A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

22 April 2013

Earth Day

Prison » 17 Unanswered Questions About The Boston Marathon Bombing The Media Is Afraid To Ask
Prison » Mother Of Suspected Bombers Claims FBI Called Eldest Son AFTER Bombing, Before Fatal Shootout
Prison » URGENT: Boston Bombing Suspects’ Aunt ID’s Naked/Alive Detainee as Slain Nephew – FBI Lies
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev: Bomb suspect wakes up and answers FBI questions in writing after 'shooting himself through mouth' | Mail Online
Back at college, suspect called Boston bombs crazy: classmate | Reuters
Prison » Glenn Beck’s Info on Obama Bombing Coverup Released
Lindsey Graham: No Miranda Rights Reading For Boston Suspect - Business Insider
Prison » Missouri House of Reps Passes Powerful Nullification of Federal Gun Grab
Prison » Shocking Footage: Americans Ordered Out Of Homes At Gunpoint By SWAT teams
Prison » The World of Synthetic Manufactured Terrorism
Prison » CLAIM: Boston Bomber Last message on Facebook to his Father – “I have never done it , they set me up”
Prison » Video & Audio Of Firefight, Capture Of Dzokhar Tsarnaev
Prison » Chinese officials meet with Kissinger
North Caucasus Rebels Deny Links To Boston Attack - Business Insider
Prison » If you want to go to heaven, you had better get busy overthrowing Syria
Prison » Israel, Turkey Quietly Discuss Possible Strike on Iran?
Prison » Swiss To Vote On Gold Repatriation – “Gold Is The Only Valuable Asset On The SNB’s Balance Sheet”
Prison » Obama To Sell $10 Billion In Weapons To Israel, Saudi Arabia And The UAE
Prison » Kansas couple illegally raided by heavily-armed government agents for purchasing hydroponic garden equipment
Caught on camera: Boston manhunt sparks debate over more surveillance - The Hill
Prison » Reality is a psyop
Prison » Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and the “Right Balance” for the Bill of Rights
ACLU calls for Miranda rights for Boston bombing suspect - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Prison » Congress Exploits Our Fears to Take Our Liberty
Prison » Mourn For America: Whenever A Tragedy Happens They Take Even More Freedom From Us
Prison » Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is American
Prison » FBI Casting Set Stage for Boston Marathon Bombing, Shootout, Charade
Prison » Security theater moves to Act Two following arrest of Boston marathon bombing suspect
Prison » Boston manhunt IR video: Police rip tarp off boat, fire flash grenades
Prison » Israeli Press Says Patsy Brothers Were Double Agents!
Prison » FBI Knew Suspects Before Marathon Bombings
Prison » It’s Official: The War Street Journal Declares the USA to be a Battlefield
Report: Suspects had no gun licenses - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Prison » Colorado Sheriffs sue state government over illegal gun control laws
Prison » Waco Siege: What Really Happened and Why
Prison » Toddlers Becoming So Addicted to iPads They Require Therapy
Prison » VIDEO: “Huge” Meteor Over Argentina
VIDEO: Bomber suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev appears to be alive, naked and handcuffed
Activist Post: Boston Bombing Suspects' Aunt ID's Naked/Alive Detainee as Slain Nephew - FBI Lies
PressTV - Boston bombings suspect may never speak again: Hospital head
PressTV - My sons were framed by FBI: Father of Boston suspects
Boston Bombings 2013: 'Chilling' unreleased video clearly shows Dzhokhar Tsarnaev placing backpack on floor | Mail Online
Something's Rotten in Boston | This Can't Be Happening!
Amputee Actors Used For “Shock Effect” in Military « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
Are You Just A Believer Or Do You THINK? | B'Man's Revolt
Boston Massacre Media Diversion
Queering Of The Boy Scouts
Media magic: not one angry person in Boston | Jon Rappoport's Blog
The Corbett Report | The FBI Fosters, Funds and Equips American Terrorists
Jesse Ventura : It s Called A False Flag Operation! (HD) - YouTube
H7N9 Cases May Be Double Known Figure, Hong Kong Researchers Say - Bloomberg
Activist Post: Witness Gives Details of His Role in BP Oil Spill Cover-up
Food price hikes raise concerns in Iran | World news | The Guardian
Hagel in Israel
PressTV - Assad: Army enjoys people’s support
PressTV - West planning genocide in Syria: Tony Cartalucci
PressTV - Syrian army forces destroy large arms convoy in Idlib
America's War on Islam 2.0
The debt-ridden EU stares bankruptcy in the face - Telegraph / Economic Affairs / EU governments get cold feet on transactions tax / Economic Affairs / Brzezinski: EU-US trade pact can halt West's decline
Italy's Grillo calls for march on parliament over coup d'etat | Reuters
Whole MSM Perceived World Is A Psyop- XV Voice Over - YouTube
Local News Anchor's First Day on the Job: Says "Fucking Shit" Live on Air - YouTube
Five killed in shooting at Washington State apartment complex - Americas - World - The Independent
Student charged after refusing to remove NRA shirt | World news | The Guardian
Owen Jones: Our shameful hierarchy - some deaths matter more than others - Comment - Voices - The Independent
'Letzgo Hunting' sting: Moment 'online paedophile hoping to meet 14-year-old' is confronted by vigilante parents | Mail Online
Man Tasered by police engulfed in fireball | UK | News | Daily Express
Inside Ground Zero: Photos From The Suspects' Apartment | Zero Hedge
BOSTON BOMBING - Did you notice this? - YouTube
Beck to Obama: Come clean on bombing, or else
Video: Dance Celebrating the Expulsion of Israel From Sinai
Photos: Oriental Folklore As Challenge to the Egyptian Government

