A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

24 August 2012

23rd/24th Aug.'12



News for sale - corporations buying positive reviews - YouTube

Taliban prisoner: 'They will not surrender' - YouTube

Fla. Gov.: RNC Will Make Own Decision on Isaac - YouTube

Marine Kidnapped by Officials for Facebook Comment - YouTube


Infowars Nightly News: Wednesday (8-22-12) Henry Dillard - YouTube

Alex Jones Show: Wednesday (8-22-12) Linda Litowsky - YouTube


08.22.12 - Solar Weather / Exploring Evil Discussed !! [ coast to coast am ] - YouTube


The Michael Savage Show 08/22/2012 FULL


*Transcripts:21st/Interview with Paul Ryan

Interview with Representative Donna Edwards

Analysts on the Todd Akin Scandal

Panel Discusses Campaign's Rhetoric

+19th/Guest: Senator Dick Durbin and Rudy Giuliani

Guests: Governors Bob McDonnell and Martin O'Malley

Guests: Eric Fehrnstrom & Stephanie Cutter

Guests: Robert Gibbs and Ed Gillespie

+18th/August 18 White House Press Gaggle

+17th/Interview with Former Vice President Dick Cheney

- Shields and Lowry on the Ryan Pick

+16th/Interview with Obama Advisor David Axelrod

- Interview with Representative Allen West

- Analysts on the New Rules for Illegal Immigrants

+15th/Obama's Campaign Speech in Davenport, Iowa

- Panel on Obama's Immigration Policy

+14th/Obama's Campaign Speech in Marshalltown, Iowa

- Mitt Romney's Speech in Chillicothe, Ohio

- Panel on Energy and the Presidential Race

- Analyst on the Future of Afghanistan

+13th/Interview with Speaker of the House John Boehner

- Obama's Campaign Speech in Council Bluffs, Iowa

- Interview w/DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz

- Panel on Ryan's Medicare Plan

- Analysts Discuss Paul Ryan's Policies

+12th/Interview with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan

Guests: Senator McCain and Rep. Wasserman Schultz

Guests: Sen. Thune, Ed Gillespie and David Axelrod

Guests: Scott Walker, Reince Priebus, David Axelrod


Real Clear Markets - Video - Dell and HP Down for the Count?

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Real Clear Markets - Video - Trump: U.S Has 'Lost Its Mojo'

Video/The real story behind the Soviet empire's shocking collapse

Video/How Cannabis Can Revolutionize Our Economy: Author Doug Fine on "Too High To Fail"

Why There Is No Liberal “Atlas Shrugged” | The Tracinski Letter

Jump on the Rand Wagon! How Ryan Resurrected Ayn | Observer

Yes, He's an Idiot, But He's So Much More | Writing |

Conservative books are leaping off the shelves, says Amazon. Liberal titles, not so much. -

Tyranny of Merit | The American Conservative

George Orwell Diaries | New York Journal of Books

RealClearBooks - The Void Where God Once Was

Monocolumn – Unfortunate acronyms [Monocle]

Molotov-Ribbentrop: The Night Stalin And Hitler Redrew The Map Of Europe

Echoes from the killing fields of the east | Timothy Snyder | Comment is free |

Norris | Quemoy and Matsu: A Historical Footnote Revisited

Jacques Cartier's Voyages

French Invasion of Egypt, 1798-1801

The Hebron Massacre of 1929

BBC Inside Out -

A Brief History of Stockholm Syndrome - TIME

Book Review: Paterno -

Are these our Martian overlords ... or just 'dead pixels' of a camera? Images beamed back from Curiosity lead to talk of UFOs on Mars | Mail Online

Backers raise cash for Tesla museum honoring 'cult hero' -

Stone Age people may have battled against a zombie apocalypse | MNN - Mother Nature Network

10 Extraordinary Questions With… Ron Morehead of ‘Bigfoot Sounds’ | Extraordinary Intelligence

Location of the mind remains a mystery - life - 22 August 2012 - New Scientist

Robot learns to recognise itself in the mirror - tech - 22 August 2012 - New Scientist

The Puzzle Of The 13 Solar Towers of Chankillo - Technology Review

RealClearScience - Politicians Ignorant of Science Because We Are

Chemical Free Dirt (for the Fairytale Garden) | Wired Science |

U.S. health officials brace for spike in West Nile cases –

RealClearScience - Personal Genomics: Where SciFi Meets Reality

Why you don’t overturn the Big Bang via a media interview | Ars Technica

Mars rover Curiosity: its plutonium power comes courtesy of Soviet nukes. - Slate Magazine

The Universe Isn't a Fractal, Study Finds |

Turning wastewater into food | Chemistry World

Why can't we spell English words phonetically?

Nematodes with Pest-Fighting Potential Identified / August 20, 2012 / News from the USDA Agricultural Research Service

More sophisticated wiring, not just a bigger brain, helped humans evolve beyond chimps / UCLA Newsroom

From STEM to STEAM: Science and Art Go Hand-in-Hand | Guest Blog, Scientific American Blog Network

Quack medicine in the military: Acupuncture, cupping, and moxibustion are endangering troops. - Slate Magazine

There Are A Thousand Ways To Do An Experiment Wrong - Forbes

Why eating global is more sustainable than eating local | Full Comment | National Post

Methane Combustion and Green Energy: More Efficient Catalyst Found | Decoded Science

The Windows 8 'tutorial' is a joke | ZDNet

Microsoft Goes Off Half-Cocked |

Can You Trust Your Browser With Your Passwords? | PCWorld

Google's audacious bet on fiber -- and why it could work - Big Tech - Fortune Tech

How to build a superbrand - superfast - Fortune Management

How DriveSavers Got My Data Back | Gadget Lab |

2 Cloud Computing Era Myths Debunked - Software - Enterprise Applications - Informationweek

How to Improve Your Site's Search Ranking Using SEO | PCWorld Business Center

Ten Tips and Tricks Every iPhone and iPad User Should Know -

Facial recognition software, targeted advertising: We love to call new technologies “creepy.” - Slate Magazine

Darpa Has Seen the Future of Computing ... And It's Analog | Wired Enterprise |

Is Facebook Straying From the 'Hacker Way'? -

Facebook Exposes Itself in Oregon - Businessweek

Why the 3D printing revolution won’t happen in your garage | ExtremeTech

The information economy is reaching maximum overload - Fortune Tech

As Secularism Advances, Political Messianism Draws More Believers | Acton Institute

+Romney Answers Medicare and Welfare Questions

+President Obama Discusses Religion

Down to The Wire - Francis Fukuyama - The American Interest Magazine

Gawande’s Kitchen | John Goodman's Health Policy Blog |

Tom Coburn: The Truth About Ryan and His Critics -

Fact Checking Obama's Class-Size Ad - Politics K-12 - Education Week

Why the Medicare Fight Matters to Americans Over 55 | The Exchange - Yahoo! Finance

Per Square Mile: How far should you live from work?

Who's Killing Coal: Obama or the Market? - Jordan Weissmann - The Atlantic

Antibiotics Might Be Fueling Obesity Epidemic | Wired Science |

George Will: Why government needs a diet - The Washington Post

Don’t Break Up the Big Banks -

- The Real Costs of Electric Generation

Opinion: An energy blueprint for America - Gov. Bob McDonnell and Gov. Matt Mead -

Presidential Power: Obama vs. Romney on Energy — The American Magazine

CNBC Guest Blog - Tamminen: Should Wal-Mart Write America’s Energy Plan? - US Business News - CNBC

Wind Energy Generating A Lot of Mud - Forbes

Denise Bode: What Critics of Wind Power's Incentive Miss

Brazil Times: Blog: Energy Policy

The Oil Drum | Don’t Count on Revolution in Oil Supply

Strange Bedfellows Debate Exporting Natural Gas - Businessweek

How Did Coal-Rich India End Up With Power Blackouts? | The Nation

Another Rebuff to the E.P.A. for Cleaner Air -

Star light, star bright… Hydrogen fuel cell cars and reality | Fuel Freedom

Grid Power and the Death of the Automobile

Natural gas and hot air -

Diesel: The Dirty Fuel That Could Usher in Clean Energy -

How A Biofuel Dream Called Jatropha Came Crashing Down : The Salt : NPR

The Wind Energy Taxpayer Boondoggle

Self-charging power cell converts, stores energy in single unit | R&D Mag

RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

The middle class falls further behind - Aug. 22, 2012

The American Spectator : Breaking Up the Banks Would Be Wrong

Volcker Restored Fed’s Credibility on Inflation - Bloomberg

Everything you need to know about where things stand in Europe - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

What — me work? -

RealClearMarkets - Obama's Unfortunate Regulatory Legacy

The Hottest Trade on Wall Street: European Stocks | The Reformed Broker

Will the Obama Administration Push Government Motors Into Bankruptcy Once More - Hit & Run :

Power Woman Dilma Rousseff: Brazil's Entrepreneur-In-Chief - Forbes

The Elusive Obama Doctrine | The National Interest

Powder Keg in the Pacific - By Rowan Callick | Foreign Policy

All the Ayatollah's Men | The National Interest

Asia Times Online :: Realpolitik blurs US red line on Syria

'Do nothing' Congress didn't have to be that way –

Chains we can believe in | obama, romney, carter - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Obama, Romney Convention Speeches Could Set Course for Next Four Years - Reid Wilson -

The Republicans’ empathy is gone - NY Daily News

Poll: Ryan pick helps cut into Obama lead in Wis. - CBS News

Tom Coburn: The Truth About Ryan and His Critics -

Elizabeth Warren vs. Mr. Personality | RealClearPolitics

GOP Recasts Path to Senate Majority -- Without Missouri | RealClearPolitics

Media's softballs are the only pitches Obama can see | Fox News

Benjamin Todd Jealous: The State of Pennsylvania, Voter Suppression and the American People

The Last Compromise - Walter Russell Mead - The American Interest Magazine

America's Baby Bust: How The Great Recession Has Jeopardized Our Demographic Health |

Barack Obama’s unserious re-election campaign |

How To Save America's Health Care Safety Net - Forbes

HURT: Another media belly-flop over skinny-dipping 'scandal' - Washington Times

Banks, too big for our own good? | Power Line

War in Afghanistan Claims 2,000th American Life -

The Post-Akin GOP Outlook for the Senate… Doesn’t Look That Bad! - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Do Men and Women View Abortion Differently?

Can Elizabeth Warren Use Todd Akin And Paul Ryan To Remind Voters That Re-Electing Scott Brown Means Putting Those Other Republicans In Charge? | The New Republic

Why Is Romney Still Behind?

Platforms Are Meaningless Echo of the Past « Commentary Magazine

Pushing Medicare back into center stage - The Maddow Blog

The Comforting Little Lie That Seniors All Tell Themselves | Mother Jones

Elections in the Hands of the Partisan and Incompetent | TPM Editors Blog

Does Bernanke deserve four more years at the Fed? | AEIdeas

CBO: Deep recession on the way if Congress fails to stop the fiscal cliff « Hot Air

White House Extends Federal Pay Freeze | FDL News Desk

Obama Proposes an Education Employee Bailout. How Novel! | Cato @ Liberty

Drew Peterson trial updates: Minister says Stacy Peterson lied to police

Drew Peterson offered $25000 to 'take care of' third wife: witness

Drew Peterson trial updates: 'I was in shock'

Police: Rodney King's 'accidental drowning' involved drugs

John Lennon's killer denied parole for 7th time

How Can We Help President Obama Today?

Bill Clinton's new ad for Obama: Will it help or hurt?

Convictions upheld for 3 in Ohio terrorism case

Memorial services held for South African miners killed during strike (+video)

Defending Assange, Ecuador's President Kindles a Controversy Over Defining Rape

General Notes Taliban Coercion in Some Attacks on Troops

Breivik to appeal if declared insane

David Cameron meets King of Bahrain

Dead body found under jumbo jet

Indian Government Casts a Wide, Puzzling Net Over Internet

Harper commits $188M for new Arctic research centre

SEC's Schapiro Cancels Vote on Money-Fund Curbs

What's Happening to the Middle Class?

Facebook Messages: A Rundown of Its New Look

Pandora for Android Gets a New Look

Google Street View Explores Remote Canadian Arctic

Twitter Tells Tumblr, No Friends For You

Taking bite out of the Apple? Samsung says new store all own idea

Half Of Consumers Don't Want LTE 4G

Facebook's Is Bigger Than Yours

Mars rover tracks spell out Morse code message (+video)

Why did Japanese scientists make apes inhale helium?

