A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

23 June 2011


7 keys to mistake-free investing - 1 - investing strategy - MSN Money

Fukushima 'still a ticking time bomb' – In the Arena - Blogs

The Popemobile Is Going Green - Alex Knapp - Robot Overlords - Forbes

Activist Post: Be Free of Your Rights, Even Liberated From Life: Agenda 21 Comes Calling

The U.S. Federal Reserve Plan For QE3 – And Why It's a Done Deal - Money Morning Stockman: Warns on U.S. “Bond Armageddon”; First Default Could Be to IMF

OpEdNews - Article: Ditching Grandma: Reexamining the Era of Economic Irresponsibility

Midwest twisters caught on incredible videos | Mail Online

Rochester Woman Arrested After Videotaping Police From Her Own Front Yard - "Vagina Monologues" - Porn Play Debased Women - Is Porn Killing Sex in Japan? - Playboy and the (Homo) Sexual Revolution - The Dying Art of Femininity - Romance/Sex = Potent Mind Control - Feminists Reclaim "Slut" Moniker - The Hoax of Female Empowerment (Reprise) - "Women's Day" is an Old Soviet Propaganda Ploy - Hollywood Hypes Lesbian Jewish Parable - Hollywood's Sabbatean Sex Propaganda

The Great American Disconnect | Real Zionist News

What’s Hiding in Your Veggie Burger? | - Is "Temptation" an Outmoded Concept?

++++ - Greek Film Shows Way Out of Debt Bind


*1:14:48/YouTube - DEBTOCRACY (FULL - ENG Subs)


Activist Post: GM Milk and the Rise of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

Dangerous Fungi in Most Dishwashers : Discovery News

Strong quake hits Japan; tsunami warning canceled -

NHK WORLD English/Plant decontamination not working.

Wind carried radiation to Europe from Japan, researchers say - Monsters and Critics

YouTube - Will you help Senator Sanders expose the Koch Echo Chamber?

From National Enquirer - Anthony Weiner Cross-Dressing, Oiled Up: Pics, Videos, Links, News

YouTube - Kosher Certification in Quebec

Israel's leaders hole up in nuclear bunker - World news - Mideast/N. Africa -

Of hate and zoning bylaws

Pennsylvania County Rejects Agenda 21


Jon Huntsman enters presidential race - Telegraph

Jon Huntsman's Illuminati Ways

The Rothschild-Mormon Legacy

E.T. Benson: "Romney/Huntsman Won't Save Constitution"


Illuminati Mind Control:Brain Wave Control


13 illuminati bloodlines & mind control: Part 1

13 illuminati bloodlines & mind control: Part 2

13 illuminati bloodlines & mind control: Part 3

13 illuminati bloodlines & mind control: Part 4

13 illuminati bloodlines & mind control: Part 5

13 illuminati bloodlines & mind control: Part 6

13 illuminati bloodlines & mind control: Part 7

13 illuminati bloodlines & mind control: Part 8

13 illuminati bloodlines & mind control: Part 9

13 illuminati bloodlines & mind control: Part 10

13 illuminati bloodlines & mind control: Part 11

13 illuminati bloodlines & mind control: Part 12

13 illuminati bloodlines & mind control: Part 13

13 illuminati bloodlines & mind control: Part 14

13 illuminati bloodlines & mind control: Part 15

13 illuminati bloodlines & mind control: Part 16 End

Kay Griggs - Interviews Part 1

The Kay Griggs Interviews--pt 2 of 4

The Kay Griggs Interviews--pt 3 of 4

The Kay Griggs Interviews--pt 4 of 4

*60 min/YouTube - Charlotte Iserbyt: Societies Secrets

*2:24:24/YouTube - Fall Of The Republic - The Presidency Of Barack H Obama - The Full Movie HQ

*1:53:40/YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

*1:34:22/The New American Century

*Fabled Enemies (Super High Quality, full movie)

*The Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) and World Government under the UN

*Visions Of The Future (1 of 3) The Intelligence Revolution

Visions of the Future (2 of 3) The Biotech Revolution

*Visions Of The Future (3 of 3) The Quantum Revolution

*30 min/YouTube - Trading in Death - China

*47 min/The Capitalist Conspiracy


Surprise! TSA Is Searching Your Car, Subway, Ferry, Bus, AND Plane | Mother Jones

Leaving Facebook? You can try... but 'evil genius' social network won't make it easy | Mail Online

The 'filter bubble' is a sinister phenomenon. But Eli Pariser's alternative sounds even worse – Telegraph Blogs

War is a racket America's Growth Industry

US Nuclear submarine 'within metres of disaster' off British coast: report - Telegraph

Jacob Zuma snubs Michelle Obama during First Lady's South Africa visit - Telegraph

Elite European Schools: how the eurocrats' kids get the gravy and you pay for it - Mail Online - Euroseptic: Mary Ellen Synon in Brussels

NRC tracking flooding at two Nebraska nuclear power plants | Reuters

Minot, North Dakota, Levees Overflow as Floods also hit Missouri, Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska - ABC News

Pentagon gets cyberwar guidelines - Yahoo! News

Obama's Food Police in Staggering Crackdown on Market to Kids - HUMAN EVENTS

Gold and Silver Imports in India Surge 222% Amid Worry Over Currency Devaluation - Seeking Alpha

Paul Drockton M.A.: Comex Changes Foretell Silver Shortages

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Illuminati "Beatlemania" Illusion

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Beatles and Classical Conditioning

Fear of Terror Makes People Stupid

Al Gore Obama Climate | Chris Matthews Evil Media | Video | Mediaite

Gore’s Rolling Stone Denier Diatribe

Fareed Zakaria: Dump the Constitution

PNAC Cabal Warns Congress To Back Off Over Libya

Rasmussen: NATO Will Continue Slaughter in Libya

Four decades of drug war tyranny may come to an end with Ron Paul’s new effort to legalize marijuana

Chance Didnt Create The Current Economic Crisis

Obama bringing world leaders to Chicago for NATO, G-8 meetings - Chicago Sun-Times

Bernanke Is Either Not Very Bright or Not Very Honest. He Admits He Doesn’t Know Why We Have a Weak Economy … But He’s the One Who Weakened It

Is The Economy Improving?

Emerging Markets - US to Lose Second Place in World Trade to India: Citi - CNBC

Nuclear experts killed in Russia plane crash helped design Iran facility - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Afghan Troop Withdrawal Is ‘No Change In Plans’ From Obama

A sinister cyber-surveillance scheme exposed | Barrett Brown | Comment is free |

Oil price tumbles after reserves release -

New Study Finds Direct Link Between Vaccines and Infant Mortality

TSA Lies About Policy “Change” On Child Pat Downs

World War III Defined: Wider War Unfolding in Middle East

British and French Operatives Assigned to Hunt Gaddafi Down and Kill Him

OpEdNews - Diary: 10 Signs That Nazis Run America, the Dallas, Texas news blog and Dallas, Texas information source for the DFW Metroplex. - DALLAS BLOG - Perry Updates: Democrats Spread Texas Gov Conspiracy Theories

Rick Perry 2012? Texas Governor Says He'll Consider Running For President [UPDATED] - 12 Things Texans Know About Gov. Rick Perry That You Should, Too - Monday, June 20, 2011

Bilderberg Behind Rick Perry 2012 Presidential Run

Italy breaks ranks over NATO's Libya mission - Yahoo! News

Obama versus Osama: guess who the Egyptians prefer? - By Colum Lynch | Turtle Bay

Presenting Obama’s Latest $50,000 Non-Recourse, Interest-Free Gift To “Troubled” Homeowners

Rick Perry Announces Presidential Run

Minister Farrakhan: “That’s A Murderer In The White House!”

Transportation Security Administration | Jason Chaffetz | The Daily Caller

Geithner: We Need ‘Revenue Increases;' Cutting Deficit by Spending Cuts Alone 'Irresponsible' |

YouTube - Timothy Geithner Explains A Deal to Raise the Debt Ceiling

Markets, Murder and Trash: The Real New World Order Emerges in Juarez

No automatic right to lawyer in U.S. civil cases: court | The Raw Story

Stunning Mirage Claimed In China (VIDEO, POLL)

GOP to Obama: Start Dealing on Debt

Krauthammer: Obama speech ‘anti-war,’ preparation for presidential campaign

Private emails detail Obama admin involvement in cutting non-union worker pensions post-GM bailout

Barney Frank and Ron Paul unite — over weed

Gary Johnson: ‘I didn’t create a single job’

John Bolton predicts nuclear Iran ‘much sooner than later’

Why are recent college graduates facing an unemployment crisis?

Obama ready to release oil from petroleum reserve

BP Is Pursuing Alaska Drilling Some Call Risky -

*Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "That's What Dictators Do!"

