A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

17 June 2012

17 June'12

WPTN Presennts The Liberty Hour


Liberty Hour Archives

*Assorted Artists:Music Players


20 min./Agenda 21: How Will It Affect You? - YouTube

Carol Paul on Ron Paul Radio - Rand did not consult family on Romney endorsement, Ron still true - YouTube

OpEdNews - Article: Traitors in America; Packs of Benedict Arnolds

Willie Nelson -Hit Medley On The Grand Ole Opry(1965). - YouTube

Green groups worried as Rio+20 pact is diluted - FRANCE 24

Challenges-for-Roi+20-Act-now-or-ecosystems-may-collapse-and-we-all-may-have-the-fate-of-dinosaurs-global-environment-and-climate-change-Hotnhitnews-Odisha-India-04917062012 | | Issue based News Portal from Odisha, India

UN officials stress importance of healthy soils to sustainable development

Nature News Blog: Outside Rio, agricultural scientists work to improve production – and protect the landscape : Nature News Blog

Hope fades for benefits from Rio+20 Earth Summit - Columns -

Rio + 20 Earth Summit: 436 Visions of Sustainability, At Least -

How to save the planet — in 10 not-so-easy steps

gulfnews : UAE delegation to attend Rio+20 summit

Earth summit revisited: is the movement doomed to be an endless talkfest? - National News - National - Environment - Glen Innes Examiner

Severn Cullis-Suzuki returns to Rio 20 years after stopping the world - YouTube

‘There is no Snare like Folly’ | Kirwan's Art & Articles

Wall Photos | Facebook

The Coup Of 2012

57 members of Congress among wealthy 1% –

Special Report: Watergate - the untold story - Americas - World - The Independent

How Microsoft and Yahoo Are Selling Politicians Access to You | ZenHaven

Barack Obama's global popularity on the wane, poll says | World news | The Guardian

Islamic Law - Playing God In The Here And Now

Tommy Chong Reveals Prostate Cancer Diagnosis, Treating with Hemp Oil

Conspiracy Of Silence – Child Sex Rings By the Rich and Powerful :

How They Lie to Us: the film Margin Call | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

Micro-Nukes and the World Trade Center – What Really Happened? :

Lunar Nano Soil – More Evidence of Alien Engineering? « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

Access to online porn 'twisting children's view of sexual norms' | Society | The Guardian

TPP secrets: Obama covertly granting more power to multinational corporations — RT

Domestic Energy & Jobs Act

Why Privacy Matters Even if You Have 'Nothing to Hide' - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Who Has Your Back? | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Wal-Mart involved in China pork scandal again | The Jakarta Post

Ron Paul Message to Supporters - YouTube

Activist Post: At Earth Summit Royal Society and WWF: Humanity is an Unsustainable Danger to Earth’s Eco-System

Et Tu, Rand Paul?

Ron Paul Reveals Himself

It's Time To Wake Up - We Are All One - YouTube

Lawsuit Coming Over Obama-Soetoro Illegals

Executive Orders @ The White House.Gov

Neil Munro: Obama bickers with heckler during speech over 'favouring immigrant workers' | Mail Online

Did Rand Paul Sell Out To The Jews? | Real Jew News

North Pole Expedition To Prove That The Earth Is Hollow | ZenHaven

Hollow Earth Theory 3D HD Version - YouTube

Americans hang on after recession claims wealth - Yahoo! News

How the Obama Auto Bailout Screwed Taxpayers and Paid Off Unions - Hit & Run :

The USA: Military Arm Of The New World Order | Cosmic Convergence 2012

Did Rand Paul Sell Out To The Jews? | Real Jew News

PROHIBITION Opened the Door | Kirwan's Art & Articles

2,000 dead Americans: The toll of the Afghan War (so far) — RT

Activist Post: Neurogeneticists Use Personality Genes to Further Eugenics Agenda

UFO NEWS UPDATE | VIDEO: Ocean X Team Discovers Something Unique in Latest Dive on Baltic Sea Mystery Object

How to Turn on “Do Not Track” in Your Browser | ZenHaven

Toxin from GM crops found in human blood: Study : North, News - India Today

Obama Dirty, Secret Backdoor Deal With Corporate America?

Devvy Kidd -- 'Anchor Babies' 10-03-11

ALIPAC Issues Statement Opposing Obama's Amnesty Plans for Illegals - ALIPAC

Lawyers To Take Over Ron Paul’s Campaign TODAY?!

Activist Post: Romney's Foreign Policy Advisers Exposed as Globalists

More Research Shows that Bacteria are Beneficial, Not Harmful

Nearly 20 percent of teens admit to 'sexting' - Vitals

Sex & the New World Disorder | ZenHaven

Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam

Investor State Tribunals and Treason in high places « The PPJ Gazette

Guns for buddies: US weapons sales surge overseas — RT

Pentagon Report Lists 110 Potential Drone Bases in the United States :

AIPAC and the Zionist Hex on America « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

The Daily Caller Reporter Shows Guts In Confronting Obama

Obama Creates 1000s Of Jobs With Stroke Of A Pen

Obama administration to stop deporting some young illegal immigrants -

Frequency Levels and Plant Growth - Apparently Apparel - A New Style of Coverage!

