A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

02 August 2012

2 Aug.'12

Dead Air

Grateful Dead:Alphabetical Dead


**1001 Reasons to Vote Against Barack Obama: Complete Edition


News headlines: Batman Massacre: WHY and HOW and WHO


The Devil's Breath = Scopolamine - YouTube

Scopolamine: Powerful drug growing in the forests of Colombia that ELIMINATES free will | Mail Online

World’s Scariest Drug: Scopolamine – The Devil’s Breath | - Watch the best free documentaries online


The Batman Shooting Why, How And Who Time Line


Report: Holmes' psychiatrist reported behavior to colleagues -


Second Gas Mask Found At Far Corner: It's worse than I suspected - YouTube


Did Illuminati Card Game Depict Aurora Colorado Shooting?


dispatches - inside Britain's Israel Lobby - YouTube

Rand Paul Tries to Intimidate & Harass Journalist After A Youtube Video - YouTube

Devvy Kidd -- Second Critical bill for your state legislature - 2013 session


**Full Show : 7/20/12/Conversations with Great Minds - Jeffrey Smith - YouTube


The Nostalgia Effect and Non Linear Time « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

UFO Sighting in Kansas City, Missouri, United States on July 30th 2012

VIDEO | Unsolved Mysteries: The Phoenix Lights


For your optimal health: vegetarian culinary life path

For your optimal health: exercise and proper nutrition

For your optimal health: protein, high fiber and your colon

For your optimal health: avoiding cancer and heart attacks


New Benbrook data blow away claims of pesticide reduction due to GM crops

Activist Post: Chemo and Radiation Actually Make Cancer More Malignant

Hep C Outbreak Suspect May Have Infected Michigan Patients, Officials Say - Plymouth-Canton, MI Patch

Genetically modified athletes: Forget drugs. There are even suggestions some Chinese athletes' genes are altered to make them stronger | Mail Online

Roi Tov: Wrath of Israel - London 2012 Olympic Games create controversy in Israel

Chick-fil-A Customer Says It All | Sinclair News.Net

Greg Louganis on HIV and Chick-fil-A

NPN Email Alert: Rise and Fall of the Bronfman Liquor Empire

Know the TRUTH about the Government Health Care Bill H.R.3200 - Key Points - YouTube

Activist Post: China and the Outsourcing of the American Republic

US Mega Bank pioneer admits mistake

US election 2012: Julián Castro, the Mexican-American thrust into Democrat limelight - Telegraph


Vegan Gal : Famous Vegans


The Artistry Work Of Albert 'Tapper' Torney


Drugs in the Americas
Rebel Report from Turkey-Syrian Border
Eurozone Factory Downturn Worsens
Israel's Possible Attack on Iran Nukes
Secret Support for Syrian Opposition
Aftermath of Typhoon Saola
Eurozone Crisis Hits Cars and Factories
2012 London Olympic Venues
Clinton Promotes Democracy in Africa
Supply Capsule's Same-day Docking
The Secret History of America's Twilight War with Iran
Governing Haiti
Report: Al-Qaeda Expanding Operations Across Middle East

Move On Web Ad Uses Talking Dressage Horse To Target Romney
Reid On Romney: "Let Him Prove That He Has Paid Taxes, Because He Hasn't"
Stephanie Cutter: Mitt Romney's Middle Class Tax Increase
Fehrnstrom: Reid's "Baseless" Accusations Against Romney Are McCarthy-Like
Axelrod On Campaign Spending: "Yes, I'm Concerned About Money"
Mark Levin On Dem Viewpoint Of Tax Cuts: "This Is How Fascists Think"
Limbaugh: Donating To His Campaign "First Time Obama's Ever Put Money Where His Mouth Is"
O'Reilly: Mayors Are Wrong To Intimidate Chick-fil-A
Barney Frank On Cutting Military Spending: "We Can Afford To Do It; We Are Significantly Over Spending"
Pelosi: "I Don't Know What's Trickling Down, But It's Not A Pleasant Experience"
Wasserman Schultz: Unemployment Is Lower In Ohio Because Obama Bailed Out Auto Industry
Jon Stewart Rips "Really Terrible" Harry Reid For Using Romney's Dead Father
"Special Report" Panel On Gay Marriage & Chick-fil-A
Lawrence O'Donnell: "The War On Drugs Cannot Be Won"


Breaking the Bonds between al-Qaeda and Its Affiliates
State of the Eurozone Not as Bleak as Believed?
Romney: We Must Have 'Confidence That Our Cause Is Right'
Romney's 'Culture' Remark Angers Palestinians
Romney Aide Loses Cool with Press
Romney Praises Poland on Last Leg of Foreign Tour
Iran, Syria Top Panetta's Agenda in Israel
Syria's Aleppo Running Low on Food Amid Siege
Raw Video: Clinton Begins 11-day Africa Tour
Raw Video: Deadly Baghdad Bombing
French Troops Handover Afghan Base
Kim Jong-un, Wife Attend Pyongyang Musical Performance
The Kurdish Dilemma in Syria and Iraq

Adam Carolla On Comedians & Mocking Obama, Chick-Fil-A
Krauthammer: "I'm The Only Entity On Earth, Other Than Rogue States, That Has Received An Apology From The White House"
"Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day" Sparks Nationwide Turnout
Gutfeld: Emanuel Tolerates Chicago "Death Spiral" But Not Chick-Fil-A
CNN Asks: Would More Tea Party-Backed Senators Mean More Gridlock?
Obama After Person Faints: "This Happens To Me All The Time"
Rangel: Romney's Oversees Gaffes "Racist Or Just Stupidity"
Obama Pokes Fun At "Itty-Bitty" Olympic Gymnasts
Newsweek Columnist Explains Romney "Wimp Factor" Cover Story
Obama: Romney Is "Asking You To Pay More So That People Like Him Can Get A Big Tax Cut"
Andrea Mitchell: "Terrorism" Against Palestine Has Damaged Economy
Romney Web Ad: Time For A Change
Palin: Elizabeth Warren Has "Confessed To Her Marxist Views"
Jon Stewart On "Old Man Fight" Between Cheney & McCain Over Palin
Carville To Romney: "There's Some Glory In An Unspoken Thought"
Sununu vs. Juan Williams On Unemployment, Economy & Spending
Obama Campaign Releases Video Of Obama Making Donation
Granholm To Congress Over Extending Tax Cuts: Jump Off The Cliff
O'Reilly: There's Another Scandal At The Justice Department
"Special Report" Panel On A Deal To Keep The Government Open
Maddow To Romney: "It Looks Like You're Running From The Press"
O'Donnell & Sandra Fluke Discuss Women's Health Issues




* More than 80 reasons to use honey as a DIY home remedy for better health and good eats


Cuba searches for national soul

Glass houses of Havana

Abortion: Cuba’s bitter harvest

Historic Drought, Giant Dust Storms And Massive Power Grid Failures – A Glimpse Into Our Future

Can America Withstand The Coming Transformation Of Itself?