Does The New ‘White House Rural Council’ = UN’s Agenda 21? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Manzarek And Krieger of The Doors, Honor Your Humane Legacy And Cancel Your Show in Israel | Intifada Palestine

YouTube - Internet crackdown? FBI raids data facility

*YouTube - For Liberty: How the Ron Paul Revolution Watered the Withered Tree of Liberty

*YouTube - Ron Paul on The Fed and inflation CNBC 6/22/2011

*YouTube - Ron Paul on the Dylan Ratigan Show MSNBC 6/22/2011

*Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "Obama Was Elected As The Peace Candidate... But Nothing Changes!"

+Ron Paul says legalize marijuana CNBC 6-22-2011 - 12160

- Barney Frank and Ron Paul will Introduce Legislation on Thursday to Fully Legalize Marijuana - 12160

Revolutionary Politics : Judge Napolitano: A History of Spying

Revolutionary Politics : History Has Proven You Will NEVER Change Afghanistan! Congressman Walter Jones

Revolutionary Politics : Dennis Kucinich "It's Time That We Defended Our Troops By Bringing Them Home!"

Washington's Blog:Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Bernanke Is Either Not Very Bright or Not Very Honest. He Admits He Doesn't Know Why We Have a Weak Economy ... But He's the One Who Weakened It

S&P Warns Again On U.S. AAA Rating, PIMCO Predicts Greece & Others Will Default, Obama & Pentagon Argue Over Afghan Pullout, Chicago Taxpayers On The Hook For $108B Pension Shortfall - $63K Per Family (15 Links) - Home - The Daily Bail

Max Keiser: "According To The IMF, The U.S. Is Going Down Next After Greece" (VIDEO) - Home - The Daily Bail

New Study: Fluoride Can Damage the Brain - Avoid Use in Children -- NEW YORK, June 21, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

Investigation: 75% Of US Nuclear Power Plants Leaking Radiation Into Drinking Water Up To 750 Times Legal Limits


Activist Post: Can Individualism Actually Benefit The Environment?

YouTube - Monetary Basics (Michael Rivero)

YouTube - Terrorist Cells - TRAINING CAMPS in AMERICA - actual video

YouTube - Fukushima Day 103 "ticking time BOMB...50-100 yrs cleanup" PLUS Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant Island

American's Journey: Blog: Don't Believe the Lies +Socialistic Strip Clubs and Socratic Irony

Activist Post: Wikileaks Strikes Again: Asian Summer?

Activist Post: Extremists finding fertile ground in Northwest US

YouTube - 10 Congressmen brings Obama to Federal Court

Democracy vs Mythology: The Battle in Syntagma Square « sturdyblog

ATF director to resign, agency sources say - 12160

'Hacker' Ryan Cleary could be extradited to US to face court over CIA computer attacks - Telegraph

Activist Post: US official urges 'immediate' power transfer in Yemen

David Macaray: The US Needs to be More Like China

A Different Action Plan... United We Strike! - 12160

Group sues 26 companies for false organic labeling - 12160

Sunny Sheu: Murdered for Investigating NY Foreclosure Judge Joseph Golia? « naked capitalism

Just when we thought it was safe to picnic next to the nuke power plants again! Associated Press,: "Radiation Leaks Everywhere in US" | Before It's News

Report: Bushehr experts killed in Russian plane crash - Israel News, Ynetnews

Special Report: Europe's other crisis - Yahoo! News

Something Rotten This Way Comes by Philip Giraldi --

Suicide rates are increasing in Japanese regions most effected by the tsunami and nuclear disasters | The Australian

Your Facebook writings could come back to haunt you. - 12160

Activist Post: War Counsel: Obama shops for Libya advice that lets him ignore the law

Activist Post: Billion-dollar pledges for Central America security

Activist Post: Report warns debt could equal US GDP by 2021

Activist Post: Pulling the plug on privacy

MasterChef Fake Crowd Shot | Inside TV |

Chance Didnt Create The Current Economic Crisis

Eric Cantor Pulls Out. So does Jon Kyl. It Distracts From the Big Story.

The U.S. Senate flails about in an effort to save face as the coalition in charge of bombing Libya begins to crack

Cut, Cap, and Balance | RedState

Obama-Reid Opposed Debt Limit Increase | RedState

Challenging the Constitutionality of Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion | RedState

When is a War not a War? When Obama is President and Libya is the Opponent | RedState

Tech at Night: Shoot the Hackers, Defeat the Patent Ripoff, Reform the FCC | RedState

Republicans Urge Obama to Raise Fuel Efficiency by 100 percent | RedState - Some Greeks Fear Government Is Selling Nation - New Quake Fault Discovered in California Could Destroy Dam Causing Flood - Ex-DHS chief warns of cyberwar with hackers - Fox News: Homeland Security Is Big Business - Japanese supercomputer 'K' is world's fastest - Google breaks billion-visitor barrier

911 + ….

YouTube - North Tower Exploding

YouTube - Dr. Steve Pieczenik: The Psychological Resurrection of Osama Bin Laden 1/2

YouTube - Dr. Steve Pieczenik: The Psychological Resurrection of Osama Bin Laden 2/2

YouTube - The Last Word on Osama Bin Laden

YouTube - The Truth is Out There

YouTube - Architect Richard Gage Explains His 9/11 Theory

YouTube - The Collapse of World Trade Center 7

YouTube - 9/11 Experiments: Eliminate the Impossible

*1:45:27/ 9/11 The Myth and The Reality - David Ray Griffin

YouTube - 9/11 Experiments: The Great Thermate Debate

YouTube - Firemen Explosion Testimony

YouTube - The Zapruder Film of 9/11 - Daniel Sunjata

YouTube - Compiled Footage of Building 7's Collapse

YouTube - ‪9/11 Experiments: The Mysterious Eutectic Steel‏

YouTube - 9/11 - Ground Zero Molten Metal Confirmed

YouTube - 9/11 Eyewitness to molten metal David Long.

*2:14:01/YouTube - Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined Full (Order it at

YouTube - Are the 9/11 conspirators right?

AE911Truth Press Conference @ Vimeo

YouTube - New 9/11 photos 'prove WTC exploded from inside'

THE TRUTH & LIES OF 9/11 2:17:37

*40 MIN/YouTube - Pandora's Black Box Flight of United 93

*87 MIN/911: Ripple Effect - Full Length Video

1:58:32/ 911 The Explosive Reality

*1:80:00YouTube - Alex Jones Movie (2005) - Martial Law 911-Rise of the Police State - Full version

YouTube - CBC - The Fifth Estate - The Unofficial Story - Pt 1-5

YouTube - CBC - The Fifth Estate - The Unofficial Story - Pt 2-5

YouTube - CBC - The Fifth Estate - The Unofficial Story - Pt 3-5

YouTube - CBC - The Fifth Estate - The Unofficial Story - Pt 4-5

YouTube - CBC - The Fifth Estate - The Unofficial Story - Pt 5-5


YouTube - Lost Colony Play vs Lost Colony History

YouTube - Woman arrested for filming police

Amazing HD Video Of The Japanese Tsunami Shot From Inside A Vehicle Caught In The Waves (NEW VIDEO) - Home - The Daily Bail


Obama to claim success for Afghan surge | The Raw Story

Senate Republicans Offer Amendment To Stop The IMF From Bailing Out Foreign Countries With $108 Billion Of Taxpayer Funds - Home - The Daily Bail

*Ron Paul For President 2012 - 12160

Obama bringing world leaders to Chicago for NATO, G-8 meetings - Chicago Sun-Times

Chance Didnt Create The Current Economic Crisis -

The black hole of war: where is the money going? | End the Lie - Independent News

AFP: China warns US to stay out of maritime spat

"We're Turning Into A Third World Country! Where A Few Rich People Get ALL The Benefits!" -

Top 5 Places NOT To Be When The Dollar Collapses : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Conspiracy Theory – By Paul Craig Roberts : Deadline Live With Jack Blood


The Handbook of Human Ownership : Deadline Live With Jack Blood


*1:33:18/YouTube - The Handbook of Human Ownership - A Manual for New Tax Farmers


Top 10 Most Sinister PSYOPS Mission Patches

Operation Anti-Security | Citizens for Legitimate Government

Al-Qaida operative invested in Chicago brokerage house in 2005 - Chicago Tribune

In Rolling Stone, Al Gore Criticizes Obama on Climate Change -

Kerry, McCain Come to Obama’s Rescue Over Libya

''The West Is Terrified of Arabic Democracies''

Imperialism 101

Exposing the Growing Corporatism Dominating American Diplomacy Abroad

More Treachery at the Fed?

