A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

22 June 2011


Celeb Odd Jobs | Gallery | Wonderwall

» Newt Gingrich’s Campaign Strategy: Become Ron Paul Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

'07/YouTube - Ron Paul: Tea Party 07

5-11/Ron Paul is Not the Founder of the Tea Party Movement | Broadside Books


» Kerry and McCain Introduce Resolution to Legitimize Invasion of Libya Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Scientists Successfully Implant Chip That Controls The Brain Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Matrix reality: Scientists successfully implant artificial memory system | SmartPlanet

YouTube - Israelis: Perks, Rotweillers and an occultish elite

The Media Fog of War @PolicyMic | Coy McKinney

Health Canada says no worries - News - The Beacon

NPPD: Nuke Plant Could Be Shut Down “In Three Seconds”, Critics Still Worry | Missouri News Horizon

Robert Hastings: Unidentified Aerial Object Sighted During October 2010 Nuclear Missile Incident | Reuters

"A Plea for UFO-E.T. Cover-up Deathbed Confessions" By Larry W. Bryant | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.

Even Mirrors Lie!

AP Exclusive: Medicaid for the middle class? - Yahoo! News

Weiner’s In-Laws and the Secret Muslim Brotherhood Connections Revealed | Floyd Reports


Missouri river floods: 250 residents evacuated as water threatens to breach banks | Mail Online

Flooding affects cell towers -

Louis Farrakhan: Obama Is A 'Murderer,' An 'Assassin'

Greek government survives vote as protesters chant insults | Reuters

Surprise! TSA Is Searching Your Car, Subway, Ferry, Bus, AND Plane | Mother Jones

Bigger than Blackwater: Arming the UAE | FPIF

The Chinese Government Is Buying Up Economic Assets And Huge Tracts Of Land All Over The United States - - Eisenhower's worst fears came true. We invent enemies to buy the bombs

My Way News - States look to Internet taxes to close budget gaps - War Evolves With Drones, Some Tiny as Bugs

YouTube - One Million Libyans in Pro-Gaddafi Demo in Tripoli

*An Introduction to September 11 -The 9/11 Lie

"Abolish The Fed! We're Better Off Without A Central Bank": Jim Rogers With Former CNBC Analyst Jeff Macke - Home - The Daily Bail

Europe Delays Greek Decision Until July, QE3 Or Operation Twist?, Euro To Break Up By 2015, The $1 Billion Fed Buyout Clause, The Bond Vigilante, Rare Earth Metal Prices Go Parabolic, Homeless Man Learns He's Rich (15 LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

Hey! The Gig Is UP! Federal Reserve Act Has a Backout Clause | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty

Physical Silver Contracts Coming To Hong Kong… :

Multiple Foreign Military’s, Including Russia, Involved In Massive Navy Drill In Virginia :

Max Keiser At Syntagma Square: "The Tear Gas Didn't Do Jack, Greece Is Under IMF Bankster Occupation" (VIDEO) - Home - The Daily Bail

Activist Post: Bill would approve US role in Libya retroactively

PressTV - CA spends more on prisons than schools

YouTube - Americans are tired of wars

*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'We're going broke ... and we're still spending!';Rep. Gohmert worries GOP leaders 'will end up caving' in debt-ceiling fight

Reid gives Huntsman a thumbs-up over Romney - Maggie Haberman -

President's fidelity to oath on autopilot? - Washington Times

Simply Lunatic | Eric Holder | National Security | Lawyers | The Daily Caller

Why Obama won't seek 2nd term

Rush Limbaugh rips Huntsman for channeling Reagan

Think Washington acting like royalty? Here's proof

Feds accused of reneging on compact for statehood

Will states actually block Obama from ballot access?

Stunning precedent would let al-Qaida chief be president

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Debbie Schlussel:Told Ya!: Thousands of Muslim Aliens Sue for Green Card Over State Dept “Glitch”

Debbie Schlussel:Hey, Another Muslim Attempted Honor Killing on US Soil

Defining a traitor

Rush Limbaugh joins Troopathon for 4th year!

Obama’s ineligibility: Congress says al-Qaida terrorist can be President

Where does American Exceptionalism Come From?

Sheriff Asks: Why 28,000 Troops in South Korea, Yet Just 1,200 at U.S.-Mexico Border?

The New “Consensus” Predicts an Ice Age

1787 Called. They Want Their Constitution Back

All in the Family - The Weiner Saga Continues

Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks at the Vienna Energy Forum 2011

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood con job fooling U.S. officials

Will anyone really take on the President?

An Obama foreign policy

Richard Viguerie: Huntsman’s Candidacy Will Split the Pawlenty/Romney Vote

How Environmentalists Cause War and Repression

John McCain Chastises 2012 Republican Field for Isolationism

New milestone: 1 in 6 US residents is Hispanic - US news - Life -

Nearly 9 out of 10 Latino babies born in the U.S. relied on WIC La Raza says - San Diego County Political Buzz |

Mandela makes rare public appearance for visiting Mrs. Obama - Washington Times

China wants to construct a 50 square mile self-sustaining city south Of Boise, Idaho | Freepressers

Pajamas Media » Revealed: Weiner’s In-Laws’ Secret Muslim Brotherhood Connections

Obama Eyeing Anti-Gun Backer to Run ATF

Bye bye white (and black) America: Make way for Latinos, Asians | Freepressers

Scholars: Obama evaded legal rules on Libya - politics - White House -

AZ Sheriff: Why More Troops at Korean Border Than U.S. Border? |

'Fast and Furious' Border Battle--Michael A. Walsh -

Porn Star -- I Was Hillary Clinton's Intern! |

Does The New ‘White House Rural Council’ = UN’s Agenda 21? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Hawaii Dem Governor Awards Cronies $186,000 Contract — State Loses $90,000 | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Muslim Woman Lies to Authorities, Then Allegedly Uses Burqa to Escape Jail Time | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Update: Police Question Pakistani Girl’s Suicide Vest Story | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Amish Man Busted for Allegedly ‘Sexting’ Explicit Pics, Video to a 12-Year-Old Girl | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

FBI Launches PSA to Locate Fugitive Mob Boss’ Girlfriend | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Feeling the Heat in DC: Congressional Approval Rate Drops to 17%, Obama 47% | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Senate Unanimously Approves Leon Panetta to be Next Pentagon Chief | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Cynthia McKinney Claims the US Does Not Have Free Education Which Is Why Libya Is a Much Better Place to Live | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Fareed Zakaria Suggests U.S. Take a Cue From Iceland: Change the Constitution | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Jon Stewart Debunked: Claim that FOX News Viewers ‘Most Consistently Misinformed’ is ‘False’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Michael Moore Filmmaker and Heart Reader Says It’s Cool When Obama Ignores Lawyers to Start a War Because His Heart Is in the Right Place | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Liberal Columbia Professor Keeps Job Despite Pleading Guilty to Incest Charge | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

The BPA File(

*National Anxiety Center - The Enemies of Meat

National Anxiety Center - The Subversion of Education in America

How Did 2011 Go So Wrong? America's Two-Speed Recovery - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

REED: Revolutionizing education, Hoosier-style - Washington Times

Huntsman Announces Candidacy for President -

RealClearPolitics - Is Jon Huntsman the Next Ronald Reagan, or the Next Pete Wilson?

Welcome back, Keith Olbermann - Keith Olbermann -

Is Jon Stewart Correct that Fox News Viewers Are "the most consistently misinformed media viewers"? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Debt Ceiling Hostage Update | The New Republic

RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

Five Points in Perry’s Favor - Article - National Review Online

RealClearPolitics - No One Is Above the Law

Does Texas Governor Rick Perry Hate Washington Too Much to Run for President? -- New York Magazine

RealClearPolitics - "How Do You Get Cool Back Into This?"

