A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

07 January 2013

7 January,2013 - am

Rense & Andy Gause - Sandy Hook Summation, Pt 1
Rense & Andy Gause - Sandy Hook Summation, Pt 2
Amazing Argument for the Failure of Gun Control - YouTube
After Sandy Hook: how psychiatrists will become policemen « Jon Rappoport's Blog
Inside the meat lab: the future of food | Science | The Observer
PressTV - Study: US students more narcissistic
Research Draws Link Between Personality Disorders and Animal Instincts - Waking Times : Waking Times
Scientists Debunk the IQ Myth | ZenHaven
Astronauts Describe The 'Overview Effect' That Transformed Their Minds After Seeing Earth From Space - Business Insider
There’s One Thing Both Sides In the Gun Control Debate Can Agree On - Washington's Blog
NYPD counter-terror patrol : Sandra Rose
NSA's secret 'Perfect Citizen' cybersecurity program detailed by recently-released documents | The Verge
Secret and Lies of the Bailout | Politics News | Rolling Stone
Bilderberg Group Dominates Bloomberg Billionaires Index
MRI Could Solve Cellphone Radiation Problems - IEEE Spectrum
Welcome to the new Civil War -
Frankenscientists Announce Mutant GMO Cows to Produce Hormone-Induced ‘Engineered’ Milk | Consciousness TV
On the Cusp of Ending Big Pharma: Gene Therapy threatens to Disrupt Big Pharma’s Profiteering | Global Research
NDAA in 2013
Activist Post: 60 Facts That Prove The American Middle Class is Being Wiped Out
Activist Post: House Resolution Introduced to Remove Presidential Term Limits
Nuclear Security Helicopters Testing Radiation Levels Above DC Area
What Really Happened At Sandy Hook? | Real Jew News
David Wallechinsky: 11 Secret Documents Americans Deserve to See
Why Civilian Disarmament in the U.S. is Just a Statist Fantasy | _
Sandy Hook school shooting: Did Adam Lanza target teacher Lauren Rousseau | Mail Online
Adam Lanza fought with four teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School the day before massacre |, Latest News
Adam Lanza toxicology results , why are we still waiting ? - Topix
James Holmes, Aurora, Colo. shooter returns to court for 'Dark Knight' theater massacre
Dana Milbank: Republican gerrymandering makes the difference in the House - The Washington Post
Change the World one communication at a time
An Agenda For The 21 Century
Michael Savage: Time for a 'Nationalist' Party United Against Dems, GOP
Scientists Seek Foolproof Signal to Predict Earthquakes
Are you living close to ‘cancer generator’?
The 5 Most Repeated Health Myths That Medical Doctors Have No Intention on Abandoning - Waking Times : Waking Times
Enough illegal migrants to fill three cities the size of Newcastle: 863,000 of them in UK, study finds | Mail Online
Michael Savage: Time for a ‘nationalist’ party
9/11 Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out - YouTube
8 Facts About Vitamin D and Rheumatoid Arthritis - Rheumatoid Arthritis
My Way News - Obama wants action on government's borrowing limit
Data from smartphone users could identify dangerous traffic locations -
15 Minutes Daily Exercise Adds 3 Years to Life
Laura Carstensen: Older people are happier | Video on
P.R.A.Y. (Please Restore America Yourself) an idea whose time has come
The Civilized Savage
Property, Rule of Law & Freedom
Embracing Slavery in America
The Fix is in: Hillary’s Benghazi cover-up—like Vince Foster death investigation
Hillary’s Benghazi cover-up—diplomatic illness and Travelgate
Hillary’s Benghazi Report (ARB) Blames Amb. Christopher Stevens
The Fix is in Part IV: Benghazi Cover-up: The Hand Shake ]
CURL: Obama supporters shocked, angry at new tax increases - Washington Times
Cruz On Debt Ceiling: Obama Trying To Scare People With Financial Apocalypse
Defiant Assad Pledges to Continue Fighting - ABC News
Brennan to Be Named CIA Director | The Weekly Standard
Global warming, the tool of the West - English
Egypt’s Morsi remakes cabinet - The Washington Post
Poll: Few Americans Know All the Risks of Obesity
Mental Health of Dads-to-Be May Influence Toddler's Behavior
BodyMedia to launch Stylish Health Band
Health roundup: Fat in diet linked with sperm count
Chicago Already Ahead of 2012's Murder Rate
Are Chicago-based television shows doomed to fail?