U.S. Civil Rights Advocates Still Fighting "Race War"

Federal Reserve, acknowledging slowdown, reins in forecasts for economic growth - The Washington Post

Newt Gingrich’s video attack on the Federal Reserve - The Fact Checker - The Washington Post

Nuclear experts killed in Russia plane crash helped design Iran facility - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Dutch Court Acquits Anti-Islam Politician -

BBC News - Netherlands makes net neutrality a law

Potatoes bad, nuts good for staying slim, Harvard study finds - The Washington Post

Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the "High Priests of Globalization"

Federal Reserve Shipped Billions to Iraq Which Were Then Stolen... Involved in Other Unsavory Activities

Why is there a Media Blackout on Nuclear Incident at Fort Calhoun in Nebraska?

VIDEO: There's Something In The Water: The Dangers of Sodium Fluoride

Pentagon Demands Continuation of US Surge in Afghanistan

Globalization And Its Consequences

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) versus Bliderberg: Where are Real Decisions Being Made?

Oil Companies Prepare for Post-Gaddafi Libya

Nebraska Nuclear Threat: As Predictable as Fukushima

Killing Democracy One File at a Time: Justice Department Loosens FBI Domestic Spy Guidelines

Radiation and Nuclear Powers Stations

US Mayors Pass First Anti-War Resolution Since 1971 – The Organizers Back Story

Serbia Home to Highest Number of Refugees and IDPs in Europe

YouTube - Sen. Rand Paul Questions Invasive TSA Searches - 06/22/11

Welfare before the Welfare State - informationliberation

70% Say Default is Bad for Economy, 56% Say Failure to Cut Spending is Worse - Rasmussen Reports™

New Filing Explains How Domain Seizures Violate The First Amendment | Techdirt

Tax Credits Are Not Subsidies by Laurence M. Vance

The New FBI Powers: Cointelpro on Steroids - informationliberation

MPAA Directly Lobbies Law Enforcement To Be Its Own Private Police Force - informationliberation

MPAA Anti-Piracy Lobbying Targets FBI, DOJ, ICE, DHS and Biden | TorrentFreak

YouTube - Fallen Angels Return: Hollywood and Government Have Set the Stage

Montauk Project: New Film Takes On Allegations Of Mind Control, Time Travel And Alien Encounters At Military Base

Now you could get X-Men super powers after scientists develop world's first 'living laser' beam | Mail Online

U.S. is worse than Greece | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

» Corporate Offshoring Has Ruined Income and Employment Prospects for America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! - The world's premier mining and mining investment website Surge in gold and silver ownership worldwide as doomsday nears - POLITICAL ECONOMY | Mineweb

Dangerous radiation leaked from three-quarters of U.S. nuclear power plants | Mail Online

Is the FBI Investigating Obama? » Publications » Family Security Matters

Truckers Report Moving Military Equipment Across U.S, FEMA Involved! :

5 real diseases that could make you act just like a zombie

Activist Post: GM Milk and the Rise of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

Arizona, New Mexico residents return to see wildfires' impact -

Obama Gets 30% of Americans Certain to Support Re-Election in Economy Poll - Bloomberg

PolitiFact rates Jon Stewart’s remark about Fox News misinformation as ‘false’ | The Raw Story

BP hopes to restart Gulf of Mexico production soon - MarketWatch

It Begins… WOMAN ARRESTED For Protesting Smart Meter Installation (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Steak Made from Human Exrement: Is it Safe? | Food Safety | Artificial Meat | LiveScience

Activist Post: Scientists Successfully Implant Chip That Controls The Brain; Allowing Thoughts, Memory And Behavior To Be Transferred From One Brain To Another

Resource Wars: Geopolitics in a World of Dwindling Energy Supplies | Oil

*Strange Definitions of War and Peace by Ron Paul

*Top 10 Ancient Civilizations

Rasmussen Says NATO Will Not Stop Libya Bombing

Doug Casey on Bitcoin and Currencies

The 2 Port in the Academic Storm Is About to Close

The Warmonger’s Fruit of the Spirit by Laurence M. Vance

Another Lost Decade by Bill Bonner

Skip These … If You Want to Save Gas by Eric Peters

Dizzying New Heights of Global Criminal Enterprise by James West

GOP: Obama Oil Release is Political Trickery

Watchdog: US Headed for Greek-Style Debt Crisis

IRS Increases Gas Mileage Deduction in Midyear

Sen. Hutchison: We Can Save Social Security

Hillary Defends Talks with Taliban as Necessary

Sen. Baucus: Deficit Negotiations Not Over

Astronaut Kelly Said Mulling Political Future

Rove: Obama Will Likely Lose in 2012

Tea Party’s Christine O’Donnell Touts Memoir

Gingrich: Campaigns 'Go Up and Down'

Clinton to Congress: Whose Side Are You On?

Obama Ignores Petraeus in Speech

Boehner to Obama: Be Flexible

Brother: Chavez Home From Cuba in 10 Days

Layoffs, Housing Data Point to Chronic Problems

US Opens Reserves to Release 30M Barrels of Oil

AP Poll: Under 50% Say Obama Should Be Reelected

FBI Arrests Fugitive Mobster Whitey Bulger

Court: Generic Drug Makers Not Liable for Warnings

Ron Paul Dispels Napolitano Rumor

Obama to Attend Gay Fundraiser

Poll: Americans Who Oppose Obama Want New GOP Candidate

Perry Makes NH Trip, Feeds 2012 Talk

Cain Rips Other Candidates for Skipping Debate

Possible Cracks Emerge in NATO's Libya Campaign

Packing on Pounds Year After Year? Bag the Potato Chips

Why Is City Living Bad for Mental Health?

Don't Ignore 2012 Candidate Gary Johnson

A Constitutional Convention Is a Bad Idea

Newt Gingrich Won't Leave the 2012 Race

Federal Reserve Flunks Basic Economics

Huntsman Will Split Pawlenty/Romney Votes

Why Is Being Mormon Even a Presidential Topic?

Under Obama, U.S. Casualty Rate in Afghanistan Increased 5-Fold

Liberal Activists to Protest Job-Creating Pipeline Project

Obama Signals Shift Away From Petraeus’ Strategy

Both Democrats and Republicans Criticize Obama’s Afghanistan Plan

Conservatives’ Pledge: No Debt-Limit Hike Without Limits on Spending, Taxes

Come Visit Japan, Lady Gaga Tells Fans: It's Safe, Food's Great

Upton ‘Close’ to Agreement on Legislation Repealing 2007 Ban on Ordinary Light Bulbs

Hezbollah’s Political Rise in Lebanon A Boon for Syria, Iran

Man Detained Near Pentagon Last Week Suspected of Shooting at Military Buildings

Terry Jeffrey: The Dirty Little Secret of the Debt Limit

Clinton Says Talks With Taliban Unpleasant but Necessary

Top Republican Pulls Out of Budget Talks

Senate Moves to Streamline Confirmation Process

Budget Negotiators Face Temptation to Use Accounting Tricks

Huntsman: 'Healthy Dose of Nation-Building' Needed

Glen Campbell Diagnosed With Alzheimer's

No Free Ride Home for Penguin Lost in New Zealand

Rural Maine Couple Lives in 2 Shipping Containers

Second Hong Kong Child Dies of Mutated Scarlet Fever

Fears of Islamist Group Infiltrating Pakistan Army

Oil Price Drops As International Reserves Are Tapped

Ex-DC Journalist Says He's an Illegal Immigrant

Changing Social Order: Census Shows More Minority Babies, Single Black Mothers

Mass. finds new payment system not cutting health costs

Sens. Joe Lieberman and Marco Rubio: Take out Qadhafi

Environmentalists, celebrities plan WH protest against oil pipeline

Robert Gates unlikely to authorize repeal of don't ask, don't tell

Lawmakers grumble over secret Biden deficit talks

Leading House Democrats say Social Security cuts are a nonstarter

House sets up Friday vote on limiting funding for Libya mission

Obama's aggravation with Congress over Libya on display

Palin puts her 'One Nation' tour on hold for jury duty

Volunteerism is becoming a crucial part of city operations

Parents see political slant in 3rd-grade textbook

Southwest Suspended Pilot After Radio Rant

Former chief of financially ailing postal service to oversee airports

Drug use involved in 25% of fatal crashes, study finds

Mexico demands probe in migrant killed by US agent

HHS Secretary Sebelius praises Denver hospital as model for the nation

Texas among leaders in filing mental health reports with gun check database

News analysis: Comparing Obama and Romney health laws

Six GLAAD board members resign amid AT&T flap

FCC nomination fight stirs intrigue

Census: proportion of nontraditional households in California is growing

Huntsman on past cap-and-trade support: Everyone was doing it

TSA changes policy on child pat-downs

Pillows are breeding grounds for pests and diseases | Mail Online

**U.S. Product Supplied for Crude Oil and Petroleum Products

The Associated Press: Ahmadinejad: Iran not afraid to make nuke weapon

Boulder police: Feces-stained man hid in portable toilet tank, escaped chase - Boulder Daily Camera

