Pelosi Declares Dems Will Take Back House: "We've Out-Redistricted" Republicans
Wasserman Schultz On Jerusalem Being Left Out Of Platform: "A Technical Oversight"
Morris: After 8 Years Of Obama No Dem Will Get Elected For 100 Years
Jon Stewart At DNC, Says Obama Slogan Should Be "Yes, We Can, But..."
Krauthammer On Israel: If Obama Personally Intervened To Have It Reinstated, How Did He Allow It To Be Omitted?
Anderson Cooper: Wasserman Schultz In An "Alternate Universe"
Chuck Todd: "Michelle Obama Owned Convention ... In A Way No Speaker" Did In Tampa
Romney: Americans Don't Want To Let "Incomplete" Obama Take The Course Again
Bill Richardson: Obama "Just Needs Support From The Other Side"
Ed Schultz: After Tonight, How Could GOP Think About "Taking Away" ObamaCare?
Peter Schiff Report: DNC Attendees Favor Banning Profits
Flashback: Obama Has Long Held Campaign Events In The Rain
Paul Begala: Floor Vote On Jerusalem And God Was "Embarrassing"
Jerusalem And God Vote Gets Booed At Dem Convention
Libtalker Stephanie Miller: GOP Convention "Nicest Klan Rally" Ever
Strickland: Welfare Reform Reaction From GOP "Not So Subtle Racism"
Annie Kuster TV Ad: "Bev"
San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro At DNC: "Opportunity Today, Prosperity Tomorrow"
Wasserman Schultz Attacks Paper For Misquoting Exactly What She Said
Michelle Obama At DNC: "For Barack, There Is No Such Thing As Us And Them"
Krauthammer On Michelle Obama's Speech: "I Didn't Buy A Line Of It"
Deval Patrick: I Won't Let Obama Be "Bullied" Out Of Office
Gov. O'Malley At DNC: Obama Moving America "Forward, Not Back"
Hume: Dem Convention Much More Loud Than GOP Because Of Small Site
President Jimmy Carter Addresses The Dem Convention
DNC Video: A Tribute To Senator Kennedy
O'Reilly: "No Question The Country Is Worse Off Today"
Dick Durbin vs. Bret Baier On "God" Being Deleted From Dem Platform
Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn: With Republicans, Facts Are 'Stubborn Things'
Harry Reid: "The American People Know Barack Obama"
Obama Campaign: Incomplete Is Not A Failing Grade
RNC Web Ad: $16,000,000,000,000
RNC Web Ad: "President Carter, President Obama"
Cutter: Obama's "Incomplete" Grade "Means A Number Of Different Things"
Michelle Obama: "I'm Going To Take Folks Back To The Man That He Was Before He Was President"
Wesley Clark: Unemployment Might Run Up To 20%
NC Dem Gov Warns Of "Coat Hangers In The Bath Tub" Under GOP
Obama Gives Himself An "Incomplete" After Nearly Four Years In Office
Love: Obama Rates His Success On "How Much Money He Is Divvying Out"
RNC Web Ad: "Bumps In The Road III"
DNC Chairman LA Mayor Villaraigosa Gives Obama An "A For Effort"
Sandra Fluke Upset Over Joke By Bill O'Reilly
Obama On Romney: "You Don't Need That Coach; That's A Losing Season"
Ed Schultz: A Lot Of Americans "Don't Want To Hear About Bush Anymore"
Paul Ryan: "Four Years Into A Presidency And It's Incomplete?"
Van Jones: This Is A "Fear Election"
Warren On $713 Billion In Medicare Cuts: Obama "Strengthened" It
Obama: There Are Moments As President Where You "Really Do Put Politics Aside"
Obama convention speech scaled back due to storm threat | Reuters
My Way News - Democrats change platform to add God, Jerusalem
And the sheeple believe him . . . | Sinclair News.Net
Obama-Bill Clinton relationship unthinkable four years ago - CNN.com
Earth Heal - Out of space and into time
There Was A Secret Ruling Against The NSA For Spying On Americans - Business Insider
DHS Ramps Up To Subdue And Kill Americans
PressTV - FBI monitoring Americans via phones
No shooting at protest? Police may block mobile devices via Apple — RT
Judge Napolitano on Nullification and the Constitutional Powers of States - YouTube
PressTV - Special Ops con, imaginary warfare and non-existent enemies
» National Debt Now Tops $16 Trillion… And Most is NOT Owed to China » Fresh Ink -- GOPUSA
The CAFR Swindle - The Biggest Game In Town - YouTube
China's Xi Jinping cancels Hillary Clinton meeting amid 'tensions' - Telegraph
PressTV - World tired of Israeli criminality: Iran
Vatileaks: '20 people involved in stealing douments', says Pope's butler - Telegraph
Suppression! DNC Charlotte: Identification required, even just near convention site | Twitchy
Mystery Lottery Winner Sees Self on Surveillance Image, Realizes He Won $52 Million - ABC News
Grant Cameron asks, "Are UFO Secrets About to be Revealed?"
The Power of RAW Cannabis. - YouTube
Activist Post: Smartworld: Identity Profiling With Biometrics
Victorian adverts for health remedies laden with cocaine, morphine and alcohol | Mail Online
GMO: The Secret the Food Industry Is Spending Millions to Keep - DailyFinance
PressTV - Oxfam warns of spikes in global food prices due to climate change
The Permanent Unemployment Economy
US cinema attendances plummet - Telegraph
PressTV - Half of America in poverty? The facts say It's true
Civilization is the Great Lie | Kirwan's Art & Articles
Roi Tov – Israel’s Propaganda War on Iran
Japan agrees to buy disputed Senkaku islands - Telegraph
Hacked Intel Email: NYPD Involved in "Damn Right Felonious Activity"
FL Gov. Sets October 16, 2012 Execution Date ForJohn Errol Ferguson | Sinclair News.Net
Web moguls' most valuable homes revealed | Mail Online
Texas Attempts to Contain Chronic Wasting Disease with New Restrictions | Outdoor Life
Hantavirus warnings sent to Yosemite visitors from 39 other countries - CNN.com
Activist Post: Cargill and Others Behind anti-Organic "Stanford Study"
How LOW Cholesterol Can Harm Your Health | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry
Vitamin D may speed tuberculosis recovery | Vaccine News Daily
CNN Poll: Did Romney get a convention bounce? – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
Democrats hail Obama for making tough decisions for middle class - CNN.com
Why does Social Security need 174,000 bullets? - WTOP.com
U.S. Foreign Arms Sales Are Most of Global Market - NYTimes.com
Obama considers new “red lines” against Iran
helicopter crash in logar province afghanistan - YouTube
Activist Post: Smartworld: Identity Profiling With Radio Frequency
Activist Post: Smartworld - Identity Ecosystem
Activist Post: Smartworld - Identity Ecosystem - Part 2: Identity Profiling
Bengal tiger babies debut at a zoo in Czech Republic
We Are EMR Guinea Pigs - YouTube
Building a North American Union - YouTube
Rare color photos: Women at work in the 1940s Pictures - CBS News
Arabs Are Not Just Arabs - Syrian Girl - YouTube
VIDCAST: Flying Saucers [UFOs] and Science - Stanton Friedman LIVE
Teacher And Students Assault 13 Year Old - YouTube
Romney Obama the Same? - YouTube
Tigers Coexist With People as Creatures of the Night | Earth & Environment | Science | Epoch Times
FDA Turns South Floridians into Human Guinea Pigs | The Alliance for Natural Health USA
U.N. Human Rights Council to Add Genocidal Warlord | Judicial Watch
Sen. Rick Santorum Goes All In For Romney At Liberty Plaza Gala | Sinclair News.Net
Our Reality Redefined – But Don’t Accept It « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
Netflix stock slumps after Amazon signs Epix deal - Sep. 4, 2012
Dems Giving Away Tickets to Obama's Speech - Dunwoody, GA Patch
Bain Capital-Controlled Companies' Employees To Speak At Democratic Convention
THE REPUBLICANS CROSS THE RUBICON ~ Paul Craig Roberts - PaulCraigRoberts.org
