A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

04 May 2012

4 May'12

When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him




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Infowars Nightly News: Monday (4-30-12) - Kurt Haskell - - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News: Tuesday (5-1-12) - Ron Paul Speech Austin, Texas. - - YouTube

5-2-2012 Infowars Nightly News with Paul Joseph Watson, Darrin McBreen, guest Luke Rudkowski - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News 2012-05-03 Thursday - YouTube


The Alex Jones Show 2012-04-29 Sunday - YouTube

The Alex Jones Show 2012-04-30 Monday - YouTube

The Alex Jones Show 2012-05-01 Tuesday - YouTube

The Alex Jones Show 2012-05-02 Wednesday - YouTube

The Alex Jones Show 2012-05-03 Thursday - YouTube


Death Of The Constitution: From Preemptive Attacks To Preemptive Protest Crackdowns


326 PG./Restricted U.S. Army Internment and Resettlement Operations Manual




+Activist Post: Marijuana Found to Kill Cancer Cells – The Marijuana and Cancer Relationship

THC from Cannabis Destroys Cancer Cells | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

Two Marijuana Cancer Studies You Probably Never Heard About


* Obama Signs Executive Order Declaring International Law for the United States | _



**97% Owned - Monetary Reform documentary - YouTube

**Secrets of Body Language - YouTube

**Secrets in Plain Sight 1-23 (Full video) - YouTube


The Beach Boys - That's Why God Made the Radio (Lyric Video) Video - ARTISTdirect Music

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U.S. AG Eric Holder 5/3/12 - YouTube

Alex Jones calls for Occupy Bilderberg - YouTube


Forward! To What We Do Not Know


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Elliott Murphy – Blind Willie McTell

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Richie Havens – License to Kill


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Santana - Santana's Greatest Hits (1974) Full Album [Not Available in Germany] - YouTube

Carlos Santana & Wayne Shorter - Live at Montreux Jazz Festival (1988) Full [16 Tracks, 2 Hours] - YouTube

Santana -Abraxas (Full Album) 1969 - YouTube

Carlos Santana & John McLaughlin - Love Devotion Surrender: Tribute to John Coltrane (1973) Full - YouTube

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SANTANA I (1969) - Full Remastered Album - - YouTube


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The Band - The Last Waltz (full Album): Music Video


Grateful Dead - Hell In A Bucket - 06-26-94: Music Video


The Peoples Candidate Ron Paul - YouTube

Ron Paul Stacks Up Delegates in Campaign Surge - YouTube

Prison » Obama Mentor Wanted Americans Put In Re-Education Camps

Larry Grathwohl interview about William Ayers,Obama's Mentor - YouTube

Prison » Yes, The Re-Education Camp Manual Does Apply Domestically to U.S. Citizens

» Leaked U.S. Army Document Outlines Plan For Re-Education Camps In America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison » Alex Jones: Pentagon Prepares Re-Education Camps for Political Activists

Alex Jones: Pentagon prepares re-education camps for political activists - YouTube

Prison » Leaked U.S. Army Document Outlines Plan For Re-Education Camps In America

Leaked Documents Confirm Prison Camps Inside U.S. - YouTube

Crack Heads Duped by FBI - YouTube

Prison » One in five Americans believes the world is coming to an end; many point to 2012 prophecies

Prison » Eric Holder To Be Held In Contempt Of Congress?

Prison » New Frontier of Censorship: Copyrighting People

YouTube Launching CISPA Purge! - YouTube

Warning: YouTube Launches Vicious Censorship - YouTube

Prison » There Are 100 Million Working Age Americans That Do Not Have Jobs

Obama ‘Forward’ campaign slogan inspires Wikipedia editing war - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: EU plot to scrap Britain

'US to continue surrounding Russia & China claiming it's for Iran' - YouTube

Prison » War Between Israel and Egypt?


Top Ten Insane Conspiracy Theories That Distract From Exposing Real Cover-Ups - YouTube


Crooks and Criminals in High Places with Gerald Celente 1/3 - YouTube

Crooks and Criminals in High Places with Gerald Celente 2/3 - YouTube

Crooks and Criminals in High Places with Gerald Celente 3/3 - YouTube


Big Bro 'genius' algorithms - Gerald Celente on Keiser Report - YouTube


Prison » Preppers: ‘Anywhere from Incredibly Practical to Practically Certifiable’

Prison » The Uprooting of The Nation And The Occupation of The Homeland

Prison » The Fastest Growing Religion In America Is Islam

Prison » 16 Signs That People Are Becoming Stupider

Prison » The Obama-Corzine Syndrome: Playing With The House’s Chips

Prison » ObamaCare: Past, Present, & Yet to Come

Media Matters, NOW unite to force Limbaugh off the air

Prison » Local Elections 2012: Our Last Chance For A Political Solution

Unmasked: Meet The FBI's Bridge Bomb Plot Snitch | The Smoking Gun

Prison » EPA’s Plans for Implementing UN’s Agenda 21


Cass Sunstein's Amnesia with Luke Rudkowski 1/2 - YouTube

Cass Sunstein's Amnesia with Luke Rudkowski 2/2 - YouTube


+The History of Modern Healthcare with Dr. Peter Glidden - YouTube


Prison » China Assures Safety of Pro-Life Dissident, Women and Babies Still in Danger

Prison » New Obama Executive Order Pushes Us Closer To A North American Union

More Americans Stashing Cash in Home Safes -

Prison » Lack of Trust – Caused by Institutional Corruption – Is Killing the Economy

Prison » GM’s sweetheart tax deal

Prison » The Size And Strength of Banks Is Detrimental

Prison » Is Splenda Safe? Examining the Dangers of this ‘Sugar Alternative’

» RNC Threatens To Bar Nevada To Stop Delegates Voting For Ron Paul Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Secret Service Wants Pat-downs and Porno Scan

Ron Paul Stacks Up Delegates in Campaign Surge - YouTube

State GOP’s caucus picks leave Romney slate slighted -

» Officials Frantic Over Ron Paul Supporters Seizing Control Of GOP Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Rand Paul Launches Campaign to End the TSA Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

How Obama Plans to Win

RON PAUL REVOLUTION 2.0: Rand Paul Is Already Gearing Up For 2016 - Business Insider

"Ron Paul Won Minnesota & Washington State!" Rachel Maddow (THIS IS HOW WE DO IT BABY!) - YouTube

