A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

04 January 2012

4 JAN '12




Info News 2012-01-02 Monday - YouTube

Info News 2012-01-03 Tuesday - YouTube


The Alex Jones Show 01-01-12 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 01-01-12 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 01-02-12 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 01-02-12 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 01-02-12 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 01-02-12 Hr 4

The Alex Jones Show 01-03-12 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 01-03-12 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 01-03-12 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 01-03-12 Hr 4


Prison » UPDATE: Ron Paul May Have Secretly Won The Iowa Caucuses

Ron Paul After 3rd-Place Finish in Iowa: 'Freedom Is Popular' - YouTube

Romney Squeaks By Santorum in Iowa, Ron Paul in Third - YouTube

Ron Paul Dominates the Iowa Youth Vote- But Why? – NextGen Journal

Ron Paul addresses supporters after Iowa caucus - The Washington Post

Ron Paul shows his power in Iowa | Rick Perry 2012 Campaign for President– News and updates

Rand Paul: My father is misunderstood on... JPost - International

Palin Defends Ron Paul on Israel - YouTube

Former CIA Bin Laden Hunter Scheuer Endorses Ron Paul's Foreign Policy - The Ballot 2012 (

Palin Warns Up To Ron Paul

Ron Paul Portrait Appears On Rodeo Drive

Ron Paul on Extending the Tax Cut - YouTube

Edward Crane: Why Ron Paul Matters -

Rick Santorum’s nephew endorses Ron Paul | Iowa Caucuses


Campaign-Trail; Iowa Caucuses Videos(


Rick Santorum’s nephew endorses Ron Paul | Iowa Caucuses

Fox News Op-Ed: Why Social Conservatives Should be Leery of Ron Paul - Ron Paul - Fox Nation

Ron Paul 2012: Why He Deserves Black America’s Vote - International Business Times

Trump: Ron Paul Wouldn't Have a Chance of Beating President Obama, Would Cast Black Eye on Iowa if He Won Caucus - Interviews - On the Record - Fox News

Articles: Ron Paul and the Dictatorship of the Libertariat

Paul: New Hampshire Primary is “Wide Open” - Catherine Hollander -

Ron Paul Keeps Having to Explain What He Doesn't Believe - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

Ron Paul’s Christian Reconstructionist Roots - The Daily Beast

Jesse Thorsen: Meet the soldier who helped Ron Paul gain third place in Iowa | Mail Online

Huntsman Says Ron Paul Unelectable, Romney Too Cozy with Capitol Hill - Bedford, NH Patch

Al Gore Slams Ron Paul During Current TV’s Election Coverage | Mediaite


**Ron Paul: The Movie - YouTube

**Ron Paul Revolution 2012 - YouTube

**For Liberty Re-cut - Ron Paul 2012 Handout DVD HD - YouTube


**Who is Ron Paul?


**Ron Paul's Channel - YouTube

**Ron Paul Videos -


Ron Paul 2012 Official Campaign Website(

Ron Paul 2012 (

Congressman Ron Paul(

Dr. Ron Paul(

Ron Paul .Com

Campaign For Liberty(

Congressman Ron Paul Archives(

The Ron Paul File(

**Ron Paul 2012 Grassroots Website(


Ron Paul says he got youth, Independent vote | Iowa Caucuses

The trouble with my uncle, Rick Santorum

» Ron Paul’s Iowa Finish: “Biggest Fraud Since Kennedy Stole the West Virginia Primary” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul Campaign Celebrates Great Victory at Iowa Caucus | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Who is Ron Paul 2012 for President on Foreign Policy, Rascism, Homeland Security, National Debt - YouTube

- The NWO Establishment is scared of Ron Paul because he is not a puppet - YouTube

Mitt Romney wins Iowa caucus by 8 votes | Iowa Caucuses

Rick Santorum says ‘Game on’ after second-place finish in Iowa caucus | Iowa Caucuses

Adviser says Michele Bachmann is out of U.S. presidential race | Iowa Caucuses

Caucus turnout robust, nearing all-time record | Iowa Caucuses

Iowa caucus results: Rick Santorum presses on to New Hampshire | World news |

DNC chairwoman: Romney's Iowa caucus win is 'a loss' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

The Iowa Caucus in Two Minutes - LightBox

Mitt Romney versus Barack Obama: Who would win? - The Globe and Mail

President Obama bypasses Congress and puts Richard Cordray in as top consumer finance watchdog |

AP Sources: Obama Bucks GOP, OKs Consumer Watchdog - ABC News

BBC News - President Barack Obama joins photo site Instagram

+Transcript: FACE to FACE with Mitt Romney - CBS News

Prison » Republican Insider: GOP Establishment Planning To Subvert Iowa to Prevent Ron Paul Win

Iowa GOP Vote Fraud & Electioneering • January 2nd, 2012 - YouTube

Prison » Santorum Lashes Out At Ron Paul: Calls Iowa Front Runner “Disgusting”

Prison » New Polls Place Ron Paul A Strong Second In New Hampshire

Prison » Santorum’s Own Nephew Warns His Uncle Is a ‘Big Government’, ‘Status Quo’ Politician, Urges Americans To Vote For Ron Paul

Prison » After Meaning Little, Iowa Suddenly Takes on Significance After Establishment Candidates Win

Prison » Ron Paul’s Iowa Finish: “Biggest Fraud Since Kennedy Stole the West Virginia Primary”

Prison » CNN Pulls the Plug on Live Feed of Soldier Talking About Voting for Ron Paul

Prison » Ron Paul “Let’s Go Back To This VERY DANGEROUS Idea Let’s Obey The Constitution!”

Prison » The Big Takeaway From Iowa: 75 Percent Of Republicans Don’t Want Mitt Romney

Prison » Ron Paul Doubles Vote Tally, Captures Equal Number of Delegates As Romney & Santorum

Prison » Romney Vs Paul: Experts Agree GOP Contest Now A Two Horse Race

Prison » New Poll: Ron Paul Retains Strong Second Place In New Hampshire

Prison » Ron Paul Should Be Proud to Be ‘Outside the Mainstream’

Prison » Ron Paul Comments On Mysterious Tweet Sent From His Campaign Account

Prison » Ron Paul Blasts Back At “Chicken Hawk” Gingrich

Iowa GOP Vote Fraud & Electioneering • January 2nd, 2012 - YouTube

Prison » Santorum Lashes Out At Ron Paul: Calls Iowa Front Runner “Disgusting”

Prison » New Polls Place Ron Paul A Strong Second In New Hampshire

Prison » Santorum’s Own Nephew Warns His Uncle Is a ‘Big Government’, ‘Status Quo’ Politician, Urges Americans To Vote For Ron Paul

Prison » After Meaning Little, Iowa Suddenly Takes on Significance After Establishment Candidates Win

Prison » Ron Paul’s Iowa Finish: “Biggest Fraud Since Kennedy Stole the West Virginia Primary”

Prison » CNN Pulls the Plug on Live Feed of Soldier Talking About Voting for Ron Paul

Prison » Ron Paul “Let’s Go Back To This VERY DANGEROUS Idea Let’s Obey The Constitution!”

Prison » The Big Takeaway From Iowa: 75 Percent Of Republicans Don’t Want Mitt Romney

Prison » Ron Paul Doubles Vote Tally, Captures Equal Number of Delegates As Romney & Santorum

Prison » Romney Vs Paul: Experts Agree GOP Contest Now A Two Horse Race

Prison » New Poll: Ron Paul Retains Strong Second Place In New Hampshire

Prison » Ron Paul Should Be Proud to Be ‘Outside the Mainstream’

Prison » Ron Paul Comments On Mysterious Tweet Sent From His Campaign Account

Prison » Ron Paul Blasts Back At “Chicken Hawk” Gingrich

Prison » Santorum Lashes Out At Ron Paul: Calls Iowa Front Runner “Disgusting”

Prison » New Polls Place Ron Paul A Strong Second In New Hampshire

Prison » After Meaning Little, Iowa Suddenly Takes on Significance After Establishment Candidates Win

Prison » Ron Paul’s Iowa Finish: “Biggest Fraud Since Kennedy Stole the West Virginia Primary”

BLATANT Ron Paul CENSORSHIP by CNN of Soldier Supporting Ron Paul's Foreign Policy - YouTube

Ron Paul "Let's Go Back To This VERY DANGEROUS Idea Let's Obey The Constitution!" - YouTube

Prison » The Big Takeaway From Iowa: 75 Percent Of Republicans Don’t Want Mitt Romney

Prison » Ron Paul Doubles Vote Tally, Captures Equal Number of Delegates As Romney & Santorum

Ron Paul's Speech after the Iowa Caucuses - YouTube

Prison » Romney Vs Paul: Experts Agree GOP Contest Now A Two Horse Race

Prison » New Poll: Ron Paul Retains Strong Second Place In New Hampshire

Ron Paul Should Be Proud to Be ‘Outside the Mainstream’ - Reason Magazine

Prison » Ron Paul Comments On Mysterious Tweet Sent From His Campaign Account

Prison » Ron Paul Blasts Back At “Chicken Hawk” Gingrich

Prison » Post Slams Ron Paul With Fading Elite Promotions

Prison » Meet the Mainstream Press

Prison » As Tyranny Grows, More People Embrace Ron Paul’s Message of Liberty: Timothy Baldwin Reports

