A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

11 February 2013

11 February, 2013


China joins U.S., Japan in condemning North Korea nuclear test | Reuters
North Korea stages nuclear test in defiance of bans | World news |
Pope Benedict XVI resigns: First Pontiff in 600 years to stand down because he 'no longer has strength to carry on' | Mail Online
Vatican says that pope had pacemaker, battery secretly replaced 'a few months ago' -
Video: Pope's resignation sparks conspiracy theories - Telegraph
A godly man in an ungodly age
Cheney: Obama Chose Hagel So A Republican Will ‘Take The Heat’ For Defense Cuts « CBS DC
Man Who Killed Osama Bin Laden - Treatment of Veteran Who Shot bin Laden - Esquire
Federal Investigators Suspected Dorner Fled to Mexico, Affidavit Shows | NBC Southern California
Police Worry Dorner May Be Capable Of Flying A Plane; Warning Issued To Local Airports « CBS Los Angeles
EXCLUSIVE: Hurricane Sandy damaged homes in New York City see property-tax assessment increases in spite of damage -
Doctors Struggling to Fight 'Totally Drug-Resistant' Tuberculosis in South Africa - US News and World Report
Biden: We’re counting on ‘legitimate media’ for successful gun control effort |
News from The Associated Press
'Google for spies' draws ire from rights groups
Your dog really does understand you... They're more likely to steal food if they think you can't see, research reveals | Mail Online
Why The Banking Elite Want Riots in America |
Ludicrous Bin Laden Fable Changes Yet Again |
School Board Wants To Take Copyrights Away From Students And Teachers |
Is Christopher Dorner another psychiatric killer? |
World Banker Makes Stunning Confession |
The Dangers of North Korea’s Nuclear Test (Op-Ed) -
Egypt on high alert ahead of protests marking Mubarak fall - FRANCE 24
Bill Gates Dodges Questions on Why He Owns 500,000 Shares of Monsanto -
Chris Hedges: The NDAA and the Death of the Democratic State - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig
What Are The G-20 Rules For Talking Down Your Currency? -
FBI stages another fake bombing with mentally disabled stooge-asset to maintain fear levels and bolster the illusion they are keeping us safe -
How The Fed Is Handing Over Billions In "Profits" To Foreign Banks Each Year -
Rand Paul Aligns Himself With Zionist Criminals -
Censored: Chuck Hagel SNL Skit, Israel Love Fest…Hilarious -
Citigroup hasn’t paid taxes in 4 years, got $2.5 trillion from feds -
Guest Post: The War in Mali and AFRICOM’s Agenda: Target China -
Horsemeat found in British supermarkets 'may be donkey' - Home News - UK - The Independent
What Do They Know That We Don’t? -
'Storage Wars' Star Mark Balelo Found Dead
Bruce Willis Opposes France's 75% Tax
Celebs Demand Obama Follow Through on His 'Heal the Planet' Pledge
Truman Capote's 'In Cold Blood' Not So Factual After All
'Runaway Slave,' or How Progressives Rob Black Citizens of Their American Dreams
Celebrities Pile on Pope Benedict XVI in Resignation Wake
Former Congressman Joe Walsh to Sue Chicago Sun-Times
'Sniper Nation': Boston Globe Exploits Chris Kyle's Death to Attack Military, Drones
Top Five Falsehoods In Howard Kurtz's Christopher Dorner Column
Asian-American Group Demands Current TV Apologize for 'Rice Ball' Slur
Fox News 'Expert' Losing Ground to Rival Reporters
Poll Shows Media Wildly Out-of-Touch with Priorities of Americans
Media Ignore Domestic Terrorist Conviction of Gay-Rights Activist
Reuters: Pope a 'Conservative' 'Dogged by Scandal'
CNN Uses Resignation News to Trash Pope, Catholic Church
Left-Wing Lickspittles: How the Huffington Post is Aiding Obama's Benghazi Cover-Up
Thousands Attend Chris Kyle Memorial Service in Cowboys Stadium
Obama Rejects Age Increase for Medicare Eligibility
Palin: Obama Should 'Pay His Respects' to Chris Kyle with 'Gesture of Condolence'
Police Arrest Nevada Lawmaker for Second Time Since New Year
Homeowners Use Guns to Defend Homes, Lives
Freakout Over Sequester Shows Economy's Weakness
Five Million College Grads in Jobs that Don't Require a High School Diploma
The Neverending Campaign: Obama Plans Post-SOTU Public Relations Tour
Menendez under Fire
Prager University: How Teachers Unions Hurt Schools
Exclusive: Judicial Watch Announces Ambitious 2013 Investigative Agenda
IL Town Runs Out of Gas Money for Police Cars
Obama Gun Control Tour to Hit Chicago Friday
Obama Overstepped Constitutional Authority, Federal Court Rules
Menendez Inconsistent on Visits to Donor's Dominican Republic Villa
Poll: Gun Control Near Bottom of Americans' Priorities for 2013
Post Office: Teach Us How to Deliver Packages
Shooting at DE Court House, Police Chief in D.C. for Gun Violence Discussion
Menendez Donor Hides Private Jet Flight Path Data from Public
Obama Begins 2nd Term with Wave of Regulations
SOTU 2013: Will Obama Go Even Harder Left on the Internet?
Report: Dorner May Have Taunted Father of Slain Victim over Phone
Report: Dorner 'Preoccupied' with Race, Saw LAPD as Racist
Report: Menendez Intervention May Have Damaged Anti-Cocaine Efforts
The Corrupt Origins of the Melgen-Menendez Dominican Port Security Deal
Menendez Donor Melgen Gave $130,000 to New Jersey Democrat Committees
Pelosi: There's No 'Spending Problem'
DHS Ammo Purchases: Gun Control by Another Name?
Obama Breaks 3:1 Cuts-to-Taxes Promise
Pelosi Says First Amendment Grants 'Right to a Gun'
Earthquake Detected in North Korea Near Nuke Site
Joint Chiefs: Sequester Cuts Will Return Military to Carter-Era Strength
Yemen Says Iran Sending Weapons to Rebels
Navy SEAL Who Killed Bin Laden Faces Uncertain Future
More Hagel Speeches Emerge, Suggesting he Misled Senate
Pope Benedict's Tenure Marked by Love, Reform
As Pope Benedict Resigns, Surprise and a Sense of Loss
Democrats Vow to Push Hagel Through; McCain Leans 'No,' Inhofe Digs In
Pope Resigns, Saying No Longer Has Strength to Fulfill Ministry
Iranian-American Works for Both Sides
Iran, Hezbollah Building Militia Groups Inside Syria
World View: Ethnic Tensions Grow in Kenya
White House Set to Cut U.S. Nuclear Arsenal by One-Third
Obama: ‘Catholic Church Plays Critical Role in US, World’
Africans Among Favorites to Replace Benedict
Pope's Brother Knew of Resignation in Advance
NY Cardinal Dolan: Startled by Pope's Announcement
Korea Sends Nuclear Message, Capability Unclear
Vatican Insiders: 'Fat Pope Will Follow Thin Pope'
Benedict Joins Four Other Popes in Quitting Papacy
Text of Pope Announcement he Will Resign Feb. 28
Obama to Withdraw 34,000 Troops From Afghanistan
'Date Night' at the State of the Union
Marco Rubio's Possible SOTU Response
In This Culture Images Supplant Words
Obama stunned by Prayer Breakfast with Dr. Carson
Obama tax agenda and the ABCs of Prosperity
Chris Christie Feted in Hollywood, Silicon Valley
Cheney Agrees With Obama’s Drone Policy
GOP Website Will Respond to SOTU in Real Time
Gay Rights Pushed to Fore in Issues From Taxes to Immigration
In Israel, Huckabee Blasts Hagel Nomination
Ted Nugent to Attend State of the Union
Mike Reagan: Embrace Rubio Plan
Dick Morris: GOP Needs New ‘Reagan’ Approach to Win, Attract Independents
Colo. Rep. Coffman Reverses Stance on Immigration
House Republicans Pursue No-New-Tax Bill Strategy
Tea Party Super PAC Targets Rove and GOP Establishment
US Begins Withdrawing Military Equipment From Afghanistan
Official: Iran Converting Some Higher-Grade Enriched Uranium to Fuel
Kotlikoff: With US ‘Broke,’ Entitlement Taxes Must Be Raised
It’s Just Sensible Japanese Monetary Policy, Not a Currency War
Pope Benedict Battles Irregular Heartbeat Stroke, Arthritis
Study: High-Earning Wife Can Lead to Sex Woes For Husband
Vitamin D Doses Often Don't Match Labeling
NASA Rover Drills into its First Martian Rock
Rat-Sized Animal May Be Man's Ancestor
U.S. Supreme Court: Brief Of Newly Discovered Evidence Filed In Obama Eligibility Case | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records
Software that tracks your every move and predicts future behavior draws heat — RT
6 Military Grade Solutions For Keeping Your Data Safe : Virtual Threat
Boy Scouts Of America vs Gay Scouts
The GMO Labeling Scam | Farm Wars
Historic National Protests Against Obama Planned in 50 States on February 16 - ALIPAC
3MIN News February 11, 2013: The Sun is Liquid? - YouTube
Does the Internet Spell Doom For Organized Religion? | Alternet
The 11 Scariest Things in Your Food | Yahoo! Health
$1 million reward offered for fugitive LA ex-cop — RT
The United States Constitutional Free-Zone
I Was a Paid Internet Shill: How Shadowy Groups Manipulate Internet Opinion and Debate | Conscious Life News
Protecting Your Privacy on the New Facebook -
The Fema Camp Bill is Back! -
US 'jumped to conclusions' on N. Korea nuclear test – state media — RT
Potable-Water-Reuse Ideas Go Forward in Texas, Despite Concerns -
How Raytheon software tracks you online - video | World news |
The Ultimate Goal Is Mind Control | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
Devvy Kidd -- The U.S. Supreme Court should be impeached
Bare Bones Universe
Nancy Pelosi Bringing Newtown Child To State Of The Union
BBC News - Davos 2013: Kissinger says Iran nuclear crisis close
Obama Interior nominee received Obamacare waiver for REI | The Daily Caller
Rense & Deborah Tavares - Smart Meter Genocide - Pt 2 - YouTube
Rense & Deborah Tavares - Smart Meter Dangers - Pt 1 - YouTube

