A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

09 September 2012

9 Sept.'12


Priorities USA Action Ad: "We The People"
Romney, Obama Supporters Debate: Should Business Put People Before Profit?
Mitt and Ann Romney Discuss The 2012 Election
Paul Ryan Defends Defense Cuts, Criticizes President
Gingrich: Bill Clinton Was A "Real" President, Obama A "Pretender"
Plouffe On Defense Cuts, Lead In Battleground States
"Meet The Press" Panel Reacts To Mitt Romney Interview
Ryan: "President Obama Has Placed Us On A Path Toward Decline"
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On The 2012 Conventions
California Gov. Jerry Brown On Obama's First Term
"This Week" Roundtable: Post-Convention Outlook
"Face The Nation" Panel On SEAL Book, Conventions


"Real Time" Panel vs. Christine O'Donnell On Small Gov't & Social Issues
Obama Weekly Address: "Our Country Is Stronger, Safer And More Respected"
Sen. Barrasso Gives GOP Weekly Address On Obama's Economic Failures
D'Souza: Media Thinks It Is "Morally Important" That Obama Get Reelected
Bill Maher: Obama "Had A Much Better Presidency Than A Campaign"
Jon Stewart Slams FOX News For Coverage Of RNC And DNC
Buchanan: Obama's "Flat" Convention Speech Gives GOP A Change To Win
Krauthammer: Obama Has Offered Nothing; "Shameless" And "Unconvincing"
Palin: Obama Depending On People Who Want "Free Stuff" To Vote For Him
Alan Colmes: Romney Continuing Republican "Race Card" Tactics
Greg Gutfeld On Liberal Celebrities At DNC


Obama to young Hawaiian: ‘You have a birth certificate?’ – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

The Democratic Party is a Big Fraud | This Can't Be Happening

Penn Is To Obama, What Monroe Was To JFK | Sinclair News.Net

"MITT ROMNEY" (Moon River parody) - YouTube

+9/11 Documentary on PBS

Video: 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out | Watch Colorado Public Television Presents Online | PBS Video

World Trade Center 7 (WTC7) Collapse Video

9/11 – Still Traumatising the Mass Mind « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

Cop Hits Dog With Patrol Car, Beats It To Death With Baton & Stomps Its Brains Out - informationliberation


*Judge Says 10 Rare Gold Coins Worth $80 Million Belong to Uncle Sam - Yahoo! News




+25 Most Valuable Pennies (Updated 2012) |


[Throw Them All Out] - C-SPAN Video Library

Activist Post: Media Begins Attacking Organic Food Consumers Following Flawed Study

Studies Show Microwaves Drastically Reduce Nutrients In Food | Consciousness TV

Prison » Cargill and Others Behind anti-Organic “Stanford Study”

How Your Cell Phone Hurts Your Relationships: Scientific American

Einstein - If The Bees Disappear...

Mammograms may boost breast cancer risk in women with faulty gene | Mail Online

PARASITES INSIDE YOU - Become Parasite FREE! - YouTube

Brain Parasites, California’s Hidden Health Problem | Guest Blog, Scientific American Blog Network

Addicted to Cheese and Ice Cream? The Opiate Qualities of Dairy

10 Non-Dairy Foods That Are Chockful Of Calcium (Slideshow) | Care2 Causes

Man sues supermarket over chronic 'Popcorn Lung' condition contracted from 'eating too much microwave popcorn' | Mail Online


Paper: Obama Clearly Using Covert Hypnosis Techniques - Video Dailymotion


Sheriff Joe's Lead Investigator Just Back From Hawaii: Only "pResident" Ever To Have 3 Aliases | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Reality Check: DNC Runs Over Delegates With Scripted Platform Vote - YouTube

The power of the sun: Now Nasa reveals VIDEO of a 500,000 mile long 'solar whip' that caused an aurora on earth | Mail Online

BREAKING NEWS: New Discovery Affirms Unknown Source of Charged Particles from Center of Milky Way - New Earth Daily

