A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

25 November 2012

25 Nov.

"Imminent Mass Arrests" Hoax Exposed - YouTube
Russian expert warns of possibility of large-scale war in Middle East: Voice of Russia
Hezbollah says it would hit Tel Aviv in future war | World news | The Guardian
Hamas stronger after the conflict
Abbas - Collaborating With The Enemy
PressTV - Gaza still boils in suffocating siege
Egypt's top judges condemn Mohamed Morsi power grab | World news | - Leaked,,,Video showing free syrian army blowing a mosque to accuse the syrian army of doing it
China lands first jet on aircraft carrier -
Mexico: no large-scale GM corn fields (yet) - Greener Ideal
Thousands march in Dublin against austerity (PHOTOS) — RT
PressTV - Thousands of Italian students, teachers hold anti-austerity demo
PressTV - US National Guards and reservists face unemployment crisis
Mysterious respiratory virus claims another life in Middle East — RT
PressTV - AIPAC, decapitators inside US government: Intelligence analyst
White House Presses for Drone Rule Book -
PressTV - Obama sought to institutionalize drone attacks before elections: Report
Rense & Maxwell - Those Who Cant See Perish Part 1 - YouTube
Rense & Maxwell - Those Who Cant See Perish Part 2 - YouTube
Rense & Maxwell - Those Who Cant See Perish Part 3 - YouTube
Rense & Maxwell - Those Who Cant See Perish Part 4 - YouTube
Menacing emails sent by David Petraeus’ ex-mistress Paula Broadwell to socialite Jill Kelley promised to make the apparent rival 'go away' - NY Daily News
Freeway Drones for a Futuristic Highway Patrol - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Drone makers push Congress to open skies to surveillance - Houston Chronicle
Larry Hagman dead: Last picture of Dallas star shows the JR actor smiling as tributes pour in | Mail Online
Thousands of Natural Gas Leaks Found in Boston | ZenHaven
33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True ~ RiseEarth
Fear of Nature Drives Reactionary Political Views « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson
Activist Post: Google and Microsoft Investing in a Future of Augmented Reality
InfoWars Hires Former Analyst of CIA-Front Stratfor - Molly Maroney, Infowars Editor-In-Chief | Alternative
Aftermath » Fingerprint Scans Create Unease For Poor Parents
The Out-of-Touch-With-Reality Crowd - Panzner Insights
Chicago Tribune - Front Page - Obama advisor tours Chicago stores on Small Business Saturday
New Small Business Saturday tradition helps local economy | Battle Creek Enquirer |
The end of digital democracy? Facebook wants to take away your right to vote -
The Brain Dead GOP Meets Obama’s 39.6%, and Raises Him 1.4%
Post election flip-flopping: Plans to cripple Americans « The PPJ Gazette
Female President In 2016? A Look At The Potential Candidates
H. Res. 814: In defense of the second amendment « The PPJ Gazette
History Speaks — Will America Listen? | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
UFO – Alien Proof – EYE WITNESS TO CRASH COMES FORWARD – Government Cover-Up, Disc Retrieved & More | UFO NEWS
Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Pillar of Impotence
PressTV - Israel to test-fire new missile system after Iron Dome failure
PressTV - Darkness of Western media over Gaza
Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Israel losing battle of words on social media 
Roi Tov – Iron Dome, Pillar of Cloud, and Netanyahu's Next War
Ben Bernanke Confronted on Secret Federal Reserve Bailouts - YouTube
US says no conference on nuke-free Mideast for now | World news | The Guardian
Iran accuses US Navy of ‘illegal acts’ in Gulf — RT
Mankind must go green or die, says Prince Charles - Home News - UK - The Independent
Cyril Smith child abuse: Chilling claims that Smith child abuse scandal was concealed to avoid crisis at Westminster | Mail Online
UK floods: We're at saturation point: Just when Britain take any more rain, here comes yet another deluge | Mail Online
Magnitude 4.9 quake jolts Tokyo, no tsunami warning | Reuters
TV to die for: Assisted-suicide comedy coming
New Facebook policy raises alarms over sharing of user data — RT
Concerns On WHO SARS-Like Cornavirus Reporting Delays
Media Myth On Betacornavirus Nomenclature
AFP: UN wants to use drones in DR Congo conflict
