A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

26 April 2013

26 April, 2013

Part of 9/11 plane's landing gear found in NYC alley near Ground Zero

His Life Was a Country Song
George Jones , country superstar, dies at 81
Obama administration signals change from prison to treatment in drug war | The Raw Story
ACLU: CISPA Is Dead (For Now) - US News and World Report
Teachers should give lessons in pornography and tell pupils 'it's not all bad', experts say | Mail Online
The Corporate Machine Is Not Neurally Equipped To Have Concern For Others
Lawmakers push for labeling of genetically engineered foods - The Hill's RegWatch
Judicial Watch Uncovers USDA Records Sponsoring U.S. Food Stamp Program for Illegal Aliens | Judicial Watch
The power of Dick Cheney in Dirty Wars - Business Insider
PressTV - 9/11: Not just an inside job, but a Tel Aviv-based outside job
The Rich Are Getting Richer And Everyone Else Is Getting Hosed - Business Insider
Corexit, Oil Dispersant Used By BP, Is Destroying Gulf Marine Life, Scientists Say
Sherrie Questioning All: Rand Paul is a FRAUD and another Obama! He has committed Treason against his Father and Now U.S. Citizens. I have NO Respect for him at All!
Assad Might Be Winning The Syrian War - Business Insider
Activist Post: US Unveils Iraq WMD "Curveball-Style" Lies Vs. Syria
FBI Responsibility for US Terror Plots
Boston police chief wants drones for next year’s marathon — RT USA
PressTV - Boston bombing suspect was unarmed when shot by police, despite early claims
65% of JPM's Gold Vanishes as Massive 8 Tons of Gold Withdrawawn Overnight! |
How Much Should We Fear the H7N9 Flu Virus? : The New Yorker
The Brothers Tsarnaev: The Lee Harvey Oswalds of the Boston bombings? | Veterans Today
New York Second Avenue Subway: Giant caverns that will one day be Manhattan's 86th Street Station are carved beneath the surface | Mail Online
Natural Health News and Wellness Tips | Natural Remedies and Products: 10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Garlic
The Bush Legacy
Dead Bankers & the Offshore Petroleum Standard | LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson
US Mint Suspends Sales Of Small Gold Coins - Premiums Rising |
Obama administration bypasses CISPA by secretly allowing Internet surveillance — RT USA
Why Such Secrecy about Private Military Contractor’s Men Working the Event? | This Can't Be Happening!
Terrorism | Homeland Security News Wire
Mysterious Structure Found at Bottom of Ancient Lake
Red Pill, Blue Pill: Isn’t There a 3rd Pill? | Zen-Haven - Love Hope Courage
$2 Trillion Underground Economy May Be Recovery's Savior
Google Search Terms Can Predict the Stock Market | Surprising Science
Where is the Money Going? - Big Banks Back to Old Tricks Bundling Loans and Mortgages for Investments - AllGov - News
IRS issued billions in improper refunds, report says
Drones cause ‘growing hatred of America,’ bipartisan Senate panel told - The Washington Post
Petraeus' next career move revealed | Military Times |
Student wrongly tied to Boston bombings found dead
How do you miss a spouse's 'secret life'? -
'Boston bomber acted as CIA agent' | XRepublic
Stella Tremblay, New Hampshire Lawmaker, Won't Apologize For Bombing Conspiracy Theory - 12160
Nathan Fielder: Hilarious text message weed prank sends wide-spread panic to parents | Mail Online
The Math of The Greatest Wealth Transfer In Human History – Silver to $190,000 | InvestmentWatch
Thomas Sowell: Politicians Do Not Benefit the Public | XRepublic
PressTV - US, S. Korea conducting joint naval drill
‘US domestic security turned massive failure’ — RT Op-Edge
Lest We Forget–Former CIA officer says Mossad posing as FBI agents In America | THE INTERNET POST
The Cops' Military Toys Aren't Just for Catching Terrorists | VICE United States
EXCLUSIVE: Cowardice Redefined, The New Face of American Serial Killers - Salem-News.Com
5 Basic Rights You Won't Believe We Still Have to Fight For |
Anti-Neocons • View topic - The boy who cried global warming
Ronald S. Lauder urges dismissal of UN official who blamed Boston bombings... -- NEW YORK, April 25, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --
CISPA Spying Already in Effect | Big Brother Watch - YouTube
George W Bush Practically Admits 9/11 was a ‘Conspiracy’ Plot – Latest Interview | InvestmentWatch
Big Brother Has A New Face, And It's Your Boss - Forbes
Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev moved from hospital to prison | World news | Serious Contradictions About Bomber's Throat Wounds from MSM and the Police SWAT Team That Apprehended Him
Emergency Drills That Readied Boston for Bombings Face Funding Cuts - ABC News
They Come For the Ammo: New Bill Would Require Background Checks for “Explosive Materials” | InvestmentWatch
Gabby Giffords, Mark Kelly Targeting Senators Who Stood Up for Your Rights
Refreshing News: 50+ Million can't afford to go to the doctor
Mike Rivero talks about Kosovo - 2007 - YouTube
Activist Post: Farmed and Dangerous - CFIA Destroys a Shepherd's Life and Her Rare Sheep
Everyone Questions FBI's Narrative Story For Boston Marathon Bombings, Everyone! | XRepublic
Government Wants To Create Six Drone Test Centers Across In The U.S. | XRepublic
Activist Post: Lethality of Roundup 'Weedkiller' Extends Beyond Plants To Humans, Study Suggests
AT&T and Cisco Erode Privacy and Increase Potential For SpyingEssential Prepping
FDR Pearl Harbor Conspiracy (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
Ice Age Columbus – Solutreans Are Indigenous Americans (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
The Billionaire Brothers Behind America's Predator Drones -- And Their Very Strange Past - 12160
New Boston Bombing Information – FBI Is Behind It
Ron Paul on Gold: No One Knows Value; I’m Buying
Kerry Forgot Rule Number One: Never Question the Sacred Israeli Narrative | Veterans News Now
Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (04-23-2013) Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt: The Takeover of Society : Federal Jack
Were Boston Bombers Self-Radicalized? No, They Got Help From Mosque -
Your CRIMINAL Gov’t: Robert Greenwald on the “War on Whistleblowers – Free Press and the National Security State” | InvestmentWatch
Refreshing News: Americans are going to Canada for college now because tuition is too damn high
Refreshing News: Judge refuses to authorize FBI spy Trojan that can secretly turn your webcam into a surveillance camera
Alan Sabrosky : Clearing the Decks for War with Iran | Veterans News Now
Officials: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Was Not Armed When Apprehended « CBS Boston
Boston Suspect Arrested Stripped Naked so WHEN was he shot and killed? | Global Research
The IDF Day of Shame | Veterans Today
Exit Stage Left: The Actors | B'Man's Revolt
U.S. Says It Suspects Assad Used Chemical Weapons -
+Blacklisted Radio Podcast 4.25.2013
“Police State” Registry System Being Set Up to Track Your Vaccination Status
Luigi Galleani, Palmer Raids: The bomb-throwing anarchists who terrorized Boston 100 years before the Tsarnaevs.
