A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

27 July 2011

27 July

Anybody Who Thinks the United States Isn't Still the Land of Promise
Just Hasn't Been Listening to Political Speeches Lately!

Man Tries to Hijack Train With Screwdriver | Video |


The Alex Jones Show [07/26/2011]

Wallbuilders Live [07/26/2011]

Cutting Through the Matrix With Alan Watt [07/25/2011]

The Alex Jones Show [07/24/2011]


Washington's Blog:From the "Wealth of Nations" to the "Debt of Nations"

You Too…Can Have Dinner With The President « Government Gone Wild

New Video: The Coming Interest Armageddon « Government Gone Wild

The New Nullification Movement « Government Gone Wild

House GOP Moves Toward Vote on Boehner Bill As Obama Urges Public to Act -

Street View cars grabbed locations of phones, PCs | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

Prison » TSA Reminds Us All Who The Real Terrorists Are

Prison » Gunman Conspired With “Business and Political Leaders” Before Massacre

Prison » Oslo Terror: Whose Agenda Does It Serve?

Prison » The Federal Reserve ADMITS that Its 12 Banks Are PRIVATE – Not Government – Entities

Michele Bachmann to address California Republicans -

Glenn responds to Al Jazeera – Glenn Beck

Basij Brigadier General Mohammad-Reza Naghdi Says Iran Security Dependent Upon Wiping Israel Off the Map |

Mother Jones’, SPLC Launch Dishonest Attack on Bachmann over Gay Teen Suicide - Big Journalism

End of America - The Ron Paul op-ed everyone will be talking about this weekend

Push Back Against FDA Growing – Tenth Amendment Center

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : More Left-Wing Terrorism? Bomb Threat at Americans for Tax Reform

Why would NASA retire Shuttles to be without a Space Program? | Conspiracy Watch

Department Of Homeland Security Spreads More Terrorism Related Conspiracy Theories -

Calling CNN About David Gergen & His Bohemian Grove Connections! :

» Alex Jones & Webster Tarpley: Norway Terror Attacks a False Flag Staged Event Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

25 Reasons To Absolutely Despise Bankers And Their Minions | Video Rebel's Blog

Activist Post: Working in the US for .23 cents/hour making military equipment

7 Benefits of Exercise and Why Weight Loss Isn't One of Them

Is Your Food Aging You?

The Symbolic Nature Of Money | Don't Tread On Me

The Daily Bell - G. Edward Griffin on Inflation, Politics and the Power Elite

Bill Maher’s Easy, Politically Safe Humor - Big Journalism

Types of Skills Everyone Should Know – Video – Top 100 Important Skills - Popular Mechanics

How to Hone Your DIY Skills

Food Security: A Pantry and a Garden by Marianna -

Oslo slaughter 'symptomatic of Nazi-like nationalism'

Report on Homeland Security scandal blocked

Witnesses to ATF gunrunner operation to name names

Sipsey Street Irregulars: The National Scope of the Gunwalker Scandal. Lanny Breuer & four border state ATF SACs implicated in report. "Lions! And tigers! And bears! Oh, my!"

MSNBC, Isikoff: "There's Been a Surge in Right Wing Attacks in the Last Couple of Years" - Atlas Shrugs

The Charles Manson of Norway | Culture Wars Right Side News

‪The Video Congress Does Not Want You To See‏ - YouTube

‪Special Interests...EXPOSED!!!‏ - YouTube

‪The Coming Interest Armageddon‏ - YouTube

‪Welcome To The United "Waste" of America‏ - YouTube

‪Brother, Can You Spare A Trillion?: Government Gone Wild!‏ - YouTube


‪Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Breivik, The Oslo Terrorist Was Real! "NOT A FALSE FLAG" - Alex Jones Tv 1/4‏ - YouTube

‪Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Breivik, The Oslo Terrorist Was Real! "NOT A FALSE FLAG" - Alex Jones Tv 2/4‏ - YouTube

‪Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Breivik, The Oslo Terrorist Was Real! "NOT A FALSE FLAG" - Alex Jones Tv 3/4‏ - YouTube

‪Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Breivik Terrorist Was Real! "NOT A FALSE FLAG Event" - Alex Jones Tv 4/4‏ - YouTube


On the Contrary: Anders Behring Breivik: a Judeo-Masonic Terrorist





‪The Norway Bombing and Israel?‏ - YouTube

SMART METERS: A triple threat « The PPJ Gazette

The Appalling Hypocrisy Of The Republican Party Exposed In Three Simple Charts

‪World Collapse Explained in 3 Minutes‏ - YouTube

CRapitalism: The Liquidating of America/ Part 1 « The PPJ Gazette

‪Sen. Feinstein's Husband Cashes In on Crisis, Thanks To Her?‏ - YouTube

US was Cheerleader for Israel’s Gaza Onslaught

George Soros Scales Back: He’s Done This Before - Deal Journal - WSJ

Activist Post: 9 of Quartzsite’s 14 cops suspended after blowing whistle on Chief; Governor Ignores

Proposed road rules for farmers anger some

FDA Copies the European Union and Slips In One of its Deadliest Weapons | Welcome to the Alliance for Natural Health - USA

Feds can't make up minds on mercury bulbs

Walnuts are DRUGS! FDA makes bizarre claim after seller says they 'reduce risk of heart disease and cancer' | Mail Online - Dissociated State of Mind is Social Necessity

Louisiana Caskets - Release 7-21-11 | The Institute for Justice

An Education For The President et al. « The PPJ Gazette

Did Winehouse's funeral violate Jewish law? - Entertainment - Celebrities -


National UFO Center ;Filer's Files # 30 - 2011 - Mars River and Stadium

National UFO Center;Filer's Files #29 2011 - Roswell Debris Found

National UFO Center;Filer's Files #28 - 2011 - UFOs at Nuclear Missile Sites


The Oslo Attacks - More False Flag Evidence

Anders Behring Breivik played Lord of the Rings on his iPod to drown out screams | Mail Online

Norway shooting: Glenn Beck compares dead teenagers to Hitler youth - Telegraph

Norway attacks: Europe to study potential far-right threats - Telegraph

Mohammad Usman Rana: Our multicultural democracy made us vulnerable - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

‪George Carlin and Bill Hicks tell it like it is‏ - YouTube

Sanders: Would be 'good' for Obama to face primary challenge - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

‪CIA Funding and Manipulation of the U.S. News Media‏ - YouTube

Washington's Blog:The Federal Reserve ADMITS that Its 12 Banks Are PRIVATE - Not Government - Entities

The 400 Richest Americans Pay An 18% Tax Rate - Robert Lenzner - StreetTalk - Forbes

International Business News, Financial News, Market News, Politics, Forex, Commodities - International Business Times -

Lunar Surprise: NASA Orbiter Discovers Volcanoes on Moon's Far Side - International Business Times

NASA's Next Mission: Send Astronauts To Asteroid

2,625 feet tallest solar tower in the world to produce 200MW

Is a shrinking brain is the price of being human? Only our grey matter gets smaller with age | Mail Online

OpEdNews - Article: Is America Caught In The Closed Mind Trap?

USDA Closing Roads to Public Lands While Opening Doors for the United Nations « The PPJ Gazette

Holy Land clerics launch interfaith Earth forum - Yahoo! News

It’s the Zionism, Stupid | Mantiq al-Tayr

Norway killer espoused right-wing philosophy | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

The War on Terror is a Sick Joke

The Failure of The Western Media: Lessons From Oslo

The Reign of Zionist-Globalist Terror

Sleeper Cell In Europe Rock Norways Throne « Kawther Salam

‪Are you kidding me‏ - YouTube

BROKE: 10 Facts About The Financial Condition Of American Families That Will Blow Your Mind

Social Security | Agriculture Defense Coalition

Activist Post: 6 Ways Food is Being Used as a Weapon

NATO war crime: Libya water supply - English

Activist Post: Threats to Police Pensions, A Wake-Up Call For Cops?

Heat brings frog spawning to California swimming pools, dog dishes | McClatchy

Melt-Through Simulation Created by Japan's METI Well Before #Fukushima | EX-SKF

#Radioactive Rice Hay in Tochigi: 106,000 Becquerels/Kg Cesium | EX-SKF

#Radiation in Japan: Government to Survey Half of Japan for Soil Contamination | EX-SKF

#Radiation in Japan Spreads: Wheat, Rapeseeds in Fukushima, Rice Hay Outside Fukushima Far Exceeding Safety Limit | EX-SKF

Children in Fukushima to be given regular cancer tests - Telegraph

GASPARINO: The White House Is Privately Telling Bankers That We Won't Default If Debt Deadline Missed

GOP Debt Ceiling Plan to Be 'Last One Standing' - to Obama's Delight | Citizens for Legitimate Government

Paul Drockton M.A.: How to Save the American Economy

Greek default almost certain, warns Moody's | Business |

Feds to review border bust that humiliated senior - Winnipeg Free Press

US money ended up in Taliban hands: report

Guns from botched US operation found at Mexican crime scenes | World news | The Guardian

Chinese anger over alleged cover-up of high-speed rail crash | World news | The Guardian

Two Chinese fighters 'pursue' US spy plane - Telegraph

Innocent people's DNA profiles won't be deleted after all, minister admits - Telegraph

Now it's the lawyers' turn to be sucked into the phone-hacking scandal | Owen Bowcott | Law |

Police forces come together to create new regional surveillance units | UK news | The Guardian

Vatican recalls Irish ambassador over child sex abuse row | World news |

Hackers post documents from Italian cybercrime unit - Telegraph

Drug prices to plummet in wave of expiring patents - Yahoo! News

Afghanistan: Weak Generals Are Out | Opinion Maker

Communities which have Rejected Fluoridation Since 1990

Obama to Banks: We're Not Defaulting -

Islamophobia Watch - Documenting anti Muslim bigotry - Pat Condell claims all rapists in Oslo are 'Muslim immigrants'


5-3-10/Secret Erik Prince Tape Exposed | The Nation


‪Secret Recording of Erik Prince Reveals Previously Undisclosed Blackwater Ops 1 of 2‏ - YouTube

‪Secret Recording of Erik Prince Reveals Previously Undisclosed Blackwater Ops 2 of 2‏ - YouTube


RebelReports - Secret Erik Prince/Blackwater Tape Exposed


Prison » The Political Theater and the Debt Ceiling Crisis: Are We Being Had?

