A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

15 June 2012

15 June'12



Just a Gigolo

Prima Generation '72

In the Casbar

The King of Clubs

This is Gia

The New Sounds

The Wildest '75

The Golden Hits


Blast Off!


The Alex Jones Show - June 14, 2012 - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News 2012-06-14 Thursday - YouTube


Coast to Coast AM - June 14 2012 - Psychics & Transformation & Dowsing - YouTube


39 min./Libertarian Gary Johnson: Abolish The IRS!! - YouTube

Prison » Pakistan Drone Strike Kills 7 More; DHS Reveals Loan-a-Drone Program

Prison » Ron Paul 2012 Should Listen To Ron Paul 2008

RON PAUL 2012 should listen to RON PAUL 2008 - YouTube

Prison » Chuck Baldwin Warns Ron Paul

Chuck Baldwin's Warning to Ron Paul - YouTube

Bilderberg Secret Web Revealed - YouTube

Prison » CDC says fluoride has no evidence of benefit for infants

Infowars Report: University Dumped Nuclear Waste in 60's and 70's - YouTube

Prison » Infowars Exclusive: Massive Nuclear Secret Uncovered Inside Austin, Tx

Breaking: Massive Nuclear Secret Uncovered In Austin, Tx - YouTube

Killer Drones Coming to A Sky Near You: Rosalind Peterson Reports - YouTube

Prison » Obama War Machine Announces Invasion of Syria

U.S. Expanding Secret Intel Bases in Africa - YouTube

Prison » Document Reveals Draconian Details of Obama’s Secret Globalist Trade Pact

Trans-Pacific Partnership: No Transparency - YouTube

Iran seizes killers of nuclear scientists: report - Yahoo! News Canada

U.S. Bolsters Ties to Fighters in Syria -

38 min./EU Lockdown: A Front Row Seat to Tyranny!! - YouTube

40 min./Federal Fraud Against Small Businesses with Lloyd Chapman - YouTube

Central Bankers Brace for Euro Break-Up - Europe Business News - CNBC

A Global Recession? The Warning Signs Are Everywhere, us business news blog - CNBC

Prison » Farage: “The Euro Titanic Has Now Hit The Iceberg”

The Genius of Mutual Indebtedness - Nigel Farage - YouTube

Prison » Hannan: “The Euro Is The Problem, Not The Solution”

Spain: the beginning of the end - YouTube

Analysis: Endless QE? $6 trillion and counting | Reuters

31 min./The Death of Our Species - YouTube

Prison » TSAwill allow Sanford airport to use private security screeners

Prison » Congresswoman Blackburn Questions TSA Officials’ Training

Prison » UK Home Secretary dismisses critics of internet surveillance bill as “conspiracy theorists”

Prison » The Federal Government Moves Forward with Drone Programs Despite Poor Planning and Lack of Oversight

Mercury found in China baby formula - Yahoo! News

Govt Targets Humanity as Threat to Oceans - YouTube

Prison » UN warns of global collapse due to pesticides; Agenda 21 is pushed as solution

Health panel talks about wider food ban - New York News | New York Breaking News | NYC Headlines

Prison » Transhumanism- The New Dark Age

Transhumanism: The New Dark Age - YouTube

Obama signs World Trade Center beam | The Raw Story

Messina Consults Jobs to Spielberg in Crafting Obama's Campaign - Bloomberg

Military drone mistaken for ‘UFO’ along DC highways - DC Breaking Local News Weather Sports FOX 5 WTTG


**Life in Occupied AmeriKa - YouTube


Prison » Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funding research into bracelets that track mental, emotional responses

Prison » Obama Seeks US Congressional Ratification of UN Global Gun Control Treaty

Prison » Be A Real Humanitarian- Don’t Cry For Syrian Children

Jesse Ventura: TSA is A Pedophile Playground - YouTube

The Nanny State is HERE! - YouTube

Asia Times Online :: Drone me down on the killing floor

How Microsoft and Yahoo are selling politicians access to you | The Raw Story

» Rand Paul Confronted on Mitt Romney Endorsement Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama Plans Attack On First Amendment if Re-elected Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

U.S. expands secret intelligence operations in Africa - The Washington Post

» “I’m Supporting The Party That I Belong To”: Rand Paul Speaks About Romney Endorsement Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Schiff Radio Exclusive: Rand's Romney Strategy - YouTube

The Not Taxed Nearly Enough Party « Blog

» Flip Flopper Rand Paul Denounced Bilderberg, Goldman Before Backing Their Boys Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

AllGov - News - Federal Reserve Board Members Gave Their Own Banks $4 Trillion in Bailouts

Public Service Announcement: Conspiracy Theorist - YouTube

U.S. Military Wants More Drones In Latin America

» USDA Wants RFID Tracking Technology To Be Mandatory In US Food Stamp Program Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Your Cell Phone Is Threatening Your Privacy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» U.S. Government Blocks Sales of Fuel-efficient Cars Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Smart ammunition: Left, right, on target | The Economist

Skype’s brilliant, passive-aggressive new monetization idea: “Conversation Ads” | VentureBeat

» Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funding research into bracelets that track mental, emotional responses Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Funding research on Bracelets that track mental, emotional responses - YouTube

Airflow problems plague CDC bioterror lab –

Energy energy sources | Homeland Security News Wire

Why Leaking Is a Lesser Crime Than Waging Unconstitutional Wars -

D.C. Circuit to Hear Dispute Over Drones in September - The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times

» U.S. and Multinational Military Forces Train in South Dakota’s Black Hills Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Jonn Lilyea From This Ain't Hell - On Why Women Don't Belong In Ranger School - Business Insider


The Alex Jones Show 06-14-12 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 06-14-12 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 06-14-12 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 06-14-12 Hr 4

The Alex Jones Show 06-15-12 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 06-15-12 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 06-15-12 Hr 3


Fake Head of George Bush in ‘Game of Thrones’ Sparks Ire - ABC News

Jesse 'The Mind' Ventura On Politics, Porsches And Paddleboards - Forbes

Jesse Ventura: Make Politicians Wear NASCAR Suits - YouTube

» In Japan, National ID Proposal Spurs Privacy Concerns Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» SMARTcards in India – The Move Towards a Cashless Society Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

India SMARTcards - World Bank - YouTube

» Why Did 1997-Launched NY, NY Casino Omit Twin Towers from Replica Skyline? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Globalist Social Engineers Subliminally Prepared The Public for 9/11 - YouTube

VIDEO: Sheriff Joe Arpaio talks to ABC15 about illegal immigration change

Obama makes election-year change in deportation policy -

Brewer updates SB 1070 guidelines

» Israel Rounds Up Africans Who Threaten the “Character” of the Jewish State Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» CDC says fluoride has no evidence of benefit for infants Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ridiculous Lancet study sets stage for pushing ‘pre-diabetes’ drugs on entire world Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Chavez reveals Venezuela has built first drone - Yahoo! News Canada

