A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

20 May 2012

20 May'12


Annular Eclipse of the Sun & Today's night sky(


2012 Will Reveal Much About The Real Barack Obama

Ron Paul Has Co-sponsored A Bill Which Would Impeach Obama For Libya

In 52 seconds why Obama MUST become the next president - YouTube

Obama campaign working to counter new voter ID laws - The Washington Post

Obama Announces Aid Initiative to Support UN’s African Land Grab

Arizona Secretary of State Threatens to Remove Obama from Ballot | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

FaceBook: The Complete Forensic Post-Mortem | ZeroHedge

Spy-Butterfly: Israel developing insect drone for indoor surveillance — RT

Robert Reich: The Commencement Address That Won't Be Given

The New World Order Exposed – Part I | Cosmic Convergence 2012

Rev Wright Is Right About Manmade AIDS

Designer Flu - Science News

Activist Post: Google's New Search Tool to Use CIA and World Bank as Sources for 'Facts'

The Politics Of Language

Wherever the West has Gone Society is Crumbling - Sheik Imran Hosein - YouTube

UFOs & NUKES | DECLASSIFIED DOCUMENT: UFOs Reported Over Nuclear Weapons Storage Area at Killeen Base (3-24-1949)

Utah Paleontologists Discover New Raptor Dinosaur « Zen Haven

Anti Wi-Fi Wallpaper To Go On Sale In 2013, Costs A Tad More Than Normal Ones |

British man arrested in Thailand with suitcase full of dead babies to be used in religious ritual | Mail Online

4-year-old Texas girl taken from parents and heavily drugged by Child Protective Service - YouTube

Wahhabis - Salafists - Sheik Imran Hosein - YouTube

“We are living through the worst public health scandal in history” — 60 million developed cancer from nuclear weapons tests (VIDEO)

Corporate Media Criminal Cover Up: Literary Agent Listed Obama As Born In Kenya Since 2007 :

How The U.S. Dollar Will Be Replaced

The Forestry Service: Just another eco-terrorist organization « The PPJ Gazette

Prepare for War? – ALERT Republican-Led House Votes to ALLOW Military Action Against Iran :

My Way News - World leaders confront flagging Afghan war

Will Rogue Fundamentalist Christian Military Leaders Start a Nuclear War in the Middle East? | ZeroHedge

Dazed Lemmings Can’t Bridge The Reality Gap « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

States Vote to Ban UN Agenda 21 Policies

The Pacific Ocean Is Dying | Cosmic Convergence 2012

Activist Post: Local Governments Have the Power to Restrict Drone Surveillance in the US

10 Things You Didn't Know About Drones

Roy Tov – Facebook IPO Fails Mossad

U.S. Troops on the Ground in Yemen as War Expands: Has World War III Already Started in the Middle East? « Zen Haven

Capitalism at a crossroads - World Politics - World - The Independent

‘All we want to do is work, to be able to support ourselves. But thanks to the rich being greedy, we can’t even have that’ - Americas - World - The Independent

Huge asteroid that is set to side-swipe Earth in February may destroy satellites...and it might return to hit us in 2020 | Mail Online

Behind Army’s $17,000 Drip Pan, Harold Rogers’s Earmark -

Coffee Drinkers Have Lower Risk of Death, Study Suggests « Zen Haven

Popular Baby Names

Warrantless Raid at G8 Summit Yields 3 Terror Arrests Based on YouTube Video and Molotov Cocktails Claim :


PressTV - Bin Laden died of natural causes: Former CIA agent


NATO Summit ,Undercover Cops Dont Like Being Filmed, Worried About Being Shot. - YouTube

Guns Drawn on Journalists, Car Raided at NATO - YouTube


Authorities Again Comb Verdugo Mountains for Missing FBI Agent - Arcadia, CA Patch

FBI Agent Fleeing Massive Manhunt Warns “They’re All Insane” | _


Bayer CropScience and Bee Deaths -

Nato Summit ,Protesters Break Police Wall, One Protester Knocked out by Police - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Cops Secretly Recorded Threatening To Beat Up Occupy NATO Protesters

**News Video: 19th -

Obama Weekly Address: GOP, Lobbyists Delaying Wall St. Reform
Krauthammer: Biden "Needs An Adjustment In His Medications"
"Hannity" Special: How Much Do Americans Really Know About Obama?
Maher: If I Had A Son "I Hope He Would Act Like" Trayvon Martin
Eugene Robinson: "Four Years In Office Is What I Call Vetting"
Sen. Johnson Gives GOP Weekly, Slams Obama For Economic "Failure"
O'Reilly: Media Did Not Focus On John Kerry's Wealth
Krugman: GOP Congress Trying To "Bring Down America"
Rather: "My Goal Was To Be An Honest Broker Of Information"


Murder & Mystery In Laurel Canyon ~ by David McGowan with Zeph Daniel - YouTube


David McGowan, Military Industrial Entertainment in Laurel Canyon, Trans Resister Radio interview - YouTube


