A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

24 February 2013

24 February, 2013


Oscar getting ready to shine
Cleotha Staples, RIP
Connecticut town to hold gift giveaway of Sandy Hook massacre donations
US Supreme Court to hear arguments over Md. DNA case
Justice Mary Ann McMorrow, first woman on Illinois Supreme Court , dies
Obama Administration Urges Supreme Court To Rethink DOMA
Ill. Supreme Court issues rules on foreclosures
Citizens United 2.0? Supreme Court Could Further Open Door to Money in Politics
Bucking a Trend, Supreme Court Justices Reject Video Coverage
The Cicero syndrome
Chicago faithful prepare for pope's departure
Taste of Chicago isn't worth it
Farrakhan Speech to Touch on Tough Economic Times
Jesse Jackson Jr.'s District: Illinois' 2nd District Has Long History Of Corruption
Police hunt for prime suspect in Vegas shooting, crash
NY cannibal cop defense: It was only a fantasy
Higher Minimum Wage Is Imperfect Idea Whose Time Has Come
Discrimination Is Now Discrete, Not Pandemic
Supreme Court is urged to allow gay marriage nationwide
Volunteers in Newtown hand-writing thank you notes after 175,000 cards and letters received | Fox News
Cuban leader Raul Castro announces he will retire in 2018
Senior Roman Catholic faces allegations - YouTube
Karzai Orders US Special Forces Out of Eastern Afghan Province
Pope considering response to alleged 'inappropriate acts' by UK cardinal
Oscar Pistorius: last image of Reeva Steenkamp alive emerges
YouTube code refers to paid channel subscriptions
Google Glass Is As Much About Working With Our Past As Our Future
Happy Birthday Steve Jobs! Celebrate With This YouTube Video Collection
Yahoo! tells employees to stop working from home
'Lost continent' found off Africa
Evolution Has Given Humans Unique Brain Structures?
Barry Lewis: Asteroid anxiety's a new addition to my worry list
Lava ocean may have flowed on Mercury's surface billions of years ago
Chimps solve puzzles for the thrill of it, researchers find
New Privately Built Rocket Passes Key Engine Test
Tuberculosis outbreak in downtown LA sparks federal effort
Asthma Drug Could Relieve Hives Patients of Itch That Won't Go Away, Study Says
Study: Parents talking about their own drug use could be bad for kids
Infuriating Paragraph About The Health Care System - Business Insider

