A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

08 August 2012

8 Aug.'12

+100 Chillout Classics - The World's Best Chillout Album ( Part 1 ) - YouTube

+100 Chillout Classics - The World's Best Chillout Album ( Part 2 ) - YouTube



First Wave of Republican Convention Headliners | Sinclair News.Net

RNC Chairman Announces 2nd Wave of Convention Speakers | Sinclair News.Net

Twilight Language: Romney's Red Dawn?

Roseanne Barr to Speak at Chemtrails and Geo-Engineering Conference :

Monsanto PR Campaign on College Campus Gets Served - YouTube

Now That We Know Who Killed the Honey Bees, Will They Replace Them? - Waking Times : Waking Times

Irrefutable Scientific Evidence That We Are All One - Waking Times : Waking Times

Death as an Ally - How Shamans Perceive Death - Waking Times : Waking Times

How Hempseed Can Slow Premature Aging Due To Chronic Inflammation - Waking Times : Waking Times

Now White House collecting your personal info

Activist Post: Do these government records reveal Obama’s false flag event?

Red Rain in India May Have Alien Origin | Beyond Science | Science | Epoch Times

MARS: "News [of Life] Would Trigger a Revolution in Human Perspectives Not Seen Since Copernicus"

MARS | VIDEO: Curiosity Records its Descent To The Red Planet

Retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel talks about investigating and debunking UFO sightings - YouTube

Newly Released YouTube Video Claims to be of Stephenville UFO

Newark airport TSA screeners allow woman 'suspect of explosives' through security | Mail Online

NerdWallet Study: Top Companies Paid 9% U.S. Tax Rate

London 2012: Morrissey attacks 'blustering jingoism' of the Olympics and compares atmosphere to Nazi Germany - News - People - The Independent

NPN Email Alert: Does the Bible Predict Israel's "Nuclear Shield?"

FBI’s Facial Recognition is Coming to a State Near You | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Iran to unplug from Web to escape West’s ‘Internet monopoly’ — RT

Is not joining Facebook a sign you're a psychopath? Some employers and psychologists say it's 'suspicious' | Mail Online

The Murder Cult of Globoctopus Industries. Smoking Mirrors

Artificial intelligence – can we keep it in the box?

Obama fights ban on indefinite detention of Americans — RT

Do These Government Records Tell of Obama’s False Flag Event? | Sinclair News.Net

Will Israel Be The Next World Power? | Real Jew News

Boy Scouts of America 'very sorry' as files reveal continued child abuse | World news |

Vested interests are the scourge of our democracy - Telegraph

L.A. Air Radiation Doubles - YouTube

Mars Rover Curiosity Snaps Photo of Crater's Mysterious Mountain - Yahoo! News

What's our fascination with Mars? – Light Years - Blogs

White House considers executive order, leaves Internet takeover a possibility - Yahoo! News

Cybersecurity Bills Threaten Freedom

Victory Over Cyber Spying | Electronic Frontier Foundation


Obama, Romney and Goldman Sachs - 2012 - YouTube

Attorney Richard Gilbert Takes on Mitt Romney's 8.5 Billion Dollar Ponzi Scheme on Vimeo

Allen Stanford Sentenced To 110 Years In Prison For $7 Billion Ponzi Scheme

Chris Hedges: The Science of Genocide - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

On the Contrary: Of Human Alchemy and the Gay Science

Globalists Gutting America Head for the New World Hills « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

Witness: 4 Men Dressed in Black Opened Fire on Congregation - YouTube

UPDATE: FBI: Person of interest ruled out in temple attack - WAOW - Newsline 9, Wausau News, Weather, Sports

Twilight Language: Contagious Killer Copycats

Jailing immigrants is a booming business — RT

Activist Post: Insecticides Modified in GM Corn Polluting U.S. Waters

Banning freedom Gov't claims it owns all water even as it falls from the sky ! - YouTube


Israel did 9/11 - All the Proof in the World - YouTube

The Information Underground • View topic - Israel did 9/11 - ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD

(((Israel did 9-11))) by Alan Sabrosky Marine Vet US Army War College. (MUST SEE) - YouTube


Public Officials & Unions Establish New Privileged Class | Full Disclosure Network

Tax court burns entire U.S. medical marijuana industry | The Raw Story

Denver Airport and the Rand’s VHST Transit -


Interspecies Friendships (Better Together) by EVOLVE! Campaigns - YouTube


David Axelrod: Barack Obama's street fighter | Observer profile | From the Observer | The Observer

"Very well coordinated, Wasn't haphazard, Releasing of Gas" - Sikh Temple Shooting witness - YouTube

Activist Post: An (Augmented) View of a Future in "Sight"

Rense & Peter Davenport - Man Describes UFO In Alaska In 1936 - YouTube

Jürgen Graf: National Socialist Concentration Camps: Legend and Reality

Everything Greg Johnson knows about Holocaust Revisionism he learned from Mark Weber | Carolyn Yeager

Who will you call when EMP shuts down U.S.?


The Wonderland of the Subconscious. Visible Origami

Second Revelation at MUFON Symposium Concerns New Evidence On 1953 Kingman, Arizona UFO Crash

Roswell UFO Crash: There Were 2 Crashes, Not 1, Says Ex-Air Force Official

UFO NEWS | National Archives of Australia Releases Secret UFO X-Files After 30 Years

Elephants 'sing' like humans: scientists - Indian Express

‘Alice in Wonderland’ was used to convince children in Japan nuclear power is safe (PHOTO & VIDEO)

‘Zionists Systematically Inflaming Islamophobia Across the Globe :

OpEdNews - Article: Obama Files to Overturn Stay of NDAA's Indefinite Detention of Americans!

Syria reportedly captures foreign military officers, UN chief won’t condemn kidnapping of Iranians | End the Lie – Independent News

British bank 'laundered $250bn for Iran regime' - Business News - Business - The Independent

Standard Chartered questions New York action | Reuters

Italian newspaper owned by Silvio Berlusconi prints front page headline saying 'Fourth Reich' above picture of German chancellor Angela Merkel | Mail Online

Beware the Alterverse of Willful Ignorance « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

The Two Faces Of A Police State

The Truth About Imperial Russia

Another Hatchet Job from Consumer Reports | The Alliance for Natural Health USA

Now That We Know Who Killed the Honey Bees, Will They Replace Them? - Waking Times : Waking Times

Home health workers sweat Obama rule on pay | McClatchy

The Mighty Mississippi to Run Dry? | ZenHaven

Activist Post: Climate Change: Is the Carbon Tax the Death of Democracy?

A massage parlour, dance studio and rooftop garden: It's not a luxury resort, it's Google's new London headquarters | Mail Online

New Research Continues to Show Alzheimer’s is a Type 3 Diabetes | Health Impact News

New study finds link between kids’ BMI and food prices

Chemotherapy can 'encourage cancer growth' | Mail Online

Friends of the foreskin march against circumcision | Mail Online

How Does it all End? | ZenHaven

James Holmes' Psychiatrist Contacted University Police Weeks Before Movie-Theater Shooting: ABC Exclusive - Yahoo! News

Photo: Powerful Israeli American Dual Citizens :

NYT: A day job waiting for a kill shot a world away - US news - The New York Times -

Activist Post: The Martial Flu: U.S. Pandemic Laws Align with International Health Regulations

Sikh temple shooter was former U.S. Army specialist, 'frustrated neo-Nazi' - The Globe and Mail

What's in your vault? Uncle Sam audits its stash of gold at the New York Fed - Los Angeles Times

PressTV - Signs of America's second Great Depression

The Political Significance of Gore Vidal

Journalism's Eroding Integrity |

Madoff Sons’ Spouses Tell Court They Can’t Be Sued for Fraud - Bloomberg

Chronic 'Butter Flavoring' Exposure Linked to Harmful Brain Process | Yahoo! Health

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Captures Image of Curiosity Rover Descending To Surface on its Parachute

Why NASA Put Curiosity In Gale Crater?

