A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

26 July 2011


U.S. Imperialism Creating Police State at Home

Why Boehner Cries

Obamination and Boehneria

Karl Grossman: And Now..."Radiation is Good for You." But DOE Cancels Pitch.

It’s the Zionism, Stupid | Mantiq al-Tayr

Norway killer espoused right-wing philosophy | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Possible Israeli Connection to Oslo Attacks : Indybay

Sleeper Cell In Europe Rock Norways Throne « Kawther Salam

‪Are you kidding me‏ - YouTube

TSA Screener Brings Woman To Tears Through Aggressive Body Search | Pixiq

BROKE: 10 Facts About The Financial Condition Of American Families That Will Blow Your Mind

Social Security | Agriculture Defense Coalition

Activist Post: 6 Ways Food is Being Used as a Weapon

Drug prices to plummet in wave of expiring patents - Yahoo! News

Betty And Barney Hill UFO Abduction Story Commemorated On Official N.H. Highway Plaque


+The 'Forever 27 Club' - Music's Growing List Of Stars Who Died At 27 Years Old -


The Forever 27 Club(


0046 Washington DC's War against Mexico | Bad Quaker Dot Com

The Reign of Zionist-Globalist Terror

Publicly, Separately, Under Oath, Accountable For Lies

Mossad, CIA and NATO Attack Democracy in Oslo, Norway

The Age of Conspiracies: How The West Was Deceived On September 11

Possible Israeli Connection To Oslo Attacks

UK and France: Qaddafi Can Stay - International News - News - Israel National News

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: Massacre in Norway-- More About the Jewish Right Wing Connection

Norway suspect wanted European anti-Muslim crusade | World news |

Norway killer Anders Behring Breivik called Gordon Brown and Prince Charles 'traitors' - Telegraph

Hunt for Britons linked to Norway killer Anders Behring Breivik - Telegraph

Did Israel’s Mossad Do 9/11? | Real Zionist News


Obama To Sneak Dream Act In Via Executive Order?


**Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion Consistent with the Civil Immigration Enforcement Priorities ofthe Agency for the Apprehension, Detention, and Removal ofAliens

Daily Kos: Obama Implements Dream Act via Executive Order?


Obama Lays The Groundwork For Dream Act Passage With Executive Order


Feds to Grab Land for Homeland Security Forces | Farm Wars

‪Central Falls, RI Pension Crisis‏ - YouTube

UFO Photographs from Colfax, Wisconsin |

Germany to lend €100m to Libyan rebels | World news | The Guardian

Cyber Weapons: The New Arms Race - BusinessWeek

iDanger! Viewing 3D on your smartphone harms your sight and gives you headaches | Mail Online

Breakthrough hailed in quest for 'God particle' - Science, News - The Independent

Granny power: Why grandparents ensured human survival | Mail Online

Nim Chimpsky: the chimp they tried to turn into a human | Film | The Observer

Sustainability in All Things except Rational Thinking

The Craziness Of Humans Worldwide

Journey To The Mountain Throne Of The Rockies

More Americans are on Facebook than have a passport | Mail Online

‪Horn of Africa Drought - Imperialism at Work - Thomas Mountain‏ - YouTube

Mumbai Blasts: 13/7 an intelligence failure | Opinion Maker

Am I from Outer Space? Visible Origami

Garden of Eden originally a Pygmy myth?


‪Rense & Dr Judy Wood - Where Did The Towers Go?‏ - YouTube

‪Rense & Dr Judy Wood - Where Did The Towers Go? Part 2‏ - YouTube


‪Rense & Oates - Shocking NASA Reversals Reveal Mars, Space Secrets‏ - YouTube

‪Rense & Jordan Maxwell - Democracy Now Equals Enslavement‏ - YouTube

‪Rense & Devvy - Dangerous Smart Meters‏ - YouTube


Gold And Silver: We Were Right – They Were Wrong - Peace Corps Puts Volunteers in Danger

An inconvenient truth about Toyota - The Globe and Mail

Whistleblower Cop Breaks Silence On Corrupt Police Chief In Quartzsite Arizona - News - Domas Jefferson

Brutally Isolating Detainees In Israeli Prisons

Vince Cable: My brush with Rupert and James Murdoch and the lessons I learnt | Mail Online

Rupert Murdoch scandal: Phone hacking inquiry judge urged to 'come clean' | Mail Online

Phone-hacking scandal has exposed a culture of bullying and intimidation at News International | Media | The Observer

News International staff told to stop deleting emails - Crime, UK - The Independent

MoD investigates former chemical weapons factories for contamination | Environment | The Guardian

Identical H5N1 Deletion In Indonesia Egypt and China

Police role plan for Army officers | UK news |

Climate change, fake charities, Nazis and Chris Huhne – Telegraph Blogs

New comic superhero to take on al-Qaeda - Telegraph - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Identity theft threat to millions

Norway: Cold Blooded Killings | Opinion Maker

Attorney: Ship prank wasn't federal crime |

Grizzly attacks teens in wilderness school: Bear Attacks | Alaska news at

#Radiation in Fukushima City Order of Magnitude Higher Than Official Numbers? | EX-SKF

Japan’s Food-Chain Threat Multiplies as Fukushima Radiation Spreads - Bloomberg

USDA Closing Roads to Public Lands While Opening Doors for the United Nations « The PPJ Gazette

Holy Land clerics launch interfaith Earth forum - Yahoo! News

Residents in western Libya say NATO hit hospital - Yahoo! News

‪Libya War Lies - Worse Than Iraq - Video - Thomas Mountain‏ - YouTube

Masonic Blackmail Behind Murdoch Scandal?

End of America - The Ron Paul op-ed everyone will be talking about this weekend

The Unintended Constitutional Mistakes of “Cut, Cap, and Balance” – Tenth Amendment Center

Push Back Against FDA Growing – Tenth Amendment Center

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : BREAKING: ‘New’ ACORN Groups Join SEIU’s Economic Terrorism Campaign

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : More Left-Wing Terrorism? Bomb Threat at Americans for Tax Reform

The American Spectator : Understanding the Norway Massacre

‘Hacker Finds Emails Between Palin, Murdoch & Breivik’

Neo-Communism Spreads as Media Fiddle

Why would NASA retire Shuttles to be without a Space Program? | Conspiracy Watch

Department Of Homeland Security Spreads More Terrorism Related Conspiracy Theories -

Left-Wing Soros Controlled Media Downplays Muslim Brotherhood’s Caliphate Intent

2nd Amendment Tested | NRA Comes Out on Top Fighting Obama’s Anti-Gun Measures

CURL: Is Obama a pathological liar? - Washington Times

“Let’s Arm The Mexican Drug Cartels With Thousands Of Guns And Continue To Leave The Border Completely Wide Open”

How Globalism Has Destroyed Our Jobs, Businesses And National Wealth In 10 Easy Steps

Calling CNN About David Gergen & His Bohemian Grove Connections! :

TIP: Armored Military Equipment Movements In CONUS :

Activist Post: Analyzing the Oslo attacks part three: more information and even more unclear

» Anders Behring Breivik: Manufacturing a Patsy? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Norway Killings Prompt Crackdown On Brits Opposed to Immigration Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

'The Knights Templar': Mexico's newest drug cartel | Al Jazeera Blogs

25 Reasons To Absolutely Despise Bankers And Their Minions | Video Rebel's Blog

Webster Tarpley: Norway Terror Attacks a False Flag Staged Event :: New World Order Blog


The Alex Jones Show [07/25/2011]

Cutting Through the Matrix With Alan Watt [07/22/2011]

Cutting Through the Matrix With Alan Watt [07/21/2011]


Is Your Food Aging You?

7 Benefits of Exercise and Why Weight Loss Isn't One of Them

40 Common Conditions This Simple Green Algae Can Ease

Islamic Conspiracy New Strategy : From 9/11 To Huma Abedin To Oslo | RSN Pick of the Day Right Side News

La Raza | Barack Obama | Latinos | The Daily Caller

The Symbolic Nature Of Money | Don't Tread On Me

Known Prostitute | Don't Tread On Me

The Wisdom of Thomas Jefferson | Don't Tread On Me

Obama and Alternative Energy | Off The Grid News

The Government and the Grid | Off The Grid News

The Daily Bell - G. Edward Griffin on Inflation, Politics and the Power Elite

The Daily Bell - China – Third Pillar of a Broken World Economy?

How to Hone Your DIY Skills

Pajamas Media » The Assault Weapons Ban: How Silly Was It? (Part One)

Is Obama purging God from America 'by design'?

+ Famous Quotations on Money | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul - This is the harsh reality of war, and this is why Obama lies (2012 MUST SEE)

Revolutionary Politics : Are America's Best Days Behind Us?

‪CIA Funding and Manipulation of the U.S. News Media‏ - YouTube

US cyber security chief quits after hacker attacks | Technology |

Corporate Tax Holiday in Debt Ceiling Deal: Where's the Uproar?

Introducing Spenditol - "Makes You Feel Better Now, And Pushes All The Really Bad Stuff 'Till Later!" - Home - The Daily Bail

‪Glenn Beck Said What?!?!‏ - YouTube

DailyTech - Rental Firms May be Allowed to Spy on Customers With Webcams

Activist Post: Ron Paul to Congress: Stop Stealing from the American People


+The Federal Reserve ADMITS that Its 12 Banks Are PRIVATE – Not Government – Entities


Microsoft lays out plans to unleash ‘altered parasitic organisms’ on humans : Federal Jack


‪*1:55:00/In Their Own Words: The Untold Stories of the 9/11 Families - Full Length‏ - YouTube


Oslo Shooter/Bomber’s Facebook Page Hacked AFTER Attack to Blame Christian Conservatives? « Doctor Bulldog & Ronin


Congress Planning Obama Impeachment After Bipartisan Debt Plan Rejected

"Abolish The Fed! We're Better Off Without A Central Bank": Jim Rogers With Former CNBC Analyst Jeff Macke - Home - The Daily Bail

Sinclair: When Gold Reaches $1764 It Will Go Hyperbolic! :


‪*59:00/TWA 800: The Search For The Truth‏ - YouTube


‪"Ron Paul Is A Name You Should Probably Watch Out For"‏ - YouTube

- Mossad Involved In Assassination In Norway Before: The Lillehammer Affair :

‪'In Gitmo I got 30 days in darkness for feeding iguanas' - ex-detainee‏ - YouTube

Industry Catalog And Price Sheet For FABRICATED Foreclosure Documents Leaked - Jersey City Civil Rights |

Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik's fellow Zionist hatemongers > Global > Redress Information & Analysis

Convicted Felons Buy Fast and Furious Guns - HUMAN EVENTS


‪+ 9/11/01: Ashleigh Banfield Reports 3 Explosions 1 Hr After Towers Implode, NYPD Says Car bombs‏ - YouTube


Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Veronique de Rugy Discusses the Threat of America Losing its Credit Rating on Freedom Watch

Revolutionary Politics : Peter Schiff Responds to Timothy Geithner on Debt Ceiling - "He's just making this stuff up!"

