A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

18 November 2012

18 Nov.

MLK Biopic Back On, Racially Charged Arguments to Follow?
Lovitz Stands Up for Israel, Slams 'Terrorist' Hamas
NJ Gov. Christie Drops By 'SNL,' Slams 'Stupid Mayors'
The James Bond Chronicles: 'Skyfall'
Conservative Documentaries Still Needed for Obama 2.0
Surprise: CA Education Tax Hike Will Go to Wall Street Cronies
Governors Could Cede Control to Feds by Rejecting Healthcare Exchanges
Obama: We 'Need a Lot of Prayer' On Budget
West Seeks Emergency Hearing
Rubio Hits Fundraising Records in Iowa
Ted Cruz: 'I'm Pretty Certain Mitt Romney Actually French-Kissed Barack Obama'
Liberal IKEA Announces 'Regret' For Using Slave Labor
U.S. Lawmaker Suggests Obama Told of Petraeus Affair Earlier
Author Katie Pavlich, YAF VP Pat Coyle Among Recipients of 3rd Annual Buckley Awards
One Possible Option to Prevent the Fiscal Cliff
Harry Reid's Online Poker Folds on Freedom
USA Today: Green Building Program a Burden on Taxpayers
What Killed the Twinkie?
Walmart Files Charges Against UFCW Union
White House Throws CIA Under the Bus
How to Survive Thanksgiving at Your Liberal Relatives
How the Homeschooling Movement Can Be the Catalyst for Freedom in America
Google Goes to Bat for Net Neutrality, Again
'Gifts': 2016 Frontrunners Already Caving to Media
CBS Praises Obama for Post-Sandy Visit, Attacked Bush for Same with Katrina
Media, Obama Ignore Female Senator's Criticism of Susan Rice
In the Name of National Security, Media Declares Libya a Non-Scandal
Don't Let the Door Hit You on the Way Out, Meghan
Israeli Invasion of Gaza Justified
Anonymous Launches Cyberwar Against Israel
Pro- and Anti-Gay Protesters Clash in Paris
Putin Sides with Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood President in Israeli/Hamas Conflict
Report: Hamas Preparing Chemical Weapons
Muslim Brotherhood: Limited Assistance to Hamas
Britain: No Sympathy for Israeli Ground Assault
Israeli Defense Minister: Ground Assault Imminent
Hamas Places Rocket Site Next to Mosque, Israel Pinpoints Rocket
Senator Levin Blasts Egypt's 'Weak' Effort on Gaza
Report: Israel Holding Off Ground Offensive At Obama's Behest
Bloggers Spot More Dead Child Fakery by Hamas; CNN Fooled
Popularity of France's Hollande Continues Decline: Poll
IDF Video: How Hamas Acquires Weapons
Obama, on Asia Trip, First Pays Visit to Thailand
UK says Gaza Invasion Would Lose Israel Foreign Support
Israel Cabinet Approves Additional 75,000 Reservists
Turkish PM: We Stand with Our Brothers in Gaza
Obama, Erdogan Want Middle East Peace
World View: Egypt, Turkey Play Crucial Negotiating Role for Israel/Gaza War
Israeli Brigadier General: Hamas Wants to Conquer Tel Aviv
China's Xi Praises Hu for Voluntarily Giving Up Power
Japan, India to Cooperate on Rare Earth Production
Trying to Keep Your E-Mails Secret When the C.I.A. Chief Couldn’t -
3D Printer Prizefight: MakerBot Replicator 2 vs Formlabs Form 1 - Popular Mechanics
You Google Wrong - Technology - The Atlantic Wire
First look: Justin Timberlake's new Myspace just might work | Digital Trends
Maker of Airport Body Scanners Suspected of Falsifying Software Tests | Threat Level |
Elon Musk Interview - Elon Musk SpaceX Interview - Esquire
Do you trust the government with your computer?
Fabrication Trick Offers Fivefold Leap in Hard-Disk Capacity Using Self-Assembling Polymer Molecules | MIT Technology Review
Google Launches Ingress, a Worldwide Mobile Alternate Reality Game - Liz Gannes - Mobile - AllThingsD
Jonathon Youshaei: How Do You Become the 9th Employee at Google?
Ron Paul’s Farewell Address: The Internet Can Stop Big Government | TechCrunch
An Anti-IP Turn for the GOP? (UPDATE: RSC disowns and pulls the brief) | The American Conservative
Obama signs secret directive to help thwart cyberattacks - The Washington Post
Hostess And The GM Bailout: Why The Chevy Volt Shouldn't Exist But Twinkies Still Will | Stocks | Minyanville's Wall Street
Beyond Twinkies: Why More Workers Are Striking - US  Business News - CNBC
If You’ve Got the Skills, She’s Got the Job -
50 Unfortunate Truths About Investing
George Will: A government agency answerable to no one - The Washington Post
Can a Payday Lending Start-Up Use Facebook to Create a Modern Community Bank? |
Election Over, Liberals Call For Entitlement Cuts - Forbes
Stop pretending the US is an uninvolved, helpless party in the Israeli assault on Gaza | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |
Review & Outlook: Hillary and Libya -
The Complicated Geopolitics of Decline: Germany & Russia Edition | Via Meadia
The New Middle East | The Weekly Standard
Europe’s New Fascists -
Don’t expect a Chinese Gorbachev
Hamas Bears Lion’s Share of Blame for Israel-Gaza Tensions - The Daily Beast
The ongoing failure of Israel's military thinking - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
Gaza Mess is Obama’s Fault Too « Commentary Magazine
RealClearWorld - Realism for Obama's Second Term
EDITORIAL: Obamacare's other constitutional problem - Washington Times
Democrats, stop before you tax again! -
A Phony Hero for a Phony War -
Recipe For a Witch Hunt | RealClearPolitics
Obama's second time around -
David Petraeus’ testimony pins mistruths to White House -
The United States, future energy superpower -
Swipe Fees: The Hidden Tax the Candidates Never Discussed | RealClearPolitics
Tribal America - Mark Steyn - National Review Online
Health care reform: It lives! - The Conversation - The Sacramento Bee
The 49ers -
What doesn't President Obama know and why? - San Antonio Express-News
Running from Romney: the GOP’s Phony New Compassion - The Daily Beast

