A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

26 May 2012

26 May'12


Grateful Dead Live at John F Kennedy Stadium on 1987-07-10

Grateful Dead Live at Autzen Stadium, U. of Oregon on 1987-07-19

Grateful Dead Live at Sullivan Stadium on 1987-07-04

Grateful Dead Live at Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Stadium on 1987-07-24

Grateful Dead Live at Anaheim Stadium on 1987-07-26

Grateful Dead Live at Rubber Bowl - University of Akron on 1986-07-02

Grateful Dead Live at RFK Stadium on 1986-07-07

Grateful Dead Live at Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum on 1987-12-31

Grateful Dead Live at Great Western LA Forum on 1989-02-12

Grateful Dead Live at Thelma Theater on 1969-12-10

Grateful Dead Live at Meadowlands Arena on 1983-04-16

Grateful Dead Live at Meadowlands Arena on 1983-04-17

Grateful Dead Live at Hollywood Palladium on 1972-09-10

Grateful Dead Live at Winterland Arena on 1972-12-31

Grateful Dead Live at Winterland Arena on 1972-10-09

Grateful Dead Live at Dillon Stadium on 1972-07-16

Grateful Dead Live at Grand Prix Racecourse on 1973-07-28

Grateful Dead Live at The Warehouse on 1970-02-01

Grateful Dead Live at Fillmore East on 1970-02-11

Grateful Dead Live at Calaveras Co. Fairgrounds on 1987-08-22

Grateful Dead Live at Calaveras Co. Fairgrounds on 1987-08-23

Grateful Dead Live at Nassau Coliseum on 1990-03-29

Grateful Dead Live at Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum on 1990-12-31

Grateful Dead Live at Madison Square Garden on 1991-09-10

Grateful Dead Live at Sports Arena on 1994-12-18

Grateful Dead Live at Soldier Field on 1995-07-09

Grateful Dead Live at Giants Stadium on 1987-07-12

Grateful Dead Live at RFK Stadium on 1986-07-06

Grateful Dead Live at Oakland Auditorium Arena on 1981-12-31

Grateful Dead Live at Rich Stadium on 1986-07-04

Grateful Dead Live at Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center on 1986-02-11

Grateful Dead Live at Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome on 1986-06-26

Grateful Dead Live at Giants Stadium on 1995-06-18

Grateful Dead Live at Giants Stadium on 1995-06-19

Grateful Dead Live at Robert F. Kennedy Stadium on 1995-06-24

Grateful Dead Live at Robert F. Kennedy Stadium on 1995-06-25

Grateful Dead Live at Club Front on 1987-06-01

Grateful Dead Live at Franklin County Airport on 1995-06-15

**SET LIST SITE - the setlist wiki


IAEA: Iran moving closer to nuclear missile production — RT

CNN Video/SpaceX Unmanned Capsule Docks With ISS

SpaceX Dragon triumph: Only the beginning – Light Years - Blogs

Hawaii State Registrar does not verify authenticity of President Obama's birth certificate | Washington Times Communities

Voeltz v Obama Florida Ballot Challenge Case Progressing

Congress votes down Sen. Durbin's anti-supplement amendment, as well as Sen. Paul's freedom of health speech amendment

PJ Lifestyle » 5 Ways Public Schools Prepare Us For Prison Life

How Scientists Made a Killer Virus Airborne — And Who Should Know « Zen Haven

Illuminati Symbol Cheered and Worshipped Across Britain

World-record 100 millionaires to be created in one-off EuroMillions raffle to mark Olympic Games opening ceremony | Mail Online

Eustace Mullins - The Neo Zionist Order - YouTube

Gospel of Barnabas will cause Christianity's collapse, Iran claims | Mail Online

Benazir Bhutto's son accuses Pervez Musharraf of killing his mother - Telegraph

TV = Mind Control - YouTube


+DCDave: Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression


Undercover US agents brought down our new Superjet: Russia¿s extraordinary claim about crash which killed 45 | Mail Online

Why Italy's earthquake was weird -- and unexpected | MNN - Mother Nature Network

VIDEO:End The Fed & The Revolving Washington-Wall St Door

Photo Manipulation - YouTube

Zionist Extremists Stop Europeans Leaving their Own Airports! | The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD

FBI secretly creates Internet police — RT

CPAC Chicago: Conservatives To Gather In Obama Country

California Government Hides Billions From Taxpayers « REALITY ...

Fluoride Lowers Your IQ | A Debated Truth ? - Natural Society

The FDA : Close this abomination down ! « The PPJ Gazette

Pollutants Mucking With Food Production : Discovery News

How Psychedelic Drugs Can Help Patients Face Death -

Heart study finds Tasers may cause deaths –

Fox News viewers worst-informed, study finds - Telegraph

Neil Armstrong breaks silence to give accountants moon exclusive | Science | The Guardian

The Masked Morphing of the Chemtrail Cover-up « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

Are Record-Low Mortgage Rates Hurting The US Housing Market? - International Business Times

NORAD, US Northcom launch Joint Cyber Center -- Government Computer News

13 commands to start breath testing Thursday - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times

The Globalisation of U.S. Special Operations Forces - IPS

Scandal! Cities pay anti-gun lobbyists

$10 million a year: the average salary of an American CEO — RT

Dispute Over Labeling of Genetically Modified Food -

The Real Story Behind Newsweek's “First Gay President” Cover | Mad Magazine

Activist Post: Gates, GAVI, and WHO Administered Fake Malaria Vaccines to Asia, India and Africa