Russian-backed Propaganda Networks Claim Obama is a CIA Agent

Blog: The network that produced Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.

Get A Rare Look Inside The Actual U.S. Treasury Auction Room - Where The $14T National Debt Goes For Love - Home - The Daily Bail

The Disturbing “Super Congress” That Is Being Created As Part Of The Debt Negotiations :

The Banks Keep Stealing - Why Should You Keep Paying? - Home - The Daily Bail

Paul gets big endorsement ahead of crucial Iowa contest – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Revolutionary Politics : Edwin Vieira, Jr. - The Federal Reserve Transfer of Wealth

A Link to the Murdoch Scandal? Under the Radar Firm Sells Phone Tracking Tools to Police, Intelligence Agencies By Tom Burghardt

Revolutionary Politics : Billions Of Taxpayer Dollars Going To Taliban!

Israel shouldn’t brainwash its children |

Congress Moves To Create Unconstitutional "Super Congress" To Do Dirty Work And Avoid Voters Wrath

After Oslo: Time to Crack Down On Mossad Terrorism > - Strategic Culture Foundation

Lone Star Watchdog: The Only White People That are the Real Threat Work for the US Government

ah, mephistophelis.: Press Release: The Fukushima Conference for Recovery from the Nuclear-Earthquake Disaster

A Free Thinker's Journey: 911 dispatcher abuses/harasses teenager in fear as father lay seizuring

Soros Is Done Managing Outside Money, Returning Money To Investors For First Time in 38 Years - 12160

"The Greatest Increase in Poverty and Hardship Produced by Any Law in Modern U.S. History" - 12160

Why the Death of the Man Who Was Not Behind 9/11 Was Announced on May 1st : Federal Jack

Evidence Shows Norway Terror Attack a False Flag

Norway shooting: Glenn Beck compares dead teenagers to Hitler youth - Telegraph

Activist Post: Coverage of the Norwegian tragedy: jumping to conclusions, absurdist claims and unanswered questions

Japan in WWII: A Casualty of Usury? | Veterans Today

Innocent Man Imprisoned For 5 Years Survived CIA Electroshock Torture, Witnessed Lethal Beatings

The Earth and Man: Setting the Stage: Venus: No Greenhouse Effect

Activist Post: Guns in Mexico crimes came from US sting: report

Hay, alfalfa prices stun NM farmers - Silver City Sun-News

New Documents Cast Doubt on Federal Anthrax Case | FRONTLINE | PBS



California "Dream Act" approved for illegal immigrants - Yahoo! News

The Intercept: 9/11: Who Really Benefited? Fact and Not Fiction...

Billions for the Bankers - Debts for the People.

The Missing Lesson From Norway: Never Trust a Man in Uniform by William Norman Grigg

Can you imagine Lake Superior without winter ice?


*Film:Conspiracy of Silence 2007 (with additonal John De Camp excerpt) 1:59:43 -

‪*55 min/Conspiracy of Silence: The Franklin Cover Up - Censored Documentary!‏ - YouTube


The Franklin Cover-Up by John DeCamp


The Franklin Coverup Scandal: The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan Whitehouse | PuppetGov


Franklin Cover-up(



9/11 Revisited: The Government Wouldn’t Plan the Deaths Of Innocent Civilians In Order To Get Public Backing For War, Would They? |

Rothschild Bank AND Goldman Sachs Are Both On The LIST Of Bondholders Getting U.S. Taxpayer Billions In Ireland - Home - The Daily Bail

‪Oslo explosion: Dramatic amateur footage minutes after Norway blast‏ - YouTube

Oslo bomber ABB Anders Breivik sent email to Jewish anti-Muslim Sweden Democrats a hour before the bombings! | Wake Up From Your Slumber

Norway: Killer's manifesto analyses Spain and Israel | EnerPub - Energy Publisher

Breivik, Rightist Mass Murderer, Hates Muslims, Loves Pam Geller « Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם: Make the World a Better Place

Gunman's father was London diplomat - World news, News -

David Horowitz’ problem with Norway « Aletho News


Tens of Thousands in Israel Protest Rising Prices | COLLAPSENET

FOX: Is U.S. the Next Greece? | COLLAPSENET

Al Jazeera: Protests halt gold mining in El Salvador | COLLAPSENET

Obama to add 20,000 troops to US streets in the event of Civil unrest | COLLAPSENET


Test pilots and their secret history |

Video of fast-moving UFO in Minnesota |

Panicked villagers mistake monkey for an alien |

Astronaut says ETs exist, but not on Earth |

Giant Rock hosted giant UFO convention |

NASA moving on manned space missions |


‪New Stonehenge Crop Circle and Russian Scientist Talks ET‏ - YouTube

‪Roswell UFO: Granddaughter of Sheriff who saw Roswell debris‏ - YouTube

‪Obama = Hitler‏ - YouTube

‪Barack Obama Is a Illuminati Puppet‏ - YouTube

‪Obama Conspiracy‏ - YouTube

‪Finding Real Truth - New World Order Conspiracy‏ - YouTube

‪New World Order Government Conspiracy‏ - YouTube

‪The Illuminati and the New World Order‏ - YouTube

‪New World Order On Trial‏ - YouTube

‪Illuminati New World Order Fema Coffins & Concentration Camps‏ - YouTube


‪*2:00:00/Zeitgeist: The Movie - Full, Final version‏ - YouTube

‪*2:20:00/EndGame HQ full length version‏ - YouTube

‪*40 min/Government Conspiracies - World of Lies - Award Winning Documentary‏ - YouTube

‪*2:14:00/Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined Full (Order it at‏ - YouTube

‪*1:40:00/DebunkThis! Full Length‏ - YouTube

‪*2:24:00 /YouTube-Fall of the Republic HQ full length version

‪*1:53:00/The Obama Deception HQ Full length version‏ - YouTube


*176 pgs/Dawn Of A NewAge




The Law Firm of Massa, Wu & Weiner – Glenn Beck

Rule Changes Proposed for Research on Humans - 12160

Denied: DEA refuses to reclassify marijuana, claims it's as dangerous as heroin

Website deflates writers full of hot air - The Local


The Future of Journalism :


**The List Everyone Is Talking About « Government Gone Wild


Analysts say U.S. is shifting Pakistan policy amid new situation

Obama: 'I need a dance partner' on immigration reform -

S&P Warns Of U.S. Death Spiral, Obama's NEXT Bailout, Moody's Cuts Greece AGAIN, Banks Challenge $8.5B BofA Settlement, Unconstitutional SUPER Congress (LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

4um: The Looting Of America: The Federal Reserve Made $16 Trillion In Secret Loans To Their Bankster Friends And The Media Is Ignoring The Eye-Popping Corruption That Has Been Uncovered

Yves Smith: Debt Ceiling Extortion Of The American People: "Prepare For TARP 2.0 - Baseless Fear Mongering Returns!" - Home - The Daily Bail

How to Avoid Repeating the Debacle That Was the Space Shuttle | Space Flight | DISCOVER Magazine

Fed’s $16 Trillion Dollar Secret Slush Fund Props Up Our Way Of Life - 12160

Activist Post: U.S. and Mexican Governments Continue to Brush Aside Perspectives of Drug War Victims

Norwegian spree killer was a moderate. Media using fake facebook profile.




*1:32:25/More Than Taboo @ Vimeo


*1:00:00/Collapse of America :: New World Order Blog


‪THE REALITY DETACHED AMERICAN : a SGTbull micro-doc‏ - YouTube

‪'Radiation turns up in all kinds of food products in Japan'‏ - YouTube

‪FOX: Ron Paul Is A Real Threat To Win Ames Straw Poll !‏ - YouTube

‪'Germany will turn out light on euro - system defective by design'‏ - YouTube

A Thousand Pictures Is Worth One Word «

Anders Behring Breivik: Manufacturing a Patsy? «

Police Knew Gunman’s Name Before Arrest «

Destroying Tyranny: We Will Not Stop

Bank Financed Drug Gang Plans to Overthrow Mexican Government Next Year

Norway Killer Warns Of “Two More Cells” Preparing Attacks

Geithner gave Fed official waiver on AIG holdings - Yahoo! News

+2 Parts:Alex Jones & Webster Tarpley: Norway Terror Attacks a False Flag Staged Event

+Prison » Paul Watson & Webster Tarpley: Media Paints Breivik as Lee Harvey Oswald Type Gunman

Prison » TSA Reminds Us All Who The Real Terrorists Are

Prison » Blogger Links Tea Party to Norway Killer

Norway Gunman Used Drugs, Thought He Was ‘Warrior,’ His Lawyer Says -

New polls confirm Obama's Democratic base crumbles -

Issa: Obama admin intimidating witnesses in ATF gun probe - Washington Times

Guns from U.S. sting at Mexican crime scenes: report | Reuters

Prison » Debt Ceiling Intransigence: Unintended Consequences…

Prison » Gunman Conspired With “Business and Political Leaders” Before Massacre

Finland to boost web surveillance after Norway attacks | The Raw Story

Prison » Ron Paul to Congress: Stop Stealing from the American People

Muammar Gaddafi could stay in Libya, William Hague concedes | World news | The Guardian

Prison » Coverage of the Norwegian tragedy: jumping to conclusions, absurdist claims and unanswered questions

Norway shooting: British police investigating Knights Templar right wing radicals - Telegraph

Prison » Why did the director of the American cybersecurity arm of the DHS abruptly resign?

Prison » LaRouche Warns of New 9/11 Type “Reichstag Fire”

Chinese Fighter Jets ‘Repel’ US Spy Aircraft - CNBC

U.S. default would have far-reaching impact - IMF chief | Reuters

Prison » Super Congress Will KILL Real Congress

'Super Congress': Debt Ceiling Negotiators Aim To Create New Legislative Body

Proposal to abolish part of federal health-care law has enough signatures for Ohio ballot | The Columbus Dispatch

Prison » Black Tea Party Protesters Called ‘Sell-Out Negroes’ at NAACP Convention

EBay auction leads to TSA theft charges -

Innocent people's DNA profiles won't be deleted after all, minister admits - Telegraph

Prison » As the American Empire Spreads Abroad, it Becomes a Police State at Home

Prison » Internet takeover: New legislation would allow state to arbitrarily shut down, seize websites

Physicists closing in on ‘God particle’ | The Raw Story

Prison » America conned: Psycho pharma drug pushing empire under fire

Co-Chair of 9/11 Inquiry: American Government Covered Up State Assistance to Hijackers -

Boeing’s Millennium Falcon Floats Using Nazi Technology -

Boeing’s Millennium Falcon Floats Using Nazi Technology | Danger Room |

The Super Congress Will Be - Like the Federal Reserve - a Non-Constitutional Committee: "The Super Congress Amounts To An Institutionalization Of The Gang Structure That Exists Informally ..." -

A Link to the Murdoch Scandal? Under the Radar Firm Sells Phone Tracking Tools to Police, Intelligence Agencies -

The Looting Of America: The Federal Reserve Made $16 Trillion In Secret Loans To Their Bankster Friends And The Media Is Ignoring The Eye-Popping Corruption That Has Been Uncovered -

Washington’s Allies Run Amok: Saudi and Emirati Forces Open Fire on Unarmed Protesters in Bahrain -

Street View cars grabbed locations of phones, PCs | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

Friends Don’t Let Friends Become Chinese Billionaires - Ray Kwong - ChinaTalk - Forbes

Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Maize Fields

Wealth gap widens between whites, minorities |

Twice the height of the Empire State - EnviroMission plans massive solar tower for Arizona

New Homeland Security Video Depicts US Citizens as Terrorists…and Encourages You to Snitch on Them

GOP lawmaker admits he’s extorting Congress to rewrite Constitution | Raw Replay

Bachmann almost calls herself ‘President O’Bachmann’ | Raw Replay

U.S. debt talks limbo a ‘dangerous game’: Obama | The Raw Story

John Boehner: I didn’t sign up for mano-a-mano with Obama | The Raw Story

GOP Debt Ceiling Plan to Be 'Last One Standing' - to Obama's Delight | Citizens for Legitimate Government

Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Norwegian Killer Linked to Tea Party and EDL

NORAD conducting training flights over DC area early Tuesday - The Washington Post

Melting Arctic ice releasing banned toxins, warn scientists | Environment | The Guardian

Justice Department retracts court filings that undercut FBI's anthrax case | McClatchy

CIA spreads its tentacles in S Punjab | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

Exploiting a Tragedy

Christian Extremism From Timothy McVeigh to Anders Breivik

The Omnipotence of Al Qaeda and Meaninglessness of "Terrorism"

Obama is NOT “Caving” to Corporate Interests

Reform, Revolution or Radical Transformation?


