A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

29 May 2012

29 May'12

“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross." -- Sinclair Lewis


Bilderberg Meeting 2012

Chantilly, VA

May 31st – June 3rd


Exposing Bilderberg

Occupy Bilderberg





Chicagoans think Mayor Emanuel handled NATO well: retailers' poll

Popular, Chicago-based political news website run by two family guys

Charges dropped against NATO protester who calls week in jail 'awesome'

Occupy Protesters Seek NATO Compensation

Chicago police officer who was shot is on uncertain path to recovery

Day seven for jurors in former Senator Edwards' trial

Mitt Romney John McCain Memorial Day 2012 Balboa Park San Diego Presidential Campaign - YouTube

Should Mitt Romney repudiate Donald Trump?

First Lady Michelle Obama appears on ABC shows to push her book on healthy eating habits - NY Daily News

Gov. Walker could win Wisconsin's recall election

Rudy Eugene, Fla. "face-chewing," naked man, may have been high on bath salts, cop union president says - Crimesider - CBS News

MSNBC's Chris Hayes Sorry for Saying He's 'Uncomfortable' Calling Dead Soldiers 'Heroes' -

House-crash suspect had nearly 4 times legal limit for blood-alcohol content: prosecutors - NY Daily News

Obama's ‘secret kill list' shows president is final word on terrorist killing missions - ABC News

Resigning communications chief for Cory Booker may be scapegoat for 'Meet the Press' remarks |

The Associated Press: Obama to honor Medal of Freedom recipients

Man falls to death from crane in Dallas standoff | Fox News

THE RACE: Texas to put Romney over top in delegate count with 3 months yet to go to convention - The Washington Post

Bob McDonnell says he hasn't had to turn in vetting documents to Romney campaign - ABC News

Early voting totals low leading into Primary election - Nueces County Record Star: News: nueces river, republican party, politics, barack obama, primary election

Did Jesus Foresee The US Constitution? - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Beast

Warren Pushed to Debate in Mass. Senate Race

Matthew Tully: Sen. Richard Lugar thinks of Senate when he snubs Richard Mourdock | Indianapolis Star |

NLRB member Flynn resigns over leaked information - Management -

Gingrich's Presidential Advice: Raise Money - Politics News Story - WCTI New Bern

George W. Bush Returns To White House For Portrait Event

Dan Collins: Mitt Romney's Political Death Wish: Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani

The Associated Press: Vatican: Pope unafraid of results of leaks scandal

Iraq protester who interrupted Leveson Inquiry to scream at Tony Blair reveals lax security at High Court | Mail Online

Senate Cuts Pakistan Aid Over Conviction - TIME

The Associated Press: Palestinian Airlines resumes flights after 7 years

China's Sina Weibo Unveils New Censorship System | News | Tibetan-English

Two Tibetans self-immolate outside Lhasa holy temple - CNN

Facebook Falls Below $30 as Option Trading Begins

Major economies need more skilled workers, engineers - study

News Summary: Dairies pamper cows with massages, waterbeds, classical music

Blow to Cuban hopes for oil as well proves dry

Chinese diplomat leaves Japan amid espionage suspicions

New Computer Virus "Flame" Most Sophisticated & Complex Cyber Weapon to Date - YouTube

Apple confirms WWDC keynote for June 11

New cyberweapon discovered; Iran computers hit

Facebook stock sinks to new low amid rumors of Opera browser acquisition

Facebook phone may finally become reality

Facebook's Saverin: 'No hard feelings' toward Mark Zuckerberg Is Definitely Being Acquired By Facebook Say Sources

FREE Face Recognition –

10 Changes That Must Have Steve Jobs Rolling In His Grave

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg left no tip after Rome lunch

Facebook Camera is no Instagram killer, but it doesn't have to be

Facebook shares dip below $30 to new low

NASA to future moon explorers: Don't ruin our Apollo landing sites

'Great Dying' Recovery Took 10 Million Years

How the Transit of Venus Across Sun Enthralled Stargazers Through History

Harappans may have lived, died by monsoon

Two Small Asteroids Buzz Earth in One-Two Punch

Working together to solve the plight of the short-haired bumblebee

Field Station: Dinosaurs Bringing New Jersey Back in Time

Forget 'Men in Black 3': Why aliens won't attack Earth

Bone flutes found in German caves point to roots of creativity

NASA 'space drink' helps reduce signs of aging, study shows

Tiniest 5-ring molecule named for Olympics

Dragon, Merlin: At SpaceX, 'the rule is, names must be cool'

Modern Birds Are Essentially Living Baby Dinosaurs

Classic 1937 steam engine soon to run carbon-free

Cardiff uni claims evidence of Stone Age 'inequality'

LA Plastic Bag Ban Approved by City Council

Ghostly gamma-ray beams haunt the Milky Way

CryoSat Maps Topography of Ocean Floor

Ga. woman fighting flesh-eating bacteria speaks for the first time

Government panel: Hormone therapy 'not recommended'

Common Painkillers May Help Prevent Skin Cancer: Study

How Two Key Lifestyle Changes Can Boost Your Health Overall

Tool-wielding robots crawl in bodies for surgery

Lung transplant from smoker better than staying on waiting list

Sushi cupcakes? Ice cream burgers? Sweet treats go on a crazy streak this summer

Over the counter: Tips on avoiding sun damage, Lyme disease and skin irritations this summer - Milford, MA - The Milford Daily News

Warmer weather heightens Lyme disease risk

To tan or not to tan?

C-Section Babies At Higher Risk For Obesity (Moms Still At Higher Risk For Death)

Iluminati Bankers Organized the English Revolution | Pakalert Press

Paul Drockton: The Rise of Illuminati Mercenary Armies

The Hidden Knowledge of Heterosexuality -

"Underworld" Film Exposes Sick Illuminati Mind -



**Occult & Magick CoastoCoast am - YouTube





**David Wilcock: The Source Field Investigations -- Full Video! - YouTube

**The 2012 Enigma by David Wilcock - YouTube

DIVINE INTERVENTION: ETs Defeating Old World Order

**Walmart - High Cost of Low Prices

Inspiration Urban Farms

Great Pyramid Starmap Etching Depicts Age of 9200 bce - YouTube

Depression and Anxiety Nutrition and Depression

+4 Ways to Improve Your Vision

Acetyl-L-Carnitine Protects Against Alcohol-Induced Brain Damage

Too Many Bunnies - YouTube

The Reality of War - YouTube

The Reality of War pt2 - YouTube

The Ten Principles of a Free Society by Ron Paul | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Ron Paul 2012

Washington’s Hypocrisies

Hillary Clinton Admits the U.S. Government Created al-Qaeda - YouTube

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Lobby, Tribalism and Jewish Identity

