A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

06 August 2012

6 Aug.'12


Activist Post: Senators Introduce Bi-partisan Industrial Hemp Farming Act

Dan Richter book: John Lennon and Yoko Ono's live-in assistant describes the last dark days of The Beatles | Mail Online

Confronting Cops 101 with Jimmy Justice - YouTube

The Fate of Julian Assange | The Nation

Disneyland Wiretapping Crime Spree - YouTube

Your 119 Billion Google Searches Now a Central Bank Tool - Bloomberg

Pilot's Declaration of UFO Sighting While On Approach To Kansas City International Airport

UFO NEWS | N.S. Town Marks 45 Years Since Possible UFO Sighting

Medical Marijuana Up For Debate in Federal Court | Care2 Causes

New virus related to deadly Hendra and Nipah viruses found in black flying foxes at Cedar Grove near Beaudesert | Herald Sun

OpEdNews - Article: Who Do You Trust?

Activist Post: U.S. To Start Carving Up Afghanistan's Vast Resources

OpEdNews - Article: "F" The Bureaucracy! The White House Can Help Homeowners Right Now

What do jobless do when unemployment checks run out? –

How Advertisers Convinced Americans They Smelled Bad | ZenHaven

Why Zuckerberg’s Ghostwriter Left Facebook | ZenHaven

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Dismembering the Arab World

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - 'Obama is not good for the Jews' says Michael...

Dean Baker: The CEO Plan to Steal Your Social Security and Medicare

Major Banks Help Clients Hide Trillions in Offshore Tax Havens

Where’s the gold? NY Fed undergoes first-ever audit — RT

Video - Why This Man Is Getting $89,000/Month Not to Work -

Iris Scan = Shorter Wait In Airport Security Line « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

Conspiracy Truth vs the Media Gulag « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

Every Nuke Ready to Fly in The World | Zazen Life

Sustainable Ecosystems and Community News: Antarctica's tropical past is revealed

Wildlife and Habitat Conservation News: Why we all need to worry about the decline in native butterflies

Rand Paul Tries to Intimidate & Harass Journalist After A Youtube Video - YouTube

G4S faces fresh embarrassment after one of its guards is charged with alleged Olympic bomb threat | Mail Online

The True Cost of Hamburgers (Video) | Care2 Causes

Chimp Seeks Zoo Visitor’s Help to Escape Enclosure | ZenHaven

Teen Who Fought off Polar Bear that Killed his Friend Tells of his Fight | ZenHaven

Amount of CO2 being sucked away by Earth 'has doubled in 50 years' • The Register

2012 Chevrolet Volt Becomes Centerpiece of Smart Community

: The Diseased Caves of Bats

: Bat, Bee, Frog Deaths May Be Linked

‘Assad has become a Gaddafi-like bogeyman’ — RT

PressTV - Repressive Al Saud regime relic of feudal barbarism: American author

Indian trafficking: children rescued from slavery – video | Law |

Child-trafficking: we must stop this barbaric practice | Law | The Observer

Vast international child-porn network uncovered | World news | The Guardian

Chavis Carter handcuffed-shooting case now under supervision of FBI | World news |

How the Republican Party Stole the Nomination from Ron Paul « Free Words

Facts Revealing Conspiracy Behind The Aurora Shooters

The Hubble Ultra Deep Field in 3D - YouTube

5 things gun owners want you to know -

Reality Check: Is Al-Qaeda An Enemy Or Not? - YouTube

Justice Department shrugs off Fast and Furious report -

Impact of Fluoride on Neurological Development in Children - July 25, 2012 -Features - News at HSPH - Harvard School of Public Health

Incredible Insect Discovered In New Zealand 2011 - YouTube

The Chabad and The Empire - Michael Hoffman - YouTube

Activist Post: They Really Do Want To Implant Microchips Into Your Brain

Bazooka Economics

House Passes Short-Term Farm Relief Bill -

Judge awards 9/11 families $6 billion -

Digital, Digestible Pills Allow Doctors to Monitor Medication Use

PressTV - Peace plans, US tool to overthrow governments: Analyst

Chinese state media slam Hillary Clinton's speech in Africa | World news |

Obama adviser and 'Nudge' author Cass Sunstein to leave White House - Telegraph

Outrage as school show 'banned' sex education 'porn cartoon' to children aged FIVE | Mail Online

Drone to probe Sellafield silos | World news |

Future is assured for death-dealing, life-saving drones | World news | The Guardian

Russia Today's "News" Has Spawned a Host of Blogs, Tweets Telling Us of "Fishing Ban in California" Because of Highly Radioactive Bluefin Tuna | EXSKF

New Episode of HBO’s ‘Newsroom’ Centered on Fukushima Cover-up: “It’s a lot worse than they’re telling you” — Level 5 vs Level 7 is “the difference between life and gruesome death”

Alaska Native News-News for the People of the Last Frontier - Increase in Influenza A H3N2v Virus Infections in Three U.S. States

Drought Cost Billions in US Food Exports | ZenHaven

This is What Global Warming looks like 2.0 - YouTube

Sightings of 'Odd Lights' Over Columbia River Reported To National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) in Spokane

: Lack of Sleep Causes Slower Cognitive Abilities

Decade-Long Feeding Study Reveals Significant Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods | Health Impact News

The Pentagon has created a database of every bomb they've dropped since the First World War

The Pentagon has created a database of every bomb they've dropped since the First World War

Theater History of Operations Reports « The Hyperarchival Parallax

Ask Congress Who Owns The World's Debt - YouTube

World Bank Opposes Palestinian Sovereignty

Esoteric Tour of Arts, Nature and Science - YouTube

UFO Crash Investigator, Leonard Stringfield's Research Goes Public

Planets To Form 'Martian Triangle' for Curiosity Rover Landing (Video)

Activist Post: Pre-Crime Software Moves One Step Closer to Reality

Report: Mad cow in California was isolated case - Washington Times

Activist Post: Landlord Charged for Front Yard Garden - Tenant & Neighbors Fight Back

Flu That Leapt From Birds to Seals Is Studied for Human Threat -

TSA to begin using laser to detect every substance on you and even your adrenalin levels. - 12160

TSA to begin using laser to detect every substance on you and even your adrenalin levels. : OperationGrabAss

Flame Virus Attacks the Internet;If You See This Google Warning, Act Fast: Big Brother is Watching

PressTV - ‘American kids grow up on culture of violence’

Ron Paul: The Only One We Can Trust - YouTube

Marcelle Pick, OB-GYN N.P.: How To Make Food Your Medicine

Why a starvation diet could actually be good for you - and make you live longer | Mail Online

Obama Asks Public Schools to Ignore Bad Behavior by Black Students | American Renaissance

Romney wants 'something dramatic' to aid economy | World news | The Guardian

Food Contamination What about alfalfa sprouts?

Russian Satellite Takes 121 Megapixel Image And Video Of Earth - Space News - redOrbit

Architects of Control Program One - Mass Control & Future of Mankind - Disk2 - YouTube

The People Who Want To Chip You |

Examples of Chipping Going Mainstream |

Democrats push special deal for gay illegals (

The UN appears perfectly happy with the prison camp of Liberty - Telegraph

PressTV - What are international obligations?

Heatwaves are proof of global warming, says Nasa scientist - Americas - World - The Independent

A Birthday Message To Barack Obama | Sinclair News.Net

Almost a billion go hungry worldwide - World Politics - World - The Independent

USA: HOOAH | Opinion Maker

Why Are Things Crumbling Around Us? | Opinion Maker

WRAPUP 1-Americans drop pay-TV; business matures in weak economy | Reuters

Ludicrous Times Op-Ed Forgets Entire Year of Wall Street History | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone

CDC Preparing Vaccine for New Swine Flu

Corn-to-Ethanol: US Agribusiness Magic Path To A World Food Monopoly |

Mass grave in London reveals how volcano caused global catastrophe | UK news | The Observer

Flame Virus Attacks the Internet

PressTV - America a democracy? Really?