*Political Video:November 18, 2012

Nancy Pelosi: No Deal Without Tax Increases For Wealthy | RealClearPolitics
Kristol: Tea Party Won't "Care" If "A Few Millionaires" Pay Higher Taxes | RealClearPolitics
Jindal: "If We Want People To Like Us, We Have To Like Them First" | RealClearPolitics
Congressman On Petraeus: "I'm Not Sure The President Was Not Told Before Election Day" | RealClearPolitics
McCain: U.S. Should Be "Heavily Involved" In Israel | RealClearPolitics
George Will To Romney: "Quit Despising The American People" | RealClearPolitics
Chambliss: Susan Rice Will "Have To Come In And Testify" At Some Point | RealClearPolitics
Durbin: $250,000 A "Reasonable Number" To Start At On Tax Increases | RealClearPolitics
"Reliable Sources" On Obama Addressing Petraeus At News Conference | RealClearPolitics
"SNL" Spoofs Wolf Blitzer's Coverage Of Petraeus Scandal | RealClearPolitics
"This Week" Roundtable On Israel, Benghazi, Petraeus & Fiscal Cliff | RealClearPolitics
"Fox News Sunday" Panel On Benghazi Investigation | RealClearPolitics
"Face The Nation" Panel On Israel, Petraeus, And Benghazi | RealClearPolitics
"Meet The Press" Roundtable Weighs In On Fiscal Cliff, Future Of GOP | RealClearPolitics
Graham: Rice's Story Was "Misleading" | RealClearPolitics