Ron Paul is Winning Against Mitt Romney in the Primary! - YouTube

Ron Paul’s stealth state convention takeover - The Washington Post

Max Keiser on OWS, Financial Repression, Confronting Obama & Copyright Laws - YouTube

The 86 million invisible unemployed - May. 3, 2012

» There Are 100 Million Working Age Americans That Do Not Have Jobs Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Illegal Immigrants Find Tax Loophole, IRS Kno

Guns in Murder of Mexican Lawyer Trace back to Operation Fast & Furious - Hispanically Speaking News

» Royal Society Believes Depopulation Will Save the Environment Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Royal Society report 'People and the Planet' - Sir John Sulston FRS - YouTube

'Big Brother' fears as cameras zoom in on text messages | TECHNOLOGY News

Facebook users can add organ donor status - The Washington Post

Facebook organ donation tool - YouTube

Joseph Kony graffiti wall with gun-toting child soldiers placed next to playground - Telegraph

US military-industrial giant KBR in bidding to privatize British police forces - Dallas News | > News > EXCLUSIVE: Israel Calls Up IDF Reserve Troops Citing Security Issues NATO, Bush, Obama and even Soros All Helped Create

» Oliver North: Future Wars Deadly, Tech Becoming Independent of Humans Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!




Military & Police Respond to Bombshell Re-Education Camp Docs 1/3 - YouTube

Military & Police Respond to Bombshell Re-Education Camp Docs 2/3 - YouTube

Military & Police Respond to Bombshell Re-Education Camp Docs 3/3 - YouTube


Red Dawn Re-Education Camps in America Run by "PSYOP Officers" 1/3 - YouTube

Red Dawn Re-Education Camps in America Run by "PSYOP Officers" 2/3 - YouTube

Red Dawn Re-Education Camps in America Run by "PSYOP Officers" 3/3 - YouTube


Prison » Crooks and Criminals in High Places with Gerald Celente

» Ron Paul’s Delegates Deluge: Minnesota, Washington State, Louisiana Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Artificial sweeteners and flavor enhancers are dangerous Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Innoculation, Indoctrination: New CA law requires Tdap vaccine for education Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


+Bin Laden's letters reveal a terrorist losing control -


**The Osama bin Laden documents -


"If I Wanted America To Be A Dictatorship" - YouTube

The FBI Role in 9/11, Conning America | Veterans Today

Report: Public School Textbooks Whitewashing Islam - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

No-Fly Zone To Be Enforced By Shoot-To-Kill Order During NATO Summit « CBS Chicago

Court: Former Bush official cannot be sued over 'enemy combatant' memos -

Al Qaeda Cleric's Call From Grave: Attack With Bio Weapons - Yahoo! News

» FL Governer Rick Scott Upholds 2nd Amendment During GOP Convention Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Drones patrolling Washington state border - - April 30, 2012

Dictator Obama Issues New Threat To Supreme Court Over ObamaCare | Before It's News

» Students To Be Spied On, Censored With School Issued Laptops Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

School Spy on Kids with Laptops and Snap Pics with Web Cam - YouTube

» 16 Signs That People Are Becoming Stupider Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Activist Post: The UN and Other Governances are Preparing for an Alien Invasion

Alien Invasion: Military Prepare For Attack 2012 - YouTube

The illustrated history of you being screwed by people like Ben Bernanke -

San Francisco VA researcher dies after handling rare bacteria | - News - The Orange County Register

Arms, diamonds, and mercenaries - Sunday Independent |

BBC - Future - Science & Environment - Building the Pentagon's ‘like me’ weapon


Visibli Social Analytics:

Cartoon Network /


Open Source Fact and Fiction: CISPA Infographic

Hollywood voters to mainstream media: Ron Paul is still in the race - Los Angeles City Buzz |

Militant BLACK Obama Youth Group: Let's SCARE the SHIT out of WHITE Grandma? - YouTube


Reality Check: Bound Delegates In The Republican Primary May Not Be Bound After All - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Is The GOP (AND! The MSM) Getting Nervous About Ron Paul's Delegate Strategy? Mary Willison

Ron Paul draws 5,000 supporters to second campaign event in California this week - Wilmington Elections 2012 |

Ron Paul @ Cal State Fullerton 5-02-2012 - YouTube

Ron Paul 2012 Full Speech at University of Texas Austin, Candidate for President | Psychetruth - YouTube

Ron Paul VS Paul Krugman 4-30-12 FULL Bloomberg - YouTube

Ron Paul and Paul Festival - HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT! - YouTube


Robotic prostitutes could replace human prostitutes by 2050

Mitt Romney On Fox & Friends – May 4 2012 | ElectAd

DNC Ad: If Mitt Romney’s an economic heavyweight, we’re in trouble | ElectAd

RNC Ad: Hype and Blame | ElectAd

Obama tells Hispanics he's ready to fix immigration laws | Reuters

America getting played for a fool? Chinese government supposedly grants Chinese dissident to ‘study abroad’ » The Right Scoop -

Hannity owns OWS organizer who believes NYPD sent rapists to Zuccotti Park to discredit Occupy » The Right Scoop -

George W. Bush talks about his love for veterans » The Right Scoop -

Kirsten Powers: Obama admin cares more about trade agreements than they do about human rights » The Right Scoop -




Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Virus Researcher Dies 17 Hours After Being Exposed To Specimen He Was Working On

World Of Technology: Russia threatens to strike NATO facilities

“We are Preparing for Massive Civil War,” Says DHS Informant | Beacon Equity: Penny Stocks, Stock Alerts

Lack of Trust – Caused by Institutional Corruption – Is Killing the Economy - Washington's Blog

Activist Post: American Representative to the UN Calls for Worldwide Depopulation

Eighth Biggest Corporate Bankruptcy In Us History; $1.6 Billion Stolen; Justice Dept Still Hasn't Interviewed Corzine: "no Evidence"... Why This Case Is NOT Going Away | Before It's News

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : VW with 80mpg? Made in the USA, but illegal to purchase.

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : FOX: ROMNEY LOOSING DELEGATES.


**The 75 Senators Who Voted For Bill To Allow 30,000 Surveillance Drones Over the US in Next Ten Years | Survival Blogs


BILL: 658


Paul touts individual liberty during UC Davis speech - Elections - The Sacramento Bee

Reality Check: The Truth About Delegate Numbers In Iowa and Minnesota - YouTube

Fox News Announces Ron Paul Has Qualified - YouTube

Police State USA: FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations - Picasso Dreams

Proof CNBC Copyright Bombed Ron Paul Youtube Channels! RonPaul2008dotCOM & RonPaul2008 - YouTube


Cartoon:Catholic Church's position on molestation


We’re Almost There Now | Eric Peters Autos

How ObamaCare Will Affect Your Driving… And Much More Besides | Eric Peters Autos

Activist Post: What are Antioxidants and Why Should the Prepper Care?

