Sununu: Clinton's Speech "An Infomercial For The Clinton Brand"; Obama "Screwed Up The Presidency"
RNC Web Ad: "The Breakup"
Watch Live: Thursday Night At Democratic Convention In Charlotte
Mitt Romney Web Ad: "Give Me A Break"
Chris Matthews: If Obama Beats The Right-Wing, They're Finished
Matthews: If Clinton Landed On Mars "He Would Know How To Reproduce"
Allen West Ad: Three Times They Said No To God
Mark Levin: We're A Great Nation In Spite Of Obama; Policies Are "Alien"
Malkin: People See Obama Pandering To Those Who Boo When You Say God
Matthews On Clinton Speech: They're Going To Teach That In School One Day
Axelrod, Jarrett Run Defense For Obama Over Jerusalem Omission
Jon Stewart Mocks Democrats' Idolization of "Mythical" Obama
Elizabeth Warren Addresses DNC: "The System Is Rigged"
Krauthammer Scorches Clinton's Speech: "A Giant Swing And A Miss"
Bill Clinton Addresses DNC: We Are Better Off Since Obama Took Office
Morris: After 8 Years Of Obama No Dem Will Get Elected For 100 Years
Sandra Fluke Addresses The DNC In Primetime
Brit Hume On Clinton's Speech: "Self-Indulgent And 30% Too Long"
Nancy Pelosi At DNC: A Vote For Obama Is "A Vote For Medicare"
MSNBC Hosts React To Bill Clinton's Convention Speech
Wasserman Schultz: Jerusalem Being Left Out Of Platform "Technical Oversight"
Peter Schiff Report: DNC Attendees Favor Banning Profits
Anderson Cooper: Wasserman Schultz In An "Alternate Universe"
Nun At DNC: Romney-Ryan Budget Fails Moral Test
Jerusalem And God Vote Gets Booed At Dem Convention
Tom Brokaw Denies Existence Of Liberal Media Bias
Trumka: "Romney Doesn't Know A Thing About Hard Work"
Paul Begala: Floor Vote On Jerusalem And God Was "Embarrassing"
Krauthammer On Israel: If Obama Personally Intervened To Have It Reinstated, How Did He Allow It To Be Omitted?
Pelosi Declares Dems Will Take Back House: "We've Out-Redistricted" Republicans
Bill Richardson: Obama "Just Needs Support From The Other Side"
Romney: Americans Don't Want To Let "Incomplete" Obama Take The Course Again
Libtalker Tina Dupuy: GOP Convention "Nicest Klan Rally" Ever
Strickland: Welfare Reform Reaction From GOP "Not So Subtle Racism"
Jon Stewart At DNC, Says Obama Slogan Should Be "Yes, We Can, But..."
Chuck Todd: "Michelle Obama Owned Convention ... In A Way No Speaker" Did In Tampa
Ed Schultz: After Tonight, How Could GOP Think About "Taking Away" ObamaCare?
Flashback: Obama Has Long Held Campaign Events In The Rain
Infowars Nightly News: Wednesday (9-5-12) Dave Acton - YouTube
Alex Jones Show: Wednesday (9-5-12) Chris Hedges & Richard Stallman - YouTube
Bill Clinton, the reverse Clint Eastwood? - CNN.com
Warlords in Drone Frenzy – Global Rollout Planned « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
Mitt & Mormonism - Does It Matter?
UFO Hacker, Gary McKinnon Will Learn His Fate on October 16 | UFO NEWS
How Genetically Modified Corn Is Creating Super Worms | ThinkProgress
PressTV - Russia: No signs of military aspect in Iran nuclear program
PressTV - Leaks and espionage: Israeli style versus American
PressTV - ‘Wall Street zombies, hyenas dodge tax’
Jeffrey Smith's CBC Lecture on GMO WMDs | Farm Wars
My Way News - Clinton boosts Obama in rousing convention speech
Clinton says Obama offers a better path forward for America - CNN.com
Seeds of Monopoly – Monsanto and Goldman Sachs | Farm Wars
290% Increased Risk of Brain Tumor After 10 Years of Cellphone Use
Susan Sarandon: I had death threats for being 'un-American' - Telegraph
PressTV - Nicaragua to stop sending soldiers to US School of Americas: Ortega
'Fly away dohm': Russia's Putin shows endangered cranes the way – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs
The “anternet” discovered! How ants mimic Internet protocol | SmartPlanet
Radioactive Food Is Comparable to 'Hundreds of X-Rays'
Doomed Planet For A Failed Species?
Conservative Americans Sick of Conservative Hypocrisy Over Akbar’s NBC | Sinclair News.Net
National Reconnaissance Office Plans Even Larger, More Advanced Spy Satellite Array :
New pickins for T. Boone Pickens? « The PPJ Gazette
Rising anti-Islamic sentiment in America troubles Muslims – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs
Why 2013 will be a year of crisis - CNN.com
'Something Really Wrong': Tens of Thousands of Dead Fish Wash Up on Lake Erie Shore | Common Dreams
Your Ticket to Hell | Kirwan's Art & Articles
Burning Man 2012, by Mark Morford - Houston Chronicle
Fact Check: First Lady's False Fairy Tale of Struggle
And the sheeple believe him . . . | Sinclair News.Net
Obama-Bill Clinton relationship unthinkable four years ago - CNN.com
Prison Planet.com » Business is Booming for Smith & Wesson
Prison Planet.com » Time Magazine Writer Jokes About “Dead Fetus” Beauty Pageant at RNC
Prison Planet.com » Government Hypes Airport Hoax After TSA Liquid Testing Video Goes Viral
Preppers Creed: Government Will Not be There For You In a Crisis - YouTube
Prison Planet.com » ECB Intervention Comment Du Jour: “Classic Banana Republic Banking”
Democrats: Let's Ban Profits! - YouTube