As Tyranny Grows, More People Embrace Ron Paul's Message of Liberty: Timothy Baldwin Reports 1/2 - YouTube

As Tyranny Grows, More People Embrace Ron Paul's Message of Liberty: Timothy Baldwin Reports 2/2 - YouTube

Prison » Paul Calls Santorum “Very Liberal,” Supporters Launch Fake Mitt Romney Ad

Ron Paul: Third in Iowa Caucuses is "Fantastic Showing" | C-SPAN

Ron Paul Tours 5 Cities on Last Day of Iowa Campaign | C-SPAN

Ron Paul "We Don't Need A Patriot Act!" - YouTube

Prison » Ron Paul Ad “Disarms” MSM’s Racist Campaign of Lies: Gary Franchi Reports

Ron Paul Ad "Disarms" MSM's Racist Campaign of Lies: Gary Franchi Reports - YouTube

Prison » Jesse Ventura Endorses Ron Paul as the Only Anti-war Candidate

Prison » Ron Paul Camp Mocks Huntsman On Twitter: “We Found Your One Iowa Voter”

Prison » Sarah Palin Warns GOP: Don’t Ignore Ron Paul After Iowa

Sarah Palin talks with Bret Baier about the Iowa Caucuses. - YouTube

Prison » Jon Huntsman Grasping for Straws in Attacks on Ron Paul

Prison » Rand Paul: Ron Paul surging at the right time

U.S. Funds Nearly 50% -- $31 Million -- of U.N.’s Global Warming Panel |

Prison » Fluoride Removal From Water Supply Gaining Momentum for 2012

Prison » No One Knows Why 20 Tonnes Of Dead Fish Washed Up On A Norwegian Beach

Scientists grow sperm in laboratory dish - Telegraph

Prison » H5N1 Bird Flu Strikes China Following Bioterrorism Study Release Controversy

Prison » Police State 2012: No Need to Wait, It’s Already Here

Police State 2012: No Need to Wait, It's Already Here - YouTube

TSA Scanner Argument Grounded by Delta Shuttle: Jeffrey Goldberg - Bloomberg

Prison » 17 Reasons Why A Vote For Mitt Romney Is A Vote For The New World Order

+Prison » Nations Ponder Their Escape From Debt

Prison » Personal incomes fall more during ‘recovery’ than during the recession

Prison » US Closes 2011 With Record $15.22 Trillion In Debt, Officially At 100.3% Debt/GDP, $14 Billion From Breaching Debt Ceiling

Prison » The Debt Bomb: 7,600,000,000,000 Dollars Of Debt Must Be Rolled Over In 2012

Prison » Building a One-World Currency: China, India Suddenly ‘Open’ for Investment

Prison » A Lot of Governments will Print Money in 2012: Rogers

Prison » Debt Burden Threatens American Families

Eurozone collapse 'starts this year' says CEBR - Telegraph

NDAA: Obama Legalizing Tyranny - More Americans to be Killed Without Trial 1/2 - YouTube

NDAA: Obama Legalizing Tyranny - More Americans to be Killed Without Trial 2/2 - YouTube

Prison » Obama says he doesn’t even need NDAA to indefinitely detain Americans

Prison » Obama’s NDAA Signing Statement is Just Smoke & Mirrors

ACLU Report Card Puts Ron Paul Above President Obama! - YouTube

Iowa Vote Counted in 'Secret' Location! Human Remains Found on Queen's Estate & More - YouTube

America is an Insecure Empire with Catherine Austin Fitts 1/3 - YouTube

America is an Insecure Empire with Catherine Austin Fitts 2/3 - YouTube

America is an Insecure Empire with Catherine Austin Fitts 3/3 - YouTube

Tucker Carlson calls AVTM "parasite" "Alex Jones? Fuck YOU!" - YouTube

Ron Paul Ad - Believe - YouTube

Report: Iran tells departed US carrier to 'stay out' of Persian Gulf' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Prison » Video: Iran’s ‘Long-Range Missile’ May Be ‘Mahmoud Bluff’

Iran Military Drills Test Fires Long Range Missiles, Threatens America - YouTube


*Prison » Even Without The Aircraft Carrier, The US Military Has Iran Surrounded


** U.S. Bases


Prison » Israeli drone over Turkish-Syrian border. Battles in Syrian-Jordanian-Israeli border triangle

Tehran decries foreign troops pr... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

Israel and Palestine to reopen negotiations after a year of deadlock | Mail Online

Iran’s Currency Plunge 10% After Fresh US Sanctions | Economy Watch

Prison » Escobar: US, Iran… 2012 will be hardcore

Escobar: US, Iran... 2012 will be hardcore - YouTube

Prison » Pepe Escobar: In 2012 US engages in new Cold War

Pepe Escobar: In 2012 US engages in new Cold War - YouTube

Prison » America is an Insecure Empire with Catherine Austin Fitts

BP sues Halliburton over $42 billion oil spill bill | The Raw Story

Ohio earthquake was not a natural event, expert says -

The Drone "Kill Chain" & Terrorism Death Statistics - YouTube

Prison » No Mayan Apocalypse in 2012 … But There’s Alot of Other Interesting Stuff Happening

Prison » When Times Get Tough, The Tough Get A Backbone


100 Years in 10 Minutes (1911 - 2011 in 10 Minutes) - YouTube


Prison » Final Curtain: Obama Signs Indefinite Detention of Citizens Into Law As Final Act of 2011

Prison » Blood in my Eyes for You: The Deep Progressive Love for the Laureate’s “Industrial Killing Machine”

Prison » There’s A War on Free Speech And Free Thought Around The World

Prison » Al Gore encourages voters to dismiss Ron Paul as a ‘silly’ candidate


Ron Paul Cavuto Interview Pre Iowa Caucus Vote - YouTube

Ron Paul Speech After The Iowa Caucus Result "WE WILL GO ON!" - YouTube


"The Majority Of The American People Agree With Dr Paul On Foreign Policy" Ron Paul Press Secretary - YouTube

Expert Claims Fracking Causing Earthquakes In Ohio - YouTube

Huntsman Releases Tacky, Glib ‘Twilight Zone’ Attack Ad In Desperate Bid To Steal Ron Paul Voters

The Ron Paul Chronicles - YouTube

Could Santorum Be The Conservative Anti-Romney?

» Iowa Outcome Ideal for Ron Paul Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul Doubles Vote Tally, Captures Equal Number of Delegates As Romney & Santorum Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Big Takeaway From Iowa: 75 Percent Of Republicans Don’t Want Mitt Romney Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul "Let's Go Back To This VERY DANGEROUS Idea Let's Obey The Constitution!" - YouTube

» ‘Meaningless’ Iowa Caucuses Now Herald Romney’s Ascent to Nomination Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Iowa Results: Did the GOP establishment sabotage Ron Paul as it vowed to do? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Greatness of Ron Paul - Robert Wright - Politics - The Atlantic

» Transparent Vote: Countering the Establishment’s Monopoly on Vote Reporting Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Gold Bounces Back on Iran Fears and Weak Dollar Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

PressTV - S. Korea disregards US oil sanctions

BBC News - Murder probe over remains at Queen's Sandringham Estate

Murder: Woman Found On Queen eLIZARDbeths Estate 2011 - YouTube

» Latest Daily Beast nonsense: Ron Paul is theocrat who wants to have gay people stoned to death Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Trump, O’Reilly Regurgitate Lie That Paul Couldn’t Beat Obama Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Bill O'Reilly attacks Ron Paul in talking points - 01-02-12 - YouTube

» Ron Paul’s big challenges: spinners… and election fraud Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Is Iowa 'Too White' to Kick off the Presidential Selection Process? - US News and World Report

+ Appeals Court Revives EFF’s Challenge to Government’s Massive Spying Program Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

How Congress is Signing its own Arrest Warrants in the NDAA Citizen Arrest bill | Naomi Wolf

2012 could be busy year for Internet technology law and policy in Canada -

Will Google, Amazon, And Facebook Black Out The Net? | Fox News

» Leaked: US to Start ‘Trade Wars’ with Nations Opposed to Monsanto, GMO Crops Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» How Your Taxes are Being Used by the Government to Produce Junk Food Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fluoride: they've known the dangers all along - YouTube

» H5N1 Bird Flu Strikes China Following Bioterrorism Study Release Controversy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Junk food really DOES mess with your brain! Research shows trans fats causes brain damage | Mail Online

» GM Foods Touted “Benefits” are Actually False Claims Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Global food giants are moving away from BPA in packaging Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Slow Kill Holocaust: Proof the Government is Killing You - YouTube

The plane built to soar above the clouds - on Saturn's mysterious moon Titan | Mail Online

Children becoming 'addicted' to computers - Telegraph

Well, it worked for Peter Parker: genetic scientists unleash power of the spider web - Science - News - The Independent

Scientists grow sperm in laboratory dish - Telegraph

Carl Gibson: Occupy Phase II: The Supreme Court

Servando Gonzalez - historian, semiotician, writer, political satirist, intelligence analyst

» Obama Crowned Himself on New Year’s Eve Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» R.I.P. Bill of Rights 1789 – 2011 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama administration launches hotline to help illegals detained by states

DHS Launches Hot Line For Jailed Immigrants | Fox News

New fencing doesn’t stop illegal crossings


» Enter the year of the Taliban Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Crackpot Anti-Islam Activists, "Serial Fabricators" and the Tale of Iran and 9/11 | Truthout