‘Last Chance’ – An Off Grid Opportunity « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
Can you believe this traffic? Health consequences of a long commute -
White House Presses for Drone Rule Book -
Paid To Protest, Some Homeless Almost Make A Living
Why So Secretive? The Trans-Pacific Partnership as Global Coup -
Monsanto Co. seeks to take over Mexico's heartland with GM maize
New energy wars possible, new regimes and new borders -
Scientist: Many Pro-GMO Corporate Biologists Own GMO Patents, in Bed with Monsanto -
US-Created "Syrian Opposition" Led by Big Oil Rep -
Gaza: Benjamin Netanyahu faces up to the new reality of a changed political landscape -
Shadow Banking: The $67 Trillion Threat to the U.S. Economy - DailyFinance
Top Economists Told Obama that Economic Recovery Required a Reduction In Private Debt -
Embattled Morsi calls out his backers - Africa - World - The Independent
Mind Controlled Sex Slaves And The CIA | Alternative
Mind Controlled Sex Slaves and the CIA - YouTube
The Healing Power of Marijuana Has Barely Been Tapped | Alternet
Hemp Repairs DNA !! | Consciousness TV
Secret Reptilian Hatchery: US Military Involvement In Reptilian Breeding, Gray-Reptilian Agenda | Beyond Science
EXOPOLITICS: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe: THE NEWS Live - Extraterrestrials protecting Earth from solar storms due to second Sun
THE NEWS Live: Extraterrestrials protecting Earth from solar storms due to second Sun - YouTube
HAARP Unleashes Tesla Death Ray | Science and Technology
DNA Diagnostics, Inc. - Genetics, Forensics, Paternity, Human DNA Testing, & Animal DNA Testing
Bigfoot Evidence: Igor Burtsev: I don't want the new discovery to wait for another half a century to be recognized by haughty official scientific establishment
Sasquatch is Human Hybrid! - YouTube
Now Obama wants your 401(k)
Is This Our Mind-Blowing Future? Sight - Augmented Reality | Science and Technology
Sight on Vimeo
Forensic profiler: Obama confessing election fraud
Political Pistachio: Enemy of the State: Thomas Drake, NSA Whistleblower, Talks
09.16.12 - NSA WhistleBlower Talks - YouTube
The Nephilim, Giants & Ancient Prophecy | Spirit
The Nephilim, Giants & Ancient Prophecy - YouTube
Is Alex Jones externalizing the hierarchy? « Fitzpatrick Informer
The Giants Of Ancient America: "8' Tall With Double Rows Of Teeth" | Science and Technology
Stone Builders, Mound Builders and the Giants of Ancient America | Jim Vieira at TEDxShelburneFalls - YouTube
Alex Jones Acted Like An Ass To Other Pro 2nd Amendment Activist At Their Rally - YouTube
Secret Societies - the Vatican and the New World Order - Leo Leon Zagami on Vimeo
Black 9/11: Money, Motive, Technology, and Plausible Deniability - YouTube
Activist Post Forum - Scientist: Many Pro-GMO Corporate Biologists Own GMO Patents, in Bed with Monsanto
When Propaganda Masquarades as News | Global Research
Activist Post: Marijuana Legalization Initiative Filed in Montana
The Real News: Fiscal Cliff An Artificial Crisis « THE INTERNET POST
poorrichard's blog: Obamacare’s Real Costs
As drug industry’s influence over research grows, so does the potential for bias - The Washington Post
A Failed Experiment -
Charleston Voice: Big Banks Use the Shadow Banking System to Commit Massive Accounting Fraud
Hamas: We Will Not Disarm -- News from Egypt: Country Denies Plans to Deploy U.S Troops in Sinai
US Cancels Middle East Nuclear Conference
Arafat's body to be exhumed on Tuesday in murder inquiry | Reuters
How To Kill Goyim And Influence People -- Torat Ha'melech - YouTube
Judge Napolitano - What If We Are Already Living Under A Dictatorship | XRepublic
Cold War-era U.S. plan to bomb the moon with a nuclear bomb revealed | Mail Online
Activist Post: US-Created "Syrian Opposition" Led by Big Oil Rep
Zbigniew Brzezinski Still Admits The Global Political Awakening Proving Very Difficult For The Elite - YouTube
How Zionists Divide and Conquer - YouTube
Jewish Holocaust Denier David Cole Part 1 - YouTube
Jewish Holocaust Denier David Cole Part 2 - YouTube
Refreshing News: 10 Must-Have Healing Remedies
Minions of Darkness - Danish Documentary - Full - 1/1 - 9/11 - NWO - English Subtitles - eng - subs - YouTube
Executive Order 13603 - Imgur
Petraeus Sex Scandal Covers More Shocking Story
Four More Years: Into Africa
Are Canadians The 51st American State?