Google Faces Senate Subpoena Threats to Get Testimony From Page, Schmidt - Bloomberg

Shark cage-diving stirs controversy in South Africa | McClatchy

Controversial Princess Diana Documentary Heading to Theaters (Exclusive) - The Hollywood Reporter

US Airways cross-dresser says he does it for fun

Airbus trounces Boeing with another record order - Yahoo! Finance

Emerging Markets - US to Lose Second Place in World Trade to India: Citi - CNBC

Libya: Gaddafi pleads for attacks to stop as he accuses Nato of murder | Mail Online

Rove: Why Obama Is Likely to Lose in 2012 -

Afghan army successes cannot mask fears of what happens when US goes | World news | The Guardian

Michelle Obama on dating, exercise and keeping it real - News - Mail & Guardian Online

Warren Beatty Readies Howard Hughes Movie at Paramount | Showbiz411

Lady Gaga Saga of Sales Spiral Down Continues | Showbiz411

Climber discovers frozen body of best friend on peak of Everest | Mail Online

In PA, Gov. Tom Corbett Continues The GOP Stealth Attack On The Safety Net

Gun advocate arrested for punching Wisconsin union activist in the face

David Tyree Destroys His Super Bowl legacy Over Anti-Gay Marriage Tirade in NY

Hillary Clinton backs Saudi women's right-to-drive campaign

CBO smacks Republicans and Defict Hawks with new report

After Showing Chris Wallace As A Chump, Stewart Takes On Politifact

Sending A Shock Through The Market, PIMCO Director Bill Gross Says Fiscal Conservatism Doesn't Equal Job Growth

Rick Perry Asks Conservatives to Follow Him on 'Tweeter'

Pro-gay GOP lawmaker channels Gaga: 'I'm a Republican -- I was born that way'

Afghanistan Speech Open Thread

Tiffany's 2.0

Weep For The Future: Miss USA Contestants Are Asked If Evolution Should Be Taught In Schools

Even Kevin Drum Now Believes Obama Wanted The Deficit Spending Cuts

Bernie Sanders outs the Koch Brothers' "Echo Chamber" on Social Security

Define American: Jose Antonio Vargas' story represents many

Anti-Immigrant Showboating By Politicians Leaves Georgia Crops Rotting In The Fields » Sinister Public-Private Partnership to Spy on Web Users

Romas/COIN - Echelon 2

Retirement As We Know it Is “Dead”: EuroPacific’s Pento - Yahoo! Finance

China central bank finds officials stole billions Emerging Markets Report - MarketWatch

Ban on Taiwan food, drink after scare | Herald Sun

Land Destroyer: Corporate-funded "People's" Movement

At new NYC hotel, a robot handles the luggage - » Infant Mortality Rates and Vaccine Doses Tend to Increase Together

FLASHBACK:June 22, 1976 - An Outbreak Of Haywire. | Newstalgia

Molecule That "Turns On Immortality Gene"! | Before It's News

*Unprecedented Lunar Detail, LRO Shows Us the Moon as Never Seen Before, 6 Videos | Before It's News

The Moon, Up Close and in Detail | Before It's News

Exeter Study Brings Brain-Like Computing A Step Closer To Reality | Before It's News

UFO Expert Believes Something Strange Is Going On In Scotlands Skies | Before It's News

Monster Chinese Telescope The Next ET Hunter? | Before It's News


*SETI Institute(


Could It Be? Spooky Experiments That 'See' The Future : Krulwich Wonders… : NPR

911 Clues Everyone Missed | Before It's News

55-foot 'Sea Monster' Washes Up In China | Before It's News

More Clues That Apple is Building Their Own Mapping System into iOS | Before It's News

Secret Underground 2012 Base at Denver Airport Preparing For Dooms Day! | Before It's News

2011: The 2nd Great Depression - A Look at 1st Great Depression | Before It's News

New World Order behind bugging of Finance Minister's office | Before It's News

Lacie’s Cloudbox Offers 100GB In The Cloud – And On Your Desk | Before It's News

Part 25: Human overload--climate change starts | Before It's News

EGYPT: Draft laws for Mosques and Churches face Criticism | Before It's News

New Amazon Tax Would Slam eBay, Too | Before It's News

Octomom Stars On Celebrity Dating Show, Celebridate| Before It's News


*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 21st, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 21st, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – June 21st, 2011


*2 Parts:Gerald Celente: Everything is Not All Right, And Things Are Going to Get Worse |

YouTube - 6/21/11 Warning Labels, Free facebook speech for students, Guilty until proven innocent?

Strange Definitions of War and Peace – Ron Paul |

ALERT: Job Screening Agency Archiving All Facebook [UPDATED]

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show: Pentagon Takeover of The Internet

YouTube - Lindsey Williams & Alex Jones: Earth Shattering Events to Come!!

*6 Parts: Lindsey Williams & Alex Jones: Earth Shattering Events to Come Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» World War III Defined: Wider War Unfolding in Middle East Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Gore promoting fewer children to curb pollution

**Scientists Successfully Implant Chip That Controls The Brain Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Mexican president confronts Clinton over border shooting -

Arizona Wildfires Blamed On Mexican Drug Smugglers By Sheriff Larry Dever

Hugo Chávez silence fuels fears of power vacuum in Venezuela | World news | The Guardian

Nazis planned chemical weapon attacks on Britain, including 'gas which could stop car engines' | Mail Online

Former head of Army: Taliban will be part of Afghanistan’s future - Telegraph

Italy breaks ranks over NATO's Libya mission - Yahoo! News

David Rieff: Humanitarianism ... The New Imperialism | History News Network

Suspected burglar 'stabbed to death by homeowner defending his property' | Mail Online

A sinister cyber-surveillance scheme exposed | Barrett Brown | Comment is free |

Greece: The dictatorship of finance capital

Vaccines and foreign aid: a shot in the arm that will be felt all over the world - Telegraph

Wildlife Refuges to be Planted with GMOs | Farm Wars

Hackers attack News International servers | Technology |

My Way News - Pentagon gets cyberwar guidelines

Ford Beefs Up Technology Team on Demand for Mobile Apps in Cars - Bloomberg

Google launches me on the web privacy tool- The Inquirer

No Privacy on Amazon’s Cloud Drive | ZDNet

Cartel leader arrested in central Mexico - Fox News Latino

War Counsel - Reason Magazine

US drone attacks in Yemen ignore Al Qaeda for local militants - The National

» The explosive nature of nanothermite Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

William Hague: Taliban still in league with Al Qaeda - Telegraph

» World War III Defined: Wider War Unfolding in Middle East Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


+Radiation News 6-21-11 |


Obama Taps Strategic Petroleum Reserve; Will Release More If Necessary - Political Punch

Alaska senators blast Obama on oil release | Anchorage Daily News - The News Tribune

Jay Hancock's blog: Decision to tap oil reserves could backfire on Obama - Business news: Stock markets, banks and economic observations with columnist Jay Hancock -

Obama's Afghanistan exit strategy brings conflict to the domestic frontline | World news |

BBC News - Eat more nuts and fruit to 'help weight loss'

Geert Wilders 'delighted' after being cleared of 'hate speech' - Telegraph

The Associated Press: US says all in Yemen struggle worry about al-Qaida

Lawyer for Casey Anthony's parents says they're not convinced she's innocent

Marine reservist charged in U.S. military shootings | Reuters

Sarah Palin bus tour not dead, but still shrouded in mystery -

Oprah Hasn't Landed O.J. Simpson Confession -- Yet - The Hollywood Reporter

Bond rates fall on Fed gloom, global economy woes-- The Buzz - Jun. 23, 2011

Madigan: Illinois to get $2.4M in settlement with GlaxoSmithKline -

Winklevoss twins end appeal of Facebook settlement | Reuters

Hack Attacks Escalating? Here's a Reality Check | PCWorld

Breast implants: Saline and silicone gel are options -

The Associated Press: Man contends Illinois jail denied him HIV drugs


Tangible rights

Blagojevich Corruption Retrial: Jury Delibrations In Ninth Day In Rod Blagojevich Corruption Retrial - WGN

Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Some advice on the waiting game

Blagojevich Trial: Is Blago Too Unserious for Jail Time? - The 312 - June 2011 - Chicago

Lawyers appear to be gagged in #Blagojevich case - The Blago Blog


McCormick Place reforms halted — even through appeals process - Chicago Sun-Times