Relatives of 9/11 Victims, Suspecting Hacking, Await Answers -

Trouble remembering all your passwords? In the future your face may be all you need... | Mail Online

Coming In 2012: Target Tehran : Personal Liberty Digest™

UAV Remote Video Warfare: The U.S. has Opened A Pandora's Box with Drones

Lance Sergeant Dan Collins: Afghanistan hero who could bear the horrors of war no longer | Mail Online

» Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Media Lies and the Onset of War - YouTube

While America shuts down fire houses, cuts infant nutrition, US subsidizes Israel army sushi courses | The Electronic Intifada

German arrested in L.A. arsons declares, 'I hate America' (Video) -

» US Economic Forecast for 2012 and the Election Year Cycle Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Rail fares rise by up to 11%: Commuters spending up to a FIFTH of their wages on tickets | Mail Online

» Santorum: “Imposing” our values on each other is “what America’s about” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul “Let’s Go Back To This VERY DANGEROUS Idea Let’s Obey The Constitution!” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

CURL: Is Romney the next Kerry? - Washington Times

Newt Gingrich Sides With Bill Clinton Over Conservatives In 1995 $40 Billion Mexican Bailout - YouTube

» Iran Releases Details On Captured CIA Drone Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Proposed Hacker Satellite System Would Fight Web Censorship | News & Opinion | - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: EU plan to slap VAT on food

» The Outlook for the New Year: Tyranny in the Forecast Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Eurozone crisis: German unemployment hits record low as Greece warns over euro exit | Business |

» Grim Economic Prospects for 2012: How the Federal Reserve Overshadows the European Banking System Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Neo-Cons to Ron Paul: Don't Talk About Nwo! - YouTube

+ America is an Insecure Empire with Catherine Austin Fitts Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Catherine Austin Fitts on Wall Street’s Corruption, the Austrian School and Who’s ‘Really’ in Charge Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Michele Bachmann drops out of GOP race

Romney Turns Focus to New Hampshire

Obama in Ohio to Challenge GOP on Economy

Perry tweets: 'Here we come South Carolina'

Rick Perry Not Dropping Out? 'Here We Come South Carolina'

Rick Perry Going Back To Texas After Iowa Caucus - YouTube

Rick Perry on caucus night - YouTube

$480: The Price Rick Perry Paid for Each Iowa Caucus Vote

Rick Perry's Iowa Concession Speech

Michele Bachmann, Iowa casualty

Rick Perry Calls President Obama a Nazi and/or British King

Mitt Romney poised to make history

Ron Paul, Rick Santorum Can't Win GOP Nomination - YouTube

Will Rick Santorum Head to N.H. with Momentum? - YouTube

Mitt Romney in a Squeaker in Iowa’s GOP Caucuses - The Daily Beast

Run Your Campaign Like Mitt Romney Runs His

Bachmann quits; Romney , Santorum and Gingrich head to NH

Iowa Result Muddled as Fractured Republicans Fail to Unite

Why 2012 will be Obama-Clinton vs. Romney -Rubio

Iowa Caucuses: Who's The Real Winner?

After Iowa, it's Ron Paul vs Romney

Michele Bachmann ends presidential campaign

Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann Say Obama Is Wrong On Gay Rights

Michele Bachmann : 'I have no regrets'

Rick Santorum feels like Rocky Balboa

Rick Santorum and Medicare: Last Ryan-backer left standing?

Rick Santorum Compares Medicaid, Food Stamps, Other Social Welfare Programs To Fascism (VIDEO)

The Laura Ingraham Show - Rick Santorum explains why he wears a sweater vest - YouTube

City crackdown on unlicensed dogs will offer prizes, too, for getting licensed

Cullerton wants shot at a state pension fix

Cops: Nude man spoils 'Chipmunks' movie

Ex-CPS teacher sues, says memoir led to firing

Illinois eavesdropping law under fire

Lawrence killers convicted of murder

UK men sentenced for 1993 'racist' murder - YouTube

Afghan Leader Welcomes Taliban Office in Qatar

Reunification Could Be Trouble for Seoul

Jailed Palestinian leader says peace process dead

Man enters US without passport - thanks to his iPad

Police Narrow Profile of Human Remains Found on Queen's Estate

Police shoot and kill 8th grader at Texas school

President Obama to Appoint Consumer Watchdog While Congress Is Out of Town

Panetta to Offer Strategy for Cutting Military Budget

Police: "Dangerous duo" caught, ending Utah-Nevada crime spree

Ariz. sheriff plans to cooperate in Justice Department probe

Excessive force allegations prompt chief's removal

Googling 'Santorum' Leads to Nationwide Ewwwws

Army demolitions expert ‘surprised’ when TSA agents found explosives in his luggage: feds - NY Daily News

‘Celebrity Wife Swap’ recap: Gary Busey’s and Ted Haggard’s better halves show just how much better they are - NY Daily News

The scoop on US News and World Report's diet rankings

Extra calories, low protein are culprits in weight gain

Want your kids to do better in school? Try exercise

Surgeons, hospital that treated Giffords build on successes

Girls Who Get HPV Vaccine Still Value Safe Sex

Diabetes during pregnancy may raise ADHD risk

Scientists use stem cells to stall aging in mice

Why Kids Aren't Exercising in Day Care

Grim childhood obesity ads stir critics

Humble People Are Helpful People

Smokers, forced to pay more for health insurance, can get help with quitting

Ethics Manual Examines Emerging Issues In Medical Ethics - American College Of Physicians

Vigils for Argentine President - YouTube

'Lost World' of Sea Creatures Discovered Near Antarctica

New sea life found in Antarctica's 'lost world' deep under the Southern Ocean - YouTube

Study finds that Russian Quasicrystals may have come from space

NASA Creates 3-D Maps From Apollo Lunar Images

Booking a Flight to Space, With Travel Insurance

Fly parasite turns honey bees into 'zombies': study

Turns out, sabertooths had arms like Popeye

12 must-see skywatching events in 2012

Apocalypse not now: 2012 doomsday predictions debunked by NASA

Hundreds of vultures invade Georgia neighborhood

Rose-Colored Omega Nebula Captured in Exquisite Detail

Loch Ness is giant 'spirit level'

Martin Scorsese given top honor by British film academy

Yahoo Taps PayPal's Scott Thompson as CEO

Chromed: Google Demotes Itself in Its Own Searches

Microsoft celebrates IE6 death as Google downranks Chrome

Google adds IBM patents as it looks to future

GM, Ford, Chrysler, Nissan US Dec. Sales Top Forecasts

Groupon Remorse? Most Merchants Won't Run Daily Deals Over Next Six Months

Iran says U.S. warships in Persian Gulf spawn 'mayhem' -

Hosni Mubarak ordered shoot-to-kill at Tahrir Square, say prosecutors -

Ron Paul Victorious in Iowa

Neoconservative Rising

Ron Paul Win at Risk Without Vote Verification

70 Minutes of CNN vs. the Invisible Frontrunner Ron Paul

Iowa GOP Plans Ron Paul Defeat Via Vote Fraud

Romney will never get my vote...not this social conservatve!

Debbie Schlussel: HUH? Obama Pays $5 Milln Plus to Imams Who Praise Killing US Soldiers in Afghanistan

Debbie Schlussel:Jameela Barnette: Dead Muslim’s Bro Picks Up Her Torch for Jew-Hatred

Debbie Schlussel:Bare Naked Islam Karma: Nutjob Who Cheered CAIR Lawsuit v. Me Gets Website Removed by CAIR

Debbie Schlussel:Police Ignore Anti-Christian Hate Crime b/c It’s Not Anti-Muslim

Debbie Schlussel:Halal Hack: FBI Hires CAIR-Approved Spokesman (& Plagiarist)

Debbie Schlussel:Continuing Trial Defending Christian Teacher in Muslim Dearborn

What Ann Coulter and the GOP Dare Not Say about Immigration

Islamophilia and the Israeli Question

Political Analysis Paralysis

Are Democrats Your Friends?

Who is The Perfect Candidate?

2012: ‘The Year of the Scare’

Obama Announces he can imprison anyone he chooses…IF he chooses to do so

Welcome to Establishment Fear-Mongering 101

Unions Are the Political Dinosaur in the Room

It’s not the Tea Party branching off but Ron Paul leaving the pack that poses danger

The HARD moral issues the next President must lead on

Boko Haram bombing suspects captured; U.S. bomb techs alerted

Warfare’s new financial face

Voter ID Prevents Election Fraud

2011 in Review: Security technology fails to secure U.S. border

Tanks on Main Street: The Militarization of Local Police

MSNBC’s Schultz Finally Discloses Three-Year Old NBC-Bain Capital Partnership

Former Obama Aide Lobbied for The Washington Post

Surprising Top Ten List of Anti-Christian Acts of 2011 by DefendChristians.Org

What Will America Decide in 2012?

Race & politics based law enforcement

A Conservative Voter’s Scorecard

President Obama bypasses Congress and puts Richard Cordray in as top consumer finance watchdog |

First Read - Gingrich super PAC to attack Romney

Did Psychopaths Take Over Wall Street Asylum?: William D. Cohan - Bloomberg

Arrest in arson rampage reveals enigmatic mother and son -

New Speculation on Who Leaked Climate-Change E-Mails -

Americans’ Incomes Have Dropped 6.7 Percent During the ‘Recovery’ | The Weekly Standard

The Birthers Went Down to Georgia

Obama to jam new consumer bureau chief down senate's throat

Is it Jon Huntsman's turn to be the 'not Romney' candidate?