Antarctic Peninsula Warms Rapidly … Again

Camouflage face paint 'resists intense heat from bombs'

Milky Way galaxy has unexpected twins out there, astronomers say

Who should be in the Robot Hall of Fame?

Dinosaur Footprints of Deadly Flesh Eaters Found in Pr. George's

Hawaiian Animal Smuggling Worries Conservationists

Two Kayakers Have Close Encounter With Humpback Whale in California (Video)

Satellites reveal dramatic summer ice melt in Greenland

Wild rice gene gives yield boost

Rats! New rodent species that doesn’t chew, lives on earthworms discovered in Indonesia - The Washington Post

Heading into GOP convention, Mitt Romney narrowly trails Obama in polls

Obama campaign to start accepting text message donations

'Mitt Romney is the National Enquirer's Banker' and other revelations

Dick Morris: Akin Story Is Now "A Big Plus For Romney"

Top US Catholic cardinal will bless RNC -- but not endorse

Everything changing for convention coverage

A. Zombie runs for president to bring 'Walking Dead' back to Dish Network

Amazon Book Map: Which Political Books Is Your State Reading?

iPhone Game Turns Presidential Election Into an All-Out Smackdown

NBC gets no Romney campaign help on Mormon special

H. Brandt Ayers: Thank you, Mitt Romney

Hank Williams Jr. hates Barack Obama and the new USA

Nearly Half of US Physicians Have Symptoms of Burnout

Orphan Drugs: 'Rare' Opportunities To Make Money

Disease with AIDS-Like Symptoms Not Contagious

"Who's Your Daddy?" DNA van

Full-Time Work Means Better Health for Mothers

Researchers Find Cancer-Causing Agent In Chewing Tobacco

Older fathers more likely to pass on autism-linked genetic mutations to offspring, study shows - HealthPop - CBS News

Man arrested in Harvey Weinstein extortion plot

Burton's "Frankenweenie" opens London film festival

Flesh Eating Disease Survivor Aimee Copeland Goes Home

Dancing With The Stars: All-Stars Sexy Pairs Pics Revealed!

Elderly woman destroys 19th century fresco

Nicole Kidman: 'Paperboy' peeing scene 'made total sense'

Gene Kelly danced into the world 100 years ago today

Prince Harry’s handlers in hot water for not curbing Las Vegas vacation antics: report - NY Daily News

Mars rover passes first driving test – Light Years - Blogs

Researchers reportedly may have video that shows Amelia Earhart's plane debris | Fox News

George Carlin On 'Pro-Life' Conservatives - YouTube

Hastings speaks out: Could a TV network be working with the CIA? - National ufo |


Retroshare - Send and Receive SECURE Email, Chat and More - YouTube


RetroShare: (


The GOP War on Women's Health is Real - YouTube

Electoral College Prediction Model Points To A Mitt Romney Win In 2012

Paul Ryan: Black ex-girlfriend bad for GOP, 2012 elections? - National Top News |

An Unserious Man

How to bankrupt a country …. | JusticeForGreece

Globalist Plot to Blow Up 26,000 Dams & Takeover Water « The PPJ Gazette

Activist Post: Globalists Combine Geoengineering and Family Planning to Ensure Population Reduction

Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam

The Little Known New Madrid Pipeline Bomb « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

The Great Organic Deceivers | The Alliance for Natural Health USA

Food Giants Explain: ‘Why We’re Against GMO Labeling’

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Oath Keepers to Rally in Support of Marine Veteran Brandon Raub, Victim of Soviet Style Pre-crime Detention

Woman sought in tuberculosis case arrested near Maysville | Online Athens

Hundreds of residents being tested for tuberculosis - KFDA - NewsChannel 10 / Amarillo News, Weather, Sports

Hospital’s bioterrorism isolation unit in use for TB patients

Infections Among Homeless Could Fuel Wider Epidemics, Study Suggests

AIDS-Like Disease In Asians: Not Contagious, But Damages Immune System

John F. Kennedy Speech That Got Him Killed - YouTube

Belfast City Cemetery Phenomenon - YouTube

A Parent's Guide: What to do if Your Child Dies After Vaccination |

TrapWire tied to anti-Occupy Internet-spy program — RT

These Brands Want To Defeat GMO Labeling In California | Farm Wars

The Left was Right

Activist Post: Plan X: DARPA’s new project seeks to make cyberwarfare a routine part of U.S. military operations

Activist Post: 5 strategies for peacefully underthrowing the status quo

Christianity & gun owners in the crosshairs: Chilling tactic exposed « Northeast Intelligence Network

End Chain Migration Or See Another 100 Million Illegals

Look out: A speed camera could be lurking behind that bush |

Twilight Language: Looking At The Future With Iben Browning

Fish in the Ocean and the Monkey Mind. Visible Origami

UFO NEWS | Britain’s Version of 'Area 51' Will Not Be Investigating UFO Sightings

New Rat Species With ‘Fangs’ Found In Forest | ZenHaven

Julian Assange sex claims not a crime in Latin America – Ecuador president | World news |

Don't lose sight of why the US is out to get Julian Assange | Seumas Milne | Comment is free | The Guardian

Specs of a Roberts Electric | Hemmings Blog: Classic and collectible cars and parts

US Prison Population: The Largest in the World | LearnLiberty

Former O’Donnell Attorney Moseley Files Occupy vs. Tea Party Trademark Objection | Sinclair News.Net

Colorado gunman 'saw three mental health professionals before shooting' - Telegraph

NYPD secret police spying on Muslims led to no terrorism leads or cases | World news |

Police share more than 50m records about members of the public | UK news | The Guardian

BBC and Royal Mail 'using Ripa terror powers to spy on public' - UK Politics - UK - The Independent

Curiosity: Did NASA discover life on Mars... 36 years ago? | Mail Online

Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails 2012: Jeffrey Smith on GMO WMDs | Farm Wars

Kidnapped Marine vet Brandon Raub speaks out from psych ward - YouTube

US corn, soy prices hit records as drought lingers - FRANCE 24

Ecologist: Genetically Engineered Algae for Biofuel Pose Potential Risks That Should Be Studied

Robert Reich (The Five Reasons Why the Ryan-Romney Economic Plan...)

Solar Storms: 5 Reasons to Care Right Now | Discovery News - YouTube

Orion Technology and Other Secret Projects | Alternative

Why Quantum Physicists Don’t Get Fat « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

Tomgram: Hedges and Sacco, A Twenty-First Century American Sacrifice Zone | TomDispatch


March of the Bonus Army - Part 1 - YouTube

March of the Bonus Army - Part 2 - YouTube

March of the Bonus Army - Part 3 - YouTube

The Bonus Army

American Experience . MacArthur . People & Events | The Bonus March (May-July, 1932) | PBS

The 'Bonus Army' War in Washington

Bonus Army marches on Washington, DC 1932 - YouTube

Soldier Against Soldier: The Story of the Bonus Army : NPR

Bonus Army - Wikipedia


'China real target for US missile shield in Asia' - YouTube

TrapWire linked-company targets Occupiers - YouTube

- In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood, and Bioterrorism (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries

**In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism (Full Length Documentary) - YouTube

Worthless 'bomb detectors' put Iraqi lives at risk - Emirates 24/7

PressTV - ‘US-Israeli warmongering against Iran illegal under UN Charter’

CIA spies 'smuggle 14 Stinger missiles into Syria so rebels can take out regime warplanes' - Mirror Online

Who’s Afraid of an Open Debate? The Truth About the Commission on Presidential Debates (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries

Are People Being Thrown Into Psychiatric Wards For Their Political Views?

Activist Post: New Study Links Aluminium Intake to Osteoporosis and Alzheimers Disease - How to Reduce Exposure

Joe. My. God.: TAMPA: Bathhouse Offers Free Admittance To Republican Convention Delegates

Researchers reportedly may have video that shows Amelia Earhart's plane debris | Fox News

PressTV - 1 in 5 Americans cannot afford to buy food: Poll

Explosion of credit cards with interest rates as high as 50% | Mail Online

Jim Rogers On Gold & Silver: 'Who Am I To Argue With Thousands Of Years Of Human Stupidity' (CNBC) - Home - The Daily Bail

The Key to Economic Recovery; Kucinich Explains Monetary Reform | XRepublic

AMAZING: 65 Year Old CA Woman Shoots and Fights Off FIVE Armed Robbers - YouTube

Holohoax Survivors Who Tell The Truth - YouTube

'Farmers behind fat epidemic': Study finds links between obesity and antibiotics used to plump up livestock | Mail Online

'Orwell is far too left-wing for us': What BBC chief told Joan Bakewell over plans to honour 'greatest journalist of his day' with statue | Mail Online

Scammed Facebook users could lose insurance claims because they post too much information online | Mail Online

Paul Ryan Touts His Foreign Policy Cred: I Voted For War In Congress - NewsHounds

Activist Post: Avoiding Top 10 GMOs in Your Daily Life

David Letterman Presents Political Ad Showing What Really Happened To Bin Laden | Mediaite

The new totalitarianism of surveillance technology | Naomi Wolf | Comment is free |

Activist Post: Despite Dubious Evidence, Men Convicted Of Stephen Lawrence Murder Lose Appeal Bid

The Ostroy Report: Guns, God, Gays, Abortion and Now Rape: Republicans Simply Can't Help Themselves

RNC Changes Rules to Stop Ron Paul | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution

Goldwater on Religious Right | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution

"It Was Always About the Message" | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign CommitteeRon Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Did Bernanke, The Rothschilds And Hillary Endorse Romney? | Video Rebel's Blog


+Audio:The U.S. of Terrorism;Sibel Edmonds talks to Lew Rockwell


MERS FRAUD & WALL SREET BANKSTERS: You Probably Don't Even Own the House You Are Paying For - YouTube

Court Rules Against EPA for Overreach in Power. A States Rights Victory. | The Lone Star Watchdog

US Adopts Nazi Policy Of Indefinite Psychiatric Detention For Political Views

Black Panthers activist turned out to be FBI informants -RT America | The Lone Star Watchdog

9/11 and Zion: What Was Israel’s Role? « THE INTERNET POST

Weirdo Pat Robertson: Don’t adopt sexually abused children that could grow up ‘weird’ « THE INTERNET POST

Thomas Frank: Obama’s squandered hope -

Texas Judge: Obama Reelection Could Lead To 'Civil War,' I'm Ready To 'Take Up Arms' - 12160

Niall Ferguson Responds To Krugman On Why Obama's Got To Go: "He's Nuts, I Really Can't Stand Liberal Bloggers" - Home - The Daily Bail

poorrichards blog: Child Porn, Coke Smuggling: Hundreds of DHS Employees Arrested Last Year

World Of Technology: 9/11 trial 'may not begin for another four years'

Obama and Romney election apps suck up personal data, research finds

1st Amendment Violated As Facebook Assists Police In Pre-Crime Investigations

Robbed MF Global Clients Pursue Criminal Charges In All 50 States

Pentagon Announces Launch Of Endless Perpetual CyberWar

Navy SEAL to release book on bin Laden raid, publishing company says -

Crimes Of DHS Employees - Child Porn, Coke Smuggling, Forgery, Bribery, And Robbery

Are Apple Investors Being Primed For A Facebook Style Pump and Dump Scam?

What 40 Years Of Gold Confiscation By The US Government Looks Like

What Happened After Europe's Last Three 'Currency Unions' Collapsed



Unwilling Suicide Bomber Video by New York Times Gets Pulled! - YouTube

Without A Face: The TSA Song Creator Speaks Out - YouTube

Prison » TSA Swabbing Fliers’ Hands For Explosives During ‘Chat Downs’

Prison » Tampa Jail Cleared To House RNC Protesters

Prison » Lawyer For Detained Marine Says He Is Being Held In A Psych Ward Illegally

Prison » DHS and FBI: Anarchists May Use IEDs at Conventions

FBI & DHS Warn Anarchist Could Use Improvised Explosive Devices During RNC Convention - YouTube

Reality Check: U.S. Marine Held In A Mental Hospital Against His Will Because Of Facebook Posts? - YouTube

Prison » BBC Censors Video Showing Syrian Rebels Forcing Prisoner to Become Suicide Bomber

TSA Expands Operations Across The U.S. - YouTube

Marine Kidnapped by Officials for Facebook Comment - YouTube

Prison » U.S. Census Bureau helped racially target thousands of American citizens camp internments

Prison » Brandon Raub and the Bonfire of Our Liberties

Prison » 8 Economic Threats That We Were Not Even Talking About At The Beginning Of The Summer

Prison » Geriatric Patsies Sentenced to Prison Following FBI Entrapment

Suspects in Georgia Ricin Plot Appear in Court - YouTube

Pentagon plans new missile defences in Asia - Telegraph

Prison » Pussy Riot, The Unfortunate Dupes of Amerikan Hegemony

Prison » Obama’s Shocking 2nd Term Plans for America Revealed

Obama's Shocking 2nd Term Plans for America Revealed - YouTube

Prison » Avoiding GMOs in Your Daily Life (Video)

Tips for Avoiding GMOs - YouTube

Prison » Did You Know: Europe Requires Warning Labels on Foods with Artificial Colors

Do synthetic food colors cause hyperactivity? - Chicago Tribune

Gold Supply-Crisis Looms?

