A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

07 May 2013

News Review

Political Video
Ted Cruz Mocks Harry Reid's "Demonstration Of Civility" And "Candor" On Senate Floor
Governor Christie Spoof: Maybe There Is Something To This Fleece
Dennis Miller: If We Killed 4 Jihadis, There Would Be An Internal Investigation
SC Dem Chair: Haley Should "Go Back To Being An Accountant At A Dress Store"
Obama: Bin Laden, Gaddafi Examples Of "I Said I Was Going To Do Something And It Ended Up Getting Done"
MSNBC's S.E. Cupp: Why Aren't We Trying To Stop Gosnell From Happening Again?
Mother Of Slain Benghazi Victim Rips Hillary Clinton: "I Blame Her"
Bill Clinton: We Need Five Years To Judge Obamacare
Rand Paul On Schumer-Rubio Immigration Plan: "To Me, It's A Little Bit Like Obamacare"
Dem Sen: Second Amendment Not Meant For Citizens To Take Up Arms Against Government
Sheila Jackson Lee: Healthcare, Education A Constitutional Right
Hume: Will Benghazi Hearings "Meet Expectations"?
CNN: Many Outstanding Questions On The Benghazi Attack
O'Donnell: NRA's LaPierre "Lied" About Boston
Christie Explains Lap Band Weight Surgery: "It's Nobody Else's Business"
O'Reilly: Could Be A Bad Week For Obama & Clinton
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters On Benghazi: "How Much Evidence Does It Take?"
Daily Beast's Eli Lake vs. Anti-Israel C-SPAN Caller
Krauthammer: Benghazi "By Definition A Cover-Up"
Chris Matthews: Gun Rights Activists "Don't Accept An African-American President"
Coulter On SC Dem's "Racist" Comment: "Classic Democrat Behavior"
Cruz On Richardson: If People Are "Attacking Your Ethnicity" They Don't Want To Engage In Substantive Argument
Harry Reid: Ted Cruz A "Schoolyard Bully"
Sen. Inhofe: Obama Administration Trying To "Dry Up" Ammo Supply
Adam Carolla On "Redneck Day" At AZ High School, Grown Men Attending "Iron Man 3"
Caddell On Obama's Pro-Government Commencement: "Country Will Not Buy It"
Carney Dodges Question On Military Response To Benghazi
Toure's "Open Borders" Rant: "Muslim Poverty Is What Threatens Our Security"
World's First Fully Functional 3D Gun Is Made
Bill Richardson On Cruz Criticism: "That Was A Misunderstanding"
Steve Forbes: Why The Fed Fueled The Gold Fall
Reporter To Carney: "Does Obama Think Golf Is Conducive To Discussion?"
Carney: Obama "Never Said What Reaction He Would Take" To Crossing Of Red Line In Syria
"Morning Joe" Panel: "We Would Have Led With" Harpootlian Story If He Were A Republican
Dan Rather: Obama's Opponents "Want To Cut His Heart Out And Throw His Liver To The Dogs"
Pat Robertson: Gays Can Change Just Like Murderers And Rapists
Chaffetz: Congress Was "Misled Every Step Of The Way" On Benghazi
MA-Sen: Gabriel Gomez Defines Himself As A "New Kind Of Republican"
FNC's Political Insiders: "This Is A Presidency That Is Adrift"
Cokie Roberts On Mary Matalin Being Unable To Find Ammo For Gun: "Good"
Sen. Ted Cruz Addresses The South Carolina GOP Silver Elephant Dinner
Glenn Beck Delivers Keynote At NRA Convention: "Freedom Of All Mankind Is At Stake"
Bill Richardson On Ted Cruz: "I Don't Think He Should Be Defined As A Hispanic"
Obama To Grads: Reject Voices That Warn About Government Tyranny
Cokie Roberts: "The Truth Is, The President Is A Lame Duck"
Maher: Ridiculous To Think Second Amendment Protects Us From Government Tyranny
Kurtz On Erroneous Jason Collins Story: "I Screwed Up"
Carville Praises Cruz: "Most Talented And Fearless Republican Politician I've Seen In The Last 30 Years"
Judge Jeanine On Boston Terror Attack: Why Is Obama Admin Making Excuses?
Dem Congressman: Obama Admin Talking Points On Benghazi Were Absolutely False
DeMint On Immigration Reform: "It Will Cost Americans Trillions"
Chaffetz: State Department Officials Fear "Retaliation" On Benghazi, More Will Talk
Texas Gov. Rick Perry's NRA Convention Intro Video
"Fox News Sunday" Panel: After Israeli Strikes, What's Next In Syria?
U.S. Official: We Knew Benghazi Was A Terrorist Attack "From The Get-Go"
MTP Roundtable: Obama's Agenda: Where Are We Now? First 100 Days Of Second Term
"This Week" Roundtable: Has Obama's Agenda Stalled? Also, Gun Control And 2016
Sen. Leahy: Obama Moving Toward Arming "The Right People" In Syria
"Face The Nation" Panel: Changing Face Of Professional Sports
Aliens are Demons – Tom Horn & LA Marzulli – Nsearch Radio | The Freedom Report
UFOs Disabling Nuclear Missiles: Former Senator Says Veterans’ Testimony is the “Smoking Gun” Confirming a U.S. Government Cover-up

Scientists Pursue New Therapies As Deadly H7N9 Flu Spreads In China | Big News Network

The Eight Unfolding Stages of the Great American Genocide (Part 1) | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
The Eight Unfolding Stages of the Great American Genocide (Part 2) | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
The Eight Unfolding Stages of the Great American Genocide (Part 3) | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
The Eight Unfolding Stages of the Great American Genocide (Part 4) | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
The Eight Unfolding Stages of the Great American Genocide (Part 5): DENIAL | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
Activist Post: Boston Bombing Suspects' Foundation Connections - Another Strand in the Web of Global Terror
Cop in shootout with Tsarnaev brothers was nearly killed by friendly fire, witnesses claim — RT USA
Activist Post: Civil Disobedience or Death by Design
Scorecard: How Many Rights Have Americans REALLY Lost? | Washington's Blog
The American Community Survey
New World Order – Dead on Arrival | Zen-Haven - Love Hope Courage
The REAL Reason Israel Attacked Syria - YouTube
PressTV - Zionists seek clash between Muslims and Christians: Expert
PressTV - Israel, al-Qaeda ties out in the open: Kevin Barrett
PressTV - Kerry in Moscow to press US agenda against Syria
PressTV - Pro-Israeli US senator pushes bill requiring military aid to Syria insurgents
Roi Tov – Chemical Duel
Did Israel Use WMD On Syria? And What Jewish Race? - Morris - YouTube
There's no party like a White House party - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |
Graham: ‘I Think the Dam Is About to Break on Benghazi’ | Washington Free Beacon
John Bolton: Benghazi could bring down Obama administration - Washington Times
State Dept. Won’t Say Its Own Officials Set to Testify on Benghazi Are 'Credible People' | CNS News
Clinton: Too much focus on Hillary's future
Man Arrested After Trying To Return Pipe Bomb At Gun Buyback « CBS Los Angeles
Man’s Constantly Running Nose Caused By Leaking Brain Fluid « CBS Las Vegas
Cleveland Girl Born in Captivity 'Smiling,' Eating Popsicles - ABC News
Reports of sexual abuse, beatings inside the Cleveland house
Police facing questions in Cleveland rescue - Yahoo! News
Gun control ads have Democrats worrying - Print View
2 Va. Boys Suspended For Using Pencils As Guns « CBS DC
The mass exodus of Christians from the Muslim world | Fox News
Richard Russell - Big Money, Fed, Gold, God & General Patton
True News: Obama's Commencement Speech - YouTube