Total US Debt To GDP: 105% -
Chris Dorner's Revolver Brings over $4,000 at Charity Auction
The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever | Politics News | Rolling Stone
Google reports record spike in government requests to remove content | Technology |
Anti-terror task force was warned of Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s long trip to Russia - The Washington Post
Your genetic make up to be stored, without consent, for profit - GeneWatch UK warns | TechEye
Corexit, Oil Dispersant Used By BP, Is Destroying Gulf Marine Life, Scientists Say
More Anomalies On West Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion And Government Motives To Destroy It With A Missile Strike -
"The Battlefield Is The United States Of America" -
Nicholas Schmidle: Are Kosovo’s Leaders Guilty of War Crimes? : The New Yorker
Pentagon in PR fight over F-35 fighter jets’ cyber vulnerabilities — RT USA
Tomgram: Engelhardt, The Cathedral of the Enemy | TomDispatch
Verizon, large scale cyber espionage from China and much more - Security Affairs
US drones will continue to fly in Afghanistan after troop withdrawl |
The Aviationist » Broken Arrow incidents: when U.S. B-52 bombers lost their nuclear weapons during the Cold War
Islam in the West: 25,000 Muslims rally in Britain against free speech - Atlas Shrugs
News from The Associated Press
"The FBI Should Be Investigating Crime, Not Inventing It"
Most Powerful Mercenary Armies - Business Insider
Man Convicted of Hacking Despite Not Hacking | Threat Level |
Chuck Hagel's Amazing Overnight Transformation on Syria's Use of Chemical Weapons
Orwell does America
Boston and Freedom
Obama Administration Secretly Allowing Internet Surveillance U.S. gives big, secret push to Internet surveillance
Authoritarianism Has Quietly Enveloped Every Part of American Life -- We Must Fight Back
Bush Library: Whitewashing War Crimes
What Does It Mean To Be An “American” Corporation?
Azealia Banks’ “Yung Rapunxel”: New Artist, Same Illuminati Symbolism
The Boston Bombing Web of Lies
Is Kissing a “State Sponsor of Terrorism” a “Terrorist Act”?
No Bank Deposits Will Be Spared from Confiscation
The Fueling of Unrest in Syria, Israel’s Territorial Ambitions
The Ties That Bind Washington to Chechen Terrorists
Buying Up Newspapers: It’s the Media, Stupid!
Global Warfare: NATO Has Become a Worldwide Military Expeditionary Force
Boston Bombers’ Links to US Intelligence: Tamerlan was Well Known to Both the CIA and the FBI
Dance on Thatcher’s Grave, But Remember There Has Been a Coup in Britain
Dramatic Growth in Social Inequality in America. Poverty Increases During an “Economic Recovery”
Everyone’s Talking about “False Flags … Isn’t that Another Bogus Historical Conspiracy Theory?
Boston Truth: Both FBI & CIA Watched Boston Bombing Suspects for Years

Interview 655 - Sibel Edmonds on the Boston Bombing

BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- April 26 2013
BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- April 25 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Russia’s FSB Detains 140 in Moscow for Connection to Caucasus-Tied ‘Islamist Extremist Groups’
4/26/2013 Aiding Dzhokhar’s Syrian Comrades
4/25/2013 What Has Bibi Been Doing?
4/24/2013 Government Response to Terrorism Needs to Be Dialed Down
Officials: Boston Suspect Had No Firearm When Barrage Of Bullets Hit Hiding Place - informationliberation
What's Bad About a House-to-House Search? - informationliberation
Video Shows Link Between SPLC and Attack on Family Group
The Republican Civil War
DHS Spokesman Waffles Over Huge Ammo Purchases
Britain Sentences Bomb Plotters Who Had “Blessing of Al Qaeda”
New Poll Shows Small-business Owners Favor Raising Minimum Wage?
Calls to Privatize the FAA Follow Controller Furloughs and Airport Delays
Data Mining Students Through Common Core
Why Obama’s Chemical Weapons ‘Red Line’ in Syria Is Bogus « Blog
Attacks Grow in Iraq, Over 200 Killed in Three Days -- News from
Israel Downs Drone Off Coast Near Lebanon -- News from
Woman indicted in Cuba spy case is in Sweden and out of U.S. reach - The Washington Post
BBC News - US 'spy' Timothy Hallet Tracy detained in Venezuela
“Heading Towards a Collision Course”: Will Israel Attack Iran with America’s Blessing by the End of this Year? | Global Research
The Fueling of Unrest in Syria, Israel’s Territorial Ambitions | Global Research
Chemical Weapons and Foreign Policy
The GOP and Planned Parenthood
The Boston Murderers Lived High on the Welfare Hog
Judge Napolitano on Fake FBI Terror Plots
New $100 Bill
When Homeland Security Theater goes Off-Script by William Norman Grigg
Fake FBI Terror Plots:
The Bombing Suspect Didn’t Engage In a Shootout with Police, Or Shoot Himself … He WASN’T EVEN ARMED When Hiding In the Boat | Washington's Blog
'The Future Is Coming, the Future Is Coming,' Warns the Paul Revere of Trends by Gerald Celente
A Blueprint for Internationalizing Yourself by Jeff Thomas
From Tourist to Terrorist: Or What Not to do While Traveling Between States with a CCL -
Gut Flora Accounts for up to 80% of Immunity, Not Vaccinations
Save Money and Shop Smart: Know the Style Pyramid | The Art of Manliness
Torture Remains Official US Policy
“Police State” Registry System Being Set Up to Track Your Vaccination Status
Researchers Discover That The Tulsi Plant Can Be Used To Remove Fluoride From Drinking Water
The Return of ACTA: U.S. Dictating Canada’s Intellectual Property Laws
Ministry of Truth makes Boston bombing suspect disappear
The War On Terror Is Over. America Lost.
Retailer Pulls Pressure Cookers in the Wake of Boston Bombing, Then Puts Them Back After Public Outcry
CONFIRMED: Both FBI and CIA Watched Boston Bombing Suspects for Years
Americans Under Siege – Has Tomorrow Become a Reality?