Does Time Slow Down For Elite Athletes? : Discovery News

Senior Adviser: Mystery bacteria growing on nuclear fuel rods have unknown DNA sequence — “Right now we are trying to figure out what they’re using for food”

The Message From Both Parties Is That Americans Are Disposable ~ Paul Craig Roberts -

Harsh realities for Democrats -

Black Hawk lands in woman’s back yard, searching for drugs | _

National Institutes Of Health Discovers Protective Effects Of Coffee - Life Extension

Unable to connect to database server

Louisiana looks for 'smoking gun' to link Isaac tar balls to Gulf oil disaster | Environment |

PressTV - Age of internet exposes US-Israeli plots and crimes

PressTV - TSA intends to deploy body scanners at terminals

Monsanto Loses to a Tiny Foe; Corn Rootworm Wins Big | Care2 Causes

Activist Post: Does Explosion in Food Stamp Spending Contribute to Higher Food Prices?

Activist Post: D. C. Police Embedded With Developers to Control Behavior by Design

Apple Says It Didn't Give ID Data to FBI -

Judge Says 10 Rare Gold Coins Worth $80 Million Belong to Uncle Sam - Yahoo! News

GOP Senate Candidate Supports Life Sentences For Rape Victims Who Obtain Abortions | ThinkProgress

Hungary Throws Out Monsanto and The IMF | ZenHaven

PressTV - US is a refuge for criminals, Morales says

Canada - Selling Its Soul To America

NSA Whistle-Blower Tells All

My Way News - Clinton: Deep differences with Russia on Syria

Romney–the One Legged Turkey | Stuart Wilde

Legitimizing Illegal Spying

DHS downgrades Coast Guard sailors to faulty weapons | Sinclair News.Net

Nobody expects the American Inquisition | Sinclair News.Net

Activist Post: Top 10 Foods That Contain High Fructose Corn Syrup

13 Hollywood Basterds by David Duke - YouTube

The Pod People And The Plane That Crashed Into the Pentagon

The Biggest Threat to Free Speech and Intellectual Property That You’ve Never Heard Of

The Secret Service at Booker Elementary: The Dog That Did Not Bark

Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9 -11 - YouTube

Israel did 9/11 - All the Proof in the World - YouTube

Bush Caught in a Lie About the 9/11 WTC Attacks

9/11 Videos - The Controlled Collapse of WTC 7

The BBC's 'WTC 7 Collapsed At 4:54 p.m.' Videos

Larry Silverstein - Pull It (PBS Version) - YouTube

PressTV - Declassified CIA document reveals US analytic errors before Iraq war

Activist Post: The Permanent Unemployment Economy

Jihadists Striving for Autocratic Theocracy Make Up Syrian Rebels -- News from

Woman Waving From WTC 1 Impact Area - photos and videos

Shaped Charges and the World Trade Center Collapses

9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Gardening company faces $12.5 million penalty for adding poison to bird food — RT

China, Russia sound alarm on world economy at APEC summit -

ZOMBIE ALERT issued by Homeland Security - NY Daily News


Dancing Israelis on 9/11 - YouTube

911 Commission Clip from War by Deception - YouTube

Daughter of Mossad Chief: I Refuse to Enlist in the Israeli Military - YouTube

Disarming the 911 Kook Movement - YouTube

Flight 93 my 2 cents - YouTube

911 Q&A - YouTube

[04] US Coup D'Etat, Genocide & Dissent, Photo Criminals, Monsanto Superbug | Breaking The Set - YouTube

FBI begins installation of $1 billion face recognition system across America — RT

EU funding 'Orwellian' artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for "abnormal behaviour" - Telegraph

Status Quo Campaign of Shock and Awe | _

This spying bill is against privacy and democracy. And it won't work | Henry Porter | Comment is free | The Observer

Activist Post: ACLU: TPP is the ‘biggest threat to free speech and intellectual property that you’ve never heard of’

The Biggest Threat to Free Speech and Intellectual Property That You’ve Never Heard Of

The Secret Service at Booker Elementary: The Dog That Did Not Bark

Ron Paul: In A Police State The Police Are National, Powerful & Authoritarian | XRepublic

