A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

05 December 2012

5 Dec.

Pentagon's new spying agency to rival CIA? - YouTube
Genesis Communications Network GCN News Bureaucrat Says it is Wrong to Advise Citizens to Arm Themselves in Self-Defense «
Genesis Communications Network GCN News The Destruction of America: Brought to You By JP Morgan Chase «
Breaking! Bin Laden Raid Footage Released by White House: Satire Report - YouTube
Genesis Communications Network GCN News Sheriff’s ‘Crowd Control’ Spy Drone Suspended After Privacy Uproar «
Genesis Communications Network GCN News Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Globalist Plan for Africa and the Middle East «
Genesis Communications Network GCN News Syrian Rebels: “When We Finish With Assad, We Will Fight the U.S.” «
Genesis Communications Network GCN News TSA Is “Creating And Maintaining A Watch List” of Americans who “Violate” Its Policies «
Genesis Communications Network GCN News DARPA Sponsored Company Unveils Drones That Can Fly Through Doors And Windows «
Michael Savage, back on WABC, warns conservative talk radio is becoming boring and predictable - NY Daily News
Radio's Michael Savage decries Obama attacks, sorta -
Antisemitic and Anti-Israel Articles on Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Website
Hillary Clinton: Israel has 'lack of generosity ... lack of empathy' for Palestinians | The Daily Caller
Radio's Michael Savage decries Obama attacks, sorta -
Report: CIA 'officials' behind Benghazi talking points
Clashes erupt outside Egypt's presidential palace | Fox News
Mother found guilty of beating son to death for failing to learn the Koran | Fox News
Never Satisfied: The Curse of Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome | Fox News
The PJ Tatler » To What Lengths Did Someone Go to Scapegoat George Zimmerman?
Doctor's Amazing Discoveries In Health - YouTube
Prison » 20 Shocking Examples Of How Sadistic And Cruel People Have Become
Prison » Worst Since World War II: 50% Unemployment: Over Six Million Teens and Young Adults Are Out of Work and Not In School
Prison » The Coming Derivatives Panic That Will Destroy Global Financial Markets
Prison » Countdown to the end of the world? Don’t be snookered by Mayan calendar prophecy
Escobar: Chemical hype behind Patriot games on Syria border - YouTube
Prison » Syrian Rebels: “When We Finish With Assad, We Will Fight the U.S.”
New DVR will use camera and microphone to target advertisements based on recordings of users | The Sideshow - Yahoo! News
Prison » Bureaucrat Says it is Wrong to Advise Citizens to Arm Themselves in Self-Defense
Prison » US Aircraft Carrier Arrives Off Syrian Coast
Prison » NATO Missiles in Turkey to Point at Syria
Prison » Won’t Get Fooled Again? WMD Propaganda Greases Skids For Attack on Syria
Obama Warns Syria Against Using Chemical Weapons - YouTube
Hillary Clinton warns Syria over chemical weapons - YouTube
Syria conflict : West weights military intervention to secure chemical weapons - YouTube
Prison » Bob Costas: Young Men Can’t Own Guns “Without Something Bad Happening”
On MSNBC, Bob Costas criticizes "Wild West Dirty Harry" gun culture in America - YouTube
Prison » DARPA Sponsored Company Unveils Drones That Can Fly Through Doors And Windows
CyPhy Works' EASE UAV test at Ft. Benning, GA. - YouTube
Japan Deploys Patriot Missiles Ahead of N.Korea Launch | Defense | RIA Novosti
Serbia's Nato envoy Branislav Milinkovic leaps to his death at Brussels airport - Europe - World - The Independent
Male fertility under threat as average sperm counts drop - Telegraph
N.Korean Rocket Set Up on Launch Pad | World | RIA Novosti
Israel accuses US of backing European settlement backlash - Telegraph
Prison » Golden Showers As Goldman Tells Clients To Sell Gold
Max Keiser: 2013, Year of The Great Crash - YouTube
Prison » Fiscal Cliff: Ron Paul Decries Bipartisan Efforts; Predicts Compromise
Prison » Senate Unanimously Passes 2013 NDAA; Power to Arrest Americans Remains
Prison » Bank laundering whistleblower labeled ‘insane’ then locked away in psychiatric hospital for seven years
Cops to Congress: We need logs of Americans' text messages | Politics and Law - CNET News
Police Tell Congress to Hand Over Your TEXT Messages - YouTube
Prison » Doctor Says Genetically Modified Wheat a “Perfect, Chronic Poison”
Prison » Eight-year-old girl to be given forced vaccinations against mother’s will after court ruling
Prison » Government Issues Statement Debunking End of the World: “Just Rumors”
Pentagon to Expand Spy Agency - YouTube
Prison » Gun Control INCREASES Gun Crime
Gun Control INCREASES Gun Crime - YouTube
Prison » Spread this Message to Kids and Suicidal Folks: The World Will NOT End In 2012
2012 The Real Maya Prophecy - The world will not end - YouTube
Mayan Elders 2012 Message For Humanity (HD) - YouTube
Prison » CFR Pushes End to Sovereignty at UN’s Doha Climate Summit
Chicago cop shoots prized puppy: FIRST ON FOX - Chicago News and Weather | FOX 32 News
TSA Seeks Approval to Conduct Security Patdowns on U.S. Highways! - YouTube
Full Assault on The 2nd Amendment - YouTube
Pastor Lindsey Williams: Obama to Tax Middle Class into Oblivion! - YouTube
President Clinton 2.0 - YouTube
Prison » 20 Shocking Examples Of How Sadistic And Cruel People Have Become
Prison » Worst Since World War II: 50% Unemployment: Over Six Million Teens and Young Adults Are Out of Work and Not In School
Prison » The Coming Derivatives Panic That Will Destroy Global Financial Markets
Prison » Countdown to the end of the world? Don’t be snookered by Mayan calendar prophecy
Escobar: Chemical hype behind Patriot games on Syria border - YouTube
Prison » Syrian Rebels: “When We Finish With Assad, We Will Fight the U.S.”
New DVR will use camera and microphone to target advertisements based on recordings of users | The Sideshow - Yahoo! News
Prison » Bureaucrat Says it is Wrong to Advise Citizens to Arm Themselves in Self-Defense
Prison » US Aircraft Carrier Arrives Off Syrian Coast
Prison » NATO Missiles in Turkey to Point at Syria
Prison » Won’t Get Fooled Again? WMD Propaganda Greases Skids For Attack on Syria
Obama Warns Syria Against Using Chemical Weapons - YouTube
Hillary Clinton warns Syria over chemical weapons - YouTube
Syria conflict : West weights military intervention to secure chemical weapons - YouTube
Prison » Bob Costas: Young Men Can’t Own Guns “Without Something Bad Happening”
On MSNBC, Bob Costas criticizes "Wild West Dirty Harry" gun culture in America - YouTube
Prison » DARPA Sponsored Company Unveils Drones That Can Fly Through Doors And Windows
CyPhy Works' EASE UAV test at Ft. Benning, GA. - YouTube
Japan Deploys Patriot Missiles Ahead of N.Korea Launch | Defense | RIA Novosti
Serbia's Nato envoy Branislav Milinkovic leaps to his death at Brussels airport - Europe - World - The Independent
Male fertility under threat as average sperm counts drop - Telegraph
N.Korean Rocket Set Up on Launch Pad | World | RIA Novosti
Israel accuses US of backing European settlement backlash - Telegraph
Prison » Golden Showers As Goldman Tells Clients To Sell Gold
Max Keiser: 2013, Year of The Great Crash - YouTube
Prison » Fiscal Cliff: Ron Paul Decries Bipartisan Efforts; Predicts Compromise
Prison » Senate Unanimously Passes 2013 NDAA; Power to Arrest Americans Remains
Prison » Bank laundering whistleblower labeled ‘insane’ then locked away in psychiatric hospital for seven years
Cops to Congress: We need logs of Americans' text messages | Politics and Law - CNET News
Police Tell Congress to Hand Over Your TEXT Messages - YouTube
Prison » Doctor Says Genetically Modified Wheat a “Perfect, Chronic Poison”
Prison » Eight-year-old girl to be given forced vaccinations against mother’s will after court ruling
Prison » Government Issues Statement Debunking End of the World: “Just Rumors”
Pentagon to Expand Spy Agency - YouTube
Prison » Gun Control INCREASES Gun Crime
Gun Control INCREASES Gun Crime - YouTube
Prison » Spread this Message to Kids and Suicidal Folks: The World Will NOT End In 2012
2012 The Real Maya Prophecy - The world will not end - YouTube
Mayan Elders 2012 Message For Humanity (HD) - YouTube
Prison » CFR Pushes End to Sovereignty at UN’s Doha Climate Summit
» Django: Race War Propaganda or Just Another Tarantino Bloodfest? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Bureaucrat Says it is Wrong to Advise Citizens to Arm Themselves in Self-Defense Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Clarence Tries To Save GOP From Pottersville Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» The Coming Derivatives Panic That Will Destroy Global Financial Markets Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Why You Might Only Be Able to Get Part-Time Work in 2013 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Is This Why Americans Have Lost The Drive To “Earn” More Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
New York City Hits Sandy Victims With ‘Failure To Maintain Property’ Citation « CBS New York
The Feds Want To Spy On Everything -
» NASA Unveils New Mars Rover Mission for 2020 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
BBC News - Fossil raindrops probe ancient atmosphere
DHS grants 'like winning the lottery' for state, local officials |
» Duma Begs TV Stations Not To Encourage End of the World Hysteria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
French sperm count 'falls by a third' - FRANCE - FRANCE 24