Prison Planet.com » FOIA Letters Reveal Shocking Cases Of TSA Groping Genitals
Chemtrails That Don't Exist Cost 5 Billion a Year To Produce - YouTube
Prison Planet.com » Sitting on a Mountain of Debt
Prison Planet.com » Promoting Legalized Dope Pushers
HPV vaccine: Miracle or menace? - YouTube
Prison Planet.com » Study: 290% Increased Risk of Brain Tumor After 10 Years of Cellphone Use
Prison Planet.com » Compiled Proof that Natural Healing is Embedded in Nature, Natural Foods
Prison Planet.com » GOP Suing to Keep Third Parties Off Ballot in November
DNC 2012: Obama’s crowd downsized by 50K - POLITICO.com
Obama Numbers Plunge: Caught Bussing in Supporters - YouTube
Dinosaur Media Runs Cover for DHS 1.4 Billion Ammo Buy - YouTube
Protesting is Now Terrorism - YouTube
Prison Planet.com » DARPA “Emergency Response” Robot Runs Faster Than Usain Bolt
Cheetah Robot runs 28.3 mph; a bit faster than Usain Bolt - YouTube
Prison Planet.com » If We Learn Our History, We’re NOT Doomed to Repeat It
Keith Olbermann on 9/11 Truth - YouTube
Prison Planet.com » Establishment Launches Straw Man Over Government Bullet Purchases
Social Security Gearing Up for Civil Unrest - YouTube
750 Million Bullets Ordered by DHS to Keep You Safe! - YouTube
Pulitzer Prize Journalist Warns of Physical Roundups Under Obama - YouTube
Atlas Shrugged Part II Official Trailer - YouTube
Goldman Sachs Bribed Senate To Pass Bailout Bill - YouTube
Cargill And Others Behind Anti-Organic Stanford Study | Dprogram.net
Obama Is Officially Bragging About Cracking Down On Whistleblowers | Dprogram.net
New Big Brother Spy Camera Software Scans For Drunks in Public | Dprogram.net
Sleeping With the Devil: How U.S. and Saudi Backing of Al Qaeda Led to 9/11 | Dprogram.net
Nowhere To Hide: Secret Agency Launching Total Satellite Spy Grid | Dprogram.net
Democrats: Let's Ban Profits! - YouTube
Yet Another DHS Worker Files Discrimination Lawsuit Against Big Sis | Dprogram.net
LAPD Now Arresting Photographers | Dprogram.net
The Ancient Airships Of Atlantis | Science and Technology
Barack Obama, the Socialist | FrontPage Magazine
Obama re-election, fraud and civil unrest prohesied - YouTube
New Russian Missiles Could Defeat NATO Shield | Military
New Russian missiles could defeat NATO shield | Times 247
Quantum Teleportation Over 143 Kilometers A New Record | Science and Technology
Savage: Dems rejection of God ‘the turning point’
Big Ancient Skulls | Paranormal
Weird Skeletons in Mankind's Closet
The Case of the Strange Skulls
Spinach Power Gets A Big Boost, Used In Biohybrid Solar Cells | Energy
A Brave New World | American Free Press
1% Ruling The World Are Psychopaths And What We Can Do About It | International
Yoga for Men – Teaching men the value of practicing Yoga as a regular part of their fitness regimen
Smart Meter Refusal Letter to Hydro & Corix - Short Inspiring Stories by Bill Woollam
Secret Service: We‘re ’Aware‘ of DNC Delegate’s Threat to ‘Kill’ Romney - BlackListedNews.com
ECB loads the ‘big bazooka,’ will buy government bonds if needed - The Washington Post
ECB unlimited bond-buying plan to 'save the euro' - YouTube
Video: Reporter Confronts Obama Over Kill-list - BlackListedNews.com
Pentagon OK with selling US drones to 66 countries - U.S. News
Hackers Obtain Mitt Romney's Tax Returns? - KMBZ
Hackers Get Personal Info On 12-Million Apple Users... From An FBI Laptop - BlackListedNews.com
DNC Video: "The Government Is The Only Thing We All Belong To" - YouTube
Obama: My Path is 'Harder, But Leads to Better Place'
Schumer Says Obama Must Address Israel in Convention Speech
Obama ‘Regrets Syntax’ of ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Line
Woodward Book: Obama Flashed 'Pure Fury' When Debt Deal Collapsed
Ryan: Obama Fell 'Woefully Short' as President
Report: Gore Shunning Obama, Convention
Obama Campaign Is Founded on Myths
Report: Axelrod Sought to Intimidate Gallup When Findings Favored Romney
Kerry Speech a Possible Tryout for Job at State
Bill Clinton's Speech Renews Talk of Hillary 2016
Report: Members of Obama's Job Panel Outsourced Jobs to China
DNC Chair Falsely Claims She Was Misquoted on Israel
Romney Defends Afghanistan Omission
Obama Campaign Leading In Negative Attacks, Personal Insults
Healthcare’s $765 Billion in Waste Targeted by US Panel
Judge Rejects US Challenge to Arizona Union Law
Cuomo: White House Race a 'Gut Check' for Nation
Rasmussen: 46% say their pay will not increase
Ex-NBC Anchor Tom Brokaw Taken to Hospital for Lightheadedness
Bill Clinton's Speech Puts Him in Contrast With Obama
Obama Faces Obstacles in Holding North Carolina
New Romney Ad Features Bill Clinton’s Dig against Obama
Native American Democrats Disappointed with Warren
Emanuel Quits Obama Campaign To Help Super PAC
Ex-Police Chief on Trial in China Murder Scandal
Your PSA Test Shows You Might Have Cancer — What Should You Do?
Study: Non-Alcoholic Wine May Lower Blood Pressure
DNA ‘Junk’ Now Seen as Complex Switches Controlling Health
Scientists Create Encyclopedic Look at Our DNA
Romney Should Not Avoid Social Issues
Can We Take Four More Years of Obama?