Scott Lively Has 'Proof" Obama Secretly Gay
Obama Wants To Domesticate Americans To Homosexuality - YouTube
Obama now giving homosexual partners of U.S. military personnel MORE benefits than the spouses of heterosexuals in the military. Should recruiter motto be changed from "Uncle Sam wants you" to "It PAYS to be gay?"
Scott Lively, 'Kill The Gays' Bill Supporter, Pushes Claim Obama Is Gay, Dating Reggie Love
What's In America's Secret Drone Memos - Business Insider
PressTV - US drone policy has ‘dire consequences’
Drone strikes kill real people; here are the ones I know – The Express Tribune Blog
Drone base planned for Point Mugu near Malibu - LA Daily News
Chris Dorner, Second Amendment Hero | CapeCodToday.Com
Chris Dorner’s Wallet Found – Twice!
Women shot by LAPD during Chris Dorner search still waiting for promised truck |
PressTV - FBI spreading fears of fake terror plots across the US
The secret at the bottom of psychiatry’s rabbit hole | Jon Rappoport's Blog
PressTV - US soldiers becoming grossly demoralized: James Fetzer
Vatican dismisses reports linking pope's resignation to gay conclave discovery | World news |
More Economic Straight Talk
How the Fed Could Fix the Economy—and Why It Hasn’t | WEB OF DEBT BLOG
Karzai orders US Special Forces out of two provinces, citing torture and murder — RT News
Marijuana Cure : U.S. Government Owns The Patent on Cannabis Cures - UFO News|UFOs 2012|Latest UFO Sightings|Alien Pictures|2013 Solar Strom|UFO 2013
Has evolution given humans unique brain structures?
Reflections in a Petri Dish | The Pink Panther meets the Pink Elephants.
The grim reality of the Civil War comes alive in living color: Photoshopping of classic images vividly brings the past to life | Mail Online
Killer robots must be stopped, say campaigners | Technology | The Observer
Are Republican brains different? -
They Want To Tag Us Before They Bag Us | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
A rare glimpse into the opulent world of super-luxury private jets like Jackie Chan's dragon plane, a prince's 'flying palace' and Donald Trump's $100 million ride | Mail Online
Philip Zimbardo: The psychology of time | Video on
Cancer-sniffing dogs could save the NHS enormous sums of money – Telegraph Blogs
7 Reasons Why Coffee Is Good For You | Popular Science
13 Brain Foods To Boost Your Memory
59% of the 'Tuna' Americans Eat Is Not Tuna - Christopher Mims - The Atlantic
Top Ten Documentaries Every Activist Must Watch
Vatican denies swirling rumors as pope prepares to step down -
So Much for BBC Transparency! 90 Pages of BBC’s Savile Report Blacked Out | Zen-Haven - Soren Dreier
Norman Dodd - The Hidden Agenda For World Government - YouTube
Harvard Study says Marijuana Cures Cancer |
1.8 gigapixel ARGUS-IS. World's highest resolution video surveillance platform by DARPA - YouTube
Hillary Clinton to charge ‘$200,000 a speech’… which is more than her whole YEAR’S salary as Secretary of State | Aftermath News
Economic NATO – or Atlantic Union, Federal or Otherwise? -
Iran Says It Has Brought Down Another Foreign Spy Drone -
Monsanto drags over 400 U.S. farmers to court over GM seed patents: When will Big Ag's corrupt reign end? -
PBS NOVA Rise of the Drones
Blacklisted Radio with Special Guest Rick Biondi – Thursday, February 21, 2013
Blacklisted Radio with Special Guest Mike Maharrey – Wednesday, February 20, 2013
GMO A Go Go – New Animated Cartoon
Outside the Box Video Series: The Power of Nightmares
“Six Strikes” Anti-Piracy Scheme Starts Monday | TorrentFreak
National Security and Your Digital Data - informationliberation
Third Reich - Operation UFO (Nazi Base In Antarctica) Complete Documentary - YouTube
EPA Lags Again as Parts of California Contaminated for Decades by Cancerous Toxic Vapor
Front Yard Food Gardens – Defying Conformity and Challenging Authority
What We Must Do When Facing Martial Law | War and Conflict
Wayne LaPierre’s Bold Claim About Universal Background Checks: ‘That Registry Will Be Used to Confiscate Your Guns’ | Video |
The secret at the bottom of psychiatry's rabbit hole
Top U.S. Terrorist Group: the FBI
Bees and Flowers Communicate Using Electrical Fields
Wall Street Wins Again - Fraud Totally Unchecked
TSA Refuses to Answer How Many Terrorists They've Caught (Hint: Zero)
THE PEOPLE v THE BANKS: Conviction beats Eviction
Trial of BP Over Deepwater Horizon Set for Monday
Aspartame in Milk Without a Label? Big Dairy Petitions FDA For Approval
Obama admin won’t say if they claim authority to assassinate US citizens on US soil without charges
ACLU appeals order allowing censorship of torture testimony during Guantanamo military commission
The Normal Person’s New World Order
Drone lobbyist makes shocking comment about 'indiscriminate killing' policy
The Surprising Science of Happiness
More Proof That News is Controlled by a Central Script Writer
Democrats’ Complicity in Political Murder
War Criminal Hillary Clinton to charge '$200,000 a speech'
Bradley Manning: 1,000 Days in Detention and Secrecy Still Reigns
Why Should Taxpayers Give Big Banks $83 Billion a Year?
Power Grab at the Fed
The Feds Want Your Retirement Accounts
Video-US Worst Place To Live?
Video-The Corporation State Obey: The Routine Of Obedience
FBI probe of defense tech allegedly leaked from NASA stonewalled, sources say | Fox News