The face on the milk carton

World's most powerful radio telescope to be shared by 3 nations -

Dance With Death | Opinion Maker

Interesting Things You Never Knew

Dementia In 'Middle-Income' Countries May Be Higher Than Thought; Linked With Education Levels

Fast-food company causes outrage to white AND latino groups after launching free pepperoni pizza deal for anyone who orders ONLY in Spanish | Mail Online

The Watchers - Chile's Lake Cachet II vanished in less than 24 hours

Mammoth-bone flute proves that German cavemen were playing music more than 40,000 years BC | Mail Online

Here Are the 15 Senators Who Voted to Stop Armed FDA Agents From Conducting Warrantless Raids on America's Farmers (Not One of Them is a Democrat) - Hit & Run :

Messing With Our Minds: The Ever Finer Line Between News and Advertising

FBI quietly forms secretive Net-surveillance unit | Security & Privacy - CNET News

Event Horizon Chronicle: How Deep Does The Rabbit Hole Go?

Men In Black Ice Cream? « Zen Haven

Shepard Ambellas: Bilderberg Here We Come :

Keynesianism & Eugenics « azizonomics

Ron Paul: Lawyers Confirm All Delegates Are Unbound! - YouTube

Breaking News on Audit the Fed - 12160

Mark Grant And Rick Santelli On Europe's 'Bond-Turned-Bank'-Run | ZeroHedge

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Penn Jillette: Voting For Lesser Of Two Evils Always Leads To More Evil

I Keep Finding Dead Bees Everywhere! - YouTube

EPA RADNET Real Time Japan Nuclear Radiation Monitoring For Every Major US City

Thorium Petition - Secure our Energy & High-Tech Independence! - YouTube

Activist Post: 10 Ways to Stop Being a Slave and Bring Down the Pyramids of Control

The media’s limitations and manipulations > Global > Redress Information & Analysis

Romney Adviser Bolton Falsely Claims IAEA Is 'Unambiguous' That Iran Has A Nuke Weapons Program | ThinkProgress

U.S. Army General: The Whole Northern Hemisphere is at Risk of Becoming Largely Uninhabitable

Lone Star Watchdog: Support House Con. Res 110. Putting a Stop to Obama's "Martial Law" Executive Orders.

Activist Post: TV Networks Say You're Breaking The Law When You Skip Commercials

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul ~ The Only One We Can Trust

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Scott Olsen \"Voting For A Democrat Is A Wasted Vote! Voting For A Republican Is A Wasted Vote!\"

Popular Hair Growth Drug Chemically Castrates Users :

Activist Post: Texas schools to begin tracking students with IDs embedded with RFID chips

Activist Post: Defense Department Seeks Legal Authority to Deploy Reservists onto American Streets

NATO summit on power and control - Lebanon Daily News

World Of Technology: Barack Obama's marijuana smoking days with the 'Choom Gang'

World Of Technology: The Pope's butler arrested following Vatileaks investigation

World Of Technology: Joe Biden tells of anguish after the death of wife and daughter

Activist Post: Vatican Bank President Fired After String of Scandals

District Attorney Covers Up Romney Felony Case With Fake Investigation | _

Activist Post: Washington’s Hypocrisies


+REVEALED: Hundreds of words to avoid using online if you don't want the government spying on you | Mail Online


**Analyst Desktop Binder'11


Rand Paul endorses Mitt Romney as ""precisely the person I would want to turn around a failing business like our govt" -

Clinton Hits ‘Black Helicopters’ Crowd to Push Sea Treaty - Bloomberg

Propaganda firm owner admits smear campaign against U.S. journalists | The Raw Story

The NATO/UN Army: Perpetual War … and Bankruptcy for U.S. -

As An Encore to Bailing Out the Big Banks, Government to Backstop Derivativees Clearinghouses … In the U.S. and Abroad -

A Secret War in 120 Countries: The Pentagon’s New Power Elite -

Russian arms shipment en route to Syria: report | Reuters

Students will be tracked via chips in IDs - San Antonio Express-News

Theresa May: we'll stop migrants if euro collapses - Telegraph

BBC News - Cookie law set to come into force

Hawaii Lawmakers Pass Bill to Create 'Islam Day' | Fox News

Don't serve carbon lies, ACCC warns |

Kansas governor signs bill effectively banning Islamic law - AM 590 - FM 96.5 | WKZO Everything Kalamazoo

Ettore Gotti Tedesch: Vatican Bank Chief Ousted After No-Confidence Vote


YouTube to MP3 Converter - (

Anonymous Email(

SecLists.Org / Security Mailing List Archive - Share Text & Images


**Foundations of Social Engineering with Andrew Gavin Marshall - YouTube


* Paul Harvey: If I Were The Devil: Infowars Version - YouTube


Born To Rule: Bilderberg’s Torchbearers | Old-Thinker News

Indoctrinate the World: Gates Foundation Hijacks Education Policy | Old-Thinker News

PACs Boosted by Supreme Court Ruling

Rating Agencies Warn Further Downgrade Without Deficit Plan

Sen. Coburn: Congress is Failing the American People

House GOP Leaders Plan Summer Vote on Bush Tax Cuts

Fact Check: Obama off on Thrifty Spending Claim

Man Charged in Etan Patz Murder, 'Schizophrenic, Bipoloar'

