A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

14 February 2013

14 February, 2013


Crippled cruise docking at Ala. terminal - CBS News
TV viewers no longer have much in common
Black teens say Obama isn't the answer to Chicago's violence
McCarthy: Police can safeguard students 'crossing gang boundaries'
California authorities identify remains of fugitive ex-cop
Dancing to end violence against women and girls
Hundreds of students brawl at Minn. high school
Tarr still contemplating US Senate run
Democrats float plan to avoid automatic slash in spending
State Senate OKs gay marriage
Court documents reveal details of WA school plot
NY man gets prison time, fine, for rhino horn buy
Democratic Sen. Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey won't seek reelection
LaPierre: NRA to 'Stand and Fight' Obama on Guns
San Diego ex-mayor used charity funds to cover gambling debts
The Call Blog: Mayor Bloomberg: State Of Our City "Has Never Been Stronger"
Conservatives Skeptical of Expanding Preschool
During "hangout," Obama talks policy and baby bumps
Senate Republicans temporarily block vote on Hagel nomination as defense secretary | Nation & World | The Seattle Times
Jodi Arias Describes Ex-Boyfriend's Increasingly Aggressive Behavior - ABC News
A Nation Reels as a Star Runner Is Charged in Girlfriend's Death
Kerry: Iran Should Have No Trouble Proving Nuclear Program is Peaceful
Pope Benedict XVI gives emotional farewell, while Vatican reveals he hit head during 2012 trip to Mexico | Fox News
In Heinz, Berkshire to Let Others Run Show
Elizabeth Warren's quiet plan for the Senate
George Ferris Gets Interactive, Valentine's Day Google Doodle
Cybercrime Network Based in Spain Is Broken Up
Vine, a quirky filmmaker
Sister of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg signs book deal
Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie venture into winemaking
River Phoenix's last film makes its entrance 20 years after his exit
Chubby Checker sues Hewlett-Packard over app that measures 'a man's manhood'
Traces of Anxiety Drug May Affect Behavior in Fish
Asteroid to Pass Close to Earth as Astronomers Watch - YouTube
Large Hadron Collider completes three-year cycle, goes into long shutdown
Next SpaceX Cargo Run to ISS Set for March 1
Cryosat spots Arctic sea-ice loss in autumn
'Young' black hole is nearby, NASA says; doorway to a new universe?
NASA Busy Testing Orion's Parachutes and Rocket Engines
Space Exploration Ignored in Obama's State of the Union: No Surprise
Lab rats now a bit closer to gaining actual superpowers
Bizarre sea slug discovered with a disposable penis
Device Offers Partial Vision for the Blind
Contraception: Condoms Are King, Plan B Takes Hold
US- wide salt reduction could prevent deaths : study
Smoking synthetic marijuana may damage kidneys
Taxing Sodas To Fight Obesity
Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery Changes Lives
Alcohol and cancer connection overlooked
Foster Farms chicken linked to salmonella outbreak
Bring Your Heart to Everything You Do: Happy Valentine's Day
Caffeine: How much is too much?
Why Giving Away 'Free Government Money' Is So Expensive -
Missouri Democrats Introduce Legislation to Confiscate Firearms – Gives Gun Owners 90 Days to Turn in Weapons | The Gateway Pundit
FBI Celebrates Duping Another Mentally Ill Man Into Fake Terror Plot
Thirty-five Percent of Major Regulations Were Issued Without Public Notice
Rubio's and Rand's Contrasting State of the Union Address Responses
Senator Rand Paul's National Right-to-Work Act
Justin Raimondo
2/14/2013 Towards a Christian Zionist Foreign Policy
North Korean Nuclear Test Turns Spotlight on Iran
Kerry: North Korea, Iran Nukes 'Impermissible'
South Korea Unveils New Guided Missile to Counter North
Karzai Summons ISAF Commander Over Air Strike

+BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- February 14, 2013
+BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- February 13, 2013

Sandy Hook Tragedy: Corporate Media’s “Lone Gunman” Storyline Losing Ground
Iraqi Demonstrator Pelts US Ambassador Bremer with his Shoes
Bush Was a Total Disaster … Obama Is WORSE
Historic Court Case Against the BBC’s Cover Up of 9/11 Evidence
Can Internet Technology Destroy the Financial Monopoly?
Lies, Smokescreens and the Shameful Smearing of Julian Assange
Obama’s Failed State
Our Coming Environmental Catastrophe: Geoengineering and Weather Warfare
What Obama Said — and What He Meant — About Climate Change, War and Civil Liberties
Harvest of Hypocrisy: Farmers Being Blamed for GMO Crop Failures
Obama’s Expanding Kill List
Lady Gaga needs hip surgery; cancels 'Born This Way' tour
DHS Use Police Depts to Gather Intel on Citizens & Label Them Extremist Threats
FBI Manufactured Muslim Terror Plots Breed Fear of Radical Islam
+Symbolic Pics of the Month (02/13)
ARGUS: The Technology that Takes Video Surveillance to Another Level (video)
Who Tells Us What To Think? Is The Mainstream Media The Matrix?
Washington state bill would make almost all gun owners criminals
Prisoner X: Israel's Selective Secrecy and Media's Selective Outrage
Sheriffs Prepare to Abandon Citizens to Federal Gun Grab
You Think Jobs Are Scarce Now, Raise the Minimum Wage and Watch What Happens
A good cup of coffee to go with your police shootouts and burning cabins, but was it really Dorner who was killed?