Losing Our Country Slowly But Surely

Most Threatening Internal Issue Since Slavery

Capitalism Failed

US: Police State to Terminator State | Opinion Maker

Morning Bell: Senate Votes to Raise Taxes on Small Businesses

Interview and Documents from FBI Raid Show Feds are Targeting Anarchists | ZenHaven

By any means necessary . . . | Sinclair News.Net


Mitt Romney condemns Russia on last leg of foreign tour - Telegraph

Creepy Computer-Generated Avatar Greets Travelers At Newark Liberty | ZenHaven

Computerized Woman Put to Work - Original Story Below - YouTube

Obama authorizes secret support for Syrian rebels | Reuters

‘Assad better get the hell out’ – Panetta — RT

Ron Paul on CNBC’s Closing Bell, 8/1/12 « America First


Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald? (Full Version: Playlist) « Underground Documentaries


PBS - Frontline - Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald (Part 1) - YouTube

PBS - Frontline - Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald (Part 2) - YouTube

PBS - Frontline - Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald (Part 3) - YouTube


Ron Paul on Fox Business with Melissa Francis 8/1/12 | _

“Taking Liberties” by Gore Vidal, April 2002 « unicornpoo

World Collapse Explained in 3 Minutes - YouTube

VIDEO - Pelosi Explains Her NO Vote On Audit The Fed - Home - The Daily Bail


**PBS Frontline Secret History of the Credit Card - YouTube


ah, mephistophelis.: Nothing To Hide? Act Fast...

WARNING: Even If You Have Nothing To Hide - YouTube

Knight Capital: Panic on Wall Street as computer glitch sparks surge in trading | Mail Online

Rand Paul Tries to Have Abby Martin Fired From RT For Daring To Ask Him Questions : Federal Jack

Jeff Rense Sums Up World Control With Gerald Celente

Congressman Ron Paul’s Speech Against Iran Sanctions August 1, 2012 | _

Thoughtcrime Is Real And The Internet Is Used To Monitor Them

Reality Check: Do We Really Need To Audit The Federal Reserve? - YouTube

What the Heck is a Bailout? - YouTube

| The Ron Paul Effect Wins Big in the Texas Run Off Elections |

Homeland Security Issuing Its Own DMCA Takedowns On YouTube To Stifle Speech | Techdirt

Propaganda (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries

[Pic] Obama On 9/11

Apple wants your fingerprints on file | ITworld

(Image)Mitt Romney henchmen try to hide a massive Ron Paul banner in Poland with red umbrellas

| Gun Control and Censoring Free Speech on the Intenet is the Third Rail of Politics |

Total Surveillance: NYPD Launches New All-Seeing 'Domestic Awareness System'

New #CISPA In The Senate Ready For A Vote

Illinois governor wants ban on assault weapons | _

PressTV - ‘Congress to accept Obama’s justification for killing Americans’

"The Big Dig -- America's Greatest Highway Robbery"

US Infrastructure Doomed?

Twitter, Facebook Losing Users' Trust

Algos Gone Wild! - Explaining Today's Rogue Trading - Home - The Daily Bail

Report Reveals Government Wasted $400 Million In Afghanistan

Activist Post: The Neoconservative War Criminals In Our Midst

F-22's latest problem: Can't win over cheaper rivals in close-range fights — RT

FBI: NYPD's Muslim spy program harmful and a waste of money — RT

Education is the Key to Independence in America : Federal Jack

Stunning Crimes of the Big Banks: Worse than Your Wildest Imagination - Washington's Blog

Investigators: 'Organized Fraud' Cartel Behind Libor Scandal

30 Years Of Secret, Official Transcripts Reveal Government Vaccine Lies

Insane Hacking, Spying Device Looks Like Ordinary Extension Cord

Whistleblower Suspected Of Leaking Warrantless Spying Program Sues NSA

Michael Moore: ‘I Wouldn’t Say I Support’ Obama « CBS DC

This Is What Happens When An HFT Algo Goes Totally Berserk And Serves Knight Capital With The Bill | ZeroHedge

BBC News - Facebook has more than 83 million 'fake' users

Pregnant women were used as human guinea pigs in thalidomide trials


False-Flag Terror Ops -

DARPA To Develop Technology To Analyze Social Media -

DHS Preparing for Civil War In US? ∞ NDAA NDRP Martial Law Police State Ron Paul Revolution - YouTube

Specialized Military Police Deployed in America During Civil Unrest -

Senate cybersecurity bill mirrors Russian Internet agenda | The Daily Caller

Chicago named "The Deadliest Global City" -

The Militarization of Education in America -

Stunning Crimes of the Big Banks: Worse than Your Wildest Imagination - » Missile Defense Staff Warned to Stop Surfing Porn Sites

Arkansas police claim man shot himself in head despite handcuffs | The Raw Story

Forget bird flu ¿ seal flu could prove more deadly to humans | Mail Online

Use of FinFisher spy kit in Bahrain exposed | StratRisks

Li(e)bor: The Cartel Emerges -

Nature News Blog: Digital pills make their way to market : Nature News Blog

Chinese Taliban Partnership | SOFREP

Government Silently Positions for Martial Law as Financial Collapse Arrives in America |


**Inside The Mind of an MKUltra Killer with Author Fritz Springmeier - YouTube


- Will 'Conspiracy Theory' Return? Tyrel Ventura Speaks - YouTube

65 Signs That The Economic Collapse Is Already Happening |

25 Mind-Blowing Crimes Committed By Big Banks |

Insane Hacking, Spying Device Looks Like Ordinary Extension Cord

Is your power strip spying on you? Complex hacking device looks like extension cord |

Historic Drought, Giant Dust Storms And Massive Power Grid Failures – A Glimpse Into Our Future |

Thoughtcrime Is Real And The Internet Is Used To Monitor Them |

Did Washington Kill Its Favourite Saudi Prince, Bandar Bush? |

Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies | Alternative


+FEMA - The Secret Government | Conspiracy Theories





New World Order Brainwashing – Exactly How They Do It! | Politics

Scientists Prove Ancient Alien Cauldrons in Siberia are Real | Scienceray

Obama's Body Count


36 min./Alternative 3 - Mars Coverup Exposed - YouTube


Calendar Of Disasters | Prophecy

Alien Message Detected: Proof We’re Not Alone―Hidden In The Sun & Moon (Pt. 1 of 2) | Alternative

Interview with a Croppie: Patty Greer on Crop Circle phenomenon - Panama City Paranormal |

Kelly Keisling, Tennessee Legislator, Mass Emailed Obama 'Staged Assassination' Rumor

Four Factual Errors about the Space Program | Space

12 Ways The 'Law Of Attraction' Can Improve Your Life - Business Insider

Legendary Metal Library Found in Tayos Cave in Ecuador | Socyberty

Obama’s October Surprise May Be His Ugliest Action Yet

Huge Sinkhole Opens Up In Bay Ridge, Brooklyn Beterrn 4th Aand 5th Avenues « CBS New York

Medical Marijuana And The Body's Cannabinoid System: Forefront Of A New Frontier | Health

Top 25 Smartphone Apps for Family Nutrition - Medical Billing and Coding Certification

Bill Clinton Headlines Democrat Convention


The Alex Jones Show Wednesday August 01 2012 Hour 1

The Alex Jones Show Wednesday August 01 2012 Hour 2

The Alex Jones Show Wednesday August 01 2012 Hour 3

The Alex Jones Show Wednesday August 01 2012 Hour 4


Assange's Mother: 'I'm Terrified Of What US Will Do To Julian' [Christine Assange © RT] [Video]

Fritz Springmeier: 'Batman Massacre Has All The Hallmarks Of A False Flag' [InfoWars] [Video]


THE BATMAN SHOOTING: Where's the Bullet Holes?! - YouTube


Alex Jones Show: Wednesday (8-1-12) Max Keiser - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News: Wednesday (8-1-12) Dave Krieger - YouTube


