A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

18 December 2012

18 Dec.

Prison » Pediatrics Association Fights against Thimerosal Mercury Ban
Prison » Neurological disorder MMF found to be caused by vaccines: scientific proof
Prison » Alzheimer’s drug trial test used for 20 years appears worthless
Some Unlikely Democrats Join in Push for New Gun Laws -
Prison » Martial Law in One City: The Case of Paragould, Arkansas
Prison » The TSA Apologizes—Not
Living in a simulated world: UW scientists explore the theory | Local News | The Seattle Times
Poll: School shooting seen as sign of larger societal problem - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Prison » 36 UBS Bankers To Be Implicated In Liborgate, Criminal Charges To Be Filed
Obama, Boehner, close gap, eye trillion-dollar tax hike | The Daily Caller
Boehner’s House Has Increased Debt $18,944 Per Household | CNS News
Iran Hit With New Batchwiper Virus - Business Insider
Are U.S. Patriot Missiles Being Sent To Turkey-Syria Border Really Aimed At Iran? -
7NEWS - Colorado flooded with record 4,200 gun-buyer background check requests after Conn. school shooting - Local Story
Prison » 22 Stats That Prove That There Is Something Seriously Wrong With Young Men In America
Mayor Bloomberg to ban New Yorkers smoking in their OWN homes | Mail Online
Prison » No, Mentally Ill People Would NOT Necessarily Have Become Violent Without Anti-Depressants
Obama asks Cabinet members for proposals to curb gun violence - The Washington Post
Bloomberg pressures President Obama to 'lead from the front' on gun control - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Senator Collins supports new look at gun and mental health laws in wake of rampage | Government Security News
South Carolina Lawmakers Propose 5-Year Jail Sentence for 'Obamacare' Implementation - US News and World Report
Gun Maker's Stock Soars More Than 700% Since Obama's Inauguration in 2009 | CNS News
Prison » Sporting goods chain suspends sale of certain semi-automatic after shooting
Adam Lanza Played Call Of Duty - Business Insider
Prison » Professor Denies Death Threat Against NRA Head
Prison » Study Blames Natural Rights for Gun Violence
Prison » CBI Deals With Massive Influx Of Potential Gun Buyers
CBI Deals With Massive Influx Of Potential Gun Buyers « CBS Denver
Prison » Former Obama Information Czar Calls Second Amendment Rights “Crazy”
Prison » White House: Obama Would Support New Gun Laws
Prison » Adam Lanzer Was On Antipsychotic Drug Known To Cause Aggressive Behavior
Prison » Facebook Suspends Account For Questioning Official Narrative on Shooting
Prison » Will Obama Cry For Children He Has Killed With Drones?
Prison » Ban all people on psychiatric medication from owning guns, driving cars or voting for President
Prison » New U.S. “Embassies” Being Built All Over the World Are Actually Spy Centers
Prison » Microsoft Japan “Convinces” TV Station To Remove Segments Covering Gates’ Population Control Activities
Prison » The Psy-Ops War on Preppers: This Has Become a Two-For-the-Price-of-One Crisis
Prison » Teachers – It Is Time To Arm Yourselves Regardless Of The Law
Prison » Gun-free Zones Called “Magnets for Mass Shooters”
Previous A Look Inside the Federal Reserve (An Infographic) -
Foreign holdings of US debt hit record $5.48T
Geopolitical Jitters May Dictate Course of World Economy - Bloomberg
Japan's Shinzo Abe prepares to print money for the whole world - Telegraph
Researchers Studying High Rates of Cancer and Birth Defects in Iraq - SPIEGEL ONLINE
New paramilitary force to battle narco gangsters in Mexico | StratRisks
What In The World Are Barack Obama And John Boehner Thinking? -
Currency Cartel: Counterfeiting 'Risk Free' | Gordon Long |
Surveillance State: Ecuador Implements “World’s First” Countrywide Facial- and Voice-Recognition System | StratRisks
Instagram Can Now Sell Your Images Without Your Knowledge | Fstoppers
Connecticut Shootings What No One Dares Say - YouTube
Gun Control explained - YouTube
Obama 'Baiting' Next American Civil War - YouTube
When is social-media use a crime? -
Paleolithic Giants in America | ZenHaven
Incredible Suren Manvelyan eyescapes create windows to the soul | Information, Gadgets, Mobile Phones News & Reviews |
PressTV - Israeli death squads involved in Sandy Hook bloodbath: Intelligence analyst
Shooting Shows America Is Irreparable - Morris - YouTube .
On the Contrary: Debate online over “Usury in Christendom"
Mayan mania: end of times or new era? | Video |
The Mayan Clock Was Broken By The Inquisition
Sandy Hook Elem: 3 Shooters (A CLOSE LOOK) - YouTube
Pharaoh's murder riddle solved after 3,000 years - Telegraph
'Frankenstein foods' a good thing? It's all great GM lies | Mail Online
BBC and ITV apologise to Lord McAlpine for sex abuse allegations | Media |
Rebecca Peters, Director IANSA - Wants To Take Your Guns
How to stop the slaughter of the innocents
No cyberstalking charges for Petraeus' mistress Broadwell -
China Detains 500-Plus People for Doomsday Rumors - ABC News
“HEY YOU”: Orwellian Government Oppression and Never Ending Wars | Global Research
Number of homeless students hits new record: Over 1 million -- Society's Child --
Richard Engel and NBC News team freed from captors in Syria - World News
CIDRAP >> FOOD SAFETY SCAN: FDA nod for New Zealand food safety, US gastroenteritis spread, MRSA in UK milk
Sandy Hook, Dark Knight Rises, Aurora, Skull&Bones « Jon Rappoport's Blog
How the Newtown massacre became a Mind-Control television event « Jon Rappoport's Blog
How and Why They Hide in the Light « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
Central banks risk bond market crash in turning monetary dial to 11 - Telegraph
Italian technician, two Russian workers kidnapped in Syria — RT
PressTV - US to sell Oman missiles, bombs
PressTV - Russia sends warships to Mediterranean Sea
Activist Post: Arkansas Police Chief Claims Crime Stats are Probable Cause to Shakedown All Pedestrians for ID
Obamacare Summed Up in One Sentence - YouTube
Mike Rivero - NYPD Spying On Muslims - YouTube .