Gerald Celente: America & "The Presidential Reality Show" | XRepublic


9/11 Film Fest to show false flags for wars, rights elimination - National Human Rights |

Hustler magazine offers $1 million for a different type of exposure – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Obama Administration Has Failed To Enforce The Law Promoting Military Voting -

Sniffing open WiFi networks is not wiretapping, judge says | Ars Technica

Farmageddon: The Unseen War on American Family Farms « Underground Documentaries

Flashback: birthers

THE BIG LIST of eligibility ‘proofers’

Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


43 min./Chris Hedges Warns of Authoritarian Takeover - YouTube

Time Magazine Writer Jokes About Dead Fetus Beauty Pageant at RNC on the Dudley and Bob Morning Show - YouTube

26 min./Gray State Film: The Systematic Abolishment of Liberties to Bring in a Nwo - YouTube

GRAY STATE Official Concept Trailer #1 - YouTube

Bin Laden Interview 1993 – Before He Was Public Enemy #1 |

Tim Osman aka Bin Laden - YouTube

Osama bin Laden, A.K.A. CIA Asset “Tim Osman” |

Tim Osman was bin Ladin?

Osama bin Laden, A.K.A. CIA Asset "Tim Osman"

Osama bin Laden: Made in USA

FBI and DHS Preparing False Flag Attack Claim Domestic Terrorists Building IEDs |

Debunking the myths in BP’s official story of BPGOD |

U.S. Transit Hub-Base in Kyrgyzstan for Afghan Heroin |

Roman Catholic Church continues to support Bishop convicted of covering up for pedophile priest

ACLU: TPP is the ‘biggest threat to free speech and intellectual property that you’ve never heard of’

THE TRUTH ABOUT PATRIOTISM (Carlin, Hicks, Stanhope) - YouTube

Co-ops are now employing more people than corporations

Spinning Bad Financial News Into Good

University researchers develop a technique to remotely control cockroaches

How Did This Happen? Lies – Left and Right, A Story of Disillusionment


The Lies that Led to the Iraq War and the Persistent Myth of ‘Intelligence Failure’ | Jeremy R. Hammond


19 pg./The Lies that Led to the Iraq War and the Persistent Myth of ‘Intelligence Failure’ by Jeremy R. Hammond


+Government Officials Say 9/11 Was State-Sponsored Terrorism … But Disagree About WHICH Nation Was Behind Attacks -

US debt collectors cash in on $1 trillion in student loans -

Too Big To Jail: Wall Street Executives Unlikely To Face Criminal Charges, Source Says

Miracle-Gro to pay big fine for fake pesticides, poison bird feed | The Raw Story

FBI begins installation of $1 billion face recognition system across America -

Rochester city employees caught by red-light cameras 119 times | Democrat and Chronicle |

Study Finds BPA Actually Changes Your Brain -

5 Fabulous Foods That Kill Cancer | Health

Marijuana Fights Cancer and Helps Manage Side Effects, Researchers Find - The Daily Beast

500 Million Year Old Creature Unchanged, Outlived Thousands Of Species | Animals-Pets

Illuminati Countdown Clock Decoded - Urgent! | Conspiracy Theories

Illuminati Countdown Clock Decoded! URGENT! - YouTube

2012 POLE SHIFT - A FACT!^ - YouTube

24 Places Google Doesn't Want You To See ~ RiseEarth

Satan Finally Found His Political Party—The Democrats! - Doug Giles - [page]

Obama Plans Executive Order To Force Cybersecurity Boondoggle On America | Obama

Economic Warfare Super Panel - William Scott - YouTube

Iran threatens to bring war to U.S. shores

Nikola Tesla speaks out about 9/11 and Iraq

Articles: Money, Twisted: Caught in the Devil's Bargain

The Titanic And A Rare Cosmic Alignment | Space

Is Triton Hiding an Underground Ocean?

