A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

03 January 2012

2011/2012 Weekend Review






The Alex Jones Show 01-03-12 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 01-03-12 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 01-03-12 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 01-03-12 Hr 4


Tight Iowa Contest Brings Tough Talk

LA arson suspect Harry Burkhart is mentally ill, his mother says in court

Does Ron Paul want to be president, or a prophet?

Taliban to Open Qatar Office in Step to Formal Talks

While royals celebrated Christmas, dead body lay in nearby forest

2 arrested in slaying of elderly Utah couple, Nev. shooting

Google Chrome's 'sponsored posts' explained

Producers Guild top 10 nominees

A wonderful winter meteor show reaches its peak

Too little protein may equal too much body fat

Ron Paul , big spender

Yes, Ron Paul Has 4000 Babies

Ron Paul's "Rock the Caucus" address - YouTube

Ron Paul's policy vision is consistent, clear

The spy who loved Ron Paul

Ron Paul edges out Romney, Huntsman in New Hampshire Primary straw poll

Mitt Romney: 'Best ads against Newt Gingrich came from Ron Paul ' in Iowa

Ron Paul Gets The “Coveted” Endorsement Of Former KKK'er David Duke

Ron Paul pushes big economic change

Ron Paul 2012: Why He Deserves Black America's Vote

Ron Paul Asked If Newsletters Show Bad Management: "Well, Yeah, I Think So"

Gary Johnson calls on supporters to support Ron Paul in Iowa caucus

The World According to Ron Paul : Repeal the 20th Century

Trump: Ron Paul Wouldn't Have a Chance of Beating President Obama, Would Cast Black Eye on Iowa if He Won Caucus - Interviews - On the Record - Fox News

Mitt Romney - Google News

Mitt Romney : "I don't know why" Newt is angry enough to call him a liar

Romney's steps to improve Obama's "failed presidency" - YouTube

When will media demand that Mitt Romney back up his claims about jobs?

Jon Huntsman sharpens critique of Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney was 'below the surface' all along

Romney Outlines Tougher Immigration Stand in Direct Mail Piece

Iran Defiant Amid Appeals for European Sanctions

Egypt Votes in Final Round as Mubarak Prosecutor Slams 'Tyrant'

Youssou N'dour to Run for Senegal Presidency

Is it the end for Kim Jong Il on 30 Rock too?

Exclusive: Pakistan Taliban commanders "at each other's throats"

Fatal Ethnic Fights in South Sudan

Tunisia, Libya tighten brotherly ties

Nigerians fear state of emergency a cover for military abuses

Republicans ready for Iowa caucuses - YouTube

Santorum, Paul Compete to Prove Pro-Life Credentials

New York City Police Arrest Suspect in String of Firebomb Attacks

Recommended: Ex-soldier in Mount Rainier killing stationed at deeply troubled base

Pentagon to abandon two-war strategy, but at what cost to US security?

Modern testing produces lead in cold Massachusetts murder case

In Iowa, Young Voters Unenthusiastic About Obama

Religion on the campaign trail

Santorum says Obama should “man up and be president”

Bachmann ad compares her to Tim Tebow

The Amazing Disappearing Mike Huckabee

Mitt Romney Compares Obama to Kim Kardashian

Rick Santorum's nephew endorses Ron Paul

Authorities investigating possible 'white powder' incident at state attorney's office

Wall Street Rings in 2012 With a Rally as Traders Cheer Economic Data

Oil jumps 4 percent on Iran anxiety

Banks start 2012 with a bang

End of ethanol subsidy will raise the price of gas

5 Energy Deals Not to be Forgotten in 2012

Manufacturing in US Grows by Most in Six Months: Economy

Unofficial Steve Jobs action figure is so realistic it's creepy

Steve Jobs becomes an action figure - YouTube

Microsoft says goodbye to Internet Explorer 6

Engineer uses programmable robot with Wii and Kinect to pet a cat

Hackers aim to launch Internet satellite network, moon mission

Sprint Gives LightSquared More Time to Win Over FCC

Demi Moore to Play Gloria Steinem in Linda Lovelace Biopic

Elton John Wants to Cast Justin Timberlake in His Biopic

Cross-dressing humor falls flat in 'Work It'

'Oprah's Next Chapter' Premiere Gives Struggling OWN a Big Ratings Boost

Aretha Franklin, 69, prepares for third marriage

Carnie Wilson: I'm still struggling with my weight

Deadly parasite turns Bay Area honeybees into zombie slaves

Apocalypse not now: 2012 doomsday predictions debunked by NASA

Powerful Pixels: Mapping the "Apollo Zone"

2012 calendar for kids

China is sending an astronaut to the Moon

International Linear Collider race starts in physics

Earthquake: 3.9 temblor strikes off Southern California coast

Ask Angie: Tankless water heaters in cold climates

Who won the Jaws versus Killer Whale death match? Shark comes off second best

Firms sold 'industrial product' to breast implant company - YouTube

How Hard Would It Be for Avian Flu to Spread?

How will proposed changes to Medicare affect you in 2012?

Stem Cell Shots Reverse Aging in Mice

Maternal Diabetes Linked to Higher ADHD Risk in Offspring

PIP breast implants: UK government says 'no evidence' to remove implants

Harsh Childhood Obesity Ads: Effective or Stigmatizing?

Exercise Boosts Kids' Academic Performance

Enfamil infant formula cleared in kids' bacterial infections

Legionnaires' disease found at HK government complex

Heart Attack Patients in US Leave Hospital Sooner, Return More

How Sears Can Save Itself: Buy (and Sell) American

Al Qaeda on the Ropes: One Fighter's Inside Story

5 Medical Advances Predicted for 2012

Fracking: Is there really 100 years’ worth of natural gas beneath the United States? - Slate Magazine

Revolutionary Politics : Rick Santorum On Earmarks "Congress Appropriates Money! That's What Congress Is Supposed To

Lone Star Watchdog: Is Senator Rick Santorum the New Neo Con Flavor of the Week?

Elizabeth Warren Makes Geithner Squirm Over AIG Counterparty Payments To Goldman Sachs - Home - The Daily Bail - Halliburton charged with selling nuclear technology to Iran.

poorrichard's blog: There's A War on Free Speech And Free Thought Around The World

Lone Star Watchdog: Former Welfare Queen and Phony Conservative Star Parker Insults Ron Paul in Email.

The Stealth Zionist War on Ron Paul | Veterans Today

Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War - YouTube

Election Day Registration, No Photo ID Requirement Will Help Boost Turnout In Tomorrow's Iowa Caucuses | ThinkProgress

William Blum :: Anti-Empire Report, Number 101

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Ron Paul Attacker Islamophobe

Activist Post: Cholesterol Drugs Likely Poisoning Patients

Rense & Kirwan - Congress Should Be In Jail - YouTube


***Help Ron Paul win Iowa from ANYWHERE President 2012


Five Questions for Caucus Night | The Weekly Standard

Scott Hochberg: The Politics of Social Security in 2011: From Supermajority to Supercommittee

Raising Minimum Wage Significantly Would Boost Economy | FDL News Desk

Paul Ryan Joins the Hidden Consensus on Health Care Costs » New Deal 2.0

Solyndra: A Political-Energy Company | Cato @ Liberty

ObamaCare's Dangerous Device Tax - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Iran starts the year with a bang | Shadow Government

Obama and the Regulatory State in 2011: Cut $1 billion in old rules, add $232 billion in new ones « The Enterprise Blog

GOP, Supporters Now Claiming Obama Didn't Accomplish Much. How Do They Explain Student Loan Reform, Dodd-Frank, Recovery Act, And Auto Rescue? | The New Republic

Five health reform dates to watch in 2012 - The Washington Post

The economic free lunch of high-skill immigration « The Enterprise Blog

Roberts: Back off the recusal demands « Hot Air

Bigfoot in Iowa

A Prediction: 70 Percent Will Vote Against the Iowa 'Winner' | The Weekly Standard

Hepatitis C Virus Hijacks Liver MicroRNA

Frog Songs Find Mates w/ Matching Chromosomes

Twins - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine

Dear 2012 Doomsayers, We Will Be Watching You : Discovery News

China's tomb raiders laying waste to thousands of years of history | World news |

BBC News - Nasa's gravity twins now circling Moon

How Peter Jackson Turns Grown Men into Hobbits - Blog

Keystones in evolution | COSMOS magazine

Cancer research: Take five | The Economist

Your Gut Has a Mind of Its Own... Literally - Blog

Loch Ness Monster's Home Not on the Level : Discovery News

'And his hair turned white overnight' – or did it? | Education | The Guardian

Solar power: Building a better suntrap | The Economist

Nuclear Power: Reactor Technology from LWR to Gen IV |

The dust library - physics-math - 03 January 2012 - New Scientist

The FDA Fast Tracks a Vaccine to Fight Pneumonia in Older Adults - Anna Yukhananov - Health - The Atlantic

Why Placebos Work Wonders -

Hugo Chavez suggested the United States gave him cancer. Is that even possible? - Slate Magazine

With Science and Patience, Lawsuits against Nanotechnology Are Avoidable - IEEE Spectrum

Nobel-Winning Quasicrystals Appear to Have Come From Space | Popular Science

For Better Grades, Try Bach in the Background - Miller-McCune

Buff Your Brain - The Daily Beast

Brain electrodes fix depression long term : Nature News & Comment

Iraq's Fugitive Vice President - The Daily Beast

Barfi: Why Islamists have dominated Egypt's elections – Global Public Square - Blogs

Iran does not have the arsenal to back up its many threats - The National

Paving Paradise - by Charles Kenny | Foreign Policy

Faster, Please! » Iran in Convulsion (the death spiral continues)

U.S. Can't Fight Two Wars at the Same Time Anymore - Global - The Atlantic Wire

After America - by Zbigniew Brzezinski | Foreign Policy

Al Qaeda on the Ropes: One Fighter's Inside Story - The Daily Beast

Iran’s self-defeating move—Amir Taheri -

RealClearPolitics - Isolationism, Redux

RealClearWorld - Fast-Track to a Palestinian State?

US presidential hopefuls ignore regional change - The National

President Obama's rocky relations with Israel -

The Coming Collapse of China: 2012 Edition- By Gordon G. Chang | Foreign Policy

[Viewpoint] America’s threat to trans-Pacific trade-INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily

GWYNNE DYER - The Sunni-Shia War

Why’s it so hard to say ‘sorry’? | Opinion | DAWN.COM

Unaccountable Killing Machines: The True Cost of U.S. Drones - Joshua Foust - International - The Atlantic

Rethinking the ‘China model’ | East Asia Forum

Column One: Obama’s foreign polic... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Commentary: Obama and the GOP on Foreign Policy: Reactive vs. Frivolous | The National Interest

Delusions of the Euro Zone: The Lies that Europe's Politicians Tell Themselves - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Japan’s Defense Industry Lifeline | The Diplomat

Commentary: The Unintended Consequences of America's Adventure in Iraq | The National Interest

RealClearWorld - The Race for Antarctica

Associated Baptist Press - Opinion: The apocalypse is coming

Paul Wallace: Intelligent Design Is Dead: A Christian Perspective

My Take: Let Lennon be Lennon and forget Cee Lo Green – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

De-baptized: P. C. Enniss blogs the lectionary | The Christian Century

The LDS Church continues its remarkable media heritage | Deseret News

RealClearReligion - Rock in the U.S.A.

Top 10 under-covered Vatican stories (plus a bonus feature) | National Catholic Reporter

Rev. G. Jude Geiger: Occupy Heaven

Why are imams telling us about nail polish? | Nushin Arbabzadah | Comment is free |

Review: 'The Gift and Power: Translating the Book of Mormon' | Deseret News

A Peek at Modern Paganism: How to Preach to Pagans (Part 2), Christian News

RNS Feature: "Bill Cosby brings his comedic touch to the Bible"

Pope creates ordinariate in America for ex-Anglicans |

Why Rick Santorum Is No Social-Conservative Savior | Swampland |

The Debate Over Aviation Emissions

6 Myths About Global And U.S. Energy

The Convoluted Economics of Storing Energy -

The Latest Drama in the Oil Industry - DailyFinance

Chasing the Elusive Energy Policy - Technology Review

Goldman Sachs Is Bearish on Oil | Mother Jones

Who will pay for Renewable Energy? | EnergyBiz

Obama’s War on U.S. Energy

REVE - Regulación Eólica con Vehículos Eléctricos -

Why Alternative Energy - Forbes

Ten Clean Energy Stocks for 2012 | Alternative Energy Stocks

2012: The Year of Cold Fusion? - Forbes

Energy Department predicted the 2011 boom in U.S. fuel exports -

Where the Real Jobs Are -

How the Government Failed in Energy Policy in 2011 - Energy Intelligence (

There Will Be Oil - Versus - Peak Oil Now :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Was the 2011 Economy a Miracle?

Don't Let Emotions Color Your Investing

Mary Schapiro's skeletons in the closet - Term Sheet

Wall Street Trades at Speed of Light Need Traffic Cops: View - Bloomberg

Lazy Portfolios lose to Senators’ hedge fund - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

The Decline and Fall of the Euro? - Daniel Gros - Project Syndicate

5 big questions for 2012- MSN Money

RAHN: Purveyors of financial destruction - Washington Times

Cohan: Did Psychopaths Take Over Wall Street? - Bloomberg

Rethinking the Growth Imperative - Kenneth Rogoff - Project Syndicate

Market Anthropology: 2011 - So went Silver...

The Red Giant (Five Reasons Facebook is Over) | The Reformed Broker

Whole Foods is the Next Starbucks Leigh Drogen

2012 Dogs of the Dow - CNBC

HOW TO PLAY IT: Signs of life in the housing market | Reuters

After Tumult of 2011, Here Are Some Global Hotspots to Watch in 2012: View - Bloomberg

From 6 Economists, 6 Ways to Face 2012 — Economic View -


**Transcripts: 1st/Guests: Ron Paul, Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann

Guests: Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

Guests: Ron Paul, Rep. King and Gov. Branstad

Interview with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor

Guest: Senator Rand Paul

30th)Shields and Brooks on Ron Paul's Rise in Iowa

Interview with Representative Dennis Kucinich

29th)Interview with Pres. Candidate Michele Bachmann

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

Analysts on the History of the Iowa Caucuses

Panel on a Possible Showdown with Iran

28th)Interview with Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Perry

Analyst on the Campaign Ads in Iowa

Interview with Senator Kelly Ayotte

Interview with Rep. Louie Gohmert

27th)Interview with Pres. Candidate Newt Gingrich

Interview with Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman

Iowa GOP Chair on the Iowa Caucus

Panel on the Election and the Economy

26th)Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

Analysts on Romney's Iowa Effort

Panel on Political Turmoil in Iraq

25th)Guests: Senator Richard Lugar, Condoleezza Rice


Interview with Foster Gamble & The Full Thrive Documentary | USAHM Conspiracy News


*2:08:40 /Thrive 2011 - YouTube


Benjamin Fulford on Strange Universe Radio with Sean David Morton - December 29th, 2011 - YouTube

*2012 Terrorist Identification Chart | USAHM Conspiracy News

Hackers Plan Space Satellites To Combat Censorship | USAHM Conspiracy News

End of Nations: Canada, the US and the “Security Perimeter” | USAHM Conspiracy News

Rare DNA Variant May Disprove Paleolithic Migration To America Across The Atlantic | USAHM Conspiracy News

Seismologists Expect A Shift In The Earth’s Crust In Siberia | USAHM Conspiracy News

Was US Spy Drone Captured by Iranian Flying Saucer? | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Valley Of The Headless Men | USAHM Conspiracy News

Coast to Coast AM

C2CAM - 2011.12.04 - Ancient Aliens - Alex Jones NDAA Concerns - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM (C2CAM) - 29.12.2011 - World in Turmoil - YouTube

C2CAM - 2011.12.28 - Mushrooms & Origins of Christmas - YouTube


*Articles:Graham Hancock (

Dr. B’s Blog(

Dr. Laurie Nadel(


* PRIMITIVE GESTALTS: Early Developmental Patterns and Their Effects on Later Life Stephen Sideroff, Ph.D.