Norway bomb scare: Oslo train station evacuated as police hunt man 'tied to Anders Breivik' | Mail Online

Prison » Court Filing Reveals How 2004 Ohio Presidential Election was Hacked

Prison » Maniac Fascist Chinese Regime Forces Anyone Who Offers Free Wi-Fi Internet Access to Purchase Monitoring Software That Costs $3,100

Prison » Consolidation of seed companies leading to corporate domination of world food supply

New polls confirm Obama's Democratic base crumbles -

Prison » Former Ambassador Links Tea Party to Norway Killer

EU Exploits Norway Massacre to Stifle Dissent

AFP: US military chief nominee warns Iran

Prison » Missile system aimed at Russia? ‘US can’t guarantee it’s not’

Prison » GOP lawmaker admits he’s extorting Congress to rewrite Constitution

Obama Strikes Fear Into Americans While Reassuring Big Banks


*Xmarks /(


Pushing Crisis: GOP Cries Wolf on Debt Ceiling in Order to Impose Radical Pro-Rich Agenda

EXCLUSIVE: Fired Army Whistleblower Receives $970K for Exposing Halliburton No-Bid Contract in Iraq

Glenn Greenwald: Norway Attacks Expose U.S. Media's Double Standard on "Terrorism"

Norway Attacks Reveal Growing Violent, Anti-Muslim Sentiment in Europe

Eyewitness to Norwegian Massacre: Survivor Recalls Attack at Island Youth Camp

Before Death, Acclaimed "Girl With Dragon Tattoo" Author Stieg Larsson Lamented Right-Wing Extremism

Norwegian Shooting Suspect's Views Echo Xenophobia of Right-Wing Extremists in U.S., Europe

‪ELENIN & Prophecy: 'Fulfills' Revelation Ch.12 on 9-29-11?‏ - YouTube


**US debt ; stacked 100 dollar bills(


Importing Islam » Publications » Family Security Matters

Is Islam Misrepresented? » Publications » Family Security Matters

2011: the year we took on the unaccountable elites | News & Politics | News & Comment | The First Post

Boeing’s Millennium Falcon Floats Using Nazi Technology | Danger Room |

A Surprise in Psalm 83? The Magog Invasion: An Alternative View - Chuck Missler - Koinonia House

Pentagon To Deploy 20,000 Troops In CONUS For Civil Unrest – Possible Threats To Populace :

Anders Behring Breivik arrested over 'holiday island massacre' | Mail Online

You Can Change Your DNA

Beware 'Planet of the Apes' experiments that could create sci-fi nightmare | Mail Online

Embryos involving the genes of animals mixed with humans have been produced secretively for the past three years | Mail Online

The Canadian National Newspaper: Scientists find Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA

Cern scientists suspect glimpse of Higgs boson | Science | The Guardian

Hideouts or Sacred Spaces? Experts Baffled by Mysterious Underground Chambers - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Atlantis Carries Adult Stem Cells Into Space

The Case for Parallel Universes: Scientific American

Bob’s Corner: Time Travelers of the Bible | Prophecy In The News

The Internet is Making us “Superhuman”

NU biochemist dies at age 55 | Evanston Now

IEEE publishes long range wireless standards - 100km network won't interefere with TV | TechEye

FDA finds U.S. drug research firm faked documents | Reuters

Russian telescope launch pulls national space program out of black hole -

GE Moves 115-Year-Old X-Ray Unit’s Base to China to Tap Growth - Bloomberg

NSA Lawyer Questioned Over Cellphone Location Tracking of Americans - Digits - WSJ

China Requires Web Monitoring Software for Businesses -

Street View cars grabbed locations of phones, PCs | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

Death and Contradiction: The Case of Iran’s Nuclear Scientists

Murdochs Were Given Secret Defence Briefings

The Saudi States of America

Fundamentalism Kills

The Unintended Consequences of Debt Ceiling Intransigence

Americans 'Disgusted' as Politicians Fail to Compromise on Debt

Wealth Gap Widens Between US Whites, Minorities In 25

The Question Conservatives Can’t Answer

ECHELON: The Global Eavesdropping Scheme

Wall Street Steps Up Pressure for Deal on Budget Cuts

The "Solution" to America's Debt Ceiling Crisis: Looting What has Already been Looted...

Super Congress Moves Forward Despite Tea Party Opposition

Court Filing Reveals How 2004 Ohio Presidential Election was Hacked: "Unexpected Shift in Votes For George W."

There's Only One Way to Avoid a Downgrade to U.S. Credit

How Will A Downgrade of U.S. Debt Impact Stock and Bond Prices?

The Political Theater and the Debt Ceiling Crisis: Are We Being Had?

VIDEO: The Truth Behind the US/NATO War on Libya

The Foundations of Social Engineering

VIDEO: The New Food Wars: Globalization, GMOs and Biofuels

Ideas and the Culpability for Violence by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

The Banksters and American Foreign Policy by Justin Raimondo --

The Most Dangerous Word in the World by Jeff Berwick

Richard III and the lost art of creating truly wicked villains - Telegraph

Experts Baffled By Mysterious Underground Chambers | Before It's News

Amy Winehouse Died "A Violent or Unnatural Death" | Before It's News

Jon Stewart wonders if Obama has quit the Presidency | Before It's News

How Hand Washing and Germophobia Can Harm Your Health

Obamacare threatens health insurance for 1 in 8 small businesses | Before It's News

+Small Business and Health Insurance: One Year After Enactment of PPACA

Ferocious Tire Sculptures of Wild Animals | Before It's News

Voodoo & Hoodoo – What are they really all about? | Before It's News

The Zadroga Act makes 9/11 victims the victims once more! | Before It's News

“”Cheney was in the Presidential Emergency Operations Centre (PEOC) almost 40 minutes before the 9/11 Commission said he arrived”. Somebody's Lying. | Before It's News

NASA Warns Of Global Catastrophe Post Upcoming 'Huge Space Storm' | Before It's News

What The Russians Know About Elenin | Before It's News

Piezoelectric Nanowires Allow Electrical Signals To Be Produced From Mechanical Actions | Before It's News

An Energetic Future with the Endless Electretic Field Generator

Number Of Prescriptions Given Out Soars By 70% In A Decade | Before It's News

School for how to snag a rich husband in China | Before It's News

President Obama is no longer “hip” | Before It's News

"The US government has made GMO seeds, patented from Dupont and Monsanto, a national security priority, tantamount to the export of defense weapons for the Pentagon and for the US budget..." | Before It's News

WND trots out another birther “document expert” | Before It's News

Shock Report Says Obama Moved $85 Billion To Honduras « Mystery of the Iniquity

Mind Control: Was the Norway Shooter a MK-ULTRA Manchurian Candidate? | Before It's News

The Sibel Edmonds FBI Whistle Blower Story If you Haven't Seen it, Take the Time Now or Save it for Later. But See it - ed | Before It's News

Perry Reaffirms Support for Texas DREAM Act | Before It's News

+(Videos)Texas Gov Knowingly Covered-up Radioactive Drinking Water | Before It's News


*Controlled Opposition - How to spot a fake leader


Uzbek Man Charged With Threatening Obama, Obtaining Weapons -

Nasa Admits Possibility Of Companion Brown Dwarf | Before It's News

Is the New Paradigm Beginning to Emerge??? We ARE Powerful Beings!!! | Before It's News

Anonymous: What is the Plan | Before It's News

Early space settlements on asteroids | Before It's News

Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan (w)as Propaganda Created by the Mainstream Media (a la Murdoch) to Build Support for "Charlie Wilson's War." | Before It's News

How to Clean Fish When Camping | Before It's News

Horse and Buggy Dentistry by Cynthia J. Koelker, MD

Strange health tips: Shave off your moustache to beat hay fever... | Mail Online

7 Home Remedies to Relieve a Sunburn | Mark's Daily Apple

‪Super Congress Will KILL Real Congress‏ - YouTube

‪Alex Jones: 'Anders Behring Breivik was Masons' Patsy'‏ - YouTube

Prison » NSA Admits It Tracks Americans Via Cell Phones

Green agenda has parrallels with excesses of communism | Herald Sun

White House Staffer Knew About Gun Running Operation Last Fall |

Washington socked by public anger over debt debate -

New High: 46% Think Most in Congress Are Corrupt - Rasmussen Reports™

Gold Futures Rise to Record Amid Impasse on U.S. Debt Accord, Dollar Slump - Bloomberg

Prison » Obama Strikes Fear Into Americans While Reassuring Big Banks

Ex-Berlusconi minister defends Anders Behring Breivik | World news | The Guardian

Norway killer: Anders Behring Breivik 'insane' - Telegraph

Russia threatens to wreck the reset | The Cable

Prison » Missile system aimed at Russia? ‘US can’t guarantee it’s not’

Prison » Golden Salute to Global Breakdown

Prison » The Left has lost its way over Libya

Prison » Norway Massacre: The Role of Western Governments and Media As Accomplices to a Lone NeoNazi

Prison » Paul Watson & Webster Tarpley: Media Paints Breivik as Lee Harvey Oswald Type Gunman

Prison » Alex Jones: ‘Anders Behring was Masons’ Patsy’

Prison » This Time The Debt Ceiling Hike Really Is Different

Prison » Sen. Paul Speaks Out Against Boehner’s Bill

Prison » Down To The Wire: Wednesday’s Congressional Vote On Boehner Plan Delayed Until Thursday

Prison » Obama “Will Not Take Yes For An Answer” On Debt Ceiling Debate

Obama’s Battleground-State Blues - Josh Kraushaar -

Long-term, universal flu shot on horizon -

Prison » Consolidation of seed companies leading to corporate domination of world food supply

UK immigration: Speaking English requirement 'breaches human rights,' claim couple | Mail Online