Alan Blinder: The GOP Myth of 'Job-Killing' Spending -

Dean Baker: The Endgame on the Debt Ceiling

RealClearPolitics - Support for Nation-Building Fades in GOP

The State of ObamaCare - HUMAN EVENTS

Scholars: Obama evaded legal rules on Libya - politics - White House -

RealClearPolitics - For Obama and Mayors, It's All About Jobs -- And Limited Cuts

Jon Huntsman Presidential Campaign: Hype or Real Deal? | Swampland

Comparison of the Media Coverage on Rick Perry and Jon Huntsman

Ethanol Subsidies: Senate Votes to Sacrifice a Sacred Cow - The Daily Beast

GOP Finds Its Voice -

The Libya stalemate -

Speaker Boehner under pressure from the right and the left on Libya policy -

GOP eyes tax breaks, loopholes - Richard E. Cohen -

House earmarks morph into ‘programmatic requests’ - The Washington Post

Supreme Court Blocks States' Greenhouse-Gas Suit -

China’s Doctrine of Indifference | The Diplomat

How Obama should handle Russia and the Putin factor - By Paul Bonicelli | Shadow Government

War Powers and Libya | Hoover Institution

Ahmadinejad vs. The Ayatollah | The National Interest

The Middle East’s Slow-Motion Revolution - Prince El Hassan bin Talal - Project Syndicate

Rabbi Adam Jacobs: Why You Don't Understand the Bible

Miss USA contest evolves: 'Huge science geek' wins - Faith & Reason

Chilean TV covers Bilderberg 2011 and Rockefeller’s interest in the region Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

+Gerald Celente: Everything is Not All Right, And Things Are Going to Get Worse Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

+Al Gore branches out into population control theory Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Fear of Terror Makes People Stupid Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Fukushima ‘still a ticking time bomb’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

U.S. building virtual Internet as cyberattack testbed | Security - CNET News

» Obama: The Baby Silencer Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Fareed Zakaria: Dump the Constitution Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Corporate Offshoring Has Ruined Income and Employment Prospects for America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

In Libya, Scores of U.S. Airstrikes Followed Handoff to NATO -

» Internal IMF Audit Finds Bailout Fund Has Zero Credibility Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Implant Chip Controls The Brain Allowing Thoughts, Memory And Behavior To Be Transferred

Google launches me on the web privacy tool- The Inquirer


No Privacy on Amazon’s Cloud Drive | ZDNet

Obama Expected To Announce Afghanistan Troop Reduction

GOP on Libya and Afghanistan: Republican Party splitting over U.S. role -


* - Search the Web


Huntsman joins GOP race with pledge of civility -

Taliban behind most Afghan civilian casualties -

New combination of drugs offers hope for hepatitis C -

FDA issues graphic cigarette labels -

Defunding efforts cause cuts at Planned Parenthood -

College entrance exam ATC's validity questioned -

Mexican authorities: Top cartel leader captured -

McCain, Graham show courage on Libya -

Texas Woman Chases Men Trying to Steal Beer From Walmart -

Prosecutors Raise Possibility Casey Anthony Stole Accidental Drowning Defense From Jailmate -

Dozens of Al Qaeda Militants Escape From Prison in Yemen -

Obama's Commerce Pick Criticizes Federal Fight With Boeing -

Michelle Obama to African youths: Yes, you can - politics - White House -

Gov't: No quick fix for leaky nuclear reactors - CBS News

Gore: Obama has failed on global warming - CBS News

Can you tell the autopen from Obama's real signature? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Picasso donation raises millions for research - World - CBC News

Officials: 40 al-Qaida militants escape Yemen jail - World news - Mideast/N. Africa -

Report: Mexico catches leader of La Familia cartel -

World's Oldest Woman Dies Weeks Shy of 115th Birthday -

Anthony prosecutor: Jailmate's child died in pool - US news - Crime & courts -

Millions in middle-class could get Medicaid - Health - Health care -

Sheriff: Ariz. fire likely set by Mexicans - Weather -

High gasoline prices to cut July 4 travel: AAA | Reuters

Sonia Sotomayor discusses her diabetes with children's group -

Leon Panetta confirmed as Defense secretary -

George W. Bush Among Rangers Fans Who Break Guinness World Record -

Homeland Security Is Big Business and Growing -

Farmers, ethanol makers likely OK with no subsidy -

Army Anti-Drug Leader Suspended After Drug Charge in Pennsylvania -

Chicago to host NATO summit next year on Afghanistan -

Transocean report pins oil spill blame on BP -

Al Qaeda at work in Libyan city of Derna? - CBS News

Northwest U.S. gains rep as hotbed for radicals - CBS News

Should Casey Anthony testify? -

How about $23 billion in mouse clicks? | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

Cosmic Log - Is the smart grid too smart for us?

Digital Life - 90-year-old weds beau met on

Brainy parrot can think like a 4-year-old - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

No Cyber Warfare Between U.S. and China, Chinese Official Says -

Humans May Have 'Magnetic' Sixth Sense -

Archaeologists Uncover Ruins of Crusader City -

Raytheon to Shield Helicopters With Lasers -

A Brief History of the LulzSec Hackers -

First Clown in Space Shares Photos From Space Visit -

How the Web's Relationship With Anonymity Has Changed - Slashdot

FBI Seizes Servers In Virginia - Slashdot

Best Buy Releases Their Own Music Cloud - Slashdot

PEOPLE Cover Story: Why Casey Anthony Could Go Free :

Did Hollywood Walk of Fame Goof on Jennifer Aniston's Star? - E! Online

Hong Kong boy dies of mutated scarlet fever - Health - CBC News

Job Stress and Your Heart: Cutting Your Risk

As Diabetes Increases, So Does Kidney Disease

Tips for Reaping the Benefits of Whole Grains

Hammocks Help You Sleep

Dishwasher Fungus Alarms Scientists -

Octomom's Fertility Doc Moves to Keep License -

Herbs in the News -

You can't keep breast implants for life, FDA says | Reuters

Doctors seek standardized patient records | Reuters

Living large? 31 ginormous goods for plus-size people Pictures - CBS News

USA has title of oldest person again with death of Brazilian | News Bizarre | - Houston Chronicle

2 dinosaur skeletons sell for $2.75 million in Dallas | News Bizarre | - Houston Chronicle

YouTube - America is Becoming Nazi Germany of The 21st Century - Alex Jones Tv 1/3

YouTube - America is Becoming Nazi Germany of The 21st Century - Alex Jones Tv 2/3

YouTube - America is Becoming Nazi Germany of The 21st Century - Alex Jones Tv 3/3

Mystery City Skyline, Mountains Appear in Middle of China River – Video - Earth Changes and the Pole Shift

China Mirage City: Hologram, Project Blue Beam? – Video

China's 'two suns' video unexplained by science | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Holograms in the Sky Caused by Project BlueBeam | Lies They Tell Us

Weather Facts: Mirages - Weather UK -


“This Is Not A Program to Salvage the [Greek] Economy, It’s a Program for Pillage Before Bankruptcy”

flashback:Washington's Blog:No Wonder the Eurozone is Imploding

flashback:Washington's Blog:It's Not the "Great Recession". It's the Great BANK ROBBERY

6-16-11/Washington's Blog:America Is Being Raped ... Just Like Greece and Other Countries

flashback:Washington's Blog:Capitalism, Socialism or Fascism?


Geithner: We Need ‘Revenue Increases;' Cutting Deficit by Spending Cuts Alone 'Irresponsible' |

YouTube - Timothy Geithner Explains A Deal to Raise the Debt Ceiling

Greek Streets 'Explosive' as PM Faces Confidence Vote - CNBC

“Kinetic Military Action” or War – Libyans are Still Dead


*Presenting Obama’s Latest $50,000 Non-Recourse, Interest-Free Gift To “Troubled” Homeowners


*HUD Emergency Homeowner Loan Program (EHLP)


+EHLP Area Median Income Limits | HUD USER


- $1 Billion in Homeowner Aid Offered -


*Minister Farrakhan: “That’s A Murderer In The White House!”

Brian Haw Tribute : Jan 7th 1949 – June 18th 2011 RIP

Internet body throws open domain names | Reuters


- Final Solution: alarmist wants sceptics to gas themselves

Carbon tax sideshow must stop | Herald Sun

Carbon monoxide poisoning - Wikipedia


*Saving the world and the ocean, one activist opinion at a time – another NGO flap, this one duped global media


BBC News - World's oceans in 'shocking' decline



*State of the Ocean(

+State of the - Solutions: New Report: International Earth System expert workshop on ocean impacts and stresses


Nuclear Reactor Design Chosen – Not Because It Was Safe – But Because It Worked On Navy Submarines

Snow Falling in Colorado on Eve of Northern Hemisphere’s Summer Solstice - Bloomberg

America’s Latest Proposal To Deal With Its Insolvency And Pursue Stealth Dollar Devaluation: Change The CPI

NYT: F.B.I. seizes web servers, knocks sites offline - Technology & science - The New York Times -

Obama Gets 30% of Americans Certain to Support Re-Election in Economy Poll - Bloomberg

14 Reasons Why Rick Perry Would Be A Really, Really Bad President

Air passenger data deal 'illegal', EU lawyers say - Telegraph

YouTube - JAK Bank Report Part 1/4 - Ethics -

YouTube - JAK Bank Report Part 2/4 - Technics -

YouTube - JAK Bank Report Part 3/4 - Loans to members -

YouTube - JAK Bank Report Part 4/4 - Support Saving/JAK Diffusion -

The Intercept: Health Canada Refuses to Test for Radiation

Activist Post: GM Milk and the Rise of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

President Assad Focuses on Dialogue in key Speech | Intifada Palestine

‘American Exceptionalism’ Just More NWO Rhetoric -

Italy breaks ranks over NATO's Libya mission - Yahoo! News

Obama: Israel, US stalwart allies - Israel News, Ynetnews

Vatican concerned about monks, not sex - English

Oh Dude!' - Video Shows American Slaughter of Civilians in Fallujah - Salem-News.Com

Bullion Blows-up Banksters

A Voice In The Wilderness: Under Food Tyranny – E.Coli The New Terrorist Threat

South Park Explains The AIG Bailout - Home - The Daily Bail

*flashback:'07/Chicago activists doubt Obama's explanation on questionnaire - Ben Smith -

Why We Need a Second Party :

Activist Post: Agenda 21 Indoctrination Going Global at Warp Speed

Three Mile Island Meltdown May Have Led to Rise in Miscarriages, Still Births, Down Syndrome Children : TreeHugger

Surprise! TSA Is Searching Your Car, Subway, Ferry, Bus, AND Plane | Mother Jones

3-'10/Hey! The Gig Is UP! Federal Reserve Act Has a Backout Clause | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty

Rochester Police Arrest Woman For Videotaping Them From Her Front Yard | Pixiq

PressTV - 'Each day 18 US war vets commit suicide'

Max Keiser At Syntagma Square: "The Tear Gas Didn't Do Jack, Greece Is Under IMF Bankster Occupation" (VIDEO) - Home - The Daily Bail

J.P. Morgan fined by SEC over mortgage securities - MarketWatch

HSBC to wind down U.S. card unit if no buyer found | Reuters

The Pyramid of North Dakota located in Nekoma, North Dakota, US | Atlas Obscura | Curious and Wondrous Travel Destinations


+Ron Paul Issues Statement on ATF Gun Scandal - 12160

+Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "I Want To Legalize Freedom! What's Wrong With That?"


