A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

12 August 2011

12 AUG

Common sense is genius dressed in working clothes.


How computers will soon get under our skin - Science, News - The Independent

Tattoo Electronics : Northwestern University Newscenter

Satan's New World Order Electronic skin tattoo has medical, gaming, spy uses

Epidermal Electronic System Enable Electric Tattoos - Softpedia - Stick-On Tattoos Go Electric

* Image (EES)


Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – August 11th, 2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 11th, 2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 10th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – August 10th, 2011

The Alex Jones Show – August 9th, 2011

Alex Jones Show – August 8th, 2011

The Alex Jones Show – Sunday Edition – 8-7-11


08/11/11 Full Show -- WWIII, Weapons of WWIII, Stewart Rhodes: Who do the troops support? - YouTube


White House Terror Chief Alleges CIA 9/11 Malfeasance, Cover Up in New Interview: PBS Colorado’s Exclusive Ignites Battle |


Former Counterterrorism Czar Accuses Tenet, Other CIA Officials of Cover-Up | Truthout


Secrecy Kills(


Sen. DeMint: Obama Administration Most Anti-American In My Lifetime - YouTube

Quantum Leap!! - Second Republic Project - YouTube


*2 Parts:Colonel Sixx: SEAL Team 6 Family Members, Bin Laden Raid Was Staged!! |

Article Links:

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials-August 10, 2011


Article Links:Uk Riot News 8-10-11 |


Susan Greenfield: Computers may be altering our brains - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent


US military to launch fastest-ever plane | World news | The Guardian

Pentagon’s Mach 20 Missile Lost Over Pacific — Again | Danger Room |

Astronomers Discover a Dark Alien World

Three Dwarf-Planet Candidates Found at Solar System’s Edge | Wired Science |

Potential Mars Water 'A Big Deal,' Scientists Say | Mars Salty Water Slopes | Search for Life on Mars |

Former New Mexico State Patrol Officer & Cattle Mutilation Investigator, Gabe Valdez Has Passed Away

Pipe-smoking alien crop circle attracts tourists (From This Is Wiltshire)

Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal, UFOs, Cryptids and Unexplained Phenomena

BBC News - Giant fossil shows huge birds lived among dinosaurs

BBC News - Animal's genetic code redesigned

Artist Injects Herself With Horse Blood, Wears Hooves | Underwire |

Why Giant Bugs Once Roamed the Earth

Local Paranormal Team Claims It Caught Photo of Ghost -

Mysterious Minnesota Roadkill Identified


+ Judith Orloff MD ( Videos )


You Can Win at Everything -


- “PROGRAMMING THE NATION?” – Subliminal Blog & Examples – Hitler’s Mind Control Experiments and How They Influenced Modern Propaganda – part 1

- “PROGRAMMING THE NATION?” – Subliminal Blog & Examples – Hitler’s Mind Control Experiments and How They Influenced Modern Propaganda – part 2

- “PROGRAMMING THE NATION?” – Subliminal Blog & Examples – Hitler’s Mind Control Experiments and How They Influenced Modern Propaganda – part 3

- “PROGRAMMING THE NATION?” – Subliminal Blog & Examples – Hitler’s Mind Control Experiments and How They Influenced Modern Propaganda – part 4


*30 MIN/The American Dream Film-Full Length - YouTube


+ The News UNIT: Ron Paul Debate Highlights


* 1:49:56/Full GOP Debate in Ames, Iowa - Aug. 11, 2011 - YouTube


Gingrich on joint congressional committee: ‘As dumb an idea as Washington has come up with’

Could Ron Paul wins the Ames Straw Poll? - The Fix - The Washington Post

Ron and Rand Paul Campaign Together In Iowa | Death and Taxes

Chris Wallace Gotcha Question | Gingrich GOP Debate | Video | Mediaite

Gingrich Dead On About Super Committee Deficiencies - International Business Times

Axelrod reacts to Republican Debate - CBS News Video

Iowa GOP Debates Newt destroys Chris Wallace 8/11/2011 - YouTube

Fact-checking the GOP debaters from Political Intelligence

Newt Gingrich: Super Committee Is Washington's Dumbest Idea - YouTube

Obama to head to Iowa in wake of Republican debate - 44 - The Washington Post

Photos: Republican Debate in Ames Iowa | Denver Post Media Center — Denver, Colorado, Photos and Video

What you need to know from Thursday’s Iowa Republican presidential debate - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

Immigration Reform Roils Republican Debate in Iowa

Michele Bachmann Deflects ‘Submissive’ Question at GOP Debate - The Daily Beast

In Absentia, Perry Manages to Steal Some Thunder From GOP's Iowa Debate - YouTube

Articles: The Secret of Socialism

Video: The Weaponization of Sound | Pakalert Press

Jay Carney Says Unemployment Checks Create Jobs | Video |

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Resisting Google

It's no comment on Emanuel's confrontation with reporter

Terror 'co-conspirator' vets military chaplains

Ann Coulter joins board for homosexual group

» Illinois Shutting Down Artisan Ice Cream Makers for Crime of Using Fresh Fruit Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama Is Implementing Plans For War Throughout the Middle East Created 10 Years Ago by the Neocons Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Pajamas Media » Fighting Back: Lawsuits Challenge New Gun Sale Reporting Law

Works and Days » The Politics of Liberals Bashing Obama

Obama’s Problem According To Maureen Dowd: No Villains | RedState

GOP Picks for Super Duper Committee Won’t Make a Difference | RedState

Future Of War: Private Robot Armies Fight It Out | Pakalert Press

Electronic skin tattoo has medical, gaming, spy uses - Illuminati Hunt Down Dissidents - The Rothschild They Murdered

Washington's Blog:Clusterfukushima T

Radiation from Fukushima may lead to decreased population in Japan | Alaska Dispatch

Quake shakes Japan's Fukushima, no tsunami alert - NHK | Reuters

Mitt Romney says ‘corporations are people’ - The Washington Post

The Right Far and Faux | The Saxon Messenger

Obama Readies Citizen Spies For Action

Smart Grid: Smart meter skirmish: Maine PUC explains opt-out fee decision

Creating a Clean Energy Future - YouTube

The State of the Smart Grid - YouTube

Powering the People -- Smart Homes - YouTube

8 Reasons Raw Foodies Are "Dangerous Extremists"

The Essential Rules Of Tyranny

Libya war lies worse than Iraq | Intrepid

Hilarious Al Gore unhinged calls "bullshit" at Aspen Institute on climate skeptics - YouTube

Riots & Race in Once Great Britain! - YouTube


*LINK PAGGE: How TV Ruined Your Life - Vid


How TV Ruined Your Life s01e01 - Fear - YouTube

How TV Ruined Your Life - 2. The Lifecycle - S01E02 - YouTube

How TV Ruined Your Life - 3. Aspiration - S01E03 - YouTube

How TV Ruined Your Life - 4. Love - S01E04 - YouTube

How TV Ruined Your Life s01e05 - Progress - YouTube

How TV Ruined Your Life s01e06 - Knowledge - YouTube


SMART METERS: Another attack on the 4th Amendment « The PPJ Gazette

Public Health Physician Warns of Smart Meter Dangers, Stresses Need for Analog Option - YouTube

UK riots 2011: Britain's liberal intelligentsia has smashed virtually every social value | Mail Online

Big Brother Has Arrived

5 Reasons Why American Riots Will Be The Worst In The World | Don't Tread On Me

Obama is Financially Destroying Middle Income Families – Patriot Update

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Oath Keepers: FBI Wants Surplus Stores To Spy on Customers

The Fed is a Rogue Elephant (wonkish rant) – Telegraph Blogs

Anonymous: We'll kill Facebook on bonfire night - Yahoo!