Andy Garcia's New Movie Echoes Current Church Vs Government Battle

Biden Says End to Wars Gives US New Flexibility

Judge to Edwards Jurors: Don't Discuss the Case

Unions Feel Abandoned by Obama in Wisc. Recall

Rasmussen: Romney Leads Obama Among Voters

Joan Lunden: Fantastic at 61 - Her Skincare Secrets

New Treatment Brings Tinnitus Relief

Dell Said Close to Acquiring Quest for Computer-Management

Yahoo Kills 'Livestand' Just Six Months After Debut

Latest Obamacare Defense Is Offensive

House Votes Down NDAA Amendment to End Indefinite Detention

TV Networks Say You're Breaking The Law When You Skip Commercials | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Stoned To Death: Calcium Supplements Proven To Kill

The DEA's disturbing monitoring of the movement of Americans - YouTube

Exposing the Death Lust.... - YouTube

Busting the Myth: There are No Happy Cows in the Industrialized Food System

Our Road Ahead Says Rise! Peaceful Non-Compliance - YouTube

Fluoride Lowers Your IQ -- A Debated Truth?

Clinton and al-Qaeda: The Propaganda Wars Continue

Study shows nuclear reactor core meltdowns may occur once every 10-20 years

Operators Admit Fukushima Radiation Levels Exceed 2 1/2 Times Announced

Alleged al Qaeda video gives support to draconian cybersecurity legislation

God Save Us From The Queen's Diamond Jubilee

Major Energy Breakthrough: Electricity Generated from Water

Call to Action: Join the Fight Against Cyber Spying Proposals in the Senate | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Pelosi Says She Prayed 'Every Day' for Religious Liberty for Catholics--In Hungary

Are Young People Just Lazy And Stupid Or Is This Economy Anti-Youth?

Obama Mistakenly Mentions ‘My Sons,' While Defending Contraception Mandate |

Gallup: Economic Conservatives Outnumber Economic Liberals 46% to 20%

Ex-Mubarak PM praises 'glorious' Egyptian uprising

Hillary Clinton Affirms U.S. Support for Egyptian People ‘Whatever the Outcome’ of Presidential Election

Obama: 'Since I’ve Been President, Federal Spending Has Risen at Lowest Pace in Nearly 60 Years’

White House Says Obamacare Stops Insurance Companies from ‘Discriminating’ Against Women

Maryland Pastor Slams NAACP for Its Support of ‘Same-Sex Marriage’

Senators seek to name bison 'national mammal'

Amid Justice Dept. Probe, U-Montana OKs New Policy on Sexual Assaults

State Dept Opposes Senate Bid to Determine How Many Palestinians Are Genuine Refugees

Clinton: Human Rights Country Reports Have ‘Evolved’

Afghan parliament approves partnership with US

Newt Gingrich Tells Chris Matthews 'You Have a More Ruthless Approach to Politics Than I Do' |

Obama Administration 'Leveraging USDA's Lending Programs for Beginning Farmers and Ranchers' |


**Brian Wilson interviews Lew; What To Expect at the GOP Convention in Tampa


Afghanistan – We Forgot History and We Repeated It by Eric Margolis

Your Kids Will Have It Better Than You Do by Gary North

BBC News - Why are locked room mysteries so popular?

US eases airport screening for travelers 75-plus - Yahoo! News Canada

Number of the Week: Half of U.S. Lives in Household Getting Benefits - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Brother of blind Chinese activist returns home: lawyer | Reuters

After Digs at His Predecessor, Obama Will Host Bushes at White House -

'Exorcist' author to sue Georgetown after Sebelius visit | Fox News

Pa. Man, 2 Sons Found Dead In Kent County Manur - Flash Player Installation

Feinstein, other senators propose federal standards for egg-laying hens - The Hill's Floor Action

William Orbit: Some of the Best Songs Created for Madonna’s MDNA Went to Chris Brown « Madonnarama

City Of Newport Beach Sends Obama Campaign A Bi - Flash Player Installation

Eyewitness recalls violence of Tinley Park restaurant attack - Chicago Sun-Times

Bacon Lover In Piggly Wiggly Rampage | The Smoking Gun

News Talk 550 - Sheriff Joe Arpaio Says Trump Supports His Investigation of Obama

A User's Guide To Smoking Pot With Barack Obama

Mexico finds cartels making fake military uniforms | | CHANNEL 5 NEWS | Breaking News Breaking Stories


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Search Engine Marketing (

Search Engine Land(


Sheriff Joe’s posse: ‘Hawaii duped Arizona’

2000 Dem VP nominee not supporting Obama

Videos - The Sean Hannity Show

Sarah Palin takes heat for being ‘a faker’

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Exclusive: New Evidence Possible in Manson Family Murders | NBC Los Angeles

N.H. center with Communist tenant to get state aid | The Connecticut Mirror

Marco Rubio as vice president: the Bilderberg conspiracy - Kenneth P. Vogel -

India cozies up to Russia, China

Google reveals copyrighted material claims

‘New normal’: Americans resigned to bad economy?