America's War on Terror 2.0
Barack Hussein Obama Will Be The Last United States President | Obama
Glenn Beck: Obama Will Be Impeached! | Obama
Evidence Mounts Boston Bombers Were FBI Assets | Terrorism
Eerie Psychic Reading On The Boston Bombings | Terrorism
ABC Posts Old Counter Terrorism Article As A New Story, twice, are we being warned of an imminent threat of terrorism? | Politics
Navy SEAL Admits Nukes To Be Detonated Nationwide for Martial Law Agenda | Alternative
Ghoulish Discovery ! Fema Prison Found ??? Mass Grave Preparations | Alternative
Proof That Boston Bombing Double Amputee Jeff Bauman Is NOT An Actor | Alternative
If You Eat Meat, Look At This Picture | Alternative
Boston Truth Revealed | Conspiracy Theories
Chris Kyle's Business Mgr Was Pakistani Military? Craft International Needs To Be Investigated. | Blogging/Citizen Journalism
Amputee Mechanical Joint Visible? | Alternative
FBI Caught In Their Own Timeline Trap | Blogging/Citizen Journalism
Swastika Building Built On Purpose - On A Navy Base | Alternative
The Boston Hook (Video) | Alternative
FCC Do Not Call List!!! | Alternative
Huge Battleship Type Object Above Planet Earth. | Beyond Science
Faces of Sandy Hook - Lying Eyes? - Video | Alternative
Boston Bomb Hoax: Phoney Leg Bone Prosthetic Falls Off | Blogging/Citizen Journalism
Why Is Supposedly Dead Sandy Hook Principal Seen at Boston Bombing Event? | Conspiracy Theories
FBI Photo 2nd Boston Bombing Suspect Clearly Photo-Shopped (False Flag Cover-Up) - Video | Terrorism
+FEMA's Actor/Exercise Training Guide | Alternative
Man On Roof In Boston Identified? See Something! Say Something! Full Pop Goes The Weasel's | Alternative
Crisis Actor Caught During Explosion - Boston Bombing - Must See Video! | Terrorism
Who Is Bruce Mendelsohn? | Survival
Windowfarms: Grow Your Own Indoors | Self-Sufficiency
Feds Used "Public Safety Exception" To Question Tsarnaev Without Mirandizing Him--Can They Question Him Until He Dies Of Old Age? | Alternative
Boston Marathon Attacks, Chechnya And Oil - The Hidden U.S. Connection | Scandals
Beck: I Have Ten Smoking Guns And Altered Documents; This Is Not The Birth Certificate Issue (Videos) | Obama Birthplace Controversy
Martial Law: Three Things To Know In The Event Of Martial Law Or Invasion | Politics
OBAMA TO BAN GUN Via EXCECUTIVE ORDERS Without Congressional Approval | Obama
Boston Bombing: New Evidence | Blogging/Citizen Journalism
The Alex Jones Show - Wednesday, April 24, 2013 (Full Show): Lindsey Williams | Blogging/Citizen Journalism
Natural ways to treat allergies this season | Fox News

101 unusual things to stock for TEOTWAWKI that you won’t see on many other lists
6 Surprisingly Healthy Foods | Health
Surprise! Look who’s getting power to kill you
Why You Should Keep Your Orange and Banana Peels
Obama backs Planned Parenthood in political fight
Obama Avoids Swift Response to Report on Syria Arms -
Obama: ‘Planned Parenthood isn’t going anywhere’ |
Obama to Largest Abortion Provider: 'God Bless You' | The Weekly Standard
Obama 12-Minute Speech to Planned Parenthood Time for 7.6 Abortions at Planned Parenthood | CNS News
Gang of Eight loopholes put many illegal immigrants on fast track to citizenship |
NumbersUSA: Immigration bill to bring in at least 33 million | The Daily Caller
Tom Brokaw says ‘no thanks’ to White House Correspondents' Dinner - Patrick Gavin -
Reps challenge DHS ammo buys, say agency using 1,000 more rounds per person than Army | Fox News
Fireworks Show Prompts Some In Manhattan To Fear A Terrorist Attack « CBS New York
Exclusive: Government doc shows how closely Boston Marathon bombers followed al Qaeda plans - Open Channel
Mother of bomb suspects eyed in radicalizing son; was on terror database | Fox News
Rep: More arrests expected | Boston Herald
After Boston, spending on video surveillance expected to surge -
Ammo Factory All Fired Up Amid Gun Ban Threat | City Talk 105.9 FM
Woman accused of using ambulances for free rides - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports
Chicago Suffering One Shooting Every 6.3 Hours as 2013 Homicide Count Hits 100 | CNS News
2 Investigators: Heroin Use, Deaths Up In Chicago’s Suburbs « CBS Chicago
Cher Rages Against Sequester, Doesn't Blame Obama
Jon Stewart Uses Presidential Library Opening to Bash Bush Anew
American Filmmaker Timothy Tracy Arrested in Venezuela
'Outlaw,' Pot Devotee Willie Nelson Anticipates 80th Birthday
One of Every Five American Households on Food Stamps
Obama's Debt Per Household Greater than Median Household Income
USDA Flyer: We Don't Check Immigration Status for Food Stamps
House Dems Want 45% Taxes on $1M Incomes
CNN: Bombing Suspects' Mother on Terror Watch List Since 2011
Rep. King: NYC Should Have Been Warned Sooner of Tsarnaev Threat to City
Obama to Planned Parenthood: 'Thank You, God Bless You'
Pro-immigration Reform Groups Design Poll Questions to Favor 'Gang of Eight'
Tsarnaev Family Took Food Stamps, Aid to Families with Dependent Children
Canada Tried To Deport Terror Suspect Nine Years Ago
Palin Hammers 'Radically Pro-Abortion' Obama for Planned Parenthood Speech
Obama: Planned Parenthood Opponents Turn Women 'Into Punching Bags'
Organizing for Action Woos McCain on Gun Control
Report: Federal Judge Overruled Investigators to Mirandize Boston Bomber
Nonprofit Group Steps Up Efforts to Arm Vulnerable Americans
Immigration Reform Proponent Sen. Robert Menedez Drove Pigford Style Hispanic Farmer Settlement
NYTimes Confirms: Massive Fraud at USDA in Pigford; Breitbart Vindicated
Holder Undercut FBI by Giving Tsarnaev Miranda Rights
Obama Admin Asks SCOTUS to Take NLRB Recess Appointments Case
Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Out of Hospital
State Inspectors Shut Down Ohio Abortion Facility
Newtown Voters Reject Budget Hiring Security Guards for Schools
Frank Luntz: Rush, Levin 'Problematic' in Immigration Debate
School Counselor Fired for Alleged Racist Rant on Texas Explosion Victims
Tea Party Caucus Reloads for 2014
Pigford Across the Media
Brokaw Rips White House Correspondents Dinner: 'We're Versailles'
Mother Jones Worries About 'Inevitable Ugliness' After NYT Pigford Expose
Matthews Blames US Wars For Jihadi Terror
Kurtz Slams Fox News for Allowing Perino to Interview Bush
Fox News to Air Special on Kermit Gosnell
Mother Jones: 'Right-Wing Extremism' Killed More Since 9/11 Than Islamic Terror
Report: Suspected Bombers Followed Al Qaeda Bomb Designs
Putin: Russia Gave FBI Virtually No Info on Tsarnaevs
Tsarnaev Warning Came as Brennan Purged Material 'Offensive' to Muslims
India Alleges China Troops far Inside Indian Territory
Israel Shoots Down Drone, Hezbollah Denies Involvement
Kim Jong Un, Assad Exchange Friendly Correspondence
Gunmen Kill 13 in Philippine Political Violence
World View: U.S. Says Syria Has Used Chemical Weapons Twice
UN Official's Smear of Boston Victims Just Latest Attack on US, Israel
White House on Syria: We'll Follow UN's Lead
Obama Administration Believes Syria Launched Chemical Attack
Report: Russia Warned U.S. Government Numerous Times About Boston Bomber
World Health Organization: New Bird Flu Strain 'One of Most Lethal'
How To Make A Solar Panel | Energy
Anunnaki Nibiru Is The Secret Exposed | Watercooler Topics
6 Surprisingly Healthy Foods | Health
So Islam Isn't At War With The World - Better Take a Good Look at This | Opinion - Conservative
Laurie Roth - Obama IS a false flag event
The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever | Politics News | Rolling Stone
Obama Confirms UFO'S | Beyond Science
Alien Structures On Earth's Moon, Dark Matter UFO, NASA Source, | Beyond Science
Real Bomber On Video! Brothers Set Up! | Alternative
Jesse Watters Goes To Pot: Stoners Fail Basic News Quiz At Denver Pot Rally
RUSH: The Koch Brothers Are Trying To Corner The Helium Market
RUSH: ‘The Left Has Got The NFL In Its Crosshairs’
RUSH: If Amnesty Passes There Will Be No GOP, ‘It’s Republican Party Suicide’
Tamerlan Tsarnaev Triple Murders Were ALL Jews Targeted for Religion on 10th Anniv of 9/11 – That’s ISLAM
Omar Borkan Al-Gala: The Man Saudis Deported for Being Too Sexy For Islam
Muslim Lawyer Dumbed Down Already Dumbed-Down NFL; Says IQ Test for Morons “Racist”
All Americans Should be Exempt from ObamaCare
The "Gang of Eight" its Amnesty Stupid
RUSH: ‘IT MAKES ME ILL’ That Obama Showed Up At An ‘Abortion Factory’
Mark Levin Fumes: ‘If Our Health Care System Goes Down, We Take These Bastards With Us!’