Justice Department sued for hiding secret NSA surveillance program — RT
The new totalitarianism of surveillance technology | Naomi Wolf | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
Software Meant to Fight Crime Is Used to Spy on Dissidents - US Business News - CNBC
Roaming airport screeners look for people with something to hide | McClatchy
Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts :
Activist Post: Central Banks are the Real Target for West's Imperial Wars
PressTV - US debt reaching $16 trillion
Moody’s cuts EU outlook to ‘negative’ — RT
Activist Post: 10 Signs That You're Fully Awake
China denies kids used in genetically modified rice test
Narco News: US, Mexican Officials Brokering Deals with Drug “Cartels,” WikiLeaks Documents Show
Get Ready For 'Super Wi-Fi' To Be A Big Thing In 2013 - Business Insider
Hackers claim 12 million Apple IDs from FBI (Update 2)
Use of Antibiotics in Animals Raised for Food Defies Scrutiny - NYTimes.com
'Cotton wool culture' stops children playing - Telegraph
Inhalers 'can make asthma victims shorter in adulthood' | Mail Online
Republicans try to counter Democrats' convention | Reuters
Inherit The Wind… The Evil of Two Lessers Information Clearing House: ICH
Blog: Declining MSM's last gasp
Convention In 100 Seconds: DNC Day One Highlights - Home - The Daily Bail
Nightmare Scenario (Michael Rivero) - YouTube
DNC Video: "The Government Is The Only Thing We All Belong To" | XRepublic
Talking To The Invisible Chair of 9/11 Truth « THE INTERNET POST
Ron Paul on Jay Leno, Rules Out Third Party Run as Liberty Movement Hits The Tonight Show
Ron Paul on 3rd Party - The Tonight Show With Jay Leno - YouTube
Ron Paul On Jay Leno, Talks RNC And Mitt Romney. - YouTube
RON PAUL on THE TONIGHT SHOW with JAY LENO (09/04/2012) - YouTube
Household chemical linked to heart disease - CNN.com
Obama Overthrow Plot Widens As US Martial Law Fears Grow | Pakalert Press
Chuck Norris WARNS 1000 years Of Anti-Christ Darkness If Obama Wins
Saudi Arabia Orders Al Qaeda Jihadists To Attack Iran and Israel
United States Circumvented Laws To Help Japan Accumulate Tons of Plutonium « « DC BureauDC Bureau
Activist Post: Compiled Proof that Natural Healing is Embedded in Nature, Natural Foods
What Was the FBI Doing with 12 Million Apple IDs Anyway? « THE INTERNET POST
Activist Post: Cargill and Others Behind anti-Organic "Stanford Study"
poorrichard's blog: Media Cartels and the “Intellectual Property” Racket
Obama Honors Saudi Imam For Putting Bounty On Assad's Head
13 Campaign Ads Romney and Obama Wish They Could Run Slideshow | Cracked.com
US-Saudi Backed Al Qaeda Proxy Cells Now Waging Jihad Against Russia
Al-Qaeda Leader Strikes Deal With U.S., Saudis To Send 5,000 Jihadists To Syria
CIA Director reportedly in Turkey for secret talks « intelNews.org
Saudi oil well dries up – Telegraph Blogs
A virus that kills cancer: the cure that's waiting in the coldc - Telegraph
Cosmetics firm accused of plundering Dead Sea
Cargill and Others Behind anti-Organic "Stanford Study" - BlackListedNews.com
DNC Communist Cotillion and the La Raza Faction | _
Obama Executive Order Will Nationalize the Demonization of US Veterans as Mentally Ill | _
Yet Another DHS Worker Files Discrimination Lawsuit Against Big Sis - 12160
John Cusack: 'Obama Is Just Another Ivy League Asshole' - Home - The Daily Bail
USDA Offers the Biotech Industry Blanket Immunity for Contaminating Organic Crops | _
Nowhere To Hide: Secret Agency Launching Total Satellite Spy Grid
Bug Out Bags: Build your own or buy ready-made? The Survival Mom -LPC
Former Reporter Amber Lyon Exposes Massive Censorship at CNN
New Big Brother Spy Camera Software Scans For Drunks in Public
Politics of Power: Burying Truth through Resolutions « Aletho News
‘Mounting Evidence’ of Bug-Resistant Corn Seen by EPA - Bloomberg
The One Most Important Question a Survivalist Can Ask Themselves | _
foodconsumer.org - Study Found Toxin from GM Crops is Showing up in Human Blood
TSA liquid testing inside terminal at Columbus OH Airport - YouTube
911 Truth ~ The North Tower Explodes - YouTube
+Education After The Collapse - Free eBook
The American People Are Angry - YouTube
FEMA Camps for Fools, Locking Away the Morons | _
Activist Post: Shoot to Kill: Autonomous Robots Developed By DARPA Will Not Question Orders
Prison Planet.com » Liquid Bomb “Terror Plot” Collapses In Court
Activist Post: Coconut Oil Hailed as ‘Miracle’ Dental Breakthrough, Deadly Bacteria Killer
"RNC Is A Criminal Organization" - Ron Paul Delegates speak out against RNC Corruption | XRepublic
Check If Your Apple Device Has Been Compromised by the AntiSec Leak
Miami’s Godmother of Cocaine, Griselda Blanco, Gunned Down In Colombia : Federal Jack
Tell Google TV not to censor our ads - Jill Stein for President
White House Blowout Sale! 25% OFF Everything In Obama Store! - Home - The Daily Bail
Ron Paul will not endorse Gary Johnson - Yahoo! News
Activist Post: Obese Teenage Americans are Stupid, says New Study Endorsed by Big Pharma
China Now Using a Cruise Ship to Haul Troops and Tanks | Pakalert Press
What Obama Won’t Say in Charlotte: War on Terror Is Done | _
The Real Hunger Games – Big Commodity Traders Control World Grain Market | _
Mind Control and the New World Order by Al Neal : Federal Jack
So You Want a Businessman for President? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Enemies Inside The Gates « Keys To Liberty
Brad Linzy: By Snubbing Ron Paul, the RNC May Have Cost Romney the Election
Michelle Kosilek, Transgender Murder Convict, Granted Gender Reassignment Surgery | _
Alex Jones Show: Wednesday (9-5-12) Chris Hedges & Richard Stallman - YouTube
Infowars Nightly News: Tuesday (9-4-12) David Ortiz - YouTube
Officials probe video showing Russian ‘Top Gun’ stunt near major highway - BlackListedNews.com
A Classified CIA Mea Culpa on Iraq
Television Stations Could Start Using Drones To Cover News Stories « CBS DC
Democratic Convention to Propel Obama to 2nd Term Kicks Off - Bloomberg
Homeland Security's domain seizures worries Congress | Internet & Media - CNET News
Why is US fostering ties with Central Asian despots? | StratRisks
America’s Secret Deal with Mexican Drug Cartels - BlackListedNews.com
Never Mind Super PACs: How Big Business Is Buying the Election | The Nation
Petroleum Industry Claims Cutting Its Tax Breaks is “Discriminatory” - AllGov - News - Controversies
+Beck: Who Is The Real Barack Obama? | Obama
42 min./Who is the REAL Barack Obama?.wmv - YouTube
Extreme Activity Being Reported Especially Over the East Coast of the USA | ET. Updates
The Ancient Airships Of Atlantis | Science and Technology
UN Termination Ships Preparing to Set Sail Worldwide | Alternative
13 Evidence-Based Medicinal Properties of Coconut Oil | Alternative
Has Photo Analyst Ross Curley Discovered A Structure On Mars? | Space
Ross Curley’s Discovery Of A Structure On Mars? | Church of Mabus
Extraterrestrial Contact: Visiting Robots | Space
Science Fiction or Fact: Star-Destroying Superweapon | LiveScience
Elevator To The Moon To Become Reality In 8 Years | Space
Amidst Boos And Multiple Votes, DNC Reverses Position And Reinstates Jerusalem - YouTube
The Thought Police Are Coming | Science and Technology
Walnuts Shown to Fight and Prevent Breast Cancer
Can Positive Thinking Change Your Life? YES, It Can! | Silva Method Life