DataLocker DL3 Portable Encrypted Hard Drive Review
Quickest Way to Kill 3D Printing - Get the Government Involved
Keynesian Economic Dream Playing Out in Argentina
Disproportionate State Surveillance - A Violation of Privacy
Police claim they did not deliberately set fire to cabin believed to house Christopher Dorner
Girl Banned From School For Red Hair
Chris Dorner Case Used to Set Dangerous Precedents
Geoengineering: The Real Climate Threat
The GMO Lie Threatens Life on Earth Yet Some Resist
Obama Signs Cybersecurity Executive Order
Homeschooling Works, Pass It On
Connecticut Wants "Behavioral Health Assessment" of Public School Children and Homeschoolers
WikiLeaks is a Rare Truth-teller. Smearing Julian Assange is Shameful
Condemning North Korea’s Latest Nuclear Test Is Meaningless
Drones, Kill Lists and Machiavelli
US To Award Medals For Killing Civilians Pentagon creates new medal for cyber, drone wars
Obama's Failed State
How Law Enforcement and Media Covered Up the Plan to Burn Christopher Dorner Alive
Hidden Microphone Revealed at Guantanamo Meeting Room
What Does a Police State Look Like?
M. K. Bhadrakumar (India) - A Bomb in the Year of the Snake - Strategic Culture Foundation - on-line journal > A Bomb in the Year of the Snake > - Strategic Culture Foundation
Innocents Abroad Build Foreign Armies :: Daniel Pipes
Texas DMV Sells Personal Information To Hundreds Of Companies; Drivers Not Allowed To Opt-Out | Techdirt
Chinese New Year brings gold rush - GOLD NEWS - Mineweb
DOD Inspector General finds USAF F-22 crash report conclusions not supported by the facts
Four in 10 Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, study says -
Big Brother to monitor ‘sovereign citizens’
Pentagon Downgrades Specs for Its Premier Stealth Jet — Again | Danger Room |
Police Ludicrously Claim Dorner Cabin Fire Was Not Intentional - informationliberation
How Many Wallets With ID Cards In Them Did Dorner Own? - informationliberation
Stephan Kinsella: Ron Paul is using gov't to steal from supporters - informationliberation
Kerry: Moves Against North Korea Would Scare Iran Off Nukes -- News from
Kerry: US Planning ‘New Options’ for Move Against Syria’s Assad -- News from
Obama to Restore Afghanistan Status Quo Ante | The Beacon
Henry A. Giroux | The Shooting Gallery: Obama and the Vanishing Point of Democracy
NASA - NASA to Chronicle Close Earth Flyby of Asteroid
Rahm Emanuel Toying With 2016 Presidential Run, Sources Say - The Daily Beast
Iran commander assassinated in Syria - Telegraph
Iran sought nuclear parts in China: report - FRANCE 24
Soros Said to Make $1 Billion Since November on Yen Bet - Bloomberg
Displaced Syrian Children Struggle for Education
US, UN Pledge Action Against North Korea Nuclear Test
Egyptians Reeling From Post-Revolution Economic Woes
Coroner Confirms Charred Body is Alleged LA Cop Killer
Kerry: Iran Should Have No Trouble Proving Nuclear Program is Peaceful
Nasal Spray Cancer Vaccine Shrinks Head and Neck Tumors
Judaism, Capitalism, and Marx by David Gordon
Distortion of Dorner Manifesto by Mainstream Media by Michael S. Rozeff
Report: Realistic Urban Training Are DHS and DOD 'Conducting Desensitizing Exercises' by Mac Slavo
Firearm Makers Boycott Anti-Gun City and State Governments
Fugitive Ex-Cop Was Hiding in Plain Sight in House Just HALF a MILE From Police Command Center... as It Is Revealed Officer NEVER Searched the Neighborhood
Eric Holder: Banning Homeschooling Doesn’t Violate Fundamental Rights | Caffeinated Thoughts
The Vatican And Illuminati | Spirit
Ayers, Obama & Gulag Amerika | Prophecy
New Buses Record Your Conversation | Politics
New United States Map, Redrawn With 50 States Equal In Population, Where Will You Be Living? | Politics
Pope accused of crimes against humanity - Telegraph
New Story Of The Death Of Osama Bin Laden | International
6 Tips for Keeping Your Lungs Clean | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog
Bigger, Nastier Earthquake Machine Now in Operation by ZS Livingstone (Feb. 8, 2013)
'Time Machine' Reconstructs Ancient Languages | Science and Technology
Dude, Where's My Refund? IRS Website Overrun
Cheney to Hannity: 'I'm a Big Fan' of Marco Rubio
Michael Savage: Armed Conflict With China Unlikely
Hispanic Policy Advisor: Rubio Smear Means Big Problems at Univision
Rubio Among Senators Introducing Abortion Notification Bill
Egypt Floods Smuggling Tunnels to Cut Palestinian Lifeline
Jim Rogers: Fed’s Money Printing 'Going to End Badly'
Researchers: Valentine's Chocolate Is Good for You
Study Confirms: Vitamin C Fights Colds
Study: Drinking Causes 1 in 30 Cancer Deaths
Apple Debuts Faster, Cheaper MacBooks With Retina Display
Pope Benedict’s Final Homily: ‘The True Disciple Does Not Serve Himself’
American Story told by State of the Union, Obama, Rubio
Children and Taxpayers Failed by Head Start
More Than 30 States Rebuke Obamacare Exchanges
SEC Begins Insider-Trading Probe on Heinz Stock
More than Half U.S. Diplomatic Posts May Not Meet Security Rules
Activist Post: Codex Alimentarius and GM Food Guidelines, Pt. 1
Activist Post: Codex Alimentarius and GM Food Guidelines, Pt. 2
Activist Post: Codex Alimentarius and GM Food Guidelines, Pt. 3
Activist Post: Codex Alimentarius and GM Food Guidelines, Pt. 4
Activist Post: Codex Alimentarius and GM Food Guidelines, Pt. 5
Will Robert Redford's 'The Company You Keep' Make Apologies for '60s Terrorists?
Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert Join MSM in Attacking Marco Rubio
'A Good Day to Die Hard' Review: Franchise on Autopilot
Cruz Fires Back at Napolitano on Border Security
Cruz: 'No Reason' to Vote on Hagel Until Senate Sees Records
Obama on Books to Read: 'Other Than My Own, I Assume?'
Burned Remains ID'd as Fugitive Ex-Cop Dorner
Sen. Feinstein Delays Vote on Brennan for CIA Director
Exclusive: Judicial Watch Breaks USDA Training Video Labeling Pilgrims 'Illegal Aliens'
Paul Ryan: Obama 'Delusional' on Debt
Report: L.A. County Sheriff Awards Carry Permits to Friends, Donors
Hagel Confirmation Blocked
Occupy LA to Christopher Dorner: 'Rest in Power'
MO Democrat Proposes Gun Ban, 90 Days to Turn in 'Assault Weapons'
Olympic Arms to Cuomo: Repeal Ban and Apologize or No Business with NY
Civil Rights Leaders to Obama: Amnesty Will Crush Black Employment
Jack Lew Holds Cayman Islands Fund Obama Called 'Largest Tax Scam In The World'
Reid Dares Republicans to Filibuster Hagel
Republicans and Immigration: It's All About Texas
Day of Resistance: Feb 23rd Nationwide Rallies to Challenge Obama Agenda
Jack Lew: History's Most Ironic Cabinet Nominee
Exclusive--The Hagel Speech that 'Wasn't': More Evidence Emerges of Failure to Disclose
Documents Detail Nixon, Clinton Ties
New York Mayor Seeks to Ban Styrofoam
Google Hangouts: Obama's Tech Savvy Presidency
Sen. Collins Wants Same-Sex Partners to Be Brought over Border
Sex Week at the University of Chicago
Obama Heads to North Carolina on Permanent Campaign
Napolitano: US Border Security 'Stronger than Ever'
NRA Ad Breaks Down Obama's Gun Control Platitudes
Obama SOTU Draws Lowest Ratings Since 2000
Cost Of Obama's SOTU Wish List? More Than a Dime
Bill Gates' Education Reform Sparks Conservative Opposition
WaPo Ombudsman: 'Shame on Us' for False Palin Report
Chris Matthews: Wayne LaPierre's Speeches Have 'Racial Tinge'
Hagel Delay: Conservative New Media Victory
More New (Old) Hagel Speeches Spark Concern
Watergate: Media Desperate to Destroy Rubio
Prominent Dominican Journalist Calls for Investigation of Melgen-Menendez Port Deal
Politico: Rove Dust-up All About Rich Establishment Republicans Spending Money
Chris Matthews on Obama's SOTU: 'There's Nothing Lefty in Here'
EW: Is Dorner to Blame for Obama's Low SOTU Ratings?
Al Jazeera Sends Lobbyists to Capitol Hill
Scott Brown Joining Fox News
CNN: Was Rubio's Water-Sipping a 'Career-Ender'?
Israeli Schools Train Children in 'Rocket Preparedness'
GOP Leverage Uncertain in Sequester Debate
Obama Bemoans Hagel Delay: 'I Need a Secretary of Defense'
White House Counsel: No Phone Calls from Obama During Benghazi Attacks
Higgs Boson Collider Closes for Revamp
UK Abattoir Has Deal with Grand National Course
Cartel Kingpin Chicago's New Public Enemy No. 1
Syrian Rebels Capturing Oil Field in North
'Too Much Meanness' in US Political Life: Panetta
Obama Vows to Defend Japan with US Nuclear Umbrella
Russia Arming Mali, More Islamist Attacks Feared
IAEA, Iran Talks Fail Again
South Korea Flexes Missile Power After North Test
World View: Egypt Flooding Gaza Tunnels to Curb Smuggling
The Puppets of Pyongyang
GAO: Defense Dept. Lowered Standards for Afghan Forces to Justify Withdrawal
Former Israeli Deputy FM: Obama, Netanyahu, Abbas Will Talk
Israel Preparing for War with Lebanon to Prevent Weapons to Hezbollah
North Korea Nuclear Test in Conjunction with Iran?
Islamic Clerics Seek Dialogue with New Pope
Mineta and the secret orders of Cheney - YouTube
The NUMEC Cover-Up: The Diversion of U.S. Weapons Grade Uranium from NUMEC to Israel

Anti-Piracy Group Rips Off Pirate Bay Website, Faces Lawsuit :
Judge Napolitano Takes on Obama Cyber-Security Order 'Once the Door Is Opened ... It Won't Close' | XRepublic
Did Police Order Media Blackout to Cover Up Plan to Kill Dorner? :
Pope to remain 'hidden' after leaving Vatican - World - CBC News
Fort Hood hero says Obama betrayed victims of massacre | _
MSM Allege 9/11 Truther vandalized Statue of Liberty-inspiring Delacroix painting at the Louvre - 12160
The United States A Sacrifice Zone For Mass Immigration | _ Will You End Up on the Government's Kill List?