Opinion: 3-D printed guns are a boon for criminals -
NPN Article: O'Reilly's Phony Explanation for the Crucifixion
NPN Article: "Religious Proselytizing" – A Smear Term to Silence Christianity
The lying liars who lie about psychiatry | Jon Rappoport's Blog
A Brief History of Advertising - Hybrid Domainer
US air force sexual assault prevention unit chief charged with sexual battery | World news |
With 31 deaths reported, CDC issues calm on H7N9 bird flu spread
‘Israel used depleted uranium shells in air strike’ – Syrian source — RT News
Palisades nuclear plant shut-down after leak — RT USA
Study: Vast area of 60 million people contaminated from Fukushima disaster (PHOTO)
New Discoveries In The Fukushima “Black Stuff” Mystery | SimplyInfo
Former FBI Agent Confirms the Surveillance State Is Real - Truthdig
Senate approves Internet sales tax bill - The Hill's Floor Action
Breaking News: LDS Canneries to HALT Canning! |
You Are The Hope | Global Research
DeMint on Immigration Reform: ‘If People Read The Bill, It Will Be Blocked’ | National Review Online
House GOP Prepares Fast-Track for Keystone XL | Common Dreams
Mental Scars Run Deep Years After BP Spill: Op-Ed | LiveScience
New York attorney general: Banks have no fear of law enforcement | The Raw Story
Hitler’s War: What the Historians Neglect to Mention (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
All Depositors Everywhere Should be Scared for their Money-Rick Ackerman |
IS THE GOLD MANIPULATION BACKFIRING? JPM Sent Letter to WEALTHIEST Clients To Assure Safety of GOLD….Same Clients Are Now DEMANDING Their PHYSICAL…ENDGAME Nears | InvestmentWatch
James Turk – Extraordinary Delays For Physical Gold & Silver | silveristhenew
The Market Is Beyond Overstretched: Four Major Warning Signs Investors Should Not Ignore | InvestmentWatch
BREAKING INEQUALITY – Why You Will Always Be Poor | InvestmentWatch
3D Printing Could Easily Destroy China’s Economy, Trigger Potential of Total Destruction of Worldwide Manufacturing, And Massive Job Losses | InvestmentWatch
Western officials fear retaliation for Israeli airstrikes in Syria - The Washington Post
Charles Lane: A Baltimore jail scandal aided by union politics - The Washington Post
Gun crime has plunged, but Americans think it's up, says study -
Workers Claim Racial Bias in Farms’ Hiring of Immigrants -
Kremlin officials allege Russian pollsters have foreign links -
Poll: Carter most trusted politician; Matt Lauer least trusted network newsie |
Colombia cops: Fake nuns hid cocaine under habits - DC Breaking Local News Weather Sports FOX 5 WTTG
South Carolina special election 2013: Mark Sanford vs. Elizabeth Colbert Busch: What to watch -
Harpootlian Clarifies, Nikki Haley Should ‘Go Back to Being an Accountant at a Dress Store’ | National Review Online
Reader's Digest Announces '100 Most Trusted People in America' -- NEW YORK, May 7, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --
Google Glass Picks Up Early Signal - Keep Out -
When It Comes to Health-Care Reform, the IRS Rules
New Jersey Gov. Christie has stomach surgery as part of weight-loss plan -
Chris Christie Is About 40 Pounds Lighter Thanks to Secret Lap-Band Surgery | Vanity Fair
Autopsy reveals Michael Jackson’s secrets |
BREAKING: European Commission to criminalize nearly all seeds and plants not registered with government
Profile Of Lawless Aggression
British military has 500 drones | World news | The Guardian
Diplomat: U.S. Special Forces told "you can't go" to Benghazi during attacks - CBS News
Clinton tried to cut State Dept counterterror experts out of the loop on Benghazi « Bob Owens
Aztec Native Shriver Debunks UFO Crash at Hart Canyon
How Does It All End? | Zen-Haven - Love Hope Courage
More Than 30 Million Americans Have Used Psychedelic Drugs | Zen-Haven - Love Hope Courage
Couple found guilty of trying to sell GM hybrid tech to China sentenced to year in prison
Study Links Monsanto’s Roundup to Autism, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s | NationofChange
Marijuana Verses Leading Pharmaceuticals In The Treatment of Colon Cancer - Waking Times : Waking Times
Pollution Is Radically Changing Childhood in China’s Cities -
PressTV - Five million Brits struggle to afford food
Esoteric Knowledge Throughout Time - Waking Times : Waking Times
The Currency Of Kindness - Waking Times : Waking Times
Explained: Transhumanist Agenda’s Biblical Roots
30 abandoned places that look truly beautiful. | MyScienceAcademy
Novel Beta2c Coronavirus Cases and Sequences - Google Maps
SARS-like virus kills two more in Saudi Arabia
H7N9, Current Bird Flu Strain, Can't Cause Pandemic: CDC
'Deathbed Testimony' About UFOs Given By Former CIA Official 2013 - YouTube
“There is No Doubt in My Mind There’s an Extraterrestrial Presence That's Affecting The Planet . . .” says, Former Senator Mike Gravel | VIDEO
Airliner ‘Had Narrow Miss With UFO’ Near Glasgow Airport | Conscious Life News
Autopsy reveals Michael Jackson's secrets -
The Perfect Storm
Former Pro-GMO Scientist Speaks Out On The Real Dangers of Genetically Engineered Food
Earth Heal - The USDA's 50-Year War Against The Natural Kingdom
DHS Whistleblower Says War On Terror Is A Charade
DHS Whistleblower Censored from 60 minutes #N3 - YouTube
Activist Post: Electronic Warfare: 2 + 2 = 5
Pres. Obama Tells Students to Reject Voices Warning of Tyranny Government - Ohio State University - YouTube
Judge Jeanine Pirro: Obama Admin Caught Red Handed On Boston Bombing & Benghazi 5-4-13 - Patriot Action Network
Charleston Voice: BARRY THE DOPE DEALER, is Why His School Files are Sealed
Boston SWAT team describes throat wound as a knife cut. - YouTube
A Modest Proposal: Let's Outsource The Entire U.S. Defense Base To China! - Forbes
Mandatory IDF service to be shortened; combat units to be paid for part of their service - Diplomacy & Defense - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
ALL phone calls in the US are recorded and accessible to the government, claims former FBI agent | Mail Online
Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam
Citizenship For Illegal Immigrants Will Cost US Taxpayers AT LEAST $6.3 TRILLION! | InvestmentWatch
Reid Vows Vigorous Immigration Bill Push : Roll Call Policy
Osama bin Laden, among the FBI’s “Ten Most Wanted Fugitives”: Why was he never indicted for his alleged role in 9/11? | Global Research
Human Liberty Is Doomed
Sex 'superbug' feared to be 'more infectious than AIDS' discovered in Hawaii | Mail Online
MSNBC Forced to Apologize After Egregiously Taking Quotes Out of Context for Gun Control Segment | Video |
Are We Heading For a 2008-Style Economic Implosion? Over 21 Million Work Hours Being Lost In One Month!! | InvestmentWatch
The New History of Humanity Part 1 - "Kill it , cook it, eat it" - YouTube
New History of Humanity part 2 - "Earth is a dangerous place" - YouTube
A gun made on a 3D printer has been fired – let's look at this in perspective | Alex Hern | Comment is free |
Counterinsurgency methods used to fight gang crime - CBS News
Tea Party Community - Tea Party Hub
Natural Health News and Wellness Tips | Natural Remedies and Products: New Cannabis vs. Cancer Patent Sought
Symphony of Science - the Quantum World! - YouTube
Hundreds of mysterious yellow orbs discovered under Mexico’s Temple of the Feathered Serpent - History - Life & Style - The Independent
Penny Pritzker, Barack Obama’s ‘Fairy Godmother’ - Truthdig
OpEdNews - Article: Are All Telephone Calls Recorded And Accessible To The US Government?
Government Debt = Government Investment
Suicide Rate Rises Sharply in U.S. -
How Obama Obstructs Justice in the Search for a Communist Terrorist
"...Four [Alien] Species had been Visiting Earth for Thousands of Years" says, Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Minister of Defense
+Obama Serves 14-State Governors With Warnings of Arrest: And why is this not front page news? | Opinion - Conservative