EBay auction leads to TSA theft charges -

*3 Part/Alan Watt: Oslo Gunman’s Massacre, A Design Ritual of Mind Control Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


**(w/Links) GM Human-Animal Hybrids Emerging Market for Organs, Babies, Pharma Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


+2 Part/ Ron Paul: Full Speech from Nashua, NH (7/23/2011) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Norwegian Police Unable to Find Link Between Breivik and “Far Right” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Citizen Spies, Brutal Torture Foreshadow the Domestic War on Terror Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Breivik could be put in mental institution if found insane - expert | World | RIA Novosti

» Man Who Knew Anders Behring Breivik Says He Was Brainwashed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

U.S. intelligence: Al-Qaida near collapse -

US to continue spy flights after jets 'pursued' by China over Taiwan - Telegraph

Recovery Job Growth Concentrated In Low-Paying Occupations

» Less Prison Time for BART Cop Killing Than for Threatening Comments Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Super Congress: An Institutionalization of Gang Structure Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Facebook– Pied Piper of the New World Order’s technological control grid Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Anonymous forces Cyber Tsar to resign — RT

Time Travel Impossible, Say Scientists : Discovery News

'The Knights Templar': Mexico's newest drug cartel | Al Jazeera Blogs

Since 9/11: A new world order -

» Wall Street Prostitution Ring BUSTED Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Rand Paul “There’s No Excuse For Scaring Seniors As The President’s Been Doing”

Rep Scott: 14th Amendment by Obama could be an Impeachable Act

Private prisons | You Are Being Manipulated

The opposite of manipulation | You Are Being Manipulated

Consolidation of seed companies leading to corporate domination of world food supply

White House Staffer Knew About Gun Running Operation Last Fall |

Abbas tells Palestinians: Step up Arab Spring-style protests against Israel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Netanyahu's real test: Implementing land reforms - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

World Jewish Congress: Ban Iran from Olympics over anti-Israel boycott - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Israel's Islamic Movement leader to remain in Britain despite attempts to deport him - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Hezbollah warns Israel against 'stealing' gas from Lebanon - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The strange silencing of liberal America

Obamacare opponents in Ohio collect enough signatures to get constitutional amendment on fall ballot

Vitamin D deficiency causes mental disorders in children

- The Scientific Dictatorship Explained -

South Korean scientists create glowing dog: report | Reuters

U.S. returns 33 Mexican troops who strayed into Texas - Yahoo! News

NSA Lawyer Questioned Over Cellphone Location Tracking of Americans - Digits - WSJ

Why did the director of the American cybersecurity arm of the DHS abruptly resign? -

Federal Reserve Attorneys: Fed Banks Are "Not Agencies" But "Independent Corporations" With "Private Boards of Directors" -

Chinese Fighter Jets ‘Repel’ US Spy Aircraft - CNBC

Innocent people's DNA profiles won't be deleted after all, minister admits - Telegraph

As the American Empire Spreads Abroad, it Becomes a Police State at Home -

The Super Congress Will Be - Like the Federal Reserve - a Non-Constitutional Committee: "The Super Congress Amounts To An Institutionalization Of The Gang Structure That Exists Informally ..." -

A Link to the Murdoch Scandal? Under the Radar Firm Sells Phone Tracking Tools to Police, Intelligence Agencies -

Britain to expel Gaddafi diplomats - Africa - Al Jazeera English

Ahmadinejad names general to run oil ministry - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

India and Pakistan foreign ministers meet - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English


Anders Behring Breivik | 2083 A European Declaration of Independence | Manifesto | Kevin I. Slaughter


**1518 pgs/2083 A European Declaration of Independence


*The Unibomber Manifesto


Kandahar Mayor Killed in Suicide Attack -- News from

Karzai: Long-Term Deal With US Conditional -- News from

Obama Aide: Al-Qaeda ‘On the Defensive’ -- News from

Top US General Threatens ‘Reaction’ to Iran Over Rising Iraq Violence -- News from

Defense Cuts? Don’t Believe Them Until You See Them | Common Dreams

Whatever Happened to the War Powers Act Controversy? - ProPublica

Influencing Breivek: Is the Blame Game Out of Bounds? « Blog

Back to Basics in the War on the Muslim World « Blog

Harry Reid’s fuzzy math on defense savings | The Cable

U.S. Looks For Ways To Break Libya Stalemate : NPR

Yemen: AQAP pledges loyalty to bin Laden successor - Yahoo! News

Far right domestic terrorism on par with foreign threat, experts say -

Norway Suspect Wished to Use Anthrax, but Had No Expertise -

Russia startled by U.S. visa blacklist for officials in notorious case - The Washington Post

Military exchanges to foster US-China trust: Mullen - Yahoo! News


Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 26th, 2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 26th, 2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 25th, 2011

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 25th, 2011


*2 Parts/Film: The Power of the Purse (Webmasters Most Referred Film) |

Innocent Man Imprisoned For 5 Years Survived CIA Electroshock Torture, Witnessed Lethal Beatings |

‪- Full Show 07/26/11. Ron Paul builds steam in Iowa, Irvin Rosenfeld: Pot from the feds‏ - YouTube

+Pajamas Media » Worse Than Gunwalker? State Dept. Allegedly Sold Guns to Zetas

+ Experiments with Nano-Thermite by Kevin Ryan |

‪- Full Show - 7/25/11. Walnuts are drugs?!?!, Craig Detweiler on Captain America‏ - YouTube

Sustainability In All Things Except Rational Thinking |

‪The Road To Hell - Concentration Camps and Underground Bases - Nightfall Project 2012‏ - YouTube

*U.S. Law Allows Chemical and Biological Testing On Populace |

Glenn Beck ‘Indoctrinates’ Kids With His Upcoming Tea Party Summer Camp « Sky's Universal Predications

‪Beware of a Possible False Flag Event: Media & Feds Pushing Fear For The 10th Anniversary of 9/11‏ - YouTube

How Will You Protect Yourself From Heavily Armed Organized Gangs?

Politicians: Taking Care of Number One, While Doing Number Two On the Rest of Us

‪The Norway Terror Attacks: A Media PsyWay Exercise - Adrian Salbuchi‏ - YouTube

Issa: Obama admin intimidating witnesses in ATF gun probe - Washington Times

‪Alex Jones: 'Anders Behring Breivik was Masons' Patsy'‏ - YouTube

Hotel clerk kills Orangeburg robber - Crime & Courts -

EBay auction leads to TSA theft charges -

LaRouche Warns of New 9/11 Type "Reichstag Fire"

Why did the director of the American cybersecurity arm of the DHS abruptly resign? |

Bank of America: A Calculated Risk or Russian Roulette? - Seeking Alpha

3 Ways to Trade the U.S. Default Talks No Matter What Happens - Seeking Alpha

Obama considers becoming slumlord for foreclosed homes | The Coming Economic Depression 2012

US Sponsored "Democracy" in Colombia: Political Assassinations, Poverty and Neoliberalism

+ 9/11: Who Really Benefited?

US turns heat on ISI, says it spies on Pakistani-Americans - Times Of India

Fear-Mongering and Servitude | The Freeman | Ideas On Liberty

Edwin Vieira, Jr. on the Power Elite, the Police State and Opposing the Authoritarian Trend by Anthony Wile

Pelosi: ‘It Is Clear We Must Enter An Era Of Austerity’ | ThinkProgress

U.S. Blocks Oversight of Its Mercenary Army in Iraq : Federal Jack

Little-known firms tracking data used in credit scores : Federal Jack

New GI Bill tuition protection approved

VA cracks down on 'vet-owned' small businesses

Active-duty Army general to head NORTHCOM


May I Be Frank? Stunning new film documents the food-powered life transformation of a 54-year-old Brooklyn man


‪May I Be Frank - WWGN - Gregg Marks‏ - YouTube


*Burzynski documentary reveals true agenda of FDA and cancer industry | Old-Thinker News

Burzynski documentary reveals true agenda of FDA and cancer industry to destroy cancer cures that really work


Predictive Programming or Warning? Video Game Trailer Shows Transhuman Future | Old-Thinker News

The Scientific Dictatorship Explained | Old-Thinker News

Activist Post: GMO’s: Invasive Species Council and USDA ignore environmental infection and contamination

IBM Tackles Personalized Medicine's Big Data Challenge, One Genome At A Time | Fast Company

CTV Winnipeg- Deal reached on labels for genetically modified food - CTV News

CGS : How to Hack a Genome

CIA's DARPA working on human-brain-mimicking tech • The Register

Full Speed Ahead For Facial Recognition Technology - Kashmir Hill - The Not-So Private Parts - Forbes

Tales From The Hole Part 1: Drug War Cat-and-Mouse Games Along the Texas-Mexico Border

Tales From The Hole Part 2 – NAFTA Trucks Used in ‘Project Gunrunner’

**Jon Stewart “casually” Admits to CIA Prior Knowledge of 911 Attacks

“Lone Nut,T Party, Freemason, Cop, Terrorist” Kills Liberal Children in Norway?

Predictive Programming: Captain America Blockbuster scripts attack on Norway before it happens?

DEADLINE LIVE EXCLUSIVE: Who Are The Bankers That Benefit From The Norway Terror Attacks?