Mark Levin Goes Nuclear Over Congress Wanting To Exempt Itself From ObamaCare
Megyn Kelly: FBI ‘Shocked’ To See Judge ‘Waltz’ In And Give Boston Bombing Suspect Miranda Rights
Limbaugh To Tsarnaev Mother: ‘One Of Your Sons Used The Other One As A Speed Bump’
How Ray Kurzweil Will Help Google Make the Ultimate AI Brain | Wired Business |
BBC News - Clenching fists 'can improve memory'
Scientists discuss invisible alien life on Earth |
Did an Earthquake Destroy Ancient Greece? | Historical Mysteries | LiveScience
Consciousness After Death: Strange Tales From the Frontiers of Resuscitation Medicine | Wired Science |
Mysterious Hudson River giant head found by Marist crew
Is this really human? DNA tests on six-inch skeleton of 'alien-looking' creature with over-sized head prove it was actually human claim scientists in new documentary | Mail Online
Ancient Europeans Mysteriously Vanished 4,500 Years Ago | LiveScience
America’s Out of Place Animals | Mysterious Universe
Oldest Temple in Mexican Valley Hints at Human Sacrifice : Discovery News
Inbred royals show traces of natural selection : Nature News & Comment
'God particle' scientists come up with cancer-blasting beam as an alternative for debilitating radiotherapy | Mail Online
Ron Paul Criticizes Boston Lockdown: ‘We Had Martial Law Out There,’ ‘It’s Criminal’ |
DHS and FBI Warn of Terrorists with Cameras Following Boston Bombing |
Gerald Celente: Temple of The Bankers |
Rachel Maddow Loves Men, Straw Men |
Janet’s Giant Bureaucracy Fails, or Was That What It Was Meant To Do |
Anti-terror task force was warned of Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s long trip to Russia - The Washington Post
God is the Universe! – Stefan Molyneux |
Welcome to Amerika: No More Truth, Justice or American Way |
Obama’s new drug war policy CHOOM! CHOOM! – Adam Kokesh |
Boston Bomber Recruited into Black Ops by FBI, CIA? |
Keiser Report: Stalinism of NYSE (E436) |
The Barack Obama Presidential Library
Jihad Bums
The Sheep of Watertown
How Will Obama Work the Crisis?
Boston Demands That We Know Our Enemy
Judge made decision on Miranda rights for Tsarnaev on her own
Guess who is making out like a bandit on Obamaphones?
The 'We're-Really-Not-Raising-Your-Taxes' Tax
Planned Parenthood's Horrific Ironies Exposed by the Gosnell Trial
The Flu Tax
The Earned Income Tax Credit Fraud
Cuba's 'ladies in white' finally get an important recognition
Immigration reform, one step at a time
Ambassador Susan Rice reveals the UN's distorted priorities
A+ for Senator Cruz: Obama wants the issue not 'reforma'
Egypt re-starting nuclear program
Middle school girls told to 'ask for a lesbian kiss' in anti-bullying workshop
Fast and Furious stonewall hits the courts
Video: Hollywood Hypocrite: Harrison Ford Waxes Chest for Climate Change, Takes Helicopter to get a Cheeseburger
Video: Boston Bombshell Text: 'Ready to Die for Islam'
Video: Bill Clinton Admits: 'I Like Bush!"
Video: W. Shows Real Emotion for America
Video: The People Have Spoken: Nancy 'Least Liked' Pelosi
Video: Gay Paree: French Protestors Clash with Cops in Paris Over Gay Marriage
Video: Obama Finally Does Some Real Work, Doing a Job Americans Won't Do...
Leftist Nazis, the Gaystapo, and Islamofascists
The Audacity of Narcissism
Obama Trades Night-time Planned Parenthood Appearance for Today
Benghazi report: Trinkets of treason
Does New Wall Hinder Sharing of Information Between Intelligence Agencies?
Obama & Clinton’s Benghazi Lies Exposed
Plot Thickens in Saudi National Case
Diversity and Multiculturalism, Failed Liberal Values
Boston Aftermath – Blather, Blame and Blasphemy
Without a secure border, Congress is headed for another disaster
How Pothead Terrorists Almost Outsmarted the Police
Political Elitists Seek Exemptions from Obamacare!
Kerry Thinks Iranian ‘Democracy’ & America’s Have Lots in Common
UN Official’s Smear of Boston Victims Just Latest Attack On US, Israel
Obama’s smear misfires at GOP ‘deniers’
Time to confront Obama
Boston Bombing News
Obama's scrub of Muslim terms under question; common links in attacks - Washington Times
Obama Is Asked to Reconsider Repatriation of Yemenis -
FBI did not alert state’s anti-terror unit to its probe of suspected bomber in 2011 -
USDA/Mexico flyer: Get kids on food stamps without documents | The Daily Caller
Did Saudi ‘person of interest’ visit White House?