Real US unemployment: More than 15% — RT

PressTV - Criminal banking cartel dominates US, British governments

The Austerity Hoax

Activist Post: 9 Steps to Take Now to Prepare for the Perfect Storm of Civil Unrest

Activist Post: Geoengineering for Financial Gain: A History of Weather Derivatives

India set to launch Mars mission in 2013 - Telegraph

Activist Post: 'Top Cyber Cop' Says Internet Way Overdue For Attack

The Neoconservative War Criminals In Our Midst -

The NEA Shows Its Politics | Sinclair News.Net

Rothschild 'spied as the Fifth Man' - Home News - UK - The Independent

Homeland Security: Forget the Border, We Have Americans to Bust - Godfather Politics

Scientists probe link between magnetic polarity reversal and mantle processes

Seeing Through Walls With a Wireless Router | Popular Science

Skipper claims to have finally found proof that Loch Ness Monster exists | Mail Online

Zeno “Boy” Robot: Let me Introduce Myself | ZenHaven

Hanson RoboKind - YouTube

Giant sinkhole in Assumption Parish, Louisiana prompts state of emergency declaration | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

‘If America can do it to Manning, what will happen to my son?' – Christine Assange — RT

All presidents bar one are directly descended from a medieval English king | Mail Online

Navy Wants Guided Supersonic Bullets | Danger Room |


Jim Corr -


Anne-Marie Slaughter: Technology Drives Development
Syrian Rebels Say Hostages 'Iranian Soldiers'
China Still at Risk of Hard Landing
Is Standing Up to China a Good Move?
Clock Ticking on Syrian Political Transition
Obama: Olympics Welcome Amid Election Tug-of-war
Syrian Rebels Anticipate Large Scale Assault on Aleppo
A Minute of Silence for Hiroshima's Dead
Many Killed and Missing in North Korea Floods
Syrian PM Said to Defect, Flee to Jordan
Helicopters Rescue Typhoon Stranded
The Turkey, Russia, Iran Nexus
Al Jazeera Talks to a Syrian Deserter

Sununu: Obama Behind Reid's Accusation That Romney Paid No Taxes
Kurtz Scolds Harry Reid For "Unsubstantiated" Romney Allegation
Heilemann: "You Can't Brand A Recovery Summer Then Not Deliver" One
Ted Cruz: "When Was The Last Time You Saw A Hispanic Panhandler?"


Romney Promises 12 Million New Jobs In First Term
Trotta: "Double Standard" In Media Treatment Of Ann Romney And Jackie O
Wasserman Schultz: "This Election Should Not Be About Defeating Barack Obama"
Coulter On Reid's Romney Attack: "They Have Nothing On This Mormon"
Rove: Why Isn't Obama Distancing Himself From Harry Reid's Attack On Romney?
Gibbs Defends Harry Reid: "Have You Ever Seen Anybody Go To Such Great Lengths To Not Put Something Out?"
"This Week" Roundtable On Jobs Report, Harry Reid, Chick-Fil-A & VP
Axelrod Denies Ever Touting A "Recovery Summer"
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Veepstakes
George Will On Harry Reid: "This Is McCarthyism From The Desert"
Sen. Lindsey Graham: Harry Reid Is "Lying" About Romney's Taxes
Ed Rollins: Romney "Should Release More Taxes"
NY Times' Bill Keller: FOX News Has Abandoned Being Fair & Balanced
Axelrod Asked Why It's OK To Raise Taxes Now With Less Economic Growth
Reince Priebus: Harry Reid Is A "Dirty Liar"
Romney TV Ad "Cherished Relationship" Slams Obama Over Israel
Man Who Harassed Chick-Fil-A Employee Explains Himself, Apologizes
Chicago Chick-Fil-A Kiss-In Protesters "Chalk" Homeless Preacher
Ted Cruz Talks Upset Victory On "FOX News Sunday"


Obama Weekly Address: Celebrating The Summer Olympics
Cantor Presses For Full Extension Of Bush Tax Rates In Weekly Address

RNC Web Ad: "It's Been Four Years"
Begala Defends Reid: Romney Not Paying Taxes Is "Most Logical Explanation"
Greg Gutfeld, "The Five" Slam "D-Bag" Chick-Fil-A Harasser
Coulter: Romney Releasing Tax Records Would Be Giving In To Obama's "Modus Operandi"
Jon Stewart Rips Mayors For Trying To Block Chick-Fil-A In Their Cities
Robinson: The GOP Could Be Losing The Latino Vote For Generations
Krauthammer: "Tech Boom" And Peace Dividend Drove The 1990s Economy
O'Donnell: Romney's VP Choice Is "Portman Vs. Pawlenty"
O'Reilly: "Marriage Is Not A Constitutional Right"


What Arabs Don't Know about America
Rising Military Tensions Between China, Japan
Pressure on the European Central Bank
Defense Cuts, Sequestration and Iran, According to Rumsfeld
Diplomatic Failure in Syria May Foreshadow Military Resolution
Will the U.S. Ever Use Force in Syria?
President Directs CIA to Provide Support to Syrian Rebels
Worst Ever Politician Sport Fails
Shelling Kills 20 in Syrian Capital
Kofi Annan Steps Down from Syria Role
Putin Arrives in London for Olympics
North Korean Leader Greets Chinese Official
New Egypt Cabinet Sworn In
Polling on Foreign Policy



Rosalind Peterson Sees Chemtrails - YouTube

Space weather and the coming storm - Yahoo! News

12 Million Americans Are Sociopaths - Washington's Blog

Was the Sikh Temple Shooting Suspect Also Dosed Up on Legal Drugs? | ZenHaven

Rumsfeld: Israel Needn’t Notify US About Strike | ZenHaven

Prince Bandar Bin Sultan: Is The Saudi Spy Chief Dead Or Alive? - International Business Times

NASA rover Curiosity makes historic Mars landing, beams back photos | Reuters

My Way News - NASA rover Curiosity lands on Mars after plummet

The Media is the Matrix


* 193pgs./Super Wisdom ; Seven Vital Secrets for a Rich & Purpose-Filled Life - Tom Russell


Fleischmann Dead at 85: End of an Era |

23 min./Alex Jones and Max Keiser "Occupy Bilderberg Movement Mission and going from here ?!" - YouTube


The Biggest Banking Scandal The World Has Ever Seen - YouTube

‘We Built China Into A Monster And Getting Our Just Reward’ |

'We Built China Into A Monster And Getting Our Just Reward' - YouTube

DHS Requests Plastic Explosives And Then Hides Request |

Heavily-armed FBI Raids Target Activists ‘To Learn More About Them’ |

The federal government is spying on every single American, say NSA whistleblowers |

+ Has Your Government Ordered Your Death Yet? |

Should Obama And Congress Be Arrested Under The NDAA? |

Reality Check: Is Al-Qaeda An Enemy Or Not? - YouTube

The Al-Qaeda Deception - YouTube

Surrounded By Psychopaths And Sociopaths As We Approach Societal Collapse |

Megadeth’s Dave Mustaine ‘Disgusted’ with Obama |

44 min./Dave Mustaine: We Are In The Fight of Our Lives - YouTube

**Dave Mustaine Unchained: Infowars Exclusive - YouTube

Megadeth's Dave Mustaine 'Disgusted With' President Obama

Domestic IED Threat Hyped As Justification For Martial Law Takeover |

Komen for the Cure caught in mammography propaganda fraud; scientists blast agenda of deception |

Momentum Builds Against Fracking As Truth About Its Danger Spreads |

Momentum Builds Against Fracking As Truth About Its Danger Spreads - YouTube

Wal-Mart Selling GMO Corn Without Labeling It So |

Wal-Mart Selling GMO Corn Without Labeling It so - YouTube

The Inconvenient Truth About The Iran-Contra Affair |

Geithner ‘Deeply Offended’ About ‘Urban Myth’ He Spent His Life At Goldman Sachs |

Charlie Rose - Timothy Geithner, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury

‘Did Somebody Repeal The Laws Of Mathematics?’ |

Sikh Shooting Ties Into DHS ‘Veterans as Terrorists’ Narrative |

Obama Has Staged Shootings Before, Is Sikh Event False Flag? - YouTube

Eyewitness: 4 Man Team Behind Sikh Temple Shooting |

"Very well coordinated, Wasn't haphazard, Releasing of Gas" - Sikh Temple Shooting witness - YouTube

TEMPLE SHOOTING _"4 SHOOTERS" _Milwaukee - YouTube

Eyewitness: 4 Man Team Behind Sikh Temple Shooting - YouTube

Firing At Wisconson Sikh Temple At Least Seven People Dead - YouTube

Sikh Temple Massacre: Multiple Shooters and Domestic Terrorism |

Is Sikh Temple Shooting Staged To Ban Guns? Evidence Mounting! - YouTube

"Multiple shooters of Caucasian descent" - Wisconsin Sikh Temple Shooting witness - YouTube