Revolutionary Politics : Al-Qaeda "Not The Primary Threat" To Yemen But Upset Factions; Houthis Are Not Al-Qaeda

Revolutionary Politics : "These Wars Are Not Making Us Safer! And People Don't Believe They're Making Us Safer!"

Revolutionary Politics : Michele Bachmann Caught Using Taxpayer Dollars On Her Rallies!

Revolutionary Politics : "We're Turning Into A Third World Country! Where A Few Rich People Get ALL The Benefits!"

Kerry and McCain Introduce Resolution to Legitimize Invasion of Libya - The Chinese Government Is Buying Up Economic Assets And Huge Tracts Of Land All Over The United States - Corporate-funded "People's" Movement: Globalist puppets and their army of dupes


The Handbook of Human Ownership : Deadline Live With Jack Blood


*1:33:18/YouTube - The Handbook of Human Ownership - A Manual for New Tax Farmers


Conspiracy Theory – By Paul Craig Roberts : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Self Immolation in the First World? : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

The Handbook of Human Ownership : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Unasur Forecast Greater Role For Latin America In New International Order -

Mission accomplished: thanks to LulzSec, draconian cybersecurity gains support -

10 Signs That Nazis Run America -

Bigger than Blackwater: Arming the UAE | FPIF

Krokodil: The drug that eats junkies - Europe, World - The Independent

Drone Copter is NATO’s First Combat Casualty in Libya | Danger Room |

When Secret Sats Spy on Us, Monsieur Legault Spies Back | Danger Room |

AP IMPACT: Tritium leaks found at many nuke sites - Yahoo! News

F.B.I. Seizes Web Servers, Knocking Sites Offline -

Attacking Libya -- and the Dictionary

NATO, The Ultimate Transformer

Lapdogging For The US

The Plan to Destabilize Syria

Turkey to Take in NATO Ground Forces

Turkish Actions Designed To Trigger NATO Confrontation With Syria?

America: Get Out of Iraq Before It’s Too Late

New National Assembly to Bring Troops Home Now

Everything We're Doing Now Was Planned BEFORE 9/11

Be Watchful: U.S. Might Be “Fleecing the Flock”

Iceland Declares Independence from International Banks

Lithuania approves compensation for confiscated property | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

APNewsBreak: A twist in Obama's health care law - Yahoo! News

Is Social Security an investment Ponzi scheme? -

Pentagon gets cyberwar guidelines - Yahoo! News

After 17 years, Pentagon renovation is complete - The Washington Post

Critic of ATF gun-trafficking program raised no objection when briefed last year - The Washington Post

Government layoffs slow cities' recoveries | Reuters

BBC News - Bitcoin 'will recover' from crash

Silicon Startup Unveils Groundbreaking Camera -

The Military as a Jobs Program: There are More Efficient Ways to Stimulate the Economy

Globalization And Its Consequences

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) versus Bliderberg: Where are Real Decisions Being Made?

Nebraska Nuclear Threat: As Predictable as Fukushima

Killing Democracy One File at a Time: Justice Department Loosens FBI Domestic Spy Guidelines

Radiation and Nuclear Powers Stations

Europe and America: The Global Debt Crisis

California's Prison System

US Mayors Pass First Anti-War Resolution Since 1971 – The Organizers Back Story

Foreign Policy Experts Urge House Republicans to Support U.S. Operations in Libya

The New FBI Powers: Cointelpro on Steroids - informationliberation

Elijah Cummings Asks Darrell Issa Why It Is Taking So Long To Subpoena The Big Banks On Fraudclosure | zero hedge

Frosty Wooldridge -- Free trade destroying American workers

Army Gets How-To Guide for Zombie Invasion | Danger Room |

Greg Evensen -- Darkness Descends: The Light of Truth Will Shine on

Articles: The Muslim Brotherhood and Weiner

Robert Hastings: Unidentified Aerial Object Sighted During October 2010 Nuclear Missile Incident -- TAOS, N.M., June 20, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --




HubbleSite:HST's Greatest Hits 1990-1995


Medicare Officials: Health Care Law Lets Early Retirees Qualify for Medicaid -

12 Things That The Mainstream Media Is Being Strangely Quiet About Right Now

The Daily Bell - Federal Reserve 'Embeds' Employees in Banks

War on the Southern Border » Publications » Family Security Matters

Getting Ready for the Next Big Solar Storm - NASA Science

Italy Demands Immediate End to Libyan War

Fire Scout Down: US Loses Surveillance Drone Over Libya

New York Fed Refuses to Reveal How Much Cash Was Sent to Iraq

New Defense Secretary: Panetta Clears Senate 100-0

Obama's Task: Maintaining Support for Afghan War

Iraqi-Iranian Border Demarcation in Process

Jewish Umbrella Group Slams US Over Pollard

Poll: Most Pakistanis Disapproved of US Attack to Kill bin Laden

Pakistani Army Brigadier Arrested Over Suspected Links With Islamist Radicals

Richard Engel of NBC News Calls the War on Terrorism 'A War of Fear'

Lockheed May Tempt India With Stealth F-35 to Rejoin $11 Billion Bidding

*Audio:Lew Rockwell: The Criminal Conduct of the US State

Modern Day Enslavement

President Ron Paul’s Likely Supreme Court Nominations by Walter Block

Racial Racketeering for Fun and Profit: The Southern Poverty Law Center Scam by Thomas DiLorenzo

If the Dollar Goes, What Happens to Your Portfolio? by Jeff Clark

Revolution in Libya and the CIA by Michael S. Rozeff

**ALIPAC - WARNING: Obama Issues Executive Order Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

On Killing Robots with Guns | Before It's News

NASA Spacecraft Reveals Moon As Never Before | NASA & Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter | The Moon & Lunar Exploration |

New Agers, neo-pagans gather at Stonehenge for summer solstice - The Washington Post

ONE The Event launches on 9/11 to help transform fear into love

YouTube - 9/11 10th Anniversary

*President Eisenhower Had Knowledge of UFOs During WWII. | Before It's News

YouTube - UFO Secrets of WW2 - President Eisenhower Briefing Paper

Humans And Aliens Have Been In Contact For Thousands of Years. | Before It's News


*1:59:27/YouTube - UFO Secret - Alien Contacts - Feature Length


- Montauk Project: New Film Takes On Allegations Of Mind Control, Time Travel And Alien Encounters At Military Base | Before It's News

*The Orion Conspiracy: "The Only New Things are Those Which have Been Forgotten" | Before It's News

Comet Elenin Earth Pole Shift 2011, Page 2 of 2 - Associated Content from Yahoo! -


(43 min)YouTube - Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura Apocalypse 2012 FULL LENGTH


Feds nab 2,400 in illegal immigrant sting -

Pine Bark Naturally Improves Heart Function Shows Study | Before It's News

Strawberries Boost Red Blood Cells | Before It's News

Humans Have a Lot in Common with Elephants, 40-Year Study Finds | Before It's News

Cat Barks Like a Dog When No One's Watching | Before It's News

Free Service Connects Patient Portals and EHR Systems to Online Health Information | Before It's News

Gold Nanoparticles A Cancer Spotter, Helps Earlier Diagnosis Of Liver Cancer | Before It's News

A Nuclear-Free Future For America | Before It's News

Monckton goes Godwin | Before It's News

China Warns U.S. To Stay Out Of Sea Dispute | Before It's News

The Wonderful World of Web 2.0 | Before It's News

Oceans in Distress Foreshadow Mass Extinction | Before It's News

Phantom Limbs That Can Pass Through The Body | Before It's News

Source For Generating 'Green' Electricity Discovered by University Of Minnesota Engineering Researchers | Before It's News