Rockefeller Dynasty built on deception and Reptile oil : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

The Corbett Report | Meet William Rockefeller, Snake Oil Salesman

Judge Napolitano: Why Obama cannot raise “Debt Ceiling” using 14th Amendment : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

The Resident — Would you be willing to pay more in taxes to save your government? : Deadline Live With Jack Blood


*Norway Shooting – Bomb News 7-26-11 |


‪Why Gaddafi must die!‏ - YouTube

‪Ron Paul's Urgent Warning!‏ - YouTube

‪History is Knocking: Join the October 2011 Coalition‏ - YouTube

Activist Post: Al-Qaeda eyes strikes in several regions: US warning

Ala. county readies for possible record bankruptcy -

Activist Post: US Congress embracing social media: report

Activist Post: Citizen Spies, Brutal Torture Foreshadow the Domestic War on Terror

In ‘Anonymous’ Raids, Feds Work From List of Top 1,000 Protesters | Threat Level |

Push Back Against FDA Growing – Tenth Amendment Center

Feds silence scientist over salmon study

US Navy orders laser machine guns • The Register

Activist Post: If Norway Killer Acted Alone, His Soldiering Puts Rambo to Shame

PressTV - Israel, US to hold massive missile drill

Consolidation of seed companies leading to corporate domination of world food supply


Food Considerations in Times of Crises: Immediate Nutrition-No Preps (1a/5)

Food Considerations in Times of Crises: Immediate Nutrition-No Preps (1b/5)

Food Considerations in Times of Crises: Short-Term 90 Days (2/5)

Food Considerations in Times of Crises: Long-Term 91+ Days (3/5)

Food Considerations in Times of Crises: Building Your Safety Net (4/5)




Pseudo-Occult Media: MTV's New Illuminist Video

New Homeland Security Video Depicts US Citizens as Terrorists…and Encourages You to Snitch on Them

Who is Baphomet?

Irrational Consumerism (or The Few Companies Who Feed the World)

Sinister Sites: The Georgia Guidestones

Mind Control Theories and Techniques used by Mass Media

The Hidden Hand that Shaped History

The Occult Roots of The Wizard of Oz

Alien encounters ‘within twenty years’

Kurzweil: A Future of Humans Merged With Machines (video)

MTV’s Baphomet & All-Seeing Eye Ad (video)

Army Embeds Active-Duty PSYOPS Soldiers at Local TV Stations


Roman Polanski's "Rosemary's Baby" and the Dark Side of Hollywood | The Vigilant Citizen

Aleister Crowley: His Elite Ties and His Legacy

The Mysterious Connection Between Sirius and Human History

Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control


Naming Names: Your Real Government | The Vigilant Citizen

10 ways 'the police state' tracks you | The Vigilant Citizen

The 25 Rules of Disinformation | The Vigilant Citizen


Dumbing Down Society Part I: Foods, Beverages and Meds | The Vigilant Citizen

Dumbing Down Society Pt 2: Mercury in Foods and Vaccines | The Vigilant Citizen

Dumbing-Down Society Part 3: How to Reverse its Effects | The Vigilant Citizen


» TSA Agent Poses As Cop To Harass Woman Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


‪Author Jim Marrs: Andreas Behring Ties to Knights Templar and The Global Elite 1/2‏ - YouTube

‪Author Jim Marrs: Andreas Behring Ties to Knights Templar and The Global Elite 2/2‏ - YouTube


‪Alex Takes Calls on Entering The Final Phases of Total Implosion 1/2‏ - YouTube

‪Alex Takes Calls on Entering The Final Phases of Total Implosion 2/2‏ - YouTube


‪Alan Watt & Alex Jones: Oslo Gunman's Massacre, A Design Ritual of Mind Control Using Fear! 1/3‏ - YouTube

‪Alan Watt & Alex Jones: Oslo Gunman's Massacre, A Design Ritual of Mind Control Using Fear! 2/3‏ - YouTube

‪Alan Watt & Alex Jones: Oslo Gunman's Massacre, A Design Ritual of Mind Control Using Fear! 3/3‏ - YouTube

» GMO’s: Invasive Species Council and USDA ignore environmental infection and contamination Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

‪Alex Jones interviews JIm Marrs‏ - YouTube

Prison » 6 Steps by the IMF for a One-World Currency

Obama’s Battleground-State Blues - Josh Kraushaar -

Michael Boskin: Get Ready for a 70% Marginal Tax Rate -


"Hell No" - Your Right to Dissent

Easier to Attack the Weak than the Wealthy


Hotspots: Greece

Operation Fast And Furious: Guns Found At Mexican Crime Scenes

Karzai Deal With US Must be on Afghan Terms

UN Begins Food Airlifts to Somalia

Suicide Bombing Kills Mayor of Afghanistan's Kandahar City

Details of Alleged Xinjiang 'Terrorist Attack' Still Sketchy

Political Rivalry May Change Leadership in One-Party Vietnam

Obama Chief of Staff: US Will Not Default

Kangaroo Attack Forces Police to Use Pepper Spray

Dan Peek, Founding Member of Band America, Dies at Age 60

Postal Service Closing 3,700 Post Offices

Earthquake Strikes Baja California

Fars News Agency :: Russian Analyst: US, Israel Striving to Stop Iran's Progress through Terrorist Attacks

Iranian Assassination: Israeli TV Report Hints of Mossad Culpability « Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם: Make the World a Better Place


On the Contrary: Anders Behring Breivik: a Judeo-Masonic Terrorist

The Rothschilds and the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange :

Protecting Your Thyroid In a Toxic World! Thyroid Helper Complete Video Playlist :

How Will You Protect Yourself From Heavily Armed Organized Gangs? :

The Future of Journalism :

TIP: Armored Military Equipment Movements In CONUS :

Pentagon To Deploy 20,000 Troops In CONUS For Civil Unrest – Possible Threats To Populace

‪Police Brutality Live @ Minneapolis Hiden Beach‏ - YouTube

‪Fighting the War on Cameras: Jerome Vorus and the ACLU take D.C. to Court‏ - YouTube

‪Gold: Independent Money‏ - YouTube

‪Traffic Enforcement Agent Blocks Fire Hydrant During A Fire‏ - YouTube

‪NYPD traffic agent issues ticket while on a donut break.‏ - YouTube

Norway Attack: 90 minute police delay gave killer time to lure some to their deaths

The omnipotence of Al Qaeda and meaninglessness of "Terrorism" - Glenn Greenwald -

Former Google CIO: LimeWire Pirates Were iTunes’ Best Customers - informationliberation

Would Fashion Copyright Have Made Kate Middleton's Knockoff Wedding Dress Illegal? | Techdirt

From 3 to 4,500: What laws have you broken today? - informationliberation

The Policeman is Not Your Friend - informationliberation

Norway and the War Against Islam - informationliberation

The Missing Lesson From Norway: Never Trust a Man in Uniform - informationliberation

SWAT burns innocent man to death - informationliberation

The Looting Of America: The Federal Reserve Made $16 Trillion In Secret Loans To Their Bankster Friends And The Media Is Ignoring The Eye-Popping Corruption That Has Been Uncovered - informationliberation

House Democrats Give Up Tax Hikes for Long-Term Debt Deal

Hoyer: House Republicans ‘Continue to Hold Hostage’ U.S. Credit and Economy

White House Staffer Knew About Gun Running Operation Last Fall

ATF Official Attempts to Deny ‘Gun-Walking’ in Botched Sting Operation

Amid ‘Fast and Furious’ Scandal, Obama’s New Anti-Crime Strategy Includes Stemming Gun Flow to Mexico

Obama: Idea of Changing Immigration Laws on My Own ‘Is Very Tempting’

Uniformed Mexican Soldiers Cross Into South Texas

Pelosi: GOP Using Deficit to ‘Destroy Your Rights ’ And ‘Undermine’ Government

No Vote Today: Boehner Re-Writing Debt Bill After Conservatives Balk

Conservative Senators Urged House Republicans to Vote 'No' on Boehner's Bill

Taxpayer Money Will Help Homosexual Activists Establish ‘Safe Spaces’ in Public Schools

Obama Administration Dishonest, ‘Reckless' In Rush to Certify DADT Repeal, Conservatives Say

U.N. Official Sees Anti-Muslim Prejudice in Early Assumptions About Norway Attack

Obama on Recession: ‘Less Money Coming In,’ So We Had to ‘Spend Even More’

White House Threatens to Veto Boehner's Debt-Limit Plan

College Students Tell Politicians: Strike a Debt Deal, It’s Our Future at Stake

Democrat Blasts 'Anti-Minority' Republicans for Trying to Limit Obama's Authority on Deportations

Another House Dem Resigns in Sex Scandal; Cites 'Wellbeing of My Children'

Michelle Malkin: The Creepy Enablers of Wu |

GOP Bill Opening Public Lands Called 'Radical' by Clinton-Era Democrat

Black Teen Sings Pitch-Perfect Mandarin Chinese Opera

Cryonics Poneer Robert Ettinger Dies at 92; Body Frozen

U.K. Recognizes Libyan Rebels, Expels Gadhafi Envoys

Lockerbie Bomber Appears at Pro-Gadhafi Rally

Wealth Gap Widens Between Whites, Minorities

Congressman Says 40 Americans Have Joined Terrorists in Somalia

Georgia Mother Gets Probation in Toddler’s Jaywalking Death

‪White House Staffer Knew About Gun Running Operation Last Fall‏ - YouTube

Thompson: GOP Achieved What It Wanted — Now Don't Push It

Paul Ryan Backs Boehner's Plan

Rove Group's Ad: Obama Leaves Economy Hanging

WSJ: Support Boehner or Re-elect Obama

Trump: Obama Is 'Now Totally Lost,' Boehner Must Not Fold

Analysts: The True Debt Deadline is Aug. 15

US Sends Out More Than 80 Million Checks a Month

Uncertainty Dogs Reid's Deficit Proposal

Hillary Clinton Slams Bill Limiting US Aid

Report Excludes 9/11 Victims From Cancer Coverage

Rep. Camp: Will Look 'Aggressively at China's Abuses'

North Korea Demands Peace Treaty With US

Conquer Migraine Headaches Naturally

One-Third of World Infected With Hepatitis

1 in 6 Heed Restaurant Calorie Counts

Democrats Can Dictate Debt-Chaos Winners

Prison Sentences for Abusive Mortgage Practices

Obama Is Slowly Isolating Himself

Debt Crisis Shows Legislative Process Needs Revamping

It's the scapegoating, stupid: Why extreme right-wing ideology so often inspires acts of violence

Gary Johnson: Let's Default! It'll Reboot Business!