Roy Tov – Warsaw Ghetto, Israel Ghetto

BBC News uses 'Iraq photo to illustrate Syrian massacre' - Telegraph

Video: Syria accuses UN of 'tsunami of lies' over Houla massacre - Telegraph

Making WAR on IDEAS | Kirwan's Art & Articles

The US Imperial Mind | Opinion Maker

Olive oil price fall brings further pain for Spain, Italy and Greece - Telegraph

Media and Activists Calling for Peaceful Resistance at Bilderberg 2012 :

Before It's News

Paul Drockton: Blind Obedience Empowers Mormon Mafia

Vatican leakers say cardinals among plotters in scandal - Yahoo! News

The Henry Makow Mirror Effect « Zen Haven

The Era Of Commercialized Space Has Begun – SpaceX, Musk Triumphant | Singularity Hub

The Free Press -- Independent News Media from Columbus, Ohio

News International 'tried to blackmail select committee' - Crime - UK - The Independent


Houston Public Library Digital Archives(Interview with Thorne Dreyer - Original Recording Date: 07/15/1976


FBI secretly creates Internet police — RT

Is Thorium a Magic Bullet for Our Energy Problems?

flashback/Richard's Room 101....A Room 101 Interview with Richard Dolan

A Breakaway Civilization: What It Is, and What It Means for Us (A.D. After Disclosure)

JFK and Our Secret History (A.D. After Disclosure)

UFO Documents & Cases - YouTube

**Natural & Herbal Medicines - YouTube

**Fastwalkers - UFO Documentary FULL - YouTube

DownWithTyranny!: German Style Austerity Has Failed In Europe... So Why Are Romney, Ryan And The GOP Trying To Import It Here?


**E A R T H . C L I N I C -

Alternative & Herbal Medicine Forums; BlogsKnowledgebase @

The Vitamin C Foundation /

Fluoride Action Network/

Plants For A Future : 7000 Edible, Medicinal Plants(

Flu ; For Natural Care


EXOPOLITICS: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe: Hermeneutics expert: Obama will bring "peace" and ET false flag attack followed by an “Armageddon” against good ETs


EXOPOLITICS: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe: Bernard Mendez, 3rd whistleblower to go public about 1980-83 secret CIA Jumproom teleportation/Mars program

EXOPOLITICS: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe: "Former U.S. chrononauts Basiago and Stillings confirm Barack Obama was part of secret 1980-83 secret CIA jumproom teleportation & Mars program" /Life on Mars/ Time Travel & Teleportation/


Innovations Bottles of Light

There's more water on Jupiter's moon Europa than there is on Earth

Fury as school girls are forced to lift up their tops by teachers to prove they hadn't hidden mobile phones in their bras | Mail Online

New Poll: Are the Bilderberger’s Intimidated by All of the Alternative Media Coverage? :

California smog threatens world's oldest trees - CBS News

Flawed Pharma Study Demonizing Vitamins and Minerals Debunked

OpEdNews - Article: Mitt Romney May Place Top Oil Lobbyist In Charge Of His White House

Democrats Delusional Worldview

Illegal kidney trade booms as new organ is 'sold every hour' | World news | The Guardian

Anti-GM protesters kept from tearing up wheat crop by police | Environment | The Guardian

PressTV - PVC flooring chemicals taken up by children's bodies

Going nuclear-free: Germany smashes solar power world record (PHOTOS) — RT

Zoos’ Bitter Choice - To Save Some Species, Letting Others Die -

Melungeon DNA Study Reveals Ancestry, Upsets 'A Whole Lot Of People'

'The thing about remembering is that you don't forget' -

Twilight Language: MIBs: Silencers vs Killers

With Personal Data in Hand, Thieves File Early and Often -

The Banking Cartels think they are going to take our Social Security | _

Breaking the Chains of Suppression « The PPJ Gazette

Memories of Freedom – Tenth Amendment Center

Lone Star Watchdog: Obama Bypassing Congress to Ban Shotguns by Stealth

Mask of Zion: The Zionist Infestation Of Africa Revisited: The More Details, The More Devils

ExplosiveReports.Com | Home of Investigative Writer Jurriaan Maessen

Why does the World Shadow Government destroy its own home (planet)? | Cosmic Convergence 2012


Rense & Jim Marrs - Was Lee Harvey Oswald a Hero? - YouTube

Rense & Jim Marrs - Was Lee Harvey Oswald a Hero? - Part 2 - YouTube

Rense & Jim Marrs - Was Lee Harvey Oswald a Hero? - Part 3 - YouTube

Rense & Jim Marrs - Was Lee Harvey Oswald a Hero? - Part 4 - YouTube

Rense & Jim Marrs - Was Lee Harvey Oswald a Hero? - Part 5 - YouTube


"CIA are drug smugglers." - Federal Judge Bonner, head of DEA- You don't get better proof than this - YouTube

AeroVironment Introduces Digital Wasp AE Small Unmanned Aircraft System

Sinister Truth about Google Spies: Web Giant Deliberately Stole Information « Zen Haven

Consciousness TV | ** 15 Deadliest Corporations **

China: Treatment of Occupy Movement Protesters Proves US Applies “Double-Standard” in Human Rights Accusations

OpEdNews - Article: How to Fix the Fed: Dismiss Dimon, Boot the Bankers, and Can the Corporations

Economic Cults are Just as Bad as Any Religious Cult « Zen Haven

It took Earth ten million years to recover from greatest mass extinction

Who is Your Enemy? :

Did Obama Kill His Grandmother? | Before It's News

45 Signs That China Is Colonizing America

Four Horsemen, CIA & the Colombian Coca Express :

The G8-plus-two was a timely reminder of who really rules us - Telegraph

Hardcore, hard-wired: How the prevalence of porn is changing our everyday lives - The Sex Industry - Love & Sex - The Independent

Skydiving accidents: Pensioner, 80, left hanging by a thread in terrifying tumble | Mail Online

7 Ways To Get Yourself Detained Indefinitely

A User's Guide To Smoking Pot With Barack Obama

Churches rush in to fill food stamp gap! - YouTube

Azimuth Polling Group » Who are the Top GOP Contenders in Texas?

Cannabis smokers show greater lung capacity and lower cancer levels than non-smokers

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : The Truth Behind The Energy Lie (Supression Of Technological Evolution, The Evidence)

Refreshing News: Barack Obama personally oversees al-Qaeda 'kill list'

**Behind the Green Mask - Rosa Koire - YouTube

Activist Post: American Commandos On the Ground in North Korea?

