A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

20 January 2013

Weekend Review

Political Video

January 18

First Lady Michelle Obama Announces Launch Of Organizing For Action
Actor Danny Glover: Second Amendment Was Created To Protect Slavery
Krauthammer: "Incremental Debt Ceiling Hikes" The Way To Go Ahead
Jon Stewart Rips FOX News Coverage Of Obama's Gun Proposals
Reporter: Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Physically Assaulted Me
Rand Paul Slams Christie For NRA Comments And "Tantrum" Over Sandy Aid
O'Reilly: "There Is Tremendous Evil At Your Fingertips" On The Internet
Joe Klein: The NRA "Has Just Gone Off The Deep End"
Holder: Time For "Common Sense" Steps On Gun Violence
Holtz On Te'o: "There's No Way This Could Possibly Happen"
Hayes: Will Senate Republicans Vote For The ATF Director?

January 19

Maher: "The Only Right We Have Left Is The Guns And Nothing Left To Use The Guns To Protect"
The McLaughlin Group 1/18/13
Debbie Wasserman Schultz On A New Tone In Obama's Second Term
Karl Rove: Obama's Demeanor Has Become "Confrontational"
Obama Weekly Address: Time To Take Action Against Gun Violence
Rep. Lankford Calls For A Budget And Cuts To Wasteful Spending In GOP Weekly Address
O'Reilly: Are We Responsible For The Chaos That Is Enveloping America?
Ed Schultz: GOP Surrenders On Debt Ceiling
"Special Report" Panel On Algeria, This Week's Winners & Losers

January 20

Plouffe: "We Are Going To Require Some More Revenues"
Scarborough: Gerrymandering Delivered The House To The Republicans
Brokaw: GOP "Getting Smaller And Narrower"
FNC's Political Insiders On Obama's Second Term; If GOP "Is A Party That Lost Its Way"
George Will: Obama's Powers Of Persusion A "Myth"Sens. Cruz, Schumer Discuss Gun Violence And Debt On "Meet The Press"
Sen. Blunt: Obama Needs To Legislate "Realistically" In Second Term
Schumer: "Democrats Have Always Intended To Do A Budget This Year"
David Axelrod: "Larger Priority" Of Second Term Is Rebuilding The Economy
"Saturday Night Live" Spoofs Piers Morgan, Lance Armstrong & Manti Te'o
Plouffe: Obama Will Do "Better" Working With GOP Congress In 2nd Term
Newt Gingrich, CNN's "State Of The Union" Panel On Obama's Second Term
Gergen: Country Would Be "Comfortable" With Biden As President
"Meet The Press" Panel: What To Expect From Obama's Second Term
"Face The Nation" Panel: Battles Ahead At Home And Abroad
Sen. Barrasso: Gun Control Proposals Won't Pass, Reid Won't Bring To The Floor
"This Week" Roundtable: Obama's Gun Control Plan
Santorum: Obama A "Sore Winner"
President Obama Takes The Official Oath Of Office
Santorum On GOP Position On Gun Control: "We Should Stick To Our Guns"


A Military Coup In America? | Real Jew News
Obama's College Classmate: ‘The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia’ - Greg Hengler
Congressional Report Lists 36 Pages of Obama’s Crimes
Barack Obama Wants To “Understand” Muslim Terrorists - The Ulsterman Report
Sandy Hook - An American Coup d'état - 1/4 - YouTube
Lindsey Williams - Doctors Quitting Over ObamaCare - YouTube
PressTV - US planned 9/11 attacks to invade Middle East: Iran cmdr.
Congressional Report Lists 36 Pages of Obama’s Crimes
PressTV - Rogue CIA elements responsible for Swartz death: Gordon Duff

Bitter Seeds: What Makes Up Your Food?
PressTV - Paul slams US ‘king of world’ foreign policy
Cracking The Edifice Of Evil - 1
Cracking The Edifice Of Evil - 2
Corrupting of a generation: In a new major Mail series, renowned psychologist Steve Biddulph argues that our daughters are facing an unprecedented crisis | Mail Online
America Loves Israel. Why?? - YouTube