Inside the LC: Part I

Inside the LC: Part II

Inside the LC: Part III

Inside the LC: Part IV

Inside the LC: Part V

Inside the LC: Part VI

Inside the LC: Part VII

Inside the LC: Part VIII

Inside the LC: Part IX

Inside the LC: Part X

Inside the LC: Part XI

Inside the LC: Part XII

Inside the LC: Part XIII

Inside the LC: Part XIV

Inside the LC: Part XIV

Inside the LC: Part XVI

Inside the LC: Part XVII

Inside the LC: Part XVIII

Inside the LC: Part XIX

Inside the LC: Part XX

Inside the LC: Part XXI


A People's History Of The United States by Howard Zinn

260 pg./Killing Hope U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II – Part I William Blum


The CIA's Greatest Hits

Facts and Fascism


Wagging the Moondoggie, Part 1

Wagging the Moondoggie, Part 2

Wagging the Moondoggie, Part 3

Wagging the Moondoggie, Part 4

Wagging the Moondoggie, Part 5

Wagging the Moondoggie, Part 6

Wagging the Moondoggie, Part 7

Wagging the Moondoggie, Part 8

Wagging the Moondoggie, Part 13

Wagging the Moondoggie, Part 14

Wagging the Moondoggie, Part 11

Wagging the Moondoggie, Part 12


Police violence at anti-NATO rally, Saturday May 19 + MSN Video - 12160

Facebook Banker Morgan Stanley Bought A Humongous Amount Of Stock To Try Support Price - Business Insider

Libyan convicted in Lockerbie bombing has died - Navy News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Navy Times

Mark Koernke on the American Militia | _

Refreshing News: Origin of skeleton to be auctioned questioned

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Property Tax Revolution in North Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan; It's Our Home Not Theirs!

Mindless Masses | My Catbird Seat

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Protesters Say Chicago Domestic Terrorist Arrest Is A \"Police Intimidation Campaign\"

NATO Summit Chicago , Protester Knocked Down and Injured by Police Van. - YouTube

'Reporter's Privilege' Under Fire From Obama Administration Amid Broader War On Leaks

US House Stealthily Passes Extreme Pro-Israel Legislation | My Catbird Seat

Vatican slams new book of leaked documents as ‘criminal’ — RT

Refreshing News: Evidence of oil spill 2 years ago in birds

Activist Post: The Idea Of Resistance Against The State

Activist Post: War is a Racket! Has Anything Changed?

It's 8:00 AM, do you know where your tax money is going?

The FED? A Garbage Dump For Crooked And Inept Banks - Here's the Math: | Before It's News

Nick Stahl, 'Terminator' actor, reported missing as police search L.A.'s skid row | Alaska Dispatch


**Tomb of the Alien Pharaoh eBooks




Audio/Robert Scott Bell


The Robert Scott Bell Show a Jon Rappoport Breaking News! Criminal FDA Admits/Knows It Killed 1,000,000 Americans in a Decade, Plus Encore Stephen Rogers Adaptogens and Shentrition, Hard Won Healing Wisdom and More on The Robert Scott Bell Show May 17, 2012


Audio w/ Alex Jones


» Hidden in Plain View: FDA Murders 100,000 a Year Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Drug Interactions & Labeling > Why Learn about Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR)?



Example:Illinois Form for the Homeless requires their home address!

Without trust, Facebook isn't worth $100 billion - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

The Rap Music Conspiracy

‘Nude’ Stephen Harper painting causes a stir - The Globe and Mail

Did The FBI Foil Their Own Chicago NATO Summit Terror Plot?

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul going full force to Republican National Convent

Prepare for War? - ALERT Republican-Led House Votes to ALLOW Military Action Against Iran - YouTube

Former TeleTech Supervisor Speaks About Company's Heartless Work Practices - Kalispell Montana - YouTube

Shipwreck found full of bottles, guns and plates - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience

Artificial Sweeteners Linked with Preterm Delivery

D.A.R.E To Charge Taxpayers For Your Political Propaganda - informationliberation

Are Americans Catching On, Waking Up, Unplugging?

Beware False Flag Attack On Chicago NATO Summit by US War Criminals

Why Americans Are Less Hawkish than Their Leaders

Kristol: Lieberman will be Secretary of State in Romney Administration

GLOBAL NATO: A Geostrategic Instrument of Worldwide Military Conquest

AMERICA: Desperate Times Demand Revolutionary Measures

THE FRAMEWORK FOR SUPPRESSING INFORMATION: Public Opinion in America's 21st Century Police State

Ending the Mindset That Gets Us into War

FINANCIAL IMPLOSION: Global Derivatives Market at $1,200 Trillion Dollars … 20 Times the World Economy


"NEW TECHNIQUES TO FIGHT AL QAEDA": The Use of Propaganda on American Audiences

Cliff Kincaid -- New Book Casts Doubt on Obama’s Christian Identity

The Prison Industrial Complex :

Lee Duigon -- Would You Kill Yourself if a Celebrity Told You To?

