A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

19 June 2012

19 June'12


The Alex Jones Show 06-18-12 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 06-18-12 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 06-18-12 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 06-18-12 Hr 4

The Katherine Albrecht Show 06-18-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 06-18-12 Hr 2


Romney: "Marco Rubio Is Being Thoroughly Vetted"
Krugman: More Public Sector Jobs Would Have Prevented This "Disaster"
Spanish-Language Media Star Backs Obama In New Ads
Romney: "Only Beth Myers And I Know Who's Being Vetted"
Krauthammer: U.S. Has 'Diminished' Role In European Crisis
ABC News: Romney Campaign Not Vetting Rubio
Romney Spanish-Language Ad Slams Obama On Economy
Heilemann: Obama Did The "Right Thing" On Immigration
Van Jones: Keystone A "Dirty Needle Of A Pipeline"
O'Reilly: Obama's Immigration Policy Right In "Theory", But It's "Illegal"

Syria: 'The Time to Act is Now'
Rocky Relationship for Obama and Putin
Can Egypt Transition to a Representative Democracy?
Egyptian Women Cheer Purported Muslim Brotherhood Win
Raw Video: G-20 Focused on Job Creation
Prison Riots Spread, Wounding 47 in Turkey
G-20 Leaders Meet in Mexico in Shadow of Crisis.
British Royals at Order of the Garter Ceremony
Is China Too Important to Exclude?
Are Drone Strikes and Kill Lists the New Normal?
Is a Russian Ship Carrying Arms to Syria?



Sen. McConnell: Obama Using "Diversionary Tactics" To Avoid Running On Record
MSNBC Uses Selectively Edited Clip Of Romney
LaBolt: Romney "The Most Conservative Nominee" On Immigration "In A Generation"
Father's Day Web Ad Highlights Obama's Relationship With Daughters
Sen. Rubio: Obama "Deliberately Divides Americans"
Romney Web Ad: "Our Time"
Artur Davis On Party Switch: "A Political Party Is Not A Prison"

Yang Jianli: Pay Attention to the Warning Signs of Revolutionary Change
Mali Refugees Seek Security from Fighters in Niger
Obama Arrives in Mexico for G20
Greek Election Boosts Worldwide Markets
Deadly Bus Blast in Pakistan
Israeli Security in a Changing Regional Environment
The Ethics of Cyber Warfare
Greece's Political System
Foreign Aid in Africa
Egypt's Parliament Dissolved: Three Things to Know
10 Questions for Boris Johnson
A North Korean Spring?
Carl Bildt: Euro is not to Blame for EU Economic Crisis
Rare White Rhino Born in Israeli Zoo


Who Will Lead After Ron Paul? | Real Jew News

Did Rand Paul Sell Out To The Jews? | Real Jew News

The USA: Military Arm Of The New World Order | Cosmic Convergence 2012

Baltic sea - Anomaly 2012 Movie - YouTube

Baltic Sea ‘UFO’ Mystery Deepens With Dive | Beyond Science | Science | Epoch Times

Delegates Committed to Ron Paul File Federal Lawsuit Against RNC Seeking Right to Vote Their Conscience

The Outrageous Racist Hypocrisy of Israel and World Zionism! - YouTube

Exclusive: Secret EU summit document shows first step to banking union - Telegraph

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Confirmed: Ron Paul Will Not Endorse Mitt Romney - Listen Why!

PressTV - Obama's former professor: President 'must Be Defeated'

Obama attorneys argue he’s not Dem nominee

The Presidential Debates #1: Obama vs Romney - YouTube

+Dr. David R. Hawkins Mystic and Spirituality Consciousness

Rothschild Gold Fixers, Dubai & the Annunaki « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson

Investor State Tribunals and Treason in high places « The PPJ Gazette

**List of Foreign-Trade Zones by State

Young illegal immigrants’ amnesty could tighten competition for jobs, college - The Washington Post

Eugenics – Toxic Meat Glue of the Elite Agenda « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

The empty suit?

Where Is Class Consciousness? –

A Whole New Version Of The Internet Is About To Be Switched On - Business Insider

Phantom Eye: Pentagon builds gigantic mega-drone - YouTube

Are Stars Celestial Water Springs? « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

The Forbidden History of Unpopular People - YouTube

Baton vs camera: Police open hunt for citizen journalists - YouTube

973 - Barrie Trower (1 of 13) -

974 - Barrie Trower (2 of 13) -

975 - Barrie Trower (3 of 13) -

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978 - Barrie Trower (6 of 13) -

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980 - Barrie Trower (8 of 13) -

981 - Barrie Trower (9 of 13) -

982 - Barrie trower (10 of 13) - Big Carbon betrayal - a real inconvenient truth!

983 - Barrie Trower (11 of 13) - Code of Silence at the BBC, Royal Society & Political Correctness!

984 - Barrie Trower (12 of 13) -

Top 10 Robot Stories of 2011 |

A Virus Called Fear | Before It's News

A VIRUS CALLED FEAR - Student Documentary Short - YouTube

Lardaggedon! Fat people threaten world’s food security - Health - News - Evening Standard

British population is getting too fat for the planet - Telegraph

Not enough hours in the day? Scientists predict time will stop completely - Telegraph

Obama tied to architect of U.S. collapse

Underground Tunnels, Cities, and Civilization - YouTube

Controversial Artifacts No One Wants To Examine Thoroughly - Is There Something We Are Afraid Of Discovering? -

Guest Post: The Experiment Has Failed. Are You Ready? | ZeroHedge

Thousands of military drones to be deployed over US mainland

The Mysterious Case of the Vanishing Genius | ZenHaven

Expert Group Rejects World Trade Center Reports - MarketWatch

Event Horizon Chronicle: We Are Now In The 300 Day Trial Of America

What Happened to the Promise? | Kirwan's Art & Articles

Hello, Is Anybody There?

Prince Charles warns of the 'catastrophic' impact of climate change | Mail Online

Rio+20 Preview: Not The Best Time For Sustainability Talks, Experts Say To Expect Less | all - International Business Times

A Deeper Look at Sci-Fi Propaganda | ZenHaven

New ticks spread across Southeast, diseases rise | Fox News

Japan pushes for law to secure Iranian oil supply — RT

Lifespan-Crushing Stress Levels Skyrocket Since 1983

Military wins power game in Egypt – this time round | World news |

Adidas under fire for unveiling new trainer with orange 'shackles' like those worn by black slaves | Mail Online

Watch: 30-minute televised reactor roundtable — Host blasts financial, environmental aspects of nuclear power (VIDEO)

Google reports 'alarming' rise in censorship by governments | Technology | The Guardian

Satellite Spots Lockheed's Mystery Drone | Danger Room |

Report: Casino mogul’s election donations, pledges hit $71 million - The Hill's Ballot Box

NPN Email Alert: Is "Christian Identity" True?