Activist Post: The PirateBox and Internet Freedom
PressTV - Talk of Assad’s removal unacceptable: Syrian FM
Rallies across U.S. assail Obama's proposed gun curbs | Reuters
Harry Bounel, born in 1890, resided in NY. We have his name used in connection to Obama’s address in Chicago . I need your help | Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire
Is PTSD Contagious? | Mother Jones
Devvy Kidd - Which STD Factory Are You Dating?
Is Rand Paul a born again Zionist? – Telegraph Blogs
Among New York’s Famous, Licenses to Be Armed -
NRA planning ‘the fight of the century’ against Obama
Governor Christie On NRA Ad: It's Reprehensible - YouTube
Activist Post: Mind Control, Not Gun Control
Activist Post: 50 Shocking Questions That You Should Ask Anyone Who Is Not A Prepper Yet
Matrix programming 101: destroy logic « Jon Rappoport's Blog
Horrors of the 20th C. Pale in Comparison to Where We are Headed - Anonymous - YouTube
David Cameron: fight against terrorism in north Africa may last decades | World news | » Citadel: Masterplanned Doomstead City
World’s 100 richest earned enough in 2012 to end global poverty 4 times over — RT
Zionism=Blowing Up the Dome of the Rock | Mantiq al-Tayr

IRS loses lawsuit in fight against tax preparers
DOD and Homeland Security Are Unauditable « Dvorak News Blog
Wal-Mart to Hire 100,000 Veterans, Buy $50 Billion in US-Made Products
Domestic UAVs provoke privacy concerns among panelists - FierceGovernmentIT
Justice Department 'Complies' With FOIA Request For GPS Tracking Memos; Hands ACLU 111 Fully Redacted Pages | Techdirt
Manning denied a whistleblower defense -
John Cornyn Criticizes Eric Holder Over Aaron Swartz's Death
PressTV - US Pentagon chief threatens action against African militants
Fed official alleges Geithner may have alerted banks to rate cut | Reuters
Kim Dotcom: the internet cult hero spoiling for a fight with US authorities | Technology |
How did Bigelow access America's secrets about torture and Bin Laden's assassination for Zero Dark Thirty? - Americas - World - The Independent
Mysterious domes in Siberia - radioactive UFO weapons? - YouTube
What Is A Presidential Memoranda?
The Hypnotic State of Mass Validation « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
NASA - Multimedia - Video Gallery
ScienceCasts: Comet of the Century - YouTube
Comet of the Century? - NASA Science
US Scientists Find That Chemotherapy Boosts Cancer Growth - Waking Times : Waking Times
Eight Signs You May be Living a Courage-Based Lifestyle - Waking Times : Waking Times
Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Video: Oath Keeper Officer Calls on Brother Cops to Refuse to Enforce Gun Bans or Registration
Constitution ‘no impediment’ to Obama
Glenn Beck Building Ayn Rand-Inspired Utopia | Mother Jones
How scientists could use brain scans to detect whether you are a racist | Mail Online
Rock solid proof of alien life? Scientists claim fossilized algae inside meteorite — RT
Proof of Extraterrestrial Life Found in Meteorite, Claim Scientists! | VIDEO
UFO Debunker, Philip Klass and the FBI
Bill Maher - The Second Amendment Is Not Under Attack, But All Your Other Rights Are - YouTube
Larry Elder goes toe-to-toe with Piers Morgan
List: Obama’s 23 Executive Actions on Gun Violence - Washington Wire - WSJ
Assassination Attempt on Bulgarian Opposition Leader Ahmed Dogan (MRF) - YouTube
AZK - Sylvia Stolz - Lawyer Who Was Jailed for Presenting Evidence in the Zundel Trial (full) - YouTube