Reformation of Society
Thai Police Fire Tear Gas at Protesters Against Globalist Connected Regime
Confusion surrounds ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas as Ahmadinejad congratulates ‘victory’
Who Makes More on Gas, Oil Companies or the Gov't?
Four Days in Jail for Filming Police
Surveillance Grid Moves Ahead With VoIP Spy Technology
Smoke and mirrors economy – 47 percent of the members in Congress are millionaires. 67 percent of Senators. Fed and Treasury money close to $7 trillion.
Is College Worth the Price and Debt? Private student loans make up $150 billion of the $1 trillion in outstanding student debt. Private student loans grow hand and hand with for-profit institution growth.
Islamic Foundation Pays Indonesian Parents 9 Dollars to Mutilate their Daughters’ Genitals
Top Republicans Signal Willingness to Break Anti-Tax Pledge
McCain: US Should Threaten Aid to Egypt
Lieberman: We're All Responsible for Fiscal Cliff
Republicans, Democrats Differ on Taxes as Fiscal Cliff Looms
Sen. Hutchison Questions Legitimacy of Petraeus Investigation
Peter King Joins Republicans Rejecting Norquist Anti-Tax Pledge
Shoppers Boost U.S. Weekend Spending to $59.1 Billion, NRF Says
Casey Anthony Detectives Overlooked Google Search
Sen. Kyl: US Will Not Fall off Fiscal Cliff
Hezbollah: All of Israel Could Be Hit In Future War
Pope to New Cardinals: Don't be Lured by Power
Korelin to Moneynews: Cheap Money Is Here to Stay, So Buy Gold
More startling info about U.S. gun running in Benghazi « Klein Online
Hezbollah sleeper cells inside U.S.? « Klein Online
Ex-MI5 Annie Machon on 9-11 Truth - YouTube
Woody Harrelson tells it like it is - YouTube
Episode 30 – Professor Noam Chomsky on How Oppression Works In Free Societies |
Episode 30 - Professor Noam Chomsky Interview: How Oppression Works In Free Societies (2012) - YouTube
Banker-Owned Obama Considers Corporate Sponsorship for Second Inauguration |
Burns Calls Tea Party, Secessionists Racist Without Proof
ABC Says Actor Affleck 'Trying to End War in Africa'
'Red Dawn' Doles Out Tea Party Patriotism
Report: Sheen Slashes Lohan's IRS bill
Audiences Gobble Up Sequels, Originals for Record Box Office Weekend
Investigators Probing Suicide of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Estranged Wife
Top Ten Ways Occupy Wall Street Is Like a Two Year Old Child
Federal Courts Split on Religious Liberty and Obamacare
Democrats Vote The Mentally Disabled
NRSC Prepares to Interfere in Primaries
Liberal Study: $1M Earnings Cutoff for Tax Increase Bring Same Tax Receipts as $250K Cutoff
Rand Paul Threatens Filibuster of Defense Bill To Release Potential Terrorists
Top Republicans Prepare to Cave On Taxes
Big, Bold, Idea For Transforming Education
Rahm Emanuel to America: Do It the Chicago Way
CNN: Israel Must Negotiate with Terrorists
CNN's Zakaria: 'Real Americans' Fix America's 'Flaws'
Catalonia Posed to Secede from Spain
What Ceasefire? Hamas Mocks Israel with Iranian Weapons
New Addition to Israel's Defense
Hezbollah Leader Warns of Rocket Attacks on Major Israeli Cities
Israel Defense Chief: No More Gaza Rockets 'or Else'
Col. Richard Kemp: Israel Achieved Tremendous Success in Gaza
State Dept. on Morsi Power Grab: Not in the Plan
Sen. McCain: Rice 'Not The Problem'
Egypt's Stock Market Tumbles After Morsi's Decree
Egypt Riots Rage, US Embassy Praises As 'Incredibly Positive'
What Ceasefire? Muslim Brotherhood Urges Palestinians To War Against Israel
Netanyahu's Likud Chooses List for January Election
Egypt Islamists Call Mass Show of Support for Morsi
Beijing Accused of Interfering in Hong Kong Elections
Is France the Financial Time-Bomb of Europe?