Is the Earth a Sentient Living Organism? New Study May Provide the Proof

The Hidden Symbolic Meaning of the Movie “2012″

Does Sugar in Processed Foods Make You Dumber? New Study Says Yes.

Scott Walker's Lead Nears Double Digits in Wisconsin Recall Fight

Romneys Donate $150k to Campaign Effort

Obama Pushes G-8 to Go for Growth not Austerity

Schumer: Lockerbie Bomber Should Not Have Died a Free Man

McConnell: Obama 'Needs to Become Adult' on National Debt

Ryan: Obama’s Budget Suffocates Economic Growth

Boehner: Republicans Shouldn't Waste Time on Rev. Wright

Billionaire Zuckerberg Marries One Day After Facebook IPO

Romney, Scott Brown Play Down Past Connections

Obama to Europe: Focus on Growth, Not Austerity

Taliban: NATO Should Leave Afghanistan Now

Faber: Forget Greece - China Poses Biggest Threat to Global Economy

NYT: CFTC Opens Probe Into JPMorgan Trading Loss

Study Unpicks Gene Changes Behind Breast Cancer

Blind Chinese Activist Who Fought Forced Abortions Arrives in NYC With Wife and Children

DOE Looking to Harness Energy From Ocean Waves Off Hawaii

Egypt’s Copts Face Unappealing Choice in Looming Presidential Poll

Transgender Miss Universe Canada contestant loses

U.N. Human Rights Advocates Urge G8 to Take Up ‘Robin Hood Tax’ on Wealthy Nations

More People in Europe, Fewer in Russia and Latin America See U.S. as Positive Influence

FBI Director Refuses to Say Whether 9/11 Mastermind KSM Is 'Enemy Combatant'

Russia Today 'American Spring' Documentary Features OWS Forger

Question for Chris Matthews: How Many Lies Are You Willing to Tell to Get Obama Reelected? |

Suspects wielding hammers and batons attack diners at Tinley Park restaurant - Chicago Sun-Times

» 40 Fed Agencies Man Secret Command Center Outside Chicago Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Protesters stream into Chicago park for NATO march - Local News - Clarksburg, WV -

Obama, Condescending to Women -

Ft. Lauderdale Airport Terminal Open After Brie - Flash Player Installation

CDC Targeting Baby Boomers for Mass Vaccination Agenda

General Motors is becoming China Motors - YouTube

Legalization of propaganda: Rep. Smith (WA) is at it again - YouTube

Obama Calls Iran’s Nuclear Program ‘Grave Concern’ -- News from

NATO Struggles to Sustain Itself -- News from

Chicago police accused of planting evidence in ‘Molotov cocktail’ plot | The Raw Story

What Are the Purposes of a Foreign Policy? | The American Conservative

How FBI Entrapment Is Inventing 'Terrorists' - and Letting Bad Guys Off the Hook | Rick Perlstein | Politics News | Rolling Stone

**Site:Film Page

** | Countering Propaganda


**Paul Harvey: If I Were The Devil: Infowars Version - YouTube


Schumer Introduces Ex-PATRIOT Act: Will Banish Those Who Renounce US Citizenship |

» Official Bio Said Obama Kenyan Born UP UNTIL April 2007 When Campaign Began Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii'

» Meme-Stream Media Offers Counter-Theory: Maybe 1991 Mistake Birthed ‘Birthers’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Oops! Text Editor Rushes Out Apology for Kenya ‘Mistake’ in Obama’s Bio Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama Said He Was Born in Kenya Up Until 2007! - YouTube

Assassination Of Obama And NATO Officials Planned For Chicago? | Before It's News

Why Dinosaurs May Still Rule The Earth | Before It's News

Black Prince, Alien Space Probe, Orbits Earth Watching Humans | Before It's News

Every black hole contains a new universe: A physicist presents a solution to present-day cosmic mysteries

Newsvine - Michelle Obama 'Prepared Divorce Papers to Separate from Barack Leaving Him Suicidal

NAACP endorses same-sex marriage, says it's a civil right -

Obama adviser Axelrod: Religion not a campaign issue - Washington Times

My Way News - Romney points to restored bridge as Obama failure

Savage: Romney following McCain’s losing strategy

Cornel West: Obama 'Obsessed With Being On Mount Rushmore'

Pro-life message surging through churches

George Lucas might build affordable housing

Religion teachers told to follow church doctrine

Google 'Knowledge Graph' turns entire internet into one big Wikipedia | Mail Online


Knowledge – Inside Search – Google

Google Search Just Got 1,000 Times Smarter

Girl Scouts try to allay church suspicions

Arrested Protester Charges Mistreatment After P - Flash Player Installation


Illuminati - The Music Industry Exposed [Full Length] - YouTube

Secrets of Body Language - YouTube


C2CAM - Big Pharma & NDAA - 05-19-2012 (Coast To Coast AM) - YouTube

C2CAM - Owning the Moon & Social Collapse (Coast To Coast AM) - YouTube


Could fungi break down plastic and stop a very modern scourge? | Mail Online

Buried microbes exist at limit between life and death - life - 17 May 2012 - New Scientist