Official Accounting: $10T Withdrawn From U.S. Treasury This Fiscal Year Alone | cnsnews.com
Administration: Bingo Games Can Promote Food Stamp Use | cnsnews.com
Planned Parenthood’s Kathleen Turner: How Would a Zygote Know of its Legal Rights? | cnsnews.com
McDonnell Calls Democratic Platform Vote a ‘Debacle’ | cnsnews.com
Gallup: Obama Enjoys Massive Lead Among Those With No Religion | cnsnews.com
Survey Shows 74 Percent Increase in U.S. Mosques in Past Decade | cnsnews.com
Hoyer: Defeating Obama Is GOP’s ‘Number One Priority’ Even over Job Creation | cnsnews.com
Rep. Van Hollen: ‘Our Rights are Derived from God and Nature’ | cnsnews.com
Half of Military Voting Assistance Offices Not Working As Law Intended, Report Finds | cnsnews.com
Jimmy Carter Calls for Decriminalizing Pot | cnsnews.com
Despite Photo, State Dept. Says U.S. Envoy Didn't Bow to Statue of Dictator | cnsnews.com
Citizens United Ruling ‘More About Dollars Than 1st Amendment,’ Actor Says | cnsnews.com
‘Monk’ Star: Public Expected Too Much from Obama | cnsnews.com
Afghanistan’s Karzai Says He Won’t Run for Another Term | cnsnews.com
Calif. Judge Tosses Out PETA Lawsuit Against California 'Happy Cows' Ads | cnsnews.com
Dems ‘Don’t Have to Make Any Apologies’ for Omitting God, Says DNC Faith Spokesman | cnsnews.com
Mrs. Obama's Tweet Urges Visit to Website Featuring Sex Tips from Prostitutes | cnsnews.com
‘Newman’ Says It’s a Mistake to Lump All Entertainers As Democrats | cnsnews.com
Lady Gaga's meat dress to be shown in DC museum | cnsnews.com
Pelosi: GOP 'May Have a Religious View About Abortion--But Birth Control?’ | cnsnews.com
Sununu: Cloning’s Illegal So We’ll ‘Have To Settle For One Biden at a Time’ | cnsnews.com
Democratic Platform Promises More Nuclear Disarmament | cnsnews.com
Arkansas Dem: Obama Wants to ‘Take Us Back’ to Clinton Era | cnsnews.com
Obama, Clinton seal alliance with bow, bear hug | cnsnews.com
N.C. Lt. Gov. Sees a Legislative Solution for Citizens United Ruling | cnsnews.com
Boos and Jeers as Democrats Revise Platform to Include 'God,' 'Jerusalem' | cnsnews.com
Even Leftist Nun Can't Use 'God' In Her Convention Speech | NewsBusters.org
Democrat Platform Touts ‘Abortion, Regardless Of Ability To Pay’ | cnsnews.com
Would Stopping Iran’s Bomb Make Us 'Complicit?' | cnsnews.com
NY Dem: 'I Would Like To Kill' Mitt Romney | cnsnews.com
Boos From DNC Delegates on Adding God & Jerusalem To Platform | cnsnews.com
Sandra Fluke: Paul Ryan 'Would Allow Pregnant Women to Die in Our Emergency Rooms' | cnsnews.com
Amidst Boos And Multiple Votes, DNC Reverses Position And Reinstates Jerusalem - YouTube
Justice for Rachel Corrie? - YouTube
Has YOUR iPhone been Hacked? - YouTube
**The Clinton Chronicles - YouTube
More than 50 million Americans short of food - Sep. 5, 2012
Technology start-ups recruited for spy gadgets - Telegraph
Civilization is the Great Lie « THE INTERNET POST
Fars News Agency :: Egypt's President Mursi Calls Palestine "Top Priority"
Dick Morris: Bill Clinton Personally Orchestrated the 1993 Waco, Texas Tragedy
The Liberal Way to Run the World: “Improve” or We’ll Kill You | Global Research
Delusional reality: Everything peddled by politicians, media, banks and television is a fiction
Did Citigroup Defraud Billions from U.S. Ally Abu Dhabi? | Alternet
Sen. Lieberman Caught Passing Inside Info To Hedge Funds - Home - The Daily Bail
US General in ‘Secret’ talks with Barak - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News
Article Debunking Organic Food Hit Piece Targeted by Massive Cyber Attack « THE INTERNET POST
Activist Post: Questioning The Dalai Lama: Who Would The Buddha Vaccinate?
PressTV - Declassified CIA document reveals US analytic errors before Iraq war
Presenting The Democratic National Convention Ron Paul Moment
Video: Dem Chairman says Christians "Want Jews to Die and Convert"
CNN total news fakery with Charles Jaco - this was broadcast as REAL! - NaturalNews.tv
FP 50 Inadvertently Reveals Israel’s Dominance of GOP | Dissident Voice
Jerusalem And God Vote Gets Booed At Dem Convention | RealClearPolitics
Sex researcher's son charged with exposing self | Nation & World | The Seattle Times
Democrat Chair Spews Anti-Christian Hate Speech | Video | TheBlaze.com
CNN bans own documentary critical of Bahraini regime - BlackListedNews.com
Activist Post: TSA Continues Its Unchecked Expansion Across the U.S.
Human Rights Watch: Evidence of wider U.S. waterboarding use | The News Journal | delawareonline.com
poorrichard's blog: LAPD Now Arresting Photographers
Jim Rogers – “If You Aren’t Worried About 2013…Get Worried!” | _
Stop the Cycle of Perpetual War | _
Can it be true…is it even possible? Gold Standard To Be Reinstated Through The Back Door | _
The Immigration Factor: If We Do Nothing What We Face | _
Romney, Son Of Welfare Receiving Mexican Immigrant (VIDEO) | Addicting Info
Activist Post: Obama administration: cellphone location data is not ‘constitutionally protected’
Rick Santelli On Crossing $16 Trillion In National Debt - Home - The Daily Bail
Two-Thirds of Planet Backs Iran Against “West” « Aletho News
poorrichard's blog: What Obama Has Wrought
Romney’s Taxes Hacked? Secret Service Is On It | _
Ron Paul or Not. I am Supporting Gary Johnson Over Mitt Romney. | The Lone Star Watchdog
Yet Another DHS Worker Files Discrimination Lawsuit Against Big Sis - 12160
John Cusack: 'Obama Is Just Another Ivy League Asshole' - Home - The Daily Bail
60 Minutes: The Criminal Case Against Lehman Brothers - Home - The Daily Bail
Interview With LBJ’s Mistress On JFK’s Assassination (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
Hostage Escapes Motel Standoff, Gets Shot & Killed By Police : Federal Jack
Gun Owner Saves Cop’s Life by Shooting Deranged Gunman : Federal Jack
Pursuing Truth on the Kennedy Assassinations by Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD
*Illinois Jury Finds Drew Peterson Guilty of Murdering Third Wife
Symbolic Pics of the Month (09/12)
The Movie “Videodrome” and The Horror of Mass Media
The EyeOpener- Drones Over Asia: 21st Century Warfare in the New Battlefront
TV stations may start using military drones like ‘any other type of news-gathering equipment’
Getting Prepared Month 12: Food, Water and the Motivation to Keep Going
Nuclear Experimentation: Year 67
28 min./Should Grandma Smoke Pot? Final Cut - YouTube
Riding The Unicycle Of Human History
Uberveillance: Internet of Things, Energy Harvesting, and Guardian Angels
8 Reasons Why No One Should Ignore the Coming Economic Collapse
Ebola Virus: The Global Elite’s Bio-Weapon Scheme for 90 Percent Depopulation
How LOW Cholesterol Can Harm Your Health
Compiled Proof that Natural Healing is Embedded in Nature, Natural Foods
Audit of NY Fed Reveals Technocrat’s Creation and Cover-Up of Global Financial Crash
Hacktivists Show Us the Future of Decentralized Regulation
‘Fool Me Twice’ hand-delivered to top Obama adviser
Maxine Waters confronted on ‘stimulus’ corruption
Rush Limbaugh on Michelle Obama: ‘Bullsh–!’
Mitt Romney: Democrats threw Israel under bus - Mackenzie Weinger - POLITICO.com
Top Dem: Christians want Jews ‘slaughtered’
Savage: Dems rejection of God ‘the turning point’
Astronomer asks: Where did it all come from?
Ben & Jerry's sues over X-rated 'Ben & Cherry's' - SFGate
Costco Founder Says Obama Better for Business Than Romney - Bloomberg
Kupelian speaks to students on New Media
Matthews a few race cards short of a full deck
Making the election about race … again
GOP's afraid to say it: Obama is a bad man
The 5 'reasons' to re-elect Obama
Why did Obama announce Osama takedown?