* Muzzling the Media How the New Autocrats Threaten Press Freedoms Joel Simon


Gingrich: Romney Is a Liar, But I Could Support Him

Expert: Fracking Wastewater Caused Earthquake Activity In Ohio

+ Labor New and Notes Round-up

Bill Kristol Lies To Fox News Viewers About Democratic Caucus in Iowa

SE Cupp and Matt Lewis Defend Racist Remarks From Gingrich and Santorum

Chris Matthews: Romney Win in Iowa Will Be a Victory of 'Dollars Over Democracy'

Facebook Takes Down Abortion Information...Then Says It Was a Mistake

Forget Iowa: GOP Always Nominates 'Next in Line'

BofA Initiates New Loan Sharking Program - Excuse Me, Rate Hikes - For Small Business

Iowa Caucus Preview

99% Choir 'Forecloses' on Bank of America

Andrea Mitchell Cites Recent Gallup Poll to Paint Romney as Centrist and Obama as Liberal

UK Occupy Protester Kept Off Plane Home Because Of 'Anarchist' Literature

Santorum: Marriage Prevents Poverty -- Unless You're Gay

Gingrich Tears Up Over His Mother

Matt Romney on Dad's Tax Returns: Obama Should Release His Birth Certificate First

Fox News Paints the Obamas as Out of Touch for Spending $260 on Family Dinner at Hawaiian Restaurant

Obama Signs Off on NDAA "With Serious Reservations"

The Year of the Lord’s Favor

Ron Paul: Racist Newsletters Had 'Some Very Bad Sentences'

David Gregory Pushes Back at Rick Santorum For Lying About the President Not Meeting With Republicans

Rep. Steve King Still Unwilling to Endorse Any of the GOP Candidates With Iowa Caucuses Just Days Away

Chris Christie Threatens Iowans To Vote For Romney

Chris Hayes on the Iraq War Architects: Where Are They Now?

Eric Cantor's Press Secretary Interrupts 60 Min Interview to Claim Reagan Never Raised Taxes

Chief Justice Roberts Insists His Court Can Be Impartial

Let's Have A Great Blue America 2012

Scott Walker Tries to Take Credit for Removing Family Care Caps He Instituted and Was Forced to Remove

2012: The Year of the Vampire Squid?

LiUNA and Baltimore Church Groups Providing Workers With Job Training

Fox Sees Viewer Decline In 2011

Rick Santorum Says He Would Order Airstrikes to Keep Iran From Obtaining Nuclear Weapon

Gingrich on Global Warming Expertise: 'I'm an Amateur Paleontologist'

Last-Place Bachmann: 'I Intend To Be America's Iron Lady'

Dear Mr. President: This is Why We're Here

Ellen Barkin Harassed by NYPD

There Is A Higher Rate Of Divorce In Conservative States Than In Liberal States |

When Super PACs Attack

Alternate Brain: Pimpin' for Paul

Does higher voter turnout equal less informed voters? — South DaCola

Ayn Rand and the Sociopathic Society or ‘How I Learned to Stop Loving My Neighbor and Despise Them Instead.’ | Addicting Info

**C&L’s “Best of” Videos:

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #50 The Letter Carrier Joe Walsh Yelled At Gets the Last Word

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #49 Jon Stewart Mocks GOP Reaction to Gaddafi's Death

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #48 GWB On Family Guy

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #47 Billo's Making a List and Checkin' It Twice

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #46 Oregon Tea Party Breaks Up MoveOn Picnic

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #45 Rep Paul Ryan Runs Away From Angry Constituents

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #44 Fox News Shocked by Their Own Poll

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #43 Fox Nation and the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #42 Bush Monologues 2007 | Crooks and Liars

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #41 Jack Kingston Admits Ryan Plan Ends Medicare As We Know It

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #40 Romney Whines That Federal Employees Make More Money Than He Does

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #39 Rachel Maddow Teaches An Affordable Care Act Lesson

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #38 Newt Rule: IOKIYAR

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #37 Comedian At Palin Event: 'Special Needs' Liberals Aren't Lovable Like Trig

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #36 Billo Says Tides Prove the Existence of God

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #35 Police Use Bulldozers to Break Up Occupy Richmond

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #34 SNL Pans Bachmann For Her SOTU Tea Party Response

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #33 GOP Audience Boos Gay Soldier

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #32 Donald Trump Booed as He Arrives at White House Correspondents' Dinner

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #31 Ben Stein Blows GOP Talking Points on Taxing the Rich

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #30 Shawna Forde's Minuteman Militia Tries to Spark a Revolution

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #29 Bill Maher Likens GOP to Meth Addicts

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #28 Healthy Eating is not a Republican Ideal

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #27 CNBC Reporter to Scarborough: 'You Are the Problem' for Mocking Protests

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #26 Jon Stewart Explains What Happened to Rick Perry During His Bizarre Speech

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #25 Herman Cain Quotes Pokémon

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #24 Maher Tells Media To Be Honest About Income Disparity

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #23 Fox Business Doesn't Want Scientific Facts To Get In The Way

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #22 Fox News Ignores Norway Shooter's Ideology | Crooks and Liars

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #21 Pete DeFazio Slaps Down GOP For Killing Youth Programs | Crooks and Liars

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #20 Stewart tells Chris Wallace that Fox News is like 'ideological regimes' | Crooks and Liars

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #19 Econ. 101: Alan Grayson Schools P.J. O'Rourke on OWS

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #18 Shawna Forde's Vigilante Ways

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #17 Rick Perry Joins GOP Clown Car Parade

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #16 Jimmy Kimmel Unveils 'Michele Bachmann's Story of America'

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #15 GOP Debate Hate

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #14 SNL: GOP 2012 Undeclared Candidates Debate

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #13 Fox NY News Crew Bullied By NYPD; Iraq Veteran Defends

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #12 Matt Taibbi and Megan McArdle Square Off Over Goldman-Sachs

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #11 Go The F*ck To Sleep Read By Samuel L. Jackson

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #10 Stephen Colbert Defends Pappa Bear O'Reilly Against the 'Pinhead' Bloggers

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #9 Chris Hayes and Naomi Klein Explain Why The Protests In Wisconsin Matter

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #8 Sarah Palin's Unconventional Route To The Presidency

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #7 Rick Perry Forgets Which Agencies He Would Eliminate

C&L's Top Videos 2011: #6 SNL Digital Short: Andy Sandberg and Pee-wee Herman Get Drunk and Attack Anderson Cooper

C&L's Top Videos 2011: #5 FOX News Cuts Away From Giffords Vigil When Sarah Palin's Name is Mentioned

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #4 Michele Bachmann Can't Stop Lying When Asked About Her Lies on Face the Nation

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #3 Sarah Palin Wonders Aloud if Libya Action is a 'Squirmish'

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #2 Anderson Cooper Brings in 'Left Behind' Actor Cameron to Discuss Bird and Fish Deaths

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #1 Fox News Uses Tina Fey for Sarah Palin Report


Prison » Republican Insider: GOP Establishment Planning To Subvert Iowa to Prevent Ron Paul Win

Prison » The Economic Solutions Of Vampires

Prison » Will Lord Obama Send Americans to Gitmo? Ray McGovern Reports

Obama signs NDAA into law, dismantles Bill of Rights - Salt Lake City Independent |

Ron Paul Calls National Defense Authorization Act "Slip Into Tyranny"

Obama Signs Martial Law Bill: NDAA Now Law - YouTube

Obama Signs Defense Authorization Bill - Sara Sorcher -

Prison » Happy New Year: Obama Signs NDAA, Indefinite Detention Now Law of the Land

Prison » Obama’s NDAA Signing Statement is Just Smoke & Mirrors

Prison » Obama’s NDAA Signing Statement Is Meaningless

Prison » Ron Paul Is The Only Anti-Racist Candidate

Prison » Ron Paul’s South Carolina ad buy

Prison » Ron Paul Reacts To Black Man’s Testimony Video

*20 min./Ron Paul on Iowa Caucus: Political Capital With Al Hunt - YouTube

Paul Sees Top-Two Finish in Iowa While Wary of Backing Rivals - Bloomberg

Ron Paul Was Right About CIA Drug Deal

Prison » Ron Paul blasts SOPA on the 2012 presidential campaign trail

Rand Paul: Ron Paul surging at the right time - CBS News

Prison » Believe: Ron Paul Releases ‘Closing Argument’ Ad

Prison » Ron Paul Campaign Goes Viral

Prison » Huntsman Releases Tacky, Glib ‘Twilight Zone’ Attack Ad In Desperate Bid To Steal Ron Paul Voters

Prison » Paul Calls Santorum “Very Liberal,” Supporters Launch Fake Mitt Romney Ad

Prison » Ron Paul “We Don’t Need A Patriot Act!”

Prison » Trump, O’Reilly Regurgitate Lie That Paul Couldn’t Beat Obama

Prison » Paul Campaign Targets ‘Liberal’ Santorum As Iowa Battle Begins

Prison » The Outlook for the New Year

Prison » The Secret Of 2012

++Prison » 2011: The Year The People Became the Enemy

Prison » Secret Info the New World Order Doesn’t Want You to See

Prison » Top 10 News Stories of 2011 with Alex Jones

Prison » Alex Jones Calls Chris Matthews a Disgraceful JOKE!

Prison » Formerly Great Cities All Over America Are Turning Into Open, Festering Sores

Prison » Myth busted: Yes, the NDAA does apply to Americans, and here’s the text that says so

Prison » THE INAUGURATION OF POLICE STATE USA 2012. Obama Signs the “National Defense Authorization Act ”

Prison » Obama’s America: Tyranny and Permanent War

*Prison » America is an Insecure Empire with Catherine Austin Fitts

Prison » Latest Iowa Poll Has Ron Paul In First Place

Prison » Softening Up Iran for the Final Attack

Prison » Iran Makes First Nuke Rods, Fires Missile In Retaliation For Full Blown US Financial Boycott

Prison » Iran Test Fires Second Missile In 24 Hours As Posturing Escalates

Report: Iran tells departed US carrier to 'stay out' of Persian Gulf' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Prison » Blood in my Eyes for You: The Deep Progressive Love for the Laureate’s “Industrial Killing Machine”

Prison » 17 Reasons Why A Vote For Mitt Romney Is A Vote For The New World Order

Prison » Debt Burden Threatens American Families

Prison » Politico Botches Poll Results to Downgrade Ron Paul

Progressives and the Ron Paul fallacies -

WHO deeply concerned by mutated birdflu research | Reuters

Iran’s Currency Plunge 10% After Fresh US Sanctions | Economy Watch

Prison » Video: Iran’s ‘Long-Range Missile’ May Be ‘Mahmoud Bluff’

Iran announces long-range missile test amid Strait of Hormuz row with U.S. - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Prison » Video of US carrier filmed from Iran plane during drill in Persian Gulf

Prison » Webster Tarpley: Panetta Signals Green Light for Attack on Iran

Prison » The Wormwood Express: American War Crime Rolls On

Ron Paul: Sanctions Against Iran Are an ‘Act of War’ - ABC News

Prison » ‘Pentagon created Arab Spring over decade ago’

Prison » Libya rebels go gunning for Syria to topple Assad

Prison » Arab League Observer Seeking to Provoke Civil War in Syria

Prison » Senior Lawmaker: Iran to Close Strait of Hormuz if Threatened

Iran's currency slumps 12% as sanctions bite - Yahoo! News

Israel to shut down Dimona nuclear reactor should war break out - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Asia Times Online :: Playing chess in Eurasia

North Korea promises prosperity, demands loyalty to new leader - The Washington Post

Prison » Arab Spring: Egypt Strikes Back

Prison » There’s A War on Free Speech And Free Thought Around The World

Prison » Ron Paul’s Good Name Can’t Be Ruined By Scared Media Maggots

Prison » US Civilians Are Now Helping Decide Who To Kill With Military Drones

Prison » Seals Being Killed by Fukushima Radiation & SOPA is Endgame for The Internet

Prison » 28 Signs That US Public Schools Are Rapidly Being Turned Into Indoctrination Centers And Prison Camps

Prison » New Report: “Recording Everything” Details How Governments Can Shape the Dynamics of Dissent

Prison » Ron Paul Has Already Won

Prison » Obama in 2012: Stilling Hoping for Spare Change

Ron Paul is the most conservative presidential candidate

Prison » So What’s Wrong with That?

Prison » 2012: It Is Not The End of The World, But It Will Be The End of America If. . .

Prison » Ron Paul: Obama’s Xmas Gift to US – Crushing Debt

Prison » Santorum Calls for Air Strikes on Iran, Bachmann Proposes War Blockade

Prison » Post Slams Ron Paul With Fading Elite Promotions

Prison » Ron Paul Ad “Disarms” MSM’s Racist Campaign of Lies: Gary Franchi Reports

Prison » Jesse Ventura Endorses Ron Paul as the Only Anti-war Candidate

*Prison » OKC Officer Terry Yeakey’s Death was an Inside Job: OKC Witness Speaks Out

*Prison » FBI Confiscates OKC Bombing Footage, Refuses To Turn Over

Prison » Alex Jones: US government spies on everybody

+Prison » The American Citizen is The New Indian with Activist John Trudell

Prison » Establishment Media Crucifies Ron Paul On Every Front

+Prison » The Casino Gulag Model with Max Keiser

Prison » Catherine Austin Fitts on Wall Street’s Corruption, the Austrian School and Who’s ‘Really’ in Charge

*Prison » Total Collapse of The Dollar and Skyrocketing Oil Prices in 2012: Lindsey Williams Reports

Prison » Insane Levels of Leverage by the Too Big to Fail Banks – Not Deadbeat Borrowers – Caused the Financial Crisis

Prison » Foreigners Dump Record Amount Of US Treasurys In Past Month

Prison » The End Of The Euro And The End Of The Investor

Prison » The Number One Catastrophic Event That Americans Worry About: Economic Collapse

Prison » Is the Free Market Hopeless?

Prison » European Economy Contracts For Fifth Month In A Row, More Pain Ahead

Prison » 6 Reasons Why Buying A Home Is Like Throwing Away Money

Prison » Nations Ponder Their Escape From Debt

60 min./Bob Chapman - National Intel Report - December 27, 2011 - YouTube

Eurozone collapse 'starts this year' says CEBR - Telegraph

2012 will be 'full of danger and risk' warn Sarkozy and Merkel in their New Year messages | Mail Online

Prison » 2012 Will Be More Difficult Than 2011

Prison » A Lot of Governments will Print Money in 2012: Rogers

Oil above $110 on Iran, China data | Reuters

Prison » 30 Statistics That Show That The Middle Class Is Dying Right In Front Of Our Eyes As We Enter 2012

Americans buy record numbers of guns for Christmas - Telegraph

Prison » Senator Paul Campaigning in Iowa with Rep. Paul

Prison » Jon Huntsman Grasping for Straws in Attacks on Ron Paul

Prison » CIA Bin Laden Unit Chief Endorses Rep. Ron Paul

Prison » Paul Attracting Iowa Independents and Democrats

Ron Paul supporters blow up album sales for Kelly Clarkson 28 spots after she takes heat for his Twitter endorsement | Mail Online

FDA draws criticism after U-turn on antibiotics in animal feed | World news |

Prison » New Polls Show Paul And Romney Neck and Neck Going Into Iowa Race

Romney Leads, Santorum Surges in Iowa Poll - Bloomberg

Prison » Former Campaign Chair: Bachmann Is Lying About Payment From Ron Paul

Despite GOP opposition, light bulb standards will phase in on Jan. 1 - The Hill's E2-Wire

Prison » Appeals Court Revives EFF’s Challenge to Government’s Massive Spying Program

Prison » Tyranny Is a Bipartisan Disease

Prison » New Year’s Eve “Through the Prism of September 11

Prison » Total Ignorance: Where’s Libya, Iraq or Iran? NYC doesn’t care!

Prison » Alaska lawmaker blasts TSA in new PSA, warning travelers about revealing full body scanners

Prison » Will 2012 be the year the Internet dies?

Prison » ACLU Report Card Puts Ron Paul Above President Obama!

Prison » Charlton Library Sends Police To Collect Overdue Books From 5-Year-Old

L.A. arson wave grows to about 40 fires; most since 1992 riots -

Prison » Are Your Clothes Making You Sick?

+Prison » The 10 biggest vaccine news stories of 2011

Prison » Mainstream Medical Pharmaceutical ‘Science’ Goes Against Nature

Prison » Will Organic Farmers See Their Day in Court Against Monsanto?