Chris Matthews Slams Sen. Mike Lee for Demanding Constitution be Rewritten to Pass Debt Limit

Jesse Lee Peterson leads Tea Partiers' protest of NAACP convention -- with a side order of nativism

Bloomberg reports that Boehner and Republicans voted for all the Debt they now Blame on Obama

More Voter Disenfranchisement in WI -- Walker Closing 10 DMV Offices

Lives of the anonymous rich: No wonder they don't want private jets taxed

Bachmann almost calls herself 'President O'Bachmann'

Lyin' John Boehner's dishonest response to Obama: Projection's not just for theaters anymore

4000 workers and construction projects getting the shaft because of Tea Party attacks on the FAA

In Arkansas, Being Best In Your Class Isn't Enough If You're Black

O'Reilly's outraged that media accurately ID Breivik as a Christian: 'No one believing in Jesus commits mass murder'

Rep. Paul Broun wants to throw up when Democrats talk about "children" as he holds up picture of "children"

President Obama Says Call Congress; People Respond

House Republicans Revolt Against Boehner Debt Plan

Rush Limbaugh's theory: Air conditioners make people believe in global warming

Republican Priorities

Lawrence O'Donnell Attempts to Get Marsha Blackburn to Explain Her Previous Debt Ceiling Votes

Violent movie clip is played to fire up House Republicans for Boehner's debt ceiling bill

Minorities Suffer Most From Wealth Gap

GOPers chant 'fire him' at Paul Teller - John Bresnahan and Jake Sherman -

Classified report: Russia tied to blast at U.S. embassy - Washington Times

RPT-Russia's Putin considering Kremlin return-sources | Reuters

Police: Pa. woman set fire with foreclosure notice

McDonald's: Apple slices in every Happy Meal

New Zealand goldfish survive 134 days without food


+Celebrities Who Dare To Bare It All | NBC Chicago


Reid: House GOP debt plan doomed in Senate

Dem lawmaker: 'Nobody I know' has seen Reid plan - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Obama urged to invoke 14th Amendment as debt ceiling deadline nears - Jennifer Epstein -

Tea Party Wants Boehner, Obama Fired - Washington Whispers (

China refitting aircraft carrier body for research, training

China tells US to halt spy plane flights: report - Yahoo! News

Personalized license plate might be too vulgar for Las Vegas streets -

Egypt's 'extremely weak' Mubarak refuses food - Yahoo! News

South Korean scientists create glowing dog: report | Reuters

CNN's Piers Morgan 'told interviewer stories were published based on phone tapping' - Telegraph

Stinky Mystery Waste Washes Up On Va. Beaches

Naked Man Busted for Home Zoo: SPCA | NBC Philadelphia

Facebook tackles face-recognition privacy concern | Reuters

School Shut Down After Meth Found Inside

GE moving X-ray business to China -

Tampa General Hospital files $9.2 million claim for treatment |

Exploding Toilet Injures Air Force Man during Military Exercise

Nation & World | Unmanned Army blimp crashes in southwestern Pa. | Seattle Times Newspaper

Norway Massacre: Breivik May Get More Than The Maximum 21 Year Jail Term Under Norwegian Law | World News | Sky News

ATF Manager says he shared Fast and Furious Info with White House - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Rachel Maddow, MSNBC sued for defamation

EXCLUSIVE: PTC Asks NBC Affils Not to Air 'Playboy Club' - 2011-07-26 19:17:38 | Broadcasting & Cable

Hugh Hefner's ex says she never fancied him - Yahoo! News

Adultery Website Founder Promises Sex or Money Back ... While Renewing His Wedding Vows

Pole Dancing Class For 7-Year-Olds Slammed

Robber Claims Syringe Had AIDS-Infected Blood


flashback:July 26, 1981 - "The Voodoo You Do So Well". | Newstalgia


Layered colors 'simple proof' of Obama document forgery


WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Kudos to Obama for keeping a straight face' ;Rep. Gohmert flays 'fear-mongering' prez, rips 'Chicken Little' Geithner

Hope and change 2011: Now homo and change

Families toss wrench in 'gay' indoctrination plan

Atheists sue over display of World Trade Center cross

Obama’s Pick to Lead Counterterrorism Center Faces Accusations of Misleading Congress -

Mexican judge finds 14-year-old U.S. citizen guilty of beheadings -

Drifting pesticides basis for trespass case

Judge Dismisses Suit Against Obama Embryonic Stem Cell Funding |

ATF Manager says he shared Fast and Furious Info with White House - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

ATF agents denounce rogue guns transfers - Washington Times

Muslim martyrdom remains unanswered question

Jihadists boast of 'paradise' since departure of U.S. ally

Lockerbie bomber attends pro-Gadhafi rally - World news -

40% expect Obama to punish public over debt-ceiling battle

CBO: Democrats' debt bill tops GOP's in spending cuts - Washington Times

Congressman: Only 'theft' would detour Social Security checks

Carney Gets Hit for Ten Minutes on the Obama Plan - By Daniel Foster - The Corner - National Review Online

After pressure from Climate Depot, Gingrich finally 'regrets' 2008 Gore climate 'loveseat' ad with Pelosi -- But Newt still claims ad was 'misconstrued' & was somehow a 'debate' | Climate Depot

Michelle Obama rules out career in politics - Telegraph

US debt ceiling crisis talks: White House release latest behind the scenes photos | Mail Online

Perry puts faith on display but offers little for collection plate | Religion | - Houston Chronicle

New polls confirm Obama's Democratic base crumbles -

Democrats Oppose Obama-U.N. Gun Control Treaty - Washington Whispers (


Experts: Registrar stamps confirm Obama forgery

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


Are We Alone? New Analysis Suggests Life Could Be Extremely Rare In the Universe| Statistics Crush Optimism in Search for Extraterrestrials | Search for Life, SETI |

How the Heat Wave Started | Wired Science |

Naica Mine: Crystal caves discovered by chance in Mexico | Mail Online

BBC News - Dolphin hunts with electric sense

God particle: The Large Hadron Collider - Telegraph

Bizarre Dwarf Planet Haumea Wrapped in Ice Blanket | Dwarf Planets & Solar System | Haumea, Hi'iaka & Namaka |

Time Travel Impossible, Say Scientists : Discovery News

Hideouts or Sacred Spaces? Experts Baffled by Mysterious Underground Chambers - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

BBC News - Carving found in Gower cave could be oldest rock art

Akshat Saxena Has Most Fingers And Toes: Guinness World Records


*SAVAGE AUDIO: Beware the government-media complex




Soros Returns Capital, Avoids Dodd Frank - TheStreet

Israeli Orchestra Plays Hitler Favorite, Angering Jewish Community -

Obama’s Pick to Lead Counterterrorism Center Faces Accusations of Misleading Congress -

Allegation of assault on woman in 1970s in college shadow U.S. Rep. David Wu |

Issa: Obama admin intimidating witnesses in ATF gun probe - Washington Times

Jerry Brown nominates Goodwin Liu to California Supreme Court [Updated] -

ATF Accused in Congressional Report of 'Arming' Cartel for 'War' Through Operation Fast and Furious -

Blog: Chicken Liberals

Media interviews by accuser of Dominique Strauss-Kahn could fatally crippled prosecution's sex assault case -

The Illusion of Default

The Danger of a Weak American President

Obama's Ineptitude

Boehner's 12 Member Commission Political Game

Obama's Exit from Relevance, Stage Left

The Astonishing World to Come

Why Conservatives Should Bork the Balanced Budget Amendment

What A Spending Solution Would Look Like

Did Jay Carney slip and almost say something obvious?

Food Totalitarians on Parade

Was Russian intelligence behind US embassy attack?

Would Albert Einstein Trust This Congress?

WFP to call terrorist's bluff on food aid to Somalia

What's the backstory on Obama's new Executive Order?

Obama the Bore

Sabotaging Conservative Victory

Be Our President, Not Our Parent

Winds of Change

We're Not in 1995 Any More

Can the Federal Reserve Ride in on a White Eraser?

Debbie Schlussel:HAMAS’ Fave Tea Partier: Palestinian GOP Congressman Votes w/ Islamic Terrorists

Debbie Schlussel:Slacker Nation: 2 Milln US Kids Raised by Grandparents as Parents Abandon Kids; 3.1 Mill Not Raised by Parents

Debbie Schlussel:Al-Coward: Jihadist Who Killed American Soldiers Not So Martyresque After All

Debbie Schlussel:“Evil” Israel Trains HAMAS’ Gaza Farmers to Grow Better Crops, Compete Against Israeli Farmers

‪For the Victims, Relatives and the Whole Nation - We Never Forget. Norway july 22‏ - YouTube

Norway Premier “Begged” Putin To Stop Massacre Planned By “Elites”

GOP retools plan as Congress seeks debt fix - politics - Capitol Hill -

Americans vent anger at Barack Obama-John Boehner debt stalemate - Telegraph

Party Loyalty to Insecure Leaders Brings Debt Talks to Precipice - Bloomberg

Glenn Beck likens Obama administration to the Third Reich - Telegraph

NSA Spooks Won't Rule Out Secretly Tracking Your Phone

PressTV - 9/11 thermite evidence haunts US liars

Jihadists boast of 'paradise' since departure of U.S. ally

White House bolstering rise of Chinese dragon?

Rick Perry fooled me

Tea party – awaken!