*Political Video:November 17, 2012

The McLaughlin Group 11/16/12 | RealClearPolitics
"FOX News Watch" On Coverage Of Benghazi Attacks | RealClearPolitics
Maher: "Real Problem" Is "The Way Conservatives Get Their Information" | RealClearPolitics
Maher Pushes Obama To Become "An Angry Black Man Who Is Pushing A Liberal Agenda" | RealClearPolitics
"Real Time" Panel On Benghazi Scandal | RealClearPolitics
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher: Trust CIA, Not Obama | RealClearPolitics
Christie To Reporter Who Asked About Twinkies: "You People Are The Worst" | RealClearPolitics
Ben Stein On Fiscal Cliff: "We Need Higher Taxes" | RealClearPolitics
Sen. Ayotte Gives GOP Weekly Address On Fiscal Cliff | RealClearPolitics
Jay Leno Asks Chris Matthews If He Was Orgasmic Over Obama Win | RealClearPolitics
Israel's "Iron Dome" Intercepts Rockets Over Tel Aviv | RealClearPolitics
Obama Weekly Address: House "Shouldn't Hold The Middle Class Hostage" On Fiscal Cliff | RealClearPolitics
Civilians caught in deadly Israel conflict
Mayor Harold Washington took taxi fight to the streets — for cabbies
Mike Ditka released from hospital
Courtroom cameras headed for biggest statewide test in DuPage
Gov. Pat Quinn: State's worst in the nation unfunded pension burden has grown
Latest Rhodes Scholars class includes students from Chicago area
Rahm Announces Board of Education, Chicago Housing Authority Appointments
Electoral College Set Campaign Strategies
Host of reasons to scrap Electoral College
Obama, Maroney 'not impressed' photo spreads fast
Romney's Ohio disaster forces GOP rethink
Gun Store Owner Cope Reynolds Will not Sell to Obama Voters
The historical legacy of the Obama-Romney contest
Few signs that Doe probe will net more suspects
Poll: Americans generally optimistic after election
Republicans jockey for 2016
Bobby Jindal: Republicans Need To Go Back To Basics To Attract Voters
Tests Show Train Warnings Worked at Texas Crash Site
NTSB: Veterans' Float Crossed Track After Signal - YouTube
Warnings Flashed Before Collision, Probe Finds
A movie massacre that could have happened
Online-education trend expands
Viewing Damage, Biden Vows to Help Storm-Battered Areas
Democratic Candidates for New York Mayor Agree Narrowed Field Is a Plus
Mass. highway safety chief loses job after report
News to host early Thanksgiving dinners to Sandy victims
Father and kids arrested in bank robberies
Marco Rubio visits Iowa and stirs early talk of 2016 presidential campaign
Bronx father takes kids for wild ride in attempted kidnapping
United Asean urges China to start talks over sea rows
Two Claim Win in Race to Lead French Conservatives
DRC Army, M23 Rebels Compete for Militia Allies
Hackers launch assault on Israeli government websites
Iran hosts Syrian peace conference
Syrian opposition coalition gets ambassador to France
Sainiks belie Mumbai's fears, keep the peace in last walk with general
Israel-Gaza conflict
Egypt's new Coptic pope enthroned
Wal-Mart warns workers on Black Friday strike
Green groups slam Keystone pipeline, march around White House
Investors Rush to Beat Threat of Higher Taxes
New York City Will Keep Gas Rationing Until Week's End
Internet price war launches in UK ahead of Black Friday
Branstad and Reynolds applaud decision to uphold the Renewable Fuel Standard
Early birds camp out for Thanksgiving Night shopping
Latin America looks to Europe for drug fighting models
UN nuke agency to issue report on Iran
US Gasoline Fell to $3.4728 a Gallon in Lundberg Survey
Service Outage Hits Apple's iMessage and FaceTime
Drive On: Chrysler debuts plug-in Fiat 500e tonight
Judge approves FTC's $22.5M fine of Google
What not to buy on Black Friday: Windows 8 PCs & laptops
Facebook and Yahoo to collaborate on search product
Apple to seed beta version of OS X 10.8.3 after Thanksgiving weekend
Twitter Adds Ability to Email Tweets From the Web
Money-Saving Apps for Black Friday
Google, Dish Held Talks to Launch Wireless Service
Evidence indicates astronauts could survive on Mars
Giant Sun Eruption Captured in NASA Video
Way past time to consider climate change
Einstein's brain: It was better than yours
Most distant galaxy ever spotted with nature's zoom lenses
Population of Africa's mountain gorillas rises
Space Station Astronauts Headed Back to Earth Tonight
World Bank Climate Change Report Says 'Turn Down The Heat' On Warming ...