Guns In America Miscast
Britain and US 'risk repeating Iraq invasion mistake with Iran' - Telegraph
NPN Article: New CISPA Bill Ends Internet Privacy
Will Your Family Survive the Unfolding Tyranny? | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
Fireball Explodes Over Northern Argentina; Causes Minor Earthquake | UFO NEWS | VIDEO
Brazilian Ministry of Defense (MoD) Discusses UFOs With Ufologists
Diplomats: Top aide to UN nuke chief unexpectedly resigns, suggesting tensions up top - The Washington Post
Chorus of Voices Demands Justice Three Years After BP Gulf Disaster | Common Dreams
Is Pope Francis Laying The Groundwork For A One World Religion?
Full Show: The Toxic Assault on Our Children | Moyers & Company |
ETA Press Release: Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report
The Link Between Eating Red Meat and Heart Disease
Why You Should Switch to Cooking with Coconut Oil | Zen-Haven - Love Hope Courage
Was Australia Once Part of a Sunken Continent? | Zen-Haven - Love Hope Courage
Hurrah! Government Finally Acts to Ban Wild Animals in Circuses! | Animal Writes |
Shots fired at TVA Watts Bar Nuclear Plant |
Police perform house-to-house raids in Watertown MA ripping innocent families from their homes - YouTube
Police State on Display | This Can't Be Happening!
Activist Post: FBI Caught in a Web of Lies in Boston
Tamerlan Tsarnaev death photo. How did this happen?
Uncle: Mentors 'radicalized' older Boston bombing suspect -
Boston Marathon…Liberty Graveyard | Real Jew News
'Police may never question marathon bombing suspect', says the Mayor of Boston - Americas - World - The Independent
Anatomy Of A False Flag
Boston Lockdown, Chechen Blowback & Illuminati Satanists | LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson
Boston Another MSM Show In A Never Ending Saga - Morris - YouTube
Reality is a psyop | Jon Rappoport's Blog
Senators eye Boston bombers in amnesty debate
Immigration bill contains 400 waivers, exceptions and exemptions | The Daily Caller
Obama accused of nuclear U-turn as guided weapons plan emerges | World news |
PressTV - Global awakening to false-flag terrorism, Copernican revolution
Venezuela's Maduro Inaugurated
In U.S. fight over visa waiver exemption for Israel, both sides cite discrimination | JTA - Jewish & Israel News
Hagel stresses Israel's right to strike Iran | World news | The Guardian
PressTV - Jews, gentiles not equals in Israel
The Modern Jew Designed On A Piece Of Paper - Morris - YouTube
Activist Post: FBI Entraps US Citizen Attempting to Join US-funded Al Qaeda in Syria
PressTV - Grand mufti defends demolition of holy sites in Mecca
New radiation guidelines outrage anti-nuclear groups | RenewablesBiz
[Food contamination] Cs-137 measured from milk powder produced in Tokyo sold in western Japan | Fukushima Diary
Why Are Fertilizer Explosions so Deadly? | Zen-Haven - Love Hope Courage
12 feet and rising: Record flooding threatens Midwest (PHOTOS, VIDEO) — RT USA
Woman snaps photo of ghost on cellphone - and he's wearing a pink Seventies style suit | Mail Online
Warning to Seattleites: You Are Being Targeted by Greenwashed DHS/SPD | The PPJ Gazette
Video: Tennessee uses a drone at practice for film
Younger Women Continue To Receive Mammograms Against Recommendations | Zen-Haven - Love Hope Courage
Gravity Does Not Exist, Says Physicist
Why you dont perform magic to small children - YouTube
Dramatic thermal imaging photos reveal how marathon 'bomber' was tracked by police as he hid in a BOAT in a Boston backyard | Mail Online
Stricken Boston bomb suspect under guard, awaits charges | Reuters
Saudi report: Michelle O visited ‘person of interest’
Glenn Beck To Expose Obama Boston Bombing Coverup - 4/19/2013 - YouTube
“Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste” Why Boston? | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
Former FBI Chief ADMITS Government is Involved in Most 'Terrorist' Attacks! - YouTube
10 Biggest Unsolved U.S. Terrorism Cases | parapolitical |
Monsanto Now Owns Blackwater (Xe) « DarkGovernment
West Fertilizer Co. Failed To Disclose It Had Unsafe Stores Of Explosive Substance
Thatcher's dealings with Iraq - The Japan Times
US Selling Aerial Refueling Planes, V-22 Aircraft & Advanced Radar To Israel For Strike On Iran!!! | InvestmentWatch
US Supreme Court Strikes Down Warrantless DUI Blood Draw
Report on U.S. Meat Sounds Alarm on ‘Superbugs’ -
Cancer risk chemical is found in KFC fries, crisps and cereal | Mail Online
'God particle' scientists come up with cancer-blasting beam as an alternative for debilitating radiotherapy | Mail Online
7-Eleven robbery not related to Boston bombing suspects
Nancy Pelosi: No Matter What Congress Says, Gun Control Is “Inevitable” - |
Was Boston Bombers ‘Uncle Ruslan’ with the CIA? | MadCow Morning News
Combat Wound Medical Effects | Strategic Operations
Boston Bomber Charged With Using WMDs, Sealed FBI Charges Leaked | Terrorism
City's WMD team saved: Defense Secretary Hagel rescinds decision to defund critical unit |
Anti-Neocons • View topic - Kennecott mine slide.
Boston Massacre Media Diversion - |
Judge Napolitano: 'It's Dangerous to Talk of Suspending Suspect's Constitutional Liberties' | XRepublic
Video: Boston Globe Tweets About Controlled Explosion Before It Happens | Collective-Evolution
North Korea - Nuclear Boogeyman?Essential Prepping
Do The Many Really Have to Obey the Few? Asking Permission From the Government - Waking Times : Waking Times
Making sense of the Boston bombing suspects: Tamerlan Tsarnaev 'was nothing out of the ordinary, a friendly giant' - Americas - World - The Independent
Corporate Advertising In Standardized Tests May Soon Become A Common Reality | Addicting Info
Boston Marathon bomb suspect charged with using weapon of mass destruction - U.S. News
A Tale of Two Tragedies | War Is A Crime .org
‘Boston Bombers’ Tsarnaev brothers: Where the dots won't connect — RT Op-Edge
CISPA Amendment Banning Employers From Asking For Facebook Passwords Blocked
Legal Group: America Violated Laws And International Treaties
ACLU Demanding Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Be Given Access To An Attorney | XRepublic
More Calls To End Food-Stamp Secrecy
Monsanto Threatens To Sue Vermont If It Passes GMO Labeling Bill - disinformation
Google Fined (Again) Over Privacy
FBI's Track Record On Creating Terrorism Destroys The Official Boston Marathon Bombing Narrative -
Many Bostonians Love And Worship The Miltiarized Police State -
FRB: Speech--Stein, Regulating Large Financial Institutions--April 17, 2013
Lies, Damed Lies and Sadistics: The IMF’s Role As Bankster Enforcer -
"In The Federal System There Can Be A Removal Or Discontinuation Of Miranda Rights" Boston Police | XRepublic
Tom Woods: "The Governmnet Re-writes U.S. History In School Books" | XRepublic
Could the Cops Be Lying in Boston? Surely Not! - Liberty Crier
Tech Breakthrough: Will Open Air Plasma Pave the Way for Practical Fusion Energy? -
China, Japan, Oklahoma, Mexico, Iran, Philippines, Indonesia, Chile – Earthquakes Worldwide | InvestmentWatch
Privacy Threat CISPA Passes in the House, Now Faces Senate
Exploiting the Fears of Terrorism
Eyewitness Boston Suspect Was Run Over By Police SUV , No Bombs [Video]
US Turns Away 1000′s of Cancer Patients, but has $123 Million for Terrorists in Syria | THE INTERNET POST
The Secret World Of Gold Part 1 - YouTube
The Secret World Of Gold Part 2 - YouTube
The Secret World Of Gold Part 3 - YouTube
World Trade Center Building 7 Demolished on 9/11? | AE911Truth
The C.I.A. A Secret Army And A War At The Ends Of The Earth | XRepublic
Poverty in America: Millions of families too broke for bank accounts ~ News Forage
Was the Boston Bombing a “DRY-RUN DISASTER” GONE LIVE? – Secrets of the Fed
Woman calling into radio show saying first suspect was run over and shot BY police - YouTube
Video Of Tamerlan Tsarnaev NAKED, Handcuffed,Walking Alive! So How Did His Body End Up Like This? | Alternative
PressTV - Americans find Ayatollah Khamenei more honest: Analyst
When False Flags dont Fly anymore PEOPLE ARE LEARNING THE TRUTH - YouTube
Press for Truth - Dan Dicks Interviews Suspect's Aunt in Canada - Breaking Info on Boston Bombings! Tamerlan Tsarnaev and the Naked Man - 12160