Canadian 9/11 Petition: History, Follow Up With Paul Dewar And Future (feat.WAC OTTAWA) - YouTube
SSRIs Kill, don't let planted alt media garbage distract you - YouTube
Myths about the Jewish State | Interview with Miko Peled - YouTube
Myths about the 'Jewish State', Media Exploits Sandy Hook Mass Shooting - YouTube
Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging - Full Movie | XRepublic
State Police Admit To Spying On Social Media Websites After Sandy Hook Shooting | XRepublic
Activist Post Forum - Political Calculator Malfunction: Mathematically speaking ... Why those calling for gun control are dead wrong
Gun Control explained | _
You Won’t Believe The Crazy Things That Are Being Said About Gun Owners | _
Obama ‘Baiting’ Next American Civil War | _
Beyond the Physical Realm: The Shootings, The Globalists and Gun Control: The 2nd Phase of Disarming Americans
Holder's SECRET Power Grab Threatens Constitution - Home - The Daily Bail
The Right To Keep And Bear Arms - Quotes | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
The Right To Keep And Bear Arms The Meaning of the Second Amendment.
Christopher Bollyn:When is a Massacre not a Massacre?
"Holmes' Father - LIBOR" connection originates from known disinfo dispenser Sorcha Faal | Peace . Gold . Liberty
Popular acne drug linked to causing mental health problems, yet wildly over-prescribed
Four shot dead in Colorado murder-suicide, police say - Yahoo! News Canada
In 1995, Eric Holder called for anti-gun info campaign - 'Brainwash people' | XRepublic
Gun Owners vs. Gun Grabbers. Who is Unreasonable and Belligerent? - The Lone Star Watchdog | The Lone Star Watchdog
Adam Lanza Taking Antipsychotics - Business Insider
Moulding Young Minds: American Schools Preaching the Virtues of a War On Iran | Global Research
Putin's Arms Dealers Are Selling More Weapons to More Dirtbags Than Ever | Danger Room |
ah, mephistophelis.: In Prison, Would-be Snitches Pay $$$ For Info: ALARMING IMPLICATIONS
Ron Paul On John Stossel - The Fiscal Cliff | XRepublic
If I Wanted America To Be A Dictatorship (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
Activist Post: Human & Synthetic Hormones Now Contaminate Fresh Produce
Families hit after supermarkets hike 'budget' food prices by as much as 110% in just a year | Mail Online
Activist Post: 27 Items Every Prepper Should Carry While Traveling
**Christopher Bollyn: The Book - Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World
**The 9/11 Commission Report - Avalon Project -pdf
Backgrounder on Sorcha Faal | The 2012 Scenario
December 17, 2012 Hunger Games "Experiment" Said Behind Connecticut Massacre
December 15, 2012 Connecticut Massacre Blamed On Son Of Top CIA Analyst
Hollywood Hologram -
PSY OPS, BLACK OPS AND RIP OFFs >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds
Black Magic, Masonic Witchcraft, and Triangle Powers >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds
Preppers in Obama's Crosshairs - YouTube
» They’re Coming For Our Guns: This is the Big One Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Anonymous Senator Uses “Secret Hold”: Blocks FBI’s Immediate Response To Violent Crimes Bill Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Life is Dangerous — Ban Everything Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Former Obama Information Czar Calls Second Amendment Rights “Crazy” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Gov. Rick Perry Backs Teachers Packing Heat Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Microsoft Japan “Convinces” TV Station To Remove Segments Covering Gates’ Population Control Activities Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
IBM reveals its vision for the future of technology | Mail Online

IBM Next 5 in 5: 2011 - YouTube
Anonymous Targets Westboro Baptist Church Over Newtown Picket Plans |
Premiere of bloody 'Django Unchained' canceled; movie still scheduled to open on Christmas | Fox News
» ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Scene Eerily Shows “Sandy Hook” Written on Map Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Ban all people on psychiatric medication from owning guns, driving cars or voting for President Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
CBS News: ‘Fast and Furious’ Gun Found At Site Where Mexican Beauty Queen Killed « CBS DC
Bill Gates Awards Researchers For Development of Electrically Spun Cloth Whose Fibers Deliver Contraceptive and HIV Drugs
How Wal-Mart Used Payoffs to Get Its Way in Mexico -
Health Canada plans to treat marijuana like other medicines - Politics - CBC News
25 Studies Prove Fluoride Reduces Your IQ - Waking Times : Waking Times
» An American Stasi Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Jailed without conviction: Behind bars for lack of money -
» Why The NWO Hates Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Mexico to create new police force to fight cartels - FRANCE 24
Russia to vote on banning US adoptions: lawmakers
Sandy Hook Mass Shooting InfoGraphic
Obama, Republicans Move Toward Deal to Slash Social Programs
Wave of Bombings Batters Iraq in Deadliest Attacks in Months -- News from
Richard Engel and NBC News team freed from captors in Syria - World News
Hagel Has Consistently Opposed Sanctions -- News from
Hagel, Kerry, and Obama’s Second Term « Blog
Kristol Launches the Neo-Con Campaign to Stop Hagel «
Bin Laden film leak was referred to Justice; leaker top Obama official | McClatchy
Chuck Hagel: An Unconventional Realist by Justin Raimondo --
Paul, Kucinich Drone Resolution Rejected by House Judiciary Committee
City After City, Buses Are Being Bugged by Big Brother
Latest Move by the Federal Reserve Raises Important Questions
Navy Caves In to Atheist Group, Scraps Live Nativity at Bahrain Base
Obama Administration's War on Religion
New Mobile Pre-Crime Technology Marketed to U.S. - Developed by Ex-Israeli Intelligence
15 Signs That The Ring Of Fire Is Waking Up As We Head Into 2013
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville: The Gadgets of Surveillance
Corrupt British Government Buys Silence on Torture
Be Warned: False Flag Cyberattack Planned on Banks Will Steal Your Money
Thousands Remain Displaced From Sandy Without Heat and Power
The Official Columbine Story is a Big Lie
What No One Dares Say About Connecticut Shootings
Don't Confuse the Right to Bear Arms for a Right to Commit Violence
The “Fiscal Cliff” Is A Diversion: The Derivatives Tsunami and the Dollar Bubble
Military Escalation, Dangerous Crossroads: Russia-US Confrontation in Syria?