FDA Posts Injury Data Citing Red Bull
Miss America contestant getting risky double mastectomy
Prematurity Awareness Month
Coping with the suicide of loved one
What's Next for Medicare?
Nanoparticles Show Potential for Treating MS
Research shows gamers are better virtual surgeons than residents
Pepsi Unleashes So-Called 'Fat Blocking' Soda on Japan
Enjoy Thanksgiving without gaining a pound
Drug offers brain cancer victims extra weeks of normal life
Rosie O'Donnell & NeNe Leakes to Guest Cohost Anderson Cooper's Talk Show
Jessica Simpson Shows Weight Loss In New Commercial Still
James Bond actor visits UK troops in Afghanistan
Saturday Night Live: Renner plays it straight
Lady Gaga tweets some racy images before concert
When the Great Plains Dried Up and Blew Away
Potential Star Wars Episode VII Director: 'I Will Hopefully Make It Not Suck'
The Kardashian Sisters' Business Ventures Keep Getting Them Sued
Jochum Named Iowa Senate President; Gronstal Stays Majority Leader | KCRG-TV9 | Cedar Rapids, Iowa News, Sports, and Weather | Local News
New law sparks increase in use of provisional ballots |
County completes final election count - News-Times: News
GOP in Ga. Senate nominates Shafer as leader |
Larger N.C. GOP House caucus meeting in Raleigh | |
Murphy-West recount rhetoric reminiscent of Bush v. Gore in 2000 |
Video: New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Guest Stars on 'Saturday Night Live' and Rips Mayors
Authorities search for fisherman after 42-foot scallop boat sinks near Provincetown - Metro - The Boston Globe
Arizona police hunt for suspect after officer shot in the head | Fox News
Three men arrested in connection with deputy shooting identified -
Doctor Roberto Rivera Arrested - Business Insider
Portman Says Extend All Tax Cuts Temporarily to Reach Debt Deal |
Hamas ties ceasefire to end of Gaza border blockade, while Israel calls for end of rocket strikes | Fox News
Shiv Sena supremo Bal Thackeray cremated at Shivaji Park - YouTube
Obama will be visiting a more open and hopeful Burma
Rupert Murdoch takes to Twitter to question U.S. media organization's 'bias' over Middle East conflict as White House defends Israel's right to defend itself | Mail Online
Savita's father calls for change to Ireland's abortion laws - Hindustan Times
BBC News - Jaguar Land Rover: China approves joint venture
Judge rejects high-speed rail injunction - SFGate
Nintendo Wii U unboxing & system config video - YouTube
Reggie Fils-Aime talks Wii U Nintendo TVii delay - SlashGear
Xbox World leaks next-gen 720 details | TG Daily
Huge Waterspout at Bateman´s Bay !!!! (18-11-2012) - YouTube
Danger of energy drinks - YouTube
Monitor Your Diabetes Using These Digital Tools
Fundraisers and a national nod to a Winder boy fighting for his life |
Kaiser to Let Go of Hundreds of Workers - Claremont-La Verne, CA Patch
Lew Rockwell: Ron Paul's ‘Secret’ Plans for Continued Leadership For The Liberty Movement | XRepublic
Former Hostess Twinkies CEO tripled salary to $2.5m before bankruptcy
poorrichard's blog: EBT System Crashes In 10 States: Millions Unable to Use Their Food Stamp Cards
The coming EBT riots: What will happen when government entitlements stop? | _
Russian President Vladimir Putin: Russia backs Egypt… | _
Muslim Brotherhood Now Targeting Jordan | _
Crucial Update: Netanyahu Says No to Ground Operation | Veterans News Now
Asia Times Online :: Netanyahu calls Obama's bluff
Asia Times Online :: Bomb Iran? No. Bomb Gaza? Yes!
Forget Petraeus: The Real Scandal Is Generals' Corrupt Weapons Procurement -
BP Slithers away with Light Penalty for Gulf Explosion and Oil Spill Disaster -
British Royal Marines on Syria Stanby
Obama Begins Push for New National Retirement System
Confiscate IRA's & 401k's - Obama Begins To Push | Economy
poorrichard's blog: The Four Horsemen Behind the Oil Wars
Adjudicative Guidelines for Determining Eligibility for Access to Classified Information
The REAL Reason for the Assault In Gaza? - Washington's Blog
Federal Government Seceded From the States, the Constitution in 1913 | The Lone Star Watchdog
The Cost of Israel to US Taxpayers
Why bankers rule the world
Does anyone seriously think it’s about rockets? | My Catbird Seat
Activist Post: Social Security Admin helps identity thieves while claiming to protect your identity
**JFK Assassination Lie - YouTube