World’s First Aircraft With Serial Hybrid Electric Drive | Before It's News

Utah Man Accused Of Eating Live Baby Rat | Before It's News

How to Add Digital Copies of a DVD to Your iPhone | Before It's News

Proof: Chemspray Jet Caught In Air | Before It's News

Peak Oil Supply Constraints and Abiogenic Oil | Before It's News

Backyard Bushcraft - The Backyard Assassin | Before It's News


*1:37:46/YouTube - What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length)

*1:02:47/YouTube - College Conspiracy

*1:14:41/YouTube - Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America

*(60 min)YouTube - Charlotte Iserbyt: Societies Secrets


YouTube - Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order


**Rep. Ron Paul issues campaign pledges | The State Column

Rep. Ron Paul signs anti-abortion pledge | The State Column


Postal Service, ‘Hanging by a Thread,’ Suspends Retirement Contributions

Some Middle Class Couples Qualify for Medicaid Because of Obamacare Glitch

Obama Troop Withdrawal Not Expected to Be Significant

Terry Jeffrey: The Dirty Little Secret of the Debt Limit

Restricting Food Ads Aimed at Kids Will Harm ‘Multiple Sectors of Economy,’ Advertisers Say

Clinton Finally Expresses ‘Support’ for Saudi Women Drivers

ATF Hosts Its First 'Gay Pride' Observance

Michelle Malkin: Jon Huntsman Is McCain on Wheels

Issa: ATF Chief Should Go But Higher Ups Also Culpable

Obama Omits ‘Creator’ When Citing ‘Inalienable Rights’ of LGBTs

AZ Sheriff: Why More Troops at Korean Border Than U.S. Border?

McCain Stands by Statement That Illegal Aliens Have Set Wildfires in AZ

EPA ‘Masquerading Propaganda as Facts’ in Support of Clean Air Act Provisions, Expert Says

U.N. Human Rights Council Rejects U.S. Attempts to ‘Improve It From Within’

Bachmann: Obama ‘Has Failed the African American Community’ and Hispanic Community

Huntsman: 'Healthy Dose of Nation-Building' Needed

Obama’s Commerce Dept. Nominee Criticizes NLRB Fight With Boeing

N.J. Gov. Christie Won’t Say Whether He Supports Adoption for Same-Sex Couples

APNewsBreak: Gingrich Campaign Finance Team Quits

New Rules From Obama’s Labor Board Will Speed Up Union Elections

Pope-Mobile Going Green?

Michelle Obama, Family, Meet With Nelson Mandela

Coming Soon to the Internet: The Dot-Whatever Address

Chicago Commuter Train Passengers Stranded 5 Hours

Federal Appeals Court Considers Arizona's Proof-of-Citizenship Voter Law

Al Gore Faults Obama on Global Warming

US Airways Lets Man in Women's Panties Fly

Nearly 2,000 pounds of pot found in Arizona

NCAA drug testing shows increase in pot use

Recall elections surge in local and state governments

Poll: 3 in 10 sure they'll vote for Obama

'Roots of Bachmann’s Ambition Began at Home'

Reps. Cantor, Camp reject McConnell's pitch of a short-term hike to debt ceiling

N.Y. atheists angry over 'Heaven' Street sign honoring 9-11 victims

Mitt Romney to skip July Vegas debate, do six forums through October

Arizona's plan to repeal clean-car program criticized by activists

City to consider repealing 2008 car-impound initiative aimed at illegal immigrants

Prosecutors suggest Casey Anthony stole accidental drowning defense from jailmate

7-Year-Old Driving 50 mph Just Wanted to See His Dad

15-year-old girl, her sick dog killed after taking family minivan

Gingrich had second line of credit at Tiffany’s for as much as $1 million

Top-secret clearance checks falsified

Environmentalists push to keep U.S., others from oil drilling in Arctic

Video:Fault Lines - Mexico: Impunity and profits

IBOPE Zogby/Newsmax Poll: Both Christie, Perry Trounce Romney

Romney, Huntsman Vie for Mormon Money

Record Political Ad Spending Expected in 2012

Obama Cuddles to Role as Baby Whisperer

Venezuelans Puzzle Over Chavez's Health

Limbaugh: Huntsman 'Obama's Ambassador'

Boehner: Obama Lacks House Support for Libya

Obama Likely to Bring 10K Troops Home

First Lady: Africa Must Advance Women's Rights

Do New Gory Tobacco Labels Go Too Far?

Fat Substitutes Actually May Make Us Fat

GOP: We Can Beat Obama — With Right Candidate

Obama May Lose Small Donors for 2012

WSJ: Fed Easing Wasn't Instant Economic Cure

Gasoline Prices Seen Staying Above $3 a Gallon

6 Ways to Save Your Memory

Voters Will Seek Real, Not Cosmetic, Change in 2012

McCain Gets It Wrong on GOP Isolationism

Don't Ignore 2012 Candidate Gary Johnson

A Constitutional Convention Is a Bad Idea

Bachmann, Pawlenty, and the '20,000 Millionaires' Myth

US First Lady Calls Africa's Youth to Action

Slack Economy for US, but Growing War Costs

Obama Describes Situation in Sudan's S. Kordofan State as 'Dire'

China's Communist Party Announces More Crackdowns on Corrupt Officials

Corruption Puts Kenya’s Educational Funding at Risk

Top US Court Rules States Can't Sue Utilities Over Emissions

WHO: First Global Public Health Guidelines Issued to Reduce HIV Among Gay Men, Transgender People

New Internet Name Rule Opens Door to Huge Changes

‘I Speak for Myself’ – US Muslim Women Tell Their Stories

Religious Right Seeks Comeback in 2012, Though Economic Issues Dominate

Activist Post: Fed speaks again as weak indicators cloud outlook

U.S. is worse than Greece | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Activist Post: Be Free of Your Rights, Even Liberated From Life: Agenda 21 Comes Calling

Activist Post: Corporate-funded "People's" Movement

Activist Post: Solar Activity Intensifying

Activist Post: GM Milk and the Rise of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

Activist Post: Bill would approve US role in Libya retroactively

Activist Post: Texas Senator Compares TSA Fight To Revolutionary War

Activist Post: Helicopter lost over Libya is new US drone: officials

Activist Post: The Indignity of Industrial Tomatoes

- Storm rips through Chicago area, leaves over 267,000 without power - Chicago Sun-Times


*YouTube - Life In A Day

The YouTube film that will have Hollywood quaking in its boots – Telegraph Blogs


The Food That Strengthens Your Muscles... by Joseph Mercola

5 Steps to Upgrading Your Business Casual Clothing | The Art of Manliness

Got Worms?, by Girl Raised in the South (GRITS) -

From Papp to PlasmERG - The Convoluted History of the Noble Gas Engine

The Chinese Government Is Buying Up Economic Assets And Huge Tracts Of Land All Over The United States : News Article: Gates: U.S. Committed to Robust Presence in East Asia

NATO: Compound Attack in Libya Was 'Legitimate'

NATO Loses Unmanned Helicopter Over Libya

Thousands Rally in Support of Syrian President

London Closely Watching Obama’s Afghanistan Moves

In Afghanistan, Bickering Hints At Deepening Rift

Pakistani scholars declare suicide attacks anti-Islam

China Warns Vietnam of Possible Military Response

Al-Qaida’s Business Savvy Sows Uncertain Future

US, Japan Agree to Drop Base Relocation Deadline

Ban Ki-moon appointed UN SG for 2nd term

China, Libyan Rebels Hold More Talks

Moscow calls for political pressure on Syria

Yemeni president in good health, receives visitors

Pakistani Army Officer Detained for Links to Banned Group

Iran Nuclear Chief and IAEA Head Hold Talks

Iran to launch new satellites into space

US-Japan Basing Plan in Doubt Amid High-Level Talks

U.S. Expert Says Robots Are Changing The Face Of War

Russia blasts U.S. Navy maneuvers near Georgia

China will make efforts to enhance military ties with India

India to get Nerpa Akula-II N-submarine this year

India Puts Security, Trade With Burma Ahead of Democracy

$215mln to build new Chernobyl sarcophagus

100 Days -

The U.S. in Afghanistan: No End in Sight - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - McCain Is Wrong: GOP Not Isolationist

RealClearPolitics - Huntsman: Future Hinges on Economic Issues, Not Terror Fight

Jon Huntsman’s first step toward oblivion - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - Palin Bus Tour Takes Extended Pit Stop

Marta Mossburg: Reverend Wright brings his anti-American crusade to Baltimore -

Anwar al-Awlaki: The Next Bin Laden: Newsmakers: GQ

RealClearScience - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

Climate of Denial | Rolling Stone Politics

Runaway Agency - The Editors - National Review Online

A Phony Tale Of Woe -

Capital punishment in California: Too costly, too unjust -

RealClearPolitics - A Twist in Obama's Health Care Law

Another 'Jobs bill' sinks after Senate vote - The Hill's Floor Action

Can Barack Obama cash in on small donors? - Ben Smith and Maggie Haberman -

Tax Writers Caution That Raising Revenue Now Could Hurt Tax Overhaul Later - Bloomberg