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


‪*1:19:00/Tim Wallace-Murphy Lectures on Hidden Wisdom‏ - YouTube


‪*47 MIN/The mysterious origin of man‏ - YouTube


For $800,000, all your cowboy fantasies can come true. No, not those ones.... |

MSNBC Ed Schultz: Fox News Channel Martha MacCallum Shows ‘How Dumb’ Some Anchors are | Video |

Jon Stewart Mocks Obama Debt Speech | Video |

Lesbian Couple Claims Discrimination at Dolly Parton’s Dollywood Park | Video |

Kevin McCarthy Allegedly Shows The Town Clip to Colleagues Debt Crisis | Video |

Saudi Cleric Issues Fatwa Defending Pedophilia as ‘Marriage’ |

Quadruple amputee soldier earns drivers license (VIDEO) | Video |

Opponents Seek Ballot Referendum to Overturn New California Law Mandating Gay History in Public Schools |

Lockerbie Scotland Bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi Appears at Gadhafi Rally | Video |

Thom Hartmann’s Anti-Beck Rant | Video |

Suicide Bomber Kills Afghanistan Mayor Ghulam Haider Hamidi by Hiding Explosives in Turban |

Fox 29 Philadelphia Reporter Attacked During Live Broadcast | Video |

Tennessee Man Darrin Ring | Police Brutality? |

Pelosi to Union Workers: GOP Wants Americans to ‘Sacrifice,‘ While They ’Get the Wealth’ | Video |

Michelle Obama McDonald’s Happy Meals Childhood Obesity Healthy Foods Apples, Fruit Fries | Video |

Democrat Congressman Luis Gutierrez Arrested White House During Dream Act Rally, Slammed Obama Immigration | Video |

MSNBC Offends Again, Panelist Calls Grover Norquist ‘Gringrich’s Butt-Buddy’ |

Dr. Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite Blames Christianity for Anders Behring Breivik’s Attack in Norway |

Press Secretary Jay Carney & Fox Reporter Ed Henry Have Test Exchange Over Obama Debt Speech | Video |

Chinese Pastor Shi Enhao Sentenced to Labor Camp |

Ohio Fall Ballot Voters Decide Opts Out of National Health Ammednment |

Jesse Jackson, Jr – States Rights Are Slavery | Video |

American Idol Top Earners 2011 |

Glendale man tries surgery on own hernia using butter knife - Glendale News Press

Mafia mobsters banned from wearing designer label clothes - Telegraph

Once you're fat, you never go back: Scientists say dieters' bodies rarely return to their former shape | Mail Online

Potatoes promote weight gain? Spud slander! Idaho says | McClatchy

Jerry Brown nominates Goodwin Liu to California Supreme Court [Updated] -

Wanted: Sperm donor with a little fashion sense and good sense of humour | Mail Online

Street View cars grabbed locations of phones, PCs | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

Texas man kills 5, himself in roller rink rampage | Top AP Stories | - Houston Chronicle

How passive smoking can harm hearing: Tests show it takes toll on teens | Mail Online

Look on the bright side of life if you want to feel young, say researchers - Telegraph

Are We Alone? New Analysis Suggests Life Could Be Extremely Rare In the Universe| Statistics Crush Optimism in Search for Extraterrestrials | Search for Life, SETI |

‪A Plane Hit the Pentagon, baby steps for the parrots of loose change etc‏ - YouTube


Revolutionary Politics : Canadian Coverage Of AFT Fast And Furious Program

Murdochs were given secret defence briefings - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

270,000 Organic Farmers Sue Monsanto | NHNE Pulse

Consolidation of seed companies leading to corporate domination of world food supply

Diabetes: Not enough sunshine is putting millions of us at risk due to vitamin D deficiency | Mail Online

Documents in nuclear sector, missing, others burn down

Is It That Time Again? Military Conducting Training Exercises In And Around Boston | ZeroHedge

One More Lone Gunman who wasn't Alone. Reflections in a Petri Dish

New High: 46% Think Most in Congress Are Corrupt - Rasmussen Reports™

Death and Contradiction: The Case of Iran’s Nuclear Scientists – An by Dr. Lawrence Davidson | Intifada Palestine

Tough Times For Arctic Alarmists | Real Science

Rupert Murdoch Scandal, or long-term intelligence operation? | jeff-goodall

US Navy orders laser machine guns • The Register

Lone Star Watchdog: Is Obama Using the Plunge Protection Team for Financial Terrorism ,the other Political Weapon to Raise Debt Ceiling?

Peter Schiff Annihilates Geithner On Debt Ceiling Hyperbole: "He's Lying! He's Just Making This Stuff Up!" - Home - The Daily Bail

The Intercept: Analysts believe Iran scientist death was a foreign hit

Corporate cash hoard in the trillions: Moody’s - 12160

This Is What A Collapsing Ponzi Scheme Looks Like: Housing Market Headed Off A Cliff As A Shocking 10.8 Million Mortgages At Risk Of Default | David DeGraw

2011 Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest winner named - take a butcher's at some bad writing |

Guatemalan woman finds 12-metre-deep sinkhole under her bed |

From 1st to Worst: Harry Potter Posts Biggest 2nd Week Decline Ever for a Blockbuster | Movie Talk - Yahoo! Movies

Middle-aged mums copy their daughters' fashion - Telegraph

Hackers plan to assault corporate/government corruption

Amy Winehouse: unfinished album set for release - Telegraph

What Makes a Face Beautiful? - Fashion + Beauty on Shine

Republicans: Don't fall for elites' fear mongering

Tea party – awaken!

For The Record

Childish liberals and their fairy tales

Ground Zero: Yes to mosque, no to church

Feminism's worst consequence

How job destruction makes us richer

Did rock 'n' roll destroy USSR?

The stalwart Norwegians

U.S. 'black hole' prison in Afghanistan

The Truth About My Trip to Hanoi

A fire bell in the night for Norway

Herman Cain got it right on the right to ban mosques

Indebted U.S. Postal Service Shutting Down 3,700 Locations | Video |

Basij Brigadier General Mohammad-Reza Naghdi Says Iran Security Dependent Upon Wiping Israel Off the Map |

Alleged Black Tea Party Protester Calls Blacks Sell Outs and Rants Against White People | Video |

Beck Responds to Al Jazeera Comparing Him to Terrorist | Video |

Man Tries to Hijack Train With Screwdriver | Video |

Businessman Ronnie Bryant Tells Feds – ‘I’m Just Quitting’ |

Terrorism, Taliban Hezbollah Operatives Arrested in DEA U.S. Drugs and Arms Stings |

Texas Man Stuck in Well For 2 Days Biten by Snakes | Video |

American Atheists Sue to Remove Cross from September 11 Memorial |

Aaron Klein:Audio/

‘Scandalous’ Obama picks probed « Klein Online

Chinese puppet in White House? « Klein Online


‪*2:21:30/The Mena Connection - Exposing the CIA, Bush, Clinton, Iran Contra, And Drug Running‏ - YouTube


‪Congressman Ron Paul Speech in Cedar Rapids, Iowa - July 25, 2011‏ - YouTube

‪Ron Paul Talks on The Federal Reserves Manipulation of US Dollar & The Tyranny of the TSA.‏ - YouTube

Ron Paul Rides on Private Jet as Money Flows Into 2012 Campaign - Bloomberg

Ron Paul & Dylan Ratigan: Cancelling Debt Held By The Fed - Home - The Daily Bail


‪Johnny Carson Lie Detector Politician‏ - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : There Are No Monuments for Compromise: Peter schools Obama on American history

Activist Post: US military chief nominee warns Iran

Drug prices set to plummet | The Kennebec Journal, Augusta, ME

The Intercept: Democracy Now! Ignores Zionism When Discussing Norway Shooter's Motive

Lone Star Watchdog: Ideology and Compromise: Mutually Exclusive Concepts

Darrin Ring: FBI Investigates Taped Beating By Tennessee Police

Dennis Kucinich "It's A Fake Crisis, Social Security Did NOT Create The Deficit! It Will Be Able To Pay 100% Of Benefits Through 2037!" (Video) - Home - The Daily Bail

The Rothschilds and the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange :




‪Beatles Cartoon - Taxman‏ - YouTube


‪'Israelis delegitimizing themselves'‏ - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Funds From U.S. Defense Contracts Funneled Into Afghan Insurgent's & Criminal's Bank Accounts

Experts: Drone Strike Has the 'Hallmark of al-Qaeda'

Revolutionary Politics : Rand Paul "There's No Excuse For Scaring Seniors As The President's Been Doing"

Cancer Survivor, Gets Soaked By His Own Urine Again By TSA - 12160

U.S. puts Russian officials on visa blacklist - The Washington Post

Exclusive: U.S. Blocks Oversight of Its Mercenary Army in Iraq | Danger Room |

‘You’re Fired’ Doesn’t Mean Fired to Four of 10 Air Controllers - of those targeted for firing over drug or alcohol violations - 12160

Chinese Fighter Jets ‘Repel’ US Spy Aircraft - CNBC

Beware US real estate scammers - Globes

Erin Burnett Calls The Federal Reserve A Ponzi Scheme - Home - The Daily Bail

Murdoch used sex scandal journalism to destroy the Left | Veterans Today

FDR: Executive Order 6102 Banning Gold Ownership - Home - The Daily Bail

Disappearance shakes NH town; crews lower river

GOP retools plan as Congress seeks debt fix

Nasdaq spends to fend off "constant" hack attacks

Al Shabaab recruited dozens of Americans: U.S. report

Bush got 'closure' with Bin Laden death: report

NY pilot rescued after night in frigid Lake Huron

Arizona man killed girlfriend, lived with corpse: police

Seattle man accused in 1957 murder sent back to Illinois

Foreign investors flock to Iraq despite rising violence

US companies squeezed by cash held overseas

Wall Street in dark on contingency plans

Ask the Barman: Jack Sparrow's biggest fan

Iran revolutionary guards' commander set to become president of Opec

LulzSec hacking suspect 'Topiary' arrested

Friend of the Murdochs to lead internal probe into NoW

China train crash inquiry ordered as public outrage continues

'PA hasn't heard clear US rejection of UN statehood bid'

US moves towards nuclear talks with North Korea

Democratic transitions suffer birth pangs

Fears remain over possible Greek default

Morning Call Sheet: Streaming News, Ladies of the Right, Walking Dead, and a Gold Bikini

Trailer Talk: ‘The Muppets’ Has Potential

Ageism, Blacklisting, and Mapplethorpe: The Writers Guild and Me

French Filmmaker Gives Insight Into Complexity of Relationships

Obama Supporter Mariah Carey Sacrifices… Gets $1600 Bottle of Champagne Delivered to Bathroom

‘Wash Times’: ‘Undefeated’ Packs Chicago Theatre, Wins Respect from Left

Box Office Mojo Singles Out ‘The Undefeated’ For Hyper-Analysis

Morning Call Sheet: Wooderson, Angels, and ‘Fear of a Black Republican’

Desperation: House Dems Urge Obama to Unilaterally Lift the Debt Ceiling

America, You’re Being Community Organized

Audio:Islam, and Personal Liberty

Did Obama Give the Nod to the SEIU/ACORN Economic Pressure Campaign Against Wall Street?