Prison » GM Foods Touted “Benefits” are Actually False Claims

Prison » H5N1 Bird Flu Strikes China Following Bioterrorism Study Release Controversy

As European Carbon Tax on Airlines Takes Off, Higher Air Fares Loom |

Dead blackbirds over Beebe: Sign of apocalypse as thousands die on New Year's Eve? | Mail Online

Scientists grow sperm in laboratory dish - Telegraph

Outlook for 2012: Total Collapse of Society and The End of Internet Freedom 1/3 - YouTube

Outlook for 2012: Total Collapse of Society and The End of Internet Freedom 2/3 - YouTube

Outlook for 2012: Total Collapse of Society and The End of Internet Freedom 3/3 - YouTube

NDAA: Obama Legalizing Tyranny - More Americans to be Killed Without Trial 1/2 - YouTube

NDAA: Obama Legalizing Tyranny - More Americans to be Killed Without Trial 2/2 - YouTube

Neo-Cons to Ron Paul: Don't Talk About Nwo! - YouTube

The Drone "Kill Chain" & Terrorism Death Statistics - YouTube

Caller Tells Alex About New Detention Center! - YouTube

Alex Breaks Down The NDAA, Now Law and Mt. Rainier Gunman, SWAT Team Fiasco 1/3 - YouTube

Alex Breaks Down The NDAA, Now Law and Mt. Rainier Gunman, SWAT Team Fiasco 2/3 - YouTube

Alex Breaks Down The NDAA, Now Law and Mt. Rainier Gunman, SWAT Team Fiasco 3/3 - YouTube

Keiser Report: Outrageous Predictions for 2012 (E230) - YouTube

Ron Paul Interview On CNN Today, Says Santorum Is A Liberal ! - YouTube

Ron Paul Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton Interview On MSNBC - YouTube

Euro Doom: 10-year-old currency race against time - YouTube

'Obama had no balls to close Gitmo' - YouTube

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Josh Tolley: Gingrich and Romney: A Larger Threat to America than Any Terrorist! «

Financial Troubles For Many Nations In The New Year

Ron Paul: The NDAA Repeals More Rights

Huntsman Releases Tacky, Glib ‘Twilight Zone’ Attack Ad In Desperate Bid To Steal Ron Paul Voters

Bradlee Dean: Antidepressants Overused with Children

Believe: Ron Paul Releases ‘Closing Argument’ Ad

» Big Brother Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Police raid Trinidad TV broadcaster Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul plays to packed house as supporters await victory -

» EPIC MEDIA FAIL: MSM Coverage of Iowa Caucus 2008 vs. Iowa Caucus 2012 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Assad rivals sign democracy deal Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

** Slow Kill Holocaust: Proof the Government is Poisoning You Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Tweeting the word 'drill' could mean your Twitter account is read by government spies | Mail Online

Eurozone crisis: German unemployment hits record low as Greece warns over euro exit | Business |

» Grim Economic Prospects for 2012: How the Federal Reserve Overshadows the European Banking System Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Do Black Friday Shoppers Care About Starving Children? by Karen De Coster

Why we must change our way of measuring time: leap seconds are causing the ¿time director¿ a headache | Mail Online

» Obama’s Signing Statement on NDAA: I have the power to detain Americans… but I won’t Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Man found with explosives at Midland International Airport - Top Stories

Kim's death no joke for 'Dear Leader' double - YouTube

Kim Jong-il look-alike in mourning for late leader |

Survey says Latino voters sticking with Obama, Democrats -

» Newt Gingrich Sides With Bill Clinton Over Conservatives In 1995 $40 Billion Mexican Bailout Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Mexican Cartels Seek Recruits Among California Latinos | Fox News Latino

Obama administration launches hotline to help illegals detained by states

* How To Cope With Your Indefinte Detention Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» R.I.P. Bill of Rights 1789 – 2011 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama Crowned Himself on New Year’s Eve Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Servando Gonzalez - historian, semiotician, writer, political satirist, intelligence analyst

CURL: Is Romney the next Kerry? - Washington Times

» Declare Your Personal Independence: I Hereby Secede Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Activist Post: Declare Your Personal Independence: I Hereby Secede

Iowa’s Choice: Dr. Paul or U.S. Bankruptcy, More Wars, and Many More Dead Soldiers and Marines by Michael Scheuer

Row over ethics as judge orders college to surrender IRA tapes | Media |

» Japanese People Rising Against Nuclear Power Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Arab spring leads surge in events captured on cameraphones | World news | The Guardian

» BP claims shoddy cement work by Halliburton caused Gulf oil disaster Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Fuelling World Hunger: How The Global Biofuel Industry Is Creating Massive Destruction Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Mark Steel: Just because you're an atheist doesn't make you rational - Mark Steel - Commentators - The Independent

Slime that can 'think' its way through a maze could turn our idea of intelligence upside down | Mail Online

Dead herring mystery for Norway as thousands wash up on beach | World news |

Trouble remembering all your passwords? In the future your face may be all you need... | Mail Online

Proposed Hacker Satellite System Would Fight Web Censorship | News & Opinion |

Is a super-volcano at Laacher See lake in Germany about to blow? | Mail Online

Decoded: The Mystery of Human Migration - Science - News - The Independent

* 'The maternal journey of OF mitochondrial DNA'

Afghan enthusiast realises his dream of flying in homemade microlight | World news |

» Iran Releases Details On Captured CIA Drone Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Well, it worked for Peter Parker: genetic scientists unleash power of the spider web - Science - News - The Independent

» H5N1 Bird Flu Strikes China Following Bioterrorism Study Release Controversy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 12-Year-Old Testifies in U.S. Senate Hearing About Psych Drugs in Foster Care Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» GM Foods Touted “Benefits” are Actually False Claims Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Global food giants are moving away from BPA in packaging Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 5 new restrictions on food, medicine & health to take effect on January 1, 2012 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

AFP: New China food safety scandal widens to oil, peanuts

Junk food really DOES mess with your brain! Research shows trans fats causes brain damage | Mail Online

» Appeals Court Revives EFF’s Challenge to Government’s Massive Spying Program Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Santorum: “Imposing” our values on each other is “what America’s about” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Will Google, Amazon, And Facebook Black Out The Net? | Fox News

How Congress is Signing its own Arrest Warrants in the NDAA Citizen Arrest bill | Naomi Wolf

2012 could be busy year for Internet technology law and policy in Canada -

» Suspicious Activity Reports From U.S. Malls Being Processed By Police State Fusion Centers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama’s NDAA Signing Statement is Just Smoke & Mirrors Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» THE INAUGURATION OF POLICE STATE USA 2012. Obama Signs the “National Defense Authorization Act ” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Best of 2011: Confronting Those Who Would Destroy America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Myth busted: Yes, the NDAA does apply to Americans, and here’s the text that says so Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Exclusive Video: Knife Cane Arrest at DFW Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Anonymous hackers to publish U.S. security firm's 2.7m client emails... providing a 'smoking gun for number of crimes' | Mail Online

» New Asian Union Means The Fall Of The Dollar Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ratio: 3.5 Million Homeless and 18.5 Million Vacant Homes in the US Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Iran Makes First Nuke Rods, Fires Missile In Retaliation For Full Blown US Financial Boycott Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Sopa Would DESTROY Jobs and the Economy … So Why are Unions Supporting It? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

John Kampfner: Brazil's success heralds the new world order - Commentators - Opinion - The Independent

Brian Basham: Beware corporate psychopaths – they are still occupying positions of power - Business Comment - Business - The Independent

Gold's 10 percent gain in 2011 extends run to 11th year | Reuters

Bruce Krasting: I love a stink

Crackdown on small firms, a blind eye for big business - Home News - UK - The Independent

Eurozone crisis: German unemployment hits record low as Greece warns over euro exit | Business |

Bentley reports soaring sales - Business News - Business - The Independent

Young people using 'no stigma' solution of insolvency as record numbers are hit by the crippling cost of living | Mail Online

» Foreigners Dump Record Amount Of US Treasurys In Past Month Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Foreigners Dump Record Amount Of US Treasurys In Past Month | ZeroHedge

Iran claims record plunge in national currency not linked to latest US sanctions - The Washington Post

» Why Support Ron Paul? This Video Breaks It Down Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Republican Insider: GOP Establishment Planning To Subvert Iowa to Prevent Ron Paul Win Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Radio Host Levin Threatens to Defeat Rand Paul Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Paul Campaign Targets ‘Liberal’ Santorum As Iowa Battle Begins Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul Campaign Goes Viral Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Is COINTELPRO Effort Underway to Sabotage Ron Paul in Iowa? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Believe: Ron Paul Releases ‘Closing Argument’ Ad Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul and the Killing Machine Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Nightly News: Obama Signs Draconian NDAA Citizen Detention Bill Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 17 Reasons Why A Vote For Mitt Romney Is A Vote For The New World Order Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Trump, O’Reilly Regurgitate Lie That Paul Couldn’t Beat Obama Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul’s big challenges: spinners… and election fraud Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Latest Daily Beast nonsense: Ron Paul is theocrat who wants to have gay people stoned to death Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Beware of GOP False Flag Chicanery at the Iowa Caucuses Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Politico Botches Poll Results to Downgrade Ron Paul Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul Had Accurate Conspiracy Theory: CIA Was Tied To Drug Traffickers

» Dangerous Warmongering Rhetoric: Michele Bachmann lists Russia and China as “Axis of Evil” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US Civilians Are Now Helping Decide Who To Kill With Military Drones

Urging Obama to Stop Rush to Iran War | Consortiumnews

» Lockheed Wins Contract for UAE Anti-Missile System Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» US plans buffer zone along Syria border Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Iran claims nuclear fuel advance, test-fires missile in gulf - The Washington Post

» Israeli regime branded ‘Nazi, racist’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Formerly Great Cities All Over America Are Turning Into Open, Festering Sores Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Lexington man charged with making a fake $1 million bill and trying to spend it |

Obama's U-turn on Guantanamo seals fate of lone Briton - Americas - World - The Independent

German arrested in L.A. arsons declares, 'I hate America' -

Nigeria fuel protests intensify | World news | The Guardian

Peace broken in Kashmir as forces fire on protesters - Asia - World - The Independent

End of the pro-democracy pretense - Glenn Greenwald -

Italian president urges sacrifices to save economy

China prepares for lift-off with mission to land on the Moon - Asia - World - The Independent

» Unsustainable: Israel’s Politics of Exclusion in Jerusalem Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Can Bolivia become a green energy superpower? | Dan Collyns | Global development |

Media Lies and the Onset of War - YouTube

Tyranny in the Forecast: The Outlook for the New Year – Dr. Paul Craig Roberts |

The Empire’s Ideology: Imperialism and “Anti-Imperialism of the Fools” – Prof James Petras |

Devvy - The Constitutional Militia IS Your Duty - Part 1

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Oath Keepers Launches National Effort to Recall and/or Remove Members of Congress Who Voted for NDAA Military Detention. Merry Christmas, U.S. Congress!

Oath Keepers Launches Effort to Recall Members of Congress

American's Comfortably Numb on the Highway to Economic Collapse :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Paul Calls Santorum “Very Liberal,” Supporters Launch Fake Mitt Romney Ad |

Obama’s Сhange: From kidnapping & torture to assassination |

Obama’s America: Tyranny and Permanent War – Stephen Lendman |

Two Four Star Generals Write New York Times Op-ed Against NDAA and Indefinite Detention of Americans |

Social Networking Spies: CIA Sifts Social Media Sites – Wayne Madsen |

The President Who Signed Indefinite Detention Without Charge or Trial Into Law |

Myth busted: Yes, the NDAA does apply to Americans, and here’s the text that says so – Mike Adams |

Alaska lawmaker blasts TSA in new PSA, warning travelers about revealing full body scanners

More lies: Obama signs into law unconstitutional National Defense Authorization Act to arbitrarily detain American citizens after promising to veto it |

NaturalNews declares 2012 the year of consciousness – Mike Adams |

Maddow – Ron Paul Is The Only Presidential Candidate That Doesn’t Want To Start Another War! |

Iran Makes First Nuclear Fuel Rods, Fires Mid-Range SAM In Retaliation For Full Blown US Financial Boycott |

US Warns Iran Against Closing Key Oil Passage |

Britain: Sleepwalking into Fascism – William Bowles |

Seeing Through The Apocalypse |

Ron Paul blasts SOPA on the 2012 presidential campaign trail |

*Secret Info the New World Order Doesn’t Want You to See |

Christopher Hitchens - The Best of the Hitchslap - YouTube

Annual New Year's Eve economic forecast with Karl Denninger-On the Edge with Max Keiser-12-30-2011 - YouTube

New 9/11 Timeline Entries: Nuclear War Exercise on 9/11, NORAD Commanders’ Delayed Response to Attacks, Increase in Military Alert Status, and More « History Commons Groups

Audio Page:Best of CounterSpin 2011 |

The Road to a Police State: What is the Status of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012? |

**The Mysterious Death of Dr David Kelly: “Subversion of Due Process” of the Law in the United Kingdom |

The Rights of the “Human” over the “Non-Human”: The Undeclared World War of Human Rights versus Corporate Rights – Prof. John McMurtry |

Ron Paul’s Good Name Can’t Be Ruined By Scared Media Maggots – Saman Mohammadi |

Alex Jones Calls Chris Matthews a Disgraceful JOKE! - YouTube

Michael Savage: Ron Paul Hates Jews and Supports Terrorists |

Michael Savage slams Ron Paul and mentions Alex Jones! - YouTube

The Nation - US looking for new drone bases after Pakistan’s refusal

Cannabis - Weed - Pot - Marijuana - Kills Cancer cells finds UCLA research and others - YouTube

Activist Post: Simply Green Washing: Are You Using This Toxic Cleaner?

Activist Post: Mainstream Medical Pharmaceutical ‘Science’ Goes Against Nature

Monsanto GMO Seeds Use to Further Expand Within US |

+Will Lord Obama Send Americans to Gitmo? Ray McGovern Reports |


+Film: America – From the Road of Freedom to the Streets of Fascism |

*America: From the road of freedom to the streets of fascism - USWGO Alternative News

2:14:23/America: From the Road of Freedom to the Streets of Fascism HQ Full Length (Working copy) - YouTube


+The People Agree - Ron Paul 2012 - YouTube

We Are Going To Kill The Dollar « Your hedge

Why I Don’t Worry About Home Invasions | Before It's News

+New Global Currency Announced | Before It's News

Every American needs to hear this(1 of 2)ex-CIA Analyst Ray McGovern - YouTube

Every American needs to hear this(2 of 2)ex-CIA Analyst Ray McGovern - YouTube

The Pyramids Were Not Tombs. Try Power Stations That Fed The Whole Of Egypt. Tesla Towers. | Before It's News

The secrets hidden in the pyramids of Egypt (Harun Yahya) - YouTube

The Moon, Sun, Coincidences? - I Think Not | Before It's News

Did the Canadian Mint “Disclose”? | Before It's News

2012 FILE #1: Canadian Mint first to DISCLOSE 2011 alien Grey existence or coming event? - YouTube

Benjamin Fulford : North Korea Is An America Colony | Before It's News

Benjamin Fulford on Strange Universe Radio with Sean David Morton - December 29th, 2011 - YouTube

It Is Vitally Important That You Understand | Before It's News

Two Americans Become World’s Newest Saints | Before It's News

5 Unexplained Mysteries Entering 2012 ~ RiseEarth

The Red Giant (Five Reasons Facebook Is Over) | Before It's News

5,000 Year Old Temple Found Could Be More Significant Than Stonehenge | Before It's News

+Mind Control Brain Control Implants | Before It's News

+10 Dr. Seuss Books That Can Be Frightening To Kids | Before It's News

**Check Out Maxim's 2011 Hot 100 Gallery! | Before It's News

The Excavator: Ron Paul Denies That The Bush White House And Shadow CIA Did 9/11 on ABC's This Week

Ron Paul denies ‘9/11 trutherism’ accusation - Election 2012 - The Washington Post

Briefing Depicted Saudis as Enemies (

The LaRouchie defector who's advising the defense establishment on Saudi Arabia. - Slate Magazine

Conspiracy Theorists were RIGHT about 9/11!!! - YouTube

The 9 biggest 9/11 stories of 2011: old fights and new directions | Before It's News

+30 Ways To Save Money | Before It's News

Queen Elizabeth Eats Human Beings? Illuminati/MKUltra Slave Breaks Down (Translated) | Before It's News

Reptilian ate humans illuminati Mind Control ELISABETH II - YouTube

Body Found On Queen Elizabeth II's Sandringham Estate, Police Treat Case As Murder