Halfpasthuman - smart meters
Activist Post: High School Student Issues New Warning ... to His Generation: Tyranny Has Come, Will You Take Action?
Public Prosecutor of Rome to Investigate the Bilderberg Group
Iran's Press TV taken off air in N America - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Software that tracks people on social media created by defence firm | World news | The Guardian
Doctors call for Dr David Kelly inquest to resume - Telegraph
Cancer battle: Scientists engineer new tumor-killing virus — RT
Questioning America Without Constitutional-Law
Elite Underground | Veterans Today
China trade now bigger than US - Telegraph
PressTV - Paul blasts president over drone attacks
PressTV - Gates calls for oversight of drones
Drone Wrath for a Compliant Society
PressTV - Obama is pushing gun control at home, but he's a killer abroad
Facebook Fan Pages Support Manhunt Suspect Chris Dorner - Orange County - News - Navel Gazing
Is Christopher Dorner another psychiatric killer? « Jon Rappoport's Blog
More Evidence Obamacare Ripped Off Americans
Monarch Mind Control: ‘Life in Plastic, it’s a Spiritual Thing’ | ZenHaven
The Electronic Gulag
Pope Benedict XVI resigns: First Pontiff in 600 years to stand down because he 'no longer has strength to carry on' | Mail Online
Nestlé recall because of glass in Lean Cuisine meal
How big is the universe … compared with a grain of sand? - video | Science |
Genetically Engineered Meat, Coming Soon to a Supermarket Near You | Common Dreams
Altas Shrugged – The Illuminist Method Foretold « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
CISPA About To Become Law: Obama To Sign Executive Order In 48 Hours | Alternative
With Jewell, Obama Says Go Green or Go Home
The Dictator’s State of Tyranny Address | _
Liberal Media Member On Obama Drone Policy – IMPEACHMENT - The Ulsterman Report
Obama--Sued by Catholic Church for Attacking Religious Freedom--Boasts of His 'Work Together' With Pope | CNS News