Calderon Wants to Remove 'United States' from Mexico's Official Name
World View: Egypt's Judges Prepare to Act Against Morsi
Mexico's president: drop the United States
Tipping point on same-sex marriage - Tampa Bay Times
Examiner Editorial: Yes, you can balance the budget without raising taxes |
Jenkins: None Dare Call It Default -
More Chips For Tax Reform -
The Unanswered Question: What About Clinton-Era Spending Rates? - The Daily Beast
Morning Examiner: Obamacare is on the table |
Why Susan Rice Will Be Confirmed As Secretary of State -- New York Magazine
Mark Steyn: Jill Kelley for secretary of state | kelley, intelligence, director - Opinion - The Orange County Register
Morsi’s Moment -
3 Reasons to Kill the Dept. of Homeland Security -
With Geithner's Replacement The Treasury May Get A Woman's Touch
Off the Rails: How the Party of Lincoln Became the Party of Plutocrats |
But Can They Eat 50 Eggs? -
The spend is near -
The Collapse of Black Wealth
Realists Fret That Obama Is Drifting Away | Via Meadia
Frank Rich: Lessons for Obama’s New Cabinet -- Daily Intel
The Mandate to Raise Taxes on the "Rich" | RealClearPolitics
Political Animal - When conservatives talk about ideas, they euphemistically rely on abstractions — because it covers up the creepy reality
The PJ Tatler » How the Implementation of Obamacare Will Make the GOP a Majority Party
Ezra Klein: Elections Have Consequences | RealClearPolitics
We're living the dream; we just don't realize it -
Morsi’s Moment -
To break the deadlock, Morsi wields a clumsy hammer - The National
RealClearWorld - Why Iron Dome Is a Game Changer
The importance of Obama's Asian pivot - Times Of India
Opinion: Want American exceptionalism? Fix Immigration - Jennifer Granholm -
Where is Africa's share of the spoils? - Comment - Voices - The Independent
Mr Morsi's grab for power | The Australian
Beyond the law in China - The Washington Post
Our Enemy, the Payroll Tax -
Regulation in the Obama Administration -- However You Slice, It's A Turkey - Forbes
The Manufacturing Boom You Won't Notice
China: The Mao Dynasty Moves Toward Democracy And Human Rights - Forbes
Robot Soccer imagined for primetime - Slate Magazine
Matt Ridley on How to Create a Mind by Ray Kurzweil | Mind & Matter -
Running science as a Ponzi scheme | Steve Caplan | Science |
Sex, Booze and the Meaning of Life | Praxis | Big Think
Pseudoscience of SkyMall: Airplane shopping magazine makes spectacular claims. - Slate Magazine
Shifting sexes and sequential hermaphrodites: How sex is determined | Ars Technica
The icy plumage of the Arctic | Deep Sea News
How Do Antifreeze Agents Work? - Blog
Facebook makes it official — an external advertising network is coming soon — Tech News and Analysis
Megaupload Shutdown: Negative Effect on Box Office Revenues
Can Police Locate Wireless Internet Moochers Without a Warrant? - Law Blog - WSJ
Idiots and Their Facebook Pages | The American Conservative
Dotcom: We've hit the jackpot - National - NZ Herald News
Cyber Corps program trains spies for the digital age -
“Anonymous” File-Sharing Darknet Ruled Illegal by German Court | TorrentFreak
Errata Security: You are committing a crime right now
America 2013: Return of the Kinsman Redeemer?
