A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

26 August 2012

26 Aug.'12

Russia Slams Facebook Targeting Of US Marine War Hero

BREAKING: GOP delays start of convention until Tuesday – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Tropical storm Isaac destroys tent camps for Haiti's homeless – video | World news |

Twitter wars: Obama and Romney buying fake followers? — RT

Romney & Ryan's GOP: Back to the Back Alley- YouTube

NEW Romney-Ryan LIES about Medicare & Welfare reform! - Last Word- YouTube

REPORT: Seniors Will Pay $60,000 More For Medicare Under Romney/Ryan Plan | ThinkProgress

Mitt Romney admits to using Chinese slave labor at Bain.- YouTube

OpEdNews - Article: If you Like NAFTA, You'll Love TPP

+Space legend Neil Armstrong dies -

Empire State Bldg shooting: All by-standers injured by police; dramatic surveillance video released — RT

Empire State Building shooting victims say NYPD fired 'randomly' into street | World news |

Why Operation Dark Knight Backfired :

OpEdNews - Article: Trillions Stashed in Tax Havens

Mexico probes why federal cops fired at US gov car

Psychologist pleads guilty to $1M fraud - Lebanon Daily Record : Local News: rhett e. mccarty, fraud, medicare, psychologist,

Study: Middle class poorer, earned less in 2000s –


Karl Marx in 90 Minutes- YouTube


+Poison on the Platter (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries

**Poison on the Platter on Vimeo


Rumi - This is all a dream - Duncan Mackintosh- YouTube

Scientific dishonesty and nuclear power - Article by Chris Busby | (We) can do better

Physician: Overwhelming number of cases being reported from around Japan — Medical data in Fukushima is sealed, no idea what’s truly going on there

Chinese firms eagerly buying up American assets -

The Department of Homeland Security’s New HQ is an Abandoned Insane Asylum | Public Intelligence

China’s arms exports flooding sub-Saharan Africa - The Washington Post

Student Debt as a Moral Issue | ZenHaven

Feds: Wash. Man Who Threatened Obama Had Arsenal - ABC News

Curiosity finds Mars 'teeming with UFOs' - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

Gas explosion rocks Venezuela's largest refinery | World news |

Authorities gain power to collect Australians' internet records

Pentagon Contractor CEO Compensation is Second to None

Reeling in the Gotterdammerung. Visible Origami

California approves Location Privacy Act: 'Get a warrant' | ZDNet

Discover Hubble's hidden treasures - Cosmic Log

Veteran Ufologist Ray Stanford Finds Dinosaur Footprint On NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Campus

Are Mental Disorders the Result of Neuroinflammation? | GreenMedInfo

100-year-old Norwegian mystery is unravelled - Telegraph

Iran Bashing, Terrorism and Who Chose The Chosen People, Anyway?- YouTube

Sneezing the New WMD Weaponized Mucus Device- YouTube


**Proof That Birth Certificates Are Traded On NYSE Stock Exchange- YouTube


Reality Check: RNC Pulling Out All Stops To Keep Ron Paul's Name Out Of Nomination- YouTube

Paul Ryan's Top 10 Falsehoods and Outrages... from Just His First Week on the Campaign Trail | Alternet

Introduction to the CAFR - Why You Can't Get Ahead- YouTube

‘Invisibility cloak’ science to bring broadband Internet to everyone, everywhere - Future of Tech on

Trillions Stashed In Tax Havens

Daily Kos: Mitt Romney says 'big business is doing fine' thanks to 'offshore tax havens'

Tampa Releasing Inmates to Free Up Jails for RNC Protesters | Care2 Causes

Israeli government willingly lays foundations for Jewish terrorism | +972 Magazine

Activist Post: The History Of DHS Ammunition Purchases

Activist Post: Russia's "End the Fed" Movement Gains Traction

Rumors Abound in Russia: Or Are They Rumors… | International

Twilight Language: Summer of the Gun

Illinois teen held captive as sex slave escapes after 2 years: police - NY Daily News

OpEdNews - Article: Karl Rove's Monstrous Second Act: The Romneyan


+Gawker posts 950 pages of confidential Bain documents - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room


The Bain Files: Inside Mitt Romney's Tax-Dodging Cayman Schemes


**The Bain Files: The Documents


America's Descent into Poverty ~ Paul Craig Roberts -

#OccupyWallStreet: An Occupier Speaks on The Federal Reserve Ponzi Scheme In A Brooklyn Way 10-5-11- YouTube

+9/11: The Sensible Doubt – A Danish View of 9/11 (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries

**9/11: THE SENSIBLE DOUBT - Danish documentary about 9/11- YouTube


U.S. election: Ron Paul stripped of delegates on eve of Republican convention -

RNC Shuns Ron Paul, Supporters Root For Romney Defeat | _

+Neil Armstrong Tribute- YouTube

Delete Facebook- YouTube


Ellen Brown: Fixing the Mortgage Mess: The Game-changing Implications of Bain v. MERS

Police response to Empire State shooter questioned as evidence reveals officers' gunfire injured nine passers-by while gunman fired no more bullets | Mail Online

Drones Kill Surveillance RNC- YouTube

Monsanto – Menace to Society | _

+Neil Armstrong dead -

Romney, Ryan reach out to female voters ahead of convention - First Read

An Inconvenient Death of the Middle Class (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries

How about a little gun control, Mayor Bloomberg? | _

NYPD Needs Gun Safety 101 - Instead of focusing on disarming his citizens, Mayor Michael Bloomberg should focus on making sure his officers know fundamental gun safety - 12160

FBI Sharing Facial Recognition Software With Police Departments Across America :

Tampa police prepare for Anonymous and mass arrests during Republican convention - 12160

Activist Post: 2012 US Elections -- Obamney vs. Rombama: What Should We Do About It?

United Nations Sponsors Another Gun-grabber Conference in New York - 12160

The Arab Spring comes to Saudi Arabia | StratRisks

Young girls claim DCF employee molested them - Local News - Fort Myers, FL -

The Empire State Building Mass Shooting – Truth in Opposition of Propaganda | _

The Jungian War On Terror Comes Home: Old Shadows, New Enemies « THE INTERNET POST

Supreme Court Retains Ban on Foreign Campaign Donations -

Foreign Cash Disqualifies Romney from Presidential Bid | _

Attack of the Drones (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries



+Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura – Season 1 Episode 4 – Big Brother « Underground Documentaries


**Big Brother Conspiracy Theory Jesse Ventura- YouTube

**AGE OF DECEIT: Fallen Angels and the New World Order (Full)- YouTube

**Aquarius - The Age Of Evil (Full Movie)- YouTube


Nowhere To Run with Chris White( (


Prison » Coast to Coast AM at its best: Alex Jones and a banking fraud special

**Coast To Coast AM - Free Speech & Corporate Tyranny - 08-24-2012- YouTube


The National Security Agency’s Domestic Spying Program -


**Prison » The VP candidates agreed on 52 substantive bills


42 min./Richard Belzer: The Ruling Class is Running Scared- YouTube


**Lew Rockwell's Speech At PAUL Fest- YouTube


43 miin./The History of Medical Tyranny with Dr. Peter Glidden- YouTube

Prison » Former FBI Agent: Surveillance State Trashing Constitutional Protections

Gov't Following 'Stalinist Model' for Detaining Veterans Under NDAA- YouTube

The Growing Political Dissent Among Veterans- YouTube

Prison » US Forest Service has an immediate need for ammunition

Source Of Loud Boom In Foothills A Mystery « CBS Sacramento

Prison » Prozac? Zoloft? Paxil? Did one of these drugs drive the Empire State shooter?

New satellite imagery shows Iran covering up building IAEA wants to visit, says U.S. think tank - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Prison » Obama’s Geopolitical China ‘Pivot’: The Pentagon Targets China

Prison » Not Even Bernanke Knows What’ll Happen When The Fed Sell Trillions Of Dollars Worth Of Bonds

Prison » Legalize Weed Campaigns Crushing Opposition in Fundraising

Prison » Skeletal Fluorosis: What Could Fluoride Be Doing to Us?

World Cooling? 'Greenpeace delusional, points in wrong direction'- YouTube

Libertarians rally for Ron Paul - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

EXCLUSIVE: GOP Platform includes 'Internet Freedom' platform | The Daily Caller

Prison » Risking Nuclear Armageddon

Prison » The Jungian War On Terror Comes Home: Old Shadows, New Enemies

(Videos) Peaceful Streets Founder Snatched-up for Filming Austin PD Stop Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» FCC Shakes Down Consumers for Socialist “Connect America Fund” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Disbelief In Grand Enemies: The End of National Myths In A Dying World Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Blue Sky Black Death - Farewell To The Former World - NOIR - OFFICIAL HQ- YouTube

» Former FBI Agent: Surveillance State Trashing Constitutional Protections Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Gov't Following 'Stalinist Model' for Detaining Veterans Under NDAA- YouTube