Particles Walk Through Walls While Physicists Watch | Quantum Tunneling | LiveScience

Man's chest rebuilt with concrete after melon-sized tumour removal | The Sun |News

Plenty less fish in the sea: Dramatic pictures show how ocean life is dying - Mirror Online

Senator Lieberman White House Close to Using Force in Syria

Obama's Flip-Flop On Afghanistan War

Chicago Police Department Website Hacked

Elizabeth Warren Violated Harvard's Rules on Plagiarism

Teacher Yells At Student For Asking Challenging Question About Obama

NC Teacher Screams at Student: It’s Criminal to Criticize Obama

Koch Bros Lawyer Destroys MSNBC's Bashir

Marine Couple Helps Wrap G.I. Film Festival on Inspirational Note

National Health Service’s Transgender Art ‘Diversity Week’

Ryan Hammers Durbin For No-Budget Senate

NBC's Gregory Covers for Durbin on Dem Failure to Pass Budget

Former Obama Official: Ann Romney Has 'No Empathy For People'

FCC: ‘All Options’ On Table To Save Bankrupt LightSquared’s Network

Obama Surrogate: 'Bain Capital Has Done A Lot To Support Businesses'

Priebus: Election Referendum On Obama's Broken Promises

RNC Chair: Obama Campaign Wants Distractions

Armond White on 'The Dictator' - Hollywood's Latest Bush Bash

New Arrest In NATO Molotov Cocktail Terror Plot

One Percenter Letterman Mocks Romney for Being Rich

Obama's Arkansas Primary Challenger: Dems 'Disenfranchising Voters'

Colorado Lesbians Face Charges For Faking Hate Crime

Jagger's 'Presidential Blues' Features Profanity, Romney Dig, No Mention Of Obama

'Resist We Much': SNL Joins Rest Of World And Mocks Sharpton

Exclusive: 9th Circuit Takes Plush Maui Vacation At Taxpayer Expense, As Others Cut Back

Lockerbie Bomber Dead

'Eat The Rich!' - Anti-NATO Protesters March Through The Chicago Night

Report: Dems Seek To Disenfranchise Obama Arkansas Challenger's Voters

Zuckerberg Changes Status To 'Married'

GI Film Festival's 'Into Harm's Way,' 'Normandy' Offer New Perspectives on 20th Century Combat

WaPo Columnist: 'Four Years In Office Is What I Call Vetting'

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Endorses Walker in Recall

53,000 Dead Registered Voters in Florida, Millions Nationwide

World View: Tariffs on Chinese Solar Panels Threaten Trade War

Media Ignores Warren Plagiarism Story; Went Nuts for Claims Against Scott Brown

Fast & Furious: GOP Freshmen Push Contempt Vote

Prosecutors: Trio Planned to Attack Obama's HQ

Protesters March Outside President Obama's Hotel

Protesters Chant 'No War But Class War' Outside Black Stone Hotel

Anarchists Inside Chicago

Crowds Cheer As Chen Arrives Safely In US

NATO Protestors Scuffle With Police

US to Israel: $70M for Missile Defense System

Iraqi Court Likely to Release Hezbollah Commander Transferred by Obama Admin

Entertainment Revolution: Celebs Launching Projects Online

RNC Chair: 'We're All-In' For Wisconsin Recall Fight

#NATO3 Protesters Allegedly Targeting Obama HQ, Bond Set at $1.5M

Wedding Photos Interrupted By Anti-NATO March

#OccupyNATO Threatens To Tear Up The Streets, 'F*-k You NATO'

The Conservative Choice for Texas Senate Seat

Officials: Tinley Park melee was protesters attacking white supremacists

Two more face NATO terrorism charges

A heated discussion on 'Race, Gender & the Blues'

City of Chicago website may be under cyber attack

Richard Knight chats with Peter Jacobson -

Citizen Journalists Detained at Gunpoint by CPD

Obama, Karzai push for post-2014 vision of Afghanistan

Mighty Merkel may be the odd woman out

4 people found dead after boat crash on Iowa river

Chen Guangcheng's family and friends 'still at risk' in China

Romney Moving to Florida? Maybe One Day, He Says

Boehner: '218 frogs'

Americans Are Not Familiar with Romney's Religion

Some Gay Rights Advocates Question Rutgers Sentencing

Cory Booker slams Obama campaign for attack on Romney's Bain record

For gay marriage opponents, moments shape minds

Obama, Romney Both Want to Play Down Gay Marriage

Mary Kennedy remembered for devotion

Trayvon Martin's trip to 7-11 seen in newly released video

Romney, US Sen. Brown Play Down Past Connections

Undercount left 1 million blacks out of 1940 US Census, including tennis great Althea Gibson - The Washington Post