Mind Control Techniques – Yoga for Men
MSM Spreads Flawed Organic Foods Study to Confuse Public - YouTube
37 min./Alex Jones Breaks Down Secrets of The Matrix - YouTube
Alex Analyses Obama 2016 Film - YouTube
Uprising Revolution against the New World Order, Corporatism & Zionism - YouTube
Did RNC "Scripted" Rules Change Start A Civil War In The Republican Party? - YouTube
Social Security Gearing Up for Civil Unrest | Dprogram.net
Social Security Gearing Up for Civil Unrest - YouTube
My Interview With John Cusack on Civil Liberties and Obama | Dprogram.net
Eyewitnesses Reveal Daraya Massacre Carried Out By U.S.-Backed Rebels | Dprogram.net
Activist Put On Terror Watchlist To Prevent Him Protesting DNC | Dprogram.net
Ron Paul: How Long Will the Dollar Remain the World’s Reserve Currency? | Dprogram.net
The Strange Deaths of Two Sisters in Thailand | Wired Science | Wired.com
One-Ton Cheeseburger Sets World Record For Minnesota Casino
Northern Lights Blaze Up After Big Sun Storm | Space.com
'A great silence is spreading over the natural world' | Environment | guardian.co.uk
SETI's Alien Search to Get Cash from Start-Up | Space.com
Pictures: Mass Sacrifice Found Near Aztec Temple
How to learn in your sleep : Nature News & Comment
Coast To Coast AM - Tesla & UFOs - 09-04-2012 - C2CAM - YouTube
UFOTV: Above Top Secret - UFOs, Nikola Tesla, Free Energy and Antigravity Technology - YouTube
Democrats change platform to add God, Jerusalem - Yahoo! News
Feds Seek Prison Time For Obama "Hope" Artist | The Smoking Gun
US Slips Down the Ranks of Global Competitiveness - CNBC - Asia Business News - CNBC
Obama’s Popularity Dips Underwater; For Romney, a Faint Favorability Bounce - ABC News
Bishop McKenzie, DNC speaker, spoke at Wright's retirement | The Daily Caller
Sandra Fluke argued for sex-change insurance mandate in 2011 | The Daily Caller
Bill Clinton’s 8 digs at Obama - Kevin Cirilli - POLITICO.com
Red Carpet for Solyndra Figure at Democratic Convention - ABC News
Pentagon fails to comply with law to help overseas soldiers vote, watchdog says | WashingtonGuardian
Pro-Israel Language Removed From Democratic Party Platform | Washington Free Beacon
DECKER: Savage damnation - Washington Times
» Is Obama playing for the opposing team?’
More Foreign Aid to Egypt's Dictatorship - informationliberation
DNC Video: "The Government Is The Only Thing We All Belong To" - YouTube
Medicare Is Doomed by Sheldon Richman
China aiming 200 more missiles at Taiwan: MND - Taipei Times
Are there More People Alive Today than Ever Lived? | LifesLittleMysteries.com
25 Cutting Edge Companies Funded By The Central Intelligence Agency - Business Insider
FinSpy Software Is Tracking Political Dissidents - NYTimes.com
MI6, SAS, CIA: Western Troops in Syria | Global Research
Tea Partiers Think They Own the Military, and Can Use It Against the Rest of Us! | Veterans News Now
Obese Teenage Americans are Stupid, says New Study Endorsed by Big Pharma
Nine Israeli MPs Vow Unconditional Support for Attacking Iran -- News from Antiwar.com
BE YOUR OWN LEADER: Growing Opposition to the Canada-EU Trade Agreement
U.S. Prepares Economic Aid to Bolster Democracy in Egypt - NYTimes.com
The Liberal Way to Run the World “Improve” or We’ll Kill You
CNN and the Business of State-sponsored TV News
Democrats and U.S. Labor Delusional About Latin America
Phony Populism from a Party of Corporate America
Corporate Cash Helps Fuel Democratic Convention Despite Pledges New group accepts company money
Jose Padilla to get new sentencing date
Matt Taibbi: The Secret to Mitt Romney’s Fortune?
Hillary Reinforces US-China Mistrust
‘Managing’ the Plaza: America’s Secret Deal with Mexican Drug Cartels
The Unholy Alliance between Unions and Democrats | Global Research
Chicago Teachers Draw a Line | Global Research
Media Cartels and the “Intellectual Property” Racket | Global Research
Towards an “Alternative New World Order” | Global Research
U.S. Launching Cyber Warfare: Towards an Era of “Computer Virus Wars”? | Global Research
Sleeping With the Devil: How U.S. and Saudi Backing of Al Qaeda Led to 9/11 | Global Research
On Intellectuals and Their Duties in the 21st Century | Global Research
Ebola Virus: The Global Elite’s Bio-Weapon Scheme for 90 Percent Depopulation
How LOW Cholesterol Can Harm Your Health
Article Debunking Organic Food Hit Piece Targeted by Massive Cyber Attack
Hacktivists Show Us the Future of Decentralized Regulation
Marines & civilian police officers conduct urban training exercise together - YouTube
Reality Check: 1 on 1 With President Obama, How Does He Justify A Kill List? - YouTube
National Reconnaissance Office plans even larger, more advanced spy satellite array
"See Something, Say Something?" Please Do!! Requesting your input to save lives
Is There Really a Difference Between Organic and Conventional Food? - YouTube
The Birds of Plum Island by Lizzie Bennett
Minority Report: Fiction Has Become Reality by John W. Whitehead
The Smart Grid Is the Control Grid by Roger Toutant
Xenobiotics/Xenoestrogens – Get Rid of These for Your Health! by Margaret Durst
Michelle Obama: My Husband Stands for Promoting Abortion | LifeNews.com
New "Geo Fence" Technology Lets DHS, FBI and Apple Command Your Phone's Camera and Microphone
Webbot Clif High : Total Collapse December 2012- June 2013 | Alternative
The National Debt: $16 Trillion Dollars Of Moral, Cultural And Political Decay - Forbes
Symbolic Pics of the Month (09/12)
AFP PODCAST & ARTICLE: U.S. Totally Unprepared for Coming Solar Superstorm | American Free Press
Government Spying | American Free Press
One-Third of Americans Poor or ‘Near Poor’ | American Free Press
Israeli Court Whitewashes Killing of U.S. Peace Activist | American Free Press
Article Reveals Syrian ‘Revolt’ Orchestrated by U.S. & UK | American Free Press
Navy SEAL book excerpts claim bin Laden was unarmed | The Lookout - Yahoo! News
BBC News - Gene therapy restores sense of smell in mice
News & Current Events, Breaking News, Analysis, Political Commentary – Newsmax.com
Democrats Restore References to God and Jerusalem to Platform
First Lady Made Us Forget President’s Policies — Almost
Obama Should Continue Clinton Legacy
Obama's Jewish Support Diminishes
Chavez Says Obama Handled Clint Eastwood Criticism With Class
Clinton: Obama Showing Way to More Modern Economy
Secret Service Probing Theft of Romney Tax Records
Dershowitz: Democrats Turned Israel into ‘Wedge Issue’
Obama Critics Overstate Regulations’ Effects, Sunstein Says
Sununu: Clinton Speech Will Set Hillary Up for 2016 Run
Wasserman Schultz Refuses to Answer Why ‘God’ Removed From Democratic Platform
WSJ: Unlike Clinton, Obama Hasn't Learned From Mistakes
Andrew Cuomo, the DNC's Invisible Man
Emanuel Quits Obama Campaign To Help Super PAC
Kerry's Speech Fuels Talk He Wants Sec. of State Job
Ryan Praises Bill Clinton Ahead of DNC Speech
Democrats Doubt They Can Regain House Majority
Colombian Peace Talks to Begin in October
Study Questions Organic Food Benefits: What You Can Do
Common Chemical Tied to Cardiac Woes
Zero-Gravity Surgery Device Being Tested for NASA
DNA ‘Junk’ Now Seen as Complex Switches Controlling Health
Pope Goes Green with Electric Car
Scientists Create Encyclopedic Look at Our DNA
9/05/2012 Politics Subvert the All-Important Rule of Law
9/04/2012 Where Is the Domestic Jihad?
