A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

13 August 2011

13 AUG

Our present economy is terrible. We’re making more and more dollars and less and less money.

Central Bankers' Race Toward Global Currency Solution | Politics and Economics Right Side News

Collapsing the System … on Purpose | Politics and Economics Right Side News

Fox News Facebook Page Gets 8,000 Death Threats | Pakalert Press

Fossils Are All Over Mars, Period. | Pakalert Press

Martial Law in USA: Corporate Media Hints At Military Plans To Take On The American People During Domestic Civil Unrest | Pakalert Press

Is New Black Panther cover-up cracking?

Obama Social Security Number to become issue in 2012 race?

You Know The Left Truly Fears a GOP Candidate When… | RedState


Totally Looks Like... (


FBI Handout Lists Purchase of Preparedness Items as “Potential Indicators of Terrorist Activities” | Pakalert Press

7 Survival Tools For American Economic Armageddon | Pakalert Press


*Articles:The Oldest Human Skull Cap/Femur -(


The Destruction of a Nation: Looming American Tragedy | Politics and Economics Right Side News

Racism at Holder Justice? New Court Ruling in Black Panther Scandal· | Politics and Economics Right Side News

Sharia Enclaves in the West | Islam in America Right Side News

Shari'a Movement Struggles to Globalize Campaign for Islamizing Western World· | Terrorism Right Side News

A Stunning Victory for the Constitution over Obamacare | Health and Education Right Side News

Obama Guilty of Betraying Navy Seals Team Six Secrecy Made Them Prey of Muslim Terrorism | RSN Pick of the Day Right Side News


Are We Living In A Computer Simulation ? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Multiple Military Train Convoys Across the U.S | USAHM Conspiracy News

6 Ways Food is Being Used as a Weapon | USAHM Conspiracy News

Concentration Camp Plans For U.S. Citizens | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Burzynski Cancer Cure | USAHM Conspiracy News

ELF, GWEN Towers, and HAARP Connection. | USAHM Conspiracy News

666 things you didn’t know about London. | USAHM Conspiracy News

Ley Lines : A Harmonic Grid Of Energy | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Race to Witch Mountain: CIA & UFOs ? | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Moment of Life: LHC | USAHM Conspiracy News

Inception: A True Story About Dreams? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Black Helicopters.. Watching You? | USAHM Conspiracy News

6 Weapons The Police And Military Will Be Using Against You! | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Government Want’s To Know Who You Are | USAHM Conspiracy News

12 Facts About Military Spending… | USAHM Conspiracy News

32 Signs of a Big Brother/Police State | USAHM Conspiracy News

President Obama’s License To Kill? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Documents You Should Be Aware Of…. | USAHM Conspiracy News

SPIN: Everything On TV Is Staged! | USAHM Conspiracy News


*USAHM Documentaries(

*Videos : (


*2:36:02/The Power of the Purse ~ Volume One -{ Part 1 }- - YouTube

*2:15:11/The Power of the Purse ~ Volume One -{ Part 2 }- - YouTube


Video:Fairewinds Report for Southern Alliance for Clean Energy on TVA Bellefonte Plant @Vimeo

U.S. Military's Hypersonic Glider Launched, Lost (VIDEO)


* Ron Paul Highlights - GOP Debate in Ames, Iowa - YouTube


The Black Swan is on the Wing - YouTube

Adam and Eve a myth?


Human Hybrid Genetic Research - YouTube - Illuminati Hunt Down Dissidents

2 GMO Soys Set to Invade the EU | Farm Wars

Agrochemicals, energy plants and GMO crops killing Bathinda residents | Food Freedom

Corey Feldman: Pedophilia Is Hollywood's Biggest Problem (VIDEO) - Illuminati Use Cancer to Hold us Hostage

Activist Post: The problem with Israel: Washington’s acquiescence and the media’s complicity

Blog to End the Occupation: Where in the World is YOUR Representative?!

Special interests gave millions to budget panel - Yahoo! News

Did Mark Cuban Predict The Market Crash? | ThePostGame

Congressional Democrats Call for Jobs ‘Super Committee’ - Yahoo! News

Health-Care Conflict Sets Up High Court Review - Bloomberg

UK riots 2011: Britain's liberal intelligentsia has smashed virtually every social value | Mail Online

DailyTech - DHS Proposes Secret Watchlist Database, Privacy Groups Protest

Paul Drockton M.A.: Mormon Cyanide Murder and Disposable Illegal Immigrants

UK RIOTS 2011: Bankers, looters and the politics of envy | Mail Online

Susan Greenfield: Computers may be altering our brains - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

How computers will soon get under our skin - Science, News - The Independent

Eating meals laced with paprika and cinnamon 'protects your body from effects of fatty foods' | Mail Online - The Rothschild They Murdered

The Right Far and Faux | The Saxon Messenger

Obama Readies Citizen Spies For Action

Death of the Bees. Genetically Modified Crops and the Decline of Bee Colonies in North America

Gold hits $1,800; but what about farmland? - The Tell - MarketWatch

5 Reasons Why American Riots Will Be The Worst In The World | Don't Tread On Me


*Link Page:How TV Ruined Your Life - Vid


How TV Ruined Your Life s01e01 - Fear - YouTube

How TV Ruined Your Life - 2. The Lifecycle - S01E02 - YouTube

How TV Ruined Your Life - 3. Aspiration - S01E03 - YouTube

How TV Ruined Your Life - 4. Love - S01E04 - YouTube

How TV Ruined Your Life s01e05 - Progress - YouTube

How TV Ruined Your Life s01e06 - Knowledge - YouTube


Naming Names

The new era in policing: NYPD creates social media unit as British PM pushes for social network blackouts -

CIA, US Military Operating Inside Mexico’s “Drug War” -

Debt ‘supercommittee’ ready for action | The Raw Story

Google Admits Handing over European User Data to US Intelligence Agencies -

Wayfaring Traveler: Tent Cities

60 Minutes: New Corporate Tax Havens - Home - The Daily Bail

Foxnews Replaces & Removes Two (2) Polls Showing Ron Paul As The Winner of Iowa Debate : Federal Jack


C-SPAN Cuts Off Ron Paul As He Explains "You Don't Start Wars!" Because Of "Technical Difficulties" - YouTube

Ron Paul on FOX News 08/12/11 - YouTube

Ron Paul Wins Iowa GOP Debate; Is Right On Iran

Republicans gear up for Iowa Straw Poll - Telegraph

Ron Paul's message hits America - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: It Was Nice to See Ron Paul Get a Lttile Vicious and See Sen. Santorum Fall Apart.