More Than 60 Politicians Relied Mostly On Out-of-State Money | U. S. Politics

+The Obama's, I Knew They Had Both Lost Their Law License, But I Didn't Know Why Until I Read This | Blogging/Citizen Journalism
+Pres. Barack Obama – Editor of the Harvard Law Review – Has No Law License??? | Alamo City Pundit
Your Cell Phone Isn't The Trusted Member Of The Family You Think It Is. | Business
Holy Fire ‘Miracle’ In Jerusalem Church Where Jesus Was Resurrected (Video) | Spirit
Eyewitnesses: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Did Not Shoot Boston Cop | Alternative
Obama Cousin Joins Obots Linda Joy Adams Joins Forces With Doc Conspiracy To FInd Obama Dad | Obama Birthplace Controversy
Obama Is Satanical Clearly Obama Is Antichrist (Videos) | Obama Birthplace Controversy
CIA Official Breaks Silence on UFOs (+Video)
Vegetarian & Raw Diets Biggest Mistakes | Health
Is this the key to eternal youth? Scientists find the brain region that controls ageing - paving the way to turn back the clock | Mail Online
An Incredible Superfood: The Many Benefits of Coconut Oil | Health
Quantum Internet Prototype Used At Los Alamos Lab For Over Two Years | Science and Technology
Forget Google Glass! Search Engine Discusses Driverless Cars With Tesla | Science and Technology
Mark Dice Arrested After Infowars Stunt? (Video) 4th Amendment 'Out The Window' In California | Blogging/Citizen Journalism
Cesar Conda - Marco Rubio's chief of staff worked for George Soros
Our Galaxy Is A Vortex - The Helical Model | Space
Why China Will Be In A Position To Win In Any Showdown Against The U.S. By 2030 | China
American On Most Wanted Terrorist Listed Killed in Somalia | Global Unrest
Message From God Found Hidden Inside DNA Sequence | Prophecy
Smart Paper Makes Traceable Money Possible - IEEE Spectrum
Syria Traffic Goes "Dark" As Country Disappears From Internet -
The Price Of Copper And 11 Other Recession Indicators That Are Flashing Red -
United States of Insanity: Government gunmen burst into school and spray blanks at teachers in ‘mock massacre’ -
Saudi Diplomat’s Home, 2 Miles from CIA, Raided for Possible Human Trafficking « CBS DC
Why America Fell So Far … So Fast -
‘Flaky’ Syrian Chemical Weapons Evidence Does Not Deter Neo-Cons -
The U.S. Government Is Monitoring All Phone Calls, All Emails And All Internet Activity -
Newly Declassified Memo Shows CIA Shaped Zero Dark Thirty's Narrative
11 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Should Be Abolished -
'Catholic mafia' hindered priest probe, special commission of inquiry into child sex abuse hears | The Australian
The young, educated, and massively in debt college generation -
Proposed NY Bill Allows Doctors to Vaccinate and Drug Minors Without Parental Consent -
Russian military again flies strategic bombers near Alaska | Washington Free Beacon
When Did Google Become the Internet Police? |
Police want ‘kill switch’ for smartphones -
Benghazi whistleblower confirms: Special Forces told to ‘stand down’ -
Steve Coll: Our Drone Delusion : The New Yorker
Ag-Gag Laws Could Make America Sick | Wired Science |
Starving the World for Power and Profit: The Global Agribusiness Model -
EXCLUSIVE: Assad Green-Lights Palestinian “Operations” Against Israel on the Golan Heights, Threatens Missile Attacks — Syrian TV |
How Al Gore's Net Worth Caught Up With Mitt Romney's -
Fighting Renews Along Afghan-Pakistani Border | StratRisks
Study Links Monstanto’s RoundUp To Autism, Parkinson’s And Alzheimer’s -
*5 Reasons to IGNORE Collection Agencies | - The Truth is Hidden in Plain View...

Debt-Repair Firm Charged in First CFPB Criminal Referral - Bloomberg
Explosive Product Anyone Can Buy And Homeland Security Wants You To Know It Exist! (BUT WHY?) - YouTube
Syria: Media War of Words | Weapons of Mass Distraction - YouTube
FBI to spy on citizens in real-time online

+Internet Sales Tax Passes Senate w/Bipartisan Support - Includes Vote Count | DCXposed
- Senate Passes Internet Tax Bill- See How Your Senator Voted: House Puts The Brakes On |

Refreshing News: Republican introduces bill to require political approval of scientific papers
Kidnapped Cleveland woman, Amanda Berry, hailed a 'hero' after desperate 911 call | Fox News
Agent Provocateur Triggered Kent State Massacre! Obama & Eric Holder Refuse To Look At New Evidence | XRepublic
New bill forbids ‘defamation’ of IDF | The Ugly Truth
China threatens to end the military rule of the U.S. in Asia - English
President Putin signs law banning foreign bank accounts for ministers : The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video
Refreshing News: The FBI may be corrupt: Conspiracy theories
Clinton Continues to Avoid Testifying of Her Involvement in CIA Spy Stevens Death in Benghazi | Susanne Posel
Comparison of GMO and non-GMO corn - the real statistics will astound you!
Chris Greene "SSRI Drugs are responsible for School Massacre" - YouTube
Family of Newtown victim Noah Pozner says it's going after 'despicable' scam artists trying to profit off tragedy - NY Daily News
Obama Attacks Legitimacy of Venezuelan Government
How Al Gore Got To Be Insanely Rich |
Psychopathy in Politics and Finance | THE INTERNET POST
Kokesh’s D.C. Psyop: Adam “AstroTurf” Kokesh to Lead Armed March on Washington on July 4th – Promises to Cower in Face of Tyranny |
Man Arrested After Trying To Return Pipe Bomb At Gun Buyback |
Activist Post: Death by Prescription Drugs Is A Growing Problem
DHS Whistleblower Censored from 60 Minutes Uncensored Version Here | InvestmentWatch
There Are No More Corporate Criminals
Biden Wants Pastors, Rabbis and Nuns to Tell Their Flocks: Enacting More Gun Control Is the Moral Thing to Do - 12160
The New Truth About the Cop Shot in Watertown: Friendly-Fire in a Getaway - Alexander Abad-Santos - The Atlantic Wire
Eyewitnesses to the shootout involving the alleged Boston bombers have thrown up another contradiction to the official narrative - 12160
The Mathematical Reality Is We’re Losing Over 600,000 Jobs a Month That Have Been Hidden From View | InvestmentWatch
THE LIBERATOR: Dawn of the Wiki Weapons *Videos and Pics* | InvestmentWatch