The EyeOpener- Drones Over Asia: 21st Century Warfare in the New Battlefront
Dividing the World into Terrorists and the Rest | The National Interest Blog
Hornberger's Blog - More Foreign Aid to Egypt's Dictatorship
The Pentagon’s Bases of Confusion by Tom Engelhardt -- Antiwar.com
Dems Predict 'Drought And Famine; Catastrophic Natural Disasters' | cnsnews.com
Biden's the Gaffe King, Not Ryan | cnsnews.com
Lenders ‘Tricked’ Buyers, Democrat Platform Declares | cnsnews.com
Rep. Mike Ross: The Economy Is Bush's Fault, Obama Will Return To Clinton Era | cnsnews.com
Former Rep. Stupak: ‘No Regrets’ in Voting for Obamacare | cnsnews.com
Pelosi on GOP: ‘They May Have a Religious View About Abortion - but Birth Control?’ | cnsnews.com
Despite Photo, State Dept. Says U.S. Envoy Didn't Bow to Statue of Dictator | cnsnews.com
GAO: Obama Admin Circumvented Law with Welfare Waivers | cnsnews.com
Democratic Platform: Obama 'Rescued' Auto Industry -- GM, Chrysler . . .and Ford? | cnsnews.com
Chafee Says He Left GOP Because It Lacked ‘Fiscal Responsibility’ | cnsnews.com
Pelosi: GOP 'May Have a Religious View About Abortion--But Birth Control?’ | cnsnews.com
Alec Baldwin: ‘If Obama Was White, He’d Be Up By 17 Points’ | NewsBusters.org
Chuck Schumer Ridiculously Asserts Mainstream Media Placed Halo Over Paul Ryan | NewsBusters.org
Arkansas Dem: Obama Wants to ‘Take Us Back’ to Clinton Era | cnsnews.com
Clinton: Obama showing way to more modern economy | cnsnews.com
Being President ‘Reveals Who You Are,’ First Lady Says | cnsnews.com
Democratic Platform Calls for Constitutional Amendment Limiting Free Speech | cnsnews.com
DNC Delegate: Same-Sex Marriage Opponents Are ‘Cafeteria Christians’ | cnsnews.com
CBO: Federal Healthcare Spending To Surpass All Discretionary Spending By 2016 | cnsnews.com
Ryan on Obama: ‘Hope and Change Have Now Become Attack and Blame’ | cnsnews.com
Less Than Half of U.S. Army Officers in Afghanistan Report High Morale | cnsnews.com
Sununu: Cloning’s Illegal So We’ll ‘Have To Settle For One Biden at a Time’ | cnsnews.com
Mentions of 'God' in Party Platform: Republicans 12, Democrats 0 | cnsnews.com
2012 Dem Platform Is Only the Second in 40 Years to Be Silent on Jerusalem | cnsnews.com
Afghanistan’s Karzai Says He Won’t Run for Another Term | cnsnews.com
Rush Limbaugh on Michelle Obama: ‘Bullsh–!’
Pelosi says Dems' takeover of House is within reach - Washington Times
Ax falls on conservative radio hosts
ROSE: Obama's abortion-industry party hosts - Washington Times
Report: Half of military bases lack voting facility - Washington Times
Obama ‘to circumvent Congress for amnesty’
S.C. Dem. Chair Compares GOP Gov. to Hitler's Mistress | The Weekly Standard
McDonald's to open vegetarian-only restaurants in India (+video) - CSMonitor.com
CNN Fact Check: About those 4.5 million jobs ... - CNN.com
Don’t be fooled by foreign-sounding footwear
Harvard Government Class Students Probed for Cheating - Businessweek
Matthews a few race cards short of a full deck
Making the election about race … again
GOP's afraid to say it: Obama is a bad man
The 5 'reasons' to re-elect Obama
Why did Obama announce Osama takedown?
The racist, bloody truth about Democrats
Get this weapon before Obama bans it!
Starbucks' magic job-creator bracelets
The day the 'gay' fascists began to fear
Americans: Ignorant of who we are
Obama's 'black-and-white TV' jab
Barack Obama's confident ignorance
Rahm Emanuel in June: When President Obama arrives the rain stops | WashingtonExaminer.com
NJ lets Golden Nugget move gambling outdoors - New York News | New York City Breaking News
Man dressed as The Joker arrested at Melbourne movie theater | www.wftv.com
Avoiding DNC, Hillary Clinton gets snubbed in China | WashingtonExaminer.com
Dems change platform to include Jerusalem language after Obama intervened | The Cable
Mitt Romney: Democrats threw Israel under bus - Mackenzie Weinger - POLITICO.com
Clinton: ‘What kind of country do you want to live in?’ | Election 2012
Debbie Schlussel-Best Anti-Obama Ad I’ve Seen – VIDEO of a Broken Record
The Devil and the Democratic Party.
The Secular "New Elite" and President Obama Working Together
Bush Tax Cuts: Coming Around the Bend!
Must See: DNC Delegates Can’t Name Any Business Obama Worked For
Limbaugh: Bullsh*t! Michelle Obama Says ‘Obama Doesn’t Care If You’re Republican’
Rush: What Republicans Have To Do Is Simple, “Just Expose Obama”
Listen To The Moment Limbaugh ‘Just About Threw Up!’ During Michelle Obama’s DNC Speech
Limbaugh: It’s Time For Bill O’Reilly’s Idea, Condom Drop At DNC
Limbaugh: Michelle Obama Says Barack Cares, But His Brother Still Lives In A Hut
Limbaugh: Obama Was Not ‘Down With The Struggle’
Rush: Michelle Obama’s Speech Was Perfection, But It Was All Lies
Rush: ‘A Sobering Day’ Obama Told He Can’t Fill ”Black Panther’ Stadium
Limbaugh: If Obama Was White This Election Would Be Over
Limbaugh on DNC Opening Night: They Know They’ve Been Governing Against The Will Of The People
Listen To Mark Levin Crack Up As Harry Reid Attacks Tea Party, Rush Limbaugh At DNC
With Heavy Booing, Dems Reinstate Jerusalem and God Language into DNC Platform
Watch ‘Words Matter’: Amateur Compilation Reel Pits Obama Against Himself
These Are 5 of the Biggest Lies Told on the First Day of the DNC
Have You Heard Mark Levin‘s Hilarious Running Commentary of Reid’s Convention Speech?