23% of America Is Illiterate -
ITCCS: Pope Benedict Resigned to Avoid Arrest, Seizure of Church Wealth by Easter |
Oscar Pistorius Charged With Murder; Olympic Star Allegedly Killed Girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp - The Hollywood Gossip
Rick Santelli: Currency Manipulation Full of Collateral Damage | XRepublic
Refreshing News: Richard Nixon advised Bill Clinton on post-Cold War world
[102] State of the Union Disinfo, Stop CISPA, Manufactured Terror - YouTube
Activist Post: Quickest Way to Kill 3D Printing - Get the Government Involved
American Appears in Syria Fighting Alongside the FSA | _
To Go: Plastic-Foam Containers, if the Mayor Gets His Way | _
Shaken Baby Syndrome often just a cover story for children who are brain damaged by vaccines
Hitchens: The Catholic church is not a force for good - YouTube
Rand Paul: Obama Claiming To Have Cut Debt By $2 Trillion Is Absurd - 2/13/2013 | XRepublic
Refreshing News: Obama suggests he’s open to getting rid of the penny
The Agony Of Colin Powell by William A. Cook | My Catbird Seat
Will The True Obama Stand Up Please : The World is Waiting | Veterans News Now
Rahm Emanuel Toying With 2016 Presidential Run, Sources Say | _
Why The Elite Would Lose a Civil War | _
Activist Post: Who Tells Us What To Think? Is The Mainstream Media The Matrix?
Rand Paul Says He'll Block Nominations Until Answered If Drone Assassinations Are Legal On US Soil | XRepublic
Why A Fed President Wants To Break Up The Banks - Home - The Daily Bail
Why Giving Away 'Free Government Money' Is So Expensive - Home - The Daily Bail
Judge Napolitano on Houston Proposal to Track Gold Sellers 'What Is It About Guns and Gold... ' | XRepublic
Why is Tax Cheat Jack Lew a Nominee for Treasury Secretary – Wasn’t Geithner Nightmare Enough? | _
The National Debt: A Short History Of Presidential Lies - Home - The Daily Bail
Person in Cabin Tried to Escape out the Back When Fire Started. He was “Pushed” Back in !!! - #Dorner - 12160
"Kyle Martin (cabin owner's son) told Anderson Cooper live : "the cops had actually searched the cabin about two days ago" #Dorner - 12160
Esquire Article on Bin Laden in Another Flap – Promotion Totally Useless Now :
Pope resigns: Peter Turkson reveals vision for the Church and 'alternative lifestyles' - Telegraph
West Point Cadets Taught Patriots Are Terrorists :: Minute Men News
Activist Post: You Think Jobs Are Scarce Now, Raise the Minimum Wage and Watch What Happens
Refreshing News: More Americans leaving U.S. over taxes
Activist Post: Disproportionate State Surveillance - A Violation of Privacy
Shadow Government (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
UNDERSTANDING MONEY | Living Economies Forum
U.S. Govt Borrows $6 Billion Per Day, $4 Million Per Minute - Home - The Daily Bail
Sandy Hoax For Disarming Veterans - Morris - YouTube
Sandy Hoax No Indignant Parents - Morris - YouTube
"Impossible" Pulsar Breaks the Rules | Space News - YouTube

Fox News hosts scoff at 102-year-old woman’s 3-hour wait to vote: ‘What’s the big deal?’ | The Raw Story
US Military Invests in Smartphone Device That Scans, IDs Faces | Defense | RIA Novosti
PressTV - ‘US military kills its own soldiers’
PressTV - US drone operators, cyber troops to get distinguished medal: Pentagon
15 Unbelievable Paintings That Look Like Photographs « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
The WWII Dresden Holocaust - 'A Single Column Of Flame'
State of the Union Address: None Dare Call It Treason | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
State Of The Union Fact Check | The Mesh Report
My Way News - Horsemeat scandal exposes complex food chain
NeuroDojo: Sasquatch DNA: new journal or vanity press?
Corporatizing Seeds of the Commons: Patents Enabling BigAg Control | Common Dreams
DeNovo Scientific Journal To Release Ketchum DNA Study | Paranormal
Christopher Dorner Dragnet: Remains Not Yet IDed, But Sheriff Considers Manhunt Over - ABC News| The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
Obama gives Congress climate ultimatum: back me, or I go it alone | Environment |
America's Deplorable State Of The Union
First on CNN: NRA charges Obama’s efforts will lead to gun confiscation – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
Monsanto, Sustainable Development and Agenda 21 | Farm Wars
Deconstructing the War on Terror « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson
Traitors in US Congress? | Opinion Maker
Obama's choice for CIA chief 'converted to Islam' says former FBI agent | Mail Online
PressTV - Chomsky supports UK MP’s criticism of Israel
The Flag Is Still There But The Country Is GONE!
Christopher Dorner: police deny intentionally burning down cabin - Telegraph
Lindorff Discusses Chris Dorner and the LAPD on RTTV | This Can't Be Happening!