The CIA & the Military’s Mind Control Research


+Wal-Mart offers video streaming on website - Yahoo! News


*VUDU - (


BBC News - Obama blames House Republicans for debt stalemate

BBC News - House Speaker Boehner: 'Obama wants a blank cheque'

Guns From Operation Fast and Furious Tied to Mexican Crimes -

Operation Fast and Furious: A gunrunning sting gone wrong - The Washington Post

GAO faults Pentagon cyber efforts - The Washington Post

Postal Service ponders closing 1 in 10 retail outlets -

More Americans unhappy with Obama on economy, jobs - The Washington Post

Man gets stuck 30 feet down sewer for two days, gets bitten by snakes and SURVIVES | Mail Online

Mystery 'John Doe' arrested for trespassing REFUSES to leave prison as officials search for his true identity | Mail Online

BREAKING NEWS: Obama Reaction To Norway Massacre Betrays US "War on Terror" Fundamentalism

ECHELON: The Global Eavesdropping Scheme

Court Filing Reveals How 2004 Ohio Presidential Election was Hacked: "Unexpected Shift in Votes For George W."

Norway Massacre: The Role of Western Governments and Media As Accomplices to a Lone NeoNazi

Why Does "The Left" Support "Colored Revolutions" and "Humanitarian Wars"?

U.S. Intelligence Eyes Chinese Research into Space-Age Weapons

Misrepresentation of DNA Evidence about Srebrenica

Video and Transcript of Norway's Prime Minister's TV Address: “No One Shall Bomb us into Silence”

The Development of "Privacy Killing Technologies": A Link to the Murdoch Scandal?

9/11: Who Really Benefited?

The Norway Terrorist Attack: "News without Facts". "Experts" on Jihad and "Muslim Terrorism"

Seeing 'Islamic Terror' in Norway

From 3 to 4,500: What laws have you broken today? - informationliberation

Goldman Sachs: US Faces Credit ‘Downgrade’ if it Counts Eventual End of War as ‘Deficit Reduction’ -- News from

Mullen: US-Pakistan Military Ties at ‘Crossroads’ -- News from

Iraq’s Weekend Deadline Passes, No Deal on US Troops -- News from

The Cybersecurity-Industrial Complex - Reason Magazine

$2.6 Billion in U.S. Money Diverted to Taliban « Blog

CENTCOM's spy satellite set to beam images from war zones - News - Stripes

POW/MIA groups criticize U.S. efforts - The Washington Post

Who owns America? Hint: It's not China

Articles: Is Your IRA Going To Be Raided?

Natural disasters: The politics of earthquakes -


You Can Change Your DNA

Beware 'Planet of the Apes' experiments that could create sci-fi nightmare | Mail Online

Embryos involving the genes of animals mixed with humans have been produced secretively for the past three years | Mail Online

The Canadian National Newspaper: Scientists find Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA

Cern scientists suspect glimpse of Higgs boson | Science | The Guardian

Hideouts or Sacred Spaces? Experts Baffled by Mysterious Underground Chambers - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

The Case for Parallel Universes: Scientific American

Bob’s Corner: Time Travelers of the Bible | Prophecy In The News

The Internet is Making us “Superhuman”

+The Pesky Neighbor and the Debt Ceiling by Ron Paul

Confessions of a Cultural Reactionary by Charles A. Burris

Debt by a Thousand Little Cuts…. by Eric Peters

Job Destruction Makes Us Richer by Walter E. Williams

The Crusader by Justin Raimondo --

10 More Reasons You Need to Quit Your Job Right Now! Altucher Confidential

Book Review: The Prepper’s Pocket Guide

In Defense of the Empire by Bill Bonner

USA: Foreigners Can’t Use Credit Cards in Embargoed Countries by P. T. Freeman

Serotonin – Increase Yours Naturally! by Margaret Durst


Easier to Attack the Weak than the Wealthy

High Deficits were the Objective of Right Economics

Debt Ceiling Extortion


Albert Pike’s 3 World Wars: Oslo Attack Connection? | Old-Thinker News

Global Architects Anticipated Violent Response to Globalization | Old-Thinker News

“White Alqaeda” targeted as western governments turn terror apparatus inward | Old-Thinker News

‪Total Information Awareness - Using Social Networking Sites To Compile Info On Everyone‏ - YouTube


**Burzynski documentary reveals true agenda of FDA and cancer industry to destroy cancer cures that really work


+ Thyroid Problems Natural Remedies: Toxic Issues And Chemicals That Disrupt The Thyroid :

Norway Suspect Appears ‘Calm’ at Hearing

Norwegian Massacre Suspect Pleads 'Not Guilty'

Clinton Invites North Korean Official to U.S. For Talks

US Ambassador: No Permanent Bases In Afghanistan

Mullen Addresses Transnational Crime, Mil Relations

White House Unveils Strategy To Combat Transnational Organized Crime

Activist Post: GMO’s: Invasive Species Council and USDA ignore environmental infection and contamination

IBM Tackles Personalized Medicine's Big Data Challenge, One Genome At A Time | Fast Company

CTV Winnipeg- Deal reached on labels for genetically modified food - CTV News

Innocent people's DNA profiles won't be deleted after all, minister admits - Telegraph

CGS : How to Hack a Genome

CIA's DARPA working on human-brain-mimicking tech • The Register

Full Speed Ahead For Facial Recognition Technology - Kashmir Hill - The Not-So Private Parts - Forbes

‪Total Information Awareness - Using Social Networking Sites To Compile Info On Everyone‏ - YouTube

British Police Face Arrest For Concealing Evidence Princess Diana Was Targeted For Assassination : - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Princess Diana police face arrest

Predictive Programming: Captain America Blockbuster Scripts Attack On Norway Before It Happens? :

Activist Post: Post-Apocalyptic Predictive Programming For The Whole Family

Super Congress? Congress May Attempt To Create New Legislative Body, As Rumors Of “Super Congress” Begin :

The Disturbing “Super Congress” That Is Being Created As Part Of The Debt Negotiations :

Norway Terror Attacks Now Being Compared To Oklahoma City Bombing As Evidence Of False Flag Operation Continues To Mount :

U.S. Law Allows Chemical and Biological Testing On Populace :

Top 10 Sports Mascots

Obama: Idea of Changing Immigration Laws on My Own ‘Is Very Tempting’ |

Obama Insists on ‘Fair Compromise’; No Blank Check, Boehner Says |

Previous Debt Ceiling Hikes Were of Shorter Duration Than the One Obama Wants Now |

Amid ‘Fast and Furious’ Scandal, Obama’s New Anti-Crime Strategy Includes Stemming Gun Flow to Mexico |

Catholic Bishops Urge Congress to Advance Conscience-Protection Legislation |

Obama, Boehner Take Debt Debate Into Prime Time |

Obama: ‘We Can’t Just Close Our Deficits By Cutting Spending’ |

Democratic Rep: Debt Crisis Has Been ‘Manufactured by House Republicans’ |

Dem. Caucus Chair Cites Colleague: Even If ‘Obama Comes Up with a Cure for Cancer,’ GOP ‘Might Walk Away’ |

1-Shot Deal or 2-Step Process? Politicians Draw New Lines in Debt-Limit Debate |

Nations That Benefit Most From U.S. Foreign Aid Often Oppose U.S. Positions at U.N. |

Obama Fundraisers Postponed Amid Debt Limit Talks |

Loughner’s Father Chased Son Hours Before Tucson Shooting |

Obama: FDR Was 'Fiscally Conservative' |

Arianna Huffington: ‘Stimulus Package Failed Because It Was All Over the Map’ |

‘Islamophobic’ Bloggers, Scholars Blamed for Norway Outrage |

NAACP Chief Focuses on Voting Laws |

Cryonics Poneer Robert Ettinger Dies at 92; Body Frozen |

Amy Winehouse's Mother: 'She Seemed Out of It' |

Experts Say Roger Clemens Likely to Go on Trial Again |

Underground Church Pastor Sent to Chinese Labor Camp |

Lawyer Suggests Norway Mass Murder Suspect Is Insane |

U.S. Border Patrol Agent Killed for His Night-Vision Equipment, Suspect Says |

Wealth Gap Widens Between Whites, Minorities |

Mother Could Get More Prison Time Than Drunk Driver Who Killed Her Child |

Ohio Health Care Question Cleared for Fall Ballot |

‪Who owns our health? Inside the medicinal garden‏ - YouTube

‪7/26/2011 -- USGS issues press release RE: California volcanic event & Idaho volcano rumbles‏ - YouTube

U.S. and Mexican Governments Continue to Brush Aside Perspectives of Drug War Victims | FPIF

Denied: DEA refuses to reclassify marijuana, claims it's as dangerous as heroin

Activist Post: Getting Prepared: An Emergency Car Kit

Activist Post: Top US officer sees Kadhafi end

Activist Post: Big Tobacco Sues E-Cigarette Company

USDA Closing Roads to Public Lands While Opening Doors for the United Nations « The PPJ Gazette

U.S. Appeals Court: OK to check DNA of those arrested

Activist Post: Smart Meters: A triple threat


Food Considerations in Times of Crises: Overview | The Berkey Guy's Blog

Food Considerations in Times of Crises: Immediate Nutrition-No Preps (1a/5) | The Berkey Guy's Blog

Food Considerations in Times of Crises: Immediate Nutrition-No Preps (1b/5) | The Berkey Guy's Blog

Food Considerations in Times of Crises: Short-Term 90 Days (2/5) | The Berkey Guy's Blog

Food Considerations in Times of Crises: Long-Term 91+ Days (3/5) | The Berkey Guy's Blog


US Lawmakers to Discuss Competing Debt Limit Plans

Syrian Activists Say Government Planning Raids Outside Damascus

India Again Raises Interest Rates to Try to Control Inflation

Zogby/Newsmax Poll: Half Don’t Trust Obama on Economy

Obama Losing Support of Liberal Democrats, Blacks

WashPost/ABC Poll: Obama Is Hurting Economy

Boehner: Obama 'Wanted a Blank Check'

Experts: US Credit Downgrade Has 'No Winners'

Oregon Rep. David Wu Says Resigning

Officials Kept Weapon Operation Secret From Mexico Personnel

Issa: ATF Badgers 'Fast and Furious' Witnesses

Soros to End Hedge-Fund Career After 4 Decades

Wealth Gap Grows Between Whites, Minorities

Rand Corp.: War on Terror Lags, Must Refocus

Pew: Hispanics Hit Hardest by Recession

Ron Paul Picks Up Top Endorsement in Iowa

Norway Justice Employees Missing after Massacre

Long-Term US Deal Must Be on Afghan Terms: Karzai

Feldstein: Jobs Bigger Threat to Obama Than Debt

Meese: Obama Isn't Learning From Reagan

Is Less Variety a Key to Dieting?