Osborne unveils £140bn scheme to kick-start stagnant economy - Telegraph

» ALERT: NATO-Gulf Axis Set to Deploy Vast Disinformation Campaign in Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


**Matrix Of Evil (FULL LENGTH ALEX JONES FILM) - YouTube

**Masters of Terror Full Length Film! - YouTube


Jim Brown: Respect for Supreme Court Plummets! «

Bradlee Dean: What? Anti-Drug Program Increased Usage? «

"DARE" to Introduce Your Kids to Drugs!? - YouTube

Jesse Ventura on the Alex Jones Show «

45 min./Ventura: Abolish Both Political Parties - YouTube

'United States is addicted to war' - YouTube

The Nightmare Gathers Force

Obama's drone war

Rajat Gupta Convicted of Insider Trading by U.S. Jury - Bloomberg

Lone Star Watchdog: Father Kills Rapist Sexualy Assaulting Daughter

Activist Post: Neurogeneticists Use Personality Genes to Further Eugenics Agenda

Amazing Facts: Nuclear Explosions – I am become Death [34 Pics]

Activist Post: Pentagon report lists 110 potential drone bases in the United States

'Scientists' seek to set world social, economic, tech policy at Rio+20 • The Register

Judicial corruption: The Supreme Court and it's recent Habeas Corpus ruling

Janet Napolitano Enacts the Dream Act | _

Administration sparing some from deportation –

Tim Burton Collective News: "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" Preview at Presidential Library

Activist Post: Is Rand Paul Endorsement of Romney the End of the Tea Party?

Activist Post: Romney's Foreign Policy Advisers Exposed as Globalists


*Lawyers for Ron Paul make HUGE announcement! We are Uniting to Change the World with President Paul! | _


* Audio :


Game of Drones: Who's on America's hit list? - YouTube

A Full Proof Solution to Fix the World Economy | _

Pro Libertate: Judicially Authorized Rape: The Newest Weapon in the Prohibitionist Arsenal

JURIST - Paper Chase: Federal judge dismisses lawsuit over US medical experiments in Guatemala

The New Obama Doctrine by Tom Engelhardt --

Lone Star Watchdog: Can Aristocrats and the Money Junkies Make Themselves Extinct by their Own Greed?

U.S. military completes initial planning for Syria – CNN Security Clearance - Blogs

U.S. provides communications aid for Syria opponents | The Raw Story

Former Israeli soldier wants to live in Palestine, says, 'I hate Zionism'

Syria: Impending False Flag Media PSYOP On The Horizon -

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : We have Created A Frankenstein! - It is Almost Like That is The Plan...? Cui Bono? MIC War Profiteers

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Prescription Drugs Are Responsible For About 75% Of Drug Related Deaths - Senator Manchin

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Declassified- Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed

PressTV - Expelling diplomats undermines Vienna convention, endangers Americans

Activist Post: Busted: Biotech Leader ‘Syngenta’ Charged Over Covering Up Animal Deaths from GM Corn

What the Neocons Really Want | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign CommitteeRon Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

China hits back at US in WTO | _

Penny for your thoughts: John Bolton: Syria, World War and the destruction of America

BP Announces that Venezuela Now Have the Largest Oil Reserves in the World

Domestic Deployment: U.S. Army Chief Says Military Will Be Used To Provide "Rapid Response Options" and Address "Challenges in the United States Itself"

Activist Post: Border Control Measures Using License Plate Tracking Halted by Activists in Utah (Updated)


**Pete Seeger. The Power of Song (2007) by PBS American Masters (full version) - YouTube


The Ukrainian government is preparing a militia to suppress color revolutions and other rebellions | StratRisks


Declassified: Human Experimentation (1/5) - YouTube

Declassified: Human Experimentation (2/5) - YouTube

Declassified: Human Experimentation (3/5) - YouTube

Declassified: Human Experimentation (4/5) - YouTube

Declassified: Human Experimentation (5/5) - YouTube


West Nile Spraying: Are Pesticides Leading To Toxic Exposures? - 12160

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Carol Paul on Ron Paul Radio - Rand did not consult family on Romney endorsement, Ron still true

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : US Army uses US citizens as guinea pigs

Google Moves to Control Large Sections of the Internet Through New Web Domain Suffixes :

A New Non-Doppler Redshift

Sparse particle redshift and scattering, Plasma Redshift and Critiques of the Big Bang Theory

DHS Warns Al-Qaeda Terrorists Are Planning Large-Scale Wildfire Attacks

NYPD and Homeland Security Actively Arrest Journalists, Press Non-Freedom in the US :

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : A U.S. Veteran Commits Suicide Every 80 Minutes - Senator Patty Murray

PressTV - Pentagon rejects claims of data leak to Hollywood filmmakers

Roy Tov: USA Undermines Euro

Activist Post: Labeling GMOs Proposal in California Set to Change American Food Supply

Court says Scouts 'perversion files' public record: Nation | Alaska news at

Parliament Must be Dissolved’ – Egypt’s Highest Court :

Some cry 'coup' as Egypt's highest court annuls parliament, military extends power -

Refreshing News: Cost of Rearing a Child Rises to $234,000

Refreshing News: Spanish cave paintings shown as oldest in world

Activist Post: Syria: Impending False Flag Media PSYOP On The Horizon

Syrian Rift Will Not Hamper Russia’s WTO Bid – White House | World | RIA Novosti

Cartel Dumps 9,000 Paper Silver Contracts in 10 Minutes During AM Futures Raid - Silver Doctors

Marijuana Legalization Breaks 60% in Colorado Poll - informationliberation

Selling 1 Oz Gold Coin for $25 (when it's worth over $1,500) - YouTube

Kidnaping by Mexican police caught on video - informationliberation

Government-Caused Impoverishment: Why Do We Stand for It? - informationliberation

Minor Cuts to Defense Budget Could Lead to War: Top US Military Official - informationliberation

Prison » Obama Seeks US Congressional Ratification of UN Global Gun Control Treaty

U.S. military completes initial planning for Syria – CNN Security Clearance - Blogs

Britain Unveils Electronic Mass Surveillance Plan

The Hindu : News / National : In South China Sea, a surprise Chinese escort for Indian ships

US military to help Philippines monitor coastal waters - Telegraph

Concern in New Jersey as U.S. Military Conducts Simulated Urban Assaults with Local Law Enforcement

Let’s Admit It: The US Is at War in Yemen, Too

"Indirect Rule" The Imperial Agenda Of The US's 'Africa Command' Marches On

The New Obama Doctrine, A Six-Point Plan for Global War

In Case You Missed it Blueprint of the PNAC Plan for U.S. Global Hegemony

A Third Intifada The Warnings We Should Be Hearing

Sheldon Adelson's Pro-Romney Donations Will Be 'Limitless,' Could Top $100M

Imposing a President Mexico’s 30-day Lesson in Democracy

World Bank President Says President Hugo Chavez’s “Days Are Numbered”

In The Land Of No Opportunity This Next Generation Will Be Left Behind

New York to Repeat Chicago’s Parking Privatization Catastrophe

Radaractive: Thinking God's thoughts after Him? Or pretending God isn't there?