The racist, bloody truth about Democrats
Get this weapon before Obama bans it!
Destroy barriers to climbing the ladder
Starbucks' magic job-creator bracelets
The day the 'gay' fascists began to fear
Barack Obama's confident ignorance
Americans: Ignorant of who we are
After Dempsey Warning, Israel May Curb War Threat by Gareth Porter and Jim Lobe -- Antiwar.com
Iraq the Latest Dragged Into Syria Proxy War Intrigue -- News from Antiwar.com
New Rotation of US Soldiers Arrives in Kosovo -- News from Antiwar.com
Lawyer: US Prosecutors Preparing Case Against Assange -- News from Antiwar.com
Commentary: Obama's Vietnam | The National Interest
Santorum the Warmonger | The American Conservative
The President As Planetary Policeman - Reason.com
The Hague will always be a tool of the West | Patrick Hayes | spiked
FBI, hackers trade claims on stolen Apple device IDs - Washington Times
Dempsey’s Dissent by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com
Politics Subvert the All-Important Rule of Law by Ivan Eland -- Antiwar.com
Where Is the Domestic Jihad? by Kelley B. Vlahos -- Antiwar.com
World’s oldest pyramid found in Crimea
Video: Special Glove Gives You Robotic Sixth Finger - Mobile Magazine
Mother of Dem convention star Castro called Alamo defenders 'drunks,' 'crooks' | Fox News
Despite court curbs, EPA regulators keep killing jobs, prosperity | CFACT
Ebola Virus: The Global Elite’s Bio-Weapon Scheme for 90 Percent Depopulation | Pakalert Press
Democrats Remove ‘God’ From 2012 Party Platform | TheBlaze.com
The Beast Befriends the Nephilim (Audio) Interview with Bill Salhus - DouglasHamp.com
DNC teleprompter hilarity - YouTube
How 'Pro-Choice' are Democrats? - YouTube
State-Licensed Human Trafficking - informationliberation
Tom Daschle Confronted on Anthrax Attack & Bilderberg - YouTube
Questlove of The Roots Confronted on Supporting Obama - YouTube
Republican Welfare State by Laurence M. Vance
Democrats Retreat on Civil Liberties in 2012 Platform | Mother Jones
For Dems, “Internet freedom” means “vigorously” protecting copyrights | Ars Technica
CopBlock co-founder wants judge to reconsider verdict | New Hampshire NEWS03
America’s Takeover of the United Nations | Global Research
Western Intervention in Syria Creates Bloodshed and Civil War | Global Research TV
The Truth Behind Obama's Kill List | Global Research TV
Mexican Drug Cartel was working alongside the US Government | Global Research
The Democrats’ Phony Populism | Global Research
On Intellectuals and Their Duties in the 21st Century | Global Research
The Republicans Cross The Rubicon | Global Research
Debt Cancellation in Mesopotamia and Egypt from 3000 to 1000 BC | Global Research
Auto Manufacturing Workers at a Crossroads | Global Research
U.S. Launching Cyber Warfare: Towards an Era of “Computer Virus Wars”? | Global Research
Towards an “Alternative New World Order” | Global Research
The Liberal Way to Run the World: “Improve” or We’ll Kill You | Global Research
Right-Wing Populism and the Republican Party | Global Research
How U.S. and Saudi Backing of Al Qaeda Led to 9/11
Will the GOP Steal America's 2012 Election?
"We don’t have a democracy" - US Greens’ Vice-Presidential Candidate - interview: Voice of Russia
Iraq: How the CIA Says It Blew It On Saddam’s WMD Information Clearing House: ICH
KYODO: U.S. Marines to Set Up Command Post on Palawan Island Facing South China Sea
The islands that divide superpowers - Asia - World - The Independent
Police seizure of text messages violated 4th Amendment, judge rules | Ars Technica
Italy elects first transhumanist MP « Attack the System
Bitcoin exchange BitFloor shuttered after virtual heist | Internet & Media - CNET News
PressTV - Special Ops con, imaginary warfare and non-existent enemies
GMO: The Secret the Food Industry Is Spending Millions to Keep - DailyFinance
China aiming 200 more missiles at Taiwan: MND - Taipei Times
Are there More People Alive Today than Ever Lived? | LifesLittleMysteries.com
25 Cutting Edge Companies Funded By The Central Intelligence Agency - Business Insider
MI6, SAS, CIA: Western Troops in Syria | Global Research
Caroline Kennedy tries to name favorite Taylor Swift song
Feds: Cop Pulled Over Female Drivers To Look At Their Breasts « CBS Tampa
San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro Previously Had Spanish Tutor « CBS Houston
Will He or Won't He? Obama Faces Jobs Report Dilemma - US Election News - CNBC
Kerry: Ask Osama bin Laden if he's better off now than he was four years ago! | The Cable
Third Yosemite visitor dies of hantavirus; eight now infected - latimes.com
Simon Cowell lashes out over Voice, X Factor showdown | Reuters
In East Timor, Hillary Clinton Watches Bill Clinton’s Speech in Charlotte - Washington Wire - WSJ
Harsanyi: DNC delegates: Let's ban corporate profits!
Congressman John Lewis: "I Don't Want To Go Back" To Pre-Civil Rights Policies
THE 9/11 READER. The September 11, 2001 Terror Attacks | Global Research
Federal Reserve has already started QE3, says investor Jim Rogers - Telegraph
Political Tremors Rock Antiwar Movement by John V. Walsh
Sep 5, 2012 Gold's Coming Rise Darryl Robert Schoon 321gold ...inc ...s
Sleeping With the Devil: How U.S. and Saudi Backing of Al Qaeda Led to 9/11 - Washington's Blog
How Common is Gluten Sensitivity? | Mark's Daily Apple
Debbie Whatshername Schultz Declares There is a God…….
My 2010 Commentary on “Obama’s Make-Believe Life”
The fast-fading ‘Messiahship’ of Barack Hussein Obama
Don’t eat the apple: A story for our times
Sandra Fluke: All freedoms are equal, but some freedoms are more equal than others
The Deadly Drone Attached on your House
Clinton Is Wrong on Welfare Reform
2012 Democratic Platform Endorses Taxpayer-Funded Abortion
Labor unions in full force at Democratic National Convention
Soros-Linked Liberal Super Group & Its Secret Funding of Democrats
Godless Illinois Democrat Gets Mad Being Asked Why God Was Dropped from Dem Platform
Many DNC Delegates Revolt Against Vote To Recognize Jerusalem As Israeli Capital In Platform
The 2012 Democratic Party Platform Cold-Shoulders Israel
The DNC’s Orgy of Lies and Hypocrisy
‘Mrs.Obama Almost Makes You Forget That Her Husband Supports Killing Babies, Killing NaturalMarriage
The SEIU and other DNC Shenanigans
Minority Report: Fiction Has Become Reality
Solyndra and Armendariz: Two of Obamas Major Energy Blunders Back in the Spotlight
Leftism & Ponerology—Studies of Human Evil in Political Spheres
Mr. Bill: 'Who You Gonna Believe, Me Or Your Lying Eyes'?