Ron Paul 2012 campaign gains momentum - YouTube

Guillotine display stuns Rothschild's 'tent city' - Israel News, Ynetnews

MI6, under pressure from Blair and Campbell, produced bogus Iraq war evidence | Mail Online

Bombshell as investigators start insider trading enquiry at Standard & Poor's: Who had prior knowledge of downgrade? | Mail Online

Poll Gate: Anderson Cooper Defends Ron Paul & Exposes CNN's Fraud... on CNN (Video Parody) - YouTube

Ron Paul could be a surprise victor in Ames straw poll in THEE RANT Forum

Ron Paul comes in from the fringe -

For Paul, straw-poll win in Iowa may amount to little | Elections & Politics | News from...

GOP candidates face early test in 2012 campaign - Yahoo! News

Washington's Blog:The World's Money Is Draining Away ... Where's It Going?

Economic Hitmen - YouTube

The Story of Your Enslavement - YouTube

Activist Post: Monsanto's 5 Most Dubious Contributions to the Planet

Real Domestic Terror |

Former Counterterrorism Czar Accuses Tenet, Other CIA Officials of Cover-Up |

Look Who Is In The Super Congress | Video Rebel's Blog

U.S. appeals court rules Obamacare is ‘unconstitutional’ |

A Free Thinker's Journey: Social networking surveillance: trust no one

Mitt Romney Just Lost the Election |

War Inc -- Inside The Pentagon's Psychological Operation To Suck The Masses Into The War Machine

Father Guido Sarducci's Five Minute University - YouTube

Insider: CIA Orchestrated Operation Fast and Furious -gov allowed Mexican drug cartel to import tons of cocaine - 12160

Centuries of Lying in the Name of Christianity | Dissident Voice

Whole Health Source: Dietary Guidelines for Americans, My Way

BART admits halting cell service to stop protests

World is witnessing financial WWIII – Max Keiser — RT

Gov't pays for empty flights to rural airports

Russia youths seek 'social lift' at Kremlin political camp -

Anti-gay Indiana state rep solicited 18-year-old boy on Craigslist | The Raw Story

Creator of Obama “Hope” poster beaten up in Denmark misunderstanding | The Raw Story

Ron Paul schools Santorum on Iran diplomacy | Raw Replay

+ Prison » Ron Paul Vs GOP Warmongers: Congressman Romps To Victory In Iowa Debate

LinkedIn advertising: LinkedIn's responses to social advertising | Crikey

Court: Clogging email and voicemail systems can be legal | Anti spam - InfoWorld

AT&T Hires Bankers To Help It Prepare To Divest Assets For T-Mobile Deal

The Beaten Masses: Confronted With Severe Financial Hardship, Why Do Americans Remain Passive? | David DeGraw

DEFENSE STUDIES: Vietnam to Buy More Missiles Coast

Monsanto to be prosecuted for biopiracy

Pharma now pushing for 20 new vaccines in next decade

China building 3 aircraft carriers, heads for superpower status

Proposed rule on farms called ‘absurd’

The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition): Daily News from Korea - How Will Korea Respond to China's 1st Aircraft Carrier?

Houston Police Threaten To Arrest Photographers To Protect Their Own | Pixiq

Life In An Age Of Looting

A Parasite On The World

The Hijacked Crisis

"Super Congress" Designed for One Purpose

Calling All Robin Hoods and Maid Marions:

An Explosive New 9/11 Charge


The Video Congress Does Not Want You To See - YouTube


+ Article:The Video Congress Does NOT Want You To See!


Groundwork Laid for Controlled Third Party

Yemen: Barack Obama warned that al-Qaeda planning ricin attack - Telegraph

Hand with Eyes' cartel Mexican drug lord arrested | Mail Online

Obama Drilling Rules Thrown Out By Federal Judge

Obama considers Republican for one of two seats on Fed - The Washington Post

Congressman's missing grandsons found four years after they were abducted by mother | Mail Online

Presidential hopeful Romney reveals wealth | Reuters

Tea party fortunes are fading even as its star Michele Bachmann shines -

FBI: Mortgage fraud still prevalent, hard to catch -

Scientists create first-ever animal with artificial information in its genetic code | Mail Online

US Raids in Afghanistan Triple Since 2009 -- News from

Why is Congress Going to Israel? | Stephen M. Walt

Whither the Anti-War Movement? | The Moderate Voice

How the Head of Fox News Is Making Americans More Right-Wing, More Ignorant and Ever More Terrified | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

New Exposé Reveals Rick Perry's Close Ties to Radical Evangelicals and Self-Proclaimed Prophets | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

We've Entered the Age of Mass Extinction: Goodbye Fish and a Whole Lot More | Environment | AlterNet

The 'Super Congress' Is a Scam Designed to Force Cuts To Popular Programs And Keep Taxes On The Rich Low | Economy | AlterNet

Is The Pentagon Giving Orders To Terrorists That Could Get Americans Killed? | | AlterNet

Goodbye Religion? How Godlessness Is Increasing With Each New Generation | Belief | AlterNet

Dave Daubenmire -- There’s a Muslim in the White House

The CIA should be a bit more 'CAIR'less

The Trouble with Transhumanism | The Center for Bioethics and Culture

Beyond space-time: Welcome to phase space - space - 08 August 2011 - New Scientist

The US military's secret military - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Privacy and Security Fanatic: Privacy Groups Protest Massive DHS Database of Secret Watchlists


Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 2

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 3

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 4


What can the Fed do to help markets? Collectively resign, says Marc Faber - Business Intelligence Middle East - - News, analysis, reports

How Statism Is a Sickness, and Not Just a Destructive Political System by Scott Lazarowitz

Ames, Iowa, GOP Debate: Paul Schools Santorum, Bachmann on Iran, War

Sharpen Up! Basic Essentials of Sharpening Your Edged Tools | The Art of Manliness

Is this Jack the Ripper? Scotland Yard's Chief Inspector Frederick Abberline named | Mail Online

Is This Natural Hormone One of the Keys To Slowing Brain Aging? by Joseph Mercola

Is Your Governor For Sale to the EPA?