» Establishment Dog and Pony Show to Go On Despite Hurricane Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Looking for a Good Job? Don’t Get Your Hopes Up - Working In These Times

» Republicans Consider Returning To Gold Standard: Real Or Red Herring? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Federal Auditor: 2,527 DHS Employees and Co-Conspirators Convicted of Crimes |

Web Sites Accused of Collecting Data on Children -

Ruby Ridge and the Age of State Terrorism by William Norman Grigg

Texas official warns of Obama civil war - Houston Chronicle

Daphne Eviatar: 9/11 Hearing Cancelled But Secrecy Issues Remain (UPDATE)

Health Officials: No Need To Call 911 For Mosquito Bites « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

Now even TAP WATER isn't safe! Brain-eating amoeba fatal in 99% of cases 'could come from your own faucet' | Mail Online


260 Homeland Security Employees Convicted of Crimes in 2011 -

pdf-Special Report: Summary of Significant Investigations January 1, 2011, to December 31, 2011

Drugs, guns and child porn at Homeland Security | The Center for Public Integrity


*Crossing the line: Corruption at the border | Center for Investigative Reporting


+Ron Paul Turned Down Offer to Speak at GOP Convention -

CME Chairman Testifies To Congress: "A Senior MF Global Employee Indicated To Us That Mr. Corzine Knew Loans Had Been Made From Customer Segregated Accounts" -

MF Global Employee Indicated Corzine Knew Loans Were Made From Customer Accounts- YouTube

From Bug Drones to Disease Assassins, Super Weapons Rule U.S. War Game | Danger Room |

San Antonio NISD Schools Tracking Kids with RFID pilot program -

The War in the Shadows | Common Dreams

An Assassination of International Proportions 27 June 1980 and A Cover-Up by NATO : civilian jet with 81 civilians shot by French Mirage instead of Qaddafi Plane over Sicily -


**One Hundred Epiphanies (Not Zeitgeist)- YouTube


Police UAV spy drones spark 'Big Brother' fears - Public Service

5 Places To Keep Your Money When You Don’t Trust the Banks

The Balkan Gate of Transnational Cocaine Trade -

Apparently I'm A Google Shill And I Didn't Even Know It | Techdirt

Police mistake reveals plan for Assange's Embassy capture • The Register

AP Exclusive: Romney uses secretive data-mining - Sci/Tech news

China, US to begin new arms race?: Voice of Russia

North Korean jamming of GPS shows system's weakness - Washington Times

Facebook, the CIA, DARPA, and the Tanking IPO - International Business Times

Why China Resents Japan, and Us -

Orwell's 1984 Solution to Criminalize War: “If There was Hope, it must Lie in the Proles”

Obama’s Geopolitical China ‘Pivot’: The Pentagon Targets China

"The Art of War" and the Pentagon's Reality Show

Police State Spying and the Criminalization of Justice in America

Toxic Pesticides and the Flight of The Bumblebee: Are We Poisoning Our Future?

Nuclear Crucifixion: Fake Data and Ficticious Reports used as A Pretext to Wage War on Iran

Iraqi Oil. Mission Accomplished for Big Oil?

U.S. Military Base In Uzbekistan To Counter Russia In Central Asia

Forsaken And Forgotten

20,000 Muslims Warm-Up Act for Democratic National Convention

American Express Addresses RFID People Tracking Plans

Colorado: 5 Muslims arrested for brutal rape with blunt instrument "horrific sexual assault" - Atlas Shrugs

Activist Post: Customer Deposits Are Property of the Bank: Close Your Account NOW

'2016: Obama's America,' Anti-Obama Documentary Burns Up Box Office (UPDATED)

8/24/2012 The Iron Fist in Tampa

More Costs of War: Suicides and Mental Trauma of Military Family Members

Dictatorial War-Making

The Candidates vs. the Bill of Rights

Spec Op Chief Says Blabbermouths Face 'Criminal Prosecution'


**Obama Civilian Security- YouTube


(Videos)Lindsey Williams: US Government Will Shutdown Financially | Alternative

+4 Superfoods To Remove Toxins | Alternative

Bloodlines Of The Nephilim – A Biblical Study | Religion

Obama's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood- YouTube

Is The Obama SS About To Be Revealed? | Opinion - Liberal


*10 films the US Government would rather you not see ~ RiseEarth


The History Before History | Strange

'White Americans Against Obama' Campaign Video | Election 2012

President Obama Announces the 2012 Launch of African Americans for Obama- YouTube


Alien Toy? All Attempts To Solve This Ancient Mystery - Failed -

Genetic Health Testing for Predisposition to Cancers | Science and Technology

Magic of Holly Wood | Strange

AP Interview: Obama calls Romney's ideas 'extreme'