Does Obama Really Exist? - YouTube

Pawns Are Always Expendable When Played (Original Content) - 12160

The U.S. Government Is Monitoring All Phone Calls, All Emails And All Internet Activity | InvestmentWatch
Call the Cops at your Own Risk |
Al Sharpton Accused of Helping Lead FBI to Assata Shakur - 12160
Newly Declassified Memo Shows CIA Shaped Zero Dark Thirty's Narrative - 12160
More than 150 Hells Angels, other bikers block road during police showdown on Vancouver Island - 12160
Activist Post: 11 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Should Be Abolished
Activist Post: The troubling privacy implications of increasingly common eye tracking technology
Air Force Officer Accused of Sexual Battery |
Obama violates US and International Law in Pakistan |
Oil, Smoke and Mirrors (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
Hillary Clinton Laughs Like a Pig when Subject of Iran War Comes Up
Activist Post: How To Clean Your Arteries With One Simple Fruit
Creating the Stasi American
All About The New EU Seed Law
Profile of Lawless Aggression
New Cannabis vs. Cancer Patent Sought
New Study Proves Bt Toxins in GMOs Toxic to Mammalian Blood
The lying liars who lie about psychiatry
Mainstream Media ‘Created Climate For Savile’s Satanic Abuse’
Obama's Commencement Speech Exposed
Senate Passes Internet Sales Tax Bill! "Is This The First Step To A National Sales Tax?"
After the Tragedy in Boston, More Government Surveillance is Not the Answer
Idaho Seizes Kids from Medical Marijuana Activists
California’s vigilante police justice: Trial by machine gun
Breaking Inequality: Why You Will Always Be Poor
The Evidence Against Aspirin And For Natural Alternatives
Damage Control? Obama’s Psy-Op Commencement Speech
Stewart: NRA Convention Same Lineup as CPAC With Better Introductions
O'Donnell Goes After NRA's LaPierre for Attempting to Exploit Boston Bombing Attacks
Ho Hum. Another Right-Wing Terrorist, Another Media Yawn
Loophole Forced Mother to Pay Spousal Support to Daughter's Convicted Rapist
Brit Hume Conflates Bush Lying About Saddam and Yellow Cake With Fake Benghazi Non-Scandal
'A Pathological Moral Environment'
DeMint Complains That 'Unlawful Immigrants' Could Live 'Another 50 Years'
Just When You Think You've Had Enough Fun With Guns...
Robertson: God Can Change Murderers, Rapists... and Homosexuals
USAF Sex Assault Chief Arrested, Charged With Sexual Battery
'The Secret of the Seven Sisters'
The Mystery of John Titor: Hoax or Time Traveler?
Babylon's hanging garden: ancient scripts give clue to missing wonder | Science | The Guardian
Cicadas on the rise: Bug fans and scientists get ready for the big buzz - Cosmic Log
Valley fever rates rising in Western United States - CBS News
'Shell Game' Illustrates Occupy and the Revolutions of 2011
Our Common Wealth: The Hidden Economy That Makes Everything Else Work
Sanford Wins In S.C. Special Congressional Election
Jon Stewart Mocks NRA for Taking Terrorism, Constitution Seriously
Celebrity-in-Chief: Obamas Keep Star-Studded Inauguration Party a Secret
Who Do You Trust: Clint Eastwood Laps Obama in New Poll
FX Maestro Ray Harryhausen Dies at 92
Nazi-Themed Opera Creates Scandal in Germany
Reports: UK Comedian Jimmy Tarbuck Arrested on Sex Crime Allegations
Donald Trump Fires Back Against Jon Stewart's Mean-Spirited Swipe
BH Interview: Filmmaker Dennis Michael Lynch's 'America' Exposes Media's Immigration Lies
Comics Lunge at Last Chance for Bush Jokes, Still Ignoring President Obama
Beyonce 'Shocked' to Receive Criticism for Her Cuba Trip
Dr. Drew Pinsky says no more 'Celebrity Rehab'
Exposed: Texas Cronyism and Secret Meetings Steal Citizen's Land Via Eminent Domain
Congressmen Probe Religious Bigot's Influence at Pentagon
Developing: Sanford Set to Return to Congress
Colorado Shootings Suspect to Enter Insanity Plea
Palin to House GOP on Internet Sales Tax Bill: 'No New Taxes'
Remembering Chip Gerdes: Political Activist Who Broke All the Rules
Pentagon Began Relationship with Anti-Christian Extremist in 2009
Exclusive: Politico Misreports Tea Party Support for Immigration Bill
Secret Star-Studded White House Party Excludes Weiner
Internet Sales Tax Bill Stalling in House
Facebook Hires Former Romney Communications Director
OFA: We Have A 'Pretty Energized Army of People' Ready to Campaign
Surprise: Young Americans Don’t Want More Government
Zuckerberg-Backed 'Americans For a Conservative Direction' Launches $1M Pro-Immigration Bill Ad Buy
Christie Secretly Has Lap Band Surgery, Will Hit NBC Nightly News to Explain
Obama Heads to Texas to Lead Off Jobs Tour
Reid: Cruz a 'Schoolyard Bully' for Opposing Taxes
Sanford's quest for redemption rests with voters
Biden asks clergy to make moral argument on guns
IMF's Lagarde criticizes US spending cuts
Frantic 911 Call Leads to 3 Missing Women in Ohio
Seven-Way Race for VA GOP Lieutenant Governor Nod Takes Nasty Turn
Pritzker's Bank Failure: Investors Got Paid, Depositors and Taxpayers Fleeced
Three Women Missing for Decade Found in Ohio
NY Democratic Leader Indicted for Corruption
Bloomberg, Nov. '12: NRA Dying -- NRA, May '13: Five Million Members
Obama Allies Begin Pigford Pushback
Meet the NRA's New President, Jim Porter
Poll: Most Trusted Person in America ... Tom Hanks
Media's Anti-Gun Narrative Destroyed By Justice Dept. Report
Report: Jason Collins Earns 2381 Stories, Gosnell 115
Media Cover-Up: BuzzFeed Politics BenSmiths Libya
Media Cover-Up: Politico Buries Libya
New York Times Ignores Benghazi
Saudi Government Bans Journalist From Writing
Amanda Berry Rescuer: ‘You Got Some Big Testicles To Pull This Off, Bro!’
Too Little, Too Late: Press Plays Catchup on Benghazi Scandal
Savage Wins Federal Ruling Against Former Employer, OTRN Appeals
Biden's Gun Control Op-Ed Published In … The Houston Chronicle
Simon Wiesenthal Center Blasts Huffington Post for Anti-Israel Headline
Salon: Benghazi 'Big Scandal,' Whistleblowers 'Credible'
Media Will Either Ignore or Destroy Benghazi Whistleblowers
AP: 'Teen Immigrant Angst a Factor In Boston Bombings?'
Schieffer Goes There: Benghazi 'Cover-Up'
Gabriel Sherman Travels to London to Collude with Anti-Ailes Forces?
Physicist Hawking Joins Boycott Against Israel
Mother of Benghazi Victim Blames Hillary for Security Failures
State Dept Continues to Hide Identities of Benghazi Survivors from Congress
Pentagon Using a Chinese Satellite For U.S. Military Communications
Radical Cleric Swears to 'Pop America's Eye' if Moderate Morsi Threatened
While Past Administrations Have Achieved Release of Political Prisoners, Afridi Remains Imprisoned
The Quiet American Hero: Inspiration for 'The Real Inglorious Bastards'
A Real American Hero Gets His Due
MSNBC's Chris Matthews Calls NRA/Beck 'Nazis,' Then Accuses Them of Calling People Nazis
Source: Only President Could Have Made 'Stand Down' Call On Benghazi
Bizarre: Left Thinks Obama Ordered Special Ops to Benghazi
Iran Warns Against 'Provocation' in Gulf Anti-mine Drill
Bomb Kills Five, Wounds Pakistan Vote Candidate
Nine New Ministers in Egypt Cabinet Reshuffle
Iran Begins Registering Presidential Hopefuls
Iran Recruiting Fighters to Support Assad Regime
USAF Officer in Charge of Rape Prevention Arrested for Sexual Assault
Menendez Pushes to Arm Syrian Rebels
Pentagon: Espionage Strengthening China's Military Power
Personnel on Ground Contradict CIA's Benghazi Timeline
Report: Syria Activates Palestinian Terror Against Israel
China hosting both Palestinian, Israeli leaders
Democrats' Agenda for Benghazi Hearing: Protect Hillary at All Costs
White House Petition Highlights China Poisoning Case
Israel Coordinated Syrian Airstrike with Jihadists - YouTube
Obama Speech: Reject Voices About Gov't Tyranny - YouTube