How to Arrest The Economy-Strangling EPA

Smart Meter Slavery

THE issue of our time: Genetic Armageddon | Old-Thinker News

Insider: CIA Orchestrated Operation Fast and Furious | Old-Thinker News

Hacker group vows to 'kill Facebook' -

Total Information Awareness - Using Social Networking Sites To Compile Info On Everyone - YouTube

Special interests gave millions to budget panel - Yahoo! News

Not Natural Born -- TRUTH MATTERS - YouTube

INFOWARS SPECIAL REPORT: Globalists' Extermination List Exposed with Aaron Dykes 1/2 - YouTube

INFOWARS SPECIAL REPORT: Globalists' Extermination List Exposed with Aaron Dykes 2/2 - YouTube


Does Your Congressperson Represent You – or Israel? | Common Dreams


Video Analysis of NIST’s Claim of a 5.4 s Collapse Time Over 18 Stories for WTC 7 | Foreign Policy Journal


22 pg. Report/Video Analysis of NIST's Claim of a 5.4 s Collapse Time Over 18 Stories for WTC 7


The Berlin Wall — Another Cold War Myth | Foreign Policy Journal

Can Humanitarian Intervention Ever Be Humanitarian? | Foreign Policy Journal

Clinton: Syria's Assad Facing 'Crescendo of Condemnation'

Obama Urges Congress to Put Americans First

SEC Awarded Bonus to Employee Who Failed to Uncover Madoff Ponzi Scheme, IG Says

Santorum: Why Do We Protect Rapist from Execution, But Not Unborn Child?

Flashback: Pelosi on Obamacare's Constitutionality: ‘Are You Serious?'

Flashback: Leahy on Obamacare's Constitutionality: 'Nobody Questions' Our Authority

Gingrich: Deficit Super Committee ‘As Dumb an Idea as Washington Has Come Up With’

Obama Visits Corporation Where His Stimulus Created 'Green' Jobs at $2 Million Per Job

Deficit Averaged $110 Billion Per Month So Far in 2011

EPA Regulation Would Cost $1.2 Million Per Job Created

Christine O'Donnell: 'Rove's Style of Machiavellian, Unprincipled Realpolitik Destroyed Republican Brand'

All 6 Democrats on Deficit-Reduction Panel Earned 'F's From Taxpayers’ Union

Operation Garden Plot, Insurrection and CONPLAN 3502 – Hayden’s Note on Katrina Attached - Truth is Treason

Monsanto to Sell Biotech Sweet Corn for U.S. Consumers - Bloomberg

Ron Paul Exposes the Deficit Lies: “Cuts are Illusory, Not from Current Amounts Spent But from Projected Spending Increases” - Truth is Treason


+ Food Price Spikes Visualized – Interactive Infographic - Truth is Treason


Organic Farmers not Willing to Accept Monsanto as their Dark Lord |

The Field: The Reality of Things | Reality Sandwich

Electronic Skin Tattoo with RFID Technology to Facilitate Monitoring

Visa’s “Just Wave and Go” Commercial aka The Human Cattle in a Cashless Society

Study Proves: This Everyday Drink Lowers Your IQ :

Ron Paul Vs. Military Industrial Complex Establishment Shills :

The Revitalized Eugenics Movement & the FDA’s Role :

Betsy McCaughey: Court Ruling 'Slams the Brakes' on Obamacare

Appeals Court Rules Against Obamacare Mandate

US Healthcare Ruling and What it Means

Iowa Straw Poll May Mean End for Some Campaigns

Republicans Compete in Iowa, Perry Set to Run

Schoen: Debaters Opened Door Wide For Gov. Perry

GOP Candidates Face Early Test in 2012 Campaign

Perry's GOP Entry Could Overshadow Iowa Poll

Rep. Allen West Won't Rule Out Senate Race

Koch: George Will, Bloomberg Should Enter Race

CNN Poll: Perry Would Rise to Top of GOP Pack

Poll: 68% Say Worse Economy Is Yet to Come

Romney Wealthiest Among Presidential Hopefuls

Poll: Paul Could Win Iowa Straw Vote

Tough for Gay Members to Return to Full Military

Obama Blames Washington for Economy

Limbaugh: Debaters Should Have Hit Obama Harder

Jim Rogers: Soaring Food Prices to Spark Riots

Never Fear Cancer Again

On Turban Bombs And Female Bombers

Official Reports Security Progress in Afghanistan

Iraqi Parliament Debates New 'Strategic Policy Council'

Everyone Pays for Obamacare Freebies

Obama Racks Up List of Broken Promises

When US Needs Leadership, Obama Offers Talking Points

China’s War Machine Churning Out Aircraft Carriers

Ron Paul: Reform the FDA

Newt Gingrich — Clear Winner in Debate

Being a Liberal Means You're Never Wrong

Tea Party Must Win the Message War

Obama Finance Appointee Will Prolong Economic Pain

Ron Paul could be a surprise victor in Ames straw poll - The Fix - The Washington Post

Texas Gov. Rick Perry Entering 2012 Race - ABC News

Palin steals show at Iowa State Fair - The Hill's Ballot Box

Palin Visits Iowa State Fair -

Federal judge throws out Obama drilling rules -

11th Circuit says mandate unconstitutional - Jennifer Haberkorn -

Appeals court rules against Obama healthcare mandate | Reuters

Michele Bachmann says 11th Circuit heeded her on health care law - Alexander Burns -

The Latest Health Care Court Case | The White House

Health-Care Conflict Sets Up High Court Review - Bloomberg

Mexico uncovers tunnel beneath US border

Police: State Fair Mugger Targeted Whites; ‘Easy Targets’ —

About 50 teens arrested in Philly curfew crackdown

DPD Raid 90 Homes, Arrest Over 600, Net $3.5M I - Flash Player Installation

Green Line Robbery Suspects Include 10-Year-Old - Flash Player Installation

Rick Perry to delight climate sceptics by running for president | Environment |

Did media cover up Sen. Durbin's confrontation with reporter? (VIDEO) | Washington Times Communities

Music teacher caught having sex with doll outsi - Flash Player Installation


CODEX Alimentarius |


*47 pg/Draft Guidance for Industry: Dietary Supplements: New Dietary Ingredient Notifications and Related Issues


Activist Post: Emancipate Yourself From Mental Slavery

Introduction to Ageless Living book

CBS to Bill Itself As the Network of “Original Reporting”

Matthews: “Something Has Broken Bad Lately” for Obama

Flash Mobs: Being Young, Black, and Male in America Today

James O’Keefe quietly destroys mainstream media

Psychedelic Millionaires | Reality Sandwich

Exchanghibition Bank at Burning Man -- IndieGoGo

E Book

**Full text - Ascent of Humanity


Sacred Economics


Sacred Economics: Introduction

Sacred Economics: Chapter 1, "The Gift World" (Pt. 2)

Sacred Economics: Chapter 2, "The Illusion of Scarcity" (Pt. 3)

Sacred Economics: Chapter 3, "Money and the Mind" (Pt. 4)

Sacred Economics: Chapter 4, "The Trouble with Property" (Pt. 5)

Sacred Economics: Chapter 5, "The Corpse of the Commons" (Pt. 6)

Sacred Economics: Chapter 6, "The Economics of Usury" (Pt. 7)

Sacred Economics: Chapter 7, "The Crisis of Civilization" (Pt. 8)