Lockerbie bomber dies in Tripoli


NATO chief vows no rush to the exits in Afghanistan

Earthquake strikes northern Italy killing six

Bomb explodes during UN visit in Syria

Serbians Vote in Presidential Runoff

Egypt's Islamist politicians move to the Right ahead of presidential election

Oil prices will rise, Iran says, if embargo comes

Former Yemen president hospitalized

Sunni cleric who supported Syrian uprising slain in Lebanon

UN nuclear head "positive" ahead of Iran visit

Sudan Releases Captured Foreigners

Bahrain condemns Iran's Gulf 'flagrant meddling'

Italy PM Monti shortens US trip after bomb and quake

Cory Booker Hits Obama Campaign for Attacks on Private Sector - YouTube

Axelrod says Romney's Mormon religion off limits

Where Romney, Sen. Brown stand on various issues

Republicans doubling down on debt limit showdown strategy

Republicans Give Nod to Shimkus Aide in Congressional Race

PolitiFact NJ: Pro-Christie ad touts balanced budgets as part of 'reform movement'

South Fort Myers Congressman Mack's home still an issue

Coming soon to a TV near you: Political ads

George Will Slams New York Times for Joe Ricketts Story

Arizona Secretary Of State Says It’s ‘Possible’ Obama Won’t Be On Ballot | TPMMuckraker

Facebook Flops: Look Out Below!

Commerce Department imposes tariffs on Chinese solar panels

China's Wen makes growth 'economic priority'

GM to Forgo Pricey Super Bowl Ads

Yahoo Said in Talks to Sell 20% of Alibaba for $7 Billion

Mark Zuckerberg Masters The Privacy Settings On His Wedding

Google Can Finally Own Motorola And The Deal Will Close Imminently

Facebook IPO fuels Bay Area spending boom

New Wii U design leaks

Where Karma Could Take Facebook

Kristen Wiig's Teary Saturday Night Live 'Graduation'

Mick Jagger's Best 'SNL' Moments

AFP: Lady Gaga to go on in Philippines despite rallies

Baron Cohen: 'The Dictator' inspired by Khadafy

Dr. Grump Makes His Final Rounds

John Travolta Accuser -- John Doe #2 ID'd

Bono is richest musician thanks to Facebook

Sean Penn Explodes in Cannes: 'The Whole F---ing World Abandoned Haiti'

Cannes2012: Paradise: Love about European women sex tourists and African gigolos up for Palme d'Or | Mail Online

Children, young adults suffer most from solar eclipse blindness

New-found exoplanet is evaporating away

Ancient Turtle Was as Big as Small Car

Deep-sea microbes live life in the extremely slow lane

NASA estimates 4700 'potentially hazardous' asteroids

Ecological Chains Worldwide Being Damaged

Living virus generates electricity

"Good" Cholesterol Not So Good After All, New Study Shows

US baby boomers urged to take hepatitis C blood test

Why do men like meat? Answer may be obvious

Georgia woman with flesh-eating disease in "critical" condition

Red meat and butter 'could raise Alzheimer's risk'

A potential respite from AIDS

Pet food recall that won't end? Diamond cat food now risky.

Nighttime fasting may foster weight loss

Live longer with a cup of coffee! - Lifestyle News

Canada approves historic life-saving stem-cell drug for children


The Music Never Stopped

Estimated Prophet

Friend Of The Devil

When I Paint My Masterpiece


Box Of Rain

Desolation Row

Broken Arrow

Crazy Fingers

Eyes Of The World

So Many Roads

Wave to the Wind

Queen Jane Approximately


Brokedown Palace

The Wheel

The Weight

Morning Dew

Ship of Fools

Attics of My Life

Way To Go Home

West L.A. Fadeaway

Ramble On Rose

Lazy River Road


Prison » Bilderberg Agenda Attracts National Exposure

Prison » Mass Stockholm Syndrome Gripping The Planet!

Mass Stockholm Syndrome Gripping The Planet! - YouTube

The Government Is Raping You: Sibel Edmonds - YouTube

Obama Blackmailed by the Clintons? - YouTube

Prison » Explosive Gun Battle: Brothers In Arms

Incredible Explosions and Fiery Tracers - YouTube

Alex Responds to Obama's Text Editor's So Called 'Mistake' - YouTube

Prison » Barack Obama Is The First United Nations President

Prison » Provocateurs Entrap Patsies as NATO War Council Plans Mass Murder

Prison » America Will Attack Iran Because U.S. Leaders Want To Increase The Threat of Global Terrorism

Prison » Beware false flag attack on Chicago NATO Summit by US War Criminals

Obama and the War Criminals - YouTube

Facebook users file class action suit in US over web tracking | Technology |

Activist Post: Facial Recognition Goes Trendy with SceneTap's Biometric Barhopping App