Taste of Chicago rolls with changes - Herald News

Russell Crowe spotted at Whole Foods - Naperville Sun

Change of Subject: Ald. Burke's bodyguard deal

Why Every Alderman Should Be Surrounded By Cops | NBC Chicago

Chicago's White House clout landed city G-8, NATO meetings - Lynn Sweet

1-year-old boy found safe after carjacking on Chicago’s South Side - Chicago Sun-Times

1,000 CPS teachers protest canceled raises while execs get higher salaries - Chicago Sun-Times

Illinois Legislators Pay Cut: House, Senate Pass Measure To Reduce Their Own Income

Obama returning to Chicago to celebrate his 50th birthday - Chicago Sun-Times

Dan Moran: Child star relives her 15 minutes - Lake County News-Sun

Lookout in armed robbery sentenced to 14 years - Lake County News-Sun

TasteBuddy app lets users rate Taste of Chicago dishes -

Latinos and college shape U.S. future - Chicago Sun-Times


5 Coolest Lytro Light Field Camera Features | PCWorld

FBI Breaks Up Two Big Scareware Rings -- InformationWeek

How to Make a Clock Run for 10,000 Years | Gadget Lab |

Demystifying cloud computing for consumers -

Missing moon dust returned to NASA - Missouri | State & regional -

Ancient Amazonian Tribal Community Discovered Deep in Brazilian Rainforest

YouTube - 'Uncontacted' tribe found in Brazil's Amazon

Harry Potter books to go digital - Computerworld

YouTube - Pottermore launched: JK Rowling on new Harry Potter material

City dwellers more sensitive to social stress than country folk

USF study finds component in coffee works with caffeine to protect against Alzheimer's - St. Petersburg Times

Caffeine and Coffee Research: The Alzheimer's Benefit of a Cup of Coffee: Shape Magazine

How low-calorie fat could still make you gain weight

Tainted Cocaine Tied to Severe Skin Reactions - US News and World Report

FDA approves new warning labels for cigarettes - Kokomo Perspective:

Want to conceal your age? Don't spit | Reuters

A Spinal Fluid Test Can Help Predict Alzheimer's in Patients With Memory Loss - - TIME Healthland

Walmart Shopper Who Jumped on Car of Alleged Thieves 'Had to Do Something' - ABC News

IMAX Banners For Transformers: Dark Of The Moon Debut!

'The Hobbit': First-Look Photos Of Bilbo, Gandalf Hit Net - MTV Movie News| MTV

'How to Succeed in Business' Stagehand Dies Backstage - The Hollywood Reporter

American Media buys OK! Magazine -

The Deadbolt News - Cars 2 Chases Inspired by Ronin and Bourne Identity

Casey Anthony Murder Trial: Profile of Judge Belvin Perry : Music - Buju Banton Sentenced to Ten Years In Prison

Flight Attendants' Union May File Charges Over Pilot's Rant - ABC News

John Galliano in the Courtroom | Story | POWERWALL

Ryan Dunn funeral | News Briefs |


'Pottermore' interface revealed: Just how much will this site be able to do? | Shelf Life |

YouTube - Pottermore launched: JK Rowling on new Harry Potter material

Police Describe Wanton Violence of Suspect in Drug Store Killings -

Nation & World | Mom in Philippines told Vargas in US to keep quiet | Seattle Times Newspaper

Rick Perry revives Texas bill to criminalize invasive TSA pat downs

Latino officials see big Hispanic vote in 2012 -

Census statistics show quarter of California same-sex couples raising kids - San Jose Mercury News

Ark. Supreme Court upholds interest rate amendment -

Anna Nicole Smith: Supreme Court ruling a defeat for Smith heirs -

Arizona wildfire evacuees may be OK'd to return home -

James Ray, Self-Help Guru, Convicted In Sweat Lodge Deaths

YouTube - Self-help Guru Guilty in Sweat Lodge Deaths

Pressure on Obama as NY considers gay marriage OK

YouTube - Will lawmakers vote on gay marriage?

Cantor, Kyl Pull Out of Budget Talks, Call on Obama to 'Resolve' Tax Hike Dispute -

Minot, North Dakota Residents Flee and Nuclear Silos Protected as Historic Flood Waters Rise Along Souris River - ABC News

YouTube - Raw Video: Historic Floods Head to North Dakota

Economy—Why The White House and Fed Can’t Fix the Economy - CNBC

IEA Stock Release Mostly Crude; Market to Decide Destination - Bloomberg

Gas price relief could be weeks away - Jun. 23, 2011

Walmart victory and religious values - For God's Sake - The Washington Post

AFP: Google facing wide-ranging US antitrust probe: WSJ

Hulu is up for sale -

Yahoo Chairman Shows Support for CEO Bartz -

US Real Estate: New Homes Sales Fall 2.1 percent in May — CNBC Realty Check - CNBC

Syrian troops within miles of refugee escape route to Turkey | World news | The Guardian

BBC News - Afghanistan drawdown 'risky', US joint chiefs head says

Magnitude-6.7 earthquake hits Japan -

China: U.S. Should Stay Out of Regional Disputes -

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ally arrested in Iran on corruption charges | World news | The Guardian

Maid's execution prompts Jakarta ban

Russia dismisses criticism over opposition party | Reuters

Qaddafi Lashes Out at NATO Over Civilian Deaths During Airstrikes -

Michelle Obama Sees Personal Stake in 2012 Election, Second Obama Term - ABC News

Another revolution afoot in Egypt: top-notch science -

Concerns growing over NGO participation in Durban III

Hamas rejects Red Cross appeal to prove Schalit alive

Ahmadinejad insists Iran not seeking nuclear weapons

Karzai vows to fill vacuum left by allies

Glastonbury festival refuses 'golden opportunity' drugs test on sewage

New car quality takes a hit due to technology

Iraqi officials: Death toll in triple Baghdad blasts jumps to 34, more than 80 injured.

Bulger described as Robin Hood, diabolical killer

Tornado hits stables at Kentucky Derby's home

Top Republican Cantor exits budget talks

Harry Potter wizard series to be sold as e-books

Mullen sees risk in quicker Afghanistan withdrawal

Report: Fight fat even in toddlers, preschoolers

UN: Sharp drops in opium, coca production in 2010

New cars struggle with quality

New Camera Lets You Focus Photos After the Fact | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Gore: Obama has ‘failed’ – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Anatomy of Sun Storms & Solar Flares (Infographic) | Sun Storms, Solar Flares & Coronal Mass Ejections | Space Weather & Solar Cycle, Sunspots |

Feds Grant $1.4 Billion Guarantee For World’s Largest Rooftop Solar Project - Todd Woody - Green Wombat - Forbes

BBC News - 'Pandora' galaxy cluster crash yields dark matter clues

Quantum magic trick shows reality is what you make it - physics-math - 22 June 2011 - New Scientist

Battery technology: Better batteries will save the world. Too bad they're impossible to make. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine

'Gaydar' Accuracy Varies With Women's Fertility Cycle - Miller-McCune

Animal rights group declares war on leading health charities - Home News, UK - The Independent

Miss USA contest evolves: 'Huge science geek' wins - Faith & Reason

Influenza vaccination during pregnancy protects newborns | Science Codex

Discovery Offers Molecular Insights Into Link Between Parkinson's and Pesticides

Competition between brain cells spurs memory circuit development

Congress Moves to Ban Frankenfish - Reason Magazine

Supreme Court ruling is good, bad and ugly : Nature News

Multicellular Life Arises In A Test Tube - Science News

Weather Can Cost, or Create, Billions for US Economy | Economy, Temperature & Precipitation | LiveScience

Bernanke Admits He’s Clueless On Economy’s Soft Patch - Agustino Fontevecchia - Moral Hazard - Forbes

Poll Shows More Americans Say They Are Worse Off Than 2 Years Ago -

Private emails detail Obama admin involvement in cutting non-union worker pensions post-GM bailout - Yahoo! News

Michele Bachmann's Holy War | Rolling Stone Politics

Marta Mossburg: Reverend Wright brings his anti-American crusade to Baltimore -

This call for Muslim sex goddesses is a setback for Malaysia | Nazry Bahrawi | Comment is free |

Religion: New York's dangerous churches -- in schools :: The Republic

How Many Muslims Does it Take? : Robert Hunt

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood expels presidential hopeful | Top News | Reuters

As Mormon Lay Clergy Are Deported, a Divide on Immigration | Religion Dispatches

Greg Carey: What The Bible Really Says About Slavery

Opinion: Liberalism and the decline of a society’s character | Dennis Prager | Jewish Journal

The Book Bench: Heated Debates, Burning Books : The New Yorker

Korah: The Morning After » Sabbath and Holidays » Jewish Ideas Daily

Opinion: Jon Huntsman: Defining 'conservative' - Daniel Allott -

In U.S., 22% Are Hesitant to Support a Mormon in 2012

Newspaper requires 10 percent tithe » GetReligion

Finding faith: When journalists cover religion | Deseret News

Mormon Irrationality? A Case in Point | Philosophical Fragments

Understanding Jon Huntsman's distinct brand of Mormonism – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Leith Anderson, Tim Pawlenty's Pastor, Stays Out Of Partisan Politics

Gay marriage the new red menace, according to New York archbishop - The Spirited Atheist - The Washington Post

Why Can Judaism Embrace Science So Easily? - Science and Religion Today

Troop withdrawals don’t solve weaknesses in Afghan strategy - The Boston Globe

Editorial: NLRB should back off plan to shorten union-vote time - The Denver Post

Greece and the eurozone: Accept reality – and default | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian - The Primary Concern - Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Democrats fret over White House dealmaking - Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan -

The U.S. and E.U.: Have They Ever Been in Such Terrible Shape?