Was the Sikh Temple Shooting Suspect Also Dosed Up on Legal Drugs? |

Shooting at Sikh temple: who benefits big-time? |

Push to Put Your Money in Google’s CIA Cloud Wallet |

Google Wallet Overview - YouTube

Gunman in Sikh temple shooting identified as ex-Army soldier Wade Michael Page | Fox News

Activist Post: The Sikh Shooting: DoJ and FBI Warned of Planned Terror Attack in April

Imminent terror attack on London? | Hang The Bankers | He Who Controls the Money Supply, Controls the World

Sikh temple shooting suspect identified as Wade Michael Page; Motivation unclear - CBS News

Refreshing News: Nasa Mars landing: Curiosity touches down on the surface of the Red Planet (13pics)

Video: Mars rover Curiosity lands on Red Planet after '7 minutes of terror' - YouTube

Sikh temple gunman had a 9/11 tattoo - 12160

FRAUD & THEFT: Financial Crime is Now a Business Model - Ron Hera - YouTube

'Scrap banks or they'll bring chaos' - Nobel Economist - YouTube

Why is once-friendly Iran now US foe number-one? - YouTube

9/11 "hijackers" were CIA agents - WHISTLEBLOWER COMES FORWARD - YouTube

Will Israel Be The Next World Power? - YouTube

Is Sikh Temple Shooting Staged To Ban Guns? Evidence Mounting! - Higgins TV

Wisconsin neighborhood evacuated in followup to Sikh temple shooting - 12160

**UFOTV: War on Cold Fusion - The Hidden Truth Exposed - YouTube

7 Dead at Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wis.; Officials Believe 'White Supremacist' Behind 'Domestic Terrorism' - ABC News

RDR: Sikh temple shooting brings to mind 1984's bungled Operation Blue Star

Why Is the U.S. Government Funding Islamic Terrorists Who Are Killing Christians?

Gunman, six hostages dead after Wisconsin Sikh temple siege | _

House Passes Bill Eliminating Senate Approval of Presidential Appointments

Almost a billion go hungry worldwide - World Politics - World - The Independent

Gold Price Manipulation So Obvious Its Being Predicted Days In Advance

Should We Arrest D.C. Politicians for Supporting Al Qaeda?

HIV=AIDS: Fact or Fraud? (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries

The Plan To Collapse Iran's Central Bank - YouTube

Alternative News Director and “Loose Change” Filmmaker Team-Up to Expose World Depopulation :

Activist Post: The Martial Flu: U.S. Pandemic Laws Align with International Health Regulations

Muslim Brotherhood establishes militia inside Syria - Telegraph

GMOs cause animals to lose their ability to reproduce, Russian scientists discover

A Chilling Scenario of the End of America Foretold by Bill Sardi

So What Happens In 2013 When The Number Of Poor In America Goes From 100 To 280 Million? | Video Rebel's Blog

The Power of the Internet in the Hands of Patriots | _

US Psychiatrists Join with US Insurgency | _

Ron Paul: Sanctions on Iran and Syria: Closer to Another Criminal War | _

Phyllis Harvey, Philanthropist, Gave $490,000 While On Heavy Doses Of Drugs: Suit | _

13 July'12/Maurice Pinay Blog: 97% of Department of 'Homeland' Security Grants go to Judaic Groups in 2012

Refreshing News: Mass grave in London reveals how volcano caused global catastrophe

Phil Strongman: Hiroshima is a war crime that haunts my family, 67 years on - Commentators - Opinion - The Independent

Will We Have to Wait for a 21st Century Peasants’ Revolt Before Seeing Any Real Change? |

Gold Price Manipulation So Obvious Its Being Predicted Days In Advance |

The Banksters like Stealing Candy from Little Children - YouTube

Drunk Settler Boasting About Killing Jesus HQ - YouTube

David Icke - Police State U.S. (Wake Up America) - YouTube

Did Muslims Save Jews From Nazis? New Film 'Besa' Reveals Hidden Past | Alternet

America the Great ... Police State By Gore Vidal

What the Media Doesn’t Want You to Know: Armed Citizens Are Defending Against a Crime Wave

Lindsey Williams : The Dollar Will Collapse Shortly After The Elections | _

Report: Jared Loughner to plead guilty in Tucson shooting massacre | The Raw Story


Obama Asks Public Schools to Ignore Bad Behavior by Black Students | American Renaissance

CIA Instructions to Media Assets

Cybersecurity Act of 2012 Dies in the Senate - Activists Claim Victory

The RIAA knew SOPA and PIPA were useless, yet supported them anyway | ITworld

Assassination Nation: From the Phoenix Program to Predator Drones

12 Million Americans Are Sociopaths - Washington's Blog

The America and Israel Global War Project: "Mad Dog" Leaders Threaten Humanity

'US created the monster of China' - YouTube


** MailVault


Get Internet Access When Your Government Shuts It Down | PCWorld

Giant Drone's Laser Cannon Nixed by Congress | Danger Room |

"Hacked" again? Reuters reports Obama takes Al Qaeda off terrorist list, reveals support since 80s - World Mathaba

Robert Fisk: Syria's ancient treasures pulverised - Robert Fisk - Commentators - The Independent

American's Journey: Will TSA use of Naked Body Scanners cause a cancer epidemic? You Decide...Video

++Network Forensics Evasion: "How to Exit the Matrix" - 12160

Legislation, U.N. Gun Ban Treaty, and a Constitutional Conflict of Interest

The Assault on Assault Weapons

Jason Lewis: The Ghost of Keynes & the Fed

+10 Great Spots To Find A WiFi Hot Spot | Science and Technology

+New Startling Facts About The Human Origin | Religion

**Charles Hall - The Tall Whites - ET Experiences in the Nevada Desert - YouTube

**Fastwalkers - UFO Documentary - YouTube

Russian Troops Infilltrate USA, Responsible For Multiple Attacks! | Alternative

Third Reich Maps of the Inner Earth | Strange

Why Obama Staged The Bin Laden Kill On May 1st! | Alternative

The Invisible World Made Visible: 21 Striking Images Of Things You Cannot See | Blogging/Citizen Journalism

Roswell UFO Crash: There Were 2 Crashes, Not 1, Says Ex-Air Force Official

The Stargate Project : Psychic Warriors and the CIA | Reality Sandwich

Alien Skull Found in Bulgaria | Socyberty

Legendary Metal Library Found in Tayos Cave in Ecuador | Socyberty

Serpents in the Waters of Time: Historical Accounts of Sea Serpentry | Mysterious Universe

Extraterrestrial Visit Recorded on Stone: They Came From The Stars! -

Mysterious and Strange Archaeology Discoveries That Science Cannot Explain | Socyberty

Eyes Reveal Sexual Orientation | Pupils & Attraction | LiveScience

Why Cinnamon for Diabetes Treatment is Among Most Simple, Effective Solutions | Health

How To Pass Through Solid Matter: Walking Through Walls Without Doors | Science and Technology

How Exactly Websites Track And Stalk You With Their Ads | Science and Technology

2,500 year-old Mayan chocolate suggests it was used a as condiment, not just as a beverage | Science and Technology

Pupil Dilation Reveals Sexual Orientation In New Cornell Study | Science and Technology

The idea of a True Tree of Life is the impossible fusion of dream with reality | Menvall's Blog: Phylogenetics – change on different levels

Obama Preparing To Seize The Internet By Executive Order | Alternative

Articles: The Obama Syndrome?