Lotto winner's death investigated as murder
Obama Antagonizes with Hagel Pick
Obama to nominate Hagel and Brennan - YouTube
Prosecutors to outline case against alleged theater shooter James Holmes
Classmates react to arrest of accused Russell County bomb maker
Rand Paul Visits Jerusalem, Calls For Gradual Reduction Of US Aid To Israel
Hillary Clinton back at work
Obama won't battle with Congress over debt ceiling - CBS News
Sandy Scam and cliff notes
Microsoft, Google, the FTC and Unintended Consequences
Missoni family hold hope missing fashion boss still alive
Alien planets face danger from double-star systems
Judge delays Ohio school shooting trial -
GĂ©rard Depardieu
The electric shock that could cure a headache by releasing the body's most powerful painkillers | Mail Online
Foreign Direct Investment by China in the US hits record level -
Despite New Health Law, Some See Sharp Rise in Premiums -
Large Cities All Over America Are Degenerating Into Gang-Infested War Zones -
Three Ways Obama Carried Bush’s Tyrannical Torch, in Just One Week « Blog
Guns and Drugs We can curb gun violence by ending the War on Drugs.
Technology is the Opiate of the Masses
Top 10 Most Dangerous U.S. Government Agencies
Oxycontin Junkie Fights Marijuana Legalization
Ecuador Taxes Bankers, President Faces CIA Assassination Plot
Libertarians on Social Issues
The Economics of Extinction
Droid DNA “Hyper Intelligence” Commercial and its Transhumanist Message
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
“Technology Addiction” in the Electronic Age: Worldwide Progress or Servitude?
Terrorism with a “Human Face”: The History of America’s Death Squads
Obama’s Targeted Killing: Murdered without Being Charged. Administration Blocks Information Request on Assassination of US Citizens
We the Outsourcing Nation
The Corbett Report | Interview 573 – Education vs. Schooling: James Corbett on Smells Like Podcast
Sipsey Street Irregulars: 2013: Resist or Disarm. Start deciding now what form your resistance will take.
Demand A Real Plan [Video] - informationliberation
Academia and Imbecility - informationliberation
The Meaning of GPS - informationliberation
“Occupy” Files Expose FBI Working with Police and Federal Reserve
Israel’s Anti-Black Pogrom by Justin Raimondo --
Rapid DNA: Coming Soon to a Police Department or Immigration Office Near You | Electronic Frontier Foundation
The New Soviet Asylum by Fred Reed
Hemp Production Should be Legalized | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog
17 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight | Mark's Daily Apple
The Vigilant Citizen » Discover the hidden symbolism in music videos, movies and famous landmarks around the world
United States 2012 Cash Deficit: Only $1.096 Trillion - Seeking Alpha
Video: Giant Obelisk Discovered In the Atlantic? « The s8intcom Blogger
Nixon Hailed as Foreign Policy Genius at Centennial of Birth
Schwarzenegger Says Film Violence Not Linked to School Shooting
Teen Son of Sen. Rand Paul Arrested at Airport for Being Drunk, Disorderly
Eliot Spitzer Out of a Job, Quits Current TV After Purchase by al-Jazeera
Pope Says Stop War in Syria Before It Becomes 'Field of Ruins'
Former Berkshire Exec Sokol Cleared by SEC, Rips Buffett
The All-American Diet: Lose Weight Without Giving Up Fast Food
4 Tips for Successful Weight Loss
Royal Family - Incest, Rape, Pedophilia & Bestiality | Alternative
What was MI6 team doing in Paris the night Princess Diana died? | UK | - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express
Video: Sandy Hook was Staged | Conspiracy Theories
Nikola Tesla The Secret Movie – Unlimited Free Energy Forever | Alternative
The True Story Of Atlantis | Alternative
During Martial Law Are The Police And Early Military Units Deployed First To Be Set Up As The Sacrificial Lambs | Conspiracy Theories
Sandy Hook Busted Wide Open! | Alternative
Illuminati Corporate Logos | Cooking and Recipes
Operation Terror- The 9/11 Story You Are Not Supposed To Know. | 9/11 and Ground Zero
Feed Your Family Fresh Food And Fish Yourself With GLOBE No Matter Where You Live | Survival
Hillary Clinton: Al-jazeera It’s Real News!! – Big Al’s Deal With Al-Jazeera? – Wake Up America!!! | Tea Party
Pelosi, Van Hollen, Durbin: Americans Still Not Taxed Enough | CNS News
More Than 30,000 Sign WH Petition Calling for Cut in Congressional Salaries | CNS News
Pope worries about gap between the rich and poor | CNS News
D. KUPELIAN: The lie launderers
The most powerful weapons we possess
What happened to my country?