Will Slick Willie's Mojo Help Obama?
Dems to God and Everybody Else: Drop Dead
Obama and the Infernal Serpent
Plouffe: Don't expect big bounce for Dems from convention
Barack Obama and the Pepsi Challenge
Can Obama Overcome His Maturity Challenge?
Democrat -style democracy, revealed
The Unvarnished Truth about the Left's 'Racist Sexist Homophobe' Mantra
One Hundred Twenty Nations Vote against President Obama
Woodward book blames Obama for debt deal collapse
Democratic Party Theology Explained: There is a God and They Hate Him
The Democrats of 2012: For Israel, Is the Party Over?
The Two American Exceptionalisms
Democrat Convention enters fiasco territory
Obama knew of the omission of God and Jerusalem from the platform before the convention
Bill and Hillary and Huma and Anthony
Bill Clinton Has Obama Right Where He Wants Him
The Democrats' Anti-Israel Party Platform
DOD Should Not Ban Book on Bin Laden Raid
Frank Marshall Davis and the Subversion of the Democratic Party
The Devil and the Democratic Party.
The Secular "New Elite" and President Obama Working Together
Secret Service: We‘re ’Aware‘ of DNC Delegate’s Threat to ‘Kill’ Romney
Journalist Says Valerie Jarrett Had Him Thrown Out of the DNC for Asking About Drone Strikes
He Could ‘Do It’ With Martians: Is This the Most Incredible Chris Matthews Video You’ve Ever Seen?
Even Jon Stewart Finds ‘Tolerance’ At the DNC Doesn’t Extend to Conservatives: ‘Nazis and Evil’
Allen West Blasts Dem Platform Flap in New Campaign Ad: ‘Three Times They Said No to God’
Florida Dem Chair Apologizes, Takes Leave of Absence After Saying Christians ‘Want Jews to Die’
Anderson Cooper: Wasserman Schultz Living in ‘Alternate Universe’ Regarding Dem Platform Change
Dem Convention Speaker Never Worked for a Bain-Controlled Company
Think You Prefer Google? Microsoft Says ‘Bing It On’ in New Challenge
Picture of Toddlers’ Potty Training in the Middle of a Restaurant Dining Room Goes Viral
We Present To You the ‘Flintstones’ Bike — No, Really
These Are the 5 Biggest Lies From the Second Day of the DNC (Featuring Bill Clinton)
Death Threat From DNC Delegate: ‘Mitt Romney… I Would Like To Kill Him!’
Watch ‘Words Matter’: Amateur Compilation Reel Pits Obama Against Himself
Krauthammer Blasts Bill Clinton’s DNC Speech: ‘Sprawling, Undisciplined and Truly Self-Indulgent’
Sen. Schumer Calls Jerusalem Fight a ‘Mistake,’ Says Obama Will Talk About Israel
Obama Admits He Has One Regret Over ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Speech: The ‘Syntax’
NBC’s Tom Brokaw Hospitalized: ‘Took a Half Dose of Ambien and Made Less Sense Than Usual’
How Did Hillary Watch Bill’s Speech? Clinton Aide Gives Fascinating Account
Bill Clinton Rocks DNC: Second Obama Term Means ‘Shared Prosperity’
Dems Actually Boo as Party Reinstates Jerusalem and God Language into DNC Platform
Hackers Say They‘ve Stolen Romney’s Tax Returns and Are Demanding $1M — But Have They Really?
Elizabeth Warren: The Republican Vision Is Clear: ‘I’ve Got Mine, the Rest of You Are On Your Own’
Paul Ryan Supports Prayer in Public Schools: ‘A Constitutional Issue of the States’
‘Torture’: New Human Rights Report Claims Broader Evidence of Bush-Era Waterboarding & Torture
Fact Check: Dems Twist Jobs Numbers and GOP Medicare Ideas at DNC
Mark Levin: Obama Can’t Meet The Standard He Set For Himself 4 Years Ago
Mark Levin Lists The Many Ways Obama Is The ‘Worst President In Modern American History’
Rush: DNC In Chaos, There Is No Speech That Can Recover From Sounds Of Democrats Booing God
Limbaugh: Obama Has Written Checks His Butt Can’t Cash
Limbaugh: Chris Matthews Has A Verbal Orgasm Over Clinton’s Speech At DNC
Limbaugh: Elizabeth Warren Made A Great Case For Not Voting For Obama At DNC
Rush: After Clinton Speech Chris Matthews Had To Wear An Athletic Supporter To Hide The Bulge
Limbaugh: Bill Clinton Told The DNC That His 4 Years Smoked Obama’s
Must See: DNC Delegates Can’t Name Any Business Obama Worked For
Debbie Schlussel-Slick Willie/Bill Clinton’s Highly Overrated Speech & My Tweets
Debbie Schlussel-Elizabeth Warren: You Don’t Have to Be a Fake Indian to Love Obama . . . Or Do You?
Exclusive Audio: In 1994, Obama Criticized Clinton's "Values" Pitch
HURT: Even while praising Obama, Clinton pats his own back - Washington Times
Russia's Putin defiant on Syria, says Romney mistaken | Reuters
Ark. lawmaker pleads guilty to election charge - FOX16.com Little Rock, AR
Bishop McKenzie, DNC speaker, spoke at Wright's retirement | The Daily Caller
Government Spying | American Free Press
One-Third of Americans Poor or ‘Near Poor’ | American Free Press
AFP PODCAST & ARTICLE: U.S. Totally Unprepared for Coming Solar Superstorm | American Free Press
Nearly 17 million Americans repeatedly short of food: report | Reuters
First Black President Can’t Help Blacks Stem Wealth Drop - Bloomberg
Israel at wits’ end with Obama’s refusal to put down red lines on Iran’s nuclear program
Fantastic: Obamacare summed up in one sentence
Bill Clinton’s war on women: 1999 Juanita Broaddrick interview with Dateline NBC
Rush Limbaugh: DNC in chaos and there is no speech that can recover from Democrats booing God
AWESOME – New Romney ad pits Bill Clinton against Obama: “Give me a break!”
DNC Platform co-chair Cory Booker getting hammered over God/Jerusalem omission
Democrats EXPOSED by Peter Schiff at the DNC: Let’s ban corporate profits!