Prison » Rutherford Institute Files Notice of Appeal Challenging Arrest & Detention of Brandon Raub

Palace tries to ban photos of naked Prince Harry - Telegraph

Prison » Hurricane Issac Expected To Pass Right Above GOP Convention

'Fast and Furious' ATF Official Granted Paid Leave to Take 6-Figure Job at JP Morgan |

Agencies warn of possible anarchist activity at conventions -

Prison » This is a Big Red Alert: “Obama Operatives are Attempting a Set Up Here… That’s What’s Going Down”

Prison » The 9/11 Myth, World War III, And The Modern Mental Health Crisis

Prison » Government Uses The Age-Old Bully’s Trick: Pretending the Victim Is the Attacker

Prison » Government Hypes White Supremacist “Racial Holy War” in Effort to Demonize Veterans

Investigators: White supremacists exist in military - YouTube

Prison » In Defense of “9/11 Truth” Speech: Put Us All In A Psych Ward

Prison » Amnesty International is US State Department Propaganda

Blog Talk Radio Host 'Kidnapped' by Thought Police - YouTube

46 min./The Drum Beats of War - YouTube



Global Shapers in Tunis
Impact on Euro of a Potential Greek Exit
General: Ramadan Factor in Afghan Insider Attack
UN Monitors Exit Syria, Failing to Stop Bloodshed
West Concerned about Iran's Speedboats
U.S. Debt to China Eclipsing $3 Trillion
Underwater Kissing Competition at a Sea World in China
Romney: U.S. Energy Independence is Achievable
Tipping the Scales at London Zoo
Syria Forces Attack Town Near Damascus
Chinese Bridge Collapses
Breivik Declared Sane, Faces 21-year Jail Term
Life with Syria's Rebels - The Lions of Tawhid


Paul Ryan Talks "Pro-Growth Plan" And "The American Idea" On Kudlow
Sununu: "Stephanie Cutter Lies And This Obama Admin. Can't Count"
Chris Matthews On Bill Clinton: "If I Were Obama, I'd Marry That Guy"
Fireworks: Anderson Cooper vs. Wasserman Schultz On Romney & Abortion
Dick Morris: Akin Story Is Now "A Big Plus For Romney"
Gutfeld On Women & 2012: Obama's Economy Is The Real Contraceptive
Krauthammer: "Obama's Been In Office For Four Years And He's Running On The Clinton Economy"
Paul Ryan: No Compromise On Sequester If Romney Wins
Koutoulas: Holder's DOJ "Biggest Enabler Of Financial Crime In U.S. History"
Martin Bashir: Romney Is "Barely Concealing His Inner-Racist"
Carney Dodges On Why Obama Talked More About Michael Jordan Than CBO Report
Carney: Romney Energy Policy "Dictated By Big Oil"
Reporter: Romney Said No To Questions On Akin And Abortion
US Army Soldiers In Kunar, Afghanistan Cover "Call Me Maybe"
Romney Says He Would Not Reappoint Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke
Tapper To Carney On Energy: Why Do You Call It All Of The Above When It Isn't?
Tony Perkins Continues To Push For Akin To Stay In
Clinton In Obama Ad: "This Is A Clear Choice"
Robert Reich: Ryan Is A "Destroyer Of Entitlements"
Michelle Obama: Obama Stopped Smoking Because Of Sasha And Malia
Schultz: Seniors Aren't Tech Savvy, So They Buy Into Lies
Krauthammer: "I Feel A Strange Equanimity" About The Fiscal Cliff
O'Donnell: Romney Is Lying About Welfare And Medicare

The Role of Transparency in Resource Markets
100 Most Powerful Women in the World
Russia's WTO Hopes and Fears
Behind the Scenes with the Free Syrian Army
WTO Membership: Good or Bad for Russia?
Could Israel Attack Iran Before 2012 Election?
Romney: U.S. 'On Path to Becoming Europe'
Fatal Kenyan Village Attack
Togo Protesters Clash with Police
South Korean Rally Against Japan Amid Island Row
Raw Video: Boy Gets Head Stuck in Window Frame
Should Obama Release Photos of bin Laden's Dead Body?


DCCC Ad: David Rouzer's Budget Would "Essentially End Medicare"
Caddell: Obama "Most Negative Personal Campaigner In The Oval Office Ever"
University Of CO Analysis Predicts That Romney Will Win Election
Coulter: "Selfish Swine" Todd Akin Is Hurting Republican Brand
ABC "World News" Does Four Minute Segment On Mormon Church
Teamsters President Hoffa: "We Have To Fight" To Stop Right-To-Work
Todd On The Media: "The Fact Is We Are Under-Covering The Economy"
Paul Ryan: Todd Akin "Should Have Dropped Out"
Romney: "Obama, Bless His Heart, Has Tried To Substitute Government For Free People"
Romney Ad: "Nothing's Free"
Chuck Todd: "Real Media Bias Is Geographic"
Obama In '03: Voted No On Banning Late Term Abortions
Cutter: Obama Has Created More Jobs Than the Reagan Recovery
"Children" - Obama for America TV Ad
RNC Ad: "Never Happened"
Paul Ryan: Welcome To President Obama's "Imaginary Recovery"
Ingraham: The Media Has A "Love Affair" With Obama
Krauthammer: The Obama Administration "Can't Run On Its Record"
Todd: Romney Is Dragged Down By The Image Of The Republican Party
Klein: Romney Budget Cuts Aimed At Poor People
Paul Ryan Interview On "Hannity"

Private Consumption, Not Investment, Must Drive Chinese Economy
Israel vs. Iran: On the Brink?
U.S. in Middle of China-Japan Island Flap
Why Obama Must Take Potential 'Swift Boat' Moment Seriously
Chinese Activists Return Amid Japan Island Row
Raw Video: Body of Ethiopian PM in Addis Ababa
Pussy Riot Releases New Anti-Putin Song
Ethiopians Mourn as Prime Minister's Coffin Arrives
Ecuador Volcano Erupts
Budget Hawks or Military Hawks?
What is the Global Shapers Community?
Strategic Interests and Interstate Conflict
Syrian Deputy PM Objects to U.S. Threat of Intervention


Democrat Majority PAC Ad: "Unconstitutional"
RNC Web Ad: "Willing"
"Best" - Kaine For Virginia Senate
Rep. Quayle: Saw "No Inappropriate Behavior" On Israel Trip
Palin Suggests Third Party Candidate To Stop Akin In Missouri
Granholm: GOP Against Todd Akin In Name, But Solidly Behind His Ideas
Mark Levin: Akin Has Decided He Is More Important Than The Cause
Tapper: "Media Helped Tip The Scales" For Obama
Madeleine Albright: We're Going To Blame Bush "Forever"
Priebus: RNC Not Giving Any Money To Akin
Todd Akin's Apology TV Ad: "Forgiveness"
Akin: "We Are Going To Continue With This U.S. Senate Race"
Limbaugh On Akin Comment: "Just Absurd, Not Intelligent"
Howard Fineman: "Akin Is The Paul Ryan Of Missouri"
Biden: "Middle Class Is Coming Back"
Ingraham: The Strange Case Of Joe Biden
Maddow: Can Republicans Get Todd Akin Off The Ballot?

Will U.S. Pivot to Asia Bring Conflict or Cooperation with China?
Protests Turn Violent in China-Japan Island Dispute
Civilians Targeted Over Eid Holiday in Syria
Killing in the Name of 'Honor'
Obama on Syria: Chemical Weapons Use Would Cross Line
Violent Clashes in Lebanese Port City
Top U.S. General in Afghanistan
Cosmonauts Prepare Space Station for New Module
Wildfires Burn on Greek Island of Chios
Deadly Indonesian Earthquake
Campaign 2012: Iran's Challenge for the Next President
Chinese Leadership to Dramatically Refocus Economic Growth
Dealing with 'Green on Blue' Attacks in Afghanistan




P.A.U.L. FESTIVAL - People Awakening and Uniting for Liberty - Home

Teamwork readied the Florida State Fairgrounds for P.A.U.L. Festival weekend - Tampa Bay Libertarian |

Mitt Romney After Bain Capital: Leaked Documents Connect Candidate To Adelson, Casinos, Cigarettes

Sheriff Joe now headed for Tampa

ICE Agents Sue to Stop Obama's Deferred Deportation Policy | Fox News Latino

Immigrant detainees land in limbo in Alabama jail - Open Channel

Child Porn, Coke Smuggling: Hundreds of DHS Employees Arrested Last Year | Danger Room |

What Was Behind Mysterious Collapse of the Mayan Empire? - Yahoo! News

Complainers in the Office: 3 Ways to Deal With Them |

Big Bang Was Phase Change When Water Froze To Ice, New Study Claims

Every Step You Take | Innovations

Brandon Raub: Judge orders release of detained Marine veteran | – Richmond News & Weather from WTVR Television CBS 6

Scopolamine: Powerful drug growing in the forests of Colombia that ELIMINATES free will | Mail Online

Granny fights off burglar with BBQ fork and scissors | National News - How Central Florida Stays Informed

Tax Forms Hold Key: Millionaire Mitt’s Gotta Admit If He’s a Tax Fraud or a Vulture Capitalist | This Can't Be Happening

Flood of Secret Campaign Cash: It’s Not All Citizens United - ProPublica

America's Long-standing Campaign to Destabilize Russia

Cameron echoes Obama's warning to Syria over chemical weapons | Politics |

US, Pakistan should 'divorce,' ex-ambassador to Washington says - World News

Writers warn Netanyahu: 'Don’t strike Iran without cabinet approval' — RT

Four reasons why Israel probably won't attack Iran – Telegraph Blogs

Syria: US and Turkey meet to hasten Bashar al-Assad's end - Telegraph

Romney Promises 'Aggressive' Drilling Offshore and on Federal Land | Common Dreams

Romney Plan Is Recipe for a Cooked Planet | Common Dreams

Republican Immigration Platform Backs 'Self-Deportation' -

Gawker Publishes Romney Tax Haven Records | Common Dreams

Palestinians design solar car not to buy petrol from Israel (PHOTOS, VIDEO) — RT

Watch Mars rover Curiosity landing in glorious, high definition | Fox News

Curiosity Has Landed - YouTube

Beyond Concorde: The next generation of supersonic flight -

Exclusive: Confessions from the Most Corrupt Apple Store in America (Updated)

MUST SEE - Lawyer James Koutoulas Tells Rick Santelli: 'We Plan To Pursue Criminal Charges Against Jon Corzine In All 50

Activist Post: Peace and Liberty Will Prevail Largely Due to Ron Paul

Activist Post: Lynn Woolsey's Blind Eye: The Congressional Geoengineering Hearings

SPLC and ADL Exposed for Violence Inspiring Defamation and Lies - ALIPAC

The 2012 anti-White Olympics!