The Education of Herman Cain

Republicans Have the Right Idea: Cut, Cap, and Balance

Obama Is Slowly Isolating Himself

Democrats Can Dictate Debt-Chaos Winners

Why I Endorse a Republican for Weiner's Seat

No longer deniable: Under runaway debt burden, America's currency is headed for total collapse

America conned: Psycho pharma drug pushing empire under fire

Psychiatric disease labeling of children exposed as scam by non-profit group

Gardening activities reduce lung cancer risk by 50%

Gates Foundation partner forces vaccines on Malawian children at gunpoint, arrests parents

Chinese jets chase U.S. surveillance jet over Taiwan Strait

FAA in partial shutdown; air traffic unaffected

ATF accused in congressional report of 'arming' Mexican cartel for 'war'

Mexico's cartels rely on their cash crop

U.S. Embassy in Mexico not told of ATF guns sting

BP reports profit, but disaster still a drag on output

Bomb scare at Americans for Tax Reform office

House panel to probe Obama ad filmed in White House

On Drudge, everybody knows your last name

White House faces political fallout with ozone rule

Some conservatives denounce Boehner's deficit reduction plan

McDonald's to make Happy Meals more healthful

Study lists inequities blacks face

Number of homeless veterans explodes

Cross on homeowner's front lawn becomes First Amendment flashpoint

As health care costs rise, more companies invest in fitness programs

Pot raids under way across 6 Calif counties

Pastor thanked God for his 'smokin' hot wife' in a pre-race prayer at NASCAR event

Bachmann skips 40 percent of votes since launching bid

FBI’s Ten Most Wanted list has some openings. Now what?

Courthouse News Service:Black Student Can't Be Valedictorian

How My Biology Blog Landed Me My Dream Job | Before It's News

Bad News from NASA: Proof That Comet Elenin Is Affecting Earth | Before It's News

Alarming NOAA Data, Rapid Pole Shift | Before It's News

All-Drama Obama -spinning a narrative that is entirely false. | Before It's News

The American Spectator : All-Drama Obama

Who Are The Bankers That Benefit From The Norway Terror Attacks? | Before It's News

John Lear -Human Mutilation From Aliens UFO | Before It's News

HAARP, Scalar, Mind Control, Chemtrails and BlueBeam - Icke & Swerdlow | Before It's News

Living With Robots As Interactive Companions | Before It's News

Psychology: "Positive Self-Deception" | Before It's News

NASA Confused About ‘Cluster’ Comet Elenin – Including Latest Pictures | Before It's News




The Second Coming of Healthcare IT |

Spirit Science: Math Of God | Before It's News

Has Google Overtaken Oracle As The Open Source King? | Before It's News

270,000 Organic Farmers Sue | Before It's News

Sex by Numbers: Taking You for Granted | Before It's News

Five Ways to Reduce the Washing Up Without Harming the Enviroment | Before It's News

Pilot Films Plane Spraying Chemtrails. | Before It's News

Obama’s Connecticut SSN explained

On Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Obama Administration Recommits to Enforcing and Protecting the Civil Rights of All | Before It's News

Why Obamas Lie To Seniors Is Pure Evil | Before It's News

Will Gunwalker morph into "Grenadewalker" soon? | Before It's News




*Theorizing Bruce Lee(


*48 min/Hulu : Martial Arts TV: Bruce Lee: The Man and His Legacy - Watch the full episode now.


*Bruce.Lee.The.Legend.Lives.On. 1:10:04



Bruce Lee - Wikipedia



‪*Bruce Lee; The Green Hornet Movie Feature(1974) HD‏ - YouTube


Two Chinese fighters 'pursue' US spy plane - Telegraph

Princess Diana Death: French Authorities May Arrest British Police, Conspiracy Re-ignited - WideShut: Alternative News

Zombie Attack: Dead Man Found Alive in Morgue After 21 Hours - International Business Times

Malapa Fossils - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine

40% expect Obama to punish public over debt-ceiling battle

Who's minding the mosque? | Before It's News

Is the New Paradigm Beginning to Emerge??? We ARE Powerful Beings!!! | Before It's News

Urban Initiatives Kansas City's Urban Farming Guys

Paul Hellyer: Abolishing Fed | Before It's News

Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan (w)as Propaganda Created by the Mainstream Media (a la Murdoch) to Build Support for "Charlie Wilson's War." | Before It's News

Norway massacre suspect driven by "crusade" - Yahoo! News

The Knights Templar: Mexico’s Newest Drug Cartel? -

U.S. trucking funds reach Taliban, military-led investigation concludes - The Washington Post

Gold Closes At Record On U.S. Debt Stalemate -

Activist Post: GMO’s: Invasive Species Council and USDA ignore environmental infection and contamination

New polls confirm Obama's Democratic base crumbles -

More Americans unhappy with Obama on economy, jobs - The Washington Post

Sanders: Would be 'good' for Obama to face primary challenge - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Obama to Banks: We're Not Defaulting -

Lawmakers struggle to break stalemate in debt talks -

Obama speech tries to break debt logjam - Washington Times

Video - Breaking News Videos from

Street View cars grabbed locations of phones, PCs | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

Amanda Knox appeal: Police dropped Meredith Kercher's bloodied bra on floor | Mail Online

Woman sentenced to 12 months probation for chil - Flash Player Installation

Facebook and Twitter used to plan 'flashrob' raid of Victoria's Secret store | Mail Online

Are We Alone? New Analysis Suggests Life Could Be Extremely Rare In the Universe| Statistics Crush Optimism in Search for Extraterrestrials | Search for Life, SETI |

Geithner: "We Write 80 Million Checks A Month" | RealClearPolitics

Soros Returns Capital, Avoids Dodd Frank - TheStreet

Guns from U.S. sting at Mexican crime scenes: report | Reuters

Issa: Obama admin intimidating witnesses in ATF gun probe - Washington Times

Police: Woman Assaulted With Bratwurst - Des Moines News Story - KCCI Des Moines

Man attempts surgery on his hernia with butter knife, police say -

Slasher strikes at mall in Fairfax - Crime Scene - The Washington Post


+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 25th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 25th, 2011


‪Peter Schiff Responds to Timothy Geithner on Debt Ceiling - "He's just making this stuff up!"‏ - YouTube

‪The Video Congress Does Not Want You To See‏ - YouTube

USDA Attacks Rural America with Smart Meters |

Max Keiser: Obama financially lynched by racist GOP |

NBC News’ Latest Hire Vowed Not to Criticize Obama Over Anything |

‘Neo-Nazi, masonic-lodge mindset – Norway’s new brand of terror’ |

FEMA Camps And The Underground Bases |

Update – FEMA Camps And The Underground Bases |

+Experiments with Nano-Thermite by Kevin Ryan |

BFP Food for Thought: Trying to See the Forest despite the Trees… |

‪Full Show - 7/25/11. Walnuts are drugs?!?!, Craig Detweiler on Captain America‏ - YouTube

Sustainability In All Things Except Rational Thinking |

ATF position on pistol grip shotguns creates new danger for gun owners nationwide |

ATF position on pistol grip 'shotguns' creates new danger - National gun rights |

BBC News - Iran: Scientist shot dead in Tehran

America: Why Aren’t You Protesting? | Oil

Norway Shooting – Bomb News 7-26-11 |

Oslo News 7-24-11 |

Congressman: Only 'theft' would detour Social Security checks

Key prayer-event sponsor says Rick Perry blew it

Look who's reviving terror brigade

White House bolstering rise of Chinese dragon?

The 'economic conservative' compromise

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Not so fast, New York;Liberty Counsel files suit to reverse 'gay' marriage, citing illegal practices

New weapon could sink N.Y. same-sex marriage

Obama, Boehner clash on TV on debt endgame - politics - Capitol Hill -

President of the lie

Key prayer-event sponsor says Rick Perry blew it

The skeletons in Rick Perry's closet - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Major GOP donors are anxious, even if Gov. Christie isn't -

CURL: Is Obama a pathological liar? - Washington Times

Incredible percentage says news agencies biased to Democrats

Is 'fix' in to sink ratings for Rush, Savage, other conservatives?

Witnesses to ATF gunrunner operation to name names

Issa: Obama admin intimidating witnesses in ATF gun probe - Washington Times

Guns from U.S. sting at Mexican crime scenes: report | Reuters

Oslo slaughter 'symptomatic of Nazi-like nationalism'

NYT: In Norway, police are rarely armed - World news - The New York Times -

Anders Behring Breivik played Lord of the Rings on his iPod to drown out screams | Mail Online

Pamela Geller | Oslo Bomber | Norway Shooter | The Daily Caller

Norway's gun laws prove easy to ignore | World news | The Guardian

Obama: 'I need a dance partner' on immigration reform -

Report: China building electromagnetic pulse weapons for use against U.S. carriers - Washington Times

Experts: Registrar stamps confirm Obama forgery

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Once you're fat, you never go back: Scientists say dieters' bodies rarely return to their former shape | Mail Online

Potatoes promote weight gain? Spud slander! Idaho says | McClatchy

AFP: S.African 'corpse' wakes up, scares off morgue staff: report

Chicago man declared dead 25 years ago discovered working as Las Vegas bookmaker - Telegraph

Researchers Close in on Elusive 'God Particle' -

New Zealand bans 'Lucifer' and 'Adolf Hitler' baby names | Mail Online

Nature turns nasty as killer whales hit calves |

For $800,000, all your cowboy fantasies can come true. No, not those ones.... |

Bizarre Dwarf Planet Haumea Wrapped in Ice Blanket | Dwarf Planets & Solar System | Haumea, Hi'iaka & Namaka |

Time Travel Impossible, Say Scientists : Discovery News

Hideouts or Sacred Spaces? Experts Baffled by Mysterious Underground Chambers - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