Prepare to Pay an Extra $875 for Food in 2013 (Unless You Use These 4 Tips) - DailyFinance

A majority of one | Sinclair News.Net

U.S. Military Athletes Invade London Olympics | Danger Room |

Consuming Large Amounts of This Mineral Reduces Cancer Risk By 67 Percent

You Make The Call: Pt 1 of 2 Part Interview with Larry Sinclair | Sinclair News.Net

Founding Fathers’ original tax plan | Sinclair News.Net

The 5 Most Extravagant Ways Cities Have Been Wiped Out |

97 per cent of the world to be destroyed tomorrow! – Telegraph Blogs

Reality Check: GOP refuses to seat Maine delegation unless they agree to "Compromise"? - YouTube

Cherished Relationship - YouTube

Fire on 88th Floor of 1 WTC Contained | NBC New York

Mars Curiosity: Internet pranksters set to work on viral pictures with help from Photoshop | Mail Online

Mars rover Curiosity brings back Nasa's first 3D images from the Martian surface | Mail Online

Review & Outlook: RomneyCare 2.0 -

Romney mixes up 'Sikh' with 'sheik' -

Marvin Wilson Execution: Texas Puts Man With 61 IQ To Death | _

Romney: Halt wind aid - Times Union

Memo To Pentagon: Compare The Invasion Of Lichtenstein And The Cayman Islands To War With Iran And Syria | Video Rebel's Blog

Romney’s fanciful tax plan

They Say they Want our Guns, Let us Give them their Answer | _

Crime of the Millennium | _

Activist Post: Senate Anti-Leaks Bill Threatens the Rights of the Press and the Public

Mitt’s many mansions -

Europe Already Has Draft Standard For Real-Time Government Snooping On Services Like Facebook And Gmail | Techdirt

It’s a matter of trust | Hang The Bankers | He Who Controls the Money Supply, Controls the World The Disaster that Romneycare is Becoming


The Obama aka; Barry Soetoro Death Pool: Just More Coincidences? « Political Vel Craft

Obama Sues To Restrict Military Voting: Presidential Candidate Ron Paul’s 51% Support By The U.S. Military. « Political Vel Craft

Bombshell Validated: Why Barack Soetoro And Michele Soetoro Lost Their Right To Practice Law In The United States! « Political Vel Craft

Obama’s College Classmate Speaks Out: HERE’S THE SCHEME -> Overwhelm The American System By Debt For Corporate Control! « Political Vel Craft


Obama Eligibility: Pelosi Supplied Altered Congressional Records To The 2008 Election Commission! « Political Vel Craft


Migration Policy Institute Estimates 1.8 Million Illegal Aliens Eligible for Executive Amnesty | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels

DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano Dodges Congress' Questions Regarding Executive Amnesty - YouTube


Apple, Amazon prove the "cloud" isn't safe - CBS News

US courts Taliban with ‘high risk’ prisoner exchange — RT

“Murdered” Russian General dispels Syrian rebels’ claims of his death - PanARMENIAN.Net

Russia denies FSA killed general -

Anti-Neocons - Nagasaki the forgotten bomb

Violation of Consent: Fluoridation and Forced Medication | _

NDAA: Indefinite detention stopped? Not so fast — RT

Chemotherapy backfires - causes healthy cells to feed growth of cancer tumors

Army colonel ignites firestorm with article on crushing a 'tea party insurgency' - National Conservative |

741 Tax Returns Filed From Single Florida Address, IRS Sent Back Over $1 Million In Refunds

Christians, but not Muslims, can pray in Israel holy sites: court | The Raw Story

High cholesterol found less often in U.S. kids - Health - CBC News

Google complies with FDA demands to secretly disable Adwords accounts of nutritional detox companies

David Icke - Obama & The Agenda To Destroy America..... - YouTube

Can GOP Dump Romney and Nominate Ron Paul? | _

Federal Courts Abolish The Fourth Ammendment

How a Bill(ionaire) Becomes a Law(maker)

Ben Swann: Huge Developing Delegate Story | _

Leaked Pentagon Video - Flu Vaccine Use to Modify Human Behavior - YouTube

REPORT: Five Senior Goldman Sachs Execs Gave $130K To 'Obama Victory Fund' WHILE Eric Holder Was Deciding Whether To File Criminal Charges - Home - The Daily Bail

Mitt Romney: conduct unbecoming of a presidential candidate > Americas > Redress Information & Analysis


Present Robert F Kennedy Jr Shocking Vaccine Cover Up Part1 - YouTube

Robert F Kennedy Jr Shocking Vaccine Cover Up Part2 - YouTube






**Vaccine Nation - YouTube


Hillary Clinton Dances in Pretoria, South Africa
In Focus: Russia's Pussy Riot
Yemen's Military Restructuring and Power Balance
The Future of China's Economic Relationship with America
British Bank Accused of Laundering Billions for Iran
Syria Refugees Want Assad to Suffer
Clinton Sees Need to Plan for Post-Assad Syria
Grumpy British Guard Screams at Children
Mexico Braces for Hurricane Ernesto
Syrian Town Mourns Victims of Recent Shelling
Syria: What's Behind the Conflict
The Olympic Houses: Bringing the Games to Life
How the Candidates Are Handling Ira"Morning Joe" Panel vs. Gibbs Fireworks: Super PAC Ad On Cancer
Mediaite Blogger: GOP Wants You To Almost Die Before You Go To Hospital
Dick Morris: Carter's DNC Speech Shows Dems Would Invite Karl Marx
Schultz: Cheney Won't Apologize For Iraq, But He Will Apologize For Palin Comments
Romney Web Ad: The Rise And Fall Of Welfare Reform
Maddow: Conservatives Outraged At Obama Due To "Racial Resentment"
Obama Web Ad: Romney Ad On "Gutting" Welfare" Is "Untrue & Hypocritical"
Jon Stewart Slams Man Who Bullied Chick-Fil-A Employee: He's "A Dick"
Fineman: Romney Needs To Be Forthcoming About What He Intends To Do
O'Reilly: Media Gives Democrats A Major Advantage
Harris-Perry: GOP Wants Women To "Vote Their Race, Not Their Gender"
Krauthammer: If The Rebels Take Aleppo, Assad Will Fall


The Secret Life of the Saudi Women's Soccer Team
Extremists Hijacking Syrian Revolution?
With Defections on the Rise, Is Syria at a Tipping Point?
Pussy Riot Protesters: Interview with Husband
Sudan and South Sudan Close to Resolving Oil Dispute
Smiling Mandela Meets Clinton at His South Africa Home
Syrian State TV Shows Images of a Meeting Led by New Premier
King Abdullah II: 'We May Be Pushing Syria into the Abyss'
Sen. Lieberman on Syria: I'd Give the Rebels Weapons
Fatal Philippines Landslide
Slideshow Of 2012 London Olympic Games
Foreign Policy a Strong Suit for Obama in Reelection Bid?
Syria Violence: al-Qaeda Joining Rebels?