Bible-era earthquake reveals year of Jesus' crucifixion | Fox News

Shock: British Teens Have as Many as Seven Abortions |

Chuck Norris preps for battle in your back yard

Second Mile foundation to close, transfer cash and programs to Texas-based charity |

The cure for heart trouble

‘Barnabas Gospel’ won’t collapse Christianity


**Cooking and Recipes


The Illuminati Pledge of Allegiance | Before It's News

Globalists of Africa Call for World Government


**Susan Lindauer interviewed by ClandestineTImelord GLPVC The Raw Feed 5-23-12 - YouTube


Is China Changing Its Mind about Becoming the Next GMO Superpower?


+Vitamins And Minerals For The Age Of 50+ - Vitamin D And Various Diseases Common In The Elderly | Before It's News


China To Increase Weather Manipulation Program | Before It's News

Man-Made Oasis In The Desert With The Successful Application Of A Solar-Powered Desalination System | Before It's News

Google Trends Shows Why The Status Quo "Powers That Be" Should Be Scared. Very Scared | ZeroHedge

Chinese Media Reveals Part of China’s Forbidden History | Before It's News

Why? – 21 Unanswered Questions That They Don’t Want You To Look Into


UFO from the 1950s - YouTube

Ufo video from the 1950's - YouTube


+Alex Jones And STRATFOR Linked To The Assassination Of Andrew Breitbart | Before It's News


**(index page)

The Nazis in The White House: Part 1

The Nazis in The White House: Part 2 Become a Nazi Hunter

The Nazis in The White House Story: Part 3 Hitler Associate Exposes Nazi Germany Born Bushes

The Nazis in The White House Story: Part 4 German Navy Mates Bormann And Bush

The Nazis in The White House Story: Part 5 How Old Is 'Obama'?

The Nazis in The White House Story: Part 6 Bush Ages Nix US Genealogy Claims

The Nazis in The White House Story: Part 7 Three Generations of Nazi Spies Since 1930's

The Nazis in The White House Story: Part 8 1900 Census Kills Fake Bush Genealogy

The Nazis in The White House Story: Part 9 Clinton, Gore Could've Been 9/11 Heros

The Nazis in The White House Story: Part 10 Nazis Anchored Carrier Off NYC On 9/11

The Nazis In The White House Story: Part 11 Hawaii Lies Made A President

The Nazis in The White House Story: Part 12 Bush I's 9/11 Story Was Impossible.

The Nazis In The White House Story: Part 13 The US Was Set Up For An Oil Fall-Exxon Valdez

The Nazis In The White House Story: Part 15 Gulf OPERATION SINK BP

The Nazis In The White House Story: Part 15 Gulf OPERATION SINK BP

The Nazis In The White House Story: Part 16 GULF SABOTAGE

The Nazis In The White House Story: Part 17 Is Obama a Thai Buddhist President?

The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 18 The Pentagon 9/11 A3 Skywarrior Story

The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 19 The Case for an Atomic Bomb in the Gulf

The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 20 The Nazis Do Katrina

The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 21 Clinton Just Another Nazi Spy

The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 22 Obama Birth Announcement Forged

The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 23 Nazi-infested FED Destroys America

The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 24 Two Bush Brothers: A Nazi Spy, A Nazi War Hero

The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 25 Time to Close the Obama US Birth Coffin

The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 26 Stop Calling Obama A Nigger, He's An Asian

The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 27 Rare Photo Shows Nazi Sniper Killing JFK

The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 28 The FBI Almost Stopped 9/11

The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 29 Nazi Spies FACE THE NATION 9/11/11

The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 30 DOJ Eric Holder, Black or Arab?

The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 31 BP Gulf Oil Well Sabotaged For Hitler's Birthday

The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 32 Dunham Signatures Avenge Obama Father Lies

The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 33 First Legitimate Obama Document Discovered

The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 34 Obama African Roots Dead in The Water


How Ancient Tetrapods Got Around 360 Million Years Ago, First Creature To Walk On Land Couldn't Walk | Before It's News

Satanic Evidence « Mystery of the Iniquity


ID This Person(

White House Dossier(

The Soros Files(


Our amazing world: Incredible beauty and the darkness that threatens it | Old-Thinker News

It's the culture, stupid

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Obama's 'foie gras' attacks

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Church: Reclaim marriage from the state

D. LIMBAUGH: Obama and Leahy vs. Sir William Blackstone

P. BUCHANAN: The unraveling myth of Watergate

Greek tragedy 2012

Courageous Dutchman schools America

E. RUSH: Rehash Obama's past? You bet we should!

J. FARAH: The Obama media attack messengers again

L. ELDER: Why Jeremiah Wright matters – still

P. ELMORE: Spying devices in your home

By what right do rights trump laws?

What's the Right Concealed Carry Handgun?

Choosing the Right Concealed Carry Handgun for You - YouTube

The 10 most painful stings on the planet, by the self-sacrificing man who tried 150 different varieties in the name of science | Mail Online


+Survival Spices – What to Store and How to Use - American Preppers Network


**Fire Up the Grill: 5 Mouthwatering Recipes for Your Memorial Day Weekend | The Art of Manliness


This Is Likely To Cause Muscle Weakness During Your Next Workout by Joseph Mercola

PHOTO: John Travolta Caught Cross-Dressing And His Wife Can't Take It! - Take 40

IOL Mobile :: News :: Is it over for Preston and Travolta?