Obama's Failed State
Fascist Sellouts « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson
GM Antibiotic Resistance in China's Rivers | Farm Wars
Stephan Kinsella: Ron Paul is using gov't to steal from supporters - informationliberation
Report: WIPO Rejects Ron Paul's Complaint Over Formality - informationliberation
The National-Security State and the Dark Side The Future of Freedom Foundation
Invisible War Rages in World's Oceans | Viruses Kill Most Abundant Ocean Bacteria | LiveScience
Julia Pastrana, Who Died in 1860, to Be Buried in Mexico -
French driver trapped for an hour in speeding 125mph car with no brakes | World news | The Guardian
Physicists discover what a multiverse might really be like
Now, the Pope Benedict Conspiracy Theories - Sex scandal? Nazi history? Prophecy?
Coast To Coast AM - Feb 13 2013 - Relationships, Hormones & Supplements - C2CAM - YouTube
Coast to Coast AM - Feb 12 2013 - Our Hidden History C2CAM - YouTube
Coast to Coast AM - Feb 11 2013 - Prophecy & Popes / Halting Aging C2CAM - YouTube
Feb 6 2013 - Akashic Records / Solar Flares & UFOs - YouTube
Feb 5 2013 - Body Chemistry & Health - YouTube
Feb 4 2013 - Aliens Abductions & Synchronicities - YouTube

Prison » Why The Elite Would Lose a Civil War
Prison » Obama Bid to Deport Homeschool Refugees May Threaten U.S. Rights
Prison » New Surveillance System Tracks Every Moving Object In An Entire City
Prison » Alex’s Special Report on Our Simulated Reality
Obama to Vacation in West Palm Beach | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier
Prison » Kill anyone you want; law has been abandoned in America (satire)
Prison » Media Complicit in Cover Up of Dorner Execution
As Secretive "Stingray" Surveillance Tool Becomes More Pervasive, Questions Over Its Illegality Increase | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Prison » The Social Engineering of Texas’ CSCOPE Curriculum
Prison » Ruthless State of the Union: the current crime boss speaks
Prison » Ron Paul Reacts to State of the Union Address
Prison » David Icke: Reality 2.0
Prison » “When You Have Fiat Currency, What Level Of Value Is Real”, Santelli Asks
Prison » 23% Of America Is Illiterate
Prison » American Legion Calls Obama’s Amnesty Plan a “Bad Sequel” to 1986 Law
Intel's new TV box to point creepy spy camera at YOUR FACE • The Register
Prison » Solar superstorm could knock out power grid and destroy electrical transformers
Prison » Neonicotinoid pesticides continue to cause the decline of bee population in the U.S
Prison » Report Confirms Food Corps Using Junk, Misleading Science to Protect Profits
Post-Soviet Integration is Unstoppable – Putin
U.S. Inspector Warns On Afghan Reconstruction Aid
New United States Map, Redrawn With 50 States Equal In Population, Where Will You Be Living? | Politics
Electoral college reform (fifty states with equal population) – fake is the new real
KGB Map of Alien Bases on Earth | Alternative
Aliens Are Here, The Military Knows It: 50 Year Cover Up Explained By Astronaut Who Walked On The Moon | Beyond Science
Alien Star Map Engraved In Rock, Similar To Plaque On Pioneer 10 | Space
It's Curtains For Obama Retired Supreme Court Judge Sanders: No Proof Obamas Birth Certificate & Social Security Number Are Legitimate (Video) | Obama Birthplace Controversy
Grape Seed Extract High in Potent Antioxidants
Quercetin Is an Outstanding Antioxidant
7 Natural Brain Foods for Cognition and Concentration
The 7 Most Prescribed Drugs In The World And Their Natural Counterparts
10 Symptoms That Could Indicate Type 2 Diabetes | Diabetes
Ayurvedic Herb Improves Memory, Cognition and Alzheimer's
Sacred Tree Known As Nature's Drug Store: Neem Tree Provides Anti-Cancer Compound | Health
How to make money on Youtube | The Allegiant
U.N. Maps Show U.S. High In Gun Ownership, Low In Homicides | Survival
The Devil Is Black - Video | Prophecy
Ancient Magical Illusion Even More Effective Than Magicians May Realize | Strange
More Than 30 States Rebuke Obamacare Exchanges
The Story About Dem Congressman Who Tweeted 24-Year-Old Co-Ed Just Took a Stunning Twist
California Police Chief: ‘A Gun Is Not a Defensive Weapon — That Is a Myth’
Bill O’Reilly Goes Off on Columbia Prof. Who Said Dorner’s Rampage Was ‘Kind of Exciting’
Dr. Carson Tells TheBlaze How Obama Reacted to His Bold Prayer Breakfast Speech: ‘I Figured He Would Just Be Fuming’
Al-Qaeda Manifesto Left Behind in Mali Provides Unprecedented Window Into the Radical Islamist Terror Group
Massacre Survivor Tells Senate: I’m Not a Victim of Guns, But of Lawmakers Who ‘Legislated Me Out of the Right to Protect Myself and My Family’
Gallup: These Are the 10 Most (and Least) Religious States in America
Move Over Al Capone, There’s a New Kingpin in Town: Meet Chicago’s New Public Enemy No. 1
Do You Know the Violent History Behind Valentine’s Day?
Debunking the Progressive Case in Favor of Abandoning the Constitution
Guess Who Reportedly Made $1B+ Betting Against the Yen
President Obama Did Not Make a Single Phone Call on Night of Benghazi Attack, White House Claims
Charred Remains From California Cabin ID’d as Suspected Cop Killer Christopher Dorner
You’ll Never Believe the Amount of Cash Federal Prosecutors Say This Ex-Dem Mayor Gambled Away
EU Plunges Deeper Into Recession As Germany Stumbles
New Gun Control Proposals: Key Points Gun Advocates Should Be Considering
Fed Audit Reveals Tax-Payer Backed Battery Factory Hasn’t Produced or Sold a Single Battery Since Awarded Fed Grant in 2009
SOS Messages on Bed Sheets and a ‘Shanty Town’ on Deck — Pics of Stranded Carnival Cruise Passengers as Ship Limps to Ala.