Activist Post: Is the New Madrid Mega Quake Being Engineered?
» DOJ Memo: Outlaw and Confiscate All Guns Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Cyber Boogeymen, NK Nukes, Fukushima Health - Asia-Pacific Perspective
Interview 611 - The Asia-Pacific Perspective with Broc West
Iran's IRGC begins major ground, air military exercise
Iran Navy uses submarine-launched drones: Cmdr.
N Korea warns US forces of 'destruction' ahead of drills
The Moral Decoding of 9-11: Beyond the U.S. Criminal State, The Grand Plan for a New World Order
Are the G20 and IMF in the process of creating a Global Currency and Federal Reserve?
Russia Urges the UN to create a Global Response System against Space Threats
The New Cold War: America prepares to make a digital attack on China
The US- North Korea Confrontation: All-out War or Permanent Peace in the Region?
US Government Adviser: America is at Cyber War with China, Russia, Iran
Planet-X (7X)--- Is It Real 99% | Watercooler Topics
Alien Spaceship Found In Tunguska Event Crater Claims Russian TV News | Beyond Science
Did Jesus Reveal Anti-Christ Name? Video | Alternative
The Corporation State - Obey: The Routine Of Obedience - Video | Alternative
Lost Continent Found Beneath Pacific Ocean Say Scientists | International
11 Fascinating Live Webcams, Spy On The World | Awesome Time Wasters
Obama Cousin Updates Blog On Obama | Alternative
Obama Hawaii BC Is Fake: Obama Cousin Says (Linda Joy Adams) | Alternative
Bombshell! Obama Cousin Joins Birther Lawyer - Linda Joy Adams Joins Forces W Celeb Birther Lawyer Larry Klayman. | 2012
Real Footage of Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting - Video | Alternative
Rare Pentagon Footage From 911 (Couldnt believe it was a Plane) | Alternative
Jim Marrs Confirms Free-Energy Technology Exists | Alternative
NIXON jokes about LBJ killing JFK - YouTube
The James Holmes Conspiracy - Full Documentary | Conspiracy Theories
Like Colombia, Chile is a US military proxy in South America | Global Research
Cloves: The “Best” Antioxidant Addition to Your Diet | Health
Red Wines Are Good For Our Face, Experts Reveal | Health
The Health Benefits of Broccoli | Guiding Instincts
Feminism’s Long March: You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby (Or Have You?) | Global Research
Virtually ALL of the Big Banks’ Profits Come from Taxpayer Bailouts and Subsidies | Global Research
High Crimes – Corporate Rule, 9/11, and the Death of Chris Dorner | Global Research
“9/11: The Conspiracy Files,” The BBC Joins the Ranks of the Untrustworthy United States Media | Global Research
Pope gives final Sunday blessing before resigning
Italians Vote With Berlusconi Challenging Monti Austerity - Bloomberg
Vatican dismisses reports linking pope's resignation to gay conclave discovery | World news |
Iran announces uranium discovery, plans to build 16 new nuclear power plants - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
Iran selects 16 new sites for nuclear plants | The Times of Israel
Mayor Emanuel's Approval Rating In The Tank | NBC Chicago
Long Island Teen Dies Of Mysterious Illness During Disneyland School Trip « CBS Los Angeles
Bloomberg’s large-soda ban also prohibits 2-liter bottles with pizza orders and some bottle-service mixers at nightclubs -
Drivers race in Daytona 500 after 33 fans injured in speedway crash | Fox News
My Way News - Fans injured when car sails into fence at Daytona
Daytona crash sends car parts flying, injuring fans - CBS News
NASCAR blocks eyewitness video of Daytona crash, but YouTube reverses the takedown | The Verge
FBI probe of defense tech allegedly leaked from NASA stonewalled, sources say | Fox News
Google flexes its Googleplex with planned expansion | Internet & Media - CNET News
Paroled sex offenders disarming tracking devices -
The Bating Game: Obama Doubles Down
Left wing blueprint exposed
Is Race Equivalent to Thought?
Rumor mongering and innuendo by the press in advance of Vatican vote
Lars Hedegaard Speaks to the Danish Free Press Society
Three Reasons Conservatives are Losing the Battle for America
Drones and Due Process: A Contrary View from a Tea Party 'Extremist'
The Biblical Norm for Marriage
Top 20 most embarrassing moments in the history of the Democratic party
Coming to a Theater near You: Palestinian Propaganda
Defining Deviancy Down in Germany: Public Approval of Homosexuality and Its Consequences
Pinkwashing: Sexual Assault on Israel
Why is the NLRB still doing business?
Senators close to deal on background checks for gun sales
Introducing, 'The 29'ers'
The Left is Circling the Wagons against Dr. Ben Carson
A Debtor-Prison Nation
John Dewey: Bosom Serpent of American Education
Obama’s Dr. Ben Carson Problem
Obama is Setting Us Up
Obama Administration Causes Latest Security Council Impasse On Syria
The Rocket’s Red Glare
A call for the Ben Carson Network
Obama: Marxist Revolutionary
Loudmouthed Latino Demonstrators Cow American-Owned Hotel
Brennan: from Barack to Benghazi
The Fool Who Follows
Obamanomics And The Jewish Deli Dilemma
Why Did Evangelicals Break Away From Fundamentalism?
Selfishness and Preparedness
AIM Interview with Christopher Horner of CEI About “The Liberal War on Transparency”
Obama’s Speeches Chilling
Scientology: Inside the Cult - YouTube
Coast to Coast AM - Feb 23 2013 - Inside Scientology C2CAM - YouTube