Under Obama, America becoming Gomorrah

Former CIA Calls For Revolution On The Church Of Mabus Radio Show | Politics

‘Classy’ Serena Williams Performs Gang Murder Dance (Crip Walk) For The World To See | Opinion - Conservative

Robotics Professor Warns Drones Will “Lead to a Sanitized Factory of Slaughter” | War and Conflict

U.S. Model For Future War Includes Major Attack On China

Government Silently Positions for Martial Law as Financial Collapse Arrives in America | Pakalert Press

The Police State - REX 84 Preparation for Martial Law - YouTube

Nine Steps To Take Now To Prepare For The Perfect Storm Of Civil Unrest :

The Beatles -- Illuminati Mind Controllers | Strange

And Knowledge Shall Increase Or Man Shall Play God | Prophecy

Jesse Jackson Jr Wife Says He Knew Obama Was Antichrist - Was Debilitated by Depression | Prophecy

Obama - The Lottery and 666 - You have GOT TO SEE THIS! What are the CHANCES? - YouTube

9 Things Cars Will Do In The Future (Besides Fly) | Motor Junkies

Caught On Tape: Officer Sucker Punches Inmate In Face, Files Report Claiming 'Self Defense' -

Libya, Syria, And The Unquestioned Media Coverage: How Much Have We Learned? - International Middle East Media Center

27 Things That Every American Should Know About The National Debt -

Kevlar Tires Now Required to Traverse ‘Spear-Like’ GMO Crops -

And Now… Texas and U.S. Facing Growing Threat of Domestic IEDs; Suspend Posse Comitatus? -

Shooter At Sikh Temple Wore Tactical Gear - YouTube

Wisconsin Shooter Suspect lived on "Holmes Avenue" - YouTube

Study: Chemotherapy can backfire and boost cancer growth | The Raw Story

Eyewitness: 4 Man Team Behind Sikh Temple Shooting -

US probes motives of Sikh temple gunman - Yahoo! News Canada

Shooting at Sikh temple: who benefits? -

UFO Documentary Film Director’s Father Killed at Sikh Temple -

28 min./Drawing back the Financial Iron Curtain to a Beautiful Anarchy w/Jeffrey Tucker! - YouTube

53 min./The Cannibal Warlords of Liberia (Full Length Documentary) - YouTube

Vermont Farmer Crushes 7 Police Cars With Tractor Over Pot Arrest - informationliberation

Vermont farmer crushes 7 police cars with tractor over pot arrest - YouTube

This is what interventionism looks like [Comic] - informationliberation

Ferrari 458 Spider Runs Over Cop - YouTube

Tell your friends : William Tell remains topical 500 years on - swissinfo

America's new world order: Voice of Russia

Researcher's proof-of-concept malware infects BIOS, network cards -

Former CIA Army General: Martial Law Expected & “Warranted” | ETF DAILY NEWS

Your Guns Protect You… But How Are You Protecting Your Guns? « SGTreport – The Corporate Propaganda Antidote – Silver, Gold, Truth, Liberty, & Freedom

Spiral of banks warns of financial meltdown - science-in-society - 02 August 2012 - New Scientist

Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A “Vision” of the Future | Small Wars Journal

Amendments to Law on NBS in line with Constitution | Vesti | Tanjug

B92 - Info - 17th anniversary of Operation Storm marked

FBI’s Facial Recognition is Coming to a State Near You | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Europe Will Require New Vehicles to Include Autonomous Self-Braking System | Popular Science

6 Ingredients You May Not Want In Your Food

The 10 Cities With The Most Young Adults Living With Their Parents - Business Insider

America is a Democracy? Really?

Video:Lifting the Veil: Obama and the Failure of Capitalist Democracy

Chemical Warfare: Agent Orange in Vietnam

Is America the World’s Largest Sponsor of Terrorism?

Flashback: U.S. propaganda in the run up to the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence

Rising Poverty and Social Inequality in America

Why Is the U.S. Government Funding Islamic Terrorists Who Are Killing Christians?

The West and the Glorification of Terrorism

The Unraveling Anglo-American Imperial Project

News headlines: Batman Massacre: WHY and HOW and WHO

Starchild Skull- The Shocking DNA Results Are In... Skull Completely Different - WATCH THIS! | Alternative

The Bloodlust of Walter Russell Mead by Justin Raimondo --

Gore Vidal and Revisionism - Jeff Riggenbach - Mises Daily

Hiroshima Marks the 67th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing—With Truman's Grandson Attending | The Nation

The Pentagon goes to Hollywood | Stephen M. Walt

Julian Assange is right to fear US prosecution | Michael Ratner | Comment is free |

Hiroshima's Peace Declaration - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

Late Sen. Byrd's FBI files reveal CIA leak uproar - Associated Press -

The Trillion Dollar Lies Altucher Confidential

The Future of the Austrian School by Gary North

A secret paradise for gun rights and residency

Topical Home Remedies the Easy Way | Ready Nutrition

Hiroshima and Nagasaki by Ralph Raico

The Hiroshima Lie by John V. Denson

The Magical Neocon Crystal Ball - Taki's Magazine

Why Is the U.S. Government Funding Islamic Terrorists Who Are Killing Christians? - Washington's Blog

Primal Evolution: Change Within Weeks, Transformation in Mere Months | Mark's Daily Apple

An (Augmented) View of a Future in "Sight"

1984 | Thought Crime to Destroy New World Order - YouTube


Activist Post: Heavily-armed FBI raid Portland activists in search of "literature and black clothing"

52 min./FLOW OF WISDOM RADIO: Mass Vaccinations, Syria, and Staged Attacks - YouTube


Sean Anthony ;The Motivator(


The Real Cause of Mass Shootings and Why Gun Control Will Never Work

Ask Congress Who Owns The World's Debt - YouTube

Activist Post: Make Money Selling Drugs (Documentary Trailer)

Activist Post: Shade - The Motion Picture Trailer

Activist Post: Erasing David: A Documentary About the Surveillance State

Sikh temple shooter said to be white supremacist

Flashback to 2010: Obama May Cancel Visit to Sikh Shrine Because of Head-Covering Requirement

John McCain, Condoleezza Rice, Nikki Haley, Susana Martinez Will Speak at GOP Convention

Cheers at NASA, As Rover Plummets to Successful Landing on Mars

GOP Senator: ‘Government Is Something to Fear’

Watchdog Assesses Degree of Religious Freedom in Muslim States’ Constitutions

Report: 4 Killed, 25 Wounded in Weekend Violence in Chicago

For July, Romney again tops Obama in fundraising

Sales Tax Holidays Are a ‘Gimmick,’ Says Tax Policy Expert

'Corporate Welfare' Costs Taxpayers Almost $100 Billion in FY 2012, Cato Report Finds

Hiroshima marks 67th anniversary of A-bomb attack

Wear it proud: The flag as a fashion statement

Social Security not the deal it once was for workers

Jordan says defecting Syrian minister won't stay

Despite Thousands More Deaths in Syria, Support for U.N. Resolution Weakens

Jacksons Say Estate Executors Harming the Family

'Dark Knight' On Top For Third Straight Week

Touchdown: NASA Rover Curiosity Lands on Mars

OR Gov. Grants Clemency To Murderer, But Not To Man Collecting Rainwater

Journalism's Eroding Integrity

'Gaga Christ' Artist Claims Credit For Chick-fil-A 'Tastes Like Hate' Vandalism

Levin On Liberal Icons: 'None of Them Were Successes in Private Sector'

George Will: 'Constant Writing Off of the Tea Party' Is 'Journalistic Malpractice' |

Bob Schieffer Compares Harry Reid to Joe McCarthy |

Pediatric surgeon dies saving two children from drowning in Lake Michigan

After defeat of Senate cybersecurity bill, Obama weighs executive-order option

Navy veteran killed in Colorado movie theater massacre may have tried to stop gunman

Colleges see higher demand for degrees in agriculture

Army’s vehicles not tough enough for bombs

GOP chairman calls Sen. Reid a 'dirty liar' on Romney's taxes

Paul Ryan-for-VP chatter has heated up in the last two days

Arizona man sent to jail for holding Bible studies in his home

Mensa accepts 3-year-old Houston boy-genius

Study finds that avoiding lies can improve your health

Santorum organizing convention event to rally support for Romney

Rising gas prices return to haunt Obama

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. 'debilitated by depression'

Ted Cruz: Tea Party movement stronger now than in 2010

+Audio:Why Raw Milk?;Mark McAfee talks to Lew Rockwell

Ruger 10/22: The Everyman's Rifle, Part 1 - YouTube

Ruger 10/22: The Everyman's Rifle, Part 2 - YouTube

Gore Vidal: The Last Jeffersonian by Justin Raimondo --

The Impending Collapse of American Medicine by Paul Craig Roberts

Moon Dust, Rocket Engines, and NASA by Morgan Reynolds

Who knew camping could make your kids smarter? | The Survival Mom™

The Company Man’s Guide to Starting a Side Hustle — Part I: Confronting Your Objections | The Art of Manliness

Obesity Surpasses Smoking in Terms of Ill Health Effects by Joseph Mercola

Trayvon Martin's parents seek money from Fla. fund

Breaking News From Michael Phelps: 'Everybody Pees in the Pool' - Speakeasy - WSJ

Jeffrey Ross attempts Joe Paterno, Aurora shooting jokes at Roseanne roast | Inside TV |

Scientology Movie “The Master” Gets Raves After L.A. Surprise Screening | Showbiz411

Wife: Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. getting treatment but 'still very depressed' -

After defeat of Senate cybersecurity bill, Obama weighs executive-order option - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Obama's baseball bat draws criticism in Turkey