America In Decline: The Soul Crushing Despair Of Lowered Expectations

Vampire Devices - Sucking Energy While You Sleep - Apparently Apparel - A New Style of Coverage!

Juarez To El Paso - Business Insider

The Unusual Effects of Magnetic Water - Apparently Apparel - A New Style of Coverage!

Nikola Tesla's Wireless Electric Automobile Explained - Apparently Apparel - A New Style of Coverage!

British researchers create robot that can learn simple words by conversing with humans (w/ Video)

18 Examples Of The Nanny State Gone Wild

10 Things That We Can Learn About Shortages And Preparation From The Economic Collapse In Greece

The U.S. Economy By The Numbers: 70 Facts That Barack Obama Does Not Want You To See

Activist Post: Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Fossil Fuel, Nuclear Fission, Central Banking, War

Packaging you can eat: Food ¿skins¿ that mimic nature could slash plastic waste | Mail Online

RAF Pilot's Close Encounter with UFO

The Domain Name Game – Domain Buccaneers Sail the Internet Seas Looking to Grab the 2 Most Valuable Assets Your Company Has. Part 1 | Support Credit Unions

Dozens of women and children secretly videotaped in Sears dressing rooms and bathrooms, lawsuit claims | Mail Online

Paul Drockton: Mormon Dissociative Disorder

* ShopWiki.Com

The Role of Water in the Electric Body / Gerald Pollack - YouTube

President Obama: The Biggest Government Spender In World History - Forbes

Rodney King Dead at 47 - 12160

Rodney King Dead: Victim in 1991 LAPD Police Brutality Case, Has Died - ABC News

Rodney King Dead -- Drinking, Smoking Weed Before Drowning |

Matt Taibbi ~ Senators Grovel, Embarrass Themselves At Dimon Hearing | Shift FrequencyShift Frequency

The Tax-Deductibility of Horse-Related Expenses

35% purge rates, Now 11,000 missing voter histories

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Breaking News: More Delegates Join Lawsuit Against Romney And The RNC!!!

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul Message to Supporters

Ron Pauls Message to Supporters - YouTube

Jesse Ventura Explains Why Governments Are Like Gangs and Owned by the Corporations

Jesse 'The Mind' Ventura On Politics, Porsches And Paddleboards - Forbes

“Righteous Mutiny” Orchestrated by Paul Supporters to Secure the Win | _

GOP delegates sue to be free from Romney

Activist Post: DHS claims terrorists want to attack theaters and similar venues based on 'no specific or credible information'

It’s Official: Presidency Now a Dictatorship - 12160

Roberto Unger, Obama's Former Harvard Law School Professor, Says The President 'Must Be Defeated'

Globalization: Secret Obama Trade Agreement Would Allow Foreign Corporations to Avoid U.S. Laws -

World Bank chief warns of ‘Lehman’s moment’ for Europe | _

Activist Post: Even Rahm Emanuel Says Decriminalize Marijuana

Ambassador John Bolton's Curious Plan for Worldwide Chaos and Conflict - Forbes

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : As many of you well know, every U.S. war since its civil war has origins based in lies

Newt Gingrich: Defeating Obama is ‘a national, patriotic duty’ - The Washington Post

Romney's Profit from Bain's Buyouts: Up to $20,000 Per Laid-off Worker - DailyFinance

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Eric Holder 1995 We Must Brainwash People

Zombies, Deniers, Sociopaths, Schemers and Protectors: The five dominant personalities you'll encounter in a world gone mad

It's Time To Treat All Life As One, As Equal and As Part of All That Is

Video: David Icke – Becoming Conscious…The Key | Truth Is Scary

What is Your Spiritual IQ? | Conscious Life News

How Can You Live With Effortless Ease? | Care2 Healthy Living

FilesTube Tops Google Copyright Takedown List | The Illuminati

World Crisis Radio 06-16-12 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 06-16-12 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 06-16-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 06-16-12 Hr 2

Palin Gives Props to Right Wing Bloggers at Right Online Conference

Ad Agency Punks the Tea Party In Troy, Michigan

Next Time He'll Cut Your Hair

Jonah Goldberg Claims Liberals Worship 'Big Government' as Their God

What Could Possibly Go Wrong With Arming Domestic Drones?

Open Thread: C&L's Saturday Night Podcast Round Up

Letterman: Romney, In Touch With The Common Man

The Vagina Monologues: A Blogger Asks Rep. Stamas For Synonyms

Walmart Sends Fake Reporter to Infiltrate and Spy on Workers

Anderson Cooper Explains to Romney Adviser That CBO Doesn't Work for the Obama Administration

Mitt Romney Kind of Opposes Obama's Executive Order on Immigration Because It's "Short Term"

ALEC Launches Website Defending Their Extremism

Former Goldman Sachs Director Convicted Of Insider Trading

LA Gov. Bobby Jindal Attacks President Obama for 'Going the European Way'

McConnell Calls Obama 'Thuggish' Over Opposition to Citizens United

Panel Plus: 6/17 | Video | Fox News

40 years of "gate" scandals – State of the Union - Blogs

On Point: Analyzing the health care law before the supreme court rules on its legality – State of the Union - Blogs