How Ancient Egypt's first synthetic pigment could be set to enjoy a renaissance as a high-tech nanomaterial | Mail Online
Bizarre Star-Shaped Gravity Waves Created | Strange Phenomena | LiveScience
Body Suit Gives You Real-Life 'Spidey Sense' : Discovery News
Earth's mantle helps hunt for fifth force of nature - physics-math - 21 February 2013 - New Scientist
When Brain Damage Unlocks The Genius Within | Popular Science
Finally, Tattoos That Let You Control Objects with Your Mind |
Video: Rahm's Popularity 'Sleeps with the Fishes' in Chicago
Video: DEMOCIDE: Socialism, Tyranny, Guns and Freedom
» 11 states with more people on welfare than employed
Michael Savage: China’s stealth war against the U.S.
FBI probe of defense tech allegedly leaked from NASA stonewalled, sources say | Fox News
Proposed design of NC illegal immigrant licenses sparks concern | Fox News
Man charged with felony in Obama mural defacing - Houston Chronicle
The case of the phantom ballots: an electoral whodunit - Miami-Dade -
Jimmy Carter’s grandson: Obama ‘half-embraced me’ for helping find 47 percent tape |
Man dies from spontaneous combustion?
Memo Allegedly Leaked From Soros-Backed Organization Shows Progressive Plan to ‘Eviscerate’ Conservative Government
Juan Williams on Lib Media: They Will ‘Shut You Down, Stab You & Kill You, Fire You’ if You Speak Out
Robert Gibbs Reveals: ‘One of the First Things’ White House Told Me Was Not to Acknowledge Drone Program Exists
Bizarre New Twist in Pistorius Murder Case — Olympian’s Brother Facing Homicide Charge Over Woman’s Death
Why Is This Month-Old Clip of an Ex-Secret Service Agent Suddenly Going Viral?
‘Carnage on the Racetrack’: Horrific Last-Lap Crash Injures Fans, Brings Daytona to a Halt
You’ll Never Guess What’s Inside This Former Soviet Airplane Hangar
Are Increased Palestinian Riots a Sign of a New ‘Intifada’ Before Obama’s Visit to Israel?
Ted Cruz Responds to ‘New McCarthy’ New Yorker Article: ‘Curious’ They Would ‘Dredge Up a 3-Year-Old Speech & Call it News’
Programming and the Predator Mind – Max Igan
New Defense Clandestine Service Blends Civilian and Military Operations |
Immortal Technique On Fire with Alex Jones |
Watch: The Pro Second Amendment Commercial Banned By Major Media Conglomerates |
We Live in a Culture of Death - YouTube
Socialism = Black Genocide - YouTube

Activists launch campaign against ‘autonomous weapons’: Killer robots must be stopped | The Raw Story
» Eugenics Movement Calls for Eco-Dictatorship Under UN Rule Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
The Global Corporate Empire - YouTube
How to Defeat The Global Elite - YouTube