Chemtrails, Aerosol Geoengineering and Bioengineering: A Massive Biological Experiment of Unknown Purpose
Farmer to Farmer: The Truth About GM Crops
Growing Social and Wealth Inequality in America
The Mayan 2012 “End of the World” Prophecy: People Buy “Noah’s Ark Survival Pods” …
Homophobia and Misogyny in America: The Origins of Second Wave Feminism
9/11 Revisited: Seeking the Truth Regarding the Anthrax Attacks
New U.S. “Embassies” Are Actually Spy Centers
Three Armed Women Teachers Shot Adam Lanza In A Classroom | Politics
3 Shooters At Sandy Hook! A Close Look From The Idaho Picker | Conspiracy Theories
The Illuminati Rises: Enlightened Initiators of Change Practice Human Sacrifice To Mobilize Public Opinion For Gun Control | Alternative
Peter Lanza Father Of Adam Lanza is a FICTION | Conspiracy Theories
Peter Lanza father of Adam Lanza is the TAX DIRECTOR for General Electric! | InvestmentWatch
Batman Tied To December 21st, 2012: Were Connecticut School Shootings 'An Offering To The Dark Rift'? | Alternative
Has The NRA Become Powerless? | Blogging/Citizen Journalism
Newtown: Two Shadows Running Past Gym While police are heard saying 'THEY are coming toward us. We got THEM' | 2012
What Are They Hiding in Newtown?Are Pill Pushers And Psychiatric Drugs Connected To Mass Killings? | Alternative
The Dark Knight Rises Prophesied Sandy Hook Shooting | Economy
Creepy Illuminati Message In Batman Movie Hints At Sandy Hook School | Paranormal
Was the Newtown Killer A Secret Front For Something More Sinister? | Politics
The Media Were Wrong--Again--With the Connecticut Murders | Politics
Win Every Gun Control Debate Using These Facts | Survival
PROOF The Sandy Hook Massacre Was A False Flag Operation? Adam Lanza’s Long Gun WAS Never in the School, It Was in His Car | Terrorism
Was Egyptian 'God' Murdered? | Strange
Nibiru And December 21 Doomsday In New NASA Video | Space
Former Cop Reveals Obama's Medical Tyranny Plans For Amercia | Alternative
“Largest Evidence Ever” Uncovers – Central Banks Manipulating Gold | Gold and Precious Metals
Monsanto's Roundup Devastating Gut Health, Fueling Deadly Bacteria
Ray gun feared as America’s biggest threat
‘How-to’ for EMP weapon stunningly accessible
What Happens in the Universe on 12-21-12 | Space
Largest 9-11 cancer study raises more questions than it answers about possible risks linked to attacks
F-35 Fighter Is Latest in Long Line of Wasteful Weapon Failures
Quantum Imaging Technique Heralds Unjammable Aircraft Detection | MIT Technology Review
U.S. Marine Makes First Ever Same-Sex Marriage Proposal in the White House |
Two thirds of Germans believe immigrants are an 'extra burden' which have caused 'serious problems' for the country | Mail Online
Steven Strauss: Is Our Republic Ending?
**Coast to Coast AM - Dec 17 2012 - Stone Structures & Giants C2CAM - YouTube
Mind over matter helps paralysed woman control robotic arm | Science | The Guardian
BBC News - Has World War II carrier pigeon message been cracked?
7 Good Reasons Why There Might Be Life on Other Planets
How to get fossil fuels from ice cream and soap
The Bloody Truth About Serbia's Vampire
EXCLUSIVE: Fear of being committed may have caused Connecticut gunman to snap | Fox News
EXCLUSIVE: Nancy Lanza feared son, Adam, was ‘getting worse’; told friend ‘he was burning himself with a lighter’ and that she was 'losing him' - NY Daily News
Document vindicates Army officer’s teaching on Islam
Islamic jihackers – coming soon to a bank near you – Telegraph Blogs
Where's Hillary Clinton's medical report? | The Daily Caller
SSI overpaid billions to disabled poor - Washington Times
Border Patrol stops translating Spanish for other police - Washington Times
Review finds some aliens get benefits - Washington Times
Former Navy cryptologist charged with attempted spying for Russia | World Tribune
Responding to CT Shooting, Dearbornistan Muslima Gun Control Activist Tweets, “N-ggers Shouldn’t Have License [sic]“
It Begins: Major Pension Fund Looks to Divest From Gun Maker Remington
Merry Christmas From the Jihad Brothers! Planned to Bomb NYC Christians Using Christmas Tree Lights
RUSH: No Such Thing As An “Assault Weapon”… “It’s A Political Invention.”