Cross-dressing Travolta exposed - IOL Tonight |

John Travolta Has Cross-Dressing Photos Now - The Superficial - Because You're Ugly




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Sacred Sites at Sacred Destinations(

Past Horizons Archaeology(


Will the 1991 Biography Discovery Force Obama to Open the Hood?

Born Alive to a Dead World

What the...!

'Creeps for Obama.'

Obama Inhaled on Spending

Stealth Islamic Propaganda Shown to Six Million American Students

Okay, Make Bain the Poster Child

Cuba Abandoning Its Persecution of Gays?


Replacing ObamaCare

How and When to Discriminate?

Socialism, by Any Other Name, Is Still Socialism

Never Call Socialism by Its Right Name

Grown-Ups, Take the Wheel

Spot the Narrative

The Penis Politics of Progressives

Animal Welfare and Food Control

Obama Hires his Personal Murder Czar and Dems continue to Threaten SCOTUS

Rather Says He Doesn’t See Any Liberal Media Bias

Obama Stimulus Money for Video Games and Racial Studies

Richard Nixon Would Be Proud of Obama!

Rush Loses It On Blabbermouth Schultz: Stop it! I Feel Like I’m Listening To Hillary… It’s Just Poppycock.

Rush: “Gotta Bring People Together,” My A$$! We Have Got To Defeat Liberals.

Rush: Did Obama Really Believe That He Could Be The Berlin Wall To US Energy Independence?

Limbaugh: Obamacare Decision Has Dems “In A State Of Near Paralysis”

Witnesses in Trayvon Martin case contradict, change their stories - Trayvon Martin -

Iran has enough uranium for 5 bombs: expert | Reuters


Rugged mountains yield hundreds of WWII-era plane crashes of lost "Hump Airmen" | Fox News

A Video Pick - GM (US Taxpayers) Paid For Communist Chinese Film |

My Way News - For something so simple, pasta is serious business

Jeff Barth Political Ad: Greatest Ever? | Video |

The Top Headlines About Barack Obama’s Pot-Smoking High School ‘Choom Gang’ |

Van Jones Slams the Tea Party Again: ‘The So-Called Patriots…Smashing Down Every American Institution’ | Video |

Will Cain’s Second Testy Exchange With Debbie Wasserman Schultz on CNN | Video |

Syllabus from Obama’s 2002 Voting Rights Class |

Democratic Rep. Gwen Moore Claims Victimizing Women is ‘as American as Apple Pie’ |

Vatican Confirms Pope’s Personal Butler Paolo Gabriele Arrested in Leaked Documents Scandal | Video |

Do People Know More About American Idol or the Contraception Mandate Lawsuit? | Video |

Female Army Officers Sue Defense Department, Army to End Combat Ban |

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback Passes Law Blocking Islamic Shariah in Courts and Goverment Agencies |

NASA‘s ’Incandescent Sun’ Video Shows Corona in Extreme Ultraviolet Light | Video |

Sri Lankan Man Stranded in Venezuelan Airport Unable to Leave Vanishes | Video |

American Airlines Pilot Keeps Passenger From Making Connecting Flight and Berates Her Publicly Because Her T-Shirt Offended a Stewardess | Video |

Al Sharpton May Have Been Connected to Drug and Money Laundering Operation Run by His Promoter, James Rosemond, Which May Have Also Included Sean Combs and Wyclef Jean |

Mormons, Catholics, Baptists & Jews Discuss Religious Liberty in D.C. |

Can you spot Secret Service agent in picture with Malia Obama? |

80-Year-Old Woman Almost Falls Out of Parachute | Laverne at Parachute Center | Video |

Brett Kimberlin: Meet the Soros-Funded Domestic Who Is Terrorizing Bloggers Into Silence | Video |

Why Is The State Department Partnering With Domestic Terrorist Brett Kimberlin? |

Female Burlesque Dancer Says She Dressed as Obama at Italian Prime Minister’s Party |


America is a Republic: Americans must Save the Electoral College

Debbie Schlussel/Do These George Zimmerman Comments & Actions Sound “Racist” to You?

Debbie Schlussel/HA! China Pays Jews to Sit @ Biz Meetings & Look Smart

Debbie Schlussel/HILARIOUS!: Famous Harvard Grad From Class of ’62 Did What?

Obama Presided Over a Tax Revenue Drought, Not a Spending Binge

Daily Caller Running Gun Giveway Contest

Why Are Struggling White Voters Leaning Toward Mitt Romney?

Missouri Taxpayers Fund 24-Hour Security Camera for Limbaugh Statue

Tea Party Report: Memorializin' the War on Women

Tucker Carlson: Reporters Have 'Slavish, Dog-Like Loyalty' to Obama

Death by Foreclosure

Oh Please, Mitt Romney, Please Pick Chris Christie As Your Running Mate!