Would Santorum work in a Romney administration? – State of the Union - Blogs

Santorum on Obama's immigration change – State of the Union - Blogs

Plouffe: Immigration "not a political move" – State of the Union - Blogs

"Face the Nation" transcripts, June 17, 2012: Gov. Romney, Senator Graham, Gov. Dean - CBS News

David Plouffe: Immigration Change 'Within Our Authority' | Video - ABC News

Watch: David Plouffe: Immigration Change 'Within Our Authority'

Flashing Anger, Obama Defends Deportation Rules Criticized as Political

Watch: Roundtable I: Battle Over Economy

Watch: Roundtable II: This Week in Politics

Watch: Reflections on Watergate

40 Years on, Watergate Crime Scene Is Forgotten

Obama: 'I'm Willing to Work With Anyone'

Obama's Immigration Reform Fallout

48 min./Dr Russell Blaylock Nutrition - YouTube

Gmail accounts targeted by ‘state-sponsored attackers’ using Internet Explorer zero-day vulnerability |

+These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America |

Socialism, taxes & Castro: Mission Rio+20 Day 2 - YouTube

Rio +20. Robert Swan Reports, Day 4 - YouTube

Alex Jones Reports: More Insane Proof That Tyranny Is Running Absolutely Wild |

Left Wants To Arrest Men Who Pee Standing! - YouTube

**The Elite's Eugenics Agenda with Lord Monckton - YouTube

Writing Off The Elderly – Paul Craig Roberts |

Is Rand Paul’s Romney Endorsement “Trivial” and “Meaningless”? |

How Apple is using military grade aerial spy drones to build 3d maps |

Obama Seeks US Congressional Ratification of UN Global Gun Control Treaty |

Why we must oppose Obamney for President in 2012 – Mike Adams |

The Rise of the Lawless Tyrant

Obama's in the Corner; Romney must Pound his Socialist Energy Policy

Politicians and Industralists

Libertarians are not the heart of conservatism!

Where Is Class Consciousness? –

Drones, computers new weapons of U.S. shadow wars –

'The end of slavery led to hunger and death for millions of black Americans': Extraordinary claims in new book | Mail Online

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon wear presidential cufflinks prompting speculation they were a gift from Obama | Mail Online

**Catastrophic Events - 06-16-2012 - YouTube

The Science of Fatherhood: Why Dads Matter | LiveScience

Bones in Bulgaria May Be of John the Baptist : Discovery News

'30-foot disc' UFO follows Illinois couple in Will County - National ufo |

Is it time to return to the Moon?

US man contracts plague - Telegraph

Hey, kids! Send your stuff into orbit - Cosmic Log

Humanity escapes the solar system: Voyager 1 signals that it has reached the edge of interstellar space | Mail Online

Grave concern: Widow moves into hubbie's tomb - Yahoo! News UK

Why are there spaceships in Medieval art?

Seeing dead people: 'Remote viewers' in Nevada help solve California murder - Saturday, May 5, 2012 | 2 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

News from the Edge | Baltic Object Could be Oldest Structure on Planet | unknowncountry

Military drone mistaken for ‘UFO’ along DC highways - DC Breaking Local News Weather Sports FOX 5 WTTG

A moon of Saturn may have 'tropical' lakes – Light Years - Blogs

Beef Jerky Mosaic Portrait of Sasquatch by Jason Mecier

Living Stem Cells Discovered in 17-Day-Old Human Corpses | Stem-Cell Therapies | LiveScience

Famous Cave Paintings Might Not Be From Humans : NPR

Did Breitbart Investigation Play Any Role in Sudden Resignation of UVA President?

Is Panetta Covering Up Bin Laden Movie Leaks?

Palin Toasts Breitbart, Says Conservatives 'Need to Have Each Other's Back'

Biden: Cities in China Are Better Than in America

Saudi Crown Prince Dies

Donny Osmond Cries

Maher: 'The Problem With Racism Is Matt Drudge'

Obama In March 2011: Can't Stop Deportations Through Executive Order

Issa to Holder: Give Us Documents to Postpone Hearing

World View: American Jihadist Group to Hold Conference in Chicago

Stand Up, Mitt: Show Us Your Spine

'Occupy Unmasked' Screened at RightOnline

'Occupy Unmasked' Earns Standing Ovation at RightOnline

Whittle on Hollywood: Conservatives Face 'Outright Blacklisting'

Flashback: One Year Ago, Weiner's Resignation

Fareed Zakaria: Time for Democrats to Face Facts on Public Pension Reform

Palin Knocks Obama (and the Mainstream Media) for His Ties to Socialist New Party's Obama Supporters Disrupt Romney Event

Obama 2008: 'People Don't Have a Lot of Confidence in the President'

Sam Donaldson: Many on Right Oppose Obama Because He's Black

Adoption of LEED Standards Delayed as Congressional Concerns Increase

Stage Collapses Before Radiohead Concert

CBS News Celebrates Same-Sex Parents For Father's Day

RightOnline Preview: 'Hating Breitbart'

No Fluke: Contraceptive Subsidy Activist Formally Endorses Obama

White House Quietly Moves Obama-Praising Text from Past Presidents' Bios

RightOnline in Review: What Would Breitbart Do?

