Washington’: Santorum and Beck Part Ways on Libertarianism

Muslim Admits Attacking Atheist Over ‘Zombie Muhammed’ Costume, Muslim Judge Dismisses Case, Lectures Atheist on Joys of Islam

Fed Court Upholds Calif. Law That People Arrested for Felonies Must Give DNA

‘They Stink. They‘re Ugly’: Video Emerges of Another Anti-Black Racist High School Rant

Stunning Video: Helicopter Disintegrates During Landing

‘You Are a Toddler in a Woman’s Body’: Disorder Causes 22-Year-Old to Revert to Childlike State

Mother ‘Angry With Everybody’ After 14-Year-Old Given HPV Vaccine Without Permission

This Stunning Jesus Portrait Is Made From 24,790 Thumb Tacks (Really!)

Taliban Brutally Decapitates 70-Year-Old Baker

Scammer Scams Scammers: Aussie Woman Rips off Nigerian Cons, Pockets Thousands

Why You Might Want to Delete Your Google Browser History Before Next Week

Shock Video: Cops Gun Down Carjacking Suspect on Live TV as Bystander Ducks for Cover

See The Chevy Volt Parody Ad That GM Probably Doesn’t Like

Afghanistan demands NATO put Koran-burners on trial - Yahoo! News

Presidential Piggybacking: Obama Trips Combine Official, Political Business - ABC News

Alinsky-tied Group Awarded $56 Million Federal Loan For Health Insurance Project | Fox News

BA baggage handler 'who was groomed to be a terrorist' claims he was sacked for being a Muslim | Mail Online

Muslims Plan "Parallel Parliament" In Switzerland :: Stonegate Institute

LAPD chief backs driver's licenses for illegal immigrants -

Passenger who disrupted Continental flight talked about bin Laden, hating women | Houston

'New York in Color': The Howard Greenberg Gallery | Mail Online

Federal raids a 'serious blow' to rhino trade -

French wine company to produce reds in China | The Raw Story

Democratic National Cronyism | Washington Free Beacon

Warren Buffett: Baptist and Bootlegger - Reason Magazine

Obama proposes $800 million in aid for Arab Spring | Reuters

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – February 20-23rd, 2012

Gold Bubble Mania Hits Southern California! - YouTube

+Inalienably Yours: You Might Be a Patriot Extremist If............

Alex Jones Show interviews Russell Blaylock on vaccines -- Feb 2012 - YouTube

Sibel Edmonds: Obama administration charges a record number for espionage - YouTube

CIA Admits Using News To Manipulate the USA (1950) - YouTube

Gerald Celente - The Alex Jones Show , February 22, 2012 - YouTube

Mechanically Separated Chicken + Health Ranger commentary on the animation - YouTube

Study: Roundup diluted by 99.8 percent still destroys human DNA |

Bob Graham: FBI Statements Conflict with Records of 9/11 Probe |

John King Completely Passive with GOP Warmongers

Santorum Booed For 'Taking One For The Team' on No Child Left Behind

GOP Debate Audience Boos Contraception

Oops! Mitt Accidentally Admits That Spending Cuts Slow The Economy

Romney: Obama 'Gave' Car Companies to UAW

Rick Santorum Rejects Catholic Church Teaching on Evolution

Is Mitt Romney A Character From the Movie Anchorman?

Ari Fleischer Punts When Asked About Gingrich's Statement on Obama and 'Infanticide'

Marco Rubio is Sort of Mormon

Romney Doubles Down on Statement That Iran Will Get Nuclear Weapon if Obama is Re-Elected

Rush Limbaugh Mocks Contraception Issue: No 'Birth Control Moms'

CNN Gives Franklin Graham a Second Bite at The Obama-is-a-Muslim Apple

Wisconsin Voter ID Supporter Caught Voting for Colleague

'Journey for Justice' Takes On Lockouts at American Crystal Sugar and Cooper Tires

Female Witness to Darrell Issa: Using Contraception Makes Me Qualified to Testify

Lawrence O'Donnell on Ron Paul's 'Fake' Libertarianism

Between a Rock and a Hard Place, Labor Is Back In Democratic Campaign's Corner

Same-Sex Marriage Bill Passes in Maryland; Governor Expected To Sign It - Unlike New Jersey's 'Straight Shooter'