Romney, Republicans again outraise Obama in July | Reuters

WH Press Corps Goes Seven Weeks Without a Question | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Muslim Brotherhood establishes militia inside Syria - Telegraph

Chemotherapy can backfire and boost cancer growth: study - Yahoo! News Canada

Priebus, Graham: Harry Reid 'Dirty Liar' for Romney Tax Smear

Obama's Big Campaign Spending Creating Worries Among Democrats

Romney: Fed Should Steer Clear of New Stimulus

Gallup: Obama Approval Rating Below 50% in 37 States

Clint Eastwood Makes Romney's Day With Endorsement

Gunman in Sikh Temple Shooting Linked to Racist Hate Groups

Women First: GOP Names Haley, Martinez, Rice as Convention Speakers

Democrat States Moving to Romney

Brothers' Book Tells How They Solved Hero Father's WWII Death

Late Sen. Byrd's FBI Files Reveal CIA Leak Uproar

Fraudsters Fool IRS Into Sending 2,000 Refunds to Same Address

Hollywood Heavy Hitters Head for $35,800 Obama Fundraiser

Speculation Grows That Obama May Drop Biden

French Catholics to Pray Against Gay Marriage

Bernanke: Businesses, People Struggle Despite Signs of Recovery

Surprising Places Germs Hide

Obesity Boosts Urinary, Sexual Problems

Study: Honey Eases Kids' Night Coughs

Study: Telling Lies Makes You Sick

Solar Superstorm Could Knock Out US Power Grid

Navy Aims for 5,600-mph Bullet To Shoot Down Missiles

Symbolic Pics of the Month (08/12)

Was the “Batman Shooting” a Ritualistic Murder Carried Out by Mind Controlled Patsy?


Get Your Business Online(


Reality Shows Exploit Children

God Save US from King Obama

Obama’s Food Stamp Nation

Can America even protect itself from EMP?

Sandusky case: Silence of the ‘gays’

Greece: 6,000 Detained During Raids on Immigrants - ABC News

U.N. meeting potential minefield for Obama

Islamic violence too much even for Muslims

Jackie Mason rips Obama for not visiting Israel

Tennessee Democratic Party disavows Senate nominee | The Tennessean |

Millionaire buys every foreclosed home in Michigan county for $4.8 million | Fox News

Kennedy clan barred from historic Hyannis Port lawn, where they famously played football -

Welcome to Forbes

5 Ways to Save on Back-to-School Supplies - My Money (

| Detroit Free Press |

Finish him! In marriages, fighting is better than forgiving and forgetting, study says - NY Daily News

Porn star Jenna Jameson endorses Mitt Romney |

Taxpayer smackdown ‘wave of the future’?

Welsh Mountain Zoo: Chimpanzee 'asks' visitors to free him from enclosure in heartbreaking film | Mail Online

Yes, Fish Get Skin Cancer, Too - ScienceNOW

Small Firms See Pain in Health Law -

Kristle Vandever: Teacher, 44, escapes prison despite 'boasting about sex with students' | Mail Online


*Coast To Coast AM - Personality & Genetics - 08-02-2012 - C2CAM - YouTube

*C2CAM - The Dire Future - Coast To Coast AM - YouTube


Lair of the Beasts: The Creature in the Castle -

Forteania: Tulpas, Tibet, and the Conjuration of Philip

British expedition to Pacific 'treasure island' where pirates buried their plunder - Telegraph

Future Drones to Work Like Flying Androids : Discovery News

NASA Boosts Funding for Commercial Space Shuttle Replacements | Autopia |

Amazing website This Is Now shows live stream of every Instagram picture uploaded in major cities | Mail Online

Why We're Obsessed with Mars | Curiosity Rover | LiveScience

UFO Over New Orleans Moved 'As Fast As Lightning' (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Mankind 'only a decade away' from Mars landing - Telegraph

Scared Pilot Reports UFO at KCI (Video) | Gather

Clive Palmer, Australian Billionaire, Denies Plans For Real-Life Jurassic Park

Israeli scholars claim to have uncovered first archaeological evidence of Samson | Mail Online

Fluoride Lowers IQ in Kids, New Study Shows

Asian Dust May Impact North American Weather : Discovery News

Navy Wants Guided Supersonic Bullets | Danger Room |

This creepy trick photo from 1875 proves our great-great-great-grandparents had a twisted sense of humor

My proposed political realignment

Aurora and Penn State parallels

No God, no Bible, no problem?

The ticking time bomb of Iran and Obama

A nation in crisis

Willard is even worse

Obama's alleged slave roots

The living language

WASHINGTON: The liberal fascists' false prophets

J. FARAH: 'U.S. intelligence' has become oxymoron

D. WEST: Handing Muslim extremists the house keys

Liberal tyranny and the cluck heard 'round the world

Black pastors ought to brew some black tea

KLAYMAN: Fighting government corruption 101

D. LIMBAUGH: Barack Obama: The nation's hospice provider

B. PRESS: The dirtiest presidential campaign ever

GREG LAURIE: The hope for America

J. CASHILL: Marilyn: 1st of the Dems' disposable women

TANCREDO: Obama wins 'gaffe war' in a landslide

MICHAEL MASTER: The unemployment president

McConnell: White House Wants Effects of Defense Cuts Kept Secret Until After Election

Roseanne Still Running for President, Picks Cindy Sheehan as VP

Van Jones: GOP, Tea Party ‘Want To Hurt Americans Economically So They Can Gain Politically'

AP Makes Bogus Charge of Voter Disenfranchisement

Justice Ginsburg Weighs Legal Lessons of Opera

Fort Hood Shooter Fined for Refusing to Shave

Terrorist Freed After Obama Admin Denies Gitmo Entrance

Report: FBI Had Anwar al-Awlaki in Custody and Let Him Go

Chicago: One of US's Least Gun-Friendly Cities Now One of World's Deadliest

Feeling Cost Crunch, U.S. Health Insurers Quietly Restrict Medical Care

Former SEIU Officer Indicted on Embezzlement Charges

Report: Rahm Pushed Solyndra Deal

David Limbaugh Talks Obama: 'The Great Destroyer'

Exclusive -- Sen Ron Johnson: Some Politicians In Washington Way Too Long

Obama Ad Claims Romney Wants To Bring The Country Back To 1950's

Harkin: Women Need Birth Control Mandate for Their Menses

Radical Obama Regulatory Chief Cass Sunstein Resigns

The Hysteria In Mexico Caused By Fast & Furious

Senator Lindsey Graham Calls Harry Reid A Liar

Hypocrisy: In Autobiography, Harry Reid Complained About False Mob Charges Against Him

Former Obama Adviser Van Jones Says Reid Attacks Turns People Off From Politics

Team Obama Refuses To Repudiate Reid's Lie

RNC Chair Priebus Calls Reid a 'Dirty Liar'

The Mainstream Media's Treatment of Obama's and Romney's Grades, Compared

UCLA to Offer Illegal Aliens Classes at 'National Dream University'

David Axelrod Caught in Recovery Summer Lie

McConnell: White House Wants Effects of Defense Cuts Kept Secret Until After Election

Roseanne Still Running for President, Picks Cindy Sheehan as VP

Van Jones: GOP, Tea Party ‘Want To Hurt Americans Economically So They Can Gain Politically'

AP Makes Bogus Charge of Voter Disenfranchisement

Justice Ginsburg Weighs Legal Lessons of Opera

Fort Hood Shooter Fined for Refusing to Shave

Terrorist Freed After Obama Admin Denies Gitmo Entrance

Report: FBI Had Anwar al-Awlaki in Custody and Let Him Go

Chicago: One of US's Least Gun-Friendly Cities Now One of World's Deadliest

Feeling Cost Crunch, U.S. Health Insurers Quietly Restrict Medical Care

Former SEIU Officer Indicted on Embezzlement Charges

Report: Rahm Pushed Solyndra Deal

David Limbaugh Talks Obama: 'The Great Destroyer'

Exclusive -- Sen Ron Johnson: Some Politicians In Washington Way Too Long

Obama Ad Claims Romney Wants To Bring The Country Back To 1950's

Harkin: Women Need Birth Control Mandate for Their Menses

Radical Obama Regulatory Chief Cass Sunstein Resigns

The Hysteria In Mexico Caused By Fast & Furious

Senator Lindsey Graham Calls Harry Reid A Liar

Hypocrisy: In Autobiography, Harry Reid Complained About False Mob Charges Against Him

Former Obama Adviser Van Jones Says Reid Attacks Turns People Off From Politics

Team Obama Refuses To Repudiate Reid's Lie

RNC Chair Priebus Calls Reid a 'Dirty Liar'

The Mainstream Media's Treatment of Obama's and Romney's Grades, Compared

UCLA to Offer Illegal Aliens Classes at 'National Dream University'

David Axelrod Caught in Recovery Summer Lie

Who was Sikh temple shooter Wade Michael Page?