Sununu: Obama Calls Romney A Felon, But He Hangs Around Them
Trump: It's Been A Dirty Campaign; Romney Has To "Fight Fire With Fire"
Chick-Fil-A Drive-Thru Employee Forgives Man Who Ranted At Her
CNN Fact Check: Obama Super PAC Ad "Not Accurate"
Rubio: Election "A Choice Between A Guy That Has No Idea What He's Doing And A Guy That Does"
Limbaugh: Obama CT Fundraiser Full Of "Celebrity Intercoursers"
Romney Responds To "Romney Hood," Says Obama Serving "Obamalogna"
WH's Jay Carney vs. Chuck Todd On Harry Reid Hypocrisy
Carney Dodges Question On Obama SuperPAC Ad On Cancer
O'Reilly vs. Conservative MKH On Minimum Sentences For Drug Dealers
West: Students Who Voted For Obama In 2008 "Are Back Home With Mommy And Daddy"
Reporter: "Nixonian" White House Press Team Bullies The Media
Hillary Clinton Gets Freaky Dancing In Johannesburg
Limbaugh Blasts Howard Fineman Over "Lose Global Power Gracefully" Tweet
Carney: Being President "Restricts" Obama's Ability To Campaign
Priorities USA Ad Ties Romney To Cancer Death
Romney Ad Hits Obama Over Gutting Welfare Reform
"Special Report" Panel On The Election In Ohio
Maddow: There Aren't That Many Undecided Voters Out There
Schultz: Mars Rover Is "A Shining Example Of American Greatness"
O'Reilly: The Left Has Hidden Agendas



47,500 paralysis cases after polio vaccine – Deccan Chronicle | The Refusers


Secret History Of The Credit Card – The Plastic Instrument Of Our Debt Slavery (Full Documentary)

Frontline: Secret History of the Credit Card (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries


56 min./PBS - Frontline - Secret History of the Credit Card - YouTube

Laura Page, Stepmother Of Temple Shooter Wade Page, Blames Army For His Racist Views, Remembers 'Gentle, Loving' Son

Pat Robertson Blames Atheists And Those Who Hate God For Wisconsin Temple Shooting

CA's Largest Refinery Explodes - Level 3 Extreme Health-Hazard Fire Emergency

CNN Wants This Video Banned (SEE WHY)

NASA's Mars Rover Crashed Into a DMCA Takedown

Roy Antigua’s Breadth Of Fake Identities Stump Cops Trying To Unravel Mystery Man | _

Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A “Vision” of the Future | _

Failed fascist coup in America led to strategy change for corporate elite « Truth and Shadows

Charleston Voice: Is America the World’s Largest Sponsor of Terrorism?

Bankers Crimes: Money Laundering,Inside Trading,Cooking Books,Bribing,Wash Trading,Frontrunning (6) - YouTube

US Mint Selling 191 Times More Silver Than Gold - Silver Doctors

After Creating Dollar Exclusion Zones In Asia And South America, China Set To Corner Africa Next | ZeroHedge

BBC News - Facebook's first real-cash gambling app launched

The Two Faces of a Police State: Sheltering Tax Evaders, Financial Swindlers and Money Launderers while Policing the Citizens | Veterans News Now

CONVICTED: Bush 1300+, Clinton 1000+, Obama 0.0 (+/-) - Home - The Daily Bail

Two More Marines Accused Of Underage Rape

PressTV - Muslim Brotherhood blames Mossad for Sinai border attacks

CIA Terrorists In Syria Hang Child In Public After Executing His Family

This Is Why The NAR Will Never Be Prosecuted For Facilitating Money Laundering

'Deeply Offended' Geithner Tells Charlie Rose: "Urban Myth Is Out There That I Spent My Life At Goldman Sachs" - Home - The Daily Bail

Jason Lewis: The Ghost of Keynes & the Fed

Finances Of The IOC - Business Insider

Cartel used Fast and Furious weapon in assassination plot | The Daily Caller

14 Questions People Ask About How To Prepare For The Collapse Of The Economy -

Washington’s Al-Qaeda Dilemma -

For Unpaid College Loans, Feds Dock Social Security -

Standard Chartered Iran Details - Business Insider

Blackwater admits to facts behind 17 federal charges -

"One Of The First Cops On The Scene Told The Mayor To Prepare For A Mass Shooting WEEKS AGO" - YouTube

Agenda 21 Declares War On Mankind -

Leaked Pentagon Video - Flu Vaccine Use to Modify Human Behavior -

The Martial Flu: U.S. Pandemic Laws Align with International Health Regulations -

Report: Cronyism behind Holder's failure to charge bankers | The Daily Caller

Psy-Op Specialist Gunman in Sikh Shooting Frames Veterans, Constitutionalist and 9/11 Truthers -

Wade Michael Page's Band (End Apathy) interview with Alleged Wisc. Shooter -

Lockheed Martin Stalker drone stays airborne 48 hours using laser power, all-seeing eye gets literal -


Infowars Nightly News: Tuesday (8-7-12) Gerald Celente - YouTube

Alex Jones Show: Tuesday (8-7-12) William Grigg - YouTube

Alex Jones Show: Monday (8-6-12) Michael Schmidt - YouTube

Alex Jones Show: Sunday (8-5-12) Full Live TV Edition - YouTube

Alex Jones Show: Friday (8-3-12) Brian Sussman - YouTube


Fjögur Píanó, a Viral Video About Monarch Mind Control?

+Audio/Take the 30 Day Primal Test;Robb Wolf talks to Lew Rockwell

51 min./Warfare, Welfare, and the State | Robert Higgs - YouTube


5 YouTube Channels for Men


Heading Out on Your Own — Day 1: Develop a Self-Reliant Mentality

Heading Out on Your Own — Day 2: How to Do Laundry

Heading Out On Your Own – Day 3: How to Open and Manage a Checking Account

Heading Out on Your Own — Day 4: Keep a Regular Grooming and Hygiene Routine

Heading Out on Your Own – Day 5: Create a Weekly Attack Plan

Heading Out on Your Own — Day 6: How to Ace a Job Interview

Heading Out on Your Own — Day 7: How to Make a Bed


Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Golomb

36 min./Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Golomb About The Power of Chocolate! - YouTube

IT’S A MATTER OF TRUST – PART ONE - Washington's Blog

A MATTER OF TRUST – PART TWO - Washington's Blog

Liberals, Progressives and Socialists by Walter E. Williams

How the GOP Establishment Stole the Nomination From Ron Paul by Jaret Glenn

Privacy as a Positive Good by Paul Rosenberg

Cardinal Timothy Dolan Will Host Obama at White-Tie Fundraiser for Health Care Causes

NJ School District Offers Bullied Students a Direct Link to Crimestoppers

Valerie Jarrett Gets Twitter Account – and Faces ‘Cyber Bullying’

NBC Uses Olympics to Promote Sitcom on Same-Sex Couple Seeking Surrogate-Hatched Child

Iran to Assume Leadership of Bloc That Includes Key U.S. Allies and U.S. Aid Recipients

At Least 60 U.S. Soldiers Killed Since 2007 by Men in Afghan Uniforms

Federal Audit: Women Own Only 10% of Private Companies in Pipeline Industry

Presidential Adviser Jarrett Touts Contraception Mandate at Anti-Bullying Summit

Bernanke: Too Big To Fail Means 'Market Is Not Allowed To Work'

Hate music is part of white supremacist circles

Egypt’s Ruling Muslim Brotherhood Blames Israel for Attack in Sinai Peninsula

Joan Rivers Protests Costco Not Selling Her Book - by Handcuffing Herself to Shopping Cart

Stallone Skips 'Expendables 2' Promotions

Attorney: Ohio moviegoer had gun for protection

Afghan War Claims 40 U.S. Servicemen in July--Total Fatalities Now 1,954

Muslim Terrorists Tell Nigeria's Christian President: ‘Convert or Resign’

Israeli scholar completes mission to 'fix' Bible

Romney says Obama favors 'culture of dependency'

Facebook, ACLU: Clicking 'Like' Is Free Speech

Star Parker on Gutting Welfare Reform: ‘What Are They Not Going to Destroy?’