Republicans agree three-month debt ceiling increase in surprise boost for Obama | World news |
Al Gore: Ne Plus Ultra of Political Corruption and Business Incompetence « THE INTERNET POST
Lieberman Now Advising Sandy Hook School Support Fund | The Newtown Bee
Activist Post: WiFi + USB Drive = Your Own Mini-Internet (Freedom)
Activist Post: Founder Reveals Secrets of the Bilderberg Group
“Attack on Sovereignty”: The “Obama Regime” and America’s Unipolar World | Global Research
Sandy Hook Mystery Man Identified; Why Did This Off Duty SWAT Officer Armed With A Gun Run Off Into The Woods Instead Of Helping The Students? | Conspiracy Theories
Horse Meat Mixed with Hamburger? Turnpike Burgers Taste Like Gulag Burgers – Britain has had Problems as Well | _
World Of Technology: Google experimenting with USB 'keys' to access accounts in bid to kill off passwords
American-Mexican Nationals | _
New Mexico Teen Fatally Shoots 2 Adults, 3 Children Inside Home
Civilian Disarmament - 12160 Social Network
Rand Paul: If Obama Tries To Legislate or Contravene Second Amendment We Will Sue | XRepublic
First Amendment Terrorist: Pentagon Says Protests Are Acts of “Low Level Terrorism” | _
Activist Post: New Targeted Killing 'Playbook' Exempts Drone Strikes
A (Brief) People’s History of Gun Control :
Judge Napolitano: How George Bush made Gun Control Laws Stronger | XRepublic
Hillary Clinton to Deliver Remarks on “American Leadership” at the Council on Foreign Relations :
33 Changes To The Connecticut Statewide Emergency Radio Network Hours Before the Newtown Shooting? | _
Obamacare Empowers Doctors to Label Patients Mentally Unfit To Have a Gun | _
The Institutionalization of Tyranny | _
Suffering from brain fog? Studies reveal its main causes
The Strange Death of Vincent Foster « Underground Documentaries
Minority Rule – The Rise of Political Correctness « Underground Documentaries
Facebook Data And Internet Censorship: The Story Banned By Mainstream Media | _
Manipulation through Taxation | _
Stockman: Impeachment not to be taken lightly -
The Lies Of Democracy and the Language Of Deceit | Global Research
Is Washington DC Trying To Hide Its Homeless Population During Inauguration? | ThinkProgress
American Patriots Rally Around the 2nd Amendment – NWO Crowd had Better Open Their Eyes, Ears and Minds-This is Only the Beginning | _
The Man on the Grassy Knoll by Anonymous - Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists
RFID Chips in Guns Could Allow Remote Disabling of Firearms
Here we go again... US teen shoots and kills two adults, three children in New Mexico - 12160 Social Network
President Obama reacts to the Connecticut school shooting 14 DEC 2012 - YouTube
West Point center cites dangers of 'far right' in U.S. - Washington Times
US Department of Defense Tactical Electromagnetic Cyber Warfare: Plant Malware Through the Air
Ahmadinejad Speaks The Truth - YouTube
New World Order: Crisis, Contagion, And The Need For A New Paradigm -
Dave Chappelle On Secret Societies and Homosexuality
Stealth Hoodie Hides Wearer From Drones : Discovery News
Articles: Farm Bureau Turns Against Small Farmers on Boneta Bill
New Islamic Caliphate Challenges Western Crusaders -
Obama 2nd-term Agenda: Debt, Immigration, Guns - YouTube
Obama ignores the press - YouTube
Obama's Second Term: Hollywood Relishes Industry Tax Cuts, Possible SOPA Rebirth
Danny Glover's Revisionist History: 2nd Amendment Was for Protecting Slavery
NRA More Popular Than Hollywood
Nevada Democrat Arrested for Threatening State Assembly Speaker
Norquist: Fiscal Cliff Deal Was Tax Hike Nobody Voted For
Pastor Leads 'Forward' Chant at Obama Pre-Inauguration Church Service
Privacy Concerns Win Out Over Full Body Airport Scanners
Sen. Schumer: NRA Fringe Group, Doesn't Represent Average Gun Owners
Bill Clinton: Gun Control Push Bringing Back the Tea Party
Democratic Mayors Take on Gun Manufacturers
Post-Inauguration: GOP Has 2014 Senate Race Edge
Obama Sworn in for 4 More Years in Office
Obama Admin Rebranding Healthcare 'Exchanges' as 'Marketplaces'
GOP's 2nd Term Supreme Court Plan: Keep Scalia, Kennedy Alive
Biden Sworn In
Clinton Warns Dems on Gun Control
Reload: Second Amendment Rallies Highlight Conservative Potential in Obama's Second Term
Unprecedented: Obama Campaign to Turn Itself into Non-Profit
Obama's Partisan Inauguration
Bill Ayers to Keynote Association of Teacher Educators Annual Meeting
How Obama's Death Star Saved America
Watchdog Files FOIA Request Over Green Building Program Waste
History and the Second Amendment
Obama's Second Term: The Long Campaign
Flashback: Palin Predicts Obama Admin. Using Health Care to Curb Second Amendment Rights
Transcripts: Feds Missed Crisis in 2007
Obama's Secret Beer Summit With Reporters Turns Into Swoonfest
Poll: 65% Agree with Shapiro's Defense of AR-15 Ownership