4,514 Self-Portraits in One Vid: Artist Takes a Photo of Himself Everyday for More Than 12 Years
This Chart Illustrates Why Medicare Is in Desperate Need of Reform
Edward Said, Obama’s Founding Father
State-Controlled Iranian Paper: ‘Zionist Regime’ Spreading Homosexuality to Control the World
Drought 2012: U.N. Now Warning of Looming Food Price ‘Catastrophe’
Nervous? Obama Camp Distances Itself From Video Played at DNC That Says We ‘Belong’ to Gov’t
Allen West Calls Out Dem ‘Trackers’: ‘I Serve a Mighty God’ & ‘I Am Not Afraid’
Krauthammer on Michelle Obama’s DNC Speech: ‘I Didn’t Buy a Line of It’
See the Disappearing Shipwreck That Four Different Hurricanes Have Uncovered
Sandra Fluke in 2011: Mandate Paying for Sex Changes Next
This Could Be the Largest Synchronized Quadrocopter Drone Swarm Ever
DNC Delegates Can’t Name Any Business Obama Worked For
Did You Know It’s National Preparedness Month? Here Are Tips From the Experts on How To Be Ready
Fox News‘ Chris Wallace Reacts to First Lady’s Speech: ‘It Was All About Government’
Watch BlazeCast Rewind: From the DNC — Why Did They Really Move the Obama Speech?
Ever Wanted to See Chris Christie Sing His Heart Out to Bruce Springsteen? Here You Go
Who Could Be Fired If Obama Changes His Cabinet in Second Term?
‘Prophecy Fulfilled’: Artwork Seemingly Likens Obama to Jesus Christ
Scathing New RNC Ad: Obama Campaign Stuck in 2008
Jay Leno Asked Ron Paul About a Third Party Run — Here’s His Answer
Watch Reid Speech at DNC Ramps Up Accusations Regarding Romney’s Tax Returns
Dems Remove All References to ‘God’ From 2012 Party Platform
Here’s the DNC Ted Kennedy Tribute Dems Used to Bash Romney
Watch Chris Matthews Fawns Over Parents Barack and Michelle: ‘Close Enough to Perfect’
Van Jones Gets Emotional Describing How Much He Loves Michelle Obama: ‘She Looks Like My Sister’
‘The Greatest Betrayal’: Spec. Ops Community Releases Rebuttal to SEAL’s Tell-All OBL Raid Book
Pro-Life Dem Admits in Charlotte: HHS Mandate Violates an Obama Executive Order and Is ‘Illegal’
Want to See What a Century of Aging Looks Like in Less Than Three Minutes?
The Deadly Drone Attached on your House
Supporting Romney with Élan and Trepidation
The 2012 Democratic Party Platform Cold-Shoulders Israel
The DNC’s Orgy of Lies and Hypocrisy
United States Carbon Emissions Drop Drastically
Presentation of the Fact-Checkers’ Results Can Distort the Truth As Much as Outright Lies
Discovering new uses for old drugs
Galileo didn’t invent thermometer that bears his name
Soros-Linked Liberal Super Group & Its Secret Funding of Democrats
Godless Illinois Democrat Gets Mad Being Asked Why God Was Dropped from Dem Platform
90 Percent of Young Women Say the Poor Economy Impacts Daily Life
Democrat Politicians Claim America “Better off”: 52% Disagree, Including The One!
U.S., Mexico enter meth enforcement pact despite strained relations
‘Mrs.Obama Almost Makes You Forget That Her Husband Supports Killing Babies, Killing NaturalMarriage
The SEIU and other DNC Shenanigans
Minority Report: Fiction Has Become Reality
Bill and Hillary and Huma and Anthony
Democrat Convention enters fiasco territory
Democratic Convention - First Night
Did the President Endanger His Family's Finances?
The First Refuge of Scoundrels
Bill Clinton Has Obama Right Where He Wants Him
Michelle Obama Supermarket Sweeper
DNC starts with a new Obama low
The Democrats' Anti-Israel Party Platform
DOD Should Not Ban Book on Bin Laden Raid
Democrats Did Not Drop God's Name from Their Platform
The 'Incomplete' Democratic National Convention
DNC ad touches the Unholy Grail of anti-Constitutional thought
The CBS Double Standard for Obama and Romney
Frank Marshall Davis and the Subversion of the Democratic Party
Romney Needs to Bury Obama's Liberalism
A Delegate's-Eye-View of the RNC Convention
Dreaming Up a New America: Progressive Education and the Perversion of American Democracy
Obama: Love Him. Hate Him. You Haven't a Clue.
The Rich versus Everybody Else in Obama's America
Other unions plan to stay in schools if teachers strike
Illinois Democratic National Convention notebook: Duncan, Jarrett, hugfest
Why the Conventions No Longer Come To Chicago
Will Clinton be the 'comeback kid unbound' during speech?
Actor Kal Penn plays role of host at Dem convention
Boston Mayor Menino addresses Democratic gathering
Julian Castro's daughter steals the show with hair tossing at DNC
Castro's daughter flips hair into fame - YouTube
4 Marines accused of attacking Calif. man outside gay bar
Two robbers get away after strapping 'bomb' to California bank manager's body
Sandusky's attorney to use "ineffective counsel" tactic in appeal
Trumka: 'Romney Doesn't Know About Hard Work'
Romney Focus Is on Preparing for the Debates
Chicago mayor shifting to pro-Obama super PAC
Three anarchists plead guilty to Ohio bridge bomb plot
First Lady to supporters: 'We need you out there every single day'
Reported theft of Romney tax records being probed
Rahm Emanuel to raise money for Obama super PAC
Romney's Taxes Hacked? Secret Service Is On It
'Real people' get 15 minutes of fame on convention stage
Caroline Kennedy: Ted Would Be 'Tremendously Proud' of Obama
Democrats Push Clean Energy Economy
McEntee: Putting our faith in Mormon Democrats
Ron Paul to Jay Leno: 'I'll keep plugging along' in 2012 election
RNC touts fact-checkers to rebut DNC claims about Romney's gubernatorial brawn
Michelle Obama's Brother: President and First Lady are 'Grounded'
Gadhafi's spy chief in Libyan hands
Egyptian President Warns Assad That 'Your Time Won't Be Long'
Putin pilots hang-glider to lead endangered cranes on migration route
Clinton Stresses Closer With China Amid Disputes
Democratic convention erupts over reinstatement of Jerusalem to policy
New Keystone pipeline route proposed; activists block Texas site
Apple, FBI play down alleged Anonymous hack
Kickstarter to users: Backer beware
Sweden is best in the world when it comes to Internet usage
Scientists go deeper into DNA - YouTube
Voyager 1, NASA's 1977 iPod, turns 35
NASA Dawn spacecraft traveling to dwarf planet
Mars sample return: Scientists hope to one day hit pay dirt
NASA Captures HUGE Solar Flare on Sun's Surface
Jupiter-Bound Probe's Maneuver in Deep Space Delayed
Apollo 11's Unconventional Life Insurance Policies
Newfound 'Tatooine' Alien Planet Bodes Well for ET Search
Organic Benefits Don't Include Enhanced Nutrition
Blood Sugar Levels Linked to Brain Loss
Scientists Discover Link Between Prostate Cancer And Vitamin A
Vaginal ring may protect against HIV, animal study says
Green Tea Chemical Helps Grow Brain Cells, Could Improve Brain Function
Warhol Art Trove Pops Up for Sale
Michael Clarke Duncan 'Fought Really, Really Hard,' Friend Says
Tigers Are Becoming Nocturnal In Order To Avoid Humans | Planetsave
Football players more likely to develop neurodegenerative disease, study finds - CNN.com
Peterson Jurors End Day 1 With No Verdict - ABC News
Drew Peterson trial updates: Jury to begin deliberations - chicagotribune.com
The Murder Trial Next Door: Drew Peterson Vs. Christopher Vaughn - The Daily Beast
Video-The Machine: The Truth Behind Teachers Unions
Video-RNC Debt Clock vs. GOP Delegates
Video-Matthew Chingos: Vouchers Improve Minority College Enrollment
Real Clear Markets - Video - The Number: $16,000,000,000,000
Real Clear Markets - Video - Gross: I'm Leaning Toward Gold Over Bonds
Real Clear Markets - Video - O'Neill: ECB Will Do What's Necessary to Save Euro
Real Clear Markets - Video - Finally! Some Good News for Facebook Stock
Book Review: Liars and Outliers | Against Security | Permanent Emergency - WSJ.com
Pentagon says Navy Seal's Bin Laden book reveals military secrets | World news | guardian.co.uk
TC-4-WWIOutcomeInst.pdf (application/pdf Object)
The Russo-Japanese War, Korea, and Upheaval in Russia: 1904-05
Ford escaped 2 assassination attempts ;Both happened in California -- one in capital, other in S.F.