TransPacific Partnership Will Undermine Democracy, Empower Transnational Corporations
The Tower of Basel: Secretive Plans for the Issuing of a Global Currency | Global Research
Mass. police: Bomb suspects didn't have gun permit - Wire National News - The Sacramento Bee
Russian newspaper: Israelis infect prisoners before their release
Boston Bomber Last message on VKontakte (Russian equivalent of Facebook) to his Father : I have never done it , they set me up : The Jack Blood Show
Switzerland Revises 1934 Banking Act to Allow Bail-in Deposit Confiscations! |
Hy.poth.e.sis « Underground Documentaries
Door to Door Search to Find Terror Suspect
Bill Hicks: Shock and Awe « Underground Documentaries
Activist Post: Mystery Military Men in Boston Were Part of WMD Response Team
The Art of Deception (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
Did the FBI phone Boston suspect before fatal shootout? - 12160
Another Video, Another Family at Gun Point by Jack Booted Thugs in Watertown - Boston - 12160
Boston: Brothers Were 'Regular American Kids'
Double whammy of bad news wings its way to the Chancellor - Business News - Business - The Independent
10 Signs The Takedown Of Paper Gold Has Unleashed An Unprecedented Global Run On Physical Gold And Silver |
Are We Repeating The Run-Up To The 2008 Crash? Is It Just Part Of The Plan? Two Day Gold Crash Is One Of The Most Devastating Asset Sell-Offs Ever Witnessed On Wall Street, $1 Trillion Wiped Off, Despite Raising Demand, And No One Knows Why It Happened!! Goldman Tells Clients To Short Gold Days Before The Crash, And DHS Insider Warns A Major Dip In Precious Metals Is An Indication Of Next Economic Shock Coming | InvestmentWatch
BBC News - The mysterious powers of Microsoft Excel
US deploys troops to Jordan, prepares to invade Syria - World Socialist Web Site
'They were set up, FBI followed them for years' - Tsarnaevs' mother to RT — RT USA
Back to Back C-span callers - Boston Marathon Bombing a false flag to take away more rights - 12160
Another 4chan Prediction: Now they're saying the NRA impeded the Boston investigation! What's next? - 12160
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev: Bomb suspect wakes up and answers FBI questions in writing after 'shooting himself through mouth' | Mail Online
Could This Be Why Some Chechens Think Tsarnaev Brothers Were Framed for Bombings? - Yahoo! News Canada
Live tweeting false flags are bad - Online Police Scanner Audio and Social Media Under Scrutiny - 12160
"Boston Bomb Training Exercise" PROOF of a FALSE FLAG ATTACK !!! - YouTube
Video Shows Home Searches By Boston Police Were NOT Voluntary
Paul B. Farrell: America needs a new war? For the economy to survive? Job market to revive? Capitalism thrive? Maybe. Here’s why: | InvestmentWatch
What rights should Dzhokhar Tsarnaev get and why does it matter? | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |
Activist Post: Glorious Martial Law?
Churchill Wanted to 'Drench' Germany With Poison Gas
Police tell of showdown with Boston bombing suspects -
Back to Back C-span callers - Boston Marathon Bombing a false flag to take away more rights - YouTube
Obama’s blood trail from Benghazi to Boston
Earth Day and Total Transformation for a Post-Christian World
Earth Day: A Pagan Holiday
Barack Baffled by Boston Bombers’ Background
Drawing Out Leviathan
Jihad: A Study in Perpetual War Against the West
The Boston Marathon Bombing and Amnesty for Illegal Aliens
Connecting the Dots 101
Something “Original” (You’ll Get the Pun in a Minute) about the Second Amendment
Libertarians are correct - rights trump Tsarnaev (or, why Dan was wrong this morning)
Internet Sales Tax Is a State Money Grab
Boston Marathon Massacre Crisis Opportunity
The ‘martial law’ nonsense (or, why libertarians will never escape the fringe)
Europe Is Becoming A Green-Energy Basket Case
Mirror: FBI hunting 12-strong sleeper cell linked to Boston Marathon bombing
Boston shows the true nature of the American people
Raising American Beauties – Gardening with the Father of Lies
The North Korean Nuclear Crisis: Lessons for the Iranian Case?
Refusing to be Terrorized
Confessions of Being a Young Conservative among a Sea of Liberals
Boston Marathon Bombings & Saudi ‘person of interest’
How Can the US Protect Citizens Against Terrorists with Barack Obama as Commander-in-Chief?
Gang of Eight’s Immigration Reform:Gang Members and Drunk Drivers are Welcome if…
Video: Bizarro World - Bill Maher Sets Dhimmi Straight On Islam
Video: Peek Inside the Boston Islamic Community
Video: Murderer's Mother Honored by Palestinian Authority and PA TV
Video: Monday Deadline: Glenn Beck Says Boston Bombing Conspiracy is 'One of the Biggest Stories of Our Lifetime' and The Blaze 'Will Expose It'
Video: Bill Kristol: Newton Parents Never Made Public Policy Argument for Gun Bill
Video: What Did Tamerlan Tsarnaev Do Overseas?
I Know why the Lame Duck Squawks
How Long Before Dzhokhar Starts Palling Around with Obama?
Darn...They're Not Named 'Smith,' Either!
Why Do So Many Muslims Embrace Religious and Ideological Warfare?
Register Guns, not Immigrants
Can the Arab League Be Trusted?
Kudos to Bill Maher
He Seemed Like Such a Nice Guy
Homeland Security Prosecutes German Homeschool Family
The Stages of Grief -- the Gun Control Version
Terrorists did not have valid handgun licenses
How badly did the FBI screw up?
We Are Not Serious About Stopping Islamic Terror
The Great Surrender
The Tailor Who Sewed the Obama Empty Suit Has Sewn Others
Earth Day Lesson: Environment is not Climate
It's the Language, Stupid
Flight delays 'likely' as FAA begins to furlough controllers
Congress seeks to head off UN internet power grab
Despicable: Kerry compares Boston bombing victims with Marmara terrorists
Yes, treat the terrorist as an enemy combatant
Saudi Students in U.S. Up More Than 500% Since Sept. 11, 2001 | CNS News
Sen. Cruz: Pathway to Citizenship Would Kill Immigration Reform Bill | CNS News
White House: Tsarnaev to Be Tried in Federal Court | CNS News
Graham: 'It's People Like This That You Don't Want to Let Out of Your Sight' | CNS News
Feinstein: Guns, Maybe, But No Need for 'Assault Weapons' During Watertown Manhunt | CNS News
Schumer Won't Let 'Hard Right' Use Boston Terror As 'Excuse' to Kill Immigration Bill | CNS News
Rep. Ellison: New Taxes ‘Really Should Be Paid’ to Maintain ‘Liberty and Justice for All’ | CNS News
Susan Sarandon: ‘War on Drugs’ Is ‘Completely Racist’ | CNS News
Rubio Reason for Legalizing Illegals: 'They Are Driving on Our Streets Without a Driver's License' | CNS News
Naturalized Citizen Terrorist Flunked 'Intro to American Politics' | CNS News
Bill Clinton Omits ‘Creator’ In Citing Declaration and ‘Endowed With Certain Rights’ at Gay Awards Event | CNS News
Susan Sarandon: ‘You Never Hear Anybody Robbing Stores When They’re Too High’ | CNS News
Susan Sarandon: ‘I Would Like to See Everybody Be Able to Smoke Pot’ | CNS News
Rush to repair WWI cemeteries as centenary nears | CNS News
Illinois police agency investigating Farrakhan son | CNS News
Locals Outside Gosnell's Clinic Call It 'A Blemish on the Community,' 'An Eyesore' | CNS News
Sen. Franken: Immigration System Tearing LGBT Families - Like 'Mark' and Alberto - Apart | CNS News
The Dirt on Earth Day: $20M from Soros, Media Hype; Roots in Lenin's Birthday, Ice Age Fears | CNS News
Gayle King Plays Up Columnist's Fear of 'Backlash' Against Muslims; He Also Took Far Left to Task | NewsBusters
MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts Uses Boston Bombing to Prompt Guest Push for Gun Control | NewsBusters
Imagine That: Mosque Tamerlan Tsarnaev Attended Gave Money to Two Terrorist Charities Which Govt. Shut Down | NewsBusters
Adam Carolla: Was Boston a Bigger Story Than the Deadlier Explosion in West, Texas? | NewsBusters
Rep. Ellison: New Taxes ‘Really Should Be Paid’ to Maintain ‘Liberty and Justice for All’ | CNS News
Feinstein: Guns, Maybe, But No Need for 'Assault Weapons' During Watertown Manhunt | CNS News
Sen. Cruz: Pathway to Citizenship Could Kill Immigration Bill | CNS News
White House: Tsarnaev ‘Not Enemy Combatant’
Bush Attorney General: It Was Jihad