Walmart to start selling unlabeled insecticide-laced GMO corn from Monsanto — RT

The Immigration Factor - Inviting Another 100 Million Into US

Feds Cut Social Security to Retirees Who Owe Student Debt - DailyFinance


Cop caught on dashboard camera grabbing female suspect, yanking her hair and slamming her head on car | Mail Online

Papers show Census role in WWII camps -

New AIDS-like disease in Asians, not contagious | World news | The Guardian

Crocodile Swines and Gang Banging End Times. Smoking Mirrors

Prosecutor Defeated by Glaring Stupidity of Pot Laws - Hit & Run :

Food Industry Ditches Trans Fats, Kids' Cholesterol Levels Drop | Mother Jones

Human society surpasses 'nature's budget' today

The Universe Isn't a Fractal, Study Finds - Yahoo! News

Researchers reportedly may have video that shows Amelia Earhart's plane debris | Fox News

Electoral College Prediction Model Points To A Mitt Romney Win In 2012

Paul Ryan's Black ex-girlfriend bad for GOP, 2012 elections? - National Top News |

UFO NEWS | VIDEO: Family Films UFO Emitting Light Beam

Green tea 'eradicates skin cancer' | Mail Online

Rare Hantavirus Discovered in Two Yosemite Vacationers | HealthMap

Swap Your Soap, Save Your Heart? | Rodale News

Empire State Building Shooting: Two Dead, Including Gunman, Near Empire State Building -

At least 10 shot at Empire State Building, authorities say -

Lance Armstrong Is a Conglomerate. That Explains Everything - Businessweek

BBC News - Breivik verdict: Norwegians react

Prince Harry nude pics: More to come? - CBS News

RNC Forecast: A Convention With A Chance Of Chaos - ABC News

UPDATE 4-Scuffles as Egyptians challenge Islamist president | Reuters

Casey Anthony Completes Probation - ABC News

Kodak to sell retail print, document imaging businesses - Chicago Tribune

Laura Ingraham: Mitt Romney's faith under the far-left microscope - Talking Points - The O'Reilly Factor - Fox News

First Thoughts: Romney's challenging summer (so far) - First Read

Joanna Brooks: Why Mitt Romney Should Open Up About His Mormon Story

The Associated Press: AP Exclusive: Romney uses secretive data-mining

Amazon Press Event; New Microsoft Logo; Speed Bump for Facebook iOS App | News & Opinion |

Microsoft's new minimalist logo: Hugely disappointing? - The Week

Katie Holmes to receive $400G annually in divorce settlement from Tom Cruise, reports say | Fox News

Children of older fathers prone to certain disorders, study says -

Wall Street Gets Its Way in Washington - Bloomberg

Obama's Latest Whopper: He Created More Jobs Than Reagan -

Morning Examiner: President Obama’s imaginary recovery |

Obama, Romney and the empathy gap -

Poll: Romney widens lead among small business voters - The Washington Post

Big-Government Ratchet Turns Another Click -

Desperate Measures: Paul Ryan Tries To Revive the “Death Panel” Canard - The Daily Beast

Koutoulas: Holder's DOJ "Biggest Enabler Of Financial Crime In U.S. History" | RealClearPolitics

Everything you need to know about where things stand in Europe - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

An Effort To Cut Through Romney-Ryan Doublespeak And Explain What They Really Want To Do | The New Republic

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Stopping the GOP assault on democracy - The Washington Post

Down to The Wire - Francis Fukuyama - The American Interest Magazine

Two Different Conventions, Much Different Goals | RealClearPolitics

Romney on the rise -

It Shouldn’t Be Close - Charlie Cook -

Strassel: The Silent Second-Term Agenda -

Galt, Gold and God -

What Liberals Don’t Understand About Ayn Rand -

Opinion: Obama Is The Wrong Kind of Snob | NBC Chicago

Column: It’s the idea that liberal donors don’t ask for anything in return | Washington Free Beacon

Dulce Et Decorum Est -

Romney Chooses A Tech-Centric Energy Plan To Jumpstart Jobs And Economic Growth - Forbes

Staring into the Void of Mitt Romney

To Republicans, women are simply the sum of their parts | Ana Marie Cox | Comment is free | The Guardian

Don't Tar Other Republicans With the Akin Brush | RealClearPolitics

Strassel: The Silent Second-Term Agenda -

Diving Into Health Care Is Dangerous to My Health - Bloomberg

The Washington Monthly - The Magazine - Getting Rid of the College Loan Repo Man

Multiplier Effects: Connecting the Innovation and Opportunity Agendas | Brookings Institution

One Man’s Privilege is Another’s Punishment

Romney-Ryan energy plan unveiled | AEIdeas

The Kids Are All Right | Mother Jones

Opinion: Barack Obama the abortion extremist - Rich Lowry -

Poverty's Up, Yet Still on the Back Burner - The Demos Blog - PolicyShop

Ryan’s Biggest Mistake -

Orwell’s Big Fat Lies: His Diaries Reveal Problems with the Truth - The Daily Beast

The spy who loved me -

Gore Vidal biography will be released in 2015 -

Obama Proposes an Education Employee Bailout. How Novel! | Cato @ Liberty

White House Extends Federal Pay Freeze | FDL News Desk

Does Bernanke deserve four more years at the Fed? | AEIdeas

The Comforting Little Lie That Seniors All Tell Themselves | Mother Jones

Elections in the Hands of the Partisan and Incompetent | TPM Editors Blog

Pushing Medicare back into center stage - The Maddow Blog

Platforms Are Meaningless Echo of the Past « Commentary Magazine

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Do Men and Women View Abortion Differently?

Who Counts as Middle Class? -

A reminder about the path to “full employment” « Hot Air

Who are the swing voters? They’re not just independents.

Defending the indefensible - The Maddow Blog

Obama Campaign Stunt “Breaks Precedent” « Commentary Magazine

Five things to know about Mitt Romney’s energy plan


Elizabeth Warren on health care and religion - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

Mitt Romney interview with The Des Moines Register | Des Moines Register Staff Blogs

What's Coming Out of Silicon Valley -

Why I’m uninstalling Windows 8 - PCGamesN

Why big companies buy, sell your data -

Is digital hoarding dragging you down? | Digital Trends

BBC - Future - Technology - Radical hovercraft aims to rise

There can only be one: Smartphones are the PCs of the future | ExtremeTech

Someone unfriended you? Time to find out who! - Digital Life

Are you using the right SD card? - Pocket-lint

2 Cloud Computing Era Myths Debunked - Software - Enterprise Applications - Informationweek

Google's audacious bet on fiber -- and why it could work - Big Tech - Fortune Tech

The Twitter Hit List

5 features I wish were in Windows 8 but are not

Our favorite “forgotten tech”—from BeOS to Zip Drives | Ars Technica

Romney’s Energy Plan Ignores Solar’s Success - Bloomberg

Mitt Romney's Bold Vision For America's Energy Independence - Forbes

Pipe Dreams - By Michael Levi | Foreign Policy

Romney Energy Plan a Massive Pipeline Dream

Four roadblocks to Mitt Romney’s energy plan - Darren Samuelsohn -

Mitt Romney Sets Goal Of North American Energy Independence By 2020

Institute for Energy Research | Electric Generating Costs: A Primer

Federal Court Ruling Breathes New Life Into Coal | EnergyBiz

The real legacy of 1812? It never happened again - The Globe and Mail

The Gorbachev Files: Secret Papers Reveal Truth Behind Soviet Collapse - SPIEGEL ONLINE

20 Years After U.S.S.R.’s Fall, Russians Look Back Longingly -

A History of Destruction: 8 Great Hurricanes |

Why Pluto is No Longer a Planet

Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features » Jewish Studies, Once and Future

Contra William McGurn on Ryan | National Catholic Reporter

Sooner or later, you have to choose between the Bible and inerrancy | The Christian Century

RealClearReligion - A Mormon in a Catholic Ivory Tower

New Statesman - Atheism+: the new New Atheists

Do you want a Pastor-in-Chief? | ABPnews Blog

Her.meneutics: Are Infants Sinful? How Not to Talk about Original Sin

+Turning Cell Phones Into Survival Tools | Infographics | RealClearTechnology

New AIDS-like disease in Asians, not contagious

How The Smokey Bear Effect Led To Raging Wildfires : NPR

Where will we all be in 100 billion years? – Starts With A Bang

Neutrinos and solar storms: And now, the space-weather forecast | The Economist

Amateurs Uncover Stunning Hidden Treasures In Hubble's Image Vaults

The Paradox of the IVF Clinic and the Abortion Clinic: Are Some Embryos More Persons Than Others? | Marriage 3.0 | Big Think

Slugs benefit from getting stabbed while having sex - life - 23 August 2012 - New Scientist

5 Newly Discovered Creatures That Will Haunt Your Nightmares - Mental Floss

Train hard. Push it to the max. Zap your testicles? - The Globe and Mail

Grave of King Richard III May Be Hidden Under Parking Lot | LiveScience

Unknown Selective Force Shapes Bacterial Evolution - Blog

«Naked Darth Vader» approach could tame antibiotic resistant superbugs - UdeMNouvelles

Nanoparticles reboot blood flow in brain

Chemical Free Dirt (for the Fairytale Garden) | Wired Science |

RealClearScience - Personal Genomics: Where SciFi Meets Reality

Why you don’t overturn the Big Bang via a media interview | Ars Technica

The Universe Isn't a Fractal, Study Finds |

Turning wastewater into food | Chemistry World

Why can't we spell English words phonetically?

BBC News - Antarctica warmth 'unusual, but not unique'

RealClearScience - How Your Boss Is Like an Automaton

The Algorithm That Finds Connections Scientists Never See | Pharmaceuticals | DISCOVER Magazine

Video - Obama's Recovery That Wasn't

Video -The real story behind the Soviet empire's shocking collapse

Video - How Cannabis Can Revolutionize Our Economy: Author Doug Fine on "Too High To Fail"

Mitt Romney: What I Learned at Bain Capital -

Don't Believe Obama's Ads, Romney Is A Middle Class Tax Cutter - Forbes

Republicans eye return to gold standard -

Why Markets Should Cheer QE3 Is Not Coming Soon - US Business News - CNBC - CNBC

RealClearMarkets - A Brief History of Modern Money's Inadequacy

Prime Time for Paul Ryan’s Guru (the One Who’s Not Ayn Rand) -

Another Flawed Study on the 'Rich' | Fox Business

GOP: All Talk on Eliminating Tax Breaks – No Action

How the tea party beat Occupy Wall Street - David Weidner's Writing on the Wall - MarketWatch

QE bono? | Money Supply

Real Clear Markets - Video - Trump: U.S Has 'Lost Its Mojo'

Oil near $100. Thanks a lot, Fed! - The Buzz - Investment and Stock Market News

Murder Case Illuminates China’s Communist Problem - Bloomberg

Charles Krauthammer: The Cordesman criteria - The Washington Post

Russian Oil Exploration in Arctic Circle Causes Major Environmental Damage - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Mitt Romney's Neocon Puzzle | The National Interest

Marikana is the latest chapter in a long saga - Mail & Guardian Online

Ethiopia's strongman leaves behind fragile East Africa status quo - The National

RealClearWorld - Pakistan's Taliban Nightmare

Don't lose sight of why the US is out to get Julian Assange | Seumas Milne | Comment is free | The Guardian

All the Ayatollah's Men | The National Interest

Syria: Why al-Qaeda Is Winning - Ed Husain - National Review Online

Asia Times Online :: Realpolitik blurs US red line on Syria

City, Empire, Church, Nation by Pierre Manent, City Journal Summer 2012

Gate Crashing the Opposition | Foreign Affairs

Diaoyu in Our Heart: The Revealing Contradictions of Chinese Nationalism - Helen Gao - The Atlantic

Owen Jones: Getting rid of George W. Bush wasn't enough. The US remains a bully - Commentators - Opinion - The Independent

Real Clear Markets - Video - Faber: Odds of Recession 100%

+Learning Analytics 101 | Infographics | RealClearTechnology


*Transcripts:22nd/Interview with Senator Barbara Boxer

Interview with Representative Jerrold Nadler

Analysts on the Swing States in the Presidential Race

Panel Discusses New CBO Debt Report

Media Availability with Secretary Panetta

21st-Interview with Paul Ryan

Interview with Representative Donna Edwards

Analysts on the Todd Akin Scandal

Panel Discusses Campaign's Rhetoric


Casey Anthony Completes Her Probation

Casey Anthony Gets A Passport

Drew Peterson trial updates: Attorneys argue about Peterson's training

Pastor: Drew Peterson's 4th wife spoke of 3rd's death

Drew Peterson Trial Updates: Prosecution Expected To Rest Friday

Stacy Peterson lied for her husband, pastor says

19 people shot in overnight shootings across Chicago

19 Hurt in 7 Overnight Shootings

Nonstop week of music surrounds Chicago Jazz Festival

Chicago International Film Festival's first slate announced

Rahm Threatens to Negotiate Teachers Deal Himself

Gawker drops Bain data bomb on Romney

Christopher Vaughn dropped thousands of dollars in strip club, took target practice day before family was slain - Chicago Tribune

Breivik found sane, sentenced to prison: survivors react - YouTube

Norway's Breivik deemed sane, sentenced to prison

IAEA seeks answers from Tehran

Playgirl Wants Naked Prince Harry: "A Million Dollars Is Not Out of the Question"

If our leaders get closer to China, they might learn what it really thinks

Imam turned Pakistan 'blasphemy' girl in 'to protect her'

Medieval British king sought under car park

Missing teen escapes captors after 2 years of abuse: cops

Aug. 24: Todd Akin and Medicare

RNC to feature members of Romney's church, Ron Paul tribute

School: Background check was run before shootings

Police: Rodney King death ruled accidental

Emerging GOP convention platform draws praise, scorn, shoulder-shrugging

Emails emerge in murder case involving US Open tennis referee

Ohio Man's Shooting of Ailing Wife Raises Questions About 'Mercy Killings'

Romney can't shrink from controversy

Obama team offers beer recipe -- for 25K signatures

Stocks dip after disappointing manufacturing data

Kodak to sell film business

South African hippo trapped in pool dies in rescue

Greenpeace activists climb Russian Arctic oil platform

Polls: Romney, Ryan have 'no-mentum,' not enough details

State divided on Romney energy plan - YouTube

In Romney's Tax Return, Clues in Foreign Taxes

Consider keeping Bernanke, top Romney adviser says

Different strategies in campaign ad battle

Gov. Christie: 'I want to be here, I love this job'

Eva Longoria to speak at Democratic National Convention

Romney team 'optimistic' networks will change plans

Santorum to release delegates

The Candidate, Paul Ryan, Makes Another Visit

Convention Season! The Triumphs and the Calamities

Forget the Mormon moment; it's about Catholics

At 55 And 53, Couple Split By Romney Medicare Plan

Pew study: different media skew campaign coverage differently; most balanced ...