U.S. officials secretly visited North Korea last year to encourage them to moderate foreign policy: LA Times | The Raw Story
Prison » Fed’s Big Ag Policy is Anything But “Green”
Prison » Ben Fuchs: How to Stay Healthy in A Fast Food World
Pirate Bay Documentary Gives Peek into Bizarre World of Internet Geniuses
Senators near a deal on background checks
Larry Pratt: Gov. Can't Be Trusted with Personal Firearm Information
Sequester Threatens Most Efficient Government in History
IRS May Have Awarded $500 Million Based on Personal Relationships
Fox Chicago Fails, Ignores GOP Candidates in Primary to Replace Jesse Jr.
Dictatorship of Hypocrites: The Media's Crusade Against Cruz
Catholic Journalists: Vatican 'Gay Lobby' Scandal Unlikely to Have Led Pope to Resign
Hagel 2009: Send U.S. Troops to Impose Peace on Israel, Palestinians
Report: Obama's Secret North Korea Talks Failed; Hagel Approach Ineffective
British PM to Obama: Leave Michelle at Home During G8 Summit
Major Jewish Group Expresses Concern About Hagel, Asks Senators to Think 'Carefully'
US Radar to Boost Missile Defence in Japan: Reports
John Kerry Embarks on Sweeping Tour of Europe, Mideast
Dalek Designer Dies Aged 84: Family
Four Shot Dead in Bangladesh Bloggers Protest
Two Suicide Bombings in Afghanistan Kill Three
World View: Syria's Opposition Pulls out of Talks After Scud Missiles Hit Aleppo
Dershowitz Condemns Possible Papal Successor as Anti-Semitic
Does Hollywood Have a Foreign Policy? - By Joshua E. Keating | Foreign Policy
The Emancipation of Barack Obama - Ta-Nehisi Coates - The Atlantic
‘Mad’ vision of doomsayer O -
The Guns of Chicago | The Weekly Standard
Buck still stops with president | The Detroit News |
Dianne Feinstein: Facts about new assault weapons ban | weapons, assault, bill - Opinion - The Orange County Register
After 50 Years, the Voting Rights Act's Biggest Threat: The Supreme Court - Andrew Cohen - The Atlantic
The Future Mr. Speaker | New Republic
Jackson Jr.'s pitiful downfall -
Google: The Halliburton of the Obama Administration
What a Defense Secretary Does | The Weekly Standard
How Mexico Got Back in the Game -
China's Secret Foreign Policy | Opinion | The Moscow Times
Return of the Gandhis - By James Traub | Foreign Policy
Content economics, part 1: advertising | Felix Salmon
As Oscar Nominated Hollywood Moguls Bag Tax Cuts, They Seek To Raise Yours - Forbes
A World Without Work -
Tech is destroying the line between manufacturing and services - Fortune Tech
Honor Harger: Tuning In to the Universe
In Computers We Trust? | Simons Foundation
The American Association for the Advancement of Science: mapping the brain: Only connect | The Economist
Is Republic's $19 cell phone service too good to be true? | Mobile - CNET News
College Degree Required. But Why? |
Napster: the day the music was set free | Music | The Observer
New Google campus planned, turning the Googleplex into a megaplex -
Hacker says security flaw let him access any Facebook profile | Internet & Media - CNET News
Lies, Lies, And Status Updates: 4 Facebook Myths You Shouldn't Believe
Benedict and the Rabbi | The Weekly Standard
Alex Jones - 2013-Feb-24, Sunday


William J Federer's American Minute for February 24th
Today in History: February 24
February 24 Events in History
Today in History: February 24
February 24th in History
Historical Events on 24th February |
Today in History for Feb. 24 - YouTube
Jindal To Obama: "Stop Campaigning" And Scaring The American People
George Will: Sequester Numbers Are Wrong
"FOX News Sunday" Power Player Of The Week: Dr. Benjamin Carson
FNC's Political Insiders On Sequestration: GOP "In Full Surrender Mode"
Bill Kristol: Political Debate Around Sequester Is "Pathetic"
"Face The Nation" Panel: Are Mental Illness, Violence & Video Games Connected?
Gibbs: I Was Told "Not Even To Acknowledge The Drone Program"
Govs. O'Malley, Brewer, Hickenlooper & McDonnell On Sequester's Impact
Sen. Coburn: "Not Cutting Spending Is Going To Be Disastrous For Our Country"
Sen. Leahy: If Border Security Is A Must Before We Move Forward, That's Not Going To Happen
Romney Chief Strategist Stu Stevens: Media Wasn't In Tank For Obama
"Meet The Press" Panel: Sequestration, 2016 & The Papacy
"This Week" Roundtable: Cyberwar, Iran, Syria, The New Financial Cliff
"Fox News Sunday" Panel: Sequestration
"State Of The Union" Roundtable: Budget Cut Debate Winners & Losers

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