CAIR vs. the truth
J. FARAH: Time's running out
The giant, gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting
TANCREDO: Sen. Tim Scott: 'Not black enough'
J. KNOX: Media: Don't identify next murdering deviant
Gun control: A huge red herring
The right’s Obama apologists
Al Jazeera a Muslim Brotherhood front?
Engineers to Build House Entirely from Waste
CAIR chief claims Muslims discovered America first | The Daily Caller
Curiosity Rover Finds 'Flower' and Snake-Like Rock on Mars |
Disruptions: Smart-Gun Technology Could Prevent Massacres Like Newtown -
Giant Pandas hold new weapon in fight against superbugs - Telegraph
Mysterious “Beam” Interrupts Radar in Illinois, Puzzles Experts | Who Forted? Magazine
Triple lunar craters: Investigating a multiple impact on the Moon
James Earl Jones, Angela Lansbury Still Relish Acting in their 80s
BH Interview: 'FrackNation' Co-Director Tells Matt Damon 'Be Honest' About Anti-Fracking 'Promised Land'
White House, GOP draw red lines in debt debate
N.Y. Dem. Rep. Introduces Bill to Repeal Presidential Term Limits
Report: Podesta Group Urges Military Contractors to Give Money to Support Hagel
Cuccinelli Defeats EPA's Attempt to Classify Water as Pollutant
Obama to Boehner: 'We Don't Have a Spending Problem'
Leftists Initiate Boycotts Against NRA-Discounting Hotels
Illinois Puts Gun Ban Bill on Hold
Openly Christian Company Fights Back Against Obama's Onslaught
Lindsay Graham: Obama's 2nd Term Will Be 'In Your Face'
Americans Are Voting With Their Wallets On Guns
Too Much Information: Al Roker Regales Us With Potty Mishaps
DC Media Discover Conservative Revolt After Boehner Vote
L.A. Police Have History of Seizing Fake 'Rocket Launchers'
Fake News: LAPD, Media Tout Rocket Launcher Seizure That Wasn't
Delhi Gang-Rape Case Ordered Behind Closed Doors
Thailand to Extradite Hacker Wanted by the FBI
Egypt Army 'Foils Bid to Attack Coptic Church'
Pope Condemns 'Intolerant Agnosticism'
Democrat Senators Not Sure About Chuck Hagel
World View: Assad Promises New Violence
Susan Rice--and Now, Chuck Hagel: Lessons for Conservatives and Republicans in Effective Opposition
The Trillion Dollar Coin, and 5 Other Bizarre Currency Ideas
Why Returning to the Gold Standard is a Bad Idea
Obama's Disarming Haste
What to Do About a Coup
Who (or What) Are They Looking For?
Who's 'Dangerous'?
Why Exceptionalism Matters
Who Would Dare Veto the Sandy Bill?