Jury: Fraud put Obama on ’08 ballot
George Jones: "He Stopped Loving her Today" dies at 81 (Videos) | Washington Times Communities
GOP charges Obama officials lied on talking points
Obama Praises Planned Parenthood, Attacks State Abortion Restrictions
Giuliani: Abrupt Halt to Suspect's Questioning Is ‘Mind-Boggling’
Boston Carjacking Victim: ‘I Was Just Trying to Save Myself’
Boston Bombing Suspect Moved to Prison from Hospital
Internet Sales Tax Bill to Hit Roadblock in House
USDA to Ineligible Immigrants: We’ll Still Give Your Kids Food Stamps
Todd Akin: I’d Take Back Comments on ‘Legitimate Rape’
Rand Paul: ‘I Was Mis-underestimated’ on Drone Remark
Part of 9/11 Plane Landing Gear Discovered in Lower Manhattan
Lanny Davis to Newsmax: George W. Bush’s Legacy Is Solid
'Ground Zero Mosque' Property Could Be Turned Into Condos
News & Current Events, Breaking News, Analysis, Political Commentary –
Bush: Bono ‘Became a Pal’
US Man Detained in Venezuelan Post-Election Crackdown
First-quarter Growth Quickens, but Misses Forecasts
South Beach Diet Guru: Hidden Gluten Can Wreck Your Health
Coffee Prevents Breast Cancer Recurrence: Study
Vitamin D Treats Liver Disease
Boston Marathon bombings rival Cancer Scare
War Is No Excuse to Wave Rights
Boston Marathon bloodbath: Don't blame God for terrorism
Enablers of Homegrown Jihad must be held Accountable
Bush Library offers Democracy on Display
Virginia Abortion Clinic Owner: 'I Can Stick Needles in Babies' Lungs. I Can Put Tubes Up Penises...' | CNS News
Conservative Lion Howard Phillips Leaves Legacy of the Right Principles | CNS News
Obama 12-Minute Speech to Planned Parenthood Time for 7.6 Abortions at Planned Parenthood | CNS News
Domestic Terrorist Says He Targeted FRC After Finding It on Southern Poverty Law Center Website | CNS News
Bachmann on Gosnell: ‘Mainstream Media''Failed to Cover this Horrific Violence Against Women’ | CNS News
Laura Bush Boasts: Bush Presidential Library Is 'Green and Sustainable' | CNS News
George W. Bush: ‘Not One’ of My Friends Thought I Would Be President One Day | CNS News
George W. Bush: ‘I’m Not That Friendly to Washington’ | CNS News
White House: Clinton’s 'Signature' on Benghazi Docs Doesn't Mean She Knew of Them | CNS News
Napolitano on Poor Morale: ‘It’s Not Just With ICE, It’s Throughout the Department’ | CNS News
Correction: Castro's Daughter-Visit Denied story | CNS News
Woman, 80, swallows diamond at Fla. charity event | CNS News
White House: Clinton’s 'Signature' on Benghazi Docs Doesn't Mean She Knew of Them | CNS News
Hollywood and Post-Boston 'Xenophobia' | CNS News
Obama's Texas Muslim cover-up?
Obama climate video stars GOP truthsayers
Blacks' obsession with sports, Hollywood & acceptance
Media now OK with a Bush-like Obama
I agree with Laura, freeze Muslim immigration
New Bush Library, same old Bush record
Obama's Saudi follies
J. FARAH: The Biden chronicles
R. RINGER: The United States of Fake
Genesis Communications Network GCN News A talented artist and now, bombing suspect’s wife «
Boston and gun confiscation hysteria
After the GOP suicide
A tale of 2 nations: Patriots and Patricians
How abortion has changed America
Who’s to blame for the unborn’s blood
Assaulting Christians but coddling terrorists
We’ve got hoplophobes over a barrel
Kermit Gosnell trial: Much ado about nothing
Whom should we trust?
Boy Scouts want to ‘split the baby’
Episode 7 - Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt Interview - Smells Like Human Spirit Podcast

Deconstructing Edward Bernays' 'Propaganda' (Part 1) (Episode 60) - YouTube
Deconstructing Edward Bernays' 'Propaganda' (Part 2) Episode 63 - YouTube
Deconstructing Edward Bernays' 'Propaganda' (Part 3) (Episode 64) - YouTube
Boston bombers’ carjack victim is a Chinese entrepreneur named “Danny” – Quartz
Prison » Police Stop Reporters From Investigating Fertilizer Explosion
Prison » They Come For the Ammo: New Bill Would Require Background Checks for “Explosive Materials”
"Evidence" of Syria chemical weapons use not up to U.N. standard - Yahoo! News
Prison » US Unveils Iraq WMD “Curveball-Style” Lies Vs. Syria
U.S.: Intelligence points to small-scale use of sarin in Syria -
Prison » CISPA is Dead, for Now
Prison » Janet’s Giant Bureaucracy Fails. Or Was That What It Was Meant To Do?
Prison » Rachel Maddow Can’t Handle Alex Jones
Prison » Ministry of Truth makes Boston bombing suspect disappear
Prison » Central Banks Buying Stocks
Prison » Gerald Celente: Temple of The Bankers
Prison » Census Bureau is Out of Control!
Prison » Does America Love The Police State?
Prison » Martial law is real: Americans now being forced out of their homes at gunpoint
Prison » Latest Addition to Official Story: Brothers Tsarnaev Planned to Bomb Times Square
Prison » FBI Video: SPLC Inspired Violent Terrorist
Prison » Doctors walk out of national Obamacare implementation meeting
Prison » Gov. Rick Scott Signs Florida Drone Regulation Bill
Prison » FBI Conducting Gun Sweeps in Oakland
Schumer, McCain say gun control bills will return | The Daily Caller
Ban on bee-harming insecticides would be a mistake, says chief science adviser | Environment |
ACLU: CISPA Is Dead (For Now) - US News and World Report
Prison » Official EU research verifies bee holocaust caused by dangerous man-made poisons, Big Ag and Big Government do nothing
95-Year-Old Woman Has Been Keeping Her Link to Hitler a Secret for More Than 50 Years
NJ State Sen. Blasts MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, Calls Him an ‘Ass’ Over Arrogant Comments After Interview
4 Major Questions That Remain About the Saudi National Tagged as 212(a)(3)(b), ‘Terrorist Activities’
9/11 Relic Discovered Behind the ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ in Lower Manhattan
Twinkies Are Back! (But Guess Who’s ‘Not Expected to be Involved’ Going Forward)
Obama’s 5 Most Controversial Statements About Abortion and ‘Women’s Rights’ During His Planned Parenthood Speech
Air Force Vet Turned Inventor and ‘Doomsday Prepper’ Star: Meet the Man Behind the Awesome Shotgun Adapter System You Loved!
The Worst Jobs for 2013
Can You Register to Vote in Colorado Without ID? Conservative Activist Finds Out
Cultists Burn 3-Day-Old Baby to Death in Horrific Ritual Because Leader Said Infant Was the Antichrist
O’Reilly to Beck on Saudi National Story: ‘We’re Always Willing to Give You a Hearing’
Two 12-Year-Old Girls Suspended Over Disturbing ‘Murder Video’ Listing Classmates, Administrators They Want to Kill
Fox News’ Jesse Watters Stumps Marijuana Enthusiasts on Politics, Current Events at Colo. Rally
‘So F***ing Awkward and So F****ing Boring’: Sorority Sister Resigns Over This Vulgar Email That Went Viral
A Lightning Strike and Rainbow in One Shot? Guess How Many Photos It Took to Capture This One Image
Former Weather Underground Leader Claims Violent Group ‘Won the Moral War’, Talks ‘Revolution’ (Plus: What’s With That Flower in Her Hair?)
Helium, Balloons, & Birthday Parties: The Sarcastic Speech One Rep. Gave on the House Floor
Have Sequester Pains Been as Bad as Advertised?