Poll: Absentee Parents, Hollywood to Blame for Gun Crime
CBS News' Political Director: Obama Must 'Destroy' Republican Party
Obama's Greatest Legacy Might Be Destroying the Media
Thanking The Government for Stealing Our Money
Leading from Way Behind Obama Fails to Mention American Killed in Algeria
Islamists Executed 9 Japanese in Algeria: Witnesses
Bodies of 25 Hostages Found in Algeria Gas Plant: Report
Syria FM Rejects Notion of Assad Ouster
US Draws Guidebook for Targeted Killing Operations
US Drone Strikes on Yemen Al Qaeda Kill Eight
World View: Algeria Ends Four-Day Terrorist Siege with No-Mercy Assault
Chuck Hagel Advocated for Drastic Cuts, Elimination of U.S. Nuclear Arsenal
Algeria: 32 militants Killed, with 23 Hostages
Video Surfaces of Bolivian Lawmaker Allegedly Raping Woman Inside Parliament
Sandy Hook Survivors Are Made to Sing “Over the Rainbow” to Commemorate the Shooting
The National Intelligence Council Predicts a Very Transhuman Future by 2030
SOFEX: A Weapons Trade Show for the Business of War
Avoiding Complications and Death from Influenza
Survival of the Most Adaptable
Rotten to the (Common) Core
Protecting Yourself From a Predatory State
More Proof Gun Control Does NOT Work
Bill Maher: You Have No Rights Left to Protect with Your Guns
A Year After SOPA, A Look At The Next Five Battles For Internet Freedom | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Algeria: The Slaughter of the Good and Bad
The Algerian Kidnappers and the Case of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui
The Wandering Who? Israel. Judaism, Zionism and Palestine
The Institutionalization of Tyranny
Do Americans Think We Face Tyranny?
The African-American Army
MLK Injustice Index 2013 Racism, Materialism and Militarism in the US
The Radicalization of Martin Luther King
King: I Have a Dream. Obama: I Have a Drone
Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb: Who’s Who’s? Who is Behind the Terrorists?
Weather Warfare: Beware the US military’s experiments with climatic warfare
Gross National Product (GNP): How is it Calculated? What does it Measure?
NATO’s War Plans For The High North. The Militarization of the Arctic
Sanctions: Weapons of Mass Death and Destruction
America’s “Lili-Pads” in Afghanistan and Central Asia: Pentagon to Increase the Number of “Small Military Bases”
Obama: 'I Did It' | The Weekly Standard
After 4 Years, Friends See Shifts in Obamas -
To boldly toe: ToPo Athletic split foot trainers are more science than gimmick - Features - Fashion - The Independent
Condoleezza Rice joins CBS News as contributor -
How Government Tries To Mess With Your Mind: A transcript of the Lew Rockwell Show episode 286 with Doug Valentine
Clean Your Kitchen: How To Trash the Toxins in Your Pantry by Daisy Luther
8 Government Conspiracy Theories (And How They Could Be Right) | Mental Floss
What the FBI Doesn't Want You To Know About Its 'Secret' Surveillance Techniques
Nearly perfect, ultrathin invisibility cloak could have wide practical applications
Wanted: 'Adventurous woman' to give birth to Neanderthal man - Harvard professor seeks mother for cloned cave baby | Mail Online
Scientist with RFID chip Gets Computer Virus | Stuart Wilde | The Official Author Website
The Bible and Self Defense
300 Million Year Old Machinery Found In Russia, Experts Say Aluminum Gear Not The Result Of Natural Forces, May Be Extraterrestrial | Beyond Science
Jesse Ventura: Sandy Hook Shooting Not A False Flag - Update | Alternative
Attention: The 6 Stages Of The NWO, To Start The Civil War In The United States, Videos | Conspiracy Theories
Proof Of Alien Life In Universe Once And For All | Space
David Icke - This is Who We Are ... | Alternative
New Age Lie #1 Everything Is Perfect | Alternative
Sandy Hook Disappearing Video | Alternative
Two School Shootings, Side By Side: What Are They Hiding? | Politics
Sandy Hook - A Startling Revelation Video | Alternative
Massive Sandy Hook Psy-Op; Gordon Duff = Key Actor | Alternative
Obama : Really A Saudi Muslim "Plant" In White House ? | Obama
What the devil? Scientists tap power of ‘Lucifer’
Where Is The Sandy Hook Surveillance Video? Citizens Petition White House For Video Release | Politics
Where is Sandy Hook school’s surveillance video? | Opinion - Conservative
Surviving The Matrix - Sandy Hook - An American Coup D'état | Alternative
15 Sick Logos You Won't Believe | Alternative
Valerie Jarrett: Expect Obama To Make New Cabinet Picks Based On Race And Gender | Opinion - Conservative
Obama’s Official Swearing In Monday, But After Private Swearing-In, Celebrations In Full Swing | Opinion - Conservative
Video: Sandy Hook Occult Sacrifice vs. 'Fakery' Disinfo | Economy
Gordon Duff Accuses the CIA of Killing Aaron Swartz | Economy
Why the Moon Landings Weren’t Faked | Space
Tired of Obama, health care, gun bans, spending?
The Darkest Design of Barack Obama