Ten More States Allow Concealed Carry Permits Within Last 10 Years

Obama to Hollywood Celebs: ‘You Are the Tie Breaker’

Sebelius: 36 States Enacted or Amended Anti-Bullying Laws in 2009 and 2010

Bullying Has Ripple Effect on Health Care, Business, Law Enforcement, Says DOJ

Chris Matthews Disgustingly Claims New Romney Ad Contains Racial Codes

Networks Skip Dishonest Obama Super PAC Ad Blaming Romney for Woman's Death

'Occupy Unmasked' Blazing Trail for Conservative Films

Bozell: ‘Character Assassination Is Now A Way Of Life’ For The Left And Its Media Allies

Meet the Real Workers Obama Screwed Over

The Media Built That for Obama

George Will's False Argument Against Football

Levin Calls Anti-Romney Ad Example Of 'Poisonous, Personal Character Assassination'

White House Defends Adviser’s $100K Speeches in 2010 for Company Doing Business in Iran

Social Conservatives Demand Prime-Time Slot At GOP Convention

Romney's VP List Gets Trimmed Still Further

Vander Plaats: Religious Freedom in Jeopardy Under Obama

Obama to Critics: 'I Am Not the President of Black America'

French President Wants 75% Tax Rate on Rich

Trump: Obama Campaign 'Even Meaner' Than 2008

Pawlenty: Voters Won't Be 'Duped Twice' by Obama

Army Gets $7 Billion for ‘Green’ Projects

Ryan’s Possible VP Selection Causes Friction Among GOP

FBI: Sikh Temple Shooter Killed Himself

Mexican Drug Cartels Target Las Vegas

Ronald Kessler: Notorious FBI Legend Dies

Petraeus: No Interest in VP Slot

Obama Campaign Accepts Romney’s Financial Superiority

Poll Gives Boost to McDonnell’s VP Chances

Hillary Clinton: SAfricans Must Live Up to Mandela

Dallas Fed Chief: US Risks Overprescribing ‘Monetary Ritalin'

Sepsis: The Leading Killer No One Talks About

Survey: Boomers Upbeat About Aging

Curiosity Sends First Color Photos of Mars

Defense Department on Hunt for ‘Rare Earth’ Elements

UN Treaty for Disabled Oversteps Mission

Time to Rethink Military's Mission

Egypt Is Moving Away from Democracy

Root: Obama’s College Classmate: ‘The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia’ |

20 min./Humanity's Greatest Secret: Dreams of the Universe - YouTube

Who do You Trust? President? Congress? Treasury Secretary? Federal Reserve? :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

White House Confirms Obama Wants To Ban Guns : Freedom Outpost

» Agenda 21 Declares War On Mankind Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama Planning Military Takeover In October, 2012. No National Election If Obama Has His Way! | Conspiracy Theories

How To Pass Through Solid Matter: Walking Through Walls Without Doors | Science and Technology

Scientists Discover The Truth Behind Colbert's 'Truthiness' | Alternative

Gerald Celente: “I Have That Feeling” It’s 9-11 All Over Again | Beacon Equity: Penny Stocks, Stock Alerts

Mexico’s President-Elect Signals “Internationalization” of Drug War | Alternative

‘The Fourth Reich’ Has Arrived - - World News Analysis Based on Bible Prophecy by the Philadelphia Church of God

Extraterrestrial Contact: Scrambling Humans | Space

Mysterious and Strange Archaeology Discoveries That Science Cannot Explain | Socyberty

Obama classmate: There is a reason Obama refuses to release his college records - National Conservative |

Why a starvation diet could actually be good for you - and make you live longer | Mail Online

Duggar's Homemade Laundry Detergent - YouTube

The Moon Matrix | Strange

Social Security Ponzi Scheme Coming To An End - informationliberation

US Government Proposes Law Making It Illegal For Them To Kill You - informationliberation

New Hemp Bill Introduced in US Senate - informationliberation

The Ascendancy of a Criminal Financial Elite

Amnesty International: An Instrument of War Propaganda?

The Scramble for Africa: Another U.S. Battleground To Challenge, Supplant China

The Pentagon's Map of Afghanistan: An Eldorado of Mineral Wealth and Natural Resources

A Temple and a Mosque; Worship in America

Perfecting The Method of "Color Revolutions"

We are the Media Revolution: The Battle for Truth and Empowerment | Global Research TV

Anglo-American 1957 Secret Plan to Assassinate the Syrian President. Déjà Vu?

Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War

Chemical Warfare: Agent Orange in Vietnam

Should We Arrest D.C. Politicians for Supporting Al Qaeda?

+Audio:Health Ranger Report #88: Interview with Gov. Jesse Ventura, author of "American Conspiracies"

Big Pharma shifting from deadly chemical drugs to bioelectric implants

There is 'no safe dose of radiation' from TSA naked body scanners

Scientists warn that tight, trendy jeans cause 'testicular torsion' (twisted balls)

Antioxidant cocktail slashes pancreatic cancer risk by up to two thirds

Medical researchers suggest that garlic may prevent the common cold

The Olympic Spiritual Nutrition Diet: 4 Levels of Training

Programming RNA: The Future of Medicine - Carolyn Dean MD ND

New study establishes a link between magnetic field exposures and obesity

Seven toxic foods, drinks, and additives to cut out of your diet for good

+CNN: Obama Super PAC Ad "Not Accurate" - YouTube

+Mitt Romney Campaign Rally in Elk Grove Village, Illinois – August 7 2012

Barack Obama Ad: The New Tax Calculator: President Obama’s Plan vs. Mitt Romney’s

+Barack Obama Campaign Event in Stamford, Connecticut – August 6 2012

Feds: Preschool teacher's journal details interactions with young girls |

+New ad ties Romney to cancer death - The Washington Post

Sandra Fluke to introduce Obama in Denver | The Spot — The Denver Post

Obama videographer: Official record or taxpayer-financed politics? | WashingtonGuardian

'Batman' movie-goer brings guns, knives for 'protection' -

White House disses Drudge Report: ‘Be mindful of your sources’ |

Slow path to progress for U.S. immigrants - Washington Times

Syria’s Assad returns to public eye with ally Iran - NY Daily News

Americans For Prosperity Ad: President Obama: A One Term Proposition | ElectAd

Gary Johnson Ad: You ARE Libertarian | ElectAd

Right Change Ad: You Didn’t Build That | ElectAd

Priorities USA Ad: Understands | ElectAd

Mitt Romney Ad: Right Choice | ElectAd

Barack Obama Ad: Annie from Colorado: “I have a second chance at life.” | ElectAd

Barack Obama Ad: Faces of Change: Our Jobs Come from the Wind | ElectAd

Senators ask China to crack down on fake U.S. driver’s licenses - Washington Times

Obama's Latest Lie: Romney Hood - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Policies proposed to boost boys of color - SFGate

Billy Graham: ‘Final call’ for America to repent

Race riots media won’t talk about

Claim: ‘Absolute proof’ Obama was Indonesian citizen

Yikes! Obama to regulate your paycheck?

"Fool Me Twice" What would Obama's second term look like - YouTube

Filmmaker reveals ‘deeply disturbing’ Obama background

Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception - YouTube

911 admonishes Planned Parenthood

Obama to take control of ‘Net?

Dive into SEAL Team 6′s raid on bin Laden

Antibiotic-resistant strain of gonorrhea triggers alarm over 'superbug' - Washington Times

Obama’s 2nd-term scheme to disarm border agents

Al-Qaida leader’s brother threatens Israel

South Koreans face heat wave by dining on dog meat - Houston Chronicle

Author of Obama exposé on ‘Fox and Friends,’ ‘Hannity’

Solar superstorm could kill millions, cost trillions -

Islamic violence too much even for Muslims

Palm Beach County school district looking into using... |

PJTV - Suspending Disbelief: Obama Administration Proposes Race-Based School Discipline System - Trifecta

Colleges freeze, reduce tuition as public balks at further price hikes - U.S. News

District: Teacher’s comments free speech - - Altoona, PA | News, Sports, Jobs, Community Information - The Altoona Mirror

Did Jesus condemn homosexuality?

Was America built on miracles?

Vatican warns US of threat to Catholicism |

Nearly Half Of Americans Die Without Money, Study Finds

Dream-Act students will pay $465 fee for legal status document - Washington Times


**50 Places You Can Learn to Code (For Free) Online | Self-Sufficiency


Eighteen Cuban migrants land in South Florida on homemade boat with ‘50s Russian car engine - Florida -

Papa John's: 'Obamacare' will raise pizza prices -

Obama White House told GSA to 'stand-down' on Occupy protesters |

Obama an Avid Reader, and Critic, of News Coverage -

Taxpayer-backed free lunch program feeds controversy in California | Fox News

Ex-girlfriend of Sikh temple shooter arrested on weapons charge | Fox News

Gibbs won’t condemn ad linking Romney to woman’s death - The Hill's Video

Cruz tapped to speak at GOP convention - Houston Chronicle

Lieberman rips Romney and Obama for high negativity in the campaign - Washington Times

Gold medal swimmer admits to cheating at Games –

Romney accuses Obama of trying to undo welfare reform -

Companies take a stand against sitting - SFGate

Fastest texters in America face off in New York

Don't get fooled, again!