Mark Twain House voted a favorite Conn. site

A. Zombie runs for president to bring 'Walking Dead' back to Dish Network

Kiss Your PC Goodbye

Is Zuckerberg to blame for Facebook's slumping stock?

Chrysler Takes Fuel Economy Seriously With New V6, 8-speed Auto in '13 Ram 1500

Coming Soon, Google Street View of a Canadian Village You'll Never Drive To

Randy Travis Cited in Church FIGHT -- 'Extremely Intoxicated'

Couple Flies Into Wedding Ceremony on Jet Packs

Vivek Shah arrested in extortion threats to Harvey Weinstein, four others

Tyra Banks: I panicked before 'America's Next Top Model' shakeup

Turkey the birthplace of Hindi, English: study

Language family may have Anatolian origins

English language is descended from ancient Turkey, experts claim

Family Tree of Languages Has Roots in Anatolia, Biologists Say

Next NASA Mission Will Go Deep Under the Surface of Mars

NASA Administrator Announces New Commercial Crew And Cargo Milestones

Cloud Seeding Could Cool Off Seas Where Hurricanes Form, Making Them Weaker

Arctic sea ice set to hit record low

Mayan collapse mystery solved? Deforestation exacerbated a drought


Maui ranch owner admits role in illegal sale, hunt of wildlife

Close Contact For At-Risk Young People After Suicide Attempts Is Not Effective

Skin infections and other risks from tattoos: 5 safety tips

Most U.S. kindergartners getting vaccines, risks remain: report

Porn actor Mr. Marcus covered up an STD while continuing to make X-rated movies

Antibiotics for Baby May Make for Husky Tot

(Audio)Texas Judge Preparing For ‘Civil War’ and UN invasion If Obama Re-Elected -

What is wrong with the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Barbarians at the Gate: Terrorism, the US, and the Subversion of Russia -

What 40 Years Of Gold Confiscation By The US Government Looks Like -

Uncle Sam Needs YOU for a Bailout: 6 Reasons Another Big Banking Crisis Is Coming Our Way

Terrorists in Syria Using Prisoners as “Human Bombs” -

DHS and FBI: Anarchists May Use IEDs at Conventions -

FBI & DHS Warn Anarchist Could Use Improvised Explosive Devices During RNC Convention - YouTube

U.S. Government Planned Indefinite Detention of Citizens, Suspension of Constitution, Spying on Americans and Other “Post-9/11 Realities” LONG BEFORE 9/11 -

8 Economic Threats That We Were Not Even Talking About At The Beginning Of The Summer -

CHART: Social Security Withheld For Unpaid Student Loans - Home - The Daily Bail

For Unpaid College Loans, Feds Dock Social Security -

Agencies warn of possible anarchist activity at conventions -

1st Amendment Violated as Facebook Assists Police in Pre-Crime Investigations -

Americans toss out as much as 40% of their food, study says -

Facebook, the CIA, DARPA, and the Tanking IPO

Globalist Rag Gives "Two Cheers" for Terrorism

At Least 10 Shot Outside Empire State Building

Live Footage Shooting Empire State Builing in NYC - YouTube

Customer Deposits Are Property of the Bank: Close Your Account NOW

America’s Descent into Poverty

Corbett: IAEA and Nuclear Monopolists a "Gang of Thugs"

Holistic Breast Cancer Treatments Ungrow 2 Cancerous Tumors

Your Vote is Not Secret: Government Using SmartPhone Barcodes to Trace Ballot to Voter

New Study Links Aluminium Intake to Osteoporosis and Alzheimer's Disease - How to Reduce Exposure

82-year-old nun and two others breach ‘Fort Knox of Uranium,’ stay undetected for two hours

Tips for Avoiding GMOs - YouTube

Medical Marijuana Initiative Makes Ballot in Arkansas |

Turmeric Shows Major Promise in Defeating Mega Viruses

Despite Dubious Evidence, Men Convicted Of Stephen Lawrence Murder Lose Appeal Bid

"Rapid Progress": Controlling the Military With Drugs - YouTube

Calling on ALL humans 2012 the time is NOW - YouTube

+Reality Check: RNC Pulling Out All Stops To Keep Ron Paul's Name Out Of Nomination - YouTube

GARY JOHNSON Will Protect Internet Freedom - YouTube

5 strategies for peacefully underthrowing the status quo

1st Amendment Violated as Facebook Assists Police in Pre-Crime Investigations

Nanoparticle Pollution Could Stunt Crop Growth | Wired Science |

From Bug Drones to Disease Assassins, Super Weapons Rule US War Game | Danger Room |

» China could penetrate US with new huge missile Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Germany: "Islamists Want to Bring Jihad to Europe" :: Gatestone Institute

Mystery Surrounding 1.2 Billion Rounds Of Ammo Solved | Market Daily News

Immigration agents file suit against Napolitano over 'amnesty' program | Fox News

Frosty Wooldridge -- The immigration factor: inviting additional 100 million into USA

Immigration agents file suit against Napolitano over 'amnesty' program | Fox News

Orion Technology and Other Secret Projects | Alternative

» The Manufactured US Veteran Threat Against Obama That Will Justify Martial Law Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Radical Islam Joins the DNC | RedState

Fast and Furious Update – Inspector General Report Concluded. Report In “Lockdown” - The Ulsterman Report

Ruled Sane, Norwegian Mass Killer Goes to Prison

Armstrong to be Stripped of Titles, Banned from Cycling

Same-sex marriage battle set to begin soon - Orlando Sentinel

15 groups to O’Reilly: Drop ‘gay’ radical

Obama campaign refuses to drop ‘radical’ rabbi

College Reps in biggest-ever drive for youth vote

New Audio Surfaces of Obama Defending Infanticide in Illinois |

Bill Clinton Ad Blesses Obama Economics - ABC News

Middle class suffers 'worst decade in modern history,' report says | Fox News

Is accountability the key?

GOP platform opposes U.N. global tax plans - Washington Times

Pics Of Fetish Sex Party Held On Church Altar Posted Online - WPIX

The Iron Fist in Tampa by Justin Raimondo --

Norway jails sane Breivik for maximum 21 years | Reuters

Buckley’s Unlikely Heir | The American Conservative

The Pursuit of Julian Assange Is an Assault on Freedom and a Mockery of Journalism by John Pilger --

Whatever Happened to Iraqi Oil? by Tom Engelhardt --

Hoist by his own petard - Print View

TrapWire: Anonymous gives handy tips on how to avoid surveillance

U.S. Plans New Asia Missile Defenses « NamViet News

The US, China and Africa

Everyone Should Stop And Think About The NY Times Roster Of The Dead - Business Insider

Researchers Find Sperm Counts On The Decline « CBS Miami

Web Sites Accused of Collecting Data on Children -

Venezuela Ramps up China Oil Exports Unsettling Washington

S. Korea court upholds abortion punishment - Yahoo! News

After-Birth Abortion: Eugenicists Say Babies are a Parasitic Burden on Society :

Trading caps and gowns for mops - MarketWatch

Jobless Claims in U.S. Climb for Second Week to One-Month - Bloomberg

Mexico's Military Law Unconstitutional, Supreme Court Says | Fox News Latino

Police shoot homeless man 46 times | Cop Block

Nebraska lesbian who claimed hate-crime attack charged in hoax - NY Daily News

Pew Report: Middle Class Has Suffered 'Worst Decade in Modern History'

Billionaires Are Loading Up On Gold; Is There Major Economic Danger Ahead? (NYSEARCA:GLD) | ETF DAILY NEWS

Would you give the government remote control over your router? | Ars Technica

Police share more than 50m records about members of the public | UK news | The Guardian

Florida Cop Smashes Compliant Woman's Face Into Car -- "Maybe Now You Can Understand Simple Instructions" - informationliberation

Cop Who Karate Chopped NY Judge In Throat Gets Off Scot-Free - informationliberation

Cop Charged With Assault For Strangling 9-Yr-Old Sister - informationliberation

Lawsuit Alleging Police Chief Filed Charges Against Woman Who Refused His Sexual Advances Settled For $2.5 Million - informationliberation

"Power Up the Local Police": A Formula for Despotism - informationliberation

Law Enforcement is Not Your Friend - informationliberation

Man Says LA Police Kidnapped Him Beat Him Up & Threatened To Kill Him - YouTube

Texas judge warns of possible ‘civil war’ if President Obama is re-elected | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

The Bin Laden raid exposes the Obama administration's selective secrecy | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |

'Fast and Furious' ATF Official Granted Paid Leave to Take 6-Figure Job at JP Morgan |

Russia's Top Cyber Sleuth Foils US Spies, Helps Kremlin Pals | Danger Room |

The Corporate Surveillance State: How the Thought Police Use Your Cell Phone To Track Your Every Move - informationliberation

Feds Back To Seizing Websites Over Claims Of Copyright Infringement - informationliberation

Ruby Ridge: The Age of State Terrorism Begins - informationliberation

Romney, Obama Both Struggle to Connect

Cardinal Dolan's GOP Convention Speech

Authors: Pope Pius XII Was Framed by KGB

Romney Fundraising Success Due to Data Mining

Romney Win Predicted By Famously Accurate Election Model

Romney: Tax Havens Good for U.S. Business

Santorum Stumps for Romney, Keeps Political Future Open

Two Killed, 8 Wounded in Shooting Outside Empire State Bldg.