Journalist Carl Bernstein Tells Joe Scarborough: ‘Jewish Neocons’ Responsible in Part for Iraq War
Woman Faces Prison Sentence for ‘Animal Cruelty’ … After Not Having Enough Money to Fund a Vet Visit for Dog
Boston Suspects’ Mom Was Also in Terror Database, Sources Tell AP
Mysterious Giant Head Found in Hudson River
New Census is A Criminal Fraud! - YouTube

Obama says Planned Parenthood is ‘not going anywhere’ | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
Michael Bloomberg's Authoritarian Instincts -
100 Hundredth Anniversary of the Beginning of the End? (Part 2) — The Patriot Post
U.S. releases list of gifts Obama received from foreign governments. Guess what we sent - The Globe and Mail
Google reports record spike in government requests to remove content | Technology |
California eyes penny-per-ounce tax on sodas and energy drinks to combat child obesity - NY Daily News
Hyundai thinks out of the box with hovering cars and transforming vehicles
Mercury News editorial: Cybersecurity bill CISPA tramples on Fourth Amendment rights - San Jose Mercury News
Disconnect over expanded checks doomed gun bill; poll shows public deeply divided - Washington Times
» Gun Grabber Sarah Brady: We’re Not Going Away Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Topic Related Searching at HTTP.COM.
NYPD will deploy 'harmless' gas into subway in terror response drill — RT USA
No Light yet at End of Euro Zone Tunnel; Global Economic Weakness Persists
» Outbreak: Frightening H7N9 Study: “Authorities Should Definitely Be Alarmed and Get Prepared for the Worst-Case Scenario” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Republican Tom Cotton Makes Odd 'Except for 9/11' Argument
Canada Border Services Agency announce firearms seizure at Ambassador Bridge
Ted Cruz: Principled Opposition To Rubio Amnesty Bill |
The Real Risks of Amnesty by Heather Mac Donald - City Journal
» New Bill Would Require Genetically Modified Food Labeling in US Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Gov. Rick Scott signed the "Freedom from Unwarranted Surveillance Act" Thursday, making Florida the third state in the nation -- along with Idaho and Virginia -- to impose such a ban.
11 Al-Qaeda militants in Yemen given prison terms | ArabNews
» US, S. Korea Conducting Joint Naval Drill Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Congress has new shelter in case of attack - Washington Times
Bombs kill at least 20 across Iraqi capital | Reuters
Claim: Arrests in Pakistan, Afghanistan in Boston Marathon probe. Al-Qaida forums boast of attack while no group takes responsibility « Klein Online
AUDIO: Cover up: Saudi connection to Boston marathon? « Klein Online
AUDIO: Marathon probe: financing, student visas, more sleeper cells? « Klein Online
FBI Informant: Taliban in U.S., ready to strike | Walid Shoebat
Video: O’Reilly gives Beck opportunity to make the case against Al-Harbi (Saudi national) | Walid Shoebat
Tsarnaev Trutherism: A Family Affair? | Walid Shoebat
Chris Matthews ‘Evolves’ on Dhimmitude (2001 – 2013) | Walid Shoebat
Rep. Louie Gohmert calls out head of Muslim Brotherhood group in America | Walid Shoebat
Video: I’m offended by Islam | Walid Shoebat
A Contrast: A Saudi Prince’s influence on Fox News vs. Murdoch family’s lack of influence on Rotana | Walid Shoebat
Oprah Winfrey, Book Critic: Cormac McCarthy, Jonathan Franzen, and One Woman’s Impact on Reading : The New Yorker
sp!ked review of books | ‘I have a bad dream…’
The legacy of Bush's faith-based initiative | Spiritual Politics
Upwardly mobile Hispanic evangelical converts?
Why are religion and violence now so closely linked? | Andrew Brown | Comment is free |
Bernard Starr: To Experience Jesus, Visit a Synagogue
Franklin Graham Supports Tax on Violent Movies, Games
Meet 1995's Google Glass
The robots are coming, but will we love them? | The Verge
Pinging the Whole Internet Reveals Unsecured Backdoors That Could Tempt Hackers and Cyber Criminals | MIT Technology Review
Stop the Oversaturation of Connectivity | News & Opinion |
The Coming Computer Interface Wars - TheStreet
Google Fiber Apparently Is Driving Up Internet Speeds Offered by Competitors | MIT Technology Review
Why online education is mostly a fantasy
Robots at Work: Toward a Smarter Factory | World Future Society
3-D Printing Revolution Needs Simple Design Software | MIT Technology Review
Rise of Nat Gas Prices an Enigma | Fox Business
Climate Change Series: The Geoengineering Debate | Cognoscenti
One giant leap for mankind: £13bn Iter project makes breakthrough in quest for nuclear fusion, a solution to climate change and an age of clean, unlimited energy - Science - News - The Independent
7 Oil Field Jobs Companies Are Desperate To Fill
What If We Never Run Out of Oil? - Charles C. Mann - The Atlantic
Obama Sends the Taxman After the Energy Sector
Electric Vehicles Begin to Earn Money from the Grid -
Learning to Live With Fossil Fuels - Daniel Sarewitz and Roger Pielke Jr. - The Atlantic
Why Is There a 'Red Line' on Chemical Weapons but Not on 70,000 Deaths? - Shadi Hamid - The Atlantic
Commentary: The Risk of Blurring the Red Lines | The National Interest
How to Save the Republican Party - By Sen. John McCain | Foreign Policy
the pink line - Chicago Tribune
Obama Is Looking for Reasons to Delay Response to Syria's Chemical-Weapons Use -
RealClearDefense - Military Grooms New Officers for War in Cyberspace
Exclusive Interview: Rubio Calls Immigration Proposal a "Starting Point" - Guy Benson
Debt, Growth and the Austerity Debate -
Expanding Pre-K Education: How Philanthropy Could Do the Job Better than Obama - Forbes
Can a country boost its low birth rate? Examples from around the world. - Slate Magazine
The Coming Demographic Crisis: What to Expect When No One Is Expecting | RealClearPolitics
Being In the Middle Class Means Worrying About Falling Behind -
What Cities Face in the Immigration Reform Debate – Next City
The Political Roots of Inequality - Nolan McCarty - The American Interest Magazine
Six Policies to Help the Middle Class With No Cost to Taxpayers | RealClearPolitics
Social policies: Time to scrap affirmative action | The Economist
The American Dream, Downsized -
The political perils of Obamacare implementation
Make Government Less Taxing -
How Unions Are Getting Their Groove Back
Obamacare’s uncertainty strikes Congress |
History will not be kind to George W. Bush
CURL: W outclasses Barack and Bill, without even trying - Washington Times
Politics of Paranoia -
Michael Bloomberg's Authoritarian Instincts | RealClearPolitics
George Jones Dies in Nashville : The New Yorker
Examiner Editorial: How the FBI was blinded by political correctness |
The Guantánamo Stain -
RealClearWorld - Four Bad Arguments Pushing the U.S. into Syria's War
The Presidential Wheel Turns -
Stains on a Legacy | RealClearPolitics
Ordered Liberty » The ‘Public Safety’ Follies
Airport Delays: Who to Blame | RealClearPolitics
Gloves Off on Immigration Bill as McCain, Schumer Go to the Mat - The Daily Beast
The people who broke immigration will not help fix it | RedState
Dana Milbank: Fight Club on the Hill - The Washington Post
David Freddoso: Look who is purging their party now |
Opinion: Don't let America get 'fracked' -
Strassel: Nearly Sideswiped by Another Green Car -
Bush Library Dedication Revives Dynasty Concerns | RealClearPolitics