Lifespan-Crushing Stress Levels Skyrocket Since 1983

#1 Cause of Disease Transmission: Lack of Proper Hygiene | The Health Coach

Obama Gives Part of Alaska to Russia - YouTube

Obama’s giveaway: Oil-rich islands to Russia

Obama State Department set to cede oil-rich Alaska islands to Russia | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Ron Paul 2012

Obama State Department set to cede oil-rich Alaska islands to Russia | World Tribune

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Ruby Ridge commentary by Ass Hat Bill Maher

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul 2012- is President Obama\'s Toughest Competitor !!.

Mitt Romney reassembles Bush Neo-Con Liars foreign policy team - YouTube

Henry Kissinger headlines Mitt Romney fundraiser -

Refreshing News: Obama's professor rallies against his former student

Obama's Attitude Towards Pollard Anti-Semitic - Jewish World - News - Israel National News

NSA: Revealing how many Americans we’ve spied on would violate their privacy | The Raw Story

Don’t Let Copyright Holders Steal Our Property Rights! | _

Adelson Gives $10 Million to Pro-Romney Super PAC | My Catbird Seat

Long-term youth unemployment grows eight-fold since 2000 - Telegraph

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : CNN: Alleged Epidemic Of Child Sex Abuse In Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Communities

Does Your Doctor Have a Fake Degree? The Billion-Dollar Industry That Has Sold Over a Million Fake Diplomas | Books | AlterNet

Border Agency To Listen In On Travellers' Conversations

Curing American Workers Of Green Card Blues And How Harvard Selects Students | Video Rebel's Blog

CREW calls on Holder to release secret drone strike memo | The Raw Story

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Senator Lieberman demands prosecution of whistleblowers

This Chart Shows The Terrifying Power Of Modern Nuclear Bombs - Business Insider

Has the President Become a Law Unto Himself? by John W. Whitehead --

Talk of drones patrolling US skies spawns anxiety | _

Obama Extends National Emergency Over Russian Nuke Material | Russia | RIA Novosti

Obama, Putin give off chilly body language in the heat of Mexico's coast |

Picture essay: The terrible legacy of biofuels - Climate Change - Environment - The Independent

Google denies ‘cover-up’ as Street View data collection probe reopens | _

Mitt Romney - 'I Don't Have A Political Career' - YouTube

Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus - YouTube

Shocking 1950's Commercial! - YouTube

Montana Madness: GOP establishment shuts out Ron Paul supporters | _

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul Sweeps Iowa Delegates- What it Means

Lawyers for Ron Paul on The Power Hour – 6/18/12 | _

**The Secret of Oz -- YouTube

In His Own Words: Obama Says He is a Constitution Violating Dictator :

We Can't Wait - YouTube

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 6/18/12: Unconstitutional Uses of Drones Must Stop - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Chairman Shoves Ron Paul Supporter- Iowa GOP Convention

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Confirmed: Ron Paul Will Not Endorse Mitt Romney - Listen Why!

More Killed in Chicago this Year than Afghanistan | Washington Free Beacon

New Study Shows Chewing Gum Actually Hinders Short-Term Memory :

Gore’s environmentally friendly investment firm lands $16M contract to manage city pension funds -

With 16 petaflops and 1.6M cores, DOE supercomputer is world’s fastest | Ars Technica

Roadside Jesus statue to be resurrected | |

Hacked companies fight back with controversial steps | Reuters

NSA: It Would Violate Your Privacy to Say if We Spied on You :

Activist Post: CIA’s Hacktivists May Have Had Access to Flame and Stuxnet

Activist Post: All Over America Government Agents of Tyranny Are Forcing Preppers Back On To The Grid

The US State Department Goes Bad | My Catbird Seat

MoneyBags World: Fed Members Gave Their Own Banks $4 Trillion In Secret Bailouts

Fluoride Deception: Associated Press Publishes Propaganda In Water Fluoridation Story |

The Osama Bin Laden Staged Media Psyop Mind Control Operation |

Secrets Of The Mega Zombie Banks - YouTube

Prison » Woman Arrested For Groping

Prison » Senator Rubio Confronted on Bilderberg

Senator Rubio Confronted on Bilderberg - YouTube

Prison » Delegates Committed to Ron Paul File Federal Lawsuit Against RNC Seeking Right to Vote Their Conscience

Prison » NSA Refuses To Admit To Spying On Americans

Prison » Obama’s New Campaign Poster

Prison » Report: Rubio not being vetted for VP

Beijing mushroom cloud dominates skyline and sparks fresh 'end-of-the-world' fears | Mail Online

Amamzing Mushroom Cloud over Beijing, China - YouTube

Prison » US Climate Change Procedure Based on UN’s Geoengineering Governance and Technology Policy

Fed Will Ease Monetary Policy This Week: Goldman’s Hatzius - Asia Business News - CNBC - CNBC

Prison » The Boy Who Cried Wolf: Is Predictive Programming Being Used To Weaken The Truth Movement?

Olympics 2012 False flag the destruction of London illuminati - YouTube

Prison » Only Zombie Clones Worship The Obamney Drone

This is How America Dies! - YouTube

Prison » Apple’s iOS 6 Includes ‘Government Alerts’

Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media: Emergency Alert System - YouTube

Ron Paul raised $1.78M in May - Dave Levinthal -

Prison » Callers Sound Off on Obama’s, ” I Don’t Need Congress” Statement

Callers Sound Off on Obama's, " I Don't Need Congress" Statement - YouTube

Prison » Obama’s Harvard law professor Roberto Unger says ‘he must be defeated in 2012′

Robert Mangabeira Unger - "Beyond Obama" - YouTube

Prison » Medal of Dishonour: US veterans dump awards outraged by endless wars

Medal of Dishonour: US veterans dump awards outraged by endless wars - YouTube

Prison » US & Russia Deploy in Syria – Double Prey for Al-Qaeda

US & Russia Deploy in Syria -- Double Prey for Al-Qaeda - YouTube

Prison » Syria, Iran, Russia and China Reportedly Plan War Game

Prison » Jamie Dimon’s defecation on the Constitution

Jamie Dimon's defecation on the Constitution - YouTube

Obama Administration’s Drone Death Figures Don’t Add Up - ProPublica

McCain urges U.S.-led air war in Syria | The Raw Story

Russia, China, Iran plan to stage in Syria “biggest Mid East maneuver”

Women being singled out for airport strip searches - Telegraph

Prison » Vaccinated children have up to 500% more disease than unvaccinated children