Moment of Silence Held for Boston Marathon Victims
Boston Bombing’s Brutality No Guarantee of Death Penalty
White House: Tsarnaev to be Tried in Federal Court
Heritage Terror Expert: Don’t Rush to Scapegoat FBI
Senator Says Dead Boston Suspect's Name Misspelled
Ashcroft: Miranda Rights in Tsarnaev Case ‘Irrelevant’
McCain, GOP Senators: Declare Boston Bomber 'Enemy Combatant'
Feinstein: Unconstitutional to Try Bomb Suspect in Military Court
Boston Top Cop: Bombers Likely Sought More Attacks
Grassley: Bombings Call Immigration Reform Into Question
Peter King: 'We’re at War with Islamic Terrorism'
Dershowitz: US on “Shaky Constitutional Grounds” to Interrogate Boston Suspect Without Miranda
After Boston, Use of Public Cameras Sparks Privacy Debate
LIGNET: Foreign Hand Likely in Boston Bombings, Says Hoekstra
Officials: Boston Bombing Suspect Charged Under Sealed Complaint
Opposition to Internet Sales Tax Bill Grows as Vote Looms
Bombings Test Commitment
Boston Marathon case brought out worst in News Media
Makers vs. Takers Mindset hurts The GOP
Global warming Transforms Earth Day
Libertarian-leaning Amash: A Michigan Republican to Watch
Dodd, McGrath story shows Americans and Boston at their best
Gun control zealot Obama can’t take bill’s defeat
Rangel Sues Boehner Seeking to Reverse House Ethics Censure
Rand Paul: Immigration Security Must Be Tightened
Clinton Advisor: Fracking Has Cut Greenhouse Gas By 12 percent
Canada: al-Qaida Behind Plot to Blow Up US-Canada Rail Line
Lindsay Graham: FBI’s ‘Hands Tied’ in Probing Islamic Extremists
Boehner Defends Decision Denying Select Committee on Benghazi
Pope Pushes for Greater Role for Women in Vatican
Farrakhan Son ‘Uses Police Car to Escort Father’
Immigration Measure Filled With Special Provisions
US Pushes Cyber Diplomacy With China
Tempers Flare at Immigration Hearing
No Ricin Found at Poison-Letter Suspect’s Home, FBI Says
Rand Paul: States Fantasize Over Internet Sales Tax
George W. Bush Says 'History Will Judge' His Record
Two-Thirds of Americans Oppose Gas Tax Increase
Millions Are Without Bank Accounts Due to Costs
Boston Suspect Parents Describe His Russia Trip
Hagel Says US Committed to Israel's Military Edge
NKorea Reiterates it Will Not Give up Nuclear Arms
U.S. Existing Home Sales Edge Down, Prices Rise
No Deflation Scare at Fed Despite Commodity Price Fall
Doctor’s Simple Plan to Fix Your Fatigue Fast
5 Common Diet Mistakes
Researchers: Berries Boost Brain Function
Alzheimer's Ends Glen Campbell's Touring Career
Exercise More Important Than Diet for Health: Study
Baby’s Latest - Going Diaperless, at Home or Even in the Park -
Immigration bill sprinkled with pet projects
Maureen Dowd to Obama: Learn ‘how to govern’
Rep. Peter King: Boston probe needs to focus on Muslims
Some flight delays appear as FAA furloughs kick in due to sequester
Farrakhan son is part-time cop but hasn’t worked a shift in 4 years
George Bush says brother Jeb best man for the White House
George W. Bush: ‘No need to defend myself’
Taliban take 9 hostages after helicopter makes emergency landing in Afghanistan
Lawmakers fear gun vote has poisoned the well on immigration reform
Student reportedly arrested, suspended after argument with teacher over NRA shirt
Values groups, rights advocates criticize Boy Scouts’ proposed policy on gays
Former FBI agent predicts more attacks in Muslim jihad
Fairfax approves third new large development for Tysons, near ‘other’ green space
Doctors warn teens about taking the 'cinnamon challenge' in new report
Parents worry after Montgomery teacher’s arrest on child pornography charge
ACLU calls for Miranda rights for Boston bombing suspect - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Eric Justin Toth, suspect on FBI's 'Most Wanted Fugitives' list, detained in Nicaragua, report says - Crimesider - CBS News
Bomb Suspect Is Charged and Could Face the Death Penalty
'Cinnamon Challenge' fad could result in lung damage - USA Today
NYC proposes raising minimum age for cigarette purchases from 18 to 21
Need Vitamin D? Try Mushrooms - MedPage Today
Using Marijuana to Treat Pain? A Pill May Outlast a Puff
Is 230 pounds too fat to tan? - USA Today
Human Stem Cells Restore Memory, Learning in Mice
Connecticut's Medical Marijuana Rules Taking Shape
Exercise may help slow Alzheimer's-related loss of physical abilities
Obama celebrates young inventors at White House science fair
Earth Day at the White House with Bill Nye the Science Guy - Google Science Fair 2013 Hangout On Air - YouTube
Google, DC celebrate Earth Day
Earth Day: 5 Quick Tips For Greener Tech
For Earth Day, photos from space: 1 changed how we look at our planet
Earth Warmer Now Than In Previous 1400 Years, Global Study Reports
April 22 marks International Mother Earth Day - PanARMENIAN.Net
UN Extols Bolivia and Ecuador for Defense of Mother Earth
High-tech bouy to blast Great Pond data worldwide
U.S. Team Take Home Robotics World Championship [VIDEO]
US Astronaut Hall Of Fame Class Of 2013 First To Include Two Women
Cloning takes California's ancient redwood trees abroad - USA Today
Wearable Computing Pioneer: How Google Glass Makes Life Better - Mashable
Existing US Home Sales Fall on Limited Inventory: Economy
Foreign Investors Help Fuel US Shale Boom
Fukushima Plant Operator Should Prepare Better, UN Watchdog Says
Boeing Earnings: 787 Groundings Will Cause Some Turbulence
News Corp. agrees to $139-million settlement of suit against board
Nicaragua authorities detain American suspect on FBI's most-wanted list
Taliban Abduct 11 Civilians From Downed Helicopter
Treason Charges Against Musharraf Are Put Off
China: Cyberattacks Are Like Nuclear Bombs
British police express concern over online group of self-styled pedophile hunters
2 Arrested in Canada Planned to Bomb Train, Police Say
FBI: No Ricin Found in Home of Mississippi Suspect
Shermain Miles, Chicago Woman, Arrested 396 Times Since 1978
Sighting: Lady Gaga works out at Reform Chicago Pilates studio
Baconfest 2013: The happy gathering of the baconites
Gutierrez, Paul Ryan plug immigration reform here
Chicago singer Artie “Blues Boy” White, a master of Southern Soul, dies at 76
2 Arrested in Plot to Attack Passenger Train, Canada Says -
Democracy Now!: Earth Day Exclusive: Tim DeChristopher Speaks Out After 21 Months in Prison for Disrupting Oil Bid
3 Doors Down Bassist Still Jailed On Vehicular Homicide Charge, Band Cancels Shows - Music, Celebrity, Artist News |
Five Dead After Man Kills Girlfriend, Goes on Shooting Spree Near Seattle - ABC News
California Debates Limits of Medical Marijuana - YouTube
Former Rep. Anthony Weiner returns to Twitter after sexting scandal bruised his political career - NY Daily News
Pope Francis has been outspoken on sex, love, politics, money and other troublesome topics - The Washington Post
AFP: Yahoo! weaves Summly into new iPhone app
Feds investigate shootout at Tenn. nuclear plant between officer, intruder who fled by boat | Fox News
Google Now may actually be the iGoogle replacement you’ve been waiting for | Ars Technica
Cook Replacement Rumors Smolder | Company | TechNewsWorld
Google Earth Update Adds 3D Navigation From Leap Motion | News & Opinion |
Hybrid sales increase, but some eco-drivers are disappointed - Business on
Will You Be Winking Google Glass Into Operation?
University of Michigan News Service | Snail tale: Fossil shells and new geochemical technique provide clues to ancient climate cooling
Fowl virus! New bird flu scare in China forces duck farmers to kill off scores of hatchlings (PHOTOS)   - NY Daily News
Diet, exercise or both? Changing eating and exercise habits at the same time may lead to best results: study - NY Daily News
Lindsey Graham: Wrong name hid Russia trip - Kevin Cirilli -
Tamerlan Tsarnaev: Boston bomber was thrown out of his mosque for 'raged filled rant' against Martin Luther King | Mail Online
Army Removes Bible Reference from Scopes | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes
Quds Forces planned Boston bombings for 2 years
‘The Quran is our constitution’
Boston Marathon Bombings: Turn to Religion Split Bomb Suspects Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's Home -