RealClearPolitics - Efforts to Avoid a Summer of Blood

RealClearWorld - How to Handle the Infuriating Hamid Karzai

Obama’s Illiberal Foreign Policy - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online

Saints Go Marching In | The National Interest

China’s Libya Connection Shows New Kind of Foreign Policy - The Daily Beast

Central America drug trafficking: Central America needs aid and tough love to help fight organized crime -

Pakistan's Army Chief Faces Criticisms from All Fronts - TIME

Pakistan's risky China card | The Japan Times Online

Morocco's plan for reforms leaves the king's power intact - The National

North Korea's economy: Exogenous zones | The Economist

The danger of Netanyahu's new settlement policy - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

In U.S., 22% Are Hesitant to Support a Mormon in 2012

Opinion: Jon Huntsman: Defining 'conservative' - Daniel Allott -

Heard the one about the pope? Sadly, yes | Patrick McKearney | Comment is free |

Newspaper requires 10 percent tithe » GetReligion

Finding faith: When journalists cover religion | Deseret News

It's Called Control | Sex |

Will the Arab Spring bring U.S.-style “culture wars” to the Middle East? | FaithWorld

Mormon Irrationality? A Case in Point | Philosophical Fragments

RNS Feature: "All Southern Baptist eyes on black New Orleans pastor"

Big society needs big religion - Philosophy and Life

Area 51: the plane truth - Telegraph

The Light Fantastic - Magazine - The Atlantic

The Most Likely Climate Disasters On The Horizon | Fast Company

The easiest math conjecture it took 74 years to prove

Do Any Science Publishers Care About Scientists?

Failure in Science, Quantified - ScienceInsider

The scientific method | COSMOS magazine

Trial of anti-aphid GM wheat awaits government green light | Environment |

Shaved bat wings show sensory hairs help manage flight

The Top Ten Deadliest Animals of Our Evolutionary Past | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine

Connecting the dots - ScienceWise - ANU

Working in harmony - MIT News Office

Driving Seems to Cause More Left-Sided Skin Cancer: Study - Technorati Lifestyle

Survival of the weakest? Bacteria develop restraint for survival in a rock-paper-scissors community

Russell Roberts: Obama vs. ATMs—Why Technology Doesn't Destroy Jobs -

Orszag: Wi-Fi Scale Adds to America’s Class Divide - Bloomberg

Obama Didn't Save Union Jobs, He Saved Union Pay -

The Real U.S. Fiscal Crisis Is Joblessness - BusinessWeek

The ‘grand bargains’ that aren’t - The Washington Post

Probing The Limits Of Federal Revenue -

Who really benefited from QE2 anyway? Brett Arends' ROI - MarketWatch

Trouble ahead for 'risk-free' Treasury bonds- MSN Money

Media Recast The Crisis Villains -

RealClearMarkets - The U.S. Trade Agenda: Comedy, Tragedy, or Thriller?

Subprime God John Paulson Flees Muddy Waters: William Pesek - Bloomberg

Another Look At America’s Housing Shortage | ThinkProgress

Are There Too Many Homes in America? - Megan McArdle - Business - The Atlantic

Where are the White House's Solar Panels? | Mother Jones

David Stockman: Unfiltered - CNBC

‘Rich’ Europe vs ‘poor’ America - Fundmastery Blog - MarketWatch

Obama, ATMs And Rage Against The Rise Of Machines - Matt Kibbe - Why Freedom Works - Forbes

Euro: Safer than the U.S. Dollar?

From A Great Overheating to a New Normal _062111[1].pdf (application/pdf Object)

Young couple Erica Huerta and Steven Douglas arrested for 'having sex on beach in front of 50 holidaymakers' | Mail Online

June 22, 2011 Gore promoting fewer children to curb pollution

Al Gore voices left's climate grumbling - Darren Samuelsohn -

Poll: 44% of Americans Worse Off Under Obama - Bloomberg

Obama versus Osama: guess who the Egyptians prefer? - By Colum Lynch | Turtle Bay

Post office suspends retirement contributions

Tobey Maguire Sued Over Multi-Million Dollar Illegal Poker Game; DiCaprio, Affleck & Damon Involved | Radar Online

First Read - CBO: Government faces fiscal crisis over borrowing

Thousands Without Power In Cranberry Twp. « CBS - Flash Player Installation

Why the Jobs Situation Is Worse Than It Looks - US News and World Report

Climate of Denial | Rolling Stone Politics

Md. Scientists Unlock Secrets Of Planet Mercury - Flash Player Installation

Israeli leaders test nuclear bunker in defense drill - Yahoo! News

House arrest keeps Tierney’s wife from rep’s fund-raiser -

Arvada woman says Martha Stewart table exploded for no reason - KDVR

Chinese find 55ft 'sea monster' | The Sun |News

Detroit Neighborhood: John Conyers House is an Eyesore

My Life As an Undocumented Immigrant -

Corps caught in the middle

Streets Around White House Locked Down As Security Checks Suspicious Truck - Political Punch

Man Shot, Killed at U.S.-Mexico Border | NBC San Diego

AUDIO: Jumbo Jets in Near Miss at JFK | NBC New York

Feds crack down on campus flirting and sex jokes | Michael Barone | Politics | Washington Examiner

Scantily Clad Man Flew US Airways Before SFO Sa - Flash Player Installation

Top-secret clearance checks falsified - Washington Times

Cash buyers are kings in weak home-sales market -

60 al Qaeda Prisoners Escape From Yemeni Jail

King Co. requires life vests for swimmers, floaters -

Cook taxpayers owe $108 billion, county Treasurer Pappas says: Greg Hinz | Greg Hinz | Blogs | Crain's Chicago Business

ATF operation sends guns to Mexican drug dealers--Editorial -

Florida Congressman Faces New Ethics Review -

NASA Scientist Accused of Using Celeb Status Among Environmental Groups to Enrich Himself -

Jacob Zuma snubs Michelle Obama during First Lady's South Africa visit - Telegraph

China wants to construct a 50 square mile self-sustaining city south Of Boise, Idaho | Freepressers

Pajamas Media » Revealed: Weiner’s In-Laws’ Secret Muslim Brotherhood Connections

Bye bye white (and black) America: Make way for Latinos, Asians | Freepressers

Scholars: Obama evaded legal rules on Libya - politics - White House -


*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 21st, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 21st, 2011

+The Alex Jones Show – June 21st, 2011


*2 Part/Gerald Celente: Everything is Not All Right, And Things Are Going to Get Worse |

YouTube - 6/21/11 Warning Labels, Free facebook speech for students, Guilty until proven innocent?

What happened to this battery? |

+ 'The Big Lie': 9/11 Truther Comic Book To Be Released (VIDEO)

Taibbi: U.S. Finances 'Similar' to Russian Politics | Arts & Ideas | The Moscow Times

*Sky-Lift (FEMA Style) Guard Towers At Wal-Mart Locations and X-Ray Vans |

*ALERT: Job Screening Agency Archiving All Facebook [UPDATED]


+Radiation News 6-21-11 |


Ban the Burqa

Clinton Unzipped: One of the Worst Presidents Ever

Obama Era Economic Stagnation Explained by Lemonade and Cookies

Questioning Michele Bachmann's Foster Parent Claims

Obama's Grand Illusion

The Purposeful Flooding of America's Heartland

'Peace Flotilla' = Radical Left + Islamic Fascists

President 'words matter' Obama's doubletalk on Israel

The Full Biblical Monty

Bachmann surges into primary lead - Zogby

Federal Appeals Court's Decision Could Expand Affirmative Action, says Chief Judge

The Flotilla's useful idiots

Not another Texan? How about not another Ivy League Lawyer?

California's Controller: 'The Legislature will forfeit their pay'

The 'Real' Tax Rates on Top Earners

The Democrats' Recall Bomb

Is Another Shoe Yet to Drop in Opinion-gate?

The Coming Fall of the Teachers' Unions

Science and Smear Merchants

Mixing up Mamet, Hayek, Hitchens, and Sowell

Is Obama's Libyan Attack Legal or Not?

Republicans Flicker On Light Bulb Ban Repeal

Twenty-Nine Reasons to Be Angry And/Or Scared

The Insolvency Index

China's Counterfeit Economy: The Hidden Global Threat

More Enviro-Anomalies

Obama Selling Out Our Allies

Dodd-Frank is a Joke on Executive Pay

Gold Hits All-Time High in British Pounds

Time for the Religious Right to be felt

The Fed is Powerless

Technocracy Isn’t Policy

Encountering Heaven and the Afterlife

Renewable Energy

Up from the ground, came a bunch of millionaires

Sheriff Asks: Why 28,000 Troops in South Korea, Yet Just 1,200 at U.S.-Mexico Border?