Ronald Reagan On the Evils of Socialized Medicine (i.e. ObamaCare) - YouTube

There Is Still No Credible Information of an Imminent Attack by Islamo-Ass Bombers | This Can't Be Happening

LFTR in 5 minutes - YouTube

Where Is Co2 - YouTube

How Bill Kristol Purged the Arabists by Patrick J. Buchanan --

We Hold These Truths -- A Strait Gate Ministry


Intel Hub Press Members Harassed by TSA Agents In Route to Bilderberg 2012 :

Ron Paul Real Plan VS Mitt Romney empty Promises | _

Ron Paul Patriots, Ready Yourselves for the Final Round | _

Romnney and Obama - Money - YouTube

Fire destroys historic bell factory in East Hampton (videos)- The New Haven Register - Serving New Haven, Connecticut

Terraforming: Alien or Human, It’s Here « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

Google now gets 250k copyright takedown requests EACH WEEK • The Register

Are You The Next Prisoner?

Activist Post: 'No Doubt' New Cyber Attack on Middle East was State Sponsored

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul Explains College Bubble!

Top Ten Reasons to Cccupy Bilderberg :

Was IBM Smart to Ban Siri? | Benzinga

Activist Post: Putting a Priority on Health and Medical Preparedness

Activist Post: Factory Farms Produce 100 Times More Waste than U.S. Population

Activist Post: 25 Signs That The 'Smart Money' Has Completely Written Off Southern Europe

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Top 5 Places NOT To Be In A Dollar Collapse

No Privacy Due to CyberTerrorism Threat? - YouTube

Massachusetts GOP Attempting To Invalidate Caucus Results! - YouTube

Mythbusters banned from talking about RFID chip by Visa and Mastercard - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: Stupidest ways to get suspended from school

The Whole Truth - YouTube

Billion Dollar Bait & Switch: States Divert Foreclosure Deal Funds - ProPublica

10 Reasons The U.S. Is No Longer The Land Of The Free « JONATHAN TURLEY

Activist Post: Biden Brainwashes New Generation of Military Men; China Is Next?

A "Christian" Pastor Wants to Put Gays Behind Electric Fence Until They Die - YouTube

(Audio)MEDIAROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines

Activist Post: Eating Aluminum: Is It As Safe As Our Regulators Say?

Irish Holocaust;The Mass Graves of Ireland

The Irish Slave Trade – The Forgotten “White” Slaves

**1966 The Plot to Kill JFK - Rush To Judgment - Mark Lane - Black and White - YouTube

Western Wars are for Assimilation - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : This Is A Banana Republic - Gerald Celente - Brian Wilson - WSPD Toledo

EXCLUSIVE: Florida Telling Hundreds Of Eligible Citizens That They Are Ineligible To Vote | ThinkProgress

Why America Is Slouching Towards Third World Status - Business Insider

BBC NEWS | Health | Vitamin D 'may help slow ageing'

Lone Star Watchdog: Bob Chapman is Ill, Jim Tucker is Getting Old, The Torch has been passed to us to Defeat the New World Order

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : G. Edward Griffin The Dangerous Servant A Discourse on Government

Top U.S. Government Officials Admit that Our Government Has Repeatedly Protected Drug Smugglers - Washington's Blog


Ron Paul Dissents on House Bill for Unlimited Military Aid for Israel, Shows Why He's a True Leader by Hamdan Azhar

List of parties to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty - Wikipedia

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : RON PAUL FACTS SHOCK CITIZENS GLOBALLY

Luke Rudkowski On Bilderberg 2012 - The Revolution Will Be Televised! - YouTube

Prison » TSA VIPR Teams AND CBP Agents Spotted Patrolling Music Festival

Prison » 17-Year-Old Girl Included On Obama’s Secret ‘Kill List’

Ron Paul: The "Ex-PATRIOT" Act - America's Berlin Wall for Tax Refugees - YouTube

Ron Paul festival pitched before GOP convention | Nation & World | The Seattle Times

Prison » President Romney, Secretary of State Lieberman and War Against Iran

Prison » “Absolutely Every One” – 15 Out of 15 – Bluefin Tuna Tested In California Waters Contaminated with Fukushima Radiation

Prison » Bono’s Secret: Frontman for Genocide

Bilderberg Digging Their Own Graves - YouTube

Prison » 20 Signs That Society Is Beaking Down And That America Has Been Overrun By Psychos

Bilderberg Boosting Security - YouTube

Prison » Arizona Sheriff Not Backing Down On Obama Birth Issue

Prison » Bilderberg Concerned Over Mass Protests

Prison » Anarchist Group Allied to CIA’s Red Brigades Plan London Olympics Terror

House to examine plan for United Nations to regulate the Internet - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Is Bilderberg The Real Power Masters? - YouTube

The Technology Cult - YouTube

Prison » Zombie apocalypse becomes reality in Miami as police shoot naked, mindless man literally eating the face off another man

Prison » Feature Report: UN’s 2012 “Earth Summit” Devised To Disembowel Sovereignty, Impose Absolute Rule

Prison » DHS, CYBERCOM: Government & private sector “must” share data to prevent cyber threats

Asia Times Online :: US special forces go global

Security backdoor found in China-made US military chip

Prison » Peace Dead? ‘Houla massacre Al-Qaeda act’

30 North Korean officials involved in South talks die 'in traffic accidents' - Telegraph

Prison » US behind Russia plane crash: Russian military intelligence org.

Prison » CA CAFR shows $600 billion tax surplus, 1% criminals cover-up, demand ‘austerity’

Krugman: Scientists Should Falsely Predict Alien Invasion So Government Will Spend More Money |

Prison » 9/11 Truth Spring And Bilderberg Spring

Prison » Guardian’s Houla Massacre Propaganda Stunt Uses “Little Kid”

Opinion: Big Brother looms over House GOP’s ‘Orwellian’ cybersecurity bill -

Mitt Romney Promises To Continue Obama's Treason! - YouTube

Prison » 10 Reasons Why Reality Is A Collective Dream

Prison » The Naked Emperor In The White House Is Cannibalizing America And The Constitution

Asia Times Online :: How Osama re-elects Obama

Prison » House to Vote on Ron Paul Bill to Audit the Federal Reserve

Media hastily erase articles about Malia Obama’s appearance at One Direction concert

College transcripts replace birth certificate for Obama detractors -

Ahead of Ruling on Cancer, Worry of Strain on 9/11 Victims’ Fund -

America Hates Spy-Drones - YouTube

Prison » Scientists Recommend Dangerous Antipsychotic Drugs to Treat Cancer

Prison » Climate Alarmist: Remove Mercury Fillings From Dead Corpses

Prison » Sinister truth about Google spies

Prison » Hackers Take Down Largest Survival Web Site; Threatening Email Sent Prior to Attack


Climate change wiped out one of the world's first, great civilisations more than 4,000 years ago | Mail Online

Heavy ice could delay start of Shell Alaska's Arctic drilling

More than 110,000 U.S. soldiers remain on antidepressants and sedatives

Prison » Media Continues Skin Cancer Scare by Vilifying Natural Sunlight, Vitamin D