Unusual Organisms Living On Pandora - A Fictional Alien World That Could Be Real -

Biblical-Type Floods Are Real, and They're Absolutely Enormous | Natural Disasters | DISCOVER Magazine

DISGUSTING: Obama Lies About Mother’s Cancer Fight – Media Remains Silent - The Ulsterman Report

Former Obama Adviser Goolsbee: Reelection Chances 50/50 After Jobs Report

Democrats Ran Their Convention Like They Run the Country: At a Deficit

Book: Obama Admits Attacking Ryan Budget Was 'Mistake'

Ex-prosecutor Claims O.J. Simpson Attorney Tampered with Glove

Joe Walsh To Sandra Fluke: 'Get A Job'

Obama's Convention Bounce Will Deflate Quickly

Media Blackout: GAO Says Obama's Welfare Waivers Illegal

Report: Iran Acquits Christian Pastor Charged with Apostasy

Report: Cigarette Tax Hike Caused 'Proliferation of Contraband' in Mexico

Report: Israeli Attack on Iran Not Imminent If Obama Sets 'Red Lines'

Salafist militants claim rockets fired into Israel

World View: Palestinian President Abbas to Return to the U.N. on September 27

Syria Rebukes France for Supporting Rebels

Iran Currency Slides to New Low

Fugitive Iraqi Vice President Sentenced to Death: Official

Invest in New Egypt, PM Tells US Businessmen

GOP Senators to Obama: Let Our Troops Vote

Obama Admin Cuts Military Participation With Israel, Increases Participation with Muslim Brotherhood

Romney to Obama: Quit 'Dismantling Our Military'

Media Charges Romney With Implying Obama Wants God Off Coins

CNN: White Protestants 'Have Jumped The Shark'

NBC Spins Jobs Report

Media Blackout: GAO Says Obama's Welfare Waivers Illegal

Gawker's Soft Peddling Pedophilia

Media Buries Story Of Fast & Furious Arrest

MSM Ignores RNC's Latina Gov., Hypes Castro as 'Latino Obama'

Obama: Demonizing Tax Cuts

Bill Clinton Can Still Handle a Whopper

Carville Turns on Obama: 'Not Best Speech at Convention'

Flashback Obama 08: 'The Real Question Is, "Will Our Country Be Better Off 4 Years From Now?"'

Dem Rep: Obama's Rise a 'Miraculous Movement'

The Audacity of Cronyism: Jarrett, Plouffe, and Donilon

Democrats' Pro-Choice Stance Comes with Many Asterisks

Obama Moves To Copy GOP On Medicare

Gingrich: Clinton's Convention Speech 'Eerily Anti-Obama'

MSM Ignores GM Troubles to Help Obama

56% of NYC Abortions Are Repeats

By Obama Standard, Clinton Behind Reagan in Jobs Creation

Obama: No Bipartisanship Without Tax Increases

Romney Airs Ad in Wisconsin, Expands Electoral Map

"One... Trillion... Dollars": The Broken Promise That Defines the Obama Presidency

Michigan Supreme Court Allows Big Labor Power Grab on November Ballot

Democrats Ran Their Convention Like They Run the Country: At a Deficit

Touré on Racial Code Words

Final DNC Protest Reveals Occupy's Intellectual Superiority over Obama Supporters

Former Obama Adviser Goolsbee: Reelection Chances 50/50 After Jobs Report

Obama's Transparent and Foolish Attack on Mitt Romney For Endorsing Rep. Steve King

Jesse Jackson: Maybe Founding Fathers Shouldn't Have Referenced 'Creator' in Declaration

Sherrod Brown Uses Historically Antisemitic Phrase Against Jewish Opponent

Obama One Year Ago: Americans Are Not Better Off

Obama's One Million Electric Car Goal: Three Percent Complete

Obama Misses Deadline For Reporting Proposed Defense Cuts To Congress

Harry Reid Blames Republicans For Poor August Jobs Report

Liberal Sheen Narrates 'China' Doc Detailing Country's Threat to America

Anti-Obama '2016' Now Second Biggest Documentary in Film History

The James Bond Chronicles: Dalton, Davi Wasted in 'Licence to Kill'