Prison » World Unites Against the Illuminati: Professor Griff On Fire!
Prison » Syria Traffic Goes “Dark” As Country Disappears From Internet
Prison » White House Refuses To Address Questions On Benghazi Stand Down Order
Prison » Google Falsely Accuses Infowars, Drudge of Malware
Prison » Police Confirm Bilderberg 2013 to Take Place in Watford, UK
Federal Europe will be 'a reality in a few years', says Jose Manuel Barroso - Telegraph
Prison » Establishment Media Spins al-Qaeda’s Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria
Prison » Eyewitnesses: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Did Not Shoot Boston Cop
Prison » Video: Students Submit to ‘Obama Security Force’ Bag Searches
Prison » Why America Fell So Far … So Fast
Prison » ‘Flaky’ Syrian Chemical Weapons Evidence Does Not Deter Neo-Cons
Prison » 11 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Should Be Abolished
Prison » Armed march on Washington D.C. announced for July 4th: Is Adam Kokesh crazy, or courageous?
Prison » The U.S. Government Is Monitoring All Phone Calls, All Emails And All Internet Activity
Prison » Exclusive: Talk Show Host Calls For Armed March On D.C., Plans Peaceful ‘Revolt’
Prison » The mass exodus of Christians from the Muslim world
US to arm Syrian rebels: Putin’s rebuke, Chinese “peace plan” mar Netanyahu’s Chinese trip
BBC reporter: Blasts heard near Tehran arms plant | JPost | Israel News
West Providing Chemical Weapons to Syrian Rebels - Iran | World | RIA Novosti
Prison » North Korea removes missiles from launch sites
IDF on war alert. Iran-Syrian-Hizballah war of attrition threatened. US set to act on Syria
Prison » The lying liars who lie about psychiatry
Prison » Who Are the War Criminals in Syria?
Prison » U.S. Arms Butchers Who Use Chemical Weapons On Civilians … and Then Tries to Frame Someone Else
Prison » Lew Rockwell: D.C. is The Locust of Evil
Prison » Bill Gross To Bernanke: “Thanks Chairman! Got Any More?”
Prison » Peter Schiff pulls apart Obama’s Treasury secretary
Prison » The US Regulatory Vice Closes On Bitcoin
Prison » Foreign holdings of U.S. debt almost equal the entire GDP of the U.S. economy
Prison » Israeli Air Strike Targeted Chicken Farm, Civilian Infrastructure
Prison » Police want ‘kill switch’ for smartphones
Prison » FDA, FBI raid natural cancer treatment clinic in Tulsa without due cause; force patients to leave without medicine needed for survival
Air Force's sexual assault prevention chief arrested for sexual assault - CBS News
Prison » THE LIBERATOR: Dawn of the Wiki Weapons *Videos and Pics*
First 8 Days: ‘Gay’ Jason Collins 2,381 News Stories; Gosnell Abortion-Murder Trial 115 Stories – 1,970% Difference in Coverage | CNS News
Housing nominee Mel Watt helped create the subprime crisis | The Daily Caller
U.S. Accuses China’s Military in Cyberattacks -
Prison » Roundup herbicide causes smorgasbord of fatal diseases, new study concludes
Prison » Evidence suggests that up to 90 percent of landmark cancer research may be false
Prison » Obama’s Pledge to Close Gitmo — More Smoke and Mirrors?
10,962,532: U.S. Disability Beneficiaries Exceed Population of Greece
DOJ: Firearms-Related Homicides Drop 39% in 18 Years; Nonfatal Firearms Crimes Plummet 69%
Nearly 70,000 Petition Administration to Tell the Truth About Benghazi, 25,000 in Past 24 Hours
Sen. Sessions Offers Amendment to Cap Foreign Workers and Amnesty Grants at 30 Million
Sen. Reid Follows Up on 'Schoolyard Bully' Remark by Calling Sen. Cruz 'Very Junior' Senator
Rear Admiral William D. Lee Defends Religious Liberty in U.S. Military
Sen. Graham on Benghazi: Testimony from State Department Whistleblowers is 'Going to Make You Mad.'
Sen. Carl Levin: Dept. of Defense Must 'Address the Plague of Sexual Assaults in the Military'
Feds Spend $402,721 on Underwear That Senses Cigarette Smoke
State Won’t Say Who Told Clinton on 9/11/12 Benghazi was Being Justified ‘As Response to Inflammatory Material Posted on Internet’
State Dept. Won’t Say Its Own Officials Set to Testify on Benghazi Are 'Credible People'
Sebelius: 'Keeping Our Children Safe ... Most Fundamental Task'
First 8 Days: ‘Gay’ Jason Collins 2,381 News Stories; Gosnell Abortion-Murder Trial 115 Stories – 1,970% Difference in Coverage
Admiral Speaks Defiantly Against Anti-Proselytizing Rule: 'My Heart Said Give This Man a Bible'
Clinton: Too much focus on Hillary's future
Senator says military plagued by sexual assaults
Lawmaker Slams ‘Quiet Diplomacy’ in Case of Doctor Who Helped Find Bin Laden
3 missing women found in Ohio, 3 brothers arrested
Items from Hemingway's Cuba home go to JFK Library
Rich Chinese look abroad to preserve wealth
In Pakistan town, men have spoken: No women may vote
Pope Francis: ‘There Can Be No Dialogue With the Prince of This World’
U.N. Human Rights Panel Says No ‘Conclusive’ Proof About Chemical Weapons in Syria
Coulter: Media Are Now Obama’s Bodyguards Protecting Him ‘From the Dumb Things He Does’ | NewsBusters
NBC: 'Obvious Political Undercurrent' to New Benghazi Testimony, GOP Targeting 'Most Popular Democrat' Clinton | NewsBusters
Dennis Miller: Journalist That Brings Down Obama Over Benghazi 'Will Be Out of the Game' | NewsBusters
Republicans Readying New Offensive Over Health Law -
Sen. Menendez presses to arm rebels as Syria pulls US toward conflict - The Hill's DEFCON Hill
There's no party like a White House party - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |
U.S. Accuses China’s Military in Cyberattacks -
Janet Napolitano: Student visa fix may come this month - Josh Gerstein -
Planned Parenthood’s president Cecile Richards thriving amid controversy - The Hill's Healthwatch
DHS management problems could hinder immigration bill: audit - Washington Times
Senators call for review after Gosnell case - Kevin Cirilli -
U.S. could have halted Benghazi attack with fly-over: Diplomat - Washington Times
Hollywood couple steps up campaign to free Pakistani doc who helped get bin Laden | Fox News
Suspects used backhoe in attempt to steal Potomac ATM - The Washington Post
White House threatens veto on comp-time bill -
Denver police: Gang-related violence nearly doubles this year - The Denver Post
Biden: Gun control to wait for immigration -
Ald. Roberto Maldonado accuses cop of racism after he gets ticket - Chicago Sun-Times
Critics say background check provision protects illegal immigrants with rap sheet | Fox News
Police officer accidentally shot in leg by fellow cop -
Police Face Tough Questions on Handling of Case Involving 3 Ohio Women Rescued After 10 Years (Plus — See Chilling Photos Taken Inside the House)
Here Are the Top 5 ‘Best’ & ‘Worst’ States for Business: Guess Which Ones CEOs Prefer
Female Egyptian TV Host Removes Headscarf, Berates Cleric Who ‘Peddles’ Islam in Explosive Interview
Mother of Murdered Benghazi Victim Tears Into Hillary Clinton During Emotional Interview: ‘I Blame Her’
Still Batting a Thousand: Republican Mark Sanford Comes Out on Top in S.C. Special Election for House Seat
Purported Benghazi Drone Operator Calls Hannity with New Details: We Weren’t Able to Be Armed & No One Has Contacted Me
What Can We Learn From the Cleveland Abduction Case?
What to Expect From Wednesday’s Benghazi Hearing
Bizarre Detail Discovered in Case Surrounding 3 Women Found Alive Nearly 10 Years After Disappearing
Reagan OMB Director’s Dire Warning: The Sun Is Setting on the American Economy
Senators Revolt Against Illegal Abortions and Gosnell’s Alleged ‘House of Horrors’ With This Resolution
Biden Wants Pastors, Rabbis and Nuns to Tell Their Flocks: Enacting More Gun Control Is the Moral Thing to Do
Colorado Theater Shooting Suspect James Holmes to Enter Insanity Plea
The Dow Just Made History (Again)
Syria Debate Needs to Focus More on Real Political Problems Before Intervention
Reporter on C-SPAN Eviscerates Viewer Who Calls in with ‘Neocon’ & ‘Greater Good of Israel’ Theory
Meet the Man Who Reportedly Helped Save the 3 Missing Ohio Women — And Watch His Very Entertaining Local TV News Interview
Investigative and Psychology Experts Join ‘Wilkow!’ to Discuss Ohio Abduction Case and Rehabilitation for the Victims
Is Obama’s Nomination for Federal Housing Finance Agency Director to Blame for the Last Housing Bubble?
No, We Will Not Ignore Tyranny!
Ted Cruz Vs. Harry Reid on Senate Floor: ‘My Friend From Texas Is Like a Schoolyard Bully’
Driver, Survivors Tell Very Different Stories About the Deadly Limo Fire That Killed 5 Women
Dem. Senator: Threatening to Nullify Fed Gun Laws Is Like Opposing Desegregation
Jay Carney Unable to Answer Questions Regarding Alleged Benghazi ‘Stand Down’ Orders
Three Missing Ohio Women Found Alive Nearly 10 YEARS After They Disappeared (Plus: Hear the ‘Frantic’ 911 Call)
Ted Nugent Eviscerates ‘Soulless’ Media in Exclusive Backstage Interview: ‘I Will Continue to Go Piers Morgan on You — Know That’
MSNBC Host’s Bizarre ‘Open Borders’ Plan: If We Let in More Muslim Immigrants, There Will Be Less Radical Islamic Terrorism
There Are More Answers (and Questions) as to the Identity of This Tiny, Alien-Like Skeleton
The Firearms Statistics That Gun Control Advocates Don’t Want to See |
Guns and Crime: What the Statistics Really Say and How They’re Interpreted in the Debate |
Move over Crown Vic: Dubai’s Police Now Driving Lamborghini, Bentley and Aston Martin |
Slingshot Channel Guy Does It Again, Weaponizes Common Household Cleaning Aid | Video |
Bible Publisher Scores Big Contraceptive Mandate Victory — But Battle With Obama Admin Isn’t Over |
Guess How Many People Attended This Year’s Annual NRA Convention (Hint: It’s a New Record) |
The Scary-Looking ‘Sea Monster’ That Washed Ashore in New Zealand Finally Identified | Video |
Jesse Watters Confronts Radical Convicted Cop-Killer Hired by Columbia — and School Security Wasn’t Happy | Video |
‘Soul Surfer’ Who Lost Her Arm in Shark Attack Makes Life-Changing Announcement |
This Viral Star Trek-Themed Audi Ad Is Pretty Entertaining | Video |
Revealing New Statistics Seem to Debunk Key Claim Made by Gun Control Advocates |
This Anti-Abuse Ad Has a Hidden Message Only Children Can See | Video |
See What’s Trending on YouTube Based on Your Age, Where You Live in This Map | Video |
Wild Supermarket Fight Caught on Camera Leads to Ecuador Ambassador’s Recall From Peru | Video |
S.C. Dem Backtracks (Again) on Anti-Nikki Haley Comments — But Did He Make It Worse? | Video |
Guess Which West Coast City Is Suing Monster Energy for Marketing to Children |
What Words and Phrases in Your Emails Might the FBI’s New Software Be Searching For? |
Ernst & Young debuts FBI co-designed anti-fraud software | IT PRO
Dem Candidate Listed Twice on Ballot in South Carolina Special Election | The Weekly Standard
Saudis linked to Virginia ‘servitude’ case
Obama commerce pick funded Ayers’ pet project
Supreme Court recognizes duty to keep Sabbath
The mass exodus of Christians from the Muslim world | Fox News
You call bloody Christianity an honest religion?
CHAPIN, SC: Chapin teacher got $85,000 in flag stomping deal | Local News | The State
Is ‘Fluoridegate’ the new civil-rights scandal?
5 strategies to survive government incompetence
Islamist militia linked to Sept. 11 Benghazi attack operates freely | Washington Free Beacon
Benghazi buzz: Obama predicted to leave office
One of three friends of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev freed to house arrest pending trial for helping suspect  - NY Daily News
Interest Rates | George Soros
Cost of Unlawful Immigrants to the U.S. Taxpayers
Kansas Secretary of State to Eric Holder – You Don’t Understand the Constitution, Stay Out of Kansas
Study pegs cost of immigration bill’s mass legalization at $6.3 trillion | Fox News
Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michele Knight: Ohio trio who went missing TEN YEARS ago found ALIVE | Mail Online
Chicago man, father accused of attempting to ship weapons parts to North Korea | Fox News
Two sons of prominent Mexican journalists executed in Chihuahua -
Bill Ayers defends Weather Underground bombings - News - Ohio
Walid’s continuing battle with Stinking Sheikh
Audio: Walid interviewed by Rusty Humphries
Contrasting views on Slavery: Cleveland vs. Saudi Arabia
Video: Race-Obsessed MSNBC Host says sealed Borders cause Islamic Terrorism
Muslim Stabs Sister To Death, Gets Only Four Years
Wow! Must-Hear Audio: Man claiming to be Drone Operator over Benghazi on 9/11/12 Speaks out
Video: State Department Spokesman actually rankles CNN Reporter with incredible claim
Hillary’s Benghazi Contradiction
Videos: Issa and Chaffetz appear on Hannity to discuss Benghazi Hearings
Audio: Walid’s interview with Bill Cunningham
Video: Harrowing tales from a DHS Whistleblower
Geronimo Is Not Dead!
We Were Right — Syrian Rebels Not Syrian Regime Used Chemical Weapons
The Coming Holy War: The Mass Exodus Of Christians From The Muslim World – 5/7/2013
Lindsey Williams: What The Elite Have In Store – 5/7/2013 | The Freedom Report
Stan Deyo: Alien Grays And Inside The Illuminati – According to the Scriptures – 5/2/2013 | The Freedom Report
Lt. Col. Roy Potter: All Americans Are Terrorists – 5/6/2013 | The Freedom Report
Gerald Celente, Sean Brodrick: This Week In Money – May 4, 2013 | The Freedom Report
Checkmate: From global makeover to takeover
Food for Thought: Aspartame Depression and SSRIs | Truthstream Media | Ending the cycle of deception.
Monsanto Funds New Study Glorifying Monsanto
Obama: Anti-Guns to ‘Save’ Kids, Pro-Abortion to…?
America’s Criminal Injustice System
Why the Bee Apocalypse Won’t Stop
Genesis Communications Network GCN News Citizen Hearing on Disclosure «
WeAreChange's Pitch for Bilderberg 2013 - YouTube
Professor Griff on The Illuminati, NWO and Obama - YouTube