Prison » Flawed Pharma Study Demonizing Vitamins and Minerals Debunked

Prison » Operators Admit Fukushima Radiation Levels Exceed 2 1/2 Times Announced

» Ancient Roots of Bilderberg Reveal Prusso-Teutonic Agenda for World Domination Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bilderberg’s Syngenta Settles After Contaminating U.S. Water Supply Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama Adviser: Voters Will Support ‘the black guy’ | Washington Free Beacon

The Vegas sting: A cunning FBI trap set by a cocaine-addicted stool pigeon ensnared this British businessman and destroyed his life. The only problem? He was innocent | Mail Online

New shelter helps rising number of homeless female veterans - The Washington Post

Number of the Week: Half of U.S. Lives in Household Getting Benefits - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Police Unveil Plan To Stop Gang Shootings Before They Start « CBS Chicago

Shots Heard, Pinpointed and Argued Over -

Google deliberately stole information but executives 'covered it up' for years | Mail Online

» DHS, CYBERCOM: Government & private sector “must” share data to prevent cyber threats Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Google Exposed as NSA Front - YouTube

Springs Police Use New Equipment, Tactics To Protect Themselves - News Story - KRDO Colorado Springs

The New Police Siren You Can Actually Feel

Arizona Militias Gain Momentum After Citizen Border Group Bill is Defeated | Fox News Latino

Canadian retailers rebel against cross-border shopping

U.S., Mexico in talks to deport criminal immigrants deep into Mexico to cut down on repeat cross...

Los Angeles Times - California, national and world news -

Cancer ruling could put strain on 9/11 fund | | The Bulletin

» Obama and Congress Approve Resolution that Supports UN Internet Takeover Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Girl's photo of cash on Facebook sparks terrifying armed raid on Aussie family home -

BBC News - Flame: Massive cyber-attack discovered, researchers say

» 11yr Old Boy Now Dictating US Policy as Gen. Dempsey Calls for ‘Use of Force’ in Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Imprisoned ex-congressman wants gun rights restored -

» Landmark Case: Finding a Life after 7 Years’ False Imprisonment at Guantanamo Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

THE DAILY STAR :: News :: International :: Top U.K. court to rule on Assange sex case extradition

Bill C-38 protest has 13,000 websites going dark across Canada this June | Canada Politics - Yahoo! News Canada

Identity crisis for American capitalism - The Washington Post

Editorial: Government gifts boost Bain, buyout firms –

Federalism: Stuffing the Federal Government back into Its Constitutional Box

Planet X Fears Grow After Norway Quake Moves North Pole 1,000 Kilometers

A Scanner Darkly: Face-reading software to judge the mood of the masses -

Gold Boom Spreading Mercury as 15 Million Miners Exposed - Bloomberg

Almost Half of New Vets Seek Disability -

**Doug Casey Interview on Mind of Money - YouTube

Honor Student Jailed for Missing Too Much School, Works Multiple Jobs To Support Her Younger Sister - informationliberation

TV Networks Say You're Breaking The Law When You Skip Commercials - informationliberation

Welcome to the world's nicest prison -

Obama the Warrior Barack Obama has become George W. Bush on steroids.

Bill Conroy’s Narco News: Mexican President Calderón Hires US Propaganda Firm

+Podcast Show #86- The Passion of Bradley Manning

Legitimizing Global Tyranny: Moving Towards World Government

THE FRAMEWORK FOR SUPPRESSING INFORMATION: Public Opinion in America's 21st Century Police State

PR Roll-out of Orchestrated Regional War: Muslim Brotherhood are Western Proxies

NARCOTICS: CIA-Pentagon Death Squads and Mexico's 'War on Drugs"

How Osama Re-elects Obama

Real-life Hannibal Lecter who ate face of naked homeless man identified as Rudy Eugene, 31 - NY Daily News

Vatican leakers say cardinals among plotters in scandal | Reuters

Bilderberg Demands Internet ID for all EU Citizens - YouTube

Mind Management: Researchers Explore New Ways to Influence Minds





















Politics, Power, and Preventive Action » Human Rights Report and Targeted Killings

Romney, Kerry Miss the Point on Threats: Size Matters | The National Interest Blog

Newly identified computer virus, used for spying, is 20 times size of Stuxnet

Pink Floyd guitarist, wife evacuated after WWII-era bomb found near mansion - NY Daily News

How Bill Kristol Purged the Arabists by Patrick J. Buchanan

Envy, Asians, and Tariffs: How to Keep America Poorer

'Meaningful Work' by Thomas Sowell

Bilderberg Power Masters Meet in the US

Drug-Financed Salafi Jihadism by Peter Dale Scott

Why Getting in Shape Should be Part of Your Apocalypse Preparations | The Survival Mom™

How NOT To Shoot a Revolver

REVEALED: Hundreds of words to avoid using online if you don't want the government spying on you | Mail Online

Ron Paul versus Barack Obama, on Weed by Robert Wenzel

Vitamin D Deficiency Puts Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients at Greater Risk of Osteoporosis, Study Finds | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

The Patriotic Expat - EFAM | Escape From America Magazine | EFAM | Escape From America Magazine

Did Obama get worse grades than Bush? New evidence reveals his college class got lower SAT scores than Dubya | Mail Online

The Constitution Does Not Grant Rights! by Gary D. Barnett

FBI Secretly Creates Internet Police

Facebook Fallout: A Lesson in How Wall Street Really Works by Bill Bonner

Germier Than Toilet Seats, But You Touch Them Every Day by Joseph Mercola

What is Nascent Iodine? | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

What Race Tracks Can Teach Us About Government Roads | Eric Peters Autos

Security in the Suburbs | Ready Nutrition

Eerie Secret 'Codes' Found On Money | Before It's News

Interesting things on a 20 dollar bill - YouTube

Antichrist - YouTube

Discovery Of Hidden Esoteric Teachings In The Ancient World / Current Practical Uses | Before It's News

Articles: Gay Marriage: The Hidden Agenda

Map Of World HAARP Facilities | Before It's News

Illuminati News: The Holographic Universe - Beyond Matter

5 Things the TSA Doesn't Want You to See -- Society's Child --

US Food Security Threatened By Groundwater Depletion In Semiarid Regions Of Texas And California | Before It's News

US Internment Camps Inmate Classifications: Which One Are You In? | Before It's News

40 min./The True History and Purpose of NASA - YouTube

Did The Japanese Film Alien Craft On Moon? | Before It's News

Japanese Film Alien Craft On Moon - YouTube

This man traveled through time.. and he has proof! - YouTube

Ancient Paintings of UFO's from 200 to 15.000 year ago - YouTube

Posse in Hawaii: ‘Shocking’ News Coming | Before It's News

Obama deception-did he Murder Toot His Grandmother? - YouTube

Obama's Grandmother Murdered! - YouTube

+9 Nastiest Things In Your Supermarket | Before It's News

Cannabis Smokers Show Greater Lung Capacity And Lower Cancer Levels Than Non-Smokers | Before It's News