David E's Fablog » Blog Archive » Today in Satan

p m carpenter's commentary: The 'X' Factor; a battle of pure polarization

Legalize Everything - Einstein 2012 - YouTube

Coach benched for calling Whitney Houston the N-word on Facebook

Chicago police order 500 Interceptors from Ford's Chicago plant

Kirk aides aren't commenting on his condition or prognosis

Talk of a Ron Paul-Mitt Romney alliance won't go away

Romney, Santorum Clash Over Conservative Values, Earmarks - YouTube

New ad targets Romney's opposition to GM, Chrysler bailout

Americans Trust Republicans in Congress to Fix Budget Deficit More than Obama

Obama gets campaign money from pro hoops stars

Arlen Specter: Rick Santorum 'so far to the right'

Election Panel Keeps Santorum on Indiana Ballot

Super PAC backing Romney paid a fundraiser $1.9 million

Study: Gingrich, Santorum plans hike deficit

Scott Brown, Elizabeth Warren face off…in the paper

Jon Huntsman pines for third-party candidate who tackles campaign finance reform

Rick Santorum Sounds 'Indoctrination' Warning Over Obama College Plan

Pawlenty Takes Himself Off Romney Running Mate List

12.9 Million Texas Voter Registration Cards Expired 2/24/12

Gingrich pledges energy independence for America

Tommy Thompson tells GOP Senate opponents to 'get out of my way'

Mitt Romney botches ‘Seinfeld’ reference | PopWatch |

UPDATE 1-Oscars bring foreign flair to animation race

'Wanderlust' Meanders Into an Unfunny Time Warp -- Seriously, Hippies?!

Love of movies illuminates the Oscar race

Ringling grad up for Academy Award in animation

Cissy Houston Wants Lie Detector Test for Funeral Staff

Britney Spears to Become X-Factor Judge?

'Amazing Race' Producer's Death: Heroin Found in Hotel Room

Jordin Sparks calls Whitney Houston ‘an incredible woman,’ gushes over chance to work with icon on ‘Sparkle’ - NY Daily News

Jimmy Fallon Adapts Pearl Jam's 'Jeremy' for Jeremy Lin | NewsFeed |

Jerry Sandusky: Feds subpoena Penn State for top officials' info

WikiLeaks suspect charged with aiding the enemy

Raw clover sprouts linked to 2 illnesses in Michigan

Web privacy guidelines 'a huge step forward,' advocates say

Feds Probing Missing South Carolina Exec Focus On Up To $900G In Missing Funds | Fox News

Clinton: Assad Will Pay Heavy Cost for Human Rights Violations

President Assad supporters gatecrash Tunis meeting on Syria - YouTube

The men taking on Vladimir Putin in Russia's presidential race

Kofi Annan: is he the right trouble shooter for Syria?

She's already a star! Swedish royal baby named Estelle Silvia Eva Mary

Gossip Columnist Lures Investors Tracking Chavez Cancer

Ex-PM Rudd challenges Gillard for Oz leadership

Israeli Police clash with Palestinians throwing rocks at Jerusalem holy site

Hamas ditches Assad, backs Syrian revolt

Group claims responsibility for deadly Iraq attacks

UK Lawmaker Charged After Brawl

UN atomic agency report notes rapidly expanding Iranian activity that could be used for arms - The Washington Post

Killing of fishermen: Italian minister on way; joint examination of weapons on Saturday - The Times of India

Academy Awards: What's an Oscar Really Worth?