Awesome: Daily Show mocks the Obama ‘messiah complex’ at the DNC
DNC Delegate threatens to kill Mitt Romney
Krauthammer: Very troubling for pro-Israel community what language DNC didn’t reinstate on Israel
Romney’s Possible Cabinet, Part IV: Energy and Homeland Security Posted September 5, 2012 at 2:42 pm
Life from Mars could have 'polluted' Earth: Krauss
Paranormal Hollywood: Fact vs Fiction - Mania.com
Lost Medieval Church Discovered Beneath Parking Lot | Richard III | LiveScience
Voyager's Long Journey: 35 Years of Incredible Solar System Images | Wired Science | Wired.com
One-Ton Cheeseburger Sets World Record For Minnesota Casino
'A great silence is spreading over the natural world' | Environment | guardian.co.uk
SETI's Alien Search to Get Cash from Start-Up | Space.com
Pictures: Mass Sacrifice Found Near Aztec Temple
Science Fiction or Fact: Star-Destroying Superweapon | LiveScience
How to learn in your sleep : Nature News & Comment
outbreaks/ psychic abilities - Google Search
Excerpts: President Obama's Democratic Convention Speech
Drew Peterson found guilty of murdering third wife
Jury convicts Drew Peterson of 3rd wife's death
Legal expert see grounds for Peterson appeal
Why Chicago is the Best Place to Start a Digital Startup
Cops investigating whether hip-hop feud linked to slaying
Police hunt assassin after massacre in French Alps
Full horror of Alps mystery killing emerges - YouTube
Training suspended for new Afghan recruits
'The North Korea of Africa': Where you need a permit to have dinner with friends
Libyan says he was waterboarded in CIA custody
Welcome back, God…despite what the “radical homosexual agenda” wanted (VIDEO)
Putin Says Missile Deal Is More Likely With Obama
Putin: Moscow Won't Change Position on Syria
Turkey: 25 killed in ammunition depot blast
Warren: I wanted to represent Mass. in DNC speech
Mother of missing Arizona girl arrested, charged with murder
Suspects sought after Hollywood-style bank heist
Police in legal minefield on Ariz. immigration law
Scarlett Johansson urges young to get involved
Excerpts of President Obama's remarks
Former Rep. Giffords to deliver Pledge of Allegiance at DNC
Claim of Romney taxes theft a puzzling whodunit
Pentagon escalates case that former Navy SEAL broke secrecy pledge
Tammy Baldwin DNC speech (text)
Fort Hood Shooting Suspect's Beard Must Be Shaved, Military Judge Rules
Bill Clinton edges out football in TV audience
Liberal firebrand Barney Frank attacks "myth Romney"
Obama seeks to reignite hope with convention speech
U.S. Rep. Steny Hoyer recalls a less well-received Bill Clinton DNC speech - YouTube
Energy's best bet lagging behind
China dominating Europe's solar market
Smith & Wesson soars as earnings beat Wall St.
Obama to Press Plan to Revive Economy
Watch DNC Video About President Obama's Support For Gay Marriage - YouTube
The 2012 Democratic National Convention: Day 3
“Problems can be solved” — patience needed, Obama speech
John Lewis exhorts Americans to fight voter ID laws
Claim of Romney Taxes Theft a Puzzling Whodunit
US Senate Democrat sees path to deal on deficit by mid-2013
John Kerry to praise President Obama's conduct of foreign policy
Dropping the Beats at the Democratic Convention
Obama seeks to reignite hope with convention speech
How are the Democrats handling the issue of choice?
Mitt Romney has a right to minimize his tax bill
Obama again aims to inspire with speech — a tougher job this time
E-book collusion: price war looms after court rules
Facebook seals Instagram takeover
The Bing challenge: Microsoft pulls Pepsi trick on Google [Poll]
Speed Limit Hits 85 MPH on Texas Highway
HootSuite Acquires Social Media Tool Seesmic
FCC To Test Mobile Broadband Speeds
Google Fiber strikes deal to carry NFL Network
2012 MTV Video Music Awards Show
'Dance of DNA' performed to celebrate big genome project
Neil Armstrong to be buried at sea
Quantum 'teleportation' distance record broken
Some deep-sea crabs may see in color
Arctic ice melt 'like adding 20 years of CO2 emissions'
Guess Who's Chopping Down The Amazon Now?
Dogs Used to Sniff Out Emerald Ash Borer
3rd Yosemite hantavirus death reported; 12K more alerted
What the Encode project tells us about the human genome and 'junk DNA' - YouTube
Study: NFL players far more likely to die of brain-related causes
More Grandparents Are Providing Family Financial Support, Says Survey
Green Tea Chemical Helps Grow Brain Cells, Could Improve Brain Function
Registered dietitian offers another view of organic food study
Krauthammer on Clinton's DNC Speech: 'A Giant Swing and a Miss'
When Did the Associated Press Become Fox News For Print?
The Romney-Koch Handshake: Network TV Censors Revealing Moment
Alex Castellanos: Clinton's Speech 'Moment That Likely Reelected Obama'
Elizabeth Warren's Speech: The Vital Voice of Progressivism
Democrats Scoff at GOP Claims That President Obama Couldn't Fill Stadium
Why Are Women's Issues Driving The Villagers Mad?