The global addiction of central banking stimulus – Contagion spreads to Spain as 10-year edges to 7 percent. Life in a perpetual quantitative easing world.

Why You Absolutely Must Have Food Supplies, Hard Assets and Reserve Cash


Apple, Google to film homes from the air

MIT Creates Glucose Fuel Cell for Brain-to-Computer Inferfaces | News & Opinion |

Why aliens might look like you: DNA could be a 'universal constant' - making humans and ET closer to 'cousins' | Mail Online

Homeward Bound: Freeform Friday Week 3

Do We Really Want To Pick a Fight With Moscow? by Eric Margolis

What Happened the Last Time the GOP Asked Him?

Government Gone Wild: For Greater Glory and the Cristeros by Ryan McMaken

Doug Casey on Facebook and Beyond

History Re-Write: Cancer Cure Announced in 2008 Has Resulted in Near Eradication of the Disease by Bill Sardi

Look Back for the Future in Europe and America! by Ron Holland

A Healthy Disrespect of the Police by Allan Stevo

When Your Credit Card Stops Working by Bill Bonner

Want To Look Younger? Take This Simple Supplement Every Day for 2 Weeks by Joseph Mercola

Student Loan Debt Collectors Hound Grieving Father

Activist Post: Want More Internet Privacy? How to Turn on 'Do Not Track' in Your Browser

THE COUP OF 2012: Encroachment upon Basic Freedoms, Militarized Police State in America

The History of Knowledge: Darkness in the Academy

American Narcos: The Real 'Masters of Paradise'

"Scenarios" of Sudden Disasters for Mankind: ‘Are the London Olympics a target for a False-Flag Attack?’

Medicare for All Now: The US Supreme Court Should Rule with the People

JPMorgan Chase on Capitol Hill

Charting the Cozy Connections between JP Morgan and the Senate Banking Committee

Spying on Americans: 64 Drone Bases on US Soil

Contractors run U.S. spying missions in Africa - The Washington Post

Dress Rehearsal for a Mideast War? by Patrick J. Buchanan --

Freud and the Drone | The American Conservative

The New Obama Doctrine by Tom Engelhardt --

BBC News - US President Barack Obama unveils US Africa strategy

‘Not Amnesty,’ Napolitano Says: ‘It Is An Exercise of Discretion’

Obama Heckled: 'What About American Workers?'

Take This Obamanomics Quiz, If You Dare

What A Fluke: Even CNN Agrees Young People Lack Opportunity

Ending Marriage In U.S. Would Begin Push For Polygamy

Hollywood Still Hates Bush-Cheney

OTJ: David Limbaugh |

Holder: Fatherhood More Demanding Than Testifying Before Congress |

Gov. Deval Patrick on Philosophy of the Right: ‘Shrink Govt, Cut Taxes, Crush Unions and Wait’ |

Gov. Scott Walker: ‘Reign In’ EPA and NLRB That Have ‘Run Amok’ |

Obama Ties Self to Bush, CEOs in Support for Immigration Reform |

Lindsey Graham: Obama Immigration Move ‘Possibly Illegal’ |

Amnesty? Immunity? Administration Calls It a 'Deferred Action Process' |

FLASHBACK: Obama on Deporting Illegals ‘America Is a Nation of Laws,’ Presidential Action Not ‘Appropriate’ |

Gay Group Applauds Obama’s Amnesty for Illegal Aliens, Including LGBT Youth |

GAO: IRS to Spend $881 Million in Implementing Obamacare Over Just Four Years |

Obama to Celebrities: 'You're the Ultimate Arbiter of Which Direction This Country Goes' |

Panetta Warns of Cyber Pearl Harbor: ‘The Capability to Paralyze This Country Is There Now’ |

Mass. Gov. Knocks ‘Hard Right’ for Wanting to ‘Shrink Government, Cut Taxes, Crush Unions’ |

Obama: More Federal R&D Funding Needed to Ensure 'The Next Thomas Edison' |

Biden Praises Arab Spring on Same Day Egypt Dissolves Its Parliament |

Catholic Hospitals Reject Birth Control Compromise |

Gov. Scott Walker: ‘Reign In’ EPA and NLRB That Have ‘Run Amok’ |

Congressmen Send Letter to Sebelius Backing Move to Let 'Low-Risk' Homosexuals Donate Blood |

Palestinian Attempt to Secure Emergency ‘World Heritage’ Status for Bethlehem Church May Fail |

Hillary Clinton Rates Higher at Home Than Abroad in Global Opinion Survey |

Shocking Forced Abortion in China Blamed on Overzealous Local Officials, But They Were Enforcing National Policy |

Tibetan Prison Survivor: ‘I Needed To Live To Tell My Story’ |

Despite ‘Engagement’, the World Views U.S. Less Favorably on Obama’s Watch |

Jury sides with Costner in BP spill lawsuit |

PROOF!!! Ron Paul Sold Millions Of Email Addresses - YouTube

Writing Off The Elderly

"Congress Working To Overturn Ban On Propaganda" - MOC #148 - YouTube

SBSS 37. Blood On The Street - YouTube

Olympism Profiteering, Exploitation and Corruption

How Technology Has Made Global Polio Eradication Impossible

US Refuses Comment on Africa Surveillance Report

Rep. Steve King to sue Obama administration over new immigration policy

38 reasons why Obama should not be re-elected

Syria a dress rehearsal for larger war?

Who's worse: Bashar's Babe or 'Obama Girl'?

The Constitution: From reverence to contempt

Obama's ludicrous self-portrait as a budget hawk

Has the culture killed character and fidelity?

What would Washington do without leaks?

Eric Holder and Isaiah 51

J. FARAH: China: The unreportable scandal

Why working collegians get better grades

A senator who actually 'gets it'

A. COULTER: Obama's public-sector full employment plan

L. ELDER: Obama brags about treading water

J. FARAH: Meet the original 'birther'

B. FARBER: Why martial law is not coming

VIDEO: Sheriff Joe Arpaio talks to ABC15 about illegal immigration change

Was communist mentor intimate with Obama’s mother?