Limbaugh: ‘Not A Single Tax Cut Being Proposed’ In Fiscal Cliff Deal
RUSH: Why Is It Anti-Gun People Never Use Urban Violence As Example To Get Rid Of Guns?
Mexican President Outlines New Direction in Drug War -
BBC News - King Ramesses III's throat was slit, analysis reveals
'King of Porn' Fabian Thylmann arrested on charges of avoiding paying tax | Mail Online
Dukakis seen as possible Senate replacement if Kerry tapped for State - The Hill
$10B Down the Tubes: Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ a Fraud | American Free Press
Globalists Want Obama to Push Climate Issue | American Free Press
American Whistleblowers Go Public; Reveal Threat to Nation from Reactors | American Free Press
How Walmart Helped Make Newtown Shooter's AR-15 the Most Popular Assault Weapon in America | The Nation
Clues Hint at School Shooter's State of Mind -
Mother Was Connecticut Shooter's Link to World -
U.S. mass shootings in 2012 - The Washington Post
Big Brother Is Watching in Multitude of New Ways | American Free Press
4 Parts/Analyzing The Now – Max Igan
Shocking Connection ~ CT Shooting & Govern by Crisis - YouTube
AVTM #39 Gun control isn't the issue, you predictable twats! - YouTube
Solutions: 3D Printing - YouTube
**Power of the Purse (full length) - YouTube
How Much 'Flexibility' Will Vladimir Putin Exhibit In Obama's Second Term?
British MP Says He Can't Get Answers From NY Times CEO Mark Thompson Regarding BBC Child Sex Abuse Scandal | CNS News
Hoyer: Boehner's Tax Proposal is Same ‘Political Ploy’ Pelosi Made in May | CNS News
Boehner on Backup Fiscal Plan: ‘We Would Not Deal With the Sequester’ | CNS News
Transparency? EPA Under Investigation for Using 'Alias' Emails to Avoid FOIA Requests | CNS News
Tony Perkins: Could More Tolerance for Faith Prevent Violence Such as School Shooting? | CNS News
Rep. Schwartz: ‘Respect for Life’ Means ‘Different Things to Different People’ | CNS News
AP Sources: New Obama Offer Moves Toward Boehner | CNS News
Senator-to-Be Tim Scott: ‘Our Second Amendment Right is a Fundamental Freedom’ | CNS News
Gallup: 52% Say Boy Scouts Should Not Allow Homosexual Scout Leaders | CNS News
Iranian Military Is ‘Duty Bound’ to ‘Mass Produce’ Drones, Iranian Defense Minister Says | CNS News
DOJ: Murders of School-Age Children Down 42%; Only 1% Take Place at School | CNS News
Michael Moore: 'Killing Is Our Way. We Began America w/Genocide' | CNS News
CBS Hounds Rahm Emanuel From the Left on Gun Control; Completely Avoids Chicago's High Murder Rate |
Forget Dec. 21, watch out for 1/11, 2/11, 3/11
Psych meds linked to 90% of school shootings
Connecticut school shooting: police fail to recover data from Adam Lanza's computer - Telegraph
Health hazards linked to utility meters
Chicago robbery, chase, crash and a riot
A Soviet mole in FDR’s White House?
Feds look other way as wind farms kill birds -- but haul oil and gas firms to court | Fox News
Ex-Obama official funding al-Qaida-tied rebels
Cheaper air fares as oil prices fall - Telegraph
**Video: Ancient Dead Sea Scrolls digitised in co-project by Israel and Google - Telegraph
Hillary's creative excuses about testifying
Train the Militia and halt the massacres
Every gun-control argument: Nonsense!
Homeschool and pack heat
Chicago media go Tokyo Rose over jihad truth ads
America's loser black cities
'People of faith' to take on gun lobby?
Obama Misdirection 101
End of the world? Been there, done that
Gun-control zealots rise, again
The dead soul of Adam Lanza
CIA to be accountable for torture?
Lipstick on a pig? It's still jihad
ATF, charged with regulating guns, lacks resources and leadership - The Washington Post
Christie likely to gain support of powerful labor union in second bid for governor |
House GOP seeks more documents in probe of health law's subsidies - The Hill's Healthwatch
Sen. Menendez likely to take Foreign Relations panel in wake of Kerry exit - The Hill's Global Affairs
Republicans see key gaps in report on Benghazi - Washington Times
David Maraniss: President Obama’s ‘Gettysburg address' - Patrick Gavin -
Dvid Letterman not joking about guns - Katie Glueck -
Region’s rising wealth brings new luxury brands and wealth managers - The Washington Post
New test could help diagnose Alzheimer's disease in live patients
Don’t Know What Wakeskating Is or How Cranberries Are Really Harvested? This Visually Stunning Video Somehow Combined Both
We Picked Through All Those ‘Top Gadgets’ Lists You’re Seeing and Found the 6 Best Items on Them
Oliver North on Wilkow: There’s Not Going to Be an End to Massacres Just Because You Change the Appearance of a Weapon
Israeli Embassy Facebook Post: If Jesus and Mary Were in Bethlehem Today, They’d Be Lynched by Palestinians
Former Navy SEAL Reveals 3 Ways to Protect Your Children
Popular Photo Site Instagram Unveils Alarming New Policy: It Could Sell Your Pics Unless You Delete Your Account by Jan. 16
Christian Radio Host Who Eerily Predicted His Own Motorcycle Accident Dies — And Here Is His Last Email Exchange With TheBlaze
Latest Cover of Transsexual Fashion Magazine Features ‘Transwoman’ Dressed as Michelle Obama
Iran’s Supreme Leader Reportedly Creates Wildly Popular Facebook Page
Should Americans Learn From Israeli Gun Laws?