» Spain Now Faces a Systemic, Societal, and Sovereign Collapse Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Report: ATF review board recommends firings over Fast & Furious | Fox News
George W. Bush calls for ‘benevolent’ immigration debate
Former President Bush Leads Immigration Forum - YouTube
Disabled daughter dies just hours after state takes her from mom - Tampa Bay Times
'Everyone in US under virtual surveillance' - NSA whistleblower — RT
» Israel rejects UN call for nuclear transparency Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Militarization of Syrian conflict ‘in full swing’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
December 5, 2012 21 December “End Of World” Fears Kill NATO Ambassador
Why Is The S.E.C. Concealing Massive Citigroup Fraud? - Home - The Daily Bail
Greenspan On The Cliff: "Recession Is Guaranteed" - Home - The Daily Bail
Queen and Prince Charles must be consulted before laws are passed | Hang The Bankers | He Who Controls the Money Supply, Controls the World
The Prince and the Pedophile: Charles’ connections to pedophilia networks | Hang The Bankers | He Who Controls the Money Supply, Controls the World
Corporate Fascism: The Destruction of America’s Middle Class (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
From Jonestown to the Mad Hatters Tea Party. Visible Origami
2012 Corruption Perceptions Index -- Results
The US Government Today Has More Data On The Average American Than The Stasi Did On East Germans | Techdirt
TSA Seeks Permission to Conduct “Security Assessments” on Highways | Peace . Gold . Liberty
The truth is "hate speech" only to those who have something to hide
Male fertility falls in France... and will UK be next? Sperm counts fall rapidly due to diet and lifestyle | Mail Online
Al Gore claims nuclear power will be used in future — “I think the waste issue can probably be solved”
Five Facts About America's Pathological Wealth Distribution
Trader Arrested After $1 Billion Trade In Apple Goes Wrong - Home - The Daily Bail
ah, mephistophelis.: Breaking: Discovery Makes Nuclear Energy Obsolete
'Strange Gold Trading When One Guy, John Paulson, Owns 21% Of The ETF' - Home - The Daily Bail
U.S. is Only Developed County where Younger Generation will Receive Less Education than their Parents -
Noam Chomsky: What the American Media Won't Tell You About Israel | Alternet
REPORT: Soros & Paulson Add To Massive Gold Positions - Home - The Daily Bail
ACLU: Feinstein’s ‘indefinite detention’ ban may expand military role on U.S. soil | The Raw Story
Toxic amounts of aluminium found in infant formulas
New social media app maps out sites of drone strikes
Americans Are The Most Spied On People In World History - Washington's Blog
Santelli: 'Barack O-BLAME-A' Shirks Responsibility - Home - The Daily Bail
CO2 emissions could feed algae biofuel bonanza - Technology & Science - CBC News
Unfinished Business: The Unspoken Link Between Dispersants and Sick Children in the Gulf of Mexico :: :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [gd]
Moscow Times Predicts U.S. Collapse and Secession - The Lone Star Watchdog | The Lone Star Watchdog
Gartman's Warning: Don't Buy Gold Coins - Home - The Daily Bail
Signs of Biological Life Discovered on Mars and Mercury :
CIA, Mossad Suspected in Cyberattack :
Paul: 'No One In Washington Has The Balls To Cut Spending' - Home - The Daily Bail
Ron Paul: Dennis Kucinich and I Are Leaving Congress but We Will Continue to Speak Out | XRepublic
US Court Lets Big Pharma Sail, Cracks Down on Natural Health :
'2016' Oscar Snub Has Filmmakers Claiming Political Bias - The Hollywood Reporter
'$4T Is A Joke, It'll Take $9 Trillion In Cuts To Fix U.S. Debt' - Home - The Daily Bail
Obama's Rich Fans Dodge Obama Taxes | XRepublic
Sec. of State Hillary Clinton Needs Taxpayer Money for Propaganda? | XRepublic
Judge Napolitano: Police Push for Law Requiring Your Text Messages to Be Saved for Two Years | XRepublic
Activist Post: Is a Global Gold Supply Crunch Forming?
WAKE UP AMERICA! - The Real U.S. Budget Problem: Defense & War Spending Equal 94% Of All Federal Income Tax Revenues - Home - The Daily Bail
Plan for Redundancy – Plan for Redundancy | _
The Unconstitutional 2-Party system that has been used to destroy America. - The Lone Star Watchdog | The Lone Star Watchdog
Rand Paul: 'If We're Not the Party of Limited Government and Lower Taxes, What Are We Doing?' | XRepublic
Richard Branson May Lose Control Of Virgin Atlantic In Secret Takeover Bid
** True History [Author Unknown]

Classic Interview with Stanton Friedman | VIDCAST
MICROCOSMOS - The Grass People (Documentary) - YouTube
Brad Steiger on the 'Legacy of the Sky People' and the Serpent race - Panama City Paranormal |
Spook Factory? Pentagon grows CIA twin out of own spy pool - YouTube .
Court Insider Exposes Judicial Treachery | Full Disclosure Network
John Boehner Faces Conservative Fury For Booting Members From Key Committees
Jack Webb meets Obama - YouTube
Weather Channel Helping To Hide The Geoengineering Assault « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
Secret Space War | Veterans Today
Venezuelans Vote Again
PressTV - Zionists extend influence on Nauru, other Pacific micro-nations
MI6 secrets threatened as Swiss spy steals a mountain of data - Telegraph
Activist Post: Comprehensive Scientific Study Calculates the Cost of Geoengineering
PressTV - Economic fascism stunts US recovery
PressTV - Tricks of the global financial elite
Whatever Happened to the American Dream? | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
NPN Article: Before Zionism, Most Christians and Jews were Pro-Palestinian
Israel rejects UN call for nuclear transparency — RT
Iran tells US to 'recount' drones - Telegraph
PressTV - IRGC says fully extracted US spy drone’s data
Catastrophic Complexity
U.S. Congress Imports 100,000 Immigrants Into America Every 30 Days
David Petraeus claimed Rupert Murdoch wanted to bankroll his presidential campaign - Telegraph
Roger Ailes reportedly urged David Petraeus to run for president in 2011 | World news |
FCC Chair May Weaken Rules To Let Murdoch Buy LA Times & Chicago Tribune
PressTV - 1% Wall Street sales tax solution to stablize US federal budget
Homes, cars, jobs: Americans already making big decisions over fiscal cliff -
Manufactured Fear - 15 minutes that will change your life - 12160 Social Network
Fascism, Anyone? Google Chief Likely for Cabinet Post « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
Activist Post: 'Stellar Wind' Whistleblower Reveals More About NSA Domestic Spying
Rense & David Duke - The Elite Are Not Simply Wealthy - YouTube
Activist Post: University Uses Tesla Technology to Wirelessly Charge Electric Bus
The Dysfunctional USSA
The Great Cholesterol Caper | Sinclair News.Net
Obama is Shamelessly in Bed with Al-Qaeda
American Sheep Back at the Feeding Trough! | Sinclair News.Net
Obama to fill key posts in weeks, Hagel on Pentagon short list | Reuters
Thought Forms… | Kirwan's Art & Articles
26 Amazing Facts About Finland's Unorthodox Education System - Business Insider
Stress Found to Shrink Important Regions of the Brain
Climate Change: Scientists Forecast Dramatic Temperature Increase - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Impaired Veterans Could Be Barred From Owning Guns If New Legislation Goes Through | Fox News Insider
2012: The year in pictures -
Thousands of US troops arrive near Syrian shore on USS Eisenhower -
U.S. Ready to Offer Mercenaries $10 Billion for a Drug-War Air Force | Danger Room |
Senate orders study on U.S. no-fly zone in Syria - Washington Times
US-led Coalition Including Jordan, Turkey and Israel Will Attack Syria By Land | StratRisks
Decade of US 'War on Terror' Yields More 'Terrorism' | Common Dreams
Congress Retains Low Honesty Rating
Al Qaida-linked group Syria rebels once denied now key to anti-Assad victories | McClatchy
East Germany's Stasi secret police sold citizens to western pharmaceutical companies to use as human guinea pigs in drug trials | Mail Online
Top NSA Spying Chief: “If You Ever Get On Their Enemies List, Like Petraeus Did, Then You Can Be Drawn Into That Surveillance” -
Conspiracy 5/11 - Who Killed Martin Luther King Jr. - YouTube
Run From The Cure (Discovery of the cure for Cancer, Lupus, and other diseases) - YouTube
North Korean prisoner escaped after 23 brutal years - YouTube
Doing Away with Debt Ceiling Drama - informationliberation
The Homogenization of the Car - informationliberation
CNET On Cars - Reasons why cars look the same - YouTube
Fixing Copyright: Is Copyright A Part Of Free Market Capitalism? - informationliberation
It’s Time to End the War against Cuba The Future of Freedom Foundation
Susan Rice Keystone XL Attacks Put White House In A Bind
McAfee Founder Arrives in Guatemala After Fleeing Belize - Bloomberg
Still shoeless, man in viral photo not homeless, officials say - TODAY News
OMG! Txts make u gd at writing? Srsly? How 'text speak' can help pupils write essays | Mail Online
Obama Theatrics, Obama Reality - informationliberation
Hamas: “We Are Going To Cairo This Month To Implement Unity Agreement” - International Middle East Media Center
Lockheed Martin · Lockheed Martin Demonstrates New Ground-Based Laser System in Tests Against Rockets and Unmanned Aerial System
Video: Doomsday for Iran? US Tests EMP Bomb
The US and Israel: a Short Quiz on 'Rogue Nation' Status
Are Israel’s Jews, Some of Them, on Their Way to Becoming Nazis?