29 Shocking Facts That Prove That College Education In America Is A Giant Money Making Scam -
European Commission to criminalize nearly all seeds and plants not registered with government (Not a joke.) -
BREAKING: European Commission to criminalize nearly all seeds and plants not registered with government
Surprise! Health Care Law Creating Some Jobs -
Some 15% of U.S. Receives Food Stamps - Real Time Economics - WSJ
Smart Paper Makes Traceable Money Possible - IEEE Spectrum
United States of Insanity: Government gunmen burst into school and spray blanks at teachers in ‘mock massacre’ -
The Fed has directly created a neofeudal rentier economy and society. -
John Kerry Meets With Russian President Vladimir Putin To Push For Tougher Stance On Syria
The Death of Truth: Chris Hedges Interviews Julian Assange -
Blame Game Begins: Who Will Be Held Responsible for Creating the Afghan “Vertically Integrated Criminal” Government? -
Expanding Security State -
Saudi Diplomat’s Home, 2 Miles from CIA, Raided for Possible Human Trafficking « CBS DC
Why America Fell So Far … So Fast -
BP: Criminality Immunity, Iraq's Unstable Future, Comic Journalism, NYPD International Crusade
Police Confirm Bilderberg 2013 to Take Place in Watford, UK
The banking system in short
Flooding in the North and the Future
BREAKING: European Commission to criminalize nearly all seeds and plants not registered with government
Robert Fisk: The Syrian Government Is Winning
"Progressives": In Bed With Bibi
The UN and 250,000 Dead Somalis
Everything You've Been Told About Radicalization Is Wrong
And Then There Was One Imperial Gigantism and the Decline of Planet Earth
How MI6, CIA Spend Tax Money on Propping Up Drug Production
Noam Chomsky: The Military Is Misunderstood
The Invisible Hand Financial Empire and the Global Debtors’ Prison
Your Retirement for a Bottle of Champagne: How Wall Street Fraudsters Ripped You Off, Again
Why a Safe, Tiny Little Pill Scares the Hell out of Prude Christian Conservatives
More Babies Die in America on Their First Day Than Anywhere Else in Industrialized World
Gen. Petraeus with a Video Game Cameo Appearance? War Games Are Almost Indistinguishable from America's Imperial Wars
Why It's Going Cost a Lot of Money to Cut Meals on Wheels' Budget—Sequester Takes America Further Down the Hole
40 Years in Jail for Landlords Renting to Legal Pot Dispensaries?!
Amanda Bynes: Another Product of Entertainment Industry Mind Control?
Obama to Graduate Students: Do Not Fear Government Tyranny
Big Brother: Your Television is Watching You
Lockheed Martin Unveils ADAM: Another Directed Energy Weapon For the US
How the US Gov Wants to Redefine Mental Health and Gun Control
Electric Shock Handcuffs, Biometric Glasses and Audio Surveillance on Public Transportation
Obama Revision to FOIA Rules Keeps Evidence of Vaccine Dangers From Public
National Intelligence Council Report: Only Globalization Will Save the Future
Expansion of Surveillance & Intelligence Community Empower Big Brother
DARPA & DoD Concerned About Worldwide Dependence on Digital Technology

+BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- May 7, 2013
+BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- May 6, 2013

Defense Against the Psychopath - Stefan Verstappen on GRTV - YouTube
Interview 657 - Radio Liberty: Diversify, Diversify, Diversify
Interview 656 - James Corbett on the Boston Bombing and "Conspiracy Theories"
Interview 655 - Sibel Edmonds on the Boston Bombing
Obama: N Korea Must Replace Threats w/ 'Meaningful Steps'
US, Russia to Organize International Talks on Syria
Obama Says U.S. Working Toward Post-Assad Syria
Iran warns US, allies against provocative actions
China Denies Pentagon Accusations of Cyber Espionage
North Korea Withdraws Two Missiles – Agency
Bank of China Closes N Korea's Foreign Trade Account
Syrian Internet Goes Dark, Leaving Questions and Uncertainty
While Patents are on Everyone's Mind, Now is the Time to Defend Innovation
How to Heal a Planet
Collapse of an Empire: Why America Fell So Far … So Fast
What’s Behind the Renewed Attacks on African American Activist Assata Shakur?
The Israeli Attack on Syria and the History of War: Profile of Lawless Aggression
Money Laundering and The Drug Trade: The Role of the Banks
Mali Under French Military Occupation
The Syria Chemical Weapons Saga: The Staging of a US-NATO Sponsored Humanitarian Disaster?
Independent Media: Providing the Truth about Empire and Repression
The Muslim Problem
Mechanisms of Destruction and Collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) Buildings on 9/11
Psychopathy in Politics and Finance
Yet Another Reason to Keep Your Daughters out of the Military
What's Behind Liberal to Neocon Conversions?