Prison » 2nd Amendment: A Checkmate Against Tyranny

2nd Amendment: A Checkmate Against Tyranny - YouTube

+Facebook buys facial recognition startup | Reuters

Face Recognition –

- CAFR: If $600B ‘fund’ can’t fund $27B pension, $16B deficit, why have it? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

**Alex Jones Report on The CAFR - YouTube

» WWII War Hero Has Land and Home Stolen Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Boy Who Cried Wolf: Is Predictive Programming Being Used To Weaken The Truth Movement? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

In Sandusky trial, testimony shows how suspicions led to silence - The Washington Post

Lawrence Summers: Avoiding a global catastrophe - The Washington Post

» UK Mass Surveillance Bill: The Return of a Bad Idea Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» FBI Wants to Outlaw New Internet Technology Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Is a Military Drone Base Coming to Your Hometown? - ABC News

Bloomberg remains firm on stop and frisk policy despite march | The Raw Story

BBC News - IBM supercomputer overtakes Fujitsu as world's fastest

Florida Birther Lawsuit From Michael Voeltz Heard In Court

» ‘Roid-raging Cop Shoots Up Neighborhood: Get Ready for more “Gun Control” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

AllGov - News - Dozens Imprisoned for Violating Non-Existent Federal Gun Control Law

» Yes, the War on Drugs is a War on People Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

What is America’s cyberwar policy? - The Washington Post

FBI Terror Plot: How the Government Is Destroying the Lives of Innocent People | | AlterNet

Adidas cancels 'shackle' shoes after outcry -

Adidas sparks outrage with ‘shackle’ sneakers - NY Daily News

» Obama Picks Good Ol’ Boy John Kerry to Play Mitt Romney in Mock Debates Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Is a human 'population bomb' ticking? - Features - Al Jazeera English

Daddy Diss Supposedly Has Cuomo Mad At Bloomberg, Withholding 9/11 Museum Funding: Gothamist

» WH Adviser: Letting Certain Illegals Stay and Work in U.S. ‘Fully Within Our Ability’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

WH Adviser: Letting Certain Illegals Stay and Work in U.S. 'Fully Within Our Ability' |

» Proposed international trade rules would give corporations the power to overrule governments Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

AllGov - News - Why are Americans Growing Obese? Blame Richard Nixon and Earl Butz

King Corn - The Corn We Eat - YouTube

Ex-Aetna chief criticizes insurance mandate | Yahoo! Health

» The case for mandatory GMO labeling – even if you believe in limited government and the free market Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Family accuses El Monte police officers of brutality in man's death - Pasadena Star-News

The Washington Post: Login - The Washington Post

» Globalist Control Freaks Worried About European Secessionist Movements Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

4 PART/The Truth Shall Make You Free – Max Igan

America..... It's Time To Stand On Your Feet And Fight - YouTube

NSA: It Would Violate Your Privacy to Say if We Spied on You | Danger Room |

10 Things That Will Happen If Barack Obama Continues To Systematically Legalize Illegal Immigration |

Making an Emergency Tool Kit - YouTube

Plastic Currency Gains Worldwide, But Short-Term Costs, Other Factors Mean No-Sale In U.S. -

Activist Post: CIA Disinfo: '380 American Rebels Killed' Story A LIE! Mysterious Michigan Blast/Radiation Update - Part 1

CIA Disinfo: "380 American Rebels Killed" Story A LIE! Mysterious Mi. Blast/Radiation Update- Part 1 - YouTube

Silent Spring For Us?

Activist Post: Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America

Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America (Full) - YouTube

Obama and Eric Holder Are Still Lying About the Medical Marijuana Raids |

Activist Post: CNN Lies: 'Marijuana has 70% More Cancer Causing Agents Than Cigarettes'

Activist Post: All Over America Government Agents of Tyranny Are Forcing Preppers Back On To The Grid

Activist Post: CIA’s Hacktivists May Have Had Access to Flame and Stuxnet

Activist Post: Report: DHS risk assessment study of National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility underestimates risks

Activist Post: US Climate Change Procedure Based on UN’s Geoengineering Governance and Technology Policy

NBC’s Dishonest Edit Of Romney’s ‘Wawa Moment’

Mitt Romney Is Amazed By WaWa - YouTube

Two Sides to a Sad and Dreary Story About Obama’s Illegal Activities

More from DHS Insider

United Nations Officials Protest U.S. Law Enforcement’s Handling of Occupy Wall Street Squatters

Respect for the American People - AWOL in the Obama Presidency

“Sustainable justice” = redistribution of scarcity

Is Obama making himself ‘legal’ in removing 800,000 illegal immigrants from deportation?

A Real democratic UN?

Obama Dictatorship Now Overtly Lawless…Congress Largely Yawns

Government as God is Liberalism’s Idea—Stolen From Ancient Pagan World

The Progressive-Traditionalist War

King Obama Heckled by Disrespectful Reporter Regarding Unilateral Amnesty

What Maraniss Obviously Missed

America's First Anarchist President

Obama, Messiah No More

Universal Health Care Conservative Style

How to Handle the Taliban

Obama's Togetherness

The Long and Costly War on Carbon

Three WV Dems to skip convention

9 lies about Obama's life

Britain stops Russian ship carrying attack helicopters to Syria

Dem hopes of taking House up in smoke

The Rise of the Lawless Tyrant

Obama's in the Corner; Romney must Pound his Socialist Energy Policy

Ron Paul, Libertarians are camoflaged Gay Libers...


The Michael Savage Show 06/18/2012 FULL




June 18, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report Video Version – 18 June 2012

The Manning Report – 18 June 2012

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2


North Pole Expedition To Prove That The Earth Is Hollow | ZenHaven

Aliens in the Torah Codes.wmv - YouTube

Government Mind Control Of A Nation, Introduction, There Are 3 Levels Of Mind Control - Video | Before It's News

Mind Control Overview, Hypnosis, CIA MKUltra, Psychiatry, Conspiracy Theory, Psychology - YouTube

Heavy Illuminati Symbolism In Australian Ad " For The Love of Music" | The Vigilant Citizen

Channel [V] 'For The Love of Music' TVC - AdNews - YouTube

This Is the Food We'll Eat on Mars | Popular Science

Obamacare Hidden Panel of Unelected Officials Beyond Congressional Control | Before It's News

665 Billion Barrels Of Undiscovered Oil: USGS Releases Global Oil & Gas Reserve Growth Estimates | Before It's News

Consciousness TV | Foods That Will Naturally Cleanse Your Liver

21 Survival Items to Look for at Yard Sales, Thrift Stores and Garage Sales | Before It's News

Ancient Unexplained Mysteries and Strange Sites in The United States — Part One | Socyberty

Nasa and SETI Astronomers Detect Alien Signal From Jupiter’s Moon Ganymede | Scienceray

Prison » NSA Refuses To Admit To Spying On Americans

Prison » Syria, Iran, Russia and China Reportedly Plan War Game

Millions will see values of pensions slashed by up to 20% as new EU rules send annuities plummeting | Mail Online

Prison » US Climate Change Procedure Based on UN’s Geoengineering Governance and Technology Policy

Prison » The Boy Who Cried Wolf: Is Predictive Programming Being Used To Weaken The Truth Movement?