Can America survive Obama?

Standing by my Mitt-landslide prediction

Socialism's F-word: 'Fair'

Standing against left-wing fascists in Stockholm

The loathsome left

4th-Amendment-protecting smartphones

L. KINSOLVING: Nominating Obama: Why Bill and not Hill?

P. BUCHANAN: The natural map of the Middle East

Socialism's death count

The in-your-face Islamist Brit

J. FARAH: My proposed political realignment

H. CAIN: A nation in crisis

Hey, Mitt: Exploit O's green-energy corruption!

Romney: Let's cut 'defense,' too!

Randy Travis Threatened Trooper During DWI Arrest: Police | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

Marvin Hamlisch Last Project: Music for Liberace Movie Completed | Showbiz411

Study: Obesity Increases Driver’s Risk Of Being In Car Accident « CBS Seattle

Zombie debt collections: Hollywood Video is dead, but bills still haunt consumers - Red Tape

Mark Levin: Now is the Time to 'Reinstate the American Revolution' | MRCTV

Michelle Malkin: Obama Administration Trying to 'Destroy the American Dream' | MRCTV

Abortionist Okay With Ridding The World Of 'Ugly Black Babies' | MRCTV

Exclusive: Producer of Atlas Shrugged 2 sits down with The Right Scoop, plus a surprise you won’t want to miss

NSFW: Bob Beckel montage of hate speech and on-air gaffes on Fox News

Obama White House colluded to support Occupy movement

What was Obama doing when Clinton signed Welfare Reform in 1996? Joining a leftist third party that opposed it

New RNC ad takes on Obama advisor and the money he took from company working with Iran

Allen West brought Chick-fil-A to Black Caucus meeting and offended everyone

Brutal new Romney ad pits Obama versus Biden: The Rise And Fall Of Welfare Reform

Hannity interviews Obama classmate Wayne Allyn Root on theory about Obama’s entrance to Columbia

Sununu on Obama’s dirty politics: When you hang around with felons, you pick up a little of the smell

Mark Levin: Obama talks like a punk in high school

+CNN debunks Bill Burton’s ad smear: Steelworker’s wife still had a job and insurance when he lost his job

Marco Rubio: “This is a choice between a guy who has no idea what he’s doing, and a guy who does”

Bob Beckel: Romney had a fundraiser in Israel with a bunch of “diamond merchants”

[VIDEO] Romney says Obama serving up a lot of “Obamaloney”

Rush: Did Obama apply to Columbia as a foreign exchange student?

Romney: “Our economy runs on freedom; it doesn’t run on government, it runs on freedom!”

Bob Beckel calls RNC Chairman Reince Priebus a “pussy” on-air

Excited beagles welcome home U.S. Marine from 7 month deployment in Afghanistan

Social and Heartland conservatives must focus on Congress.

The Chic-Fil-A Conflict Was Never About The Bedroom

Freedom of Speech and Political Correctness are Irreconcilable

Americans Are Prisoners in Their Own Backyards

Why this Afro American small businessman and life-long Democrat will never vote Democrat again

A Map to the Muslim Middle East

Disarming America

Is Freedom Just Another Word?

The Key to Obama’s Personality Can Be Found in “You didn’t build that” Words

Racism to Blame for Obama’s Low Support from Whites?

Obama’s October Surprise May Be His Ugliest Action Yet

Obama’s Assault on U.S. Energy

A Brief History & Description of Agenda 21

NCAA and Penn State: The Dance Continues

Obama Reelection Insurrection Imminent

Obama Denies Gutting Welfare Reform

GOP Senators block Obama’s cybersecurity act

Rep. King accuses White House of leaking ‘secret order’ to aid Syrian rebels

Obama Retreats Even Further Back: Jimmy Carter to Address DNC Convention!

The Socialist Behind Romneycare

Mullahs, Murder, Mayhem, and Iran

Obama’s Youth Vote—-Not This Time

Is This Really About Gays, or the Persecution of Our Faith

Rewilding Network—Saving Globe Through Big Wilderness: Another UN Agenda 21 Hoax

U.S. Oil and Natural Gas Reserves Jumped in 2010

New substances 15,000 times more effective in destroying chemical warfare agents

Limbaugh: CNN Pushes For Mitt’s Friends Rush, Trump, And Palin To Speak At GOP Convention

Limbaugh on TheBlaze Story: Obama’s College Classmate: ‘The Obama Scandal Is At Columbia’

Limbaugh: Some People Would Rather Die Than Pay For Health Care

+Rush: Obama Campaign Message ‘Romney Not Just A Felon He’s A Murderer’

Limbaugh: ‘Romney Hood’ Obama’s Latest BIG Lie

Rush: This Business About Rich Businesspeople Being Republican Conservatives Is Such A Crock

+Obama attack ad blames Mitt Romney for woman's cancer death | Mail Online

Can GOP Dump Romney and Nominate Ron Paul? | American Free Press

New Mega-Bank Has Potential to Destroy Europe | American Free Press

AFP PODCAST: Is Larry Sinclair Telling the Truth? You Decide – Part 1 | American Free Press

AFP Interviews Sheriff Arpaio’s Lead Investigator | American Free Press

Was Another Aurora Mass Murder Prevented, and where was the Mainstream Media? | American Free Press

Pro-Gun Activists Go on the Offensive; Look to Counter Mainstream Propaganda | American Free Press

AFP Interviews “Top Undercover Cop” on CIA’s Control of the Drug Trade | American Free Press

The Official James Petras website » The Two Faces of a Police State: Sheltering Tax Evaders, Financial Swindlers and Money Launderers while Policing the Citizens

Why you may retire in poverty | Reuters

5 Facts We Know About Obama’s College Years

Dem. Congressman: Allen West Had Chick-fil-A Catered to Black Caucus Meeting, Insulted Everyone

And Now, The Clip of Hillary Clinton Dancing in Africa That You Don’t Want To See

Retiring Congressman Pranks Dennis Kucinich, Sprints Down Hallway, and Even Plays ‘Duck Hunt’ — And Here’s the Whacky Video of It All

The Stunning Moment an Olympic Weightlifter Dropped a 432-LB Bar on His Head…and Walked Away

Sikh Temple Shooter’s Girlfriend Arrested After Police Discover Gun in Her Home

+Robert Gibbs’ Answer When Confronted on Romney-Killed-My-Wife Ad: We Just Don‘t Know the ’Specifics’

‘Come On!’: Piers Morgan Panel Clashes in Fiery Gun Control Debate

Listen Presidential Candidate Roseanne Barr: We Need a ‘Socialist Choice’ Since That‘s What ’Saved’ Us in the Past (Plus: Romney Is a ‘Thief’)

Amazon and Apple May Have Fixed the Security Flaws That Paved Way for Major Hack of Your Data

‘Obama That I Used to Know’: 2008 Supporters Release Hilariously Scathing Anti-Obama Parody

Israeli Scholar Completes Mission to ‘Fix’ 1,500 Inaccuracies in the Hebrew Bible

Bob Beckel Calls RNC Chair Priebus a ‘Pu**y’ on Live TV

Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Shares What ‘Most People Don’t Know’ About Roswell UFO Crash

Professor: Sikh Temple Shooting Was ‘an Act of Christian Terrorism’

‘Penalty of Law’: Meet an American Entrepreneur Who Is Battling Gov’t Red Tape (Via a Maternity Pillow)

‘Strangling’ the Church? Cardinal Dolan Raises Eyebrows After Inviting Obama to Charity Dinner — But Why?