Reining in frivolous class-action lawsuits -

Jump Starting the U.S. Economy | The Big Picture

Why 2011 is much worse than 2008 Outside the Box - MarketWatch

Paul Volcker's Most Important Lesson: Echoes - Bloomberg

Earnings to soon become main focus for investors -- The Buzz - Jun. 22, 2011

Forget economics, politics rules today’s markets Matthew Lynn's London Eye - MarketWatch

Todd Harrison: The Three Keys To The Stock Market | Markets |

Why America is going the way of the freelancer - Fortune Management

China’s Swift Trains Are a Boon to Development, but a Costly One -

The Great Private Equity Comeback Is Complete–At Least On Paper - Nathan Vardi - The Jungle - Forbes

Freakonomics » The Fed’s Wishful (And Wrong) Thinking About Unemployment

Legalize Pot, Fix the Budget? - MarketBeat - WSJ

*PAUL: Time to end Federal Reserve secrecy - Washington Times

The Rise and Inglorious Fall of Myspace - BusinessWeek

JPMorgan Gets a Break Where Goldman Got Nailed: Jonathan Weil - Bloomberg

Hollywood Celebrities Perform Fake PSA Encouraging Casual Sex Facebook Status |

Obama heads to Broadway - CLICK -

Bozell Column: Palin Movie vs. Media Mythology |

Jon Stewart Under Fire for Herman Cain Race Joke - Jon Stewart - Fox Nation

Tom Hanks: I’m voting for Obama again - CLICK -

Cameron 'fully agrees' with Obama's Afghan strategy

Michelle Obama cancels trip to Mandela prison

Immigration: Journalist Jose Antonio Vargas Fights for DREAM Act - ABC News

Ace of Spades HQ

Anderson Cooper - Lost Actor - Marries 16 Year Old - RidicuList | VIDEO | Mediaite

CBO: Stimulus almost doubled U.S. debt | Conn Carroll | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

‘Page Six’: Bloomberg Campaign Knew About Weiner’s Kinky Ways -- Daily Intel

Herman Cain Fires Back: Jon Stewart ‘Mocked Me With Amos and Andy’ Voice

Politifact Shows Statistics Don’t Support Stewart, So He Turns To Anecdotes

‘The Office’: NBC Has Snubbed ‘Under God’ Before

Stars from Hollywood, Radio, and TV Come Out to Support Troops!

BigDawg Spotlight On: Country Artist Sherry Marquelle Fights ‘Like A Girl’

Trailer Talk: ‘Footloose’ Remake, ‘Rise of the Apes’

Make Culture, Not Think Tanks

Liberal Salon to Jon Stewart: ‘Actually, You Are an Activist’

Radar: Tobey Maguire, Affleck, Damon, DiCaprio Involved in Illegal Poker Games

Doyle McManus: Obama's pivot point in Afghanistan -

The radicalization of Pakistan’s military - The Washington Post

RealClearWorld - Victory Is the Answer in Libya

Legalizing Drugs Won't Stop Mexico's Brutal Cartels - By Elizabeth Dickinson | Foreign Policy

World Affairs Journal - The Long Goodbye: The Future North Korea

A Letter to President Obama by Lee H. Hamilton, David L. Boren, and Zbigniew Brzezinski | The New York Review of Books

Return to Sender | The Weekly Standard

Libya May Be NATO’s Last Mission

Reposition NATO for the 21st century in Chicago -

The End Of Europe: A Civilization Built On Sand - Jerry Bowyer - The Great Relearning - Forbes

Jeffrey Herf for Democracy Journal: Threat Position

China unrest becoming commonplace - The China Post

China Looms Over Russian Far East | The Diplomat

Obama's Political Calculation on Afghanistan, RealClearWorld - The Compass Blog

The president may be sabotaging his own Afghanistan strategy - The Washington Post

Obama's Partner in Athens - Up Front Blog - Brookings Institution

Record Number Favors Removing U.S. Troops from Afghanistan - Pew Research Center

Hegemony with Chinese Characteristics | The National Interest

On the Economy, Be Careful What You Wish For - By Ian Bremmer | Foreign Policy

The Great Greek Illusion -

Syria's cultural revolution | Salwa Ismail | Comment is free | The Guardian

Obama’s Hypocrisy On Sudan | The New Republic

Pulling the Plug on Lukashenko - Mitchell A. Orenstein - Project Syndicate

What The Obama Administration Won’t Tell You About Solar Power

Bachmann on Israel, the ‘Arab Spring’ and America’s Strategic Interests

Afghanistan, Obama, and Revolution

Disney And The ‘Path To 9/11′

US Mission In Iraq ‘Haram’ After 2011

Failing To Learn The Lessons Of Vietnam, Obama Decides To Micro-Manage War In Afghanistan

Faint Praise: A Good Question, Partially Answered

Report: Hezbollah Preparing For War With Israel To Deflect Attention From Syria

CAIR Taps Hizballah Apologist For Tampa Office

Stars from Hollywood, Radio, and TV Come Out to Support Troops!

Audio:Rep. Jeff Fortenberry: China Underwrites Crisis in Sudan

Obama Reelection Trumps Strategy In Afghanistan

Greece’s Papandreou Wins Anti-Climactic Vote Of Confidence

Assad Sees Writing on the Wall

After Gates’ Departure: the Increasing Radicalization of Obama’s Foreign Policy

Geert Wilders Verdict: West 1, Islam 0

Audio:Challenging the Constitutionality of Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion

A Plan to Reform the Electoral College

Lawsuit Seeks Ethics Filings of NASA’s Global Warming Activist, James Hansen

Education Action Group Sues Open Government Hypocrite Dane Co. (WI) DA Ismael Ozanne

Sen. Paul Calls TSA Official ‘Clueless’

Terrorist-Linked ACORN Shill Brad Friedman Lies, Lies, and Lies Some More

Tim Wise’s Strange Apology to Andrew Breitbart The President’s War – How Foreign Policy Became One Man’s Prerogative

Fed: Hey, the Economy Is Growing Slower than We Expected

CBO Report On Long-Term Federal Debt Warns of Economic Doom For America

Tim Wise’s Racialist Libel Against Andrew Breitbart

Stars From Hollywood, Radio, and TV Come Out To Support Troops!

Home Daycare Providers Organize Against Statewide Unionization Campaign

Obamacare Continues Its Gradual Destruction of Healthcare Choice

Alan Binder Hearts Government Spending

Audio:TSA Wants to Search You Even When You’re Not in an Airport

McRomney, McHuntsman, and Four More Years of Obama

Obama Agencies Announce Massive Attack on American Job Creators

McCain May Have Been Right On Arizona Fires

Sound Bite For the Day: When MSM Endorses a Republican, Be Wary

Fox News Nails Jon Stewart On MSM’S Palin-Weiner Hypocrisy

Jose Antonio Vargas: From Journalist to Illegal Immigrant and Political Activist

Sound Bite For the Day: “Shah-Fly”

Jon Stewart’s Claim Fox News’ Viewers are Misinformed Isn’t His Only False Statement

Taxpayers’ Subsidization of Soros’ War on Fox, Conservatives

Obama's Tough Balancing Act on Afghanistan - - Obama's Choice: A Partial Exit, With Reelection in Mind - Thursday, June 23, 2011

RealClearPolitics - Another Texas Republican for President?