States pay a price for holding early presidential contests

Walker recall effort may be stalling

What's the problem with South Carolina's voter ID law?

The Historic Debt

Media Worried Iowa is 'Too White'

Taliban leaders held at Gitmo to be released

By His Fruits Ye Shall Know Him: Obama's Subversive Appointments

Green Blue Laws

Iowa Should Not Matter

Crime Without Punishment

Whitewashing History for California's Kids

Libertarians and Political Insanity

Americans Elect: Obama's Third-Party Tar Pit

The Stratfor Scandal

Anybody but Mitt is Obama

Victimology and the Phony 'Digital Divide'

The Case against Presidential Primaries

New Nationwide FEMA Camps Should Raise Eyebrows

The Second Coming of Huey Long and Father Coughlin

Limbaugh: Democrats Are Doing Their Own Version Of ‘Operation Chaos’ With Ron Paul

Limbaugh: Sarah Palin Gives Michele Bachmann The Kiss Of Death

Rush: We’re Sitting On A Potential Gold Mine With The Right Nominee. There’s No Reason To Nominate A Moderate.

Rush Limbaugh Predicted Newt Would Implode

Rush Limbaugh: Don’t Write Off Rick Perry

Rush: I Have No Doubt That All The Media Look At Iowa As ‘Too White, Too Rural, Too Evangelical’

Did You Read About the Sly Move the Ron Paul Camp Pulled Last Night?

Watch Michele Bachmann Officially Suspends Her Presidential Campaign

‘Aqua Car’: Volkswagen‘s New Design Gives ’ATV’ a Whole New Meaning

CNN Anchor Calls Out Ron Paul Over Anti-Huntsman Tweet: Not ‘Super Presidential’

Pat Robertson Claims God ‘Showed’ Him Who the Next President Will be

This is Rick Santorum’s Rousing Speech After His Surge in Iowa: ‘Game On’

Scuba-Diving Fishermen Filmed ‘Walking’ on Ice Under Water — But How?

These Are 12 Things That Will Be Less Expensive in 2012

Iowa GOP Caucus a Mixed Bag for Romney as Santorum Surges

Occupiers Plan Gay Pride Parade & ‘Funeral for the American Dream’ to Disrupt NH Primary

Gun Glove? These Are Some of the Sneaky Spy Weapons Used By the KGB

Google to Penalize Itself for Mistake in Paid Marketing Campaign

Check Out the Super Tucano Counterinsurgency Fighter Plane In Action

7-Year-Old Receives Liposuction Voucher as Stocking Stuffer

Jimmy Carter Gives Obama Advice on How to Win Reelection: Don’t Alienate Voters in First Term

History Channel to Debut History of Mankind Mini-Series Starting With…the Big Bang

Stunning Time-Lapse: Photographer’s Year-Long, 17-Country Journey in 5 Minutes

Watch Guess Who Just Praised Rick Santorum by Comparing Him to Obama? Ed Schultz

Did Scientists Discover a Way to Make Cigarettes ‘Healthier’?

Watch MSNBC Contributor: ‘Rick Santorum is a Homophobe and a Bigot’

Alan Colmes to Santorum: I‘m Sorry for ’Hurtful Comment‘ About Handling of Baby’s Death


**Savage:What does bill allowing military detention of U.S. citizens say?


**Just When You Thought It Couldn't Get Any Worse... Introducin​g: H.R. 3166 & S. 1698 Enemy Expatriati​on Act! -


Gun makers baffled by ATF criteria - Washington Times

Anger over secret drug trials on Indian children

CNN Exit Polls Show Old People Hate Freedom, Love Socialism & Live In Fear of Imaginary Threats -

MF Global sold assets to Goldman before collapse: sources - Yahoo! Finance

Sarkozy named in arms deal corruption scandal ahead of presidential elections | Mail Online

Obama Makes Arms Sales A Key Tool Of U.S. Foreign Policy | StratRisks

Zbigniew Brzezinksi: After America | StratRisks

BofA Initiates New Loan Sharking Program - Excuse Me, Rate Hikes - For Small Business

Forget Iowa: GOP Always Nominates 'Next in Line'

Facebook Takes Down Abortion Information...Then Says It Was a Mistake

Chris Matthews: Romney Win in Iowa Will Be a Victory of 'Dollars Over Democracy'

SE Cupp and Matt Lewis Defend Racist Remarks From Gingrich and Santorum

Bill Kristol Lies To Fox News Viewers About Democratic Caucus in Iowa

Expert: Fracking Wastewater Caused Earthquake Activity In Ohio

Gingrich: Romney Is a Liar, But I Could Support Him

Montana Supreme Court Bars Unlimited Corporate Campaign Contributions

Mitt Romney Mic-Checked At Iowa Rally

Businessman Who Hosted Romney Event In Iowa Suggests Mitt Is Misleading Voters About China

Carville on GOP Voting for Romney: 'It's Like You're Trying to Give Your Dog a Pill. They Keep Spitting it Up'

Newt Gingrich Complains About Negativity of Iowa Campaign Before Ripping into Opponents

Ron Paul: We're All Austrians?

Rick Perry Chokes Up Reading Praise Of Rick Perry, Announces Return to Texas to Reassess

Michele Bachmann Suspends Her Campaign

Competing Tax Proposals in GOP Race - Certified Tax Coach | Certified Tax Coach

Graphic Firing Table: The Post After The Last "U.S. Politics" Post I Ever Wrote

Rich man, blind man | Occasional Planet

Egyptians Vote in Final Round of Parliamentary Elections

Burma Celebrates Independence Amid Criticism

China Criticizes US Sanctions Against Iran

North Korea Trying to Make Succession Look Solid

North Koreans Rally in Show of Support for New Leader

With China in Mind, India Calls for Boost in Scientific Research

White House: Iran Warning on Persian Gulf Shows 'Weakness'

New York Firebombing Prompts Solidarity with Muslims

American Roots Music Sound Continues to Evolve in 2011

Sneaky Phone Marketers Outfox 'Caller ID'

Ron Paul Speech After The Iowa Caucus Result "WE WILL GO ON!" - informationliberation

CNN Exit Polls Show Old People Hate Freedom, Love Socialism & Live In Fear of Imaginary Threats - informationliberation

BLATANT Ron Paul CENSORSHIP by CNN of Soldier Supporting Ron Paul's Foreign Policy - YouTube

Equality Before the Law Finally Achieved - informationliberation

Gloom, Doom, and Optimism - informationliberation

The Statist Attacks on Ron Paul - informationliberation

The Law -- War By Other Means - informationliberation

Iowa Voters Bring Antiwar Message Into Mainstream

The Absolute Moron’s Guide to the New Military Detention Laws -- Daily Intel

How Could the Pentagon Possibly Defend Us With the Budget It Had Four Years Ago? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Meanwhile, in the Persian Gulf… by Justin Raimondo --

Dark Days for Govt. Whistleblowers by Kelley B. Vlahos --

How to Avoid a Return to Iraq by Ivan Eland --

Santorum: 'There Is No Palestine' | The Jewish Week

The GOP Stance on Foreign Policy » Publications » Family Security Matters

Was Petraeus the model for book’s drunk general? - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

Obama signs bill to accelerate TSA screenings for military personnel - The Hill's Transportation Report



**Lew Rockwell talks to Charles Burris:The Real History of Third Parties


Will Ron Paul Destroy the 'Party of Lincoln'? by Thomas DiLorenzo

Liberty Defined by David Gordon

Closing Hormuz by Walter Block

6 Myths Catholics Tell About Libertarians by Ryan McMaken

Cop Types. . . by Eric Peters

The Outlook for the New Year by Paul Craig Roberts

Our Innocents Abroad? by Patrick J. Buchanan

Eight simple truths you need to know about 2012

Blood Work – Look Inside the Standard Ranges for Good Health by Margaret Durst

Michael LeMieux -- NDAA Follow-up and Further Treasonous Acts

Meet the Mainstream Press | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Dream of Universal Currency Just Won’t Die | Magazine

Psychopaths Caused the Financial Crisis … And They Will Do It Again and Again Unless They Are Removed From Power - Washington's Blog

Senior Obama Admin Official: “We Are Going to Kill the Dollar” :

When Really Big Human Giants Left Their Imprints On the World; There Were Giants in The Earth in Those Days « The s8intcom Blogger

Towery: Don¹t Count Gingrich Out Yet

Palin: GOP Should Not Alienate Ron Paul Voters

Santorum Got Most for Ad Dollars; Perry Fared Worst

For Romney, Iowa Vote Total Nearly Same as 2008

Gingrich: 75% of Iowa GOP 'Repudiated' Romney

Romney Seeks Decisive Victory in NH

Paul: 'We're Going to Continue' to NH

Santorum: 'Game On' for New Hampshire

Santorum Pro-Labor Votes, Earmarks Likely Targets

Obama Camp Sees Him as Big Iowa Winner

Reports: McCain to Endorse Romney

Romney's Iowa Effort Lackluster for Money Spent

Gingrich in 4th Place May Replay Clinton, McCain

McConnell, Boehner Rip Obama for Recess Pick

Now Santorum Needs Money, Staff, Structure

Twitter Embarrassed by Fake Wendi Murdoch Account

College Majors With the Highest Jobless Rates

Hispanic Sites Could be National Parks, Report says

Michelle Obama: You Can Call Me ‘Your Excellency’