Bubble Dweller: Kal Penn Says Buds Better Off Under Obama

'A Bridge Too Far' - When Masculinity Mattered at the Movies

Jury: Venice Rules Kept 'Master' from Top Prize

How the feds are tracking us | PCWorld

Obama: "We Are All Connected" Whether You Crossed Rio Grande Or Landed on Ellis Island | RealClearPolitics

Muslim delegates at Democratic convention quadrupled since 2004 - The Washington Post

Obama makes birth certificate joke in Orlando

PIPES: Obama: 'I have never been a Muslim' - Washington Times

Homeschoolers say treatment ‘inhuman, cold, brutal’

Romney Claims His Tax Plan Won't Lower Taxes on the Rich

Ryan Claims Cutting $800B From Medicaid Will Be Just Fine

MTP: Mitt Romney Calls Debt Ceiling Deal "Big Mistake"

Another Day, Another Lie by Mitt Romney on the Campaign Trail

Mittens Criticizes the Same Defense Cuts Ryan Supported

RNC Staffer Plays Role of Disaffected Obama Supporter

How To Tell If Your Religious Liberty Is Being Repressed

Christine O'Donnell Proves She's Even Dumber Than We Thought She Was During Real Time O.T. Segment

Reuters' Misleading Headline Portrays Obama's Speech As 'Fast & Loose With Facts' But Own Story Differs

We're Meltinnngggg.....

NFL Punter's Hilarious, Scathing, Profanity-laced Letter in Defense of Gay Marriage

Emanuel Cleaver at DNC: 'March on!'

Tea Party Report: Democrats Warned They Will Burn in Hell

Barack Obama's Speech at DNC: No Disappointment at All

Slate's Matt Yglesias: Print Money, Give It To The States

The Daily Show: Last Week vs This Week in Fox 'News' Convention Coverage

Romney clarifies policy stances - Video on

Ryan defends his support of defense cuts - CBS News

Ryan: Why I voted for sequestration - CBS News Video

Ryan: Obama "says one thing and does another" - CBS News Video

Obama aide: President is "committed to compromise" - CBS News

SEAL details bin Laden raid on "60 Minutes" - CBS News

Do Our Gadgets Really Threaten Planes? -

Two Possible Paths into the Future of Wearable Computing: Part 1 – VR | Valve

Google Can Now Buy & Sell Energy, What Next? — Cleantech News and Analysis

3 years later, hackers who hit Google continue string of potent attacks | Ars Technica

+Mathematician cracks Beatles mystery - perhaps

Sock Puppet Spectacular: Are Online Reviews Completely Worthless, Or Only Mostly Worthless? | TechCrunch

Gmail as a Facade | Jack Groetzinger

U.S. Economy Created Fewer Jobs in August than Anticipated | Business |

Forget four years ago: We're worse off than in 2011 - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Welcome to Forbes

The Debt-Free College Degree - Businessweek

'There's Something Very Exciting Going On Here' - Jordan Weissmann - The Atlantic

Can the Godless Market Evolve Beyond Bumper Stickers? - Businessweek

Mobile and social profits: Like chasing purple unicorns - Fortune Tech

Worldview: The president's global report card

The Democratic Party has replaced the Republican Party as the dominant voice on foreign policy and national security. - Slate Magazine

Romney Can Play Offense on Foreign Policy « Commentary Magazine

A More Religious World | RealClearPolitics

AWOL From Obama's Speech: U.S. Mission After Bin Laden | Danger Room |

Iran-Canada relations: Good riddance to Iranian diplomats | Full Comment | National Post

Why is the world so silent in the face of Iran’s appalling human rights record? - Comment - Voices - The Independent

New Rules -

Obama speech shows hope, restraint - SFGate

Democrats and Republicans offer a clear choice, with few details -

Why is Putin stockpiling gold? - MarketWatch

Greed, debt and Matt Taibbi - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Clinton’s speech may be remembered as turning point -

Quit the outrage over Solyndra - NY Daily News

A Failed Governor Talks Up a Failed President - Hit & Run :