Jesse Jackson Jr Reportedly Debilitated by Depression

Sikh Temple President Died a "Hero:" Son

Jordan says Syrian prime minister has defected with family, won't stay

Syria Prime Minister Riad Hijab defects - YouTube

Sinai attack presents dilemma for Israel

White House says Assad losing his grip on power

Clinton commends trade, growth in Africa

Sudans Ink Oil Deal; More Needed

Iran calls Syria meeting for 'realistic' countries

China lambasts US over South China Sea row

Analysis: What does ditching Lords reform mean for the coalition?

Romney team struggles to sharpen foreign policy message

Russians fear Pussy Riot trial is just the start

News Summary: Blast shuts down pipeline in Turkey

Mali Islamists beat journalist after sharia plan thwarted

Russian soldiers killed in Chechen 'suicide' blast

Israel shows gross disdain for law

Suspect Said to Be a Veteran With Ties to Racist Groups

Neighbors: Suspect in white-power band - YouTube

Doctor who survived Conn. home invasion remarries

Context takes a holiday: US campaign feeds off misleading claims

Joplin mosque razed in fire; 2nd blaze this summer

Autopsy for woman allegedly shot by husband in ICU

GOP announces convention headliners, including Huckabee, McCain

Trayvon Martin's Parents Seek Help from Crime Victims Fund

Republicans unleash on Reid, Obama campaign over Romney tax claim

Trio of Hollywood Elite Hosting Obama Fundraiser Tonight

Clint Eastwood throws support behind Romney

Rail cars carrying denatured alcohol explode and burn in eastern Montana after derailment - The Washington Post

Best Buy founder submits bid to buy the company

Best Buy Founder Offers to Buy Co, Take It Private

Justice hits Gibson Guitars with $300G fine over fingerboards

Romney returning to Ohio

Rasmussen: Obama swings to national lead

Clinton, Mondale pay tribute to Humphrey's legacy

Biden diversifying his 2012 campaign portfolio

Voter ID Laws May Affect Young Voters

Jenna Jameson supports Romney: 'Come on Reagan era!'

Ron Paul Comes To South Carolina

Ohio On Obama Suit: Not Unconstitutional To Treat Military Voters Differently

Wikipedia goes down thanks to cut cables

Google Kills More Products: Google Gets More Successful

Baidu Fires 4 Suspected of Being Paid to Delete Content

Sheep collar 'cries wolf' with text message to shepherds

Lessons Learned from Apple iCloud Hack

Five lessons of 'Total Recall's' disappointing box-office results

New bride Natalie Portman goes Nude for Dior

Report: Sharon Osbourne Quitting America's Got Talent Because NBC Fired Her Son

Russell Brand Misses Addiction

Marilyn Monroe Loved Brooklyn and "Walking Around"

Elton John Slams Madonna: 'Her Career Is Over'

Amazing! NASA photographs split second when Curiosity enters Mars

What We Can Learn From Mars - YouTube

NASA Kennedy Space Center Now on Google Street View

Team reveals human, monkey malaria genomes

Curiosity Landing: "We Are Wheels Down On Mars"

Loud elephants can talk silently, too

Archaeologists find traces of 2500-year old chocolate

New Mars rover to land in intriguing giant crater

The Success or Failure of the Endangered Species Act

Dinosaur boom linked to rise of Rocky Mountains

Testing Relativity with a Shredded Star

Latino astrophysicist receives prestigious prize

Mars mission: Demonstrating India's technology

Climate science and acts of creation

Scientists warn massive solar flare could harm power grid and satellites

Violent TV Shows Keep Young Kids Awake: Study

China's Fake Drugs Crackdown Results In Arrests Of Nearly 2000

Physical Forms of Child Discipline More Common than Acknowledged

Cigarette Smoking Falls While Other Tobacco Usage Rises

Shock study: Chemo can backfire, make cancer worse

CDC Warns of New Swine Flu

Eyes May Be Key to Spotting Who's Straight, Gay

Lying less may boost physical and mental health

More health reform questions answered

Ark. Dept. of Health pushes for child immunizations before school

Miranda Kerr nude photos leaked online; Victoria's Secret model stuns in black and white images - NY Daily News

Actress Ellen Page target of Twitter death threats; LAPD on case -

Over-the-Top Drew Peterson Creates Perfect 'Villain' in Trial, Story Says - Joliet, IL Patch

Drew Peterson's fourth wife Stacy Ann Cales was scarred by disappearance of her mother | Mail Online

Freedom of Speech and Political Correctness are Irreconcilable

Towards A Better Understanding of the Nature of Profit.

Carbonite CEO Admits Dropping Rush Limbaugh Has Hurt His Business

Limbaugh: Obama’s Whole Electoral History Is To Find Dirt On Opponents Or Make It Up

Rush: Harry Reid Hasn’t Allowed The Senate To Pass A Budget In 1191 Days. What Is He Hiding?

Debbie Schlussel/Serena Williams Does Crip Walk Upon Winning Olympic Gold Medal – Classy Chick! (VIDEO)

Debbie Schlussel/US Olympic Gold Medal Champ Gabby Douglas Victim of Racism From . . . Fellow US Blacks

Social Security not deal it once was for workers

White House considers executive order, leaves Internet takeover a possibility | The Daily Caller

Index details contents of Robert F. Kennedy’s papers - The Boston Globe

Chinese government discourages Muslim citizens from fasting during Ramadan - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Protesters damage Obama Oakland office - SFGate

Court lets suspect in deaths of U.S. GIs go free - Washington Times

Planned expat fee is talk of the Cayman tax haven |

Al-Azhar cleric: jihad martyrdom suicide bombings are a religious duty, pleasing to Allah - Jihad Watch

Finish him! In marriages, fighting is better than forgiving and forgetting, study says - NY Daily News

Mitt Romney Campaign Rally in Golden, Colorado – August 2 2012 | ElectAd

Barack Obama Campaign Event in Winter Park, Florida – August 2 2012 | ElectAd

Mitt Romney Campaign Event With 10 GOP Governors in Basalt, Colorado – August 2 2012 | ElectAd

Barack Obama Campaign Event in Leesburg, Virginia – August 2 2012 | ElectAd

Mitt Romney Campaign Rally in North Las Vegas, Nevada – August 3 2012 | ElectAd

Mitt Romney Press Conference On July Job Numbers, North Las Vegas, Nevada – August 3 2012 | ElectAd

Mitt Romney Ad: It’s Just Not Getting Better | ElectAd

Mitt Romney Ad: Cherished Relationship | ElectAd

Barack Obama Ad: Important | ElectAd

Barack Obama Ad: Faces of Change: Our Jobs Come from the Wind | ElectAd

RNC Ad: It’s Been Four Years | ElectAd

Barack Obama Ad: Balanced | ElectAd

Conservatives Have a Secret

Mitt Meets Mainstream Media Mindset

Why Muslims Must Hate Jews

The Perspective of a Lifetime on Atmospheric Modeling

'Why Not ObamaCare?'

Romney, JFK, FDR, and Al Smith

ObamaCare: The Most Recent in a Parade of Horribles

It's up to Cuban-Americans to save Hispanics from las mentiras , or the lies of the Dem left.

The Order of Playtime

Women Beat Men on IQ Tests for First Time. Why?

When Being an American Meant Being an American

The Dark Knight and Other Violent Films Do Not Cause Rampage Killings

Obama and the Ghost of Faulkner

Shirking Responsibility

Defending Free Speech Leaves Top Obama Department of Justice Official Speechless

Hungary Vexed by Specter of Anti-Semitism

Atomic Angst: Remembering the Last Year in Which Nuclear War Shook Us

No Logical Solution

Where is John Galt?

What is a U.N. Promise Worth? The Cost of the U.N.'s Games

The Other White Meat

The Real Price of Middle Eastern Oil

The Progressive Left's Secular Theocracy

Black and Right: Forgotten Black Conservative, George S. Schuyler

Misreading the Quran

America and Divine Intervention

Liberal Decay

Economic Inequality is a Small Price to Pay for Staying Human

A New Documentary Exposes the U.N.'s DNA

Tea Party Unbound

Once Again, Elites Think They Know Best

When Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton Insulted Palestinian Culture

Obama and the Ethics of Public Speaking

Obama Campaign Video Touts Dubious Green Energy 'Success' Story

The Obama Syndrome?