Romney to WSJ: I Will Not Be Treated 'Like a Piece of Meat'

$20 Trillion Debt in 2016 If Obama Budget Enacted

Romney Assistant Orchestrated Clandestine Ryan Meeting

Naked Prince Harry Photos Published by UK's Sun Newspaper

Romney Could be Nominated Early in Convention Week

RNC Platform Takes Hard Line on Immigration

Congressional Twitter Accounts Plagued With Fraudulent Followers

Obama, Romney to Discuss Latino Issues on Univision

Rasmussen Poll: Obama Takes Lead in Missouri

Norway Mass Murderer to Spend Life in Prison

Italian Crime Boss Shot Down Leaving Beach

Just One Drink a Day Raises Cancer Risk

Scientists: Cellphone Can Predict Future Movements

Homeless Man Charged in LL Cool J Home Break-In

Michelle Obama to appear on 'Dr. Oz Show'

Poll: Nearly Half of Russians Don’t Want Putin for Another Term

New Regulatory Authority Has CPSC Working at 'Furious Pace,' Chairman Says

SEAL who wrote bin Laden raid book identified

9 Of 10 States Hurt Most By Expiration Of Tax Breaks Went To Obama In '08

Shameless Liberal Radio Hosts

A Grand Old Party in Panic

The Great Youth Depression: 16%+ Unemployment, Majority Underemployed, Salaries Down 10%

First Lady Credits President For Drop In Number Of Unemployed Vets - But, Number EMPLOYED Fell Even More

'Fast and Furious' ATF Official Granted Paid Leave to Take 6-Figure Job at JP Morgan

Michelle Obama 'Guest Editor' for iVillage

U.S. General Links Spike in ‘Insider Attacks’ to Stress of Ramadan Fasting |

ICE Agents Sue Napolitano for Ordering Them to 'Violate Federal Law' |

Mass. College Creates Scholarship Fund for Illegal Immigrants |

Romney Polls Better Than Obama on Economy; Obama Scores Higher on Likeability |

Labor Secretary Cheers Youth Unemployment Rate of 17.1 Percent |

Health Policy Experts Anticipate Fewer Doctors, Less Productivity Under Obamacare |

Iran Says Its ‘Imam Khomeini Spaceport’ Will be Operational by Next Spring |

Mayor: Some victims in Empire State Building shooting may have been hit by police bullets |

EPA Levies $40,000+ Fines on Landlords Who Fail to Provide ‘EPA-Approved’ Pamphlets to Tenants |

NASA Names Mars Rover Landing Site After Sci-Fi Author Ray Bradbury |

U.S. Report on Combating Gender-Based Violence Fails to Mention Forced Abortions and Sterilizations in China |

CNN Ignores Conservative Experts When Slamming Romney Welfare Ad as 'False' |

Akin Controversy Should Be Opening for Frank Discussion on Abortion, But Media Refuse to Note Obama's Extremism on Issue |

Gary Johnson Ad: We The People ARE Libertarian

Mitt Romney Ad: Only In America

RNC Ad: Willing

DNC Ad: Maybe

DNC Ad: Romney in the Tank for Big Oil

Mitt Romney Ad: Nothing’s Free

RJC Ad: Brad

RNC Ad: Never Happened

Barack Obama Ad: Children

Gary Johnson Ad: Will Protect Internet Freedom

Barack Obama Ad: Maya Soetoro-Ng: Get Involved with Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders for Obama

RJC Ad: Buyer’s Remorse: Ari

Barack Obama Ad: Clear Choice

DNC Ad: The Romney-Ryan-Akin Platform for Women

Barack Obama Ad: Faces of Change: From Dinner Tables to Diplomas

Barack Obama Ad: Ohioans Want to Know Where Romney and Ryan Stand on Fair Pay, Medicare, and Women’s Health

+Mitt Romney First Weekly Podcast – August 18 2012

+Mitt Romney Town Hall With Paul Ryan in Manchester, New Hampshire – August 20 2012

+President Obama Press Conference – August 20 2012

+Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan Talk T0 WMUR – New Hampshire – August 20 2012

+Paul Ryan Campaign Rally in Carnegie, Pennsylivania – August 21 2012

+Barack Obama Campaign Rally in Columbus, Ohio – August 21 2012

+Joe Biden Campaign Event in Minneapolis, Minnesota – August 21 2012

+Paul Ryan Campaign Rally in West Chester, Pennsylvania – August 21 2012

+Joe Biden Campaign Event in Rochester, Minnesota – August 21 2012

+Paul Ryan Campaign Rally in Roanoke, Virginia – August 22 2012

+Barack Obama Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, Nevada – August 22 2012

+Paul Ryan Campaign Rally in Raleigh, North Carolina – August 22 2012

+Mitt Romney Campaign Rally in Bettendorf, Iowa – August 22 2012

+Joe Biden Campaign Event in Detroit, Michigan – August 22 2012

+Paul Ryan Participates in a Defense Roundtable In Fayetteville, North Carolina – August 23 2012

+Mitt Romney Announces Energy Plan in Hobbs, New Mexico – August 23 2012

MUST LISTEN – Allen West: We should be on offense talking about extremism of Democrat Party

Priebus: We’re gonna prosecute Obama over broken promises; says Stephanie Cutter is Obama’s “Baghdad Bob”

Romney talks energy policy and replacing the fed chairman

Krauthammer: Obama’s been in office 4 years and he’s running on Clinton’s economy. It’s embarrassing!

BRUTAL: Anderson Cooper obliterates DNC Chair over her lies about Romney’s stance on abortion

UNREAL – ICE agents suing Homeland security over being disciplined for obeying federal law

Carney grilled by Tapper over Obama’s silence about dire warning from CBO yesterday

Sununu: Stephanie Cutter lies and the Obama administration can’t count

(flashback)* Obama: I’m all for mothers having the choice to murder their babies even in late term pregnancies

Palestine: Girl thrown down well in ‘honor’ killing

Obama killing green energy small business to save larger green energy companies

Paul Ryan mocks Obama’s ‘imaginary recovery’

Coulter: Republicans need to pull out a nuclear bomb to make Akin withdraw

+The Everyday Emergency Kit by Lisa Bedford

The US Loses Another Policeman in Africa by Eric Margolis

Naomi Wolf on the Crackdown on Dissent in America

The Ten Ways I Lie Altucher Confidential

This free country should be on your radar…

What Are the Health Benefits of Negative Ions? | Mark's Daily Apple

8 Economic Threats That We Were Not Even Talking About at the Beginning of the Summer

30 minutes exercise 'better than an hour of training' for weight loss - Telegraph

How Fructose Turns ON Your 'Fat Switch' by Joseph Mercola

Heading Out on Your Own — Day 21: Know Your Way Around a Kitchen | The Art of Manliness

The vexations and pleasures of old age – Telegraph Blogs

Uncle Sam Needs YOU for a Bailout: 6 Reasons Another Big Banking Crisis Is Coming Our Way | Alternet

The Corporate Surveillance State: How the Thought Police Use Your Cell Phone To Track Your Every Move by John W. Whitehead

Insuring the Driver – Not The Vehicles | Eric Peters Autos

'This Isn’t America': You Can’t Say That Here by William Norman Grigg

Preparing The Public For The Attack On Hezbollah

The Pursuit of Julian Assange is an Assault on Freedom and a Mockery of Journalism

The case of Brandon Raub: Can the government detain you over Facebook posts?

Indefinite Detention Is Not a New Policy

Video:What Ayn Rand Taught Paul Ryan

"The Art of War" and the Pentagon's Reality Show

Are People Being Thrown Into Psychiatric Wards For Their Political Views?

America's Long-standing Campaign to Destabilize Russia

Obama’s Geopolitical China ‘Pivot’: The Pentagon Targets China

"Two Cheers" for Terrorism: US Mainstream Media Applauds Syria's Al Qaeda Rebels

The British Siege of the Ecuadorian Embassy: Déjà Vu: Anglo-American disregard for International Law

GRTV: Afghan War Forgotten by Americans

Elections USA: The 2012 Politics of Fantasy

Fixing the Mortgage Mess in America

More Costs of War: Suicides and Mental Trauma of Military Family Members

Amnesty International is US State Department Propaganda

The Plan for a New World Order Stumbles on Geopolitical Realities

Foreknowledge of 9/11 by Western Intelligence Agencies

Man who armed Black Panthers was FBI informant, records show

Agent Orange: The Deadly Legacy of Chemical Warfare

+50 Food Items To Stockpile Now: Health Ranger Releases Preparedness Foods Shopping List | Survival

Aurora: New Cell Phone Video Footage Shows Next Phase Of The Coverup | Conspiracy Theories

The Little Known New Madrid Pipeline Bomb | Alternative

The Root Asks: Does Paul Ryans Black Ex-Girlfriend Matter? | Tea Party

The Root asks: Does Paul Ryan’s Black Ex-Girlfriend Matter? | – Tea Party News by and for Tea Party Members

N.A.S.A., Why Do You Show Us This And Not Tell Us? | Space

The "Wake Up Call" will be the Magnetic Pole Reversal » Stankov's Universal Law PressStankov's Universal Law Press

"They Are Already In Place" - The Coming Attack | Alternative

"They Are Already In Place" - The Coming Attack - YouTube

Creepy Illuminati Clock Counting Down Sept 9th, 2012 - YouTube

Many Military Convoys Now Moving Through the US - Video | Military

Many Military Convoys Now Moving Through the United States - YouTube

Prophecies Of Obama Re-Election And Beginning Of WW3 Before The End Of This Year | Alternative

Multiple prophecies of Obama re-election followed by FIRE - YouTube


Transhumanism Will Merge Man With Machine | Alternative

Illuminati Symbolism. Americas Next 9/11 Will Cover Up The Rapture And Start WW3 | Alternative

Illuminati symbolism. Americas Next 9/11 will cover up the Rapture and start WW3 - YouTube

Stone Age people may have battled against a zombie apocalypse | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Kryptonite? No, Just Basic Math | Economy

Are these our Martian overlords ... or just 'dead pixels' of a camera? Images beamed back from Curiosity lead to talk of UFOs on Mars | Mail Online

NASA News Conference On Newly Found Extreme Objects | Space

The Moon Is Your Worst Nightmare | Space

Giant Alien 'Gorgakh' Killed In Pakistan (Video) | Paranormal

Aliens Or Ancient Humanoids? | Paranormal

Mysterious Sacred Caves Of Tibet | Unexplained Phenomena

Why Ancient Maya Disappeared | Science and Technology

Cheap And Endless Fuel From Water With New Catalyst | Energy

Sex And The Female Brain - Semen Found To Prompt Mammalian Ovulation | Science and Technology

Nine Mega-Cities Most Vulnerable To Serious Flooding | Environment

12 Story Deep Sinkhole Opens Up In Tennessee | Earthquakes

Turmeric Shows Major Promise in Defeating Mega Viruses | Health

7 Surprising Benefits of Drinking Alcohol In Moderation | Health

10 States With the Worst STD Problems | Health

Scientists Find Protein That Promotes Cancers, Heart Disease; Create Substance From White Pulp Of Oranges To Block Its Effects | Health

America - Governed By Organized Crime! | Prophecy

Studies Show Microwaves Drastically Reduce Nutrients In Food | Strange

Is accountability the key?

Casey Anthony lawyer retained in theater shootings - SFGate

Obama's pretense to Christianity

Wake up, GOP, and quit ostracizing Akin

Just in from mainstream: Barack is as thick as a brick

Bullies in the newsroom

Does Akin test show Romney isn't pro-life?

Paul Ryan on firearms

CRAIGE McMILLAN: Can Romney do it?

JANE CHASTAIN: Democrats demand your fair share

Who's telling the truth about Medicare?

Shariah is here: Disclaimer sticks up for savages

ROBERT RINGER: Separating illusion from fact

The $6 quadrillion cost of the climate scam

CNN Ignores Conservative Experts When Slamming Romney Welfare Ad as 'False' | Media Research Center

Media Obsession With Akin Hits Overdrive: 96 Minutes in Just Three and a Half Days | Media Research Center

Piers Morgan Asks If Bible Should Be 'Evolutionary,' Like Constitution Being Amended | Media Research Center

Spate of Documentaries Offers Ammunition to Conservatives | Media Research Center

Will Media Be As Outraged By Nonprofits Attacking Koch Brothers As They Are Those Targeting Obama? |

Michelle Obama 'Guest Editor' for Website Featuring Sex Tips--Including from Prostitutes |

Rep. Nadler Proposes The RIAA Bailout Act Of 2012 - informationliberation

Government Hypes White Supremacist “Racial Holy War” in Effort to Demonize Veterans «


+Order of the illuminati -


CNN Hires Liberal Spurlock, Ignores Own Growing Bias Problem

Rick Warren Cancels 2012 Civil Forum Due to Incivility

BuzzFeed Accuses Romney of Ginning Up 'Race War'

Tapper Slams White House On Energy Policy Lie

Pew: 71% of Romney Coverage on Network News Is Negative

'2016: Obama's America' Leading Tix Sales at

US #1 Black Radio Host: Black People Not Coming Out To Vote For Obama

Lawyer for MF Global Victims: Holder's DOJ 'Biggest Enabler Of Financial Crime In U.S. History'

Senator: Illegals to Receive over $7 Billion in Tax Credits

CNN's Ashley Banfield Stages Meltdown to Claim Ryan Soft on Rape

McCaskill on Bill Clinton in '06: 'I Don't Want My Daughter Near Him'

NYT: Obamanomics Hurts Baby Boomers, Youth, Blacks Most

Flashback: McCaskill Didn't Want President Clinton 'Near' Her Daughter

Will Democrats Snub Catholic Cardinal Invited to RNC?