RealClearEnergy - Opinion, News, Analysis
6 Energy Policy Highlights from the Democratic Party Platform - US News and World Report
GOP and Dem Party Platforms Differ Significantly on Energy
Looking at the Progress Made on Obama's Energy Plan
Obama vs. Romney: Who has the best energy plan?
Kristina M. Johnson: Our "Independent" Dependence: Why Romney's Plan Doesn't Add Up
Obama Gets Fossil-Fuels Boost After Green-Jobs Revolution Fades - SFGate
Democrats and Republicans Support Harmful Ethanol Subsidies For the Sake of Votes - The Daily Beast
Nuclear Townhall » Blog Archive » WILLIAM TUCKER: Should Nuclear Support a Carbon Tax?
More Gas-fired Power May Hike Winter Blackout Risk
Is the Energy Boom a Mirage? - NYTimes.com
4 Reasons Why Gas Prices Are About to Fall Rapidly
Oilprice.com's 5 Most Influential Oligarchs
Saudi Arabia To Become An Oil Importer? Here's How They Can Avoid It - Forbes
Fossil Fuels: More, Less or the Same under Obama or Romney?
RealClearScience - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls
Cataloging the controlled chaos of the human genome | Ars Technica
What Is Your Dog Thinking? | Animal Intelligence | DISCOVER Magazine
BBC News - Stereotypes 'evolve like language', say researchers
Cheers! 5 Intoxicating Facts About Beer | LiveScience
The Curious Science of Bodily Functions | Popular Science
RealClearScience - Does The Hollow-Face Illusion Fool Your Eyes?
Obama and Romney Tackle 14 Top Science Questions: Scientific American
Landing people on Mars: 5 obstacles – USATODAY.com
Smallest Mountain Range in the World | Astronaut Photos | OurAmazingPlanet.com
Helping hand for Van Gogh conservators | Chemistry World
RealClearScience - How to Put a Dead Fish to Good Use
Experts propose ‘cyber war’ on cancer
Use of Antibiotics in Animals Raised for Food Defies Scrutiny - NYTimes.com
Corruptistan - By Katherin Machalek | Foreign Policy
Eurozine - The great transformation in the global labour market - Phillip Brown, Hugh Lauder
A centuries-old mistrust is at the heart of Sunni-Shia tension - The National
The Truth About Obama and Israel - NYTimes.com
Nick Turse: Afghanistan’s Base Bonanza - Guernica / A Magazine of Art & Politics
India’s history with Hitler | Full Comment | National Post
What is American exceptionalism?
RealClearWorld - President Obama Has Failed on Iran
R Is for Reckless - By John Kerry | Foreign Policy
Who-Built-It Debate Pits the U.S. Against Europe - Bloomberg
The Master ‘PLAN’: China’s New Guided Missile Destroyer | The Diplomat
Heritage of Islam faces threat from within - The Irish Times - Wed, Sep 05, 2012
RealClearWorld - Non-Aligned Summit Belies Isolation of Iran
Commentary: Corruption, Drug Cartels and the Mexican Police | The National Interest
Haqqani network should be designated a terrorist group - The Washington Post
With Iran Talking Genocide, Obama Must Show Courage - Bloomberg
Japan: Get ready for a rightward shift – Global Public Square - CNN.com Blogs
China’s Greatest Challenge: Not America, But Itself | The Diplomat
Frictionless sharing’s dirty little secret – George Osborn – The Kernel
What Do the H-Bomb and the Internet Have in Common? Paul Baran | Wired Enterprise | Wired.com
Google’s sneaky Adobe partnership | TechRepublic
Four years with Google Chrome, and I'm never going back
Offline: avatars and alts | The Verge
I’ll take a gigabit to go. Hold the wires. — Tech News and Analysis
Beware the new Corporatopia – Sean Anderson – The Kernel
How Facebook Can Still Rule the Internet Economy - Bloomberg
Five Trends You'll See in Windows 8 PCs - Lauren Goode and Bonnie Cha - Product News - AllThingsD
Blocking the Sun: Study Looks at Costs of 6 Geoengineering Schemes - IEEE Spectrum
Google at 14: Better than ever - The Buzz - Investment and Stock Market News
Perpetual Phone Frenzy | News & Opinion | PCMag.com
Estonia’s plan to get 6 year olds coding is a stroke of genius — European technology news
FBI laptop containing Apple users' info hacked by AntiSec? Bureau statement says no.
Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features » Spinoza in Shtreimels
RealClearReligion - Nones and the Republican Revival Tent
Finding God on the moon | Fox News
‘God’ also absent from Democrats’ platform – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
Challenge to clergy tax break clears hurdle
Is American atheism heading for a schism? | Peter McGrath | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
New Report Examines Salaries of Megachurch Pastors
The Big Dog As Attack Dog: What To Expect From Bill Clinton’s Convention Speech | The New Republic
Why the 1990s boom happened despite the Clinton tax hikes | AEIdeas
The respite from the welfare lie was short lived - The Maddow Blog
Michelle Obama’s Alarming Speech | The Weekly Standard
Political Animal - Sprints and Relays
The Motive for Partisan Lies About Israel « Commentary Magazine
Details of the Auto Bailout You Won’t Hear in Charlotte | Cato @ Liberty
What Makes America Exceptional? Hint: It Is Not Social Security
Niall Ferguson on The Fed’s Dirty Easy Money - Newsweek and The Daily Beast
Behind the Summer Headlines - Barrons.com
Listen up, biz leaders: It's time to rethink everything - Fortune Management
Bankruptcy Filing by Bain-Owned Firm Shows Inequity of System - Newsweek and The Daily Beast
Is A "War On Women" The Best That President Obama Can Do? - Forbes
'Maximizing shareholder value' is ill-conceived concept - latimes.com
‘You didn’t build that’ - NYPOST.com
Obama’s Fatal Ambivalence About Wall Street: Convention Edition | The New Republic
Yep, Obama's a Big Spender...Just Like His Predecessors - Forbes
RealClearMarkets - The Underfunding of Corporate Pension Plans
SCHIFF: The real fiscal cliff - Washington Times
6 Signs of China’s Deteriorating Economy | PRAGMATIC CAPITALISM
Are we approaching the classic sell on the news moment? | The Big Picture
Is OPEC Killing the Golden Goose? - MarketBeat - WSJ
'This Guy Hates Us': Why Wall Street Turned Against Obama - Gayle Tzemach Lemmon - The Atlantic
Econbrowser: The gold standard and economic growth
Greed, debt and Matt Taibbi - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet
PIMCO | Investment Outlook - The Lending Lindy
Why Isn’t There More Inflation? | Business | TIME.com
Fed Is Killing The Recovery With Quantitative Easing - Forbes
"This Recovery is Different" by Daniel Gros | Project Syndicate
Why Is the ObamaCare Tax/Penalty Needed at All? — The American Magazine
RealClearMarkets - Unlike Reagan, Obama's Biggest Problems Are of His Own Making
How Wall Street turns people into criminals – USATODAY.com
5 Reasons to Worry About Third Quarter Earnings
More bad news — this time from insiders - Mark Hulbert - MarketWatch
Five reasons the economy may be about to boom
Are You Better Off? Here Are the Numbers
Bruce Bartlett: Republicans Are Wrong on Call for Gold Standard - NYTimes.com
Obama's Bait-And-Switch Tax Hikes Will Hit More Than Millionaires And Billionaires - Investors.com
RealClearPolicy - The Accounting Trick That Will Haunt Public Pensions
How Obama Should Answer The ‘Are You Better Off?’ Question | The New Republic
When Government Distorts the Truth | Hoover Institution
Think Again: Obama's New Deal - By Michael Grunwald | Foreign Policy
Was the decline of American unions inevitable? Not if you ask Canada.