McCain Endorsement to Happen in New Hampshire

North Korea Military Strategy Superior, Says Think-Tank

Turnaround in Construction Spending Bodes Well for U.S. Economy

WHO: Bird Flu Research Raises Safety Questions

Underwater Cannon May Help Protect Great Lakes

Ideas and Innovation Spread Through Free Trade

Cases Highlight Differing Views on Race, Religion, and Politics

Economic Crisis Owned by Democrats in Congress

Romney Campaign Will Hemorrhage Over Refusal to Release Taxes

Romney-Rubio Ticket Would Be Democrats' Worst Fear

Symbolic Pics of the Month (01/12)

Lady Gaga Accused of Performing Satanic Ritual in Hotel Room

Bratz Dolls in Illuminati Masquerade Ball

WTF is SOPA ? aka The US Government Trying to Ruin the Internet (video)

Street Cams Can Now Tag, Track and Follow Individuals (video)

Never Forget Iraq. Began with big lies. Ending with big lies

How Wars Revealed the Weakness of the Global Superpower

Statement From Afghan Resistance Regarding Negotiations

When Can the President Assassinate Americans?

The Outlook For Liberty is Dismal

The Law of Love and the Law of Violence

Iran/Iraq ‘Defectors’ and Disinformation

Iraq. Began with big lies. Ending with big lies. Never forget.

Money Power Runs America

The War on Libya: Revelations of Former French Foreign Minister. Crimes against Humanity Committed by Sarkozy & French Military

The European Ponzi Scheme and the Euro

Media Manipulation and the Drums of War: How Media is used to Whip the Nation into Wartime Frenzy

FINANCIAL WARFARE: US Sabotage of Iran’s Currency: A New Twist of the Screw to War

A Nostalgic Obama Uses Webcast to Rally His Iowa Roots - ABC News

Obama campaign warns of 'extremist' Republicans - Yahoo! News

Santorum Thanks God for Strong Iowa Showing, Moves Forward - Sophie Quinton -

Chevy Volt misses first-year sales target | Green Tech - CNET News

Lady Gaga left 'blood' in hotel bath - News - People - The Independent

Chicago Man Busted After Removing Clothes, Exposing Self To Audience At "Chipmunks" Movie | The Smoking Gun

Ron Paul Asked If He Sees Himself In Oval Office: "Not Really" | RealClearPolitics

Facial recognition technology poses privacy concerns -

Conflict at the heart of Scientology is exposed in bitter email outburst - Americas - World - The Independent

Okla. Woman Shoots, Kills Intruder: 911 Operators Say It's Okay to Shoot - Yahoo!

Argentine President Cristina Kirchner's cancer operation 'successful' - Telegraph

Iowa Reaffirms Romney as Odds-on Favorite - 2012 Decoded

Paul on third-place finish: 'Nothing to be ashamed of' -

Mexican Grand Warlock predicts Obama loss in 2012

Prison Bus With 16 Inmates Overturns on NY State Thruway | NBC New York

Press Questions DNC Chair: Will Obama Drop Biden for Clinton? | The Weekly Standard

Bradley Manning’s Strange World | American Free Press

Did Eric Holder Cover Up FBI’s Role In ’95 OKC Bomb Plot? | American Free Press

Federal Reserve unveils plan to be a little less secretive -

Film footage from Palestine back in 1896 | The Electronic Intifada

Mysterious phenomenon that has decimated honey bee populations across the globe linked to parasitic fly | Mail Online

'What did I do to deserve this?' Bullied teen dies after jumping in front of bus clutching suicide note | Mail Online

'Murder Is My Business': The startling black and white images of New York crime scenes that gave rise to storied photojournalist Weegee | Mail Online

Santorum Won Among Iowa Tea Partiers, Romney Among Tea Party Opponents, Says Entrance Poll

Iowa: Romney 30,015; Santorum 30,007

Obama’s Latest Recess Appointment in ‘Uncertain Legal Territory,’ GOP Leaders Say

Romney Hoping for 'Very Strong Support From Conservatives Across the Country'

Late Night Caucus Counting: 'What Do You Mean The Numbers Don't Match?'

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz: ‘Pretty Bad Night for Mitt Romney’

Santorum Advocates Two-Tier Tax System

Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report: Got $487.4M in Tax Money, Did 329,445 Abortions

Third-Place Ron Paul: ‘There Were Essentially 3 Winners’

Obama: Expanding the Middle Class Is ‘Defining Issue of Our Time’

Santorum: States Have The Right To Restrict Contraceptives

Fatal Fire Update: Ashes Removed From Fireplace for Santa

Terrorists Warn Christians to Leave Nigeria’s Muslim North

Backers of California 'Millionaire Tax' Target Kim Kardashian

Trump Unveils New 'Celebrity Apprentice' Crew

Grocery Chain Yanks Alec Baldwin TV Ads

Administration Mum on Taliban’s Call for Release of Guantanamo Detainees

1,188 U.S. Military Deaths in Afghan War Since Obama Became President

Prosecutors Drop Self-Abortion Case Against NYC Woman; Baby Found in Trash

Iowa Vote Total Arrives After Midnight Scramble to Awaken GOP Chairwoman

Iowa-Bashing Snobs and Sore Losers

Occupy's Celebrity 1 Percent Backers

Media Cite Unnamed Critic To Dismiss Iowa As 'Too White,' 'Too Rural'

Rush: When Did Being White, Evangelical And Rural Become Negatives?

Gingrich Blasts Romney As a Liar, 'Poll-Driven, Consultant-Guided, Massachusetts Moderate'

White House: Obama's Executive Actions Will Come In All Sizes In 2012

‘Prayer and Reflection’ for Perry, Now Expected to Drop Out

White House: When Congress Won’t Cooperate, Obama Will Take ‘Small, Medium and Large’ Executive Actions |

N.H. House Committee says no thanks to national health care

Blogger: Republican candidates are grouchy, glum and glummer

D.C. bill would require all city students to apply to at least 1 college before graduating

New study shows architecture, arts degrees yield highest unemployment

Habitat for Humanity now building low-energy-usage homes

The People Agree - Ron Paul 2012 - YouTube » CNN Pulls the Plug on Live Feed of Soldier Talking About Voting for Ron Paul » Recommended Links for WordPress

Belarus: Browsing Foreign Websites a Misdemeanor - Global Legal Monitor - Law Library of Congress (Library of Congress)

SOPA opponents may go nuclear and other 2012 predictions | Privacy Inc. - CNET News


+Jeff Rense with Michael Collins – Fukushima Radiation In America |

+Jeff Rense with Lindsey Wiliams – What’s Ahead |

+Jeff Rense with Marti Oakley – Technology Used Against Us |

+Jeff Rense with David Dees – A Conversation |


Ron Paul Doubles Vote Tally, Captures Equal Number of Delegates As Romney & Santorum |

The Empire’s Ideology: Imperialism and “Anti-Imperialism of the Fools” – Prof James Petras |

Britain: Sleepwalking into Fascism – William Bowles |

CDC, doctors push unproven vaccine 'cocooning' scheme hatched from pseudoscientific quackery

War Imminent in Straits of Hormuz? 0 a Barrel Oil? at Oil Price

U.S. opened Pandora's box with drones | Zanesville Times Recorder |

eOne rejects Fair Use dispute using a portion of Alex Jones's Documentary Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement | USWGO Alternative News


* Farrar Motion: Orly Taitz - PDF Of Denial Of Obama Motion To Dismiss - PDF


Edible Mushrooms: Nature's Most Researched Anti-Cancer Agent | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine | Consumer Advocacy


Cannabis Cancer Cure


The EyeOpener- Police State 2012: No Need to Wait, It’s Already Here

Morris Rant - Holocaust, Dissidents, Anti-Zionists - YouTube

Stem cells could hold key to 'stopping ageing' say scientists after successful mouse trial | Mail Online

Japan's population contracts at fastest rate since at least 1947 - Telegraph

Fred On Everything

France calls for embargo on Iranian oil - Telegraph

"You have the watches we have the time" | Opinion Maker

Proposed FCC Media Consolidation Rules

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority


Imperialism And The 'Anti-Imperialism Of The Fools'

Happy New Year: Don’t Bother Asking for an Attorney When You’re Detained

Preps For 2012 | Pakalert Press

Tyranny in the Forecast: The Outlook for the New Year

Lady Gaga Accused of Performing Satanic Ritual in Hotel Room | The Vigilant Citizen

New Reports of UFO Activity Near F.E. Warren AFB’s Nuclear Missile Sites

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority - Rothschild Proxies Destabilize Syria - Nuclear Iran - Flimsy Pretext for Aggression

AFP: Syria activists denounce 'unprofessional' Arab mission

Craig Crawford: Top 10 Reasons to Ignore Iowa HOT: "Error" on Poll Results Put Santorum Ahead of Ron Paul