Philly Attitude Greets Visit From Mittens

Mittens Loves Full Sail University: His Son Does Business With The Owners

Ed Schultz Brings National Attention to Florida Voter Roll Purge

Arizona Congressional Candidate 'Pulls a Coffman'

John Fugelsang: Only in America Can You Be Pro-Death Penalty, Pro-Torture... and Still Call Yourself Pro-Life

Fox News Still Makes Viewers Dumber According to New National Survey

Mitt Romney: Vote for Me or Some Day, America Will Turn into Europe Eventually

Colin Powell Expresses His Support for Gay Marriage


The Alex Jones Show 2012-05-25 Friday - YouTube

2012-05-25 Infowars Nightly News - YouTube


BBC News - 'Cloaking' idea traps a rainbow

How to make a material that shrinks when stretched -

Clock with no hands or numbers which 'eats time' has gone on display | News | Edinburgh | STV


Bilderberg 2012: Dark Cabal Meet to Plot Final End Game - YouTube

The Tax Whose Name Cannot be Spoken - YouTube

» Another State Reports Uncontrolled Rise in Prescription Drug Abuse Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Alert: Chemical damage can be inherited through unlimited generations Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

U.S. steps up deportation efforts for criminal immigrants -

BBC News - Bin Laden, the doctor and $33m in aid

Christine Lagarde: Greeks can help themselves out of the crisis by 'paying their tax' - Telegraph

» The One-Man Death Panel: Obama’s Counter-Terrorism Advisor Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» ATF to accept public comments prior to outlawing shotguns Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Eavesdropping bill stalls in Senate - Springfield, IL - The State Journal-Register

Why I Have (Largely) Given Up on the Federal Government – Tenth Amendment Center

» U.S., German Researchers Reveal Date of Christ’s Death Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ripped from Star Trek: Researchers say lasers could create tiny tractor beams | VentureBeat

First video taken with Google’s Project Glass shows off trampoline skills | VentureBeat

Project Glass - Trampoline Video - YouTube

FBI secretly creates Internet police — RT

» U.S., German Researchers Reveal Date of Christ’s Death Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ripped from Star Trek: Researchers say lasers could create tiny tractor beams | VentureBeat

First video taken with Google’s Project Glass shows off trampoline skills | VentureBeat

Project Glass - Trampoline Video - YouTube

FBI secretly creates Internet police — RT

Theresa May: we'll stop migrants if euro collapses - Telegraph

Center of gravity in oil world shifts to Americas - The Washington Post

» Zuckerberg and Big Banks Hit with Lawsuits after Suspicious Facebook Stock Launch Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Facebook IPO – US Business News — Citi Lost $20 Million on Facebook IPO Trades - CNBC

» Shedding Blood For A New Age: The Art of Sacrificing Slaves Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Pentagon Armies of Paid Trolls - YouTube

Miami Beach Police Deny They Have a 2,000 Person Arrest Quota for Memorial Day Weekend - Miami News - Riptide 2.0

» US poverty rate for women and children hits 17-year record high Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

A Difference Between Romney and Obama? « Commentary Magazine

Tyranny is A System of Losers - YouTube

Holder refuses Fast and Furious interview request, accuses TheDC of throwing ‘sticks and stones’

Prison » Australians Face Huge Fines For Speaking Ill Of New Carbon Tax

Prison » The Provenance of Barack Obama with Dr. Jerome Corsi

The Provenance of Barack Obama with Dr. Jerome Corsi - YouTube

Planet Infowars: Network Against NWO Tyranny - YouTube

Prison » The Magical Wolf In The White House: The President As A Divine Speechmaker, The People As A Herd

John Wolfe Sues Arkansas Dems For Delegates Won In Primary Against Obama

Airlines To Charge New Fees For Water, Carry-Ons

Grandma, 80, Has Nightmare Skydiving Jump

Pope's Personal Butler Under Arrest

Astronauts Enter World's 1st Private Supply Ship

Britney Spears Under X Factor Fire

Box Office: 'Men in Black 3' Disappoints at #1

'For Greater Glory' Reaches Catholics Troubled By Obama Era

US Soldiers Turn Tide Against Afghanistan IED Casualties

Blu-Ray Review-a-Palooza: 'John Carter,' 'Hondo,' 'The Grey,' More...

World View: North Koreans in Supposedly Rich Rice Belt 'Starve to Death'

Maher Slams Mormons With Romney ‘Wifer Controversy'

Van Jones: Tea Party Out To Destroy America

Obama: 'I’m The Twoosh Master'

Dem Rep: 'Victimization Of Woman As American As Apple Pie'

Associated Press Rebukes Politifact (Indirectly)

The Vetting: Obama Decried 'Spread of Militarism,' Lauded Anti-Selective Service Group at Columbia

How Judeo-Christian Values Elevated Sturges' 'The Great McGinty'

'Men in Black III' Review: New Blood Recharges Franchise's Engines

Obama's 'Favorite Professor': Poor and Minorities Receive 'Little Benefit' from America

Milwaukee Mayor Accuses Walker Of War On Women; Shares Stage With ‘Bitches Who Ride Me’ Rapper

Walker On Offense: Unemployment Down To 6.7%

Gore: Obama Only Won Big In '08 Because of Financial Crisis

Rep Ellison: Congressmen 'Who Believe Jesus is Coming Back' Show Anti-Muslim Movies On Capitol Hill

Boston Globe Takes Credit for Breitbart Scoop

MSNBC Covers Obama Lit Agent Booklet: 'I Didn't Think It Was Possible To Get Any Lower Than Andrew Breitbart'

Report: Warren 'Opted In' On Harvard 'Women Of Color' Journal

Boston Globe Whitewashes, Rewrites Its Own Critical Story on Elizabeth Warren

Baron Cohen Jumps the Shark as Political Prankster with 'The Dictator'

Cruz: 'Desperate' Dewhurst Attack Ad a 'Lie'