Campaign 2012: Mitt Romney's Electability | The New Republic

Rove: Why Obama Is Likely to Lose in 2012 -

RealClearPolitics - Bachmann Gears Up in Do-or-Die Iowa

Meghan Daum: Taking Michele Bachmann seriously -

John McCain’s neverending war - The Washington Post

Littwin: Obama's troop drawdown is about hope and change, and it's about time - The Denver Post

Pelosi Prediction Backfires? Glitches Arise in Health Law -

RealClearPolitics - Why Talks With the Taliban Are Futile

Obama’s variation on ‘mission accomplished’ - The Washington Post

P.T. Obama and the Oxymoronic Presidency « Commentary Magazine

I was duped by Jose Vargas, illegal immigrant : Bronstein at Large

RealClearPolitics - Feds Crack Down on Campus Flirting and Sex Jokes

Federal Reserve, acknowledging slowdown, reins in forecasts for economic growth - The Washington Post

Obama Didn't Save Union Jobs, He Saved Union Pay - - The GOP Redistricting Advantage - Wednesday, June 22, 2011

President Obama and the “are you better off” question - The Fix - The Washington Post

Obama Troop Withdrawal: Why the Number Won't Matter - Global Spin -

The real question: How to achieve Afghanization -

HURT: No ifs, ands or butts: FDA warning photos faked - Washington Times

Will Obamacare Destroy Private Insurance? | Mother Jones

23-Jun-11 World View......

22-Jun-11 World View ......

Download :Resolving Insurgencies

Stunning precedent would let al-Qaida chief be president

Think Washington acting like royalty? Here's proof

Feds accused of reneging on compact for statehood

Delta adopts Saudi 'no-Jew' fly policy

U.S. aid funneled to al-Qaida?

See which NATO member is 'arming Muslim rioters'

Obama's DoD nominee caught in 1-world scheme

Panetta keynoted pro-Soviet group's conference

Hitler was ineligible for presidency, too

The Perry-for-President TV ad that can't fail

The new Tuskegee experiment

Why Obama won't seek 2nd term

OJ Simpson 'confessed Nicole Brown murder to Oprah': TV interview planned | Mail Online

NJ professor accused of running prostitution site - Yahoo! News

LI man sues ex-girlfriend for $11M after she takes his dog -

How to Eat a Cicada: Noisy Insect Sparks New Food Trend - TIME

Psychic Octopus Search Undertaken By German Aquarium

E. coli outbreak caused by mix of 2 deadly strains -

Flying Saucers Turn 64! A Look Back at the Origin of UFOs | The 1947 Kenneth Arnold UFO Sighting | Paranormal, UFOs & Alien Encounters | Life's Little Mysteries

Blow from taxi restores boy's sight: News24: South Africa: News

Saturn's 'Ice Queen' Moon Helene Shimmers in New Photo | Saturn's Moons & Helene | NASA & Cassini Mission |

Help Bring Back the Alien-Hunting SETI Telescopes | Wired Science |

The Archaeology News Network: ‘Brain surgery' during Harappan civilisation?

Moving mirrors make light from nothing : Nature News

Fried Kool-Aid hits County Fair circuit (Photos) - BlogPost - The Washington Post

Agenda 21 infiltrates our States to Destroy America, Will Americans Fight Back?

Dodd-Frank is a Joke on Executive Pay

Did the Supreme Court Tip its Hand on ObamaCare?

More B.O. Than Anyone Can Stand

China's Espionage Threat

American Denial

Atlas Is Shrugging In The US And Flexing His Muscles Elsewhere

Our Wiley Coyote Moment Has Arrived

Obama and the Art of Wooing Big Business

Food stamp crime wave

Obama's troop withdrawal speech: when politics trumps victory

Bernanke clueless about bad economy

Democrats accuse Republicans of 'sabotoging' the economy

Geert Wilders acquitted of 'hate speech'

The widening racial divide of the Obama era

Fill in the blank: 'Jobless claims rise more than _____________.'

Ex-CIA Spy: Obama Administration is delusional, it's weak, and it's confused.

James Hansen, Government Employee, Climate Scientist on the Take

Thomas Geoghegan's Shameful Stereotyping in the Wall Street Journal

John Huntsman, meet Karl Rove

Greek showdown

Ban the Burqa

Clinton Unzipped: One of the Worst Presidents Ever

Questioning Michele Bachmann's Foster Parent Claims

Obama's Grand Illusion

The Purposeful Flooding of America's Heartland

'Peace Flotilla' = Radical Left + Islamic Fascists

Salazar Applauds—But Solar Project Output Will Be a Fraction of Its Competitors

The point of cap-and-trade is the tax money

The Secret Jews

Why the End is Always Near, but Never Arrives

The Perfect Storm

Technocracy Isn’t Policy

What Authority Justifies Obama’s Actions in Libya?

Renewable Energy

Obama’s Afghanistan Withdrawal

Obama: Who Needs Victory When We Can Negotiate With The TahleeBahn?

White House Executive Order on Rural Council

Obama’s ineligibility: We now have elective despotism

America the Sinking Titanic

Technocracy’s Endgame: Global Smart Grid

IRS awakes! Media darling suddenly loses tax-exempt status ...

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Obama 'suffocating' small businesses;Rep. Walsh slams 'regulatory burden' imposed by administration

WND RADIO WND Exclusive The politics of Medicare;Rep. Fleming: Obama says 'he'd rather demagogue GOP plan' than propose alternative


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Senators to IRS: Clear up rules for gay couples - Business - Personal finance - Tax Tactics -

CBO Says U.S. Debt May Exceed Size of Economy by 2021

Activists cry foul over FBI probe - The Washington Post

Border Patrol shooting: Border Patrol shooting renews debate on use of force -

Jose Vargas story turned down by Washington Post - Keach Hagey -

ABC News: Journalist Jose Antonio Vargas comes out as an illegal immigrant to fight for DREAM Act (Video) - The TV Column - The Washington Post

Al Gore: Stabilize population to combat global warming -

'Rathergate' expert doubts Obama's birth certificate

Fox News expert denies he claimed birth certificate legit

Will states actually block Obama from ballot access?

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Self-help guru convicted in sweat lodge deaths - US news - Crime & courts -

'Someone new' leads Obama in polling

PICKET: Perry '01 - 'Fox's vision for an open border is a vision I embrace' - Washington Times

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Libtalkers Seize Upon Discredited Rick Perry Rumors

Michigan congressman mulls crowded race for White House - Washington Times

Americans urged to flood NBC with Pledge outrage

Afghanistan police get millions in U.S. funding

Press secretary not 'aware' of faceoff with U.S. 'ally'

Feds accused of reneging on compact for statehood

Hostile Rhetoric Turns Up Heat on Iranian Christians

NASA Scientist Accused of Using Celeb Status Among Environmental Groups to Enrich Himself -




Police unleash war on Maniac Latin Disciples gang, arrest 120 - Chicago Sun-Times

Accused Long Island pharmacy gunman David Laffer has 'shown no remorse' for shootings; pleads not guilty, police say -

Why the Jobs Situation Is Worse Than It Looks - US News and World Report

Mafia file found in Manhattan taxi sold for $10,980 at auction -

16-year-old North Carolina teen Rebecca Blackmore stabbed newborn, left body in her closet: cops

Herman Cain: Jon Stewart Mocked Me Because I‘m a ’Black Conservative’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Will Tim Pawlenty’s Pastor Hurt His Candidacy? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey Chants Anti-Israeli Slogans and Says She Is Very ‘Proud’ of the Anti-Israel Activist Who Tried to Stop Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Dog Becomes World’s First to Get 4 Prosthetic Legs, Paws | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Is This Award-Winning Kia Ad Promoting Pedophilia? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

International Outrage Erupts Over Exhibit Depicting ‘Virgin Mary’ in a…Bikini | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Nancy Pelosi Says She Wants to Amend America‘s ’Sacred Documents‘ for ’Ever-Expanding Freedom’ of Jobs…as Dems Line Up to Call for the Federal Government to Hire Unemployed | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

This Is the Anti-Gay, Profanity-Laced Radio Rant That Got a Southwest Pilot Suspended | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

TSA Chooses AFL-CIO Branch as Its Union | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Chris Matthews’ Wild Rant: Beck & Limbaugh Are ‘Evil’ Liars for Denying Climate Change | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Are Kids Born ‘Capitalists?’ This Experiment Might Prove, ‘Yes’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Incredible Hit-and-Run Caught on Video in Philly | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Feds Now Say They Won‘t Deport Illegals Pursuing Legit ’Civil Rights Claims’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

High School Drop-Outs Could Soon Be MTV Reality Stars | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Dramatic Vid Shows Woman’s Fall After Jumping on Beer-Robbers’ Getaway Car | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Google in Government? Wyoming To Use Google Servers for Exec. Branch Computing | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Report: Your Tax Dollars Funding Lavish World Trip to Photograph…Billboards | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Obama Afghan Speech: U.S. Troop Withdrawals, Shift From Combat to Support Mission | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

CBO Issues Ominous Report on Debt: Could be on Verge of ‘Sudden Fiscal Crisis’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Healthy’ Ice Cream Shop Owner is Suing NYC FOX Affiliate | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Rolling Stone Attacks Bachmann’s Faith: ‘Crazed Divine Wind Kamikaze-for-Jesus’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Beck’s Exact Warning: Not Random Lunatics, Dangerous Radical Left Coalitions; Farrakhan, Cynthia McKinney, Ramsey Clark & Revolutionary Socialists, Working Together Against the ‘Imperialist’ ‘Terrorist’ ‘Racist’ ‘Enemy’ U.S. & Israel | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Gunman Updates His Facebook Status, Adds New Friends During 16-Hour Police Standoff | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Hacker vs Hacker: Alleged 17-Year-Old Breaks Into, Defaces LulzSec Hacker Page | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

U.S. Border Agent Shoots Rock-Throwing Man Trying to Illegally Cross Border | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Hitler was ineligible for presidency, too

Remembering the 25-cent hamburger

Is escaping America immoral?