Obama’s ineligibility: Congress says al-Qaida terrorist can be President

Obama’s ineligibility: We now have elective despotism

What Authority Justifies Obama’s Actions in Libya?

U.S., China, Taiwan and a bitter irony

Testosterone vs. Estrogen: Feminists examine evil and good

‘Fertility Management’: Al Gore Calls on Women to Have Fewer Children…to Curb Pollution | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

U.S. Border Agent Shoots Rock-Throwing Man Trying to Illegally Cross Border | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

MD Schools Will Now Require ‘Environmental Literacy’ to Graduate High School | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Beck’s Exact Warning: Not Random Lunatics, Dangerous Radical Left Coalitions; Farrakhan, Cynthia Mckinney,Ramsey Clark & Revolutionary Socialists, Working Together Against the ‘Imperialist’ ‘Terrorist’ ‘Racist’ ‘Enemy’ U.S. & Israel | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

7-Year-Old Leads Police on Wild Joyride After D - Flash Player Installation

California Mom Arrested After Baby Dies in Micr - Flash Player Installation

Homeless Man Granted Final, Dying Wish — To See His Dog Again | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Obama Signs Executive Order on How to Conduct Cyberwarfare | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Are You Ready For a World Governed by Islamic Law? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Anti-Capitalist Spaniards Took to the Streets…in Diapers | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Barbara Boxer Wants Taxpayers to Pay for Military Abortions | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Sailor Aboard Ship That Buried Bin Laden Speaks Out | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Did Facebook Lie? ‘Palestinian Third Intifada’ Page Alive and Well, Nearly Half Million Strong | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Hawaii Dem Governor Awards Cronies $186,000 Contract — State Loses $90,000 | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Which Former Governor and ‘12 Candidate Was the Most Successful Job Creator? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Would You Eat Artificial Meat? (And We’re Not Talking Tofu) | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Married Physics Professor Accused of Running Elaborate Prostitution Web Ring | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Does The New ‘White House Rural Council’ = UN’s Agenda 21? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Pictures Recovered After Camera Submerged in Ocean for 4 Years | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Roll Call: Bachmann Used House Funds To Pay For Tea Party Rally. Will We See A Media Feeding Frenzy? Of Course Not.

Purging Voter Rolls To Steal Election, 2012 Style

Watchdog Group CREW: Sen. Vitter Tried to 'Bribe' Sec. Ken Salazar With Pay Raise

Ron Paul insists he's not a fringe candidate

How Corporate America came to dominate our discourse

What? Medicare Expansions Under the ACA Help Seniors? Don't Tell Paul Ryan!

Keith Olbermann Returns to the Air and Gives His First Special Comment

Why Is There An American Media Blackout of the UK's News Corp. Eavesdropping Scandal?

Newt Gingrich's Top Campaign Fundraisers Quit!

Fox News Sunday edits out Jon Stewart criticizing Fox Execs over Bill Sammons email 'marching orders'

Markos Moulitsas to Olbermann: Scarborough is 'such a loser host'

Economist Jared Bernstein Schools Paul Ryan In His Voodoo Economics On CNBC: 'It's Class Warfare'

Jon Huntsman Makes It Official, Throws Hat In Ring For GOP Presidential Nomination

David Gergen Conflates Mitt Romney's Record on Job Creation With His Father's

The Last Word On Anthony Weiner...What He Did NOT Do

In PA, Gov. Tom Corbett Continues The GOP Stealth Attack On The Safety Net

NRSC, Helmed By John Cornyn, Fakes Twitter Posts To Make Democrats Look Bad

At NN11, DFA's Jim Dean Tells C&L Readers To Stay Involved

David Tyree Destroys His Super Bowl legacy Over Anti-Gay Marriage Tirade in NY

Big city got you down? Stress study may show why

Clinton: U.S. disappointed by Russian actions on PARNAS

Police take 2 from house near NY pharmacy killings

The Human Genome--Now on an iPad Near You

Senate moves to streamline confirmation process

Dollar rises against euro ahead of Fed decision

Deri announces his return to politics in next election

EU agrees to extend Syria curbs to include Iranians

Industrials lead US stocks higher

Orange juice soars to 4-year high

Okinawa airbase row takes new twist as US and Japan delay relocation

Libyan rebels in Misrata clamp down on foreign media

Syrian minister condemns EU sanctions

Eurozone resolution: relatively easy

Liberal Salon to Jon Stewart: ‘Actually, You Are an Activist’

Radar: Tobey Maguire, Affleck, Damon, DiCaprio Involved in Illegal Poker Games

Four Walling: ‘Fear of a Black Republican’ Tours the South

The Academy Partners with Fidel Tonight in Beverly Hills

Interview with Ben Shapiro, Analysis of Jon Stewart’s Fox New Appearance

Tracy Morgan’s Humiliating GLAAD Re-Education Tour … The Video!

Roger Ebert Backs Off ‘Unseemly’ Tweet About ‘Jackass’ Star’s Death

Jon Stewart’s Claim Fox News’ Viewers are Misinformed Isn’t His Only False Statement

‘The Undefeated’ Screens and Scores at Right Online Conference

Someone Needs to Tell Jon Stewart He’s Lying to Himself

Alan Binder Hearts Government Spending

Audio:TSA Wants to Search You Even When You’re Not in an Airport

McRomney, McHuntsman, and Four More Years of Obama

Obama Agencies Announce Massive Attack on American Job Creators

Farrakhan: Your Record, America, Stinks In The Eyes of God

Dems Gone Wild: Rep. Alcee Hastings Investigated for Sexual Harassment

Netroots, National Liberal Orgs, Focus on Wisconsin Recalls

Make Culture, Not Think Tanks

Liberate ATMs and Credit Unions to Jumpstart Jobs

Good Riddance…Obama’s Radical Safe Schools Czar Hits the Skids

Van Jones Mouthpiece Threatens Fox News Over Post-9/11 Rally Video Cheering Terror Attacks

Ayn Rand Was Right: Wealthy Are on Strike Against Obama

Obama NLRB Officially Goes Round The Bend

Resisting Temptation Over Libya

Audio:How Children Get Left Behind by Medicaid

DNC Fundraises from Inside the White House?

NLRB Moves to Speed Up Union Elections

General Motors Rapidly Becoming a Taxpayer-Funded, Disingenuous Leftist Entity

California District Mothballs Newly Built $105 Million School

Taxpayers’ Subsidization of Soros’ War on Fox, Conservatives

Fareed Zakaria’s GPS Needs Recalibrating

Admitted Communist Van Jones Sends ‘Cease and Desist’ Letter to FOX News

Jon Huntsman: What If They Gave A Candidate and Nobody Came?

What’s That Scent? Why, It’s the Grey Lady

Sound Bite For the Day: “Conservatives Now Resemble the Old Marxists”

Obama’s Biggest Gaffes – Or Biggest Media Gaffes?

Now That We’ve Read Palin’s Emails, How About Lauer’s?

Audio:What Is The ATF doing?

Assad Sees Writing on the Wall

After Gates’ Departure: the Increasing Radicalization of Obama’s Foreign Policy

Drawing Down Afghanistan

Palestinian Unity Announcement Canceled Over Hamas-Fatah Split

The Afghan Drawdown

Republicans, Beware: Don’t Cut and Run

Obama To Jewish Donors: I’m A Good Friend To Israel

Glen Campbell Reveals He Has Alzheimer's, Plots Farewell Tour - Spinner

APNewsBreak: A twist in Obama's health care law

Sources: Sept. 13 Election Likely for Weiner Seat | NBC New York

Controversial Safe Schools 'Czar' Calls It Quits - Interviews - Hannity -

Next-wave ethanol falls short in EPA's new 2012 fuel standards - The Hill's E2-Wire

President Obama, the human Rorschach test, faces his biggest challenge to date -

NPR Host Laughably Claims That 'Taliban Has Never Been an Enemy of the United States' |

U.S. tightens Libya sanctions; Key senators back Obama | Reuters

US military deaths in Iraq war at 4,463


DADT: Why I Question Repealing Morality, Part I

DADT: Why I Question Repealing Morality, Part II


22-Jun-11 World View......

21-Jun-11 World View......