The Battle for Control Over Our Plates
Paraquat, Herbicides may Increase Parkinson’s Risk Threefold
Are chemicals making us fat? | Pesticide Action Network
Electromagnetic Energy Pollution - Waking Times : Waking Times
5 Ways To Protect Yourself Against Obamacare - Forbes
Pipelines Explained: How Safe are America’s 2.5 Million Miles of Pipelines? - ProPublica
Agenda 21 – Global Smart Grid « The PPJ Gazette
Activist Post: Child Sex Rings Reveal Unspeakable Acts of Power Elite
Ancient Mariners: Did Neanderthals Sail to Mediterranean? - Yahoo! News
Activist Post: One Million Robots: Our Replacements Have Arrived
Devvy Kidd -- The Killing Fields Of America
Activist Post: 32 Questions That All Americans Must Answer
CLUSTERBALL: James Bond and the Petraeus Affair | This Can't Be Happening
RECONSTITUTING the U.S. | Kirwan's Art & Articles
Rense & Gerald Celente - WW III - YouTube
Why the Big Bang Was Actually Silent | ZenHaven
9 Essential Health Facts About Caffeine
Top 10 Reasons Not to Eat Turkeys |
Tofurky Anyone? A Vegetarian's Thanksgiving Menu | Family Goes Strong
Vegetarian Comfort Food -
Xenotransplantation – Creating The Zombie Apocalypse « REALITY BLOG
EatingWell: 6 easy ways to help your immune system -
HowStuffWorks "10 Awesome New Inventions You'll Never Hear About"
“SEXGATE” – Time Line | Have YOUR Say @
When Will our Email Betray Us? An Email Privacy Primer in Light of the Petraeus Saga | Electronic Frontier Foundation
The Whole, Sordid Story of the Zionist Conspiracy « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
Reincarnation, the ‘Interlife’, Universal Consciousness & the Holographic Soul - Waking Times : Waking Times
'Proof of Heaven' Documents Existence of Afterlife, Multiverse, Intelligent Life Beyond Earth, Multidimensional Realities - Waking Times : Waking Times
A Murder
Is this why Obama refuses to release his medical records? - Virginia Beach Conservative |
Exploring The Living Bridges Of India | ZenHaven
Photos reveal Einstein's brain was extraordinary |
Einstein's brain gets a new look-over
Drug Shortages Are Becoming Persistent in U.S. -
Diabetes Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency in New Study | WebProNews
Oprah Talks Satanic Ritual Abuse - YouTube
The Illuminati and the last message of Kubrick - English
Choice and Truth: The Dark History Of Modern Day Zionism
Hidden Magnetic Portals Around Earth | SPACE NEWS | VIDEO
Cyberwills: More web users seeking to protect 'online legacies' in death - Telegraph
Britain's most wanted paedophile Warren Spinks who kidnapped and sold young boys for abuse is finally caught after 15 years on the run | Mail Online
Paedophile Rings ... And 10 Downing Street - FULL ARTICLE - David Icke Website
Roi Tov – USA: Dissolving the Union
Valerie Jarrett “There Will Be Hell to Pay” for Obama’s Critics | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
Minnesota Police Investigation of Officers Providing Drugs to Occupy Protesters -
Europe's Depression, Japan's Disaster, And The World's Debt Prison -
GMO Babies now Being Engineered in Labs Under Guise of Preventing Incurable Disease -
Social Media, Internet Shutdowns are the Latest Weapons in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - » Madoff Accountant’s Son Commits Suicide in Ohio
Entropy | Free Full-Text | Empirical Data Confirm Autism Symptoms Related to Aluminum and Acetaminophen Exposure
The mystery of the vanishing beatles - Telegraph
Video-Israel And It's Crimes Have Nothing To Do With Judaism
Video-When Everything You Know Is Not True
Big Brother, Kill Lists, and Secrecy: What to Expect From Obama’s Second Term by Christian Stork --
Comedy of Deterrers | The American Conservative
Susan Rice's unclassified talking points released -
Ron Paul: Secession Is an American Principle - YouTube
Love, Liberty, and the State - informationliberation
It Isn't a Crime When the Government Does It - informationliberation
Marijuana Legalization Victories Are Already Ripping the Drug War Apart - informationliberation
U.S. Copyright Surveillance Machine About To Be Switched On, Promises of Transparency Already Broken - informationliberation
Doug Casey on the Inconvenient Truths of US Foreign Policy - informationliberation
Should Puppy Mills Be Illegal? - informationliberation
The Best Of Black Friday 2012 Tech Deals At Walmart - Chicago Technology |
Pet food drives help keep food in the bowl for needy pets this holiday season - Chicago Pets |
Report: Hamas Preparing Chemical Weapons
Is your TV watching you? Latest models raise concerns - Technology on
USA To Be Punished By God ? CERN's Hidden Wormhole Agenda ? | Alternative
Call to Strip Citizenship of Those Who Sign Secession Petitions
Benghazigate: The Disaster That Should Have Sunk Obama — and Still Could
Somalian Psyops, Flu Fraud, War Crimes - New World Next Week - YouTube