Mysterious Crater/Hole Has Light Coming From It | Before It's News

Hollow Earth, Sinkhole, or Impact Crater?? (HD) - YouTube

1 in 3 is obese - Even the Homeless

What To Do In The Event Of A Zombie Apocalypse | Before It's News

Jesus Christ: Time Traveler? | Before It's News

Video of The Rapture | Before It's News

The Rapture - You NEED To See This - YouTube

**Pastor Gallups gives HISTORIC speech on Obama's ineligibility at Fair Park Bible Fellowship church - YouTube


Romney Accepts Obama is a Kenyan | Before It's News

Romney won't repudiate Trump on birther issue - Yahoo! News

Media Covers Up Black Hate Crimes Against Whites | Before It's News

Device May Let Humans Communicate With Dolphins | Intelligent Marine Animals | LiveScience

Nicolas Cage invokes voodoo spirit for ‘Ghost Rider’ « Repeating Islands

BBC Uses a 2003 Picture from Iraq to Incite War Against Syria

US, Europe Expel Syrian Diplomats; Outrage Grows Over Murdered Women, Children

Vatican Case: Questions Over Whether Butler Really Did It

Castro Knew of Oswald, JFK Shooting

Catholics Fear Vatican Scandal Will Harm Church

Calling Strategic Landscape ‘Worrying' Is Understatement

Romney: Obama Taking Personal Shots at Me

Booker's Adviser Resigns as Fallout Over Bain Remarks Continues

Facebook Shares Plumb New Depths

Manufacturing Recovering, but Wages Lag Behind

Sen. Rubio Visiting Guantanamo Bay

New York, Other High-Tax States Losing Residents

UN Envoy Annan Meets Syria's Assad Following Syrian Massacre

Trump: ‘Ridiculous’ Unemployment Rates to Hurt Obama, Help Romney

IRS: One in 189 High Earners Paid No US Taxes in 2009

Cut Your Cholesterol Without Drugs

NASA Space Drink Reduces Wrinkles

Radioactive Tuna Found in California

Social Media Sites Bring Travelers Together

Chinese Firm to Be Top Cinema Owner

Obamacare Proponents Pressure Roberts

Cory Booker's Bain Blunder

Escape From New York? High-Taxing Empire State Loses 3.4 Million Residents in 10 Years

First Lady Sponsors An Attack Submarine |

Overzealous EPA Killing Refineries, Hurting American Consumers |

Obama: ‘Nobody Wants to Get Something for Nothing' |

First lady's book: On growing seeds, healthy kids |

Obama Administration Heralds Green Investments as ‘Progressing and Succeeding’ |

U.S. Bishops Prepare Catholics for Civil Disobedience: ‘We May Need to Witness to the Truth by Resisting the Law’ |

Internet Regulation Returns to the International Agenda |

Congress Probes Maritime Agency for Alleged Intimidation, Covert Surveillance of Staff, Misuse of Tax Dollars |

McCain’s Memorial Day Speech Interrupted by Protester |

Polls on Same-Sex Marriage Not Reflected in Votes |

Israeli premier: World powers too soft on Iran |

Elvis Presley crypt up for auction next month |

Small Planes in Fauquier County Crash Registered to FAA, NTSB Employees | NBC4 Washington

Pro-life group’s hidden camera footage shows complicity in ‘sex-selective’ abortions

32 years later, Ollie North reunited with his Marine sword | Washington Examiner

Ohio Man Crashes Truck Into Taco Bell After His Drive-Thru Order Is Short One 99-Cent Taco | The Smoking Gun

Farrakhan Says America Used ‘Trickery’ to Take Mexican Land | Video |

Judge shuts down mega-mosque construction

Back from the grave: Demand for U.S. wealth giveaway

Army of bloggers takes on Soros hit man

No mistake! Obama backs Muslim Brotherhood again

Chinese 'looking for opportunities' in U.S. - Washington Times

Chris Hayes Apologizes to Soldiers

So much Bible illiteracy!

Millions prop up public-broadcasting salaries

The myth of 'meaningful work'

It's none of the government's business!

Dems' only hope: Rigging the ballots

Fox's Megyn Kelly: Enabler of racism

J. FARAH: Remembering what Memorial Day is all about

Bill Kristol's Israel Kool-Aid

Our leaders make it up as they go

De facto marriage

Atrocities Made to Order

Why announce that U.S. commandos parachuted into N. Korea? - YouTube

Secret backdoors in microprocessors discovered - YouTube

Panetta: US and the UN Will Not Allow Iran to Develop Nuclear Weapons

Senate Approves Alliance of Government and Drug Corporations

Flawed Pharma Study Demonizing Vitamins and Minerals Debunked

Exposing Bilderberg 2012 - YouTube

Rush Limbaugh – Saving More Industries, Creating More Jobs Than Obama and Romney Combined

Limbaugh: Americans Want Wealth Creation Over Job Creation

Rush: Michelle Obama Sponsors Navy’s First Submarine With All-Female Crew… No Seamen!

Rush: Democrat Party Has Been Insulting Of Military People. They’re Short Sighted, Not Very Bright.

Limbaugh Slams Media For Lack Of Outrage Over Romney Being Heckled In Black Neighborhood

Rush: The New ‘South Beach Diet’ Is Bath Salts

Limbaugh: Everything About Romney Coming Out Of The Obama Campaign Is A Lie

Why doesn't America have a real choice for the office of President?

Religion and the Presidential Election

The Moderate Double Standard

Debbie Schlussel/Want a Mosque Next Door to Your House? What if it Produced 2-3 Islamic Terrorists?

Debbie Schlussel/PBS’ Phony Twice a Year “Patriotism” Continues Tonight

Debbie Schlussel/Memorial Day: Remember Our Fallen American Heroes Every Day

Warren, Obama, and Harvard's Culture of Corruption

Can One Be Truly Black and Patriotic?

Mitt Flunks Education 101

Boston Globe Admits that Food Deserts 'aren't as common as the rhetoric suggests'

10 dead, more than 40 shootings in Chicago over holiday weekend

ABC recycling phony Obama Auschwitz claim

Hayes apologizes for 'uncomfortable' remark

Should Romney embrace birther Trump?

Government to Fork: The Obama Garden

Obama May Lose To A Grass-Roots Operation Chaos In Texas

Sacha Baron Cohen's The Dictator

McDonald's toy causes Saudi heads to explode

Obama's Sons: They Are Real for Him

The Distinctive Trait of America

The Lesson of Alexander Hamilton

And Exactly What Is Your Job About, Mr. President?