The Democratic Platform’s Dishonest Nonsense on Housing | FDL News Desk
Middle-Class Secretaries Are Being Pushed Into Minimum Wage Work | The Nation
TaxVox » Blog Archive » Do Mandates or Tax Subsidies Do a Better Job of Boosting Savings?
Can Obama Break D.C. Gridlock If Re-elected? | RealClearPolitics
**Transcript of Michelle Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention
*The Transcript of Our ABC News/Yahoo! News Interview with Obama Campaign Officials - ABC News
China, India Agree to Resume Joint Military Drills
UN: 100,000 Refugees Fled Syria in August
DNC Fail: Israeli Ambassador Dismisses Debbie Wasserman Schultz's Lie About Republicans
World View: U.S. Manufacturing Contracts at Sharpest Rate in Over Three Years
Pentagon Report: Obama Admin Fails to Set Up Voting Offices on Bases
Hezbollah Leader Threatens U.S. Strike if Israel Attacks Iran
How Many Times Has Debbie Wasserman Schultz Lied About Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren?
World Needs Alternative to Obama's Syria Failure
Turkey Accuses Syria of 'State Terrorism'
Victims' Relatives Mark Munich Attack Anniversary
French Judges to Exhume Arafat's Body
Obama Admin Cuts Military Participation With Israel, Increases Participation with Muslim Brotherhood
Media Blacks Out Today's Litany of Awful Economic News
Obama Quashes Conservative Media Access at DNC
Politifact Lies About Rise in State Unemployment
The Media is Bored: 2012 Is No 2008
RNC a Hit on Social Media, Not TV
Proof: CNN Intends To Destroy Paul Ryan, Protect Joe Biden
What Nobody Is Telling You About Political Convention "Free Speech Zones"
Media Fail to Fact-Check Michelle's Speech
Media Savages Ryan for Telling Truth, Accepts Wasserman-Schultz's Bald-Faced Lies
Black Romney Supporter Kicked Out of MSNBC Pavilion
DNC: Transcript of House Women's Remarks
Reid Attacks 'Extremist' Tea Party, Rush Limbaugh
Meet the New Obama: San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro
Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn Gets Primetime Slot at DNC--and Deserves It
DOJ Gets Shifty at DNC12 Regarding Occupy
DNC Platform Lionizes Obama Foreign Policy
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chair: Romney Embraces Arizona's 'Racial Profiling' Policies
DNC Platform: Bragging About Jobs
President of NARAL: Obama 'Cares' About Women
Forward? Charlotte Community in Despair Four Miles from DNC
Julian Castro: A Radical Revealed
DNC Keynote: 'Prosperity Tomorrow'
Michelle: He's Trying His Best
The Next Obama Falls Short Of Wild Expectations With DNC Speech
Michelle Gives the Unity Speech Barack No Longer Can
World stocks down as US manufacturing disappoints
AP: Democrats Embellish Obama's Record
Fact Check: First Lady's False Fairy Tale of Struggle
Romney Favorables Jump Among Likely Voters
Sandra Fluke, Professional Student Radical
Obama's Convention Speech Being Moved Indoors
Change! Dems Run Out of Hope for Obama Stadium Speech
Democrat Platform Supports Taxpayer-Funded Late-Term Abortions
Thomas Sowell: Obama's 'Confident Ignorance' Is Dangerous
Not 2008: Big Drop in Viewers for Day One of Dem Convention
Democrats Come Out for Gay Marriage in Platform
DNC Platform Supports Constitutional Amendment to Limit Free Speech
Gore, Green Energy Absent from DNC
Democrats Support Stricter Gun Control, Assault Weapons Ban in Platform
DNC Platform Pushes 'Environmental Justice'
Godwin's Law and the Democratic National Convention
Latest Hill Poll: More Bad News for Obama
#EmptyChairDay: Low Attendance Forces Obama to Move Thursday Speech
TransCanada Submits New US Route for Keystone Pipeline
DNC Releases Excerpts Of Bill Clinton's Speech
"You've gotta rule..." Villaraigosa Told to Steamroll DNC Delegates Who Voted No
Democrats Rail Against Non-Existent Oil Subsidies
Resurrection: DNC Overrules Delegates, Rams God and Jerusalem Back into Platform
Debbie Wasserman Schultz: GOP Has Made Israel a Political Football
Missing from Ted Kennedy Tribute: Mary Jo Kopechne
DNC Rabbi's Closing Benediction: No Israel Mention
Not 2008: Big Drop in Viewers for Day One of Dem Convention
Romney Favorables Jump Among Likely Voters
Cory Booker Tells DNC Raising Taxes About 'Patriotism'
What Nobody Is Telling You About Political Convention "Free Speech Zones"
Choom Gang: Obama Web Ad Recruits 'Harold and Kumar' Stars
Jon Stewart's Attack on Romney So Blatantly False… BuzzFeed Calls Him Out
Pro-School Choice Film Rattles Dems, DNC
Mike Rowe Bends Romney's Ear on the Glory of Blue Collar Work
Adam Carolla: Romney's Resume 'Mighty Impressive'
Obama: Unqualified Then, Disqualified Now
Mocking Obama: Conan O'Brien Shows How It's Done
*Transcripts :4th/Michelle Obama's Speech at the DNC
Mayor Castro's Keynote Address to the DNC
Guests: Sen. Klobuchar, Rep. Cummings & Gov. Schweitzer
Shields and Brooks on the Democratic Convention
Panel on the Democrats in 2012 vs. 2008
3rd/Obama's Labor Day Campaign Remarks in Toledo, Ohio
Interview with RNC Chairman Reince Priebus
Interview w/DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Guests: Reps. Frank & Lee and Gov. Perdue
2nd/Guests: Ann Romney, Martin O'Malley & Bev Perdue
Guest: Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley
Guest: Obama Advisor David Axelrod
1st/September 1 White House Press Gaggle
31st/Obama's Remarks to Troops at Fort Bliss, Texas
Shields and Brooks With DNC Predictions
30th/Mitt Romney's Acceptance Speech at the RNC
Sen. Rubio's Speech at the Republican Natl Convention
Interview with Vice Presidential Nominee Paul Ryan
Interview with DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Interview with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell
Panel Reacts to Paul Ryan's Speech
29th/Paul Ryan's Acceptance Speech at the RNC
Condoleezza Rice's Speech To The RNC
Governor Susana Martinez's Speech to the RNC
Obama's Campaign Remarks in Charlottesville, Virginia
Interview with Speaker of the House John Boehner
Interview with Senator Marco Rubio
Interview with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie
Interview with Ohio Governor John Kasich
28th/Ann Romney's Speech to the Republican Natl Convention
Governor Christie's Keynote Speech to the RNC
Obama's Campaign Speech at Iowa State University
Interview with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor
Interview with Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush
Shields and Brooks Preview Tuesday's RNC Speeches
Guest: Representative Marsha Blackburn
27th/Interview with Senator Marco Rubio
Interview with Rep. McMorris Rodgers & Gov. McDonnell
Interview with Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley
Panel on Mitt Romney's Campaign Strategy
26th/Interview with Mitt and Ann Romney
Guests: McCain, Wasserman Schultz, Brewer & Bush
Guests: Hutchison, Walker, O'Malley & Priebus
Guests: Rubio, Blackburn, Priebus and Barbour
Guest: Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell
Obama Should Play the Blame Game | Mother Jones
After 2010 Rebuke, Obama Never Turned to Center | RealClearPolitics
