A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

06 June 2012

6 June'12


Gov. Walker survives recall in Wisconsin - The Washington Post

State, national reaction to Gov. Walker winning recall race - WXOW News 19 La Crosse, WI – News, Weather and Sports |

Gov. Walker's Recall Win Is Good News for Schooling - Rick Hess Straight Up - Education Week

Wis. recall: Referendum on Gov. Walker... and maybe Pres. Obama - Interviews - On the Record - Fox News

Gov. Walker: 'Bringing our state together will take some time' - Video on

GOP's Voter Outreach Could Pay Off in November -

Gov. Scott Walker's Recall Victory Speech! - YouTube

Wisconsin Recall: Governor Scott Walker offers olive branch of brats, beer |

Scott Walker Defeats Tom Barrett: Wisconsin Recall Results 2012

President Obama vs. Gov. Walker | Video | Fox News

CBS Evening News with Bob Schieffer News (Wis. Gov. Walker recall election draws near) - IMDb


Remembering Bob Chapman: Defender of Life - YouTube

Bob Chapman The International Forcaster | Economy News | Investing | US Market Information | Gold | Silver | Wall Street Bailouts | Investment Trends | Money Resources | US and Worldwide Politics

Patriot Bob Chapman Passes Away

Looking Back at Bob Chapman: Champion of Liberty - YouTube

**Flashback:IRS Runs The U.S. Police State: Bob Chapman Reports - YouTube


The Muslim Brotherhood’s Ill Will

The U.S. Military is Operating Drones Domestically and Sharing Data with Law Enforcement

Big Walker Win but don’t Misread the Results

Scott Walker 2, Union Bosses 0

Bilderberg Group Scared of the Paul Family

Economy Still Bad, Obama Blames Bush

Sci-fi legend Ray Bradbury dies

Pregnant woman Tasered by police during parking dispute

'Crime Story,' 'The Fugitive' actor Turk Muller dies at 70

Mexican man put on FBI's 'Ten Most Wanted list'

What Burke should've said instead of 'peace pipe'

Cops: Vehicle fired on, crashes into CTA bus, 1 killed

Juror selection continues in Sandusky's trial

Summers backs extension of Bush tax cuts

Romney taps Gutierrez to lead Hispanic leadership team

Elizabeth Warren agrees to debate Scott Brown

Burned bodies in Arizona desert linked to Tempe murder-suicide

Mystery of burnt-out SUV found in Arizona desert solved: Tragic struggling family died in blazing wreck after 'murder-suicide'

Mysterious Buddhist Retreat in the Desert Ends in a Grisly Death

Startup Act 2.0: House lawmakers introduce Senators' immigration reform bill

McCain slams White House for alleged security leaks

WikiLeaks suspect returns to military court

Michelle Obama delivers Letterman's 'Top Ten' (VIDEO)

Obama coming back to Bay Area for more campaign cash

The budget outlook: Déjà vu all over again

After Wisconsin Recall Defeat, Democrats Assess Their Operation -

Abu Yahya al-Libi

US to keep up Al-Qaeda attacks in Pakistan: Panetta

US Drone Strike Kills Al-Qaida No. 2

Pakistan expresses concern over drones - YouTube

More Body Parts Delivered as 'Canadian Psycho' Languishes in German Jail

Russia Passes Harsh Bill on Protests

Assad taps new PM, but instability reigns

Britain's Prince Philip Said to Have 'Improved Considerably' After Infection

Suicide Bombings Kill 22 in Southern Afghanistan

MIDEAST WEEKAHEAD-Egypt waits on presidential vote; Gulf eyes on Europe

Hu Jintao sees role for regional bloc in Afghanistan

Panetta Calls for Closer India-U.S. Security Partnership

'Certain IAEA inspectors are involved in intelligence activities'

Israel to build 300 new West Bank settlement homes

Tearful schoolchildren salute Kim Jong-un in North Korea

Vatican condemns leaks as blackmail

China wants US to stop tweets on air

Ukraine to get $16 mln bonus for Euro 2012 triumph

Suu Kyi Plays Down Fallout From Remarks

Clinton Warns of 'Disastrous' Fallout as Armenians, Azeris Clash

Nigeria crash toll likely to be 159 - state government

Bomb targets US mission in Libya

Stimulus hopes spur stock, commodities rally

Did Facebook Break The IPO Window?

Buffett, Rubenstein, Eric Schmidt at Economic Club: D.C.

Average income of super rich: $202.4 million

Report: Hacker claims to upload 6.5M LinkedIn passwords

LinkedIn fails to find evidence so far of password leak

+Can Airtime pull video chat into the mainstream?

Internet grows by trillions of addresses, as IPV6 rolls out worldwide

Google promises 'next dimension' in Maps with Apple breakup looming

Google will warn of 'state-sponsored attacks'

The Middle East fights the Flame, but virus spreads anyway

Netflix Plan Seen as No Big Threat to Content Delivery Firms

Facebook comments, ads don't sway most users: poll

Google Buys QuickOffice; New Nintendo Games; Google 'State-Sponsored' Attack Alerts | News & Opinion |

Transit of Venus captures the imagination of a worldwide audience

NASA SDO´s Ultra high Definition View of 2012 Venus Transit - YouTube

Did early birds exterminate giant insects?

Atom split with quantum mechanics, then put together again

Green decline continuing, says UN report

Why don't mosquitoes get squashed by raindrops? Scientists find an answer.

Dinosaurs actually weren't that heavy, study finds

Regulators OK new boundaries at Lake of the Ozarks

Is Space Getting Too Politicized?