Is ‘Fast and Furious’ Just the Tip of Obama’s Gun Smuggling Iceberg?

The Left’s Smear Campaign Against ALEC

National Science Foundation Funds Study on ‘That’s What She Said’ Use

Mr. Speaker, Take the Bad Guy Hostage

Wu Scandal: Which Is the Real Party of Women?

You Should Support a Value-Added Tax…if You Want Bigger Government and More Debt


Obama War Room: Desperate Hours

VIDEO: Rep. Gutierrez Arrested Outside of White House

Why Democrats Hate a Balanced Budget Amendment

NAACP Resolutions Endorse Left-Wing Orthodoxies

Legit Farmers Are Ready to Rumble With Pigford Lawyer Al Pires. Will Darrell Issa Let Them Be Heard?

President Obama: The Tea Party Is Stronger than Me

Dems Gone Wild: Party Official Pleads Guilty in NY Election Fraud Investigation

The Falling Price of Wisconsin Public Education

Soros Dumps Investors to Skirt Disclosure Requirements

Sound Bite for the Day: Comfortable Bar Stools

NewsBusted: “Is the Success of the Obama Presidency Obvious to You?”

Credit Where It’s Due: NYT on James O’Keefe

Despite Glowing Profile of NY Times Publisher, Paper Still has Problems

MSM Ignores How Oslo Shooter’s Own Manifesto Completely Destroys “Christian Conservative” Label

Carney Bats Down Press Inquiry as “Republican Talking Points”

Sound Bite for the Day: Butbuddies

NY Times Thinks Free Speech, Not Deranged Thoughts, Kill

NPR Calls Obama’s Attack on Republicans an “Accomplishment” for Latino Voters

Fareed Zakaria: “Tea Party is Extreme, Refuses to Compromise”

Newsweek Takes the Activist Route in Latest Issue

Peter King: 40 Americans Have Joined Al Qaeda Group

Audio:Fred Fleitz: Leftist Legacy of Bad Intel Estimate on Iran

Islamic Immigration Debate In Focus After Norway Massacre

Hamas And Fatah Unity Talks To Resume In Cairo

Syria Set To Allow Opposition Parties

Congressman: Obama Administration Intimidating Witnesses In ‘Fast And Furious’ Investigation

Stolen Valor Kills

DADT: Let’s Bring Back The Draft

Marine’s Parents Sued Over Sign Supporting Son

Ron Howard Won’t Complete Dan Brown Trilogy; Sony Now Looking For New Director –

Barack Obama & the debt fight--Michael A. Walsh -

Americans answer Obama's call, contact lawmakers | Reuters

FBI Targets 12 In Koch Industries Online Assault | The Smoking Gun

ABC Skipped Story of Dem Rep Sexually Assaulting a Teen; Will They Notice His Resignation? |

Claim: Smoking Gun Recording Links Piers Morgan to Hacking - Jeff Bercovici - Mixed Media - Forbes

Details of a confessed killer emerge in Norway | Video |

Mexico judge sentences teenage assassin to 3 years

Get Whitey, Obama | ATLAH Media Network

Who Can Save America? | ATLAH Media Network

Obama's Science Czar on His Past Work: ‘If You Read It and You Have a Problem, You’re Misreading It’ |

Jesuits Teaching Nearly 4,000 Afghan Youths -

The Scientific Dictatorship Explained -

Review of Emerging Resources: U.S. Shale Gas and Shale Oil Plays

Impacts of Gulf of Mexico Oil & Nat Gas on U.S. Economy

Negotiators Nearing Deal on Mileage for Vehicles -

Maybe It’s Time To Stop Talking About Climate | The Energy Collective

The Top Ten Ways We Waste Energy And Water In Buildings

Fuel Fix » Russia’s ‘Petro-Power’: Regressing or Resurging?

California's Renewable-Energy Mandate Faces Hurdles - CNBC

Transmission Blueprint in Mix | EnergyBiz

New Transmission Lines: Coming to an Area Near You? - Erica Gies - Green, Like Money - Forbes

End of an Era for Panhandle Wind Program — Energy | The Texas Tribune

Stop Marketing “Good for the Environment” | The Energy Collective

The new face of safe nuclear | SmartPlanet

Advanced Reactor Gets Closer to Reality - Technology Review

Spent Fuel Pools in Japan Survived Disaster, Industry Notes -

Fuel Fix » What recession? Texas oil and gas jobs rebound

How smart grid fought off U.S. heat wave | Green Tech - CNET News

Al Gore: What Do the Debt Ceiling and Climate Crisis Have in Common?

How to tell the difference between finger scans from the living and the dead

Column: When 'science' looks for sexism, it finds it -

Applying Healthy Skepticism to Healthy Foods - Miller-McCune

Higgs Boson - Forget Science, What Do Bookies Think?

Remind Me Again, Why Isn't Pluto a Planet? : Discovery News

Rare Volcanoes Discovered On Far Side of the Moon | Moon Photos & Lunar Exploration | Moon Volcanoes |

Martian Water vs. The Volcanoes | Research - ISNS

Theoretical Toilet Turns Waste to Electricity | EarthTechling

Video Games Learned From Skinner; Will Our Employers? - Blog

Are cancers newly evolved species?

Stanford scientists use new technology to show that interrupted sleep impairs memory in mice - Office of Communications & Public Affairs - Stanford University School of Medicine

A Cell Phone Counts Cells | Latest News | Chemical & Engineering News

Hubble constant: A new way to measure the expansion of the universe

Paleontology points to political punctuations -

The end of evolutionary psychology | Gene Expression | Discover Magazine

Is Trypophobia a Real Phobia? | Popular Science

Transparent battery powers the way to translucent devices : Nature News

We may not have found God particle after all, admits Hadron chief - Science, News - The Independent

Police: Body of Ill. girl killed in 1957 exhumed - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Bail denied in killing of Chicago officer last year -

Prosecutors lose hearsay appeal in Drew Peterson case -

War of words continues as debt limit deadline nears - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Atheist Group Files Lawsuit Against Display of WTC Cross at 9/11 Memorial -

Woman's hanging investigated in Coronado, Calif. -

Aug. 31 confirmation hearing set for California Supreme Court nominee - San Jose Mercury News

Eyeing Obama, Mitt Romney brings jobs message to Ohio -

Hacker Group Calls For PayPal Boycott As Part Of Protest -

Seattle man accused in 1957 murder sent back to Illinois | Reuters

The Associated Press: Bogus court filings spotlight little-known sect

Activist gets 5 months for giving out pamphlets at Casey Anthony trial -

Gallup: Perry would start in second - Alexander Burns -

RNC: Scott won't be factor in 2012, Rubio will - Florida Wires -

Reid, Boehner Build Support for Rival Plans - Bloomberg

Post office ponders closing more than 10 percent of its retail outlets - San Jose Mercury News

The Associated Press: Oil falls as nation's crude supplies rise

Critics Assess Amy Winehouse's Legacy | Rolling Stone Music

Hugh Hefner Responds to Crystal Harris: I'm Great in Bed! -

Jason Voorhees's News Archive

Piers Morgan Stands By Phone Hacking Denials Following Leak of 2009 BBC radio interview - ABC News

George Lucas loses Star Wars copyright battle in U.K. | Inside Movies |

CBS, Netflix extend partnership to Canada and Latin America -

Analysts Netflix May Lose 15 Percent Of Its Subscribers | Contactmusic

Abc | Hulu Introduces New Restrictions | Contactmusic

Norway to Set Up Commission to Investigate Attacks | Europe | English

Britain recognizes Libyan opposition, unfreezes millions - The Washington Post

The UN World Food Program Begins Relief Flights to Somalia | Africa | English

Serb mob sets Kosovo border post on fire - Taiwan News Online

China protests against U.S. spy flights near its coast: report | Reuters

U.K. Police Arrest ‘LulzSec’ Hacker Suspect, 19 - Bloomberg

British Police Say They Arrested Hacker Group Member -

Luminate Aims to Turn Web-Based Images to Interactive Apps - SlashGear

Researchers probe Google's geolocation database | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

R.I.P. DVD: Six Reasons It's Time for Discs to Die | PCWorld Business Center

Infographic: Sorry Hulu, Netflix still rules the living room — Online Video News

Facebook woos businesses; ups battle with Google+ - Computerworld

Facebook Facial Recognition? There's An Ad For That | News & Opinion |

Nebula + Facebook = cheaper private clouds? - Fortune Tech

The Associated Press: Famed fossil isn't a bird after all, analysis says

Saturn's Moon Provides Water to Planet, According to European Scientists [VIDEO] | IBTimes TV

Russia Plans to Sink the International Space Station in 2020 -

Astronomers find Earth's first trojan asteroid

Prep work to put Atlantis on display begins -

Lost 1967 Spaceship Found Crashed on Dark Side of Moon? -

BBC News - Time travel: Light speed results cast fresh doubts

China's Deep Sea Craft Videos Sea Life 5km Deep --

Cern scientists suspect glimpse of Higgs boson | Science | The Guardian

Black Hole Hosts Universe's Most Massive Water Cloud

Climate-altering pollution makes South Florida vulnerable to flooding

Buttery space shuttle featured in Ohio State Fair -

Sea Lions Rejoice: Feds Revoke Kill Authorization - International Business Times

Two Meteor Showers This Week to Create ‘Celestial Traffic Jam’ - International Business Times

Photos: Thick Green Algae Chokes Beach—Swimmers Dive In

NASA's Juno Jupiter Mission to Arrive by 2016, Christian News

Climate Change Poses Threat to Global Peace and Security: UN Boss - International Business Times

State Board of Education and science materials | Ennis Daily News

Happy Meals, health: McDonald's making Happy Meals more healthful -

"Very Little" Evidence Linking Cancer to 9/11 Exposure | Care2 Causes

Abortion rights get growing support in U.S.: Poll - HealthPop - CBS News

Stem cells: U.S.-funded research with embryonic stem cells can continue, judge rules -