Refreshing News: The Most Shoplifted Food In The World? That's Right, "Cheese."

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Thomas Sowell: Federal Reserve a 'Cancer'

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Romney & Obama, the NDAA & Ron Paul

Lone Star Watchdog: Dumbed Down Christianity in America

RNC might block entire Nevada delegation over Ron Paul delegate mischief - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

U.S. Army Orders $266 Million Worth of Ammo Amid Re- Education Camp Claims and Martial Law Drills on the Streets of America :

Amazing Facts: The American Who Quit Money To Live In A Cave

2-minute video: Kucinich explains monetary reform, full-employment, new cities - National Nonpartisan |

World Of Technology: 'US spends more on pizza than on space’

Mitt Romney Commissioned Pro-America Pins, Made Them In China

The greatest (health) lie from medicine

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : NATO Summit : Chicago Hospitals perform Radioactive Dirty Bomb Attack Drills (May 01, 2012)

For Capitalism to Survive, Crime Must Not Pay | Next New Deal

Activist Post: World Press Freedom Day: The U.S. Must Lead By Example

Exclusive: Romney Family Investment Group Partnered With Alleged Perpetrators Of $8 Billion Ponzi Scheme | ThinkProgress

Mitt Romney: Democrats 'just don't like business very much' -

World Of Technology: New California gold rush as treasure hunters search for meteor fragments

Grant F. Smith : The Rise of AIPAC – AIPAC History | Veterans Today

World Of Technology: Ancient map gives clue to fate of 'Lost Colony'


Networkworld's Resource library:


True Masters of Camouflage | Survival Blogs

Not Explaining the Why of Terrorism

Finding Bin Laden: The Truth Behind the Official Story

Extractive Capitalism The Divisions in the Latin American Progressive Camp

Premature Birth Death Rate Higher in US US Ranks Lower Than Iraq, Afghanistan On This List

U.S. Spends Far More for Health Care Than 12 Industrialized Nations

Is Shale Gas a Real Energy Solution?

*BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- May 3, 2012


Institutional Corruption Is Killing the Economy

SHALE GAS HYDRAULIC FRACKING: Poisoned Water. Inducing Earthquakes

Celebrating our “Warrior President”

Chicago Summit: NATO To Announce Activation Of European Missile Shield

The "Obama Syndrome": "If you Can Fake Sincerity You've Got it Made"

One Year On, Still No Evidence For Osama Bin Laden's Killing

OBAMA: Not Explaining The "Why of Terrorism"

A World of "Thieving Financiers": Vendor Arithmetic, Underhanded Capitalism

The Crisis of Student Debt in America

China says Dissident Can Apply to Go Abroad

Clinton Calls on N. Korea to Change Course

Obama Invites African Leaders to G8 Summit

G8 Leaders Called on to Address Hunger, Poverty

‘C’ Isn't Average in All Schools Any More

Farming by GPS Saves Money, Environment

Bin Laden Documents Reveal Splits in al-Qaida

Promises to Keep by Justin Raimondo --

Tyranny of Good Intentions by Nebojsa Malic --

Pentagon Describes ‘Long-Term and Acute’ Problems in Afghanistan -- News from

White House: UN Ceasefire in Syria ‘Not Working’ -- News from

Obama's Afghanistan Speech: A Guide for the Perplexed | The Nation

Disinformation On Every Front

Copyright Claims Shut Down Websites With No Proof or Due Process

Iran’s IAEA envoy: Britain and France violating Non-Proliferation Treaty

Plainclothes Cops Refuse To Identify Themselves As They Seize Female Activist

5 Reasons the Zombie Apocalypse is the Prevailing Metaphor for Our Times

Activist Post: British Intelligence Service MI6 Slammed Over Dead Spy

Activist Post: Apocalyptic Propaganda: Royal Society Think Tank Releases 'People and the Planet'

Exposed: Military Internment/Resettlement Operations Manual - YouTube

Cartel Murder Suspected, Military, FBI, ICE, Homeland Security Flood Area | Veterans Today

The Course | The Muslim Brotherhood in America

Justice Kagan seeks end of U.S. Constitution, says gun rights leader - National Law Enforcement |

What are Antioxidants and Why Should the Prepper Care?

Dave Hodges -- Red Dawn and the Chicago Spring

Actress Marilu Henner Speaks Of Rare Mental Con


27 min./Fight The New World Order with Global Non Compliance (Full Version) - YouTube


House Investigates Obama Deal With Drug Companies

TransCanada Files Amended Bid for Keystone

Ted Turner: Romney Would Make Good President

Former Press Tycoon Conrad Black Released From Miami Prison

Rand Paul: Nuke the TSA

Texas Considers Repealing Property Taxes

Americans Turn in 276 Tons of Unwanted Medicines

Obama Pushes for Gov't Access to Cell Phone Records

Clooney, Hollywood Poised to Raise Record $12 Million for Obama

Obama, Romney May Tie in Electoral College, But Unlikely

Former Libyan PM Claims Gadhafi Funded Sarkozy 2007 Campaign

US Official: China Vows Change in Trade, Finance

No Friending Warren: Buffett Says He Won't Invest in Facebook

Does the Gluten-free Diet Really Work?