Narcissists rise to the top because people mistake their confidence and authority for leadership qualities | Mail Online

Why the rich 'are such a selfish, less empathetic and altruistic lot' | Mail Online - Cloud falls out of sky onto ground in UAE

Death of the Bees. Genetically Modified Crops and the Decline of Bee Colonies in North America

Gold hits $1,800; but what about farmland? - The Tell - MarketWatch

The Dark Cloud Over Growing Antidepressant Prescriptions - DailyFinance

Loch Ness Monster-Like Animal Filmed in Alaska? : Discovery News

Activist Post: Disaster Preparedness for Seniors and the Elderly

Nuclear safety: A dangerous veil of secrecy - Features - Al Jazeera English

A Campaign Where the Lie Became the Truth and the Truth Became the Enemy of the State

Answers in Absolute for ‘Why 9/11?’

Boiling Frogs Beltway Buzz: Obama Administration’s Left-Over Al Qaeda Card

Zacarias Moussaoui: What We Don’t Know Might Hurt Us


*Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs :BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials-August 11, 2011


LONDON BURNING: Infowars Special Report on Social Unrest and Economic Collapse 1/4 - YouTube

LONDON BURNING: Infowars Special Report on Social Unrest and Economic Collapse with Max Keiser 2/4 - YouTube

LONDON BURNING: Infowars Special Report on Social Unrest and Economic Collapse with Max Keiser 3/4 - YouTube

LONDON BURNING: Infowars Special Report on Social Unrest and Economic Collapse 4/4 - YouTube


Patrick Henningsen: The Seeds of Sick Britain Were Sown by Cameron's Own - Alex Jones Tv - YouTube

Wisconsin State Fair - First Hate Crime Charges Filed Against Black Thugs - YouTube

Wis. state fair attacks were racially motivated: suspect - Chicago Sun-Times

** Prison » Ron Paul Wins Another Straw Poll

Ron Paul The Dollar Is Dying And The Fed Is Killing It - YouTube

Prison » Pentagon approves Hollywood scripts

Prison » DeMint: Obama Administration Most “Anti-American” In My Lifetime

Prison » ‘Preppers’ stock up on guns’n’gear as financial doom looms

Prison » What QE3 Will Look Like

Police Beating of Kelly Thomas in Fullerton, CA - YouTube

Claim filed against Fullerton in homeless man's death -

Police officer seeks criminal charges against woman who videotaped police beating | The Raw Story

Prison » Torture trial for Rumsfeld? ‘Abused’ US contractors file suit

Prison » Pharma now pushing for 20 new vaccines in next decade

Prison » Breivik Called Police at Least 10 times to Surrender

Prison » French General: NATO Attack On Syria “Feasible”

Prison » America: “A Parasite On The World”

Prison » SEC To Investigate Trades Based On S&P Downgrade Inside Information

Militant Environmentalists Want Violence and Ecological Warfare |

Prison » Martial Law in America Will Peel Away The Veil of Freedom, Democracy And Civility

Tottenham riots fire victims told by banks: You must still pay your mortgage | Mail Online

Prison » US Default Scare Leads To Biggest Weekly Surge In Non-Seasonally Adjusted M2 In History

Prison » Here Comes “Going Postal” The Sequel: US Postal Service To Cut 120,000 Jobs To Avoid Bankruptcy

Prison » Detroit mother Maryanne Godboldo found in neglect for refusing to medicate daughter with psychiatric drugs

Debt ‘supercommittee’ ready for action | The Raw Story

Prison » British Prime Minister Does a 180 on Internet Censorship

Strange planet is blacker than coal | The Raw Story

+Prison » Ron Paul’s Iowa Fox GOP Debate Question Answers

168 children killed in drone strikes in Pakistan since start of campaign - Telegraph







* Ron Paul Vs GOP Warmongers: Congressman Romps To Victory In Iowa Debate Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

+ Insider: CIA Orchestrated Operation Fast and Furious Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Rick Perry is the Neocon Warmonger Choice for President Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

FARAGO: Was CIA behind Operation Fast and Furious? - Washington Times

» Post S&P Downgrade, Chicagoans Take to Streets, Demand Arrest of Bankers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Pentagon Caught Lying: SEAL Team 6 Wasn’t On a Rescue Mission Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Analysis of Financial Terrorism in America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*5 Videos: The Connection: Eugenics, Vaccinations, IBM, RFID Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Weaponization of Sound (Video) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Pentagon Edits Number of Dead SEALs in Afghan Copter Downing Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» NATO Massacres of Civilians Aimed at “Cleansing” the Libyan People’s Resistance Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

RIC airport protester, federal officials present arguments in lawsuit | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Proposed rule on farms called ‘absurd’

Google Admits Handing over European User Data to US Intelligence Agencies - Softpedia

Electronic skin tattoo has medical, gaming, spy uses

BBC News - Animal's genetic code redesigned

» Hijacked Regulatory Agencies Do the Bidding Of Big Ag in the War on Natural Food Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Santorum and Obama: Two Peas in a Pod? – Tenth Amendment Center

HHS: Obamacare-Funded Health Centers for 'Migrants' Won't Check Immigration Status |

September 11th Anniversary: Richard Clarke's Explosive CIA Cover-up Charge - The Daily Beast

Navy SEAL Team 6: Congressman Peter King demands investigation into access granted to film about Osama bin Laden hunters | Mail Online

Former Labor Secretary: Obama Hopes to Distract the American People So We Forget About Grim Unemployment -

The U.S. Military’s Plan for London-Like Riots | StratRisks

S&P Lobbies The Government For Beneficial Treatment Even As It Rates Federal Finances -

CIA, US Military Operating Inside Mexico’s “Drug War” -

Global Reserve Talks: What Can Replace the Dollar? | StratRisks

Former Counterterrorism Czar Accuses Tenet, Other CIA Officials of Cover-Up -

Presidential hopefuls face off at GOP debate, but fail to show if they're fit to fill Obama's shoes

Dylan Ratigan's Epic Rant On Political Corruption - YouTube

Ron Paul Wins Online Straw Poll - News, Weather and Sports for Sioux City, IA:

Michele Bachmann Repeatedly Sought Stimulus, EPA, Other Government Funds

Kelly Ayotte Town Meeting: "She's full of shit...." (and will gut the CFPA) - YouTube

Why Illinois Can't Afford its Poor Dead | NBC Chicago

NYC Dept. of Buildings: No Records for Pre-9/11 WTC Elevator Rebuild, One of the “Largest, Most Sophisticated” Ever :

+PDF:Contract to "modernize" the elevators; 1994


* "Bush Knew - Requiem for America" - 9/11 Timeline (Flash Animation)


+ Cool Crack: American Home Front during World War II (45 pics)


AIPAC sends US Congress on vacation - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Dennis Kucinich "We Need The President Say... I See The Great Misery In This Country!"

AIPAC’s Iran Strategy On Sanctions Mirrors Run-Up To Iraq War Tactics | ThinkProgress


Inside 9/11 - Hijacking the air defense - YouTube

Street Justice: UK vigilantes stand up as police fails to combat riots - YouTube

Super Congress: A Financial Death Panel That Will Help The Banks Loot & Rape America


Ron Paul's Iowa Fox GOP Debate Question & Answers (08/11/2011) - YouTube


How To Remove Radioactive Iodine-131 From Drinking Water - Forbes

The Icebergs Cometh: Retaking the USA Titanic Before the 2012 Elections

The Revitalized Eugenics Movement & the FDA’s Role :

Obama Slipping: Black America Waking Up - To the Nightmare | Black Agenda Report

LOL!! I Stole 3.5 Trillion Dollars From You. I Dare You To Do Something.