Minority Report Style "Pre-Crime" is Here! - YouTube

Prison » Featured Stories

Prison » Judge Rules al-Qaeda and Iran Must Pay Billions to 9/11 Families

Prison » They Really Do Want To Implant Microchips Into Your Brain

Prison » Court Orders TSA To Explain Why It Continues To Defy The Law

Prison » The Next Four Years by Gerald Celente

Prison » Former Mossad Chief To Iranians: ‘Be Fearful Of The Next 12 Weeks’

Congressman Ron Paul's Speech Against Iran Sanctions August 1, 2012 - YouTube

Prison » The Neoconservative War Criminals In Our Midst

Conservatives Call for Obama to Intervene in Syria


44 min./A Front Row Seat to Armageddon - YouTube

43 min./Max Keiser: Cancer is How They Will Take It All - YouTube

28 min./200 Proof Tyranny - YouTube

35 min./Gov't Controlling People Through Food - YouTube


Prison » 2045 ‘Immortality’ Transhumanism Program Threatens Humanity’s Integrity

Prison » Panetta Calls Netanyahu, Barak “Piggish, Ungrateful” for Lack of Appreciation of U.S. Efforts Against Iran

NSA Boss Wants More Control Over the 'Net - Technology Review

Prison » Digital, Digestible Pills Allow Doctors to Monitor Medication Use

Prison » Study Shows Global Warming Data Skewed by Bad Monitoring

Let Them Eat Chemicals, Says White House Chef - YouTube

Batman Spin-Off Director Questioned By James Holmes Before Shooting - YouTube

Congressman: 'We're Still Home of the Brave, But We're Not the Land of the Free Anymore' |

Cruz Defeat of Dewhurst is A Victory for Grass Roots Conservatives - YouTube


Political Destabilization in South and Central Asia: The Role of the CIA-ISI Terror Network « Andrew Gavin Marshall

Creating an “Arc of Crisis”: The Destabilization of the Middle East and Central Asia « Andrew Gavin Marshall

The Imperial Anatomy of Al-Qaeda: The CIA’s Drug-Running Terrorists and the “Arc of Crisis” « Andrew Gavin Marshall

Empire, Energy and Al-Qaeda: The Anglo-American Terror Network « Andrew Gavin Marshall

9/11 and America’s Secret Terror Campaign « Andrew Gavin Marshall


Rationing Begins: States Limiting Drug Prescriptions for Medicaid Patients |

» Food Industry Won’t Take out Harmful BPAs Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Did Mexican Official Blow Lid Off CIA-Managed Drug Trade?

CIA are drug smugglers - Federal Judge Bonner, head of DEA - YouTube

» White House denies Obama called off bin Laden raid three times Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The end of al-Qaeda? US says Osama bin Laden death broke terrorist group's back | Mail Online

Latest Market Glitch Shows 'Trading Out of Control' - US Business News - CNBC


+Dreams from My Real Father: Director Joel Gilbert at National Press Club, Washington DC - YouTube


» Old-fashioned ‘Natural Law’ Confounding hollywood in Dotcom Case Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

DefCon: NSA Boss Asks Hackers to Join the Dark Side | News & Opinion |

» Pentagon to recruit bomb-sniffing rats Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama Greenies to Cause Power Blackouts and Rate Hikes - YouTube

» Colossal human sculpture unearthed in Turkey Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Colossal human sculpture unearthed in Turkey -

AFP PODCAST: Taking the Nation Back, One County at a Time | American Free Press

Was Top T-Man Who Looked Other Way Rewarded With Lucrative Bank Job? | American Free Press

Bull Market in Body Parts | American Free Press

WEB EXCLUSIVE: The Men who Covered-up for Jerry Sandusky | American Free Press

AFP PODCAST: AIPAC Takes a Hit | American Free Press

Was Federal Operation Behind the Creation of Aurora Mass Murderer? | American Free Press

Gen.: Training for citizen soldiers will expand - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times

Why The NSA Can’t Be Trusted to Run U.S. Cybersecurity Programs | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Security services to get more access to monitor emails and social media | Technology | The Observer

FBI Files Go Digital, After Delays and Cost Overruns -

Patching Up the Infrastructure | American Free Press

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac won’t be allowed to reduce loan balances for troubled borrowers - The Washington Post

Bad economic times reunite families: Grown kids are living at home –

Deadly Strain of Tuberculosis Hits U.S. | American Free Press

WEB EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Victim Claims Sandusky Sex Scandal Connected to Philadelphia Pedophile Network | American Free Press

Arafat's widow asks France to probe 'murder' - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

The Power of Positive Protest

Manufacturing Gaffes

The Olympics and Feminist-style Reporting

Mortgage Meltdown - The Sequel

Welcome to Bizarro World

“Recidivism” - The behavior of a repeat or habitual criminal

Can Conservatives Be Environmentalists?

A Brief History & Description of Agenda 21

The Obama Solar and Oil Shale Legacies

Where is Huma Abedin’s Security Clearance Form?

No Matter Who Romney Picks for Veep, Media Will Hate

IRS Taxes Olympic Medals

GOP Leaders Ignorant of Muslim Brotherhood's American Influence

Green Car Collides with Laws of Thermodynamics, the Real 'Inconvenient Truth'

Another Left, Media Meme Busted: 'Romney Endorsed Israel's Socialized Health Care System'

Gaffney: Bachmann Will Be Vindicated, Abedin is Muslim Brotherhood

Judicial Watch: Hidden CIA Papers in bin Laden Movie Case 'Stinks to High Heaven'

World View: China Tests New Long-Range Missile in Tibet

WH Denies Claim Jarrett Talked Obama out of Bin Laden Mission

CNN: No Substantive Difference Between Romney, Obama on Iran

Sec. Napolitano: Terrorists Are Crossing Our Southern Border

Mexico Dissolves Its FBI, Moves to Legalize Drugs

New Egyptian Prime Minister Denies Muslim Brotherhood Connection

Kofi Annan to Step Down as Syria Envoy

UN Draft Drops Call for Syria's Assad to Step Down

Former Israeli Spymaster: Iran Should Be Worried

U.S. to Remove Assad but Keep His Military in Place?

Palin Slams Media, Says She's 'Comfortable' Not Speaking at Convention

Current TV: Cruz Win Good For Democrats

Wendy's Stumbles into Chick-fil-A Controversy

Politico Declares Tax Study Co-Authored By Former Obama WH Employee 'Nonpartisan'

Ugly Americans: To Justify Appalling Behavior, Media Distorts Romney's Overseas Press Availability

'Tax Hike on Rich' Only Covers 16% of Deficit

Top 10 Ways White House Avoids Transparency

Senator Introduces D.C. Abortion Ban Amendment to Cybersecurity Bill

Rasmussen: 47% of Voters Say Obama's Views Extreme

Romney To Embark On Swing State Bus Tour--With VP Nominee?--After Olympics

House GOP Won't Extend Pork-Laden Farm Bill

House Votes To Extend Bush Tax Cuts For All

The Big Sort: Rise in Residential Segregation by Income

Conservatives to Kick Off 'Anti-Poverty Initiative'

Obama Casts Romney as Tax Hike Proponent

Pro-Obama PAC Readies $30 Million Ad Blitz

Napolitano Admits Terrorists Enter America Through Mexican Border

Not Funny: Will Ferrell Wants 75 Percent Tax Rate

Lindsay Lohan Makes Crew Strip Down

Lovitz, Carvey Lament Lack Of Comedians Targeting Obama

Move Over, 'Citizen Kane': Film Critics Now Prefer 'Vertigo' for Best Picture

Lovitz on Today's Democrats: Not 'Very Liberal ... Close Minded'

Somali Comic Known for Mocking Al-Qaeda-Backed Insurgents Killed

DreamWorks in Talks for New Family Channel

Pop Music Is All The Same

Carney Praises Clinton's Policies: 'Useful Piece Of Recent History'

RUSH: 'Pure And Simple: Sarah Palin Was Not The Mistake On That Ticket'

Man Fined For Collecting Rainwater On His Property

Agency's decision on beetle could affect Keystone XL pipeline -

Exposed! Obama’s 2nd-term ‘Marxist’ jobs plan

Fool Me Twice -- Obama's Devastating 2nd Term Plans Revealed! - YouTube

Can the stars tell us our destiny?