Eugenics—“The Great Culling” | Before It's News


"The Great Culling" Official Air Trailer - YouTube



ObamaCare's Dangerous Device Tax | Before It's News

Manipulative Aliens With Elites Create False Reality Matrix Against Human Freedoms | Before It's News

2/12 Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: Mars Colony and 2012 - YouTube

40,000 laws passed in the U.S. In 2011 | Before It's News

40,000 Laws Passed In The U.S. In 2011 - YouTube


The Insider’s Guide to Life: If These Ohms Could Talk | Before It's News

35 Terror Training Camps Inside U.S. | Before It's News

2011 Set to Become 10th Warmest Year on Record, 321st Consecutive Month Temps Higher than Average | Before It's News


* DIY Laundry Soap | Before It's News


* Cooking and Recipes@Before It's News


*AllGov - News - 20 Most Popular AllGov Stories—2011

Keiser Report: Breastfeeding the Bankers (E229) - YouTube

30 Statistics That Show That The Middle Class Is Dying Right In Front Of Our Eyes As We Enter 2012 -

New Asian Union Means The Fall Of The Dollar -

2011 – CATCH-22 YEAR IN REVIEW « The Burning Platform

Iran seeking to expand influence in Latin America - The Washington Post

US stunned by 1981 Israeli strike on Iraq: UK files

U.S. Strategic Drone Fleet Infected by Stealthy Keylogger Malware - Security - News & Reviews -

Gary Webb’s Drug War Reporting Vindicated -

+The Real Problem with the National Defense Authorization Act by Laurence M. Vance

‘Egypt the Prize’:The American campaign to hijack the Arab Spring backfires -

SOPA opponents may go nuclear and other 2012 predictions | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

Zbigniew Brzezinksi: After America | StratRisks

Obama Makes Arms Sales A Key Tool Of U.S. Foreign Policy | StratRisks

“For Civil Libertarians, The NDAA Is Our Mayan Moment: 2012 Is When The Nation Embraced Authoritarian Powers With Little More Than A Pause Between Rounds Of Drinks”

Insane Levels of Leverage by the Too Big to Fail Banks – Not Deadbeat Borrowers – Caused the Financial Crisis

Symbolic Pics of the Month (01/12)

WTF is SOPA ? aka The US Government Trying to Ruin the Internet (video)

Street Cams Can Now Tag, Track and Follow Individuals (video)

This is No Game. This is No TV Show. This is War (video)

The National Defense Authorization Act Opens the Door to a Police State

Arab League to Hold Review Session on Syria Observers' Work

With China in Mind, India Calls For Boost in Scientic Research

Senegalese Music Star Youssou N'Dour to Run for President

In Iowa, Republican Presidential Contenders Face First Test

Republican Candidates Make Final Push in Iowa

Firebombs Target NY Mosque, Homes

IBC: 162,000 Reported Deaths in Iraq War

When Can the President Assassinate Americans?

America's Trojan Horse

Obama Arms Sales 'A Striking Departure' From Other Dems

Military Academies Report More Sexual Assaults

Imperialism & the “Anti-Imperialism of the Fools”

The Origins of Imperial Israel- Part I

The Origins of Imperial Israel- Part II


*Articles:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 30, 2011


Derek Prince - Do You Realise How Valuable You Are? - YouTube

Senior Obama Admin Official: “We Are Going to Kill the Dollar” :

The Iowa Caucus: a Ron Paul Win or a GOP Heist?

Radio Zeta: How Mexico's Drug Cartels Stay Networked | Danger Room |

Vatican's official newspaper says science cannot explain Turin Shroud - Telegraph

Mysterious Mass Sacrifice Found Near Ancient Peru Pyramid

Kelleigh Nelson -- The Phony Rightwing: Ron Paul

JPMorgan Swaps Occupying Cassino Prove Curse Like World War II Destruction - Bloomberg

Financial Crises and Narcissism | JR Nyquist | FINANCIAL SENSE

Child sacrificed, liver offered to gods: Indian police - Yahoo! News

When Really Big Human Giants Left Their Imprints On the World; There Were Giants in The Earth in Those Days « The s8intcom Blogger

Activist Post: 10 Things To Do to Survive 2012

Why Libyans Have Fallen Out of Love with Qatar

End of the Pro-democracy Pretense

Americans Greatest Fear

Chris Hedges "Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over & The Descent Is Going To Be Horrifying!"

Conservativism, Compassion, and Cruelty

The Revolution Begins in 2012

The Miracle of Solvency

Seize the Chance to End the Craziness in North Korea

Arab League Mission to Syria Becomes Focus of Demands for Military Intervention

America’s Bloody Clipboard: Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Now Iran

Muslim Haters Tie Iran to 9/11

The Decline of the American Empire

Graphic: Mapping a Superpower-sized Military:

The Plan is for the United States to rule the world

Imperialism and the “Anti-Imperialism of the Fools”

A World in Denial of What It Knows

Why Ron Paul Challenges Liberals

Iran, Another False Enemy?

The Lies of War

How Many U.S. Soldiers Were Wounded in Iraq? Guess Again.

United States As A Global Power: New World Disorder

U.S. Behind Deliberate Murder Of Qadhafi: Russia

Paul Once Criticized Equal Pay, AIDS Patients, Sexual Harassment Victims

Testimony of a Palmach Fighter who Expelled Palestinians During the Nakba

Chavez Speculates On Latin American Presidents with Cancer

Why Are American Citizens Getting Locked Up and Deported By Immigration Authorities?

Time for Supreme Court to Weigh in on Forced DNA Collection

MSNBC Slanders Ron Paul, Badly Misquotes Him From Earlier CNN Interview About Jim Crow Laws - YouTube

VIDEO: US Soldiers Beat Sheep to Death with Baseball Bat - informationliberation

Peter Schiff - Gold in 2012 - YouTube

IRAN Documentary Yesterday and Today : Rick Steves - YouTube

Government Officials Want You to Know that Your Earnings Belong to Them - informationliberation

Ron Paul Callers Vs Neocon Radio Host - informationliberation

Ron Paul slams Barack Obama on drone strikes - James Hohmann -

Ron Paul and the Future of American Foreign Policy by Justin Raimondo --

Obama: Indefinitely Detaining Americans Is Wrong... But Executing Americans Without Trial is A-OK - informationliberation

Audio Page:Anthony Gregory « Antiwar Radio with Scott Horton

Young People More Likely To Favor Socialism Than Capitalism: Pew

Bribery Scandal Almost Nabbed Newt | American Free Press

Did Eric Holder Cover Up FBI’s Role In ’95 OKC Bomb Plot? | American Free Press

Persian Doomsday Scenario Involves Closing of Strait | American Free Press

Military Whistleblower Ends Up Dead | American Free Press

Incarceration Nation | American Free Press

Virgin Mary: Kidnapped And Held For Ransom | American Free Press

Obama’s change: From kidnapping and torture to assassination — RT

Ron Paul Flips Out Over Accusation That He Believed 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

Ron Paul: Civil Rights Act Of 1964 'Destroyed' Privacy

Ron Paul leaves rosy outlooks, campaign promises to the other GOP candidates - The Washington Post

The 10 Most Ridiculous Lawsuits of 2011 - Yahoo! News

Family of six thrown off US Airways flight for trying to fit into just THREE seats | Mail Online

Utah River Rescue: Bystanders Save Children After Crash

VIDEO: Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War

One Day Children Will Ask... "What is War" ... A Message of Hope for 2012

BREAKING: Horn of Africa: US Proxy War in Somalia Veers Towards Regional Conflict

New CIA Drone Bases in Afghanistan and Central Asia

Unmanned drones used within UK civil airspace: Who is ensuring that the public’s privacy and civil liberties are protected?

The Road to a Police State: What is the Status of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012?

Homeland Security's Covert Surveillance of Facebook and Twitter

VIDEO: New Military Detention Powers Threaten Basic Rights

The Federal Reserve is Secretely Bailing out Europe

Hidden Agenda Behind "War on Terror": The Conquest of Oil, Gas, Water and Vital Resources

Government of the Rich, by the Rich and for the Rich

Slip-Sliding to War with Iran: The Stage is Now Set for a New War

War and the Financial Crisis. The Threat to Humanity of a Nuclear War against Iran

Empire and Global Warfare in 2012: NATO as a Global Political and Military Player

Politics and Religion: Israel's Unsustainable Politics of Exclusion in Jerusalem

Ron Paul's Political Platform for America: A Critical Assessment

Grim Economic Prospects for 2012: How the Federal Reserve Overshadows the European Banking System

The Rights of the "Human" over the "Non-Human": The Undeclared World War of Human Rights versus Corporate Rights.

The Mysterious Death of Dr David Kelly: "Subversion of Due Process" of the Law in the United Kingdom

The US Engineered "Arab Spring": The NGO Raids in Egypt

Fuelling World Hunger: How The Global Biofuel Industry Is Creating Massive Destruction

VIDEO: Social Networking Spies: CIA Sifts Social Media Sites

South Caucasus: World's Next Full-Blown War?

The Neoliberal Squeeze on Post-Apartheid Democracy: Reclaiming the "South African Dream"

Britain: Sleepwalking into Fascism

Obama's America: Tyranny and Permanent War

The Empire's Ideology: Imperialism and “Anti-Imperialism of the Fools”

Obama Rings in the New Year By Signing Bill Allowing Indefinite Detention of Americans

"Occupy the Dream": Black Church Revives the Civil Rights Movement.

Imperial Military Adventurism: Tensions Rise as U.S. Imposes 'Nuclear Option' on Iran's Economy

Tyranny in the Forecast: The Outlook for the New Year

How Congress Has Signed Its Own Arrest Warrants in the NDAA Citizen Arrest Act

Final Curtain: Obama Signs Indefinite Detention of Citizens Into Law As Final Act of 2011

UAV Remote Video Warfare: The U.S. has Opened A Pandora's Box with Drones

Hollywood: "War Horses" and the “Great War” of 1914-1918.

Stuxnet weapon has at least 4 cousins: researchers | Reuters


+Alex Jones Covers The Full Spectrum Biological/Eugenics Program Against Humanity | Old-Thinker News


Student privacy at risk from feds—Emmett McGroarty & Jane Robbins -

CGS : Life, Monetized

The End of Free Will? | Think Tank | Big Think


**Conspiracy Theory W/ Jesse Ventura: Secret Societies [Season 1, Episode 5] (Full Length • HD) - YouTube


Tap Water in Neti Pot Kills Two People by Joseph Mercola

Willpower Part I: The Force of Greatness | The Art of Manliness

What's Old Is New Again by Chris Sullivan

Why Dick Morris Fears Ron Paul by Robert Ringer

But Isn't That the People's Job? by Charles H. Featherstone

Do We Really 'Owe It to Ourselves'? by William L. Anderson

Equality Before the Law Finally Achieved by Ryan McMaken

We Don’t Need an Endless State of War With North Korea by Eric Margolis

Iowans, Don’t Let CNN Make Up Your Minds – Support the Guy They Fear by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Militarists, Drug Warriors, and Heresy-Hunters: The Anti–Ron Paul Axis of 'Decency' by William Norman Grigg

The Importance of a Second Slave Card by Jeff Berwick

2011 Year in Review: Signs of an American Spring and a Fourth Turning by David Collum

Hot Trend In 2012: Retailers Turning E-Waste Into Gift Cards | Business News |

The Number One Catastrophic Event That Americans Worry About: Economic Collapse

Avoiding the Danger Zones in the Year Ahead by Bill Bonner

New Study Exposes the "60% Effective" Flu Shot as 98.5% Useless by Joseph Mercola

*Ron Paul: Far Right or Far Left? by Walter Block

Dec 30, 2011 Gold Chart Walk 2012 Morris Hubbartt 321gold ...s ...corr

Long Term Food Storage Basics - How to Pack Rice, Wheat, Beans and Dry Goods - YouTube

Chavez: U.S. May Have Caused My Cancer by Robert Wenzel

You Are Washington's Collateral by Gary North

The Courageous Legacy of Siobhan Reynolds by William L. Anderson

From Israel: Vote Ron Paul and Let My People Go! by Rafi Farber

American Wealth Eroding by Bill Sardi

Lunch With Ron Paul by George F. Smith

Is America Losing Control? by Patrick J. Buchanan

Jim Rogers isn't too optimistic about stock markets in 2012, sees longer term systemic collapse - Business Intelligence Middle East - - News, analysis, reports

Jesse Ventura Endorses Ron Paul as the Only Antiwar Candidate by Kurt Nimmo

The Weight Seemed to Just Shed Off Effortlessly | Mark's Daily Apple

Smear Job | American Free Press

Jesse Ventura Exposes the Bilderberg Group

Time To Throw it in the Woods? by Eric Peters

Santorum Faces Daunting Challenge Beyond Iowa

Economic Crisis Owned by Democrats in Congress

Gingrich: Romney Is a 'Liar'

InsiderAdvantage Poll: Gingrich, Santorum Fighting as 'Anti-Romney'

Santorum Endorsed Romney in 2008

Santorum Haunted by Pro-abortion Specter

Santorum Says Voters Now Believe He Can Take WH

Analysis: Romney Remains Untested in GOP Race

Gingrich: Conservative Voters Will Be Iowa Winners

Romney: U.S. Won't Give a Dollar to Save Europe

Romney: I'll Debate Newt If We're Only Ones Left

Paul Optimistic in Final Hours in Iowa

Palin: I Don't See Myself in GOP Race

S.C.'s Haley Feels Heat After Romney Endorsement

Gingrich: No Work, No Pay for Obama

Ron Paul Returns to Iowa With Son, Rand Paul

Santorum Says Nation Wants Commander in Chief

Sleeper Santorum Shakes Up Iowa

World's Top Economies Face $7.6 Trillion Debt Tabs

Oil Jumps to above $101 on Rising Iran Tensions

Obama Signs Defense Spending Law, With Caveats

Fear Raised Iran May Kill Christian Pastor in Secret

Reports: Lawmakers' Median Net Worth Tops $900K

Obama, Congress Begin 2012 in Oil Pipeline Dispute

'Person of Interest' Detained in LA Car Arson Case

Banned Breast Implants Included Fuel Additives

Inhalable Caffeine to Hit US, Despite Experts' Qualms

Suspect Charged in Texas Airport Explosives Case

Slain Federal Agent Was Getting Dad's Cancer Meds

Rasmussen: GOP's Numbers Up, Democrats' Down

Wash Post: Virginia Ballot Rules Need Revision

Santorum Courts Young Voters in Iowa

George W. Bush Barely Mentioned in GOP Campaign

Paul: A Strong Finish in Iowa Is Important to Race

Mubarak Trial Resumes Amid Acquittal Speculation

Oil Tops $102 on Fears About Iran

UN: More People to Go Hungry as Food Stays Pricey

Men Snag Most New Jobs, Even 'Women's Work'

Buffett’s Defense No Match for S&P 500’s Flat 2011

Lean Beef OK in Cholesterol-Cutting Diet

Fruit, Veggie Lovers Gain Weight, Too

Music Eases Dental Pain

Marathon Legend Uta Pippig: Keep Your Fitness Routine Going

WHO: Bird Flu Research Raises Safety Questions

Underwater Cannon May Help Protect Great Lakes

Islamists Risk Backlash With Shariah 'Solution' in Egypt

Predictions for 2012

12 Predictions for 2012

Gingrich Calls Romney a Liar

Our Innocents Abroad?

Holder's Race-Baiting Ruse Is About Obama’s Reelection, Not Voting Rights

Is America Losing Control?