A Voice In The Wilderness: Police and Terrorism: One and the Same

Sweating over scan - new airport body scanner doesn't like perspiration |

Centuries of Lying in the Name of Christianity | Dissident Voice

Chinese Currency Strengthens Against Dollar -

Ron Paul Vs. Military Industrial Complex Establishment Shills :

Highlights Of The Iowa Republican Debate - Ron Paul Is The Overwhelming Crowd Favorite, Battles Rick Santorum Over War With Iran, Gingrich Supports Full Fed Audit (VIDEO) - Home - The Daily Bail


UK Using London Riots To Expand Spying and Censorship Of Social Media Censorship And Cell Phones

FBI Handout Lists Purchase of Preparedness Items as “Potential Indicators of Terrorist Activities” | Before It's News

VIDEO - Mitt Romney Heckled Aggressively At Iowa State Fair Over Social Security And Medicare - Home - The Daily Bail

US backed mercenaries in Somalia are how Obama does business « Antony Loewenstein

Activist Post: The IRS Covers up Reports of Public Guardian Tax Fraud

Color Revolutions: Washington Funds Venezuela's "Made in the USA Opposition"

Have hope: The elite make mistakes ALL the time | Don't Tread On Me

Cops Kill 1 Person A Week With Tasers; Latest Victim Is A Black Boy Tased To Death

Hijacked Regulatory Agencies Do the Bidding Of Big Ag in the War on Natural Food |

FBI adds ‘preppers’ to potential terrorists list |

NATO Butchers Cut Water, Power To Sabha - Leonor - YouTube

The Two Coming American Revolutions. | Don't Tread On Me

U.S. War with China “Inevitable,” Author Glain Says | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance

The Daily Bell - Central Bankers Race Toward Global Currency Solution

Wayfaring Traveler: Tent Cities

Economic Woes Lead to Proliferation of Tent Cities Nationwide -

Ron Paul Beaming with Confidence Before Straw Poll | The Iowa Republican

Revolutionary Politics : Judge Napolitano: CHAOS IS COMING AMERICA!

Revolutionary Politics : Michele Bachmann Requested Federal Stimulus Money At Least 16 Times

CAPTURED - Mitt Romney Has Raised More Campaign Cash From Lobbyists Than All Other GOP Candidates Combined - Home - The Daily Bail

8 Reasons Young Americans Don't Fight Back: How the US Crushed Youth Resistance | Activism & Vision | AlterNet

Fast and Furious: Report Says Sinaloa Cartel Has Enough U.S. Guns to be an Army |

What Obama and The Congress Do Not Know About Bank Runs and IMF Riots Can Literally Kill You | Video Rebel's Blog

Spokesman says Gov. Rick Perry is running for president | Dallas - Fort Worth

FBI Asks Stores To Spy On Survival Gear Customers And Report Them As Potential Terrorists

Activist Post: Emancipate Yourself From Mental Slavery

You Want Proof That Congress Is Owned By Corporations? Check Out What They Did Right Before Going On Break - Home - The Daily Bail

UK - London Riots, as BBC News camera is stolen "Andy, we'll leave it there" - YouTube

Al-Jazeera Blasts The Money Trail Funding The Nuclear Industry Cover Up Of The Fukushima Disaster

Consumer Sentiment Plunges to Three-Decade Low - Bloomberg

World is witnessing financial WWIII – Max Keiser — RT

Gov't pays for empty flights to rural airports

Russia youths seek 'social lift' at Kremlin political camp -

Waging a Savage War on Libyan People

Bring NATO War Criminals To Justice

AIPAC’s Iran Strategy

Why S&P Was Right To Downgrade U.S. Debt

911 : IMAGES

** Associated Press Sept 11 Photo Package


Courthouse News Service:Boat Owners Call BP's Cleanup Program a Corrupt Conspiracy

After Cheating Scandal, FBI Agents to Be Tested On Surveillance Tactics | Threat Level |

Airlines fight EU rules on air quality - Washington Times

Former Counterterrorism Czar Accuses Tenet, Other CIA Officials of Cover-Up | Truthout

National Popular Vote - Page 1 - Debra J. Saunders - Townhall Conservative

The Whistleblower: The Movie the U.N. would Prefer You Didn't See

The Whistleblower (2011) - Official Trailer [HD] - YouTube

ThirdFactor | Armenia picks PWPW S.A. for biometric passports, e-IDs

Why There’s More Money in Maintaining the Obesity Crisis Than Ending It | BNET

Finextra: Visa cites m-payments as it pushes US to EMV

Anti-Piracy Lawyers Accuse Blind Man of Downloading Porn | TorrentFreak

Obama admin under attack: Rand Paul files for key resignation

Obama marks Ramadan with Iftar dinner - CBS News

Real Domestic Terror

Groundwork Laid for Controlled Third Party

Pawlenty, Bachmann spar early, often in GOP debate - The Washington Post

Britain’s Riots: Thuggery, Looting, Lawlessness… By the Ruling Class

Growing Your Own Food: Permaculture, Integrative Organic Farming and Gardening

Brain Dead Obama

Former Counterterrorism Czar Accuses Tenet, Other CIA Officials of Cover-Up

VIDEO: Financial Interests Behind the London Riots?

Color Revolutions: Washington Funds Venezuela's "Made in the USA Opposition"

The Military: Closer to You Than Your Family

The American Elites Are Insane

VIDEO: More US Soldiers have Died by Suicide than in Conflict

"Her Majesty's Democracy": Britain's Parliament demands Violent Repression of Youth Riots

The Crisis in Economic Thought: The Final Death (and Next Life) of John Maynard Keynes

Does AIPAC Have Only Two Major Donors?

Obama The Pretend Populist: Says He's Fighting For Jobs ... But His Policies Only INCREASE Unemployment

In Defense of Internet Anonymity - informationliberation

U.S. Anti-Piracy Police Kept Secret From The Public - informationliberation

What If Tim Berners-Lee Had Patented The Web? | Techdirt

The US military's secret military - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Dave Daubenmire -- There’s a Muslim in the White House


The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood


The CIA should be a bit more 'CAIR'less

Chuck Baldwin -- We Don't Need Another George W. Bush

Escape Tribulation? Wrong! - YouTube

The Trouble with Transhumanism | The Center for Bioethics and Culture

Beyond space-time: Welcome to phase space - space - 08 August 2011 - New Scientist

Privacy and Security Fanatic: Privacy Groups Protest Massive DHS Database of Secret Watchlists

DHS says Terror Watchlist is exempt from Privacy Act | The Informant

The Rawesome controversy and the raw food rabbit hole | 89.3 KPCC

Warrantless “emergency” surveillance of Internet communications by DOJ up 400% : Federal Jack

Activist Post: Animals Reject GMOs: It's Time for a Food Fight (Video)

New drug could cure nearly any viral infection - MIT News Office

Video: UK Unrest Forces Recall of Parliament Session

Video:The Fight for Equality in Israel's J14 Movement

Video:Israel and Palestine Impasse

Video:European Central Bank and the "Sovereign Raiders"

Video:Was S&P Downgrade a Preemptive Strike Against Prosecution?

Video:More Cheap Fed Money Won't Create Jobs

THE issue of our time: Genetic Armageddon | Old-Thinker News

Dr. Frank Lipman: Is Our Health Determined By Our Genes?