**Cooking and Recipes
Leaked Photos Of Roswell Aliens And Craft? Video | Beyond Science
Horrors of FEMA disaster relief
Dictatorship - U.S. In State of National Emergency Since 1933 | Alternative
10 Spices And Herbs That Help With Weight Loss | Health
Why Pot Makes Some People Psychotic: It's In The Genes | Health
CIA Operative Speaks: Exposes White House - Benghanzi - Syria Connection AND Warns of Russia!! - YouTube
Petraeus Updates, Headlines and Open Phones - YouTube
History of Israel:Stolen Land of Palestine by Ilan Pappe - YouTube
Is a college degree worth the cost? You decide – Peter Schiff |
Is a college degree worth the cost? You decide. - YouTube
Obama’s War on Whistleblowers – Robbie Martin |
Keiser Report: 'Crash JP Morgan' - 2nd Anniversary Special (E368) - YouTube
Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (11-14-2012) Staten Island Pizza Project & Hurricane Sandy Relief - YouTube
While New Jersey Residents Suffer, Governor Christie Goes on Saturday Night Live
Anonymous leaks personal information of 5,000 Israeli officials — RT
Petraeus retains Robert Barnett, lawyer to political elite - CNBC
Public nudity ban eyed in fed-up San Francisco
Obama's Evasive Press Conference
Republicans Embrace Amnesty Fantasy
Americans Want Different War on Drugs
Lieberman to Congress: Focus on Security, Not Storylines
Greenspan: New Recession Is 'Cheap Price' to Finally Cut Spending
Jindal: Liking People Is Key to Expanding GOP Tent
McCain: Send Bill Clinton to Negotiate Mideast Peace
US Lawmaker Suggests Obama Told of Petraeus Affair Earlier
Tens of Millions of Hackers Target Israel Govt Websites
Pelosi Says Budget Deal Needs to Raise Taxes on Top Earners
Rep. King: Petraeus ‘Clearly Believed’ Benghazi Attack 'Did Not Arise Out of a Demonstration’ | CNS News
Pelosi: Any Deal Must Increase Tax Rates; Majority of House Has Pledged Not To | CNS News
Congressional Black Caucus Chair Accuses John McCain of 'Racism and Sexism' | CNS News
Rep. Heck: Reference to Benghazi Terrorism Removed in 'Editing Process' | CNS News
Last-Ever Boxes of Twinkies Offered on eBay | CNS News
Maddow's Bizarre Defense of Susan Rice: McCain, Not Rice, Offers 'Made-Up' Charges |
Yasser Arafat's Grave Dug Up In West Bank |
AG Eric Holder: 'We Do Not Share...Facts of Ongoing Investigations' | CNS News
First Lady’s ‘Let’s Move’ Blog Tells People: Walk, Don’t Drive | CNS News
ABC Cancels '666 Park Avenue' in Middle of First Season | CNS News
House Women Mock McCain for Naval Academy Grades, Choice of Sarah Palin | CNS News
Thanksgiving, Colonists & Early American Law
Secession: What’s In a Name?
National Heritage Sites and Agenda 21
A Moment of Truth in Israel
Now it Gets Ugly
States Don’t Need To Petition To Leave The Union
Petraeus denies leaking secrets to his paramour
I Am Not Stoned: Sobering Realities For Taxpayers On The Road To Legalizing Marijuana
Obama Arrogant and Narcisstic As Usual
Is Petraeus Scandal an Obama Scandal?
Petraeus Spins the Media
A Tsunami of Lies
King: Petraeus Said CIA’s Talking Points Were Edited to Play Down Terrorism
Terrorist Group Hamas Targets Israel Following Obama’s Reelection
Murphy: Conservatives should rethink support for a carbon ‘tax swap’ deal
September 11, 2001: The Crimes of War Committed “In the Name of 9/11″
The Suspension of Habeas Corpus in America
Arab Divide: Lebanon, Algeria, Sudan, Mauritania support Gaza while Arab Monarchs support Israel
Russia, Iran, China Condemn Israel’s Attack on Gaza
Hamas and Sudan vow mutual support against Israel
U.S. Building Military Presence Along China’s Soft Underbelly
Dissecting Israeli Military Propaganda: The Numbers behind the Rocket Attacks
Gaza Attack: Iraq calls for use of oil to pressure the US, Israel
Muslims and Catholics Unite in Paris
States Rights and Marijuana
Congress investigating editing, creation of Libya talking points -
Reporters Without Borders condemns Israeli strikes - SFGate
Florida detective resigns over Obama comments | Fox News
Frustrated by recent losses, Senate Republicans plan bigger role in primaries | Fox News
EXCLUSIVE: Paula Broadwell was ‘considering a run for office’ during affair with Petraeus -
IDF AMA - Business Insider
Chemicals used to make explosives found in NJ doc's home -
The Engineers Who Helped Obama Get Reelected - Business Insider
Queens al Qaeda thug sentenced to life in prison -
Listen to the sounds of the human mind: Remixed brain scans reveal our inner music | Mail Online
Mayan Doomsday 'Safe Zone' Shut Down | LiveScience
BBC News - Rat heart cells help create walking 'bio-bots'
Mars impact heated water to habitable temperatures (Wired UK)
The remote control helicopter you can control with your mind | Mail Online
Revealed: the secrets of a 5,500-year-old mummy murder mystery - Telegraph
Fossil On Santa Cruz Beach Found By Surfers Likely From Extinct Whale (PHOTO)
The Gingerbread Man
Islamic Terrorism: Ignorance Is Not Bliss
The Demographic That Matters
Obama Appoints Class Warfare Czar to Save New York
The Secession Obsession
Bias by the Numbers
Iran speeds up, expands nuke enrichment
Can Egypt's new Coptic pope protect his flock?
Eliminate the death tax
Geithner: Eliminate the debt ceiling
Susan Rice will not be nominated for Secretary of State
Our Winter of Discontent?
Finding a Silver Lining in Obama's America
Did Obama Cheat? How to Answer the Question
Opening the Gates of Hell
How Republicans Can Rebrand
Obama vs. the Rule of Law
M. Shahid Alam: Northeastern University's Historical Hoaxer