Morello, Fellow Liberal Singers Disqualify Art by Pushing Away Republican Fans

Left Launches Personal Attacks On Artur Davis

Gawker Busts Romney for Managing Money Like Gawker

Romney Camp Tells Reporter: No Questions on Akin or Abortion

Sources: Akin in to Stay

Dem Rep On Looming Tampa Storm: 'Means The Gods Are Favoring Democrats'

Recipe for Chaos: What the Left and George Soros Plan for the RNC

Survey: Small Businesses Worried More About Economic Uncertainty, Regulations Under Obama

SEIU Sends Second $100k Donation After IL House Speaker Scuttles Pension Reform

TONIGHT: Hannity Special Premiering Stephen K. Bannon's 'The Hope And The Change'

Armstrong Ends Fight Against Doping Charges

Obama Mentor Preckwinkle: Reagan Deserves 'Special Place in Hell'

World View: Egyptians Plan Large Anti-Muslim Brotherhood Rally

Report: State Dept. Considers Eliminating US Nuclear Arsenal

A Message from the Radicals of 'Coalition to March on the RNC'

Friday: Michigan Homecoming for Romney, Obama at WH

CNN's GOP Convention News: Strippers Are Ready

Chris Matthews Video: 'If I Were Obama, I'd Marry' Bill Clinton

Networks Examine Mormonism Prior to Romney Nomination

The Media, Gas Prices, and the 2012 Election

GOP Backs Congress' War Powers, Ron Paul Pleased

Hezbollah to Iran: We've Got Your Back

SpaceX: Solyndra in Space

Bielat Appeal Pokes Fun at Aristocratic Kennedy Opponent

Anderson v. Debbie: Obama Continues to Make the Media His Punks

Akin Fallout: Romney Support Drops in Missouri

Evidence: Border Is Not Secure

GRAPHIC: Empire State Building Shooting Caught On Cell Phone

Report: Incomes Dropped More During Obama 'Recovery' Than Recession

Gunman Opens Fire At Empire State Building

DWS When Confronted On Lie: 'It Doesn't Matter'

Solyndra Glass Tubes Being Used For Artwork

'Juan of the Dead' DVD Review: Zombies Feast on Castro's Revolution

Box Office Predictions: 'Expendables' Repeats, '2016' Soars

Occupiers Plan Massive Protest at Democratic Convention

Recipe for Chaos: What the Left and George Soros Plan for the RNC

A Message from the Radicals of 'Coalition to March on the RNC'

TONIGHT: Hannity Special Premiering Stephen K. Bannon's 'The Hope And The Change'

SEIU Sends Second $100k Donation After IL House Speaker Scuttles Pension Reform

Krauthammer: 'Obama's Been In Office For Four Years And He's Running On The Clinton Economy'

CNN Reports 2 Killed in NYC, Overlooks 13 Killed in Chicago

President Infanticide: Dem Abortion Platform Does Not Exclude Partial-Birth Abortion

Katie Couric: 'We Have Not Heard Back From Palin's People' About Coming On My New Show

Survey: Small Businesses Worried More About Economic Uncertainty, Regulations Under Obama

Lawyer for MF Global Victims: Holder's DOJ 'Biggest Enabler Of Financial Crime In U.S. History'

Michelle Obama Visits Sikh Temple Victims' Family

BuzzFeed Accuses Romney of Ginning Up 'Race War'

CNN's Ashley Banfield Stages Phony Meltdown To Claim Ryan Is Soft on Rape

Senator: Illegals to Receive over $7 Billion in Tax Credits

Romney: Let's Talk Medicare -- Obama: Let's Talk About How Romney Hates Women

Watchdog: ACORN Back With 174 Rebranded Affiliates

North Korea President Kim Jong Un Strengthening Ties with Iran

FLOTUS Demeans Office: Guest Edits Site Featuring Sex Advice From Hookers

Brit Columnist: We Hated Bush But Obama's Just as Bad

Fed Primes the Pump to Re-Elect Obama

Biden: Won't Cost Government 'A Penny' to Refi 12 Million Mortgages

Obama Surrogate Sandra Fluke Shills for Campaign Cash

Obama Signs Bill Allowing Self to Bypass Senate for Certain Appointments

White House Aide David Plouffe Takes Money Indirectly from Iran -- and Nobody Seems to Notice

Women's Group: ‘It’s my Vagina, So Hands Off, Crazy!’

WATCH: Dramatic Reading Of Obama Campaign Emails

Tea Party 2012: Win. Tea Party 2014: Go Home?

John Lennon's Killer Denied Parole for 7th Time

FLASHBACK: Obama Says He's 'Pro-Choice' on Third-Trimester Abortions

DNC Embracing Radical Islamists At National Convention

Book: Public Sector Unions Planning to Forcibly Enroll Non-Government Employees


Detained Egyptian Journalist to Be Freed: President's Spokesman

German Rabbi Faces Charges for 'Religious Circumcisions'

World View: Egyptians Plan Large Anti-Muslim Brotherhood Rally

UN Gone Wild: Sec. General Ban Ki-moon Also Headed to Tehran Next Week

Norway's Breivik Deemed Sane, Sentenced to 10-21 Years in Prison

Hezbollah to Iran: We've Got Your Back

Detached 'Journalist' Admits He's Part of Obama Chorus

Stopping Lawsuits Meant to Silence Dissent: The Free Press Act

Pew: 71% of Romney Coverage on Network News Is Negative

Networks Examine Mormonism Prior to Romney Nomination

Anderson v. Debbie: Obama Continues to Make the Media His Punks

Obama's Auto Bailout 'Success' a Disaster for Taxpayers

Obama Surrogate Sandra Fluke Shills for Campaign Cash

Pro-Israel Super PAC Withholds Support for GOP Rabbi Candidate

Fast & Furious Official Also Employed in Private Sector

Fed Primes the Pump to Re-Elect Obama

Do Obama and Biden Support Child Rape?

Actually, It Was Obama Who 'Redefined Rape' in January 2012

Sarah Palin's 2016 Significance

Obama Signs Bill Allowing Self to Bypass Senate for Certain Appointments

President Lists Anti-Israel Activists Among 'Rabbis for Obama'

Rick Warren Cancels 2012 Civil Forum Due to Incivility

Senator: Illegals to Receive over $7 Billion in Tax Credits

Police Probe Threat Against US Lawmaker Todd Akin

Recipe for Chaos: What the Left and George Soros Plan for the RNC

Survey: Small Businesses Worried More About Economic Uncertainty, Regulations Under Obama

A Message from the Radicals of 'Coalition to March on the RNC'

Report: Incomes Dropped More During Obama 'Recovery' Than Recession

Falling Star: Obama's Celebrity Pals Skipping Democratic National Convention

Terry McMillan: 'White Men' Shouldn't Be Allowed to Legislate Women's Issues

Entertainment Company Employees Give Overwhelmingly to Democrats

Oscar-Winner Bridges to Visit RNC, DNC

'Key & Peele' Play Up Romney Tax Non-Issue, Continue Defending President

Michelle Obama to Appear on 'Dr. Oz Show'

Conservative Mamet to Reboot 'Have Gun Will Travel'

Romney To Hometown Crowd: 'No One Has Asked To See My Birth Certificate'

ICE Agents Sue Napolitano Over Deportation Policies

Dem Rep On Looming Tampa Storm: 'Means The Gods Are Favoring Democrats'

Unheard Martin Luther King Audio Found In Attic

Obama Features Clinton (Again) In Campaign Ad

Geraldo Asks if Napolitano Has Let A 'Lesbian Cabal' Take Over DHS

Guns N’ Rose colored deals

Will it be ‘Obama the Roman Gladiator’, SEAL TEAM 6 or Batman this time?

20,000 Muslims Warm-Up Act for Democratic National Convention

The Scarecrow of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Soros-funded Marxists to “Occupy the RNC”

The Mirage of Moderate Islam

Palestine - Where To From Here?

Psychiatry as a weapon to silence religious and political opposition

Obama’s deadly campaign propaganda recruiting the embittered

Chinese manufacturing index drops further in August

The Obama Syndicate: When Evil Rules the Land and its People

Obama’s Take No Prisoners War-Fighting

Misunderstanding McCarthyism

PC Kills American troops: More than 100 unarmed already murdered by Muslim ‘friends’

August 24-25 Uprising against Muslim Brotherhood: Will this be the start Civil War?

Media “Fact Checkers” Promote Obama’s Gutting of Welfare Reform

SIMMONS: Are There Differences Between Obama and Romney Energy Policies?

On NOT Understanding Muslims


**Coast To Coast AM - Solar Weather/ Exploring Evil - 08-22-2012 - C2CAM - YouTube

**Coast To Coast AM Psychic Tricks & Scole Experiments August 23 2012 - YouTube


Dazzling Map Shows More Than 150 Years of Hurricanes | Hurricane Map | LiveScience

First Milky Way Galaxy 'Twins' Found |

Pretty Kitty!: Chimera Cat Is Its Own Fraternal Twin | Geekologie

Zombie-proof architecture: When the dead start to walk you'd better start building | The Economist

10 Extraordinary Questions With… Ron Morehead of ‘Bigfoot Sounds’ | Extraordinary Intelligence

Location of the mind remains a mystery - life - 22 August 2012 - New Scientist

Tiny Factory Could Make Solar Panels Anywhere | Solar Pocket Factory | LiveScience

Robot learns to recognise itself in the mirror - tech - 22 August 2012 - New Scientist

Pastor Rick Warren Cancels Obama-Romney ‘Civil Forum’ Because Candidates Are Too Uncivil

Navy SEAL’s First-Person Account of Bin Laden Raid Hits Book Stores on Sept. 11, US Gov‘t ’Surprised’

You‘ll Never Believe What ’Anarchist Extremists’ May Be Planning For the Upcoming Conventions

Can You Spot What’s Wrong With This Picture of Obama?

Mystery Sickness Leaving People in Asia and U.S. With AIDS-Like Disease That’s Not Contagious or Genetic

‘Stutistics’: Obama’s Budget vs. Reality

N.H. Sheriff Candidate Apologizes for Saying He Would Use ‘Deadly Force’ to Stop Abortions

Black Conservatives Make Their Voices Heard After Poll Shows Romney Support Among African-Americans at Zero Percent

Jay Carney Responds to Bubbling Controversy: No, He‘s ’Not Aware’ of Any Plans to Reveal White House Beer Recipe

Report: Rodney King Died From Accidental Drowning — Also Had Alcohol, Cocaine, Marijuana & PCP in His Blood

Guess Where NASA Found This Fossilized Dino Footprint

Commentary Author Behind Upcoming Bin Laden Raid Tell-All Ostracized From SEAL TEAM 6

‘We’re About to Cure Cancer‘ if We Don’t ‘Blow it’: Beck Warns What Could Happen if Americans Give Away Their ‘Creative Power’

Chicago Official Backpedals After Saying Reagan Deserves a ‘Special Place in Hell’

Meet the Texas Family That Built a Fried Chicken Empire & Teaches Their Employees About the Constitution

Your ‘Junk Drawer’ Could Be a Ticking Time Bomb and Here’s Why

College Chancellor Takes Stand for Gun Rights After Prof. Threatens to Cancel Class Over Gun-Carrying Students

Fed-Up Immigration Agents Sue Obama Admin. For Right to Do Their Jobs

National Forest Time-Lapse: 88 Years of Management and Rebound

Oops: Anchorman Tells Weather Woman He Wants to ‘Canoodle’ on Live TV

Texas Burger Joint Offers Customers ‘Best Butt’ Discount — Offensive or Brilliant? (Poll)

Surprised? News Corp. Donates More to Democrats Than Republicans

TSA Says It‘s Providing Some Backup Security for Presidential Campaign Events at the Secret Service’s Request

This Dismal Chart Demonstrates What the Obama Budget Will Do to the National Debt in 4 Years

Watch The Lawmaker So Many Wanted to Resign Finally Has — But It’s Not Todd Akin

Microsoft Logo Gets Redesign After 25 Years: Tell Us What You Think About It

Website Gawker Publishes Huge Cache of Confidential Bain Capital Documents — But are They Actually ‘Worthless’?

Marine Sent to Psych Ward Over Facebook Posts Now Released… But Who Could Be Next?

GOP Considers Return to Gold Standard

Camouflage Face Paint With Built-In Heat Shield Protects Soldiers’ Skin From Bomb Blasts

Update: Hear From the 80-Year-Old Grandma Who Ruined a Rare Jesus Painting by ‘Restoring’ It

Norway Mass Murderer Breivik Found Sane, Guilty: Sentenced to ‘Preventive Detention’

Electoral College Model Predicts Romney Will Win Big in 2012 (And It’s Been Right Since 1980)

Colo. Family Finally Gets Home Back After Total Strangers Buy it & Move in

Rush Limbaugh: ‘The Country Could Survive Four More Years of Obama’ But…

Watch Navy SEAL Behind Tell-All Book on Bin Laden Raid Identified — Should the Media Have Published His Name?