Prison » Only Zombie Clones Worship The Obamney Drone

» Fidelity Investments Funding ‘Synthetic Biology’ Takeover of Life Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Thinking Big: Synthetic Biology - Fidelity Investments - YouTube

Genetic Armageddon: Humanity's Greatest Threat - YouTube

» Battle to Free Scotland From British Money Power Heats Up Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Most Arrogant Man in the World Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Kissinger Campaigns for Romney: Did Bilderberg Select the Next Pres? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul Convention Delegates File Suit To Vote Freely Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama’s Harvard law professor says ‘President MUST be defeated in 2012′ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Most Arrogant Man in the World - YouTube

Kissinger: Obama Will Create A New World Order - YouTube

Ron Paul convention delegates file suit to vote freely - National Independent |

Obama's Harvard law professor Roberto Unger says 'he must be defeated in 2012' | Mail Online

Obama's Harvard law professor 'President MUST be defeated in 2012' - YouTube

» Globalist Control Freaks Worried About European Secessionist Movements Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon Heckled as ‘Crook’ During Hearing Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Man Calls JPMorgan Chase CEO A Crook To His Face - YouTube

Lawrence Summers: Avoiding a global catastrophe - The Washington Post

» Instead of Banning Soda, Maybe it’s Time We Banned Stupid Government Bans Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Scientists Genetically Engineered Cows to Produce Human Breast Milk Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

AllGov - News - Why are Americans Growing Obese? Blame Richard Nixon and Earl Butz

» Obama Overrides Congress to Rewrite US Immigration Laws to Suit his Political Agenda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Watch President Obama's Remarks on New Immigration Policy - YouTube

» Proposed international trade rules would give corporations the power to overrule governments Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Florida Birther Lawsuit From Michael Voeltz Heard In Court

My Way News - US plans significant military presence in Kuwait

Daddy Diss Supposedly Has Cuomo Mad At Bloomberg, Withholding 9/11 Museum Funding: Gothamist

Is a human 'population bomb' ticking? - Features - Al Jazeera English

Father Accuses Texas Teachers Of Ordering A "Code Red" On His Six-Year-Old Son | The Smoking Gun

How to Save Your Money And Your Life - informationliberation

U.S. Implementing Afghanistan, Kosovo Models For Syria

The State Department Goes Bad

Revolutionary Forces Call for Mass Protest Against 'Coup D'état'

Amnesty's Shilling for US-NATO Wars

UN Investigator Criticizes US Drone War

Unconstitutional Uses of Drones Must Stop

Is This Still America? 40 Years of Growing Surveillance

Nuremburg Rallies Circa 1930s? Sleeping Through the Coup

Romney Plans To Grow Military Spending While Cutting Revenue

Video/Pass The Robin Hood Tax ; Small Change For Banks, Big Change For The Community

The Genius of Mutual Indebtedness

U.S., Israel developed Flame computer virus to slow Iranian nuclear efforts, officials say - The Washington Post

Fed Will Ease Monetary Policy This Week: Goldman’s Hatzius - Asia Business News - CNBC - CNBC

JPMorgan Chase Gets $14 Billion Per Year In Government Subsidy: Study

Heavy Illuminati Symbolism In Australian Ad ” For The Love of Music”

Romney: Marco Rubio Being 'Serioulsy' Vetted for Vice President

Rubio to Newsmax: I Can Make A Difference

Boehner: House Will Repeal All of Obamacare If Court Doesn’t

Rasmussen: 71% Back Permits for Young Illegals with Conditions

Why Stocks May Be Even Riskier Than You Think

Ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak Dies

Marco Rubio’s Candor Pays Off

Hugo Chavez Helps Assad Slaughter Syrian Civilians

Obama Plan Means Higher Taxes on Most Business Income: Study

Florida Hit With New Lawsuit Over Voter Purge Effort

U.S. Car Thefts Decline for Eighth Year on Security Features

Zimmerman's Wife Had $63,000 before Bond Hearing

Indiana Gov. Daniels to Be Named Purdue President

Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Barred From Court for Beard

Krauthammer: Romney Right Not to Take Immigration Bait

Romney’s Sons to Make Late-Night TV Debut

GOP Senators Tell Judges: Cancel $1m Maui Jaunt

McCarthy: Congress Must Stop Obama’s ‘Lawlessness’

Kid Rock to Perform at GOP Convention

Tax Break Bill for Bringing Jobs to US Headed for July Vote

Libertarian Gary Johnson: ‘I’m No Spoiler’

West Virginia Democrats to Abandon Obama at Convention

Wal-Mart Moms Torn on Obamacare Become Latest Swing Voters

Iran's Ahmadinejad to Meet With Chavez in Caracas in Near Future

LIGNET: US-Russia Relations Turn Cold Over Syria

Muslim Brotherhood Warns Egypt's Generals

Wall Street Expects Fed to Act; Question Is How

Whitney: JPMorgan 'Hedges' Were Really Market Bets

Testosterone: Wonder Drug for the Heart?

Chronic Gum Disease Can Cause Cancer

Surfing Patterns Linked to Depression

New Service Allows Campaign Donations Via Social Media

Microsoft Kept PC Partners in Dark about Surface

Study Sees Little Earthquake Risk From Fracking

President Obama's Immigration Ploy

The Best Government Money Can Buy

Obama's Backdoor Amnesty Overreach

Marco Rubio Is Romney’s Wild Card

McCain on Obama Granting Work Permits to Illegals: He Can't Do It Because He's Not King

Hoyer: It's 'Appropriate' Under Constitution for President to Give Work Permits to Illegals

60 Illegals From Countries That ‘Promote, Produce, or Protect’ Terrorists Caught Along U.S. Coastlines

Rubio: 'It Feels Weird to Deport a Valedictorian'

Obama Campaign Sends ‘Dreamers’ Fundraising Email Hours after Amnesty Announcement

Sebelius, Human Rights Campaign Praise Each Other for Promoting LGBT Equality in Healthcare

Michelle Obama Jokes About Solar Car Explosion at OSU Commencement

WH Adviser: Letting Certain Illegals Stay and Work in U.S. 'Fully Within Our Ability'

$5.7 Billion in Taxpayer Money Spent So Far to Encourage Use of Electronic Health Records