**Wars made easy(2011) FULL- How? U.S. Government using the TV to "BRAINWASH" the MASSES! - YouTube


US media paid by ISRAEL for telling lies and doing PROPAGANDA. - YouTube

Media Lies and the Onset of War - YouTube


50 min./Total Control of United States (FULL MOVIE) The Israel Lobby - YouTube

NEWS Doing a Background Check on CNN

Chris Hedges "Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over & The Descent Is Going To Be Horrifying!" - YouTube

H5N1 Bird Flu Strikes China Following Bioterrorism Study | Natural Society

The Associated Press: Hu: Hostile forces seek to westernize, split China

Stone Age temple found in Orkney may be more significant than Stonehenge | Mail Online

Mexico's 'Grand Warlock' Antonio Vazquez says Mayans never predicted 2012 apocalypse | Mail Online

China cuts two-thirds of popular television shows - Telegraph - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Prisoners will be put to work 40hrs a week

How Your Taxes are Being Used to Produce Junk Food | Natural Society

A Vote for Ron Paul is a Vote for the United States | Mantiq al-Tayr

Group Analyzing Facebook Says Ron Paul Winning 'Web Caucus' : It's All Politics : NPR

Ron Paul, the anti-war candidate - Baltimore Sun

Marginalizing Ron Paul | The Nation

Can Dr. Ron Paul win the 2012 election? Could the Constitution win? | Betsy Dewey

CREW Releases Second Annual Most Corrupt Members of Congress Report | CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington

Anger over secret drug trials on Indian children - Yahoo! News

Video: Iran fires long-range missiles - Telegraph

Iran threatens U.S. ships, alarms oil markets - The Washington Post

Iran-US tensions over Gulf send oil prices soaring | Business | The Guardian

Alan Sabrosky, US Marine Corps veteran-The Autograph-07-13-2011 - YouTube

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - The Zionist Caricature by Gilad Atzmon

'The Devil of Ramadi' named America's deadliest sniper - Telegraph

Your Bank & Government Are Not Safe | Real Zionist News

Shooting The Messenger In Syria

PressTV - US plans buffer zone along Syria border

Syria: state says 'terrorists' blew up gas pipeline - Telegraph

The lost city of Cahokia: Archaeologists uncover Native Americans' sprawling metropolis | Mail Online

Millions use payday loans to cover mortgage and rental costs | Money |

World's governments seek to raise $7.6 trillion in 2012 - Business News - Business - The Independent

The Eurofanatics should join the Marxists in the dustbin of history - Telegraph

US Economic Forecast for 2012 and the Election Year Cycle

New Zealand law mirrors US and Canada, fake food safety bills « The PPJ Gazette

Losing your right to grow, harvest and consume your own food « The PPJ Gazette

Senators Give Supplements a Lifeline | Welcome to the Alliance for Natural Health - USA

Money Power Runs America

U.S. opened Pandora’s box with drones | Pakalert Press

Roy Tov – Israel is a Golem

Compromised credit cards restricted - Israel News, Ynetnews


Cracking The Credit Card Code | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice


+Terrified Woman From Another Universe Wakes Up Here | Before It's News




White powder sent to Fla. gov't office sickens 4 -

Iraq: Began with Big Lies; Ending with Big Lies; Never Forget


*Articles:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- January 3, 2012


The secrets hidden in the pyramids of Egypt (Harun Yahya) - YouTube

UFO Caught by MrMBB333 Great Catch - YouTube

Ben Fulford: The Year Of The Fire Dragon Has Started, Expect Big Changes | Before It's News

Flying Saucers to arrive on Earth Dec 2012. - YouTube


**The Inauguration Of Police State USA 2012 - Obama Signs the “National Defense Authorization Act " | Before It's News


+The Quest To Be Gods – Transhumanism | Before It's News



Does Anyone Really Believe Ron Paul Got Less Votes Than This Guy? | Before It's News


The Power Of Raw Cannabis | Before It's News

The Power of RAW Cannabis. - YouTube


Abraham, Hagar And Ishmael: The Story From Two Traditions | Before It's News

How Male Spiders Use Eavesdropping To One-Up Their Rivals Shown In New Research | Before It's News


Alien/Jinn Satanic Deception: Human Base on Mars revealed, teleportation, time-travel part 1 of 10 - YouTube

Alien/Jinn Satanic Deception: Human Base on Mars revealed, teleportation, time-travel part 1 of 10 - YouTube

Alien/Jinn Satanic Deception: Human Base on Mars revealed, teleportation, time-travel part 2 of 10 - YouTube

Alien/Jinn Satanic Deception: Human Base on Mars revealed, teleportation, time-travel part 3 of 10 - YouTube

Alien/Jinn Satanic Deception: Human Base on Mars revealed, teleportation, time-travel part 4 of 10 - YouTube

Alien/Jinn Satanic Deception: Human Base on Mars revealed, teleportation, time-travel part 5 of 10 - YouTube

Alien/Jinn Satanic Deception: Human Base on Mars revealed, teleportation, time-travel part 6 of 10 - YouTube

Alien/Jinn Satanic Deception: Human Base on Mars revealed, teleportation, time-travel part 7 of 10 - YouTube

Alien/Jinn Satanic Deception: Human Base on Mars revealed, teleportation, time-travel part 8 of 10 - YouTube

Alien/Jinn Satanic Deception: Human Base on Mars revealed, teleportation, time-travel part 9 of 10 - YouTube

Alien/Jinn Satanic Deception: Human Base on Mars revealed, teleportation, time-travel part 10 of 10 - YouTube


Get Your Before Its News Bachelor Of 9/11 Science Degree | Before It's News


OpEdNews - Article: The THAT Coincidence Theorist's Guide to 9/11


+5 Secret Search Engines Way Better Than Google | Before It's News


+The New World Order Library: Download All You Want For Free - Learn... Share.. | Before It's News


**The New World Order Library(


Obama and the Supreme Court Appointments | Before It's News

Court: Obama must be ‘constitutionally’ eligible

‘Anonymous’ hacks thousands of credit card numbers from security firm, gives money to charity


*Cooking and Recipes@Before It's News


Scumbag Neocon Hypocrite Michael Savage Makes Baseless Attacks on Ron Paul - YouTube

Ron Paul - Predictions in Due Time - YouTube

Ron Paul LoveFest on C-SPAN! - YouTube

Anti-Neocons - Ron Paul Attacker Islamophobe

Ron Paul Rising - YouTube

Peace Train - Ron Paul - YouTube

Free At Last (Ron Paul, Martin Luther King) - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : "The Majority Of The American People Agree With Dr Paul On Foreign Policy" Ron Paul Press

Incredible Ron Paul Video - YouTube

Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Ed Schultz Discuss Ron Paul's Appeal To Voters

SHOCK AUDIO/VIDEO: Iowa Republican Party Officials Confirm Potential Vote Count Fraud In Iowa Caucus | – Peter Santilli

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "Not Difficult To Solve The Problems! We Just Need People Who Believe In The Constitution"

Revolutionary Politics : U.S. Soldier & Ron Paul Supporter Begins Talking About Israel & CNN Loses Satellite Signal

Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum rejects JFK's separation of church and state - YouTube

HIGHTIMES.COM > Barack and Newt – Compassion Transplants Required

Jon Huntsman: Mitt Romney Would Be An Agent For The Big Banks

BLATANT Ron Paul CENSORSHIP by CNN of Soldier Supporting Ron Paul's Foreign Policy - YouTube

Iowa Caucus Results - Sarah Palin Warns GOP Establishment Not To Ignore Ron Paul - Home - The Daily Bail

poorrichard's blog: UAV Remote Video Warfare: The U.S. has Opened A Pandora's Box with Drones

The Fed Wants More Power - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

2012: NDAA, SOPA and 40,000 other oppressive laws take effect - YouTube

Ron Paul After 3rd-Place Finish in Iowa: 'Freedom Is Popular' - YouTube

Soldier That Spoke During Ron Paul's Speech That MSNBC Cutoff - YouTube

CNN Cuts Off Soldier Who Voted For Paul and Spoke Out Against More War! - YouTube

The three biggest tech blunders destined to happen in 2012 | TechRepublic

Exposed: The Military's Freakiest 'Non-Lethal' Weapon Ideas | Danger Room |

Mitt Flop Romney vs Mitt Flop Romney - YouTube

Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War - YouTube

The 6 Most Ridiculous Abuses of Diplomatic Immunity |

Mitt Romney: Tabernacle Choirboy or Blackwater Mercenary | The Smirking Chimp

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul on Fox and Friends - "Newt, Read the Constitution!!"

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Todays 2 cents

poorrichard's blog: Rense & Kirwan - Congress Should Be In Jail


Black Box Voting(


Hear brain surgeon’s ‘death panel’ warning

Evolution: ‘The most foolish notion ever’?

Iowans pick Romney, and Santorum, and Paul


‘Naïve’ Obama Courts Muslim Brotherhood - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Researchers in Germany create a virtual sky for office workers -

‘The Harbinger’: An irresistible secret

A world without religion? The horror!