Chuck Hagel Thinks the United States Could Work With Iran — Find Out Why Here
Is the Next Generation Sold on Progressivism?
All the Details on the Alleged Spy Story Coming Out of Israel: Espionage Accusations, Secret Meetings With Netanyahu, and a Media Gag Order
MSNBC Anchor Goes on Odd Ted Nugent Rant: ‘Obsession With Fecal Matter’ — ‘Fetish’ or ‘Personal Problem?’
Has Scott Walker Figured Out How to Navigate ObamaCare?
‘Racial Overtones’: HS Students Say They Were Suspended for Wearing Flag Bandanas and Chanting ‘USA! USA!’ at a Basketball Game
Something Remarkable Is Happening Right Now With the Price of Farmland
‘Maintain Some Professional Dignity’: Retired SEAL Speaks Out Against Man Who Says He Shot Bin Laden and His Esquire Story
NJ ‘Muslim’ Man Accused of Cutting Off Victims’ Heads and Hands in Grisly Murder Case
Heroic ‘Super Dad’ Dies Protecting His 11-Year-Old Daughter From Armed Home Invaders
Pastor’s ‘I Give God 10%’ Receipt Raises Question: Are Christians Bad Tippers? Findings May Surprise You
The Other Schindler: Do You Know the Amazing Story of the Musician Who Rescued 1,000 Jews from Holocaust?
The Definitive Fact Check of Obama’s State of the Union Speech That You Don’t Want to Miss
He Said He Had 6 Months to Live and Nothing to Lose…but the Real Reason This 73-Year-Old Robbed a Bank May Surprise You
The Potentially ‘Massive’ Google Play Privacy Issue You Need to Know About
Sheriff Says Cabin Not Purposely Burned Down in Dorner Standoff…But Police Scanner Chatter Sparks Debate

Awesome New Vid: See What It’s Like to Jet Off an Aircraft Carrier From This F/A-18 Pilot’s Perspective | Video |
If You’ve Been Hearing About the ‘Harlem Shake’ Video Craze, Here’s How It May Have All Started | Video |
Hockey Dad Calls Young Player a ‘Midget’ Then Violently Threatens the Kid’s Dad — All While Holding His Infant Child | Video |
‘If Only There Had Been a Good Guy With a Gun’: Paper Defends Publishing Cartoon About Chris Kyle’s Death |
Find Out Why People Are Saying This Teenager Gave the Greatest ‘Jeopardy!’ Answer Ever | Video |
Burglar Breaks Into Home of Armed Off-Duty Sheriff’s Deputy — And It’s the Last Thing He Ever Did | Video |
Female Golfer Gets Bitten by Deadly Black Widow Spider During Tournament — What She Did Next Is Incredible |
Surprise ‘Will You Marry Me’ Valentine’s Prank Goes Viral (You’ll Want to See the Reactions) | Video |
This Adorable Video of Kids Talking About Love Might Be the Best Part of Your Valentine’s Day |
University of Illinois Uses Picture of Coach Hugging Shirtless Son to Promote Game Against Penn State |
You Can Now Give Your Loved One the Gift of Obama, Pelosi, & Reid This Valentine’s Day |
You’ll Never Believe the Simple Question That Stumped This Famed Author During Fox Interview | Video |
Video From a Legal, Privately-Owned Drone Is Breathtaking | Video |
Syrian child: "Our leader is Bin Laden, the Americans’ worst nightmare...We will slaughter the Shiites" - Jihad Watch
Members of Congress Demand Obama Administration Classify Ft. Hood Attack an 'Act of Terrorism' - ABC News
Gen. Allen ‘pushed out’ for top NATO post by White House, source says | Fox News
Prison » New Surveillance System Tracks Every Moving Object In An Entire City
Prison » Ron Paul Reacts to State of the Union Address
Prison » Ruthless State of the Union: the current crime boss speaks
Prison » “When You Have Fiat Currency, What Level Of Value Is Real”, Santelli Asks
Prison » Media Complicit in Cover Up of Dorner Execution
Prison » LAPD: Collateral Damage For The Sake Of The State
Prison » Meet Stingray Surveillance: The “Unconstitutional, All-You-Can-Eat Data Buffet”
Prison » American Legion Calls Obama’s Amnesty Plan a “Bad Sequel” to 1986 Law
Intel's new TV box to point creepy spy camera at YOUR FACE • The Register
Prison » Shaken Baby Syndrome often just a cover story for children who are brain damaged by vaccines
» The Ruthless State of the Union: The Current Crime Boss Speaks Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Ron Paul: Trade War & Economic Collapse Coming Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Christopher Dorner and the Chaos Inherent to Government Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Obama Placed Embargo on Press Over Secret Cyber Security Executive Order Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Scientists Discover Way to 'Turn Off' Sensation of Feeling Cold - US News and World Report
» Wash. State Bill Would Make Almost All Gun Owners Criminals Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Politician moves to make vulgar Photoshopping illegal Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Barack Obama is pushing gun control at home, but he's a killer abroad | Gary Younge | Comment is free | The Guardian
» Al Gore Talks About Chemtrails on Ellen Show Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Giant Gas Station Worships Rodent: Humor Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Aussie Paper: Pope Quit Over Sex Abuse Scandals?