Healthy Snack Study: We Eat What We See

Seau's Brain to Be Studied for Repetitive Injuries

Military Looks to Arctic for Key Resources

We Can’t Always Wait for the Cavalry

Team Obama Fortifies Jihad Movement

Defending Eric Holder from Hypocrisy

Our amazing world: Incredible beauty and the darkness that threatens it | Old-Thinker News

What is a minority? | Old-Thinker News

Chinese Rights Activist: 'Hillary Clinton, This Is the Time to Deliver'

Bozell: Misleading Zimmerman Edits Prompt 3rd NBC Firing – But, Still No On-Air Apology

Comcast Boasts ‘Diversity,' On and Off Camera

White House Denies U.S. Officials Knew About Threat to Chen's Family

Romney on Chen Case: 'Day of Shame for the Obama Administration'

Rights Activist: Administration ‘Willing to Sacrifice’ Chinese Dissident for ‘Unimpeded Trade Talks’

Holder Announces 107 Arrests Involving $452 Million in False Medicare Billings

US, China forge tentative deal on Chinese activist

After Russia Threatens Pre-emptive Strike on NATO Missiles, U.S. Stresses ‘Cooperation,’ ‘Common Ground’

NPR Anchor Insists Obama's No Socialist In Jonah Goldberg Interview

Mika Brzezinski Again Displays Her Love for Elizabeth Warren

Presidential Election May Boil Down to Virginia

Romney Indicated ‘Openness’ to Modified DREAM Act, Rubio Spokesman Says

71 Percent of Top Companies Could Drop Insurance Under Obamacare

Michelle Obama Predicts ‘Election Could Come Down to Those Last Few Thousand Votes’

USDA Presses Oil Industry to Support 15-Percent Ethanol Blend

Women Outnumber Men in Professional Field But Earn Half the Pay

Sebelius Plugs Video Games as Way for Kids to Exercise

Octomom at crossroads, broke and considering porn

Princeton, UPenn, Chicago Now Offer ‘Gender-Neutral Housing' for Undergrads

Concerns Grow for Chinese Activist’s Missing Rescuer

Bus Tour Brings Fake RI 'Family Guy' Town to Life

NYT's SCOTUS Reporter Greenhouse Quotes Robert Frost to Shame Justices on AZ Immigration Law |

Bozell: NBC Fires Another Producer in Fake Zimmerman Audio Scandal, But Still Hasn't Come Clean |

Gingrich: Romney’s ‘Conservative Enough’ Compared To ‘Most Radical, Leftist President in American History’ |

White House acknowledges cease-fire in Syria not working, says time to try another tactic

Restaurants find healthy choices a tough sell

How Elizabeth Warren bungled her first controversy

Obama administration hits back on notion that it abandoned Chen in China

RNC Chairman's op-ed: Obama's campaign about nothing

Illinois high school students suspended for hugging

Feingold rips Pelosi for willingness to consider entitlement cuts

Obama tries to rally a jobless generation

U.S. troops' organ donations save European lives

Romney super PAC donors putting their credit cards at risk

National Mall getting a $700 million redesign

Potential convention clashes between Ron Paul forces and GOP establishment seen in Nevada

GOP's domestic violence bill panned as homophobic, racist and elitist

Juror says he had three vodkas one night during trial to see how it would affect him

Denver woman's legal path to U.S. includes eight months in Mexico

Spirit Airline's $100 carry-on bag fee just the tip of the iceberg

DOJ ‘disputes’ Issa’s contempt order

House Democrats plan to pounce again on GOP budget

Congressman questions whether GSA using contractor 'kickbacks' for 'slush fund'


38 min./The End - Remote Viewing Predictions - YouTube


+Lao Tzu Quotes | Happy Quotes


+Detoxify Heavy Metals And Soothe Chronic Inflammation With This Superherb | Before It's News

Ancient Remedy: Beehive Extract Shows Potential As Prostate Cancer Treatment | Before It's News

Growing Your Own Organic Food With A Little Space And Even Less Water | Before It's News

“A Staggering Mess” as Tsunami Debris Hits Alaska Coast Early | The SunBreak

Alien Images Found In Ancient Stone Sphere | Before It's News

Obama foreign policy catastrophe was years in the making | Fox News

Obama’s Disgraceful Abandonment of Chen Guangcheng - Mona Charen - National Review Online

All Soda Is Hazardous To Our Health Say Experts | Before It's News

The 'Eye-Borg': First Successful Implant Of A 'Bionic' Eye Could Restore Sight To The Blind | Before It's News

5 People Who Escaped Death By Being Lazy |

Best Rechargeable Batteries | Before It's News

The Lost Marilyn Monroe Nudes: Outtakes From Her Last On-Set Shoot Revealed In Junes V.F. | Before It's News

Mary's Mosaic: Prologue by Peter Janney

Is Chocolate Primal? | Mark's Daily Apple

The 80/20 Rule & Your Survival (VIDEO) | The Survival Mom

CRIME, GUNS, AND VIDEOTAPE: Survival Tactics for Flash Mob Violence The politics of terror are the greatest covert operation ever.

The Importance of Free Minds by Butler Shaffer

Winning by Losing by Brion McClanahan

A Decade of War – for What? by Patrick J. Buchanan

FBI Dupes May Day Anarchists into Bogus Terror Plot

Power really does corrupt as scientists claim it's as addictive as cocaine | Mail Online

The Love Affair May Be Over… | Eric Peters Autos


3.5.2012 - 1/4 - Underwater UFO Sightings - YouTube

3.5.2012 - 2/4 - Underwater UFO Sightings - YouTube

3.5.2012 - 3/4 - Underwater UFO Sightings - YouTube

3.5.2012 - 4/4 - Underwater UFO Sightings - YouTube


2.5.2012 - 1/4 - Conspiracies & Parapolitical Analysis - YouTube

2.5.2012 - 2/4 - Conspiracies & Parapolitical Analysis - YouTube

2.5.2012 - 3/4 - Conspiracies & Parapolitical Analysis - YouTube

2.5.2012 - 4/4 - Conspiracies & Parapolitical Analysis - YouTube


1.5.2012 - 1/4 - Student Loan Crisis - YouTube

1.5.2012 - 2/4 - Student Loan Crisis - YouTube

1.5.2012 - 3/4 - Student Loan Crisis - YouTube

1.5.2012 - 4/4 - Student Loan Crisis - YouTube


Mars Rocks Could Shelter Life, New Study Suggests | Search for Extraterrestrial Life |

Lost Parakeet Tells Cops His Address - ... and is returned to his home in Tokyo

'Zombie' Ants And The Fungus That Saves Them : The Two-Way : NPR

BP oil spill: The 'horribly mutated' creatures living in the Gulf - The Week

For Extreme Artist Stelarc, Body Mods Hint at Humans' Possible Future | Underwire |

5 Mind-Bending Facts About Dreams | Lucid Dreams & Nightmares | LiveScience

Black Money - YouTube

Another Red Dawn | Sinclair News.Net

No spirit of patriotism

Military Helicopters Continue to Fly Over Chicago as Security Costs Top $65 Million :

No Fly Zone Set Up Around NATO Summit With Shoot to Kill Orders :