New fossil evidence suggests different human origin

The climate change deniers: influence out of all proportion to science

Explorers Hope They Are Close to Solving Amelia Earhart Mystery

American heads are growing bigger and getting narrower

Sex bug growing resistant to drugs, WHO warns

Op-ed: Disney's Junk Food Ban Doesn't Address Root Issues

What Kind of Sugar Do You Like

Miss Pennsylvania USA Sheena Monnin claims pageant rigged

Sheryl Crow's brain tumor can cause memory problems, but is easily treated

Sheryl Crow is Suffering from a Brain Tumour - YouTube

Herb Reed, last of the original Platters, dead at 83

Obama Heads to California to Raise Cash from LGBT Donors

Guns N' Roses singer Axl Rose robbed after Paris show

Neil Young and Crazy Horse announce North American tour

Octobroke Nadya Suleman pulls out of stripper gig

Octomom spills out of gold chain bra in 1st leaked image from debut porn film

Trainer Gains 70lbs and loses it on purpose - YouTube

Fitness trainer gains and loses 70 pounds – How To Do It Right

Wisconsin recall election as a wake-up call

Obama, Romney campaigns trade shots on auto bailout

Obama on the picket line

Romney Campaign: Authorities Investigate Possible Email Hack

Texas expected to raise $15M for Romney

Feinstein poised to face off against Danville Republican

The Obama Marriage Equality Bounce

Four non-Wisconsin takeaways from Tuesday's primaries

Mayor Tom Barrett was slapped in the face after conceding the Wisconsin race - YouTube

First drive-in theater doodle and the DIY drive-in movie revival -


Infowars Nightly News 2012-06-05 Tuesday - YouTube

The Alex Jones Show 2012-06-05 Tuesday - YouTube


Rubio Beats War Drums - YouTube


Prison » Patriot Bob Chapman Passes Away


**Prison » Eyewitnesses: Mitt Romney Attended Bilderberg 2012


Former Clinton Adviser Dick Morris - 'Bill Clinton Does Not Want Barack Obama to Win' [6-04-2012] - YouTube

Prison » Congresswoman: TSA Hiring Pedophiles To Conduct Pat Downs

Prison » America In Decline: The Soul Crushing Despair Of Lowered Expectations

War Maching: A Gold Mine for The Elite - YouTube

Michelle Obama: No federal big soda ban -

Prison » San Francisco To Get Pre-Crime Surveillance Cameras

Behavioral Analytics from BRSLabs - YouTube

Prison » Max Keiser: Soros gets gold advice from Keiser Report

Max Keiser: Soros gets gold advice from Keiser Report - YouTube

Prison » Bilderberg: the covert globalist government?

Bilderberg: the covert globalist government? - YouTube

Prison » Phantom Eye: Pentagon builds gigantic mega-drone

Phantom Eye: Pentagon builds gigantic mega-drone - YouTube

Defense Minister Barak acknowledges Israel's cyber offensive for first time - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Prison » Darkness Reigns In Hollywood: Fake Story About Osama’s Late Death Comes To The Big Screen

Prison » 10 Signs That The Highways Of America Are Being Transformed Into A High Tech Prison Grid

Asia Times Online :: US rejected Iranian no nukes offer in 2005

Prison » Defiance: A Lost Virtue?

Prison » EPA Defends Use of Spy Planes Over Iowa, Neb. Cattle Ranches

Poll: 24 Percent of Americans Believe States Have a Right to Secede |

Climate change stunner: USA leads world in CO2 cuts since 2006 | The Vancouver Observer

Ex-Spy Telescope May Become a Space Investigator -

Prison » Will Ron Paul supporters be okay with Vice-president Paul?

Will Ron Paul supporters be okay with Vice-president Paul? - YouTube

Prison » According to Tarpley: Ron Paul is a Warmonger

According to Tarpley: Ron Paul is a Warmonger - YouTube

Google to warn Gmail users when firm suspects spies might be hacking their email | Mail Online

Prison » Fructose makes you stupid: Study

Prison » Heavy Metals, Drug Contaminants Commonly Found in US Meat

Ex-Spy Telescope May Become a Space Investigator -

Privacy group says DHS stonewalling on ‘electronic frisk’ technology records | Government Security News

Gold Bugs Defy Bear-Market Threat With Soros Buying - Bloomberg

Prison » Here Comes The Hilsenrath Leak: “Fed Considers More Action”

Prison » Gold And Silver Blast Off

CBO: Debt will be double GDP by 2037 - The Hill's On The Money

Prison » The Hoarding Continues: China Purchases A Record 100 Tons Of Gold In April From Hong Kong


+Bilderberg 2012: Mitt Romney and Bill Gates were there | The Raw Story


CIA director beat up his deputy in front of Obama -

'End of the world as we know it': Kaspersky warns of cyber-terror apocalypse — RT

Greece Gets "Corzined" In Its Fruitless Pursuit of Euro Unity, Sans Its Own Sovereignty As Simple Arithmetic Sets In Again -

Russia’s Putin says to push military ties with China

Operation Samson: Israel’s Deployment of Nuclear Missiles on Subs from Germany | My Catbird Seat

The New American | Constitution

America In Decline: The Soul Crushing Despair Of Lowered Expectations -

Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception - YouTube


What Really Happened with Mike Rivero 4th June 2012 - Part 1 - YouTube

What Really Happened with Mike Rivero 4th June 2012 - Part 2 - YouTube


Another 165,000 innocent people on DNA database despite Coalition vow to wipe details | Mail Online

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : U.S. Spy Arrested In China Working In Security Position In Chinese Government

'Russia, China won't be duped over Syria' - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: Has the Establishment Over played Their Hand Cheating Ron Paul?

The Final Loss of Freedom in America - The NDAA

Bilderberg 2012: Exclusive Interview With London Guardian Reporter Charlie Skelton - YouTube

Norman Finkelstein in "Defamation" - YouTube

Anti semitic, its a trick we always use it - YouTube


**Anti-Neocons - Islamic terroroists on the US payroll


Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : BREAKING: RNC Blocking Ron Paul Republicans from Tampa Bay Convention Grounds

Only 13.5 Percent of Food Workers Earn a Living Wage | Mother Jones

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power | World news | The Guardian

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul on Government Expenditures

Facebook 'boring'? 1 in 3 users are tuning it out | Internet & Media - CNET News

Time for Civil Disobedience? - 12160

Activist Post: America In Decline: The New Paradigm of Lowered Expectations

Judge Napolitano Weighs In On Domestic Drone Use : Federal Jack

Bill Clinton Insults our Intelligence | _

30,000 secret surveillance orders demanded annually to spy on Americans | _

Activist Post: 10 Signs That The Highways Of America Are Being Transformed Into A High Tech Prison Grid

Sex-Abuse Cover Ups: The Mesirah Mess | The Jewish Week

Silver Manipulation Exposed On Mainstream TV! 'High Frequency Shearing' - Mike Maloney - YouTube

DOD looks to foreign allies for help passing Law of the Sea treaty | _

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Total surveillance: Thousands of secret court orders allow government to spy on Americans

Police 'Force Catheterize' Man Suspected Of Smoking Marijuana - informationliberation

Laws Restricting Nonviolent Activity Are Acts Of Aggression - informationliberation

US Already in 'Recession,' Extend Tax Cuts: Bill Clinton - US Business News - CNBC

Over Half of all Terrorist Plots Orchestrated by the F.B.I.