Carney flees question about Obama, polygamy

Was America’s economic collapse planned?

Jewish Home MK calls for a Third Temple in Jerusalem | The Times of Israel

Obama Supporters Barraged With Pleas for Cash -

Mitt Romney Better Move to Right, Says Emboldened Tea Party - ABC News

Emails: Solyndra took sales pitch directly to Obama - Washington Times

Israeli scholars claim possible evidence of Samson - Telegraph

Obamacare Rationing Begins, States Cut Prescription Drug Benefits |

Mike Kelly Compares Birth Control Mandate To Pearl Harbor, 9/11

Dutchman builds replica Noah's Ark after flood dream -

Colleges freeze, reduce tuition as public balks at further price hikes - U.S. News

Putin Rolls Back Freedoms, Ups Efforts to Intimidate Opposition - ABC News

ACLU wins appeal against Arizona's 'most extreme and dangerous of abortion bans' - U.S. News

Washington’s new massive snooping plan – ‘biosurveillance’

Hospital Warns Patients They May Have Been Exposed To Fatal Brain Disease « CBS Charlotte

How would you destroy America?

Obama's signature move: Unsealing private records

Rise of the RINO: Blame Bush … 41 and 43

Marilyn: 1st of the Dems' disposable women

German Jews and the Chick-fil-A flap

Latest tyranny: Dictating how men pee

'Tolerance' AWOL regarding Chick-fil-A

How to solve the housing crisis

J. STOSSEL: Myths we live by – but shouldn't

J. FARAH: Watch Obama mock Bible in 2006

N. HENTOFF: Police scan us – soon we'll scan them

J. ROCKER: The myth of free speech

T. SOWELL: Big lies in politics

Obama: Just not that into Israel

How things really work

M. MASSIE: Obama hates guns

Key Figures in Olympic Bribery Scandal Now Backing Romney's Campaign

Reid: Bain investor says Romney paid no taxes for 10 years

Olympic-Size Twitter Fail: Guy Adams, NBC and Corporatism

Jon Stewart Hits Romney as the Gaffes Continue in Israel and Poland

New GOP report can't connect White House, Fast & Furious

Palin: Chick-Fil-A Boycott 'Has a Chilling Effect on Our 1st Amendment Rights'

Does Mitt Romney Think the Red States Are Culturally Inferior?

Reid, Boehner make deal to avoid budget shutdown

Harry Reid Gets Feisty

Wingnut Rep. Steve King Defends Dog Fighting

Campbell Brown Slams Unions At Teachers' Expense

Evil Mechanism of ALEC Revealed! Absurdity Today: August 1, 2012

Sheriff Joe On Trial: 'Tough' Guy is Looking Pretty Pathetic

Federal regulator rejects mortgage balance reduction

Rep. Steve King: Obama Birth Could Have Been Faked with 'Telegram from Kenya'

Pulitzer-Winning Reporting Duo Don Barlett and James Steele on 'The Betrayal of the American Dream'

Michele Bachmann: Gore Vidal’s ‘snotty, mocking attitude’ made me a conservative

Pastors Warren and Huckabee Spread Christian Ugly

MTV Star Claims Alleged Aurora Theater Shooter Called Him Prior To Massacre « CBS Los Angeles

Ahmadinejad: World forces must a... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

Georgia lumberyard owner hammers Obama on 'You didn't build that' | Fox News

Who Gave Up U.S. Citizenship, and Why? - Total Return - WSJ

W.H. declines to address off-site meetings -

Half of US counties now considered disaster areas - Yahoo! News

James Holmes' Psychiatrist Was on School's Threat Assessment Team - ABC News

The Obama Campaign: Like Demagoguery, Only Dumber | Power Line

Why Elizabeth Warren Wants America to Be More Like Communist China -

Black pastors: Obama does not have the black vote ‘in his pocket’ |

Report: Gunwalking idea came from top Holder deputies in '09 | The Daily Caller

Chicken Jerky for Dogs Made In The USA - KONA'S CHIPS

Churchill bust debacle: ‘amateurish’ Obama White House remains firmly in denial over snub to Britain – Telegraph Blogs

Republicans decry 'deadly' policy as report shows illegal immigrants committing new crimes | Fox News

Ahmadinejad: World forces must a... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

Georgia lumberyard owner hammers Obama on 'You didn't build that' | Fox News

Who Gave Up U.S. Citizenship, and Why? - Total Return - WSJ

W.H. declines to address off-site meetings -

Half of US counties now considered disaster areas - Yahoo! News

James Holmes' Psychiatrist Was on School's Threat Assessment Team - ABC News

The Obama Campaign: Like Demagoguery, Only Dumber | Power Line

Why Elizabeth Warren Wants America to Be More Like Communist China -

Black pastors: Obama does not have the black vote ‘in his pocket’ |

Report: Gunwalking idea came from top Holder deputies in '09 | The Daily Caller

Chicken Jerky for Dogs Made In The USA - KONA'S CHIPS

Churchill bust debacle: ‘amateurish’ Obama White House remains firmly in denial over snub to Britain – Telegraph Blogs

Republicans decry 'deadly' policy as report shows illegal immigrants committing new crimes | Fox News

20 min./Message to the Voting Cattle - Larken Rose - YouTube

Police Say Man Searched Twice & Handcuffed With Arms Behind Back Shot Himself In Head In Back Of Police Car - informationliberation

Death From Above: Navy Drone Logo Features Grim Reaper - informationliberation

NAVAIR: Initial Flight of X-47B at Patuxent River, MD - YouTube

Government Is Shrinking? - informationliberation

Own Guns, So that I Don't Have To - informationliberation

James Holmes' Psychiatrist Was on School's Threat Assessment Team - ABC News

Peru's Online Crime Bill Harms Innovation and Privacy - informationliberation

Symbolic Pics of the Month (08/12)

Was the “Batman Shooting” a Ritualistic Murder Carried Out by Mind Controlled Patsy?

“Gravity Falls”: A New Disney TV Show Loaded With Illuminati Symbolism

The Esoteric Symbolism of the Viral Video “I, Pet Goat II”

Nothing Succeeds Like ‘Success’ by Justin Raimondo --

Obama Signed Secret Order to Aid Syrian Rebels -- News from

Mitt Romney’s anti-nuclear imperialism | Tim Black | spiked

New Republican voices changing the party's standard rhetoric on war | Opinion | The Seattle Times

Justice Department shrugs off Fast and Furious report -

The National Memo » Saudi Crown Prince Nayef Has Died

When They Come For Your Guns . . . You Will Turn Them Over - The Dollar Vigilante Blog -

Can America Withstand The Coming Transformation Of Itself?