How the Ancient Egyptians understood binary stars 3,200 years ago - and their calculations have helped solve a modern dilemma | Mail Online

Early North Americans lived with extinct giant beasts, study shows


+Marijuana and Cancer Relationship - Marijuana Destroys Cancer Cells


Does Men’s ‘Bond’ with Porn Ruin Them for Real-Life Sex? | Healthland |

How Porn Is Affecting the Libido of the American Male -- New York Magazine

Gundersen: “The water is steaming and boiling” still at Fukushima; “Yes, there’s some radiation being given off ” (AUDIO) — Visible in recent Tepco webcam footage? (VIDEO)

Joe Rogan on Fukushima and Nuclear Power: If these reactors keep messing up, we’re going to have giant areas of our world contaminated and dead for 100,000s of years — That’s the reality we’re operating under (VIDEO)

Homeland Security-funded Study: Playing down public’s concern over radioactive fallout has huge economic benefits — “We’re not trying to bamboozle the public” - California Approved Handgun Safe

IDF Launches New Submarine in Germany - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

The Re-Killing Of Seal Team Six

The TSA's mission creep is making the US a police state | Jennifer Abel | Comment is free |


The Jewish hand behind Internet - Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MySpace, eBay... >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds


Search Engines Google-Bing et al To Obama Rescue?


Paul Drockton: Vote Counting Company Tied to CIA


Secure Electronic Voting /


Nature publishes details of bird flu strain that could spread among people | Science | The Guardian

Media Myth On CDC H5N1 Transmission

UFO NEWS | UFO Dangers Examined By U.S. News & World Report

New Study Suggests Mars Rocks Could Shelter Life

Energy drinks are destroying teenagers' teeth | Mail Online

U.S. Seafood Provider Testing for Fukushima Contamination: “Growing concern for potential radiation affecting the nation’s seafood” — ‘Trace’ amounts may have been present in ‘rare’ cases

Navy nears power deal to help avoid Cal blackouts - Wednesday, May 2, 2012 | 3:04 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

The Gentle Way by Tom Moore

Did Monsanto Plant GMOs Before USDA Approval?

Russia 'retains right' to pre-emptive strike on missile shield — RT

Russia threatens Nato with military strikes over missile defence system - Telegraph

Pentagon encircles Iran: Victory would take 3 weeks — RT

Dubya Is Back - Auburn Journal

The Shadow Government | Kirwan's Art & Articles

Why it matters that Obama dated a composite and ate a dog – Telegraph Blogs

New EO to Eliminate GMO Trade Barriers | Farm Wars

America's farmlands to be carpet-bombed with Vietnam-era Agent Orange chemical - and the results - YouTube

Activist Post: The Potentially Lethal Nature of 'Non-Lethal' Weapons Confirmed by New Research

Leaked Video Shows US Contractors Randomly Killing Civilians - YouTube

Osama bin Laden Death Anniversary - what has become of Al Qaeda? - YouTube

Is Shale Gas A Real Energy Solution?

Who Said: ‘The Jews Are Our Misfortune?’ | Real Zionist News

Asian Women Rule The US Egg Donor Market « Zen Haven

Researchers say they have new clue to Lost Colony - Yahoo! News

Ecuador, Steam over the Devils Nose, 2007 - YouTube

American youth blamed for US embarrassment in Mid East!

Thomas Jefferson vs. Libertarian Mysticism

Limbaugh: Reagan vs LBJ on ‘The War On Poverty’

Limbaugh: Damn Right Elizabeth Warren is Profiling and Stereotyping

WOW! Watch Hannity’s SUPER HUGE BIG WIN over #OWS Lunatic

Megyn Kelly Cracks Herself Up With Joke About Elizabeth Warren: ‘I’ve Been Drinking Again’

‘You Idiot’: MSNBC’s Mika Lashes Out at Co-Host Scarborough for Nutty Elizabeth Warren Impersonation

This is What Happens When You Get Into a Fight With a Police Officer & Try to Steal His Gun

Stunning Photos: British Woman Mauled by ‘Tame’ Cheetah in South Africa

Fiery Ted Nugent Blasts CBS Reporter With Profanities for Suggesting He’s Not Moderate: ‘I’m a Damn Nice Guy’

This Group Didn’t Want to Pay an Automatic Gratuity, Restaurant Responds by Locking Them Inside & Calling Police

What Item Did This Mom Find While Walking the Dog That’s Now Worth $20K?

Calif. Rep. Blanks on What Solyndra Is — Refers to It As Car Manufacturer

Watch Ted Turner Wants The U.N. To Force Nuclear Disarmament… of Israel, America, and Everyone!

‘Forward for Communism!’: Is Obama‘s New ’Forward’ Slogan Really a Coincidence?

‘They’ve F**ked Us All’: Shocking Review of Occupy, Progressive & Anarchist Training Manuals

Judge Rules Against UK Doctor Who Was Fired for ‘Inappropriate’ Christian E-mails & Language

Iranian Pastor‘s Attorney Allegedly Sentenced to 9 Years In Prison for ’Acting Against National Security’

Generalissimo Obama | Washington Free Beacon

Colombian hooker Dania Suárez regrets Secret Service scandal -

How former Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley boosted his pension payouts - Chicago Tribune

Hill fears PC censors hobble FBI counter-terrorism | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Conservative Activist: More Navy SEALs to Attack Obama

Genevieve Cook: Barack Obama's ex girlfriend says President had great 'sexual warmth' | Mail Online

PJ Media » ‘Justice for Trayvon’: 15 Whites Beaten By Gangs of Black Thugs… So Far

Supreme Court Should Overturn Health Care Law, Swing State Voters Say: Poll - International Business Times

Trickle Down Tyranny: Crushing the rush to the police state (before the trickle becomes an onslaught)

Trickle Down Tyranny Is The Blueprint For Defeating Obama

Study shows more teens smoking marijuana | Mail Online

Keynesianism and the Collectivist Dream

Deciphering the Occupy Wall Street Movement

Trayvon and Zimmerman: The Structure and Elements of a Disinformation Campaign

In Immigration Enforcement, Profiling is not Optional

Our Vast Energy Reserves, Obama Notwithstanding

99% fashion statement

Game on, Mr. Holder: Fast and Furious Isn't Going Away

Obama praises Nazi collaborator in statement celebrating Jewish Heritage Month

China might bail Obama out of dissident deal mess

In France, polls tightening but Hollande still favored

Murder of Students in Syria sparks huge protests

Obama Meets His Nemesis

America's Historic Cokehead President

Obama Re-Election Team: Shock and Awe Attack on Tea Party

Hitler's Long Shadow over Israel

Rubio and Birthright Citizenship

The Permit Plague

The Supreme Court Again Upholds Your Right to Be Framed

Playing Out Our Absurd National Debates at the Local Level: The Case of Fracking

Debbie Schlussel:Hey, Another Non-Trayvon Story That Doesn’t Meet the Race Narrative: 4 Black Men Beat White Marine to Death