Gingrich Blasts Romney As a Liar, 'Poll-Driven, Consultant-Guided, Massachusetts Moderate'

Bachmann Predicts Iran Will be ‘One of the Largest Issues of This Campaign’

Grassley: 'I Don't Think There Will Be a Clear Winner in Iowa'

Romney Predicts Victory in Iowa and Beyond

Gingrich: Romney Would Buy White House if He Could

Santorum: 'We Are Looking for a Commander in Chief' -- Not Executive Experience

Virginia GOP Didn't Check 2008 Prez Primary Petitions Against Voter Rolls, Says Board of Elections Chair

Obama Returns to Campaign Trail After Hawaii Vacation: Next Stop, Ohio

German Man Arrested in Los Angeles Arson Spree

New U.N. Food Chief Expects Price Volatility, More Hunger in 2012

Russia's Putin Dreams of Sweeping Eurasian Union

Cruise's 'Mission' Maintains Altitude With $38.3M

Media Mogul Rupert Murdoch Takes to Twitter

Settlement in Elly Mae Clampett Barbie Doll Suit

Iran's Army Chief Warns U.S. Carrier Not to Return to Persian Gulf

Iran Says It's Produced First Nuclear Fuel Rod

Woman Reunites With Biological Child 77 Years Later

Worn-Out Sandals Become a Symbol for Injustice in Indonesia

Mount Rainier National Park Remains Closed After 'Horrific Experience'

Obama, Congress Begin 2012 in Dispute Over Oil Pipeline

Hours From Voting, Iowa Still Unpredictable

Looking Past Iowa, Perry Works for a Reboot in S.C.

Paul Views His Campaign As a Movement to End Government Waste

‘Fast and Furious’ Linked to Immunity Deal Between U.S. and Sinaloa Cartel, Trafficking Defendant Alleges in Court Papers |

Wastewater Well in Ohio Triggering Earthquakes, Seismologist Says |

Chris Hedges "Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over & The Descent Is Going To Be Horrifying!" - YouTube

Media Lies and the Onset of War - YouTube

"Iowa's Choice: Liberty or Death (Ron Paul 2012 Rap Song)" by Smiley Chris MUST SEE!!!! - YouTube

12 year old Testifies in U S Senate Hearing - YouTube

Activist Post: Leaked: US to Start ‘Trade Wars’ with Nations Opposed to Monsanto, GMO Crops

Activist Post: Edible Mushrooms: Nature's Most Researched Anti-Cancer Agent

Activist Post: The Lion and the Ox: The Winter of Our Discontent

Activist Post: The Fine Line between Fear and Realism

Seeing Through The Apocalypse | Before It's News

Activist Post: To Uncle Sam Social Activism Equals Terrorism

Activist Post: Is Monsanto's Herbicide Harming Male Fertility?

Activist Post: Massive New Lawsuit Filed Against U.S. Federal Government in Bond Theft Scheme

Activist Post: H5N1 Bird Flu Strikes China Following Bioterrorism Study Release Controversy

Activist Post: Lighting Your Way With Chemical Lighting

Activist Post: Top Survival Articles From 2011 to Help Prepare For 2012

Activist Post: Monsanto’s GMO Crops Ravage US, USDA Ignores Dangers

Dead blackbirds fall again in Arkansas town - Yahoo! News

Activist Post: Game Over: Tyranny Revealed

Activist Post: Inside The Media Assault Against Ron Paul and Independent Liberty

Activist Post: Haiti: Seven Places Where the Earthquake Money Did and Did Not Go

Activist Post: How Your Taxes are Being Used by the Government to Produce Junk Food

Activist Post: 9 Ways to Boost Your Immune System and Avoid Being a Victim of the Flu Season

Activist Post: FDA Claims Walnuts to be Illegal Drugs -- Government Lunacy at its Best

Activist Post: Fluoride: they've known the dangers all along

Colorado lawmaker wants to make it more difficult for parents to divorce

Lawsuit Claims Maryland Not Doing Enough to Desegregate Schools

Latin oil supplies for U.S. start to dry up

Billions needed to upgrade America’s leaky water infrastructure

Iowa GOP chairman predicts high turnout, unpredictable finish

School principal who pinched male students reassigned by Fort Worth schools

McConnell, Boehner face tough job of smoothing tensions when they return

Supreme Court case involving Idaho lake house ignites conservative cause against EPA

Police Probe Arson Attacks at Four New York Religious Sites

Biden to take the lead in formulating the administration's China policy

North Dakota oil boom fuels real estate sales in Arizona

UK police: Murder suspected on queen's estate

Virginia Attorney General Backs Off Call to Change Ballot Rules Before Primary

State proposes bear-proof garbage cans in NW Fla

Celebratory Gunshot Fired Miles Away May Have Critically Injured Florida Boy

Gun makers baffled by ATF criteria for whether a gun is legal

Dylan Ratigan With Author Ron Suskind: "Tim Geithner Ran The White House, Stopped Attorney General Eric Holder From Prosecuting Wall Street" - Home - The Daily Bail

Obama And The Rule Of Law On Wall Street - Home - The Daily Bail

DHS Invades NHL With See Something Say Something Fear Campaign :

poorrichard's blog: Oath Keepers Launches Effort to Recall Members of Congress

Activist Post: Appeals Court Revives EFF's Challenge to Government's Massive Spying Program

Richard Geldard: The Bain of Romney's Existence

JP Morgan Targeted For MBS Lawsuits, Romney Would Raise SS & Medicare Eligibility Age, Why Ron Paul Wants To Eliminate The Department Of Education (LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

Wiretap mosques, Romney suggests - The Boston Globe

Revolutionary Politics : NEWT GINGRICH "FAKE" TEARS OVER MOM

Whistleblower Exposes $2B Pension Fraud At BNY Mellon - Home - The Daily Bail

LIKE A CROCK - How The Hell Did GM Pay Back Its Loans "In Full And Ahead of Schedule?" Well, It Didn't - Home - The Daily Bail

Gerald Celente - Brian Sussman KFSO - 22 December 2011 - YouTube

An “Historic Partnership” With The Devil – An Analysis by Dr. Lawrence Davidson   | Intifada Palestine

2011 the year of OWS - YouTube

Crackpot Anti-Islam Activists, “Serial Fabricators” and the Tale of Iran and 9/11 | Intifada Palestine

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Interview with Karen Kwiatkowski

Karen Kwiatkowski for congress (a Ron Paul Republican) - YouTube

Sherrie Questioning All: VERY IMPORTANT - All State's Primary rules information. Know if you need to switch to Republican weeks in advance to vote for Ron Paul

U.S. Navy Starts Delivering Drones Using Balloons and Submarines - IEEE Spectrum

Activist Post: GM Foods Touted “Benefits” are Actually False Claims

In a switch, Ron Paul ignores the media - Keach Hagey and James Hohmann -

Michael Moore: 75 Years Ago Today, the First Occupy

Revolutionary Politics : Thomas Sowell - What Are They (Politicians) Buying?

3.5 Million Homeless and 18.5 Million Vacant Homes in the US | Occupy America

poorrichard's blog: How the Globalists Have Destroyed Free Markets to Introduce the New World Order

Presidential Candidate Ron Paul Slams SOPA | TorrentFreak

GOP Will Take Off the Gloves if Ron Paul Wins Iowa » Patrick J. Buchanan - Official Website

Ron Paul Had Accurate Conspiracy Theory: CIA Was Tied To Drug Traffickers - 12160

Ron Paul: Iowa Vote Fraud - YouTube

Mitt Flop Romney vs Mitt Flop Romney - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Expect Tyranny in 2012

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul : "My Policies are Not Strange My Policies are What Mainstream Americans WANT!"


Iran Nuclear Program: Country Proposes New Nuclear Talks With World Powers

Tale Of The TARP Two Years Later: How The Elite Media Perpetuated The Lies - Home - The Daily Bail

Ralph Nader, Ron Paul, Kucinich & Chomsky: "End The Left-Right Delusion, Corporatism Is The TRUE Enemy" - Home - The Daily Bail

RT's Best of 2011 - YouTube

An execrable ancestor

It's about beating the Establishment - YouTube

Ron Paul’s Good Name Can’t Be Ruined By Scared Media Maggots : Truth is Contagious

Walnuts Are Drugs, Says FDA

Gingrich Floats Choosing Sarah Palin as Vice President, Energy Secretary | Right Wing Watch

Jewry's Push To Stop Ron Paul - YouTube

2011: Piracy Wars and Internet Censorship - 12160

poorrichard's blog: Why Ron Paul Matters

Mitt Romney Doesn't Want To Snuff Big Bird, Just Whore Him Out | Ology

Revolutionary Politics : How to Make History for Ron Paul 2012

Revolutionary Politics : "Why Are We Threatening To Spread The War Into Iran!" Ron Paul (2007)

Noam Chomsky On Tim Geithner & The Bankster Class - Home - The Daily Bail

poorrichard's blog: Post-Gadhafi Libya: Naked Neo-Imperialism

Robert Fisk: Bankers Are The Dictators Of The West - Home - The Daily Bail

Howard Stern praises Ron Paul! - YouTube

Refreshing News: How do the American presidential elections work?

TOP Secret Government Facility (holds Flight 93 evidence) - YouTube

poorrichard's blog: Fuelling World Hunger: How The Global Biofuel Industry Is Creating Massive Destruction


Wellstone: They Killed Him - preview - YouTube


*Wellstone: They Killed Him DVD - Documentary on the questions around the death of Senator Paul Wellstone - a production for truth


The year of dissent: Anarchy in the UK - YouTube

The year of dissent: 'Occupied' America - YouTube

Romney loses cool with reporter that catches him in a lie - YouTube

poorrichard's blog: Standing Up to the NeoCon War Crowd – Nuremberg Style

Mitt Romney- Corporations Are People! - YouTube

Michele Bachmann Expecting Divine Intervention to Win Iowa Caucuses - ABC News

Jews for Ron Paul, by Walter Block - YouTube

Santorum's Residency is Still an Issue - Plum-Oakmont, PA Patch

2012 Crackdown Coming - YouTube

Michael Scheuer Endorses Ron Paul for President

Ron Paul Dominates Patch Polls - Concord, NH Patch

Locals Say Ron Paul is a Front-runner for a Reason - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul and Benjamin Netanyahu - Israel can defend itself

Refreshing News: 'Wikipedia of Maps' Challenges Google

The Four Horsemen - Official Film Trailer - Home - The Daily Bail

Mainstream Media keeps al-Qaeda Myth Alive | My Catbird Seat

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul Getting Standing Ovations From Iowa Audiences When He Talks About Bringing The Troops

The Filthy Little Atheist … Founding Father | Disinformation

Fox News implies AIDS is a Homosexual Disease - YouTube

Archived-Articles: CRU's Source Code: Climategate Uncovered

Climategate: The Smoking Code – Infowars Ireland


+Ron Paul Interview On Fox News Sunday 01/01/12 - YouTube

+Ron Paul Interview On CNN's State Of The Union 01/01/12 - YouTube

+Ron Paul ABC This Week Interview 01/01/12 - YouTube


Wolf Blitzer versus David Duke - YouTube

poorrichard's blog: 'Invading Iran is invading Russia, China'

Republicans who hate Obama ought to love Ron Paul - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : The Final Loss of Freedom in America NDAA.

Lone Star Watchdog: Ron Paul Rising Seperates the Phony Conservatives from the Real Patriots

A Free Thinker's Journey: AZ - Natl. Guard presence at border to be reduced

Revolutionary Politics : "If This Race Is About President Obama He Will Lose!"

Linking 9/11 Truth to the Israel-Palestine Conflict | My Catbird Seat

Robert Naiman: Dewey Defeats Truman: CNN Excludes Democrats and Independents From Iowa Caucus Poll

Lone Star Watchdog: Tyrants Beware:2012 Could Be the Year of Unintended Consequences

Ron Paul vs. Neocons - YouTube

Norman Finkelstein: There was NO WAR in GAZA, it was a MASSACRE - YouTube

Obama's Сhange: From kidnapping & torture to assassination - YouTube

BREAKING: Man arrested protesting Ron Paul was uploader of video threatening to “shut down” Iowa caucuses - The End Run

poorrichard's blog: Ron Paul Calls National Defense Authorization Act "Slip Into Tyranny"

poorrichard's blog: How Many U.S. Soldiers Were Wounded in Iraq? Guess Again.

How Mitt Romney made his huge fortune - Boston Globe expose

Opinion: Mitt Romney is no George Romney - Matthew Dallek -

Revolutionary Politics : Legendary Investor Jim Rogers Only Ron Paul Has Clue

Vote Fraud: What Ron Paul Supporters Must Do To Win the Iowa Caucus

Media AWOL in exposing Iraq War’s years of ineptitude - Edward Wasserman -

Ron Paul Ad - Believe ( Airing in New Hampshire and Boston ) - YouTube

Ron Paul Foreign Policy Vs Romney, Santorum - YouTube

Exclusive: Romney Family Investment Group Partnered With Alleged Perpetrators Of $8 Billion Ponzi Scheme | ThinkProgress

Romney would up defense aid to Israel - JPost - International

Romney & Obama Agree on Iran: Keep Up Aggression, Impede Peace « Blog

NH Paper Rips Paul And His Supporters - Portland News Story - WMTW Portland

The Iowa Caucus: a Ron Paul Win or a GOP Heist? :

Lone Star Watchdog: The Other Surge in Iowa Besides Ron Paul is the Neo Cons in FEAR of a Victory for Dr. No

'All-American Muslim' focuses on 10th anniversary of 9/11 | PopWatch |

28c3: The coming war on general computation - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Aaron Russo talks with Ron Paul - The Crimes of the Federal Reserve

John McCain calls JFK's assassination an "intervention" - YouTube

Fake "Mitt Romney" Endorses Ron Paul before Iowa Caucus - YouTube

Corporate Media quit asking the same stupid questions - YouTube

Adam & The Constitution VS Mitt Romney - YouTube

PROOF - MSNBC Purposely Misquotes Ron Paul - YouTube

Something Rotten in Iowa? The “Hacktivist Threat” Timeline - The End Run

Revolutionary Politics : Jim Rogers - Combination of the Federal Government and the Central Bank Biggest Threat in 2012!!!

Revolutionary Politics : MAINSTREAM MEDIA BIAS - MSNBC Changes Slanderous Ron Paul Misquote

poorrichard's blog: Rick Santorum: 'I will bomb Iran's nuclear facilities'

Lessons in American History: Scapegoating | Veterans Today

The BRAD BLOG : Great (if Hypocritical) News! Iowa GOP Caucuses Will Vote on Publicly Hand-Counted Paper Ballots!

Ron Paul Stumping In Iowa, Gets Cut Off By CNN As Soon As He Brings Up The NDAA - YouTube

Ron Paul "I See The Citing Of Polls Sometimes As Orchestrated For A Purpose" - YouTube

We Are Going To Kill The Dollar - YouTube

Ron Paul - Watch this presentation to see why so many people are endorsing Ron Paul for President - YouTube


*'06/CREW Releases Second Annual Most Corrupt Members of Congress Report | CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington


**Presenting 2011's Top 10 Most Corrupt American Politicians | ZeroHedge


poorrichard's blog: The Outlook for the New Year.

Scumbag Neocon Hypocrite Michael Savage Makes Baseless Attacks on Ron Paul - YouTube

Our gold is your gold - YouTube

Dana Bash On Ron Paul - YouTube

The 6 Most Ridiculous Abuses of Diplomatic Immunity |

A VIP Pass to Cover the Caucuses : CJR

Votefraud Obama and Paul in New Hampshire? - It would only be history repeating - DeepJournal » Exclusive: Republican Strategist Says Iowa GOP Will Not Allow Paul To Win

RDR: The Bachmann bus runs out of road

Taking to Twitter, Murdoch Signals Support for Santorum -

poorrichard's blog: Egypt Muslim Brotherhood 'never' to recognize Israel

poorrichard's blog: Rothschild Proxies Destabilize Syria

Rick Santorum’s curious closing argument - The Washington Post

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Ron Paul in the news in Japan

2012 Campaign: The United States of “Israel”? | Intifada Palestine

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "I See The Citing Of Polls Sometimes As Orchestrated For A Purpose"

Revolutionary Politics : ACLU Report Card Puts Ron Paul Above President Obama!

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul Expects "Dramatic Good News" Night Before Iowa Caucus

Refreshing News: Cantor refuses to admit Reagan raised taxes

Daily Kos: Mitt Romney layoff victim speaks: 'It was all about profit before people'

Activist Post: Racist Issue: Ron Paul Vs. Collectivism

Goodbye to 2011, Year of the Rabbit, Welcome 2012, Year of the Dragon | My Catbird Seat

Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” for 2011 | Judicial Watch

Former Gary Johnson NH Staffers Back Ron Paul - Concord, NH Patch

Why Ron Paul Appeals to Democrats and Independents in Iowa | Swampland |

Facebook Takes Down Abortion Information...Then Says It Was a Mistake

Forget Iowa: GOP Always Nominates 'Next in Line'

BofA Initiates New Loan Sharking Program - Excuse Me, Rate Hikes - For Small Business

Iowa Caucus Preview

Iowans head to caucus with election stakes high | Reuters

LA arson fires: Police probe immigration link to German arrested | Mail Online

Children becoming 'addicted' to computers - Telegraph

Palin On Michele Bachmann: It's Not Her Time | RealClearPolitics

Seven-Peak Climbing Record Set By 15-Year-Old : Discovery News

Rush Limbaugh: Don’t Write Off Rick Perry

Rush Limbaugh Predicted Newt Would Implode

Rush: We’re Sitting On A Potential Gold Mine With The Right Nominee. There’s No Reason To Nominate A Moderate.