From Dreams to Drones: Who Is The Real Barack Obama?

Breaking The Golden Rule

Western Banks 'Reaping Billions from Colombian Cocaine Trade'

Gore Vidal on the Future


* BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 5, 2012


VIDEO: Gaddafi vs Africom and the Recolonisation of Africa

HUMANITY'S EVOLUTION AND THE GREAT REVERSAL: An Antonomy of the Corporate Right Counter-Revolution

A fascinating editorial from a Chinese Communist Economist on the US Dollar | Shenandoah

Are Guillotines Next? 11 Examples That Show That Beheading Is On The Rise All Over The World

CERN director says LHC will find God Particle by end of the year - Telegraph

Did aliens or God create the human race, asks Ridley Scott in 'Prometheus' | Fox News

Sounds Out of Heaven? | Prophecy In The News - Researcher and Teacher of God's Word From Creation to the End Times

Will Your Future Be Full of Robot Assassins and Spy Aircraft? | News & Politics | AlterNet

Quantum teleportation over record distance, prelude to space networks


*Bilderberg Report 2012 » Shadow Masters, Bilderberg Group.


Blowback in Egypt by Justin Raimondo --

US Claims ‘Al-Qaeda Number Two’ Killed Yet Again -- News from

Colin Powell: Another War Criminal Cashes In by Medea Benjamin and Charles Davis --

Killing by PowerPoint | The American Conservative

Drone found on Surf City beach | drone, city, surf - News Source for Jacksonville, North Carolina -


*Audio/Secede From the Regime; Ryan McMaken interviews Lew Rockwell


Speeding Praetorians | Eric Peters Autos

The Subprime Student Loan Bubble by Bill Bonner

Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media | Technology | The Guardian

Zinc by Margaret Durst

Excess exercise 'hurts the heart' and cause dangerous long-term harm, say scientists | Mail Online

Judge: ‘Shockingly Little’ is Done by FDA to Combat Antibiotics in Animal Feed


John Trudell: Portrait of a Government Turning Against Its Citizens


**Trudell Documentary - YouTube


US to Russia: Give Up or Swim in Our Sea of Syrian Blood

*Assessing Options for Regime Change (.pdf)

The Revolution is a Relay Race

David Icke: Bilderbergs Grip of The World An Infowars Exclusive - YouTube

'Global Classroom': U.N. Infiltrates Education Worldwide

38% of Voters from Union Households Voted for Walker

Scott Walker: 'Voters Really Do Want Leaders Who Stand Up and Make the Tough Decisions'

Democrats React: Walker's Brand of Politics 'Offensive and Wrong'

Obama Campaign: Wisconsin Recall Result Not What They Hoped For

Time's Joe Klein Compares Walker Recall to Clinton Impeachment

Hysterical CNN, AP Headlines: 'Walker Survives'

Romney says Wisconsin result extends beyond state

Walker on ‘What Has Made America Amazing’

Gov. Walker: 'They Wanted Us to go Forward'

Scott Walker: 'Voters Really Do Want Leaders Who Stand Up and Make the Tough Decisions'

Bill Clinton Calls Walker Vote 'A Perfect Recall Election'

State Dept. Highlights Transsexual Ethicist to Celebrate LGBT ‘Pride Month’ |

Disney Joins with Michelle Obama in Announcing Nutrition Standards for Ads |

Charles Krauthammer Calls Bill Clinton 'A Double Agent' |

Financial Watchdog Agency Created Under Dodd-Frank Takes Role in College Tuition Costs |

Obama Backs Bill to Increase Gender Pay Litigation ‘Tools’ |

ExxonMobil Shareholders Vote No on Same-Sex Couple Benefits in USA |

Kremlin Loyalists Push Through Bill Designed to Limit Anti-Putin Protests |

Eurasian Security Bloc Led by Russia and China Growing in Influence, Ambition |

Biden:'Imagine a World in Which Hunger is Vanquished by Crops That Don’t Depend on Soil, Water or Fertilizer' |

Chris Matthews: Network News Was 'Establishment Liberal' |

Obama Again Mentions ‘My Sons’ |

Obama, FDR Set Modern Records for GDP Spending |

David Limbaugh's Devastating Book |

Soros Spends $400 Million On 'Open Society' Education, 'Social Action,' Colleges And Universities |

The CDC Published in 2011 an “Educational Comic” About a Zombie Pandemic in the South-East

Madonna’s MDNA Tour Replete with Illuminati Agenda

Walker Victory Big Warning for Obama in Key Swing State

Zogby: Recall Battle Is Union 'Haves' vs. Private Sector 'Have Nots'

Bill Clinton: Extend Bush Tax Cuts

Dershowitz: Zimmerman Prosecutor Threatening to Sue Harvard for My Criticism

Zogby: Obama Facing 'Serious Crack' in His Youth Base

Vatican Says Restoring Trust Will Take Time

Trump Wants to Build Florida Movie Studio

WWF’s Linda McMahon Leads in Conn. GOP Primary

Russian Lawmakers Debate Harsh Bill to Curtail Anti-Putin Protests

Is Huawei Spying for China Through 'Backdoors'?

Pimco’s El-Erian: America Isn’t Healing Quickly Enough

White House’s Carney: No Tax-Cut Extension for the Wealthy. Case Closed

Medical Device Perils — Are We in Danger?

New Weapons Against Cancer That Killed Kennedy

Law of the Sea Treaty Is Wrong for US

U.S. surveillance cameras will use computer eyes to find 'pre crimes' by detecting suspicious behaviour and alerting guards | Mail Online

How Romney Pushed State Health Bill -

Drinking tea can lower the risk of diabetes - but only if you drink four or more cups a day | Mail Online

Kill babies for political gain?