US: Police State to Terminator State | Opinion Maker

Chinese Taliban Partnership | SOFREP

The Official James Petras website » The Rise of the Police State and the Absence of Mass Opposition

States Cut Medicaid Drug Benefits To Save Money - Kaiser Health News

Rex 84: Government Silently Positions for Martial Law as Financial Collapse Arrives in America

The Militarization of Education in America

The Militarization of Western Society

The US Government's Judicial Assault on Fundamental Political Rights

The Neoconservative War Criminals In Our Midst

The Role of the CIA-pampered Saudi Spymaster in Syria

Specialized Military Police Deployed in America During Civil Unrest

DARPA's Blue Angel - Pentagon Prepares Millions of Vaccines Against Future Global Flu


* BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- August 1, 2012

* BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 31, 2012

* BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 30, 2012


Video - Syrian MP Executed Publicly by "Free Syrian Army" Firing Squad:

Video:West Provoking Civil War in Syria

The Power of War Propaganda on Iran, and How It Works

Iran, al-Qaeda, Taliban Told to Pay for 9/11

Double Standards of Mass Murder

The Algebra of Infinite Justice

The Next Four Years I the Person = We the People

Governments ADMIT That They Carry Out False Flag Terror → Washingtons Blog

Why You Should Quit Politics by Kaleb Matson

News Versus Propaganda by Thomas Sowell

Bug Out Boot Camp | Ready Nutrition

T.M.'s Book Review: The Unthinkable -

Gut Microbes Might Reflect Health, Diet of Older Americans by Joseph Mercola

Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (Part 1 of 6) - YouTube

Federal court calls for TSA to explain defiance of naked body scanner order

Bankers Arrested In Iceland, Ireland, UK, USA, Switzerland, India, France, Russia, Austria...VIRAL - YouTube

'You owe us $6 bln for 9/11' - US to Iran, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah & Taliban - YouTube

What the Heck is a Bailout? - YouTube

Historic Drought, Giant Dust Storms And Massive Power Grid Failures - A Glimpse Into Our Future

Government Silently Positions for Martial Law as Financial Collapse Arrives in America

Specialized Military Police Deployed in America During Civil Unrest

Insane Amount of Militarized Police for Peaceful Protests in Anaheim

Newly Emerged H3N8 Seal Flu Virus Touted as Next ‘Pandemic’


+Surf Sufficient - Organic Sunblock - YouTube


The video the meat industry doesn't want you to see. - YouTube

Pardon Rain Man? Oregon Gov. Ducks for Cover

Congressman: 'We're Still Home of the Brave, But We're Not the Land of the Free Anymore' |

Republicans Denounce--But Might Pay For--Attack on Religious Liberty |

Kerry: Climate Change ‘As Dangerous’ as Iran’s Nukes and Possibility of War |

Hensarling on Obama: ‘Go Back to The Great Depression to Find a President Whose Policies Have Failed More’ |

Administration Will Give Kids $21.5M to Cover Fees for AP Tests |

Iran to Send Monkey Into Space After Ramadan |

Chinese Communist Party 'Members' Increasingly Attend Church |

EPA can't regulate livestock farms it can't find |

Harkin: Free Birth Control Mandated Because Women ‘Have Terrible Menstrual Cramps’ |

Black Pastors Oppose Gay 'Marriage,' Warn Obama: We ‘Will Not Stand With You’ |

Plan Seeks Co-Guardian for Michael Jackson's Kids |

Lawyer: Sandusky upset over Penn State sanctions |

Pakistan’s Spymaster Visits Washington Amid U.S. Concerns About Counterterror Cooperation |

What Is Obama's Stand on Polygamy? WH Spokesman Won't Answer |

Public School Moves Free Condom Jar to Back Room – Available to Kids 13 and Up |

Will Santorum Speak at Convention? Romney Team Hasn’t Announced |

House Republicans Vote to Extend Bush-Era Tax Rates for All Americans |

Under HHS Rules, Obamacare Caters to Sexually Active Women Who Take Risks |

CBS Applies Multiple Ideological Tags to Ted Cruz But Refuses to Label Gore Vidal |

So Much for 'Tea Party Losing Steam In 2012' |

Levin: Obama's 'Rockettes In The Media Doing Their Little Dance For Him Whenever He Decides To Expand His Power' |

The Democratic Party Fascists Take Over |

Medical Cost of Illegal Aliens Is Hot Potato

GOP: Obama Ignored Warnings on Solyndra

A Tale of Two Obamas

Palin: GOP Establishment Embraces 'Status Quo'

Obama Greeted With 'I Built My Business' Billboards in Florida

News & Current Events, Breaking News, Analysis, Political Commentary –

Romney Gets Plenty of VIP Advice on VP Pick

Obama Team Uses Tax Policy Center Study to Attack Romney in New Ad

Fla. Puerto Ricans Could Play a Key Election Role

Fukushima Locals: Decisive 'No' to Nuclear

Berkshire Benefits as Buffett Wagers on US Housing Over Europe

New Study: Coffee Eases Parkinson's Symptoms

Companies Look to Social Media for Consumer Data, Ideas

Sen. Obama supported layoff warnings; now sees no need - Washington Times

Twitter Will Gauge Voter Sentiment in New Venture - Steven Shepard -

Illinois employers barred from asking job applicants to hand over social networking passwords - The Washington Post

NASA chief: U.S. won't go it alone on manned Mars mission –

Wikileaks lawyer Garzon 'worried' for Assange health - Yahoo! News Canada

Obama speaks with world leader on phone while holding baseball bat – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Union leader strives to ease Obama's white guy problem | Reuters

Obama Wants Your Beer Money! | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Rubio bill eliminates federal tax on Olympic medals - Washington Times

Michael Moore: ‘I Wouldn’t Say I Support’ Obama « CBS DC

Cancer Stem Cells May Be Responsible For Tumor Growth

Why Lack of Sleep May Weaken Vaccine Effectiveness

Stressed out? Smile your way through it, say scientists

Do You Need a Gluten-Free Diet? Probably Not

Built in Chicago Names City's Top 100 Digital Companies

Chick-fil-A Has 'Record-Setting' Sales on Appreciation Day

The Daily talks to Chick-fil-A supporters - YouTube

Social Workers Faulted in Boys Deaths

Cybersecurity Bill Blocked by GOP Filibuster

Boehner feeling better about keeping House

The Long, Lawless Ride of Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Andrea Sneiderman charged with murder in husband's death

Romney adviser says Obama aide broke law

Immigrants prove big business for prison companies

Solyndra Report: Obama Admin. Restructured Loan Because of PR Concerns

Harry Reid takes Romney tax accusation campaign to Senate floor

Syria crisis: Kofi Annan quits as UN-Arab League envoy

Putin bags gold in judo faceoff over Syria

Ex-Mossad chief hints at possibility of Iran attack in coming months

New Egyptian Cabinet Includes Many Holdovers

No arrests in Pune blasts as police look for clues

'Assange's life became threatened after US docs publication'

Somalia: Failed state or fantasy land?