The Crossroads of History are Upon us | Old-Thinker News

Privacy and Security Fanatic: Privacy Groups Protest Massive DHS Database of Secret Watchlists


*1:47:20/The Creature From Jekyll Island (by G. Edward Griffin) - YouTube


OpEdNews - Article: A Punishing Educational Curriculum

OpEdNews - Quicklink: Was There a CIA 9/11 Cover-up? : Richard Clarke's Explosive CIA Cover-up Charge

Republican Presidential Hopefuls Prepare for Iowa Test Vote

Obama Urges Passage of Job Creation Bills

Debate Jolts Republican Presidential Race to Life

Buchanan: Romney 'Clear Winner' in GOP Debate

Beck: If Election Were Today, I’d Vote Bachmann

CNN Poll: Perry Would Rise to Top of GOP Pack

Huckabee: Perry Sat. Announcement a 'Blunder'

Bachmann: Pawlenty Deserved My Scrutiny

Luntz: Pawlenty 'Hurt Himself'; Romney 'Presidential'

Perry May Pose Biggest Threat to Romney

Pawlenty: Bachmann Needs to be Accountable

Gingrich: 'Gotcha' Questions Evade Issues

GOP Debate: Ron Paul Says Let Iran Have Bomb

GOP Debate: Gingrich Will 'Run on Ideas'

Pawlenty: Straw Poll Failure Would Force Cutbacks

All Six Dems on Budget Committee Flunk Tax Test

White House Website Caption Highlights ‘Israel’ Debate

Rand Paul Rips Romney on Healthcare

Iowa Rep. King Blasts Perry for Upstaging Straw Poll

Never Fear Cancer Again

Superbug More Likely in Antibiotic Users

Everyone Pays for Obamacare Freebies

Wall Street Analyst's Slam on Tea Party Unfounded

'Crazy' to Dismiss the Dangers of Shariah

Ron Paul: Reform the FDA

China’s War Machine Churning Out Aircraft Carriers

Newt Gingrich — Clear Winner in Debate

Being a Liberal Means You're Never Wrong

Obama Visits Corporation Where His Stimulus Created 'Green' Jobs at $2 Million Per Job

Deficit Averaged $110 Billion Per Month So Far in 2011

Romney: Government-Mandated Health Insurance Good for Massachusetts

Conservatives Clash Over Iran in Iowa Debate

Brent Bozell on the Republican Debate: Win, Lose, Draw

Minnesota Showdown: Bachmann and Pawlenty Joust in Iowa Debate

GOP Debate: Republicans Go After Each Other and Obama

Democrats Bashing Romney for Comment That 'Corporations Are People'

All 6 Democrats on Deficit-Reduction Panel Earned 'F's From Taxpayers’ Union

Commentary: Debate in Ames

Virginia County Removes Sherlock Holmes From School Reading List

White House Scrubs Web Site of Reference to ‘Jerusalem, Israel’

224 Days Later, Americans Finally Earn Enough to Cover Their Share of Federal Spending

DOE Chief of Staff: State Education Standards Are ‘Lying’ to Parents

First Lady's Anti-Obesity Campaign Turned Heavy Children Into Targets, Group Says

‘Made in the USA’ Requirement Pushed As Job-Creator for California

Carney Derided Bush’s Vacation, Defends Obama’s Vacation Plans

Bin Laden’s Death Has Not Affected Battleground in Afghanistan, U.S. Commander Says

Surrogacy Scandal Raises Question about Regulation

Iran Names Street After American Activist

In Book, Christine O'Donnell Addresses 'Witch' Ad

August Brings Multiple Jolts for Obama Presidency

Bachmann Asked Whether Wives Should Be Submissive

Obama Adviser Questions Perry's Economic Successes

Obama Expects to Get Earful on Midwest Bus Tour

Obama brags: What I got done without Congress

Dem: President Perry would have people ‘praying for our country to survive’

Obama: ‘Last thing we need’ is for Congress to return to DC

Nancy Pelosi names 3 Democrats to ‘supercommittee’

Obama tries to get in on anti-Washington anger

Supercommittee member Rep. Becerra to be feted by lobbyists at DC fundraiser

Experimental hypersonic vehicle test flight fails over Pacific

Fla. agency blames Casey Anthony for daughter's death

Butcher killed in drive-by shooting by gang-bangers

Doctor, drug dealer, and pharmacist charged in Oxycodone scheme

Fatal robbery shows dangers of check-cashing businesses

Visa’s “Just Wave and Go” Commercial aka The Human Cattle in a Cashless Society

Actor Corey Feldman Says Pedophilia No. 1 Problem for Child Stars (video)

DARPA HTV-2 Advances Technical Knowledge

Chinese Media Minimizes Military Value of Aircraft Carrier

North Korea Denies Firing Artillery into Yellow Sea

Karzai Election Decree Complicates Political Crisis

Tit for tat: Moscow lists U.S. officials to be barred - Washington Times

Rick Perry: the Paint Creek boy who would be king - Telegraph

SEC investigating S&P's downgrade of U.S. debt: report - Yahoo! Finance

Obama Visits Corporation Where His Stimulus Created 'Green' Jobs at $2 Million Per Job |

National secret: Obama's role in 'panda diplomacy' with China - Washington Times

Is Palin at Iowa State Fair? -

Fireworks Erupt at GOP Presidential Debate in Iowa -

‘Brinksmanship’ Stalls Economy Work: Obama - Bloomberg

Newt Gingrich: Take your 'gotcha questions' and ... - Alexander Burns -

Ron Paul spars with other candidates over foreign policy | Iowa Caucuses

Music teacher caught having sex with doll outsi - Flash Player Installation

‘Death Of A Salesman’ Coming To Broadway With ‘Spider-Man’s Andrew Garfield In Stellar Cast –

U.S. consumer sentiment slumps, retail sales jump | Reuters

Thousands line up for free dental services in Woodstock |

Poll: Majority of public has lost faith in government ability to fix economy - The Washington Post

Republican debate: GOP rivals attack Obama in presidential campaign | Mail Online

Taliban is planning 'spectacular' terrorism attack warns British Army chief in Afghanistan | Mail Online

Obama's Iftar dinner remarks | POLITICO 44

Chuck Baldwin -- We Don't Need Another George W. Bush

Timothy N. Baldwin -- Romans 13: The True Meaning of Submission

Cliff Kincaid -- Republicans Boost Al-Jazeera

Allan Wall -- Numbers USA Rates the Candidates on Immigration

Selwyn Duke -- President Downgrade

Tom DeWeese -- Corporate Social Responsibility

Shane Warne's metrosexual look is over as more go for the Hugh Laurie appearance | Mail Online

How Many Calories Does Muscle Really Burn? (and Why It’s Not About Calories Anyway) | Mark's Daily Apple

The Fire This Time by Patrick J. Buchanan

The Effects of a Financial Repression by Addison Wiggin

5 Reasons Why American Riots Will Be the Worst in the World by Silver Shield

20 Signs That the Fabric Of American Society Is Coming Apart at the Seams

**10 Interactive Financial Websites That Teach Kids Money Management Skills | Before It's News

10 Things to Learn About Renewable Energy Credits | Before It's News

Martial Law: Corporate Media Hints At Military Plans To Take On The American People During Domestic Civil Unrest | Before It's News

Tavis Smiley: Obama Is The First President Who Hasn’t Invited Me To White House | Before It's News

Obama Is Financially Destroying Middle Income Families | Before It's News

Herbs and Asparagus | Before It's News

10 steps lead to happiness

Laffer: Obama Must Use Reaganomics to Save Economy

UFO activity in the orbit of the Sun August 9, 2011 SOHO STEREO Behind EUVI 195 - YouTube

Sen. McCaskill is Not For Extending Unemployment Benefits Because Republicans Are Against It

Steve Benen: How About a Bachmann-Inspired Stimulus?

Ari Melber: Call The Senate Back Into Session And Make Republican Obstructionists Vote On Obama Nominees

Reince Priebus Shrugs: 'We Need to Have a Country of Makers and Not Takers'

Mitt Romney: Corporations Are People! - Updated With Hecklers

US Bloviators Using UK Riots to Attack Liberals and Union Workers

Task Force: Fracking Dangerous, But An Industry Organization Is The Way To Go - Fox, Meet Hen House!