Exposing Obama’s “I killed Osama” braggadocio with his own words

G-20 Summit Is Not Just a Mexican Vacation

Palestine - Two Opportunities Better Missed

Playing God with “Endangered Species”

Obama Administration Regulatory Onslaught against American Energy Production Continues

Government pandering in time of elections

Dictator Obama Issues New Threat to Supreme Court over ObamaCare

Editorial: The EPA is earning a reputation for abuse

Obama Foreign Policy Catastrophe in China Was Years In-the-Making

Over-regulation of the Nation’s Refineries

Pentagon Goes Full Stupid

The Next “Kind” Diet: Starvation?

ACLU Puts Ten Commandments on Trial

‘Suing the Devil’ Still One of the Most Watched Movies in America

VOTE ORLY TAITZ FOR 2012 US SENATE ~ A Better California Awaits, if Our Support Is With Dr. Taitz! - YouTube

New DHS Security Technology Will ‘Read’ Your Body | American Free Press

Kleptocrats Launching Spring Offensive | American Free Press

Oil Politics | American Free Press

Surviving the Death of the Constitution (Ad) | American Free Press

Richard Myers Named New Sanford Police Chief Amid Discord Between Officials, Cops

Secret Osama bin Laden files reveal al Qaeda membership - Telegraph

Genevieve Cook: Barack Obama's ex girlfriend says President had great 'sexual warmth' | Mail Online

Obama’s ex-girlfriends from his New York years share stories, letters in new biography - The Reliable Source - The Washington Post - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: EU plot to scrap Britain


55 pg./OccupyHandbook.pdf (application/pdf Object)





Nugent Unloads On CBS Reporter, Producer

Obama Tells High Schoolers Their 'Responsibility' To Tweet #DontDoubleMyRate

¡Pander-isimo! Obama's Cinco De Mayo Speech Laden With Divisive Identity Politics

Hannity Takes On Snarky, Childish Occupy Organizer

T. Boone Pickens: No Energy Policy Because Of Koch Bros

Report: White House Trying To Scare Supreme Court Into Not Overturning Obamacare

RNC Buries Obama Mystique: 'Hype And Blame'

Megan Fox: People Want Me To Be Naughty

Feds: Illinois City Official Stole $53M

A Candid Conversation With Jonah Goldberg: Morgan, Maddow And 'The Tyranny Of Clichés'

Ron Reagan: GOP 'Haven For Bigots'

Flaskback: Obama 'I've Had Enough of Using Terrorism As A Wedge Issue In Our Politics'

Obama Launches Campaign with Alleged Wife-Abuser Sherrod Brown

Obama Campaign: Women Are Helpless

Left Media Eyes Revenge on Murdock

Son of Soros, 1-Percenters Fuel Wisconsin Recall

Politico Suddenly Fascinated With Women's Wear

Left Media Revenge: News Corp Inquiry May Be Payback for 2003 BBC Inquiry

Disgraced Dan Rather Rages Against Internet

Politico Suddenly Fascinated With Women's Wear

Al Qaeda Loves Keith Olbermann, Hates Fox

Turner: I Wanted CNN To Be NYTimes, Even If It Cost Ratings

CNN's Blitzer On Obama's 'Official' Trips: 'I'm Sure They're Going By The Rules'

RT's Thom Hartmann Suggests Occupy Vandals Are Agents Provocateurs

Self-Censorship of Mob Crime--Hate Crime?--Against Reporters

Food Elite Proclaim Only Lab-Grown Meat Ethical to Eat

New Ad Targets Obama Spiking the Football

Chen Begs Congressional Committee: I Want To Come To US

Obama's Dangerous Approach to Missile Defense

Two Egyptian Presidential Candidates Endorsed Jihad Against US

US doubles military aid to Philippines

US pushes China to allow yuan rise, speed reforms

Occupy's Public Safety Threat Ignored by DOJ

Liberals Start 'Rock The Slut Vote'

Nancy Pelosi Does Not Approve of Paul Ryan Jokes

Obama Energy Policies Have Cost Economy $358 Billion

Obama Warns Supremes: Don't Overturn Healthcare Reform

Obama Warns Court: Medicare Payments Will Freeze if ObamaCare Overturned

Outside View: U.S. Work Force Shrinks

Falk's Drop in Polls an Ominous Sign for WI Unions

Stimulus Money: A Slush Fund for Unions and Democrats

Freddie Asks Government for $19M More in Aid

Obama unleashes negative barrage on Romney

TransCanada to file new Keystone XL permit

American Beat: Let's Get Physical -- or Not

From 'Change' to 'Forward': Axelrod Clients Obama & McGuinty

Congressman Thinks Solyndra Makes Cars

Obama Campaign: Women Are Helpless

Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) heads home after treatment for stroke

Occupy Kids: 'Waaaaaaaaah!'; Property Destruction Stinks When it's Yours

At May Day Chicago, Mainstream Left No Longer Distanced from Radicals

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders for Obama: His Sister Is Half-Asian!