President Obama Calls Romney's Ideas 'Extreme' - U.S. Election 2012 - CNBC

Famous lost word in Armstrong's 'mankind' quote

Tropical Storm Isaac Should Rival Hurricane Katrina - Forbes

GM shuns political poster child role, bans candidate visits until after Election Day | General Motors news | Detroit Free Press |

In Paul they trust as he leaves political stage - Washington Times

7 Dead, 24 Others Wounded In Weekend Violence « CBS Chicago

Source says Wynn looking at security - News -

Prince Harry faces 'dressing down' from commanding officer - Telegraph

Special report: The empire strikes back - Press - Media - The Independent


+Congressmen to Obama: See you in court


Guns don’t kill people … but cops might

Allen West: Obama feeding U.S. ‘cr-p sandwich’

Obama supporters in birtherism-banner blunder

Key Pakistani Taliban figure killed in Afghanistan –

Is Pakistan’s ‘fatwa’ linked to attacks on U.S. troops?

Al-Qaeda terrorists launch human rights bid - Telegraph

North Korea cozies up to Japan

Slaughterhouse expose would be illegal in several states - Business - The Sacramento Bee

FCC eyes tax on Internet service - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Australia's Robinson Crusoe may be forced to leave his island paradise - Telegraph

Don't forget insurance for your college-bound kids –

Serious Vision Problems and Eye Disease Climbing Rapidly in U.S.

Legalize Weed Campaigns Crushing Opposition in Fundraising


**End the Lie Radio with Madison Ruppert - Episode 28- YouTube


The Real You - Alan Watts- YouTube

RNC Shuns Ron Paul, Supporters Root For Romney Defeat- YouTube

Your Indoctrination - Lets start taking off the shackles- YouTube

Empire SHOOTING: All 9 wounded HIT BY POLICE- YouTube

Sneezing Viruses From the FluMist Nasal Vaccine

Risking Nuclear Armageddon

Vets Being Rounded Up Nationwide, People Everywhere Just Disappearing

Can You Pass the Basic Preparedness Test?

Gender Gap: Obama Down 8 Among Men; Romney Down 8 Among Women

1.3 Million Got Disability for ‘Mood Disorders’—Including 33% of Beneficiaries in Puerto Rico

ICE Agents Sue Napolitano for Ordering Them to 'Violate Federal Law'

EPA Levies $40,000+ Fines on Landlords Who Fail to Provide ‘EPA-Approved’ Pamphlets to Tenants

Biden cancels Florida trip

Airlines: You can't wear that

Propaganda-Packed 'Hunger Games' DVD: 'Written In Frustration Of The Bush Era'

Liberals Look To End Marriage Going 'Forward,' But There's Still Time To Turn Back

U.S. Report on Combating Gender-Based Violence Fails to Mention Forced Abortions and Sterilizations in China |

‘Undocumented Youth’ Tell Reporters Harry Reid ‘Is One of Our Biggest Supporters’ |

NBC's Mormon Hit Piece: 'A Church Still Dealing With the Issue of Polygamy...Inequality' |

Look Over There! CNN Barely Mentions Romney's Energy Policy; Hypes Bain Capital 'Distraction' |

Fla.’s Graham to Newsmax: We May Have Another Hanging-Chad-Like Controversy

McCain to Romney: You Must Sell Your Message to Women and Hispanics

Jeb Bush: GOP Needs ‘Better Tone’ on Immigration to Win Hispanic Vote

Priebus: 'The Barack Obama Brand is Broken'

Sperry: Obama Administration Agrees To Release 4 Taliban Leaders

Romney: We’re the ‘Only Team’ with Answers for America’s Challenges

GOP Makes Strong Push to Win Catholic Vote

Obama Tries to Raise Funds From Romney Birth Certificate Remark

Haqqani Network Leader Believed Killed by Pakistan Drone Strike

Tea Party Finds it Tough to Balance Ideology Against Election Needs

Moonwalk 'Just' Part of Job to Armstrong

Rubio: Romney Is ‘Role Model for People Like Me’

Palin Hints at Formation of Third Party

Author Duncan to Moneynews: US Must Spend Wisely to Avoid Disaster

Fed May Struggle to Deliver Expected Growth Boost

Digital Collections Likely to Disappear at Death

Romney, Obama Both Struggle to Connect


* Obama’s 923 Executive Orders Expose US Fascism |


Sleeping with the Enemy in the 'War On Women'

Review: 2016: Obama's America

The General and Political Speech

Why Free Markets

Zionism and the 'Married to Another Man' Story

The Whitewashed Sepulchers of Washington, D.C.