Jennifer Love Hewitt goes nude on TV | Arabic News أخبار
Sandy Hook Laura Phelps 100% Proof = Actress | _
Why You Should Ditch Canned Foods | Health
The Benefits of Growing Thyme Plants: Grow Your Own Medicine | Health
Deodorants: Do We Really Need Them? | Health
Newtown Connecticut Shooting Spawns Conspiracy Theories | Environment
Facebook Data And Internet Censorship: The Story Banned By Mainstream Media (Video) | Media
Was Aaron Swartz Murdered? | Strange
Newtown And 33 Changes To The Connecticut Statewide Emergency Radio Network Hours Before The Shooting | Blogging/Citizen Journalism
Orly Taitz: Obama Will Get Death Sentence Because He's Done Espionnage. | Obama Birthplace Controversy
18 Amazing Facts About the Human Body | Awesome Time Wasters
The Big Sandy Hook Newtown Lie: No Children Killed with Rifles – No Rifles in School – Lanza Used Handguns | Opinion - Conservative
Using Cell Phone Parts for Survival | Survival
Tyranny By Executive Order - by Michael Connelly, Constitutional Attorney | Alternative
Sandy Hook - A Startling Revelation Video | Alternative
Sandy Hook Disappearing Video | Alternative
7 Sandy Hook Facts You Can't Ignore | Conspiracy Theories
Clear Pimples Up Quick With These Tips | Family & Parenting
Martin Luther King: Unfulfilled Dreams | Financial Markets
Robert F. Kennedy On the Death of Martin Luther King, And His Own Last Words | Financial Markets
6 types of content to make your website POP | Science and Technology
SSDI says Adam Lanza died a day before Sandy Hook massacre | Opinion - Conservative
Bill Gates Rejects Atheism and Embraces the Catholic Anti-Christ | Education
Garlic Soup Made With 52 Cloves of Garlic Can Defeat Colds, Flu and Even Norovirus « Set You Free News
Guide to the 57th Presidential Inauguration
Inauguration: Barack Obama Sworn in As 44th President - YouTube
Obama sworn in for second term as president - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Obama On Debt, Guns- Full Press Conference - YouTube