Food and drink industries 'taking governments for a ride' - Health - CBC News
US officer cites 'pressure' over 9/11 suspects' mail
» Border Patrol Claims Drones Were Not Used In Dorner Manhunt Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Napolitano at immigration hearing: US borders have 'never been stronger' - The Hill
Warrantless Devices Searches U.S. Border - Business Insider
Is Coke addictive? Coroner takes on soft drinks giant
Operation overkill: Armed cops swoop on Action Man looking for a mortar after owner posts picture of TOY weapon on Facebook | Mail Online
Chuck Hagel’s Anti-Israel Speeches – I Told You About It First; Jennifer Rubin’s Double Standard on Israel-Hatred; UPDATE: Rand Paul Puts on Hold
The Jack Lew Appointment: Classic Obama Hypocrisy
Into the Lion's Den
Preservation vs. Vandalism
In Obama's America, chanting 'USA! USA!' is racist
Have Obama's policies led to an Iranian nuclear bomb?
Did Obama pick Pollyanna for Secretary of State?
CAIR's Hooper: If Brennan's A Muslim, He 'Reverted'
Another Obama speech that didn't mention Latin America
Rick Perry at ease, deep in the heart of Texas
EPA caught sabotaging fracking
The Taxpayer's Share
Ken Cuccinelli's Liberty and Justice for All
Bypassing the Politicians on Gun Control
The Peculiar American Left
Second-Rate Appointments From A Third-Rate President
The Strategy of Hamas
Why Not a $100 Per Hour Minimum Wage?
President Unleashes a Nationwide 'Community Organizing' Campaign
Democrats Claiming Lincoln
EPA Corruption and Scandal
True American Hero Tribute: Chris Kyle's 200 Mile Funeral Procession Home
Dr. Ben Carson Calmly Counters Obama's State of the Union Speech
The 'Free Lunch' Myth Exposed by Milton Friedman
Government Dream Team: Take These People Off the Shelf and Put Them in the Cabinet: Absurdity Today, Episode 34
How Obama Got To A Progressive Economic Narrative In The SOTU
Maddow: Rubio Selling His Working Class Home For $675,000
Rush Limbaugh Echoes Desperate Wingnut Trope About Obama Being Like Stalin
Fox Host: ‘What’s The Big Deal’ About 102-Year-Old Waiting To Vote?
Sally Kohn on Fox News: 'You Assume Everyone Struggling To Get By Is Simply Lazy'
Drop In Jobless Claims Better Than Expected
CNN: Congressional Sources Say Hagel May Not Be Confirmed
Child-Sex Offender Part of Joe Arpaio's Armed School Posse
Wingnut PAC Used Female Interns For Simulated Sex Video With Hillary, Panda Bear
Colbert: Don't Worry, Sen. Rubio, Nobody Noticed... That You Gave a Speech
Rubio: The Water-Bottle Moment Was a Message From God
48 Arrested at White House Keystone XL Pipeline Protest | Occupy America
The Frightening Tale Of The Antibiotic Apocalypse
Taking Back the Tax Issue
Tragedy and Comedy at the SOTU
A Case of Real Military Injustice
Obama blind to his own irony
Welcome to 21st Century America
A short note on Speaker Boehner's expression
Christian Science Monitor: Obama speech 'both bold and modest'
Nugent rebuts Obama
Three conservative justices absent themselves from SOTU
The Great Man Speaks
What do you do with an 'ex-Pope?'
Global warming 'scientific consensus' debunked
Obama's 'Populismo' is killing Hispano jobs
Overwhelming turnout of young people at March for Life is encouraging
A little perspective on Rubio's sip of water
Lost in Obama's America
Daily Rush Limbaugh & Conservative Media Post
Boehner: Obama Can’t Take Executive Action on Climate Change | CNS News
Boxer Introduces Carbon Tax Bill Three Months After WH Promised 'We Would Never Propose' One | CNS News
Republicans Are From Omega, Conservatives Are From Delta (Or, Why Karl Rove Could Never Be A Reaganite) | CNS News
Trump: Rove 'Made a Fool Out of Himself' | CNS News
Trump: Rove Gave Us Obama | CNS News
Schiff: 'We're Going To Have A Major Economic Crisis,' 'Going To Take' One To Address Debt | CNS News
Rep. Maloney Praises Obama: ‘FDR Is Back’ | CNS News
Lew Skirts Question on Whether He Originated Idea of Sequestration | CNS News
Sessions Calls for ICE Director to Resign: ‘He’s Failed His Fundamental Duty to Enforce the Law’ | CNS News
Harkin: ‘Is It a Spending Problem? No ... It's a Misallocation of Wealth' | CNS News
Sen. Burr: CIA Has ‘Flatly Refused’ to Give Intel Committee Some Benghazi-Related Documents | CNS News
Union Leader: ‘ICE Crumbling from Within’ Because Obama Won't Let Agents Arrest Illegals | CNS News
Condom Candy, Lesbian Rape, and Ethical Chocolate: How the Left Likes to Celebrate Valentine’s Day | NewsBusters
Scarborough Rants Against Wayne LaPierre's Use of 'Racial Overtones' | NewsBusters
NBC's Williams Predicts Rubio's Water Sip 'Just Might Live On Forever' | NewsBusters
Obama Seeks 29 New Programs: ‘Nothing I’m Proposing Should Increase Deficit by Single Dime’ | CNS News
Sen. Rand Paul: ‘Common Sense’ – Not Bipartisanship - Missing in Washington | CNS News
Obama Administration Subsidizing Rents for Poor, Disabled People; Also Protecting Americans From ‘Irresponsible Mortgage You Can’t Afford’ | CNS News
CDC: Young People Account for Half of All New Sexually Transmitted Infections | CNS News