Prison » eOne Orders Takedown Of End Game!

eOne Orders Takedown Of End Game! - YouTube

Prison » Local Governments Have the Power to Restrict Drone Surveillance in the US

The Reality of Compromised Obama - YouTube

Prison » The Facebook IPO: The Last Great Wall Street Party


Why Voting “Not Romney” Is Rational for Conservatives (Part 1)

Why Voting “Not Romney” Is Rational for Conservatives (Conclusion)


The Country Thinker » Keynesian “Cart-Before-the-Horse” Economics Has Corrupted Academia, Politics, and the Media

Unintended Consequences of Government Regulation

Lesons of Caine's Pestilence - Why Bernie Madoff and Barack Obama are Doppelgangers


Suggested Reading, and How to Read - A Brief Guide to Knowledge Seekers - YouTube


Going Beyond the Dialectic, Trans Resister Radio - YouTube


Fracking Safety Improves Dramatically, Says Independent Study - Forbes

Securitization of Solar PV Leases, PPAs on the Horizon - CleanTechnica

Renewable Aviation Fuel: A Market in the Making

The American Spectator : The Kultursmog Is Kaput

Ebook Crowdfunding Platform Launched - Author reexamines perception of Gen. U. S. Grant

The Discovery of HIV as the Cause of AIDS — NEJM

'The Golden Age of Silicon Valley Is Over, and We're Dancing on its Grave' - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

Wearing a Computer Is Good for You - Technology Review

Facebook vs. Twitter -

Google+: still not as interesting as Pinterest, new study finds | Technology |

Google has spoiled the fun for affiliates – Dan Pearce – The Kernel

Nikola Tesla Wasn't God And Thomas Edison Wasn't The Devil - Forbes

A Computer User’s Guide to Cloud Storage -

Could We Trust an Army of Killer Robots? -

Bronze-Age 'Facebook' Stone Conveyed 'Likes' : Discovery News

A Year After the Non-Apocalypse: Where Are They Now? | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’ full remarks to Georgetown University’s Public Policy Institute - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

What is the Bible For? | First Things

G-8 Challenge Is to Set Conditions for Future Growth

Americans, Canadians Lose Faith in NAFTA

The G8 Summit: What Happened to Obama’s Pivot From Europe to Asia? - The Daily Beast

Opinion: NATO’s enduring ties to Afghanistan - Anders Fogh Rasmussen -

"Globalizing NATO" by Anne-Marie Slaughter | Project Syndicate

Obama’s Journey to Reshape Afghan War -

After the Arab spring -

Ten paradoxes in Israeli foreign poli... JPost - Opinion - Op-Eds

Libya rises fast from the ashes - The National

Cuban embargo and defending U.S. property rights - Other Views -

Why the Internet Makes It Impossible to Stop Giant Wall Street Losses - Bill Davidow - Business - The Atlantic

Is Insider Trading Part of the Fabric on Wall Street? -

How Spam Meat Has Survived Spam E-Mail - Businessweek

Can a side gig help your career? - Fortune Management

Preying on the Poor | The Nation

Louisiana Incarcerated -

The 1 Percent Solution - Jim Tankersley -

Top 26 Revolving Door Universities - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets

What Makes Countries Rich or Poor? by Jared Diamond | The New York Review of Books

The latest `repeal and replace' bait-and-switch - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Health Savings Accounts Could Bring Health Costs Down; Too Bad Obamacare Destroys Them

House GOP Floats 2-Stage Process for Tax Reform | Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget

Our Age of Anxiety | The Weekly Standard

The Campaign Against Women -

The Weekend Interview with Abigail Thernstrom: The Good News About Race in America -

Doyle McManus: Healthcare ruling and the November election -

Rev. Wright urged to stay silent until after 2012 | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Joe Sixpack Get Lost! | The Daily Caller

Roger’s Rules » Who Is Barack Obama? The Question that Won’t Go Away

Mark Landsbaum: Don’t buy Jerry Brown’s poor-mouthing | brown, california, tax - Opinion - The Orange County Register

When government is the looter - The Washington Post

Do You Want the Good News First? -

How National Belt-Tightening Goes Awry - Economic View -




Marco Rubio as vice president: the Bilderberg conspiracy - Kenneth P. Vogel -

» Washington Post Suggests Bilderberg Group To Pick Romney’s Running Mate Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

G8 summit ends with artificial ‘hopetimism’ — RT

8 Drug cartel suspects arrested in Mexico | Fox News Latino

GOP House leaders increase pressure on Holder to comply with subpoena | Fox News

Are RINO's & Democrats planning a surprise attack in Tx GOP primary

America Needs a New Definable Political Labeling Structure.

Obamacide Of American Nation Warned to Accelerate

Man With 30 Kids — By 11 Different Mothers — Seeks Child Support Help

Reporter Gets Slapped After Trying to Kiss Will Smith on the Lips

NATO Protests: Demonstrators March on Rahm Emanuel’s House

Eric Holder Gets Fast and Furious Criticism From…Van Jones?