Easing of pot laws poses challenge for parents

High-Stakes Iran Nuclear Talks Don’t Look Promising

Amy Winehouse's Dad Details Cycle of Addiction

Obama: Putin talks candid, tensions can be eased

Tax Foundation: Millionaire Status is Transient

Rep. West: The Word ‘Progressives’ Directly Related to Term ‘Communist’

Romney says Michigan win would hand him presidency

McConnell: 'We're Pretty Unhappy' About Obama's Immigration Mandate

Even NBC's Donny Deutsch Doesn't See Racism in Obama Interruption

OTJ: Ed Feulner 'The American Spirit'

WH Adviser: Homeland Security Dep't Decided to Make Immigration Changes; 'Not a Political Move'

Monsanto-Funded Science Denies Emerging Roundup-Cancer Link

Obamacare Hidden Panel of Unelected Officials Beyond Congressional Control

19 Reasons to Start Preparing for a Global Economic Collapse

Military Disputes Report of Mubarak's Death

JPMorgan Chase CEO: Bank Took TARP, 'Because We Were Asked to' by Treasury Secretary |

A Biblical Threat to National Security by Kelley B. Vlahos --

Rand Paul’s Oedipal Drama by Justin Raimondo --

Has the President Become a Law Unto Himself? by John W. Whitehead --

Early Secular Communism by Murray N. Rothbard

Playing With Words by Thomas Sowell

A Surprise Ending on Watergate’s 40th Anniversary by Russ Baker

Heads a Deflationary Implosion – Tails a Hyperinflationary Depression... by Clive Maund

You'll Want To Keep Your Dyes Open for This One... World's Tallest Roller Coaster Opens Amid Spectacular Views

Essential Medical Skills to Acquire - Part 1: Introduction, by Cynthia J. Koelker, MD -

The Disconnect Between Household Wealth and GDP Growth

The truth about the lies about the Chicago 'terrorists'

9 Health Risks That Aren’t Worth Taking by Joseph Mercola

Romney Says He's 'Working On' a 'Long-Term Solution' for Younger Illegal Aliens |

ABC Zeroes in on Rubio: 'You were Baptized in the Mormon Church?'; Gushed Over Obama |

CNN: Elephant Poaching a 'Tragedy Beyond Reckoning' |

Obama's latest excuse against probing eligibility

An American horror story – at Penn State

Obama Marxists: You ain't seen nothing yet

Granting new 'rights' out of thin air

Creating jobs … for foreigners

Another frontal assault on Constitution

We need more economic nationalists

L. KLAYMAN: U.S. presidents above the law

J. FARAH: Scratch Rubio from VP list

America's Marxist picnic

JOSEPH FARAH: Attorney general above the law?

WASHINGTON: Obama's poststructuralist buddies

Mormons have irrational beliefs? Who doesn't?

E. RATNER: Obama's bold move on immigration

Who said this? ‘Pelosi is a reptile’

Was Obama’s socialist party racialist?

Obama: Pass DREAM Act this year -

News from The Associated Press

A.D. 100: Church compromises in Jupiter’s temple

Rubio autobiography proves he’s not eligible for VP?

Marco Rubio Not Being Vetted to Be Mitt Romney’s Running Mate - ABC News

Anti-Romney Protesters Say They're Paid To Heckle

Prosecutors may present unaired portions of NBC News' Sandusky interview - U.S. News

THE COUP OF 2012: Encroachment upon Basic Freedoms, Militarized Police State in America

GRTV: Russia Confronts US on Human Rights Violations

Political Stalemate in Egypt

Global Order Poised between Promise and Chaos

Iraq: War Crimes, Lies and Statistics

GRTV: America's Pacific Century: Containing China

The Biggest Myth Preventing an Economic Recovery: "Private Debt Doesn't Matter"


* BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 19, 2012

* BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 18, 2012


Libya: New AFRICOM & NATO Beachhead in Africa

The EyeOpener- Just Be Evil: The Unauthorized History of Google

Just Be Evil: The unauthorized history of Google - YouTube

The Antichrist arises, with scimitar in hand

Infanticide and bestiality advocate given Australia’s highest civic award |

A Deeper Look At Sci-Fi Propaganda - A Common Thread Linking Them All Together | Before It's News

Activist Post: WHO Declares American Weight Problem Draining World’s Resources

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul Floor Speech On Legislation to Block Military Action in Syria - June 19, 2012

Laura Bush on 9/11: Why Was the President's Wife Left Vulnerable and Unprotected? |

NSA: It Would Violate Your Privacy to Say if We Spied on You | Danger Room |

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : It\'s Not A Fair Fight! - So We Need To Sell Them A Few Billion Dollars Worth Of Weapons!

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Lawyers for Ron Paul on The Power Hour - 6/18/12

Antibacterials In Personal-Care Products Linked To Allergy Risk In Children | Before It's News

Pineal Gland – Our Third Eye: The Biggest Cover-Up in Human history | Before It's News

Dulse Secret Alien Base Mind Blowing Footage Of Cryo Tanks | Before It's News

Dulse secret alien base mind blowing new footageof cryo tanks - YouTube

Tai Chi Increases Brain Size, Benefits Cognition In Randomized Controlled Trial Of Chinese Elderly | Before It's News

9 Health Risks That Aren't Worth Taking

Hilarious-"Mystery Mushroom" Which Leaves Xi'an Villagers Befuddled Turns Out To Be Artificial Vajayjay | Before It's News

Sperm Collecting Machine: Chinese Innovation At Its Best | Before It's News

Sandusky Defense Suggests the Police Coached Accusers -

Video - Breaking News Videos from

Harry Reid Shuts Down Reporter: ‘That’s A Clown Question Bro’ | Politicker

Parties jockey on healthcare ahead of court ruling - Yahoo! News Canada

Issa Plans to Move Forward With Holder Contempt Vote - Influence Alley

EXCLUSIVE: Secret Service agents partied like rock stars on Obamas' Vineyard Vacation | Fox News

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Pic of the Day: Obama Bowing Again?…

Alec Baldwin punches Daily News photographer after obtaining marriage license in New York with fiancee Hilaria Thomas - NY Daily News

Democrats Rip GOP Energy Package : Roll Call News

North Rowan teacher in video controversy will keep job | Salisbury, NC - Salisbury Post

Scientology-Like Movie “The Master” Gets a Second, Mysterious Trailer to Decipher | Showbiz411

'The Two Men Barely Looked at Each Other' | The Weekly Standard

Economic bummer: 6.9 million homes ditch cable TV |

Conflicting reports about whether Mubarak has died

New venture fund launched, focusing on education reform in CPS

Aldermen squeamish about pot decriminalization proposal

Jerry Sandusky Trial: Dottie Sandusky takes the stand

Jerry Sandusky NBC Failed to Air Damning Molestation Comments - YouTube

Ron Paul plans his own RNC event to calm the waters

Ex-Rutgers Webcam Spy Convict Released from Jail

Southern Baptists Pick Black Leader

Sen. Brown refuses to participate in Kennedy Institute/UMass debate

Harry Reid channels Bryce Harper: 'That's a clown question, bro'

Why wasn't Romney prepared for the immigration question?