BBC News - Carving found in Gower cave could be oldest rock art


Lair of the Beasts: Exotic Animals Increasing -

From the Shadows: The Ouija Board Spelled 'Join Me in Hell'

The Weirdest Mystery Animals in the World

Daunting space task -- send astronauts to asteroid

When to Move Species Struggling with Climate Change | Assisted Migration & Climate Change | LiveScience

Spiral galaxy glows like a cosmic spider web - Technology & science - Space - -

Scientists warn of 'Planet of the Apes' scenario - Telegraph

As a mysterious skeleton is washed up on a British beach... Do sea monsters REALLY exist? | Mail Online

BBC News - Vesta rock turns for Dawn probe

Terrafugia Flying Car Cleared for Landing in US -

Roswell UFO Controversy: Former Air Force Officer Says Gen. Ramey Lied To Cover Up Space Ship Crash

Loch Ness Monster or a stick? Walker claims to have photographed creature | Mail Online

Ice ball confusion in Czech Republic | Orange UK

Physicists Confirm Existence of New Particle | Wired Science |

2011 Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest winner named - take a butcher's at some bad writing |

Hackers plan to assault corporate/government corruption promises customers sex or your money back | Herald Sun

Amy Winehouse: unfinished album set for release - Telegraph

Amy Winehouse dead: Before and after, the rise and fall of a deeply flawed prodigy | Mail Online

FINA World Championships: Diving athletes' funny faces captured on camera | Mail Online on holiday: Awful outfits, shocking poses and embarrassing parents | Mail Online

Hideouts or Sacred Spaces? Experts Baffled by Mysterious Underground Chambers - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Texas teen believes he has killed a chupacabra|WOAI: San Antonio News

Biggest dog in the world: Meet George the 7ft long Great Dane... who's terrified of chihuahuas | Mail Online

Bulldog dies from barking while boarded at Riverside Animal Clinic in Manhattan's Fort George -

Archaeologists Discover High Priest's Bell? - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

In West Bank city of Nablus, archaeologists uncover biblical ruin - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Arkansas natural sandstone bridge sells at auction | Reuters

What Makes a Face Beautiful? - Fashion + Beauty on Shine

Awkward Family Photos Photos | Awkward Family Photos Pictures - Yahoo! News

AFP: Nepal measures Everest to settle height confusion

A father's message from beyond the grave: My darling children, here's how to live your lives when Daddy's gone | Mail Online

The redistributionist cannot bother to bend

The 'economic conservative' compromise

Debt-ceiling chicken

A fire bell in the night for Norway

Compare Oslo with Islamic terrorism?

Center For Security Policy

Our universities' bloated faculties

Hey, NEA – what about cheating teachers?

Will circumcision ban wake up Jews?

Texas Gov. Rick Perry's misguided day of prayer -

The separation of mosque and state?

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Death of the Democratic Party

Chinese puppet in White House?


Aaron Klein: Obama’s Middle East challenge « Klein Online

Aaron Klein: ‘Schmoozing with Terrorists’ on Fox and Friends « Klein Online

Aaron Klein: Obama’s ‘czars’ « Klein Online


RealClearPolitics - Perry, Conservatives and Gay Marriage: An Evolving View?

RealClearPolitics - Imperiled Blue Dogs: Moderates Face Tough Odds in Polarized Times

Review of Emerging Resources: U.S. Shale Gas and Shale Oil Plays

Revising the Social Cost of Carbon

Impacts of Gulf of Mexico Oil & Nat Gas on U.S. Economy

Alternative gas pocket beckons drillers to N.Y. | Press & Sun-Bulletin |

Sunday Reflection: Is EPA's true purpose protecting the environment or shutting down industry? | The Examiner | Columnists | Washington Examiner

A Golden Opportunity to Please Conservatives and Liberals Alike | The Energy Collective

Fuel Fix » Loren Steffy: Top-paid execs draw deeply from oil profit well

Time to Replace Eisenhower-Era Power Plants - Mindy Lubber - Sustainable Capitalism - Forbes

New York City's solar power map, money and big hopes - Jul. 25, 2011

Congress Trying Again to Repeal Ban on Carbon-Heavy Fuels for Military | SolveClimate News

Analysis of TransCanada pipeline draws praise, ire -

Utility Nightmares Of Electric Cars

Erich Pica: Waking Up to a Nuclear Nightmare

Rhetoric on renewables does not match reality - Sunday, July 24, 2011 | 2:01 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

Opposition to wind turbine farms: Wind farms multiply, fueling clashes with nearby residents -

Asia’s non-nuclear energy options | The Jakarta Post

Cleanly Exploit the Great Promise of Shale Gas Fracking: View - Bloomberg

Climate Friend or Foe? China in Copenhagen - William Pentland - Clean Beta - Forbes

Energy efficiency plan: Hire someone else to pay the bill? - Jul. 22, 2011

» Soros Making More Cash With Congress - Big Government

Varied Views of Obama's Environmental Record -

U.S. Energy Independence – So Close, Yet So Far - Energy Source - How we power the world - Forbes

Energy Tribune- Fracking French

Conservation: There Is No Alternative

The scourge of 'peak oil' - Features - Al Jazeera English

Paleontology points to political punctuations -

The end of evolutionary psychology | Gene Expression | Discover Magazine

Is Trypophobia a Real Phobia? | Popular Science

Anti-addiction drugs face more than medical issues - health - 25 July 2011 - New Scientist

Transparent battery powers the way to translucent devices : Nature News

We may not have found God particle after all, admits Hadron chief - Science, News - The Independent

One-Time Pad Encryption Dates Back to Telegraph Codebook -

Black Hole Holds Universe’s Biggest Water Supply | Wired Science |

Are We Alone? New Analysis Suggests Life Could Be Extremely Rare In the Universe| Statistics Crush Optimism in Search for Extraterrestrials | Search for Life, SETI | Life's Little Mysteries

What is war good for? Sparking civilization, suggest UCLA archaeology findings from Peru / UCLA Newsroom

RPI: News & Events - Minority Rules: Scientists Discover Tipping Point for the Spread of Ideas

Oh Me, Oh Methane: My Favorite Climate Change Horror Story - Blog

Researchers Discover How Key Enzyme Repairs Sun-Damaged DNA

Mitochondria share an ancestor with SAR11, a globally significant marine microbe

BBC News - Higgs boson 'hints' also seen by US lab

NASA to explore massive Mars mountain | COSMOS magazine

The Hazy Science of Hot Weather and Violence | Wired Science |

Science and truth have been cast aside by our desire for controversy | Robin McKie | Comment is free | The Observer

China's family planning: Illegal children will be confiscated | The Economist

Rule Changes Proposed for Research on Humans -

The (Synthetic) Nose Knows | Latest News | Chemical & Engineering News

The future of lighting: walls of light, LEDs, and glowing trees

“Majestically Scientific” Federal Study On BPA Has Stunning Findings: So Why Is The Media Ignoring It? - Trevor Butterworth - Medialand - Forbes

Young at Heart: Moms Mimic Teen Daughters' Style | Teenagers & Fashion | Consumer Behavior | Mothers & Daughters | LiveScience

The Incredible Shrinking Human Brain - ScienceNOW

Deranged and Dangerous: When Do the Emotionally Disturbed Resort to Violence?: Scientific American

Why do dogs rub up against things that smell bad? - By Jesse Bering - Slate Magazine

RealClearReligion - Why Anders Breivik's Manifesto Mentions Me

My Take: Norway attacks show why you can't #blamethemuslims – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

God Is in the Basement of the Empire State Building

RCR's Hahn Gets It Wrong | National Catholic Reporter

Science fiction can only hint at God | Francis Spufford | Comment is free |

Iran-born writer kills ayatollah in novel | Reuters

Timothy McVeigh Was Not a “Christian Terrorist”

How Christians can make a difference | Joel J. Miller

Anders Breivik is not Christian but anti-Islam | Andrew Brown | Comment is free | The Guardian

Norway attacks: Muslims feel sting of initial blame after attacks -

A Right-Wing Monster -

Stephen Hawking and the experience of God - On Faith - The Washington Post

What monks could teach Washington's politicians -

New York synagogue restores Torah that survived confiscation by Nazis – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

The Devil All the Time | Books and Culture

Saint Schuller’s would be sinful - Orange County Register

The Auspicious Timing of Glenn Beck’s Zeal for Zion | Politics | Religion Dispatches

Guilt by footnote association » GetReligion

Oslo attacks: Why did so many experts blame Islamic terrorists? - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine

Obama pressed on faith-based hiring – The 1600 Report - Blogs

What mainstream Christians could learn from the Mormon faith | Danielle Tumminio | Comment is free |

China criticizes Vatican for excommunicating bishops | Reuters

The Mis-education of Evangelicals

From Norway To Hell | Via Meadia

A Step Toward Trust With China -

Obama’s China Re-Balancing Act | The Diplomat

The American Spectator : Confronting an Unrepentant North Korea

US acting like emerging economy - The China Post

RealClearWorld - China's Other Revolution

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Commentary :: China makes a bid for favor in Baghdad

WPR Article | The New Rules: The New World Order-After-Next

Behind the Israeli-Lebanese Gas Row -

Canada's Arctic advantage

Husain Haqqani, Hardest Working Man in DC: Jeffrey Goldberg - Bloomberg

Islamists remain the unknown quantity in Tunisian politics - The National

The British far-Right is nothing but a rabble - Telegraph

Norway’s tragedy - The Washington Post

Anti-Muslim rantings of Oslo gunman Anders Behring Breivik are the other side of the Al Qaeda coin

RealClearWorld - Consequences of a Moderated Far Right in Europe

Muslim-Western Tensions Persist - Pew Research Center

AEI - Iran's Most Dangerous General

Rise of the Radical Right - By Jamie Bartlett and Jonathan Birdwell | Foreign Policy

Breivik and His Enablers -

Why the European Right Can't Be Blamed for the Attacks in Norway - Joshua Foust - International - The Atlantic

Commentary: Washington's Foreign-Policy Hypochondria | The National Interest

India's Most Important Exports: Brains and Talent - Newsweek

America's shaky relationship with India - The Week

North Korea’s Underground Railway | The Diplomat

Mexico's Sinaloa drug cartel: DEA unravels a cocaine cartel web -

Russian Winter and Arab Spring -

China's Flawed Case For One-Party Rule -

China’s Two-Pronged Maritime Rise | The Diplomat

Chinese governance seen through the people’s eyes | East Asia Forum

The West must learn lessons of history to avert tragedy in Africa | The Australian

gulfnews : Will India be the pivot of US power in Asia?