Dreams From My Real Father: The Intimate Ann Dunham - Frank Marshall Davis Relationship - YouTube

Obama suspends deportation for thousands of illegals, tells GOP to pass DREAM Act | Fox News

Congress eyes workplace ‘protections’ for transgenders

Abramoff fights Democrats for his name

Media scorched for pathetic Obama coverage

America’s 1st fight for ‘true religion, liberty’

Religious experts open up LDS, evangelical dialogue | News - Home

Mysterious bones may belong to John the Baptist - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

German police raid scores of radical Islamists' homes -

Chinese plot to strip Americans of firearms

Jesus’ Birthplace Nominated for UNESCO World Heritage List – Bible History Daily

China Apologizes, Suspends Officials Over Forced Late-Term Abortion |

Michigan Woman Lawmakers Silenced By GOP After Abortion Debate 'Temper Tantrum'

Teacher accused of showing 10th graders killing video | News - Home

Foreign holdings of US debt hit record high - Yahoo! Finance

Why working collegians get better grades

With murders spiking, 100 city cops to help secure high profile wedding

Axelrod says super PACs hurting democracy, vows reform

Sandra Fluke returns favor, endorses Obama

Secret draft policy would let its Border Patrol agents catch and release low-priority illegal immigrants

Holder agrees to give Issa internal emails on Fast and Furious, offers to meet

Dana Milbank column: Skip the falsehoods, Mr. President, and give us a plan

Obama Forgets to Pay ‘Responsible Fathers’ Lunch Tab

How Obama became black

Obama at Ground Zero: 'We remember. We rebuild. We come back stronger'

Contractors run U.S. spying missions in Africa

Rubio's support gets President Obama's controversial envoy to El Salvador confirmed

$100-million audit finds $20 million in Medicaid fraud

90,000 Colorado acres offered for national protected area

Cities struggle to deal with abandoned homes

Rubio excites conservatives at Faith and Freedom Conference

Dem senator: Humans causing climate change, saying otherwise is 'bogus'

Emanuel backs decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana

Rubio autobiography says he almost quit Senate race

Union janitors hold wage protest, want more money

Debt fight poses new risk to U.S. credit rating

Egyptians fear government instability as elections loom and parliament is dissolved

Grassley to Holder: Prove claim about Bush-era gun probe

Woman behind military breast-feeding photo fired from civilian job

300,000 needy Florida kids go without meals as federal program goes unpromoted

Obama tells Ohioans he champions the middle

Coke to sell drinks in Burma for first time in 60 years

Colorado judge pulls materials license for planned uranium mill

Philly police will test attaching video cameras to cops

Scott Walker to play ‘referee’ in Wisconsin Senate race

Michigan Rep. Lisa Brown silenced for saying ‘vagina’ on State House floor

Court orders Boy Scouts to release sexual abuse files

Phoenix Diocese sued by dad over son's death, abuse

Softball coach charged with child indecency, sexual assault

School-board member held in child porn case

Anti-Neocons /Russian Helicopters... What is really happening

The Police State Agenda in Jay-Z and Kanye’s “No Church in the Wild” and Adam Lambert’s “Never Close Our Eyes”

Michael Reagan: Sandusky Case Has Repercussions With Abuse Victims

IRS to Use $881 M in Taxpayer Dollars to Implement Obamacare

Terror Kingpin Used 60 Email Accounts to Reach Followers

Rumsfeld: Leaks Special Prosecutor Won't Be 'Accountable'

Koch Brothers' Summit Eyes Big Donors

Rendell to Newsmax: Hillary Might Have Made a Better President

McConnell to Newsmax: Obama Launching Assault on First Amendment

40% of Americans Want Holder to Resign Over Fast and Furious

Congress Reveals Lawmakers' Personal Mortgages

Puttering: Obama To Mark His 100th Round of Golf

US Reveals Accusations Against Secret Service

Lance Armstrong's Former Teammates Meet With Investigators

Democrats Want Donors Behind Obamacare Lawsuit Revealed

Romney: Obama Denying Middle Class a 'Fair Shot'


*Lawmakers Prepare for Supreme Court Ruling on Obamacare


Geithner Once Wanted Hillary Clinton for Treasury Secretary

Obama to Observe Gay Pride Month

Weaker Factories, Sour Sentiment Pushing US Into 'Ugly Situation'

Skousen: Much of U.S. Recovery Has Been ‘Artificial’

Romney: Obama Denying ‘Fair Shot’ for Middle Class

Vitamin D With Calcium Increases Lifespan

Food Containers: New Chemical Danger

Study: Meditation Improves Brain Health

Boxer Shorts Improve Male Fertility

Voyager Space Probe Reaches Edge of Solar System

The 'Second Screen' Is the Wild West of Television

Biosensors to Monitor U.S. Students' Attentiveness

10,000 Germ Species Live in and on Healthy People

Independent Voters Giving Up on Obama

Oil Companies Pay More Than 'Fair Share'

PressTV - ‘Execution of Iranian citizens in Saudi Arabia criminal act’

PressTV - Iran set to launch 370 mine, industry projects: Minister

PressTV - Iran warns US over military bases in Afghanistan

Reporter Heckles Obama at White House Immigration Announcement | The Weekly Standard

Daily Caller's Neil Munro interrupts Obama in Rose Garden -

MSNBC Guest: Would A White President Get Heckled? | RealClearPolitics

VIDEO: Obama Heckled By Daily Caller Reporter During Immigration Speech In Rose Garden - Washington Whispers (

Biden Says the 'Great' Cities Are in China, Not America | The Weekly Standard

Biden Says He's Not Blue Collar: "No One In My Family Worked In A Factory" | RealClearPolitics

MSNBC splices bus explosions into segment on Romney bus tour | Washington Free Beacon

Authorities: Doctor wanted in ECMC shooting found dead in surgical scrubs - City & Region - The Buffalo News

Buffalo Cop Suspended, Seen Walking Out of Jorden's Home |

At British Inquiry, David Cameron Denies Deals With Rupert Murdoch -

TNT’s ‘Dallas’ Rides Tall with 6.9 Million Viewers, Ranking as the Year’s Number 1 Scripted Cable Premiere - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers

Iran seizes killers of nuclear scientists: report - Yahoo! News Canada

Britain warns Argentina over Falklands aggression | Reuters

Obama makes election-year change in deportation policy -

Obama Jobs Program: Help Illegals Compete with Americans for Scarce Jobs

Obama grants legal status to young illegal immigrants - Washington Times

Secret report: Catch and release for low-priority illegals proposed - Washington Times

100 to 200 cops to cover wedding of Obama adviser’s daughter | Washington Free Beacon

House: Obama's FDA causing drug shortages | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Chicago hedge fund manager switches from 2008 Obama fan to Romney backer - Chicago Sun-Times