Laptop Seizures by US Government Highlight 9/11-Era Climate of Fear
For Pete's Sake, What's Happened to Our Democracy?
Climate Change UN Secretary-general Says World is in a Race Against Time
The Illusion of Palestine Statehood: Inhumanity, Illegality and Grand Theft
“Legal Imperialism” and International Law: Legal Foundations for War Crimes, Debt Collection and Colonization
September 11, 2001. Launchpad of the “Global War on Terrorism”
Bradley Manning: A Window Into The American Soul
Arson Seen in Attack on Ex-Israeli Spy
Washington Floats Chemical Weapons Charge as Pretext for Syria Buildup
Food, Inc: Inside America’s Corporate Food Industry
Forgotten war that won’t go away: Obama weasels out of his promise to leave Afghanistan by 2015
Foreigner Appointed Governor of the Bank of England
Truth, Propaganda and Media Manipulation
Obama and Al Qaeda
Senate Passes $631 Billion Military Spending Bill 98-0
Historical Roots of the US “War on Terrorism”: The Pathology of a Single Superpower. NATO and Beyond
Israel’s Doomsday E-1 Settlement. Diabolical Encroachment to Prospective Palestinian State
Americans Are The Most Spied On People In World History
Plan for Redundancy. Plan for Redundancy.
Newly Released Drone Records Reveal Extensive Military Flights in US
From Tomb To Table: Cumin's Health Benefits Rediscovered
UPDATE: Iran Releases Video of Captured US Drone
TSA creating new watch list for passengers not worrisome enough to be on bloated no-fly list
How They Fake Terrorism -- Manufactured Fear I - Final Draft - YouTube
Social Justice and Its Critics - YouTube
Why Marijuana is illegal - Joe Rogan - YouTube
Marijuana Legalization Has Record High Support in National Poll
Morsy to address Egyptians amid mounting violence -
New DVR will use camera and microphone to target advertisements based on recordings of users | The Sideshow - Yahoo! News
How Consumer Brainwashed Are You? The Game | Disinformation
No Warrant, No Problem: How The Government Can Still Get Your Digital Data - ProPublica
Birth Defects Found in Vietnam Veterans’ Children | Veterans Today
S&P downgrades world's oldest bank to junk status -
Society Without a State by Murray N. Rothbard
Bradley Manning: A Window Into the American Soul by Paul Craig Roberts
The True Disciple of Saul Alinsky by Patrick J. Buchanan
Countries With the Shortest and Longest Life Expectancy for Men by Robert Wenzel
What Will You Do When the Lights Go Out? by Daisy Luther
Orderly and Humane? - Mail Online - Peter Hitchens blog
Their Proper Name | Eric Peters Autos
The Fight Against the Total Surveillance State in Our Schools by John W. Whitehead
Treasury Secretary Google? |
Your federal tax dollars are being used to prepare for the zombie apocalypse |
IRS finalizes new tax for medical devices in healthcare law | Reuters
NOW: Obama's cabinet needs to be 50-percent female | The Daily Caller
Steven Spielberg's 'Lincoln': What the F@*&! Is Up With All the Cussing? - Hollywood Reporter
‘A Different Attitude:’ Gang Funerals Will Include Searches, Tight Security « CBS Chicago
Scientists create 'coconut-flavoured' pineapple - Telegraph
Capitol Alert: High-income Californians may pay nation's highest tax rate | WOPULAR
Assad considering political asylum in Latin America if toppled: report
Australian PM warns of 'zombie, K-Pop' doomsday
PM Julia Gillard Addresses the End of the World - YouTube
Man Leaves Pit Bull To Babysit Infant Child « CBS Tampa
Gallup: 53 Percent of Democrats Have ‘Positive Image’ of Socialism | CNS News
+BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 5, 2012
+BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 4, 2012
+BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 3, 2012
Why Petreaus Was Sacrificed | Alternative
Pastor Lindsey Williams: Obama to Tax Middle Class into Oblivion! - YouTube
10 Shocking Myths Often Believed To Be True | Alternative
Amateur Astronomer Found Planet X? | 2012
Brown Dwarf, Star In Our, Solar System, - #PlanetX, #Nibiru, #Wormwood, - Close By - YouTube
Planet X: Amateur Astronomer Sees Nibiru, Planet X, Wormwood for the First Time! - YouTube
Augureye Express: Mayans, Annunaki & Hopi, Oh My!
NSA Has Every Email You Ever Sent In Bluffdale Ut Data Center Video - Blatant Violation Of Privacy | Alternative
'Artificial Wooden Plank' Found On Mars | Space
EXOPOLITICS: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe: Move the Moon Movement (MMM): The Saturn-Moon Matrix as an artificial platform and mind control Matrix for Earth
Buyer Beware: The Negative Effects of Energy Drinks
The Agenda Behind Gender Bending -
The untold reason Jesus was born
Pete Santilli Moves To American Freedom Radio - LIVE 11am-1pm PST | Alternative
The Conspiracy to Defile -
Rubio: Obama Tax Hikes Will Devastate American Consumers
Santorum: Obama Already Has 'The Deal He Likes'
Report: Syrian Military Preparing Chemical Weapons for Attacks
Egypt Descends Into Political Turmoil
Democrats Press to Lift Abortion Ban in Military Healthcare
US Republicans Weigh Swallowing Tax Hike on the Wealthy
Obama Leads Heads of State Atop Forbes 2012 Power List
Obamacare ‘Architect’ Moves on to Pharmaceutical Company
Benghazi Video Documents Sudden Armed Attack, U.S. Lawmakers Say
Adelson Plans to Spend Another $200 Million on GOP, Conservative Causes
Watts: GOP Should Be Fired for Election Performance
Poll: Michelle Obama Leads Sen. Kirk In Hypothetical 2016 Senate Race
Dr. Andrew Weil: Natural Ways to Fight Depression
Coffee Found to Combat Diabetes
Sushi Can Harm Brain, Researchers Say
Study: Junk Food Tastes Better on a Diet
Astronaut Kelly Braces for Unprecedented Year in Space
Gravity Mapping Shows Moon's 'Shattered' History
Modern Science Could Prove Serial Killer Gacy Had Additional Victims
DARPA Exposed - YouTube
Thom Hartmann on the News - December 4, 2012 - YouTube
The "Dracula Strategy"... the real loss of sovereignty? - YouTube
What's eating the global economy? - YouTube
WHDT World News Inteview with Rob Richie about 2012 Election - YouTube
Ben Bernanke, Jobs-Saving Superhero? Ramesh Ponnuru vs. Peter Schiff - YouTube
Thom vs. Julie Gunlock - Stop the slow poisoning of Americans. - YouTube
Who Are the Muslim Brotherhood? - YouTube
Restoring Confidence in America
Magic of Capitalism can enhance employment, economy
Food Supply protected by Competition
No Thanks Jeb
Lessons for Obama and Congress
George Will - Newsmax
New Buried Asteroid Impact Crater Discovered in Canada | Wired Science |
Earth's Earliest Dinosaur Possibly Discovered | Oldest Dinosaur Fossils | LiveScience
Paranormal Corner: Salem County Insane Asylum |
Cryptomundo » Bigfoot, Human, Ape, and DNA
Europe in 2050: a survivor's guide to climate change - environment - 28 November 2012 - New Scientist
The Death of “Near Death”: Even If Heaven Is Real, You Aren’t Seeing It | Guest Blog, Scientific American Blog Network
Bugarach: Town 'set to survive the Mayan Apocalypse' cracks open End of the World wine | Mail Online
Will a Secret Private Manned Mission to the Moon Be Announced This Week? | Wired Science |
BBC News - Sleep: Weird things people do in their sleep
Updated: “Scientists” uncover global league of mythical creatures | Ars Technica
Human Evolution Enters an Exciting New Phase | Wired Science |
Murder May Spread Like a Disease | LiveScience
BBC News - Bread that lasts for 60 days could cut food waste
Can a Jellyfish Unlock the Secret of Immortality? -
Do DNA tests prove Bigfoot exists ? - Unexplained Mysteries
VIDEO: Ohio sinkhole, size of 4 football fields, swallows highway -
An artificially intelligent future: Ray Kurzweil on engineering the brain - Telegraph
BBC News - Stem cells being made from blood
2012 Mayan Apocalypse Rumors Have Dark Side, NASA Warns | LiveScience
*C2CAM/'Near Life Experiences' - 12-04-2012 - YouTube
Neurosis |
Lilliputian Homes and the New American Dream
Inanimate Objects Killing Spree Shocks Nation—Maybe Costas Was Right
Is Pearl Harbor Ancient History?