Iran, Marking 1979 Revolution, Predicts ‘Islamic Awakening’ Will Spread | CNS News
Benedict XVI: 'My Strengths, Due to an Advanced Age, Are No Longer Suited to an Adequate Exercise of the Petrine Ministry' | CNS News
Gen. John Allen Leaves Afghanistan: 'We Are Winning' | CNS News
Pew: 53% of Americans Now Say Government Threatens Their Rights and Freedoms | CNS News
Justice Ginsburg: Roe v. Wade Dealt With the 'Most Extreme Law in the Country' | CNS News
Obama calls NKorea nuke test 'highly provocative' | CNS News
Nancy Pelosi: ‘We Avow the First Amendment…People Have a Right to Have a Gun’ | CNS News
Rep. Corrine Brown: ‘Don’t Confuse Me With Any Facts’ | CNS News
Where Was Obama on Night of Benghazi Attack? WH Isn’t Saying | CNS News
Poll: Americans Don't Really Like the Job Obama's Doing | CNS News
Jarrett Suggests Obama's SOTU Message Will Be Campaign Re-run | CNS News
Food Stamp Rolls in America Now Surpass the Population of Spain | CNS News
Newsweek Editor: Bush Would've Been Impeached If He Had Obama's Drone Policy | CNS News
65.4 Million Guns Bought Since Obama Took Office, 91% More Than Bush's First-Term Total | CNS News
Senator: DoD Giving Benefits To Same-Sex Partners Creates Costly 'New Class of Beneficiary' | CNS News
Justice Ginsburg: Roe v. Wade Dealt With the 'Most Extreme Law in the Country' | CNS News
Cuccinelli: 'It's Appropriate' for States to 'Experiment' with Legalizing Marijuana | CNS News
Reconstructing Obama's Columbia Transcript
A Property Rights Revolution for 2013
The Vector of American Foreign Policy
Is There a 'Positive Right' to Own Firearms?
Would government tell us if we were about to be hit by an asteroid?
What Happens When the Government Tells the Truth
After SOTU, Obama heads to Chicago to talk gun control
In for a penny, in for a trillion bucks
Senator Inhofe threatens filibuster to block Hagel nomination
'The Absentee Commander in Chief'
Unlikely Savior for British Health Service Crisis
ObamaCare Shell Game Now Apparent
Talking heads, Hezb'allah-style
Univision stacking the deck against Rubio
Video: The Legal Case for Israel
Video: 42 Second Glimpse at Middle East Peace Negotiators
Video: Dem Congressman Accuses the 'Cock Brothers' for Question on Rising Health Premiums Under ObamaCare
Video: Lecturing Obama: Dr. Ben Carson on his Motivation
Video: Shock: Pope Benedict Resigns as Head of the Roman Catholic Church
Report: Iran and Hezbollah Forming Militias in Syria
2/11/2013 Missiles From Mordor
Progressives Defend Obama's Kill List
9/11 Defendant's Attorney Says US Is Listening in on Client Conversations
Global Assassination Program US to Expand Murder Program to North Africa
The Bush-Obama Morph Obama’s Turn in Bush’s Bind
Washington’s War-Makers Aren’t “in a Bubble,” They’re in a Bunker
Video-Confronting War Ten Years On International Conference: Speeches:
The Man Who Killed Osama bin Laden... Is Screwed
Shattering a 'National Mythology'
The War in Mali and AFRICOM’s Agenda: Target China
Google Moves to Destroy Online Anonymity … Unintentionally Helping Authoritarian Governments
The Cost of America’s Wars: At Least 253,330 Brain Injuries and 1,700 Amputations
Daniel Ellsberg: Obama, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Senators Voting for Indefinite Detention Are “Enemies of the Constitution”
Generalissima Clinton Expanding the Empire
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- February 11, 2013
Lies The FBI Told Me - YouTube
Geopolitics with Ryan Dawson-Africa Wars: How Much of Blowback is Really Unintended?
It Has Happened Here- The Police State is Real
Warrantless Border Searches Extend to Mobile Devices: DHS
Heirloom Seed Banks Come to Public Libraries
Could Amazon's New Virtual Currency Rival Bitcoin?
Dianne Feinstein’s shocking lies about the number of civilians killed by U.S. drone program
Should Americans Emigrate or Defect?
Impeach Obama Now! A National Imperative
3D Bio-Printed Meat is No Longer Science Fiction
US Betrayal of Truth with Whistleblower Thomas Drake
Obama’s Expanding Kill List
6 Military Grade Solutions For Keeping Your Data Safe
Lawmakers Fail to Restore Paleo Blogger’s Free Speech
Show This To Anyone That Believes That “Things Are Getting Better” In America
Elite Underground
40 Ways That China Is Beating America
The Social Network Spy Software Created By War Criminals
Is Christopher Dorner LA’s New Bin Laden?
Trillions for Wars, None For Cancer Stricken Children
Unschooling Can Free Your Children
Raytheon RIOT Software Can Track and Predict All Your Movements
Christopher Dorner: Ex-cop once found $8,000 of church money in the middle of the road and handed it in to police | Mail Online
Church elder recalls encounter with Christopher Dorner - YouTube
The FISA Model for Summary Execution? - informationliberation
Putin Turns Black Gold to Bullion as Russia Outbuys World - Bloomberg
TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard - YouTube
Why Pick on Targeted Killing? Indict the State by Michael S. Rozeff
JSoc: Obama's secret assassins | Naomi Wolf | Comment is free |
Major Producer Reveals the Benefits of Astaxanthin – Nature’s Most Powerful Antioxidant by Joseph Mercola
Reports: Atomic bomb detonated by North Korea — M4.9 quake one kilometer underground — Country’s third test ever, first since 2009 (VIDEO)
ramblings of a madman: Ludicrous Bin Laden Fable Changes Yet Again
The Secret Team, The Circus, Gladio, Henchmen of The New World Order and the Long War :
Dorner Becomes Drone Target, CFR Energy Propagandists, Israeli Tax Evaders, The Pope, and More :
Petrus Romanus: 900 Year Old Prophecy Says Next Pope Will Oversee End of Days | InvestmentWatch
Refreshing News: Why More Americans Are Working Past Age 65
PsyWar – The Real Battlefield is the Mind (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
World Banker Makes Stunning Confession | _
Investors, Take Note: The Robin Hood Tax Might Be Coming to America | _
Sino-Japanese war? The network burst Fujian Army forces transaction | _
HOT LINKS: SEC Seeks Stock Exchange Only For The Rich - Home - The Daily Bail
Incredible Speech on Gun Violence | XRepublic
Pope has immunity in abuse trials: Vatican | Reuters
What Spending Problem?? Pelosi: Says U.S. Isn't Facing A Crisis | XRepublic
Toppling Iran: the Zionists’ craziest fantasy | My Catbird Seat
A Nation of Deadbeat Bankers and Politicians. - The Lone Star Watchdog | The Lone Star Watchdog
Sherrie Questioning All: Obama - Executive order on Cyber "Security" due to hacks. Yet, No proof of hacks. There goes our 1st amendment!
Why Congress May Lawfully Require Citizens to Buy Guns & Ammunition, But Not To Submit To Obamacare. - The Lone Star Watchdog | The Lone Star Watchdog
IP Address Snapshots Not Sufficient Evidence To File Infringement Suit; Prenda Lawyer Faces Sanctions | Techdirt
The New Political Asymmetry: Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide :
Obamacare Amendment Forbids Gun and Ammo Registration
Why The Banking Elite Want Riots in America | _
Navy SEAL describes moment he shot Osama bin Laden 3 times in the head | Mail Online
Ron Paul: “6,000 Years of History, Gold Is Always Money, Paper Money Fails” | InvestmentWatch
HBO: Documentaries | Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence In The House of God | Home
Unholy mess: Vatican amidst mafia money-laundering scandal - 12160
Bill Maher and Christopher Hitchens Pontiff-icate on the Vatican Sex Scandal - 12160
Vatican calls for world government and a New World Order - 12160
As Egypt Runs Out Of Dollars, Is It Next On The Devaluation Bandwagon? -
Americans to be Executed after Receiving Due Process of the Dictator | _
If Israel can do this to a young Jewish American, imagine what Palestinians face - 12160
Spyware predicts your movements from Facebook and Twitter | CNET UK
Beware The Consequences of Pre-Emptive War by Rep. Ron Paul --
When Racketeering is Heralded As ‘Development’. The Demise of India’s Farmer in Favor of Western Agribusiness « THE INTERNET POST
Intel Drop: Sunday, February 10, 2010 | Veterans Today
14 Propaganda Techniques Fox “News” Uses to Brainwash Americans | News Forage
The Great Imposition | Veterans Today
Pope Benedict XVI to resign Feb. 28, citing ‘deteriorated’ strength | The Raw Story
Acrobats strip for Pope Benedict XVI, perform topless in Vatican - 12160
Papal Prophecies, Saint Malachy, The End of Religion - Crystalinks
No suspicion necessary: DHS can still seize belongings without reason | _
South America Goes Critical: Now Chavez Devalues Currency: "This May Well Be the Lighting of the Proverbial Fuse... Everywhere."
Rogue Cop on the Lam Becomes Folk Hero to Some: LAPD Appears to Want Dorner Dead, not Captured and Talking | This Can't Be Happening
Flight 93 - Proof of 9/11 Lies by the US Government and Media
Proof that 9/11 flight 93 did not crash at Shanksville - YouTube
Michael Bloomberg’s PAC Spent $660,000 In 12 Days To Try To Sink The Candidacy Of A Pro-Gun Democrat | _
How Your Bank Account Could Disappear | _
Meet The 31 Corporations and Banks That Dodged $128 Billion in US Taxes - 12160
OpEdNews - Article: Will Christopher Dorner be a Victim of Obama's Drone Policy?
BREAKING: Russia Deploys EMP / Bunker-Buster Missiles in its Western Military Divisions!! | InvestmentWatch
Rand Paul: The President, Republican or Democrat, Should Never Get To Decide Someone's Death | XRepublic
War by Deception 2013 (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
Awaken slaves! - How The Private Central Bank Ponzi Scheme Trapped And Destroyed America | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
Activist Post: Codex Alimentarius and GM Food Guidelines, Pt. 1
Activist Post: Codex Alimentarius and GM Food Guidelines, Pt. 2
Activist Post: Codex Alimentarius and GM Food Guidelines, Pt. 3
Activist Post: Codex Alimentarius and GM Food Guidelines, Pt. 4
Genesis Communications Network GCN News Genetically Modified Salmon May Surface Soon In The Marketplace «
North Korea Tests Nuclear Weapon - YouTube
Bullshit Bin Laden Fable Changes Yet Again - YouTube
Shock Study Suggests We're Living in the Matrix - YouTube