Zimmerman's wife had $57000 in account

Obama: Slower growth if Europe means fewer US jobs

How Asians displaced Hispanics as biggest group of new US immigrants

House Democrats beat House Republicans in May fundraising

Wide Divide Kills Cuomo Proposal on Marijuana

Egypt's Mubarak Reported in Serious Condition

Mexico's poor in contrast to glitzy G20 - YouTube

G20 backs Europe's plans for overhaul to fight crisis

Israel Weighs Response After Attacks by Hamas

Chief monitor says UN Syria team was targeted: envoys

Video: Magnotta to request psychiatric evaluation: Prosecutors

Suu Kyi says ready to lead Myanmar to democracy

Pacific Trade Talks Extend Invites to Canada, Mexico

'Israel' removed from PA guide to proper terms

Romney says Rubio is being vetted for No. 2 slot

Violence spikes across southern Afghanistan

G20 bid to cut cost of euro borrowing

Europe muddle thickens as leaders fail to step up

JPMorgan CEO testifies he did not mislead shareholders

The Twisted Outcome of Fed Bond Buying

OIL FUTURES: Crude Edges Higher on Euro Strength, US Stimulus Hopes

Analysis: Facebook stock's bad start reins in short sellers

Capital One Leads Card Complaints

Nook Searches for Its Niche

Lockheed says more orders key to cutting F-35 cost

Dow Jones President Todd Larsen Resigns

Daily Webcast: The Bavarian Inn Lodge prepares for Mitt Romney - YouTube

GOP senators look to Romney to lead on response to Obama plan for young immigrants

Romney mum on labor unions as he works for Michigan votes

Jill Biden checks out Chicago's college-to-career program

Florida hit with new lawsuit over voter purge effort

Mormon leaders try to maintain political neutrality with spotlight on Romney

Service employees union ramps up effort for Obama

W.H. activist meeting follows immigration shift

Conan books five Romney sons for show

Sheldon Adelson: GOP's million dollar man

Pro-Romney Super PAC launches new ad wave

McConnell: Time to 'start over' on health care

First lady visits Las Vegas cafe on campaign stop

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack campaigns for Obama in Blacksburg

Romney Horse Wins Spot on Olympic Dressage Team

Review: David Maraniss' 'Barack Obama' is a biography of ambition

Beneath Microsoft's Surface

Microsoft Surface tablet - Keynote 2012 (Part 1/4) - YouTube

Microsoft Surface tablet - Keynote 2012 (Part 2/4) - YouTube

Microsoft Surface tablet - Keynote 2012 (Part 3/4) - YouTube

Microsoft Surface tablet - Keynote 2012 (Part 4/4) - YouTube

Microsoft Launches New Microsoft Surface Tablet - YouTube

Flame malware developed by US, Israel to slow Iranian nuclear efforts

Google Says Censorship Requests Are On the Rise

Facebook Seeks to Bolster Payments Business

Apple's exclusive deal with Liquidmetal extended through 2014

Facebook Scoops Up For $100M To Bolster Its Facial Recognition Tech

LG supplying Retina display for new MacBook Pro

Sharp launches world's biggest LCD HDTV -- 90 inches

iOS finally gets native Google Offers app

Google Launching Custom Gmail Themes

Google Finds 9500 Malicious Sites Every Day

Start-up Cue aims to queue up your digital life

Google's, Apple's eyes in the sky draw scrutiny

HP, Intel Team Up on 'Project Moonshot' Microservers

Hangouts become centerpiece of Google's dev outreach

Facebook explains reporting tool

Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis separate after 14 years

Bobby Brown's New Wife, Alicia Etheredge: We Are the 'Happiest Couple'

Mike Tyson, Tony contender?

Spotify Starts Mobile Web-Radio Service Challenging Pandora

Picasso, Miro Start $500 Million Test of Auction Market

TV: Todd Palin to be on 'Stars Earn Stripes'

Woody Allen: Nine Tidbits From The Director's 'To Rome With Love' Press Conference

John the Baptist's Bones May Be Under Bulgarian Church - YouTube

Did archaeologists really find bones belonging to John the Baptist?

Red List counts 'on the brink' species

Mayors Vaunt Progress Against Climate Change

Messenger goes to Mercury, finds Mickey Mouse

Robot 'Skin' Built With Touch Superior to Humans

GM says 100th facility is 'landfill-free'

Is global warming responsible for chinstrap penguin decline?

Another milestone for Chinese astronauts: Email in space

Another June Astronomical Event: Summer Solstice

Full circle: Calif. couple finds ring in car originally bought in El Paso

NASA, FAA to cooperate on commercial space regulation

Report: Southern spent $17.5 million to fight EPA rules

Swedish scientists reveal findings of deep-sea 'alien' hunt

Carpet of lush flora once ringed icy Antarctica

Large asteroid has a slight chance of striking Earth in 2040

Health department to hold drop-in HIV testing clinic

Feds Probe Hepatitis C Outbreak

Teen with 3-foot fishing spear in skull poses dilemma for doctors

Study doubts value of liver cancer screening

Tending the Body's Microbial Garden

Loneliness, living alone may lead to a shorter lifespan

Germiest hot spots in hotels? TV remote, light switch, study finds

Vitamin D May Have Role in Pancreatic Cancer Survival

Dr. Manny: Autism drugs on the way, but be careful

Hypertension in Kids a Growing Problem

Recommended: Study: Legalizing medical pot doesn't boost teen drug use

Ind.'s Daniels Won't Comment on Purdue Presidency - ABC News

Alec Baldwin Defends Against Photographer Assault Claims, References Trayvon Martin - The Hollywood Reporter

New findings could rewrite scientists' model of how universe hangs together (+video) -

Healthiest meal ever: After editing thousands of claims, scientists serve up a superdish | Mail Online

c2cam/Mafia Revelations - 06-18-2012 - YouTube

Legendary lost 'White City' of gold 'discovered' in dense Central American jungle by advanced laser mapping | Mail Online

Icy Antarctica Once Ringed With Carpet of Lush Flora | Miocene Warming | LiveScience

Silver Screen Saucers: “Alien language” presented by CIA & Disney

Space mirrors will dry out US and Eurasia - environment - 18 June 2012 - New Scientist

Lair of the Beasts: Mothman on the Move - Science | Part 1: Mysterious 12,000-Year-Old Gobekli Tepe

Cryptomundo » Cattle Mute Controversies

The Daily Show: The Vagina Idealogues - MI Lawmaker Banned From Speaking

Disaster Capitalism, K-12 Education, and Corporate Takeovers of Progressive Organizations

At Least 5,000 Michigan Voters Have No Problem With The Word 'Vagina''

Blue Dog Artur Davis Refuses to Go Away Quietly

Mittens Still Says Straight Parents Are Better

Blue America Chat with Darcy Burner: Help 50 Million People Come Out of the Closet

Can MSNBC Really 'Lean Forward' With S.E. Cupp as Host?