From ‘Hope & Change‘ to ’Divide & Conquer’: Marco Rubio Draws a Sharp Contrast Between Presidential Candidates

Alone at Gunpoint for 4 Hours, This Teenage Girl Talked Her Captor Out of Shooting Anyone

Was Robin Hood a Tea Party Activist? Limbaugh Weighs in on ‘Romney Hood’ Label

Economic Freedom Improves Human Well-Being: Free Enterprise Group Addresses Hispanics & Welfare in Touching Video

+New Pro-Obama Ad Implies: Romney Is Kind of Responsible for My Wife’s Death

Mitt Romney Responds to Obama‘s ’Romney Hood’ Attack, Coins His Own Phrase: ‘Obamaloney’

Paleo Diet Blogger Suing State for Free Speech Rights, Hopes Case Reaches Supreme Court

Probe of Romney‘s Wealthiest Donor Shows Obama’s Justice Department is Brazenly Politicized

‘Here’s How Romney Might Have Paid No Taxes’: Read How U.S. News Just Tried to Defend Reid’s Claim

There‘s a New ’Epic’ Hack That Uses Only Two Easily Found Pieces of Information — And Here’s How to Protect Yourself

O’Reilly Gets in Heated Exchange With Conservative Over Minimum Sentences for Drug Dealers

Here’s Dana Loesch’s Fiery Monologue on the 1st Amendment: ‘Religious Liberty Legislated Out of Existence’

The 1% Solution

Obama's Tech Fallacy

Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and American Insolvency

A Muslim Agent of Influence?

Obama's Columbia Years

Obama's Collectivist Response to the Sikh Temple Shooting

Did Senator Obama dodge taxes on a $400,000 gift from Tony Rezko?

More Questions Raised by 'You Didn't Build That'

Cruz to get prime speaking slot at convention

Rich Frenchmen might emigrate rather than pay Hollande's tax

Ominous silence for Obama

Romney smeared but the media nitpicks GOP welfare ad

Romney and the Chick-fil-A Battle

Am I a 'Homophobe'?

Let's Talk about Inequality, Liberals

Obama Says He Loves You, Middle Class

Mitt's Lesson on Discretion

Demonizing Romney

To Vet or Not to Vet Huma Abedin

Debbie Schlussel/HAHA! Allen West Buys Chick-Fil-A for Congressional Black Caucus, “Offends” Them

Debbie Schlussel/Marvin Hamlisch, Great American Composer, Musician, Conductor, Z”L

Debbie Schlussel/HUH? Reagan Judge Overrules Govt, Gives US Citizenship to HAMAS Financier, Muslim Bro’hood Member

Debbie Schlussel/Who is Nancy Cassis? How Selfish GOP Dolt McCotter Created a Pan-Muslim/LaRouche/Paulistinian Disaster

EDITORIAL: The Civil War of 2016 - Washington Times

The Obama Administration Pays Illegal Aliens to Come Here | Power Line

Slow path to progress for U.S. immigrants - Washington Times

Policies proposed to boost boys of color - SFGate

First Thoughts: The final three - First Read

Woody Allen returns to Marin, will head to Larkspur on Wednesday - Marin Independent Journal

Sean Penn Campaigns for Hugo Chavez's Reelection in Venezuela |

Obama: America needs soul searching on gun violence | Reuters

$1.3 billion in ‘clean energy’ subsidies produce 288 permanent jobs, quadruple cost of electricity in Nevada | Nevada Journal

Study: Sexual content in movies encourages earlier sex, more casual partners | Fox News

Sylvester Stallone, 66, shows off his impressive six-pack on holiday... but has competition for best body from toned wife Jennifer Flavin | Mail Online

Iran and Everything Else

Obama Won’t Call It “Terrorism”

Video - Cornel West and Paul Street;"Mitt Romney Catastrophe: Barack Obama Disaster"

Video-George Carlin: Execute the Bankers

On Drugs and Democracy

Video/This Is The USA? Alex Schaefer's Chalking Protest


* BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- August 7, 2012

* BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- August 6, 2012


While All Eyes Are on Europe, Japan Circles a Black Hole -

Raw Video: Clinton Dances in Johannesburg - YouTube

Appeals Court OKs Warrantless Wiretapping | Threat Level |

Cartel used Fast and Furious weapon in assassination plot | The Daily Caller

India’s First Nuclear Submarine Set for Trials | Defense News |

EU fights to catch Chinese in Greenland rare-earths goldrush — - EU Business News

NCIS Targets Danger Room in Silliest Leak Investigation Ever | Danger Room |

Violation of Consent: Fluoridation and Forced Medication - YouTube

Christ Almighty! US Foreign Policy vs. Middle Eastern Christianity by Justin Raimondo --

Quagmires Are Often Just a Few Steps Away by Ivan Eland --

Clive Stafford Smith: Menace to Drone Society by Kelley B. Vlahos --

Reports Citing Intelligence on Iran Weapons Program Lack Credibility -- News from

Above the Law: Court Throws Out Warrantless Wiretap Suit -- News from

Mitt Romney's Foreign Policy: The Worst of Bush and Obama? - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

McChrystal’s War | The American Conservative

54 min./Staged Shootings: A Precursor to NATO/UN Takeover with 10 FEMA Regions - YouTube

Susan Komen Caught Overselling The Benefits of Mammograms - YouTube

54 min./The Rot at The Top with Gerald Celente - YouTube

Al Qaeda: Pride of The CFR - YouTube

Military Wargames to Quell Tea Party Insurrectionists Goes Viral - YouTube

Prison » Parkinson’s Sufferer Arrested for ‘Not Smiling’ at Olympic Men’s Cycling Race

We Must Boycott The London Olympics! - YouTube

Prison » Kurt Haskell Wins House of Representatives Primary in Michigan

Prison » Gun Owner Saves Cop’s Life by Shooting Deranged Gunman

Prison » Military Wargames to Quell Tea Party Insurrectionists Goes Viral

Prison » Washington’s Al-Qaeda Dilemma

Prison » 5 Ways You Don’t Realize Movies Are Controlling Your Brain

Prison » Sikh temple shooter hoped to inspire a wave of hate crimes

Bomb Sniffing Rats! - YouTube

Prison » Romney Keeps Distance From Chick-fil-A Controversy

Court orders Twitter to unmask Dark Knight copycat killer wannabe • The Register

Prison » Infographic: How Corn Syrup Made America FAT

Prison » Big Pharma shifting from deadly chemical drugs to bioelectric implants

Prison » U.S. Air Force Training More Drone, Than Traditional, “Pilots”

Prison » Federal Court Upholds the Herding of Demonstrators Into “Free Speech Zones”

Prison » Warning: We Believe State-Sponsored Attackers May Be Attempting to Compromise Your Account or Computer


Prison » “The Beijing Conference”: See How China Quietly Took Over Africa

*China In Africa/ Image


Drew Peterson trial updates: Lead investigator to take the stand -

Colleague: Drew Peterson said life better if 3rd wife dead - U.S. News

Drew Peterson trial centers on botched investigation - NY Daily News

Drew Peterson's 'Incriminating' Letters to Ex-Girlfriend Burned Up - ABC News

Jesse Jackson Jr. Update: Congressman 'Responding' To Therapy, Father Reports

Romney pledges to end a 'culture of dependency'

Transgender woman settles suit with Cicero, attorneys say

Randy Travis Arrested -- BUCK NAKED During Drunk Driving Arrest

Jimmy Fallon says he won't host the Oscars in 2013

Arrested Development: First Photo From the New Set—What Does It Mean?

'Who Framed Roger Rabbit?' Star Bob Hoskins -- I'm RETIRING from Acting ... I Have Parkinson's |

Russia's punk rock band say nobody can steal their inner freedom -

Pussy Riot: Opposition saints or spawn of Satan? - YouTube

Fewer kids with high cholesterol, even as obesity holds steady; reduced trans ...

Study: Greener neighborhoods are safer neighborhoods

Parents' insurance covers children up to age 26 — but not for pregnancy

Popcorn ingredient found to be linked with Alzheimer's

More Americans Walking, But They're Still Not Getting Enough Exercise: Study

State Bans Bath Salts, Synthetic Drugs

Apple to toughen identity verification for iCloud security

Conan O'Brien draws attention to Apple vs. Samsung dispute in video parody

iOS 6: 10 Things Worth Knowing

You can now deposit checks using the Bank of America iOS app

Facebook Gambling App; Cell Phone Radiation Report; Acer Slams Surface Tablet

5 Likely Features in the Next iPhone

Facebook Gambling App With Fluffy Creatures Definitely Not Aimed At Kids

How YouTube lets content companies "claim" NASA Mars videos

Romney sharpens attack during Iowa event

Republicans blast Obama as left of Bill Clinton

Romney: Obama Hasn't Kept Campaign Promises - YouTube

+Obama campaign no stranger to steelworker in disputed ad

Why won't Mitt Romney release his tax returns?