USADA to Strip Lance Armstrong of 7 Tour de France Titles, Ban Him For Life

Occupy‘s ’War Zone’ for GOP Convention Targets Delegate Hotels & Private Addresses Of City Officials

D’souza: Why the President‘s Impoverished Brother Is ’Ashamed‘ of the Name ’Obama’

Martian Sighting? Strange Pics From Mars Rover Explained

Watch Have You Seen This Controversial Anti-Obama Navy SEAL Billboard in Texas?

Attorney of Former Marine Detained for Facebook Posts Tells Beck: Psychiatrist Threatened to ‘Brainwash’ My Client With Meds

Eye-Popping Video: Woman Holding Child Walks Off Platform and Falls Onto Subway Tracks

The 2012 Drought Will Hit Your Wallet, But Not for the Reasons You May Think — Washington May Be More to Blame

Mike Huckabee Blasts Critics of Todd Akin in Email: ‘Code Red’

What It’s Like to Work in the Empire State Building — And Why I Never Felt Safer

Cancer Patient Dies Shortly After Video Goodbye Went Viral: Here Is What Was Left on His Bucket List

Former Green Energy ‘Poster Boy’ Faces Ruin Because of Obama Admin Penalties

Multiple People Reported Shot Outside NYC’s Empire State Building

Watch MSNBC’s Bashir Shouts Down Conservative Guest in Heated Argument Over Military General

Fellow SEAL‘s Strong Message for ’Benedict Arnold’ Behind Bin Laden Raid Book: ‘We Weep From Your Betrayal’

Florida Man Has Loaded Gun Stolen From His Car, Only to Have It Returned With a Disturbing Message

Wasserman Schultz Refuses to Acknowledge She’s Misquoting the LA Times After Baffled Cooper Calls Her Out

Debbie Schlussel-Obamaconomy: Spam Sales Way Up Due to Tough Times

Debbie Schlussel-Turkish Man Molests Sleeping US Passenger – Guess the Religion (VIDEO)

Debbie Schlussel-Shocker: Rodney King Coroner Says “Can’t We All Just Get Along” Was Drugged Up (PCP, Coke, Pot, Booze)

Debbie Schlussel-Qatar Buys Great Britain’s Airports – Muslims Now Own London Heathrow

Debbie Schlussel-Jordanian Paralympic Team Molests Irish Girls; Charged w/ Sexual Assault

Debbie Schlussel-Despite Conventional Wisdom, Taylor Swift Was Never a Good Role Model for Girls

Debbie Schlussel-Muslims, Arabs, Lefties Upset That Paul Ryan Influenced by Pro-Israel Ayn Rand

Debbie Schlussel- Explicit DHS/ICE Lawsuit Sexual Harassment Affidavits; More Harassment of Men @ Obama’s Homeland Security

Are You the Forgotten Man?

Are You the Forgotten Man? Part 2

Limbaugh: Democrat Convention Is Gonna End Up Celebrating Abortion. Psst, Let Them Do It.

Rush: ‘Hollywood Reporter’ SHOCKED That Anti-Obama Movie Doing Gangbusters In NY

Rush: Is Obama Steering Hurricane To Kill Rich White People At GOP Convention?

Limbaugh: ‘Maniacal’ Democrats ‘Set to Implode’

Levin Calls On Obama To Yank ‘Certified Sexual Harasser’ Bill Clinton As Keynote Speaker At Dem Convention

Limbaugh: “I Think That The Country Could Survive Four More Years Of Obama”

Limbaugh: Democrats ‘Officially The Party Of Death And Taxes’

New Rush Limbaugh Version Of Clinton “This Is A Clear Choice” Ad

Michelle Malkin: Presidential Debates Are ‘Rigged Games’

Sununu: ‘Stephanie Cutter Lies… L-I-E, LIE!’

Kudos To Cooper For Tearing Into Blabbermouth Schultz For ‘Misquoting’ Article In Fundraising Email

Limbaugh: Is Obama’s Constant ‘Warfare On Bosses’ To Blame For Empire State Building Shooting?

Corbett Administration Asks Court To Delay Voter ID Hearing

The Problem is the Base

Mike Huckabee: Chief Enabler for the Religious Kook Bloc

Top Ten Congressman Kevin Yoder Skinny-Dipping Excuses

Republicans to Declare 'We Built This!' in Stadium Built With Government Funds

GOP Delegate Dares To Challenge Voting Machine Integrity in Platform Meeting

Texas Judge Prepares For Civil War if Obama Re-Elected

Kris Kobach's Doing His Part for Romney's Latino Outreach

NH Sheriff Candidate Would Use Deadly Force To Stop Abortions

Tea Party Talker Gets Old Fashioned Irish Tempered Tongue Lashing

Mitt Romney Attacks The Line Separating Church And State

Milbank 'Mansplains' Why FRC Isn't a Hate Group

Akin Controversy Stirs GOP: Where Do Republicans Stand on Abortion Exemption?

Craig Unger on New Book: 'Boss Rove: Inside Karl Rove’s Secret Kingdom of Power'

President Clinton Makes Pitch to Middle Class in New Obama Ad

Coulter Calls Akin a 'Selfish Swine' for Staying in Senate Race

Romney Campaign Bars Reporter from Ron Johnson Event

Matt Taibbi, Eliot Spitzer on Eric Holder's Failure

GOP Nomination May Be Moved To Monday Because of Isaac

Soledad O'Brien Grills RNC Official for Not Including Rape Exception in Platform

The Lost Decade of the Middle Class

Police Respond to Shooting Outside Empire State Building

Mitt Romney's Undisclosed Relationship With Private Prisons

Fox's Andrea Tantaros: 'No Woman Should Aspire to Be' Sandra Fluke

Alex jones

Infowars Nightly News: Thursday (8-23-12) Steve Pieczenik & John Whitehead - YouTube

Alex Jones Show: Thursday (8-23-12) Syrian Girl & DWI Dude Jamie Balagia - YouTube


*54 MIN./New Seal Team 6 Book A Fraud: Steve Pieczenik - YouTube

Brainwashing and Tracking of School Children in The Public Education Slave System - YouTube

Psychiatrist Threatens & Terrorizes Marine Over 9/11 Facebook Posts - YouTube

43 MIN./How to Defeat Predatory Cops and Prosecutors - YouTube

Prison » U.S. Government Planned Indefinite Detention of Citizens, Suspension of Constitution, Spying on Americans and Other “Post-9/11 Realities” LONG BEFORE 9/11

Prison » The 9/11 Myth, World War III, And The Modern Mental Health Crisis

Prison » Government Uses The Age-Old Bully’s Trick: Pretending the Victim Is the Attacker

Prison » Veteran Declared ‘Mentally Defective,’ Has Guns Seized

Prison » BBC In “War Crime” Cover-Up Controversy

BBC News HD - Syrian rebels try to use prisoner for suicide bombing 2012 - YouTube

Attorney for Brandon Raub Says Psychiatrist Threatened to ‘Brainwash’ Him With Meds, John Whitehead | Video |

American Incomes Are Falling And Near-Retirees Are Getting Crushed: Study | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance

Federal Agencies Trade Motorist Data to Insurance Companies

Prison » Case Dismissed: Government Had No Grounds to Indefinitely Detain Marine Vet Without Charge or Trial

Obama has millions of fake Twitter followers

Prison » How to minimize exposure to aerial and ground spraying of pesticides

Prison » Monsanto’s Top 7 Lies About GMO Labeling and Proposition 37

Louisiana sinkhole draws stepped-up state homeland security response | Government Security News

Prison » Analysis of election factors points to Romney win, University of Colorado study says

Prison » Obama’s Shocking 2nd Term Plans for America Revealed

Obama's Shocking 2nd Term Plans for America Revealed - YouTube

Prison » Law Enforcement is Not Your Friend

Prison » Over 2,500 DHS employees and co-conspirators have been convicted of crimes in the past eight years, according to federal auditor

Prison » Brandon Raub and the Bonfire of Our Liberties

Prison » This is a Big Red Alert: “Obama Operatives are Attempting a Set Up Here… That’s What’s Going Down”

» Republicans Consider Returning To Gold Standard: Real Or Red Herring? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» CDC: West Nile “Worst U.S. Has Ever Seen”; 56% of Victims Face Life Threatening Symptoms Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Mitt Romney nomination pushed up on concerns about storm, Ron Paul

Federal Auditor: 2,527 DHS Employees and Co-Conspirators Convicted of Crimes |

Web Sites Accused of Collecting Data on Children -

Ruby Ridge Is History, But the Mindset That Led to Ruby Ridge Is Thriving - Hit & Run :

» Government War On Drugs Expands Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Land of the Free? Absolutely Not. – Tenth Amendment Center

U.S. Attorneys Office forms Civil Rights Enforcement Unit for north Alabama |

Concerns About Al Qaeda in Syria Underscore Questions About Rebels -

Daphne Eviatar: 9/11 Hearing Cancelled But Secrecy Issues Remain (UPDATE)

Aerostats On Mexico Border: U.S. Testing Surveillance Balloons After Success In Iraq And Afghanistan

Immigrants protest 'illegal' label

Now even TAP WATER isn't safe! Brain-eating amoeba fatal in 99% of cases 'could come from your own faucet' | Mail Online

24 Aug

American Minute for August 24th

Today in History: August 24

August 24th This Day in History

August 24th in History

Today in History: August 24

August 24 Events in History

This Day in History for 24th August |

Today in History for August 24th - YouTube

23 Aug

William J Federer's American Minute for August 23rd

Today in History: August 23

August 23rd This Day in History

August 23rd in History

Today in History: August 23

August 23 Events in History

This Day in History for 23rd August |

Today in History for August 23rd - YouTube


Dems Better Put Some Ice on That 'Rape' Talk

Debate Questions Obama Won't Be Asked

Obama, Holder Sledgehammer the First Amendment

'Mountain Pride' versus the Welfare State

Models, Not Climate, Are Hypersensitive to Carbon Dioxide

Has the predicted play of the Mormon Card against Romney begun?

Obama's Work Ethic Criticized Again

Finally, an Israeli politician who tells it like it is about Abbas

The Sideshow at the DOJ

Romney to Call for Energy Independence by 2020

Speaking of Rape and the War on Women - Democrats Oppose Mandatory Sentences for Child Rapists

The O-Conomy: How President Obama's Economy is Crushing the Middle Class

The Real Problems with U.S. Health Care

Obama's Oil and Gas Folly

Will the Romney Campaign Demand Release of the Obama-Khalidi Video?

Obama and the Asphalt Plantation

Gloves Are Off: Mitt Said 'Bless His Heart' to Barack

Errors in the CBO Report on ANWR

Typical: Energy loan watchdog an Obama donor

GOP Platform Addresses Sharia Encroachment

Limited convention coverage by networks may keep Ann Romney off the air

Is re-education a part of Obama's transformation of America?

Cruel 'Islamophobic Crime' in Staten Island, Solved!

Lawless DOJ Reports on Itself in Fast and Furious

'A Nation Adrift From the Rule of Law'

GOP Convention theme: 'We Built This!'

The Obama Identity

Video: Walter Williams: The Power of Profit

Video: White Genocide Warning from Chairman of Genocide Watch

Video: Obama Voters Lose Hope and Want Change in 2012

Video: Greatest Line Ever Against Democrats

Video: Election Matters: Majority in Swing States Say Lives No Better Than Four Years Ago

Video: LearnLiberty: The Tragedy of The Commons

Video: Howard Dean: Let's Drive Over the Fiscal Cliff


Aug. 23, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Aug. 22, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 23 August 2012

The Manning Report – 22 August 2012

The Michael Savage Show 08/23/2012

The Michael Savage Show 08/22/2012




Through The Mirror 23rd 1

Through The Mirror 23rd 2

Through The Mirror 22nd 1

Through The Mirror 22nd 2

David Duke Show 24th

David Duke Show 23rd

David Duke Show 22nd

Friday, August 24th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Friday, August 24th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

Thursday, August 23rd, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Thursday, August 23rd, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

08/23 The Mark Levin Show

08/22 The Mark Levin Show

Redding News Review Wednesday August 22 2012 Hour 1

Redding News Review Wednesday August 22 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Wednesday August 22 2012 Hour 3

Redding News Review Thursday August 23 2012 Hour 1

Redding News Review Thursday August 23 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Thursday August 23 2012 Hour 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show Wednesday August 22 2012 Hour 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show Wednesday August 22 2012 Hour 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show Thursday August 23 2012 Hour 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show Thursday August 23 2012 Hour 2

Live Free Or Die Radio 23rd

Live Free Or Die Radio 22nd

Blacklisted Radio 23rd

Blacklisted Radio 22nd

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