Hear brain surgeon’s ‘death panel’ warning

Inspirational historical works for homeschoolers

A 12-step program for Republicans

How bribery works

Analyst Predicts Declines in TV Viewing, Movie Attendance in 2012

NY-Based Grocery Chain Yanks Alec Baldwin TV Ads *Updated*

Morning Playlist: Fun with David Axelrod’s Google Alerts

Gene Rodenberry: A Good, Pro-Life Hollywood Story

Meryl Streep: Margaret Thatcher Did ‘Monstrous Things,’ England ‘Homophobic’

Guess which Hollywood luminaries are making GOP endorsements? [SLIDESHOW]

Abraham Lincoln: Radical gay vampire hunter

California’s Death Penalty: Unusual but Not Cruel

AUDIO: Iowa Aftermath: Good Night for Romney and Santorum, Bad Night for Perry and Bachmann

Perry Staying in Race, Heading to South Carolina

Obama to Bypass Senate, ‘Recess Appoint’ Agency Head with Sweeping Powers

Mitt Romney, the Value-Added Tax, and America’s European Future

Romney Pulls Off 8-Vote Win, Turns to New Hampshire

Perry Returns to Texas to Reassess Campaign

Rick Santorum: Iowa’s Conservative Choice

Surprise, Surprise: Democrats Join GOP Caucuses to Push Ron Paul

Indiana House Speaker Plans Quick Push for ‘Right to Work’ Law

The Nation Doesn’t Try To Hide It Anymore

Credit Where It’s Due: News Outlet Honors Marine As Person Of The Year

Current TV Pulls Countdown Off Air For One Night; Keith Olbermann Taken By Surprise

CNN to Iowa: You’re Not Even Human, You Bible-Beating, Iran-Bombing, Dominionist Boobs

NPR, CBS Mischaracterize Santorum Stumble As Racist Remark

Media Matters Looks To Save Face After Girl Scouts Dump Group

Army To Deploy Smartphones Soon

Why Iran Really Threatened The U.S. 5th Fleet

Obama bypasses Senate, installs new consumer chief

Fla. farmers, manatees endure frosty night

Sinead O'Connor says fourth marriage back on

Oil price stays around $103 per barrel

Mexican cartel kingpin to plead guilty in US court

Bus carrying inmates overturns on New York State Thruway

Pew Applauds FDA Measure to Preserve Effectiveness of Critical Antibiotics

More US women having twins; rate at 1 in 30 babies

Republican Perry says headed to New Hampshire

Conn. man gets 70 years for kidnapping ex-wife

Police kill armed student, 15, inside Texas school

FDA to Protect Important Class of Antimicrobial Drugs for Treating Human Illness

Not guilty plea for man accused in Ind. girl death

Joan Mitchell Becomes the Sunflower

Stephen Lawrence murder: reaction to sentencing of Gary Dobson and David Norris

Swiss Bank chief in row over wife's trades

Jon Stewart Mocks GOP as 'White Man's' Party and Jabs Concerns About Nuclear Iran |

Eva Longoria | Eva Longoria Regrets Veganism | Contactmusic

LA Location Shooting Grows 4% In 2011, No Thanks To Disappearing TV Dramas –

Obama appeals to Iowa Democrats on caucus night

An Indignant George Stephanopoulos Huffs to Santorum: 'How Can You Say' Obama Is Weak? |

Holder Math: How the Obama DOJ & the Media Tricked South Carolina And Protected Voter Fraud

Holder Math Part 2: DOJ Lays Trap to Misrepresent South Carolina Voter Data


4-Jan-12 World View

3-Jan-12 World View

2-Jan-12 World View

**News Videos

Wild New Year’s Eve Rumble Caught On Video

Newt: Santorum And I Can Work Together Against Mitt

Bachmann Out: ‘I Have No Regrets’

Time Mag’s Halperin: Media Rooting For Santorum?

Obama Holds Virtual Town Hall In Iowa During GOP Caucus

Romney Goes After Obama: President Is ‘Over His Head’

3rd/Forty-One Car Pileup Brings Kentucky To A Halt

Michelle Obama On Children’s Show: ‘I Kind Of Like’ Being Called ‘Your Excellency’

Occupy Kiddie Play Comes To Elementary School

Breitbart News’ Joel Pollak Gives ‘Big Hollywood’ Advice To Film Industry

Santorum Does Victory Lap

CNN’s Cafferty Reads Unhinged ‘Letters’ Blasting Santorum, Iowans On Air

U.S. Marines Fight Off Taliban Ambush

Romney Flawlessly Handles #Occupy Hecklers

Congressman Steve King Tells Victory Sessions What To Expect In IA Caucuses

Perry To Reassess Campaign After Fifth Place Iowa Finish

Bachmann On Iowa Caucus: ‘The Process Worked’

Gingrich Praises Santorum Campaign, Welcomes ‘Great Debate’ Over Country’s Future

Paul: Third Place ‘Nothing To Be Ashamed Of’

2nd/Iran Test Fires Medium-Range Missile

Romney: Obama’s Campaign Promises As Good As Kardashian Wedding Vows

Kelly Clarkson’s Album Sales Surge After Paul Endorsement

Exclusive: #OccupyDesMoines Protests DNC Chair

Ron Paul: Santorum Is A ‘Very Liberal’ Candidate

1st/GOP Candidates, Iowa Voters Voice Resolutions

Kathy Griffin’s Topless Stunt Instigates Anderson Cooper’s Most Awkward New Years Eve Ever

Newt Knows Climate Change: ‘I Am An Amateur Paleontologist’

29th/Apple Archives Document Company History

27th/Newt Flashback 2008: A Passionate Advocate For Individual Mandate

17th/Flashback: Romney Wanted To ‘Keep The Good, Repeal The Bad’ On Obamacare

15th/Romney Flashback: Mass Healthcare Law Means ‘No More Free Rides’

4 Dec./Newt Flashback 2003: I’m An Eisenhower Republican, Government Has To Lead On Healthcare


What's in Store for 2012? - Energy & Environment Experts

Is Putin simply predisposed to vex the West? | The Oil and the Glory

Analysis & Opinion | Reuters

Jeffrey Rubin: What Do Triple Digit Oil Prices Mean for Growth?

Keystone Pipeline Gives 2012 a Chance to Correct 2011’s Mistakes - Energy Intelligence (

A Clue In The Identity Of The ClimateGate Email Hacker?

How the Unconscious Mind Boosts Creative Output - Miller-McCune

Spaceflights Get Ready to Board Business Class -

Twins - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine

Brain electrodes fix depression long term : Nature News & Comment

Trials and Errors: Why Science Is Failing Us | Magazine

Can China’s Consumers Save West? | The Diplomat

BusinessDay - GIDEON RACHMAN: A paradox that will paralyse world politics

U.S. Reverses Policy in Reaching Out to Muslim Brotherhood -

[Viewpoint] Unification without fear-INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily

End of the pro-democracy pretense -

Paul Wallace: Intelligent Design Is Dead: A Christian Perspective

The Next Billy Graham Might Be Drunk Right Now, Christian News

Scientologists in feud over leader - Telegraph

What The Bible Really Says About Sex | Fox News

Joel S. Baden: The Problem With Rationalizing the Bible

Associated Baptist Press - Opinion: The apocalypse is coming

Obama Misses Key Window For Empowering Top Consumer Watchdog | TPMDC

Five health reform dates to watch in 2012 - The Washington Post

The economic free lunch of high-skill immigration « The Enterprise Blog

ObamaCare's Dangerous Device Tax - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Raising Minimum Wage Significantly Would Boost Economy | FDL News Desk

Scott Hochberg: The Politics of Social Security in 2011: From Supermajority to Supercommittee

Book Review: Alone in the Universe -

Oral-Historian Privilege? - Brainstorm - The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Volokh Conspiracy » Pauline Maier’s Marvelous Book, “Ratification”

D.J. Taylor Reviews John Marriott's "Beyond The Tower: A History Of East London" | The New Republic

The Volokh Conspiracy » Even Worse Than We Had Hoped: Inside Local TV News

Shades of green -

Jim Cullen: Review of Stephen Greenblatt's "The Swerve: How the World Became Modern" (Norton 2011) | History News Network

The Graphic Novel Renaissance - The Daily Beast

Ruth Franklin: Literary Resolutions For The New Year | The New Republic

Dark Night of the Quants - The Barnes & Noble Review

CONVERSABLE ECONOMIST: Is Free Worth It? A Textbook Story


7 pg./The Deadly Legacy of the Welfare State Lies in New Orleans by Jacob G. Hornberger


"What Was Really Great About The Great Society" by Joseph A. Califano Jr.