A World-Creating Matrix of Truth

The Ubiquitous Matrix of Lies

Why the Age of the Guru is Over | Reality Sandwich

*9/11 IMAGES

**Associated Press: Sept 11 Photo Package


Gallery: What It Means to Talk To Machines | Popular Science

Pre-Secession Action for States « DumpDC

Ten Reasons Why America Will Not Recover From this Depression « DumpDC


* Hacking Democracy /1:21:57


** The Activities at Mena - MENA is no myth! | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED




The New Clinton Chronicles/ 1:41:07

+1:43:00/Bill Clinton's (Alleged) Criminal History: The Clinton Chronicles - YouTube

+1:23:00/Clinton Chronicles( full movie). - YouTube


Michele Bachmann Once Again Lies About Debt-Ceiling In Debate

Bachmann and Pawlenty Tear Into Each Others Records During Iowa Debate

CBO's Elmendorf Teaches Tea Party Freshmen Cutting Spending is Counterproductive in a Recession

Fox News' 'Red Eye' Calls Kids In Progressive Video 'Little Bastards'

The Daily Show: Megyn Kelly is Suffering From Post-Partum Compassion

Hannity: Newt's Gotcha Question Shows Double Standard

GOP Packs Super Committee on Debt with Super Liars on Taxes

CNN Wonders if Poor People are to Blame for the Economic Crisis

Russell Brand: Don't Let People In Power Tear Apart The Values That Hold Communities Together

Santorum: Abortions Only 'Traumatize' Rape Victims

The Dog Food Days of Summer

TYT Now: The Abortion Mitt Romney Stopped Mentioning

Krugman: Who Hijacked The Economic Conversation?

Fox News Host Booed at Republican Presidential Debate

Richard Viguerie Didn't Find a New Ronald Reagan in GOP Debate

Mitt Romney Claims He's a Job Creator...Record Shows He's a Job Cutter

BART Cuts Cell Phone Service to Stop Protest

11th Circuit Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down The Affordable Care Act's Individual Mandate

Gay Man Confronts Pawlenty: 'Do You Think I'm a Second Class Citizen?'

Another Closeted Gay Republican? It's Getting Awfully Crowded In There

ELEnin: The Coming 3 Days of Darkness | Before It's News


New NASA Research Points to Possible HAARP Connection in Japan Earthquake, Tsunami | Before It's News


+Induction Magnetometer/HAARP Fluxgate Magnetometer




Russian Intelligence Calls Facebook "Information Warfare Weapon" | Before It's News

Depopulation: The FDA Is Directly Connected To The Modern Day Eugenics Movement | Before It's News


* Rundown of Members of Debt 'Super Committee' - Yahoo! News


Beware the Backdoor Card Check Bill | Before It's News

Rural Council: It's About Control | Before It's News

USDA Blog » Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Holds White House Rural Council Forum at the Wisconsin State Fair

White House Terror Chief, Richard Clarke, Alleges CIA 9/11 Malfeasance, Cover Up in New Interview | Before It's News

Scoop: 9/11 Disinfo Exposed! | Before It's News


*1:30:00/9 11 Mysteries - Full Length - YouTube


Bush and Clinton Counter-Terrorism Czar Alleges Massive 9/11 Cover Up | Before It's News

The Trump Investigation: The After Birth - YouTube

Time anomalies in the White House long form PDF | Obama Conspiracy Theories

"Obama is Muslim" Says Kenyan Muslim Cleric | Before It's News

Clinton appointee in the 11th Circuit decides against Obamacare, let’s hope that Clinton appointees decide in my favor in the 9th circuit on the forged BC | Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire

State court case launched to retrieve birth records

The 9/11 Files: 9/11 chain of command breakdown

Inside Scoop: Shot Down Black-Op Seals Won't Be Talking Now | Before It's News

4 Parts:You Are Free – Max Igan


*The Alex Jones Show – August 12th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 12th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – August 12th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – August 11th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 11th, 2011


Raw Milk Rover - animation about armed FDA raids on farmers - YouTube

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs :Answers in Absolute for ‘Why 9/11?’


*Article Links:Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials-August 12, 2011


8/12/11 Full Show -- Ron Paul takes 54% in major poll, Kristine Frazao from Ames, Iowa, Kathryn Dill - YouTube


08/11/11 Full Show -- WWIII, Weapons of WWIII, Stewart Rhodes: Who do the troops support? - YouTube


Rick Perry is the Neocon Warmonger Choice for President |

Pentagon approves Hollywood scripts - YouTube


White House Terror Chief Alleges CIA 9/11 Malfeasance, Cover Up in New Interview: PBS Colorado’s Exclusive Ignites Battle |


Secrecy Kills(


Former Counterterrorism Czar Accuses Tenet, Other CIA Officials of Cover-Up | Truthout

CLIP - Teaser Clip #1 - YouTube


FOCUS: Clarke Alleges CIA Cover-Up Prior to 9/11

The Excavator: Martial Law in America Will Peel Away The Veil of Freedom, Democracy And Civility

Ron Paul The Dollar Is Dying And The Fed Is Killing It - YouTube

‘A Slave Holder Named Thomas Jefferson’: Smithsonian Museum Exhibit Race Are We So Different? | Video |

Could Ron Paul Win the Iowa Straw Poll? |

Mubarak-Like Tactics? Officials Jam Cellphone S - Flash Player Installation

Chris Matthews Blast State of Texas | Video |

MSNBC On GOP Faith: Bachmann, Palin, Perry Use Religion Like Snake Oil Salesmen & Racist Religious Right Wants Obama to Fail Because He Is Black | Video |

Britain Considers Social Media Shutdowns: Could U.S. Be Next? |

Scientists Develop Drug that Could Help Kill All Viruses |

Pakistani Karachi Ranger Sentenced to Death Shooting Killing Unarmed Youth |

Researchers Find Banana Peels Can Clean Pollution Out of Water |

Official Forced to Remove Made in China Sticker off Missouri Jobs Initiative Key Chains |

Palestinian TV Show ‘The Best Mothers’ Celebrates Ramadan with Special Featuring Mother of Suicide Bomber | Video |