Limbaugh: Sarah Palin Gives Michele Bachmann The Kiss Of Death

Limbaugh: Democrats Are Doing Their Own Version Of ‘Operation Chaos’ With Ron Paul


The Alex Jones Show 01-02-12 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 01-02-12 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 01-02-12 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 01-02-12 Hr 4

The Alex Jones Show 01-01-12 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 01-01-12 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 12-30-11 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 12-30-11 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 12-30-11 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 12-30-11 Hr 4


Iowa Caucuses Straight Ahead «

Santorum Lashes Out At Ron Paul: Calls Iowa Front Runner “Disgusting”

Host Host Host Host Sons of Liberty Alex Jones Show Encore Nutrimedical Report Dead Doctors Don't Lie CLICK HERE TO LISTEN LIVE Berkey Hemp USA Cross Breed Holsters The Freeze Dry Guy Emergency Seed Bank Believe: Ron Paul Releases ‘Closing Argument’ Ad

Radio Host Levin Threatens to Defeat Rand Paul

Republican Insider: GOP Establishment Planning To Subvert Iowa to Prevent Ron Paul Win

Tonight’s Iowa Vote Count To Take Place At Secret Location

Josh Tolley: Gingrich and Romney: A Larger Threat to America than Any Terrorist!

Financial Troubles For Many Nations In The New Year

Dr. Taitz, Esq. has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles. Thank you god!!! I am ready to cry! After 3 years of battle for the first time a judge ruled that Obama’s motion to dismiss is denied. I can now depose Obama and everybody else envolved without any impediment.

Tepco: Recent quake caused water level drop in tank next to Spent Fuel Pool No. 4 «

STRANGE: Former editor of Japan Times Weekly concerned about mutated raccoon dogs attacking humans — “These are the animals I’m really worried about” after Fukushima (VIDEO) «

Ron Paul "I Would Say The American People Are With Me More Now Then Ever Before!" - YouTube

The Ron Paul Chronicles - YouTube

Dana Bash On Ron Paul - YouTube

Santorum proposes bombing Iran’s nuclear facilities | The Raw Story

Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War - YouTube

Post-Gadhafi Libya: Naked Neo-Imperialism - YouTube

Sinking of South korean Cheonan a False Flag - YouTube

North Korea the Least Assimilated Country on Earth - YouTube

Anthony Atala: Printing A Human Kidney

0.5 Microsievert/Hr Radiation on Tohoku Shinkansen (Bullet Train) Trip To Fukushima | EX-SKF

Update: MSNBC Changes Slanderous Ron Paul Misquote - YouTube

Nancy Banks on Vaccines - YouTube

Rense & Kirwan - Congress Should Be In Jail - YouTube

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - 1948 IDF veteran soldier tells the truth about the Nakba (must watch)

Kill The Empire: Webster G. Tarpley's Critique Of Ron Paul's Austerity Plan

Michael Scheuer Endorses Ron Paul for President

Will Google, Amazon, And Facebook Black Out The Net? | Fox News

poorrichard's blog: Softening Up Iran for the Final Attack By Wayne Madsen

Choose The Liberty Party Or The Tyranny Party - YouTube - UFOs as Mind-Control

Bugs may be resistant to genetically modified corn |

Obama's America - Tyranny And Permanent War

Iraq - The Legacy Of Deception And Its Costs

GM Foods Touted "Benefits" are Actually False Claims | Natural Society

Hugo Chavez says US is giving South American leaders cancer | Mail Online

The Associated Press: Occupy protesters arrested at Paul, Democratic HQ

So Who Is Behind The Ron Paul Attacks? | ChrisInMaryville's Blog


H.R. 3166 - of H.R. 3166: Enemy Expatriation Act)

Read The Bill: S. 1698 - (Text of S. 1698: Enemy Expatriation Act)


Antidepressant use in England soars | Society | The Guardian

WHO "deeply concerned" by mutated birdflu research - Yahoo!

Rootworm beetle is developing resistance to GM corn's defenses, say scientists | Mail Online

China declares plans for mission to the moon - Telegraph

Saudi Arabian State Terror

Paul Drockton: SPLC and the Business of Hate

'Israel govt most fascist in history' - YouTube

Strait of Hormuz standoff: Iran films US aircraft carrier - Telegraph

The Next Step by Eric Peters

A Run On The Global Banking System - How Close Are We? | Before It's News


Satellite Studies Reveal Groundwater Depletion | Global Warming is Real: Climate - Energy - Sustainability

Mainstream Medical Pharma Science Goes Against Nature | Natural Society

Authorities: Abortion doctors charged with murder - Yahoo! News

Chinese Central Banker Declares That 'Gold Is The Only Safe Haven Left'

Cagle Post » Open Up and Say “Ahh”

GMO Seed Use to Expand in Michigan | Natural Society

US Civilians Are Now Helping Decide Who To Kill With Military Drones

The Arms Race-Israel News - Haaretz Israeli News source.

Motor City's perishing parishes: Haunting pictures of abandoned Detroit churches paint desperate picture of life in America | Mail Online

Imperial overdrive: Red alert over Iran — RT

Amazing photos of Kanzi the bonobo lighting a fire and cooking a meal - Telegraph

Bird flu virus kills Chinese man | World news |

Bonfire of the dictators - Middle East - World - The Independent

Robert Fisk: France's shamefully forgotten allies - Robert Fisk - Commentators - The Independent - Zionists Funded Both Hitler & Churchill

'Euro will be stable' claim is ridiculed - Telegraph

Loss of faith in democracy could make 2012 the most frightening year ever | Mail Online

Gerald Celente - Brian Sussman KFSO - 22 December 2011 - YouTube

Arab League presence gives cover to Syrian protesters | World news | The Guardian


Major Israeli businesses helped quadruple donations to right-wing Im Tirtzu movement - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Proof Obama Will NOT Veto NDAA 1031 Bill that can Indefinitely Detain Americans! - YouTube

Obama Signs $662B Defense Authorization Bill


Uninsured bargain hunting Groupon for health care ...with some savings better than insurance! | Mail Online

FDA draws criticism after U-turn on antibiotics in animal feed | World news |

The Average American Ate (Literally) A Ton This Year

Golf cart horns, efficient light bulbs and the end of happy hour: The 40,000 new laws set to go into effect at midnight | Mail Online

Iraq and Afghanistan: Aggression Ends but War Continues | Opinion Maker

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - "It's a Trick, We Always Use It." (calling people "anti-Semitic")

No 'Military' Mission Accomplished... Destroy America Accomplished

Eastern Ohio Rattled By 4.0-Magnitude Earthquake - News Story - KTVZ Bend

The US Engineered "Arab Spring": The NGO Raids in Egypt

New CIA Drone Bases in Afghanistan and Central Asia

Arab League Mission To Syria Becomes Focus Of Demands For Military Intervention

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Who Said Israel Has A Right To Exist?

Jewry’s Push To Stop Ron Paul | Real Zionist News

US military chief to visit Israel to reassure on Iran « The Ugly Truth

U.S. in $3.5 billion arms sale to UAE amid Iran tensions - Yahoo! News

Iran proposes to reopen nuclear talks | World news |

OpEdNews - Virginia GOP Will Require Voters To Sign "Loyalty Oath"

From Israel: Vote Ron Paul and Let My People Go!

Ron Paul: Sanctions against Iran are 'acts of war' -

Iowa's GOP caucuses may see some Democratic defectors -

With 48 hours left, Romney eyes Iowa breakthrough | Reuters

Nicolas Sarkozy becomes Angela Merkel's tipsy butler in YouTube satire - Telegraph

iraq war: us soldier throws his medals and stars!!! and quits - YouTube

The real terrorist was me US Soldier - - YouTube

Horror as U.S. soldiers blow up a dog in Iraq (and film it) | Mail Online

The New Scenario ; The emerging geo-political situation in Af-Pak region| Opinion Maker

"No Pants Day" in Taiwan - Free Talk - China Forum

Dramatic artwork by US soldiers shows a century of war through their eyes | Mail Online

How a routine jab sent me so mad I sobbed (and saluted) through the Royal Wedding - then became convinced I was the Messiah... | Mail Online

Revealed: true scale of breast implant scandal - Telegraph

Video: Wildfires shut down Chile's Torres del Paine national park - Telegraph

Chile detains Israeli tourist in major forest fire | World news | The Guardian

Nigeria declares state of emergency in northern regions - Telegraph

Appalling Bahrain Prison Conditions And Treatment

Will 2012 Bring Tribal War to Libya? | Opinion Maker

Patrick Cockburn: Are we witnessing the final disintegration of Iraq? - Commentators - Opinion - The Independent

Obama signs 'toughest yet' Iran sanctions | Americas | Deutsche Welle | 01.01.2012

Caesar In Amerika!

Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War - YouTube - Rothschild Proxies Destabilize Syria


Post-Gadhafi Libya: Naked Neo-Imperialism - YouTube

Militants agree to truce with Pakistan, unite against NATO | McClatchy

North Korea the Least Assimilated Country on Earth - YouTube

US Trade Wars with Nations Against Monsanto, GMO Crops | Natural Society

DC Politics Is An Un-American Fascist Scam

Scientists develop drought-tolerant alfalfa - Technology & science - Science -

Human remains found on UK queen's estate - Yahoo! News

Santorum sends Iowa caucus rivals scrambling | Reuters

CREW Releases Second Annual Most Corrupt Members of Congress Report | CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington

Tom Heneghan (Tom Heneghan's EXPLOSIVE Intelligence Briefing) | blog on Myspace

The Iowa Caucus: a Ron Paul Win or a GOP Heist?

Gingrich Kills Chapter on Climate Change in Upcoming Book - Sarah Huisenga -

‘Taliban hit Bagram base, kill US forces’ | IRISHTIMEZ.COM - Breaking the truth from Ireland

Arab League says Syria monitors are helping | Reuters

Iran: U.S. In 'No Position' To Give Orders On Strait Of Hormuz | Fox News

Fars News Agency :: Iran Registers Five-Time Growth in Exports despite Sanctions

Iran test fires battleship-sinking missile - Telegraph

Chinese President Hu Jintao warns of cultural warfare from West - Telegraph

Sinking of South korean Cheonan a False Flag - YouTube

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Star of David & Islamophobia

PressTV - 'Invading Iran is invading Russia, China'

Iran: Ahmadinejad says sanctions will be met with 'force' - Adnkronos Security

Iran currency plunges 10% as US strengthens sanctions | World news | The Guardian

The Globalization of War: The "Military Roadmap" to World War III

Breaking the Silence › Israeli soldiers talk about the occupied territories

While America shuts down fire houses, cuts infant nutrition, US subsidizes Israel army sushi courses | The Electronic Intifada

Settlers ‘Help’ Soldiers Man Roadblocks :: :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]

Roy Tov – April 2012: Battle of Migron

The Daily Bell - Catherine Austin Fitts on Wall Street's Corruption, the Austrian School and Who's 'Really' in Charge

Air Force buys an Avenger, its biggest and fastest armed drone -


CIA installed nuclear surveillance device atop Himalayas mountains «

Obama’s change: From kidnapping and torture to assassination — RT

OpEdNews - Article: It's Official: Gov Stats Shows the Middle Class is Dead

The Chinese want to buy Yahoo! — RT

BBC News - Chinese factories get end of year production boost

Build-A-Bear Workshop Recalls 300,000 'Colorful Heart' Teddy Bears

Crocodiles used as nuclear plant security |

Denmark Takes Over EU Presidency, Ireland Takes Helm At OSCE

Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam

Presidents Crocodile Tears Secure His Income For 2012 « Kawther Salam

10 Things To Do to Survive 2012 | Pakalert Press

Which Came First? |

The Associated Press: Argentine leader's cancer forces her to delegate

Former Argentine spy chief shot dead in Patagonia - Telegraph

Nearly 1,000 serving police officers and PCSOs have a criminal record - Telegraph

Power outages led to waste treatment plant failures -

Who killed Jesus? Fury at online poll as Fox forced to apologise | Mail Online

Nasa's twin Grail probes reunite over surface of moon | Mail Online

Unmanned drones used within UK civil airspace: Who is ensuring that the public’s privacy and civil liberties are protected?


Devvy - The Constitutional Militia IS Your Duty - Part 1

Devvy - The Constitutional Militia IS Your Duty - Part 2


Deep Gulf drilling thrives 18 mos. after BP spill | World news | The Guardian

Dead blackbirds fall again in Arkansas town - Yahoo! News

Jewish Man Exposes Israel's Lies - YouTube

Orthodox Judaism treats women like filthy little things - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Islamophobic Harry’s Place thanks its Jewish Anti Zionist Collaborators

Iran fires medium-range missile during Strait of Hormuz naval drill - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

565 foreign troops killed in Afghan unrest | Herald Sun

Obama's New Year Resolution - More Middle East War

Progressives and the Ron Paul fallacies - Glenn Greenwald -

Jews for Ron Paul, by Walter Block - YouTube


Ron Paul Mud Slinging Campaign Underway - YouTube

Ron Paul Furious About Indefinite Detention Act (NDAA) - YouTube

Rense & Rosa Koire - Agenda 21 Eco Terror War - YouTube

Libyan rebel chief warns Egypt over pro-Gaddafi TV Reuters

2012's Freedom From Responsibility

How Many U.S. Soldiers Were Wounded in Iraq? Guess Again. : Information Clearing House

Grim Economic Prospects for 2012: How the Federal Reserve Overshadows the European Banking System

Americans buy record numbers of guns for Christmas - Telegraph

Maddow - Ron Paul Is The Only Presidential Candidate That Doesn't Want To Start Another War! - YouTube

Ron Paul Will Win in the End - "The Hunger Games" - Satanic Ritual for Teens

Dead blackbirds over Beebe: Sign of apocalypse as thousands die on New Year's Eve? | Mail Online

Ratcheting Up Middle East Tensions


Radionuclides from the Fukushima accident... [J Environ Radioact. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI

H3N2v: How a New Swine Flu Virus Could Complicate Influenza Season | Healthland |

Infertility breakthrough as scientists grow sperm outside the body | Mail Online

Revealed: The 'near criminal' mix of chemicals used in the breast implant debacle | Mail Online

Junk food really DOES mess with your brain! Research shows trans fats causes brain damage | Mail Online

New 'silent camera' apps cause plague of voyeurism in Japan | Mail Online

Children becoming 'addicted' to computers - Telegraph

Mystery as 20 TONNES of fish wash up on Kvaenes beach in Norway | Mail Online

Is a super-volcano at Laacher See lake in Germany about to blow? | Mail Online

China's tomb raiders laying waste to thousands of years of history | World news |

Chile detains Israeli tourist in major forest fire - Yahoo! News

Aum Shinrikyo cult fugitive turns himself in after 16 years | World news |

Lunar orbiter captures close-up views of two-mile-deep crater on moon | Mail Online

Indian girl, 7, murdered and has liver cut out in sacrifice to the gods for a better harvest | Mail Online

Are there any companies who believe in Freedom of the Press & the First Amendment? « Larry Sinclair

Are You A Martian? We All Could Be, Scientists Say And An MIT-Developed Instrument Might Someday Provide The Proof | Pakalert Press


Smashing Greater Central Asia-Part One

Smashing Greater Central AsiaPart 2

Smashing Greater Central Asia- art III

Smashing Greater Central Asia – Part IV


Pentagon sabotaging the White House

Bring The Devil To The Knees!