'Exhale' Author Compares GOP to Hitler

NO CHANGE: Obama Adviser Promises More Of Same In Second Term

Farm Bill: The Big Government Shell Game

Rodney King Dead at 47

RightOnline: Activists Will Energize House and Senate Races

Plouffe Squirms, Dodges Hard Questions On White House Leaks

Romney On 'Face The Nation'

Romney: Politics 'Big Part of the Equation' on Obama Immigration Policy

Romney: 'I don't have a political career'

Romney: No New Taxes; Cut Gov't Spending

Romney: Stop Obamacare in its tracks

Romney: 'We're not going to send checks to Europe'

Former Obama Adviser Goolsbee: President Should Have 'Mea Culpa' On Economy

Plouffe: Immigration Change 'Within Our Authority'

Epic Insult Flying Battle Between Karl Rove and Juan Williams

Top Ten Quotes from Sarah Palin's RightOnline Address

Issa to Holder: Give Us Documents to Postpone Hearing

Cuba's Next Step on Capitalist Road: Advertising

ABC News Calls Obama Elitist

MSNBC: Would A White President Be Heckled?

Biden Mocks LA Mayor Villaraigosa's Name; 'Can You Pronounce It?'

American Immigration Council: ‘Dream Come True’

Sheriff Joe: 'Illegals Will Still Be Arrested'

Obama Jobs Program: Help Illegals Compete with Americans for Scarce Jobs

NBC's WH Reporter Laughs On-Air Over Romney Statement

MSNBC Fantasizes About Romney's Bus Exploding While On Tour

Bashir Continues MSNBC's Mormon-Bashing Fetish

FBI Terror Plot: How the Government Is Destroying the Lives of Innocent People | | AlterNet

Secret military mini-shuttle lands in California | Reuters

Video: Secret Space Plane Shatters Orbital Record as Chinese Rival Looms | Danger Room |

World Bank Warns that Euro Collapse Could Spark Global Crisis

Obama 'Must Be Defeated' Obama's Law School Professor Says

Leaked Document Reveals New Corporate Powers And Broken Campaign Promises

Romney: Obama’s Immigration Amnesty Desperate Political Move

McCain: Lack of US Aid to Syrian Rebels 'Shameful'

Santorum: Obama Guilty of ‘Habitual Abuse of Power’

Gingrich: Obama Pulled ‘Election-Year Gimmick’ on Immigration

Exit Polls: Greek Pro-Bailout Parties Take Majority

French Socialists Win Absolute Parliament Majority

Easing of Pot Laws Poses Challenge for Parents

Obama's Deportation Stay Too Late for Many Immigrants

GOP on Healthcare: Repeal Quickly, Replace Slowly

Obama and Family Attend Jarrett Daughter Wedding

Father's Day: TR Had Best Presidential Dad: Ford the Worst

Four Climbers Feared Dead in Mt. McKinley Avalanche

Surf's Up for Beach Boys Once More

Emergency Law to Keep Booze Flowing for Dem Convention

Lieberman: Holder Should Appoint a Special Prosecutor to Probe Security Leaks

Former AG Gonzales Tells Obama: 'Stop Blaming Bush'

Obama Loses Major Donor on His Own Turf

Ron Paul's Backers Seek State Path to National Impact

Priebus to Newsmax: Obama Just Loves Sound of Own Voice

Skousen to Moneynews: Much of U.S. Recovery Has Been ‘Artificial’

Republicans, Democrats Strategize Ahead of Obamacare Court Ruling

Govt Scientists to Strap Cameras to Hawaiian Seals

Study Sees Little Earthquake Risk from Fracking

Voyager Space Probe Reaches Edge of Solar System

Ruth Bader Ginsburg predicts 'sharp disagreement' among justices -

Beau Biden takes shot at Mitt Romney, hits Gov. Bev Perdue | projects

Service Service releases 229-page log of charges of sexual assaults, drunkenness, leaks and other misdeeds by agents -

Lawmakers urge Obama to take hard stance with Putin during G20 summit - The Hill's Global Affairs

Austan Goolsbee: President Obama Should Have ‘Mea Culpa’ - ABC News

L.A. teachers approve deal that reduces pay, shortens school year -

Rock Of Ages Box Office -- $18M to 21M Weekend

Pope Benedict Focuses on Legacy While Ignoring Vatican Power Struggle - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Gov. Scott Walker Takes Aim at Feds: Reign In 'Run Amok' EPA and NLRB |

BLS: Unemployment Higher Among Native Born Than Immigrants |

David Limbaugh on NYT Bestseller: Obama Will ‘Do Anything Administratively He Can Get Away With’ |

Obama’s Bedfellows: Aligns Himself With Bush, McCain, Corporate CEOs on ‘Immigration Reform’ |

Lindsey Graham: Obama Immigration Move ‘Possibly Illegal’ |

‘Not Amnesty,’ Napolitano Says: ‘It Is An Exercise of Discretion’ |

Amnesty? Immunity? Administration Calls It a 'Deferred Action Process' |

Govt. Web Site Gives Dads Tips on Teaching Kids Hygiene, How to Eat |

On This Father’s Day, Dads More Hands-On in Parenting Their Children, Survey Shows |

Obama tied to architect of U.S. collapse

Rediscover Christianity’s Hebrew roots

Lone ranger challenges Obama immigration fiat

Obama’s policy strategy: Ignore laws - Steve Friess -

Al-Qaida group wants off U.S. terror list

African-Americans increasingly turn to home-schooling | Fox News

Kameron Slade, New York Fifth Grader, Prohibited From Giving Gay Marriage Speech At School