Colbert: If Romney is Elected Illegals Will Self-Deport, In Fact, Some Americans Might Even Join Them

At UVA, Billionaire Donors Plot Corporate Takeover

CNN Host Scolds Heckler: Obama's Race Is 'the Elephant in the Rose Garden'

Republican Rep.: Young Immigrants 'Had a Say' in Crossing Border

Labor Steps Up Efforts to Protect the Rights of Americans

Andy Cobb: BP -- You're Welcome

Romney Says Gas Station's Touch-Screen Ordering Is 'Amazing'

UN Envoys Still Wait For a Response To Letter On Occupy Brutality

+Labor News and Notes Round-Up | Crooks and Liars

Obama Uses Daughters as Political Props in Campaign Ad

Egypt Military to Hand Over Power by End of June

BuzzFeed's Ben Smith Protects Obama and His MSM Pals

Cory Booker Fights The Left on Civility

Plouffe Squirms, Dodges Hard Questions on White House Leaks

Only Voters Can Hold Obama Accountable for Illegal Amnesty Policy

Sad Sequel: Celebrities' Lazy Campaign for Bigger Government

Jon Stewart Hides Mansions Under Pet's Names


Grave Robbery Spree Hits LA

Allen West: Obama's 'Imperial Presidency' Like King George III

Jesse Ventura: ‘Our Military Has Turned into Contract Killers’

Woody Allen's Son Mocks Filmmaker's Inter-generational Adultery on Father's Day

CNN Anchor: Reporter Interrupted President Because He's Black

Chicago Shootings Skyrocket as Jarrett Wedding Pulls 100+ Cops

Romney Refuses to Take Media's 'Illegal' Bait

Britain, U.S. Commemorate War of 1812 with 'Declaration of Peace'

Suspect in Body Parts Case Returns to Canada

JP Morgan Chase CEO Wears Cuff Links Obama Gave Him To Hearing

Republicans want food stamps cut in big farm bill

MSNBC: Romney 'Dangerous', 'Scary,' 'Sold His Soul'

Sen. John Kerry to Play Mitt Romney in Obama Debate Prep

Why Does Media Tolerate Obama's Lies?

Biographer David Maraniss Downplays Obama Lies as 'Literature'

Black Journalists: Is White House Throwing Holder Under Bus over Race?

Rubio: 'We Have The Most Generous Immigration Policies in the World'

Serious Flaws in Poll Favoring Obama’s Immigration Policy

GOP Rep. Introduces Bill to Stop Obama's Illegal Immigration Move

Artur Davis on Switch to GOP: 'A Political Party Is Not a Prison'

Obama in Serious Trouble in Pennsylvania

Age of Obama: More Americans Can't Afford Cable

New Media Victory: Author Apologizes for Comparing GOP to Hitler

Baldwin Hurls Anti-Gay Slurs at Daily News Editor

Jumping Ship: Three Prominent West Virginia Democrats Will Not Attend National Convention

Bloomberg: Romney Would Run Country Better Than Obama

New Asian Immigrants to US Now Surpass Hispanics

Ecuador Says WikiLeaks Founder Seeking Asylum

Report: Ahmadinejad to Step Down at End of Term

U.S. Teens Face Worst Summertime Hiring Since World War II

Issa: DOJ Hasn't Turned in Docs Before Holder Meeting

Swing State: Dem Governor Signs Law Blocking ObamaCare

Reality: Democrats Won't Win Back the House

Biden's Wife Takes Secret Service Lingerie Shopping In Chicago

Will Obama Admin Leaks Prompt Middle East War?

Issa: Holder Contempt Vote to Move Forward

Lawrence O'Donnell Mocks Ann Romney For Riding Horses To Combat Multiple Sclerosis

Andrea Mitchell to Address Deceptively Edited Clip

Alec Baldwin Assaults 'Daily News' Photographer

Canaries: Democrats In Coal Country Run Away From Obama's 'War on Coal'

Democrats Reduce Women to Vaginas with Latest Stunt

Maher on Allen West: GOP 'Party of the Apes'

MSNBC Plays Context Of Selectively Edited Romney Clip, Skips Apology

BET Columnist: WHITE VOTERS Vote On Color

Romney Laughs Off False Veep Rumors: 'Even Ann Doesn't Know'

Obama Bows to Mexican President

LA Times Covers Breitbart Memorial at Right Online

Reality: Democrats Won't Win Back the House

Ahmadinejad Arrives In Bolivia

Serious Flaws in Poll Favoring Obama’s Immigration Policy

Scientists Discover Virus To Power Smartphones

Media Misreporting Boehner's Fast & Furious Stance

Swing State: Dem Governor Signs Law Blocking ObamaCare

Harry Reid Shuts Down Reporter: ‘That’s A Clown Question Bro'

Panetta Tweaks Policy After Screening Military Rape Doc

Will Obama Admin Leaks Prompt Middle East War?

Issa: DOJ Hasn't Turned in Docs Before Holder Meeting

Video: Mini-Skirted Ladies Star in Late Night Denny's Brawl

New Obama Jobs Program: Pay Anti-Romney Protesters

LA City Council Considers Banning Park and Library Soda Machines

Alice Walker Refuses Hebrew Translation of 'The Color Purple,' Cites Israeli 'Apartheid State'

HomeVideodrome: Remembering the Potent Gray/Soderbergh Collaborations

Sandusky's Wife Takes Witness Stand

Watch 5,000 ducks go for a walk

Video: Picasso Painting Vandalized

Hurt: Politicians the 'Highest-Priced Harlots of Them All'

Egyptian Ex-President Mubarak Unconscious On a Respirator

Mitt Stumps In Michigan

Romney: Rubio 'Thoroughly Vetted' For VP

Conservatives' Rational Contempt for Academics

Mike Tyson to Take Bite Out of Broadway

Wawagate: MSNBC/Andrea Mitchell Smear Romney With Edited Video

Communism vs. Islamism: China Police Begin House Searches in Xinjiang

N.Korea Accuses U.S. Arms Buildup in Region

Report: Russia to Send Marines to Syria

Perfect Storm Pulling Coal Sector Under - Forbes

EPA'S Clean-Air Rules: Defend, Delay or Abolish? - Energy and Environment Experts