Prison » The Housing Police Are Getting Teeth From ObamaCare
pdf-Advancing Healthy Housing /A STRATEGY FOR ACTION
CNN host suggests link between asteroid, global warming - Washington Times
Prison » World Banker Makes Stunning Confession
Prison » Man Sues TSA For $5 Million Following Peanut Butter Arrest
'Record close' asteroid may miss the Earth but it could take out your phone - Telegraph
Prison » Domestic Human Drone Targeting
Video: Pope's resignation sparks conspiracy theories - Telegraph
Prison » Congress Prepares to Kill 6th Amendment with Secret “Drone Court”
Prison » Pope is frail, not ill, faced no pressure to resign: Vatican
Sooty ships may be geoengineering by accident - environment - 09 February 2013 - New Scientist
Prison » Dumbed-down populations accept outrageous vaccine logic
Prison » The Myth of The “Syrian Rebels” Will Not Survive The Judgment of History
Prison » Planned economic destruction continues in California as water purification company denied permit to sell lifesaving product
Prison » The Number One Reason to Invest in Gold…
Google plans to eliminate the email password with new USB device in phones and jewellery | Mail Online
Prison » U.K. Warned-CIA Will Access All Government Data
Prison » Obama-linked Think Tank Proposes Universal Preschool, Expanded Child-care Subsidies
Prison » Tens of thousands of U.S. kids subjected to needless cancer-causing CT scans
So God Made Republicans
"This is what happens when your commander stops being an American ...
Modern Banking in America: where do we go from here?
Smithsonian Parking Lot Attendant Says She Only Stole When it Wasn’t Ramadan, Gave $s to Mosques
SICKEST Valentine’s Day Event – Your Tax $s @ Work (& the Muslim Connection)
LEVIN: I Despise Obama ‘The Biggest Hypocrite Of The First Order’
Mark Levin: When Is The Last Time Obama Spoke About ‘Liberty’?
Levin On Watching ‘State Of Confusion Address’: “Count Me Out. I’ll Be Doing Something Else.”
LEVIN: If Pelosi Were Working In Private Sector She Would Be Serving Time In The Federal Pen
Limbaugh: Obama SOTU To Openly Present Most Left-Wing Manifesto Ever
Limbaugh: Left Excuses Fugitive Dorner Because He’s Black
RUSH: Within Bowels Of Democrat Power Base There’s A Huge Discomfort With Way Obama Operates
BECK: Rove’s ‘Bull Crap’ “A Recipe For Death Of The Constitution”
J. FARAH: Another theory about Obama's domestic army
P. GELLER: Savage summit and its 'Islamophobia' problem
P. LEWIS: Gun-rights supporter? Now you're crazy
L. KLAYMAN: Judges 1st to the legal guillotines
J. FARAH: More laws to address unlawfulness
M. BARBER: Bloody hands: The Southern Poverty Law Center
E. WASHINGTON: Birth of a conservative intellectual, Part 2
TOM TANCREDO: Obama's drone deception
S. PARKER: Does the Republican Party have a future?
C NORRIS: Reducing violent crime in U.S. from the inside out
Putin on the Ritz: Russia Now World’s Biggest Gold Buyer (Added 570 Metric Tons in 10 Years!)
‘Real News’ SOTU Preview: Will Obama Learn From His Mistakes?
Outrageous Traffic Jam Caused by a Fiat 500 Making a U-Turn Involves Motorcycle Gang, a Religious Procession and Angry Italians
China’s Quest to Be the World’s No.1 Economic Power Continues, But How Legitimate Is Their Success?
Nancy Pelosi: Violent Movies & Video Games Aren’t the Problem, Gun Laws Are
‘F**k Off, German C**t’: Death Wishes and Hate Swirl on Social Media Following Pope Benedict’s Resignation Announcement
And Yet Another Cabinet Member Exits the White House
Which Cable News Host Asked Guests If They Thought There Was ‘Anything Offensive’ in Ben Carson’s Speech?
Pope Benedict to Resign at the End of the Month — First to Do So in 600 Years
Police: 3 Dead After Man Opens Fire at Delaware Courthouse
As President Obama Promises to ‘Pivot’ to Jobs & Economy, Food Stamp Enrollment Skyrockets
U.S. Gov’t Extends Select Military Benefits to Same-Sex Partners
Will One of These Men Be the Next Pope?
The Catholic Church Will Take These Secretive and Intricate Steps to Choose a New Pope
Here’s How Obama Is Using Executive Power to Bypass Legislative Process
Source: New Info on Benghazi Is Going to Come Out & Leave People ‘Amazed & Shocked’
‘The F**k I am…I’m Not F**king Kidding’: CBS White House Correspondent Goes on Odd, Profane Twitter Rant
Chicago Police Superintendent: ‘Stop Adopting the Rhetoric Of Gun Advocates — Chicago Does Not Have Strict Gun Laws’
Are Teachers Unions a Drag on U.S. Schools? Here’s What One Prof. Had To Say About It
Currency Wars: World Banks Plead With G20 To Avert Global Currency Clash
‘Godless Congregation’: Atheist Church Steals From Christian Tradition to Launch Rapidly-Expanding House of Worship
What Is ‘Hollywoodism’ and Why Is Iran Freaked out about It?
Massive Miss. Tornado Caught on Camera: ‘Took My Breath Away’ | Video |
Breakfast of Champions: Mountain Dew Rolls Out Breakfast Drink |
Pirates Want Your Oil and They’re Smart Enough to Get It |
Feel Like You’ve Been Putting More Salt on Your Food Lately? There’s a Reason | Video |
Westboro Baptist Church Protests Chris Kyle’s Memorial Service: ‘Soldiers Die; God Laughs’ |
Man Spends Over $50K Tasting Corn Flakes in 63 Countries — Here’s the Proof | Video |
The Demo Videos for a New Water-Repelling Substance Are Amazing | Video |
The Wall Street Journal: Ben Carson for President -
Cosmo Girls Have Smartphones. So, Cosmopolitan Is Dying.
My Way News - Cheney criticizes Obama nominees in Wyoming speech
Police say ex-cop was bent on exacting revenge -
Sen. Grassley: 'The irony is thick' in Lew’s Cayman Islands investment fund - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Woman accused of killing Arizona boyfriend says she once awoke to find him having sex with her | Fox News
The Globalist Game is Divide & Conquer - YouTube
The Engineered Economic Collapse - YouTube