Barbara Bush is right -
The 1 Percent’s Solution -
Opinion: Obama's hubris problem - Keith Koffler -
When to invest? When most are afraid to - Chuck Jaffe - MarketWatch
MacroMania: Why gold and bitcoin make lousy money
The Short Supply of Assets
Why a Part-Time Workforce Is the New Normal
Strassel: Nearly Sideswiped by Another Green Car -
RealClearMarkets - How the Corporate Tax Negatively Impacts Israeli Investment
The Real Problem with the Internet Sales Tax - The Daily Beast
It's Almost May, So Go Away - Seeking Alpha
America's economy: A stiffening headwind | The Economist
Why Americans are Miserable and Broke | Fox Business
Millennials Are the Unluckiest Generation -
5 things the Fed would rather not talk about - Slide Show - MarketWatch
Big Data Gets Bigger: Now Google Trends Can Predict The Market - Forbes
A decade of iTunes singles killed the music industry - Apr. 25, 2013
+Anatomy of Transatlantic Trade Deal [PDF]
Bashar Assad’s chemical weapons: If Syria did use sarin gas on its own people, Barack Obama will have to follow through on his promise to punish the regime. - Slate Magazine
Charles Krauthammer: The Bush legacy - The Washington Post
Russia uses Boston bombs to argue for Assad's survival - The National
If Obama’s Syria Promises Mean Nothing, How Can We Trust Him on Iran? « Commentary Magazine
Bad chemistry in Washington
Putin’s Medieval Peace Pact in Chechnya - Bloomberg
10 Lessons from Cyprus — The American Magazine
‘Homework to Do’: The Afghanistan-Pakistan Peace Talk Tipping Point - The Daily Beast
Why the Sheikhs Will Fall - By Christopher M. Davidson | Foreign Policy
When Did Chemical Weapons Become Red Line For U.S.? | The Editor
Does Anti-Ikhwanism Really Matter? - By Khalil al-Anani | The Middle East Channel
Paper Tiger - By David Kang | Foreign Policy
China's Middle East footprint -
Getting closer to a cure for what ails health care - The Globe and Mail
Commentary: The Morality of Kissinger's Realism | The National Interest
In Bed with Benito: Sex Diaries Reveal Mussolini's Soft Side - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Execution of Mussolini
Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus. - Slate Magazine
The real story of how Toronto got its name | Earth Sciences
History Curriculum Homeschool | Heritage History presents Ferdinand Magellan by Frederick Ober
Robert Redford Watergate documentary, All the President’s Men Revisited. - Slate Magazine
Historian Götz Aly on Nazi Euthanasia Program and Inclusion Debate - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Real Clear Markets - Video - Santelli: 'Danger' as Central Banks Buy Stocks
How Medicaid & Obamacare Hurt the Poor - and How to Fix Them | RealClearPolicy
Problem Solvers Hangout | RealClearPolicy
Emotional Reactions of Atheists May Reveal Echoes of Belief -
What If We Lost Our Moon? : Discovery News
Yellowstone Supervolcano Mantle Plume | Plate Tectonics Theory |
Quantum effects get a weirdness scale - physics-math - 25 April 2013 - New Scientist
Failure Of Latest HIV Vaccine Test: A 'Huge Disappointment' : Shots - Health News : NPR
Can a country boost its low birth rate? Examples from around the world. - Slate Magazine
We've Finally Figured Out What Makes LED Bulbs So Inefficient | Popular Science
Einstein's Theory of Relativity Holds Up in Tiny But Massive Objects | LiveScience
Why Does the Higgs Particle Matter?
DNA double helix: discovery that led to 60 years of biological revolution | Adam Rutherford | Science | The Guardian
The Soviet Scientist Who Dreamed of Melting the Arctic with a 55 Mile Dam | Motherboard
RealClearPolicy - There's No Shortage of STEM Graduates
How the legal concept of "Scientific Uncertainty" shapes your life
Mindscapes: The woman who was dropped into her body - health - 25 April 2013 - New Scientist
Nudity Provides Health Benefits for Your Body and Brain -
Entire galaxies feel the heat from newborn stars | Press Releases | ESA/Hubble
Mysterious hot spots observed in a cool red supergiant (The University of Manchester)
Psychopaths are not neurally equipped to have concern for others | UChicago News
What If We Never Run Out of Oil? - Charles C. Mann - The Atlantic
Consciousness After Death: Strange Tales From the Frontiers of Resuscitation Medicine | Wired Science |
Tamerlan Tsarnaev CTE: The debate over whether to test the former boxer for signs of brain injury. - Slate Magazine
NeuroLogica Blog » The Continuity Problem
Diamond shows promise for a quantum Internet : Nature News & Comment
Ice-bound hunter sees first hint of cosmic neutrinos - space - 24 April 2013 - New Scientist
How to Think Like Shakespeare: The Positive Value of Negative Capability | Think Tank | Big Think
Experiment aims to steep rainforest in carbon dioxide : Nature News & Comment
The Pig Latins of 11 Other Languages | Mental Floss
Benghazi report: Trinkets of treason « Northeast Intelligence NetworkNortheast Intelligence Network
Air travelers' pain is part of Obama's sequestration strategy | News OK
Senate Democrats Save Air Travelers and GOP from the Sequester | New Republic
Will George W. Bush Ever Get Historians on His Side? -
The Bush Character, Four Years Later | Karl Rove
Iraq & ObamaCare: Of Millstones & Presidents | RealClearPolitics
Why Big Cities Make Media Liberal—and Why the Koch Brothers Can't Do Anything About It - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic
Does Psychiatry Need Science? The Strange Case of Melancholia and the D.S.M. : The New Yorker
Obama Gets Peek at His Future as a Past President | RealClearPolitics
George W. Bush Is Smarter than You | RealClearPolitics
Cruz: Obama Pushing Citizenship Because He Wants Immigration Reform To Fail | RealClearPolitics
Why Americans will never love Obamacare | The Daily Caller
My favorite memories of President George W. Bush | Fox News
Bush: Terrible President, Also Not a Smart Man -- Daily Intelligencer
RealClearMarkets - Why Americans Are Miserable and Broke
At Chicago school closing hearings, crowds fade
What Is Clout?
Chicago school officials eliminate a standardized test
Chicago litigants to fill 'Judge Mathis' courtroom all week
Jury considers verdict in trial tied to tainted Crestwood well
UIC launches $10M seed fund to advance startups
Husband charged in wife's 2000 slaying in South Barrington
Homicides in Chicago Reach Historic Lows
Suspect indicted in Las Vegas Strip carnage - USA Today
After long battle, Uber becomes first taxi app to get approved in New York City
Washington state bill would allow businesses to deny gays - USA Today
Immigration officials holding two fellow students of Boston bombing suspect
Mich. man charged after living with woman's corpse - USA Today
Arrest in Death of Toddler
Boston Bombing Survivor, Heather Abbott makes Life-Changing Decision
South Korea Pulling Workers from North Korean Industrial Complex - VOA
11 die as bomb rocks ANP office in Karachi
ATC grants four-day physical remand of Musharraf
Fiery bus crash blamed on Taliban insurgents kills 45 in Afghanistan
Russian court nixes parole for Pussy Riot band member - USA Today
Churchill to feature on new banknote
Elephants Under Threat in Lawless CAR - VOA
My penpal Amanda Knox and me
Facebook exec Sheryl Sandberg: $845 million a year - USA Today
Can Google Searches Predict The Direction of Financial Markets?