The Morphing of the Tea Party

What Would Che Think of Same-Sex Marriage?

When Exactly Did Barack Obama Renounce Communism?

The Return of TOTUS

On Demanding Tolerance

Disarming Americans?

Government as far as the eye can see

Mars Rover 'Curiosity' set for hair raising descent to the surface tomorrow night

Truman grandson visits Hiroshima memorial

OWS Protestors Vandalize Obama Campaign Office

Wife of Rep. Jackson says husband 'completely debilitated' by depression

Horace Mann School on Trial in the Press

Former governor sentenced to 78 months in prison

Are US Bishops Doing A Mexican Hat Dance?

Harry Reid, attack dog

Economy needs 'something dramatic' says Romney

Roseanne Barr, Cindy Sheehan head up Peace and Freedom Party ticket

In Memoriam: The 31 Heroes of EXTORTION 17

Why is Harry Reid riding the mail pony?

Sikh temple gunman identified as ex-military

Obama's inner circle and Iranian influence

'Curiosity' Rover Lands on Mars

Liberal appeals court judge removed from hearing Tom DeLay's case

Syrian Prime Minister defects; reported to be in Jordan

Do You Know Frank Marshall Davis?

Huckabee, McCain, Condi to headline GOP convention

Romney, RNC raise $101 million in July

Syrian rebels take 48 Iranian Rev Guards into custody

Video: The January 20, 2013 Nightmare

Video: Flashback: Reagan defines Recovery

Video: "Obama That I Used To Know" Parody Song

Video: Van Jones admits Dems Wrong on Romney

Video: Team Obama backs Lies by Harry Reid

Video: The Most Important Verse in the Bible

Video: Obama releases Guilty Terrorist Leader

Video: John Wayne on Liberals

Video: Top Latino Dem: "I worry about Rubio"

Video: Paul Harvey: If I Were The Devil...

Life Without The Second Amendment: “Run, Hide, Fight,” « Klein Online


Jackie Mason rips liberal Jews, Obama on Israel « Klein Online

Gaffney: Huma may need to resign « Klein Online

Obama’s 2nd term ‘economic fairness’ plans exposed « Klein Online

Aaron reveals Obama’s shock plans to ‘green’ military « Klein Online

Aaron interviews UK Islamic extremist « Klein Online

Huma worked with al-Qaida front-man « Klein Online

Obama planning massive 2nd term amnesty « Klein Online

*4-6 August

American Minute for August 6th

American Minute for August 5th

American Minute for August 4th

August 6th This Day in History

August 5th This Day in History

August 4th This Day in History

August 6 Events in History

August 5 Events in History

August 4 Events in History

This Day in History for 6th August |

This Day in History for 5th August |

This Day in History for 4th August |

Today in History: August 6

Today in History: August 5

Today in History: August 4

August 6th in History

August 5th in History

August 4th in History

Today in History: August 6

Today in History: August 5

Today in History: August 4

Today in History for August 6th - YouTube

Today in History for August 5th - YouTube

Today in History for August 4th - YouTube


Morning Jay: Is Obama's Ad Blitz Moving the Polls? | The Weekly Standard

Morning Bell: Has Anything NOT Killed Jobs Lately? Unemployment Rate Rises


*Transcripts:5th/Guests: Mitt Romney and Senator Lindsey Graham

Guests: Party Chairs Wasserman Schultz & Preibus

Guests: David Axelrod and Ted Cruz

3rd/Interview with Senator Mark Warner

2nd/Roundtable on the Debate Over Taxes

Analysts on the Candidates' Tax Plans

Interview with Fmr. Defense Secretary Donald Rumseld

1st/Interview with Senator John McCain

Interview with Senator Pat Toomey

Interview with DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Interview with Representative Barney Frank

Analysts on Ted Cruz's Win in Texas

Interview with Representative Trey Gowdy

Panel on the Politics of Chick fil-A

Media Availability with Secretary Panetta

31st/Interview with Israeli President Shimon Peres

Interview with Representative Ed Markey

Interview with Representative Jan Schakowsky

Analysts on the Asian-American Vote

Panel on Deal to Continue Funding the Gov't

Media Availability with Secretary Panetta

30th/Interview with Mitt Romney

Analysts on Romney's Trip to Israel

Panel on Bill Clinton Speaking at the DNC

Secretary Panetta's Remarks in Tunisia

29th/Mitt Romney's Speech in Jerusalem

Interview with Mitt Romney

Guests: Senators Dick Durbin and Kelly Ayotte

Interview with Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

Interview with Former Vice President Dick Cheney

Media Availability with Secretary Panetta


Emails Show Rahm Emanuel Was Active Participant In Solyndra Scandal -

U.S. energy independence is attainable - Houston Chronicle

Every energy industry gets support, not just renewables - Opinion -

Mark Landsbaum: Jerry Brown is green, except when he's not | brown, ceqa, bee - Opinion - The Orange County Register

The Environmentalist’s Dilemma | Hoover Institution

Kurds Don't Hold all the Cards in Iraqi Oil Battle

The Drought Is Worse Than You Think, We Can Help By Using Gasoline - Seeking Alpha

Fuel Fix » Former Texas EPA official talks about state’s biggest problem

Questions linger 50 years after Marilyn Monroe's death |

Lizzie Borden: Did she take an axe and murder her father and stepmother? — Lizzie Borden Took An Ax — Crime Library on

The Destruction of the Second Temple

‘Collision Course’ Looks at Reagan vs. Patco -

Human cycles: History as science : Nature News & Comment

New Target In Voter ID Battle: 1965 Voting Rights Act : NPR

THE ELECTRIC CHAIR — Execution Evolves — Crime Library on

Was Hiroshima Needed to End the War? / The Christian Science Monitor -

The Decision to Risk the Future: Harry Truman, the Atomic Bomb and the Apocalyptic Narrative :: JapanFocus

An apology fatally devalued by the passage of 65 years - Asia - World - The Independent

RealClearTechnology - Opinion, News, Analysis and Videos

Huawei: The company that spooked the world | The Economist

Zillow and Other Companies Moving From Consumers to Businesses -

eBay Is Launching A Same-Day Shipping Service Called eBay Now | TechCrunch

Laptops we love under $1,000 | Reviews - Laptops - CNET Reviews

BBC News - US resists control of internet passing to UN agency

What Wired Is Not Telling You – a Response to Noah Shachtman’s Article in Wired Magazine | Nota Bene

How You Turn Music Into Money in 2012 (Spoiler: Mostly iTunes) - Robinson Meyer - The Atlantic

Meet the company that wants to destroy Twitter. It's Twitter • The Register

sp!ked review of books | Deepak Lal vs the meddling state

Fatalism in American Film Noir: Some Cinematic Philosophy – Robert Pippin | Full Stop

The New Atlantis » The Problem with Plagiarism

sp!ked review of books | Rescuing literature from literary theory

The Top 10 Most Difficult Books

A Reponse to Hamblin on Mormon Studies

The Questioning God of the Bible and the Impenetrable Koran - Institute on Religion & Democracy (IRD)

The 50 Shades of Evangelicalism | Politics | Religion Dispatches

Are Concubines Now Kosher? – The Sisterhood –

Is the GOP about to have an (Asian American) evangelical problem? - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

Athletic performance: Faster, higher, no longer | The Economist

Animal activists' terror tactics drive staff out of laboratories | Science | The Observer

Changing Ideas About The Origin Of Life

BBC News - Geography helps solve dinosaur evolution puzzle

Neuroscience and Moral Responsibility -

Bone people: The explorers of the Parisian catacombs -

New technology eliminates plant toxins – University of Copenhagen

Extra-terrestrial life: Closer to encounter | The Economist

Decoding the Science of Sleep -

Spanish Scientist Puts Genetics to Work to Find Missing Children -

The Rise and Fall of Sexual Promiscuity -

Drug-Resistant Gonorrhea: Not Just A U.S. Problem | Wired Science |

Parakeet Pests Used For Human Speech Studies - Blog

To Achieve A Successful Gold Standard, You Don't Need Gold Coins - Forbes

Real Clear Markets - Video - High Frequency Trading's Future

Real Clear Markets - Video - Why Buffett Is Betting Big on Housing

Was the July Unemployment Report Another Snow Job? -

Arthur Laffer: The Real 'Stimulus' Record -

Repeal of Glass-Steagall: Not a cause, but a multiplier - The Washington Post

Two Central Banks and the Sound of Silence — Strategies -

The Great John Cochrane's Small Attack On the Gold Standard - Forbes

Why Washington Is Doing So Well -

Geo-Graphics » Benchmarking the Fed’s Dual-Mandate Performance

No President Obama, It Was Private Business That Made Our Roads And Bridges Possible - Forbes