700 Charged UK Riots David Cameron NYPD Police Chief William Bratton | Video |

Washington Times Writer Blocked by Senator Dick Durbin Reporters | Video |

Herman Cain Uses Pokemon Quote At End of GOP Debate | Video |

Federal Judge Richard Posner Obama Unilateral Debt Ceiling Congress | Video |

Thierry Mugler Studio’s Spire Boat Looks Like a Superhero Racer |

Al Sharpton Dodges Unpaid Taxes Questions on Radio |

Joe Scarborough Blasts Michele Bachmann as a ‘Joke’ | Video |

“A Study in Scarlet” Removed From Reading List Amid Anti-Mormon Claims |

Top 10 Jobs You Get With a High School Degree |

Quinnipiac Poll Shows Majority Disapproval in Liberal NY |

The Democrats' Big Lie

Dems' Risky Tea Party Smear Strategy

They Who Live by the Race Card Die by the Race Card

Obama's Vision and the Constitution

Debate's Biggest Loser? Chris Wallace and Fox

The More We're Connected, the Less We're Connected

Un-College Funds

A National American Language

Failure 101 at Chicago State University

Concealing black hate crimes

Exasperated lib columnist admonishes Obama

The Growing Republican 10th Amendment Debate

'Barack Obama: Keeping America Safe'

Obama firearms boom continues

Yes, it's porn

Bert and Ernie explain it all to the terminally confused

DOT targets farm tractors

Court of Appeals finds ObamaCare individual mandate unconstitutional

New First - and Low for Obama

Making Good on the American Dream

Best Opportunity for America in 50 Years

The Wasted Valor of the Navy SEALs

Obama/Hillary Coming Soon to a Primary Near You?

Between Hillary and a Hard Place

Obama and Bernanke: Double-Whammy Disaster

Chimps, Chumps, and Air Traffic Controllers

Obama's Undignified Transparency

Afghan Helicopter Attack is Obama's Fault

The Revenge of the Gods of the Copybook Headings

Class Warfare Erupts Into Just Plain Warfare

Savage says Cain is able


Part 1 :Hear Savage interview Herman Cain

Part 2 :Hear Savage interview Herman Cain

SAVAGE AUDIO: Beware the government-media complex


Paul warns of 'next bubble burst'

Analysis: Confidence in Obama's leadership shaken | Reuters

U.S. Appeals Court Rules Against Obama's Health Care Law -

The CIA Should Be A Bit More CAIRless - Page 1 - Diana West - Townhall Conservative

Beck announces his Mid - East centric sole focus

Finding the Right Voice in 2012

Perry and Texas, where are they on Arizona's Court fight?

Can Herman Cain Win the Election?

Debbie Schlussel:HAMAS’ CAIR Netwk In Love With Rick Perry (& It’s Mutual)

Obama Our Prince of Wails, Goes on Another Vacation to Forget Tea Party Terrorists

The “Pitchforks and Torches” Rally, and a No-show Tea Party

UK anarchy is the fruit of socialism

America’s version of Britain’s Ban on Michael Savage

What Would John Do?

Chinese bullet trains recalled in wake of fatal crash

Assembly of the Cuban Resistance supports increased civic resistance against the communist regime

Religion Bad, Science Good – An Argument for Fools

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America - Take down Obama and the rogue government

Assault by TSA

Did media cover up Sen. Durbin’s confrontation with reporter? (VIDEO)

Post “Fact Checker” Ignores Facts in Bachmann Hit Piece

Carbon Tax Lies and Bribes

Civilization’s End

Was Obama Hope & Change slogan a subliminal message for illegal aliens?

Welcome to the New Weimar Republic: The Involatile Laws Of Economics

What Political Color Are You?

Mitt Romney’s “Weirdness”

NAACP and black ministers’ betrayal of blacks

Should Obama Cancel Martha’s Vineyard Escape—- in the Name of “Shared Sacrifice”?

More “Fast and Furious” Idiocy from Obama Administration

Gasoline prices expected to drop -

The Future of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power | The Energy Collective

Preview: The Mix: James Woolsey | Energy Now

Fuel Fix » EPA and U.S. energy policy take beatings during Republican debate

Rick Perry black and white on green issues - Darren Samuelsohn -

Large Scale Energy Storage and the Renewable Energy Problem | Oil

The peak oil crisis: technology

China Monopolizes Rare Earths for Now | The Energy Collective

The Wind-Energy Myth - Robert Bryce - National Review Online

New Rules and Old Plants May Strain Summer Energy Supplies - – Family savings higher in China vs. US

Altruistic wasps? More like plain self-interest -

:: SCRIPPS OCEANOGRAPHY NEWS : : Hidden Baja Undersea Park is the World's Most Robust Marine Reserve ::

Arctic Sea Ice Could Make Comeback Tour : Discovery News

The Benefits Of Taking Time Off | Research - ISNS

Mussels May Strong-Arm Nutrients In Great Lakes | Latest News | Chemical & Engineering News

Scientists highlight link between stress and appetite - National Science Foundation (NSF) News - Arctic Ice Melt Could Pause in Coming Decades - US National Science Foundation (NSF)

Hydrogen highway in the deep sea

PNNL: News - Catalyst that makes hydrogen gas breaks speed record

Q&A: The Impact of Retractions | The Scientist

Rwanda project to save rainforest and chimpanzees - GlobalPost

Why the Earth wears an Antimatter Belt! : Starts With A Bang

Pushing Light Beyond Light Speed - ScienceNOW

Once Your Doctor Knows Your Genes, The Sick Become More Than Just A Disease | Fast Company

Reality check: Why dreams aren't what they seem - life - 10 August 2011 - New Scientist

Close-up of Vesta poses puzzle : Nature News

altmuslimah - Burqa Bans: The French morality police

Obama Has Raised the Stakes on Jerusalem « Commentary Magazine

Rendered Imperfectly: A Review-Commentary of Jason Berry's "Render Unto Rome" | Rev. Brian Van Hove, S.J. | August 8, 2011 | Ignatius Insight

Your Insurance May Already Cover 'Abortion-Inducing Drugs' | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: In the gay debate, let's leave Bert & Ernie alone - News with a Christian Perspective

What Jesus Never Said | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Baptist Press - WORLDVIEW: Ramadan and the summer of discontent - News with a Christian Perspective

Evangelicals Question The Existence Of Adam And Eve : NPR

Ahead of presidential bid, Rick Perry and evangelical leaders court each other – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Did religion play a role in 9/11? » GetReligion

Oppose 9/11 cross? You're out of step with American life

Transcripts:11th/The 2012 GOP Presidential Debate at Iowa State University

Interview with Obama Advisor David Axelrod

Obama's Remarks on Government and the Economy

Analysts on the Deficit Super Committee

The Latest Health Care Court Case | The White House

On Health Care and the Constitution: When Does the High Court Step In? - Law Blog - WSJ

Column: Will the 2012 Obama 'kill' the 2008 Obama? -

Morning Jay: Obama Has No Clue What To Do With Himself | The Weekly Standard

Obama's Reelection Helped By the Left's Primary Vacuum - The Daily Beast

Rick Perry Record Swiped By David Axelrod (VIDEO)