The Explanation Election - NYTimes.com
Change We Can Believe In, 2.0 | The Nation
Obama’s Soaring Rhetoric: A Bright, Shining Lie | Swampland | TIME.com
Obama, Democrats, and the Media: You Can't Handle the 'Truth' - Reason.com
dcorps.convention.points.090312.memo.final.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Ahead of Michelle Obama DNC Speech: First Lady’s Role in 2012 Election | Swampland | TIME.com
Democrats Link Charlotte's "Promise" to Obama's | RealClearPolitics
New York Times Proves Clint Eastwood Correct -- Obama Is Lousy CEO - Forbes
The Real Obama Needs to Fight Five GOP Myths About the Imaginary Obama - The Daily Beast
3 Ways Romney, Ryan, and the Republicans Can Woo Libertarian Voters - Hit & Run : Reason.com
Barack Obama and Bill Clinton’s Quasi-friendship : The New Yorker
Obama Team Sees Convention as Paving Way to Victory | RealClearPolitics
Obama's Dreams | RealClearPolitics
Opinion: Why unions matter more than ever - Edward M. Smith - POLITICO.com
Central planning a la ObamaCare | TribLIVE
Why Democrats Flubbed 'Better Off' Question - NationalJournal.com
Matt Miller: The Rubio Paradox — only cheering upward mobility - The Washington Post
York: New experience for Obama: GOP attacks and mockery | WashingtonExaminer.com
Barack Obama’s New Chicago Politics Abandon Bill Clinton’s Winning Coalition - The Daily Beast
Lacking Spirit of ’08, Democrats Still Find Reason to Unite - NYTimes.com
Democratic platform puts culture wars ahead of fixing the economy | WashingtonExaminer.com
Words Not Spoken by the Democrats - NYTimes.com
Review & Outlook: Of Bill and Barack - WSJ.com
Safety first in Afghan training mission - Tampa Bay Times
Kathleen Parker: The cowboy and the empty chair - The Washington Post
RealClearScience - Science Debunks the Organic Fantasy Garden
'Bait and Switch' Taxes | RealClearPolitics
Bob Herbert: How We Can Bring Millions of Americans to the Middle Class
O'Reilly: "No Question The Country Is Worse Off Today" | RealClearPolitics
The Comeback Vegan - NYTimes.com
Caddell and Schoen: A Campaign in Need of a Clintonian Pivot - WSJ.com
The night Democrats reclaimed “Obamacare”
Obama “Incomplete” Already Changed to F « Commentary Magazine
Obama convention speech scaled back due to storm threat | Reuters
Obama’s Scant Democratic Bench - NationalJournal.com
Morning Jay: The Importance of Bill Clinton | The Weekly Standard
Decline of middle class not Obama's fault - CNN.com
The Hubris of Central Planners | RealClearPolitics
Embracing 'Obamacare' with pride - The Maddow Blog
How Obama Could Do a Better Job Selling His Presidency - NationalJournal.com
Clinton's Legacy, Obama's Fate Still Entwined | RealClearPolitics
President Obama is running scared from the Reagan Metric - The Week
Michelle Obama Emerges as a Major Political Figure in Convention Speech : The New Yorker
CURL: Clinton's presence undercuts Democrats' celebration of women - Washington Times
Republicans’ empathy gap - Salon.com
A Word on Bart Stupak — Jonathan Last Online
Obama Counts on Clinton to Help Sway Independents - NYTimes.com
Obama Says Republicans Will Compromise If He's Re-Elected
Ted Strickland: If Mitt Was Santa Claus, He'd Fire the Reindeer and Outsource the Elves
World's Richest Woman Suggests $2 a Day Wages for Australian Miners
Andrea Mitchell Demands Simpson-Bowles, Durbin Reassures Her
O'Reilly: It's in Bad Taste to Use a Dead Guy to Club Romney
The Two-Sided 'Race Card': Why We Need a Frank Discussion -- and Why We Won't Get One
For Politico, Deval Patrick *Is* Cory Booker
Greta Van Susteren Asks Why Democrats Removed "God" From Party Platform
Michelle Obama: I See What Drives Barack Every Single Day
Bradlee Dean: The Muslims’ Trojan Horse
Anti-Obama protesters try to block DNC - YouTube
First Lady Makes President's Case - YouTube
Bin Laden raid book has Pentagon scrambling - YouTube
It's Hard Out There for a Journalist
Bill Clinton On National Debt: The Republicans Built That
Sandra Fluke: Women Care About More Than Just Being Put at the Podium
Union Member: Obama Saved Our Jobs
Obama Can't Ignore Skepticism After The Economic Tsunami
Priebus Announces Upcoming RNC 'Rapid Response Team'
Chuck Norris Warns of Doom to Follow Obama's Re-election
Tea Party's Amy Kremer: 'We need a president that luvs this country!'
Democratic Platform Includes Support For ERA
Haley Barbour: ‘I Would Love For Christie To Put A Hot Poker To Obama’s Butt’
Martin Bashir Knocks Ryan for Lying About His Marathon Time
Romney-Ryan Lies Won't Win the White House
Prison Planet.com » Man Listed As “Terrorist” Over Traffic Violation
Prison Planet.com » Will Iraq Shoot Down Iranian Aircraft at the Behest of the U.S.?
China reacts angrily to Japanese plan to buy disputed islands - Telegraph
U.S. Debt Now $136,260 Per Household—Up 50% Under Obama | cnsnews.com
TSA Looking for Al-Qaeda in Your Coffee - YouTube
Prison Planet.com » Leave Your Cellphone at Home: Interview with Jacob Appelbaum
Roxon edges towards keeping online data for two years
Prison Planet.com » ‘No on 37′ campaign against GMO labeling exposed as complete fraud
Prison Planet.com » Compiled Proof that Natural Healing is Embedded in Nature, Natural Foods
Prison Planet.com » Article Debunking Organic Food Hit Piece Targeted by Massive Cyber Attack
DNC 2012: Obama’s crowd downsized by 50K - POLITICO.com
Obama Numbers Plunge: Caught Bussing in Supporters - YouTube
Protesting is Now Terrorism - YouTube
Keith Olbermann on 9/11 Truth - YouTube
Prison Planet.com » Establishment Launches Straw Man Over Government Bullet Purchases
Prison Planet.com » CDC’s West Nile virus fear mongering launches paranoid Americans into frenzy
New Jersey Herald - Sculpture removed from Vernon court now on display at SCCC
American, United Face Trial Over 9-11 Towers Destruction - Businessweek
Law-enforcement technology | Homeland Security News Wire
» Orson Welles On Police and Government Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Reality Check: 1 on 1 With President Obama, How Does He Justify A Kill List? - YouTube
Apple: We didn't pass iPhone, iPad device IDs to FBI | ZDNet
*5 Sept.
American Minute for September 5th
This Day in History for 5th September | HistoryOrb.com
September 5th This Day in History
Today in History for September 5th - YouTube
Sept. 4, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN
The Manning Report – 5 September 2012
Alex Jones - 2012-Sep-05, Wednesday
Alex Jones - 2012-Sep-04, Tuesday
Wednesday, September 5th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1
Wednesday, September 5th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2
The Michael Savage Show 09/04/2012
The Katherine Albrecht Show Tuesday September 04 2012 Hour 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show Tuesday September 04 2012 Hour 2
The Katherine Albrecht Show Wednesday September 05 2012 Hour 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show Wednesday September 05 2012 Hour 2
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