The Oscars as Looking Glass

Oil Rises in Longest Rally in Two Years as Iran Spurs Supply Concern

Why the Federal Reserve can't fix housing

S&P 500 Rises to Highest Level Since 2008 on Economic Reports

Shipwrecked Silver Begins Voyage Back to Spain

US keeps open option of tapping oil reserve

Italian Bonds Rise on Debt Sale as Greece Prepares for Debt Swap

Miracle diet pill? A safe drug is elusive

CDC: 13 deaths tied to bath refinishing chemical

Raw Milk Disease Risk High

Condoms Not Being Used Properly Worldwide

Women less likely to get immediate heart attack treatment

Variations in Cancer Referrals Described

Colonoscopy saves lives

Citrus fruit lowers women's stroke risk, study shows

Police: Texas woman performed illegal breast implant surgeries at her hair salon

Flu Activity on Rise but Still Low

New Study Casts Doubt On Deadliness Of Bird Flu

Expert urges farmers to take lead on food safety

Different takes on the health care law

Southerners the sleepiest in the US, study says

5 ways to stay safe until 'do not track' button arrives

FAQ: What Google's 'Do Not Track' move means

FOX59: Google's New Privacy Policy - YouTube

Social networks getting slightly less social: study

Google To Sell Entire Clearwire Stake At $453M Loss

Google: New privacy policy to have little impact on enterprise

Foxconn: A troubled company under scrutiny

Molinari to head Google's DC office

Why horses shrank to the size of housecats

Two Technical Problems Leave Neutrinos' Speed in Question

CERN Results Casting Doubt on Theory of Relativity Due to Faulty Cable - YouTube

What caused collapse of Mayan civilization?

See Venus, Jupiter & Moon Align in Weekend Celestial Show

Hubble's 'waterworld' discovery: A new type of planet

Future aircraft may taxi without engines

Black hole clocks fastest wind ever recorded by NASA

How to Build a Robot Dinosaur With a 3D Printer

Nomad Alien Planets May Fill Our Milky Way Galaxy

Elephants in Arabia? Scientists find prehistoric footprints.

Dead for 32000 Years, an Arctic Plant Is Revived

China uncovers Pompeii-like fossil forest in Inner Mongolia

NASA's sun-watching telescope sees solar eclipse


*C2CAM - 2012.02.23 - Unexplained Sounds - YouTube


Paradigm Research Group(

*Media Coverage - Archies

*PRG Video/Audio Archive

NEWS Science | Solar CMEs Hitting Earth's Magnetic Fields - Do They Make Strange, Loud Sounds? Environment | Updated Feb. 23: Eerie, Strange Sounds Heard in Tennessee and Kansas

Sifrhippus, the First Horse, Got Even Tinier as the Planet Heated Up -

The Fireballs of February - NASA Science

'UFO Phil' Says He Can Assume Presidency Without A Single Vote

BBC News - The myth of the eight-hour sleep Environment | Mayan Kukulkan Pyramid Emits Light Beam in iPhone Photo

Nature News Blog: Limbless amphibian family discovered in India


Info News 2012-02-23 Thursday - YouTube

Alex Jones Nightly News February 22 2012 - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News for Tuesday, February 21, 2012 (Full) - YouTube

2-20-2012 Infowars Nightly News with Rob Dew, guest Aaron Dykes - YouTube


President Ron Paul Channel Presents 2012-02-23 Alex Jones News Nuke - YouTube

Has Ron Paul Formed a Political Alliance With Mitt Romney? 1/4 - YouTube

Has Ron Paul Formed a Political Alliance With Mitt Romney? 2/4 - YouTube

Has Ron Paul Formed a Political Alliance With Mitt Romney? 3/4 - YouTube

Has Ron Paul Formed a Political Alliance With Mitt Romney? 4/4 - YouTube

Lew Rockwell Dispells Ron Paul VP Rumor as "Establishment Trick" - YouTube

» Talking Heads, Mainstream Media Pushing Paul/Romney Alliance Conspiracy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Insider Says Talk of Paul-Romney Alliance is “Establishment Trick” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Videos: The Paul-Romney Alliance? Infowars Nightly News Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Videos: The Birth of World Government with Dr. Michael Coffman Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama Plays Race Card, Calls on Churches to Support Campaign Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Report: More Than 100,000 Americans Are Domestic Terrorists Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» What If Democracy Is Bunk? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» WHO Admits Omitting Fluoride’s Damaging Health Effects to “Prevent Controversy” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

KLM offers way to avoid awkward in-flight chats - The Washington Post

» Farmer Faces Possible 3-year Prison Term for Feeding Community Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Saudia Arabia Intensifies its Crackdown on Protesters Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Congress Gives States the Right to Drug Test the Unemployed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Expect a Rash of ‘Water-Damaged’ Scanners at Airports Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Videos:(1&2,3) Kurt Haskell: Witness to Government False Flag Part 3 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

'US does not believe Iran trying to build nuclear bomb'

FAQ: What’s in the ‘Privacy Bill of Rights?’ - The Washington Post

» RINOS Sold Out the Second Amendment Again Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» New Government Initiative Would Circumvent Second Amendment By Targeting Ammunition Not Guns Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Why Is the ACLU Helping the Richest Americans Buy Our Elections? | Civil Liberties | AlterNet

» Minimum wage for tipped workers in US hasn’t changed in more than 20 yrs Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama's "Sneak Attack" on Senior Citizens - Forbes

Drug Deficiency? Executive Order Given to Create More Pharmaceuticals

Evidence grows that 9/11 first-responders got cancer after working at Ground Zero - NY Daily News

» Against McCain’s Interventionist Policy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Is catastrophic global warming, like the Millennium Bug, a mistake? | | Independent Eagle Eye - Breaking views from commentators - Blogs

Britain at risk from 'GoldenEye' electromagnetic pulse attack from space, MPs warn - Telegraph

*24 Feb.