» Obama Disarmed Marines During Inauguration Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Gold Sellers in Houston Must Submit to Fingerprints and Mugshots Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» USAA Recommends Customers ‘look for part-time job’ in Anticipation of Government Shutdown Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
NYT: Middle- and Lower-Income Americans Feeling the Pinch of Payroll Tax Hike
» Argentina’s regime leader freezes food prices, pushes country toward food shortages and riots Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
UK's Wealth Gap Continues To Grow - Business Insider
» Wash. State Politicians Attempt Energy Drink Ban Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Sources: White House to issue cybersecurity order Wednesday - The Hill's Hillicon Valley
» Australian government caught spraying highly-dangerous, illegal chemicals on fragile wetlands Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» NASA Curiosity Rover Collects First Martian Bedrock Sample Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Top Stories - Homeland Security Approves Seizure of Cell Phones and Laptops within 100 Miles of Border; Report Remains Secret - AllGov - News
» Breaking: Printable 30-Round AR Magazines Now Available for Download, Seriously Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
YouTube yanks video of 3D-printed rifle magazine | Internet & Media - CNET News
Printable Gun Revolution Moves Forward - YouTube
Breaking Gamechanger: Printable Gun Magazines - YouTube
» Hitler’s Food Taster Margaret Woelk talks about his vegetarian diet Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Researchers dumbfounded by 70 percent increase in Type I diabetics under the age of five Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Antonia |
» EUGENICS SPECIAL: Global Extermination Database Exposed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Credible Chinese MSM Source reports Troop Mobilization, Prepping for Japan War Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Former German Parliamentarian Exposes West’s Alliance with al-Qaeda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
'Al-Qaeda spreading its influence in other parts of world'
Papal Primer: History's 10 Most Intriguing Popes | Pope Benedict XVI to Step Down | LiveScience
The Family Photo That Was Left on the Surface of the Moon
Lair of the Beasts: From Bigfoot to Nessie -
Salty Antarctic Pond May Hold Clues to Water on Mars |
Is Bigfoot roaming the woods of Florida's Walton County? | State | Bradenton Herald
Humans evolved from furry, insect-eating creature - Telegraph
What evil lurks in the brain? German neurologist says he's found a 'dark patch' | Fox News