Ed Klein's victory over the media mafia

A rogue's gallery of quislings

Is there a Ron Paul putsch under way?

Government-induced uncertainty paralysis

The stench of torture

Welfare state: Immoral and irredeemable

How I got Iran's attention

'The Great Destroyer'

Rush: Obama is ‘Barack Hussein Kardashian’

Is it racist to say ‘blacks attacking whites’?

Another boost for Obama’s ‘gay’ accuser

D-Day medic still haunted by 'the boy on the beach' | Fox News

Pledge allegiance to U.S., or U.N.?

‘Green’ agenda will make U.S. black and blue

Antibiotic-Resistant Gonorrhea Spreading: WHO - US News and World Report

Priebus memo claims Wis. boost -

Is President Obama’s Cabinet a “Team of Rivals”—or Just a Bunch of Figureheads? | Politics | Vanity Fair

Libtalker Bill Press: National Anthem Is "Stupid And Embarrassing" | RealClearPolitics

Schultz On Walker Win: He Could "Be Indicted In The Next Few Days" | RealClearPolitics

Woman slaps Barrett for conceding | Wisconsin - WISN Home

Weeping Anti-Walker Protester: 'Democracy Died Tonight'

Clinton: "I Didn't Have Any Idea" I Hurt Obama's Campaign Message | RealClearPolitics

News from The Associated Press

Facebook Is a Buy at $20 -

Obama Not Scheduled to Commemorate D-Day | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Taco Bell introducing more upscale menu items -

McCain: Security leaks coming from ‘highest levels’ of White House - The Hill's Video


Move to Amend(


Mitt Romney Campaign Event in Fort Worth, Texas – June 5 2012 | ElectAd

Barack Obama Ad: Stephanie Cutter: The Romney Campaign’s Double Standard | ElectAd

Barack Obama Campaign Event, With Bill Clinton, NYC, New York – June 4 2012 | ElectAd

Gary Johnson Ad: The Elephants and Donkeys deserve the BIRD | ElectAd

Barack Obama Campaign Event, Chicago, Illinois – June 1 2012 | ElectAd

Kleefisch Challenger: 'I'm Not Done With This Fight'

Obama Campaign Spins: Wisconsin Loss 'Won't Tell Us Much' About November Election

Kleefisch: 'This Is What Democracy Looks Like'

Palin: Leadership Won

Walker's Policies Won the Recall

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach Has a Shot in NJ-09 After Pascrell Defeats Rothman in Primary

Fiscal Sanity Is Contagious: California Cities Pass Pension Reform

Walker Walks the Talk; Obama Talks

Weeping Anti-Walker Protester: 'Democracy Died Tonight'

Wisconsin: Another Tea Party Patriots Victory

Priebus: Impact Of New Media 'Enormous' In WI Victory

Kleefisch: 'Tonight Makes You Proud To Be From Wisconsin'

New Ad Asks #DoYouRecall How Important Walker Race Was To Left?

Supporter Slaps Barrett After Conceding To Walker

Rasmussen: Voters See Obama As More Extreme Than Romney

Obama and The NYT: Working to Keep Iran's Nuclear Program on Track

MSM Reports Wildly Flawed WI Exit Polls To Spin For Obama

Connecticut Speaker Scandal: The End of One-Party Rule?

Dianne Feinstein Still Dogged by Allegations of Conflicts of Interest

GOP Victory Lap In Wisconsin

'Kill Scott Walker': Left Unleashes Death Threats

Beauty Queen: Miss USA Pageant Rigged

Florida Synagogue Protest: Controversy Continues over Election Year Visits

New French Socialist Government Does Little about Rising Antisemitic Violence

NJ: Clinton Trounces Obama

Begala: 'Hell To Pay' For Obama Ignoring Wisconsin

French Socialist Government Moves to Freeze Rent

NBC Dumps and Punishes Newark Mayor Corey Booker

Rift Builds Between Obama and Unions

WI Talk Radio Host: New Media Exposed Ugliness, Intimidation From Pro-Recall Thugs

Walker Walks the Talk, Obama talks about the Walk

Unions Can't Stop the Coming Tide of Pension Reform

Suicide blasts kill 20 in Kandahar

Lean Forward Flashback: 'Wisconsin A Microcosm Of What's Taking Place Across The Country'

Why The Elizabeth Warren Controversy Continues

Philadelphia Teachers Union Rides First Class on Gravy Train

MSNBC's O'Donnell: Obama the Big Winner in Wisconsin

Report: Ray Bradbury Dead at 91

NYT's Charlie Savage Is Fast and Loose with Fast and Furious Facts

Philadelphia Teachers Claim 3122 Jury Duty Days in 2010-11

Philadelphia School District Paying Farmers

Jonah Golberg's 'Sh*t Liberals Say' Ridicules Jon Stewart Followers

Raw Video: Screaming Man Interrupts Senator McCain Speaking On Floor Of US Senate

Patti Smith: Number of People Terrorists Killed...'It's Nothing'

Democrats Join GOP in Condemning Leaks on Military, Intelligence

Michelle Does Dave's Top 10: ‘Fun Facts About Gardening’

Gloria Allred Inserts Herself Into Miami Cannibal Case

MSNBC Criticizes Romney For Being Heckled By Protester

Third Undercover Video Shows Gendercide Felonies in Arizona

'Popular' Obama Abandons Wisconsin Unions

Recall Protester Threatens Kleefisch, Hopes Colon Cancer Kills Her

Court: Private Studio Must Photograph Gay Couple

Publicly-Funded Oakland School Sends Kids Panhandling To Raise Cash

Obama’s Communications Conundrum

Bill Press: 'Get Rid of' Star-Spangled Banner, Lest He Feel 'Embarrassed'

Obama e-Cards: Remind Your Friends That America's Sexist

Exclusive - The Vetting - Senator Barack Obama Attended Bill Ayers Barbecue, July 4, 2005

Greg Gutfeld: Hollywood Is Obama's 'Personal ATM Machine'

Five fundraisers for Obama on Wednesday...