Video: Tel Aviv Targeted: Rockets Blown Up Over Tel Aviv by Israel's 'Iron Dome' Defenses
Video: Bolton: WH Took Out 'Al Qaeda' from Sunday Show Talking Points - 'Only Explanation'
Video: How Raising Taxes Will Not Balance the Budget: More Evidence
Video: Lost: Nancy Pelosi Claims She's 'With the Constitution' Based on 'the 11th..14th..Whatever!'
Video: Flashback: Charlton Heston 'From My Cold Dead Hands' - Speech on Patriotism, Freedom and Liberty 
Thousands Seen Dying If Terrorists Attack U.S. Power Grid - Bloomberg
Want to be Obama's neighbor? You can for $899,000 (and a security check). -
Bill Maher: Obama Should Become an ‘Angry Black Man Pushing a Liberal Agenda’ During His Second Term
MSNBC Host Says ‘Orgasmic’ a ‘Good Metaphor’ for How He Felt Election Night
Does the GOP Need to Get With the Times? A Few Top Republicans Think So
Michael Moore: ‘By Watching Fox News You Have De-Evolved’
GOP Senator: Susan Rice ‘Will Have to Testify’ About Benghazi
Joe Biden Reassures Sandy Victims: ‘You’ve Got a Homeboy in the Deal Who Gets It’
SNL: The Real Chris Christie Shows Up to Not Thank ‘Stupid Mayors’ or the Reporters Who Stood Outside During Sandy
Romney Adviser Blames ‘Far Right’ for Republican Failure With Hispanics
Is Egypt Pursuing a Nuclear Weapons Program?
Congress to Investigate Inaccurate Benghazi Talking Points: ‘This Whole Process Is Going to Be Checked Out’
Lindsey Graham: Romney Digging the GOP Deeper Into a ‘Hole’
SNL: ‘Paula Broadwell’ Gives an Awkward & Explicit Reading of Her Petraeus Book
Bill Kristol Doubles Down on Taxing the Rich, Says Tea Party Agrees
Republican Strategist: No More Ideas ‘Right Out of Rush Limbaugh’s Dream Journal’
Anti-Acorn Mom’s Oak Tree Claims Debunked By Nut-Allergic SUN News Reporter?
Obama: ‘We Are Fully Supportive of Israel’s Right to Defend Itself’ But Warns Against ‘Ramping Up’
Bomb Explodes Near Anderson Cooper During Live Broadcast From Gaza: ‘Woah!’
It Seems the Dead Boy Used as Symbol of Israeli ‘Aggression’ Was Killed by…Hamas (Warning — Graphic Photo)
MSNBC Anchor Tells Israeli Ambassador Hamas Rockets ‘Rarely Do Damage’