Bill Clinton Takes Apart Romney and Ryan's Lies About Medicare - 'It Takes Some Brass'
Sandra Fluke at the Democratic National Convention: 'It's Time to Choose'
Obama Says Republicans Will Compromise If He's Re-Elected
Ted Strickland: If Mitt Was Santa Claus, He'd Fire the Reindeer and Outsource the Elves
World's Richest Woman Suggests $2 a Day Wages for Australian Miners
Andrea Mitchell Demands Simpson-Bowles, Durbin Reassures Her
O'Reilly: It's in Bad Taste to Use a Dead Guy to Club Romney
The Two-Sided 'Race Card': Why We Need a Frank Discussion -- and Why We Won't Get One
Greta Van Susteren Asks Why Democrats Removed "God" From Party Platform
Michelle Obama: I See What Drives Barack Every Single Day
It's Hard Out There for a Journalist
Thomas Sowell: Obama's 'Confident Ignorance' Is Dangerous
Warren: 'Romney Says' He Plans to Increase Taxes on Middle Class
Democrats Come Out for Gay Marriage in Platform
DNC Platform Supports Constitutional Amendment to Limit Free Speech
GAO: Obama Admin. Did Change Work Requirements In Welfare Law
Gore, Green Energy Absent from DNC
Democrats Support Stricter Gun Control, Assault Weapons Ban in Platform
DNC Platform Pushes 'Environmental Justice'
Godwin's Law and the Democratic National Convention
Democrats Reduced To Name-Calling Republicans 'Hitler'
Prominent Economists In All 50 States Support Romney's Economic Plan
Higher Tension Between Protesters, Police at DNC
Obama Fails to Submit Annual Regulation Plan Required by Law
Law Enforcement Investigating Hacker's Threat to Release Romney Tax Returns
DNC Rabbi's Closing Benediction: No Israel Mention; Update: Ad-Libs Support for Jerusalem
TransCanada Submits New US Route for Keystone Pipeline
Resurrection: DNC Overrules Delegates, Rams God and Jerusalem Back into Platform
DNC Releases Excerpts Of Bill Clinton's Speech
Democrats Rail Against Non-Existent Oil Subsidies
DNC Pins Hopes on Shredded Credibility of Elizabeth Warren
Desperation: Obama To Grab Clinton Spotlight Tonight
Warren Convention Speech Falls Flat
Arkansas Democrats Plead Guilty to Voter Fraud
Obama, 2008: 'Yes, We Can!' Clinton, 2012: 'No One Could Have'
Obama: Recovery Will Take Depression-Level 'Experimentation'
Clinton: 'Conditions Are Improving'
Five Conservative Comebacks to the Democrat Convention Spin
Cory Booker: Bad Week, Controversial Speech
Citizens United Movies Remind DNC of Obama, 'Occupy' Failures Before Obama Speech
Bill Clinton: Same Snake Oil, Older Salesman
The Hill Spins Speech Move as Positive for Obama
'Godfather' Of Welfare Reform Act Debunks Clinton
Pelosi Strawmans GOP's Contraception Stance
Gallup Sued by DOJ after Unfavorable Obama Polls, Employment Numbers
Cognex Chairman Launches 'Business Is Good' Initiative
Fact Check: Top Ten Clinton DNC Falsehoods
DREAM Act Beneficiary Speaks at DNC
Democrats' Controversial Draft Platform Passed Unanimously in Detroit in August
AIR WAR: Romney Will Unleash Offensive Against Obama on Airwaves in Swing States
Occupy DNC Protester: U.S. Government "Controlled by Jewish mafia-banking cartel"
Secret Service Arrests Man For Threatening To Assassinate Obama On Twitter
No B.F.D. at the D.N.C.: Democrats Bump Biden From Primetime
CBO Fact Checks Clinton Claim Obama Controlled Healthcare Costs
Woodward: Obama Altered the Debt Deal then Flew into "Fury" When Boehner Said No
Susan B. Anthony List To Air Pro-Life Ad During Obama Speech
Dems Silent On HHS Breast Screening Recommendations At DNC
Excerpts: President Obama's Remarks to the 2012 DNC
Begala: Floor Vote On Jerusalem And God 'Embarrassing,' 'Unforced Error'
Kucinich: Obama Has Been 'Very Good' For Israel
HuffPo Scolds Dems for 'Caving' On Reinsertion of God and Jerusalem Into Platform
Sandra Fluke: Romney Presidency Would Mean Bigoted America
CA Dem Honcho On Ryan/Nazi Comparison: Some Think It 'Doesn't Go Far Enough'
DNC Chair On God/Jerusalem Language: Platform Is Many Pages Long
Source: Obama Saw Platform Language Prior to Convention
Celebrity Backfire: GOP Ad Taunts Obama for Palling with Clooney and Co.
Geronimo Descendant At DNC: Elizabeth Warren 'A Disgrace'
Rev Jesse Jackson: Actual Word God Doesn't Matter
Associated Press Publishes Intentionally Stupid Fact-Check Of Clinton's Speech
Five NC Delegates Ditch Obama Nomination Vote
Putin: Russia Can Work with Romney if Elected
Concerning Democrats and Israel, Debbie Wasserman Schultz Can't Handle the Truth
US Deputy Military Chief 'in Secret Israel Visit'
Obama Admin Cuts Military Participation With Israel, Increases Participation with Muslim Brotherhood
Did Eastwood's RNC Speech Cause Trouble for 'Curve'?
'Washington Post' Catches Democrats Rewriting Their Civil Rights History
New Footage: Conservative Kicked Out Of MSNBC Pavillion
How Will Mainstream Media Cover Cardinal Dolan's Benediction at the DNC?
Weather Channel Ignores Romney Visit to Isaac-Hit Gulf Coast
Associated Press Publishes Intentionally Stupid Fact-Check Of Clinton's Speech
Mountains out of Molehills: The False Attack on Ryan's Mountain Climbing
Left Media in Full Civil War over Fact Checkers
Black Romney Supporter Kicked Out of MSNBC Pavilion
Media Savages Ryan for Telling Truth, Accepts Wasserman-Schultz's Bald-Faced Lies
Media Fail to Fact-Check Michelle's Speech
What No One Is Telling You About Political Convention 'Free Speech Zones'
**(5th)Transcripts / Bill Clinton's Speech at the Democratic Natl Convention
Elizabeth Warren's Speech at the DNC
4th/Michelle Obama's Speech at the DNC
4th/Mayor Castro's Keynote Address to the DNC
- Shields and Brooks on the Democratic Convention
Let's Make a Deal on National Energy Policy
GUEST COLUMN: Obama policies hinder energy industry | The Advertiser | theadvertiser.com
TheRecord - Ethanol is an eco-hoax that we can’t afford
Canada not an ‘energy superpower’: report - The Globe and Mail
The focus on green jobs is misplaced - Diana Furchtgott-Roth - MarketWatch
Robots: The Future of the Oil Industry - Businessweek
Is OPEC Killing the Golden Goose? - MarketBeat - WSJ
Peak Oil: Undulating Plateau Shaped By Price - Seeking Alpha
Shell And Chevron Make Oil Sands 'Green' With Carbon Capture Project - Forbes
Democrats and Republicans Support Harmful Ethanol Subsidies For the Sake of Votes - The Daily Beast
Nuclear Townhall » Blog Archive » WILLIAM TUCKER: Should Nuclear Support a Carbon Tax?
Book Review: Strom Thurmond's America - WSJ.com
RealClearScience - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls
What Is Your Dog Thinking? | Animal Intelligence | DISCOVER Magazine
BBC News - Stereotypes 'evolve like language', say researchers
Cheers! 5 Intoxicating Facts About Beer | LiveScience
The Curious Science of Bodily Functions | Popular Science
Exceptional upward mobility in the U.S. is a myth, international studies show | ISR Sampler
17 Euphemisms for Sex From the 1800s - Mental Floss
ParaNorman and the Fear of a Christian America
Muslim Arab-American Green Lantern adds diversity to superheroes | Reuters
Is Pakistan's hard line on blasphemy softening? | William Dalrymple | Comment is free | The Guardian
Barack Obama, Władysław Gomułka and the Attack on the Catholic Church | Crisis Magazine
Cultivating a culture of love | The Christian Century
J S Bach, the misunderstood musician | The Jewish Chronicle
The American Spectator : Christian Pacifism Against C.S. Lewis
Top Five: Underrated Presidents | Conservative News, Views & Books
Why eBooks won’t rule the Earth - GeekWire
When Will Your Smartphone Really Replace Your Wallet? | Gadget Lab | Wired.com
Home of the Future Still Years Away - NYTimes.com
Why 2012 will be remembered as the year Microsoft was bold - IT Opinion from V3.co.uk
BBC News - Can electricity from the human body replace batteries?