The fall brawl begins in 10 battleground states | McClatchy

A Tenuous Advantage for Obama -

Playing Now - Hail to Us Chiefs -

Rhetoric can't mask unemployment numbers -

A president sidelined - The Washington Post

Cutting the Deficit, Compassionately - Economic View -

Brian Calle: Not Clinton's party anymore | obama, clinton, president - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Is Obama cruising to re-election? He seems to think so -

New Rules -

Obama speech shows hope, restraint - SFGate

Democrats and Republicans offer a clear choice, with few details -

Why is Putin stockpiling gold? - MarketWatch

Greed, debt and Matt Taibbi - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Clinton’s speech may be remembered as turning point -

Quit the outrage over Solyndra - NY Daily News

A Failed Governor Talks Up a Failed President - Hit & Run :

The fall brawl begins in 10 battleground states | McClatchy

A Tenuous Advantage for Obama -

Playing Now - Hail to Us Chiefs -

Rhetoric can't mask unemployment numbers -

A president sidelined - The Washington Post

Cutting the Deficit, Compassionately - Economic View -

Brian Calle: Not Clinton's party anymore | obama, clinton, president - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Is Obama cruising to re-election? He seems to think so -

New Rules -

Obama speech shows hope, restraint - SFGate

Democrats and Republicans offer a clear choice, with few details -

Why is Putin stockpiling gold? - MarketWatch

Greed, debt and Matt Taibbi - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Clinton’s speech may be remembered as turning point -

Quit the outrage over Solyndra - NY Daily News

A Failed Governor Talks Up a Failed President - Hit & Run :

The fall brawl begins in 10 battleground states | McClatchy

A Tenuous Advantage for Obama -

Playing Now - Hail to Us Chiefs -

Rhetoric can't mask unemployment numbers -

A president sidelined - The Washington Post

Cutting the Deficit, Compassionately - Economic View -

Brian Calle: Not Clinton's party anymore | obama, clinton, president - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Is Obama cruising to re-election? He seems to think so -

New Rules -

Obama speech shows hope, restraint - SFGate

Democrats and Republicans offer a clear choice, with few details -

Why is Putin stockpiling gold? - MarketWatch

Greed, debt and Matt Taibbi - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Clinton’s speech may be remembered as turning point -

Quit the outrage over Solyndra - NY Daily News

A Failed Governor Talks Up a Failed President - Hit & Run :

The fall brawl begins in 10 battleground states | McClatchy

A Tenuous Advantage for Obama -

Playing Now - Hail to Us Chiefs -

Rhetoric can't mask unemployment numbers -

A president sidelined - The Washington Post

Cutting the Deficit, Compassionately - Economic View -

Brian Calle: Not Clinton's party anymore | obama, clinton, president - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Is Obama cruising to re-election? He seems to think so -

New Rules -

Obama speech shows hope, restraint - SFGate

Democrats and Republicans offer a clear choice, with few details -

Why is Putin stockpiling gold? - MarketWatch

Greed, debt and Matt Taibbi - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Clinton’s speech may be remembered as turning point -

Quit the outrage over Solyndra - NY Daily News

A Failed Governor Talks Up a Failed President - Hit & Run :

The fall brawl begins in 10 battleground states | McClatchy

A Tenuous Advantage for Obama -

Playing Now - Hail to Us Chiefs -

Rhetoric can't mask unemployment numbers -

A president sidelined - The Washington Post

Cutting the Deficit, Compassionately - Economic View -

Brian Calle: Not Clinton's party anymore | obama, clinton, president - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Is Obama cruising to re-election? He seems to think so -

Do Southern Democrats embrace their party's rejection of God?

The Marriage of Conservatism and Liberalism.

How government policy can improve the U. S business environment!

The crack in globalism starts in the Middle East.

Now, Barack’s Only Hope for Victory is “Coming Out” Before the Election

Obama’s Convention Speech Highlights His Own Weaknesses

Next Year in Jerusalem

Beyond politics

Can a Red Line be Drawn on Iran?

Obama’s Energy Tax Proposals: Wind vs. Oil and Gas

Debbie Whatshername Schultz Declares There is a God…….