Administration 'cooked the books' on deportation numbers

Why Voting Democrat Is Voting against Yourself

Is Nidal Hasan Army or Islam?

Army Report Buried Islamic Motivations For Afghan Murders of US Troops

New Republic admits how bad Obama economy is

Obama, the ultimate birther jokester

Romney says Obama has 'admitted defeat' on the economy

Chicago needs Wyatt Earp

Has the old media worm turned against Obama?

Obama Demands Race-Based School Discipline

Rise of the Manifestoists: the End-Point of the Democratic Party

Islam a Religion of Peace? Actions Say Otherwise.

Executive Orders: Their Use and Abuse by Many U.S. Presidents | American Free Press

‘New’ Republicans Behind Paul Ryan’s Political Rise | American Free Press

Anonymous releases how-to instructions on fooling facial recognition (VIDEO) — RT

7 Facts About Geolocation Privacy - Security - Privacy - Informationweek

Semen is 'good for women's health and helps fight depression' | Mail Online

The Sky is Falling!—Religious Roots of the Prophesied Green Apocalypse

China’s New Shadow Government, Cash for Organs, and the Threat to America

Fear and Anxiety

Lost in the ‘60s of Drive-in movies, catfish and Dixie

The Quest For A Reason To Re-Elect The President

Destroying Our Military from Within

Has Russia Sold Out Iran For a Stake in Israeli Gas?

On November 6, African-Americans Must Choose Between Jesus Christ & Barack Obama!

America’s Future in Prophecy - The Proof, the Promise and the Point of No Return

Precious U.S. citizenship: diminished and given away by Obama

Imagine How America Can Look on November 7

The Free Press Act: A Proposal to Reinvigorate Our Freedom of Speech

Media “Fact Checkers” Promote Obama’s Gutting of Welfare Reform

The Obama Syndicate: When Evil Rules the Land and its People

Obama’s Take No Prisoners War-Fighting

The Psychotic in power are calling us mentally ill

On NOT Understanding Muslims

FACT SHEET: The Strategic Petroleum Reserve

Barry Soetoro, the Invisible Man

The 2012 Presidential Election: Just How Influential is the Catholic Vote?

Obama’s Obsession With Destroying Our Country Has No Bounds

The Most Divisive Campaign in American History

Whatever Happened to Peak Oil?

Obama’s Communist Mentor

Soros-funded Marxists to “Occupy the RNC”

The Scarecrow of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Obama’s deadly campaign propaganda recruiting the embittered

Debbie Schlussel-Neil Armstrong RIP: Great American Hero Who Lived to See US Space Program Die

Debbie Schlussel-“2016″ Maker Dinesh D’Souza is Islamopologist, Said America Deserved 9/11, HAMAS CAIR Hero


**Coast To Coast AM - Banking Fraud Special - 08-25-2012 - C2CAM- YouTube


Twilight Language: Of Moon, Masons & Men: Neil Armstrong Dies

BBC News - Forensic test can predict hair and eye colour from DNA

Rare Deep-Sea Anglerfish Spotted in Numbers for the First Time

CultureLab: Why novelists need scientists, and vice versa

Who inherits your iTunes library? - MarketWatch

The Haves and the Have Shots

The 1960 Dem. Convention of JFK was more Conservative than Tampa GOP.

Palin vs. Paul at the GOP Convention!

The American Imperial Presidency is Aloof to the 'Rule of Law"

Political Correctness is the modern tool of censorship!


Socrates Was a Fraud: The Emperor's New Philosophy

Socrates Was a Fraud Pt. 2: Irony and Humility

Socrates Was a Fraud Pt. 3: Philosopher? King!


Bride Drowns During ‘Trash-the-Dress’ Photo Shoot After Wedding Dress Drags Her Under Water

Famous Drill Instructor Says GEICO Fired Him for Criticizing Obama Admin.