Judges let university prez face damage claim

Young illegal immigrants’ amnesty could tighten competition for jobs, college - The Washington Post

U.S.-Pakistan relations on brink

Thousands email Nixon about Mo. contraception bill - Houston Chronicle

The Insects Are Watching: The Future of Government Surveillance Technology

Big Pharma Continues Drug Experiments in Underdeveloped Nations for Profit

Liberty will march on the RNC - YouTube

JPMorgan Chase on Capitol Hill

US Attempting to Trigger Full Proxy War in Syria

White House fires back on war cuts, tells Congress to 'do its job' to stop sequester - The Hill's DEFCON Hill

About That ‘Foreign Money’ by Thomas Knapp --

Watchdog Blog Blog Archive » Stop Criminalizing Investigative Reporting

Reining in the rumors about EPA ‘drones’ - The Washington Post

Porn Troll Wants Wi-Fi Providers to Pay for Others' Illegal Downloads | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Chicago Mayor Says Decriminalize Marijuana |

Evening primrose oil: The king's cure-all

Natural Antioxidant Can Protect Against Cardiovascular Disease Say Researchers | Before It's News

Prevent Sunburn Naturally By Consuming These Foods | Before It's News

A Green Tea Extract High In Catechins Reduces Body Fat And Cardiovascular Risks In Humans | Before It's News

44 min./Cities of the Underworld - Maya Underground - YouTube

What Happens When Artificial Intelligence Exceeds Human Intelligence? | Before It's News

How To Detoxify Your Body Quickly And Naturally | Before It's News

NASA Scientists And Astronauts Tell The World Aliens Do Exist (Video) | Before It's News

World's Scariest & Most Dangerous Drug Turns Victims into Zombies! | Before It's News

25 min./World's Scariest and Most Dangerous Drug Turns Victims into Zombies! - YouTube

Alien Agenda Inside The Beltway | Veterans Today

Baltic Sea Mystery: Treasure Hunters Confirm Something Abnormal In The Seabed, UFO Unlikely | Before It's News

The Most Strange and Bizarre Homes in The United States | Gomestic

What Facebook Knows About You- Scary! | Before It's News

6 Ways to Burn Your Belly Fat

Researchers: Drones To Unleash Bio-War on Americans | Before It's News

AIPAC and the Zionist Hex on America | Before It's News

Ark of The Covenant Found in Money Pit on Oak Island Proves Ancient Alien Theory? | Scienceray

Undisclosed Hidden Knowledge | Before It's News

Ancient Alien Theories Supported By Photographic Evidence | Before It's News

UFO - New First pictures from the Baltic Sea Mystery, June 15, 2012.mp4 - YouTube

Articles: Secrets Revealed

Students Caught Masturbating In Class While Watching Porn

Mcdonalds Advertisement: Cute and Harmless or Evil and Illuminati Style Deception? | Before It's News

Sex & the New World Disorder | ZenHaven

Former British MOD Insider Warns Of Possible Alien Invasion During London Olympics | Before It's News

Former British MOD Insider Warns Of Possible Alien Invasion During London Olympics - YouTube

Urgent Warning to All Cell Phone Users | Before It's News

Ancient ‘Founding’ Of The Big 3 Religions Star map Unveiled | Before It's News

ABC’s “666 Park Avenue” – Promoting the Number of the Antichrist | Before It's News

Jesse Ventura : The ONLY Difference Between Bush & Obama Is Skin Color | Before It's News

American Narcos: The Real 'Masters of Paradise' | Before It's News

The Coup Of 2012: Encroachment Upon Basic Freedoms, Militarized Police State In America | Before It's News

Neutrons Escaping To A Parallel World? Evidence For An Invisible Mirror Twin To Our Universe, Neutrons Oscillating Between Worlds | Before It's News

Dinosaurs Still Alive in Africa Today | Before It's News

Mysterious Ancient Megaliths Of Mount Shasta - A Place Of Forgotten Land | Before It's News

Most Haunted Places in America | Before It's News

Queen Elizabeth Is A Bloated Parasite! - YouTube

Prison » Agent Provocateur at Bilderberg 2012 Tried to Set Up Protesters With Fake Bomb Threat

Prison » The Impending Economic Collapse with Survivalist James Wesley Rawles

The Impending Economic Collapse with Survivalist James Wesley Rawles - YouTube

Prison » Why is Gitmo still open?