With No Help from Obama, Chen Guangcheng's Brother Fights for Life in China

'Moonrise Kingdom' Review: Anderson's Signature Style Shackles Tale of Young Love

Indonesia To Lady Gaga: 'Go To Hell'

Biden Shares Story Of Wife's Death With Families Of Fallen Troops; Contemplated Suicide

Reason 11,927 CNN Is Tanking: Brooke Baldwin Sandbags Tony Perkins

Ted Cruz Campaign Responds Swiftly To False Dewhurst Ad

Even With Teleprompter, Obama Says 'My Sons' Twice In 2 Days

Mormon-Bashing 'Virginia' Hits Theaters, Critics Hit Back

Report: After Gay Marriage Gaffe, Biden Staffers 'Frozen Out' Of Senior WH Meetings

New Evidence Possible in Manson Family Murders

BH Interview: 'For Greater Glory' Director on Fighting for Religious Freedom Then ... and Now

MSNBC: Romney 'Condescending' To African-Americans

The Hill, Politico Give Wildly Different Stories on Progress of Holder Contempt Charges

Obama Campaign Organizes Occupy-Style Protests Against Romney

How Did Allegedly Anti-Semitic Film Make it to Cannes?

Rahm Emanuel's new plan for Chicago's returning vets

Putin puts Medvedev in charge of ruling party

Singapore Opposition Wins By-Election to Retain Parliament Seat

Stand-in queen reigns supreme ahead of diamond jubilee

Qaeda-held Saudi diplomat in Yemen appeals for his release

Everest season ends with 240 ascents, 6 deaths

Obama to Expand Bain Ads

Police Search For Missing University Coed

Coroner: Gunman in Indiana standoff from Texas

Police: Gunman Has Hostages in Realty Office - YouTube

Etan Patz: New York police secure suspect's confession, but doubts remain

North Carolina: Edwards Jurors Take a Break

Charity: 9/11 widow died of natural causes

A little bit Cherokee? Elizabeth Warren not alone in ancestry claim

Obama Focuses On Honoring Veterans This Memorial Day Weekend

Four witnesses in Trayvon Martin case change their stories

Book reveals Obama's pothead daze

Martial arts master's neo-Nazi past surfaces

Police interview mom of missing Oregon children

CIA remembers those lost in covert operations from Lebanon to Yemen

Now Spain Circles the Drain

How Nasdaq Lost Control of Facebook IPO, by the Minute

PayPal Now Marketing In-Store Payments to Consumers

Will falling gas prices help Obama?

Top women on Wall Street: Equal-opportunity axing?

Flipboard wins: Yahoo shuts down Livestand after only six months

Concerns Grow About Spent Fuel Rods at Damaged Nuclear Plant in Japan

Warning signs for Obama on path to electoral votes

Obama, Romney try to play it safe in 2012 gamble

Mitt Romney admits he's 'haunted' by past verbal gaffes

Could Obama Win the Military Vote?

Obama touts support for gay rights in Jane Lynch-narrated video

Stars Lining Up For 'Barack On Broadway' Fundraiser

DNC Chair: ‘There Aren’t Going To Be Any Repercussions’ If Walker Wins In Wisconsin | TPM2012

Enter the Dragon: Astronauts open up first private cargo craft

SpaceX Dragon Capsule Hatch Opening from International Space Station (ISS) HD 5/26/2012 - YouTube

Facebook's Royal Wedding

Do-it-all search pages do the fetching

Facebook Rumored to be Thinking of Buying Opera Software

First ever Google Glasses video unveiled – shot on a trampoline

Google's Motorola buy seen boosting Android in workplace

Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) wins patent verdict in Oracle (NASDAQ:ORCL) trial

FB Launches Facebook Camera – An Instagram-Style Photo Filtering, Sharing, Viewing iOS App | TechCrunch

Beyoncé Shows Off Svelte Figure at First Concert Post-Baby

Star Wars 35 years old

'Dark Knight' Animated Movie Sets Voice Cast (Exclusive)

Elton John 'doing well' after hospitalisation

NC musician Doc Watson still in critical condition

Mystery of Martian meteorites' organic molecules solved

Bigfoot and Yeti DNA Study Gets Serious

Volcano Crystals Hold Clues to Next Big Eruption

Park with 31 animatronic dinosaurs opening in NJ

Top 10 New Species Named by Conservation Group

The Scientific Search for the Essence of a Tasty Tomato

1000 year old mummies found in Peru

New telescope to be in South Africa, Australia

Study Indicates Obesity Not Always Tied to Higher Heart Risk

From Steve to Stevie: Man discovers he's actually a woman

The Truth About Sunscreen: Are Labels Lying?

Long-term contraception more effective than pills

MIT's computer algorithms can tell why you're smiling better than a human can

Childhood Obesity Linked to Cesarean Deliveries

Are tanning salons admitting underage teens?

Picking Healthy Meals Harder Than Doing Taxes?