RealClearPolitics - The President's Stale Sermons

Administration gets indignant | Nealz Nuze |

No more phony outrage over Obama camp’s `attack’ on Romney - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Magical Unrealism -

Editorial: ObamaCare Faces Death Panel Of Its Own -

G.O.P. Candidates Jockey for Advantage Before Iowa Straw Poll -

Perry's entrance to shake up the Republican presidential field -

In Texas, Perry Outshines Obama -

Genuflecting to the Tea Party -

Norman Podhoretz: What Happened to Obama? Absolutely Nothing. -

Eleventh Circuit Rules Against Individual Mandate, 2-1. Democratic Appointee Hull In The Majority, Although She's A Conservative. | The New Republic

Why 11th Circuit struck down Obamacare's mandate | Campaign 2012

RealClearPolitics - It's Bootstrap Time for Generation X

Democrats: Bankers 'R Us

Mark Steyn: Lessons for us from London in flames | london, want, book - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Obama Has Appointed Zero Confirmed Appellate Judges Under Age 45 | FDL News Desk

The best answers at the GOP debate - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Partisanship And GOP Anti-Tax Mania | The New Republic

The GOP debate–the aftermath | Questions and Observations

Political Animal - All that glitters is not gold

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Corporate Funded NPR Hits Romney Support for Corporations

Financial crisis won’t do us in, but political gridlock might - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post

Obama Administration Continues to Make Policy Through Waivers

The Use and Abuse of History | The Weekly Standard

How To Win In The New Economic Framework Daniel Arbess | Institutional Investor

Don’t let anyone tell you gold isn’t golden - Al Lewis - MarketWatch

Getgo: Lessons From America's Richest Family -

5 Investment Strategies For Better Sleep -

All the Ways That Stocks Churn Your Stomach -

3 Biases Investors Are Falling Victim To

RealClearWorld - Get Used to Slower Chinese Growth

Placing A Grade On Al Gore's "B.S." Speech - Forbes

Wasteful Politicians, And The Fed's Coming Recession - Forbes

What If Obama Actually Liked Businesspeople? -

RealClearMarkets - Reuters - Markets - Aug 12, 2011 - Analysis: Recession risk unless oil prices fall further

How investors can handle the market’s turmoil - Weekend Investor - MarketWatch

Sometimes, Inflation Is Not Evil -

Inside Iran's Uranium Bomb

Don't Create a Palestinian Terror State

Al-Shabaab: Somalia's Militant Movement

Putin's Potemkin Democracy | Opinion | The Moscow Times

How to recover Britain’s streets for civilisation - Telegraph

The Difference Two Years Make - Stephen Biddle - The American Interest Magazine

gulfnews : Splendid isolation of Al Assad regime

Five Trends I Wish I Could Spot | Stephen M. Walt

Fixing the Euro Zone: A Six-Point Plan for Ending the Debt Crisis - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

JFK’s Berlin blunder - The Washington Post

Abbas’ Vision of an Ethnically Cleansed Palestinian State « Commentary Magazine

In Russia, the Line Between Hard and Soft Blurs: World View - Bloomberg

The Trouble with Global Public Goods | The National Interest Blog

A palpable change in the national mood - Telegraph

The Future of Europe: A Stronger Union or a Smaller One? - TIME

America Next: End of the World As We Knew It - Steve Clemons - International - The Atlantic

+The Week in Pictures: August 7 - 13+

Texas Governor Perry launches 2012 presidential bid

U.S. expands probe of News Corp: Wall St. Journal

Md. man held in Aruba had troubled past with women

Greyhound bus overturns; 14 taken to Pa. hospitals

Record Hindu pilgrimage to Kashmir shrine

Berlusconi: Italy's measures praised in Europe

GOP candidates face early test in 2012 campaign

Latino-indigenous Mexican divide stirs Calif. town

Missouri law limiting teacher-student online contact draws ire

Somalia wants humanitarian force to guard food convoys

Robotic Surgery: Clever Marketing or Life-Saving Technology

US citizen kidnapped by unknown assailants in Pakistan

'Palestinians set date for statehood showdown at UN'

Riots, wild markets: Did space storms drive us mad?

American kidnapped from his house in Pakistan

'Hamas, US reach compromise on Gaza aid'

UK says it won't change police reforms despite riots

PM to public security minister: No more tent evictions

'US concern grows over al-Qaida poison threat'

Obama left short-handed on economy

'Iran to fund Syrian military base'

‘Osama’ film reveals plenty about Hollywood

SHOCKER! Disney Halts ‘The Lone Ranger’ With Johnny Depp And Gore Verbinski –

Forget Obama --'s Now Stumping for ... Science! | TheWrap TV

Leonardo DiCaprio as J. Edgar Hoover -- PHOTOS | Inside Movies |

Top Obama aide fires preemptive broadside at Perry

Congress faces tough decisions on gasoline tax | Reuters

Palin Visits Iowa State Fair -

Sarah Palin: Michele Bachmann catfight 'ridiculous, sexist' - Maggie Haberman -

Facebook: Public Health Danger -

Will the Media Report Unions Boycotting 2012 Democratic Convention Over Labor Issues? |

Ex-Girlfriend Accuses Leftist Billionaire Soros of Violence; NBC Carries Story But Omits His Politics |

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Bigelow and Boal: Call on Sony to Postpone Release of Bin Laden Film Until After Election

A Foreign Policy ‘Directed By Fools’

Protected: ‘One Job At A Time’ Act: How Curtailing Unemployment Insurance Will Stimulate Job Growth

When ‘Confrontation Becomes Almost Inevitable’

Freedom Fighter With Yuri Yarim-Agaev

The Jacksonian Foreign Policy Option

Audio:Congressman Duncan Hunter: Afghanistan and American Defense

The Loss Of SEALs: ‘Our Souls Have Touched A Thousand Times Before This Moment’

The CIA Should Be More A Bit More CAIR-less

Citizen Journalist Assaulted by Wisconsin Union Supporters?

How Media Bias Is Revealed and What to Do About It

NYT : Obama Should Resign So We Can Get to Work and Fix The Economy!

Cartoon:UI: A Star Is Born

VIDEO: Obama’s Failures Too Evident for Media to Hide

Media Ignores Racial Element of London Riots

As Time Reporter in 2001, Jay Carney Bashed Bush for Taking Vacation

George Soros Sued for $50M by 28-Year-Old Ex-Girlfriend; Says He Slapped, Choked Her While in Bed

Bad News for Obama: Sarah Palin Looked ‘Undefeated’ in Iowa

Cartoon:Golf Widow.

In Response to Our American Revolution: ‘No Crying Is Allowed.’