Why is Gitmo still open? - YouTube

GOLDMAN: QE3 Coming Next Week - Business Insider

Drachmageddon? World leaders in crisis talks and central banks poised to act as fears over Greek election leave euro teetering on brink | Mail Online

World Bank warns that euro collapse could spark global crisis | Business | The Observer

Four Bullet Points Explaining How JPMorgan Doubled Its Money From MF Global's Corpse In Seven Months | ZeroHedge

Russia flies anti-air, anti-ship missiles to Assad as its fleet heads to Tartus

US military intervention in Syria – “Not if but when”

Whistleblower Confirms Nuclear Reactor Under UT's LBJ Library! - YouTube

The Elite's Eugenics Agenda with Lord Monckton - YouTube

Obama’s policy strategy: Ignore laws - Steve Friess -

Prison » Obama to Legalize Illegal Immigration by Decree; Will Add 800,000 Voters In November

Obama to Shut Down Legal Pot Shops - YouTube

Prison » At Earth Summit Royal Society and WWF: Humanity is an Unsustainable Danger to Earth’s Eco-System

France bans Syngenta pesticide linked to bee decline - 6/8/2012 - Farmers Weekly

President Obama: The Biggest Government Spender In World History - Forbes

Prison » Unwrapping Western Political Jargon

Prison » Why we must oppose Obamney for President in 2012

Prison » Bringing Down Assad Is Part of A Larger Elite Effort To Launch World War III

Prison » Obama Plans Attack On First Amendment if Re-elected

Obama to press for euro zone progress at G20 summit

Obama wields Oval Office's edge with immigration move

Obama, Romney campaigns celebrate Father's Day [video]

Ron Paul's Iowa maneuvers place GOP in awkward position

Review: David Maraniss' 'Barack Obama' is a biography of ambition

Obama calls on lawmakers to end gridlock

Hatch and Challenger Square Off in Testy Utah Debate

Mariah Carey Debuts 'Bring It on Home' for Obama (Video)

Senator Graham says he backs eliminating most tax deductions

Romney Green Energy Fund Draws Fire From Democrats

Steve King threatens to sue Obama administration over immigration reform policies

Obama on Father's Day: Golf at Beverly Country Club

One of the nation's top venture capitalists talks Chicago

Chicago technology venture capital scorecard for 2011

2011: Rodney King's nightmare - YouTube

Police release photos from apartment of Mob suspect Bulger

Copper heiress' huge gifts spotlighted in NY court

On bus tour, Romney hauls out the weather metaphors

What type of vice presidential candidate will Romney go for?

'The Sandusky 8' describe seduction, molestation and betrayal

On Father's Day, an Obama golf getaway in Chicago

Republicans, Democrats jockey before Supreme Court health-care ruling

Rielle Hunter's memoir details affair, aftermath

Campaigns, groups focus heavily on running TV ads around news, current affairs programs - The Washington Post

Lawmaker disciplined for abortion bill comment to perform 'Vagina Monologues' in protest | Fox News

Crown Prince Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz al Saud

Iran, world powers set for showdown in Moscow meet

Radiohead drum technician killed in stage collapse

Alberta shooting suspect arrested at border with $330K

Edmonton shootings: Accused killer of armoured car guards caught at U.S. border with $330,000 in cash

Russian 'reset' faces test as meetings loom on Iran, Syria

What happens if Angela Merkel does get her way

Romney vague on whether he would appeal Obama's immigration order

Woman mauled to death by pack of wolves at Swedish zoo

Survey supporting same-sex marriage branded 'flawed' by Catholic Church

Gupta case strengthens resolve to clean up Wall St

The Jamie Dimon Cufflinks Mystery

What's Keeping Mortgage Rates Low

Report: Don't worry much about quakes and fracking

Dip in Manufacturing Suggests a Stalled US Economy

Microsoft Tablets: 5 Things We Want to See

Google's Father's Day Doodle: Robots, Coffee, and High-Fives

Facebook settles sponsored stories suit for $10M

Cricket or Virgin: What's best iPhone deal?

Facebook technology chief Bret Taylor to step down

Do Cellphones Cause Cancer? FCC May Revisit The Issue [REPORT]

Retailers feast on free Facebook tools, shun ads

I-SoDog - Your Robot Best Friend

Microsoft Said to Hold Talks on Buying Yammer Social Site

China Astronauts Prepare for Space Docking

Military Secret X-37B Mini Space Shuttle Lands in California 6/16/2012 - YouTube

Pilotless US space plane lands after 469 days in orbit

Scientists find new evidence supporting John the Baptist bones theory

Small change in diet has big impact on grasshoppers, new study shows

Powerful Solar Flare Producing Sunspot Facing The Earth

Atlas V rocket launch from Cape Canaveral delayed until Wednesday

Telescopes to see out black holes

Scientists urge Rio moves on population and consumption

Germany offers energy blueprint: Gerard Wynn

Expedition of UFO-Shaped Object in Baltic Sea Still Raises Questions

Plant's Chemistry Gets Mice to Spit Seeds

Elephants 'face extinction in 20 years'

A Game-Changer in the Search for Alien Life: “All stars have planets”

Woman with flesh-eating disease refusing pain medications

Scientists See Potential for Restoring Vision With Stem Cell Help

Does obesity affect school performance?