Coast To Coast AM -The Shift Age - 02.09.2013 - C2CAM - YouTube
Coast to Coast AM - Origins Of Ninjas - 02.10.2013 - YouTube
Lawrence Summers: The economic growth agenda we need - The Washington Post
The Small Presidency - NR / Digital Articles - National Review Online
Obama's State of the Union 2013: Aggressive -
Karl Rove's Latest Project Won't Solve the GOP's Problem | New Republic
William Kristol and Peter Wehner: The Absentee Commander in Chief -
Ace calls out progressives of pallor at The New Republic over ‘Party of White People’ cover | Twitchy
Joe Paterno was a Coward, and his Family still doesn't get it
Obama keeps newspaper reporters at arm’s length - The Washington Post
Roger Ailes's Border War | New Republic
Obama leads Democrats out on a limb -
New Voters, New Values
Obama Prepares To Screw His Base
Why Chicago bleeds - NY Daily News
CIA nominee John Brennan to blame for death of US ambassador Chris Stevens and 3 other Americans in Benghazi: book -
Should Democrats Always Lead During War? Part One « Commentary Magazine
Marco Rubio Can't Save the GOP
Presidential road trip annoys GOP - The Maddow Blog
Cayman Islands Investment Becomes Obstacle For Treasury Secretary Nominee | FDL News Desk
WaPo wonders: Why won’t Obama give us an interview? « Hot Air
Transportation: Why the Federal Transit Program Has Failed
Taft, not Reagan: The right historical analogy for a Rand foreign policy | Shadow Government
Transcripts :10th/Guests: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Sen. Durbin
Guests: Senators Reed & Graham, Rep. Rogers
Guests: Senator McCain & House Minority Ldr. Pelosi
Guests: Sens. Angus King & Rand Paul, Robert Gates
Guests: Representatives Tom Cole & Keith Ellison
Transcripts :8th/Obama's Remarks on the Retirement of Secretary Panetta
Guests: Reps. Luis Gutierrez & Elijah Cummings
Panel on Presidential Approaches to Terrorism
Shields and Brooks on the Week in Politics
Transcripts :7th/Obama's Speech to the House Democratic Retreat
Interview with Senator John McCain
Interview with Senators Mike Lee & James Risch
Interview with Representative Peter King
Analysts on the Latest With Iran's Nuclear Program
Transcripts :6th/Obama Nominates Sally Jewell For Interior Secretary
Analysts on the Jewell Appointment
Panel on the Consequences of ObamaCare
Transcripts :5th/Obama's Remarks on the Budget Sequester
Interview with Representative Trey Gowdy
Interview with Representative James Clyburn
Analysts on Obama's Drone Strike Policy
Transcripts:4th/ Obama's Gun Control Speech in Minnesota
Law Enforcement Officials Discuss Gun Control
Transcripts :3rd/Interview with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
Interview with Secretary Panetta & Gen. Dempsey
Guests: Wayne LaPierre and Mark Kelly
Transcripts :2nd/Biden's Remarks at the Munich Security Conference