Analysis: China unveils oil offensive in South China Sea squabble

China jails 20 people on terrorism charges in Xinjiang

Major Differences Persist for Pakistan, US

Iraq blocks US extradition for Hezbollah commander

London Now: Presidential praise - YouTube

Twitter Political Index Measures Sentiment About Obama and Romney

Romney traveling with aide in charge of VP search

Why Republicans need lower-income voters in 2012

Charlie Crist Endorses Democrat Bill Nelson Over His Former Supporter Connie Mack

Romney's CEO style rankled Mass. lawmakers

Sen. Marco Rubio in Orlando to support Romney

Ted Cruz (Tea Party-Tex.) victory highlights OWS demise

Cruz Defeats Dewhurst in Texas

Romney Photo Spurs Domestic Abuse Incident

Weber gets GOP nod to replace Rep. Ron Paul

Prince William, Kate Middleton Make Waves at the Olympics

"Vertigo" tops "Kane" in critics' poll of greatest films

Cuba Gooding Jr. -- Female Bartender DROPS Battery Charges

TJ Jackson's Half-Sister Backs Co-Guardians for Michael Jackson's Kids

Yo Dawg! Snoop is down to judge 'American Idol'

Macaulay Culkin's rep denies heroin addiction claim

Facebook Estimates Put Fake, Questionable Accounts at 83 Million

Google Licenses Rovi's Program Guide Patents For Its New Fiber TV Service

Google Wallet: Leave home without it

How Microsoft Will Profit Off Webmail Without Reading Your Inbox

FTC proposes tougher rules for children's privacy online

Draghi Says ECB Works on Bond Plan Amid German Concerns

Mortgage rates rise, ending record streak

As Facebook sinks, so do California's budget assumptions

IMF: Welcome ECB's Willingness to Undertake Market Operations

Stephen Colbert offers a tip of the hat to NASA's Mars Rover (+video)

Antarctica once covered in palm trees, scientists discover

Google photos celebrate Kennedy Space Center's 50th birthday

India set to launch Mars mission in 2013

Russia slashes space station ship trip to just six hours

Russian capsule docks at International Space Station six hours after launch - YouTube

Amount of CO2 being sucked away by Earth 'has doubled in 50 years'

Celebrating Impractical Physicists

Study projects growing demand for suborbital spaceflights

Astronomers snap a pic of a spiral galaxy that hosted two supernova explosions

Once-in-a-Blue-Moon Event Is Not Really Blue (Infographic)

New result from LHC reinforces belief that the Higgs Boson has been found

Immortality studies centered at UC Riverside get $5-million gift

Vice presidential contender Rob Portman says he was ‘frustrated’ at times in Bush administration job - NY Daily News

THE RACE: Big money plowed into presidential contest to sway votes in handful of states - The Washington Post

PIC: Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman's Daughter Isabella Resurfaces for First Time Since His Divorce From Katie Holmes -

Vice presidential contender Rob Portman says he was ‘frustrated’ at times in Bush administration job - NY Daily News

THE RACE: Big money plowed into presidential contest to sway votes in handful of states - The Washington Post

The EyeOpener- Milk Wars: The Latest Battlefront in Food Freedom

The Rise of Police State & the Absence of Mass Opposition


Drew Peterson trial: Judge in Drew Peterson trial halts testimony after defense seeks mistrial - Chicago Tribune

Judge denies mistrial motion in Drew Peterson trial -

Judge: No mistrial in Drew Peterson murder case -


Subway rider with AK-47 arrested

Texas using health care reform ruling to fight EPA - Houston Chronicle

U.S. notifies expats in Rocky Point about violence

GSA scandal widens; dozens of conferences now under investigation - Washington Times

Pelosi, Dems push Homeland Security for clarity on LGBT deportations - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

Sexual Harassment in Online Gaming Stirs Anger -

More delay likely in Maxine Waters ethics case - John Bresnahan -

Laura Richardson fined $10K by ethics panel - John Bresnahan -

Heart patient too sick for Medicare? A tough case three senators couldn’t solve - Miami-Dade -

Thousands of Florida ex-felons may not know they can vote - South Florida

World View: Israeli Arabs and Ultra-Orthodox Jews No Longer Exempted from Draft

Pee-losi: 'Immoral' GOP 'Trickling Down' Something 'Unpleasant' On Middle Class

Howard Kurtz Exposes How the AP Manufactured Romney's Palestinian 'Gaffe'

CNN Uses Colbert To Attack Romney

Stewart: 'You, Harry Reid, Are Terrible'

Romney To Hold 24 'Strengthening The Middle Class" Events in 13 Swing States

Rasmussen: 47% of Voters Say Obama's Views Extreme

House GOP: Obama Using Caribou To Distract From WH Visitor Logs

Pollak, Dershowitz Face Off Over Obama Romney & Israel in Jerusalem Post

WaPo, Media Question Olympic Shooting Medalists about Gun Violence

The Big Sort: Rise in Residential Segregation by Income

Conservatives to Kick Off 'Anti-Poverty Initiative'

Palin On Fire: Slams Warren's Marxist Redistribution of Wealth Ideas

Conservative Country Stars to 'Rock the Red' in Charlotte During DNC

Sessions Hammers Boxer At Global Warming Hearing

Home Videodrome: 'Detention' Delivers Smug Horror Satire Saturated in Pop Culture Excess

Iran May Send Missiles to Taliban to Attack American Forces

Queen's granddaughter takes silver in London

Napolitano Admits Terrorists Enter America Through Mexican Border

Union Head Downplays Rise of City Bankruptcies

Paul Drockton: God Particle Proves Creationism


Was Abe Lincoln Also a Puppet of the Money Power? -


Dan Senor - Portrait of an Illuminati Facilitator -

Gay Marriage Supporter Harasses Chick-fil-A employee | MRCTV

Dem Strategist: 'I'm for putting ObamaCare, taxes, revenue, entitlements on the table' | MRCTV

Comedy: The Chick-Fil-A Trip We Never Expected | MRCTV

Rude Media Ambush Romney at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier | MRCTV

MRC's Brent Bozell Rips Newsweek for Romney 'Wimp' Cover | MRCTV

RUN. HIDE. FIGHT. Surviving an Active Shooter Event - English - YouTube

Aaron interviews UK Islamic extremist

Huma worked with al-Qaida front-man

Obama planning massive 2nd term amnesty

The Man Is a Sneak

No Thanks, We'll Do It Our Way

The Narcissistic Style in Liberal Politics

Six Years of 'Bush Country,' Six Years of 'OPRAH Land'

The Olympics and Feminist-Style Reporting

Italians hold moment of silence for Israeli athletes murdered in Munich

Reid doubles down on hearsay tax charges against Romney

Mammary Mavens and Other Government Boobs

What al Qaeda decline?

Government Motors Troubles Means Troubles For US Taxpayers

Poverty: The Shtick That Keeps on Giving

Caroline Glick: The grim truth about Obama and Israel

Chicago virtue versus Chicago values

Romney's Jerusalem Doctrine

What's Wrong with Big City Mayors?