Desperate Times, Desperate Measures
If America of 1776 - 2012 Is to Live, Conservatism Must Defeat Liberal Socialism
Will the politically based removal of children by bureaucrats find its way to America?
Copper in Organic Foods?
A Touch of KGB
A State Of Palestine Will Solve NOTHING!
Antisemitic Qatar casts a giant shadow
UN Climate Change Thieves Gather in Qatar
Driving the First Nail into a Fundamentally Transformed America
Consultants Advise: Bring Sporks to New Gunfight with the Left
Guess What's Coming to Lake Wobegon
GOP Doomed if Establishment Prevails
On Respecting Muslim Culture
The New Normal: Turning Back Cultural Marxism
The GOP Dream Act is a Nightmare
One Solar Array, with Propaganda
Our 'smart' diplomacy at work
The Cairo Express
The Repulsive Rice Race Card
The GOP must fight for its principles, or die.
Coming soon to America? Assisted suicide sit-com
Suppressing Reparative Therapy Is Suppressing Freedom
Obama's Santa Claus Presidency
Beyond Venture Socialism
Video: 'New Pharaoh' Sparks Fiery Protests in Egypt Against Muslim Brotherhood
Decisive action against Obama’s left-wing ‘trolls’
Survey: Religiously unaffiliated, minority Christians propelled Obama’s victory – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs
U.S. electrical grid ‘inherently vulnerable’
Online ‘learning experience’ replacing schoolbooks
'Taking down Hamas is a necessity, not just for Israel, but for humanity,' says estranged son of terror group's founder | The Times of Israel
Calderon concedes it's 'impossible' to halt drugs | Times 247
Jeb Bush buzz grows over possible 2016 run - Washington Times
Cure for gridlock? One-party rule - Washington Times
Confidential Police Docs Found in Macy's Parade Confetti Spark Investigation [Exclusive] - WPIX
Egypt: Mohammed Morsi insists 'I won't be another dictator' - Telegraph
Obama faces huge challenge in setting up insurance exchanges - The Hill's Healthwatch
Romney aides blast the 'hypocrites' who asked for cabinet jobs just before the election and are now trashing him | Mail Online
Officials: Worker Punctured Gas Line, Causing Strip Club Explosion « CBS Boston
Job Ad For Bond-Style Hitman Posted Online
Armed suspects tie up Target workers, rob Union Township store without others noticing |
Alleged shoplifter dies after being subdued by Walmart workers |
Caviar-Dispensing Vending Machine Opens At Burbank Towne Center « CBS Los Angeles
Oprah Winfrey Seeks a Younger Audience to Bolster a Flagging Empire -
Rolling Stones tickets remain unsold after price hike - Telegraph
Rolling Stones perform to 20,000 fans at the O2 | The Sun |Showbiz|Music
State of Florida offers women gift cards for sex survey | News - Home
'Satellites show Iran moving quickly to rearm ... JPost - Defense
Review: Kathryn Bigelow “Zero Dark Thirty” Exposes Bin Laden Hunt and Kill | Showbiz411
Church Bombing Kills at Least 11 at Nigerian Post
Support Palestinian Statehood
China passports claim ownership of South China Sea and Taiwan
Sarkozy emerges unscathed after corruption probe
Lactose intolerance: When drinking school milk makes students feel sick
Bond denied for man charged in fatal stabbing
Benghazi questions shift to State
Walmart Alleged Shoplifter Dead After Altercation With Employees
Woman photographed riding a manatee in Florida is arrested
Little Falls man arrested after two bodies discovered in his home
Will It Be Third Time Lucky for Greece?
Obama & Daughters Shop at Mom & Pop Bookstore – Not Chain (Look!)