NRA Breaks Silence on Sandy Hook Shooting: ‘We Were Shocked, Saddened and Heartbroken’
School Board Bans Confederate Flag, Any Other Imagery Deemed to Be ‘Racially Hostile, Offensive or Intolerant’
New 9/11 Study Finds ‘No Evidence’ of Link Between Ground Zero Exposure and Cancer
‘I Don’t Care if a Bunch of White Kids Got Killed’ — Find Out Who Said This About Sandy Hook Massacre
These Are ‘The Best CEOs’ of 2012 (And the Political Parties They Support!)
California Substitute Teacher Inherits ‘Loner’ Cousin’s $7.4M Gold Coin Fortune
Why Does the Teamsters Union Appear to Be Flying Its Union Flag Above the U.S. One Outside the Group’s D.C. HQ?
Charles Krauthammer: Hillary Clinton ‘Seems to Have a Severe Benghazi Allergy’
That ‘Impossible to Decrypt’ Message Found Tied to WWII Carrier Pigeon May Have Just Been Cracked…in 17 Minutes
Gun-Carrying Arizona Man Helps Nab Bank Robber — And All He Had to Do Was Show the Suspect He Was Armed
11 Fascinating Facts About the McDonald’s McRib
Is This What Made Sandy Hook Elementary Shooter Adam Lanza Snap?
Gun Control, Thought Control and People Control
It is time to have background checked – armed guards at Public schools
The Fix is in: Hillary’s Benghazi cover-up—like Vince Foster death investigation
Obama: Give me Dictatorial Powers or I’ll Take your Country out
Following Orders: The Death of Vince Foster, Clinton White House Lawyer
The Executive Branch Is More Important Than You
Dictator Obama: No more Bill of Rights—No Compromise on Demands
Is America Becoming a Pagan Kingdom?
Human Trafficking Border Interception Programs Greatly Exceed Expectations
The answer to the mass murders in America
Sandy Hook Shooting: Let’s Dump the Psychological Doubletalk
More Money for Pensions Means Less Money for Roads
Sandy Hook Massacre: At Issue—-Evil, the Human Condition, and Free Moral Agency
EyeSee You and the Internet of Things: Watching You While You Shop
The Strategic Concentration of Modern Children
The Only Way to Stop School Shootings
Can Islam reform?
Can ObamaCare Be Stopped?
Redistribution as Slavery
Hobbits,Orcs, and the Human Condition
No Bipartisanship in Support of Tyranny
Professor calls for murder of NRA president
State Department says independent report on Benghazi due out this week
In nation's capital, the government robs from the poor and gives to the rich
It's Not about the Settlements, Stupid
Video: NewsBusted: GOP Avoids 'War on Little People' and Clinton Lies (Again)
Video: Sen. Lieberman Wants Gun Bans By Obama Executive Order
Video: PJTV: A Debt that Will Live In Infamy: America's Ticking Debt Bomb
Video: Soledad O'Brien Clashes With Gun Advocate John Lott: 'Your Position Completely Boggles Me'
Video: Joe Scarborough: Newtown Shooting Made 'Ideologies Of My Past' On Guns Irrelevant
Video: Flashback: Eric Holder: 'We Must Brainwash People Against Guns'
BH Interview: Ken Wahl on How Actors Learn to Take Government Handouts
David Letterman: 'Not Dumb Enough' to Say School Shooting just a 'Gun Problem'
President Clinton Hypocritical Teaming with Martin Scorsese for New HBO Doc
Discovery Cancels 'American Guns'
Samuel L. Jackson: Guns, Movies, Video Games Have Nothing to Do with Sandy Hook
School Shooting Compels Entertainment Changes
Gohmert Blasts Boehner's Fiscal Cliff 'Plan B'
GOP Congressman: Obama 'Wants Us To Go Off The Cliff' to Benefit Pelosi
Benghazi Report Critical of Diplomatic Security at U.S. Consulate in Libya
Latino Groups: Immigration Reform Will Happen 'Over The Political Bodies' of Congress
McConnell Not Thrilled with Boehner's Fiscal Cliff Plan
Senators Demand Answers From Clinton, Napolitano, on Visas to Welfare Cases
Huelskamp: Boehner Dusting Off Pelosi Plan Will Jeopardize GOP in 2014
Relevant: Full Disclosure of Hillary Clinton's Medical Condition
Lawsuit Claims Three Police Officers Illegally Forced to Give DNA Samples
Newtown Shooting: The Gunman Who Knew No Pain
Police Frustrated in Attempts to Decipher School Shooter's State of Mind
Mental Illness Expert: How to Prevent Future Sandy Hook-Type Tragedies
Price Named Vice-Chair of Budget Committee Ahead of 'Fiscal Cliff' Vote
Rubio Distances Himself from Boehner on Fiscal Cliff
Belcher Threatened to Shoot Girlfriend Two Months Before Murder-Suicide
Boehner Offers Tax Hikes on $1M Earners, Obama Rejects
Boehner: Time for 'Plan B'
Reid: Boehner Fiscal Cliff Plan Can't Pass Senate
Groups: Sandy Relief Bill Filled with Pork Unrelated to Disaster Relief
Report: U.S. Gov't Owes $5.5 Trillion to Foreign Entities
Boehner Sells Surrender to Conference
Rockefeller: Violence in Media, Video Games 'Must Be Addressed'
Even Without Congress, Obama Could Act to Restrict Guns
Gun Prosecutions Down 40% During Obama Presidency
Kucinich Renews Call for 'Department of Peace'