The Noble Sacrifice We Remember

Mauritania: Human Rights Activists Accuse Islamic Jurisdiction of Legitimizing Slavery

Catholic Lawsuits and the Establishment Clause

‘Big Ag’ Favors Illegal Immigration | American Free Press

Making Premiers Out of Presidents: Executive Office Power Grab | American Free Press

Odd Bedfellows Unite Against Obama | American Free Press

Drone Lobbying Ramps Up Among Industry Manufacturers, Developers

Great news for chocoholics! How eating modified treat can 'slow down the ageing process' | Mail Online

SEIU (Service Employees International Union) … American Communist | ATLAH Media Network

The facts about the growth of spending under Obama | ATLAH Media Network

What if they all left? Illegal Aliens 20 Million | ATLAH Media Network

Wait for Jeremiah Wright’s Book | ATLAH Media Network

Why is the Ground Hallowed?

Factoids, Facts, and Democrats

Gallup: Vets overwhelmingly support Romney over Obama

Election Fraud: A new special report from Fox News

Liberal TV Host: He's 'Uncomfortable' Calling Fallen Soldiers 'Heroes'

Obama's Fantasy Politics Fooling Fewer and Fewer Americans

Another Democrat positioning himself for the post-Obama era

The Syrian Regime’s Brutality Vs. The Free World’s Indifference

Animal Welfare and Food Control

Obama Frantic For A Deal With Iran

Liberty on Life Support when Uncle Sam is Comatose

In the Sixteenth Year of Obama

Pictures of America’s Medicare Mess

Obama forced into back seat by God Bless America

Continuing to unravel the Soetoro-Obama legend

Brother says Pakistani doc tortured, appeals to US for legal help | Fox News

Obama ducks calls to release his collegiate transcripts - Washington Times

If the President is a former pothead, can the legalisation of marijuana be far off? – Telegraph Blogs

Sharpton: Republicans Want To 'Wipe Out Innocent People' Like 'Hitler's Germany'

A Year After the Non-Apocalypse: Where Are They Now? | Culture | Religion Dispatches


REVEALED: Hundreds of words to avoid using online if you don't want the government spying on you | Mail Online


**Analyst Desktop Binder


Romney Web Ad Hits Obama Over Failed Green Energy Companies
Carney Attempts To Tell Difference Between Bain And Obama's Green Energy Program
Limbaugh: "I Have Created More Jobs Than Obama And Romney" Combined
Noonan: Romney Should Disassociate From "Freak Show" Trump
American Crossroads Ad: Public Equity
Obama Ad: Will Mitt Romney Stand Up To Donald Trump?
Michelle Obama: I'm "Absolutely Not" Running For Office Ever
Colby King: GOP And Fox News Painted Obama As "Devil Incarnate"

Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery
Gen. Dempsey on Options in Syria
Greece to Leave the Euro Zone: Analyst
Australia Expels Syrian Diplomats
Raw Video: Heckler Bursts in on Blair Testimony
Raw Video: Multiple Deaths in Qatar Shopping Mall Fire
Egypt: Violence Follows Election Results
Raw Video: Earthquake Shakes Evacuees in Italy
Global Economic Governance
Dalia Mogahed Says that American Public Opinion of Islam is Changing
Syrian Refugees in Jordan
The Path to Progress in the Middle East
What Does Chen Guangcheng's Arrival in the U.S. Mean for Human Rights in China?
Why Would Poland Still Want the Euro?


Krauthammer: Obama Was "Essentially Doing Penance" For Way Vietnam Vets Were Treated
McCain Calls Memorial Day Speech Heckler A "Jerk"
Obama Honors Troops At Arlington: US Must Strive To Be "Worthy Of Your Sacrifice"
Mitt Romney's Speech At San Diego Memorial Day Tribute
Romney Releases Memorial Day Message


MSNBC's Hayes: I'm "Uncomfortable" Calling Fallen Military "Heroes"
Whittle: Why The Euro Has Failed
Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Wisconsin A "Dry Run" For Obama
Barney Frank Tells Black Degree Recipient He Hopes "No One Will Shoot At You" For Wearing A "Hoodie"
Gingrich: "Highly Implausible" I Would Join Romney's Ticket
Lugar Not Planning To Campaign For Mourdock
George Will: Trump A "Bloviating Ignoramus"
"Meet The Press" Panel Breaks Down 2012, Wisconsin
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Job Creation In 2012
Brit Hume: Obama "Doesn't Get How The Whole System Works"
Gibbs: Romney Not "An Economic Savior For This Country"
Sen. John McCain "Great Honor Of My Life" To Serve
Gillespie: Obama's Policies Are "Hostile To Job Creators"
"This Week" Roundtable On Bain Capital Fight


Aaron Walker Arrested in Montgomery County Maryland Following Brett Kimberlin Hearing |

ABC Interviews Michelle Obama for New Book ‘American Grown’ | Dismisses Concern Over Government Telling You What to Eat | Video |

U.K. Fisherman Brings in Fish With Characteristics of a Roach, Common Goldfish, Fantail and Bream |

Planned Parenthood Responds to Video: Won’t Prevent Sex-Selective Abortion |

The White House Says President Obama Has Demonstrated ‘Fiscal Restraint’ – Is This True? |

New York Times Article on Obama‘s ’Kill List’ and Evolving Philosophy |

YouTube Video Demonstrates Combined Compound Bow and Shotgun | Video |

Farrakhan Slams Obama’s Gay Marriage Endorsement | Video |

Mitt Romney Holds Secret Half Hour Long Meeting With Senator Rand Paul For Undisclosed Reasons | Video |

MSNBC Host Chris Hayes Attempts Apology for Dissing Use of ‘Heroes’ to Describe America’s Fallen Service Members |

Richard Leakey Says Evolution Will Soon Be Excepted by Everyone |

‘Flame’: Computer Virus More Powerful Than Stuxnet Found in Iran Could Take 10 Years to Understand |

36 Dead Cats Found in Home of Lorraine R. Smith Showing Signs of Cannibalism | Video |

Lisa Fithian, Former Ally of Cindy Sheehan, Educates Occupy Protesters on Resisting Arrest, Protest Tactics in Two Training Videos |

Protesters Rally for & Against ‘Anti-Gay’ Pastor Charles Worley | Video |

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan Make Cameo Appearance on Chinese TV Clip | Video |

Sammie Hicks, Deaf, Cries After Hearing Voice for First Time | Video |

L.A. Times: ‘Transcripters’ Are the New ‘Birthers’ on Obama’s Records |

Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez Reverses Course & Vocally Embraces Jesus Christ |

Memorial Day: President Obama Honors Troops, Visits Arlington Cemetery | Video |

German Teen Shouryya Ray Solves Mathematical Riddle First Proposed by Sir Isaac Newton |

Sham Trial: Family of Doc in Bin Laden Hunt Speaks Out |

Memorial Day Slideshow of America’s War Memorials |

Russian Police Arrest Gay Activists After Pride Parade Attempt | Video |

Brett Kimberlin: Meet the Soros-Funded Domestic Who Is Terrorizing Bloggers Into Silence | Video |

Aramaic May Be on the Rise Again in the Holy Land | Israel |

Lesson #13,412: How Today's Blacklist Works

WISCONSIN: 'Non-Partisan' Community Organizing Group a Front for SEIU's Partisan Strategy

Filmmaker Fires Up Conservative Base With Breitbart's 'Two Paths' Message

President Obama's Secret 'Kill List' Breaks Campaign Promises

GM Makes Undisclosed $600K Deal with CFO’s Wife’s Ad Agency

WI Recall: Five Reasons We Must Fight for Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch

Walters To FLOTUS: Will 'Racism' Be Part Of Campaign?