Twinkie Twilight: Millennials are mourning too
Obama does a little Christmas shopping on "Small Business Saturday"
Elizabeth Smart to finally publish her own version of her abduction
House Could Vote on Tech Visas Next Week
America is a melting pot, and voted that way
The Road to Victory: How President Obama won reelection - YouTube
Apple seeks to add more products to Samsung patent lawsuit
Windows 8 Store hits 20000 apps, but Microsoft still has a long way to go
The Rolling Stones turn 50
The Rolling Stones kick off '50 & Counting' tour in London 25/11/2012 - YouTube
Tom Cruise Movie Shuts Down London's Trafalgar Square for Filming
Five wrongly convicted in 80s Central Park rape look back
Spielberg takes cue from Lincoln: Film director speaks at Gettysburg
Acid oceans DISSOLVING sea life
New heat on global warming
Film looks at climate change in the Arctic; book goes to the edge of the universe
Preventing unintended pregnancies
Flu could be cured forever as vaccine might give life-long protection
Lawmakers are grinding ideological ax in defunding Planned Parenthood
Study questions value of mammography screening
HIV awareness gap decreases effective treatment
Meningitis outbreak: Lawmakers question drug purchasing groups
Fungal meningitis cases in Michigan climb to 164; death total at 10
Couple Swept to Sea While Trying to Save Son, Dog - ABC News
Casey Anthony detectives overlooked Google search for suffocation made from home computer - The Washington Post
Lost Galapagos Island Giant Tortoise Species To Be Revived Through Cross Breeding, Scientists Announce : World : Latinos Post
Black Friday, Conspicuous Consumption, and Manufacturing Greed as Need
David Brooks Still Peddling Lie That Bush Administration Invaded Iraq on Faulty Intelligence
Only 3.6% Of 1% Are Entrepreneurs, And Other Useful Info
Hostess Employee Tells All About CEO Gutting Pensions, Pay Scales
U.N. Report: Already Too Late To Avert Worst Of Global Warming
Feds on PA Charter Schools: You Must Compare Apples to Apples
Tea Party Path to Victory: Go After Moderate Republicans in 2014
Wal-Mart Strikers Prove the 99% Can Fight Back
Saxby Chambliss Breaks with Grover Norquist
Fox Panel Complains About Positive Media Coverage of Obama in Final Week Before Election
Scott Walker's Stupid, Petulant Insurance Exchange Excuses
Drones Will Be The New Normal in The U.S. If We Let Them
McCain Backs Off His Criticism of Susan Rice
Morsi Claims Virtually Unlimited Power in Egypt
Barney Frank Confronts Hutchinson for 'Weasel Words' Linking Obama to Petraeus Scandal
Sen. Lindsey Graham: Let's Raise The Retirement Age Again!
McCain on Abortion: Republicans Should 'Leave the Issue Alone'
Kristol: GOP Should Extend Payroll Tax Cut to Become 'Champions of the Working Class'
NBC News Uses Honeywell CEO to Advocate For Grand Bargain
Fiorina: 'It Is Not Fair' That Public Workers Are 'So Rich'
President Obama: Small Businesses Are ‘Backbone of Our Economy’ and ‘Cornerstones of Our Nation’s Promise’
Horrifying: At Least 112 Die in Fire at Bangladesh Garment Factory
Which Fox News Host Used to Be a Victoria’s Secret Underwear Model?
Mediaite Is ‘Thankful Barack Obama Is President During Latest Gaza Violence’
RNC, DNC Spokesmen Have Their Heads Shaved on ABC After Election Day Bet
Bill Kristol: Republicans ‘Screaming and Yelling,’ Doing ‘Contortions’ to Avoid Tax Hikes on the Wealthy
Rep. Barney Frank Interrupts Republican Senator and Calls Her Rhetoric a ‘Weasel Word’ During Petraeus Scandal Discussion
Maker of Unskewed Polls Creates ‘Obama Voter Fraud’ Map — See Which States He Thinks Should’ve Been Romney’s
Are These Pranksters Posing as Target Employees Frustrating Holiday Shoppers or Adding Comic Relief?
See China’s First Successful Fighter Jet Landing on an Aircraft Carrier
Check Out Israel’s Newest Missile Defense System: ‘David’s Sling’
These 11 Photos Take You Inside Gaza’s Smuggling Tunnels
GOP Softens on Susan Rice as Next Sec. of State, But ‘There Will Be a Lot of Questions’
Could A ‘Solar Maximum’ Event Spark Food Riots And Meltdowns? (One Respected Scientist Says ‘Yes!’)