Economists: S&P Downgrade Isn't Legit, Didn't Cause Market Crash

Steve Forbes Begs for Investor 'Animal Spirits' And Dean Baker Laughs Him Off The Set

Colbert PAC Launches First Ad Asking Iowa Voters to Support Rick 'Parry' in Ames Straw Poll

NRA's Wayne Lapierre: Old Dog, Old Tricks

Fox News ALERT: Liberal Activists Attack Mitt Romney!

Fox News Breaks Worst-Kept Secret In Politics: Rick Perry Is In

Michele Bachmann Once Again Lies About Debt-Ceiling In Debate

Bachmann and Pawlenty Tear Into Each Others Records During Iowa Debate

CBO's Elmendorf Teaches Tea Party Freshmen Cutting Spending is Counterproductive in a Recession

Fox News' 'Red Eye' Calls Kids In Progressive Video 'Little Bastards'

The Daily Show: Megyn Kelly is Suffering From Post-Partum Compassion

Exactly Who Doesn't Want To Hire The Unemployed?

Interview: ‘The Help’ Star Octavia Spencer and Director Tate Taylor

‘30 Minutes or Less’ Review: Moronic Fun

Morning Call Sheet: ‘Mad Men’ Everywhere, ‘Riddick 3′ News, the GOP Debate and Happy Friday!

Bigelow and Boal: Call on Sony to Postpone Release of Bin Laden Film Until After Election

Hollywood Bails Out Obama With Bin Laden Movie

Author Marc Eliot Discusses Ronald Reagan’s Hollywood Years

Rep. Peter King: CIA Considers Bin Laden Film’s Political Release Date a ‘Breach of Faith’

Former CIA Analyst: Timing of Bin Laden Film’s Release Looks Like ‘Political Ploy’

Sarah Silverman: Does She Still Heart Obama?

Oprah’s ‘Favorite Thing’ Is Obama in 2012

Pajamas Media » The Curious Case of the Osama-Obama Movie: Hollywood — But Not Politics — As Usual


Google Ramps Up Political Giving…to Liberal Groups

Audio:The Waning Influence of the Fed

Reid and Pelosi Appoint Fiscal Foxes to Serve on Super-Committee Henhouse

Cell Phones for the Poor on the Taxpayers’ Dime

U.S. Attorney’s Office to Family of Fallen Border Agent Brian Terry: Thanks but No Thanks

Indoctrination Fridays: Even Math Hijacked by Social Justice Activists!

You’re Killing Me! Was a Police-related Jailhouse Death an Accident or a Homicide?

A New Front in the Google Wars?

Stimulus Dollars Snapped Up to Fund Teen Alligator Wrestlers

Spokesman: Gov. Rick Perry Running for President

How Much will the Obama EPA Increase the Cost of Government?

Live! From DC! It’s SuperCongress!

Is Revolution In the Air? If So, Let It Be an American Revolution

More ‘Shock-and-Awe’ Fed Easing? We’ve Seen this Movie Before

Audio:EPA Meddling Could Cost Thousands of Jobs

Obama embraces McCain's losing 2008 slogan | Campaign 2012

Pelosi names final members to debt supercommittee

Feds Find Young Children Working Strawberry Farms - ABC News

VIDEO: Obama’s Failures Too Evident for Media to Hide

Media Ignores Racial Element of London Riots

As Time Reporter in 2001, Jay Carney Bashed Bush for Taking Vacation

George Soros Sued for $50M by 28-Year-Old Ex-Girlfriend; Says He Slapped, Choked Her While in Bed

Sound Bite for the Day II: Of Course It’s Al Sharpton

SMACKDOWN! Rick Santelli Slams Anti-Tea Party CNBC Guest

Sound Bite for the Day: Sharpton Confesses That He’s the Racist Teleprompter

Where are the Feminists Now?

The CIA Should Be More A Bit More CAIR-less

The Tunnel Digger To Freedom: 50 Years Ago He Helped People Escape East Berlin

UK Anarchy? Poverty Didn’t Cause Those Riots; Just Ask Some Of Those Arrested!

Hezbollah General: Syria, Iraq, Iran Will Help Us Wipe Out Israel

50 Years Ago: The Berlin Wall Goes Up, And Freedom Is Betrayed

DADT: Naser Abdo, Conscientious Objectors, and Morality Repeal

Democrat Jews Have a Choice to Make: Condemn CodePink, or Own CodePink!

Audio:Mark Steyn: Get Ready for Armageddon

The Cuban Hostage Crisis

Toward Victory in the War of Ideas: Educating America About Shariah

Massive Taxes On Energy Sector Will Further Destroy Our Economy

NYT: Obama Should Resign So We Can Get To Work And Fix The Economy!

Does Sacrificing Sheep and Special Ops Go Together?

London Riots: When Do British Cops Get To Carry Guns?

Our Military Industrial Complex Is In Disarray

Stock Panic Resumes On Concerns Over Europe’s Solvency

CBS News: We invented original reporting on television | Poynter.

Rush Limbaugh: 'The Chris Matthewses and the Media Are Very Close to the Rioters in London in Terms of Anger, Disappointment' |

Portraits of Navy SEALs killed in helicopter crash


12-Aug-11 World View

11-Aug-11 World View

10-Aug-11 World View

9-Aug-11 World View

8-Aug-11 World View

7-Aug-11 World View

6-Aug-11 World View


Syrian forces kill 10 as thousands demand Assad's ouster

Riots poll reveals public back police more than politicians

'Syrian forces kill eight protesters following prayers'

Syrian forces kill 13 as protests erupt nationwide

Judge: Anthony must serve check fraud probation

Europe debt crisis raises pressure for radical fix

Three Film Icons, One Film Festival

Bachmann, Pawlenty clash in heated debate

Clinton presses world to shut tap on Syrian oil

'Supergene' is key to copycat butterflies

4 die, many injured when train derails in Poland

Factbox: Five keys to the Republican debate in Iowa

GM to reopen Indonesia plant, create 800 jobs

Demolition of Azerbaijani activist hub criticized


**NEWS » Romney Hammers Obama: ‘In Order to Create Jobs, It’s Helpful to Have Had a Job’

Pawlenty Will Cook You Dinner If You Can Find Obama’s Entitlement Reform Plan

Ron Paul: CIA Tells Me Iran Not Working on Nuclear Weapon

Bachmann Answers ‘Submissive Wives’ Question

11TH/Herman Cain: ‘Americans Have to Learn How to Take a Joke’

Ron Paul’s Stunned Silence Wins ‘Awkward Moment’ Award

Gingrich Complains About ‘Gotcha Questions’ and ‘Mickey Mouse Games’

We Can Do Better Than Al Sharpton

Pawlenty Takes on Bachmann in Iowa Debate

Mars Rover Reaches New Crater

Sharpton’s Radio Listeners Heckle Him Over IRS Troubles

Perry Aide Says ‘He’s In’

‘Corporations are People!’; Romney Mixes it Up with Hecklers

‘October Suprise, The Movie’: Planned Bin Laden Film Under Fire

Fox News Warrior Jesse Watters Confronts Cynthia McKinney Over America Bashing International Tour

Dennis Miller: ‘Mean Girl’ Tina Brown Helped Bachmann with Newsweek Cover

NATO: Taliban Who Shot Down US helicopter ‘Dead’

Obama: Celebrating Ramadan at White House ‘Quintessentially American Tradition’

Perry: America’s ‘Best Days Still Ahead Of Us’

Boy Pulled Lifeless From Ocean Out of ICU

How Six Cops Fended Off 50 Hooded Rioters

Failure of Leadership

Dramatic Rescue on Roof of 30 Rock

10TH/NBC News’ Matthews Cribs Media Matters for Unfair Attack on Rush

NBC News’ Matthews Attacks Rick Perry as ‘Profoundly Ignorant’

Sharpton Reveals: Bachmann Requested Funds from Environmental Projection Agency

Sharpton Responds: ‘I Used One Word Rather Than Another’

Dow Crashes Another 500 Points

Rush: Sharpton Victim of ‘Racist TelePrompter Operator’

UK Rioters Blame Their Actions On ‘Conservatives’, ‘Rich People’

Hundreds More Arrested as Riots Spread Across England

Santelli Slams CNBC Analyst for Calling Tea Partiers ‘Freaked Out White Men Who Are Unemployed’

9TH/NYC Hotel Maid Sues Ex-IMF Boss

Riots Spread in England

Trump: I’ll Run as Independent if GOP Screws Up

NBC News’ Sharpton Reports: Dow Down 630%!