Undeniable Proof of Global Warming in North America!
Punish the Guilty, not the Innocent
Iranian government overjoyed at 'anti-Israeli' Hagel choice for defense
Egypt's Morsi purges cabinet
Dems seeking $1 trillion in new tax revenue
Karzai in Washington to beg for foreign aid
Sloppy Analysis by the Heritage Foundation
Rant: Obama's $7 Million Vacation and Sandy Aid Pork
David Gregory Allows Mitch McConnell to Downplay Dangers of Defaulting on Our Debt
Fracking Gets a 'Thumbs Up' from Fox & Friends
Sen. Heidi Heitkamp: Obama Gun Proposals ‘Way in Extreme’
Van Susteren Excuses Clinton Conspiracy Theories on Fox News 'Before She Was Hospitalized'
Howard Kurtz Plays Innocent with Mann and Ornstein's Call of Media Bias
Ted Cruz: Only Democrats Are Threatening Default on the Debt
Gingrich Bemoans Amount of Pork in the Hurricane Sandy Bill
Rep. Jim Jordan: No AR-15 Background Checks Because 'It's About Freedom'
McConnell: Obama Will Be 'Dragged Kicking and Screaming' to Get Spending Cuts
Genesis Communications Network GCN News Bradlee Dean: Pure Defiance – Prostituting Government «
Genesis Communications Network GCN News Pennsylvania Police Chief Proposes ’2nd Amendment Preservation’ Ordinance «
Genesis Communications Network GCN News Preston James: The Third Force «
Fiscal Cliff Drama Produces an Awful Farm Bill Extension | Mother Jones
Arne Duncan's Laughably Abysmal Low "High Bar" for No Child Waivers | Dropout Nation: Coverage of the Reform of American Public Education Edited by RiShawn Biddle
The Immigration Enforcement Paradox | Center for American Progress
Assad offers only more of the same - mukhabarat brutality - The National
Hagel Means Iran Containment « Commentary Magazine
Rebooting Republican Foreign Policy | Foreign Affairs
Can Social Media Sell Soap? -
Home of the future is now | The Courier-Journal |
Barney Frank's Fiscal Plan: Join The Senate, Soak The Near-Rich | The New Republic
RealClearMarkets - The Occupiers Of Tomorrow's Economy
RealClearMarkets - If We Can't Kill Farm Subsidies, What Can We?
Why Double Taxation Must Cease -
How to Make an Indestructible Snow Fort — With Pykrete | Wired Design |
What the Dalai Lama can teach us about temperatures below absolute zero | Empirical Zeal
Applied Mythology: Counting the Cost of the Anti-GMO Movement
‘Universal’ Personality Traits Don't Necessarily Apply to Isolated Indigenous People
An embryo that is neither male nor female | Science Codex
RealClearReligion - The Tao of Obama
Endangered: Jewish Genius
Hoax article on India-Portugal clash fools Wikipedia for 5 years - The Times of India
Banana Republic Justice: Behind The Scenes Of The Pirate Bay Trial - Falkvinge on Infopolicy
More Than Human? The Ethics of Biologically Enhancing Soldiers - Patrick Lin - The Atlantic
Google, competition and the perfect result - The Washington Post
Polaroid Fotobars: Retail stores will print out Instagrams, Facebook photos.