*Blagojevich jurors to enter 8th day of deliberations; few clues into status of deliberations - The Washington Post

*Just what is going on with Blagojevich jurors? - Chicago Sun-Times


Fed lets bond-buying stimulus program expire amid weaker economic forecast -

German Companies Expect Euro Strength To Be Short-Lived - Survey -

Transocean blames BP's oil well design for Gulf of Mexico disaster - Telegraph

Yahoo looks into buying Hulu, but is Hulu for sale? -

Michael Jackson's former manager pleads guilty to tax charges -

High gas prices will cut July 4 travel, AAA says -

OIL FUTURES: Crude Ticks Higher After US Oil Inventories Fall -

Global support for nuclear energy drops after Fukushima | Reuters

Lytro: The Camera That Lets You Shoot Now, Focus Later | News & Opinion |

Teen Linked to Notorious Hacker Group Charged by UK Police -

Firefox Strategy Is a Recipe for Failure | PCWorld Business Center

Foursquare check-in service hits big but faces challenges -

Dropbox Security Bug Made Passwords Optional For Four Hours

$100,000 razor will last you a decade - Technology & science - Tech and gadgets - Luxury Tech -

Bitcoin exchange will recover from $9 million hack - International Business Times

Galactic Smash-Up Shows Where Dark Matter Goes | Wired Science |

Ryan Dunn Was 'A Normal Dude,' Neighbors Say - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV

J.K. Rowling to reveal secret of 'Pottermore' -

Tom Cruise Sings in Rock of Ages Movie :

Southwest pilot suspended for slur-laced rant on air-traffic frequency -

'Entourage' Creator Enlists Spike Lee, Mike Tyson for HBO Show |

La Toya Jackson Claims Brother Michael Was Murdered - Spinner

Saturn's 'Ice Queen' Moon Helene Shimmers in New Photo | Saturn's Moons & Helene | NASA & Cassini Mission |

Help Bring Back the Alien-Hunting SETI Telescopes | Wired Science |

The Archaeology News Network: ‘Brain surgery' during Harappan civilisation?

Moving mirrors make light from nothing : Nature News

Fried Kool-Aid hits County Fair circuit (Photos) - BlogPost - The Washington Post

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Argentina: Residents Terrified by "Striking Imp"

Newfound Comet Will Swing By Earth in 2013 | Comets & Asteroids | Oort Cloud & The Solar System |

Shrunken Head DNA Proves Horrific Folklore True : Discovery News

Sea monkeys from the future make deadly lovers | MNN - Mother Nature Network


Chicago aldermen balk at drug testing for city employees -

Storm rips through Chicago area, leaves over 250,000 without power - Chicago Sun-Times

Al-Qaida operative invested in Chicago brokerage house in 2005 - Chicago Tribune

CPS may grant residency waiver for high-ranking official -

Des Plaines cleans up, O'Hare catches up: Chicago area copes with storm's aftermath |

David Ormsby: $30 Million "Mistake" May Cost 20,000 Illinois Residents Mental Health Care Services

Mobbed-up thief Joseph Scalise targeted Daley pal, document says - Chicago Sun-Times

Police Bust Grow House, Arrest 4 On Drug Charges - Algonquin, IL Patch

Every Chicago household’s share of local govt. debt: $63,525 - Chicago Sun-Times

Casino set to open in Des Plaines - Chicago Sun-Times

Gaming Board chairman blasts casino expansion as 'garbage' - Chicago Tribune


Graphic cigarette labels, will they work? -

James Verone: Medical Motive for his $1 Bank Robbery - ABC News

Sensitivity to stress linked to city living - Science Fair: Science and Space News -

Study finds autistic toddlers' brains out of sync | Reuters

National ASK Day Promotes Child Gun Safety; Puppies Not Firearms

New Math in HIV Fight -

+Fox News expert denies he claimed birth certificate legit


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Will states actually block Obama from ballot access?

Stunning precedent would let al-Qaida chief be president

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Is Barack Obama a socialist?

Think Washington acting like royalty? Here's proof

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'We're going broke ... and we're still spending!';Rep. Gohmert worries GOP leaders 'will end up caving' in debt-ceiling fight

Barack Obama and Pentagon split on Afghanistan pullout | World news | The Guardian

VIDEO: Minister Farrakhan: 'That's a Murderer in the White House'

Obama’s nominee for ATF chief to meet with Justice Department officials - The Washington Post

Millions in middle-class could get Medicaid - Health - Health care -

Farah exposes radicals' plan to silence exposé

Is it fair to ask Muslims questions?

AZ Sheriff: Why More Troops at Korean Border Than U.S. Border? |

Cadbury's Naomi Campbell ad campaign 'not racist' - Telegraph

Debt talks: Democrat Kent Conrad, Senate budget chair, says $2 trillion not enough - The Washington Post

Taxpayers continue footing bill for unbelievable cover-up

Donor meeting at White House draws fire - Josh Gerstein -

What does Rush Limbaugh really think of Jon Huntsman?

Reid gives Huntsman a thumbs-up over Romney - Maggie Haberman -

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Libtalkers Seize Upon Discredited Rick Perry Rumors

Why Obama won't seek 2nd term

See which NATO member is 'arming Muslim rioters'

Pakistan courts China as relations with U.S. grow strained - The Washington Post

Press secretary not 'aware' of faceoff with U.S. 'ally'

Feds accused of reneging on compact for statehood

Upheaval coming for Republican economics

Remarks by the President at a DNC Event | The White House

13 Places Google Doesn't Want You To See Photo Gallery - Baker Lake, NU, the Inuit nation in northern Canada - Conspiracies on truTV

Hitler, bin Laden and Ivan Milat baby clothes on sale in Melbourne |

Asterix comics contain 700 traumatic brain injuries, say academics - Telegraph

"Wizard of Oz" yellow brick road in N.Y. town? - CBS News

Sorry, you're ugly we need to dump 30,000 of you, says | Information, Gadgets, Mobile Phones News & Reviews |

This is Leicestershire | 'Zombies' invade Leicester

Grandmother says tattoos form a connection with young people -

Video: Magician creates iPhone illusion show - Telegraph

Feds accused of reneging on compact for statehood

Obama's DoD nominee caught in 1-world scheme

Is it fair to ask Muslims questions?

The new Tuskegee experiment

The Perry-for-President TV ad that can't fail

Why Obama won't seek 2nd term

The Perry-for-President TV ad that can't fail

For The Record

Honor killing cover-up in Florida?

The dragon lies bleeding

America's black racists

Post-racial society? Not even close

Debauchery USA

Give Gary Johnson a look

The Death of the Grown-Up | Diana West > Home - How Many Isn't the Question

Don’t Rely on a Rigged Judiciary | The Progressive

The only Social Security solution

Articles: TSA Now Storming Public Places 8,000 Times a Year

Five-finger discount wasn't to Alvin Walmart customer's liking | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

The questions that 'terrified' beauty pageant contestants - Telegraph

Hole lot of trouble on couple's big day | News | NT News | Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia |

Breast is best: Hundreds of nursing mothers surprise shoppers with awareness flashmob | Mail Online

Eight million gallons of water drained from reservoir after man urinates in it - Telegraph

Rebecca Cain, 26, died of DVT after NHS walk-in nurse diagnosed muscular pain | Mail Online

Croatian scientists developing antibiotic that could fight deadly E.coli infections - General News - Croatian Times Online News - English Newspaper

A good night's rest really does help you make important decisions | Mail Online

Lack of sleep: Weekend lie-in doesn't work after days with just 6 hours' sleep | Mail Online

John Walsh Says Goodbye To 'Most Wanted' - National News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh

London to Tokyo in 2 hours: Blueprints for 3,000mph hypersonic plane unveiled | Mail Online

Remarkable Americans who can remember every detail of each day of their lives | Mail Online

Minot, North Dakota evacuation to start shortly | Reuters

Chemist finds no proof of remains in Casey Anthony's trunk | Reuters

Bachmann's 2012 kickoff set for Monday in Iowa -

U.S. to launch trusted air traveler program in fall | Reuters

Metro and State | Prosecutor: No evidence that boy, 7, was taught to drive | The Detroit News

Newt Gingrich: Department of binary choices - Alexander Burns -

Cable Exclusive: GOP Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman's Plan for America - Interviews - Hannity -

Cops Reportedly Make Arrest in Long Island Pharmacy Murders -

Sarah and Bristol Palin Trademark Their Names -

AFP: White House, streets locked down in security alert

Independent ethics panel probing Rep. Alcee Hastings for sexual harassment - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Gore voices left's climate grumbling -

Democrats, Tim Pawlenty both look to Minnesota - Alexander Burns -

Gambling debated behind closed doors -

Bahrain News Agency | National Safety Court Sentences 8 Suspects to Life Imprisonment

Russian plane crash survivor says she slept as the plane fell from the sky - Telegraph News Article: Force Kills Insurgents, Captures Taliban Leaders

U.N. says 73,000 flee Sudan border state fighting | World | Reuters

Osama bin Laden wife to leave Pakistan for Yemen | World news | The Guardian

'Pakistanis think Osama's death bad' - Hindustan Times

Four Pakistani majors questioned over Islamist links | Reuters

Germany To Make Immigration Easier To Attract More Specialized Workers -

Palestinians Can't Agree on Leader -

Artist Ai Weiwei released, Chinese police say -

Syrian FM Says No Iranian Intervention, Blasts Europe | News | English

Libya deaths trigger rift over NATO campaign - Africa - Al Jazeera English

Syria's Assad running low on credibility: U.N. chief | Reuters

Belfast riots are an own goal | Fionola Meredith | Comment is free |

La Familia leader sought alliance with ex-rivals | Top AP Stories | - Houston Chronicle