Oy Vey! Nancy Pelosi Wants to Protect Me from Being Exploited

Hillary Clinton: America's Worst Secretary of State

Barack Obama Campaign Event in Akron, Ohio – August 1 2012

Barack Obama Campaign Event in Mansfield, Ohio – August 1 2012

Mitt Romney Foreign Policy Speech in Warsaw, Poland – July 31 2012

Barack Obama Ad: Stephanie Cutter: Mitt Romney’s Middle Class Tax Increase | ElectAd

Barack Obama Ad: Stretch | ElectAd

Mitt Romney Ad: Focus | ElectAd

Mitt Romney Ad: Time For A Change | ElectAd

RNC Ad: Email Evidence | ElectAd

Barack Obama Ad: Worried | ElectAd

Mitt Romney Ad: Dream | ElectAd

Barack Obama Ad: Mitt Romney’s Tax Returns: When Will He Come Clean? | ElectAd

Barack Obama Ad: The Obama for America App | ElectAd

Debbie Schlussel/In Solidarity with Chick-fil-A (Why Not Boycott Anti-Gay Mosques?); Plus the Chick-fil-A Music VIDEO

Debbie Schlussel/Vote NO on the Islamic Museum Tax

Debbie Schlussel/Gore Vidal, Jew-Hater, RIH: William Buckley Smackdown VIDEO Contrasts w/ Wimps Running Natl Review Today

Michelle Malkin explains the Obama admin’s war on BuckyBalls » The Right Scoop -

Intolerant MSNBC Contributor gives on-air advice on how to BULLY Chick-fil-A into submission » The Right Scoop -

MSNBC: Tom Coburn schools snobbishly condescending liberal elites on what the Tea Party is really about » The Right Scoop -

Ted Cruz: Americans are looking for leaders who aren’t going to Washington to be popular at cocktail parties » The Right Scoop -

Shep Smith says today is the “national day of intolerance” » The Right Scoop -

Sarah Palin: DNC cracking me up with idiotic strategy of having Elizabeth Warren at convention with her Marxist views » The Right Scoop -

Obama explains his socialist ‘bargain’ that he says made America the most prosperous country ever – UPDATED » The Right Scoop -

Another Broken Promise: New RNC ad exposes Obama admin wheeling and dealing over private email » The Right Scoop -

Rep. Gowdy excoriates Democrats’ election year hypocrisy over tax code extension » The Right Scoop -

Andrea Mitchell defends Palestinian outrage, gets schooled by Romney foreign policy advisor » The Right Scoop -

Obama: Romney going to raise taxes on everyone else by thousands of dollars to pay for huge millionaire tax cuts » The Right Scoop -

New Crossroads GPS Ad: This is the worst economic recovery America has ever had » The Right Scoop -

Obama’s HHS mandate that guts religious liberty goes into effect today » The Right Scoop -

Most transparent administration EVAH! used private emails to avoid official record » The Right Scoop -

Obama’s Contraceptive Mandate Goes Into Effect Today |

Boris Johnson Gets Stuck on London Zipline | Video |

Pastor Turns Donna & Phillip Walls In After They Shot a Gun, Did Bath Salts |

Clinton Emerson on SOFREP Gives Tips for Women Traveling and Visiting Foreign Countries Safely in General |

Check Out This Utah Ghost Town That’s for Sale | Woodside |

MSNBC‘s Chris Matthews Tell Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis His ’Perfectionist‘ Son is Left of Obama in Interview for ’The Campaign’ | Video |

Black Panthers Say Blacks Shouldn’t Celebrate Fourth of July | Video |

Mitt Romney Launches ‘Jewish Americans for Romney’ Coalition |

Christopher G. Nichols Gets 125 Years For Stealing Gun Used in Murder — About a Century Longer Than Actual Killers |

Obama Tells Crowd Economy Grows If You Tax the Rich, Invest in Roads and Bridges in Mansfield, Ohio | Video |

Another Supporter Faints at Obama Rally, President Quips: ‘Happens to Me All the Time’ | Video |

No, Seriously: Keystone Pipeline Could be Delayed up to a Year Because of an Endangered Beetle |

ABC’s Jonathan Karl Lists Rob Portman, Tim Pawlenty and Paul Ryan as Romney’s Top Three Veep Picks |

Saudi Cleric Sa’d Al-Qa‘ud Slams Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women as ’World War III’ Against Families | Video |

Katie Couric Sings Backup for Jimmy Buffett | Video |

Professor Rainer Reinscheid E-mails Detail Shooting Plot | Video | Video |

Men Film Drunk-Driving Crash in Cocoa Beach, Florida and Aftermath | Video |

Madonna Offends Poland by Performing There on 1944 Warsaw Uprising Anniversary, Irks Catholics Too |

Aaron Collins’ Last Wish to Leave a $500 Tip for a Waiter or Waitress Inspires $50,000 for Charity | Brother Seth Uploaded Videos to YouTube | Video |

NY Times Issues ‘Epic’ Corrections to Gore Vidal Obituary — and They Involve William F. Buckley |

Car Crashes Through Gas Station and Hits Clerk | Video |

He Saved the Auto Industry: GM Profits Take a 41 Percent Nosedive |

New Obama Ad Uses Donald Trump Plane |

Crop Circles Appear in Washington State | Video |

You Have Never Seen Anyone So Excited to Videotape a Train: ‘Oh My Gosh She’s Beautiful!’ | Video |

Egyptian Film Director Khaled Youssef: Muslim Brotherhood Might Make Us ‘Miss the Days of Hitler’ | Video |

‘This Isn’t About Homosexuality, This Is About the First Amendment’: Glenn Beck on Chick-fil-A Controversy | Video |

Obama Campaign Manager Admits No Proof of Romney Not Paying Taxes | Video |

Video of NYPD Cop Bodyslamming Young Man Sparks Controversy: Too Harsh or Just Right? (Vote) | Video |

Dr. Jack Schaap Fired From First Baptist Church of Hammond Amid Sexual Scandal | Video |

Limbaugh: Reporters Are Harassing Romney, Trying To Create Gaffes. On Behalf Of Obama.

Limbaugh: Did Harry Reid Commit A Felony By Passing Out Leaked Romney Tax Returns?

Limbaugh: I Don’t Think Romney’s Victory Hinges On Who He Picks As Veep

Rush Offers White House Replica Of His Bust On 24th Anniversary Of His Show

Rush: Obama Has To Clear His $5k Donation To Himself With Michelle, And Romney’s A Wimp.

Rush on Ted Cruz: It’s Never, Ever Good News For The News Media When The Tea Party Wins

Rush: “Pure and Simple. Sarah Palin Was Not The Mistake On That Ticket.”

The Twisted Physics of 5 Olympic Sports | LiveScience

Does Cybercrime Really Cost $1 Trillion? | Threat Level |

Pictures: Floating Cities of the Future

Brain imaging can predict how intelligent you are, study finds

Everything you need to know to catch the Curiosity rover landing

BBC News - 'Earliest' evidence of modern human culture found

Simply Smiling Can Actually Reduce Stress | Surprising Science

BBC News - Future foods: What will we be eating in 20 years' time?

'We need to maintain a human presence under the sea' - opinion - 31 July 2012 - New Scientist

New Pleasure Circuit Found in the Brain: Scientific American

Warrior King Statue Discovered in Ancient Mediterranean City | LiveScience

BBC News - Moon formation: Was it a 'hit and run' accident?

Immortality for Humans by 2045 : Discovery News

BBC News - Black Hat: Iris scanners 'can be tricked' by hackers


2012 & Nostradamus - August 1, 2012 - YouTube


The Real 2012 Prophecy: Mayans, Nostradamus Predictions, and Planet X, Oh My!


Think this Congress is bad? Just wait. - The Washington Post

A look at the Senate battlefield | Power Line

Ted Cruz's Deceptive Triumph

Tax Folly - By Douglas Holtz-Eakin - The Corner - National Review Online

Private Email and White House Business « Commentary Magazine

NYT notices Obama campaign’s increasing desperation for contributions « Hot Air

Those Perennially-Crumbling Roads and Bridges - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online

Does This Job Come with Health Care? | CEPR Blog

The Supreme Court May Have Saved Lives | John Goodman's Health Policy Blog |

The Road to Repealing ObamaCare | RealClearPolitics

Obama, Romney, and the U.S. R&D Complex - IEEE Spectrum

New Analysis Shows That Romney Tax Plan Would Raise Taxes On 95 Percent Of Americans. Only The Rich Would Get Tax Cuts. | The New Republic

Obamacare Robs Medicare of $716 Billion to Fund Itself

Curbing the costs of high-tech health - The Washington Post

Let’s Pay Students to Learn | Hoover Institution

Real Clear Markets - Video - A 'Body Blow' to Knight: $440 Million Loss?