American Minute for February 24th

February 24 Events in History

February 24th This Day in History

Today in History: February 24

Today in History: February 24

February 24th in History

This Day in History for 24th February |

Today in History for February 24th - YouTube


The Birth of World Government with Dr. Michael Coffman 1/2 - YouTube

The Birth of World Government with Dr. Michael Coffman 2/2 - YouTube

Videos:Prison » The County Sheriff Project with Sheriff Richard Mack

Prison » Pro-Lifers Protest Facebook Censorship of Disturbing Abortion Image

Prison » Mother angry after daughter vaccinated without her permission

Prison » Talking Heads, Mainstream Media Pushing Paul/Romney Alliance Conspiracy

Prison » Obama Plays Race Card, Calls on Churches to Support Campaign

Prison » With Friends Like ‘Friends of Syria’…

Prison » CIA-NATO Front Group Drafts “Humanitarian Aid” for Syria

Mainscream Media: Iran hysteria stirring up in US - YouTube

UPDATE 3-Oil rises towards $124 on Iran tension | Reuters

Prison » $200 Oil Coming As Central Banks Go CTRL+P Happy

Prison » Illinois Politicians Plot New Assaults on Gun Ownership

Prison » ‘Science’ editor says he plans to publish controversial H5N1 avian flu study in defiance of government recommendations

Prison » Is Big Pharma behind push to release critical details about H5N1 ‘super virus’?

'Fakegate' - the new nadir of the climate change swindle | Mail Online

Prison » Bill Gates is the Sperminator

Prison » Antidepressants Proven to be Useless, Pushed on Public Anyway

Prison » USDA to Give Monsanto’s New GMO Crops Special ‘Speed Approval’

Prison » Study: Roundup diluted by 99.8 percent still destroys human DNA

Prison » Obama Issues Apology for Mistaken Quran Burning; Americans Still Wait For Apologies over Flag and Bible Burning

Feds New Rules Written Behind Closed Doors: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Prison » Media Sleepwalks, While History Is In the Making

Prison » What Ron Paul’s Detractors Reveal

Prison » Get Behind Ron Paul To Stop Iran War

Prison » Proof that War Is Bad for the Economy

Audio:Partners in Crime: Economic Collusion with China Props up Venezuela’s Chavez

Foreign Policy Highlights of the GOP Debate

American Response to Afghan Quran Incident a Show of Weakness

Karzai Wants Americans Tried for Quran Incident; Will Obama Defend Troops?

Protest, Don’t Ban, Harvard’s Anti-Israel Conference

Will Karzai Apologize to Obama for Afghan Rioting and Murder?

John King Twists Audience Question to Protect Obama, Iran in #CNNDebate

Former Defense Minister: Only Israel and America Can Attack Iran

As Sean Stone Preaches Mullahs’ Tolerance, Christian Pastor Sentenced to Death in Iran

Radical Protester Cindy Sheehan Sued by Feds

Russia Today (RT) Offers a New, Progressive “American Dream”

So What if Rubio Was a Mormon?

NYT’s Charles Blow Mocks Romney’s “Magic Underwear”

Fast and Furious Ignored At Arizona Debate, the State Where the Program Originated

John King Twists Audience Question Around Completely to Protect Obama, and Iran, in #CNNDebate

Will Karzai Now Apologize to Obama?