Chemical weapons reports in Syria, exactly as warned
2013 Annual Energy Outlook: Hydraulic Fracturing Key To U.S. Energy Future
Chicago anti-gun politician’s arrest shows true gun control hypocrisy
Following Orders: The Death of Vince Foster, Clinton White House Lawyer
Court Rules Private Display of Nativity Scene is Allowed in Public Places
Why is the United Nations Foundation Bashing Pro-Life Advocates?
Obama Wants Power to Raise Debt Limit By Himself, Anytime
American Reds Still Backing Obama
Worldwide Road Deaths- A Major Epidemic
House Republicans Cave on Tax Increases and Punt Entitlements
Electronic Privacy is the New 21st Century Battleground: Why We Must Fight Back
Plastics used in some medical devices break down in a previously unrecognized way
The Mayan Myth of 2012
2012 should have been about Christianity, it wasn't, GOP loses
US Treasury Bond Shortage
Conservative group launches campaign to 'depose' Boehner from speakership
Why Dick Armey resigned from his tea party organization
20 hottest moments from the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show [SLIDESHOW]
BREAKING: Donald Trump endorses Anna Wintour for prestigious ambassadorship
Top Democrat: Business decisions not taken into account when writing health care law [AUDIO]
Obama stamps foot, demands no-limit credit card
States still have power to reject Obamacare
Election 2012: Echoes of Truman's 1948 campaign
Huelskamp on being booted from budget committee: It’s not about principles, it’s about blind obedience
Mark Levin gives brilliant explanation of both Obama and Boehner
Mark Levin interviews Rep. Huelskamp: “I don’t turn my district over to John Boehner”
Mark Levin goes NUCLEAR: “Who the hell does Boehner think he is?”
Ed Schultz: The NFL should demand players don’t own firearms
Detroit City Councilwoman believes Obama should bail out Detroit because they voted for Obama
Obama demands debt ceiling be part of deal, says he’s not playing the ‘negotiating’ game anymore
BOOM! Obama said in 2011 we can get $1.2 trillion in revenues without raising tax rates
San Francisco: Pro-Hamas protesters to Jewish cameraman: “You’re a f–king murderer”
ZoNation takes on the unholy alliance between punk rockers and big government
Boehner says ideology not why members booted from committees, it was disloyalty
Mitch McConnell called the Senate’s bluff on Obama’s fiscal cliff proposal
Syrian military ready to use chemical weapons, awaiting Assad order
FULL INTERVIEW: Bill O’Reilly vs Bob Costas on gun control
Ann Coulter: Republicans should concede to Obama and raise taxes on the rich
Barkley: "I Carry a Gun"
Obama on Fiscal Cliff Negotiations: It's Not Me Being 'Stubborn' or 'Partisan', It's a Matter of Math
Obama 2011 Flashback: We can get $1.2 trillion in revenue without raising tax rates
Atheists Telling Newcomers to Avoid Congressional Prayer Caucus
Columnist Who Inspired Bob Costas Drops New Bomb: 'The NRA Is the New KKK'
Ed Asner narrates 'Tax the Rich: An animated fairy tale' | MRCTV
Costas: A Gun Owner in Aurora Was More Likely to Shoot Someone for Stepping on Their Foot Than Defend Themselves
Rubio: Obama Trying to “Put a Liberal Trophy in the Trophy Case”
MSNBC's Matthews Obsesses Over 25% of Republicans Favoring Secession; Omits that 29% of Young Voters, 27% of Hispanics Do Too
Fear and Loathing at MSNBC: Matthews Tells Obama "Scare the Dickens Out of Those People"
CNN Asks If GOP Opposition to UN Disabilities Treaty Is 'Stand Against People With Disabilities'
Geithner Says Obama Will “Absolutely” Take Country Over Cliff Without Agreement on Debt Ceiling
Liberal Pundits More Skeptical of Possible Wintour Ambassadorship Than NBC Journalists
Soledad O'Brien Lets Obama Aide Attack GOP, Pushes Republicans to Hike Taxes
Intel Committee Member Rooney: Terrorists Were 'Walking' Into Benghazi Consulate
**Aaron Klein Interviews Michael Savage
Jackie Mason on Obama victory, fiscal cliff fiasco
Obama to issue executive amnesty in 2013?
Bill O’Reilly Confronts Bob Costas Over Gun Control Comments: People Own Guns To Feel Safe
Hannity And Coulter Battle Over Whether House Republicans Should Give In To Obama On Taxes
ABC’s Jake Tapper Asks Jay Carney: Has President Obama Seen The Devil Wears Prada ?
Fox Anchor And Tucker Carlson Battle Alan Colmes Over Union Cartoon Of Rich Man Peeing On Poor People
17 Of 2012′s Craziest And Most Memorable Moments In Television News (Part 1)
Donald Trump Continues Baffling Twitter Streak, Slams ‘Loser’ Karl Rove As ‘An Embarrassment’
Dinesh D’Souza Blames 2016: Obama’s America Oscar Snub Not On It Being Bad, But On Hollywood Liberalism
House Speaker Boehner Faces Backlash From Conservatives Over His Committee ‘Purge’
Ted Nugent: People On Welfare Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Vote
GOP Senator Suggests Obama Would Like To Get Rid Of Military Altogether
Syria war
Limbaugh Fed Up With ‘Stupid Crap’ Of Punishing People Who Work
Has Rush Found The Beginnings Of A Prop 30 Backlash In CA?
RUSH: GOP Leadership Gave Us A Seminar On How To Surrender
New York Times: Arms Shipments ‘Secretly’ Approved by Obama Admin. Ended Up in Hands of Islamic Militants
Fed-Up Homeowner Catches Thief in the Act With Homemade Security System
Detroit Councilwoman’s Actual Rant: We Voted for You, Obama, Now Give Us Some of That Gov’t ‘Bacon’
Egyptian Women Begin to Fight Back Against Rampant Sexual Assault — And Who Do They Think Is Behind It?
Man Haunted by Image of a Newborn Inside a Garbage Bag He Was Handed Outside of Va. Hospital (But There’s a Happy Ending)
Chick-Fil-A Exec Arrested for Trying to Bring gun Through Airport Security
NSA Whistleblower Explains Chilling Interview: ‘Everyone in the U.S. Is Under Virtual Surveillance’
Fiscally Conservative Congressman ‘Purged’ by Speaker Boehner Issues Scathing Response on Facebook and Twitter
‘Black Marble’: These Are the Most Detailed Satellite Images of Earth at Night Yet
U.N. Telecom Standardization Body Approves ‘Deep Packet Inspection’ That Could Be ‘Extremely Privacy-Invasive’
Fla. Man Drove More Than a Mile With a Traffic Sign Embedded in His Head Before Police Pulled Him Over
Illinois Department of Corrections Spent $2M+ on Cable Subscriptions for Inmates
Kansas City Fire Dept. Releases Two 911 Calls Related to Tragic Belcher Murder-Suicide: ‘They Think He’s Probably Dead’
This Chart Implies Something Very Troubling About the Price of Gas
Poll: Half of Republicans Believe 2012 Election Was Stolen — But Was the Question Skewed?