New book debunks myths of green living

Sandusky allegedly wrote 'creepy' love letters to victim

Top GSA official tried to hide report on Vegas bash

CBO: Federal debt to double in 15 years

Papers show Justice Dept. was told about tactics in gunrunning

Issa: Wiretaps show 'immense detail' about questionable Fast & Furious tactics

Ex-NFL player talks of challenge of being gay in locker room

House votes to block enforcement of energy efficient light bulb standards

Sexually transmitted disease growing resistant to drugs, WHO warns

Report: Business, gov't ties in Europe too close

Saudi Princess Tries to Evade $7.5 Million Bill

CIA to Cut Personnel in Iraq

'I Hate Everyone ... Starting with Me' Review: Rivers' Equal Opportunity Rants

'Smokey and the Bandit' Blu-ray Review: Gleason's Justice Stands Test of Time

Martin Short Hints Palin Racist, Compares Bachmann to Taliban

Ayers and Obama: What the Media Hid

Herman Cain Inaugurated To Replace "Talkmaster" Boortz

46 min./Obama globalist explained The U N Deception - YouTube

Obama Has Signed 923 Executive Orders In 40 Months - Video | Before It's News


**Area 51 | A Documentary - Hosted by Steven Williams - YouTube

Grey Alien Filmed By KGB - YouTube


Alien Interview - Victor Returns 11 Years Later [Part 1 of 2] - YouTube


Alien Interview - Victor Returns 11 Years Later [Part 2 of 2] - YouTube


Proof Aliens do Exist, Two Leaked Videos from Area 51 | Before It's News

13 Mysterious Musician Deaths - Spinner

Undeniable Proof Of Atlantis - More Proof - YouTube

Assassination Of 96 Members Of Polish Government (Caught On Video) | Before It's News


+Bob Chapman's Final InfoWarning - It's Over | Before It's News


* * Episode #139 - Bob Chapman's Final InfoWarning - It's Over - YouTube


Secret KFC Recipes Will Be Revealed | Before It's News

++Battleship Earth - By Cara Parks and Joshua E. Keating | Foreign Policy

Paul Krugman Is Tired Of You People

O'Reilly: 'Racial Profiling' Ban Would Increase 'Street Crime'

Mitt Romney is Running for Bush's Third Term

Lesson 1: Education Reform Is For Other People's Children

Fox News Host Suggests Holder 'Inciting Racism' to 'Boost Minority Turnout'

GOP Flack Resigns After Posting About Throwing Acid at Democratic Senators

James O'Keefe's Best Friends Network

Donna Brazile Orders John Edwards To Disappear For Good

Chris Matthews Rants on About President Obama Not Being Bold and Supporting Simpson-Bowles

New Pew Survey: Only 40% of Republicans Support Safety Net Programs

Barrett Concedes Gubernatorial Race To Walker - YouTube

Dems Claim One WI Senate Seat, Depriving Scott Walker Of His Rubber Stamp

Mike Huckabee Accidentally Tells The Truth About Fox News

Republican Candidate's Machine Gun Video Vows to 'Take Linda Sanchez Out'

In Bitter NJ Dem Primary, Pascrell Goes Anti-Abortion And Anti-Immigrant—And Wins

Verizon to Lay Off Hundreds of Workers

Romney Plans Massive Tax Cut Windfall for His Family

Jackie Mason on Obama’s Judaism remarks « Klein Online

Do Supreme Court Justices use front or side door? Answer on June 20

Referendum on socialism fails in Wisconsin, taxpayers win

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO: Woman Kicked Out of Muslim Mall for Wearing Nail Polish – Might Turn Someone On!

Big Labor's Big Boo-Boo

The Big Lie: Republicans are Racists

Walker Victory Bash Short on Blacks

Barbara Walters tried to get Assad aide a job at CNN

Big Labor's Other Disaster: California

First Ladies Shouldn't Tell Girls to Shake Their Booties for the Bucks

One downer on a good night: Wisconsin Dems possibly take senate

Obama's Syria Dilemma

Melinda Gates Talks Eugenics

Senate Dems angry at leak on Iran cyberattack

Obama Reinvents Sacred Themes for 2012

Thermodynamics of Global Warming

Recall results show a deeply divided electorate

Huge exit poll disaster for all the networks in Wisconsin

Big Labor: Credit Card Profiteers

D-Day: When Allied Scams Helped Us Win The Battle

What Is Obama Hiding?

Party Loyalty and the Future of America

The Morphing Obama Biography and the Skeptics

The Hillary Gambit: Will She Replace Biden?

Smashing the Tyranny of the Democrats' Clichés

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Constitutionally Ignorant and Politically Tone-Deaf

SCOTUS ObamaCare Decision: Both Monumental and Irrelevant

Distorting History to Promote Gay Acceptance: The Civil Rights Movement

Mystery Religion: Mr. Obama's Contradictory Conversions to Christianity

Birth Certificate Whac-A-Mole

Warren, Obama, and Harvard's Culture of Corruption

Rev. Wright made claim before about being offered bribe to stay quiet

Wisconsin Gov. Walker to keep job in recall election -

Weeping Anti-Walker Protester: 'Democracy Died Tonight'

A Tea Party I-told-you-so | Washington Examiner

Governor Walker's Victory Spells Doom For Public Sector Unions - Forbes

California portends bad news for public-sector unions

Somali terror group fundraiser has contempt citations overturned -

DECKER: Savage damnation - Washington Times

EDITORIAL: Illegal voters: The winning edge - Washington Times

Before and after D-Day: Rare color photos | Fox News

On 68th anniversary of D-Day, 102-year-old Army veteran recalls watching Allied planes | Fox News

Limbaugh: The Democrat Party Knows That Obama Abandoned Them In WI

Limbaugh: WH Must Be Wondering “What If All Of The Polling Data We Have Is Wrong?”