3 NATO Protesters Facing Terror Charges After Allegedly Trying to Make Molotov Cocktails Ahead of Summit

Amazing Rescue: Chinese Workman Left Suspended 30 Feet in the Air After Floor Collapses Beneath Him

Reporter Mocks Mitt Romney By Arriving on Red Carpet in Dog Kennel

‘Pure Terrorism’: Bombing Outside Italian School Kills Teen Girl, Wounds Others

See What It’s Like to Run a Half Marathon…in a Hot Air Balloon

Leaf Blower + Photographer = Incredible Pictures You’ll Want to See!

Facebook Bans Mother for Posting Photos of Baby Born With Severe Birth Defect

Ariz. Secretary of State Threatens to Keep Obama’s Name Off Ballot Without Birth Certificate Verification

‘Steaksaw’: This Is What You Get When You Combine Steak Knives and a Power Drill

Is That a Man Falling Out of a House Window During a Live TV Report? Yes It Is!


*These Are The 20 Best Jobs That Don’t Require a College Degree


Teacher Warns Student About Speaking Badly About Obama |

SNL Al Sharpton Routine | Keenan Thompson | Mick Jagger | Video |

Mick Jagger SNL Presidential Election Blues Song | Jeff Beck | Video |

Up to 1,000 Protesters March Through Chicago | NATO Summit Protests | Occupy Wall Street | Video |

Newark Democratic Mayor Cory Booker Hits Obama for Anti-Romney Bain Ad | Video |

‘The Covenant’ Author Tim Ballard Joins Glenn Beck | Video |

Schumer & Reid: GOP Is Retarding Growth on Purpose! |

Did Ed Klein Violate Journalistic Ethics by Lying to Rev. Jeremiah Wright During Interview for ‘The Amatuer’? |

Allegedly Obsessed Canadian Man Blows Up Female Coworker’s House After Six-Hour Standoff With Police |

Marc and Beverly Ostrofsky of Houston Spend $1.5 Million on College for Five Daughters |

50 Treated After Massive School Bus Pile Up En Route to Six Flags on I-20 |

G8 Summit Juggles Eurozone Crises at Camp David |

Karl Rove 2012 Electoral Prediction: North Carolina and Indiana Gone for Obama, Wisconsin a Battleground State | Video |

I’ll Have Another Wins Preakness Before Triple Crown | Video |

Holder Could Be Prosecuted if He Stonewalls Gun Probe Any Further | American Free Press

Over 1,000 join 2nd day of anti-NATO protests in Chicago (PHOTOS, VIDEO) — RT

Activist Post: Google's New Search Tool to Use CIA and World Bank as Sources for 'Facts'

The birthers are back! The birthers are back! - She The People - The Washington Post

AIPAC Congress « MJ Rosenberg

Tajikistan ban Sacha Baron Cohen's new film Dictator because it's not compatible with nation's 'mentality' | Mail Online

NORAD intercepts 2 aircraft near Camp David - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times

Transgender at five - The Washington Post

Trayvon Martin case 911 call: Two experts reach two very different conclusions - The Washington Post

'Reporter's Privilege' Under Fire From Obama Administration Amid Broader War On Leaks

FBI 'looking at' law making Web sites wiretap-ready, director says | Security & Privacy - CNET News


*2010 U.S. Religious Census Most and Least Religious Counties in America |

*Religious Congregations & Membership Study


How to Write Democrat Autobiographies (or Naked Came the Kenyan Cherokee)

Jews, Jewish Leftists, and the Anti-Semitic Left

Why Wright Matters: Obama's on a Mission from God

A Glimpse of What Privatized Roads Could Look Like

Obama's Moral Compass

Ways to Talk about the Firing of Naomi Schaefer-Riley

Why I Don't Give to Beggars

Losing Egypt, Losing the Mid-East

Why Obama Touted Foreign Birth

Half of Florida students fail reading test

An unexpected encounter with Chicago NATO protestors

Surprise endorsement of Walker by liberal newspaper

California's high speed rail boondoggle just won't die

'NATO 3' plotted to firebomb Obama campaign headquarters

Only 16 states increased jobs under Obama

For Equity Markets, Week of Facebook Worse Than Week of Lehman

Obama and Warren, the fabulists

Obama says recovery takes both 'growth and cutting'

Why Kenyan Birth Claim Was No 'Fact Checking Error'

Obama's Chicago Thug Way Invades Wisconsin

Demographic Tipping Point: Whites Now Less than Half of US Births

Romney Is Wrong on Wright

The Vanishing Feeling of Freedom

J.P. Morgan and the Credit Default Swaps Monster

Economists Are Not Historians

Fatwa: Islam's Murder by Fiat

In Defense of Enhanced Interrogation Techniques

Progressing toward Moral Darkness

Why the Obama Campaign Is Blowing the Election

Will the Word 'Likeable' Stick to Obama?