Alice Walker: Why I'm sailing to Gaza - CNN

Israel to Allow Building Cargo to Enter Gaza -

Rebel Leaders in Libya’s Misrata Curb Press Freedoms as Casualties Mount - Bloomberg

Michelle Obama visits Africa - The Washington Post

YouTube - Michelle Obama speaks in South Africa

*22 June

American Minute for June 22nd

June 22 Events in History

Today in History: June 22

This Day in History for 22nd June

Today in History: June 22

June 22nd This Day in History

June 22nd in History

YouTube - Today in History for June 22nd


The Truth About The Tea Party - Genetically Engineered Rice is a Trojan Horse: Misled by Bill Gates and Monsanto

The Facebook CIA Cover | New World Order Facebooks Non Privacy Agenda

Facebook - the CIA conspiracy - Technology - NZ Herald News

How to Delete Your Facebook Account

Leaving Facebook? You can try... but 'evil genius' social network won't make it easy | Mail Online

YouTube - 1972 clip of David Suzuki comparing humans to maggots


The Manning Report – 21 June 2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

June 21, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 6-20-11

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-21, Tuesday

06/21 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 06/21/2011

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 3

Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3


Hillary Clinton backs Saudi women's right-to-drive campaign

Some September 11 families angered by museum entry fee

Stocks mixed after Federal Reserve meeting

Fear of lawsuits from New York gay marriage may be overblown

Russian liberal opposition party barred from elections

Make Culture, Not Think Tanks

Debbie Schlussel:Hyper-Sensitive USA: America, You Can’t Handle the Truth – Ebert, Mccain & Morgan Learn the Hard Way

Walmart shopper runs after seeing suspects allegedly stealing beer, jumps on their car in attempt to stop them from leaving parking lot |

Hey! The Gig Is UP! Federal Reserve Act Has a Backout Clause | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty

Fukushima 'still a ticking time bomb' – In the Arena - Blogs

NPPD: Nuke Plant Could Be Shut Down “In Three Seconds”, Critics Still Worry | Missouri News Horizon

Robert Hastings: Unidentified Aerial Object Sighted During October 2010 Nuclear Missile Incident | Reuters

"A Plea for UFO-E.T. Cover-up Deathbed Confessions" By Larry W. Bryant | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.

The Great American Disconnect | Real Zionist News

Storm rips through Chicago area, leaves over 250,000 without power - Chicago Sun-Times

African Alliances Challenge Introduction of GM Technology | Farm Wars

Study: trees not cure for global warming

Ocean life on the brink of mass extinctions: study - Yahoo! News

Toxic Seawater Fraud « Buy the Truth

Dolphins spotted off Boston Harbor - Outdoors Highlight Story - The Olympian - Olympia, Washington news, weather and sports

A Firestorm On The Eastern Horizon

YouTube - 2011 - Andrea Rossi Explains His Energy Catalyzer

YouTube - Police Threatens Journalist Looking for Secret Morgue - 'DON'T COME BACK' - NWO Orwellian Nightmare!

Hang 'Em High, by L. Neil Smith

The Racist Origins of Government Marriage in America « Blog

The Daily Bell - Afghan Desperation of IMF Elites

Activist Post: Bankers and Fools

: Downsizing — A Thousand Square Feet Per Person, A New American Standard

How Magic Mushrooms Can Improve Your Life in the Long-Term | Drugs | AlterNet

[Folder Name]

New Iranian Nuke “Fairytale” Uncovered | Veterans Today

Waiting in the Moment before the Coming of the Unknown. Smoking Mirrors

YouTube - 9/11 Truth: What Happened to Building 7

Bill C-51 will turn ISPs into Internet gatekeepers - The Globe and Mail

Steven Spielberg Involved in 'Transformers' Enough to Reportedly Order Megan Fox's Firing - MOVIE TALK on Yahoo! Movies

New Iranian Nuke “Fairytale” Uncovered | Veterans Today

Waiting in the Moment before the Coming of the Unknown. Smoking Mirrors


**NEWS VIDEOS:Coulter Debates O’Reilly: Get Out of Afghanistan Now

Juan Williams: Hannity Would Have Been Fired For Doing ‘Amos and Andy’ Voice Like Jon Stewart

Smart Guy Ed Schultz Can’t Even Pronounce ‘Schlafly’ When Attempting to Mock GOP Ignorance

Jon Stewart ‘Apologizes’ For Calling Fox Viewers ‘Misinformed’ By Listing FNC’s Own Miscues

Breakdancing Gorilla Goes Viral

First Lady Meets Nelson Mandela

21ST/Good Riddance…Obama’s Radical Safe Schools Czar Hits the Skids

GOP Congressional Candidate Warns of Chinese Invasion in TV Ad

Jackass Star Killed in Car Crash

Amish Man in Horse and Buggy Busted for Sexting 12-Year-Old

Gingrich Campaign Fundraisers Quit

Newt Takes Aim at Mitt

Muslim Woman Escapes Jail Sentence in Australia Over Burka Controversy

CNN’s Cafferty Bashes ‘Morons’ at NBC Who Omitted ‘Under God’ From Pledge of Allegiance

NBC Pledge Controversy Intensifies

Huntsman: ‘Today I’m a Candidate’ for President

NY Senate Stuck on Gay Marriage As Rallies Grow

Chris Matthews’ Bizarre Fixation on Gov. Rick Perry’s Hands

20TH/Hannity Can’t Believe Breitbart Continues to Confront Leftist Mobs

Detroit Neighborhood: John Conyers House is an Eyesore

Bachmann: Obama ‘Has Failed the African American Community’

CNN’s Zakaria: Today’s Conservatives Like ‘the Old Marxists,’ Rooted Too Much In the Abstract

NBC’s Richard Engel: War on Terrorism = ‘War of Fear’

Farrakhan on Obama: ‘That’s a Murderer in the White House’

McIlroy Dominates, Wins U.S. Open

Miss USA is California Girl

NATO Admits Civilian Deaths in Libya Due to ‘Bomb Malfunction’

NBC’s Weasel-Worded Apology Over Editing ‘Under God’ From Pledge

Mark Shields: Today’s Low Taxes Are ‘Fundamentally Un-American’

Jon Stewart Squares Off with Fox News’ Chris Wallace

Howard Kurtz Slams Dick Morris for ‘Toeing GOP Line’

Deer Runs Amok in Church

19TH/Cal Thomas: Michele Bachmann Praise By Chris Matthews ‘Like Getting Civil Rights Affirmation From David Duke’

**Markets Video:Everything You Need to Know About Electric Cars

Aging Reactors Survive Through Rule Changes

'Fracking' for Natural Gas Continues to Raise Health Concerns

Could the EU Really Break Up?

Why Greece Won't Default

Housing Worse Today Than During Depression?

World Bank President on Greece

China Long Investor Goes to the Short Side

21ST/Ron Paul: Gold Prices Could Hit $10,000

Gasparino: New Bank Doomsday Ahead?

Could This Laptop Hold Goldman Sachs' Secrets?

War on Drugs: 40 Years, $1 Trillion

Are Lower Oil Prices Here to Stay?

**World Video:Immigration as an Economic Engine

Challenges to Inter-Korean and Six-Party Talks

How Many U.S. Troops to Come Home?

Will Obama Speed Up Troop Withdrawal?

Afghanistan Worth the Cost for America?

Afghanistan: Is the Surge Working?

Obama Likely to Cut 10K Troops From Afghanistan

Belfast Wracked By 2nd Night Of Riots

Hillary Clinton on Saudi Arabia's Women Driving Ban

Russian PM As Comic Strip Superhero

Berlusconi Pledges To Finish Term

Protests And Shortages In Yemen

Greece Struggling To Avoid Financial Meltdown

Former U.S. Ambassador to Syria Talks to Al Jazeera

21ST/Colombia's Future

Assad Gives Mixed Signals in Speech

Where Do Rights of Afghan Women Fit In?

Should the U.S. Leave Libya?

NATO Blames Technical Error for Killing Libyan Civilians

IMF's Warning To Greece

Greek Government Faces Vital Vote

China Floods Push Prices Higher

Ash Cloud Hits Australia Flights

U.S. Casualties Escalating In Afghanistan

Bombs Kill 21 At Iraqi Governor's House

Russian Officials Say 44 Dead In NW Plane Crash

Are Deradicalization Efforts Effective?

More Mistrust in Syria

**Politics Video:Pawlenty Iowa Ad: "Results Not Rhetoric"

Huntsman: Obama Not A "Remarkable Leader"

Krauthammer: Huntsman's Speech "Remarkably Unremarkable"

Matthews: Huntsman Gives GOP Hope

O'Reilly On Afghanistan: Whatever Petraeus Says, Obama Should Do

Sen. Boxer: GOP Obstructs Job Bill

21ST/Huntsman Announces Run, Warns Of "Un-American" Future

Olbermann's "Countdown" Premiere Takes Shot at MSNBC

**Petroluem Company Lists**

List of petroleum companies - Wikipedia

World's Largest Oil and Gas Companies

List of Worlds Largest Petroleum Companies |

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