Prison » Obama to Swear In for Second Term in Secret
Prison » Leaked video showing free syrian army blowing up a mosque to accuse the syrian army of doing it
Prison » Iran Accepts Payment in Gold to Get Around Sanctions
Prison » Business Week On TSA: Airport “Security” Is Making Americans Less Safe
WSVN-TV - Man gets passed airport security unknowingly
Prison » Establishment Screams: Avoid Fiscal Cliff and Borrow, Borrow, Borrow!
Sen. Rand Paul renews fight over indefinite detention of US citizens - The Hill's DEFCON Hill
Iran accuses U.S. Navy of 'illegal and provocative acts' - The Hill's DEFCON Hill
» Infographic: Are the Feds Preparing for Civil War? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Shipping Containers to Become Condos in Detroit - Yahoo! News
A Vaccine to Curb Drug Addicts' Highs -
EPA Testing Dangerous Pollutants on Human Beings
EPA Caught Illegaly Experimenting on Human Subjects - YouTube
» Homeland Security plots ways to spy on Americans through social media surveillance Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
NTSB follows TSA lead, drops BlackBerry
Islamic Terrorists Bomb Egyptian-Gaza Border Base - Middle East - News - Israel National News
Russia Sends Warships Off Coast Of Gaza - Business Insider
F-16 Drone To Be Used For Testing By U.S. Air Force | Ottawa Citizen
End of the doctor's surgery | UK News | - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express
» US-Created “Syrian Opposition” Led by Big Oil Rep Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Talk to Al Jazeera - Moaz al-Khatib: a united Syrian opposition - YouTube

Political Video:November 25, 2012

McCain To GOP: Embrace "Bigger Tent" And Leave Abortion "Alone" | RealClearPolitics
Kyl, Hutchison, Lieberman & Frank Discuss Compromise | RealClearPolitics
Graham Would "Violate" Norquist Pledge If Democrats Will Do Entitlement Reform | RealClearPolitics
Kristol: "Republicans Are Going Into Contortions" Defending Millionaires | RealClearPolitics
Durbin Open To Entitlement Reform; Says No To Touching Medicare Age & Social Security | RealClearPolitics
Woodward: Obama Failed To Fix The Economy | RealClearPolitics
"Reliable Sources" On Petraeus And The Press | RealClearPolitics
King: Rice Was "Effective" As Ambassador, But Knew She Was Wrong On Benghazi | RealClearPolitics
Kirsten Powers: Obama Nominating Susan Rice Would Show His "Arrogance" | RealClearPolitics
DNC's Woodhouse, RNC's Spicer Shave Heads For Charity On "This Week" | RealClearPolitics
"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Fiscal Cliff Compromise | RealClearPolitics
"This Week" Roundtable: Fiscal Cliff, Israel-Hamas Ceasefire & 2016 | RealClearPolitics
"Fox News Sunday" Panel On Foriegn Policy | RealClearPolitics
"Face The Nation" Panel: Lessons For Obama From Lincoln, Jefferson & Eisenhower | RealClearPolitics
Sen. Levin: Obama Has To Express Concern Over Morsi Power Grab | RealClearPolitics

Political Video:November 24, 2012

"The McLaughlin Group" 11/23/12 | RealClearPolitics
Mark Shields & David Brooks On Mideast Turmoil, Obama In Asia | RealClearPolitics
"Special Report" Panel On Labor Protests And Black Friday Shopping | RealClearPolitics
"Dallas" Star Larry Hagman Dies At Age 81 | RealClearPolitics
Alex Jones Show: Sunday (11-25-12) Full Show - YouTube
Alex Jones - 2012-Nov-25, Sunday
25 Nov.
American Minute for November 25th
November 25th This Day in History
This Day in History for 25th November |
November 25 Events in History
Today in History: November 25
Today in History: November 25
November 25th in History
Today in History for Nov. 25 - YouTube

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