Ect....11th/Gov. Haley on South Carolina's Health Care Exchange
Hans von Spakovsky on Reforming the Voting Process
Interview with Peter Berkowitz on Conservativism
Ect....8th/Jeremy Stein: When Credit Markets Overheat
Chat Transcript: David Frum on Guns
Ect....7th/Gore: "There Are Real Reasons for Hope" About Green Energy
Boehner: Pathway to Citizenship "Worthy of Consideration"
Ect....6th/Constitutional Law Prof.: HHS Mandate Not a Compromise
Cantor's Speech at "Making Life Work"
Jared Bernstein: Education Alone Won't Solve Economic Woes
Francois Nader on Biotech's Future in Treating Rare Diseases
Ect....5th/Obama: To Solve Gun Violence, Must Look at "Root Causes"
Ect....4th/Michelle Rhee Talks About Education
Panetta: Women in Combat Is About "Opportunity to Succeed"
Craig Whitney on Second Amendment, NRA and Gun Violence
Angus King on Filibuster Reform Negotiations


The Pitfalls of Breaking Up the Big Banks
Obama Should Support Unions in State of the Union Address
CISPA Revival Means Another Battle for Internet Privacy
Carbon Tax-Corporate Tax Reform Swap Is Useful, But Regressive
Immigration Reform Would Spur Economic Growth
How Reform Affects the Manufacturing Industry
The Life and Afterlife of Aaron Swartz -- New York Magazine
Using Oil Taxes to Improve Fiscal Reform
The Case for Closing America's Costliest Coal Plants
President Obama's Weekly Address | RealClearPolicy
David Rivkin and Andrew Grossman: Gun Control and the Constitution -
Is It Really Important to Stabilize the Public Debt? And, If So, When and At What Level? | Jared Bernstein | On the Economy
RealClearMarkets - The Neglected Cost of Government Spending
Keeping Patients Out of Hospitals: A Private-Sector Approach to Health Reform - Adam Wolfberg - The Atlantic
GARDNER: ‘College-for-all’ policy bad for students, bad for jobs - Washington Times
Gov. Gary Herbert Reveals Utah's Secrets to Health Care Success | RealClearPolicy
School Choice with Reason's Lisa Snell | RealClearPolicy
RealClearWorld - The Battle Over the Keystone Oil Pipeline Is More Important Than You Think
Obama Foreign Policy Needs More Spine, Not More Spending - Bloomberg
The Life of the Party | Foreign Affairs
RealClearWorld - Administration Was Not Benedict's Forte
BBC News - Viewpoint: Pakistan civil society under threat
Commentary: Saudi Money Shaping U.S. Research | The National Interest
Pope Benedict XVI: a paradoxical pontiff
BBC News - Switzerland guns: Living with firearms the Swiss way
Real Clear World - Video - Iranians On The March To Mark Revolution Day
Real Clear World - Video - Asia Celebrates Year Of The Snake
Watching porn is bad for your smartphone - Feb. 11, 2013
Recalling the Disco Decade
State Of The Union
StudentLoansCEC_02112013[1].pdf (application/pdf Object)
Stocks Could Be the Ticket -
Forgetting Prosperity | 4 Percent
Sorry Left AND Right, No Job Requires A College Degree - Forbes
You'd Be Surprised at What's Tax Deductible -
Asian Currencies Tumble. Yes, This Is A Global Currency War. - Forbes
The Biggest Loser: Europe and the Global Currency War — The American Magazine
Europe's Doomsdayers Were Wrong in 2010, 2011, and 2012—and They're Wrong Today - Zachary Karabell - The Atlantic
How banks could get blown away by bond bubble - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blogTerm Sheet
Despite big gains, this bull market is far from pricey
Will Robots Create Economic Utopia? - Businessweek
Real Clear Markets - Video - Cohn: Public Doesn't Understand Bond Risks
Real Clear Markets - Video - Shiller: Stocks Better Investment Than Homes
11 Things Fossil Dung Scientists Found in Fossilized Poop | Mental Floss
Villain stomach bug may have a sweet side: Researchers reveal how 'bad' gut bacteria may help control diabetes
Cornell Chronicle: Students perceive T. rex incorrectly
Commercial Moon Flights Coming Soon? : Discovery News
BBC News - Who, What, Why: What is the method for reconstructing Richard III's face?
Opening the Black Box of Neurogenesis – Phenomena: Only Human
Why is the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews so High? - 20 Possible Explanations -
Brain Area 'Where Evil Lurks' Doesn't Exist: Neurologist | Gerhard Roth Dark Mass | LiveScience
Searching for magnetic monopoles in polar rocks -
Is Sustainable-Labeled Seafood Really Sustainable? : NPR
BeerSci: A Decade-Old Beer Is Gross, Right? | Popular Science
Beer Science: If Yeast Ain't Happy, Ain't Nobody Happy
When Family Falls Apart - James Dobson on "Fatherless"
RealClearReligion - The Man Who Didn't Want to Be Pope
Papal Resignation: Benedict XVI resigns, the first since Pope Gregory XII in 1415 at the end of the Western Schism.
Liberal Arts Majors Didn't Kill the Economy - Matthew O'Brien - The Atlantic
The Smitten Word | New Republic
Four desktop email clients that can improve your Gmail experience | PCWorld
How battery improvements will revolutionize the design of the electric car — Tech News and Analysis
At Facebook, zero-day exploits, backdoor code bring war games drill to life | Ars Technica
As promised, Kim Dotcom starts payouts for Mega vulnerability reward program: Seven bugs fixed in first week (Updated) - The Next Web
Smart TVs have a serious communication problem | Ars Technica
Should Apple Make A Larger iPhone? | Tech.pinions - Perspective, Insight, Analysis
Why Google's cloud is a Pandora's box
The everyday agony of the password | Macworld
Benedict Resignation Could Be Good News for German Catholics - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Pope Gregory XII, the last pope to resign, stepped down amid the Great Western Schism in 1415 - NY Daily News
Media myth outbreak abroad; ‘Cronkite Moment’ goes viral « Media Myth Alert
Book Review: Ike and Dick -
Annals of History: Invaders : The New Yorker
The Real Culture Wars - New York Times
Gassed in Pennsylvania: Green Jobs, Black Men, and the Dirty Hope of Fracking
The Oil Drum | Why is US Oil Consumption Lower? Better Gasoline Mileage?
Is Keystone XL Obama’s line in the sand? - The Globe and Mail
State of the Union 2013: On climate change, which Obama will speak Tuesday? -
Study: 66 Percent of Your Fill-Up Goes Into Oil Company Coffers | Autopia |
Big Coal's Big Problems | Politics News | Rolling Stone
Tomgram: Michael Klare, Will the Keystone XL Pipeline Go Down? | TomDispatch
How the US Could Double Energy Efficiency by 2030 : Greentech Media
Obama's Gun Control Speech in Minnesota | RealClearPolitics