Exclusive: Sex Smear Targeting Kinder Doesn’t Survive Scrutiny

Denver Media Outlets Fail to Cover Multitude of Juicy Stories Behind Recent Rabbit Farm Raid

What Passes for Debate Among the Left in Academia

Gore, Reid and More of Stimulus’ Biggest Bust: Obama’s Perfect September Storm

Thin Black Line Essential for Limited Government

Appeals Court Rules Obamacare Unconstitutional

Western Unrest and the Failure of Social Engineering

Google Ramps Up Political Giving…to Liberal Groups

Audio:The Waning Influence of the Fed

‘Beautiful Girls’: The Greatest Conservative Movie You Haven’t Seen

Flashback: Take the Kidney and Run – George Lopez Divorces Wife After She Gives Him Life-Saving Organ

James Carville’s Prayer for a Third Party Candidate: Hillary or Sarah

‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’ Review: Brilliantly Executed and Exciting

‘Devil’s Double’ Review: Monstrous Uday Hussein Brought Back to Vivid Life

Interview: ‘The Help’ Star Octavia Spencer and Director Tate Taylor

‘30 Minutes or Less’ Review: Moronic Fun

Hollywood Bails Out Obama With Bin Laden Movie

Quran? Torah? Churches 'will have to choose'

FBI wants businesses watching for customers paying with cash

Will you allow this evil to scourge your personal life?

Ron Paul could be a surprise victor in Ames straw poll - The Fix - The Washington Post

Gloria Steinem: Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann ‘Are There to Oppose the Women’s Movement’ -- Daily Intel

White House Attacks GOP Candidates Vow to Nix Any Tax Hike Deal |

Gallup: Muslim Americans Give Obama 80 Percent Approval, Highest of Major Religions |

Striking 'mandate' called 'critical step' in ridding nation of Obamacare

U.S. Appeals Court Rules Against Obama's Health Care Law -

The U.S. Postal Service Nears Collapse - BusinessWeek

This Time, Maybe the U.S. Is Japan -

Markets go down the rabbit hole -

Oops! Barney Frank 'breaks wind' on national TV

Analyst calls for removal of U.S. attorney over 'Fast and Furious'

Cornyn demands answers on gun probe - Washington Times

Tax-funded academy with Muslim agenda closes

Springs woman says TSA agent groped her vagina during pat-down - City Desk - Colorado Springs Gazette, CO

Obama Social Security Number to become issue in 2012 race?

State court case launched to retrieve birth records

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

'London is coming to U.S.'

UK riots: young thugs 'should fear the police', says David Cameron's new crime adviser - Telegraph

Mayor Bloomberg on debt crisis: Don't just tax the rich, tax everyone!

BBC News - Perseid annual meteor shower puts on celestial display

Old quarter finds way back to boyhood owner - Coeur d'Alene Press: Local News

MoD Reveals Top Secret Memos of Mysterious UFOs, Aliens - International Business Times

Space Junk Cleanup Poses Grand Challenge for 21st Century | Orbital Debris Threat & Space Technology | Space Debris |

Astronomers Discover a Dark Alien World

How computers will soon get under our skin - Science, News - The Independent

Electronic skin: How hi-tech 'tattoo' will monitor patients' vital signs | Mail Online

BBC News - Animal's genetic code redesigned

BBC News - Giant fossil shows huge birds lived among dinosaurs

Artist Injects Herself With Horse Blood, Wears Hooves | Underwire |

'I don’t think people expected the Wall would last 30 years' - The Local

Village remembers Iron Curtain coming down - The Local


* Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


HIV-positive father charged with raping 6-month old son knowing he had the disease - New York Daily News

Fugitive Stripper’s Wild Ride - Yahoo! News

Cops: Woman, 24, assaults girl, 12, for looking at her boyfriend- The Register Citizen

Popping pimples outside Cape Coral McDonald's leads to Port Charlotte man's arrest | The News-Press |

Christine O'Donnell, failed Senate candidate, addresses 'witch' controversy in new book

Texas Rep. Burgess tries to clarify impeach Obama remarks | McClatchy

Ancient Roman glass may yield clues to containing nuclear waste - Mid-Columbia News | Tri-City Herald : Mid-Columbia news

Is Boardwalk worth it? | Games Blog - Yahoo! Games

Romney is the wrong candidate

Colorado Dems to Obama: Stay home

Born 'gay'?

Will you sit back and watch the demise of America?

Feral youths

The plan to force farmers off their land

America and the gold standard

Obama radical's plan coming to fruition

Protecting America from EMP attack

Character's built in the small things

RealClearPolitics - The President's Stale Sermons

Michele Bachmann Deflects ‘Submissive’ Question at GOP Debate - The Daily Beast

Race mobs: Diversity's dark side

The American Spectator : Happy New Tax Freedom Day


**1:50:00/Full GOP Debate in Ames, Iowa - Aug. 11, 2011 - YouTube


"I Just Don't Believe These Wars Are Necessary" Ron Paul Post Debate Interview - YouTube

Torture trial for Rumsfeld? 'Abused' US contractors file suit - YouTube

Kelly Thomas Didn't Have Anything Stolen In His Backpack! He Wasn't Fighting! Cops Just Murdered Him - YouTube

Max Keiser: WW3 is on as Wall St. banks plunder economy - YouTube

DNA components found in meteorites

69% Say It’s Likely Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research

» Ron Paul’s message hits America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama’s Political Support Is Collapsing Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*3 Parts/ Bob Chapman & Alex Jones: The Fed Leads By Deception Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul Gives Rick Santorum a History Lesson on Iran Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Pentagon Caught Lying: SEAL Team 6 Wasn’t On a Rescue Mission Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Pentagon Edits Number of Dead SEALs in Afghan Copter Downing Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Navy SEAL Team 6: Congressman Peter King demands investigation into access granted to film about Osama bin Laden hunters | Mail Online

» Forget the Hoax, Ron Paul is a Presidential Front Runner Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Rush Limbaugh Attacks Ron Paul - YouTube

+All Of Ron Paul's Iowa Fox GOP Debate Question & Answers - YouTube

» Establishment Running Scared of Ron Paul Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul Wins Iowa GOP Debate; Is Right On Iran

FARAGO: Was CIA behind Operation Fast and Furious? - Washington Times

» World Bank warns against future economic hardship Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Proposed rule on farms called ‘absurd’

» Unusual Police Activity Before London Riot Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

PC inventor says that its time has passed - It's going the way of the typewriter | TechEye

» Hijacked Regulatory Agencies Do the Bidding Of Big Ag in the War on Natural Food Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Monsanto preys on popularity of omega-3s by developing GMO soybean that produces fake fish oil Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

BBC News - Animal's genetic code redesigned

PressTV - US railway halts cell phone service

HHS: Obamacare-Funded Health Centers for 'Migrants' Won't Check Immigration Status |