70 reports of police misconduct on Sunday at NATO protest, says National Lawyers Guild | Chicago Muckrakers

» Bill O’Reilly Ignores Questions on Occupy Bilderberg Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Bill O'Reilly Caught on Tape Smearing Occupy as Terrorists - YouTube

Politics - Joseph Lawler - The New Welfare State: Faster, Cheaper ... and Out of Control? - The Atlantic

Top Five Ways Obamacare Crushes the Middle Class

Religious liberty at stake in battle over contraception rule -

Forget Bain — Obama’s public-equity record is the real scandal - The Washington Post

Government transparency: The best disinfectant | The Economist

"The Threat of German Amnesia" by Joschka Fischer | Project Syndicate

Patriotism With Chinese Characteristics -

5 World Events That Could Swing the U.S. Election - By Uri Friedman | Foreign Policy

Advice for a New President -

The Tragedy of Facebook: How Wall Street Robbed Main Street America (FB)

President Obama's Attacks On Mitt Romney's Tenure At Bain Capital Could Backfire On Him -

The 'War On Coal' Is A Myth | ThinkProgress

Obama Pot-Smoking Details Revealed In David Maraniss Book

Pin-Up Girls Before and After II, 1950s | Retronaut - StumbleUpon

The 10 Most Asinine 1990s Comic Book Characters Who Never Caught On

The Golden Gate: ‘The Bridge That Couldn’t Be Built’ | Story ID: 7045 | Construction Equipment Guide

Andrew Keen: 'I'm Not a Luddite'

CEO Gaffe of the Week: Facebook, Nasdaq, and Morgan Stanley (MS, NDAQ)

Google Says It Removes 1 Million Infringing Links Monthly | Threat Level |

Coding Horror: So You Want to be a Programmer

Technology - Alexis Madrigal - How Google Can Beat Facebook Without Google Plus - The Atlantic

Kansas governor signs bill effectively banning Islamic law | Reuters

Genetically Modified Goats Take on Child Killers

Weekend Science - The 5 Best Dogs For Attracting Women

Grill Science: 5 Sizzling Tips for a Tasty Memorial Day | The Perfect Burger | LiveScience

Chemicals Aren't Why You're Fat, But They're Making You Fatter | Co.Exist: World changing ideas and innovation

Why We Lie -

RNA: From messenger to guardian of genome integrity

How Many Stars Never Make the Big Time? - ScienceNOW

Beetroot juice could help musicians hold breath - Telegraph


*23rd/Transcript:Obama's Commencement Address at the A.F. Academy


Mr. President, our military doesn’t need to be ‘saved’ « The Enterprise Blog

Dear Washington, Nothing Has Changed About the Election

Mitt Romney and the Women Who Don't Love Him | Mother Jones

Politics of division - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Obama Stumbles? Why the President’s Right to Talk About Bain | Swampland |

Obama’s Checklist - Ronald Brownstein -

Breaking up Chase: Good for shareholders and taxpayers - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

When Government Privileges Trump the Rights of Citizens -

Review & Outlook: The History Boys -

RealClearPolitics - Wasserman Schultz Backs Obama's Attacks on Bain

He’ll say anything -

Obama's Last Line of Defense - 2012 Decoded

KNIGHT: Obama's politics of envy - Washington Times

G.O.P. Fights Against Military Cuts -

Barack Obama is facing his Jimmy Carter moment - Telegraph

Internet Radio Show Links (

**News Video:

Obama Weekly Address: Honoring Our Fallen Heroes This Memorial Day
Rep. Jenkins Gives Weekly GOP Message: Obama Favors Foreign Energy Over Domestic
Ed Schultz Urges Obama To Help In Wisconsin
Maher Starts "Wifer" Theory About Romney, Asks If He Is A Polygamist
Frank Luntz Focus Group On 2012 Issues
Krauthammer: "Obama's Attack On The Court" Will Result In Overturn Of Obamacare
"Millennial Generation" Expert Expects Them To Come Out For Obama
Bill Maher: Sarah Palin Calls Styrofoam "The Other White Trash"
Dem Congresswoman: GOP Congresswomen Are "Battered Women"


Rubio On Bin Laden Film: "Part Of A Troubling Trend Of Chest Thumping"
Fehrnstrom: Romney Was Elected Governor In A Similar Economy
Wasserman Schultz: Obama Position On Private Equity Is "Apples And Coconuts"
MSNBC Panel: Backlash Against Obama Like Rise Of KKK In 1860s
RNC Ad: Obama Has Had His Worst Week Ever
Walsh: "I Didn't Think It Was Possible To Get Lower Than Andrew Breitbart"
Trayvon Martin Day Declared At D.C. Elementary School
Todd: Obama Can Win Without Ohio And Florida
O'Reilly: U.S. "Is Not The Economic Power We Should Be"
Robinson: To Fix Education, Focus On Public Schools
"Special Report" Panel On The Wisconsin Recall Election

U.S., European Allies United on Iran
Chen Guangcheng Speaks Out
Fate of Eurozone: Back on the Brink?
Polio May be Returning as 'Global' Threat
NATO in Afghanistan: In Together, Out Together
Greece on the Brink Amid Eurozone Crisis
Peru River Creates Flood Havoc
Deadly Turkey Car Bomb
Raw Video: Fight Erupts in Ukrainian Parliament
Hollande in Surprise Afghan Visit
Egyptians Divided Over Presidential Poll
Randolph: Greece Will Remain in Eurozone
U.S. Successfully Hacks al-Qaeda in Yemen



Alex Jones - 2012-May-25, Friday

The Michael Savage Show 05/25/2012

*26 May

American Minute for May 26

Today in History: May 26

This Day in History for 26th May |

May 26 Events in History

May 26th This Day in History

Today in History: May 26

May 26th in History

Today in History for May 26th - YouTube

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