Obama, Biden On Gun Control- Full Video Of Press Conference - YouTube

Among Blacks, Pride Is Mixed With Expectations for Obama
Inauguration: Obama sworn in for second term in White House ceremony
Mr. President, Chicago's gun victims need you now
King would still be fighting poverty
Clerk Dorothy Brown chaired fund-raiser cited in Nagin corruption case
Cicero candidate says she was assaulted, blames politics
Bill Daley for gov? Not so fast, folks
FM NewsTalk 97.1
Inching Closer To The Demise Of A Stubborn Parasitic Worm
Celestial Wonder Looks Uncannily Like a Manatee
Cosmic optical illusion? It's a matter of degree
Ancient Lake Discovered On Mars In Giant Crater
Explorer's rare Scotch returned to Antarctic stash
Scientists uncover massive river on Mars
Is It Possible To Clone A Neanderthal?
ABC News' Barbara Walters hospitalized after fall at inauguration party
An Appointment With Kim Dotcom
The new Megaupload launches with enhanced privacy - YouTube

Google Prepares to Leave the Password Behind
New search tool will test Zuckerberg's balancing act
Just How Freudian Was Joe 'Proud to Be President' Biden's Freudian Slip?
Biden thanks Latinos for support in re-election
Video: Rick Santorum Defends Armor-Piercing Bullets as a "Right in Our Country"
Algerians Find Many More Dead at Hostage Site
Sheriff Mack: Hell NO to Gun Control! - YouTube