Graphic tobacco warning labels to remain, but look, timetable unknown - Winston-Salem Journal: Local
Media Campaign Begins to Kill Koch Bros. Tribune Purchase
Koch Brothers Making Play for Tribune’s Newspapers -
4th Amendment sacrificed for ‘security’?
Analyst: Washington plays into al-Qaida hands
Brokaw: U.S. partly to blame for Boston terror
Tamerlan Tsarnaev's wife: How Katherine Russell became the Muslim convert widow of Boston bomber | Mail Online
Official: Boston suspect awake, responding in writing
EXCLUSIVE -- Secret Emails: Cato, Norquist, Rubio Use Boston Terror Attacks to Push Immigration Reform
Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev photographed car with “Terrorista#1” license plate -
Boston bombers: FBI hunting 12-strong terrorist “sleeper cell” linked to brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - Mirror Online
Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev should have been on FBI's radar: Peter King -
EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: Suspected Boston Marathon bombers lived in squalid, ramshackle apartment - NY Daily News
Hagel: Not enough information yet to tie bombing suspects to militant group | Fox News
Uncle: Mentors 'radicalized' older Boston bombing suspect -
Illinois man tried to join Al Qaeda-linked group, FBI says | Fox News
Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a promising boxer who began increasingly hating America -
Bombing suspect attended UMass Dartmouth, prompting school closure; college friend shocked by charge he is Boston Marathon bomber - Metro - The Boston Globe
North Korea's newest batch of future soldiers: Scrawny 11-year-olds with freshly shaved heads punch the air as they practice taekwondo | Mail Online
New York school districts buying election-count computer systems that could steer budget votes -
Hospital Denies Involvement In Leak Of Grisly Post-Mortem Photo Of Boston Marathon Bomb Suspect | The Smoking Gun
CNN’s Gloria Borger on Boston Bombing Reaction: “Obama Learned from George Bush’s Mistake After 9/11” [Video]
Too Bad—Al Jazeera America Behind Schedule
Terrorism Highlights Threat From Al Jazeera in America
Support for 9/11 Day of Prayer
The unseen wounds and warriors of war
Get used to it: Terrorism in living color
Jihad is in America
You do it, you die
Good vs. evil in Boston
Americans 'snapping' by the millions
Time to stretch neck of jihadist punk
Doing as he ought
'God has my soul, slaves have my heart'
Surprise, surprise – Muslim terrorists, again
Open immigration invites terrorism, again
Obama's green light to Muslim terrorists
PATRICE LEWIS: The real domestic terrorists
You can choose: Freedom or tyranny
M. BARBER: The fool says, 'There is no God'
P. BUCHANAN: Why is GOP embracing amnesty?
B. DEAN: Terror: The writing is on the wall
D. WEST: Another terrorist attack, another U.S.-Saudi cover-up?
A. KEYES: 'Dr.' Gosnell and Obama's heart of stone
T. NUGENT: The Philly Angel of Death
4 Part/Painting Mankind into a Corner – Max Igan
Boston Bombers Uncle On Feds Payroll, Tied To CIA |
Was Boston Bombers ‘Uncle Ruslan’ with the CIA? | MadCow Morning News
Government Issues Formal Complaint Against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev |
Media Magic: Not One Angry Person in Boston |
Father of Caught Boston Suspect: “I’m Coming to America, My Son Was Framed” – ABC News |
Congress Exploits Our Fears to Take Our Liberty – Ron Paul |
Mother Of Suspected Bombers Claims FBI Called Eldest Son AFTER Bombing, Before Fatal Shootout |
FBI Fumbles As It Tries to Cover Up False Flag Asset Tamerlan Tsarnaev |
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev: Bomb suspect wakes up and answers FBI questions in writing after 'shooting himself through mouth' | Mail Online
17 Unanswered Questions About The Boston Marathon Bombing The Media Is Afraid To Ask |
Was the Boston Bombing a “Dry-Run Disaster” Gone Live? |
How Monsanto Went From Selling Aspirin to Controlling Our Food Supply |
Beck Reveals Cover Up Of Saudi Ties To Boston Bombings |
Glenn Beck’s Big Story On Obama And The Bombing Released! |
The World of Synthetic Manufactured Terrorism – Alex Jones |
Boston Set Up? Tsarnaev Brothers’ Mother: My Sons are Innocent, This is a Set Up |
‘Tamerlan was not a religious fanatic’ – Tsarnaevs’ relative to RT |
Breaking Info on Boston Bombings! Tamerlan Tsarnaev and the Naked Man |
Emergency! FBI Boston Cover-Up Bigger Than 9/11 |
U.S. foreign strategy to create new global order — Phantom Report
‘Drug war insurgent’ Barry Cooper flees U.S. claiming death threats | The Progressive
NATO's Lack Of Any Serious Purpose Means It Should Retire - Forbes
G4S quits Israel West Bank operations - Globes
Tories use Boston bombing to speed up vote on counter-terrorism bill - The Globe and Mail
US Supreme Court Strikes Down Warrantless DUI Blood Draw
Big Brother Is Smiling: Congress Sells Your Privacy For A Cool $84 Million -
Boston police chief: facial recognition tech didn’t help find bombing suspects | Ars Technica
Tech Breakthrough: Will Open Air Plasma Pave the Way for Practical Fusion Energy? -
TransPacific Partnership Will Undermine Democracy, Empower Transnational Corporations
Was Boston Bombers ‘Uncle Ruslan’ with the CIA? | MadCow Morning News
Testosterone Pit - Home - Lies, Damned Lies & Sadistics: The IMF’s Role as Bankster Enforcer
Many Bostonians Love And Worship The Miltiarized Police State -
FBI's Track Record On Creating Terrorism Destroys The Official Boston Marathon Bombing Narrative - / Economic Affairs / Brzezinski: EU-US trade pact can halt West's decline
'60 Minutes' Twitter feed hacked as '48 Hours' airs Marathon special - Obnoxious Boston Fan -
Chechen Terrorists and the Neocons -
Nestle CEO seeks to control the world’s water supply |
US Steps Up Regime Change Bid On Iran
Obama Accused of Nuclear U-turn as Guided Weapons Plan Emerges
Something's Rotten in Boston Who's Investigating the FBI Investigators?:
The Boston Bombs Roused a Monster
Congress Exploits Our Fears to Take Our Liberty
50 Years After MLK’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” What Can We Learn?
Obama Is Comfortable with Bush’s Inferno
Who’s Behind the Boston Marathon Attack? by Justin Raimondo --
Drones and Death Lists: The New Face of Warfare by Philip Giraldi --
Hagel: Israel Has Right to Decide to Attack Iran -- News from
Officials: Six Afghan Police Killed in ‘Insider Attack’ -- News from
Boston Bombing – Good for Israel? -- News from
King blasts FBI -
White House: Internet sales tax ‘will level the playing field’ | The Raw Story
White House: Immigration reform will enhance national security | The Raw Story
Pastor stole church member’s underwear to ‘pray for her’ | The Raw Story
Elvis impersonator triggers 30-hour police standoff in Iowa | The Raw Story
Remains of woman adorned with gold beads and buried 4,500 years ago discovered near Windsor | The Raw Story
Influenza expert: New bird flu not spreading in ‘sustained’ way between people in China | The Raw Story
‘No frills’ Indian hospitals offer $800 heart surgery | The Raw Story
Life on Mars to become a reality in 2023 according to Dutch firm | The Raw Story
Three Saudis jailed for plot to kill Americans | The Raw Story
India gives top security protection to country’s richest man Mukesh Ambani | The Raw Story
How Capitalism Is Dismembering America | Alternet
Yoko Ono Imagines a Future Without Fracking | Alternet
What Will Inspire You to Take Action? 5 Earth Day Photos You Should See | Alternet
Unbelievable! Bowles and Simpson Release New Deficit-Reduction Plan Based on Discredited Austerity Research | Alternet
The Paper Precious Metals Market Precariously Close to Diverging From the Physical Market
How to Get the Police to Rush Away and Hide
Will Your Family Survive the Unfolding Tyranny?
Aunt ID's Apprehended Naked Man as Tamerlan Tsarnaev
Reality is a psyop
Why Has US President Already Delivered Guilty Verdict to Boston Bombers? Gitmo Comes to America
More Horrors Exposed in Abortionist Gosnell's Murder Trial
10 Things the Gov Won’t Tell You About the Boston Marathon Bombing
FBI Frames Another Patsy in Manufactured Mass Shooting at College Plot
Google Says Governments Are Using Their Services to Censor the Internet

+BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- April 22 2013

Aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing (FULL COVERAGE)
Record number of 566 bodies found in Syria on same day
Boston bombing: One week later, what do we know?
Russia’s role in Tsarnaev investigation unclear
USA: The Creator & Sustainer of Chechen Terrorism
BOSTON TRUTH: The “Chechen Connection”, Al Qaeda and the Boston Marathon Bombings
The Boston Bombings in Context: How the FBI Fosters, Funds and Equips American Terrorists
The Bastar Land Grab: The Expropriation of Farmers in India
Boston Suspect Arrested Stripped Naked so WHEN was he shot and killed?
Who is Boston Terror Suspect Dzhojar Tsarnaev?
Boston Bombings Suspect Dzhokar Tsarnaev “Has No Rights” and Should be Categorized as an “Enemy Combatant”
Nestlé is Trying to Patent the Fennel Flower
PodOmatic |SHOOTER BOMBERS TERRORISM AND 'CHOSEN ONES' the coming black awakening?
Anatomy of a False Flag - - Breaking Censored News, World, Independent, Liberal News | - Breaking Censored News, World, Independent, Liberal News
Cops: U.S. law should require logs of your text messages : Federal Jack
Kenneth Johanneman 911 witness - YouTube
The Losers Who Want C.I.S.P.A Are Cheaters Who Can’t Win Playing by the Rules. | The Lone Star Watchdog
Nancy Pelosi: No Matter What Congress Says, Gun Control Is “Inevitable” - |
Combat Wound Medical Effects | Strategic Operations
Boston Bomber Charged With Using WMDs, Sealed FBI Charges Leaked | Terrorism
Do The Many Really Have to Obey the Few? Asking Permission From the Government - Waking Times : Waking Times
Are You Just A Believer Or Do You THINK? | B'Man's Revolt
Government Should Stop Its Own Violence First - informationliberation
Boston Cop Manning a Humvee Draws a Bead on a Photographer [Pic] - informationliberation
Reporter Asks White House if U.S. Airstrikes That Kill Afghan Civilians Qualify as ‘Terrorism’ | Dispatches from the Underclass
The Rodney Dangerfields of the Ideological Universe - informationliberation
Remember When the Internet Was a Tax-Free Paradise? - informationliberation
The War On Drugs Is a Failure [Comedy] - informationliberation
Video Shows Police In Watertown Rip Family From Their Home & Treat Them Like Terrorists - informationliberation
Another Lone Nut? by Murray N. Rothbard
Congress Exploits Our Fears To Take Our Liberty by Ron Paul
Fingerprints on the Detonators by Michael Scheuer
Totalitarian by Joel Poindexter
Scenes From the Ron Paul Institute Press Conference by Daniel McAdams
EXCLUSIVE: Boston Marathon Eyewitness Confirms Bomb Squad Drill
Liberal Society Hidden in the Dark Ages by Jonathan Goodwin
'We the Sheeple …' by Scott Lazarowitz
Earth Day's Big Lie by Alan Caruba
Why We Need Government « Blog
After Boston: Arrest Kerry and the Neo-Cons! « Blog
"Your Papers, Please!" « Blog
“Innocent” Saudi spotted with two other Saudis at Marathon? | Walid Shoebat
Is there anyone there? Alien hunters target two 'super Earths' unveiled by Nasa | Mail Online
Introducing the Satanic sex cult that's snaring stars such as Peaches Geldof | Mail Online
Paul McGuire -- Return of Nimrod, American Matrix and the Babylonian Stargate
» The World of Synthetic Manufactured Terrorism Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Is 'Siberian Stonehenge' really the birthplace of astronomy? Astonishing theory about remote spot 'used by stargazers 16,000 years ago' | Mail Online
Will Your Family Survive the Unfolding Tyranny? | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
Boston Bomber Last message on VKontakte (Russian equivalent of Facebook) to his Father : I have never done it , they set me up |
» Witness: Tamerlan Tsarnaev Run Over By Cops, Not His Brother Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Psychiatry goes insane: Every human emotion now classified as a mental disorder in new psychiatric manual DSM-5
Before It's News | Alternative News | UFO | Beyond Science | True News| Prophecy News | People Powered News
PressTV - Boston bombings suspect may never speak again: Hospital head
PressTV - My sons were framed by FBI: Father of Boston suspects
Boston Bombings 2013: 'Chilling' unreleased video clearly shows Dzhokhar Tsarnaev placing backpack on floor | Mail Online
Activist Post: Boston Bombing Suspects' Aunt ID's Naked/Alive Detainee as Slain Nephew - FBI Lies
Breaking Info on Boston Bombings! Tamerlan Tsarnaev and the Naked Man - YouTube
VIDEO: Bomber suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev appears to be alive, naked and handcuffed
The World of Synthetic Manufactured Terrorism - YouTube
Israeli Press Says Patsy Brothers Were Double Agents! - YouTube

» FBI and RCMP Bust al-Qaeda “Major Terror Plot” in Canada Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Media Magic: Not One Angry Person in Boston Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Government Issues Formal Complaint Against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» FBI Fumbles As It Tries to Cover Up False Flag Asset Tamerlan Tsarnaev Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Carney: ‘This terrorist’ Will Not Be Charged As Enemy Combatant Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Boston bombing suspect opening up to police
Video shows bomb suspect dodging blast, Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick says - Washington Times
» Liberal Gun Haters Like Militarized Cops Tromping Through Their Homes Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Merkel To Europe: “Prepare To Cede Sovereignty” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» It’s Official: The War Street Journal Declares the USA to be a Battlefield Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Hubble Sees a Horsehead of a Different Color Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
East Bay Police Train With Airsoft Guns Amid Ammo Shortage « CBS San Francisco
» Boston Bombing Diverts Attention from Bush-Obama War Crimes: Alex Jones Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Back to Back C-span Callers: Boston Marathon Bombing a False Flag to Take Away More Rights Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
NYPD beefs up security at the 9/11 and Central Park runs -
"North Texans for 9/11 Truth" at the "Resist Tyranny Expo" |
Obama campaign plans major push for Gang of Eight immigration bill |
Coast Guard re-defines various security zones near United Nations headquarters in Manhattan | Government Security News
Boston Marathon case influences immigration talks
» Gun Bill’s Failure May Help Immigration Legislation Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Chemtrails: An Obvious Overhead Pollutant Ignored and Denied Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
BBC News - Nigeria fighting 'kills scores' in Baga
Tories use Boston bombing to speed up vote on counter-terrorism bill - The Globe and Mail
Graham: Suspected Marathon Bombers on 'Jihad Mission'
Mother: Elder Suspected Bomber Found 'Religious Politics' Five Years Ago
Welcome to the Global Jihad
Flashback: FBI Training Manual Purged References to Islamic Terror
World View–Hepatitis C: Late-Blooming Boomer Epidemic?
Islamic Nations: 'Legitimate Struggle' Not Terror
EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Taxpayers Have Spent $7.2 Million on Chechen-Related Grants Since 2007
Three Saudis Jailed for Plot to Kill Americans
Kerry Equates Deaths of Marathon Victims with Deaths Of Anti-Israel Terrorists
Sources: Informant Warned Feds of 'Radicalized' Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2012
CBC: Canada to Announce Arrests After Thwarting 'Major Terrorist Attack'
Students Claim LSE Endangered Them by Exposing BBC NKorea Documentary
Report: Canadian Police, Intelligence Thwart Terror Plot, Arrest Suspects
CNN's Erin Burnett Surprised Bombing Suspects Aren't 'Stereotypical' Americans
New York Times Rips CNN's Boston Bombing Coverage
CNN's Kurtz Faults CNN, Others in Boston Manhunt Coverage
Barnicle: Bombing A Criminal Act Before Terrorism
Scarborough Only Blames 'Radicalism' For Boston Terror, Not Radical Islamism
More Media Excuses for Ignoring Gosnell Trial
Shouting Match Erupts After Schumer Parrots Media On Immigration, Boston Bombing
Planned Parenthood Kept Silent About Gosnell Butchery
EXCLUSIVE -- Secret Emails: Pro-Immigration Reform Consultants, Think Tanks Testify Through Grover Norquist
'MarcoPhone' Program Covers Area Including 200k Sq Miles, 7+ Million People, Open-Ended Funding
Boston Nurses Tell of Bloody Marathon Aftermath
'Nightmarish Flight Delays' Do Not Materialize as FAA Furlough Starts
Attorney for Bombing Suspect's Wife: 'I Don't Know When' She Will Talk With FBI
Giuliani: Whether We Acknowledge or Not, Jihadists at War with Us
Survey: Sequester not Hurting Private Sector
Immigration Reform Bill Doesn't Keep Border Security Promises
Report: Boston Marathon Bombers Broke Gun Laws to Acquire Weapons
LIVE UPDATE: Immigration Hearing -- Wheels Coming Off 'Gang of 8' Immigration Reform
Live Updates: Dzhokhar Charged in Hospital Room with Using WMD; No Plea Entered
Obama Schedules Whirlwind Fundraising Week for DNC, Planned Parenthood
Affidavit: Dzhokhar Shot in Head, Neck, Legs, Hand
Rand Paul: Stop Debate on Immigration Bill
Govt. Statistics Change Will Make U.S. Economy Appear 3% Bigger
Police: 3 Doors Down Rocker Charged in Fatal Crash in Nashville
Tom Cruise's Sci-Fi Saga 'Oblivion' Takes No. 1 Spot at Box Office
Olivia Wilde Blames America for Creating Terrorists, Uses Boston Bombing to Push Gun Control
Reese Witherspoon Charged with Disorderly Conduct
Farmers Barred from Viewing 'Gasland' Sequel After Confronting Anti-Fracking Director and Yoko Ono
Jay-Z Cribs Imagery, Quotes from Sex-Fueled Religion
Flashback: Don Imus Rips President Clinton at Correspondents Dinner
Oscar-Winner Reese Witherspoon 'Embarrassed' by Arrest; Hearing Reset
Flashback: Reese Witherspoon's MTV Lecture on Good Behavior
Tribeca Rep Caught on Video: 'Not Comfortable' Letting Farmers into 'Gasland' Sequel Screening
Coast to Coast AM - April 21 2013 - Hedge Fund Chicanery C۫۰۪2۫۰۪C۫۰۪A۫۰۪M۫۰ - YouTube