Tea Party Detractors Cry Foul After Governor Haley Appoints Rep. Tim Scott to U.S. Senate
Obama Lines Up Corporate One-Percenters to Fund Inaugural
Haley: Scott 'The Right U.S. Senator' for Our State and Country
Left Media Falsely Accuses Fox News of Quashing Gun Control Debate
'Undocumented Americans' On Short List For Time's Person Of Year
NRA Releases Statement, Shows More Class than Media
CBS' Norah O'Donnell Mischaracterizes AR-15 as Automatic Weapon
Scarborough Calls for Restrictions on Guns and Speech
Psychiatrist: Lanza Was 'Pseudocommando' with 'Wounded Narcissism'
Charlie Rose, Norah O'Donnell Drop All Objectivity, Grill Rahm Emanuel
Media Ignore Equivalent of School Shootings per Month in Chicago
NYT: Scalia Created Right to Bear Arms in 2008
CBS News' Scott Pelley Irresponsibly Casts Shadow of Suspicion over Autistic Americans
Fact-Checking Kristof's Gun Control Strawmen
ABC, CBS Ignore Historic Appointment of Only African American Senator
CBS Describes Semi-Auto Weapons as 'Rapid-Fire' to Make Them Sound Menacing
Bolton: Clinton Suffering from 'Diplomatic Illness' to Avoid Benghazi Testimony
Support for Hamas Grows Among Palestinians Despite Targeting Children
Chinese State Media Demands US Citizens Be Disarmed
Ahmadinejad Criticizes US in Wake of Newtown Massacre
How Does Egypt Regain Its Once-Coveted Status? An Interview with Walid Phares - Part I
What Is the End-Game for Egypt? An Interview with Walid Phares - Part II
Iraq Official Says President Talabani Had Stroke
Coal Use Set to Surpass Oil in a Decade: IEA
China Resists Moves to Sanction N. Korea: Diplomats
World View: After 20 Years of Deflation, Japan's New Leader Will Try Devaluation
CAIR Praised Hagel for Trying to Stop Israel from Striking Hezbollah in 2006
Govt Offering $378,000 to Teach Chinese Firms U.S. Shale Gas 'Technologies'
Here Come the Grief Counselors, Over the Hill, Pouring Into Newtown, Connecticut by Jon Rappoport
Frankenfoods, the Fraudulent Food Pyramid and Other Folderol by Ilana Mercer
The Psy-Ops War on Preppers by Daisy Luther
Report: Congress To Move Against Guns: 'It Will Ban the Sale, the Transfer, the Importation and the Possession' by Mac Slavo
Mass Murders in Schools by Jack D. Douglas
Observation on School Shooting by Mike Holmes
Invincible Ignorance by Thomas Sowell
Importance of Magnesium Is Far Greater Than Previously Imagined by Joseph Mercola
Soldiers As Lab Rats | The American Conservative
Pope’s child porn 'normal' claim sparks outrage among victims
Ancient 'Alien' Burial Site Discovered | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History
Father-daughter duo have the world’s first brain-to-brain ‘telepathic’ conversation | ExtremeTech
Questions About the Connecticut School Shooting | Veterans Today
Russia: US Missiles Pointed At Iran - Business Insider
China’s Communist Leader Acts to Bolster Military -
Jihadi leader to Christians: Convert to Islam or die - Israel News, Ynetnews
Money Misunderstanding at core of Obama’s revenue tax plan
Immigration-Welfare Complex Shows in Obama
Benghazi Inquiry Highly Critical of State Dept.
House Republicans to Vote on 'Fiscal Cliff' Bill Thursday- Cantor
Boehner Plan Would Bring Top US Income Tax Rate to 39.6 Pct-source
Oliver North: Strike on Iran's Nuke Facilities 'Only Option' in 2013
Obamacare Gets Stunning Rebuke from 25 States
GOP Critics Planning to Challenge Hagel Nomination for Defense
Pelosi: Hillary in 2016
Report: Booker Leaning Toward Running for Senate
Queen Attends Cabinet to Mark 60 Years on Throne
Beware of Foods That Play Havoc With Your Meds
Every Day of Holiday Partying Takes 30 Minutes Off Your Life, Researchers Say
Study: Daily Aspirin Can Cause Blindness
Radio Wave Treatment Lowers Blood Pressure
Saying It Can Sell Instagram Users' Photos, Facebook Sparks Uproar
Report: More People Obese Than Hungry Around The World
Four St. Louis Area Schools Locked Down After Gunman Seen Stalking Woods | The Gateway Pundit
Report About Man Stealing From Toys For Tots Bins A Miscommunication « CBS Denver
Maya apocalypse and Star Wars collide in Guatemalan temple | Reuters
Belgium looks at euthanasia for minors, Alzheimer's sufferers - FRANCE 24
Human cloning 'within 50 years' - Telegraph
Benghazi review finds systematic security faults
Google strikes back against big thumbs - MarketWatch
Driver charged with DUI Marijuana after deadly Vancouver crash - KPTV - FOX 12
The Link Between Food and Headaches -
Scientists link obesity to gut bacteria -
AmEx’s Chenault Said to Be Discussed for Treasury Post - Bloomberg
Oscar 2012 Voting -- Glitches On First Day Of Online Ballots
Merely Being Arrested Can Ruin Your Life - informationliberation
Those Government Gun-Free Zones - informationliberation
Government, the New Debtors' Prison - informationliberation .