+ What the Heck Is Happening?;Alex Jones talks to Lew Rockwell
**Download: What the Heck Is Happening?;Alex Jones talks to Lew Rockwell
Words That Replace Thought by Thomas Sowell
Merovingian Anarchy by Jonathan Goodwin
The Israeli-Jihadist Alliance by Justin Raimondo --
Why Were the Bush Tax Cuts Not Initially Made Permanent? by Laurence M. Vance
Promises of Internet Anonymity by James Black
Are all telephone calls recorded and accessible to the US government? | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |
General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of allied war leaders claims new book - Telegraph
Honest Examination of Race by Walter E. Williams
Stop Granting Special Privileges to the Police by Steven Greenhut
The Greatest Lie the Fed Ever Told by Bill Bonner
Israeli bombing of Syria and moral relativism | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |
Sail Fawn Big Brother | Eric Peters Autos
Articles: The Boston Mindset: Cringe Like Sheep
Damage Control? Obama’s Psy-Op Commencement Speech by Daisy Luther
A Brief and Bloody History of Gun Control
Wisconsin family discovers fully-stocked fallout shelter in their back yard 50 years after it was installed at the height of the Cold War | Mail Online
Royal Jelly – Bee Healthy! by Margaret Durst
‘Chemical weapons for Syrian opposition may have come from Turkey’ — RT Op-Edge
Activist Post: 29 Shocking Facts That Prove That College Education In America Is A Giant Money Making Scam
American media distortion on Palestine | My Catbird Seat
Roundup herbicide causes smorgasbord of fatal diseases, new study concludes - 12160
White House Refuses To Address Questions On Benghazi Stand Down Order - 12160
Fars News Agency :: Russia Not to Tolerate Further Israeli Attacks on Damascus
Activist Post: Creating the Stasi American
Progressive Tyranny |
A Quiz to See How Badly Your Brain is Infected With Zionism |
Fact Free Gun Control Crusades |
Biden Wants Pastors, Rabbis and Nuns to Tell Their Flocks: Enacting More Gun Control Is the Moral Thing to Do - 12160
The New Truth About the Cop Shot in Watertown: Friendly-Fire in a Getaway - Alexander Abad-Santos - The Atlantic Wire
223.5 Metric Tons of Gold Imported into China in March -
Doctors' Diagnostic Errors Are Often Not Mentioned But Can Take A Serious Toll - Kaiser Health News
In America's Backyard: China's Rising Influence In Latin America - All News Is Global |
Privacy groups file lawsuit over license plate scanners -
Bloody Greek Easter: five suicides in 48 hours | International
Nutritional quality at fast-food restaurants still needs improvement
Federal Europe will be 'a reality in a few years', says Jose Manuel Barroso - Telegraph
Stop Granting Special Privileges to the Police - informationliberation
Gay Sex, Raw Milk, and a Free Society The Future of Freedom Foundation
Bully Cop Slashes Homeless Man's Tent - informationliberation
Molyneux Dissects Obama's Commencement Speech - informationliberation
Printed Protection and the Future of Defense - informationliberation
Congressman Moves To Make 3D Printable Guns Illegal - informationliberation
CNN: Will 3D Printers Make It Easier For Terrorist Operate Gun Factories In Their Homes? - informationliberation
John McCain, Carl Levin, Lindsey Graham, Others, Mull Possible ‘Update’ to AUMF « Blog
Obama May Back FBI Push for Total Internet Surveillance Law -- News from
Terrorism and Radiation: Understanding the Real Threat To Our Cities -
Military sex assault reports up, changes ordered - SFGate
France struggles to fight radical Islam in its jails - Yahoo! News
Political Decentralization Might Help in Conflict-Ridden Countries by Ivan Eland --
Iraq’s Generation Hell by Kelley B. Vlahos --
The Art of Forgiveness – Max Igan |
Dems Brainwashing The Public Into Gun Control – Paul Watson |
Destruction of American Small Businesses |
Lew Rockwell: D.C. is The Locust of Evil – Alex Jones |
True News: Obama’s Commencement Speech – Stephan Molyneux |
My Way News - Kin of 3 arrested Ohio brothers 'totally shocked'
Amanda Berry: Three captive women chained up in grim dungeon for a decade gave birth to five babies - Mirror Online
Reports of sex abuse, beatings inside Cleveland house
Ariel Castro: Son of 'abductor' reveals how his father padlocked doors to the basement, attic and garage because 'there were places we weren't allowed to go' | Mail Online
Graham: ‘I Think the Dam Is About to Break on Benghazi’ | Washington Free Beacon
Interest Rates | George Soros
[VIDEO] 'The Butler' Trailer -- Forest Whitaker And Oprah Winfrey Movie
When government runs ‘education’
The dollar – and the USA – is toast
Thunderously desirous – and abstinent!
Who polices the police?
A pox on politicians
When ‘saints’ don’t persevere
Black America: Reject the poverty pimps
Live free or move
What country am I living in?
Who are the war criminals in Syria?
Obama’s appointee: Rabid racialist
When politics collide with reality
The violent left and topless lesbians
Is Obama continuing Bush-Cheney torture?
The most America-bashing president ever
Obamacare ‘train wreck’? That puts it mildly
Elites in Washington still don’t get it
The Real Cypriot "Blueprint" - How To Confiscate $32 Trillion In "Offshore Wealth" | Zero Hedge
Blog: Celebrate These Voices
11 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Should Be Abolished
Video: Benghazi Victim's Mom: 'I Blame Hillary Clinton'
Video: Shock: Mother Forced to Pay Man Who Raped Her Daughter
Video: Judge Jeanine Pirro Catches Obama Red-Handed on Boston Bombing & Benghazi
Video: Caught on Tape: Sen. Dick Durbin and NBC Reporter Deny Communists Exist at May Day Protest
Video: Glenn Beck to NRA: 'It Is The Man, Not The Gun...'
Video: Freedom: Where Does Your State Rank?
Is Roy Spencer the world's most important scientist?
A SEAL vs. the Machine
The Source of Our Moral Decay?
When Community and Compassion Did Not Mean Government
Immigration Reform Is about Votes
Amnesty and the Economy
The Soul Abstracted from Life
John McCain: American Citizenship Is Pork
Entitlements: What Difference Does it Make?
Shutting up the FBI
Holding Assad to Account
Why Can't CBS Be Honest About Jihad Against Christians?
Is Cruz Our Best Hope?
Bill Ayers and the Culture of Rape
Propagandizing the Plebs: The Common Core Curriculum Meets The GED
A Facts First Approach to Immigration Reform
Michelle Obama's 'Plan B' Gun Control Effort
Why Has Conservative Media Ignored Michelle Rhee's Connection to Common Core?
Anti-gun hysteria in schools would be comic if not for the impact on little boys
Is there anything related to Benghazi that could get the president impeached?
The Benghazi Big Lie
Three women kidnapped a decade ago found alive
Special forces in Tripoli told 'you can't go' to Benghazi
I guess that Gov Richardson would not call me a Hispanic either
Women who wear skimpy clothing cause earthquakes: Iranian cleric
Clueless Obama begins 'Jobs Tour' to 'learn' how to create new jobs
Checkmate: From global makeover to takeover
Benghazi: Will Hillary be charged with obstruction of justice?
Pssst… Sen. Rubio, Remember Me?
Benghazi Blood Splatter
It’s Not the Crime, but the Cover-Up
Fleeing Communism only to find it in America
Amnesty & the Bankrupting of America
Russia Probes US Air Defenses AGAIN!
The UN, Syria and Israel
UN Watch Welcomes News of Israel’s Expected Return to UN Rights Council
Coal and Gas Fight Over Electric Generation Market
Incompetent or Completely Reckless?
Nobody Drowned at Watergate
KISH: Al “Jazeera” Gore’s Get Rich Quick Scheme
The Burglar-Terrorist Alliance
Are the Republicans helping to cover-up Benghazi?
Ted Cruz for President
How to Find a Most Wanted Terrorist
Moment of Truth for Benghazigate?
Liberals discover three ‘new’ facts about the Tea Party
Obama & Clinton’s Benghazi Lies Exposed
New Heritage Study on the Cost of Amnesty
Syrian Rebel Brags About Killing “a Large Number of Christians” Before Martyrdom for allah
Europe and the US in the 21st Century
Another move to banish God, this time in the U. S. Armed Forces
More questions than answers in replacing red-light vendor
Former Chicago Ald. Dixon charged after allegedly bringing gun to police station
At least three killed in Italy after ship crashes into port
Queen Elizabeth II to skip first Commonwealth meeting in 4 decades
55 dead after suspected raid in Nigeria by Islamist sect Boko Haram
Three parties to share $1M Christopher Dorner reward, judges say
Google Glass picks up early feedback on privacy issues
Gmail iOS App Now Opens Links in Chrome, YouTube, Google Maps
Lead singer of heavy metal band held in murder-for-hire case
Madonna-owned French painting sells for $7.165M
Milky Way's black hole 'cooking' hot gas
This Bat Knows How To Drink
Scientists Discover The World's Oldest Bone-Headed Dinosaur
Study: 'Fossil' Words Are Older Than We Thought
Report: 4 inexpensive products can save newborns - USA Today
Programs for mentally ill teens, adults improve skills
Better than Andy Shaw w/Mayor Emanuel: Berkowitz w/ Chicago Ald. Waguespack, web and cable | Public Affairs with Jeff Berkowitz
Borizov trial: Family of Johnny Borizov testifies in his trial, as does state psychiatrist. -
Man pleads guilty to being ringleader in Waukegan man's revenge killing -
Mayor: Add mobile food trucks in high-density neighborhoods - Chicago Sun-Times
Queen’s speech to focus on immigration - UK News | Online Newspaper | The Irish Times - Wed, May 08, 2013
Dennis Rodman asks Kim Jong Un to let Korean-American go -
Colombia arrests fake nuns with cocaine under their habits -
British cannibal's plan to rape and eat children in dungeon | Herald Sun
Pope encourages protection of children from abuse | Kansas First News
Woman Forced to Pay Spousal Support to Ex Who Raped Her Daughter | KTVA CBS 11 | Anchorage, Alaska News and Weather | Local News
Charles Ramsey recounts heroic day - YouTube
Jaycee Dugard speaks of hope in wake of Cleveland kidnapping case -
Treasury Secretary Lew working on improving illegible loopy signature | Fox News
James Holmes to Plead Insanity in Colorado Cinema Shooting Case - Businessweek
New Head of C.I.A.’s Clandestine Service Is Chosen -
White House picks Twitter lawyer as Internet privacy officer | Politics and Law - CNET News
Majority of Americans Overstate Gun Violence Levels - Bloomberg
Former local reporter: Amanda Berry's mom never gave up | Fox News Video
South Carolina Returns Mark Sanford to Office -
Amanda Knox: 'I feel bad for my younger self' - YouTube
NH State Rep Calls Boston Bombings an Inside Job! - YouTube