States Aim to Nullify Obama Gun Control |
VIDEO: Assault Weapons Under Attack! Public Reacts |
Alex Jones On The Mountain: Freedom Works - YouTube
Obama executive orders vastly empower psychiatry while gutting patient rights |
The Institutionalization of Tyranny – Paul Craig Roberts |
Maher: Second Amendment is ‘anachronistic’ |
New Proposal Will Force Gun Owners to Store Assault Weapons At Government Authorized Storage Depots |
Big Sis Snitch Program To Help Enforce Gun Control |
Police Chiefs Across the US Alerted About 9/11 WTC Demolition Evidence |
No one Protecting American masses against ‘The Revenge of Obama’
Understanding the Obama conspiracy & U.S. takeover
Obama Flirting With Impeachment
Private Cities & Public Morality: Are Non-State Founded Communities Wrong?
Cleopatra Comeback and ‘The Second Coming’
Saving America From The “Make Somebody Else Pay” Mindset
Is It True that Al Qaeda Has Been ‘Decimated’, Mr. President?
The Authenticity of Fake
Facts Another Fatality of Gun Violence Debate
Remembering Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson
Comparing Two Inaugural Speeches, Reagan’s and Obama’s
Oil Industry Investing In Rail Depots: An Alternative to Keystone
Gun Crime Not Nearly So Serious When Committed by the Obama Administration?
Yorktown: Did they Fight for Freedom or for Nothing
Education and the Constitution
Web Exclusive: Zero Dark Thirty Doesn’t Disappoint
Tea Party Continues Battle Against Big Government
Patriots All Across Nation Urged to Fight ‘Super-NAFTA’
Growing Global Nationalism Sparking ‘Deglobalization’
Swiss Bank’s Corrupt Influence Poisons U.S. Political Process
How Disinformation Becomes History
Obama to gun-control foes: Examine your conscience
Whole Foods CEO regrets calling Obama health law 'fascism'
Gaffe It Up: Biden 'Proud To Be President'
Women Say They Won't Comply with Gov. Cuomo Gun Confiscation in New York
Flashback: Palin Predicts Obama Admin. Using Health Care to Curb Second Amendment Rights
Fail: Bulgarian Assassin Points Gun at Opposition Leader's Head and Pulls the Trigger Without Success
Lie Witness News - Obama's 2nd Inauguration Day
'High on a Mountaintop' - Benghazi Tribute to the Fallen Heroes by Chris Cassone
Actor Danny Glover Tells Students 2nd Amendment was 'Created to Protect Slavery'
Gun Owners Outed by Journal News Speak Out with Sean Hannity
Ignorance of the law is no excuse, but it should be!
The Harbinger; a very astonishing prophetic telling of current events
Violence in America: Treating the problem, not the symptoms
Government Solutions
Bill Gates interview: I have no use for money. This is God’s work - Telegraph
Obama wants background checks on you
Israel: America's model for reducing violent crime
Despotism in America
Bloody jihad: Obama fiddles, Americans burn
No place for guns in civil society
Could Dr. King have given inaugural benediction?
Goodbye, immigration – hello, global citizenship
Why America must stop aid to Israel
Ouija Board economics
Despite persecution, revival in Iran continues!
E. WASHINGTON: BHO: Woodrow Wilson reborn
Susan Eisenhower Takes Aim at the NRA
The Democracy Initiative: a Coup in Plain Sight
Let's Buy President Mahmoud Abbas a Chair
Educators Hit by ObamaCare
A (Not So) Brief History of the Gun
Guns, Gays, and Eighteenth-Century Rights
CBS News Political Director: Obama Should 'Pulverize' and 'Delegitimize' GOP
Gov. Cuomo, here's why your seven shot gun magazine limit is already outdated
Toward a `conservative' foreign policy
Of Babes and Bio-Ethics
Administration would prefer you forget about Benghazi attack
The 'Diversity' Movement: Defeating Itself, Destroying Society
Geithner leaked bank rate cut in 2007: Fed official
Will the real Moderate Palestinians Please Stand Up?
Harris Zafar's Islamic Intellectual Incoherence
Pew Distorts Americans' Views on Abortion
Government to sell remaining GM shares at a loss
Hostage death toll climbing in Algerian terrorist attack
Dangerous Times: John Brennan's Black Ops
The Lesson in the Betrayal of Sarah Palin
In the Energy Debate between Palin and Obama...Obama Lost
A Tale of Three Cabinet Nominees
You Might Be a Hyper-Conservative If...
Should the Second Amendment Have Been the First?
Obama Playing Chicken with American Men
Hijacking Rights
In the Land of Shadows
A Meaningless Number
Appeals Court upholds Governor Walker's collective bargaining reform law
Poll: NRA more popular than Obama
Al Gore:The wealthy get wealthier
Tax Dogfight over O'Hare
'We don't have the time or the resources'
King Hypocrite
'Being Christian' Looks At A Modern-Day Elmer Gantry
VA Senate GOPers Save Their Vaginal Rape Bill For Jesus
Ezra Klein Knocks CEOs and Pundits for Wanting to Raise Retirement Age to 70
'Cross-dressing Meth Priest Liked Sex in Rectory'
Texas Bank Welcomes Concealed Handguns to Stop 'Yankee' Robbers
Hacktivism: Civil Disobedience or Cyber Crime?
Eight-Year-Old: 'Mr. President, Can We Stop Using Guns?'
Criminalizing Pregnancy: Study Finds Forced Interventions on Pregnant Women
Colbert Attacks 'King Gun Snatcher the Magnificent' Obama' For Using Kids as Human Shields
Maher: It's Not Your 2nd Amendment Rights That Are Under Attack, It's All the Other Ones
Crumbling Levees Leave U.S. Cities Vulnerable
Occupy Wall Street Delivers Petition to the New York Post
Aaron Swartz Laid to Rest with an Action Plan For Us
RoseAnn DeMoro: 'We Need a Real Economy' to Eradicate Poverty
Congress: Nice Work if You Can Get It
Hypocrite Huckabee Complains About Tax-Exempt Status of New OFA PAC
The Lesson of Selma for John Lewis? Love, Not Guns
Brokaw Uses New Poll as Excuse to Continue to Push for Cuts to 'Entitlements'
Gun Debate Solved: Single-Ball Muskets For Everyone!
Zakaria's Right-Wing Wishlist 'No Labels' Infomercial
Santorum: Armor-Piercing Bullets Are 'a Right in Our Country'
Sunday Beltway Villagers Cry: Obama Is Mean To Republicans
Ted Cruz: Obama Exploited Dead Children 'Within Minutes' of Newtown Massacre
Fox Pretends Romney’s Jeeps-In-China ‘Lie Of The Year’ Was True
Meet the first Muslim president
See most dramatic UFO videos ever
Rand Paul: Obama in guns-to-jihadists cover-up?
China poised to play debt card – for U.S. land
Kim Jong Un seeks German help with economy
Stunning photo reveals newborn stars emerging from a giant space cloud some 600 light years from Earth | Mail Online
Neanderthal to be born to surrogate mother? - Unexplained Mysteries
Scientists Discover How to Identify People From 'Anonymous' Genomes | Wired Science |
Zoologger: The first solar-powered vertebrate - life - 18 January 2013 - New Scientist
The 'anti-drone hoodie' which offers a trendier alternative to the tin-foil hat for those worried about spies in the sky | Mail Online
BBC News - Fermi telescope may change to dark matter hunting
Video: Discovery of the Spider That Builds Spider Decoys | Wired Science |
Dr. Blaylock Exposes Obama's Nazi Healthcare System - YouTube