Anna Wintour gets fashionably political for Obama fundraiser -

Barack Obama in New York: President jets in for evening of star-studded fundraisers | Mail Online

Obama to Celebrities: 'You're the Ultimate Arbiter of Which Direction This Country Goes' |

Victory for Martha Payne as Argyll and Bute council backs down on school dinner blog ban - Telegraph

Anger Management: TV Review - The Hollywood Reporter

Weird pet behavior: Racist dogs and rolling cats -

Elizabeth Warren's 'Native American' claims: if she was a Republican, the media would call her a racist – Telegraph Blogs

TSA Testing Scandal Uncovered At Philadelphia International Airport « CBS Philly

Man caught with loaded gun at airport was Guard member, former TSA screener | Burlington Free Press |

Paramedics Called For Lindsay Lohan After Nightlong Shoot, Production On 'Liz & Dick' Hopes To Continue -

Memphis Man Owes Child Support to 15 Women; Has 20+ Kids | — Memphis News & Weather from WREG Television, News Channel 3

Forest Boy finally identified and admits: 'I made it all up' - Telegraph

Bird Breeder: Burglars Stole 350 Rare Birds Worth More Than $80,000 « CBS Miami

Woman with flesh-eating disease refusing pain meds -


* BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 14, 2012


2 Girls in A Box.flv - YouTube


World's Smallest Diamond Coin: If You Put It In Your Pocket, You Will Never Find It | Before It's News

Pennsylvania Man Dies Jerking Off! | Healthmad


+New Undebunkable UFO Documentary 'Secret Access' HD' | Before It's News


**New Undebunkable UFO Documentary 'Secret Access' HD - YouTube


+Cholesterol: Foods To Lower Your Numbers | Before It's News

Ecstasy Use Safe For Adults, B.C. Health Officials Declare | Before It's News


**"Our Incredible World, Like You've Never Seen It Before".


A Deadly Secret Plot Has Been Uncovered - by the Philadelphia Church of God

"Sex Cult" Runs UK Government, says MI-6 Victim -

Why Gobekli Tepe Was Abandoned and Buried? | Socyberty

Cannibals, "Zombies" And Media Fear Mongering | Before It's News

Eating like a caveman: A passing fad or the diet of the future? - The Week

Discovered: Honduras' mythical city of gold? - The Week

Can spray tanning give you cancer, too? - The Week

6 Ways To Shrink Your Belly (And 5 Don't Include Exercise!) | Before It's News

The Coup Of 2012

At Earth Summit Royal Society And WWF: Humanity Is An Unsustainable Danger To Earth’s Eco-System | Before It's News

Researchers: Drones To Unleash Bio-War on Americans | Before It's News

Secrets Revealed | Before It's News

Sheriff’s evasion on gun surrender could open door to other charges - National gun rights |

Undisclosed Hidden Knowledge | Before It's News

CommieTunes - OBAMA's END GAME REVEALED - Obama Socialist / Communist / Marxist / Maoist - YouTube

American Stonehenge Found? | Before It's News

‘Naked witches’ cause stir

Eight UFOs Line Up In The Colorado Skies As Thunderstorm Strikes (Picture) | Before It's News

Stunning Images From The Edge Of Space Captured With Camera On Balloon By Children | Before It's News

What Facebook Knows About You- Scary! | Before It's News

Bernie Sanders Releases Explosive Bailout List | Before It's News

New Test Smells Cancer on Your Breath | LiveScience

New Search Engine Will Get Results From Sensors Located In Physical World | Before It's News

Green Grabs: The Dark Side Of The Green Economy | Before It's News

Obama Grants Illegals Amnesty Without Congress | Before It's News

Urinating While Standing May Soon Be Illegal In Europe | Before It's News

The M14 Rifle – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow | Before It's News

How to Successfully Accomplish Indoor Gardening | Before It's News

VirtueOnline - News - Culture Wars - Coming Soon To a Website Near You

A Shocking Infographic | Before It's News


**Real Suspects of 9/11 - (MUST SEE) - YouTube


Jimmy Carter and World Chaos

The Damage Already Done By Obamacare

Another Feckless Attempt to Change the Conversation

KGB Propaganda now in on presidential race

Obama-EPA Agenda Continues To Cripple US Economy

The 50th Anniversary of “Silent Spring”: A Lethal Legacy

Who is the White House Mole?

Doing the 'Fatherhood Buzz' with Barack Obama

Perpetual Peace: Accepting the Yoke Without a Struggle

Political Fallacies

National Road Responsibilities

Obama's dine-and-dash 'responsible fatherhood' meeting

Oh my - Dana Milbank tells Obama to 'skip the falsehoods' and give us a plan

China: Abort Your 'Illegal Baby' or Pay Government 4 Years Salary

On Verge of Contempt Vote, Holder Wants Private Meeting with Issa

Special Operations Speaks

Our Plagiarizing President

Same-Sex Marriage Costs Obama Same Race Voters

Factory output drops for second time in three months

Obama decrees some illegals are more illegal than others

Gone With The Wind

One More Dubious Story in the Obama Family Saga

Saudi Arabia to Lead UN Counter Terrorism Initiative

Libertarians are not the heart of conservatism!

Govt Causes Economic Disparity

Is secession the only way out of Obama Care?

A Document Is Not Always A Contract.

Debbie Schlussel/VIDEO: WTF?! Far-Left, Islamo-Pandering Dem Talks About Her Vagina on House Floor; Cites Jewish Law (STFU!)

March of the drones: Map reveals 66 military bases for unmanned aircraft on American soil... and 22 more on the way | Mail Online


**Illuminati 2012 End of the World Conspiracy Predictions - YouTube


The Associated Press: New Obama policy will spare some from deportation

Figures… Obama Stiffs Restaurant on Lunch the Day After He Accuses GOP of Sticking Him With Steak Dinner | The Gateway Pundit

Media Gives Obama Speech a Thumbs Down

Embattled Eric Holder—Michael A. Walsh -

Seven decades of San Quentin State Prison (photos) | The Big Event | an blog

Campaign Disputes Documents, Claims Obama Never Joined New Party

Is Legalizing Weed Obama's Secret Weapon? - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

Obama aims to shore up Jewish support - Washington Times

35 Photographs Of Barack Obama As A Young Man

Pentagon to salute gay troops - Washington Times

Debate continues over graduation speech | The West Side Index and Gustine Press-Standard

Traces Of Virus In Man Cured Of HIV Trigger Scientific Debate : Shots - Health Blog : NPR