How Can Rob Portman Win Ohio for Romney If Its Voters Don't Know Who He Is?

House Democrats not riding a 2012 wave, but GOP tide could roll back

THE RACE: Clock Ticking Down On Romney Veep Choice

Cruz Gets Prime RNC Slot

Sandra Fluke hits the campaign trail with Obama

Arizona Lawmaker Says Opponent Called Him Bisexual Wants Apology

Colbert's Pawlenty Wikipedia Prank: Host Declares T-Paw Romney's Running Mate On Wikipedia Entry (VIDEO)

Nasa's Curiosity rover lifts its navigation cameras

Nasa: new Mars images - YouTube

Many human 'prototypes' coexisted in Africa

Cats killing more wildlife than previously thought

'Unprecedented' Aztec Burial, Bones Found in Ancient Capital City

New Burst of Energy Could Bring Cold Fusion to Front Burner

Exclusive Excerpt: Obama Views Arab Spring Through Lens of Climate Change (VIDEO)

Virus is linked to deaths of hundreds of birds

New 3-D map of massive galaxies and distant black holes offers clues to dark matter and dark energy - Astronomy Magazine

China Firm to Buy Control of US-Backed Battery Maker

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac gains suggest housing market may be turning corner

Walter Reed 'America building' evacuated after bomb threat

Ex-Google exec brings Kickstarter model to careers of new grads

Syrian rebels ring Aleppo enclave with roadside bombs

Son in China Scandal Speaks Ahead of Trial

Iran Calls Syria Hostages Ex-Military

Russian punk band likens its case to Soviet-era dissidents

Clinton Urges S. Africa to Take Bigger Global Role

Pakistan Supreme Court reopens government power struggle

Nigerian Town Under Curfew After Deadly Mosque, Church Attacks

FBI: Wisconsin temple gunman died from self-inflicted wound

Sikhs say bigots confuse them with Muslims - YouTube

4.1 earthquake hits near Yorba Linda

'Mickey Shunick' Body Is Excavated, Jewelry and Clothing Found

Woman snatched newborn after lying about pregnancy, police say

Judge: Mich. militia head, son held long enough

Obama calls India's Singh over Wisconsin shooting-White House

ACLU Throws in with Facebook, Says 'Like' Is Protected Speech

MTV & Barack Obama: Are The VMAs Hurting The Democratic National Convention?

Man pleads guilty in S. Africa honeymoon killing, offers chilling details as sentenced - The Washington Post


Coast To Coast AM - August 07 2012 - UFOs & The Antichrist - YouTube


UFOs, Aliens, Antichrist, Mark of the Beast, and Antisemitism - YouTube


Colbert Skewers Steve King for Defense of Dogfighting

Crazy*ss 'Facts' to be Taught in Louisiana's Voucher Schools

Stewart: Mitt Romney's Business Practices Too Shady for Italy

Hannity Pimps New "Birther" Theory

Are Large Settlements a Real Deterrent to Corporate Fraud?

Another mass shooting, but some white people won't care

Gov. Nikki Haley Has No Real Response to Romney Tanking With Women in Polls

'No matter how long we're here, we're just not American enough'

Fox News Analyst: Sikh Temple Massacre 'Not Domestic Terrorism'

Police Taser, Arrest Deaf Crime Victim

Mitt Romney's New Welfare Ad is Breathtakingly Dishonest

Bill Kristol Predicts Romney Will Pick Rubio, Ryan or Christie for Veep

Time to ask Romney about LDS history of sex abuse cover-ups

World On Alert For Massive Solar Storm

The lost da Vinci: Is this painting found in Scottish farmhouse one of master's lost works? | Mail Online

Schieffer Mocks Axelrod: Is Complaining About GOP Ad Dollars ‘The Best You Can Do?’

Obama Campaign's Top Ten Most Audacious Lies (And Why They're Working)

Obama SuperPac Releases One of the Most Ugly, Misleading Ads in Campaign History

Useful Idiot: Sean Penn Campaigns for Hugo Chavez

Romney: You Don't Credit The Bus Driver For A Kid Making The Honor Roll

Romney Protester: Obama Should Release College Transcripts

Michelle Obama Heads Back to Leno's 'Tonight Show' Stage

Obama Fundraises Off the One Percent, Toasts Hollywood's Violent Content Merchants

Koch Counterpunch: Brothers Call 'Campaign' Star's Attack 'Laughable'

Body Count Rises in Obama's War on Coal

Rep. John Mica: Crony Capitalism, Florida Style

Obama Echoes Rubio: Don't Tax Olympians

Obama Campaign Officially Join Harry Reid's Smear Campaign

Alan Grayson Attacks Puerto Rican Republican Quinones with Ethnic Stereotypes

Abortionist: Black Babies Too Ugly to Adopt

Obama Ad: Romney Killed My Wife

E-mails Show Geithner, Treasury Terminated Pensions of Non-Union Workers

Bill Clinton Hides Association With Brutal Tyrant

US plans Post-Assad Future

Myanmar Facing 'Worsening' Drug Problem

With Diplomacy Dead, Obama Administration Sides with Rebels in Syria

Two British Banks Stand Accused Of Improper Financial Dealings With Iran

The Mars Landing and American Greatness

World View: Iran Pledges Undying Support for Syria's al-Assad Regime

Iran Stalls for Time While Obama Runs Out the Clock on Israel

Belafonte: Electing Romney Will Bring About 'End of Civilization'

Nesmith Rejoins Monkees, Group Plans First Tour Since Jones' Death

Miller Rants On Reid: Dirty, Stupid Liar

Obama Plays Politics with 'Historic' Drought

Poll: NEA Members Not Enthusiastic about Obama Campaign

Obama Signs Law Requiring Administration To Release Sequester Details

Obama Classmate: 'Something Doesn't Smell Right At Columbia'

Romney Pits Obama Against Clinton On Welfare Reform

All in The Family: More Obama Campaign Hypocrisy- Marco Rubio

Local Gun Shops Report Skyrocketing Sales in Denver

The Price of Conservatism: Ask Gibson Guitar and Sheldon Adelson

FBI: Temple gunman shot himself; still no motive

House Changes Mind About 'Staycation'

Bernanke: Fed never influenced by politics

Big Mentor: The Troika—Obama, Axelrod, Jarrett

Tea Partiers Ted Cruz, Scott Walker Added to GOP Convention Lineup

Mayor Bloomberg: Online Ammo is Bad, Money From Online Ammo is Good

ABC News' War on Meat Causes Panic, Job Losses

CNN Fans Flames of Racism in Election Coverage

Buzzfeed Furthers Myth of Obama's Small Donor Dominance

Romney's Diamond Merchant Israeli Donors: FOX Pundit Drops Bigoted Jewish Slur

CNN: Obama Ad 'Pretty Outrageous'

Abandoned Newspaper Buildings Mirrors Decline in Industry

HuffPost Features Joke About Sikh Shooting By Progressive Activist Hours After Tragedy

ABC's Brian Ross: Sikh-Killer is Right-Wing

White House Spokesman Disses Drudge Report

Outrageous: Lapdog Media Calls Newest Obama Ad Lies

George Stephanopoulos Calls "Crip Walk" a "Fantastic Dance"

Happiest Nations Also Have Freedom of the Press

Obama SuperPac Releases One of the Most Ugly, Misleading Ads in Campaign History

Romney Protester: Obama Should Release College Transcripts

Pennsylvania Teacher with Child Porn Conviction Still Draws State Pension

'Occupy Unmasked' Blazing Trail for Conservative Films

CNN: Obama Ad 'Pretty Outrageous'

Obama Campaign Downplays Fundraising Gap, Donors Worried

Documents: Law Enforcement Instructed to 'Stand Down,' Not Arrest Occupy Lawbreakers

FL Press Paints Gov As 'Unlikeable', Claims Will Have No Say On RNC Speech

Bernie Goldberg: Journalists Obama's 'Most Loyal Base'

World View: Iran Pledges Undying Support for Syria's al-Assad Regime

The Mars Landing and American Greatness

Tag Team: Reid, White House Work Together To Attack Romney on Taxes

'Hope Springs' Review: Welcome Dramedy for Older Movie Goers

NY Regulators Threaten U.K.'s Standard Chartered Bank for Transactions with Iran

Obama Signs Law Requiring Administration To Release Sequester Details

Obama Camp's Top Ten Most Audacious Lies (And Why They're Working)

White House Disses Drudge: 'Be Mindful Of Your Sources'

Energy Outlook/Are Films the Answer to Understanding Energy's Complexities?