Stress levels soar in America by up to 30% in 30 years

Vitamin D With Calcium May Boost Survival

'Madagascar 3' romps over Cruise, Sandler films

Yvette Wilson dies from cancer aged 48

Kevin Costner wins oil clean-up case

CBS Picks Up 'Draw Something' TV Show

Campaigns, groups focus heavily on running TV ads around news, current affairs programs - The Washington Post

"Face the Nation" transcripts, June 17, 2012: Gov. Romney, Senator Graham, Gov. Dean - CBS News

Debbie Schlussel:Fathers Day: Jerry Sandusky’s Victims Were Fatherless; Be Glad You Were Not

Sailor kissing 'nurse' in iconic V-J Day kiss photo revealed to be George Mendonsa, who was dating another woman when he kissed Queens dental assistant Greta Zimmer in Times Square -

The Anatomy of a Dad | Block Talk - The H&R Block Official Corporate Blog

Deployed dads’ sacrifice tough on the whole family - Miami-Dade -

On "Face the Nation" Mitt Romney says he'd come up with a long-term plan for young immigrants when he gets into office -

EXCLUSIVE: Fort Hood massacre survivors tell of fearing shooter would 'finish the job' | Fox News

American cleric used more than 60 email accounts to reach followers, including Hasan | Fox News

Embattled Eric Holder—Michael A. Walsh -

FBI queried gun dealers in Zimmerman case - Trayvon Martin -

Media Gives Obama Speech a Thumbs Down

Canada Seeks New Ways to Get Oil Reserves to Market -

Obama Energy Dept. awards $2 million grant to solar company linked with Van Jones | The Daily Caller

Martha Payne blog 'NeverSeconds': School dinner picture ban lifted after Twitter backlash | Mail Online

Girl 9 Banned From Taking Photos! - YouTube

Highway to Hell! -

Will Julian Assange be handed over to U.S. after Sweden?

Hacked companies fight back with controversial steps | Reuters

» The Technocratization of Public Education Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

VIDEO: Sheriff Joe Arpaio talks to ABC15 about illegal immigration change

NORAD Intercepts Two Planes Flying Over Chicago | NBC Chicago

Holder's Just-Us Department under Fire

The Wintour-Parker fundraiser wasn't such a success after all

Father's Day Salute to Black Pioneers

At least 90 dead, 260 wounded in Iraq attacks on Shias

It's nice to have terrorist pals in high places

Sarah Palin on 'poles' in Vegas and Obama's dog eating

44 senators urge Obama to drop Iran negotiations if no progress made

Bloggers honor Breitbart at RightOnline Vegas conference


Spot the earth-friendly shopper

And the winner of Egypt's presidential election is...the military

Socialism, Obama, and America's Future

This Just In: Brainless Boson Outwits Scientists

Obama: Going Rogue

Obama Lurching Toward Tyranny

Firefighters and Racism

Who Chooses?

The Left: Where Greed Meets Envy

Dr. Jasser's Panglossian Koranic Gloss

Grosvenor Square, Tavistock Square: Odes to Political Correctness

God Bless the Conservative Father

The Islamic Kingdom

Shrinking Local Governments

Why Middle East Negotiations Fail

Government as God is Liberalism’s Idea—Stolen From Ancient Pagan World

Global Warming Psychological Babble

Deliberately Destroying America

Syria does not want Bashar al-Assad. However, does it want ... Hafez al-Assad?

‘Bite Me’ Biden Going Rabid

Eating the State

Obama’s Sinister “Religion”—Racist Marxism Under a Faux Biblical Veneer

New Black Panther Party: ‘We Will Not Sit Back Passively Like Jews and Go to the Gas Chambers’

Watch Chris Wallace Grills David Plouffe on Why Obama Doesn’t Want a Special Prosecutor in Leaks Case After Calling for One in 2006

How Many People Came Out to a MoveOn Meeting Last Week? That Would Be 6

‘Good Dads Are Made, Not Born’: Author Challenges Fathers With Powerful & Convicting Message

Photographed for the First Time: Image Shows Exactly Why Bees Die After Stinging You

See the Frightening Moment a Stunt Pilot Crashed Into a Field During Air Show Practice

Church Blasts Kill 12 and Injure 80 in Nigeria, Reportedly Sparking Christian Reprisal Attacks Against Muslims

Last Day of Egyptian Presidential Runoff Between Ex-Mubarak PM and Muslim Brotherhood Candidate

‘Just a Blogger’: Watch Michelle Malkin Assert the Power of Conservative Media at ‘Right Online’

Did the Muslim Brotherhood Order a Rocket Attack on Israel as an Election Eve Ploy?

Sarah Palin Ridicules Obama and the Media at ‘Right Online’ Event in Las Vegas

Watch ACLU Threatens to Sue Obama Admin. Over ‘Unconstitutional’ Conditions for Immigrant Detainees at Ariz. Jail

Paul Ryan’s Future: In Romney White House or US House?

Watch These Faces Get Blasted With Category 4 Hurricane Wind Speeds in Slo-Mo

These Abandoned Train Stations From Around the World Maintain Former Elegance Even in Ruin

Influential Father of ‘Gaia Theory’ Endorses Fracking After His Energy Costs Skyrocket in the U.K.