Energy Companies Are Not Sitting On "Inactive" Oil Leases, President Obama - Forbes

The Most Immediate Threats to Global Energy Security - Jellyfish Interview

How Oil May End a Conflict (for Once)

« Energy Independence and Its Enemies Commentary Magazine

Obama’s ‘clean energy’ strategy is money wasted - The Washington Post

Greens give Obama wilting enthusiasm - Darren Samuelsohn -

Black Studies 101 - NR / Digital Articles - National Review Online

Who is Marco Rubio? Life Story Revealed in Manuel Roig-Franzia’s Biography - The Daily Beast

Churchill and His Myths by Geoffrey Wheatcroft | The New York Review of Books

FrontPage Magazine - Rosenbergs: Still Guilty After All These Years » 1953: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, “the first victims of American fascism”

Juneteenth: Our Other Independence Day | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine

Mafia boss breaks silence over Roberto Calvi killing | UK news | The Observer

On Watergate's 40th anniversary, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein Still Don’t Know Who Ordered the Watergate Break-in

Intel Reveals Neuromorphic Chip Design - Technology Review

Alan Turing's legacy: how close are we to 'thinking' machines? | Technology | The Guardian

The New Internet Consolidators | PandoDaily

RealClearTechnology- Will Siri Dream of Electric Sheep?

Microsoft makes 'radical' move by designing, selling own Surface tablets - Computerworld

The Great German Energy Experiment - Technology Review

BBC News - Alan Turing: The codebreaker who saved 'millions of lives'

What the Internet looks like, physically: Tubes reviewed | Ars Technica

Have you ever chatted with a Hacker within a virus?

Religious Freedom Gets Hollywood Treatment | Culture | Religion Dispatches

Jehovah's Witnesses ordered to pay more than $20 million to woman who said she was sexually abused - U.S. News

David Brody: Mitt Romney and the Teavangelicals

David Skeel: Clerical Privilege and the Law -

Moondust: Nanoparticles in Lunar Soil May Solve Mystery - TIME

One Man's Weed Is Another Man's Science

What If There Were No Cockroaches? | Cockroach Elimination |

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. publishers | Leading innovation and advancement in science, technology and medicine

Five Hilarious Science Videos To Tickle Your Ulnar Nerve - Blog

DailyTech - Stephen Hawking Gets First Unit of New Supercomputer, Plans to Blow Minds

Studies of Human Microbiome Yield New Insights -

The research that's on everyone's lips | Education |

The Rain in Spain: The Many Uncertainties of Tinkering With the Climate | Decoded Science

‘Ignorance’ Book Review - Scientists Don’t Care for Facts -

Inkfish: The Shambulance: Ionic Foot Detox Baths

BBC News - Infrared approach in art studies reveals new details

Is It Time to Go Back to the Moon? : Discovery News

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

Golden Dawn and the rise of fascism | Spyros Marchetos | Comment is free |

Obama Fails to Sweet Talk Putin « Commentary Magazine

Will Libya Erase Gaddafi From Its History? - The Daily Beast

America’s first neocon war -

For Multilateralism, Is This the Dark Moment Before the Dawn? - By David Rothkopf | Foreign Policy

Nobody Is Listening to Putin Anymore | Opinion | The Moscow Times

A mighty wind blows in Rio - The Globe and Mail

How Is Energy Remaking the World? - By Daniel Yergin | Foreign Policy

Commentary: Old Empires Rise Again | The National Interest

Rise of the Different -

Historic Heritage of the Rust Belt |

Updating the ban against cruel and unusual punishment. By Judith Resnik and Jonathan Curtis-Resnik - How Can We Fix the Constitution? - Slate Hive

Think Again: The American Energy Boom - By Michael Levi | Foreign Policy

The North Dakota Fracking Miracle | RealClearPolicy

Fiscal cliff is closer than you think - Irwin Kellner - MarketWatch

3 Reasons Why the Fed Won't Act This Week

Grim job prospects could scar today's college graduates –

Obama’s ‘clean energy’ strategy is money wasted - The Washington Post

The good, the bad and the global economy | Ian Bremmer

Robert Samuelson: The folly of Obamacare - The Washington Post

Real Clear Markets - Video - Whitney: Dimon Antithesis of Blankfein

Real Clear Markets - Video - Kashkari: EU Unprepared for Inevitable Greek Exit

Real Clear Markets - Video - No, Bonds Are Not Dead

Real Clear Markets - Video - Microsoft Brings "Tablet" to the Surface

Real Clear Markets - Video - Bolton: Germany Won't Open Its Checkbook Again

Real Clear Markets - Video - Trump: 'Buying Opportunity' All Over Europe

Real Clear Markets - Video - Does OPEC Matter Anymore?

Advice to the B-School Class of 2012 - Businessweek

Morning Jay: Is Gallup Biased Against Obama? | The Weekly Standard

President Obama Does an About-Face on Oil -

The Mystery of Michelle Obama's Roots | RealClearPolitics

The Washington Post: Login - The Washington Post

McGurn: Eric Holder's Politics of Contempt -

Democrats gripe on Obama campaign—John Podhoretz -

Obama's Puzzling Immigration Decision | RealClearPolitics

President Martyr -

Mitt Romney's chances looking better | obama, president, romney - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Troubled Greece just a warm-up for Europe, USA. –

Obama's delaying action on deportations -

Anarchy in Sinai - JPost - Opinion - Editorials

The president is not the king |

Why Is the Private Sector Doing So Poorly? | RealClearPolitics

Why Republicans Oppose the Individual Health-Care Mandate : The New Yorker

Ordered Liberty » A Nation of Paper, Not of Men

2012 isn’t 2008 - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Alec MacGillis: 'What New Law?' | The New Republic

Barack Obama the Underdog Against ‘Change’ Slogan : Roll Call Politics

Romney's way: Let middle class pay the rich's tab -

The Compassionate Conservative Lie | RealClearPolitics

The Responsibility of Government « Commentary Magazine

Hoyer Tells the Alley What's Dogging Dems - Influence Alley

Obama did not save Detroit |

Follow the Dark Money | Mother Jones

What If Mitt Romney Were Jewish? - Bloomberg

RealClearSports: Sports News, Opinions & Analysis

*20 June

American Minute for June 20th

June 20th This Day in History

June 20 Events in History

This Day in History for 20th June |

Today in History: June 20

Today in History: June 20

June 20th in History

Today in History for June 20th - YouTube

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