Now union members are deserting Obama | Washington Examiner

The Anatomy of a Dad | Block Talk - The H&R Block Official Corporate Blog

Hear Limbaugh Laugh His Face Off While Listening To Obama’s Economic Speech

Rush: During Dull, Boring, Pathetic Economic Speech, Obama Admits He Can’t Fix What Bush “Broke”

Limbaugh: President Barack Oblame-O

Limbaugh: “Catch, Release, Vote.” Obama To Grant Immunity To Young Illegals

Rush: Sarah Jessica Parker’s House Is An Absolute Pigsty

A moon of Saturn may have 'tropical' lakes – Light Years - Blogs

Beef Jerky Mosaic Portrait of Sasquatch by Jason Mecier

Living Stem Cells Discovered in 17-Day-Old Human Corpses | Stem-Cell Therapies | LiveScience

Chinese Buddhists 'cause plague of serpents' - Telegraph

MIT creates glucose fuel cell to power implanted brain-computer interfaces | ExtremeTech

Werner Bock Blames Death Rays, Aliens For Cows' Deaths; Faces Charges In Canada

Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

In election-year shift, Obama announces 'mend' to immigration policy

Emanuel backs decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana

Durbin, advocates praise Obama policy on young undocumented immigrants

Romarr Gipson, falsely accused in Ryan Harris case, gets 52 years in prison in '06 double shooting -

Obama: immigration change is not amnesty or permanent fix

Police confirm body found is NY surgeon linked to killing

Santorum endorses Hatch's opponent in Utah primary

Third supervisor was involved in Secret Service scandal in Colombia

Montana hitchhiker admits shooting himself, then lying about it

Ohio prosecutor to appeal killer's competency

What Do You Call That New Skyscraper in New York?

MGM will run proposed National Harbor casino

McCain: Foreign cash sneaking in via super PACs

Mexicans hail Obama's call for a freeze on deporting young illegal immigrants (+video) -

Russia Digs In on Assad as Violence Intensifies

Japan police arrest final Tokyo gas attack fugitive

China Suspends Family Planning Workers After Forced Abortion

Yemen army says seizes Qaeda bastion in major advance

Biden Says Cities in China Are Better Than in America - YouTube

Joe Biden myth-busts his brand

Report: Steve King Will Sue Over New Obama Immigration Policy

Obama fundraiser at Sarah Jessica Parker's house: How'd it go? (+video)

Romney, guarded about his Mormonism, faces the Lieberman challenge

Lindsay Lohan OK after hotel-room scare

Allen's "To Rome with Love" launches LA film fest

Cruise asked for Rock Of Ages role

Piers Morgan lands Casey Anthony exclusive

Ryan Seacrest Considers Bid for Dick Clark Productions

Kevin Costner prevails over Stephen Baldwin in oil spill lawsuit

HBO Yanks Bush Head 'Game of Thrones' Episode, Halts DVD Shipments

Lady GaGa 'Hurt the Feelings of the Thai People' With Stage Act

Sneak peek: Charlie Sheen's 'Anger Management' on FX ready for its closeup

Stocks Shine Through Cloud Of Greek Election

For Gupta, What Lies Ahead

Facebook: IPO debacle was Nasdaq's fault

Apache finds massive Canadian shale-gas field

Microsoft Expected to Introduce Tablet


Microsoft Scoops Up Yammer for $1.2 Billion - YouTube


Yammer :


Microsoft buys Yammer for $1.2 billion [Update]

SEC pushed Facebook for more disclosures

Vizio Paves the Way for "A Better PC"

Alleged hacker Ryan Cleary to be tried in UK not US

China to send its first woman to space

Oldest Cave Art Found; Made by Neanderthals? - YouTube

Cave art suggests that Neanderthals weren't such Neanderthals, after all (+video)

Scientists map genome of the bonobo, a key human relative

Report: Don't worry much about quakes and fracking

LHC already past last year's total data output

NASA Makes Surprise Discovery in Arctic Ocean

A dark spot on Titan's surface may be a tropical oasis

Alien Earths may be plentiful in our Milky Way galaxy

How salty is the sea? With NASA's help, we're finding out

Relics attributed to John the Baptist dated to 1st century, DNA points to Middle East origin - The Washington Post

'Sexting' Common Among Teens: Survey

Graphic Cig Pack Labels Make Smokers Think, Study Finds

Scientists grow new vein from girl's stem cell

Stress levels increased since 1983

UK council lifts gag on 9-year-old food critic

Vitamin D plus calcium tied to longer life

Georgia woman with flesh-eating bacteria gets skin graft

FDA Approves Combo Shot for Meningitis, Hib in Kids

Korean Seafood May be Contaminated with Norovirus

That Squid On Your Plate Could Inseminate Your Mouth

Child Obesity Linked To Poor Math Performance

Have a “Can-Do” Attitude? You May Have Dad to Thank For It

At Starbucks, Uncertainty Over Impact of Bloomberg's Drink Plan

Study finds you should judge people based on their shoes

Ethical issues guided Human Microbiome project

Can Republicans neutralize Obama’s Hispanic edge? - The Washington Post

Politics Dictates Deportations Policy « Commentary Magazine

What's Wrong With Politics-Driven Policy?

Immigrants And Job Creation—Another Case For Reform | The New Republic

Obama: I Can't Just Suspend Deportations Through Executive Order, There Are Laws on on the Books | The Weekly Standard

Obama leapfrogs GOP DREAM Act - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Why Can Obama Bend the Law for Young Immigrants, But Not for Drug Users? - Hit & Run :

Handy Chart Shows How Farm Bill Money Is Spent | Cato @ Liberty

The Obama campaign would like to see some ID, please « Hot Air

Political Animal - The Golden Calf of Compromise

Mitt Romney Outlines Health Care Reform | RealClearPolicy

Ben Huh on the Culture, Morals, and Politics of the Internet | RealClearPolicy

Mark Regnerus’ study of gay parents: Has it provoked a liberal war on science? - Slate Magazine

Humans evolved from primitive sharks new research suggests - Telegraph

Sons of Next Gen | The Scientist

Can We Reverse The Stanford Prison Experiment? - Greg McKeown - Harvard Business Review

Research Shows That the Smarter People Are, the More Susceptible They Are to Cognitive Bias : The New Yorker

Italian scientists win battle to halt controversial research : Nature News & Comment

The Future of Medical Visualisation - Technology Review

Electric Bills Rising, Renewables Slowing Down

Can America Overcome Its Split Personality On Energy? | ThinkProgress

The Spin Doctors of “Renewable Energy” | FrontPage Magazine

What Solar and Offshore Wind Can Do Together : Greentech Media

Welcome to Forbes

OPEC: A cartel of one - The Globe and Mail

Distributed Generation: Grid Killer? - Forbes

Emily Johnson: Review of Michelle Nickerson's "Mothers of Conservatism: Women and the Postwar Right" (Princeton, 2012) | History News Network