Scarlett Johansson Immortalized On Walk Of Fame

Five Ways to Increase Movie Theatre Attendance

Beastie Boys' Adam Yauch dead at 47

Clooney, Roberts Team Up for Intellectual Property Rights Battle

'The Perfect Family' - More Catholic Bashing at Your Local Cineplex


+Examining the Presidential Campaign Map, Battleground Virginia | PBS NewsHour | May 2, 2012 | PBS



1970 Kent State shootings are an enduring history lesson -

Ernest Hemingway Biography The Childhood Years

Book Review: The Little Red Guard -

15 Spectacular Libraries in Europe - Mental Floss

RealClearBooks - Finally, a Journalist Who Gets Ron Paul

Peter Gordon Reviews Steven Nadler's "A Book Forged In Hell" | The New Republic

David Maraniss’s ‘Barack Obama: The Story’ Excerpted in Vanity Fair: Juiciest Bits - The Daily Beast

Free Comic Book Day: 5 things you need to know - Where can you get free comics? -

Methane and the Disturbed Carbon Cycle

The Arctic Zone's High Risk and High Rewards

A Power-Sector-Only Approach to Carbon Pricing

Got big power bills? Blame dumb electronics | Green Tech - CNET News

Let market solve our energy needs - Chicago Sun-Times

IRWIN: Blaming energy futures for energy's current costs - Washington Times

The Energy Report - There Will Be Demand Destruction - International Business Times

Oil and gas prices look like they’ve peaked - Howard Gold's No-Nonsense Investing - MarketWatch

The 3 biggest benefits of producing more oil - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Who uses renewable power, in one map - The Washington Post

Private space flight: Keep on truckin’ | The Economist

Is Origami the Future of Tech? - Businessweek

Why Google Is Not Going Away - Ian Lurie - Voices - AllThingsD

Wi-Fi Survives Where Cellular Sucks | Mark Hachman |

How to Muddy Your Tracks on the Internet -

How to inject some DIY into your outdated digital camera

Video:Dobbs: Avoiding 'Taxmageddon'

Millennials: The Greatest Generation or the Most Narcissistic? - Jean Twenge - National - The Atlantic

Tough Love for Renewable Energy | Foreign Affairs

Columbus May Not Have Been First to America : Discovery News

Person or computer: could you pass the Turing Test?

Social Networks for Academics Proliferate, Despite Some Scholars' Doubts - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Identity Protection That Really Clicks

Experts debate what makes a healthy vagina › Analysis (ABC Science)

Stem cells poised to self-destruct for the good of the embryo — News Room - UNC Health Care

Fierce or gentle, ocean waves are all one type - Technology & science - Science - OurAmazingPlanet -

Ten Things You Probably Didn't Know About DNA

Plutocracy, Paralysis, Perplexity -

Why The Expiration Of The Bush Tax Cuts Would Be An Implicit Austerity Measure | Taxes |

Placing the American Gas Boom in Perspective — The American Magazine

Depositors and Investors, Not Regulators, Must Restore Trust In the Banking System - Forbes

The Best and Worst States in America to Do Business | Business |

Lies, Damned Lies and Government Jobs Data | Fox Business

World’s 10 Strongest Banks (by Nation) | The Big Picture

charles hugh smith-Future Economy, Future Stability, Future Careers

How a bad economy helps stocks - 1 - Fed & markets - MSN Money

All Signs Point To Lost Decade: Krugman and Summers

The Great Fall of China - Businessweek

US Health Care Still Radically More Expensive Yet Not More Effective | FDL Action

Is Obama More Popular Then He Should Be?

Obama’s five false arguments - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Political Animal - Frenemies of the States

Obama’s foreign policy — good enough for government work? | Power Line

US Health Care Still Radically More Expensive Yet Not More Effective | FDL Action

Is Obama More Popular Then He Should Be?

Obama’s five false arguments - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Political Animal - Frenemies of the States

Obama’s foreign policy — good enough for government work? | Power Line

How NOT to Investigate Mitt Romney’s Mormon Ties | Religion Dispatches

The Many Folds of Mormonism

Associated Baptist Press - Religious websites most prone to hackers

Religion News Service | Blogs | Mark Silk - Spiritual Politics | Who Gets Religion

Judaism as a Protest Movement « מינים

Ministry Matters™ | Articles | Sermon Series: The Power of Genesis

Capital Punishment and the Deficit | Religion and Other Curiosities

Gold Standard for All, From Nuts to Paul Krugman - Bloomberg

Divider in chief | obama, law, percent - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Michael Kazin: Why The Democratic Party’s Future Depends On Finding A Moral Argument | The New Republic

Plutocracy, Paralysis, Perplexity -

U.S. Debt Culture and the Dollar's Fate | The National Interest

Mitt Romney's team sees a path to winning the presidency | McClatchy

RealClearPolitics - Obama Targets a Party as Romney Zeroes In on a President

Romney's Practical Vision vs. Obama's Left-Wing Extremism - Forbes

Yes, the Health-Care Mandate Is About Liberty - Bloomberg

Department of Wrong Answers (Media Hype Division) - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

With his serious talk, Gingrich elevated GOP race | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

RealClearPolitics - Pro-Obama Mormons Unswayed by Shared Faith With Romney

End Student Debt! | The Nation

White, working-class, Ohio voters: Romney needs to win them over. - Slate Magazine

$180,000. Year after year after year. -

By All Means, Politicize the Bin Laden Killing

A Giant Leap for Richard Nixon -

In an age of walled-off candidates, longing for LBJ : CJR

Chen Guangcheng case shows outsize expectations of U.S.-China diplomacy - The Washington Post

Pivot Out, Rebalance In | The Diplomat

RealClearWorld - A Federated State for Israelis and Palestinians

How family-planning programs in countries like Burkina Faso, Niger, Zambia, and Malawi can help the whole world. - Slate Magazine

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Editorial :: Muzzled media

Eric Trager: The American Media Gets An Egyptian Presidential Candidate All Wrong | The New Republic

Drew Peterson returns to Will County court, gets new judge

Stricken lawmaker who won Obama's US Senate seat heads home

Jobs report a key data point in Obama-Romney debate

Obama's campaign blames Romney of outsourcing US jobs to India - NewsX - YouTube

Salon massacre details revealed: 'He's shooting everybody!'

AP apologizes for firing reporter Ed Kennedy over WWII scoop

John Edwards Aide Asked Elderly Donor to Mortgage Her Home

Obama urges students to pressure Congress on loan rates

Justice Department: Ala. law hurting Hispanic students

Ohio surviving exotic animals back on farm

Falling bear in Colo. campus photo killed by car

Lugar challenger relies on years of party loyalty

Teen in "Jihad Jane" terror case pleads guilty

Iowa Man Convicted of Mailing Threats, Bombs to Firms

Gawker's 'Fox Mole' has book deal; 2013 memoir is titled 'An Atheist In the ...

Cop charged with assaulting girl, 14, posts bail

Controversy surrounding Elizabeth Warren's Native American ancestry lingers in Senate race |

French candidate Hollande's projected win could change eurozone's course

Faced with Breivik's unflinching account, Norway surprises world with its civility

French Scientist Jailed For Plotting Terror Attacks

New French accusations: Strauss-Kahn in Washington

Brother of Rabin Assassin Released from Israeli Prison

Conrad Black leaves prison and steps into controversy over move to Canada

Documents from bin Laden compound highlight al-Qaida’s tense dealings with Tehran - The Washington Post

The View From the Ron Paul Town Hall (PHOTOS)

Democrats, GOP Release New List of Candidates

How Ron Paul's far-reaching delegate strategy is starting to pay off

Romney's Rivals Swap Attacks For Endorsements

Ann Romney's price tag problems?