David Brock: Self-Styled Martyr of the Radical Totalitarian Left

Obama Targets Gingrich in Energy Speech

Private Employment Has Recouped Only Three-Eighths of Its Recent Loss

Harry Reid and Senate Democrats Are Holding Up 24 ‘Jobs Bills’ Passed By the House

Audio:Geithner: Rich Need to Pay for ‘Privilege of Being an American’

Specter: Santorum Lied

SEIU Organizing Tactics Include Intimidation and Lying to Workers, Company Alleges

UPDATE: Dewhurst Campaign Says Podesta Group Meeting Was No Fundraiser

Occupy and ‘Planned Civil Disobedience’

Occupier Marisa Holmes and the Professional Left’s Soviet Style Power Grab at Occupy Wall Street

Clueless Chicago School Protesters: You Can’t Fix What’s Not Broken

Obama’s ‘Modest American Dream’ More Like a ‘Dream Killer’

VIDEO: Religious Freedom Only the First Casualty of Obamacare

The Great Gibson Guitar Raid: Months Later, Still No Charges Filed

The Pros and (Mostly) Cons of the Minimum Wage

Today’s Gas Prices Aren’t Bush’s or Iran’s Fault: These Are Barack Obama’s Gas Prices

Election Year Bamboozle: Obama Tries to Fake It on Corporate Taxes and ObamaCare

SEC Chief Says STOCK Act Is Good, Not Sure It Can Be Enforced

Baron Cohen’s ‘Dictator’ Responds to Oscar Ban, Dubs Academy ‘Zionists’

Crystal Eager to Pound GOP ‘Idiots’ on Oscar Night

HomeVideodrome: Unknown Olsen Sister Gives Star-Making Turn in ‘Martha Marcy May Marlene’

Pitchfork Media Gives a 10.0 Rating to ‘Bloody Revolution’

‘Bullhead’ Review: ‘Roid Rage Drama Delivers Breakout Belgian Star

‘Wanderlust’ Review: Moldy Hippie Gags Populate Commune Comedy

HBO Says Palin Flick No Hit Job, But Liberal Reviewers Paint Different Picture

The Truth HBO’s ‘Game Change’ Hides: Palin Carried McCain Until He Changed the Game

‘The Way’ DVD Review: Estevez, Sheen Embark on Emotional, Exhausting Journey

Sacha Baron Cohen’s Dictator Doesn’t Belong at Oscars

One Percenter Kanye West’s Charity Gave $0 To Charity

Bannon’s ‘Victory Sessions’ Goes National

‘Honey 2′ Blu-ray Review: Nice Dancing … But Where’s the Story?

Writers Guild Gives Anti-Law Enforcement Film ‘Better This World’ Screenplay Award

Steel Cage Match of the Week: Wrestler CM Punk vs. Disgraced Singer Chris Brown

‘Act of Valor’ Review: A Fist-Pumping Antidote to Hollywood’s Anti-Military Propaganda

Daily Call Sheet: Rabbit Ears Return, Depp Is No Kolchak, Spectacular Links!

Jennifer Aniston Nixes 'Friends' Reunion Movie: 'It Doesn't Make Sense'

MSNBC's Luke Russert Asks Democratic State Legislator: Are Mandated Abdominal Ultrasounds a Sort of 'Sex Crime'? |

WikiLeaks suspect Manning defers plea, court-martial begins | Reuters

GPS at risk from terrorists, rogue nations, and $50 jammers, expert warns | Fox News

The Smartphone Revolution Is Over (For Now) | Fast Company

Solutions to the spectrum crunch: Staving off the apocalypse - Feb. 24, 2012

How New Internet Spying Laws Will Actually ENABLE Stalkers, Spammers, Phishers And, Yes, Pedophiles & Terrorists | Techdirt

Google Invents an Original Search Gesture for Future Devices - Patently Apple

Price of gasoline could determine Obama’s fate - Rex Nutting - MarketWatch

Gas tax increase bad for business -

Methanol as an Alternative to Gasoline -

Environmentalists against the Environment - John Gordon - National Review Online

Could Obama tap our strategic reserves to lower gas prices? - The Washington Post

China’s trade war bankrupted Solyndra |

The cyber-weapons paradox: 'They're not that dangerous' • The Register

Book Review: Watergate -

‘Mired in stalemate’? How unoriginal of Cronkite « Media Myth Alert

The profound lies of Deep Throat - Glenn Garvin -

An Introduction to the Impeachment Trial of Andrew Johnson

Understanding Evolution: Is There “Junk” in Your Genome? (Part 4) | The BioLogos Forum

Earth Spun Faster in 2009 Due to Ocean Current?