Rush at His Best: ‘Obama Blames…’

8TH/Man with Breast Cancer Denied Medicaid Coverage

Gore Flips Out on Warming Skeptics: ‘Bulls**t!’

ACORN in Court for Voter Registration Scandal

Rick Santelli: ‘If it Wasn’t for the Tea Party…We Would Have Been Rated BBB’

Allen West Smacks Back at Dems ‘Tea Party Downgrade’ Meme

President Obama’s Statement on the S & P Downgrade – Full Speech

Dow Dives

The ‘Best’ of Al Sharpton, August 8th 2011

7TH/Liberals on Maher Panel Pine for Hillary Presidency

Perry to Evangelicals: I’m One of You

Disturbing Audio Tape Released in Arizona Honor Killing Case


Perry and Texas, where are they on Arizona's Court fight?

Can Herman Cain Win the Election?

Making Good on the American Dream

Best Opportunity for America in 50 Years

The Wasted Valor of the Navy SEALs

Obama/Hillary Coming Soon to a Primary Near You?

Between Hillary and a Hard Place

Obama and Bernanke: Double-Whammy Disaster

Chimps, Chumps, and Air Traffic Controllers

Why the Tea Partiers are Terrorists

Rahm's race politics showing

Postal Service to cut 120,000 jobs

Syrian troops fire on protestors leaving religious services

Obama's path to 270 electoral votes is narrowing

Testy exchanges mark Iowa debate

Jay Carney on presidential vacations then and now

Over the Cliff at Any Speed

What's in a name?

Obama promises new ideas on jobs 'every week'

Class Warfare Erupts Into Just Plain Warfare

The Revenge of the Gods of the Copybook Headings

Democrats Own the Stock Market Crash

A Leaderless Nation

Mr. President, It's 3AM!

Afghan Helicopter Attack is Obama's Fault

NYT Searches for the Leader of the Anti-Shariah Movement, Finds Me Instead

Obama's Undignified Transparency

The Sleeping Giant Awakens

President Downgrade

Will There Be War?

Racial Sensitivity Through the Looking Glass

How Stupid is Obama?

Obama as the Dying God

The NAACP's Betrayal of Blacks

The Keynesian Fraud

The Continuing Injustice of Obamacare Waivers

New Strategy For Ground Zero Mosque

UK anarchy is the fruit of socialism

What Would John Do?

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America - Take down Obama and the rogue government

Assault by TSA

Rise of the Planet of Apes Hero Inspired by Che Guevara

Civilization’s End

Was Obama Hope & Change slogan a subliminal message for illegal aliens?

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Time to take over the government

Palestine - Duping The United Nations

Obama-Netanyahu speak about Israeli counterterrorism measures

NAACP and black ministers’ betrayal of blacks

Should Obama Cancel Martha’s Vineyard Escape—- in the Name of “Shared Sacrifice”?

It’s ‘Crazy’ to Ignore Shariah

‘Banana Republic’ ACORN Hit with Maximum Fine in Voter Fraud Scheme

Socialism’s God—Karl Marx: Was He Stupid, Insane…or Possessed?

The Soros Loophole

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America - A Congress of criminals

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Congress is inviting rebellion

Debbie Schlussel:MORONS: Police Unsure of “Motive” Behind African Refugees’ Fake Bomb @ Phoenix Airport

Debbie Schlussel:DUMB: US Big Govt vs. Million $ Italian Sports Car

Debbie Schlussel:Islamerica (TM): UAE Funds Joplin Public Schools, Gets “Partnership For [Muslim] Cultural Understanding”

Herman Cain Uses Pokemon Quote At End of GOP Debate | Video |

Quinnipiac Poll Shows Majority Disapproval in Liberal NY |

Al Sharpton Dodges Unpaid Taxes Questions on Radio |

Joe Scarborough Blasts Michele Bachmann as a ‘Joke’ | Video |

Jon Stewart Calls Fox News’s Megyn Kelly a Hypocrite Over Maternity Leave | Video |

‘We’ll Hunt Down these Black Men, Cut Off Their Heads and Feed Them to Our Dogs’ | Video |

Black Wisconsin Teen Admits to Targeting Whites |

Santorum needs to finish fifth or better to continue his campaign |

Top 10 Jobs You Get With a High School Degree |

Bible Project in Jerusalem Tracks the Evolution of the Hebrew Bible |

El Compayito Mexican Drug Lord Arrested | Video |

Michele Bachmann | Byron York | Submissive to Husband | Video |

Gingrich Slams Chris Wallace Over ‘Gotcha Questions’ | Video |

Glenn Beck Pics Michele Bachmann as Favorite Presidential Candidate | Video |

Tim Pawlenty | Michele Bachmann | Iowa Debate | Unqualified | Migraines | Video |

Tim Pawlenty | Mitt Romney | Mow Lawn | Video |

Starbucks CEO Howard Shultz Cancels Willow Creek Speech |

Date Rape Drug Detected by Sensor in Future | Video |

Gloria Steinem Slams Bachmann, Palin, Perry |

Christopher, Cynthia Ewerdt Arrested For Allegedly Giving Daughter Mushrooms |

Man Arrested for Exposing Penis at Walmart Because He‘s ’Aroused’ by the Store |

9/11 Truthers Wonder if September 11 Attack Was Inside U.S. Government Job | Video |

National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance Group: Michelle Obama Turning Fat Kids Into Bullying Targets With ‘Let’s Move’ Campaign | Video |

Obamacare-Funded Health Centers Won’t Ask Citizenship Status |

Murdered Border Agent’s Family Denied Victim Status by US Attorney |

Dr. Maurice Johnson is Homeless With Doctorate Degree in Boston | Video |

Pills Made of Dead Babies Allegedly Created in China |

Did Israel just stop 'spectacular' terror attack?

Arab newspaper reports: So-called destruction of 'alleged' Temples

Cell-phone company urges: 'Defeat right-wing radicalism'

Terror 'co-conspirator' vets military chaplains

Jihadists infiltrating U.S. military?

Planned Parenthood's 'Chili' reception

Is New Black Panther cover-up cracking?

Colin Powell offered reward to hear eligibility evidence

Coulter joined what?

You want to see face of 'terrorism'?

Video: Ghostly cloud faces appear over New Brunswick -

Simon Cowell: 'I would have rejected Lady Gaga' : Daily Dish

Bathtub stuntman busted for road hijinks in Lower Saxony - The Local

Watch: Ancient escape tunnels discovered in Jerusalem - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

The 2011 Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition - Telegraph

Warren Buffett buying in down market | Reuters

One last chance for Republicans

Is Rick Perry the answer to GOP's prayers?

Race mobs: Diversity's dark side

Coulter joined what?

Homosexuality: Born this way?