Siberian Fishermen Lost for Three Months May Have Eaten One of Their Friends to Survive
Your Nose Really Can Out Your Lies — Although It Won’t Grow Like Pinocchio’s
Meet the Man Who Lives in a 14-Foot Canoe in Boston Harbor
U.N. Chief Blames ‘Industrialization’ for Global Warming Crisis, Says Rich Countries Need to Pay Up
Fox News Is Keeping Karl Rove & Dick Morris Off the Air Following Poor Election Predictions, Report Claims
Here Are 12 of the Most Interesting Petitions on the White House Website
Report: Obama ‘Genuinely Conflicted’ Over Whether to Pick Kerry or Rice as Next Sec. of State — Choice Could Come Next Week
With Young Voters, Republicans Must Give Up on Social Issues or Give Up Altogether, Poll Data Suggests
Saudi Arabia for First Time Allows Photos of Women in School Textbooks
‘The Simpsons’ Tries to Explain the Fiscal Cliff: It’s About Giving the Rich ‘All the Money’
You Can Now Vote on Facebook’s Policy of Having to Vote on Facebook Policy Changes
At Last: A Video of Alan Simpson (of Simpson-Bowles) Making Fun of Millennials & Dancing ‘Gangnam Style’
Photog Who Took NYC Subway Photo Hits Back at ‘Armchair Critics’: ‘I Could Not Reach That Man — If I Could Have, I Would Have’
Former NYT Reporter: Jeremiah Wright Is a Christ-Like Figure, and ‘White’ Romans Killed Jesus ‘Who Was a Person of Color’
Conflict of Interest? MSNBC Hosts & Other ‘Influential Progressives’ Visit White House to Discuss Tax Policy
Time for another Rick Santelli moment
America's tsunami of B.S.
Gun control's racist component
What happens when Zimmerman's acquitted?
Strip-mall martial arts: Not self-defense
The idiocy of political 'problem solving'
Rich lefties and their taxes
Republicans for big government
Climate scam: A dire threat to sovereignty
P. GELLER: 'Political sensitivities' before life and liberty
America nears el tipping pointo
M. MASSIE: A godless nation: Doomed to fail
W. WILLIAMS: Tax-the-rich demagoguery
What the Bible says about a Palestinian state
Mark Levin: Will Obama's Presidential Library Be In Kenya Or Chicago? - YouTube
Levin Has Had Enough: Who The Hell Does John Boehner Think He Is!? His Egos Way Out Of Control! - YouTube
WASHINGTON: Court hears challenge to Obama recess appointments | Politics |
Bozell warns GOP just strategizing surrender
Famous Fox News faces ‘get dumped off air’
Rubio endorses pathway to citizenship
Dec. 25, the most important pagan birthday
‘History has given John Lennon a bad rap’
Is 12/21/2012 Doomsday?
Apply the BP Standard of Responsibility to Benghazi
Snap, crackle...racist
The Imaginary Mahmoud Abbas
The Ecological Incorrectness of 54 Christmas Trees
Explaining the Progressive attack on Charitable Deductions
Pay no attention to those radical Islamists behind the curtain...
Influential Muslim seminary issues fatwa against...female receptionists?
Egypt: Why It's Onward Muslim Brotherhood Soldiers
Isn't it awful that Fox News is so biased?
New York Post's subway death photo stirs debate over journalistic ethics
Alarming reports that Syrian military is preparing to use chemical weapons
Pentagon Peacocks
American Politics as a Confidence Game
Republicans Should Use Targeted Marketing Strategies
Limiting Government
Whatever Happened to Common Sense?
Debbie Schlussel-JoAnn Watson: Meet the Racist Whackjob Detroit City Council Chick Demanding Obama Bailout
**Dave Brubeck, Jazz Great (& Anti-War Liberal), RIP
Debbie Schlussel-WTF?! Nidal Malik Hasan Judge Removed for “Bias” After Ordering Beard Shaved
Debbie Schlussel-Abdullatif Aldosary: Muslim Immigrant Bombed AZ Social Security Office in Terrorist Attack, Hid Bombmaking Recipes
'Fox & Friends' Hosts: Why Weren't We Invited to the White House with MSNBC?
Drive Off The Cliff: It's Really Better That Way
Fox's Steyn: Louie Gohmert is 'One of the Few Serious People in Congress'
Study: Corexit Made Gulf Oil Spill 52 Times More Toxic
Krugman: Economic Proposals Only Considered 'Serious' if They Inflict Pain on Vulnerable People
GOP Congressman Prescribes 'More Pain for More Individuals'
Creepy: Fox News Host Greg Gutfeld Giggles During Talk About Shooting Deaths of Inner-City Teens
Karl Rove and Dick Morris Benched By Roger Ailes & Fox News
The Simpsons Take on the Fiscal Cliff & the Republican Party
Lawrence O'Donnell: 'Senate Day of Shame'
Sen. Portman Interrupted By Protesters At Fix The Debt Event
Republicans Cite Abortion, Home Schooling to Defeat UN Disability Treaty
Colbert Suggests a New Wedge Issue for Republicans - White Male Patriarchy
PA GOP Leader Wants To Get Rid Of Winner-Take-All Voting
Rick Santorum: The U.N. Might Decide To Let My Child Die
Bob Shrum Schools Ron Johnson: 'Fantasyland' to Credit Reagan for Clinton Economy
Fox And Friends: Pensioners Are 'Takers' Sending States Into 'Death Spiral'
Dick Armey Leaves FreedomWorks Under Tense Circumstances
Lars Larson Compares Bob Costas' Gun Control Remarks to Disenfranchising Blacks
Elizabeth Warren Lands Seat On Senate Banking Committee
Roger Ailes Sends General Petraeus a Message via KT McFarland
FCC Tries To Quietly Hand Rupert Murdoch A Media Monopoly
Jan Brewer: 'I Probably Don’t Believe' Climate Change Is Man Made
Mitch McConnell Supported Filibuster Reform in 2005 To Boost Republican Judges
Boehner Counteroffer: Raise Medicare Age to 67
Actress Ashley Judd Mulls Senate Run
Vince Vaughn Risks Hollywood Blowback by Teaming with Glenn Beck
Evan Sayet: Fellow Comics Admit Going Soft on Obama
Disney-Netflix Deal Boosts Streaming's Future, Cable's Peril
+Jazz composer, Pianist Dave Brubeck Dies at 91
'2016' Producer Blasts Liberal Bias Behind Documentary Oscar Choices
Maxine Waters Appointed Top Democrat on House Financial Service Committee
Immigration Officials to Rehear Obama Uncle's Deportation Case
Teacher Prosecuted for Telling Students to Hit Alleged Bully
American Values Fail: 49% Say American Culture Not Superior
Sen. Graham: No Debt Ceiling Increase Without Entitlement Reform
To Hit Clinton Spending Levels, Obama Would Have to Cut 37% From Budget
Corey Booker Fibbing on Food Stamp $4 Per Day Publicity Stunt
Federal Appeals Court Likely to Invalidate Obama's Recess Appointments
Reid: Boehner Plan Would Raise Taxes on Middle Class
Lost Generation: Youth Unemployment Rate Highest Since WWII
Only 16 Members Can Unseat Boehner, Group Says
Bush Team Uses Immigration Issue to Try to Re-Establish Party Control
Unbalanced Approach: Government Workers Work Less and Earn More
REPORT: More Officials Fired over Operation Fast and Furious
DeMint: Washington Lost for Now
Club for Growth to Boehner: Release Criteria List Used in Purge
Spokeswoman: Armey's $8M Golden Parachute 'Not FreedomWorks's Dollars'
Hoyer: Entitlement Cuts 'on the Table'
Poll: Less Than Half Believe American Culture Superior
GOP Rep: Boehner May 'Target' More Conservatives
Big Unions Keep Shrinking, Losing in the Midwest
Charities Lobby Congress to Save Tax Deduction
Investment Firm Co-Founder: 1-2% Growth 'New Normal'
Video Promoting Black Bloc Anarchists Proves 'Occupy Unmasked' Got It Right
Conservative Reps: Boehner Planning Tax Hikes
New GOP Committee Chair Open to Gas Tax Hike
College Official: Construction Site Must Replace 'Sexist' Men Working Sign
Rep. Hensarling Throws Boehner Under Bus on Conservative Purge
AmericaFAIL: Majority of Young Voters Favor Bigger Government
Bush says immigrants fill gap in labor market
Senate passes $631 billion defense bill
Dem Senators to Strip Gun Rights from Military Vets
Report: Ryan, Rubio Plan Party Future 2016
Christian Groups Join to Support Tech-Savvy Professionals
Chicago Teachers Union VP Busted Participating in Midwest Marxism Conference
Belcher Teammates Refuse to Blame Guns
Christie Seeks FEMA Reimbursement as His Approval Rating Soars
Dem Lawmakers Exploit Belcher Murder-Suicide to Push Gun Control