With government spending, virtue hath its own rewards - The Globe and Mail

FHA May Be Next in Line for Bailout: Delisle and Papagianis - Bloomberg

RealClearMarkets - A Global Economy Held Hostage by Lehman

Texas bucks national unemployment trend -

The B-School Case Study Gets a Digital Makeover - BusinessWeek

Is Obama Wall Street’s Best Friend or Mortal Foe?: Ron Klain - Bloomberg

Hearing a Lot of Bad Economic News? Ignore It -

Debt Drama Blocks Out Big Picture on Credit -

James Surowiecki: Why We Don’t Need a Debt Ceiling : The New Yorker

The Republican Wreckage -

RealClearMarkets - The Truth About the Debt-Ceiling Fight

Thomas Sowell Hammers the Historians - Brian Domitrovic - Past & Present - Forbes

Chart of the Day: The Housing Market Is Worse Than You Think - Daniel Indiviglio - Business - The Atlantic

3 Top Crooks Still Roaming Free After the Economic Crash | Wall St. Cheat Sheet

How Many Stockbrokers Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb? | The Reformed Broker

Kids Prefer Cheese: The spending cuts in the budget deal are a pitiful joke

Hussman Funds - Weekly Market Comment: Simple Arithmetic - July 25, 2011

Is_Greek_Debt_Problem_Solved _ 07252011.pdf (application/pdf Object)

That Tweet Just Doomed Your Wall Street Career: William D. Cohan - Bloomberg

Review & Outlook: Toying With Default -

GOP Antitax Dogma Endangers the Country - Newsweek

White House's absurd default talk--Charles Gasparino -

Debt Ceiling Fight Has Markets Holding Their Breath -

Terence Corcoran: Unfounded attack on Murdoch | FP Comment | Financial Post

Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein Can’t Understand How He Became Wall Street’s Dr. Evil -- New York Magazine

Gold Standard or Bust | The Weekly Standard

Debt-Limit Debate: Wall Street Might Freak Out Today - The Daily Beast

RealClearMarkets - Heading off a Securities Market Panic

Gold hits another record on debt ceiling fears - The Buzz - Jul. 25, 2011

10 craziest things about the debt-ceiling crisis Rex Nutting - MarketWatch

The Future of Economic Growth - Dani Rodrik - Project Syndicate

Blame Congress, Not Obama? | Mother Jones


**Transcripts:25th/Obama's Address to the Nation on the Debt Ceiling

Boehner's Address to the Nation on the Debt Ceiling

*24th/Interviews w/Speaker Boehner & Secretary Geithner

Guests: Geithner, Feinstein, Price and Pawlenty

Guests: Kyl, Durbin, Warner, Chambliss and Daley

Interview with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner

Guests: Senator Coburn and White House COS Daley

*22nd/Obama's Press Conference on the Debt Talks

Speaker Boehner's Press Conference on the Debt Ceiling

Shields and Brooks on the Debt Ceiling Talks

Roundtable on the Future of the Debt Talks

Interview with Senator Ron Johnson

Interview with Former Governor Jeb Bush


2012 Scramble: Who Loses If Rick Perry Gets In? | Swampland

Showdown Nears on Debt as Obama Warns of ‘Crisis’ -

Two speeches, two visions - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Obama fights full-tilt Tea Party crazy - Debt ceiling -

Getting to ‘Yes’ - By James C. Capretta - The Corner - National Review Online

Obama Prepares For Stalemate | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Obama, Boehner and Reid: Debt-Ceiling Follies

Michele Bachmann's Views, Not Her Headaches, Make Her Unfit - Peter Fenn (

Obama's Weekly Job Approval Ties Term Low of 43%

Christian Wrong - by Michelle Goldberg > Tablet Magazine - A New Read on Jewish Life

Walker’s Vindication | The Weekly Standard

John Boehner Is Wrong: Bigger Government Goes With Bigger People. Just Ask The Dutch. | The New Republic

Democratic Party, Republican Party losing sway to independents -

RealClearPolitics - Norwegian Crime and Punishment

Budget talks: President 'No' | Richmond Times-Dispatch

The Republican Wreckage -

Norway killings: Fill-in-the-blank extremism -

RealClearPolitics - The Crisis of the Old Order

RealClearPolitics - To Get a Mandate, GOP Must Win Another Election

Craig Crawford: Obama Sidelined?

One in five American men don't work: Where's the outrage? - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Make Way for the Radical Center -

Keep Eyes on Qaeda--Benny Avni -

Dominique Strauss-Kahn's Maid Nafissatou Diallo Describes Alleged Attack - The Daily Beast

The Euro Endgame | The Weekly Standard

How Tim Geithner Bailed Out a Swiss Bank - CNBC

Opinion: How Obama can end the agony - Elizabeth Drew -

Congress stands its ground - The Washington Post

Obama and Republicans on the Debt: Caught in a Family Squabble - The Daily Beast

Taxes and the Senate | Advancing a Free Society

RealClearPolitics - Romney's Lesson for Obama

Is Obamacare the Source of Obama’s Approval Woes? | The Weekly Standard

The Uncertainty Scam

Working With a New Script to Head Off a Crisis -

Dodd-Frank's winners: Revolving-door regulators | Timothy P. Carney | Politics | Washington Examiner

» EU Exploits Norway Massacre to Stifle Dissent Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Woman Sobs at “Humiliating” TSA Pat Down Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Absurd coverage of the Norwegian tragedy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Paul Watson & Webster Tarpley: Media Paints Breivik as Oswald Type Gunman Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


** Expert Who Concluded WTC 7 Was A Controlled Demolition Killed In Car Accident Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


US to continue spy flights after jets 'pursued' by China over Taiwan - Telegraph

‪Norway Killer Anders Breivik - big ego, religious, possibly brainwashed [RT.COM]‏ - YouTube

Oslo Bombing: Europol Plans Task Force In Wake Of Drama

‪Right-wing politics on the rise in Scandinavia‏ - YouTube

‪Wall Street Prostitution Ring BUSTED‏ - YouTube

‪Maajid Nawaz: A global culture to fight extremism‏ - YouTube

» Facebook– Pied Piper of the New World Order’s technological control grid Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Scientists Say Time Travel Impossible Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Time Travel Impossible, Say Scientists : Discovery News

Recovery Job Growth Concentrated In Low-Paying Occupations


TED: Ideas worth spreading(


Since 9/11: A new world order -

Bachmann almost calls herself 'President O'Bachmann'

Lives of the anonymous rich: No wonder they don't want private jets taxed

More Voter Disenfranchisement in WI -- Walker Closing 10 DMV Offices

Bloomberg reports that Boehner and Republicans voted for all the Debt they now Blame on Obama

Jesse Lee Peterson leads Tea Partiers' protest of NAACP convention -- with a side order of nativism

Chris Matthews Slams Sen. Mike Lee for Demanding Constitution be Rewritten to Pass Debt Limit

Boehner still insisting on 'cut, cap and balance' plan

John Boehner's Double-Dealing on the Debt Ceiling

Brit Hume Admits That a Government Shutdown Would be Blamed on Republicans

The 'Radical Center' returns, Villager style

Frank Schaeffer Explains Why Dominionists Are Driving Debt Ceiling Brinksmanship

Trump to GOP: Force U.S. default to make sure Obama isn't re-elected

Glenn Beck mocks Norway victims: "Sounds A Little Like The Hitler Youth"

Stuart Varney Affirms That Killing Medicare and Social Security Sole GOP Goal

Fareed Zakaria Plays the 'Both Sides are Equally Polarizing' Game

It's the scapegoating, stupid: Why extreme right-wing ideology so often inspires acts of violence

Boehner Two-Step: Brief Boss Limbaugh First, Then Caucus

Coulter: Democrats 'happy' to have Wu scandal so they don't have to talk about debt plan

Gary Johnson: Let's Default! It'll Reboot Business!

Norway rampage culprit held in isolation

Chavez set on 2012 re-election bid despite cancer

Congressman: Obama Administration Intimidating Witnesses In ‘Fast And Furious’ Investigation

Stolen Valor Kills

DADT: Let’s Bring Back The Draft

Marine’s Parents Sued Over Sign Supporting Son

Bill O’Reilly Debunks The ‘Christian Terrorist’ Canard Regarding Norwegian Mass Murderer Brevik

The Big Retreat: Destroying The Defense Budget

Audio:Douglas Murray: Oslo Attack Should Not Be A Megaphone for Political Messages

CAIR is the Great Enemy of the Truth

Cut The Frappe

Anders Behring Breivik: ‘There Are Two More Cells In Our Organization’

Brit Business Secretary: Congressional Republicans Are ‘Right Wing Nutters’ Who Threaten Financial Meltdown

A Warning From Norway

Is The U.S. Funding The Taliban?

NPR Calls Obama’s Attack on Republicans an “Accomplishment” for Latino Voters

Fareed Zakaria: “Tea Party is Extreme, Refuses to Compromise”

Newsweek Takes the Activist Route in Latest Issue

The Totally Objective New York Times Weighs In On GOP Response

White House Did Not Want GOP Response to Presidential Speech

New York Times Pushes Blame on Conservative Writers Following Oslo Attacks

MSNBC’s New Low: Hiring Al Sharpton as On-Air Host

KIM KARDASHIAN NUDE PICS! (How NBC News’ Former Host Got His YouTube Ratings)

Voters Still See Media as Biased and Unethical

Former MSNBC Cenk Uygur Employee Suddenly Critical of MSNBC’s Ethics

MSNBC Is A Joke: Anchor Suggests Murdoch Pie Attack Was Staged

Sound Bite For the Day: #NewTone Billl Press Suggests Boehner Should “Struck Dead By Lightning”

MMfA PROPAGANDA WATCH: Angelo Carusone Manufactures Racism At FoxNews

Inevitable… “Far Left” Links “Right-Wing” Oslo Killer to Palin and Tea Party

New York Times Blames Conservative U.S. Bloggers for Oslo Massacre |

Larry King Wants to Marry Anderson Cooper

Soros Dumps Investors to Skirt Disclosure Requirements

Dems Gone Wild: Rep. Wu Will Resign

Should the Military Help Members of Congress Go to the Detroit Auto Show?

Audio:The Unchecked Power of the NLRB and Big Labor

AFSCME’s War on Workers & Taxpayers: A Look Inside The AFSCME Playbook Fighting the War on Cameras: Jerome Vorus and the ACLU take D.C. to Court

The Wu Scandal: Why ‘No Sense of Urgency’ from Nancy Pelosi?

Obama’s General Motors About to Again Handsomely Reward Unions At Our Expense?

Obama’s Prime-Time Address: A Dog Whistle to the Astroturf

Obama Scrambles to Look Relevant in Debt Talks

Beltwayspeak: A Larceny Of Language

NAACP Ejects Media from ‘Non-Partisan’ Voter Registration Seminar

President Obama Has Become Marginalized

NAACP’s Ben Jealous: ‘Let the Tax Cuts Expire!’; Asks Nikki Haley, ‘What Would Gandhi Do?’

Republicans Have Compromised; Obama Has Not

Obama Rejects Bi-Partisan Debt Plan

Is Obama a Conservative?

Stark Admission: Democrat Congressman Admits Debt Limit Debate Is a ‘Charade’

Hedge Fund Bonus Gold Mine-Or Fool’s Gold for Dems Who Don’t Get It?