Blue Carbon: A Potentially Winning Climate Strategy

Brace Yourself for Election Year Energy Rhetoric | The Energy Collective

Walmart Erects Its First Megawatt Wind Turbine In California - Forbes

Should Wind Tax Credit Stay or Go? - Energy and Environment Experts

Mitt Romney's green-jobs criticism carries risks

New breed of ranchers shapes a sustainable West -

Baltimore Works Towards Big Energy Efficiency Goals

The Arctic Drilling Countdown -

Energy Tribune- Will The Rising Oceans Be Our Downfall?

Chicago remembers 'Opening Night'

Kathleen Parker: Watergate's true legacy was the ultimate broken trust -

The Zeppelin

Ronald Biggs & The Great Train Robbery, the notorious 1963 robbery of the Glasgow mail train -- The Crime Library — The Plan — Crime Library on

‘Collision Course’ Looks at Reagan vs. Patco -

Facebook says ‘Likes’ are free speech in sheriff case — Tech News and Analysis

What Facebook Knows - Technology Review

The Next Internet? Inside PARC’s Vision of Content Centric Networking | Xconomy

Beware, Tech Abandoners. People Without Facebook Accounts Are 'Suspicious.' - Forbes

What Would Happen If Your Digital Life Was Destroyed? | TechCrunch

Did Bill Gates Steal the Heart of DOS? - IEEE Spectrum

How to defeat your enemies on the Internet - Technolog on

Best printers under $100 | Personal Printers - CNET Reviews

The intelligent textbook that helps students learn - tech - 07 August 2012 - New Scientist

State of the Web: Who killed privacy? You did | Digital Trends

Gore Vidal and the Sky God

Puritans: The Original Republicans?

Chicago Values, Revisited: it’s not about chicken! - Cardinal's Network

A new generation of Sikh Americans step up - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Convention Focuses on Unity, Outreach

Pupil Dilation Can Reveal Sexual Orientation

Rethinking Defense Science | August 6, 2012 Issue - Vol. 90 Issue 32 | Chemical & Engineering News

Fracking Earthquakes: Injection Practice Linked to Scores of Tremors - Yahoo! News

Mathematics of Sudoku Leads To "Richter Scale" of Puzzle Hardness - Technology Review

This Is What Earth Will Look Like in 100,000,000 AD | Earth Science | DISCOVER Magazine

BBC News - Schmallenberg virus 'may spread across UK'

RealClearScience - Fear of Zombies May Be in Your DNA

Curiosity rover landing on Mars: This is how we should explore the solar system. - Slate Magazine

Texting Wolf | The Scientist

The Worst Way To Stay Alive Forever : Krulwich Wonders... : NPR

RealClearMarkets - Does Your Job Really Require Algebra?

For Wall Street Bankers, the Thrill Is Gone - Businessweek

In $440 Million Trading Error, Upside of Wall St. Failures -

Knight Capital & Mary Schapiro—Charles Gasparino -

RealClearMarkets - The True Costs of the GM/UAW Bailout

Dana Milbank: Romney’s Bain games - The Washington Post

Review & Outlook: The Romney Hood Fairy Tale -

Bring Back Build America Bonds - Bloomberg

U.S. Companies Hiring the World’s Geniuses - 24/7 Wall St.

Knight Blowup Shows How High-Speed Traders Outrace Rules - Bloomberg

This Wall Street tech deal doomed investors - David Weidner's Writing on the Wall - MarketWatch

Four reasons to worry about municipal bonds | Reuters

The American Spectator : TARP's Goodfellas

The Expendable Man – Dorothy B. Hughes | Full Stop

Robert Cormier’s The Chocolate War is a much-banned, malevolent gem | Books | YA Why? | The A.V. Club

Richard Slotkin’s The Long Road to Antietam, reviewed. - Slate Magazine

The Best of the Whodunits | Writing |

Iran’s Big Crisis: The Price of Chicken - Bloomberg

Right-wing extremist terrorism as deadly a threat as al Qaeda? -

The Abandoned Alliance - Michal Kuz - National Review Online

China on wrong side in Syria fight - The China Post

RealClearWorld - The Dutch Paradox

Why the world is growing jaded with Obama – Global Public Square - Blogs

Iran Hedges its Bets in Afghanistan | The Diplomat

Pussy Riot V. Putin: A Front Row Seat At A Russian Dark Comedy | The New Republic

Real Clear Markets - Video - Fed's Fisher: 'We're Pushing on a String'

Real Clear Markets - Video - Sacha Baron Cohen Impersonating Sandy Weill?

Obamacare's Premium Tax: What It Will Do to You | RealClearPolicy

How Stockton Went Bankrupt | RealClearPolicy

Celebrating the End of the Fairness Doctrine | RealClearPolicy

Romney Camp: Obama Has ‘Gutted’ Welfare Reform - By Katrina Trinko - The Corner - National Review Online

Obama goes seven weeks without White House press conference « Hot Air

The Sequester and the Cliff | Jared Bernstein | On the Economy

Arizona Immigration Ruling Prompts Push for Lax Immigration Policies

The Finance Committee’s Special Interest Tax Extenders | Madison Project

The Tea Party’s Plan to Cripple Congress - Bloomberg

Federal Spending: Killing the Economy With Government Stimulus - Forbes

The Ungrateful President -

Expect Romney to Surprise With Running Mate Pick - Josh Kraushaar -

Ryan Rises - Robert Costa - National Review Online

No End in Sight for Campaigns' Negative Focus | RealClearPolitics

Romney's plan for the middle class: Get used to being poor | The Detroit News |

ObamaCare and the Price of Pizza « Commentary Magazine

Gov. Jennifer M. Granholm: Madame Voldemort Is Wrong: Public Employees Are American Heroes

Bachmann and Reid: A Troubling Double Standard | RealClearPolitics

Review & Outlook: The Romney Hood Fairy Tale -

To-do list: Congress skips town with too much unfinished - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The limited value of recent history - The Maddow Blog

Why voter ID laws are like a poll tax - Print View

David Plouffe and ‘The Same-Old Game Playing in Washington.’ - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online

The Washington Monthly - Ten Miles Square - The Future of “Obamacare” Again

India-Style Blackout Could Strike The U.S. - Forbes

The Hollow Republic - Yuval Levin - National Review Online

*Transcripts/6th:Interview with Former Vice President Dick Cheney

Interview with RNC Chairman Reince Priebus

Panel on Ohio and the Election

What's Holding Up The Farm Bill?

*8 Aug

American Minute for August 8th

Today in History: August 8

August 8th in History

This Day in History for 8th August |

August 8th This Day in History

August 8 Events in History

Today in History: August 8

Today in History for August 8th - YouTube


Aug. 7, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 7 August 2012

The Michael Savage Show 08/07/2012

08/07 The Mark Levin Show

The Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Alex Jones - 2012-Aug-07, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2012-Aug-06, Monday

Alex Jones - 2012-Aug-05, Sunday

Live Free Or Die Radio

Blacklisted Radio

The Bob Tuskin Show




Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair1

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair2

David Duke Show 8th

David Duke Show 7th

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

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