+5 June/On Anniversary Of His Death Watch Ronald Reagan Warn Us About Obama 40 yrs Ago

Limbaugh: POLITICO Launches Full-Fledged Attack On Bill Clinton

Scott Walker Defeats Tom Barrett in Wisconsin Recall Election |

Slate Investigates: What Does Human Flesh Taste Like? | Cannibalism |

Piven Says ‘Livelihood’ Should not Depend on Working: Not ‘Appropriate’ | Video |

Mom Ticketed For Putting Gas Can In Baby Seat |

Milwaukee Police, Wisconsin Department of Justice Investigating Death Threats Against Governor Scott Walker After Recall Victory |

Beck Compares Crying Anti-Walker Voter on CNN to Hindenburg Reporter | Video |

MSNBC’s Ed Schultz Admits Liberal Broadcasters are Going to Be Sad With Recall Election | Video |

John McCain Says Highest Levels of the White House Responsible for Recent National Security Leaks | Video |

American Future Fund Releases ‘Do You Recall?’ Flashback Ad With Rachel Maddow on Wisconsin Recall | Video |

Callsign Patches on Soldier Uniforms Signify Who You Are and What You Do |

Wisconsin County by Count Election Map Shows Dominate Walker Win |

The Protocols of Zion - Debunking the Debunker -

Movie Stars Whore Themselves to Illuminati -

How Even the Mighty Can Fall

Liberal Media Dems, Letterman and Brian Williams, Say ‘Stop Nagging Obama’

Jimmy Carter and World Chaos

Vetting Hillary and Bill Clinton

Spending and Demographics

Nanomedicines promise fewer side effects in treating cancer

Corn Ethanol and a Non-Warming Earth

New technique for detecting mold contamination in homes and other buildings

New secrets from “Bay of the Pirates” warship that sunk 2,300 years ago

Why Not Scott Walker (R-WI) for VEEP?

Big Brother Bloomberg: A Uniter, Not a Divider

ah, mephistophelis.: Fifteen Facts That The Main Stream Media Will (Probably*) Never Tell You | Lee Camp

"15 Crucial Facts NEVER Heard On The Mainstream Media" - MOC #141 - YouTube

Podcast #142 – SCREENWRITER STEVE FABER sits down with me and talks politics and Hollywood


*C2CAM - Biocentrism and Stem Cell Research


Stone Age Art Gets Animated - Science News

'Vampire' skeletons unearthed in Bulgaria with iron stakes plunged through their chests | Mail Online


**Tarpley, Jones: The Great Debate! - YouTube


The Spread Of Violence : Personal Liberty Alerts

Most Shoplifted Items: Organized Shoplifting Rises As Economy Stays Weak (PHOTOS)

» Official False Flag? Lord Rothschild Comes Out in Support of Occupy Wall Street Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Sean Parker launches video social network | News | Marketing Week

Introducing Airtime - YouTube

» Geo-engineering: The Backstep BS Disinfo Dance Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» These Two Traps Are Absolutely Destroying The Next Generation Of Young Men In America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Biowarfare alert: Is a mass bio-terror pandemic planned for 2012? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


+ Leaked Bilderberg Documents: “Nationalism Is Dangerous” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


» SC mom busted at dauther’s graduation: ‘I cheered for my baby and I got the cuffs’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Mom locked up for cheering at child's graduation - YouTube

DEA Arrests 36 In Drug Smuggling Crackdown At Airports In Puerto Rico, Miami and Dallas-Ft. Worth

» Holder Declares War On State’s Rights Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Panel: U.S.-Mexico border issues hinder economic opportunities - Phoenix News -

New duty-free rules worry Canadian businesses | The Chronicle Herald

More minors trying to illegally cross U.S.-Mexico border alone | Fox News Latino

What happens to all that military gear? - The Washington Post

FUKUSHIMA: Pacific Ocean Will Not Dilute Dumped Radioactive Water

Facebook mulls lowering age restrictions - The Washington Post

» NC Sen. Phil Berger & Rep. Bert Jones still haven’t responded to Nullify-NDAA Petition Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Local Official: ‘They are telling a lot of lies’ — ‘Their children were also sacrificed’ (VIDEOS)

MIT No-Evacuations Study Debunked - YouTube

Photos: The Allied invasion of Normandy -

- Thomas Jefferson on Judicial Tyranny – Tenth Amendment Center

Two Astonishing Cases Of Men Who Say They Traveled Through Time -


36 min./Bob Tuskin Speaks with Andrew Basiago: Time Travel and Project Pegasus At Free Your Mind Conference - YouTube


This man traveled through time.. and he has proof! - YouTube


What if Yellowstone's supervolcano erupts? | MNN - Mother Nature Network

74% Whooping Cough Outbreak Cases Involve Vaccinated Kids! - YouTube

Efflorescence - Waking Times : Waking Times

The Donovan-Braddock Connection: Clueless or Mastermind?

Let's Hear Truth; No More Lies | Opinion Maker


Rense & Jim Marrs - Was Lee Harvey Oswald a Hero? - YouTube

Rense & Jim Marrs - Was Lee Harvey Oswald a Hero? - Part 2 - YouTube

Rense & Jim Marrs - Was Lee Harvey Oswald a Hero? - Part 3 - YouTube

Rense & Jim Marrs - Was Lee Harvey Oswald a Hero? - Part 4 - YouTube

Rense & Jim Marrs - Was Lee Harvey Oswald a Hero? - Part 5 - YouTube


Rense & Marrs And Abraham Bolden - Loyal JFK Agent - Pt 1 - YouTube

Rense & Marrs And Abraham Bolden - Loyal JFK Agent - Pt 2 - YouTube

Rense & Marrs And Abraham Bolden - Loyal JFK Agent - Pt 3 - YouTube

Rense & Marrs And Abraham Bolden - Loyal JFK Agent - Pt 4 - YouTube


Plan for cheap prison work 'may cost thousands of jobs' - UK Politics - UK - The Independent

Myanmar fossil find turns human history on its head - our earliest ancestors came from Asia, not Africa | Mail Online

Activist Post: Pill Robot: The Pharmacist of the Future?

30,000 secret surveillance orders demanded annually to spy on Americans — RT

First American Arrested by Aid of Drone Argues 4th Amendment Violation

The Jews Behind US Spy Drones | Real Jew News

Obama Administration Argues No Warrant Required for GPS Tracking of Citizens

Biowarfare Alert – Is a Mass Bio-Terror Pandemic Planned For 2012? | THE TRUTH IS NOW.COM

Vote Rigging in America | ZenHaven

Will Divers Finally Get to the Bottom of the Baltic Sea ‘UFO’ Mystery? | ZenHaven

Common Food Items Found to Contain Flame Retardants

Flame exploits Windows bug to attack PCs | Reuters

A Facebook crime every 40 minutes: 12,300 cases are linked to the site | Mail Online

OpEdNews - Article: What would George Think?