People of the Government, by the Government, for the Government?

Universal Education or Universal Competence

2012 Democratic Platform pushes taxpayer-funded abortion

Clint Eastwood: “Obama Greatest Hoax Ever”

Social Security: Issuing Checks & Hollow–Points

No, Don’t Fool America Twice

The American Taliban -vs - American Marxists

Solyndra and Armendariz: Two of Obamas Major Energy Blunders Back in the Spotlight

Sandra Fluke: All freedoms are equal, but some freedoms are more equal than others

Clinton’s Speech at Convention Actually Highlighted Obama’s Weaknesses

Stanford's Monsanto Ties Cast Doubt on Organic Food Study (Commentary by Alan Watt) - YouTube

Obama and the DNC Running on Empty

Inside the Big Tent

Socially Acceptable Hatred

The Biblical Case for Limited Government and Low Taxes

Money, Twisted: Caught in the Devil's Bargain

And All the Democrats Said, 'AMEN!'

On 9/11 and Forgiveness

So Obama Inherited a Mess, Did He? From Whom?

Abbas, Temple Denial, and the Distortion of History

The Eradication of Israel

Slugging It Out against Israel

Relying on US Intelligence

Will We Choose Barabbas?

Colorado Democrat Redistricting May Have Left Opening for Republican Underdog

ObamaCare: A Shell Game With No Pea

Clint Eastwood Hangs 'Em High

Elizabeth Warren and Private Enterprise

Where exactly is the common ground between Clinton and Obama?

The Greatest Show on Earth

Juvenile politicians delay opening of Ground Zero Museum

Mob of Arab men attacks Israeli village

FBI facial recognition technology a threat to liberty?

'Occupy' terrorists now called 'radical right' by Southern Poverty Law Center

Obama Screws our Soldiers - Again

The Charlotte Freak Show

Obama Flunks the Job Interview

A Victim of the Obama Recovery

ObamaCare and Laptop Medicine

The Value of a College Education

Friendship Trumps Politics

Social Security: Disaster Is Closer Than It Appears

Magical Millionaires' Money

Obama's Closed Conceptual Universe

Liberals' Goal - Improving Society

President Obama Fails to Make the Case for Re-election in Charlotte

The Environmentalists' Police and Welfare States

Racial Preferences in ObamaCare

Is America's Dance with Utopian Socialism Ending?

AFP PODCAST: Can Marijuana Cure Cancer? | American Free Press

Government Spying | American Free Press

Powell, Newest Fed Governor, Is Board's Richest Member -


C2CAM:9/11 Attack & Terrorism Threats - September 8, 2012 - YouTube


Seattle residents plagued by constant humming noise caused by Midshipman fish | Mail Online

SETI's First Artist-in-Residence Transports Viewers to Alien Worlds | Raw File |

Evolution could explain the placebo effect - health - 06 September 2012 - New Scientist

Man faked his own death to propose | Orange UK

BBC News - Nasa's Curiosity rover 'sniffs' Martian air

Aliens could be discovered within 40 years


World Crisis Radio Saturday September 08 2012 Hour 1

World Crisis Radio Saturday September 08 2012 Hour 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday September 08 2012 Hour 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday September 08 2012 Hour 2



Steve Sanchez: RNC vs DNC does it really matter? YES!

Bradlee Dean: The Muslims’ Trojan Horse


Bill Cooper Interviewed by Alex Jones 1998 - YouTube


**The New American Century - Full documentary. - YouTube

**Loose Change 2nd Edition FULL LENGTH - YouTube

**The Book of Enoch - Entire Book, R. H. Charles Version - YouTube


**UNSURVIVABLE [LaRouche] [Video]


DARPA Cheetah Robot Runs Faster Than Usain Bolt - YouTube

Prison » Nanotech, Terra-Forming, Transhumanism, and You

+Prison » This Is What A US Strike On Iran’s Nuclear Facilities Could Look Like

Pentagon speaks with SEAL team, calls book’s account of bin Laden raid wrong - The Hill's DEFCON Hill