‘The Right Leader for Our Times’: Ex-Republican Former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist Endorses Obama

Why Are Women Going Naked in NYC Today? We Accidentally Found Out (*Safe Pictures*)

Atheists Take Down DNC-Centric Billboards Calling Jesus a ‘Useless Savior,’ & Bashing Mormonism — Here’s Why

Hiker Snaps Pictures of Grizzly Bear Just Before It Mauls Him to Death

Tampa-Area Police Are Prepared for So Many Protesters They Cleared Out an Entire Jail to Make Room

Beanie Babies Billionaire Touched by Woman’s Story While Asking for Directions Donates $20K for Her Treatment

Farrakhan Releases Militant Video Featuring ‘Solders of Muhammed’ Teaching Children to March, Sing About Nation of Islam

Allen West: Obama Serving Americans a ‘Crap Sandwich’ With a Smile

Inspiration For D‘Souza’s Anti-Obama Film Is…Michael Moore

2 Anti-Putin Female Punk Band Members Flee Russia to Escape Arrest

Here Are the Top Pictures, Video ‘Curiosity’ Has Beamed Back From Mars This Week

Grandmother Admits Starting 18 Fires Across Maine for ‘Attention’

Hear Why Arianna Huffington Thinks Paul Ryan Is Like George Clooney

What Not to Wear: Debate Over Airline Dress Code Continues

Pres. Obama, Mitt Romney Issue Statements on ‘American Hero’ Neil Armstrong

Video/Obama's Recovery That Wasn't

5 Design Tricks Facebook Uses To Affect Your Privacy Decisions | TechCrunch

How Child Porn And The Other Awfulest Things Ever Get Scrubbed From The Internet

How Google Went From Search Engine To Content Destination – A Study of Future Trends and Predictions by Futurist Thomas Frey » Blog Archive » Competing with Robots

In defense of real buttons on gadgets | Common Sense Tech - CNET News

Is Mitt Romney a Realist or an Idealist? - TIME

Paul Ryan and principled foreign policy | Shadow Government

Intruding again on a Muslim country is ill-advised - The Washington Post

Radical Islamic Attacks in Moderate Region Unnerve Kremlin -

Our image of Africa is hopelessly obsolete | Ian Birrell | Comment is free | The Observer

5 national security issues we should be talking about – Global Public Square - Blogs

I Made the Robot Do It -

The Next Great Growth Cycle — The American Magazine

Obama or Romney? Markets don’t care - Chuck Jaffe - MarketWatch

Paul Ryan: Pro-Growth Supply-Sider | RealClearPolitics

Five myths about Paul Ryan’s budget - The Washington Post

Review & Outlook: Negative $4,019 -

The Next Great Growth Cycle — The American Magazine

The State of the Race | The Weekly Standard

AP Interview: Obama Says Romney Holds "Extreme" Views | RealClearPolitics

Examiner Editorial: Downward mobility in Obama's jobless recovery |

The Gold Platform - The New York Sun

Voters need to know Medicare stakes - SFGate

Editorial: America should shoot for the stars again - Chicago Sun-Times

Neil Armstrong, First Man on Moon, Dies at 82 -

On Foreign Policy, An Enigma | RealClearPolitics

Why It’s Time to Leave | U.S. |

Too Late to Shake That Etch A Sketch -

2016: Obama's America -

Economic Growth Will Pay For Mitt Romney's Tax Cuts - Forbes

Obama Is Lucky That Medicare Is Out of Control - Bloomberg

The Truth About Obama and Welfare Reform | RealClearPolitics

Political Animal - On the eventual (near) inevitability of Ryan/Paul (or some equally ghastly presidential duo)

The Washington Post: Login - The Washington Post

Romney and Ryan Are Peddling Fear to Seniors by Grossly Distorting the Facts on Medicare - The Daily Beast

The huge cost of public unions - NY Daily News

Top cop lauds drug arrests in fight against 'unacceptable' violence

Over 20000 evacuated in Cuba due to tropical storm

US astronaut Neil Armstrong dead at 82- YouTube

Critic's Notebook: Neil Armstrong, Will Robinson and me

Romney calls Obama campaign efforts to link GOP to Akin on abortion ‘sad,’ a campaign low - The Washington Post

Charlie Crist backs President Obama - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Jeb Bush: Obama should stop blaming others for the economy – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Report: Ann Romney has Secret Service detail - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Sunbathing Used By Insects To Fight Off Germs | Planetsave

Scientists Locate Our Milky Way's Twins; How Unique Our Galaxy Is (VIDEO) : World : Latinospost

NASA discovers 100 million year old dinosaur footprints in its backyard

Bill Nye The Science Guy To Grownups Not To Deny Children Of Evolution - Business Insider

BBC News - Arctic sea ice set to hit record low

Elderly woman destroys 19th-century fresco with DIY restoration - Telegraph

Martin Scorsese Sued by Producer Cecchi Gori Over Alleged Deal to Direct 'Silence' - Hollywood Reporter

Isaac cooperating, likely to bypass Tampa -

McCain: Romney needs to stress the economy

Who got cheered, who got booed at Ron Paul’s big rally in Tampa | Politics Blog | an blog