Liberals: Never satisfied, never accountable

The ticking debt bomb

Where magic wins out over reason

The CIA should be a bit more 'CAIR'less

The Grover Norquist super committee

Al Gore for President

Mitt's Romneycare apology

Did Marx Get It Right? | FrontPage Magazine

Mexico nabs cartel kingpin blamed for 600 murders

DARPA Loses Hypersonic Vehicle, Goes From $320M to Zero in 2,700 Seconds -

NASA Sun-Watching Satellite Spots Comet Elenin in Deep Space | Comet Elenin, Nibiru & Comet Flyby | NASA's STEREO Spacecraft | - Opinion: The Mormon elephant in the presidential arena


* Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?



Obama Social Security Number to become issue in 2012 race?

State court case launched to retrieve birth records

'I created Obama's certification of birth'

Court tells Hawaii officials to explain Obama's birth records

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


Fireworks Erupt at GOP Presidential Debate in Iowa -

Karger intends to debate in Ames | Iowa Independent

Gallup: Muslim Americans Give Obama 80 Percent Approval, Highest of Major Religions |

Top Hamas engineer tells all - Israel News, Ynetnews

Cornyn demands answers on gun probe - Washington Times

Researcher: Obama Admin Decision Makes Obamacare Fund Abortions |

See MSNBC's Rachel Maddow get served with lawsuit

Transient Meth Head Rakes In $95,000 By Stealing Copper to Support $100-a-Day Meth Habit - Phoenix News - Valley Fever

UK riots: Middle class 'rioters' revealed including Laura Johnson, Natasha Reid, Stefan Hoyle | Mail Online

Jihadists flood Web with anti-British messages - The Times of India

U.S. mayors wary as London burns - Ben Smith and Emily Schultheis -

Oops! Barney Frank 'breaks wind' on national TV

All 6 Democrats on Deficit-Reduction Panel Earned 'F's From Taxpayers’ Union |

DOE Chief of Staff: State Education Standards Are ‘Lying’ to Parents |

67% of Egyptians Back Executing Mubarak - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel says new curfew rules will be enforced |

Casey Anthony Ordered to Return to Orlando Florida to Serve Probation - ABC News

Arrest total from British riots is around 1,700 -

Ohio serial killer Sowell gets death penalty | Reuters

IBM PC daddy: 'The PC era is over' • The Register

BBC News - Fossil 'suggests plesiosaurs did not lay eggs'

Casey Anthony Ordered to Return to Orlando Florida to Serve Probation - ABC News

Arrest total from British riots is around 1,700 -

Ohio serial killer Sowell gets death penalty | Reuters

IBM PC daddy: 'The PC era is over' • The Register

BBC News - Fossil 'suggests plesiosaurs did not lay eggs'

Bing Beats Google On Search Effectiveness -- InformationWeekBing Beats Google On Search Effectiveness - windows Blog

DARPA Won't Kill HTV-2 Research | News & Opinion |

Minority Report – Predicting a riot is impossible on social media

Court: Insurance requirement unconstitutional -

National gasoline website warns higher prices coming | The Indianapolis Star |

US consumer confidence plunges - Telegraph

The True Cost of State Sales Tax Holidays - DailyFinance

Oil edges up but U.S. consumer gloom limits rise | Reuters

Ex-Nasdaq Official Sentenced to 3 1/2 Years - Bloomberg

Honda to build small cars in Mexico -

USPS seeks to cut 120,000 jobs: What will be the impact? - The Washington Post

UPDATE: Italy's Berlusconi Scrambles To Finalize Austerity Plan -

Spoilers don't ruin stories or films? | Reuters

Turnstyle: Why Some Latinos Are Glad 'Lopez Tonight' Got Canceled

Perseid Meteor Shower 2011: How to Watch Shooting Stars - ABC News

Charting Brain Growth in Humans and Chimps -

Number Sense and Mathematical Ability in Young Children -

Joe Public invited to hunt God particle • The Register

Darkest Planet Found: Coal-Black, It Reflects Almost No Light

Hubble snaps pic of Necklace Nebula

 | TG Daily

NASA Probe to Asteroid Begins Collecting Data - ABC News

Jodie Foster helps in search for alien civilizations -

Negative Image Aside, Asian Carp Are a Boon -

NASA Mars Rover on Final Approach to Huge Crater Rim | News & Opinion |

Safety in Solar | The Sag Harbor Express

Myriad Ways To Measure Worth | AVIATION WEEK

Mysterious Orange Goo Invading Alaska Is Alive! | The Stir

Cost Of Next Rocket And Capsule To The Moon Staggering -

Climate change: cloudy, with a chance of competing realities

Photos of the Day: The Maple Seed Drone | Product Design and Development

Libyan Rebels Claim They Captured Part of Brega -

BBC News - Somali army warns about al-Shabab mines in Mogadishu

Norway names commission to probe massacre - Israel News, Ynetnews

U.S.: Reported Drone Strike Casualties 'Way Off the Mark' - ABC News

Alleged Bali bomber Patek now in custody - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Piracy off west Africa increases sharply | World news | The Guardian

London riots: victim in YouTube video is Malaysian student | UK news |

infoZine - Mitt Romney's America: "Corporations Are People" - Kansas City, Missouri News

Dougherty gang: Sister is singing like a bird -

Stephen Colbert aims comedic political ad at Iowa | Reuters

The Berlin Wall’s 50th anniversary - The Washington Post

Newt Gingrich makes media main campaign opponent - Kendra Marr -

Chris Wallace Defends His 'Gotcha' Questions to Newt! - YouTube

Iowa straw poll now the focus of GOP presidential field - The Washington Post

GOP Candidates Go After Obama - and Each Other - YouTube

Hi-tech ‘tattoos’ can monitor patients’ health

Indian curry spices curb stress - Times Of India

Organic Farms May Keep Bacteria at Bay - Ecocentric -


IBM - Smarter Planet (


The blame game - The Week

Wonkbook: No winners in Thursday’s debate, but many losers - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - Bachmann, Pawlenty Trade Jabs at Iowa Debate

The System Works - Charles Krauthammer - National Review Online

Why I’m Happy to Pay More for Green Power | Oil

Rick Perry black and white on green issues - Darren Samuelsohn -

Negotiating The Renewable Energy Finance Future

Large Scale Energy Storage and the Renewable Energy Problem | Oil

The peak oil crisis: technology

Mexican oil: Brimming with potential, stuck in the mud - Aug. 11, 2011

China Monopolizes Rare Earths for Now | The Energy Collective

The Wind-Energy Myth - Robert Bryce - National Review Online

New Rules and Old Plants May Strain Summer Energy Supplies -

The too-smart-for-its-own-good grid - MIT Media Relations

Q&A: The Impact of Retractions | The Scientist

Rwanda project to save rainforest and chimpanzees - GlobalPost

Can We Make Jurassic Park Yet? | When Will We Be Able to Clone Dinosaurs? | Is Jurassic Park Possible? | Life's Little Mysteries

Pushing Light Beyond Light Speed - ScienceNOW

Why the Earth wears an Antimatter Belt! : Starts With A Bang

Once Your Doctor Knows Your Genes, The Sick Become More Than Just A Disease | Fast Company

Reality check: Why dreams aren't what they seem - life - 10 August 2011 - New Scientist

The illusion of attention | Mo Costandi | Science |

Study: Buddhist Meditation Promotes Rational Thinking - Miller-McCune

Hydrogen highway in the deep sea

PNNL: News - Catalyst that makes hydrogen gas breaks speed record

Netherlands Meter Plan Links Gas Pedals to Wallets -

Earthscraper concept takes urban planning underground

Barcodes Refocus Understanding of Ecosystems | Research - ISNS

False confessions: Silence is golden | The Economist

Book looks at Mormon misconceptions | Deseret News

Church dress codes call for more modesty at Mass

Baptist Press - WORLDVIEW: Ramadan and the summer of discontent - News with a Christian Perspective