Coming soon: Universal flu vaccine - HealthPop - CBS News

Walter Reed closes after 102 years - The Washington Post

California man tries to repair hernia with butter knife. | AHN

Some Nose-Job Patients May Have Mental Illness -

One-Time Pad Encryption Dates Back to Telegraph Codebook -

Black Hole Holds Universe’s Biggest Water Supply | Wired Science |

Are We Alone? New Analysis Suggests Life Could Be Extremely Rare In the Universe| Statistics Crush Optimism in Search for Extraterrestrials | Search for Life, SETI | Life's Little Mysteries

Through the mists of time: how we discovered the age of the Earth

Could New Rover Find Fossils on Mars? : Discovery News

New York - Empire of Evolution -

US and France More Depressed Than Poor Countries | Global Depression | World Health Organization | LiveScience

What’s behind Campus Crusade for Christ’s name change? - Under God - The Washington Post

Associated Baptist Press - Opinion: Religion should build up, not destroy

American religion: trending downward? - South Florida

King “Will Not Back Down” From Radicalization Hearings After Oslo « Commentary Magazine

Jews Must Rebuild Concept of Peoplehood, Says David Hazony –

Killing For Religion, Not God | Religion Dispatches

Poll: Most Americans unable to identify Romney’s religion | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

altcatholicah - NFP: Making Catholic Sex Sexy

Yale Was Right To Ax Anti-Semitism Initiative –

Her.meneutics: My Father Was a Porn Addict

RealClearReligion - Why Anders Breivik's Manifesto Mentions Me

God Is in the Basement of the Empire State Building

RCR's Hahn Gets It Wrong | National Catholic Reporter

Iran-born writer kills ayatollah in novel | Reuters

Science fiction can only hint at God | Francis Spufford | Comment is free |

U.S. Conservatives, Religious And Political, On Defense After Oslo Killings

The Norway Massacre: Born of Ideology or Belief? | The Media Project

My Take: Christians should denounce Norway's Christian terrorist – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Are Christians Contributing to Unbelief?, Christian News

How Islamists Can Save Tunisia's Revolution - Max Fisher - International - The Atlantic

From Norway To Hell | Via Meadia

A Step Toward Trust With China -

Obama’s China Re-Balancing Act | The Diplomat

US acting like emerging economy - The China Post

RealClearWorld - China's Other Revolution

WPR Article | The New Rules: The New World Order-After-Next

Islamists remain the unknown quantity in Tunisian politics - The National

Commentary: Slaying the Syria-Iran-Hezbollah Hydra | The National Interest

Russia | Rural Population | Demographics | Pskov

[Viewpoint] Peeking behind the mask - INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily

Southeast Asia’s underwater bazaar | The Jakarta Post

Settling Old Scores: Tribal Rivalries Complicate Libyan War - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Aum Shinrikyo: Insights Into How Terrorists Develop Biological and Chemical Weapons | Center for a New American Security

Russia’s New Diplomatic Idea for Iran | The Iran Primer

The Norwegian terrorist’s 15 minutes of notoriety are up - The Globe and Mail

Global fears on US debt impasse - The Irish Times - Wed, Jul 27, 2011

The Libyan campaign is running into the sand - Telegraph

Can Gaddafi really stay in Libya and cede all power? | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free |

RealClearPolitics - Getting Ready for the Next Time

Who Is Killing Iran's Nuclear Scientists? - ABC News

Breivik finds common cause with Zionists - and Al Qaeda - The National

China gov't overreacts to Dalai Lama US visit - The China Post

Confucianism and political dissent in China | East Asia Forum


**World Video:The Role of Economic Institutions in Economic Growth

How Safe Is Afghanistan?

U.S. Seeks To Empower Foreign Women

Lockerbie Bomber Attends Rally In Libya

Massacre Suspect 'Seemed Like A Shy Boy'

Breivik's Lawyer: 'He Expected To Be Killed'

Growing Anti-Immigration Sentiments In Norway

Christine Lagarde Warns Of Debt Crisis Impact

U.N. Peacekeepers Hit In Lebanon Bombing

Obama Signs Norway Condolence Book

Women Dodge Iran Street Biking Ban

Morocco Plane Crash Kills 78

Foreign Assessments Of U.S. Power

Will Bringing The Troops Home Save America's Credit?

26th/Europe And America Since 9/11

Libya's Zlitan In Rebel, NATO Sights

U.S. Security Response To Norway Attacks

Norway's Nightmare Continues

Europe's Far-Right Parties And The Norway Attacks

Norway Attack Suspect's Unabomber Inspiration?

Alleged Norway Gunman Was 'On Drugs'

Food To Be Air-lifted To Famine Areas

Seven Dead In Philippines Floods

100,000 Attend Oslo Anti-violence Rally

Rogue Kangaroo Attacks 94-Year-Old Woman

Susan Davis: Microfinance

Finding Common Ground In the South Atlantic

Perceptions Of Climate Change In Mongolia


*Real Clear Markets : Shiller & Siegel: How to Clean Up the Debt Mess?


**Politics Video:Harry Reid: "Boehner Plan Is A Big Wet Kiss To The Right-Wing"

O'Reilly: U.S. "Bankrupting Itself With An Entitlement Philosophy"

Pfeiffer Says Boehner Bill Is "Irrelevant"

Krauthammer: Obama Threw A "Tantrum"

Fineman Predicts Short-Term Debt Deal

Karl Rove: Obama's "Undermining His Own Credibility"

Cantor: Obama Does Not Like People Whose Opinion Differs From Him

26th/Palin: Obama "Getting Pretty Good At Fear Mongering"

Carney To FOX News: "Tell Your Viewers There's Nothing To Worry About"

Rush Limbaugh To Obama: We're Just Not That Into You

Bill Maher "Disappointed" And "Terribly Frustrated" With Obama

Speaker Boehner Responds To President Obama On The Debt

Rand Paul: Reid, Boehner Plans Will Add $7 To $8 Trillion To Debt

McConnell: Americans Are Waiting For The President to Lead, Not Lecture

Cantor: Obama "Wrecked This Economy"

Pelosi: Republicans "Want To Destroy Your Rights"

Reid: Boehner Plan Is "Dead On Arrival In The Senate"

Brit Hume: Obama Looks Like A "Potted Plant" In Debt Fight

Press To Carney: Where's The Plan?

O'Reilly: Obama Doesn't Want A Budget Deal

Reich: If Gov't Reduces Spending, Jobs Are Created Is A Lie

WH's Pfeiffer: Default "Could Potentially Put Us Towards A Depression"

CNN's Borger: Obama Only One In Washington Talking Tax Increases

Freudian Slip? Carney Calls AAA Rating "Gold Standard"

Joan Walsh: Boehner Showed "Utter Mendacity" In Response


**NEWS VIDEOS:George Lopez: If Sarah Palin Becomes President ‘I Will Move to Canada’

Boehner Defends Plan: ‘This Is the Time to Do What is Doable’

NBC News Host on Boehner: Lazy, Hot Tempered Liar ‘More Comfortable On a Bar Stool’

Jon Stewart on Obama’s Debt Speech: ‘Did the President Just Quit?’

Trump: ‘Obama is Totally Lost’

Townhall’s Benson: GOP Needs to Support Boehner

Reporter Attacked During Live Shot

Pirates Robbed on Worst Homeplate Call Ever

Freshman GOP Rep: We Were Sent Here to Wrangle Spending

Palin on ‘More Drama Obama’: ‘It’s the Spending, Stupid’

26TH/Dem Rep Arrested Outside White House Protesting Obama’s Immigration Policies

NBC News Panelist Calls Grover Norquist ‘Gingrich’s Butt Buddy’

Carney Admits: We Won’t Put ‘Plan’ on Paper

Pelosi: Republicans Want to Destroy Your Rights

White House Accuses Fox News Reporter of Pushing Republican Talking Points

White House Reporters Boo Obama Press Flack

House Oversight Hearing: What Did ATF Know About ‘Fast & Furious’ and When Did They Know It?

Hip-Hop Mogul Russell Simmons: ‘Media Should Be There To Support (Obama)’

CNN Analyst: Nobody is Talking Tax Increases Today Except Obama

Krauthammer Shreds Obama’s ‘Campaign’ Speech

Tigers Pitcher Executes Perfect Hot Foot Prank on Teammate

Scarborough: Tea Party ‘May Just Have Proved to be Most Cunning and Rational of All Players in Washington’

How Pigford Made White Lawyers Like Al Pires Millions

Newt Regrets Pelosi Global Warming Ad

25TH/Speaker John Boehner Addresses Nation on Debt Ceiling Debate

President Obama Addresses Nation on Debt Ceiling Debate

Harry’s Plan: ‘We Are Giving (Republicans) What They Want’

Black Tea Party Protesters Called ‘Sell-Out Negroes’ at NAACP Convention

DSK Maid: ‘They’re Gonna Kill Me’

Dem’s Latest Congressional Sex Scandal

Cincinnati Labor Boss Indicted On Wire Fraud Charge

Actor Cheadle: GOP Senator Opened My Eyes to Sudan

KIM KARDASHIAN NUDE PICS! (How NBC News’ Former Host Got His YouTube Ratings)

24TH/High-Speed Rail Disaster in China

Grandma Marries Grandma in New York

Ravings of a Madman: Oslo Killer’s Last Video Manifesto Revealed

23RD/Amy Winehouse Dead at 27


07/26 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-26, Tuesday

Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 7-26-11

The Manning Report – 26 July 2011

July 26, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, July, 26, 2011

Redding News Review 07-26-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 07-26-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 07-26-11 Hr 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 07-26-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 07-26-11 Hr 2

The Michael Savage Show 07/26/2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 26th, 2011

27 July

American Minute for July 27th

July 27th in History

Today in History: July 27

Today in History: July 27

This Day in History for 27th July

July 27th This Day in History

July 27 Events in History

‪Today in History for July 27th‏ - YouTube

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