Michelle Obama Contradicts Herself On Big Government In Obesity Campaign

FLOTUS: 'Not Interested In Politics, Never Have Been’

Are American Jews Beginning to Rebel Against Pulpit Progressivism?

Jewish Congregations Rebel Against Obama in Florida

White House Incoherent Trying To Explain Difference Between Bain And Solyndra

Romney Hammers Obama On Green Energy Cronyism

Are Dems Preparing to Dump Warren?

Live Action Undercover Bombshell: Planned Parenthood Aids Gender-Selective Abortion

Bad News for Elizabeth Warren: Primary Challenge, Debates Likely

Gas Prices Hit All-Time Highs In California

Radiation Seen In Tuna off California Coast

LAPD Investigates Bieber for Fighting Photographer

'Best Gay Bar' Bans Bachelorette Parties

Pot Shops Doomed in Los Angeles?

The President’s Public Equity Record

Palestinian Authority TV Releases Video Glorfiying Armed Attacks On Israel

Witness Describes FL Face-Chewing Attack

DNC Chair: WI Elections 'Dry Run' For Obama

Box Office Cooling: Memorial Weekend Down 31% Over Last Year

Recall 2.0: Unions Launch Effort to Recall LA Gov. Jindal

Today's Media Narrative: Obama the All-American Hero, Romney the Elitist Extremist

Catholic Bishops Ready for Civil Disobedience: ‘Disobeying Some Unjust Laws Justified’

Obama's Justice Department Could Stop 'Swatting'

Rally for Rebecca: An SOS for Wisconsin's Lieutenant Governor

Syria: Netanyahu Highlights Iran Connection

World Outrage Grows over Syria's Houla Massacre

Kirsten Powers: 'Obviously, There's A Bias Behind' Cable News Not Covering Catholic Lawsuit Against Obama

WaPo Columnist: Republicans 'Painted Barack Obama As The Devil Incarnate'

Trailer: 'The Watch'

Trailer: 'Abraham Lincoln - Vampire Hunter'

Kristen Stewart Talks 'Snow White And The Huntsman'

More Information Released On '08 Indiana Dem Voter Fraud Scandal

Protests Erupt In Egypt After Election Results

Fukushima Radiation Seen In Tuna Off California

Deadly Explosion At Minn. Paper Mill

Why The Euro Has Failed

MSNBC Host: Maybe Palin 'Wasn't A Bad Choice' By McCain

Are American Jews Beginning to Rebel Against Pulpit Progressivism?

The Netherlands, Switzerland Expel Syrian Ambassadors

Cuba waits anxiously for oil dreams to materialize

Today's Media Narrative: Obama the All-American Hero, Romney the Elitist Extremist

Bob Schieffer: 'Whatever Happened To Hope And Change?'

NBC's David Gregory: VP Biden, Cory Booker Said Exactly What They Wanted To Say

Slow News Day? BuzzFeed Revisits 1994 Romney Milk Gaffe

NY Times White House Reporter: Obama Doesn't Like Camp David Because There Is 'No Golf'

Breitbart News Proudly Hosts Gay Marriage Video Banned by YouTube

Is Youtube Stifling Conservative Speech?

Clinton Labor Sec. Tells Grads: 'You're Screwed'

NEA Has Signed Up 10,000 Teachers To Reelect Obama

Bowles Doesn't Want To Be Obama's Treasury Secretary

Bloggers Briefing Preview: The Businessman on Obama’s Enemies List Speaks Out

Former DOJ Attorney: Eric Holder Could Stop SWATings 'in 48 Hours'

Obama's Very Tough Road to Reelection

Michelle Obama and Beyonce: Mutual Admiration Society

Osbourne Calls Fellow 'Talent' Judge Stern Fun but Awkward

Two Paths - YouTube

Filmmaker Fires Up Conservative Base With Breitbart's 'Two Paths' Message

President Obama's Secret 'Kill List' Breaks Campaign Promises

Barney Frank To African-American Grad: 'You Now Got A Hoodie... And No One Will Shoot At You'

Report: Obama Doesn't Care If Dems Uncomfortable With Bain Attacks

Happy Anniversary: Obama Praises Solyndra As 'True Engine Of Economic Growth'

Van Jones: Tea Party Out To Destroy America

Michelle Obama Contradicts Herself On Big Government In Obesity Campaign

White House Incoherent Trying To Explain Difference Between Bain And Solyndra

Farrakhan: American 'Fascist Nation'

Farrakhan: Obama Controlled By Israel

Farrakhan: White Americans Created Birth Control To Kill Minorities

Farrakhan: White People 'Angry, Fiery Serpents'

The Vetting: Obama Decried 'Spread of Militarism,' Lauded Anti-Selective Service Group at Columbia

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii'

Obama's 'Attack Watch' Attacks Breitbart News Over 'Kenya' Booklet Story

Barack Obama’s Evolution on the CIA | Swampland |

Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Which President Is the Biggest Spender of All? « International Liberty

Which President Is the Biggest Spender, Part II | Cato @ Liberty

The Deficit President | The Weekly Standard

5 Myths About U.S.-China Solar Trade Competition

Why American Natural Gas Will Change The World - Forbes

What happened to $5 gas? -

How Americans use energy, in three simple charts - The Washington Post

Nuclear Power After Fukushima -

China paying billions for oil, energy deals in the Americas - May. 29, 2012

Examiner editorial: Despite Solyndra, Obama still trying to reshape energy industry | Washington Examiner

In Pictures: The World’s Largest Solar Thermal Power Plant - Technology Review

The truth about renewable energy: Inexpensive, reliable, and inexhaustible | Grist

Technology Improving Geothermal Energy Economics

Who Is Best Poised To Lead The Clean Energy Revolution? - Forbes

It’s time to stop being scared of the atom - Telegraph

EPA Coal Rule: Why the fuel won’t be replaced anytime soon. - Slate Magazine

Can ‘Bıg Data' Fix Book Marketing?