Former Counterterrorism Czar Accuses Tenet, Other CIA Officials of Cover-Up | Truthout

September 11th Anniversary: Richard Clarke's Explosive CIA Cover-up Charge - The Daily Beast

Prison » Bush and Clinton Counter-Terrorism Czar Alleges Massive 9/11 Cover Up

Prison » Ron Paul’s message hits America

Prison » UNICEF using African refugee crisis to target 300,000 Kenyan children for vaccination

Prison » Evidence of U.S. Effort to Arm Syrian Opposition Emerges

MI6, under pressure from Blair and Campbell, produced bogus Iraq war evidence | Mail Online

Prison » The Meaning of the British Riots

Britain burns the colour of ‘A Clockwork Orange’ -

Militant Environmentalists Want Violence and Ecological Warfare |

Prison » DeMint: Obama Administration Most “Anti-American” In My Lifetime

Prison » The World’s Money Is Draining Away … Where’s It Going?

Prison » Both Consumer Confidence And The Labor Participation Rate Are At A 30 Year Low … That’s Not A Coincidence

Location of downtown Tampa surveillance cameras will be kept from the public

Shell confirms oil leak in North Sea | Business | The Guardian

*5 Part/ The Connection: Eugenics, Vaccinations, IBM, RFID Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Police State News: Feds to Require License to Drive Farm Vehicles! - Alex Jones Tv - YouTube


**NEWS VIDEOS/George Will: Thomas Paine was America’s First Blogger

Palin to Hannity: ‘Still Considering’ Presidential Run

12th/NBC’s Scarborough Goes on Tirade Against Bachmann, Iowa

Corey Feldman: ‘No. 1 Problem in Hollywood Was and Is and Always Will Be Pedophilia’

Conservative Reporter Crashes Durbin Presser

Appeals Court: Obamacare Unconstitutional

Sarah Palin’s Day at the Fair

WaPo Columnist Agrees with Romney: Corporations Are People

Pro-Walker WI Blogger Ann Althouse Attacked by Protester

CNN’s Lemon Asks Herman Cain If He ‘Stands a Chance’ with ‘Mostly-White Party In a Mostly-White State’

Postal Service Looking to Downsize 120 Thousand Workers

Pawlenty Will Cook You Dinner If You Can Find Obama’s Entitlement Reform Plan

Romney Hammers Obama: ‘In Order to Create Jobs, It’s Helpful to Have Had a Job’

Ron Paul: CIA Tells Me Iran Not Working on Nuclear Weapon

Bachmann Answers ‘Submissive Wives’ Question

11th/Herman Cain: ‘Americans Have to Learn How to Take a Joke’

Ron Paul’s Stunned Silence Wins ‘Awkward Moment’ Award

Gingrich Complains About ‘Gotcha Questions’ and ‘Mickey Mouse Games’

Pawlenty Takes on Bachmann in Iowa Debate

Mars Rover Reaches New Crater

Sharpton’s Radio Listeners Heckle Him Over IRS Troubles

Perry Aide Says ‘He’s In’

‘Corporations are People!’; Romney Mixes it Up with Hecklers

‘October Suprise, The Movie’: Planned Bin Laden Film Under Fire

Fox News Warrior Jesse Watters Confronts Cynthia McKinney Over America Bashing International Tour

Dennis Miller: ‘Mean Girl’ Tina Brown Helped Bachmann with Newsweek Cover

NATO: Taliban Who Shot Down US helicopter ‘Dead’

How Six Cops Fended Off 50 Hooded Rioters

Obama: Celebrating Ramadan at White House ‘Quintessentially American Tradition’

10th/UK Rioters Blame Their Actions On ‘Conservatives’, ‘Rich People’

Hundreds More Arrested as Riots Spread Across England

Santelli Slams CNBC Analyst for Calling Tea Partiers ‘Freaked Out White Men Who Are Unemployed’

Dow Crashes Another 500 Points

NBC News’ Matthews Cribs Media Matters for Unfair Attack on Rush

NBC News’ Matthews Attacks Rick Perry as ‘Profoundly Ignorant’

Sharpton Reveals: Bachmann Requested Funds from Environmental Projection Agency

9th/NYC Hotel Maid Sues Ex-IMF Boss

Riots Spread in England

NBC News’ Sharpton Reports: Dow Down 630%!

Trump: I’ll Run as Independent if GOP Screws Up

Rush at His Best: ‘Obama Blames…’

8th/ACORN in Court for Voter Registration Scandal

Rick Santelli: ‘If it Wasn’t for the Tea Party…We Would Have Been Rated BBB’

Allen West Smacks Back at Dems ‘Tea Party Downgrade’ Meme

President Obama’s Statement on the S & P Downgrade – Full Speech

The ‘Best’ of Al Sharpton, August 8th 2011

7th/Perry to Evangelicals: I’m One of You

Disturbing Audio Tape Released in Arizona Honor Killing Case


*World Video:Roubini Warns Of Global Recession Risk

12th/European Defense Trends

U.S. Should Look To Asia/Australia For Economic Advice

Santorum, Paul Spar Over War On Terror

Afghan Forces Prepare For U.S. Exit

Obama: Europe Debt Woes Hitting U.S.

Greek Economy Continues To Shrink

Clinton: China, India Should Pressure Assad To Go

Gunbattles And Funerals In Syria

A Rally Against NATO In Tripoli.

Wounded Rebels Treated In Benghazi

Measles Hits Ethiopian Refugee Camp

Transformation In U.S. Middle East Policy

Has China Run Its Course?


**Politics Video:Obama Weekly Address: Putting The American People First

Sen. Toomey: "The Policies Of This Administration Are Not Working"

12th/White House In Downed Chopper Photo Flap

Palin At Iowa State Fair: "I Am Still Considering A Run"

Axelrod: Rick Perry Has A "Record Of Decimation"

O'Reilly: "Obama's Presidency Is In Deep Trouble"

O'Donnell, Robinson, Schultz & Alterman Analyze "Right-Wing'" Debate

Cavuto: Mitt's Fit A Game-Changer?

Ed Schultz: Do Republicans Understand What Makes This Country Great?

*13 Aug

American Minute for August 13th

August 13th in History

Today in History: August 13

This Day in History for 13th August

August 13th This Day in History

Today in History: August 13

August 13 Events in History

Today in History for August 13th - YouTube


The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-13-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-13-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-12-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-12-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-12-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 08-12-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-12-11 Hr 3

Aug. 12, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 12 August 2011

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, August, 12, 2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

The Michael Savage Show 08/12/2011

08/12 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2011-Aug-12, Friday

Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 8-12-11

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