Zello, HeyTell and Voxer Make Your Smartphone a Walkie-Talkie - David Pogue - NYTimes.com
Google: the case for hawkish regulation – Robert Epstein – The Kernel
Why Yes, It Is Time for Homemade Satellites - Businessweek
The 10 Best Economic Ideas in the Democratic Platform - Bloomberg
'This Guy Hates Us': Why Wall Street Turned Against Obama - Gayle Tzemach Lemmon - The Atlantic
Financial Reform: Bankers Maintain Influence in Washington | Business | TIME.com
Student Loans: Debt for Life - Businessweek
Review & Outlook: Desperately Seeking Middle-Class Taxes - WSJ.com
Geithner’s View from the Top of the Bubble — The American Magazine
Don’t Make Banks Too Small to Succeed - Bloomberg
Scared Money Don’t Make No Money | The Reformed Broker
PIMCO | Investment Outlook - The Lending Lindy
Why Isn’t There More Inflation? | Business | TIME.com
RealClearMarkets - Unlike Reagan, Obama's Biggest Problems Are of His Own Making
Why Is the ObamaCare Tax/Penalty Needed at All? — The American Magazine
Eurozine - The great transformation in the global labour market - Phillip Brown, Hugh Lauder
The Truth About Obama and Israel - NYTimes.com
A Touchy Relationship With China - NYTimes.com
The renminbi won’t replace the dollar any time soon - FT.com
RealClearWorld - U.S. Ties to Israel the Best Deterrent Against Iran
The secretive world of the Communist Party - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition
Renewing America’s Fighting Faith | Foreign Policy
US-Israeli Relations in Crisis? No! - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
Obama and Romney tackle 14 top science questions : Nature News & Comment
Are Entitlements Corrupting Us? Yes - WSJ.com
John Dewey’s Vision of Learning as Freedom - NYTimes.com
RealClearMarkets - The Household Debt Picture: Better, But Still a Drag
A Conversation with a DNC Anti-Abortion Protester
Not So Fast, ‘Fact-Checkers’ - Robert Rector - National Review Online
Catholic v. charters: Where’s the God gene?
Poverty, pregnancy and marriage: a conservative's view - latimes.com
RealClearPolicy - Avoiding a Tyranny of the Majority on Taxes
Bill Clinton: Trust Me, the Jobs Are Coming - Bloomberg
The Gold Standard Is Coming - Forbes
+Transcript of Bill Clinton's speech at the DNC | Fox News
+Transcript of Elizabeth Warren's speech at the DNC | Fox News
+Transcript of Michelle Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention
*Transcripts:5th/Interview with Representative Donna Edwards
Panel on DNC Platform Controversy
Shields and Brooks on Democratic Unity
Guests: Sen. Klobuchar, Rep. Cummings & Gov. Schweitzer
Panel on the Democrats in 2012 vs. 2008
3rd/Obama's Labor Day Campaign Remarks in Toledo, Ohio
Interview with RNC Chairman Reince Priebus
Interview w/DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Guests: Reps. Frank & Lee and Gov. Perdue
2nd/Guests: Ann Romney, Martin O'Malley & Bev Perdue
Guest: Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley
Guest: Obama Advisor David Axelrod
The Hubris of Central Planners | RealClearPolitics
Embracing 'Obamacare' with pride - The Maddow Blog
Clinton's Legacy, Obama's Fate Still Entwined | RealClearPolitics
How Obama Could Do a Better Job Selling His Presidency - NationalJournal.com
President Obama is running scared from the Reagan Metric - The Week
CURL: Clinton's presence undercuts Democrats' celebration of women - Washington Times
Republicans’ empathy gap - Salon.com
A Word on Bart Stupak — Jonathan Last Online
The First Four Years Are The Hardest… « mikeroweWORKS
Better Off Under Obama? Let's Count The Ways We're Not - Investors.com
Are You Better Off? There’s No Easy Answer - Bloomberg
Democrats finally step up to promote health care reform - Tampa Bay Times
RICE, BAKER, SHULTZ & KISSINGER: Romney for recovery - Washington Times
George Will: Obama’s desire to transform the United States - The Washington Post
Rahm Rips Republicans - The Daily Beast
Obama And Hard Choices | Points and Figures
Obama’s First-Term Report Card - NYTimes.com
Base Wars: Antipathy, Fear Motivating Supporters | RealClearPolitics
Clinton Totally Kills It - The Daily Beast
Denialist Democrats - Reason.com
Better Off Than Four Years Ago? I'd Say So | RealClearPolitics
Obama Hobbled by Record, Slumping Democratic Brand | RealClearPolitics
The Democrats' Government Tutorial | RealClearPolitics
Clinton Still Has the Touch -- but Will It Rub Off on Obama? | RealClearPolitics
The $4.351 Trillion Difference Between Obama & Clinton | The Weekly Standard
Woodward’s devastating account of Obama’s failed leadership | WashingtonExaminer.com
Obama Didn’t Stop the Middle-Class Free-Fall - NationalJournal.com
Yes, we are better off than four years ago - The Hill's Congress Blog
Bob Woodward Book: Debt Deal Collapse Led to 'Pure Fury' From President Obama - ABC News
The GOP's Welfare Lie | The Nation
Details of the Auto Bailout You Won’t Hear in Charlotte | Cato @ Liberty
Is U.S. Economic Growth a Thing of the Past? | Business | TIME.com
Real Clear World - Video - Gaddafi's Ex-spy Chief Extradicted To Libya
Real Clear World - Video - Sweden Tops First Global Web Index
Thursday, September 6th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1
Thursday, September 6th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2
Alex Jones - 2012-Sep-06, Thursday
The Manning Report – 6 September 2012
Sept. 5, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN
The Michael Savage Show 09/05/2012
*6 Sept.
American Minute for September 6th
This Day in History for 6th September | HistoryOrb.com
September 6th This Day in History
Today in History for September 6th - YouTube
Proprietary Software is an Instrument of Unjust Power - YouTube
Gallup: Obama Enjoys Massive Lead Among Those With No Religion | cnsnews.com
Sir Tim Berners-Lee accuses government of 'draconian' internet snooping - Telegraph
Web inventor warns governments: Internet has no off switch | The Raw Story
Feds Seek Prison Time For Obama "Hope" Artist | The Smoking Gun
John Cusack: 'Is Obama Just Another Ivy League A--hole?' | NewsBusters.org
Apple: We didn't pass iPhone, iPad device IDs to FBI | ZDNet
American, United Face Trial Over 9-11 Towers Destruction - Businessweek
New Jersey Herald - Sculpture removed from Vernon court now on display at SCCC
Outgoing Mexico president says the U.S. shares blame for drug violence | The Raw Story
Agriculture commissioner to talk border security - AP State Wire News - The Sacramento Bee
Living in Amerika by William Norman Grigg
» Unsurvivable Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
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