Why is the U.S. doing Special Ops exercise with Egypt and Pakistan?

60 Minutes Veils Education Jihad

The Rules Are Changing for Talking about Race

Racism and the PC Inquisition

Obama Invictus

Obama and the Marxist/Communist View of Marriage and Abortion

Now about Obama's Teenage Years!

Discouraged Democrat Voters May Mean Historic Sweep for GOP

For Obama, Gay Is Green

Barack Obama in the Twelve-Step Program

The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House

Does the Gay Agenda Supersede the Human Agenda?

The Problem with Gays and Voters: Whom can we trust?

Can Obama Learn from the Successful Economies?

The Spy on Your Cell Phone Is a Professional

Why Obama Challenged Arizona's Immigration Law

Naomi Schaefer Riley and the Corruption of the Academy

SCOTUS and Religious Freedom's Slippery Slope

If Same Sex Marriage Is a Civil Rights Issue...

Should critically discussing Islam be a form of hate speech?

Mitch Daniels: Here's How to Trounce Obama

The Risk/Reward of Student Debt

American Sovereignty: LOST at Sea?

The Constitution, Deprivation of Life, and Personhood

Obama's Marriage Masquerade

Spinning Same-Sex Marriage

The Rights of Indigenous People and the Rest of Us

Hate Group Associations Disqualify Obama

Bowing to Islamic Supremacy

Why the Health Nazis Are on the March

National Security - 'Change You Can Believe In'

Is There Still a Principled Defense of Traditional Marriage?

Can We Avoid “Taxmageddon” in 2013?

All Things to All People

Barack Looks Like Treyvon

Dems Want To Give New Meaning To The Phrase “If It Moves, Tax It”

Elizabeth Warren: Senate Candidate, Marxist Author & Shameless Race Grifter

The real reason Obama won’t get re-elected

Barack Obama’s New Slogan: The Buck(s) Stop Here!

America’s Antique Air Force

What’s Mine is Mine What’ s Yours is Negotiable

Agenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or Threat

New Obama Strategy – ‘Hot Button Issues’ in Your Face

Ten Ways to Reduce the Risk of Cancer

The Rise of Black-on-White Violence

Why is the New England Historic Genealogical Society Lying Abut Warren’s Amer. Indian Claims?

Convenient Lies and Governance of the Earth

Vindication for Obama Birthers?


Saturday, 5/19/12 - Batchelor 9pm

Saturday, 5/19/12 - Batchelor 10pm

Saturday, 5/19/12 - Batchelor 11pm

Saturday, 5/19/12 - Batchelor 12am

Saturday, 5/19/12 Larry Kudlow

Friday, May 18th, 2012 RED EYE 1

Friday, May 18th, 2012 RED EYE 2

Thursday, May 17th, 2012 RED EYE 1

Thursday, May 17th, 2012 RED EYE 2

Wednesday, May 16th, 2012 RED EYE 1

Wednesday, May 16th, 2012 RED EYE 2

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012 RED EYE 1

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012 RED EYE 2

Monday, May 14th, 2012 RED EYE 1

Monday, May 14th, 2012 RED EYE 2


Historic American Newspapers - Chronicling America (

*20 May

American Minute for May 20th

Today in History: May 20

Today in History: May 20

May 20th in History

This Day in History for 20th May |

May 20 Events in History

May 20th This Day in History

Today in History for May 20th - YouTube


Cory Booker Sandbags Obama Campaign on Bain Messaging

Rep. Steve King Falsely Claims Number of Uninsured Would Increase Under 'Obamacare'

Compassionate Conservatism: Romney Meets Medical Marijuana Patient

Mayor Bloomberg: Requiring Subsidized Businesses To Pay Living Wage Is Like The USSR

Pat Buchanan Denies Making Racist Comments That Got Him Fired From MSNBC

Updated: When You Hear GOP Call To 'Repeal and Replace' the ACA, Remember The Hermosillo Sisters

NYPD Loses 2nd Occupy Wall Street Trial

ALEC Wants To Make It Illegal For State AGs To Go After Companies On Behalf Of Consumers

Bill Maher Knocks Liberty University: It Cheapens My Degree From a Real School

Americans Elect Dies A Quiet Death

What, US Worry? NRC, FEMA Relax Practice Drills And Evacuation Standards Near Nuke Plants

Fox News Psychiatrist: 'Narcissistic' LGBT Adoptions Will Lead to Polygamy

TED's Chris Anderson Offers Up Tepid Defense for Blocking Hanauer Video

Saudi Arabia bans use of English, Gregorian calendar

Obama at G8: We are united on Iran

Report: Syria rebels kill Assad's Defense Minister, brother-in-law near Damascus - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

UAE's aerospace dream blooms in the desert

flashback:Newstalgia Reference Room - The 1936 Democratic Convention


World Crisis Radio 05-19-12 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 05-19-12 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 05-19-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 05-19-12 Hr 2

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