Alejandro Rojas: Scientists Suggest Moon Photos May Reveal Extraterrestrial Visitation

MDC-T senator died of bird flu

Gordon Brown's Downing Street emails 'hacked' - Crime - UK - The Independent

Why Larry Sinclair story matters in 2012, Part I of III « Larry Sinclair

Part II of III “Why Sinclair story matters in 2012″ delayed « Larry Sinclair

The Beatles - The REAL First Chord of "A Hard Day's Night" - YouTube

Randy Bachman’s Guitarology 101 on CBC ; Vinyl Tap /Past Episodes(

Americans Elect: Obama's Third-Party Tar Pit

The Stratfor Scandal

Why the Left Fears You

Anybody but Mitt is Obama

Victimology and the Phony 'Digital Divide'

The Case against Presidential Primaries

Why the Decline of Violence?

Witch Hunt in the Heartland

New Nationwide FEMA Camps Should Raise Eyebrows

Unlimited Domestic Energy...Right Now

U.S. Delusional about Arab Spring, Iran Insists

Hawkeye Hoopla and the Rueful Paul Reality

The Second Coming of Huey Long and Father Coughlin

Two Silly Notions: Biofuel Mandates as Carbon Neutral and Rhino Horn Medicine

Invented People or Invented History?

Constitutional Education at Your Fingertips

Will the Animosity against Israelis ever End?

The Angel Chorus in Judeo-Christian Civilization

Embarrassed to be a Jew

New TV Show Idea: All-American Christian

America: The Living Portrait of Dorian Gray

United Nations and Israeli settlements

It's anybody's game in Iowa

Panetta to unveil plan to decimate the military

Alan Colmes is a heartless monster

What is it that they want? OWS protestors disrupt Romney rally

Consumer spending outlook for 2012: 'Tepid'

Dem party affilliation slipping

If Israel Falls, There Will Be Hell to Pay

Palin warms to Paul

Charges against Mubarak may be dropped

Judaism Fits With Economic Conservatism, Not Liberalism

Iranian currency plunges in wake of US sanctions

Syrian army pulls back from cities says Arab League

Military Intelligence is not an oxymoron

RIP: Tax credit for ethanol (maybe)

'You can't solve a debt problem with more debt'

'Person of interest' detained in Hollywood arson fires

Romney takes slim lead into final day of Iowa campaigning

Hamas makes bid for Muslim Bortherhood membership

High school diploma requirement might violate the law - EEOC

The real reason for Michelle Obama's 'food deserts'

68 OWS protestors arrested in New York

Intellectual Freedom Buried Yet Again

'Should the US cut off aid to Egyptian military?'

From our 'What the heck were they thinking?' file

Occupy protestors to run float in Tournament of Roses Parade

Youth vote up for grabs in 2012

Another electric car company backed by DoE loan guarantees in trouble

Obama fundraiser found guilty of bank fraud

Ron Paul blames the Jews for '93 WTC bombing

The Philosophy of LIberty

Warning: Being politically correct can be hazardous to your health

Court upholds immunity for telecoms in government wiretap case

Monitors or not, attacks by Syrian forces on protestors continue

Egyptian government shuts down offices of US election monitors

Pakistani death squads target American informants in Afghanistan

Ethanol subsidies not renewed. Taxpayers and families hardest hit

Upset about Big Brother's Ban on Incandescent Bulbs? Buy a Heatball!

IDF's unparalleled record of sparing civilians in counter-terrorism operations

Americans identify with GOP positions more than Democrats

Don't Underestimate the Power of Social Networking

Gulf Coast rebound defies Obama's doomsaying

Chavez alleges US behind his, and his allies' illnesses

Obama's Foreign Policy

Leftist Talking Points of 2011

The Death of DeSoto and the Decline of the American Auto Industry

The Case for the Lady with the Titanium Spine

Four Brokered Convention Prospects

America Loses If Obama Wins

European Health Care: Economic Malpractice

Teddy vs. Calvin

Our Forefathers' Business

Remembering Baroness Thatcher

Our Growing Police State

To Get Ron Paul's Insanity, You Have To Understand Libertarianism

The Age of Race- and Politics-Based Law Enforcement

Division By ZerO

2012: The Mess Gets Messier

The Democratic Party's War on the Poor

It’s not the Tea Party branching off but Ron Paul leaving the pack that poses danger

The coming war inside America

Ten Months and Counting

Surprising Top Ten List of Anti-Christian Acts of 2011 by DefendChristians.Org

Is Israeli society unraveling?

Obama Announces he can imprison anyone he chooses…IF he chooses to do so

The Essential Lies Underneath Occupy Wall Street

Obama’s War on U.S. Energy

What Will America Decide in 2012?

The Genocide Doctrine

Looking for Greater Clarity from Ron Paul

Santorum heads to the top

How Not to Go Crazy in 2012

How Ron Paul Might Win Iowa and STILL Get No Hawkeye Delegates

Illegal Immigration - A Huge Campaign Issue; Don’t Ignore It

Court: Obama must be ‘constitutionally’ eligible

Florida court says both lesbian mothers have parental rights -

The 10 Most Ridiculous Lawsuits of 2011 - Yahoo! News

How much do Iowa caucuses matter?

Congressmen to get filthy rich off Facebook?

Rick Santorum Accepts Alan Colmes’ Apology: ‘I Know Alan Is A Very Good Person At Heart’ | Mediaite

Report: Trump makes ballot in Texas

Trump Supporters File Third Party Paperwork in Texas |

Obama signs defense bill, pledges to maintain legal rights of terror suspects - The Washington Post

Al-Qaida franchises expanding operations

You won’t believe what’s ‘next’ in radical sex agenda

‘Person of interest’ held in L.A. arson fires

L.A. arson probe: Police examine immigration link to case -

Williamsburg, Brooklyn’s Full Circle Bar sued for hosting Skee Ball tournaments -

China Says Yuan Will Be Fully Convertible Soon - Forbes

Fatah Exposes Plan to Kill Ariel Sharon - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Chinese authorities and villagers clash over mosque -

Christians unimpressed with Bible exhibit

A world without religion? The horror!

Surgery worsens patient memory: Swedish study - The Local

Flushing Can Spread Diarrhea Disease - Yahoo! News

7 Weird Symptoms Explained | Fox News

Inspirational historical works for homeschoolers

Columbia University professor to teach class on Occupy Wall Street -

EEOC: High school diploma requirement might violate Americans with Disabilities Act - Washington Times

GOP’s cynical game plan

Why voter ID terrifies Dems

America’s meddling abroad

Ron Paul, Reagan and GOP youth

Would Ayn Rand agree with Ron Paul?

It’s the spending, Stupid

New year, new commitment to 9-9-9

12 most hopeful trends to build on in 2012

Will Barack Obama steal 2012 election?

Obama’s ‘gay’ importation program

Washington Post doesn’t get it

The case for austerity

Good news about 2012 political prospects

Michelle’s blackness

My definition of ‘loser’

2 monumental changes needed in D.C.

Obama’s gambling shenanigans

How did we get into this cultural mess?

Only 1 candidate is right on 2 most important issues

Is Army Islamizing military by allowing hijab?

Russia covering up real cause of plane crash?

When drugging replaced spanking

Individual mandates are not conservative

Blind to their liberal biases

Isaiah 9:10: America under judgment?

Wars and rumors of wars

My 1st act as president

Another look at Ayers-Obama connection

10 questions to find our next president, Part 1

German suspect in Los Angeles car arsons tells cops: ‘I hate America’ - NY Daily News

San Jose woman killed with machete-like weapon IDd

Gloves Off As GOP Candidates Battle For Iowa Support | Fox News

Romney says U.S. won't give a dollar to save Europe: report | Reuters

Man angered in shoplifting confrontation caught on video in firebombing of Queens Hindu temple and Islamic center -

New Speculation on Who Leaked Climate-Change E-Mails -

EEOC: High school diploma requirement might violate Americans with Disabilities Act - Washington Times

President Obama Signed the National Defense Authorization Act - Now What? - Forbes

Loss of faith in democracy could make 2012 the most frightening year ever | Mail Online

The NDAA's historic assault on American liberty | Jonathan Turley | Comment is free |

'Friendly fire' killed hero AFT agent during pharmacy robbery, sources say -

Savage: Paul, Gingrich ‘destroying Republican brand’

Incandescent bulbs dimming despite GOP efforts on Hill - Washington Times

Ex-W.Va. psychiatric hospital becoming tourist attraction - Washington Times

Chicago Jogger Critically Injured By Pit Bulls | Fox News

The "Rally 'Round One Conservative" Movement - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Taiwan president race darkened by spying charges

» Tonight’s Iowa Vote Count To Take Place At Secret Location Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Rand Paul On A Ron Paul Third-Party Run: "Don't Think It's A Good Idea" | RealClearPolitics

90 year olds marry after 40 years of friendship - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

Hernando deputies search a lake near Brooksville for diver who went missing while diving for golf balls |

Hu Says West Is Trying to Divide China by Using Ideology, Cultural Weapons - Bloomberg

Muslim Brotherhood vows not to recognize I... JPost - Middle East

Dogs Found Skinned Along Larimer County Roads « - Flash Player Installation

Pentagon to Present Vision of Reduced Military -

Milwaukee County Posts Photos Of Unidentified Bodies Online « CBS Chicago

Man Disguised in Bandages Robs Gaithersburg CVS Pharmacy on Christmas Eve

$5 A Gallon For Gas? It Could Happen In 2012 « - Flash Player Installation

Will Google be forced to ban its own browser from its index? | Technology |


Media Cite Unnamed Critic To Dismiss Iowa As 'Too White,' 'Too Rural' |

Ron Paul gets rock star reception at Valley High School | Iowa Caucuses

Iran Missile Drill Results Exaggerated, Images Photoshopped Previously

GOP Likes Thune, Rubio, Rice as Mitt Romney VP - Washington Whispers (

Univision Chairman Calls Rubio "Anti-Hispanic" - HUMAN EVENTS

World’s Biggest Economies Face $7.6T Debt - Bloomberg

Natomas Wells Fargo Bank Left Unlocked For 48 H - Flash Player Installation

Bird flu virus doesn't jump between humans: China | Reuters

Elton John wants Justin Timberlake to play him - Telegraph

Univision shows bias, negotiation tactics in New Yorker piece on Marco Rubio, immigration | Naked Politics

News from The Associated Press

The 10 Best Terrible Songs of 2011

Daily Call Sheet: The Rise of VOD, Sequels Make ALL the Money, and Blu-Ray News

Daniel Craig Nearly Handed Back His License to Kill

Will ‘American Horror Story’ Scare Programmers into Following Its Lead?

Character Actor Spotlight: Nestor Serrano

Box Office Predictions: ‘Mission’ Continues, Sensei Ends Year with Streak Intact

‘A Separation’ Review: Iranian Import Simmers with Middle Class Rage

Daily Call Sheet: Underrated ‘Battle Los Angeles’, Bob Seger’s Back, and Happy New Year

‘A Separation’ Review: lluminating the Iran Not Seen on the News

Music Scribe Shocked, Shocked at Lack of Protest Songs in 2011

Your Obama Apologist of the Day: Don Cheadle

‘Wrath: The Life and Assassination of a United States Governor’ Review: Post-Civil War Fireworks

The Ten Best Movies of 2011

A Student’s-Eye View of Center Stage Liberalism

Death of the Movie Star: 2011’s ‘Top Money-Making Stars’ Didn’t Make All That Much

Moore vs. Miller: Differences on Occupy Wall Street Foreshadowed in Their Breakthrough Graphic Novels

Series Finales Show Hollywood Still in Same Old Rut

‘REAMDE’ Review: Genre Mashup Explores Character, Radical Ideologies

The Five Worst Movies of 2011

Top 10 Ways Hollywood Can Win Its Audience Back

Networks Finally Figure out Streaming Is Their Friend, Parents Need to Do Same

Ellen Barkin Blasts Bloomberg Over #Occupy Arrests, Claims NYPD ‘Threatened’ Her

Daily Call Sheet: Pop Culture’s Muslims Are Whining! Pop Culture’s Muslims Are Whining!, Give Gary Oldman an Oscar Already, and the Last Christmas Classic

‘Shark Night’ Blu-ray Review: Hold the Chum, Please

Coming in 2012: Yet Another Iraq War (Flop?) Film

Will Rosie’s OWN Show Survive 2012?

Screenwriter Trumbo’s Free Speech Bona Fides Deserve a Second Look

Edward Burns Isn’t the Next Woody Allen, But He Matters All the Same

Morning Playlist: Great Music Videos of 2011

BH Interview: Constellation TV Co-Founder James Lawler Banks on Streaming, Socializing Movies

Don’t Buy the Media Spin About Hollywood’s Merry Christmas at the Box Office

Daily Call Sheet: Sinatra in 3D, Reminder: Nobody Watches ‘30 Rock,’ and ‘Dragon Tattoo’ Marches On

McAdams Oblivious to Occupy Wall Street Violence

HomeVideodrome: ‘The Guard’ Lives in the Shadow of ‘In Bruges’

Focus takes 'Juan of the Dead' - Entertainment News, Film News, Media - Variety

Demi Moore To Play Gloria Steinem In 'Lovelace'

Indiana House Speaker Plans Quick Push for ‘Right to Work’ Law

Red Alert: New Unconstitutional Presidential Power Grab May Be Imminent

Handicapping the Iowa Caucus

Conservatives Make the Case in 2012 for America’s Future

Union-Negotiated Sick Day Compensation System Under Fire in New Jersey

Audio: Will Santorum’s Surge Lead to a Win in Iowa?

Memo to Republicans: Where’s ObamaCare’s Replacement?

Gang Injunctions May Prevent Further #OccupyWallStreet Crime

Forbes 400’s Entire Net Worth Barely Enough to Cover a Single Debt-Ceiling Increase

Youth Vote in Iowa Not Energized For 2012

Ron Paul Is No More Pro-Israel Than Barack Obama

EXCLUSIVE PHOTO: Nancy Pelosi: Livin’ La Vida 1%

Building the Perfect Beast: How the Political Class & Their Cronies Rig the System

Judicial Watch’s ‘Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians’ for 2011: Senate Edition

Santorum and the Evangelical Civil War in Iowa

Electric Car Company that Received $529 Million Federal Loan Recalls Vehicles

Exodus: Already, Nine Veteran House Dems Have Announced Retirement

25 Richest and 25 Poorest in Congress a Bipartisan Affair

Judicial Watch’s ‘Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians’ for 2011: Executive Edition

Classy: OccupyCharlotte Protesters Burn American Flags

Obama to ‘Focus Almost Exclusively on Campaigning’

Activist Leading ‘Occupy the Rose Parade’ Is a Convicted Thief, 9-11 Truther, and Former Democratic Assembly Politician

Former Girl Scout Speaks out Over Organization Directing Members to Liberal Media Group

So, What Actually Came of the ‘Tea Party Election’ of 2010?

Des Moines Register Iowa Poll: Romney Narrowly Leads Paul, Santorum Surges

Cartoon:Obama Nation: Happy New Year, Hopefully

Sundays with Sherrod: ‘Celebrating’ 19 Awful Years

VA Attorney General Intervenes in Ballot Access Dispute

‘Occupy the Caucus’ Is Basically a One Man Operation

Occupy Movement Comes to Elementary Schools

Democrats’ ‘Brain Trust’ Hit by Antisemitism Accusations

‘Let’s Move’: A Government Initiative to Lie to Kids

No Rest For Conservative America, the ‘Sleeping Giant’, in 2012

Higher Education Bubble: Columbia to Offer ‘Occupy 101′ Class

Ron Paul Puts the Left on the Defensive on Economic Issues

Washington Examiner : Tea Party’s 2012 Rallying Cry Should Be Combating Insider Trading

In Smith and Wesson We Trust (and It Looks Like Santa Does Too)

Audio: Would Mitt Romney’s Cozy Relationship with Wall Street Make Him a Good President?

Holder Math: How the Obama DOJ & the Media Tricked South Carolina And Protected Voter Fraud

Communist Party Targets Veterans for Recruitment: How Will Their Skills Be Utilized?