Five myths about the middle class - The Washington Post

The iEconomy - Nissan’s Move to U.S. Offers Lessons for Tech Industry -

10 Business Clichés That Prove You’re Lazy | Business |

This man wants to destroy Amazon - Fortune Tech

Big Oil is Earth’s Public Enemy No. 1 - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

RealClearWorld - How Vietnam and the U.S. Made Up

Asia Times Online :: Getting it started in Qidong

Syria Civil War and the Arab Spring: Let's hear it for Israel, the Arab world's all-purpose enemy | Full Comment | National Post

Henry Kissinger: Meshing realism and idealism in Syria, Middle East - The Washington Post

Guilt blinds some to faults of Rwanda - The Irish Times - Sat, Aug 04, 2012

PacNet #48 - China's New City: Is this Beijing's Pivot? | Center for Strategic and International Studies

Jamaica At 50: So much more than Bob Marley and Usain Bolt.... | Mail Online

Chile is still a model for Latin neighbors - Andres Oppenheimer -

Race for Arctic mostly rhetoric - Winnipeg Free Press

Why Kofi Annan had enough over Syria | Jonathan Steele | Comment is free | The Guardian

The Jobs Mirage and the Election : The New Yorker

Jobless Rate Climbs to 8.3 Percent, Creating More Anxiety for Obama and the Left | Cato @ Liberty

No, Obama doesn’t necessarily have to `defy history’ to win - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Could supply-economics help the economy? No - The Denver Post

Ted Cruz: Tea Party movement stronger now than in 2010 - The Hill's Ballot Box

The Love Goddess Who Keeps Right on Seducing -

Democrats Will Balance Past and Present : Roll Call Politics

Runaway Spending: Obama Is Bush on Steroids | RealClearPolitics

There's Only One Way to Stop the Health Law | RealClearPolitics

Barack Obama's Empty Presidency Means A Loss To Mitt Romney In November -

Why Washington Is Doing So Well -

Can Obama Keep Centrist Dems in 2012? | RealClearPolitics

Bill Clinton Becomes Touchstone in 2012 Presidential Campaign - The Daily Beast

David Plouffe: Dems have momentum going into recess - Mike Allen -

Record Spending by Obama’s Camp Shrinks Coffers -

William Galston: Dismantling The GOP’s Odious Philosophy Of Voter Suppression | The New Republic

New Statesman - The left cannot remain silent over "honour killings"

O’s Israel reversal -

Supporters of Ted Cruz and Chick-fil-A Break News | RealClearPolitics

The Hollow Republic - Yuval Levin - National Review Online

Why Washington Accepts Mass Unemployment -- Daily Intel


Alex Jones Show: Sunday (8-5-12) Full Live TV Edition - YouTube

Alex Jones Show: Friday (8-3-12) Brian Sussman - YouTube


**Eco-Tyranny: The Left's Green Agenda with Author Brian Sussman - YouTube

21 min./Slaves to The Banksters - YouTube

Prison » Sikh Shooter a Former Psyop Soldier Linked to FBI’s National Alliance

Prison » Sikh Temple Shooter Was In Army Psychological Operations

Army Psyop Officer Set Up In Sikh Killings? - YouTube

Prison » Southern Poverty Law Center Says It Has Been Tracking Temple Shooter Since 2000

Prison » Insecticides Modified in GM Corn Polluting U.S. Waters

Prison » Sikh Shooting Ties Into DHS ‘Veterans as Terrorists’ Narrative

Prison » Surrounded By Psychopaths And Sociopaths As We Approach Societal Collapse

Prison » Eyewitness: 4 Man Team Behind Sikh Temple Shooting

Sikh Temple Shooting: Get Ready For "Hate Crime" Propaganda - YouTube

7 dead, including gunman, in Wis. shooting at Sikh temple

Firing At Wisconson Sikh Temple At Least Seven People Dead - YouTube

Prison » The federal government is spying on every single American, say NSA whistleblowers

Prison » New Effort To Curtail Posse Comitatus After Colorado Massacre

Prison » Sikh Temple Massacre: Multiple Shooters and Domestic Terrorism

Prison » Dead Crops, Extreme Drought And Endless Wildfires Are Now The New Normal In America

Prison » Is America the World’s Largest Sponsor of Terrorism?

Ted Gunderson Former FBI Chief - Most Terror Attacks Are Committed By Our CIA And FBI - YouTube

Prison » The Tyranny of Official Narratives

Prison » Enemies In Name Only: Washington, Al-Qaeda, And Jupiter’s Lightning Bolt

Prison » ‘Zombie Attacks’: Secret Virus Or Collapsing Society?

'Zombie Attacks': Secret Virus Or Collapsing Society? - YouTube

Behold A Pale Horse: The Final Warning with Director Chuck Untersee - YouTube

Prison » The Martial Flu: U.S. Pandemic Laws Align with International Health Regulations

Prison » DHS Requests Plastic Explosives Then Hides Evidence

Prison » Cold Hard Facts On Gun Bans: “The Cost Of Liberty Can Be Measured In the Loss of Life”

Prison » Mainstream media pushes malicious fluoride lie: Fluoride-free bottled water is harming children, they claim!

Prison » Biologist calls sodas and fizzy beverages ‘evil’

London 2012: Olympics have made England "foul with patriotism", says Morrissey - Telegraph

Prison » Fake Tweets About Syrian President Assad’s Death Cause All Too Real Spike In Crude And S&P

Prison » Push to Put Your Money in Google’s CIA Cloud Wallet

Congressman Ron Paul's Opening Statement - Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee - YouTube

Prison » Govt May Now Collect, Catalog, and Store All Private Information

Prison » War on home gardens – Canada town outlaws food self-sufficiency

MSM Conditioning Public for "White" Domestic Terrorist with Shootings - YouTube

Prison » Pre-Crime Software Moves One Step Closer to Reality

» Border Control & Illegal Immigration Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Domestic IED Threat Hyped As Justification For Martial Law Takeover Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Why doctors are more dangerous than guns – new Health Ranger investigation video Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Why doctors are more dangerous than guns - Health Ranger investigation - YouTube

» Israeli Radar Technology to be Used at U.S.-Mexico Border Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

U.S. must evaluate tactics at Mexican border, say experts | The Moral Liberal

» Fast and Furious: ATF Deputy Steps Down Amid Controversy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Rising Poverty and Social Inequality in America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

44 min./The Constitution is Public Enemy #1 - YouTube

Obama Has Staged Shootings Before, Is Sikh Event False Flag? - YouTube

Alex Jones and Max Keiser "Occupy Bilderberg Movement Mission and going from here ?!" - YouTube

» Megadeth’s Dave Mustaine ‘Disgusted’ with Obama Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Teachers who prey on their students Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Senator Rand Paul’s Bill to Protect Citizens From Drone Surveillance Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Guns vs. Drugs – The real cause of violent shooting sprees Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


The Michael Savage Show 08/03/2012 FULL

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair1

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair2

David Duke Show 6th

David Duke Show 3rd

Monday, August 6th, 2012 Red Eye Radio1

Monday, August 6th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

Friday, August 3rd, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Friday, August 3rd, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 6th

08/03 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2012-Aug-05, Sunday

Alex Jones - 2012-Aug-03, Friday

Aug. 3, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 3 August 2012

The Bob Tuskin Show3rd

Blacklisted Radio 3rd

Live Free Or Die Radio

The Katherine Albrecht Show Friday August 03 2012 Hour 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show Friday August 03 2012 Hour 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday August 04 2012 Hour 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday August 04 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Friday August 03 2012 Hour 1

Redding News Review Friday August 03 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Friday August 03 2012 Hour 3

Redding News Review Sunday August 05 2012 Hour 1

Redding News Review Sunday August 05 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Sunday August 05 2012 Hour 3

World Crisis Radio Saturday August 04 2012 Hour 1

World Crisis Radio Saturday August 04 2012 Hour 2

Saturday, 8/04/12 Larry Kudlow

Bill Cunningham1

Bill Cunningham 2

Bill Cunningham 3

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