N.Y. Times: 'Fraught nexus' of lies, stupidity and bigotry

'The White Man' made Obama bomb Libya?

Senate: Vote no on Sebelius' boy

Choose a weapon, not a 'toy'

Hell, no! We won't go?

The takeaway from the Weiner scandal

Senator Vitter Must Resign His Post, Too

YouTube - Allen West on Obama: "NOT the Great Savior; Emperor of the World...just a guy FAILING."

Bill Clinton’s Legacy of Denial | Common Dreams

Honor killing cover-up in Florida?

Is the FBI Investigating Obama?

Pilot broadcasts slur-filled rant about flight attendants over an air-traffic control frequency | Mail Online

Facebook: Mother gets message from son she gave up for adoption 30 years ago | Mail Online

Scientology sing-along stirs the Search box | The Upshot Yahoo! News

Man ships himself over 2,000 miles in wooden crate while playing online game - Yahoo! News

Image of ancient mammoth or mastodon found on bone - Yahoo! News

Al Capone's handgun sells for $110,000 at auction |

'Red wine could have led to Jimi Hendrix's death', says close friend Meic Stevens | Mail Online

Van Gogh's "self-portrait" actually his brother: study - Yahoo! News

"Wizard of Oz" yellow brick road in N.Y. town? - CBS News

13 Places Google Doesn't Want You To See Photo Gallery - Baker Lake, NU, the Inuit nation in northern Canada - Conspiracies on truTV

*23 June

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**NEWS VIDEOS:Southwest Pilot Suspended After Politically Incorrect In-Flight Rant Caught on Tape

TSA Changes Pat-Down Rules for Kids

Muslim Marine Reservist Linked to D.C. Military Building Shootings

Breitbart Set to Host ‘Troopathon 2011′

Tom Hanks Gives Impromptu Dancing Weather Report on Univision

Fourteen Year-Old Boy Gets 1st Haircut Ever

‘Lost’ Actor Doug Hutchison, 51, Has A 16-Year-Old Bride

Police: Mobster James ‘Whitey’ Bulger Arrested

22ND/Obama Announces Afghanistan Troop Withdrawl Scheduled for Few Months Before Election Day 2012

Clinton Upstages Obama with Jobs ‘Advice’

MSNBC’s Matthews: Lying Rush Limbaugh is ‘Evil’ for Denying Global Warming

Pawlenty on a Potential Petraeus Veep Candidacy

Man Flies US Airways in Women’s Underwear

Father of Four Al Gore Calls for ‘Fertility Management’ to Control Pollution

White House Announces Gruesome New Tobacco Label Warnings

Coulter Debates O’Reilly: Get Out of Afghanistan Now

Breakdancing Gorilla Goes Viral

Jon Stewart ‘Apologizes’ For Calling Fox Viewers ‘Misinformed’ By Listing FNC’s Own Miscues

First Lady Meets Nelson Mandela

Juan Williams: Hannity Would Have Been Fired For Doing ‘Amos and Andy’ Voice Like Jon Stewart

Smart Guy Ed Schultz Can’t Even Pronounce ‘Schlafly’ When Attempting to Mock GOP Ignorance

21ST/Good Riddance…Obama’s Radical Safe Schools Czar Hits the Skids

Amish Man in Horse and Buggy Busted for Sexting 12-Year-Old

Gingrich Campaign Fundraisers Quit

Newt Takes Aim at Mitt

Muslim Woman Escapes Jail Sentence in Australia Over Burka Controversy

NBC Pledge Controversy Intensifies

NY Senate Stuck on Gay Marriage As Rallies Grow

20TH/CNN’s Zakaria: Today’s Conservatives Like ‘the Old Marxists,’ Rooted Too Much In the Abstract

Jon Stewart Squares Off with Fox News’ Chris Wallace

Farrakhan on Obama: ‘That’s a Murderer in the White House’

NBC’s Weasel-Worded Apology Over Editing ‘Under God’ From Pledge

**Markets Video:Bloom: 'Is There a Bigger Armageddon Out There?'

Peggy Noonan: Who's the Reagan Republican?

Laszlo Birinyi & Ken Fisher React to Bernanke Fed

Peter Schiff on Potential for QE3

Coke to Goldman: Stop Messing With Aluminium

AIG CEO: We Can Restore Our Reputation

22ND/Aging Reactors Survive Through Rule Changes

'Fracking' for Natural Gas Continues to Raise Health Concerns

Why Greece Won't Default

Could the EU Really Break Up?

Housing Worse Today Than During Depression?

World Bank President on Greece

China Long Investor Goes to the Short Side

Everything You Need to Know About Electric Cars

**World Video:Military Strategy Forum: ADM Gary Roughead

How Will Drawdown Affect U.S. Mission in Afghanistan?

McCain: Obama's Afghanistan Plan An 'Unnecessary Risk'

Schieffer: Americans Are Running Out Of Patience

What is the U.S. Exit Strategy?

Raw Video: Rebels Mount Fierce Fight In Libya

Michelle Obama Reaches Out To South African Youth

Mexico's La Familia Gang Leader Arrested

Default Best Solution For Greece?

Marines React To Withdrawal Plan

World Reactions Afghan Troop Plan

World Leaders, Afghans React To Obama's Speech

Chinese Artist Ai Weiwei Free In Body, Not Voice

President Obama Announces Afghanistan Withdrawal Plan

Allen West on President's Afghanistan Speech

22ND/Immigration as an Economic Engine

Former U.S. Ambassador to Syria Talks to Al Jazeera

Challenges to Inter-Korean and Six-Party Talks

How Many U.S. Troops to Come Home?

Will Obama Speed Up Troop Withdrawal?

Afghanistan Worth the Cost for America?

Afghanistan: Is the Surge Working?

Obama Likely to Cut 10K Troops From Afghanistan

Belfast Wracked By 2nd Night Of Riots

Hillary Clinton on Saudi Arabia's Women Driving Ban

Russian PM As Comic Strip Superhero

Berlusconi Pledges To Finish Term

Protests And Shortages In Yemen

Greece Struggling To Avoid Financial Meltdown

Obama's Afghan War Drawdown Speech

**Politics Video:Clinton: U.S. Will Slow Military Aid To Pakistan Unless "We See Some Steps Taken"

Rove Explains Why Obama Is Likely To Be One-Term President

McConnell On Debt Crisis: "Where In The World Has President Obama Been?"

Schultz: Afghan Drawdown "Isn't Going To Satisfy The Liberal Base"

CBO Director: We Can't "Estimate" Budget Framework Based On Speeches

President Obama: "The Tide Of War Is Receding"

O'Reilly: "Unfortunately, The War Has Now Become Political"

Rep. Frank Slams Boehner For "Demagoguery" On Afghanistan

Krauthammer: Democrats Ought To Be Alarmed By CBO Numbers

22ND/Krauthammer: Huntsman's Speech "Remarkably Unremarkable"

Huntsman: Obama Not A "Remarkable Leader"

Matthews: Huntsman Gives GOP Hope

Boehner On Afghanistan: Concerned About "Precipitous" Withdrawal

President Obama Announces Afghanistan Withdrawal Plan

O'Reilly On Afghanistan: Whatever Petraeus Says, Obama Should Do

Sen. Manchin On McCain Criticism: I Do Have "Common Sense"

Sen. Boxer: GOP Obstructs Job Bill

Pawlenty Iowa Ad: "Results Not Rhetoric"

Audio:What Is The ATF doing?


June 22, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

06/22 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-22, Wednesday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 6-22-11

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, June, 22, 2011

The Manning Report- 22 June 2011

Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

Jesse Lee Peterson Show1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3

The Michael Savage Show 06/22/2011

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