Rev. Ian Punnett: An Angry Prayer When Nothing Makes Sense
Apple records and keeps users' Siri queries for up to 2 years -
6 Surprising Environmentalists | Republican Environmentalists | LiveScience
'God particle' scientists come up with cancer-blasting beam as an alternative for debilitating radiotherapy | Mail Online
Emerging consciousness glimpsed in babies - life - 18 April 2013 - New Scientist
NASA - NASA's Kepler Discovers Its Smallest 'Habitable Zone' Planets to Date
BBC News - Human genome: US Supreme Court hears patents case
Video: Inside the Large Hadron Collider at Cern - Telegraph
Stonehenge was occupied by humans 5,000 years EARLIER than we thought - and it even had its own animal watering hole | Mail Online
Roswell guard ordered to 'shoot to kill' - Unexplained Mysteries
The Human Body in Space: 6 Weird Facts |
Internet Archaeology: Behold the Most Hilarious Abandoned Websites | Underwire |
Stephen Hawking lays out case for Big Bang without God - Science
Cheating Their Way to Fame: The Top 9 Adventure Travel Hoaxes | Off the Road
April 20, 2013 Obama Deports Top Saudi Terrorist After Boston Kill Plot Foiled

April 19, 2013 Saudis Claim MOSSAD “Hit Squad” Responsible For Boston Massacre

RealClearPolicy - Yes, The Bankers Lied
RealClearPolicy - The Dirty Little Secret About 'Clean' Energy
RealClearMarkets - America's Low Labor Participation Rate: Now For the Really Bad News
Boston Bombings: Assault on Miranda Rights | New Republic
We still have a health-care spending problem - The Washington Post
Boston lockdown: The new normal? - Josh Gerstein and Darren Samuelsohn -
Pension Reform Success Stories
RealClearWorld - Get Ready for the Worst Resource Shock the World Has Ever Known
Afghanistan the Unknown | National Review Online
China Has Not (Yet) Changed Its Position on Nuclear Weapons | The Diplomat
The wrong kind of Caucasian - Opinion - Al Jazeera English
The United States shows its contempt for Venezuelan democracy | Mark Weisbrot | Comment is free |
Killing Them Softly | VICE United States
Yes, Of Course It Was Jihad « The Dish
Bush and the Bankruptcy of Republican Foreign Policy Thinking | The American Conservative
John Kerry’s Shameful Moral Relativism « Commentary Magazine
The Beginning of the End for Hezbollah | World Affairs Journal
Why Hezbollah Is Fighting in Syria - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
RealClearWorld - Jihad Is Now Truly Global
Not Your Average Chechen Jihadis | Foreign Affairs
The Roots of Chechen Rage - By Oliver Bullough | Foreign Policy
Who rules Pakistan? – The Express Tribune
What Putin and Thatcher Have in Common | Opinion | The Moscow Times
Europe is becoming a green-energy basket case - The Washington Post
The Future of U.S. Special Ops
Trends in Global Military Expenditure, 2012
Illusions About Why Muslim Brothers Kill | RealClearPolitics
Review & Outlook: Enemy Combatants in Boston -
Video - U.S. Eyes Pushback on China Hacking -
Special Operations Missions to Require New Doctrine
Necessary Spending | National Review Online
China Has Not (Yet) Changed Its Position on Nuclear Weapons | The Diplomat
Hagel: U.S. Arms to Augment Israeli Military Edge | Defense News |
Commentary: Obama's Star Wars Regret | The National Interest
China and US try to forge military ties -
In US-China talks on cyber conflict, a top Chinese general owns to dangers -
The DF-21D or “Carrier Killer”: An Instrument of Deception? | Flashpoints
In China, U.S. top military officer defends U.S. pivot to Asia | Reuters
Nashville child born without bones saved by experimental drug therapy | The Tennessean |
FYI: How Much Cocaine Can You Fit In Your, Ahem, Body? | Popular Science
Tumors Fall to Radioactive Bacteria | The Scientist Magazine®
The Beginning of the Universe and the Limit of Knowledge – Starts With A Bang
Burkhard Bilger: A New Era in Mars Exploration : The New Yorker
Life on Mars to become a reality in 2023, Dutch firm claims | Science |
Oh, Those Movie Spies and Their Cyanide Pills | Wired Science |
Peak Everything Prophet Downgrades Peak Oil? : Collide-a-Scape
Late 20th century hottest in over 1000 years › News in Science (ABC Science)
Infants, whether mice or human, love to be carried | Life | Science News
What evidence is there that Utahraptor hunted in packs? - BBC Walking with Dinosaurs
The Best Way to Handle the Coming Cicada Invasion? Heat Up the Deep Fryer | Food & Think
Life... As We Don't Know It - Blog
BBC News - Space debris collisions expected to rise
Stem cell transplant restores memory, learning in mice (April 21, 2013)
Sniffing out solutions for millions of Americans with smell loss
Beyond Google Glass: 2034 | ZDNet
Google’s Fiber takeover plan expands, will kill cable and carriers
Dawn Of The Digilante | TechCrunch
Can the PC Industry Resurrect itself? |
Your Car Is the Killer App for Google Glass | Autopia |
What Happens When The Cloud Abandons You – ReadWrite
Terms & Conditions: Congress has privacy policies in its sights with CISPA | Digital Trends
The Power of Gear: How Technical Equipment Redefines Our Relationship With Extreme Environments - Geoff Manaugh & Nicola Twilley - The Atlantic
RealClearTechnology- Ten Technologies That Will Shape the Future - Future Technology
Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen: The Dark Side of the Digital Revolution -
RealClearTechnology - We've Taken a Step Closer to Building the Most Powerful Computer Ever
RealClearTechnology - I've Found Apple's Low Cost iPhone
What the laptop can learn from the tablet (and why it better do it soon) | Digital Trends – A Study of Future Trends and Predictions by Futurist Thomas Frey » Blog Archive » Downloadable Personalities for Your Computer
Gigabit Wi-Fi: Difference Engine: Unplugging the cables | The Economist
Pastors Push Back Against 'Annual Registration Fee' | Christianity Today
Why Atheists Resent Being Told We Are Going To Hell
Calling Terrorism by Its Name
RealClearReligion - A Tsarnaev House Divided
Another Vatican voice backs civil unions for same-sex couples | National Catholic Reporter
Stephen Hawking: So here's how it all happened without God | Technically Incorrect - CNET News
Interview: Joel Osteen on Life, Tragedy and Why He Shuns 'Prosperity Gospel' Label
Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Suspected Boston Bomber, May Not Get Islamic Funeral From Wary Muslims
Temple of American Democracy | Juicy Ecumenism - The Institute on Religion & Democracy's Blog
The New Evangelization: Basic Concepts
The Jobless Trap -
Is the Fed's Medicine Really Poison? - Bloomberg
How Did the World's Rich Get That Way? Luck - Businessweek
A New Tax That Could Send Shoppers Back to the Mall