Who will replace Yahoo Chairman Fred Amoroso?
LivingSocial hacked; 50 million affected
Monkeys Are Adept at Picking Up Social Cues, Research Shows
Do Whales Have Culture? Humpbacks Pass on Behavior
Beekeeper protest calls for pesticide ban
Blame Photoshop for Korea's Beauty Queen "Clones"? - Kotaku
Watching porn may only have small effect on teen sexual behavior
Former Skakel Attorney Defends Handling of Trial - ABC News
Bill Clinton Joins Twitter for Real - The Daily Beast
Fed plan would end gray wolf protection | Local News | The Seattle Times
BBC News - Max Clifford: PR guru vows to clear name after charges
U.N. Establishes Mali Peacekeeping Force -
South Shields man Reece Elliott admits making Facebook threats to kill 200 people in America - Chronicle Live
Gunmen Kill 13 in Philippine Political Violence - ABC News
Russia reportedly detains 140 people in suspected extremism -
Fed: Redesigned $100 bill coming in October
CNN Ideas: Remote sex: There's an app for that - YouTube
Facebook Buys Parse To Offer Mobile Development Tools As Its First Paid B2B Service | TechCrunch
Instapaper Creator Sells Service to Betaworks | News & Opinion |
Pinterest revives classic features, revamps notifications and search
BBC News - North Korea embraces 3G service
Here Comes Amazon's Kindle TV Set-Top Box - Businessweek
Waters off Northeast US coast unusually warm, says NOAA -
BBC News - Earth's core far hotter than thought
See Saturn at Its Best for 2013 - Observing Highlights -
New findings suggest more complexity to Maya origins -
4 Questions About Capturing an Asteroid - Popular Mechanics
UW astronomer discovers Earthlike planet, keeps the faith | Local News | The Seattle Times
Scientists modify the herd with ‘Glow in the dark’ sheep |
Newfound hormone holds hope for diabetes treatment
Country Singer George Jones Dead at 81 - YouTube
'Two and a Half Men' renewed, without Angus T. Jones as regular | Inside TV |
Wes Craven Set To Direct MTV's 'Scream' TV Reboot? - Music, Celebrity, Artist News |
Elton John Reveals Baby Elijah's Godmother Lady Gaga |
Prince William: 'Does this Batmobile come with a baby seat?' - Telegraph
Ben Affleck to receive honorary doctorate from Brown University -
The Savage Nation April 25 2013 FULL SHOW - YouTube


Alex Jones Show: Friday (4-26-13) Ron Paul , Sibel Edmonds & Syrian Girl - YouTube

Lindsey Williams on The Alex Jones Show on 24th April 2013 - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News for Thursday, April 25, 2013 Full Show) - YouTube
Infowars Nightly News: Friday (4-26-13) Full Show - YouTube
The Manning Report – 26 April 2013
The Manning Report – 25 April 2013
The Katherine Albrecht Show Thursday April 25 2013 Hour 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show Thursday April 25 2013 Hour 2
The Katherine Albrecht Show Friday April 26 2013 Hour 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show Friday April 26 2013 Hour 2
April 26, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN
April 25, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN
Alex Jones - 2013-Apr-26, Friday
Alex Jones - 2013-Apr-25, Thursday
Alex Jones - 2013-Apr-24, Wednesday
Alex Jones - 2013-Apr-23, Tuesday
Alex Jones - 2013-Apr-22, Monday
Alex Jones - 2013-Apr-21, Sunday
Alex Jones - 2013-Apr-19, Friday
Alex Jones - 2013-Apr-18, Thursday
Alex Jones - 2013-Apr-17, Wednesday
Alex Jones - 2013-Apr-16, Tuesday
Alex Jones - 2013-Apr-15, Monday
Alex Jones - 2013-Apr-14, Sunday
4/26/13 Mark Levin Audio Rewind
4/25/13 Mark Levin Audio Rewind
Red Eye Radio 4/26/13 Part 1
Red Eye Radio 4/26/13 Part 2

26 April

William J Federer's American Minute for April 26th
This Day in History for 26th April |
April 26 Events in History
What Happened on April 26th This Day in History
Today in History: April 26
Today in History: April 26
Today in History for April 26th - YouTube
Obama: "Planned Parenthood Is Not Going Anywhere"
Yemeni National On How Drones Stir Hatred Of America And Fuel Terrorism
Ron Paul: People Try To Drive Wedges Between Rand And Me
Bill O'Reilly vs. Barney Frank: Politicizing The Boston Bombing
O'Reilly: Boston Bombing Craziness
Dem Rep. Hank Johnson: "Imagine A World Without Balloons"
Ezra Klein: Today, Democrats Lost On The Sequester
"Special Report" Panel: Journalists Who Covered Bush Speak
Holder: Creating A Pathway To Citizenship A "Civil And Human Right"
Scarborough: My View On Second Amendment Has Not Changed
Matthews: New Details Revealed About Boston Bombers' Plan To Attack Times Square
Ken Langone: Paul Krugman Wrong, We're Stealing From Young
Ralph Peters: Boston Bomber Will "Walk The Streets A Free Man Someday"
Rand Paul Says He Would Support Drones During "An Active Gun Fight"
Jon Stewart Mocks Bush Library: "Hard Rock Cafe Of Catastrophic Policy Decisions"
Maddow: Bush Revisionists Count On Short Memories
Krauthammer On Syria: "What's At Stake Here Is Whether Anything This President Now Says Is Believable"
Chris Matthews: Killing Arabs On Television "Might Have Something To Do With Jihad"
Rep. Peter King: Other People Were Involved In Boston Terror Attack
Bush: "In The End, Leaders Are Defined By The Convictions They Hold"
President Obama Speaks At The Memorial For Firefighters In West, Texas
George W. Bush Reflects On Presidency With Bret Baier, Says GOP Is "Leaderless"
Barbara Bush: "We've Had Enough Bushes"
Rand Paul: Immigration Reform Can't Pass Without Conservative Votes
Frank Luntz: Limbaugh, Mark Levin Are "Problematic" For GOP
Obama Praises Bush At Presidential Library Dedication: "He Is A Good Man"
Jon Stewart Rips FOX News For Ignoring Bill Of Rights After Boston Bombing
McCain: Obama Looking For "An Excuse" Not To Intervene In Syria
David Plouffe: The Next Steps In Gun Control Legislation
George W. Bush On Iraq, Future Of GOP, Jeb Bush & Presidency
Bob Baer: FBI And CIA Failed To Heed Warnings On Boston Bomber
Brit Hume: Changing Views About George W. Bush
Maddow: Crackpot Conspiracy Theories Enjoy Mainstreaming By Right
O'Reilly: "Lone Wolf" Vs. Conspiracy In Boston Attack
Matthews: How Do We Tell When "Radicalization" Happens?

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