Prison » 138 Years of Economic History Show that Keen and Minsky Are Right … And the Mainstream Economists Are Wrong

Prison » DHS “See Something, Say Something” Campaign Headed For A Mall Near You

Prison » Children in danger from exposure to common chemicals, new studies confirm

Internet 'snooper's charter' could jeopardise national security, ISPs warn - Telegraph

Prison » Stealth Corporate Coup d’Etat

Prison » Uncle CyberSam Prepares To Defend Your Internet For You

Prison » Obama Interview with Ben Swann on NDAA, Kill Lists, and Syria

Ben Swann interviews President Obama (NDAA, Kill List, Syria, Afghanistan) - YouTube

The Banking Cartels' Engineered Depression - YouTube

31 MIN./Obama to Takeover Internet Via Executive Order! - YouTube

43 MIN./The Age of Thermonuclear War Under Obama - YouTube

» CDC’s zombie apocalypse propaganda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

CDC's zombie apocalypse propaganda positions vaccines as savior; citizens as helpless, disarmed victims in FEMA camps

ZOMBIE ALERT issued by Homeland Security - NY Daily News

» Neocon Triumvirate Harangue Globalist Forum, Call for Killing Iranians and Syrians Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

McCain criticizes Obama over Syria - YouTube

Once a Student, Now Dogged by Collection Agencies -

Romney invokes God, slams Obama on proposed military budget cuts -

» The Message From Both Parties Is That Americans Are Disposable Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Sweden aims to be cashless society Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Computer IDs culprits with tattoo recognition - Future of Tech on

» Infographic Depicts Nevada Set to Boom in Next American Gold Rush Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Questions and answers on the 9/11 war crimes trial

Political Dysfunction Over the 9/11 Museum Continues! - New York - News - Runnin' Scared

Federal government may finally recognize 9/11 cancer link, say attorneys of survivors |

9/11, Bin Laden and the Tyranny of the Corporate Media

Calif. Judge Tosses Out PETA Lawsuit Against California 'Happy Cows' Ads

Gallup: Obama Enjoys Massive Lead Among Those With No Religion

Romney: Iran Is 'Greatest Threat'

Biden Challenges Media to 'Fact Check Me'

Gingrich: Clinton’s Endorsement ‘Shrinks’ Obama

Romney: I'll Keep Parts of Obamacare

Clinton: Deep Differences with Russia on Syria

O.J. Prosecutor: Attorney Tampered with Glove 'That Did Not Fit'

Anniversary of 9/11 Marked under Cloud of Health Problems, Funding Fights

Obama Knocks Romney's 'Bad Math' on Tax Plan

Vatican Butler: I'm Not Alone in Corruption Fight

Kudlow: Dismal Jobs Reports Will Seal Obama's Doom

Tea Party Congressman Tells Free Contraception Advocate Sandra Fluke 'Get a Job' |

Bill Maher Calls Mitt Romney 'F--king Loser' |

Flashback: Dukakis Led Bush By 17 Points After 1988 DNC |

Barack Obama & Joe Biden Campaign Rally in Portsmouth, New Hampshire – September 7 2012

Mitt Romney Campaign Rally in Orange City, Iowa – September 7 2012

Paul Ryan Campaign Rally in Sparks, Nevada – September 7 2012

Barack Obama & Joe Biden Campaign Rally in Iowa City, Iowa – September 7 2012

Barack Obama Campaign Rally in Seminole, Florida – September 8 2012

Mitt Romney Campaign Rally in Virginia Beach, Virginia – September 8 2012

Paul Ryan Google+ Hangout – September 8 2012

Barack Obama Campaign Rally in Kissimmee, Florida – September 8 2012

Barack Obama Campaign Rally in Melbourne, Florida – September 9 2012

Mitt Romney On Meet The Press With David Gregory – September 9 2012

*9 Sept.

American Minute for September 9th

Today in History: September 9

September 9th in History

September 9th This Day in History

September 9 Events in History

This Day in History for 9th September |

Today in History: September 9

Today in History for September 9th - YouTube

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