Overdressed: Why Cheap Fashion Is a Bad Deal | New York Journal of Books


*14th.Transcripts:Interview with Fmr. Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld

Interview with Senator John McCain

13th/Obama Presents Medal of Freedom to Shimon Peres

Interview with Senator John Thune

Interview with Senator Richard Shelby

Interview with Senator Bernie Sanders

Analysts on Redistricting and 2012

Panel on National Security Disclosures

12th/AG Holder's Testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee

Analysts on Eric Holder's Fight With The GOP

Interview with Florida Governor Rick Scott

Interview with Senator John McCain

Interview with Representative Charles Rangel

Interview with Representative John Mica

Panel on Obama and the Economy

11th/Interview with Florida Governor Rick Scott

10th/Guests: McCain, King, Woolsey & Axelrod

Guests: Feinstein, Rogers, O'Malley and Walker

Interview with Obama Advisor David Axelrod

Interview with Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels


How Arlington National Cemetery Came to Be | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine

The Pig War - San Juan Island National Historical Park

Strange Maps: Border between Canada and USA « Proud Geek

Early Balloon Flight in Europe

First World - Who's Who - Kaiser Wilhelm II

Obama Drops His Name Into the Other Presidential Biographies « Commentary Magazine

BBC News - Viewpoint: Changing the way the internet is governed is risky

Microsoft Yammer M&A jammer - John Dvorak's Second Opinion - MarketWatch

Google's New Brain Could Have a Big Impact - Technology Review

Opinion: Why Facebook is better off without preteens | Digital Trends

Technology - David A. Shaywitz - Is One Company About to Lock Up the Electronic Medical Records Market? - The Atlantic

Coinstar is kicking Netflix's butt - The Buzz - Investment and Stock Market News

Retina reluctance: Why buy a locked-down laptop? | ExtremeTech

AnandTech - MacBook Pro Retina Display Analysis

New MacBook Pro: Apple’s latest laptop is the greatest, and perhaps final, version of the personal computer - Slate Magazine

Facebook: See? We told you social advertising works — Tech News and Analysis

Cloud secrecy: Will it cause a system meltdown? | ZDNet

The City Gates : Cardinals involved in Vatileaks? Why not? - Catholic Culture

Baptist Press - Seminary archaeology team makes key find - News with a Christian Perspective

RELEVANT Magazine - Hollywood Needs a New Villain

Why are there spaceships in Medieval art?

FBI recovers rare first-edition of the Book of Mormon – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Passing the Plate for Politics | Christianity Today

Dori Hartley: The Atheist Who Loves Angels

RealClearReligion - Is Mohammed Pro-Life?

Why the Rich Recovered and the Rest Didn't - U.S. Business News - CNBC

Greece's Election and Your Portfolio - Real-Time Advice - SmartMoney

Central bank paranoia fuels Melt-Up - MarketWatch

The Folly of Energy Independence - Gal Luft & Anne Korin - The American Interest Magazine

Jamie Dimon's Risky Business - Businessweek

Analysis & Opinion | Reuters

Why The New Wave Of Foreclosures Is Good News For Homeowners - Forbes

President Obama: The Biggest Government Spender In World History - Forbes

It’s Not a Welfare State, It’s a Special Interest State — The American Magazine

100 Regulators Missed JPMorgan’s London Whale

Does China’s Next Leader Want the Job? - Bloomberg

RealClearMarkets - The Census Is a Valuable Economic Tool

Will DOJ's cable probe end up hurting streaming? - Fortune Tech

"The End of the World as We Know It" by Dani Rodrik | Project Syndicate

How Investors Should Respond To The Continuing 'New Normal' | The Economy |

Using Artificial Intelligence to Take the Market’s Pulse | Institutional Investor

The 1% Are Suckers for Luxury-Goods Labels -

Rand Paul's baffling support for Mitt Romney's cowboy foreign policy - The Week

Does Greece’s Election Really Matter? — The American Magazine

How Spain’s Problems Got Worse in Less Than a Week | World |

Democracy in Egypt is an imperfect, but vital, evolution - The National

RealClearWorld - Portents All Bad for Syrian Bloodbath

Haggling over Afghanistan - The Washington Post

Syria's regime is incapable of resisting an attack – Telegraph Blogs

Will America's Afghan gamble pay off? - India News

Fyodor Lukyanov "The World Without the West. " / Russia in Global Affairs

That's It For Egypt's So-Called Transition | Marc Lynch

In Cleveland Speech, Obama Warns Of Dramatic Cuts To Safety Net And Tax Breaks For Wealthy If Romney Wins. The Facts Back Up Obama. | The New Republic

Politics - Clive Crook - Obama's Speech in Cleveland - The Atlantic

Liberal and Incompetent | RedState

Rep. Patrick Kennedy: Health Care Reform: The Right Thing to Do

Has Barack Obama's presidency failed? –

Obama's DREAM Act Game-Changer | Mother Jones

Ordered Liberty » Obama’s Classified Leaks Are Probably Not Prosecutable

RealClearPolitics - One State, Two Visions: Obama, Romney at Odds in Ohio

Barack Obama’s empty arguments—John Podhoretz -

Frank Rich on the National Circus: Democrats’ Premature Panic -- Daily Intel

Dana Milbank: Obama needs a plan. Now. - The Washington Post

Attorney General Eric Holder Hangs On Despite Republican Pressure Over Probe - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Lauded Appointees Have Failed to Measure Up

RealClearPolitics - The Myth of the Good Conservative

RealClearPolitics - Is Libertarian Gary Johnson the Wild Card in Fall Election?

Editorial: RomneyCare, the sequel, falls short –

The Political Contrast -

Obama's Reset Campaign Speech Offers Nothing New -

Examiner Editorial: New study confirms Obamacare won't contain health costs | Washington Examiner

Michael Tomasky Gives the President Some Advice: Grow a Pair, Obama! - The Daily Beast

Embattled Eric Holder—Michael A. Walsh -

Spending Off the Hook: Free Phones Costing Taxpayers $2.1 Billion Per Year

The 50 zip codes with the largest growth in white population share, 2000-2010

Young Americans get the shaft - The Washington Post

Research Shows That the Smarter People Are, the More Susceptible They Are to Cognitive Bias : The New Yorker

If ObamaCare Is Judged Unconstitutional, Here's How To Reform Healthcare - Forbes

"A Global Perfect Storm" by Nouriel Roubini | Project Syndicate

Cairo’s Judicial Coup - By Nathan J. Brown | The Middle East Channel

*15 June

American Minute for June 15th

June 15 Events in History

This Day in History for 15th June |

Today in History: June 15

June 15th This Day in History

Today in History: June 15

June 15th in History

Today in History for June 15th - YouTube


MSNBC: Would A White President Be Heckled?