Watch Molester Beaten to Death by Texas Dad Identified, Disturbing New Details Released

Frightening Video: Car Goes Flying Through the Air During Horrific Race Crash

Walmart PR Firm Employee Gone After Posing as a Reporter and Infiltrating Labor Press Conference

Video Captures Unmanned Air Force Space Plane Landing in California After ‘Clandestine’ Mission

Freak Accident: Colorado Woman Dies While Filming TV Show After Getting Hit by 150mph Smoke Bombs

Michigan Lawmaker to Help Perform ‘Vagina Monologues’ After Anti-Abortion Bill Debate Flap on House Floor

Listen Arkansas Tea Party Member Resigns After Telling This Racially-Charged Joke About ‘Democracy’

‘The Problem With Racism Is Matt Drudge’: Bill Maher Defends Gwyneth Paltrow by Attacking Conservatives

Romney Team Diverts Campaign Bus in Pennsylvania to Avoid Democrat Protesters

See the New Jimmy Kimmel Prank Involving Kids & a Fake Lie Detector (Over 1M Views)

Shock Video: Obama Admits He Can’t Do What He Did Today


June 15, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 15 June 2012

The Manning Report – 14 June 2012

Redding News Review 06-11-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 06-11-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 06-11-12 Hr 3

Redding News Review 06-12-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 06-12-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 06-12-12 Hr 3

Redding News Review 06-13-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 06-13-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 06-13-12 Hr 3

Redding News Review 06-14-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 06-14-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 06-14-12 Hr 3

Redding News Review 06-15-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 06-15-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 06-15-12 Hr 3

Live Free Or Die Radio with Lee Rogers 13 th

The Bob Tuskin Show with Bob Tuskin 13th

Blacklisted Radio with Doug Owen 15th

Blacklisted Radio with Doug Owen 14th

Blacklisted Radio with Doug Owen 13th

The Kevin Trudeau Show

06/15 The Mark Levin Show

06/14 The Mark Levin Show

06/13 The Mark Levin Show

06/12 The Mark Levin Show

06/11 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2012-Jun-15, Friday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jun-14, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jun-13, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jun-12, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jun-11, Monday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jun-10, Sunday

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 15th

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 14th

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 13th

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 12th

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair 15th

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair 14th

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair 13th

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair 12th

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair 11th

David Duke Show 15th

David Duke Show 14th

David Duke Show 13th

David Duke Show 12th

David Duke Show 11th

Paul Drockton Show 14th 1

Paul Drockton Show 14th 2

Paul Drockton Show 13th 1

Paul Drockton Show 13th 2

Paul Drockton Show 12th 1

Paul Drockton Show 12th

Wide Awake 15th

Wide Awake15th 2

Wide Awake 14th

Wide Awake 14th 2

Wide Awake 13th

Wide Awake 13th 2

Wide Awake 12th

Wide Awake 12th 2

Friday, June 15th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Friday, June 15th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

Thursday, June 14th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Thursday, June 14th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

Red Eye Radio for Monday, June 11th, 2012 1

Red Eye Radio for Monday, June 11th, 2012

Saturday, 6/16/12 - Batchelor 9pm

Saturday, 6/16/12 - Batchelor 10pm

Saturday, 6/16/12 - Batchelor 11pm

Saturday, 6/16/12 - Batchelor 12am

Saturday, 6/16/12 Larry Kudlow

The Michael Savage Show 06/15/2012

The Michael Savage Show 06/14/2012

The Michael Savage Show 06/13/2012

The Michael Savage Show 06/12/2012

The Michael Savage Show 06/11/2012

*17 June

American Minute for June 17th

Today in History: June 17

June 17 Events in History

This Day in History for 17th June |

June 17th This Day in History

June 17th in History

Today in History: June 17

Today in History for June 17th - YouTube


Where to Draw the Line on Hate Speech?

How 30 days without Social Media changed my life by Steve Corona

How Long Before VPNs Become Illegal? | TorrentFreak

Dwolla’s First FiSync Banking Customer Goes Live, Eliminates ACH Delays With Real-Time Bank Transfers | TechCrunch

How Flame has changed everything for online security firms | Technology | The Observer

BBC News - Human Microbiome Project reveals largest microbial map

FYI: Why Does Scotch Smell Like Band-Aids? | Popular Science

RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

Were Americans Richer In 1983? We Just Don't Know - Businessweek

Immigration laws in Arizona and Alabama come at a great economic cost | Business |

Prince Salman: Meet the Next Saudi King - The Daily Beast

How a Mexican Drug Cartel Makes Its Billions -

U.S. use of drones won't bring victory -

Abortion and Politics in China : The New Yorker

As unions decline, inequality rises | Economic Policy Institute

Obama is on the wrong side of the union debate - The Week

RealClearPolicy- Paving Over Pension Liabilities

So You Think You Can Be a Hair Braider? -

Steve Greenhut: Now, the Union Pushback -

Harvey Golub: A Simple Tax Code Is A Fair Tax Code -

Printable version: Reich: Super PACs must face accountability

It’s Not a Welfare State, It’s a Special Interest State — The American Magazine

Obama’s Immigration Move Is Huge News. Here’s Why. | The New Republic

Post-New Deal America Needs Unions

The Buck Stops Over There | The Weekly Standard

Doyle McManus: It's still about the economy -

George Will: Unleash the high court - The Washington Post

Obama’s Pity Party | Washington Free Beacon

The Lessons of Watergate - Fred Thompson - National Review Online

The myth of Obama -

Obama adviser: GOP using leaks as ‘distraction’ from important issues - The Hill's DEFCON Hill

RealClearPolitics - Transparent Incompetence

Sarah Palin On The Media: "Rage Against The Machine" | RealClearPolitics

Obama Weekly Address: Republicans Are To Blame For Stalemate | RealClearPolitics

Gov. Walker Gives GOP Response: "Big Government Is Not The Answer" | RealClearPolitics

Maher: Dan Quayle Was "Sarah Palin With Tits" | RealClearPolitics

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