Club for Growth: Conservatives Free to Fight After GOP Purge
Plutocrats Call for Debt Relief to Avoid Paying Share of Taxes | American Free Press
AFP PODCAST & ARTICLE: Atheists Score Big Victory Against Christmas | American Free Press
Israel Runs Amok | American Free Press
CIA, Mossad Suspected in Cyberattack | American Free Press
Mainstream Media Drops Ball on 9-11 | American Free Press
Downsized crowd likely at Obama's 2nd inauguration
Judicial Vacancies Skyrocket During President Obama's First Term
Boehner ‘flabbergasted’ by Geithner offer - The Hill's Video
Secretary of State Candidate Has a Major Financial Stake in Canadian Tar Sands | OnEarth Magazine
The 12 biggest companies paying workers the least
Chlorine in tap water linked to increase in number of people developing food allergies | Mail Online
CBO: Current Law Brings 55% Increase in Annual Spending, $4.25T in New Debt--And Record Taxation | CNS News
Ronald Reagan: Progressive Taxation Came Direct From Karl Marx | CNS News
Chicago Shootings Spike 49% In November Despite Strict Gun Laws | CNS News
Not News: Syria's Rebels Want Israel's Destruction Next |
Republicans Can't Govern Because They Hate Government, Bill Press and Guest Airily Agree |
MSNBC's Matthews Obsesses Over 25% of Republicans Favoring Secession; Omits That 29% of Young Voters, 27% of Hispanics Do Too |
GOP Wants to 'Turn Poor People Into Mulch,' Claims Ever-Inane Stephanie Miller |
Sen. Ron Johnson: 'We Haven't Made the Case for Economic Growth' | CNS News
Boehner: ‘The President Has an Obligation to Give a Plan to Congress’ | CNS News
Federal Entitlements Prevent U.S. From Being Third World Country, Lawmaker Says | CNS News
Bozell: 'Time for Conservatives to Start Looking for a New Home' | CNS News
Poll: Americans Favor Legalization of Marijuana 51-44 Percent | CNS News
Ryan: US Could Give Every Poor American a Check for $20,000 with the Money Spent on Welfare Last Year | CNS News
Ryan: GOP Must Stop Dividing Americans into ‘Our Voters’ | CNS News
CIA Makes History: Please Apply Here If You Are a Member of the LGBT Community | CNS News
Polling Firm: ‘Values Gap’ Between Young Americans and Europeans Is Narrowing | CNS News
100,000 protest at Egypt's presidential palace | CNS News
'Dr. Phil"s Stolen Classic Chevy Recovered | CNS News
Michael Richards Signed to TV Land Sitcom Pilot | CNS News
Costas Wishes He Had More Time to Talk | CNS News
Dave Brubeck, legend who helped define jazz, dies | CNS News
Concerns About Sovereignty Lead Senate Conservatives to Nix U.N. Treaty on Disabled | CNS News
Salazar at Tribal Conference: Obama Administration ‘Reversed History’ | CNS News
Yes You Can, No You Can't - Obama's Shifting Position on Tax Reform, Hiking Tax Rates | CNS News
Study Finds Fraternity, Sorority Students More Likely to Be Conservative | CNS News
Obama’s Benghazi ‘Cover-up’ Like FDR’s ‘Cover-up,’ Author Says | CNS News
CBO: Scarcity of Young and Females in Labor Force a Drag on Economic Growth | CNS News
Gohmert: ‘We Went Off the Cliff in August of 2011’ | CNS News
BenghaziGate: Obama Admin Knew Libyan Terrorists Had US-Provided Weapons
Cairo: Blood In The Streets, Obama Silent
Attorney: Bradley Manning's Treatment 'Disgraceful Moment in Time'
$631 Billion Defense Bill Will Not Prevent Sequestration
Stolen Valor: Man Faked Special Forces Background for Job
FBI Finds Bomb-Making Materials, Designs in Home of AZ Bombing Suspect
Senate Upholds Indefinite Detention, Restricts Transfer of GITMO Detainees
Petrol Bombs Thrown Outside Egypt Presidential Palace
Iran Claims to Have Information from Captured U.S. Drone
Islamist Sect in Nigeria Grows More Deadly
Palestinians to UN: Stop 2 Big Israeli Settlements
Syrian Warplanes 'Pound Damascus Suburbs'
Official: Iran Has Evidence it Captured US Drone
Pope Calls Out Catholic Charities for Promoting Abortion, Contraception
World View—Analysts: Tables Turned on Assad in Syria War
Mexican Website Teaches How to Perform Chemical Abortions at Home
Al Qaeda Butchery in Yemen
Media Damaging Private Businesses to Protect Obamacare
Media Ignore Obama Imperial Power Grabs
Costas: Guns Wouldn't Have Stopped 'Dark Knight Rises' Massacre
The Hill: No GOP Opposition to Boehner's Tax Hike Flip-Flop
New York Post Under Fire for Photo Taken Seconds Before Man's Death
Costas: Anti-Gun Comments Were 'Mistake'
Report: Fox News Shelves Rove


Video: Detroit Councilwoman to Obama: We Voted for You, Now Bail Us Out With Some Bacon!
Video: Evil Rich Urinate on the Poor in Absurd Cartoon Produced By California Teachers Union
Video: NSA Whistleblower: Everyone in US Under Virtual Government Surveillance, Expanding Under Obama
Video: Clashes in Cairo as Egyptians Rise Up Against Muslim Brotherhood
Video: Fiscal Cliff: Jake Tapper on Where Republicans and Obama Stand
Video: Naked Protesters Butt In on San Fran Nudity Ban Vote
Video: NewsBusted Laughs at Clinton, Kerry, Rice, Obama, Biden and Others
Video: Funny Losers? McCain Calls Kerry 'Mr. Secretary' and Kerry Jabs Back at 'Mr. President'
Video: Flashback: Harry Reid: No Sane Country Would Reward Illegal Immigration with Birthright Citizenship
Video: Obama Aide: With These Republicans, 'There'd Still be Slavery' Today and Even Lincoln Couldn't Fix
Video: Thomas Sowell: 'At What Price?' - The Difference Between Liberals and Conservatives
Boehner Gains Strong Backing of House GOP
Juror bristles over Emanuel's move to erase 'code of silence' verdict
McCarthy sends department's gang expert to head up South Side district
Cops: State senator tried to board plane with unloaded gun, clip
Mob ties mount on O'Hare cleaning contractor
Mitchell: Where is Sandi Jackson?
Prohibition Era In Chicago: Al Capone, Celebrating Repeal And More (PHOTOS)
2 bodies may be linked to missing Iowa girls case
Midnight party: Pot, gay marriage become legal in Washington state
Hasidic Man Denies Abuse Of Young Girl He Counseled
House Approves Eliminating 'Lunatic' From Federal Law
Marijuana decriminalised in Washington state
Marco Rubio On Immigration Reform: More Than 50/50 Chance of Passage
Former Congressman Jack Brooks of Texas dies at 89
NY police: Man confesses in three killings -- two of them 19 years ago
Sheldon Adelson already being courted for 2016
How did confessed serial killer Israel Keyes kill himself in an Alaska jail cell?
Egypt crisis: Fatal Cairo clashes amid constitution row
Guatemalan official: McAfee detained, could be deported to Belize
An Israeli-Palestinian pact
Russians Speculate About Putin's Spine
Royal baby hoax call leaves Duchess's hospital unamused
Suicide truck bombing kills 3 soldiers in northwest Pakistan, wounds over 20 ...
Turkey to keep buying Iran's gas despite sanctions
Remarks by Obama Help Give Markets a Lift
SEC accuses Wells Fargo banker, 9 others of insider trading
Starbucks to add 2400 outlets by '15
Instagram Clashes with Twitter: Who is the Cause?
Microsoft's Surface is not selling, says yet another analyst
New Verizon DVR Could Watch Viewers' Habits, Products Inside Homes
Justice Department meets with firms seeking Google antitrust probe
Blockbuster Is Said to Begin Selling Phones
Hackers Hit Ex-Military Head
Facebook renames 'subscribe' feature to 'follow'
243 million-year-old dinosaur discovered in London museum
The Earth spins at night - YouTube
'Black Marble' images shine light upon a sleeping world
Young Solar System In The Making 450 Light-Years Away Discovered
A Tiny Transforming Robot Inspired by Protein (and Junkyard Magnets)
Plastic bulb development promises better quality light
The 'spidernaut,' NASA's new insect zoo star, dies
NASA: Polar ice sheets are melting
It's A Brain Thing: The Reason Why Older Adults Are More Prone To Fraud
*A Musician of His Time: Remembering Jazz Great David Brubeck - YouTube
Jazz giant Dave Brubeck dead 91
How Rich is PSY?