US Has 330,000 Drug Offenders in Prison - informationliberation
Alderman Also a PI Licensed to Carry
Chicago's history of prisoners on the lam
Thief makes off with Salvation Army kettle in front of Joliet store
Killer's Mother Was Shot 4 Times, Official Says
After Sandy Hook shootings, emotion is natural, but expertise is more helpful
Bill authorizing 2013 US defense spending edges toward completion
Report: NRA has broken silence; here comes leverage and money | ...
Choice to Replace Inouye May Have Long-Term Impact
MTA Chief Will Resign as He Looks at Mayoral Bid
Man charged with firing gun 54 times outside Calif. mall, linked to similar incident in 2011 | Fox News
Newtown schools reopen amid tight security as devastated community prepares for two more funerals  - NY Daily News
Review of Benghazi attack faults 'grossly' inadequate security, leadership failures
South Korea votes in tight presidential race
African National Congress Chooses Tycoon as the Party's Deputy President
Russian warships head toward Syria
Chávez Faces Respiratory Infection
Iraqi President Talabani suffers a stroke
Berlusconi ally says must cut taxes, end austerity
US, UK attack 'provocative' J'lem construction plans
Part of Antarctica named 'Queen Elizabeth Land' as gift for Diamond Jubilee
Instagram tries to explain self after changes anger users
Yahoo China quietly shutters its music service
Google Maps Are More Popular Than Ever: 10 Reasons Why
US Inquiry of Google Is Expected to Press On
Google Music gets iTunes-like 'match' function - but free
NORAD prepares to track Santa on Christmas Eve
Actress Jenna-Louise Coleman talks 'Doctor Who'
What if the Mayans are right?
NASA crashes twin probes into moon
Two NASA spacecraft crash land the Moon - YouTub
Rudolph's nose was red for a reason, say scientists
Glowing rock, ash spews from volcano
Plasma boffins' POWERFUL wind now a key clue to fiery Sun
CERN scientists nearly positive on 'God particle' discovery
WTC Responders: Hints of Cancer Link
Overindulgence May Lower Life Expectancy
Coffee Drinking Linked With Lower Oral Cancer Death Risk: Study
Taking aspirin for 10 years could double the risk of sight loss
Gov. Hickenlooper pitches swift holds of gun sales to mentally ill
Aerobic training may burn more fat
Workplace Bullying May Be Linked To Anti-Depressant Use
Hair Care May Affect Exercise in Black Women
Mortimer Zuckerman Gives Columbia $200 Million for Mind Research
Swapping out chips for cheese, veggies may curb calorie intake in snacking kids
Report: Newtown Gunman Had Asperger's Syndrome, Shot Sleeping Mother Four Times - Montville, CT Patch
Doc: Asperger's not tied to violence - YouTube
The Next Big Thing in Nuclear Power: Going Small
State of the U.S.-Korean Alliance (PDF)
Philip Goldberg: Celebrating Ravi Shankar's Spiritual Legacy
Mexico's Maya face Dec. 21 with ancestral calm - Technology & science - Science | NBC News
Why Spree Killers Kill Themselves | Wired Opinion |
Egyptologist: Ramses III assassinated in coup attempt
RealClearScience - Do Dogs Understand TV?
Physics World reveals its top 10 breakthroughs for 2012 -
Amazon, Advertising's Sleeping Giant, to Awaken in 2013 | Adweek
DARPA begins work on 100Gbps wireless tech with 120-mile range | ExtremeTech
First Chevy Volt Owner in USA has Driven 12,000 Miles in 2 Years, Burned 26 Gallons of Gasoline : TreeHugger
Highs and lows for Google in 2012 | News | TechRadar
Joe Trippi on the Soul and Technology of Politics | MIT Technology Review
Augmented-Reality Racism - Evan Selinger - The Atlantic
James Surowiecki: The Entitlements Debate We Should Be Having : The New Yorker
Transformation in Progressives’ Outlook May Reduce Long-Run Costs of Entitlements | e21 - Economic Policies for the 21st Century .
Why Almost Everyone Is Wrong About Tax Reform - Bloomberg
Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud: The Most Important Man In The Middle East - Forbes
RealClearWorld - Missile Defense Comes of Age
Untouchable - By Aaron David Miller | Foreign Policy
What Will Secretary Of State John Kerry's Foreign Policy Look Like? | The New Republic
Has Russia Deindustrialized? - Forbes
The Devolution Of Social Mood | Random Thoughts | Minyanville's Wall Street
Top 10 things to worry about in 2013 - Irwin Kellner - MarketWatch
Why China May Be Facing US-Style Credit Crunch .
Norquist: Obama will 'deliberately drive us over' cliff
Global Oil Industry Spending Happening Outside North America in 2013
Cleantech Venture Investing: On the Deathbed or Merely Resting? | The Energy Collective
6 Different Ways to Play the Energy Sector in 2013 - DailyFinance
Don't Believe the Gasoline Hype
Regulation & The Environment: Oil pipeline wars breaking out in Texas « The Barrel Blog
Military History Online - Chinese Support for North Vietnam during the Vietnam War: The Decisive Edge
First Indochina War
Mary Dejevsky: History's verdict on George Bush may be kinder - Mary Dejevsky - Commentators - The Independent
Who Discovered the North Pole? | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine
Why is Christmas in December? - Slate Magazine
Mark Atherton: There And Back Again: J.R.R. Tolkien And The Origins Of The Hobbit | Books | Book Review | The A.V. Club
Tolkien's The Hobbit as Children's Literature | Writing |
Amazon Top 10 Best-Selling Books Of 2012
Gundlach: Investors Should Hold Cash
El-Erian: My Investing Advice for New Year
Why Copyright Is Broken, and How to Fix It
Boehner Offers "Plan B" To Avoid Cliff: Increase Taxes On Incomes Over $1 Million
Piers Morgan vs. Gun Advocate Larry Pratt
Robert Reich: Obama Has Compromised Too Much On The Fiscal Cliff
Mark Levin: "How Come Obama Did Not Mention Fort Hood?"