Sarah Palin still grabs limelight, even away from GOP convention -

GOP tries to Capture Catholic Vote | Daily Political

Fed may struggle to deliver expected growth boost | Reuters

Gawker and Bain and the Caymans - By Kevin D. Williamson - The Corner - National Review Online

Laid-Off US Workers Take Pay Cuts At New Jobs - Business Insider

Venezuela: refinery to restart in two days after fire

Bus collides with tanker in China, killing 28

Saudi foils 'terror' plot, breaks up terror cells

Obese kids have increased gallstones risk

Fathers bequeath more mutations as they age

Tattoo Inks Pose Health Risks

Pig parasite may treat autoimmune disorders

Some prized pigs can make you ill

New 'AIDS-like' disease found in Asia

Get a check-up: It's never too late to do the right thing

Mobile DNA clinic answers 'Who's your daddy?'

Obama Ad Calls Romney 'Birther-in-Chief'

Issa Asks IG Horowitz to Testify on Fast and Furious

Obama Campaign Breaking an Honored Gentlemen's Agreement

Romney Podcast: 'Anxiety Has Never Been Higher'

Obama Pouts: 'America Doesn't Need a Birther-In-Chief'

Krauthammer On Romney's Birth Cert Remark: 'It Wasn't An Error, It Was A Joke'

The Media and the Rhetoric

Obama: Convention Will Show 'Extreme' Romney

Obama's 'Republican' Woman a Registered Democrat

Bill Maher: GOP made up of Magical Thinkers Who Mistake Superstition for Science

Obama: Romney Not Owning Up to Duties

Allen West On Obama’s Likeability: Serving ‘A Crap Sandwich With A Smile Is Still A Crap Sandwich'

Mormon War: Abby Huntsman Slams Romney Being Under Secret Church Control

'The Hope and The Change'

Obama Campaign Email: 'Hell No, It Isn't the End!'

Stars of ‘Occupy Unmasked’ Threatened with ‘Legitimate Rape’ Ahead of RNC Premiere

Fluke Fundraising Letter Reduces Women to Sexual Objects

Zero Bounce? A Pessimistic Preview of the RNC

RNC Chair: Obama Made Similar Birth Certificate Joke At WH Correspondents' Dinner

UVA Denies Obama Campaign Stop On Campus

Obama Uses Weekly Address To Campaign On Medicare

Romney: Tampa Will Turn Election Focus To 'Big Issues'

Jennifer Granholm: God Shut Down Republican Convention

Matthews: Cameraman Will Find Hitler Mustaches In 'Hateful' RNC Crowd

China Warns US Not To Get Involved In Island Dispute

Cher: It's 'Karma' if Rep. Akin Gets Raped By Someone with HIV

Rubio: Romney Will Win Florida

Rubio: Obama Has 'Nothing Else To Run On' But Extreme Rhetoric

GOP Operative: Republicans 'Will Run A Write-In' To Defeat Akin

WATCH: Time-Lapse Of GOP Convention Floor

Obama: 'We Aren't Where We Need To Be'

Spielberg Circling (Another) Osama bin Laden Film

State Tax Levels Do Impact Economic Growth

World View: Pakistan Prepares to Eject Afghanistan Refugees

Hurricane Issac set to deliver message from Al Gore at Convention

Name of SEAL Team Six Member Revealed: Islamists Call for His Death

Egypt: 76 Convicted for Attack on Israeli Embassy

World View: Pakistan Prepares to Eject Afghanistan Refugees

After the Muslim Brotherhood’s Egyptian Coup – Can We Stop Funding Egypt Now?

2012's Great Untold Media Story: Obama Is Losing

Anderson v. Debbie: Obama Continues to Make the Media His Punks

The Media and the Rhetoric

BBC: George Orwell Statue 'Too Left-Wing'

2012's Great Untold Media Story: Obama Is Losing

Poll: GOP Not Hurt by Medicare Reform

*News Video:


Obama Weekly Address: My Goal Is To Strengthen & Preserve Medicare
Arianna Huffington: Paul Ryan Is Like George Clooney
Maher On Akin: No Coincidence That "Party Of Fundamentalism Is Also The Party Of Fantasy"
"Real Time" Panel Has Substantive Discussion On Medicare, Obamacare
Obama: "We're Not Where We Need To Be"
"Real Time" Panel On Todd Akin
Rand Paul Gives GOP Weekly Address: Obama "Missing In Action"
Romney On Birth Certificate Joke: "Not A Swipe" At Obama
Romney Weekly Podcast: "Help Is On The Way"
Obama TV Ad: Romney Would Break "Medicare Promise"