McCain Says He Would be 'Comfortable' With His Daughter Serving in Combat | CNS News
As U.N. Mulls Response to Nuclear Defiance, Expelling N. Korea Not on the Agenda | CNS News
'Melrose' actress gets 3 years for deadly NJ crash | CNS News
Olympian Oscar Pistorius charged with murder | CNS News
Fareed Zakaria: Obama aims small on infrastructure - The Washington Post
The Disenfranchisement of Rural America | Hoover Institution
Raise the Minimum Wage and Get Minimum Jobs
The truth on background checks -
Soaking the Rich | Mercatus
Commentary: The Strange Politics of U.S.-EU Free Trade | The National Interest
The Decline of America - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online
Why Iran Already Has the Bomb – Tablet Magazine
Why Iran is falling into Russia’s arms -
Truth or Dare: China's Leader Asks for 'Sharp Criticism' | World Affairs Journal
‘I may be killed if I write this’ » The Spectator
‘Unhitched: The Trial of Christopher Hitchens’ by Richard Seymour - The Washington Post
Cupid's Cursor | New Republic
The race to fingerprint the human voice - Science - News - The Independent
BBC News - Lab rats 'acquire sixth sense'
How High Is Too High to Drive? | Mother Jones
Something from Nothing? A Vacuum Can Yield Flashes of Light: Scientific American
Water structure controversy laid to rest? | Chemistry World
Trolls win: Rude comments dim the allure of science online (Feb. 14, 2013)
Double X Science - Science. It's the new black.
Decoding the Science in Obama's State of the Union Speech - ScienceInsider
Creating the Jobs of Yesterday, Tomorrow! | RealClearPolitics
Hope in Rubio and Paul's State of the Union responses | The Daily Caller
Exclusive--The Hagel Speech that 'Wasn't': More Evidence Emerges of Failure to Disclose
Political Animal - Wayne Lapierre’s Dystopia
The clueless media -
Benedict XVI: A Papal Benediction - TIME
Obama: The Audacity of Freedom | RealClearPolitics
Obama's 'do-something' plan for a 'have-nothing' government -
Obama’s SOTU: The president dares Republicans to oppose his grand plans. - Slate Magazine
He Shot 160... and Died Because He Cared | RealClearPolitics
Republicans are ready to rebound: Opposing view
RealClearMarkets - The Dangerous Partnership Between Big Business and Government
Obama's Gangster Government Operates Above the Law | RealClearPolitics
Ed Driscoll » What’s Gotten Into the Water at CNN?
Second act: Obama lays out an ambitious set of priorities - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Why the buzz over St. Malachy's 'last pope' prophecy outdoes 2012 hype - Cosmic Log
St Valentine left us inspiring legacy as well as day of romance - The Irish Times - Thu, Feb 14, 2013
Pope Benedict’s One Unforgivable Failure - Bloomberg
God for Obamacare … Dr. Ben Carson’s Heresy | Center for Vision and Values - A conservative think tank promoting truth and liberty through a vision of faith and freedom.
Poll: Bad sex a bigger problem for couples than religious differences | Religion News Service
Citizen cybersecurity | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
In State of Union, Barack Obama Promises Technology Miracles | MIT Technology Review
Being Watched While You Watch TV: What’s So Creepy? |
How Mailbox became an instant sensation - Fortune Tech
How the Nazis Tried to Bomb New York
Christopher Hitchens on the cultural fatwa | Vanity Fair
The St. Valentine's Day Massacre—Excerpt from "Get Capone," by Jonathan Eig - Chicago magazine - May 2010 - Chicago
Mikhail Gorbachev: Khrushchev's speech struck a blow at the totalitarian system | From the Guardian |
BBC NEWS | Programmes | From Our Own Correspondent | The day Khrushchev denounced Stalin
The Assassination of Ambassador Spike Dubs — Kabul, 1979 | Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training
RealClearHistory - The English Origins of Valentine's Day
Carbon markets: Extremely Troubled Scheme | The Economist
State of the Union: Obama Pledges ‘All of the Above’ Energy Strategy |
Nuclear Townhall » Blog Archive » WILLIAM TUCKER: Why I’m Feeling Optimistic about Nuclear Again
Saving the Climate One Cow Fart at a Time
Keystone XL pipeline: Why Canada could still lose if Obama says yes | FP Comment | Financial Post
Obama's Path from Rhetoric to Reality on Energy and Climate -
Sizing Up Obama's State of the Union Address - Energy and Environment Experts
Obama wants to double U.S. energy efficiency by 2030. Is that possible?
Avoiding the Curse of the Oil-Rich Nations -
Nothing found for 2013 02 12 Shell-to-two-two-drill-ships-from-alaska-to-asia-for-repairs
What If Everything Could Be A Solar Panel? | Co.Exist: World changing ideas and innovation
Why The AP's 'Dirty Solar' Story Is Wildly Misleading | Earthtechling

14 February

William J Federer's American Minute for February 14th
February 14 Events in History
What Happened on February 14th This Day in History
This Day in History for 14th February |
Today in History: February 14
February 14th in History
Today in History: February 14
Today in History for Thursday, February 14th - YouTube

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