Krauthammer: Hillary Clinton "Seems To Have A Severe Benghazi Allergy"
Greg Gutfeld On Gun Control Politics
O'Reilly: What Do We Do About Violent Evil?
Carney Pressed On Why DOJ Told Not To Pursue Weapons Ban For Sake Of House Democrats
Chris Matthews: Why Don't We Outlaw Semi-Automatic Guns?
"Special Report" Panel On The Media Coverage Of Newtown
John Bolton: Hillary Clinton Has A "Diplomatic Illness"
Maddow: Daniel Inouye: An American Hero
Carney: Obama Open To Supporting New Gun Laws
Matthews: A Cliff Deal Can Be "A Powerful Catalyst For Boosting Business Confidence"
Perry: "You Should Be Able To Carry Your Handgun Anywhere" In Texas
Pelosi: Idea To Raise Taxes On Incomes Over $1 Million Was Ploy "To Smoke Out The Republicans"
Norah O'Donnell Grills Rahm Emanuel Over Obama's Gun Control Record
Santelli: Now That Taxes Are On The Table, Time To Talk About Spending
MSNBC's Ed: GOP Was "Outraged" By Benghazi, But "Very Quiet" On CT School Shooting
Krauthammer: No Evidence That Assault Weapons Ban Reduced Gun Violence
Reich: Obama Could Use An Executive Order To Enact Some Gun Control
Dem Congressman: Congress "Complicit" If No Action Taken On Gun Control
Limbaugh: The Term "Assault Rifle" Is A "Political Invention"
Chuck Todd On Republican Opinion Of Guns: That's "A Different America"
Tapper To Carney: Can You Name One Thing Obama Has Done To Remove Guns?
Oregon State Rep. Proposes Arming Teachers To Prevent Shootings
CNN's Soledad O'Brien vs. Gun Advocate John Lott On Gun Control
Full Event: SC Gov. Haley Formally Appoints Tim Scott To Senate
Scarborough On Gun Laws: "Ideologies Of Past Career" No Longer Relevant
CNN Anchor: "We Need To Get Guns And Bullets And Automatic Weapons Off The Streets"
Pro-Gun Dem. Sen. Manchin Wants Tighter Gun Laws: Newtown "Changed Me"
Chuck Todd: Obama Likely To Spend Political Capital On Gun Issues
Dem Sen. Warner: "Enough Is Enough," We Need "Rational Gun Control"
What America's leaders could learn from the Advent - The Week
Column: Gun-free zones provide false sense of security
Bobby Jindal Birth Control Op-Ed: The GOP Better Listen Up | The New Republic
RealClearMarkets - When Will Death Spiral States Impose Taxes On Fleeing Citizens?
The Rushdie Affair And The Struggle Against Islamism | The New Republic
Charles Lane: Another casualty of shootings - The Washington Post
Let’s Get M.A.D.D. About Guns -
Byron York: Anxiety rises as Americans face start of Obamacare |
Why they came for Susan Rice’s scalp  - NY Daily News
Republican Diversity Fueled by Tea Party -
Tim Scott's Rise -- and South Carolina's Long Journey | RealClearPolitics
"Forward" to the Past? | RealClearPolitics
Today’s challenges go beyond Keynes -
There's Little We Can Do to Prevent Another Massacre - The Daily Beast
Law and Order in the Fallen World | RealClearPolitics
Kathleen Parker: Marriage is on decline among midle class - The Washington Post
A more single, more childless America - Opinion - The Boston Globe
Hillary Clinton’s fishy concussion—Editorial -
Blocking Obamacare - SFGate
States Give ObamaCare Massive Vote Of No Confidence, Rightly So -
Senator Inouye, The Passing of a Giant
All-Star Panel: Discussion of media coverage of Sandy Hook shooting | All Star Panel | Special Report | Bret Baier | Fox News Channel
The Katherine Albrecht Show Monday December 17 2012 Hour 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show Monday December 17 2012 Hour 2
The Katherine Albrecht Show Tuesday December 18 2012 Hour 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show Tuesday December 18 2012 Hour 2
Alex Jones - 2012-Dec-18, Tuesday
Alex Jones - 2012-Dec-17, Monday
Alex Jones - 2012-Dec-16, Sunday
The Manning Report – 18 December 2012
The Manning Report – 17 December 2012
12/18 The Mark Levin Show
12/17 The Mark Levin Show
Tuesday, December 18, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1
Tuesday, December 18, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2
The Savage Nation - December 17 2012 FULL SHOW - YouTube
Alex Jones Show Complete (Commercial Free) Monday December 17th 2012 - Jesse Ventura - YouTube
Infowars Nightly News for Monday, December 17, 2012 (Full Show) - YouTube
18 Dec..
December 18th in History
December 18 Events in History
Historical Events on 18th December |
What Happened on December 18th This Day in History
Today in History: December 18
Today in History: December 18
William J Federer's American Minute for December 18th
Today in History for December 18 - YouTube

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