Those Nazi Bastards!

Coast to Coast AM - Nov 17 2012 - America's Nazi Secret C2CAM - YouTube
America's Nazi Secret with Author John Loftus - YouTube
RenseRadio-America's Nazi Secret- John Loftus - YouTube
America's Nazi Secret - YouTube

the Other Ones

CIA Agents Reveal "Secrets of the CIA" - YouTube
Secrets of the CIA - YouTube

THIS & That...

NWO : The Rise of the Fourth Reich - YouTube
Illuminati, Giants, & Dead Microbiologists with Steve Quayle - YouTube
The Death of Communism? Let's Take Another Look! | John F. McManus - YouTube
Romney’s Ohio disaster forces GOP rethink
Iran moving sleeper cells into America?
GOP Congressman: Obama Can't Utter The Words 'Muslim Terrorist Attack'
White House denies editing talking points on Benghazi attack, contradicting Petraeus -
Hamas ‘terror wing’ follows CNN on Twitter
Iran, Pakistan jockey for Afghanistan influence
China’s communism opening up to Christianity?

Pope establishes pontifical Latin Academy | St. Louis Review


English to Latin
Free Online English to Latin Translators

The Alex Jones Show - Sunday, November 18, 2012 (Full Show) - YouTube
The Alex Jones Show Sunday November 18 2012 Hour 1
The Alex Jones Show Sunday November 18 2012 Hour 2
Giant Middle East War Looming - YouTube
Secrets Of Secession? What The NWO Fears! - YouTube
Looking Back at The Top Stories That Shocked America - YouTube
Al Gore, aka 'Captain Planet' Can't Save You - YouTube
GMO Roundtable: Big Money & Computers Decided Prop 37 Outcome - YouTube

Prison » MORGAN STANLEY: The Solution To The Fiscal Cliff Will Be Another Fiscal Cliff
The Quickest Way EVER Through A Security Checkpoint - YouTube
Body Scanners Will Lead to the NWO - YouTube
Prison » 7 Ways to Detox Pesticides from Your Body
Entropy | Free Full-Text | Empirical Data Confirm Autism Symptoms Related to Aluminum and Acetaminophen Exposure
Jill Kelley, twin sister visited White House three times in fall 2012 - The Washington Post
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Alex Details His Battle Plan to Restore The Republic - YouTube
Prison » Israel and the U.S. CREATED Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda
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Talk Show Host Calls For Second American Revolution! - YouTube
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Prison » Our Hearts, Minds, And Wills Have Been Seized For World War III
Israel threatens to send Gaza back to Middle Ages
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RT office in Gaza destroyed by Israeli airstrike - YouTube
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NASA’s Curiosity finds humans could survive radiation levels on Mars | The Space Reporter
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Nat Hentoff: Can we reclaim our Constitution in the age of Obama? - The Mercury
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5-Hour Energy, Monster, Rockstar cited in FDA report for deaths, hospitalizations
Frito-Lay To Put Caffeine In Cracker Jacks | The Braiser
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November 18th in History
Today in History: November 18
What Happened on November 18th This Day in History
November 18 Events in History
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Today in History: November 18
William J Federer's American Minute for November 18th
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