Andrew Breitbart, Right Online, and the (Biblical) Spies of Israel

Angry Obama Argues With Reporter

Napolitano: U.S. immigration program wasn't meant for 'relief beneficiaries'

Ken Vogel: Politico's Ex-Soros Employee Attacks GOP Super PACs

Clinton in 2010: If It Doesn't Work In Two Years, 'Vote Us All Out Then'

Caught on Video: Mexican Police Kidnap Men Later Found Murdered

American Immigration Council: ‘Dream Come True’

Report: Regulation Could Boost CBS Profit by $1B per Year

Sheriff Joe: 'Illegals Will Still Be Arrested'

Romney Launches Blue State Bus Tour

Both Parties Burden Future Generations in Deficit Talks

Biden Mocks LA Mayor Villaraigosa's Name; 'Can You Pronounce It?'

Chaos Across The Border: Mexican Police Accused Of Kidnapping

Obama Jobs Program: Help Illegals Compete with Americans for Scarce Jobs

Rubio: Dems 'Pit Americans Against Each Other' To Win Elections

COPS: Men Break Into House, Steal Marijuana Plants

Former RNC Chair Slams MSNBC's Matthews: You're 'A Good Sycophant' For Obama

Obama Brags About Unemployment Being Above 8%

Pelosi Can't Answer What Dems Will Do If Obamacare Ruled Unconstitutional

Obama To Stop Deporting Illegal Immigrants

Obama's Recycled Speech

World View: Russia Deploying Troops for Foreign Combat

Obama to Celebs: 'You're the Ultimate Arbiter of Which Direction This Country Goes'

Quick Stop at Ground Zero Means Taxpayers Pay Obama's Fundraising Tab

Atheists Win: Santa Monica City Council Votes to End Religious Displays

Celebrating Online Activism: Cheering Success, Looking to the Future

Preparing For Elections In Greece

Romney Attacks Obama's Economic Record

EXCLUSIVE -- McConnell: 'Radical, Dangerous' Obama Admin Seeks to 'Shut Up' Opponents

Obama Jokes About 'Doing Fine' Gaffe

ABC NEWS: Obama Forgets to Pay Restaurant Bill

More Solyndra Corruption: Lied About Layoffs, Excessive Bonuses

BH Interview: Director Lynn Shelton on Avoiding 'Toxic' Actors

The DOJ Lets John Edwards Go

Obama Boy Has a Crush on Obama

23% of Small Business Owners Went a Year Without Pay

Syria: A Korean War Redo?

Obama Speech 'Widely Panned' by Political Press Corps

Biden Praises Arab Spring Same Day Egyptian Parliament Dissolves

Keystone Fallout: As Promised, Canada Building Pipelines to Sell Oil to China

Misery Loves Company: 92% of France Wants Obama Reelected

R. Kelly Owes $4.8 Million to IRS

Obama's Big Economy Speech: No Hope, No Change

HomeVideodrome: 'Ghost Rider' Sequel Cranks Up Cage's Gonzo Spirit


Reporter Heckles Obama During Immigration Speech
Obama: Young Illegals Are Americans In Every Way Except "On Paper"
MSNBC's Bashir Shows Bus Explosions While Discussing Romney Bus Tour
Biden Says He's Not Blue Collar: "No One In My Family Worked In A Factory"
MSNBC Guest: Would A White President Get Heckled?
Rep. Allen West: "We're Starting To Live Under A Rule By Edict"
Arpaio: We Will Continue To Enforce Illegal Immigration Laws
Cantor & Goolsbee Face Off On How To Fix The Economy
Rep. King To Sue Obama Admin Over New Immigration Policy
CNN: Obama Decision To Stop Deporting Young Illegals A "Victory"
Pelosi Defends ObamaCare: GOP Doesn't "Believe In A Government Role"
Klein: Obama Has "Failed Profoundly" To Explain His Achievements
RNC Ad: Obama's Speech Was A "Replay"
O'Reilly: Obama Has To Realize He's In Trouble
"Special Report" Panel On U.S. Relations With Russia
Alter: Economic News In Swing States Is A Big Problem For Romney


Rush Limbaugh: President Barack Oblame-O
Krauthammer On Obama's Speech: Anybody Who Believes Him Is "Hopelessly Oversold"
Paul Ryan: "Half Of What Is Needed Is To Point Out Obama's Failures"
Romney Ad: Looks Like A One-Term Proposition
McConnell: Obama Wants To "Determine Who Gets To Speak And Who Doesn't"
Obama: "This Election Is About Our Economic Future"
Romney On Obama: "Actions Speak Very Loud"
Cutter: Romney Is "Distorting" Obama's Record
RNC Ad: Presidents Don't Get Mulligans
MSNBC On Obama: "One Of The Least Successful Speeches"
Michael Steele To Chris Matthews: "You're A Good Sycophant" For Obama
Juan Williams To Malkin: I'm A "Real Reporter, Not A Blogger"
Howard Dean: Obama Needs A Slogan For This Election
"Special Report" Panel On National Security Disclosures
Fineman: Obama Has To Defend Entitlement Programs
O'Donnell: Ohio Is The Most Important State In This Election
O'Reilly: Leaders Should Echo "You're Not Special" Message


Cameron Testifies Over Murdoch Links
Richardson on Syria, Russia & Iran
Greeks Prefer Drachma Over Euro
McCain Slams Administration's 'In Your Face Attitude' Toward Pakistan
Amnesty International Releases Report on Violence in Syria
Obama Administration Split Over Russia
European Banking System on Brink of Collapse
Did Pakistan Know bin Laden's Location?
Raw Video: Peres Presented Medal of Freedom
Raw Video: Deadly Bus Crash in Mexico
Raw Video: Democracy Icon Returns to Europe
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency Charges Armstrong
'Coalition of the Willing' on Syria?


Carney: Conflict in Syria Not Yet a Civil War
Greeks Divided on Euro Austerity Demands
Iran Sanctions: Are They Working?
Syria's Cyberwarriors
The First Presidential Election in the Arab World
Moving from Opium to Saffron
Violence Intensifies Inside Syria
Fairytale World at Belgium Sand Sculpture Festival
Al-Qaeda Releases New Libi Video, After His Death
The Afridi Conviction
The G-20 Mexico Summit
A Conversation with Timothy Geithner
Clinton: Russia Puts Its Vital Interests at Risk over Syria


The Manning Report Video Version – 14 June 2012

The Manning Report – 14 June 2012




06/14 The Mark Levin Show

The Katherine Albrecht Show 06-14-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 06-14-12 Hr 2

June 14, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

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