Paul Ryan to hold listening sessions in Wis.

THE RACE: Hopes for an economic revival dim just as Obama prepares to step up bid for 2nd term - The Washington Post

3 Things You Should Know About Small Business: May 4

IBM: The rapidly changing role of top security executives

The week in tech: 5 must-know things

Space CSI: Black hole caught in the act killing a star - YouTube

Data sheds light on speed of Greenland's glaciers

Another Genetic Quirk of the Solomon Islands: Blond Hair

Did a Copying Mistake Build Man's Brain?

Light touch keeps a grip on delicate nanoparticles

New Billboards Compare Climate Scientists and Unabomber, Mass Murderers

Map's Hidden Marks Illuminate and Deepen Mystery of Lost Colony

SETI and NASA scientists charter zeppelin to fly over meteorite zone

Monster Black Hole Caught Swallowing Unlucky Star

World's First Circumnavigation By Solar Powered Ship A Success

Plants flower faster than climate change models predict

Washington state on track for major pertussis epidemic

Frequent Jogging Increases Lifespan Considerably

US to Seek New Uses for Abandoned Drugs

Bird flu can spread in mammals, study finds

What killed Lenin? Stress ... and maybe poison

More Teenage Girls Waiting Longer to Have Sex, Health Officials Said

Tainted dog food sickens 14 people in US

Study: More Premature Babies in US vs. Many Developing Countries

Energy drinks: Bad for the teeth?

Drug-disposal effort nets 360 pounds in Surprise

Fighting the childhood obesity epidemic: Are 'food rules' the solution?

Study: Computer Use Combined with Exercise May Protect Memory

Supermodel Evangelista: French billionaire wanted abortion

Demi Moore Finally Changes Twitter Handle

Lady Gaga: I've "Begun to Cherish My Loneliness"

How Giving Away Comic Books Is a Great Way to Sell Comic Books

Michael Jackson Estate Joins Pepsi -- Deal with the Devil? |

*4 May

American Minute for May 4th

May 4 Events in History

Today in History: May 4

This Day in History for 4th May |

May 4th in History

Today in History: May 4

May 4th This Day in History

Today in History for May 4th - YouTube


The Manning Report – 3 May 2012

05/03 The Mark Levin Show

Kevin Trudeau Show

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 4th

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 3rd

Alex Jones - 2012-May-03, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2012-May-02, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2012-May-01, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2012-Apr-30, Monday

Alex Jones - 2012-Apr-29, Sunday



Live Free Or Die Radio - Thursday, May, 03, 2012

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, May, 02, 2012

Blacklisted Radio - Thursday, May, 03, 2012

Blacklisted Radio - Wednesday, May, 02, 2012

May 3, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair 3rd

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair 2nd

David Duke Show 4th

David Duke Show 3rd

David Duke Show 2nd

Paul Drockton Show 3rd 1

Paul Drockton Show 3rd 2

Paul Drockton Show 2nd 1

Paul Drockton Show 2nd 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 05-02-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 05-02-12 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 05-03-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 05-03-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 05-02-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 05-02-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 05-02-12 Hr 3

Redding News Review 05-03-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 05-03-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 05-03-12 Hr 3

**News Videos:

Regulatory Reform Since The Financial Crisis
White House Defends Treatment Of Chen
Raw Video: Cinco De Mayo At The White House
Peru's Female Football Coach Steps Onto Macho Turf
Countdown For Sarkozy
Chen Calls Congress
Clinton Praises U.S.-China Relationship
12 Dead, Dozens Injured In Blast
Can Chen Guangcheng Be a Force for Change In China?
Importance Of The U.S.-China Strategic And Economic Dialogue
Turkey And The European Union
Chen Treatment Is 'Day Of Shame' For Obama, Says Romney

O'Reilly: Editor Had To Know His Employees Were Attacked
Matthews: Why Would China Let Chen Guangcheng Leave?
Carolla Rips "60 Minutes," The Left Over "Ridiculous Standard" On Torture


Countering Criminal Violence In Central America
Outlook For U.S.-China Relations
Eurozone Manufacturing Slumps
Clinton Urges China On Human Rights
Syrian Troops Tear Gas Protesters In Aleppo
Elephant Breaks Loose At India Temple Festival
20 Dead After Attackers Storm Cairo Protest
12 Die In Mexico Shootout
Hollande Firm Vs Sarkozy In French Debate
Chen A 'Free Person' After Prison Release: Official
Chinese Dissident Asks To Fly To U.S. With Clinton
Nicolas Sarkozy: The Final Assessment
Sex, Politics And The New Middle East
How Will Obama-Karzai Pact Affect Afghans' Future?

Obama On DREAM Act: "No Is Not An Option"
Warren Defends Native American Heritage: Grandfather "Had High Cheekbones"
Krauthammer On Chen: Pattern Of Obama Admin Unable To Deal With Totalitarian Regimes
Bill Kristol: Romney Should Have Stayed Out Of Chen Controversy
Obama Campaign Attacks Koch Brothers
WH's Carney Pressed on U.S. Handling of Chinese Dissident
Sean Hannity Takes On Occupy Wall Street Leader
Gov. McDonnell: Romney Will Win Virginia
Romney: Chen Guangcheng Situation A "Day Of Shame" For Obama
Rush Limbaugh Tears Apart Obama's "Life Of Julia" Slideshow
Krauthammer: Gingrich Will Not Get Speaking Slot At RNC
American Crossroads Ad: Backward
Fineman: Neocons Think They Can Push Around Romney
Michelle Malkin To Juan Williams: Prove The Tea Party Is Racist
Maddow: Wisconsin Recall Is Second Most Important Election This Year
Watch Chen Phone Call To Congress, Asking To Come to U.S.
O'Reilly: The Real War On Women Is In The Middle East
Biden Celebrates Cinco de Mayo On Wednesday: "Any Excuse To Celebrate"
Chris Matthews: Romney Like Henry VIII
Ron Paul: Romney Would Be "Marginally" Better Than Obama

Fracking and Prospects for Energy Security in North America


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