New Mini DNA Sequencer, Size of a USB Stick, Is Fast and Cheap | 80beats | Discover Magazine

The fake chemical compound Isaac Asimov invented to punk science writers

BBC News - The myth of the eight-hour sleep

Leslie H. Gelb: The Iran-Washington Conspiracy? - The Daily Beast

RealClearWorld - Putin's National Security Vision

The Thorn in Japan-Russia Ties | The Diplomat

Commentary: The China Bluff | The National Interest

It’s not just Santorum who believes in Satan - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

Franklin Graham’s Troubling Theology « Commentary Magazine

A World Bank for a New World - Jeffrey D. Sachs - Project Syndicate

The Battle of Los Angeles • Damn Interesting

Two Rare Blood Types Discovered

Wireless Device Propels Itself Through Bloodstream

Chimps and Bees Do It, But Is Democracy Natural? : Discovery News

The art of evolution -

Patricia O’Brien (as Kate Alcott) Sells ‘The Dressmaker’ -

The increasingly worthless GOP nomination - The Week

Four Dudes and a Table -

Review & Outlook: 'Stupid' and Oil Prices -

Krauthammer On Obama's Algae Policy: "I Think He's On To Something" | RealClearPolitics

RealClearPolitics - Shut Out by GOP, Roemer Tries New Path

Election 2012: The 'gotcha' campaign -

York: Sour race heads to Mich., turns off voters | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Two Americas indeed -

Three ways somebody new could grab the GOP nod | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Once-invincible Obama campaign has become sloppy | Washington Free Beacon


**RealClearPolitics - GOP Presidential Debate in Mesa, Arizona

+Republican Presidential Debate (CNN/Arizona Republican Party) - February 22 2012 - YouTube




24-Feb-12 World View

23-Feb-12 World View


Jagger sizes up Obama's singing as 'courageous'

IAEA: Iran steps up sensitive nuclear work

Opposition: Syrian rebels get arms from abroad

Nuclear regulator boss paid via private firm will not have contract renewed

US steps up offensive against Japan's yakuza gangs

Monsanto close to 'Agent Orange' settlement with US victims

Greece launches formal offer for debt writedown

Woman accused of role in Wash. trooper's killing

Italy to scrap Catholic property tax loophole

Oklahoma congressman apologizes for gun comments

UK media scandal: 2 new computer hacking arrests

Flight attendants at American re-elect president

Greece launches long-awaited debt swap offer

Judge denies bail for Michael Jackson's killer doctor

SEC charges former and current Noble executives on bribes

Lloyd Webber says "Phantom" sequel likely to hit Broadway

G20 unlikely to agree more IMF money this weekend

SEC's Paredes calls for reproposed Volcker rule

Gift suites back in force at Oscars. Uggie's not buying

States file suit over Obama's birth control plan

Shipwrecked silver begins voyage back to Spain

Video: ewn campaign 2012 poll tonight

Video: Romney Focuses on Economy in Michigan

Video: Parents upset over racy high school paper

Video: Family busts naked burglar

Video: Pelosi: High Gas Prices Wall Street's Fault

Video: Missing Teacher's Body Found In Westmoreland Woods

Video: Giuliani: Obama 'Weakling' On Iran

Video: Assad supporters protest outside Syria conference

Video: Time's Joe Klein: GOP 'Scared White People'


**News Videos:Geithner: ‘Privilege Of Being An American’ Is Why Rich Need Higher Taxes

Obama’s Broken Energy Promises

Pelosi: High Gas Prices Wall Street’s Fault

Flashback 2008: Obama Calls For Alaska Energy Pipeline

Obama: High Gas Prices ‘Like A Tax’

‘Dingo Baby’ Case Reopened

Giuliani: Obama ‘Weakling’ On Iran

Time ’s Joe Klein: GOP ‘Scared White People’

Journalist Pleas For Help To Escape Syria

Edwards’ Mistress Takes Possession Of Sex Tapes

Flashback 2008: McCain Ad Predicts High Gas Prices, Blames Obama

World’s Most Famous Atheist: Can’t Be Sure God Does Not Exist

ACORN Reborn: ‘Action Now’ Bullies Join Chicago Teachers Union In Defending Failed Schools

‘Pissant,’ ‘Petty,’ ‘Mickey Mouse Club’: Matthews Unloads On GOP Debate

Lesbian Judge Won’t Marry Couples Until Same-Sex Marriage Legal

23rd/New Obama Ad Praises Auto Bailouts

Tone Deaf: DNC Chair Says Americans ‘Overwhelmingly Support Obamacare’