Real Clear Markets - Video - ECB Leaves Rates Unchanged at 1.5%

Real Clear Markets - Video - 'Knightmare' on Wall Street

Real Clear Markets - Video - Memo to Bill Gross: U.S. Equities Aren't Dead

Real Clear Markets - Video - Is Further Fed Action Ahead to Help the Economy?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Milton Friedman: The Man Who Saved Capitalism

Real Clear Markets - Video - The Many Ways to Skin a Fat Cat Investment Bank

The dollar is now corporate America's worst enemy - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Obama Wins The Gold For Worst Economic Recovery Ever - Forbes

Mitt Romney’s Search for Simple Answers -

Fareed Zakaria: Capitalism, not culture, drives economies - The Washington Post

How the Fed Took Money Out of Monetary Policy - Bloomberg

The Federal Reserve Is Naked - Matthew O'Brien - The Atlantic

How About An Economic Hippocratic Oath For Policymakers? First, Do No Harm -

The Washington Post: Login - The Washington Post

Monetarism and the Man by Daniel J. Flynn - City Journal

How to Avoid the Next Financial Crisis - Businessweek

The depression is here — it’s just invisible - Al Lewis - MarketWatch

Obama's Subprime Presidency Rewards The Delinquent With Loans For Cars, Homes And College -

Three Answers to the Euro Puzzle -

Why the Fed Is Powerless to Clean Up Housing Mess

Why Publishers Don't Fact-Check Books | Psychology Today

The 6 Most Important Sci-Fi Ideas (Were Invented by a Hack) |

Enemies Foreign and Domestic by Paul Constant - Seattle Books - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper

Dare Me – Megan Abbott | Full Stop

Roger’s Rules » Gore Vidal, 1925-2012

The New Atlantis » The Problem with Plagiarism

Actually, the Canada-U.S. relationship is just about right - The Globe and Mail

The Foreign Policy of David Axelrod | Hoover Institution

Commentary: A New Terrorist Battleground | The National Interest

Romney's gaffes abroad aren't the issue –

Tehran Takedown | Foreign Affairs

Houston, We Have a Country - By Steve LeVine | Foreign Policy Africa: Why Do African Presidents Keep Dying?

BBC News - Afghanistan: Peace signals from the Taliban

Her.meneutics: Forget What Your Mom or Teacher Says—You Aren’t So Special After All

Explaining the Millennial Meltdown

Biblical rhapsody and regret - JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Pat Robertson: Democrats' Support For Gay Marriage Is Political 'Death Wish'

Steve Knight: Billy Graham Is Not an Anti-Gay Bigot

Who’s Threatening Military Chaplains’ Religious Freedom? Southern Baptists | Religion Dispatches

Why pastor searches go awry

Brain Connections Linked to Intelligence

Years of Archaeology Mapping Completed in Minutes?

Is there a virtual Mars in our future? - Cosmic Log

10 Foods You Crave — And Why You Crave Them

Preventing unwanted pregnancies: Forget sex ed and compare the pill to IUDs. - Slate Magazine

Human cycles: History as science : Nature News & Comment

How Would You Die in Outer Space? - Blog

Zucked Again! Biggest Losers of the Social Media Bust - U.S. Business News - CNBC

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg May Need to Step Aside as CEO | Business |

Twitter Has Been Shredded Into Slices – Just What It Needed | PandoDaily

Meet the new Digg: a Pinterest for news links | ZDNet

Siri, Take This Down: Will Voice Control Shape Our Writing? - Robert Rosenberger - The Atlantic

In Wake of Facebook Bullying Claims, Google+ Chief Woos Developers - Mike Isaac - Social - AllThingsD

Five ways to organize your e-mail in | How To - CNET

Ten Power Tools Everyone Should Own

5 Ways to Supercharge Your Laptop For Under $100 Hands-on: Microsoft’s Gmail and Clutter Killer

What Silicon Valley Can Do To Save Us All | PandoDaily

The mysterious death of President Warren G. Harding — A Mysterious Death — Crime Library on

John F. Kennedy's PT-109 Disaster

FRONTLINE/WORLD . Iraq - Saddam's Road to Hell - A journey into the killing fields . PBS

Saddam states reasons for Kuwait invasion |

Subterranea Britannica: Sites: Tower Subway

How San Francisco's Cable Cars Climb Its Iconic Hills

Options for tackling global warming - SFGate

The most important clean-energy vote this year is in Michigan | Grist

US Elections: Hot Air over Wind Energy Tax

Shell Oil's multibillion dollar Arctic hoax -

A Deeper Look at Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest in 'Frackademia' -

Reducing Oil Dependence through Transportation Innovation - Pew Environment Group

Big 5 Oil Companies Going for the Gold

Researchers Develop Method to Create Photovoltaic Solar Cells from Any Materials | The Energy Collective

Guest Post: Innovation Cleans Up Waste-to-Energy | Plugged In, Scientific American Blog Network

For God, Texas and Golf -

Sen. Harry Reid: Republicans Renew War on Women

Obama insults small-business owners - Chicago Sun-Times

Blog: Propaganda poll shows Obama ahead

Niall Ferguson: Don’t Believe the Techno-Utopian Hype - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

Jenkins: Is Obama Beating Himself? -

HURT: The smallness of the new Obama - Washington Times

Elizabeth Warren: Obama's Convention Gamble - Josh Kraushaar -

Where's The Outrage From Young Americans About Obama's Health Reforms? - Forbes

Cruz Triumph Shows Voters Want Democrats' Fiscal Mess In Washington Cleaned Up -

Burn Down the Suburbs? - Stanley Kurtz - National Review Online

Democratic Mayors Are Out of Control | RealClearPolitics

Rove: The Obama Ad Blitz Isn't Working -

Three Easy Ways to End Cronyism - The Daily Beast

Sanford Weill’s Glass-Steagall Distraction -

Ted Cruz and Tea Party Victories « Commentary Magazine

Cap-and-trade system must be done right - SFGate


*31st/Transcripts :Interview with Israeli President Shimon Peres

Interview with Representative Ed Markey

Interview with Representative Jan Schakowsky

Analysts on the Asian-American Vote

Panel on Deal to Continue Funding the Gov't

Media Availability with Secretary Panetta


Limbaugh shouts the panic of the Romney Team who fear Palin as VP.

Tea Party and Palin win again!

DO American Secularists Really Want a Christian Crusade?

Thought Nazis


**Second Amendment Committee :: Documents

*2 August

American Minute for August 2nd

August 2nd in History

Today in History: August 2

This Day in History for 2nd August |

August 2 Events in History

August 2nd This Day in History

Today in History: August 2

Today in History for August 2nd - YouTube


Aug. 1, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 1 August 2012

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 2nd

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 1st

08/01 The Mark Levin Show

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair 1

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair 2

David Duke Show 2nd

David Duke Show 1st




Thursday, August 2nd, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Thursday, August 2nd, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show Wednesday August 01 2012 Hour 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show Wednesday August 01 2012 Hour 2

Blacklisted Radio

The Michael Savage Show 08/01/2012

Redding News Review Wednesday August 01 2012 Hour 1

Redding News Review Wednesday August 01 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Wednesday August 01 2012 Hour 3

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