Budweiser’s New Pitch: Less Beer, Pay More |
Global Banks Are 'Divorcing' China - Forbes
Lending in the Dark by Andrew Sheng and Xiao Geng - Project Syndicate
Review & Outlook: The Internet Sales Tax Rush -
RealClearMarkets - The U.S. Already Has Cyprus-Style Taxes
How to Put America Back Together Again -
James Surowiecki: America Goes Off the Books : The New Yorker
The case for the market’s morality -
The gold panic of 2013- MSN Money
A Blast Back To Our 'Glorious' 1980s Past? Not On Your Life! - Forbes
The Battle of San Jacinto
HOUSTON, SAMUEL | The Handbook of Texas Online| Texas State Historical Association (TSHA)
The Death of Manfred von Richthofen
Founding of Rome - E-Ticket: An Un-American Tragedy
Is investing in clean energy a good idea? - CBS News
Why the US should donate its fracking technology to China – Quartz
What's Holding Back Energy & Climate Policy? - Energy and Environment Experts
The Use of Coal Has Increased Incredibly in Countries with Modernized Economies | MIT Technology Review
Nothing says Earth Day like a nuclear reactor | The Daily Caller
Reality Check: Renewables Aren’t Yet Cleaning Up the Global Energy System : Greentech Media
How energy harvesting tech could power wearables and the internet of things — Tech News and Analysis
Opinion: The drive for all-American energy independence - Rep. Kevin McCarthy -
World's Greenest Billionaires 2013 - Forbes
Wisconsin left way, way behind in wind energy boom | Grist
Wind energy continues to grow on the list of greentech choices | VentureBeat
Manhunt for the Tsarnaev Brothers | RealClearPolitics
Boston Marathon Bombing 2013: Olivier Roy on Modern Terrorism | New Republic
There Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chechens | National Review Online
Obama's maddening failure on gun control - The Week
Why the Koch Brothers’ Move Into Newspapers is Good for America | Via Meadia
Marco Rubio’s leftist talking points on immigration and slavery |
In Preschool Debate, Politics Trumps Evidence | RealClearPolitics
Danes Rethink a Welfare State Ample to a Fault -
Bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev had broken angrily with Muslim speakers at mosque - News -
Are the Tsarnaev brothers white? -
Michael Mukasey: Make No Mistake, It Was Jihad -
At Every Turn, Things Were Spinning Out of Control | RealClearPolitics
Putting Lipstick on the Obamacare Pig | National Review Online
This Earth Day heralds a new generation - Print View
Gun Control Vote Likely Won't Affect Midterms | RealClearPolitics
The Conservative Paranoid Mind - The Daily Beast
In Boston, CNN Stumbles in Rush to Break News -
The Way Forward on Guns | RealClearPolitics
A Blogger on Trial in Russia -
Crovitz: In Praise of Surveillance Cameras -
Timothy P. Carney: Civil society, not Big Brother, is the American way |
How to Handle a Terrorism Case -
Questioning the Mission of College -
About the Obamacare ‘train wreck’
Conn Carroll: Finally, a middle way between amnesty and deportation |
Britain Remembers a Great Briton -
Heidi Heitkamp betrayed me on gun control - The Washington Post
How a physician codenamed ‘Dr. Feelgood’ hooked John F. Kennedy — and half of Hollywood — on methamphetamines -
Real Clear Markets - Video - This Summer's Blockbuster: China and the Fed
Real Clear World - Video - EU Ministers Meet To Discuss Syria Oil Embargo
Real Clear World - Video - China Quake Rescuers Battle Landslides, Debris
Real Clear Markets - Video - Young People Spooked by Stock Market
Real Clear Markets - Video - Santelli: Are We Rewriting Economic History?
Red Eye Radio 4/22/13 Part 1
Red Eye Radio 4/22/13 Part 2
Bill Cunningham 1
Bill Cunningham 2
Bill Cunningham 3

22 April

William J Federer's American Minute for April 22nd
Today in History: April 22
This Day in History for 22nd April |
April 22 Events in History
Historical Events on 22nd April |
What Happened on April 22nd This Day in History
Today in History: April 22 - YouTube

**Earth Day/Arbor Day**

Earth Day Network | Earth Day 2013
International Mother Earth Day (22 April)
Earth Day Groceries Project
Planetpals Earthday Educational History Ideas Activities Fun Facts Contests Crafts Activities Lesson Plans Games Parade Flag History Classroom Educators Homeschool Downloads
Buy Trees and Learn About Trees - Visit our Online Nursery
Arbor Day at
The Arbor Day Foundation
David Gregory: We "Live In A Society That Protects Freedoms To The Point It Makes Us More Vulnerable"
Carney: Boston Bombing Suspect Will Not Be Charged As Enemy Combatant
Muslim Congressman On Boston: "Let's Not Cast A Wide Net And Just Go After A Whole Religious Group"
Ashcroft: I Would Try Boston Bombing Suspect As An Enemy Combatant
Dershowitz: Authorities Will "Regret" Not Reading Boston Bomber Miranda Rights
Neil Diamond Sings "Sweet Caroline" At Fenway Park Day After Boston Bomber Is Captured
Pat Buchanan: Gang Of 8 Immigration Proposal A "Suicidal Folly" For GOP
Feinstein On Watertown, MA Residents: "Do They Need An Assault Weapon? I Don't Think So"
Napolitano: "Dangerous To Talk Of Suspending Suspect's Constitutional Liberties"
Kerry Likens Victims Of 2010 Turkish Flotilla Raid To Boston Bombing Victims
Schumer vs. Grassley On Using Bomb As Excuse To Delay Immigration Reform
Woodward: Boston "A Serious Tragedy" But "Not Necessarily That Big"
Boehner On Terrorism: "We're Going To Live With It For A Long, Long Time"
Haass: Boston Bombings "Not A One Off, This Is A Glimpse Of Future"
Feinstein vs. Peter King: You Have "Real Disdain & Hatred" For Muslims
FNC's Political Insiders: Media Ignores "Real-World Problems"
Brokaw: "What Prompts A Young Man To Come To This Country And Still Feel Alienated From It?"
Jeffrey Goldberg: Welcome To "The Era Of The Suspicious Package"
Brokaw: "Islamic Rage Didn't Go Away; In Some Ways It's More Dangerous"
Kristol On Boston Bomber: "If We Don't Use Enemy Combatant For Him, When Are We Going To Use It?"
Harris-Perry On Boston Bombers' Religion: "This Framed-Up Notion Of Islam Making Them Something That Is Non-Normal"
Obamacare Adviser Zeke Emanuel: Uncertainty Driving Up Premiums
"Meet The Press" Panel: Boston Attack's Aftermath And Implications
"FOX News Sunday" Panel: Boston Bombings, Immigration, Gun Control
"This Week" Roundtable: Boston Bombing, Suspect's History With Police
"Face The Nation" Panel With Newtown Families: "We're Not Going Away"
Sen. Dick Durbin: "Immigration Reform Will Make Us Safer"
MA Gov. Deval Patrick: Video Shows Bomb Suspect Dodging Blast
CNN Reenactment: Intense, Final Moments Of Boston Terror Manhunt
Why Give Boston Bombing Suspect Tsarnaev Miranda Rights?

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