Obama renews pledge on immigration reform

New Obama job approval sags to tie his lowest so far as spending/debt talks stall -

Box Office Mojo Singles Out ‘The Undefeated’ For Hyper-Analysis

Morning Call Sheet: Wooderson, Angels, and ‘Fear of a Black Republican’

Interview: Amelia Hamilton on New Children’s Book, One Nation Under God: A Book for Little Patriots

‘Brave’ Ricky Gervais’ Evangelical Atheism Finally Jumps Shark

‘Captain America’ Review: A Lost Opportunity

The ‘Truth’ About Jane Fonda’s Trip to Hanoi is Bad Enough

Steal These Videos!: $100,000 Power Line Prize Ballots Are In

Morning Call Sheet: 9/11 Play, Comic-Con, Avengers, Cusack and Wyatt Earp

40 Years: Remembering ‘All In the Family’

NAB: FCC's National Broadband Plan Could Shut Down 210 TV Stations for Good - The Hollywood Reporter

Treasurys edge up despite debt-limit impasse

Recusal policy reveals oil industry-gov't ties

Factbox: Pawlenty clings to White House bid despite slow start

U.S. likely to lose top rating, say economists: Reuters poll

Facebook tweaks face-recognition after complaints

Michelle Obama happy with McDonald's menu shift

New York suspends eight bus company licenses over safety

Ohio health care question cleared for fall ballot

Debt ceiling wiggle room runs out August 2: White House

Palestinians to UN: We are ready to govern ourselves

Hamas also faces financial crunch, hasn't paid salaries

'Fears of Brotherhood threat to democracy are inflated'

MKs debate new gag order bill

Youth slam Israeli orchestra presence at Wagner festival

National Trust warns planning changes could tear up countryside

Osborne met News International chiefs 16 times since election

US Congress deadlocked over debt as default looms

Moroccan military plane crash kills 78

PM presents diverse program to tackle housing crisis

Energy companies stand out in London

China failed to heed rail safety warnings


*SAVAGE AUDIO: Beware the government-media complex

+AUDIO: Savage on Obama and space


House GOP revolts against Boehner plan - Washington Times

Anders Behring Breivik played Lord of the Rings on his iPod to drown out screams | Mail Online

ATF Accused in Congressional Report of 'Arming' Cartel for 'War' Through Operation Fast and Furious -

Issa: Obama admin intimidating witnesses in ATF gun probe - Washington Times

House GOP Moves Toward Vote on Boehner Bill As Obama Urges Public to Act -

CURL: Is Obama a pathological liar? - Washington Times

Obama: FDR Was 'Fiscally Conservative' |

Sofitel maid Nafissatou Diallo reveals her side of Dominique Strauss-Kahn 'rape' story -

Obama renews pledge on immigration reform

Breivik's Manifesto Plagiarized 'Unabomber' Ted Kaczynski - International Business Times

Blog: Chicken Liberals

Opposition to wind turbine farms: Wind farms multiply, fueling clashes with nearby residents -

Obama is Boring Us to Death

Legitimizing theft

Cenk Uygur: “I Love Ripping Into Republicans”

Squandering Israel’s limited influence

Degenerate Generation

The Non-Energy Generating Department of Energy and the Smart Grid

Daily Caller: Inhofe bill would shine sunlight on regulation costs

Obama courts La Raza support at event in midst of “crisis”

Anders Behring Breivik and the High Cost of Muslim Immigration

The Tax Man Cometh…For Your Fridge?

Three-Out-of-Four Americans Are Radicals

The UN Wildlands Project…Taking Over America Starting With Florida

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America - A Congress of criminals

‘New’ ACORN Groups Join SEIU’s Economic Terrorism Campaign Against Lenders, Governments

Obama’s Amateur Paint-by-Numbers Liberalism Driving the World Off a Cliff

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Congress is inviting rebellion

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Time to act

Obama’s Administration and Democrat Accomplices Want to Spend America into Holocaustic Destruction

Blaming the innocent for Mass Murderers

Debunking 6 Myths About Anders Breivik

A Most Wonderful Human Being

Debbie Schlussel:“Evil” Israel Trains HAMAS’ Gaza Farmers to Grow Better Crops, Compete Against Israeli Farmers

Debbie Schlussel:CIA’s Affirmative Action for Chicks Killed Americans in 2 Al-Qaeda Attacks

Pay For Performance - The Failed Experiment

The manufacture and manipulation of fear

A Power Struggle in Russia?

Is a 'Little Bit of Sharia' Okay?

Among the Tax-takers

The Inevitable Financial Crisis

The Tea Party, Right About Everything

Another GOP pickup opportunity

US funds ended up with Taliban

On bullet train crash, China up to their old communist tricks

Libertarianism Is the Antidote for 'Public Policy' on Poverty

Mark Twain on the Oslo Tragedy

Obama's abandons base, shoots for the middle

Kerry spokesman stripped of Silver Star

Obama laying the groundwork for blaming GOP on default

Bill O'Reilly Debunks the 'Christian Terrorist' Canard

This CFL bulb almost burned my house down!

Democrats: The Party of Pain and Suffering

Obama the Bore

Sabotaging Conservative Victory

Be Our President, Not Our Parent

Winds of Change

We're Not in 1995 Any More

Can the Federal Reserve Ride in on a White Eraser?

The Budget Crisis Explained to a Nineteen-Year-Old

Beck Announces Restoring Courage Will Remain at Temple Mount | Video |

Alleged Black Tea Party Protester Calls Blacks Sell Outs and Rants Against White People | Video |

Man Tries to Hijack Train With Screwdriver | Video |

Jesse Jackson, Jr – States Rights Are Slavery | Video |

George Soros Quits Hedge Fund |

Coal Mine Owner Ronnie Bryant Tells Feds – ‘I’m Just Quitting’ |

Chris Matthews Chrles Krauthammer Recaps Obama Debt Speech | Video |

American Atheists Sue to Remove Cross from September 11 Memorial |

Democratic Representative David Wu Resigns Amid Sex Allegations |

Obama National Television Address on Debt Talks | Video |

House Speaker Boehner Address Responds to Obama ‘The Bigger the Government, the Smaller the People’ |

Higgs Boson God Particle Project |

Norway Killer’s Luxury Prison |

9/12 Group Donates $15,000 in Supplies for Troops | Video |

Pastor Joe Nelms Responds to NASCAR Prayer Thanks Smokin Hot Wife |

Breivik Lawyer Thinks Client is Insane |

West Virginia Man Use Guns Against Home Invaders | Video |

Marine’s Parents Sued Over Sign Supporting Their Son |

Mother Who Left Infant in Hot Car Throws Water in Reporter’s Face | Video |

Hamas Hangs Alleged Israel Spies |

Operaton Fast Furious Sold Guns Felons Straw Buyers | Video |

Israel Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon ‘The Truth About the West Bank’ Video Palestinian Authority Statehood Narrative | Video |

Microsoft Tweet Cashes In on Winehouse Death |

Kim Jong-Il Forces North Korean Waitresses to Have Eyelid Surgery | Video |

Most Popular TV News Anchor/Host on Facebook — Glenn Beck |

South African Man Awakes in Morgue Fridge |

Can a Minor Offense Eliminate Your Right to Bear Arms?

California Dream Act Law Private Funding Illegal Immigrant Students, Public Funding AB130 |

Kaspar Ilguard Rescues Over Dozen Children With Boat on Utoya Island Norway Shooting | Video |

Texas County Clerk Lacy Nichols Faces Jail for Recording Pledge Prayer | Video |

Abdulhakim Muhammad Pleads Guilty to Killing Two Soldiers in Arkansas |

Use The 14th Amendment to Raise Debt Ceiling and Deal With the Courts Later: Dem Senator Agrees With Clinton Obama Should Usurp Congress’ Power and Start Constitutional Court Battle | Video |

Pastor Joe Nelms Thanks God for Smoking Hot Wife During Nascar Prayer | Video |

Public Policy Polling Finds 52% of Americans Approve of God |

Al Jazeera op ed Ahmed Moor Compares Glenn Beck to Anwar Al-Awlaki Norway Shooting |

Anders Behring Breivik Warns of Two More Terror Cells |

US Congresswoman in Iran Says U.S. Gov Responsible for Assassinations, Most Violent on Planet & Led by Misguided Men at UN Supported Conference Against Terrorism | Video |

Norway Suspect Patronized Prostitutes | Mom Helped ‘Feminize’ Him |

Whole Foods Employee Epic Resignation Letter |

Norway Shooter Plagiarized ‘Unabomber’ |

Hot Dogs Can Wreck Your Life New Indianapolis Motor Speedway Billboard Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine |

Fareed Zakaria Calls Tea Party Ideologically Extreme | Video |

72-Year-Old Texas Retired Ex-Marine Runs Down, Kills Armed Man Who Robbed His Business | Video |

Michele Bachmann Campaign Says Tim Pawlenty Similar to Barack Obama |

Antiques Roadshow Finds Million Dollar Cups In Oklahoma |


+26-Jul-11 World View

+25-Jul-11 World View


Republicans, Democrats Seek Votes on Rival Debt Plans - Bloomberg

Hedge Funds Won't Follow Soros, Experts Say - TheStreet

Post office releases list of nearly 3,700 closings - Jul. 26, 2011

UPDATE: Lagarde: IMF May Need More Financial Resources To Tackle Crises -

Stock Futures Edge Up Despite Debt Standoff - TheStreet

Latest Streaming Challenger to Netflix: Walmart | Reuters

FAA stalemate holds up grants for JIA |

AFP: US consumer confidence ticks higher

India Bonds Slide Sharply On Central Bank Tightening; Rupee Up -

The Long-Term Unemployment Trap | Mother Jones

Obama, Boehner speak; public bellows: Capitol Hill phones jammed -

Mozilla wants a Web-based OS | TG Daily

5 Reasons Apple's Mac Mini Isn't Killing the DVD | PCWorld

Google+ Users to Get Name Violation Warnings | News & Opinion |

AG: Facebook Responds to Imposter, Tagging Concerns | NBC Connecticut

RadioShack Ditches T-Mobile for Verizon | News & Opinion |

Should Microsoft unload Bing? | Microsoft - CNET News

Rare Volcanoes Discovered on 'Dark Side' of the Moon -

New Moon Rises over Pluto: Scientific American Podcast

Physicists in Hong Kong Prove Time Travel is Impossible [VIDEO] | IBTimes TV

Could New Rover Find Fossils on Mars? : Discovery News

Mystery creation particle evades scientists: CERN | Reuters

Smartphone-Controlled Robots Aid Astronauts | Space Robots & SPHERES Robots | International Space Station & Android OS |

Yellowstone set for Transformative Wildfires as Climate Changes - International Business Times

Killer Bees Attack 70-Year-Old, Move Into Central California -

VIDEO: 650 Pound shark caught

Palouse earthworm denied federal protection - US news - Environment -

Photos: Thick Green Algae Chokes Beach—Swimmers Dive In

NASA's Greatest Challenge: Sending Astronauts to an Asteroid - International Business Times

Stunning New Planetary Nebula Unveiled | Wired Science |

'Whale Wars' Spin-Off Coming To Animal Planet | :: the latest in green gossip

Alaska volcano shows signs of impending eruption | Reuters

PHG Foundation | Genetics of longevity paper retracted from Science journal

UPDATE 3-McDonald's Happy Meals get apples, fewer fries | Reuters

For Countries, Too, Money Doesn't Buy Happiness - ABC News

Regimens: Downside for a urinary infection remedy |

Fatty 'Comfort' Foods May Alter Brain's Response to Sadness - US News and World Report