John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John Unveil New Holiday Music Video
Victoria's Secret's top supermodels: Before the fame (and stylists!)
Jack White's Lady Gaga Comments And The Era Of The 'Polite Sound Bite'
Jay-Z chats with New Yorker who has no idea who he is (Video)
Former Daley bodyguard questioned by Koschman special prosecutor - Chicago Sun-Times
Daley nephew charged with involuntary manslaughter by special prosecutor - Chicago Tribune
Vanecko Charge Raises Questions About Chicago Clout | NBC Chicago
Nephew accused in Koschman case basically ‘good kid’: Bill Daley - Chicago Sun-Times
James Holmes Emails: Accused Colorado Theater Shooter Had 'Romantic Relationship' with Grad Student - ABC News
National Weather Service looks at proposals for changing when hurricane warnings are issued - The Washington Post
Denver Public Schools To Split $25 Million From Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation
Obama Rejects Future Debt Ceiling Limits - YouTube
Amazon's FreeTime Unlimited - YouTube
Voyager 1 poised to break through to interstellar space - CNET News
Tragedy as Woman with debilitating sexual arousal disorder that made her orgasm up to 50 times - YouTube
Through the looking glass: curious tale of rising oil prices - The National
A subsidy that's blowin' in the wind - Opinion -
Smart Grid Could have Aided Storm Sandy Recovery
RealClearEnergy - Why is the IEA Report Considered Good News?
George W. Bush: The Hero of US Wind Energy
Can Reforming the Department of Energy Reinvigorate Clean Energy in Obama's 2nd Term? | The Energy Collective
Ryder: Collaboration is a Must for Natural Gas Expansion
Canada's Oil Sands: A Delicate Dance of Regulators, Industry, the Environment and Economy
ROTHBARD AND RUCKER: Environmentalist power trips harm poor countries - Washington Times
Bermuda Triangle: Behind the Intrigue
Flight 19
The Lessons of Prohibition -
Wayne B. Wheeler: The Man Who Turned Off the Taps | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine
Marine Corps Special Operations: A Brief History | Special Operations Teams | Command Posts
Book Review: The Saint Who Would Be Santa Claus -
The End of the World is NOT Near... Says the Russian Government - Al Mohler
Why Jews Don't Believe In Jesus, why Jews reject Jesus
Richard Schiffman: Do All Religions Teach the Same Truth?
The Claremont Institute - The Perversity of Diversity
Oxford American, Hail to Literary Magazine’s Past and Future -
sp!ked review of books | Why the rich want the super-rich to be restrained
Bookslut | Gift Ideas for Teens
Gmail 2.0 is a promising but ultimately flawed option for iOS users | The Verge
Every Man His Own Shopping Channel | The Dublin Review
When virtual reality sheds the virtual – Arman Gukasyan – The Kernel
What's The Future Of The Sharing Economy? | Co.Exist: World changing ideas and innovation
Is the Pandora backlash finally coming?
Google's Explainer-in-Chief Can't Explain Apple -
Calling Facebook A ‘Democracy’ Is An Insult To Democracy | TechCrunch
How to Beat Shady Data Dealers: Selling Our Own Info - Popular Mechanics
How Microsoft can save Windows and maintain its iron grip over IT | ZDNet
Facebook's new Messenger app: Path to the next billion users? | Internet & Media - CNET News
Technology will replace 80% of what doctors do - Fortune Tech
No Warrant, No Problem: How The Government Can Still Get Your Digital Data - ProPublica
Can Big Data Make Us Healthier? | TechPinions
Instagram kills its own pics on Twitter - Dec. 5, 2012
Why Facebook Will Have Trouble Killing the Text Message |
Next Smartphone Revolution Will Be Price - TheStreet
Karma: The More Data You Share, the More You Get - Businessweek
Is Microsoft Really A Hardware Company Now? | MIT Technology Review
Strange Things at the Far Edge of the Solar System - Blog
The Wow! Signal: The Best Sign of Alien Intelligence? - Blog
Burning Witches Was Good Business (for the Accusers) - Blog
Are You Smarter Than Your Grandfather? Probably Not. | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine
For Lonely Astronauts, a Robotic Companion - Megan Garber - The Atlantic
Origins of new diseases: Zoonotic pandemics come from bats, birds, monkeys, cows, and other animals. - Slate Magazine
Galaxy Grande: Milky Way May Be More Massive Than Thought: Scientific American
Drought and climate change: Cloud nein | The Economist
La profonde réorganisation des réseaux cérébraux dans le coma | INSERM
The dance of quantum tornadoes - Research - University of Cambridge
Why was Mrs Thatcher interrupted so often in interviews? | Education | The Guardian
Allen Frances: DSM-5 Is a Guide Not a Bible: Simply Ignore Its Ten Worst Changes
Who, and what, are we sleeping with? › Science Features (ABC Science)
Smoke Alarm | Conservation Magazine
DNA may help scientists find ‘dark matter,’ the glue that binds galaxies - The Washington Post
"Alien Solar Systems May Prove to be More Habitable than Ours"
7 Gift Ideas For The Climate Change Denier In Your Life | Popular Science
What really caused the Oracle at Delphi to utter mad prophesies?
Breath test for bowel cancer | COSMOS magazine
Disease tracking direct-to-consumer genome sequencing breaks $1000 barrier ($695) | Genetic Literacy Project
Rogue 'Ice Islands' Pose New Threat in the Arctic | Climate Central
Mars exploration: Curiosity and Curioser | The Economist
Iron Empires, Iron Fists, Iron Domes -
Final Countdown - By Micah Zenko | Foreign Policy
Dark side of the Great Renewal: Chinese nationalism - The Globe and Mail
Slaves From Head to Toe | Opinion | The Moscow Times
SONER ÇAĞAPTAY - The new normal on the Turkish-Syrian border
The bumpy road to Arab constitutions | Opinion , Columnist | THE DAILY STAR
Salafist Intimidation Campaign Threatens Young Democracy in Tunisia - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Rand Paul’s new message on Israel
Inside the mind of Iran's Khamenei (+video) -
Is There an Egyptian Nation? - By Shadi Hamid | Foreign Policy
How Crash Cover-Up Altered China’s Leadership Succession
Why China and the U.S. Can Be Capitalist Comrades - Bloomberg
U.S. gingerly expands security role in Central America -
Is Russia About To Ditch Syria? The Truth Is That It May Not Matter - Forbes
Dealing with Japan: time for US to say no
WPR Article | Global Insights: U.S. Army Has Crucial Role in Asia Pivot
NORIEGA: Challenges facing Mexico's new president - Washington Times
Bunker mentality - Telegraph
Syria: Assad's last stand | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian
U.S.-Egypt alliance depends on democratic reform by Morsi - The Washington Post
Russia’s president: Alone at the top | The Economist
Municipal bonds: A train wreck waiting to happen - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet
Jim Cramer: Remember the Upside of Market Fear - TheStreet
The Fed Asks: Why Are We Helping Banks Make So Much Money? - The Daily Beast
The era of central bank independence is over - Matthew Lynn's London Eye - MarketWatch
What Is Gold's Role?
Obama’s Middle East Policy is Hurting our Economy
Fiscal Cliff: Curbing Fraud Could Be First Step to Solution |
Planning Your Taxes For Next Year? Good Luck
For the poor, 'recovery' is a mirage
RealClearMarkets - Now They Tell Us The Economy Is Weak?