11 February

William J Federer's American Minute for February 11th
February 11 Events in History
This Day in History for 11th February |
What Happened on February 11th This Day in History
Today in History: February 11
February 11th in History
Today in History: February 11
Today in History for February 11th - YouTube


Carney: "Of Course, The President Believes We Have A Spending Problem"
Unaired SNL Skit Mocks Unconditional Support For Israel At Hagel Hearing
Krauthammer: State Of The Union "Going To Be Extremely Aggressive And Partisan"
Cheney: Obama Wants To Do "Serious Damage To Military Capabilities"
Gabby Giffords In New Gun Control TV Ad: "Congress Must Act"
Dr. Ben Carson On Criticizing Obamacare: "Somebody Has To Stand Up To The Bullies"
Harkin: Republicans Acting Like We're Broke By Focusing On Budget Cuts
Jake Tapper Reports: The Uncommon Valor Of Clint Romesha
Carson On Taxes: Have "Everybody Pay Into It, Not Just One Group Of People"
Chuck Todd: Obama Focused On Every Issue Except Economy
Rove, Trippi Give State Of The Union Expectations
Rove: Tea Party Groups Being "Paranoid When They Shouldn't Be"
Biden: We're Counting On "Legitimate Media" In Gun Control Effort


"60 Minutes" Report On American Survivors Of Terror Attack In Algeria
FNC's Political Insiders On Brennan, Hagel, Benghazi, SOTU, Economy & Rubio
CNN's Crowley Asks Panel If Dr. Carson's Speech Was "Offensive"
"This Week" Roundtable On State Of The Union Expectations, Drones
Pelosi: "We Avow The First Amendment," "People Have A Right To Have A Gun"
"Meet The Press" Panel: SOTU Predictions, Budget Battle
Cantor: Sequester "Not The Best Way To Go About Controlling Spending"
"Fox News Sunday" Panel: President Obama's State Of The Union
Rand Paul: "Very Unseemly That A Politician Gets To Decide The Death Of An American Citizen"
Durbin: Sequestration Was "Designed As A Budget Threat, Not A Budget Strategy"
Pelosi: "A False Argument To Say That We Have A Spending Problem"
Graham Threatens To Hold Up Hagel Vote Over Benghazi: "No Confirmation Without Information"
Krugman: Corporations "Making So Much Money They Don't Know What To Do With It"
"FOX News Sunday" Profiles Mark Knoller's Political Record Keeping
Dem Rep. Ellison: "Republicans Have A Core Values Problem"
"Face The Nation" Panel: Cyberattacks, Drones And Obama's Agenda
"Reliable Sources" Panel: FOX News & GOP Forge New Image
Moyers: "Obama's Cold-Blooded Use Of Drones" Shows "Indifference" To "Innocent Bystanders"

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