Get Ready for Cheaper Prices on Popular Drugs | Moneyland |

New PSTD Guidelines Potentially Making Care Easier For Vets

Wine's Link to Breast Cancer May Depend on Your Genes | Health News | News & Features | Wine Spectator

Cancer Not on WTC Health List: Feds | NBC New York

Hepatitis kills more than one million people every year. - Times Of India

Am I addicted to the internet? Maybe, but so what? — Tech News and Analysis

More Kids Eating Calorie-Packed Takeout Food - US News and World Report

Fragmented sleep impairs memory, learning -

Venezuela unable to determine cause of Bolivar's death -

AFP: Deadly German E. coli outbreak is over: authorities

Was Amy Winehouse robbed at the Grammys? [poll] -

Rock documentaries shake up Toronto film festival | Reuters

MTV to air rare Amy Winehouse concert as tribute | AHN

Richards: Sheen ‘not the person I fell in love with’ - books -

Michael Jackson Family Announces Tribute Concert - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV

Big GOP Bloc in House Opposes Boehner's Debt Plan -

Oregon congressman quitting after sex allegations -

ATF officials admit mistakes in Operation Fast and Furious gun program -

The Associated Press: Obama pays respects at Norway ambassador residence

Taliban, Hezbollah Agents Nabbed in Drugs, Arms Stings: Feds - ABC News

Teens relive the nightmare of an Alaska bear attack -

Controversial law professor tapped for California high court -

Martin Dempsey: Deep defense cuts will harm national security - Charles Hoskinson -

Jury selection in Jeffs trial could wrap up Wednesday | The Salt Lake Tribune

Largest settlement against gun maker: gun control group | Reuters

DREAM Act in Calif. Signed Into Law, Christian News

Blagojevich Seeks New Trial -

Girl, parents share story of shark bite off N.C. coast | |

Missouri Congressman Apologizes for Winehouse Post - ABC News

Montana GOP legislators want a balanced budget amendment | | Helena, Montana

Iowa reporters snubbed for asking Bachmann about ex-gay therapy | Minnesota Independent: News. Politics. Media.

Feds: Pa. shop-owner smuggled ton of banned ivory - National:

Unions say Emanuel should cut patronage, improve efficiency to save money -

Groupon partners with CPS to offer discounted school supplies - Time Out Chicago Kids

Report: Chicago State let failing students stay -

Robert J. Phelan, Nursing Home Employee, Charged With Sexually Assaulting 93-Year-Old Dementia Patient

Blagojevich juror tells of inner workings of panel that convicted former governor — Westmont

Norway Muslims share nation's grief and hope for unity | Reuters

Delays Hold Up UN Food Airlift to Horn of Africa | News | English

Muammar al-Qaddafi's Leadership Isn't Up for Negotiation, Says Libyan Prime Minister -

Morocco crash: Morocco plane crash kills 78 -

UN: Israeli-Palestinian conflict in 'profound and persistent dealock' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

China Horrified by High-Speed Train Accident | East Asia and Pacific | English

Indo-Pak foreign secys finalise CBMs - Hindustan Times

Beck compares Norway victims to 'Hitler Youth' - TODAY News -

Israeli protesters reject government's emergency housing package | World news | The Guardian

Egypt’s Mubarak in a Stable Condition, Suffers From Depression - Bloomberg

Kosovo Police Seize Control of Border Posts in Serb-Dominated North « VOA Breaking News

BBC News - US suspends aid to Malawi after killings

Rampaging kangaroo battles broom-wielding 94-year-old woman | World news |

South African Man Wakes Up Inside Morgue Fridge - International Business Times

In Afghanistan, US military officials say it's now or never -

BBC News - Venezuela's Chavez home after chemotherapy in Cuba


**World Video:Europe And America Since 9/11

Libya's Zlitan In Rebel, NATO Sights

U.S. Security Response To Norway Attacks

Norway's Nightmare Continues

Norway Attack Suspect's Unabomber Inspiration?

Alleged Norway Gunman Was 'On Drugs'

Food To Be Air-lifted To Famine Areas

Seven Dead In Philippines Floods

100,000 Attend Oslo Anti-violence Rally

Rogue Kangaroo Attacks 94-Year-Old Woman

Susan Davis: Microfinance

Finding Common Ground In the South Atlantic

Perceptions Of Climate Change In Mongolia

+25th/The Health Implications Of Japan's 'Triple Disaster'

Jellyfish Invade Israeli Shores

Norway Suspect Allegedly Posts Video

Profile Of A Killer

EU To Share 'Best Practices' After Norway Killings

Clinton Reassures China

Solar Revolution Transforms Remote Corners Of Bolivia

U.S. 'Betting On India's Future'

Norway Suspect Wanted Anti-Muslim Revolution

Raw Video: Toddler Rescued After Train Crash

Obama: 'Our Hearts Go Out' To Victims Of Oslo Blast

Accuser In Strauss-Kahn's NY Sex Case Speaks Out

Afghanistan's Economic Prospect

Strauss-Kahn Accuser Tells Her Story


**Politics Video:Speaker Boehner Responds To President Obama On The Debt

WH's Pfeiffer: Not Raising Debt Ceiling "Could Potentially Put Us Towards A Depression"

Cantor: Obama "Wrecked This Economy"

CNN's Borger: Obama Only One In Washington Talking Tax Increases

Joan Walsh: Boehner Showed "Utter Mendacity" In Response

Brit Hume: Obama Looks Like A "Potted Plant" In Debt Fight

Reich: If Gov't Reduces Spending, Jobs Are Created Is A Lie

O'Reilly: Obama Doesn't Want A Budget Deal

+25th/Boehner: Obama's Balanced Approach Means "We Spend More, You Pay More"

Obama's Address Vs. Boehner's Response

Matthews: Obama "Shouldn't Have Gone On National Television To Give A Political Address"

Obama: Don't Let American People Be "Collateral Damage To Washington's Political Warfare"

Obama: "Set Personal Grievances Aside For The Greater Good"

Obama Opens Address Blaming Bush, Tax Cuts For Debt

Matthews: GOP Sounds Like Apartheid Era Whites In South Africa

Krauthammer: Obama "Has Gone From Emperor To Bystander"

Reid Introduces Deal: Time For "Ideological Extremism" Is Over

Limbaugh: Obama "Is Either Clueless Or A Saboteur"

Sen. McConnell: Obama Rejected Bipartisan Deal

Boehner Introduces "Less Than Perfect" Two-Step Plan

Rep. McCarthy: Obama Putting "Politics Over People"

Schumer Channels The Godfather: "This Is An Offer Republicans Can't Refuse"

Chris Matthews' Genius Idea: Bill Clinton As Treasury Secretary

President Obama's Full National Address On The Debt

Sen. Sanders Thinking About Challenging Obama

Schumer: Boehner Can "Rally His Tea Party Troops" Around Reid Plan

Obama: "The Idea Of Doing Things On My Own Is Very Tempting"

Trump: GOP "Crazy" If They Don't Get Everything They Want

Clyburn: If Boehner Nixes Oil Subsidies, Entitlements On The Table

+24th/George Will: "Congress Being Resuscitated By Presidential Arrogance"

Huffington: Debt Ceiling A "Completely Artificial Crisis"

Bill Daley: Boehner Cooperates, His Caucus Does Not

Boehner On Debt Fight: Obama "Worried About His Next Election"

Sen. Kyl: Obama Putting Election Over Economy

Tim Geithner: Debt Deal Must Happen Today

Sen. Durbin: GOP Wants To Make Debt A Campaign Issue

"This Week" Roundtable On Budget Talk Breakdown

"FOX News Sunday" Predicts Results Of Debt Ceiling Talks

"Meet The Press" Roundtable: Is Washington Broken?

**Markets Video: Gulf CEO: Summer Pain at the Pump

Slow Second Half Will Hurt Stocks

Hulbert: How Should Investors Play Debt Talks?


July 25, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-25, Monday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 7-25-11

Jesse Peterson Radio Show

07/25 The Mark Levin Show

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

The Manning Report – 25 July 2011

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, July, 25, 2011

The Michael Savage Show 07/25/2011

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show 2

Redding News Review 07-25-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 07-25-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 07-25-11 Hr 3

*26 July

American Minute for July 26th

This Day in History for 26th July

Today in History: July 26

July 26th in History

July 26th This Day in History

July 26 Events in History

Today in History: July 26

‪Today in History for July 26th‏ - YouTube


*NEWS VIDEOS:Newt Regrets Pelosi Global Warming Ad

CNN Analyst: Nobody is Talking Tax Increases Today Except Obama

Scarborough: Tea Party ‘May Just Have Proved to be Most Cunning and Rational of All Players in Washington’

Krauthammer Shreds Obama’s ‘Campaign’ Speech

How Pigford Made White Lawyers Like Al Pires Millions

Tigers Pitcher Executes Perfect Hot Foot Prank on Teammate

25TH/Speaker John Boehner Addresses Nation on Debt Ceiling Debate

President Obama Addresses Nation on Debt Ceiling Debate

Harry’s Plan: ‘We Are Giving (Republicans) What They Want’

Black Tea Party Protesters Called ‘Sell-Out Negroes’ at NAACP Convention

Boehner Presents ‘Less Than Perfect’ Bipartisan Debt Plan

McConnell: We Had Bipartisan Deal But Obama ‘Rejected It Out of Hand’

DSK Maid: ‘They’re Gonna Kill Me’

Obama: It’s Tempting ‘to Bypass Congress and Change the Rules on My Own’

Dem’s Latest Congressional Sex Scandal

NBC News’ Brzezinski: Why Can’t Republicans ‘Think Outside the Box for the Good of the Country?’

Cincinnati Labor Boss Indicted On Wire Fraud Charge

Boehner, Reid Moving Forward on Debt Deal

Actor Cheadle: GOP Senator Opened My Eyes to Sudan

Pawlenty: Is Obama Chicken?

Pawlenty: Let’s Remember How We Got Here, Obama’s Spending

Boehner: Obama Too Worried About Re-Election; There Was Never Any Plan from White House

KIM KARDASHIAN NUDE PICS! (How NBC News’ Former Host Got His YouTube Ratings)

Obama: I’m Dealing with Debt Issue Like Lincoln Dealt with Slavery

NBC News’ Latest Hire Vowed Not to Criticize Obama Over Anything

Rep. Allen West Issues Challenge to Republican Party to Show Leadership

24TH/High-Speed Rail Disaster in China

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Accuser Speaks

Ravings of a Madman: Oslo Killer’s Last Video Manifesto Revealed

23RD/Amy Winehouse Dead at 27

Maher Stumped by Challenge: Would You Cancel Your Show to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint?

Crowder Takes On Politically Correct Maher

22ND/Disgraced GEICO Voice-Over Actor Lashes Out at Breitbart in Propaganda Parody Video

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