Biggs and Richwine: The Underworked Public Employee -
A Good Deal Will Raise Tax Rates, Fix Entitlements - Bloomberg
The Left’s Flip-Flop on the Bush Tax Cuts — The American Magazine
Obama’s Sanctimony Proves Who the Real Scrooge Is - Bloomberg
Why the World Bank Must Divest from Fossil Fuels | The Nation
Harold Meyerson: In this election, makers beat takers - The Washington Post
Not All Dividend Stocks Are Equal: Here's How To Choose The Winners | Stocks | Minyanville's Wall Street
11 shocking, true facts about Simpson-Bowles
It's Not Too Late for a Real Stimulus That Creates Jobs and Lasting Growth - Jim Tankersley - The Atlantic
Innovation Crisis or Financial Crisis? by Kenneth Rogoff - Project Syndicate
Pre-K on the Range
Obama can tackle climate in his second term, and he doesn’t need Congress to do it | Grist
To win the fiscal cliff battle, Republicans should follow the Constitution | AEIdeas
Kill the debt ceiling once and for all! -
The Blue-State Suicide Pact - Forbes
Why the GOP Won't Admit Supply-Side Econ Has Failed
RealClearMarkets - Bad Boy Cities and States Test Fiscal Limits
Forget the Cliff, Fix the U.S. Tax System - Bloomberg
Statement of Robert Greenstein, President, in Response to Republican Budget Offer — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
RealClearPolicy - For Labor Law, Tis The Season For Noel
Op-Ed: Obama Should Risk Going Off The 'Fiscal Cliff' : NPR
+Crystals… made of time | Ars Technica
Physics - Crystals of Time
The Morning Plum: Why Obama won’t negotiate with GOP over debt ceiling
Bargaining and Its Limits - By Yuval Levin - The Corner - National Review Online
Frank Rich: The Fiscal Cliff Is the Y2K of 2012 -- Daily Intel
WOLF: GOP should fear voters, not the 'fiscal cliff' - Washington Times
ObamaCare: 21 States Reject Insurance Exchanges Over Cost, Rules -
Ryan, Rubio, and a fresh coat of paint - The Maddow Blog
The American Spectator : Picking Up the Pieces
Al Qaeda 3.0: Terrorism’s Emergent New Power Bases - The Daily Beast
The Truman Doctrine |
Legal Challenge To Obamacare Insurance Exchanges Is Full Of Holes | The New Republic
Doyle McManus: Much negotiating to come before the 'fiscal cliff' arrives -
The Geithner Plan's Assault on Small Businesses | RealClearPolitics
Keith Ellison: GOP plan fails the fairness test
The Real Fiscal Cliff - Conrad Black - National Review Online
Tax Cut Amnesia | RealClearPolitics
Unionizing at the Low End of the Pay Scale -
Obama: Budget Deal Will Unleash the Economy | RealClearPolitics
Ryan, Rubio lay out vision for future of GOP - CBS News
Mighty Morphin Hillary -
'Fiscal cliff' deal needs spending cuts |
It's Time to Kill the Debt Ceiling
Obamacare architect leaves White House for pharmaceutical industry job | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |
What Canada Can Teach the U.S. About Immigration -
Conservative Republicans could torpedo fiscal cliff deal -
What Americans see in the fiscal cliff standoff -
Review & Outlook: The Budget Baseline Con -
The Affordable Housing Crisis -
President Obama, Architect of Pain « Commentary Magazine
The No-Show Problem | RealClearPolitics
Magical thinking in new GOP fiscal cliff plan
The open-and-shut administration - The Washington Post
Falling back to the debt ceiling? « Hot Air
In 2011 Debt Negotiations, Obama Offered $1.2 Trillion Revenue Increase without Tax-Rate Hike - By Eliana Johnson - The Corner - National Review Online
Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review: The Affordable Care Act: Ten Months to Launch "Obamacare"––Get Ready for Some Startling Rate Increases
Monsters From The Armpits
Where Masturbation and Homosexuality Do Not Exist - Alice Dreger - The Atlantic


Real Clear Markets - Video - Art Cashin: Why I'm Worried About 2013
Real Clear Markets - Video - Pimco's Gross: Looking for Growth ... and Risk?
Real Clear Markets - Video - Blau: Fiscal Certainty Is the Most Important Thing
Real Clear World - Video - Mali Government, Rebels In Landmark Encounter
Real Clear World - Video - Egypt's Morsi Returns After Fleeing Protesters

Political Video:December 4, 2012

Mark Levin Rips Boehner: Who The Hell Does He Think He Is? | RealClearPolitics
Krauthammer: Obama Demanding GOP Raise Tax Rates In Order To Weaken And Neuter Them | RealClearPolitics
Krauthammer: Easy To Get Elected When You Give Away Candy Borrowed From Chinese | RealClearPolitics
Dem Congressman Calls For "Transaction Tax" On Stock Trades | RealClearPolitics
Pelosi: Boehner Proposal An "Assault" On Middle Class, Seniors And Investments | RealClearPolitics
Costas: "Mistake" To Give Anti-Gun Commentary During Football Game | RealClearPolitics
Grover Norquist: Obama "Thinks Somebody Made Him King" | RealClearPolitics
Carney Dismisses Boehner Offer As "Magic Beans And Fairy Dust" | RealClearPolitics
Gergen: Democrats Trying To "Humiliate" GOP Than Get A Bargain | RealClearPolitics
Ted Olson: Getting Republicans To Support Gay Marriage | RealClearPolitics
Obama Dismisses "Cable News" Attacks On Susan Rice | RealClearPolitics
Obama: No Deal On Fiscal Cliff Without Higher Tax Rates For The Wealthy | RealClearPolitics
Tapper To WH: You Know Sen. Obama Voted Against Raising Debt Ceiling? | RealClearPolitics
Reid To GOP: Don't Let Tea Party Dictate Budget Negotiations | RealClearPolitics
Pelosi: Republicans Are "Hostage Taking" Over Fiscal Cliff | RealClearPolitics
Scarborough: When Does Obama Realize He Should Step Up? | RealClearPolitics
Jason Whitlock Interviews Bob Costas About Anti-Gun Comments | RealClearPolitics
Hillary Clinton Presented With Tribute Video Featuring World Leaders At Forum | RealClearPolitics
Dionne: People Shouldn't Be Worried About The Fiscal Slope | RealClearPolitics
"Special Report" Panel On Syria & Chemical Weapons | RealClearPolitics
O'Donnell: Republicans Are Pretending To Compromise | RealClearPolitics

Political Video:December 5, 2012

Eric Cantor: An Obsession To Raise Taxes Will Not Solve The Problem | RealClearPolitics
Marco Rubio Addresses Middle Class Opportunity At Kemp Foundation Dinner | RealClearPolitics
McConnell Offers To Vote On Obama's Fiscal Cliff Plan, Reid Objects | RealClearPolitics
Krauthammer: Obama Wants To "Break" Republicans, "Create A Civil War In The House" | RealClearPolitics
Rick Santelli: You Can't Cut Money You're Not Spending | RealClearPolitics
Geither: "Absolutely" Willing To Go Over Fiscal Cliff | RealClearPolitics
Mr. Burns Of "The Simpsons" Explains The Fiscal Cliff | RealClearPolitics
Alan Simpson Dances To "Gangnam Style" To Bring Attention To Country's Debt | RealClearPolitics
Question To Carney On Ambassadors: What Are Their Qualifications? | RealClearPolitics
Boehner: Obama Needs To Offer Budget Plan "That Can Pass" | RealClearPolitics
Obama In 2011: We Can Get $1.2 Trillion In Revenue Without Raising Rates | RealClearPolitics
Mark Steyn: Obama Aims To Finish Work Of FDR, LBJ To Create "A Big Sweden" | RealClearPolitics
Detroit Councilwoman To Obama: We Voted For You, Now Bail Us Out | RealClearPolitics
Jon Stewart On Congress' Handling Of "Totally Solvable Budget Problem" | RealClearPolitics
Bob Costas: I Was Talking About The "Gun Culture," Not Gun Control | RealClearPolitics
George W. Bush: "Benevolent" Immigration Reform Needed To Boost Economy | RealClearPolitics
Maddow: In Boehner's Offer, Republicans Get Everything They Want | RealClearPolitics
Obama Warns GOP Against Debt Ceiling Fight: "I Will Not Play That Game" | RealClearPolitics
Chris Matthews: "Good Politicians Don't Take Their Countries Off Cliffs" | RealClearPolitics
California Teachers Union Cartoon Video Has Rich Urinating On Poor | RealClearPolitics
"Special Report" Panel On The GOP And Immigration Reform | RealClearPolitics
Wednesday, December 5, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1
Wednesday, December 5, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2
Dec. 5, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN
Dec. 4, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN
The Manning Report – 5 December 2012
The Manning Report – 4 December 2012
Alex Jones - 2012-Dec-05, Wednesday
Alex Jones - 2012-Dec-04, Tuesday
Alex Jones - 2012-Dec-03, Monday
Alex Jones - 2012-Dec-02, Sunday
12/05 The Mark Levin Show
12/04 The Mark Levin Show
The Katherine Albrecht Show Tuesday December 04 2012 Hour 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show Tuesday December 04 2012 Hour 2
The Katherine Albrecht Show Wednesday December 05 2012 Hour 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show Wednesday December 05 2012 Hour 2
The Savage Nation - December 04 2012 FULL SHOW - YouTube
Alex Jones
Alex Jones Show: Wednesday (12-5-12) Full Show - YouTube
Infowars Nightly News for Tuesday, December 04, 2012 (Full Show) - YouTube
Ron Paul: The Film A Powerful Message of Freedom, Liberty, and Anti NWO - YouTube

5 Nov.

William J Federer's American Minute for December 5th
Today in History: December 5
What Happened on December 5th This Day in History
This Day in History for 5th December |
December 5 Events in History
December 5th in History
Today in History: December 5
Today in History for December 5th - YouTube

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