From Meltdown To Mayhem... We Told You So!

The Phantom Eye: New drone completes its first test flight (but lands with a bump) | Mail Online

Caught in the middle: Record number of Americans scorn both Dems and the GOP — RT

Paul Drockton: Mormon Fraudster Dined With Romney/Bush

New stealth destroyer really sucks - China mocks America's $7 billion Navy acquisition — RT

Activist Post: How HIV Became the US Government’s Most Successful Bio-Weapon

The art of slow reading | Books | The Guardian

Mystery over the giant cosmic explosion of 774AD, which has left absolutely no trace - except deep within the rings of two cedar trees | Mail Online

A New Plan To Make Stolen Phones Useless? | Mobile News

Why does the World Shadow Government destroy its own home (planet)? | Cosmic Convergence 2012


Ground Based Spy Sensors Across US To Assist NDAA Spy Drones

Poll: 74 percent want end to medical marijuana raids | The Raw Story

Can you be jailed for offering advice online on what food to eat? | Natural Grocers

13 Strange and Interesting Sources of Biofuel

Zombies And Cannibals: Fact And Fiction In Flesh-Eating

Bilderberg 2012 and the Death of Corporate Media :

The Media is Dead….Long Live the Media (Bilderberg 2012 Review) :

News Brief: Bilderberg 2012 Two Day Breakdown - Forced Vaccine Explained - YouTube

What if D-Day Had Failed? » Armchair General

D-Day: The Beginning of the End for Nazi Germany

Military History Online - D-Day June 6, 1944

Bad weather nearly brought down D-Day - Telegraph

Our Historic Subway Stations | Forgotten Chicago | History, Architecture, and Infrastructure

The Origins of All 30 NBA Team Names - Mental Floss


Impaired Visions | The American Conservative

Why Scott Walker Won the Battle of Wisconsin | The Weekly Standard

Walker wins one for the plutocrats - Wisconsin Recall -

The future of medicine: Squeezing out the doctor | The Economist

Fertility Declining in the Muslim World

Al-Qaeda's New West African Map (PDF)

What the Locusts Ate -

It's not as bad as the 1930s but there are parallels - The Irish Times - Wed, Jun 06, 2012

And now, only one senior al Qaeda leader left -

So much for that Nobel Peace Prize! How anti-war Obama has become Lord High Executioner | Mail Online

No to U.S. Nukes in South Korea | The Diplomat

Real Clear Markets - Video - Clinton: Avoid Fiscal Cliff at All Costs

RealClearMarkets - Governor Walker Refused to Hide From Fiscal Reality

New Paper Suggests Obama And The Democrats Shouldn't Fear Budget Brinksmanship In The Lame-duck Congress, If That's The Price Of A Balanced Deal | The New Republic

Obama Runs From His Failed Presidency As Fast As He Can - Forbes

Review & Outlook: Obama's Debt Boom -

On Wall St, few places to hide as jobs ax hovers | Reuters

Five reasons to buy stocks now - Robert Powell's Your Portfolio - MarketWatch

Government Food Nannies Eat Away At Our Freedom And Prosperity - Forbes

Jon Corzine, economic dummy—Charles Gasparino -

McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: Prospectus for Silicon Valley’s Next Hot Tech IPO, Where Nothing Could Possibly Go Wrong.

Top 10 Extreme Bond Indicators | Markets |

War is America’s new economic stimulus policy - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Futile Cancer Drugs Are Costing the U.S. a Fortune

Union of Concerned Scientists Cooks the Books, Media Swallow It -

We must set planetary boundaries wisely : Nature News & Comment

Weird World of Quantum Physics May Govern Life | LiveScience

Bacterial-Mineral Electrical Grids | The Scientist

Tiny remnants of war found in Omaha Beach sand | Reuters

Kids, wear your sunblock - Boing Boing

Op-Ed: Would you barcode your baby?

The Future of Graveyards

Bigger Refuges Needed to Delay Pest Resistance to Biotech Corn |

Home ec or family and consumer sciences should be mandatory for students. - Slate Magazine

Is Arsenic the Worst Chemical in the World? | Wired Science |

Japan 'diet glasses' fool wearers into eating less | COSMOS magazine

Ignoring the big Mormon question at gay pride parade » GetReligion

Obama and Romney shun confrontation on religion - Los Angeles Times

Young snake handlers say they grasp the power of faith –

UK ordinariate adapts Anglican prayers for Catholic use :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Muslims sue to stop NYPD spying program - The Washington Post

California's Gay Marriage Case Likely Headed to Supreme Court | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Wisconsin: A Political Scientist Surveys the Recall Election | Religion & Politics

LOTD: Is Bad Preaching the Problem?

Snake-Handling Christians: Faith, Prophecy and Obedience

Getting to the Crux of Calvary | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Baptist Press - 1617 King James Bible acquired by New Orleans Seminary - News with a Christian Perspective

Pope Benedict To Visit Philadelphia In 2015: What's At Stake?

Religion News Service | Blogs | Jana Riess - Flunking Sainthood | Mormons and Homophobia; Mormons and Gay Pride

The Curious Case of Internet Privacy - Technology Review

Why Google will soon answer your questions directly - tech - 06 June 2012 - New Scientist

Appsurd: In Silicon Valley, -

The (dis)Connected World, Pt. 1 | PandoDaily

Technology - Patrick Lin, Fritz Allhoff, and Neil Rowe - Is It Possible to Wage a Just Cyberwar? - The Atlantic

Can you be sued for anonymous comments on the Internet? | Digital Trends

The best and worst things about building your own PC | News | TechRadar

Searchable or Die: The New Rules for Email | Wired Opinion |

How to Choose a Media Player/Streamer | Home Theater

Why mobile must solve its data dilemma – or die — European technology news

Which U.S. States Are Leading the Clean Energy Pack?

What Are the True Social Costs of Electric Power?