DCCC Ad: "Dan Benishek: Showing His True Colors"
David Shuster Jokes About God Smiting The GOP Convention
Limbaugh On Romney Birth Certificate Joke: "Right On, Right On, Right On"
Rangel: Biden Was Talking About Slavery With Chains Comment
Krauthammer On Birth Certificate Comment: "It Wasn't An Error At All, It Was A Joke"
Romney: "No One's Ever Asked To See My Birth Certificate"
MSNBC Panel: Mitt Romney's Joke Was "Racist"
MoveOn Ad: Romney & Ryan's GOP: Back to the Back Alley
Obama Campaign: "Republican Women for Obama"
Obama's Psaki Calls Romney Comment "Gutterball Politics," Says Dog Joke Was "Short, Light Moment"
"Special Report" Panel On Media Coverage Of The Presidential Race
Schultz: On Energy, Who's Pocket Is Mitt Romney In?
Ingraham: Media Outlets Are Focusing On Romney's Faith

Global Shapers in Tunis
Life with Syria's Rebels - The Lions of Tawhid
Impact on Euro of a Potential Greek Exit
General: Ramadan Factor in Afghan Insider Attack
UN Monitors Exit Syria, Failing to Stop Bloodshed
West Concerned about Iran's Speedboats
U.S. Debt to China Eclipsing $3 Trillion
Underwater Kissing Competition at a Sea World in China
Romney: U.S. Energy Independence is Achievable
Tipping the Scales at London Zoo
Syria Forces Attack Town Near Damascus
Chinese Bridge Collapses
Breivik Declared Sane, Faces 21-year Jail Term
Fans Mob Birthday Boy Lin In Hong Kong


Paul Ryan Talks "Pro-Growth Plan" And "The American Idea" On Kudlow
Gutfeld On Women & 2012: Obama's Economy Is The Real Contraceptive
Fireworks: Anderson Cooper vs. Wasserman Schultz On Romney & Abortion
Chris Matthews On Bill Clinton: "If I Were Obama, I'd Marry That Guy"
Krauthammer: "Obama's Been In Office For Four Years And He's Running On The Clinton Economy"
Koutoulas: Holder's DOJ "Biggest Enabler Of Financial Crime In U.S. History"
Dick Morris: Akin Story Is Now "A Big Plus For Romney"
Sununu: "Stephanie Cutter Lies And This Obama Admin. Can't Count"
Paul Ryan: No Compromise On Sequester If Romney Wins
Martin Bashir: Romney Is "Barely Concealing His Inner-Racist"
Carney: Romney Energy Policy "Dictated By Big Oil"
Carney Dodges On Why Obama Talked More About Michael Jordan Than CBO Report
US Army Soldiers In Kunar, Afghanistan Cover "Call Me Maybe"
Reporter: Romney Said No To Questions On Akin And Abortion
Romney Says He Would Not Reappoint Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke
Tapper To Carney On Energy: Why Do You Call It All Of The Above When It Isn't?
Tony Perkins Continues To Push For Akin To Stay In
Clinton In Obama Ad: "This Is A Clear Choice"
Robert Reich: Ryan Is A "Destroyer Of Entitlements"
Michelle Obama: Obama Stopped Smoking Because Of Sasha And Malia
Schultz: Seniors Aren't Tech Savvy, So They Buy Into Lies
Krauthammer: "I Feel A Strange Equanimity" About The Fiscal Cliff
O'Donnell: Romney Is Lying About Welfare And Medicare



Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair 24th 1

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair 24th 2

David Duke Show 24th

Saturday, 8/25/12 Larry Kudlow

Aug. 24, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 24 August 2012

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 24th

08/24 The Mark Levin Show

Friday, August 24th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Friday, August 24th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 8-25-12

World Crisis Radio Saturday August 25 2012 Hour 1

World Crisis Radio Saturday August 25 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Friday August 24 2012 Hour 1

Redding News Review Friday August 24 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Friday August 24 2012 Hour 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show Friday August 24 2012 Hour 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show Friday August 24 2012 Hour 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday August 25 2012 Hour 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday August 25 2012 Hour 2

Blacklisted Radio 24th

The Michael Savage Show 08/24/2012

The Bob Tuskin Show 24th

*26 Aug.

American Minute for August 26th

Today in History: August 26

Today in History: August 26

August 26th in History

This Day in History for 26th August |

August 26 Events in History

August 26th This Day in History

Today in History for August 26th- YouTube

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