BOOK REVIEW: 'Merchants of Despair' - Washington Times

The Fall of Constantinople and the Final Tragedy of our Times

Millennium issue: Trouble with Turkey: The fall of Constantinople | The Economist

Abraham Lincoln Nationalized The Money System, Opened The West And Started Thanksgiving -

Shots Heard, Pinpointed and Argued Over -

Google Wallet: one year later -- Engadget

Smart Bionic Limbs are Reengineering the Human - Popular Mechanics

Why Google Should Fear Facebook | TechPinions

Where Speech Recognition Is Going - Technology Review

Mind-Controlled Videogames Become Reality -

The future of logging in – George Marangos-Gilks – The Kernel

The Stupid Things You Do on Facebook (and How to Fix Them)

How can I get data-only service for my old iPhone? | Mobile - CNET News

5 handy iPhoto for iOS tips — Apple News, Tips and Reviews

Why online gaming is the new gambling – Damian Thompson – The Kernel

Face-reading software to judge the mood of the masses - tech - 28 May 2012 - New Scientist

Get Set: A Jet To Replace Needles For Injections : Shots - Health Blog : NPR

Groupon said to test card reader to rival eBay’s - The Washington Post

Music Thing: TINY MUSIC MAKERS: Pt 3: The THX Sound

Debt crisis: a $46 trillion problem comes sweeping in - Telegraph

The Disastrous Invention of a New Middle Class

Not worth the debt -

RealClearMarkets - Let's Drop the College-For-Everyone Crusade

RAHN: Spending lies run into facts - Washington Times

Review & Outlook: Improvised Explosive Device Tax -

2012: Good Money And Jobs vs. Easy Money And Stagnation - Forbes

A Wakeup Call for the Church: Young People Saying 'You Lost Me'

At the Neighborhood Trader Joe's, a Run on Chocolate Chips -

Snake Handlers and the Holy Father

Reading the Bible in pink and blue

Do Plants Smell Other Plants? This One Does, Then Strangles What It Smells : Krulwich Wonders... : NPR

Music: It's in your head, changing your brain -

Nicotine and the Chemistry of Murder | Wired Science |

Science-Spiced Money-Saving Tips

Practically Everything Leaves Something Behind – Starts With A Bang

RealClearScience - Enigma Explained: The Intentionally Blank Page

Dogs and Humans, Speculation and Science -

It's in the genes: Research pinpoints how plants know when to flower — University of Washington -

Secret ‘Kill List’ Tests Obama’s Principles -

Violence in Egypt is poor barometer of election trends - The National

The Folly of UNCLOS | The Diplomat

How Will Obama Respond to Syria? : The New Yorker

The Hindu : Opinion / Lead : The closing of the Indian mind

Low voter turnout showed Egyptians' mixed emotions - The National

Syria: 'Why is the world not doing anything to help us?' - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Forget the Queen's jubilee. Let's have a knees-up for the Magna Carta | Peter Wilby | Comment is free | The Guardian


*Transcripts:28th/Obama's Remarks on Memorial Day

Interview with Representative Darrell Issa

27th/Interview with Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta

Guests: Sen. Patty Murray & Rep. Wasserman Schultz

Interview with Senator John McCain

Interview with Senator Richard Lugar

Guest: Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley

26th/Biden's Commencement Address at the U.S. Military Academy

25th/Interview with Representative John Mica

Brooks & Marcus on the Battleground States

24th/Obama's Remarks on Energy in Newton, Iowa

Panel on the Wisconsin Recall & 2012

23rd/Obama's Commencement Address at the A.F. Academy

Interviews with Senators Joe Lieberman & John McCain

Interview with South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley

Interview with Colin Powell

Roundtable on Social Issues & 2012

22nd/Interview with Colin Powell

Guests: Gov. Deval Patrick & RNC Chair Reince Priebus

Talent & Strickland on the Bain Capital Debate

Interview with Representative Dana Rohrabacher

21st/Obama's Press Conference at NATO

Interview with Afghan President Hamid Karzai

Interview with Senator Jeff Sessions

Guest: Senator Frank Lautenberg

Interview with Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels

20th/Obama's Remarks with Afghan President Karazi

Guests: Speaker of the House Boehner, Minority Leader Pelosi

Guests: Senators McConnell, Warner and Graham

Guests: Boxer, Hutchison, Priebus and Axelrod

Guests: Senator Dick Durbin & Rep. Paul Ryan

Guest: Representative Paul Ryan

19th/Obama's Closing Remarks at the G-8 Conference


Remembering our guardians at the gate - HUMAN EVENTS

The sacrifices we salute -

Niall Ferguson: Why Wall Street Should Win the Battle With Obama - The Daily Beast

Is It Within Bounds To Ask: Is Obama A Socialist? - Forbes

Eric Trager: Reports Of The Muslim Brotherhood’s Demise Were Greatly Exaggerated | The New Republic

Bush’s Terror Overreach Becomes ’New Normal’ Under Obama - Bloomberg

Uncle Emil will finally rest in peace -

The Truth About Uncertainty Is That It’s (Mostly) Untrue - Bloomberg

Why Obama’s Senior Strategists Think He’ll Beat Mitt Romney -- New York Magazine

The Role of Uncle Sam -

Jeffrey Rosen: Are Liberals Trying To Intimidate John Roberts? | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Booker Exposes Obama's Misguided Message

RealClearPolitics - Criticizing Bain Doesn't Make You "Socialist"

Too Big for Comfort | The Weekly Standard

RealClearPolitics - Backers See Huckabee Filling VP Niche

RealClearPolitics - 'Meaningful Work'

RealClearPolitics - Ditch College for All

Obamacare diagnosed as quackery -

Alec MacGillis: Mitt’s Keynesian Slip: Not The First Time | The New Republic

Two, Three, Many Obamas - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online

Does Obama not know how much he’s spending? | The Daily Caller

How Boaz Weinstein and Hedge Funds Outsmarted JPMorgan -

Why We Pay More for Walkable Neighborhoods - Jobs & Economy - The Atlantic Cities

Wall Street Titans Outearned by Media Czars - Bloomberg

Per Square Mile: Income inequality, as seen from space

How High Deductible Plans Lead To Low Healthcare Spending - Forbes

It’s time to drop the college-for-all crusade - The Washington Post

RealClearPolicy- Straight People Are the Problem with Gay Marriage


American Minute for May 29th

This Day in History for 29th May |

Today in History: May 29

Today in History: May 29

May 29th This Day in History

May 29th in History

May 29 Events in History

Today in History for May 29th - YouTube


May 28, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 29th

05/28 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2012-May-29, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2012-May-28, Monday

Alex Jones - 2012-May-27, Sunday

Kevin Trudeau Show

Live Free Or Die Radio


World Crisis Radio 05-26-12 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 05-26-12 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 05-26-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 05-26-12 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 05-28-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 05-28-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 05-27-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 05-27-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 05-27-12 Hr 3

Redding News Review 05-28-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 05-28-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 05-28-12 Hr 3

David Duke Show 29th

David Duke Show 28th

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair

The Michael Savage Show 05/28/2012 FULL

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