The bizarre tale of John McAfee, spymaster | Ars Technica
Facebook argues to protect user content in Portland murder case |
Digital Savant |
Connected Earth: The telegraphic age dawns
50 years later, locals recall mysterious circumstances of NAL Flight 2511 plane crash |
How Willi Voss Went from Abetting Terror to Working for the CIA - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Book Review: Caesar in the U.S.A. -
Nataly Kelly: Six Things I Learned About Publishing a Book That Very Few Books Will Tell You
Victoria Beale Reviews New Books By Alain De Botton And Philippa Perry | The New Republic
We're sorry, but something went wrong (500)
The Noir Forties | Books and Culture
America's Other Energy Revolution And Why It Matters - Forbes
Dyer: Myths, math and ‘energy independence’ - Framingham, MA - The MetroWest Daily News
E-mail Scandal at the EPA - John Fund - National Review Online
Al Gore, friend of the petro-state | Full Comment | National Post
Eunuchs of the Universe: Tom Wolfe on Wall Street Today - Newsweek and The Daily Beast
Stephen Moore: The Education of John Boehner -
What Is the Future of Conservatism? « Commentary Magazine
Why Hagel Matters - The Daily Beast
Crovitz: Inconvenient Truths About Al Jazeera -
After Pinpointing Gun Owners, Journal News Is a Target -
Preserving The 2nd Amendment - YouTube
BBC News - Today - Criminals 'caught by way they walk'
» Illinois Democrats Back Down On Gun Grab Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Jihadist Terrorists Became Beloved Rebels In The Public Imagination Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» U.S. Government Using Terrorism Against the American People Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Patient prescription drug records may be used to deny Americans their constitutional rights Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
I’ll make 'damn sure' big companies pay their tax, says David Cameron - UK Politics - UK - The Independent
» Bank of America to Pay $11.6 Billion in Fannie Mae Settlement Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Ron Paul’s First 2013 interview Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Google causing children to be ‘brain dead’ warns successful inventor Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Total Media Blackout on Shooting Where Private Citizen Stopped Mass Murder by Using Gun Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Prison » Ret. Marine Absolutely Owns CNN Anchor On 2nd Amendment – “Unconstitutional Laws Aren’t Laws”
Prison » In The Wake Of Sandy Hook
Prison » Online Tweet-Monitoring Reveals Widespread Anti-TSA Sentiments
John Brennan, architect of Barack Obama's drone strike programme, to be nominated as next CIA director | Mail Online
Morsi backs Assad war crimes trial | Herald Sun
Prison » More deception at the White House: Benghazi ‘officials’ who were fired actually weren’t
Prison » Syria’s President Assad mobbed by supporters after speech
In rare speech, Assad rejects dialogue with Syria 'puppet' opposition - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
51st Fryday Poll - Should Drones Fly Commercially? - Facts & Infographic
Prison » Police Officer Exposes The Unanswered Questions Of The Sandy Hook Tragedy
Prison » ‘Hidden’ groups to save humanity, or just PSYOP disinformation?
Prison » Swiss Firm Introduces Divisible Gold Card For “A Scary New World”
Prison » Now The FBI Has A Corporate Anti-Fraud Program That Scans Emails For 3,000 Suspicious Phrases
Prison » Threats Against A New York Newspaper Have Gotten So Intense Reporters Are Worried About Anthrax
Pelosi urges Obama to sidestep Congress, use 14th Amendment to raise debt ceiling | The Daily Caller
Prison » 5 Steps for Avoiding and Detoxing the Bt-Toxin Found in GMO Crops
Prison » ‘Smart’ Utility Meters Causing Sleep Trouble, Headaches, Heart Problems
Alex Jones Show: Sunday (1-6-13) Mark Kessler - YouTube
Alex Jones - 2013-Jan-06, Sunday
Bill Cunningham 1
Bill Cunningham 2
Bill Cunningham 3
Monday, January 7, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1
Monday, January 7, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

7 January

William J Federer's American Minute for January 7th
January 7 Events in History
This Day in History for 7th January |
January 7th in History
What Happened on January 7th This Day in History
Today in History: January 7
Today in History: January 6
Today in History for January 7th - YouTube
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ONE -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWO -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THREE – Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOUR—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIX—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHT—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
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DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ELEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWELVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THIRTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOURTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIFTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIXTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVENTEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHTEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINETEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-ONE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-TWO: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-THREE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-FOUR: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-FIVE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-SIX: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-SEVEN: Read It Before It Is [Further] Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-EIGHT: Read It Before It Is [Further] Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-NINE: Read It Before It Is [Further] Banned By The US Government
DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THIRTY: Read It Before It Is [Further] Banned By The US Government

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