» D.C. Police Chief: We Will Arrest Adam Kokesh and Open Carry Protesters Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» World Unites Against the Illuminati: Professor Griff On Fire! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» White House Refuses To Address Questions On Benghazi Stand Down Order Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Rep. Mike Rogers pushed for FBI chief - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Radioactive water was released into Lake Michigan before Palisades nuclear plant shutdown Sunday |
Lauryn Hill Blames Slavery as She's Jailed for $500,000 Unpaid Tax Bill - Entertainment & Stars
TIME/CNN Poll Shows Increasing Number Of Americans Won't Give Up Civil Liberties To Fight Terrorism | Techdirt
» Warning! Anonymous Teams up with al-Qaeda! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Maryland to Become 19th State to Legalize Medical Marijuana Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» FBI Wants You to Know About Explosive Tannerite Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Idaho Seizes Medical Marijuana Activists’ Kids Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Video: Students Submit to ‘Obama Security Force’ Bag Searches Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Israeli bombing of Syria and moral relativism | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |
» U.S. Arms Butchers Who Use Chemical Weapons On Civilians … and Then Tries to Frame Someone Else Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
55 killed in northeast Nigeria attack: military - Xinhua |
» ‘Flaky’ Syrian Chemical Weapons Evidence Does Not Deter Neo-Cons Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
RealClearPolicy - A Survival Plan for Faith-Based Schools
Beyond the Fence -
How Low Can Part-Timers' Hours Go?
Seven Myths about Keynesian Economics
RealClearPolicy - Studies: Health Care Cost Slowdown Not Just Economic
Immigration Made Right | The American Conservative
Moscow Anti-Putin Protest in May 2013 Honors May 2012 Victims | New Republic
Putin Uses Patriotism to Strengthen Hold on Russia - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Ahmadinejad shows no signs of going quietly – Global Public Square - Blogs
RealClearTechnology - Opinion, News, Analysis and Videos
Don’t ’Reset’ With Putin, Crack Down on Him - Bloomberg
Al Qaeda's track record with chemical weapons -
RealClearWorld - China and the West May Soon Compete for Troubled Iceland
They're taking our children
Time to End the Era of Ponzi Finance - Businessweek
How Investors Can Achieve True Diversification — And Better Returns | Institutional Investor
Straight talk about the twisted jobs numbers -
Retail Work Hours Fall At Fastest Rate In Decades Before ObamaCare -
Niall Ferguson, Keynes, and homosexuality: the Harvard historian’s ludicrous claim that John Maynard Keynes only cared about the short term because he was gay and childless. - Slate Magazine
Will the age wars bankrupt us? - 1 - - MSN Money
Charlemagne’s DNA and Our Universal Royalty – Phenomena: The Loom
What Does Sarin Do to People? - James Hamblin - The Atlantic
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Meet the thousands of people ready to die on Mars | Ars Technica
Stephen Wolfram Analyses Personal Facebook Data - SPIEGEL ONLINE
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Missing Women: Why Did It Take So Long to Escape? : Discovery News
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Who am I? Data and DNA answer one of life’s big questions | The Verge
How Shutterfly and Other Social Sites Leave Your Kids Vulnerable to Hackers | Mother Jones
The Man Behind the Google Brain: Andrew Ng and the Quest for the New AI | Wired Enterprise |
Can Science Fiction Writers Inspire The World To Save Itself? | Co.Exist: World changing ideas and innovation
Windows 8 hits 100M milestone, but usage remains low: Where's the disconnect? | ZDNet
When Did Google Become the Internet Police? |
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Government Lab Reveals It Has Operated Quantum Internet For Over Two Years | MIT Technology Review
Google's Chief Internet Evangelist on Creating the Interplanetary Internet | Wired Science |
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The German Capitulation Tangle | Germany | DW.DE | 08.05.2005
Bait-and-Switch Carbon Tax Act of 2013 — MasterResource
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Fuel Fix » Guest Commentary: Deep-water oil and gas essential to global energy future
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Energy, Security, and Climate » Cap-and-Trade is Faltering in Europe, But the Problem Isn’t What You Think It Is
Q&A: Author Michael Levi on Energy Independence and Climate Change |
King Coal Losing Crown as U.S. Gains Energy Independence - Bloomberg
Solyndra Was This Much of an Outlier in the Energy Department's Portfolio - Philip Bump - The Atlantic Wire
Solar Company Sues US for More Free Money | Via Meadia
Fracking Is 100% Safe: T. Boone Pickens | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance
The Nightmare of Terrorists With Sarin Gas and other Chemical Weapons in Syria |
The 2012 Election Is Over; the Benghazi Scandal Is Not « Commentary Magazine
Tomorrow's Army Shouldn't Have to Rely on Yesterday's Technology | RealClearPolitics
Time for Kerry to Face Facts - By Robert Joseph and Eric Edelman | Foreign Policy
RealClearDefense - The Strategy of a Superpower
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US Carrier Launch Pushed Back 4 Months | Defense News |
May Is Make-or-Break Month for Congress, Obama | RealClearPolitics
Pilon: Graduates, Your Ambition Is the Problem -
America’s Military Injustice -
Chris Christie: Fit to Be President? - Marc Ambinder - The Atlantic
The Big Five: America’s Make or Break Challenges | Via Meadia
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The Depressing Future of American Health Care | RealClearPolitics
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The Bombers’ World by Christian Caryl | The New York Review of Books
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William J Federer's American Minute for May 7th
May 7 Events in History
What Happened on May 7th This Day in History
Today in History: May 7
Today in History for 7th May 1969 |
Today in History: May 7
Today in History May 7 - YouTube

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