A Brief History of the State of the Union - Mental Floss

Ariel Sharon

Ariel Sharon - Stroke Drama

Did Sputnik Have a Fiery or Fractured End? : NPR

The containment artist by James Piereson - The New Criterion

Pertti Ahonen Reviews Edith Sheffer's "Burned Bridge: How The East And West Germans Made The Iron Curtain" | The New Republic

5 government agencies technology will make obsolete in the nearer-than-you-think future | DVICE

Technolog - 7 signs we're living in the post-privacy era

Is The Laptop Dead? Yup | Fast Company

Birth of the Bionic Eye - IEEE Spectrum

The Best Ultraportable Laptop

Why Qualcomm’s Mirasol color e-ink display isn’t vaporware… yet | ExtremeTech

Elon Musk: SpaceX will bring man to Mars in less than 20 years. [VIDEO]

Google's Jaw-Dropping Sponsored Post Campaign For Chrome

Self-sanitizing keyboard wins FDA nod for healthcare use - GeekWire

Hosting Sphinx documentation on GitHub - Data Desk - Los Angeles Times

Americans could be psyched out by Friday’s jobs report -

No longer the land of opportunity - The Washington Post

Getting out of the federal tax morass -

Best of Music 2011 | Lucinda Williams Snarls, Mary J. Blige Thrills | By Jim Fusilli -

Allan Sloan: Where should you put your money? These days, that’s a tough one. - The Washington Post

10 themes for 2012 - Todd Harrison - MarketWatch

The 6 big market events of 2012 - 1 - Economic forecast - MSN Money

Ohio unemployment falls, but so does support for Obama -

The Conservative Race In Iowa | RedState

Andy Kessler: The Rise of Consumption Equality -

Why did Santorum endorse Specter in 2004? | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Let Congress play the markets but not skirt insider trading laws -

Schumpeter: Too much buzz | The Economist

Obama offers us more of the shame: Goodwin -

Obama to usher in election year with eye on Republicans | Reuters

Daniel Mitchell: Will Republicans Hand the Left a VAT Victory? -

RealClearPolitics - Caucus Cliffhanger Produces Drama But No Clarity

RealClearPolitics - Santorum Revels in Iowa Triumph, Aims to Prove Staying Power

Iowa results should worry Republicans | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Morning Jay: What Iowa Tells Us About the State of the Race | The Weekly Standard


The Katherine Albrecht Show 01-03-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 01-03-12 Hr 2

Alex Jones - 2012-Jan-03, Tuesday

01/03 The Mark Levin Show

The Manning Report – 3 January 2012

The Kevin Trudeau Show

Jan. 3, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

*4 Jan.

American Minute for January 4th

January 4th This Day in History

January 4 Events in History

Today in History: January 4

January 4th in History

This Day in History for 4th January

Today in History for Jan. 4 - YouTube

American Minute for January 3rd


January 3 Events in History

January 3rd This Day in History

This Day in History for 3rd January

Today in History: January 3

January 3rd in History

Today in History: January 3

Today in History for Jan. 3rd - YouTube


Coast To Coast AM (C2CAM) - 03.01.2012 - Alternative Health Treatments - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM (C2CAM) - 02.01.2012 - Spiritual & Intuition Potentials - YouTube


Alien world found in Antarctic deep sea - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

Exposed: The Military's Freakiest 'Non-Lethal' Weapon Ideas | Danger Room |

Strange Crystals Reveal Rock to be Ancient Meteorite | Koryak Meteorite Quasicrystals | Meteorites Extraterrestrial Origin |

An Explanation of How Avian Flu Spreads -


*Peter Lance: (


Obama To Iowa Dems: "More Optimistic" About "Change" Than In 2008
Gingrich: Romney Won't Beat Obama, Won't Be Nominee
Romney: "Mr. President, You Failed"
Bachmann Drops Out Of Race: "I Have Decided To Stand Aside"
MSNBC Anchor Uses Term "Refudiate"
Gingrich Interested In Forming Anti-Romney Alliance With Santorum
Wasserman Schultz: Last Night A "Loss" For Romney; "Great Night For Us"
Ron Paul: Newt Gingrich Is A "Chickenhawk"
Halperin: Santorum Might Have Media "Rooting For Him"
James Carville: Perry Worst Presidential Candidate In American History
Santorum Celebrates Strong Finish In Iowa: "Game On!"
Romney: "This Is A Campaign Night Where America Wins"


Michelle Obama Jokes: "I Kind Of Like" Being Called "Your Excellency"
Ron Paul Asked If He Sees Himself In Oval Office: "Not Really"
Kristol On Perry: "I Wouldn't Be Surprised To See Him Get Out Tomorrow"
Perry Will "Reassess" Future Of Campaign After Fifth-Place Finish
Bachmann: Obama's "Liberal Reign Will End"
Ron Paul In Iowa: "There's Nothing To Be Ashamed Of"
Matthews On GOP Campaign: "Not What The Founding Fathers Had In Mind"
Wasserman Schultz: "Obama Is Popular And The American People Support Him"
Krauthammer: Santorum "Clearly Is Plausibly Presidential"
Romney On Super PAC: "Of Course I Helped Raise Money For It"
Gingrich: Ready For "A Great Debate" With Obama
WH Asked If Admin Is A "Monarchy"; Carney: "President Is Not Going To Sit Here"
Palin: Will Be Thankful If Bachmann Drops Out And Goes Back To Congress
Perry: "We Are Going To Take America Back, That's What This Is About"
Hume: Ron Paul Victory Will Damage Iowa As A "Determiner Of Winners"
DNC Chair Snubs Occupiers In Iowa: "Won't Have A Chance" To Meet Them
Obama Campaign Releases "Promises Kept" Web Ad On Caucus Day
Rick Perry: "My Plan Is To Go To South Carolina And Continue On"
Perry Web Ad: "America Is Calling"
Romney On Attacks From Gingrich: "I'm Ready For It"
Ed Rollins: Iowa Down To Ron Paul And Romney
Wasserman Schultz: Obama Will Be Re-Elected "Because Of His Policies"
Gingrich: Romney Is A Liar
Romney: "I Have Very Good Support From Very Conservative Tea Partiers"
Romney Backtracks: "I'm Not Predicting A Win" In Iowa
Brit Hume: "I Don't See A Scenario" Which Would Stop Romney
RNC: "Failed Promises: Iowa Edition"
Rand Paul On A Ron Paul Third-Party Run: "Don't Think It's A Good Idea"
Klein: Myth of Ronald Reagan Often Stronger Than The Reality
Obama Breaks Campaign Promise On Signing Statements
Perry: "Win, Place Or Show Not In Our Vocabulary; We're Here To Win"


Krauthammer: Santorum Has 1 In 50 Chance; Ron Paul Has Zero Chance
Frank: Obama Made "Bad Economy Better" And The Tea Party Ruined It
Levin Threatens To Campaign Against Rand Paul If Ron Paul Runs Third Party
Gingrich Hater Chris Matthews Goes To Iowa To Confront Him
Palin On Michele Bachmann: It's Not Her Time
Alan Colmes Mocks Santorum For Bringing Dead Son Home: UPDATE
Romney Tells Occupy Hecklers "Make It Loud And Clear"
Dem Strategist On Romney: "He's The Guy We Want To Run Against"
Gingrich: Moderate Romney "Clearly Not Part Of Conservatism"
Perry: "In It To Win It" Like The Dallas Cowboys Wanting To Win Next Game
Cindy Sheehan: "I Haven't Paid My Taxes" In Eight Years
Rick Perry: Politico In "Wasted Time" Category For Anonymously Sourced Articles
Mitt Romney Tells Iowans "We're Going To Win"
Perry Confronts Politico's Mike Allen Over Story: "You Got A Name?"
Andrea Mitchell: GOP Candidates Are "Schizophrenic" And "Bipolar"
Day Before Iowa Caucus Ron Paul Again Won't Rule Out Third Party Bid
Ron Paul: Santorum Is A "Very Liberal" Candidate
GOP Rep. Steve King: Boehner Responsible For Weak Majority
Andrea Mitchell: Iowa Is "Too White, Too Evangelical, Too Rural"
Fan Ad: "Fake Mitt Romney" Endorses Ron Paul Before Iowa Caucus
Chris Matthews: Gingrich Is "Like Freddy Krueger"
Majority Leader Eric Cantor On "60 Minutes"
Romney Would Veto DREAM Act
Huntsman Does Twilight Zone Themed Ad On Ron Paul
Santorum Defends 2008 Romney Endorsement: "Right Person"
Gingrich: I'm Getting "Romney-Boated"
Ron Paul: "I've Been Pretty Electable"
Gingrich: Romney "Would Buy The Election If He Could"
Romney Likens Obama Promises to Kardashian Wedding Vows


Gingrich: Greatest Weakness Is "That I'm Too Reasonable"
Santorum: I Need To Top Perry And Bachmann In Iowa
Paul: Lack Of Oversight On Newsletters Was "Human Flaw"
Rand Paul, J.C. Watts And Jim Talent On Iowa Race
"Meet The Press" Panel On Iowa Caucuses
Bachmann: "People Are Going To See A Miracle" On Tuesday
Perry: "Nobody's Got A Better Ground Game"


2011 Scholar-Statesman Award
Rand Paul Talks Iran, Liberals
Iran's Army Chief Issues Warning
U.S.-Iran Tension Escalates
Are Syrian Spies On U.S. Soil?
The Rise And Fall Of Eurozone Jobs
State Department: Iran Is Feeling The Pressure
Nigerian Fuel Protests Heat Up
Iran Continues Threats Against Oil Market
Eurozone On Course For Recession
Two UK Men To Be Sentenced For 1993 Murder
India Building Collapse Kills Five
Senegalese Music Star N'dour To Run For President
No Need To Fear Iran, Expert Says


Rachid Ghannouchi On Tunisia
Why Is Egypt's Military Using Strong-Arm Tactics?
Iran Threatening The World
China Unveils 5-Year Plan For Space Exploration
What's Iran's Real Plan?
Bachmann: Tough Talk On Iran After Missile Test
South Korea Allocates 44 Percent Of Budget To Q1
Ron Paul Warns Of UN Dictatorship In John Birch Video
Heat Wave, Fires Bake And Burn Australia
Raw Video: Rally To Support Kim Jong-un
Egyptians Vote In Parliamentary Poll
Iran Tests Missiles, Issues Warning
U.S. Strategic Competition With Iran
Syrians Beseech Observers Amid Gunfire

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