‘Buy Drugs If You Want’: The Inevitable Internal Breakdown Of Finances At #OccupyWallStreet

WordPress Shuts Down Controversial Anti-Islam Site

The Case for Iowa

On caucus eve, Paul doesn't see himself president

Obama to speak to Iowa caucus voters Tuesday - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

With focus on Iowa, Huntsman continues NH effort

Why Iran Really Threatened The U.S. 5th Fleet

‘Father Christmas’ Stabbed To Death By Muslim Extremists

Iranian Commander: US Aircraft Carrier Better Not Return To the Persian Gulf

Europe Today: Merkel The Mistress, Sarkozy The Butler

UK’s Cameron: Prepare for a Difficult Year

Arab League Chief: Syrian Civilians Still Under Attack

‘Bonyads’: Iran’s Underground Economy Its Greatest Strength Against Sanctions

Santorum Schools Yet Another MSM Journalist on Obama’s Appeasement – This Time, NBC’s David Gregory

Gingrich, Gerson, and Sharia

My Personal Ranking: The Best People of 2011

For Negotiating US Withdrawal from Afghanistan, Obama Taps the Muslim Brotherhood’s Qaradawi

Report: Iran Testing Long-Range Missiles During War Games

Emboldened by Monitors, Syrians Hold Huge Protests

Afghan travellers use Taliban disguise to stay safe

Libyans linked to Gaddafi can't run in election: draft | Reuters

South Korea says 'new era' possible for Koreas

Obama has 'failed' on Iran: Romney


3-Jan-12 World View

2-Jan-12 World View

1-Jan-12 World View

31-Dec-11 World View

30-Dec-11 World View


Media Matters Looks To Save Face After Girl Scouts Dump Group

Correction Request: Columbia Missourian Falsely Claims Andrew Breitbart Edited Labor Studies Videos

Stupid Headline Of The Day: The American Camilla Parker Bowles

Politico Promotes DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz as Tonight’s Iowa ‘Instant Analysis Headliner’!

Tuesday Crib Sheet: Not Bachmann’s Time? Plus The Most Obnoxious Quotes Of 2011

USA Today Ignores Occupy, Vilifies GOP, Tea Party With ‘Civility’ Redux

Alan Colmes Apologizes For Despicable Santorum Remark

Sound Bite for the Day: ‘Too White, Too Evangelical, Too Rural’

Romney’s Media Strategy Frustrates Conservative Outlets but Could Take Him to the White House

Perry Confronts Politico Reporter Over Story: ‘You Got A Name?’

LA Times : Obama’s Hostility to Israel Comes From ‘Intellectual’ Roots; Still Won’t Release Khalidi Tape

The AP’s 2012 Playbook For Romney

Cartoon:UI: Fashion Plates

Touré Demonstrates Progressive Entitlement Syndrome

Santorum Schools Yet Another MSM Journalist on Obama’s Appeasement – This Time, NBC’s David Gregory

Media Hypes Occupy’s Rose Parade “Octopus” Float

Sound Bite For The Day: Brains

The Daily Mail Has No Idea What An iPad Is, Attacks Bachmann

Ezra Klein, Chris Hayes Reveal What DC Media Knew: Obama Was Willing to Let Payroll Tax Cut Expire

SF Weekly Tries to Undo Pelosi Retirement Story

Sound Bite of the Day: “Off-the-Record Conversation”

Politico on Pelosi: Daughter’s Own Words Are ‘Rampant Speculation’

‘An Election Year Dawns’ Without Keith Olbermann, No One Cares

MSM Refuses To Ask Obama Tough Questions They Ask GOP

Federal judges block West Virginia redistricting

Ind. House Speaker plans fast start for labor bill

LA arson suspect's captor patrols for $1 a year

Obama appeals to Iowa Democrats on caucus night

US not seeking 'confrontation' with 'isolated' Iran

Kansas City Fed names IT chief as chief operating officer

Spec-Ops troops learn to be gumshoes

NYPD questions man in firebomb attacks

New York police interrogate man in fire bombings

Warrant issued for suspect in West crime spree

Fed to publish rate path forecasts: minutes

Brazil employers accused of slave-like conditions

Fed to start monetary policy forecasts from January

Ultra-Orthodox report attacks against children

Halliburton: spill may yet leave a stain

'Palestinians are biggest winners of Arab Spring'

The Tea Party tsunami and the welfare showdown

Younger Kim faces need to prove himself

'Terrorists must understand kidnappings don't pay'

L.A. arsons: Suspect due in court today as investigation continues

IDF: 8,000 rockets, missiles could hit Israel if war erupts

Arson suspect's anti-American rant helped track him, authorities say

British police investigate discovery of body on queen's estate

Stocks surge on first trading day of 2012

'Justice will be served in Lee Zeitouni case'


Intrade -

StarDate Online (


Facial Action Coding System (FACS) and the FACS Manual

10 page/Facial Action Coding System - Megan Fox Edition


Newsmax 30-minute Infomercial for Newt Gingrich » Right Pundits

Full Show 12/27/11 Occupy Iowa Caucuses? - YouTube

Ron Paul on Iowa Caucus: Political Capital With Al Hunt - YouTube

Iowa Caucus 2012 Picking Apart the GOP Field - YouTube

Video: Friday, December 30, 2011 | Watch PBS NewsHour Online | PBS Video

2012 Republican Party Caucuses in Iowa - C-SPAN Video Library

Racial Comments By Republican Candidates - YouTube



**Alex Jones 2012-01-02 Monday - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News Monday 1/2/12: Obama Signs Draconian NDAA Citizen Detention Bill - YouTube


**NEWS VIDEOS:Bachmann To CNN Anchor: Social Questions Are Gotchas ‘Coming Way Out Of The Past’

DNC Chair Tells Breitbart News Entire GOP Field Is ‘Extreme’ For Supporting Tea Party

Occupy Kiddie Play Comes To Elementary School

U.S. Marines Fight Off Taliban Ambush

Romney Flawlessly Handles #Occupy Hecklers

DNC Chair Defends Ignoring #Occupy Requests For Meeting

Santorum Accepts Alan Colmes’ Apology: ‘I Know Alan Is A Very Good Person At Heart’

Ron Paul Touts Kelly Clarkson Endorsement

Occupy Portland Leader Publicly Exposes Himself At ‘Family Friendly’ Event

Congressman Steve King Tells Victory Sessions What To Expect In IA Caucuses

Exclusive: Breitbart News Exposes Media Swarm In Iowa

Bachmann: ‘Dangerous’ Ron Paul Would Defend America Only After Attacked

Breitbart News’ Joel Pollak Gives ‘Big Hollywood’ Advice To Film Industry

Forty-One Car Pileup Brings Kentucky To A Halt

2nd/Rose Bowl Parade-Goers Roundly Boo Intruding #Occupy Movement

Exclusive: Time Mag’s Joe Klein: ‘I’m A Stone Moderate’

Exclusive: Breitbart News Interviews Ron Paul Supporters In Iowa

Exclusive: #OccupyDesMoines Protests DNC Chair

Ron Paul: Santorum Is A ‘Very Liberal’ Candidate

Exclusive: #OccupyDesMoines Protesters Express Support For Ron Paul

Alan Colmes Loses It When Called Out For ‘Mocking’ Santorum Miscarriage

Exclusive: Republican Strategist Says Iowa GOP Will Not Allow Paul To Win

Palin: It’s Not Bachmann’s Time

Palin: Ron Paul Is Pro-Israel, He Just Wants To Protect Them In A Different Way

Exclusive: Cindy Sheehan Tells Occupy Rose Bowl: ‘I Haven’t Paid My Taxes’ In Nearly Eight Years

Occupy LA Unveils Giant Octopus At Rose Parade

NBC’s Andrea Mitchell: Iowa ‘Too White’ to Reelect Obama

Iran Test Fires Medium-Range Missile

Romney: Obama’s Campaign Promises As Good As Kardashian Wedding Vows

Kelly Clarkson’s Album Sales Surge After Paul Endorsement

1st/US Troops Ring In 2012 In Afghanistan

Newt Knows Climate Change: ‘I Am An Amateur Paleontologist’

More Car Fires Hit LA

31st/World Rings In New Year

Occupy London Stages Dickens To Highlight Inequality

30th/Russian Nuke Sub Catches Fire

Light My Fire: Hollywood Arsonist Torches Jim Morrison’s House

Coffee Shop Owner Kicks #OccupyIowa Out Of Campaign Event

29th/Apple Archives Document Company History

Germany Builds Church Out Of Ice And Snow

28th/Marine Shot Three Times In Robbery Plugs Bullet Holes With Fingers

North Korean Gulag Survivor Describes Life In Political Camps


Prepare To Be Surprised By Iowa Caucus Results | Fox News

The Conservative Race In Iowa | RedState

Michele Bachmann’s Last Stand: Campaign May End in Iowa - The Daily Beast

Gingrich: Massachusetts Moderate Romney "Clearly Not Part Of Conservatism" | RealClearPolitics

Ohio unemployment falls, but so does support for Obama -

Iowa Caucus Day: U.S. Political Circus Retains Wonder | Swampland |

Forget Winning Iowa: It's Better to 'Exceed Expectations' - George E. Condon Jr. -

Krauthammer: Santorum Has 1 In 50 Chance; Ron Paul Has Zero Chance | RealClearPolitics

After Iowa: A viewer's guide to what's ahead –

Gloomy numbers for Obama - The Washington Post

- The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - Can Huntsman Pull a Santorum in N.H.?

After America - by Zbigniew Brzezinski | Foreign Policy

255 confirmed kills: Meet Navy SEAL Chris Kyle... the deadliest sniper in US history | Mail Online

Andy Kessler: The Rise of Consumption Equality -

The Register Editorial: Iowans, it’s now time for you to act | Iowa Caucuses

Obama popularity reflected in fewer registered Democrats |

Conspiracy theorist Ron Paul is unfit to be President - NY Daily News

The Coming Collapse of China: 2012 Edition- By Gordon G. Chang | Foreign Policy

The GOP’s game plan to end Obama’s presidency - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Top 10 Ways Hollywood Can Win Its Audience Back

Mitt don't need no surges - Roger Simon -

The Supreme Court can’t be absolute -

President Obama's rocky relations with Israel -

The American Spectator : Welcome to 2012 -- Fasten Your Seatbelts

RealClearPolitics - Why Obama Will (Won't) Win in 2012

Moderate road won’t beat Obama -

RealClearPolitics - Obama: Can a Messiah Win Twice?

GOP 2012 Battle to Date Most Akin to Dems in 2003

Ghouls on film: Paranormal photography goes digital - tech - 02 January 2012 - New Scientist

A review of the top paranormal events of 2011

An Explanation of How Avian Flu Spreads -

The Weirdest Stories of 2011 | The Strangest News of 2011 | The Weirdest Science of 2011 | LiveScience

Dream of Universal Currency Just Won’t Die | Magazine

Nasa probe arrives in moon orbit for lunar 'mapping' mission - Telegraph

Fascinating Details Revealed about Irkutsk Siberia UFO Incident – Video | DBKP - Death By 1000 Papercuts - DBKP

Apocalypse Not Now: 2012 Doomsday Predictions Debunked by NASA | End of the World & 2012 Theories | Nibiru, Doomsday Theories Debunked |

Cryptomundo » Top Ten Cryptozoology Stories of 2011

12 Must-See Skywatching Events in 2012 | 2012 Skywatching Events Guide & 2012 Venus Transit | Amateur Astronomy |

The Tech In The Times Square Ball : Discovery News

Tech 2011: Biggest News Stories of the Year | Gadget Lab |

Ministry of Defence ‘hid big cat sightings’ | The Sun |News

UFO sightings up 70% in Ireland over last three years -

Ben Breedlove funeral: Teenager who made heartbreaking YouTube video is remembered | Mail Online

NASA's twin moon probes closing in on orbit - Technology & science - Space - -

'Intelligent' slime able to navigate its way out of maze - Telegraph

As seen from space: Volcanic eruption creates new island in the red sea

10 Wacky Animal Stories of 2011 | LiveScience

Mystery behind Hitchcock's 'The Birds' solved? –

Titan: A Wet World Not Far From Earth | Wired Science |

BBC News - The hunt for Mokele-mbembe: Congo's Loch Ness Monster


Jan 1

Gingrich: Greatest Weakness Is "That I'm Too Reasonable"
Santorum: I Need To Top Perry And Bachmann In Iowa
Paul: Lack Of Oversight On Newsletters Was "Human Flaw"
Rand Paul, J.C. Watts And Jim Talent On Iowa Race
"Meet The Press" Panel On Iowa Caucuses
Bachmann: "People Are Going To See A Miracle" On Tuesday
Perry: "Nobody's Got A Better Ground Game"

Jan 2

Krauthammer: Santorum Has 1 In 50 Chance; Ron Paul Has Zero Chance
Frank: Obama Made "Bad Economy Better" And The Tea Party Ruined It
Levin Threatens To Campaign Against Rand Paul If Ron Paul Runs Third Party
Gingrich Hater Chris Matthews Goes To Iowa To Confront Him
Palin On Michele Bachmann: It's Not Her Time
Alan Colmes Mocks Santorum For Bringing Dead Son Home: UPDATE
Romney Tells Occupy Hecklers "Make It Loud And Clear"
Dem Strategist On Romney: "He's The Guy We Want To Run Against"
Gingrich: Moderate Romney "Clearly Not Part Of Conservatism"
Perry: "In It To Win It" Like The Dallas Cowboys Wanting To Win Next Game
Cindy Sheehan: "I Haven't Paid My Taxes" In Eight Years
Rick Perry: Politico In "Wasted Time" Category For Anonymously Sourced Articles
Mitt Romney Tells Iowans "We're Going To Win"
Perry Confronts Politico's Mike Allen Over Story: "You Got A Name?"
Andrea Mitchell: GOP Candidates Are "Schizophrenic" And "Bipolar"
Day Before Iowa Caucus Ron Paul Again Won't Rule Out Third Party Bid
Ron Paul: Santorum Is A "Very Liberal" Candidate
GOP Rep. Steve King: Boehner Responsible For Weak Majority
Andrea Mitchell: Iowa Is "Too White, Too Evangelical, Too Rural"
Fan Ad: "Fake Mitt Romney" Endorses Ron Paul Before Iowa Caucus
Chris Matthews: Gingrich Is "Like Freddy Krueger"
Majority Leader Eric Cantor On "60 Minutes"
Romney Would Veto DREAM Act
Huntsman Does Twilight Zone Themed Ad On Ron Paul
Santorum Defends 2008 Romney Endorsement: "Right Person"
Gingrich: I'm Getting "Romney-Boated"
Ron Paul: "I've Been Pretty Electable"
Gingrich: Romney "Would Buy The Election If He Could"
Romney Likens Obama Promises to Kardashian Wedding Vows

Jan 3

Romney Backtracks: "I'm Not Predicting A Win" In Iowa
RNC: "Failed Promises: Iowa Edition"
Romney On Super PAC: "Of Course I Helped Raise Money For It"
Obama Campaign Releases "Promises Kept" Web Ad On Caucus Day
Rand Paul On A Ron Paul Third-Party Run: "Don't Think It's A Good Idea"
DNC Chair Snubs Occupiers In Iowa: "Won't Have A Chance" To Meet Them
WH Asked If Admin Is A "Monarchy"; Carney: "President Is Not Going To Sit Here"
Wasserman Schultz: Obama Will Be Re-Elected "Because Of His Policies"
Obama Breaks Campaign Promise On Signing Statements
Romney On Attacks From Gingrich: "I'm Ready For It"
Perry: "Win, Place Or Show Not In Our Vocabulary; We're Here To Win"
Gingrich: Romney Is A Liar
Romney: "I Have Very Good Support From Very Conservative Tea Partiers"
Brit Hume: "I Don't See A Scenario" Which Would Stop Romney
Klein: Myth of Ronald Reagan Often Stronger Than The Reality

Dec 30

1988 Flashback: Ron Paul On Morton Downey Jr. Show
Gingrich Floats Sarah Palin As Possible Vice President Pick
How Does A Caucus Work?
Santorum: GOP Voters Shouldn't Settle For Moderate Romney
Pro-Huntsman Super PAC Ad: Romney A "Chameleon"
Chris Matthews: "Rick Perry Doesn't Have The Brains To Be President"
Two U.S. Flags Burned At Occupy Charlotte, Four Arrested
Christie: "After Three Years Of Obama, We Are Hopeless And Changeless"
Specter: "Country Not Doing So Well With Current Administration"
Romney's Son Makes Birther Joke, Asks For Obama's Grades
Gingrich Weeps When Discussing His Mother
Chris Hayes, Ezra Klein Vent About Gold
"Special Report" Panel On Showdown With Iran
Ron Paul Adviser: "Nothing Dangerous About The Constitution"
O'Donnell: The Iowa Caucuses Pull The GOP "Too Far Right"
Fineman: Purists In Iowa "Still Searching For A Candidate"


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