Can we survive the new golden age of oil? | The Oil and the Glory

Remember How Oil Prices Threatened The Recovery? Look At Them Now - Forbes

Bye-Bye OPEC - By Logan Bayroff | Foreign Policy

Wind Energy at Vortex of Political Spin | EnergyBiz

Green power corrupts | Washington Examiner

The downside of cheap oil - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

John B. Taylor On Economy: "The Problem Is Policy" | RealClearPolitics

Have We Reached an Economic Tipping Point for the President? — Today’s Q’s for O’s WH — 6/4/2012 - ABC News

There’s No Cure for the Republican Fever -- Daily Intel

Obama's failed economics fully realized | TribLIVE

The Real Stakes in the Health-Care Case: A Guide : The New Yorker

Wisconsin changes the game -

Review & Outlook: Obama's Debt Boom -

Chinese insiders start to speak out about Tiananmen Square - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - Nudge Government Run Amok

MSM Quotes Wildly Flawed WI Exit Polls To Spin For Obama

Wisconsin Exit Polls: Obama, (Pretty) Big - The Daily Beast

Walker’s Example: Courage Rewarded « Commentary Magazine

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

HURT: The only thing worse than the economy is Obama talking about it - Washington Times

Prop. 8 Heads for the Show

Ilya Shapiro: Why Obama Strikes Out in Court -

Key Conservative Brief Filed With The Supreme Court Is Riddled With Misconceptions And Flat-out Mistakes About Health Care Economics | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Three Takeaways From the Recall Vote

Red Flags All Over for Obama in Wisconsin - 2012 Decoded

A wake-up call for Dems, labor, and the left - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Governor Walker's Victory Spells Doom For Public Sector Unions - Forbes

Recall Campaign Against Scott Walker Fails | The Nation

No Recall -


*Transcripts:4th/Interview with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker

Analysts on the Wisconsin Recall Election

*Sunday/Guests: Sens. Warner & Lugar, Gov. McDonnell

Guests: Governors Deval Patrick & John Kasich

Guests: Reince Priebus and David Axelrod

Guests: Eric Fehrnstrom & Stephanie Cutter

Guests: Steven Rattner and Ed Gillespie

Media Availability with Secretary Panetta

*6 June

American Minute for June 6th

June 6 Events in History

Today in History: June 6

6 June - This Day in History

This Day in History for 6th June |

June 6th This Day in History

Today in History: June 6

June 6th in History

Today in History for June 6th - YouTube

D-Day - June 6, 1944 - the United States Army

Normandy landings - Wikipedia

American Experience . D-Day | PBS


The Manning Report Video Version – 5 June 2012

The Manning Report – 5 June 2012

Live Free Or Die Radio with Lee Rogers

The Bob Tuskin Show with Bob Tuskin

Blacklisted Radio with Doug Owen

June 5, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Kevin Trudeau Show

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 6th

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 5th

Alex Jones - 2012-Jun-05, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jun-04, Monday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jun-03, Sunday

06/05 The Mark Levin Show




Redding News Review 06-05-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 06-05-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 06-05-12 Hr 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 06-05-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 06-05-12 Hr 2

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair

David Duke Show 6th

David Duke Show 5th

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

Wide Awake With Charlie McGrath 1

Wide Awake With Charlie McGrath 2

The Michael Savage Show 06/05/2012

Wednesday, June 6th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Wednesday, June 6th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

**Jazz/Archive Page

Eric’s Sounds Of Jazz (


Scott Walker: Victory Was A "Powerful Message In The Fall Election"
Dem Senate Candidate: Recall Results Will Affect My Senate Race
Dean: Walker "Beginning Of The Undermining Of American Democracy"
Biden "Embarrassed" To Admit "Only 13 People" Served Longer In Senate
Sarah Palin On Wisconsin: "Obama's Goose Is Cooked"
Allen: Obama Campaign Mad Clinton Is "Soaking Up All The Oxygen"
Paul Begala: "The President Should Have Been Out There"
Woman Slaps Barrett After Concession Speech
O'Reilly: Obama Is A "Very Liberal President"
Matthews: Clinton & Obama "Making The Democratic Message Sing"


Panetta Visits Indian War Memorial
The Lasting Legacy of George Kennan
Sen. Jon Kyl: The U.S. Can Work With the Law of the Sea Treaty
John Fonte: Why the ICC is Illegitimate
U.S. Drone Kills Top al-Qaeda Leader


Paul McCartney Performs for the Diamond Jubilee
Zakaria: New Options Needed for Syria
Report: Libyan Militia Takes Control of Tripoli Airport
What Can China do to Boost its Slowing Economy?
Syrian Kurds flee to Iraq for Safety
President Obama's Message for the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II
News Reporting & National Security
Prince Philip Hospitalized as Britain Marks Queen's Jubilee
Clinton Arrives in Regional Ally Georgia, During Security Trip
Russian President Arrives in Beijing
Russian Tycoon Forms Opposition Party
Van Rompuy: Stop Syria's Violence Now


Schultz On Walker Win: He Could "Be Indicted In The Next Few Days"
Wisconsin Voter Tells CNN: "Democracy Died Tonight"
Clinton: "I Didn't Have Any Idea" I Hurt Obama's Campaign Message
Krauthammer On Bill Clinton: "Bull In A China Shop," A "Double Agent"
MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell: Obama "Winner" Of Wisconsin Recall
Walker: Voters Really Do Want Leaders Who Make Tough Decisions
Libtalker Bill Press: National Anthem Is "Stupid And Embarrassing"
Limbaugh: Obama Has Become "Barack Hussein Kardashian"
Carney: Wisconsin Outcome "Won't Tell Us Much About A Future Race"
AZ Candidate Recruited By Obama: "I Have No Connections To President Obama"
Barrett Concedes: Wisconsin Is Divided
Alex Castellanos' Electoral Map
Crossroads GPS Ad: "Stopwatch"
Clinton "Aghast" By Suggestion He Is Hurting Obama's Reelection
John B. Taylor On Economy: "The Problem Is Policy"
Dick Morris: "Bill Clinton Does Not Want Barack Obama To Win"
Barrett: Obama Visit In Wisconsin Would Have Been Distraction
Krauthammer: Obama Campaign Is "At The Bottom Of The Barrel"
Corn: Focus Groups Show Massachusetts Attacks Work Against Romney
O'Reilly: Wisconsin Recall Is A "Vicious Battle"
Schultz: Republicans Have "Vilified" The People Of Wisconsin


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