Courageous US War Reporter Murdered In Syria

Exclusive: Inside ‘Dorothy And The Witches Of Oz’

Krauthammer Mocks Obama’s Algae Energy Plan

MSNBC’s O’Donnell: OB/GYN Dr. Ron Paul ‘Anti-Sex’

Flashback 2005: Wasserman Schultz Blames Gas Prices On GOP

Specter: Santorum Lied

Piers Morgan, Comedians: GOP Candidates Have ‘No Character’

Perry: Romney, Paul Have ‘Interesting Partnership’ During Debates

CNN Host Chides Rev. Graham: ‘It Sounds Like You’re A Republican In Preacher’s Clothing’

Poll: 50% Believe Obama’s First Term A Failure

Eric Bolling Sings ‘The Gasoline Blues’ On Fox & Friends

Pelosi Begins Lent With Attack On Catholic Church

Cost Of Gas Jumps 10 Cents During ABC’s ‘World News’ Broadcast

Obama Advisor: White House Construction Proof Of Job Creation

‘Seinfeld’ Actor 911 Call: ‘I’ve Shot Myself In The Head’


Arlen Specter: I Made No Promise About SCOTUS Nominees With Santorum
Bill Maher Gives $1 Million To Obama Super PAC
Klein: GOP Is Doing The Best They Can "To Offend" Latinos
"Special Report" Panel On Wednesday's GOP Debate
Matthews: Romney Had "Little Goody Two-Shoes Applauding On Command" At Debate
O'Reilly: GOP Debate Gets The Party "Nowhere"

U.S. Goals Toward China
Giuliani: Obama Should Threaten Iran
China, The U.S. And Capitalism
Gingrich: Obama 'Surrendered' On Quran
Assessing Obama's Foreign Policy
Sec. Clinton On Syria: There Will Be A Breaking Point
Rudd Will Challenge Gillard
Suu Kyi Calls For Unity In Burma's Restive North
Raw Video: Journalists Plead For Help In Syria
Syria: World Leaders Expected To Demand Ceasefire
Riots Highlight Mexico's Crumbling Prisons
Son-in-law To The King Of Spain Faces Justice
Prominent Syrian Journalist Talks About Escape


Pundits, Professors And Their Predictions
Who Will Emerge As The Next Chinese Leader?
Santorum, Paul Battle Iran, Each Other
Growing Debate Within Israeli Over Military Action Against Iran
Will Quran-Burning Investigation Quell Anger In Afghanistan?
Syria: French Foreign Minister Slams Journalist Deaths
London Stages Major Olympic Security Exercise
Deadly Blast Hits Peshawar
Relentless Bombardment In Homs, Syria
Raw Video: Afghan Protests Grow More Violent
Scores Dead In Widespread Iraq Attacks
Where Would BRICs Be Without The U.S.?
China's Veto On Syrian Resolution Shows Distrust Of Arab Spring
Will Sanctions Against Iran Backfire?

Santorum Ad Hits Romney's Record
McCaskill Ad Slams Outside Groups
Wasserman Schultz: Americans "Overwhelmingly" Support ObamaCare
Rick Perry: "Newt Was Absolutely Churchillian"
Krauthammer On Obama's Algae Policy: "I Think He's On To Something"
Obama: GOP "Licking Their Chops" Over Rising Gas Prices, They "Root For Bad News"
MSNBC's Martin Bashir: Gingrich Is "Toxic" And "Loathed"
Flashback: Wasserman Schultz Rails Against High Gas Prices Under Bush
Todd: Obama "Pretty Happy" With GOP Debate "Too Much To The Right"
Obama: "My Presidency Is Not Over, I've Got Another Five Years"
Obama: If We Could Make Energy Out Of Algae, We'll Be Alright
Gibbs: Debate Full Of "Nasty Negative Carpet Bombing Distortions"
Heilemann: "Persistent Racial Animosity" Fuels Opposition To Obama
Carney Asked Why Doesn't The WH Want Aggressive Journalism In US
Santorum On Supporting No Child Left Behind: "Sometimes You Take One For The Team"
Obama Campaign Ad Touts Auto Bailout
O'Reilly: Gov't Could Raise Export Taxes To Keep More Oil In U.S.
Fineman: Santorum A "Complete Loser" In Earmark Debate
"Special Report" Panel On The Corporate Tax Debate
Shrum: Santorum "Wrong On The Theology, Wrong On the Politics"


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