Uwe Siemon-Netto's Blog: And the wall fell down flat

Religion: Churches ignoring online playgrounds | ScrippsNews

Rabbi Eric H. Yoffie: America Needs Religious Politicians

What Jesus Never Said | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Billy Graham | Satan tries to turn us away from God -

A history of spiritual petitions - On Faith - The Washington Post

Study: More educated tend to be more religious, by some measures – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Joshua Stanton: Jews and Muslims in America Have More in Common Than We Think

Peter Goodspeed: Karzai’s departure could change the game in Afghanistan | Full Comment | National Post

Commentary: Policy Hawks Gunning for Syrian Confrontation | The National Interest

The dangers of secularism in the Middle East -

Have the Arab uprisings made Israel less secure? - By Daniel Byman - Slate Magazine

Muammar Gaddafi's rat cunning holds sway | The Australian

Without Saudi support, President Bashar al-Assad's brutal dictatorship in Syria looks doomed - Telegraph

gulfnews : Why America will always matter

The world economy: Central bankers to the rescue? | The Economist

RealClearMarkets - S&P and the Fraud of Government Regulation

RealClearMarkets - No Time to Panic - This Is Not 2008 Again

First Rule in Panics: Don't Panic -

Another Round of Bailouts? -

What Can Replace the Dollar? - Barry Eichengreen - Project Syndicate

IRA Analyst - Robert Rubin, Bank America and the fate of the dollar

RealClearMarkets - The Aura Of the Fed Is Gone, Good Riddance

The Hijacked Crisis -

Five myths about the Dow - The Washington Post

A Restructuring Of U.S. Education Could Create Substantial Equity - Forbes

If not college, then what? -

The best answers at the GOP debate - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Partisanship And GOP Anti-Tax Mania | The New Republic

The GOP debate–the aftermath | Questions and Observations

Political Animal - All that glitters is not gold

Obama Has Appointed Zero Confirmed Appellate Judges Under Age 45 | FDL News Desk

Financial crisis won’t do us in, but political gridlock might - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post

Obama Administration Continues to Make Policy Through Waivers

The Use and Abuse of History | The Weekly Standard

Is Pawlenty a Big Government, Insurance Mandate Enthusiast? - By Katrina Trinko - The Corner - National Review Online

Articles of Faith: Why Republicans Don’t Want to Debate Birth Control | Swampland

Analysis: Under fire, Obama struggles to instill confidence | Reuters

Obama Returns To Holland, Michigan, Talking Jobs, The Auto Industry, And Climate Change | The New Republic

Barack Obama Needs to Force Congress Into Recess, Make Appointments - The Daily Beast

Deficit ‘supercommittee’: More predictable than super - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - Perry to Pose Major Threat to Romney

RealClearPolitics - Clueless in Washington

Obama Needs a Mea Culpa Moment to Get Back on Track -

The Nothingness of the Iowa Straw Poll : Roll Call Opinion

I Love The Iowa Straw Poll—And I’m Not Ashamed To Say It | The New Republic


**Markets Video:Roubini Warns of Global Recession Risk

11th/Are There Still Bulls--Waiting for Moment to Strike?

Why Are Stocks Really Selling Off?


**World Video:European Defense Trends

U.S. Should Look To Asia/Australia For Economic Advice

Santorum, Paul Spar Over War On Terror

Afghan Forces Prepare For U.S. Exit

Obama: Europe Debt Woes Hitting U.S.

Greek Economy Continues To Shrink

Clinton: China, India Should Pressure Assad To Go

Gunbattles And Funerals In Syria

A Rally Against NATO In Tripoli.

Wounded Rebels Treated In Benghazi

Measles Hits Ethiopian Refugee Camp

Transformation In U.S. Middle East Policy

Has China Run Its Course?

11th/The OECD And Emerging Donors

Is France A Risky Business?

Ramadan Crackdown In Syria

Forbes On Debt, The Dollar And The Dow

Italy To Reform Budget Law

The Face Of Famine In Somalia

Military Killed Taliban Who Downed U.S. Helicopter

Student Recovers After Attack In London Riots

Syria 'Mosque Shelling' Video

UK PM: Social Media May Be Limited During Riots

Female Bombers Hit Pakistan Police At Blast Site

Putin Finds Underwater Treasures

2011 U.S.-Islamic World Forum

Are The UK Rioters Just 'Thugs Gone Amok'?


**Politics Video:White House In Downed Chopper Photo Flap

O'Reilly: "Obama's Presidency Is In Deep Trouble"

O'Donnell, Robinson, Schultz & Alterman Analyze "Right-Wing'" Debate

Cavuto: Mitt's Fit A Game-Changer?

Ed Schultz: Do Republicans Understand What Makes This Country Great?

11th/Ron Paul: "We Need Honest Money, A Gold Standard And Not Paper Money"

Bachmann To Pawlenty: You Sound Like Obama To Me

Ron Paul: We Deal With The Fed Because It "Creates The Business Cycle"

Cain: I'm About Growth In Jobs And The Economy

Obama: "Hear It In My Voice ... I Am Frustrated"

Pawlenty: I'll Cook Dinner Or Mow Your Lawn If You Find Obama's Entitlement Plan

Bachmann Explains What Being "Submissive" To Her Husband Means

Sarah Palin Ad For New "One Nation" Bus Tour

Axelrod: All GOP Candidates Have "Embraced The Dogma of The Tea Party Right"

Gingrich Defends Campaign, Tells FOX Host To Put Aside "'Gotcha' Questions"

FOX News: Gov. Rick Perry Will Officially Join Race On Saturday

Matthews: I'm Not A Democratic Activist, I'm A Political Commentator

Obama: "Islam Has Always Been Part Of Our American Family"

Obama To Dems, GOP: "Here To Enlist You" To Put Country Ahead Of Party

Romney Responds To Obama Campaign: "It's Going To Get Real Ugly"

Obama: Economy Not Growing Fast Enough Because Of Revolutions

Rep. Tim Scott On Bipartisan Spending Cuts

Romney Gets In Shouting Match With Crowd At Iowa State Fair

Politico's Ken Vogel Predicts Effect Of SuperPACs On GOP Races

DeMint: Obama Administration Most "Anti-American" In My Lifetime

Bill Press: Is The Bipartisan Super Committee Constitutional?

Perry On Presidential Run: "This Is What I'm Supposed To Be Doing"

Toomey Committed To Maximizing Economic Growth & Enabling US Jobs

Krauthammer: Obama Is "Clueless And, For Now, Irrelevant"

Maddow: Republicans Are Hypocrites On Stimulus Spending

O'Reilly: Will Violent Class Warfare Break Out In America?

O'Donnell: Wisconsin "An Amazing Win For Democrats"

*12 Auig

American Minute for August 12th

Today in History: August 12

August 12 Events in History

August 12th in History

August 12th This Day in History

Today in History: August 12

This Day in History for 12th August

Today in History for August 12th - YouTube


Redding News Review 08-10-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 08-10-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-10-11 Hr 3

Redding News Review 08-11-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 08-11-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-11-11 Hr 3

Aug. 11, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 12thy

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 2011-08-11

Alex Jones - 2011-Aug-11, Thursday

The Manning Report – 11 August 2011

The Manning Report – 10 August 2011

The Manning Report – 9 August 2011

The Manning Report – 8 August 2011

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-11-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-11-11 Hr 2

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 8-11-11

08/11 The Mark Levin Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Thursday, August, 11, 2011

The Michael Savage Show 08/11/2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

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