Prison » States Aim to Nullify Obama Gun Control
Prison » Why collectivism is doomed and the next great crisis will massively shift America toward conservatism
Prison » Special Report: The DOJ’s Latest Snitch Campaign Targets Gun Owners
Prison » Mike Adams Warns of Another False Flag Coming
Prison » Of Course, Gun Laws MUST Exempt the Police
House G.O.P. Agrees to Lift Debt Ceiling for 3 Months -
Prison » Obama’s Psychiatric Police State
Prison » Eric Holder Pumps The Brakes on FOIA Request for Fast & Furious
First Term: Obama Increased Debt $50,521 Per Household; More Than First 42 Presidents in 53 Terms Combined | CNS News
Prison » Splenda’s Many Secrets: Gut Flora Destruction, Side Effects
DNA database not so anonymous on the Internet: study | The Raw Story
Prison » Health Report: 5 Solutions to Preventing The Flu
Firearms Protection Act Introduced by TX Rep Goes Viral - YouTube
» Second Amendment Advocate Rep. Markwayne Mullin target of death threats Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

AFP: Russia opposition activist commits suicide in Netherlands
Assad's overthrow red line for Iran: supreme leader's aide | Reuters
Public 'Inauguration' Just for Show, Likely to Cost Taxpayers Over $100 Million | The Weekly Standard
Bill Clinton to Democrats: Don’t trivialize gun culture - Byron Tau -
RealClearHistory - Opinion, News, Analysis and Videos
When did Hitler decide on the Final Solution?
Reagan's Lucky Day - CBS News
America's First Hostage Crisis
The ACLU’s shocking legacy
RealClearBooks - Opinion, News, Analysis and Videos
Book World: ‘Reset,’ by Peter Bagge - The Washington Post
YouTube halts funding for WSJ and Reuters channels; Reuters cuts positions
How Computer-Hacking Laws Make You a Criminal | LiveScience
How to Create a Fake "Online Girlfriend"
5 Bits Of Tech I'm Looking Forward To In 2013
Wi-Fi vs. Ethernet: Has wireless killed wired? | Digital Trends
Is Scientology Self-Destructing?
Why I Pray
RealClearReligion - The Law of Asymmetrical Accusations
Hussein Rashid: A Gay Mosque?
First Human Contact With Large Emperor Penguin Colony
The Evolutionary Biology of Star Trek
404 Not Found
BeerSci: Why You Should Never Drink Beer From A Clear Glass Bottle | Popular Science
UMass Amherst Study May Explain Why Wolves are Forever Wild, But Dogs Can Be Tamed | Office of News & Media Relations | UMass Amherst
First Human Contact With Large Emperor Penguin Colony
The Evolutionary Biology of Star Trek
BeerSci: Why You Should Never Drink Beer From A Clear Glass Bottle | Popular Science
UMass Amherst Study May Explain Why Wolves are Forever Wild, But Dogs Can Be Tamed |

Obama 2.0 - The Washington Post
This Week in Poverty: An Antipoverty Contract for 2013? | The Nation
Obama's Quest for Greatness | RealClearPolitics
Obama's Speech to Stress Founding Values | RealClearPolitics
Obama’s Big Deal -
The Liberation of Barack Obama | RealClearPolitics
The Second-Term Inaugural Jinx -
David Maraniss: A new term, a new Obama - The Washington Post
Why Obama Needs a Better Understanding of Republicans -
Daniel Ruth: Pistol-packing poltroons owe Obama family an apology - Tampa Bay Times
Tackle immigration first, Mr. President - NY Daily News
Obama 2.0: Smarter, tougher -- but wiser? -
The New Power Class Who Will Profit From Obama’s Second Term |
Tim Carney: In gun control push, Obama abandons logic and facts |
The Weekend Interview with William Bratton: The Real Cures for Gun Violence -
Jim Hoagland: Our tangled foreign-policy problems - The Washington Post
In Chaos in North Africa, a Grim Side of Arab Spring -
Quiet Ceremonies, Oath-Taking for Obama on Sunday | RealClearPolitics
One Wise Latina | RealClearPolitics
Sonia Sotomayor's Disappointing Memoir -
Al-Qaida in Africa: Al-Qaida looms in Africa -
Obama Was Tough And It Looks Like He Prevailed. Next Up: Fights Over The Sequester And The Continuing Resolution. | The New Republic
The Sad Irony of Affirmative Action > Publications > National Affairs
George Will: The time bomb within Obamacare? - The Washington Post
Health Care Rationing Is Nothing New [Excerpt]: Scientific American
The Washington Monthly - The Magazine - Is Inequality Shortening Your Life Span?
How Obama Might Make the School-to-Prison Pipeline Worse
In Vietnam vets Hagel and Kerry, Obama finds champions of retrenchment - The Washington Post
Siddiqui: Old foreign policy problems haunt Obama’s new term -
Beyond Al Qaeda - By Howard W. French | Foreign Policy
The Guerrilla Myth -
Commentary: Obama Doctrine, Reagan Doctrine | The National Interest
Don't be fooled: Iran wants the bomb | Ahmad Hashemi | Ops & Blogs | The Times of Israel
A Fed Voice, Asking to Cut Megabanks Down to Size -
RealClearMarkets - We Told You So
Why Robots Are Worse for the Economy Than You Think

19 January

William J Federer's American Minute for January 20th
Today in History: January 19
January 19 Events in History
This Day in History for 19th January |
What Happened on January 19th This Day in History
Today in History: January 19
January 19th in History
Today in History for January 19 - YouTube

20 January

William J Federer's American Minute for January 20th
Today in History: January 20
January 20 Events in History
This Day in History for 20th January |
What Happened on January 20th This Day in History
Today in History: January 20
January 20th in History
Today in History for January 20th - YouTube
Alex Jones - 2013-Jan-20, Sunday
The Savage Nation - January 18 2013 FULL SHOW (Ben Ferguson fills in for Michael Savage) - YouTube
The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday January 19 2013 Hour 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday January 19 2013 Hour 2
World Crisis Radio Saturday January 19 2013 Hour 1
World Crisis Radio Saturday January 19 2013 Hour 2

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