A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

02 May 2012

2 May '12


The Michael Savage Show 05/01/2012


Ron Paul 2012 -Banned Commercial - YouTube

Executive Order 9066 - CSPAN Documentary On US Concentration Camps

The Debt Generation - YouTube

Real Politics Must be in the Streets: The Constitutional Crimes of Barack Obama | This Can't Be Happening


Proof: Kennedy Autopsy Was Botched - Single Bullet Theory Exploded - Argosy - July 1967


* Zapruder Frames - Costella Combined Edit


Lies about the Kennedy and Forrestal Deaths


Twilight Language: JFK Doctors Are Dying


JFK Assassination /The Garrison Tapes:


UFO NEWS | VIDEO | New Animation of Radar Data Shows Stephenville UFO Heading Toward President Bush’s Ranch

UFO Sightings in Indian Country -

Under 'dark halo' old galaxies have many more stars


Origin of the Universe: The Big Bang - YouTube


Cosmic Origins Part 1 of 2 - YouTube

Cosmic Origins Part 2 of 2 - YouTube


Cosmic Conflict - The Origin of Evil (AmazingFacts) - YouTube




Documentary Movie Narrated By Ed Asner Blocked By Court Politics?

Paul Stamets at TEDMED 2011 - YouTube

Pesticide Exposure Found to Lower Intelligence

Amol Rajan: We are only now discovering the secrets of the soul - Commentators - Opinion - The Independent


National UFO Center ;George Filer -


Obama Makes Free Speech A Felony - YouTube

The EyeOpener- Fahrenheit 2012: Suppressing Dissent in the 21st Century

One Year Later: Obama Lands In Afghanistan

Obama's Middle Class Problem, Job Losses: Video - Bloomberg


Rense & Jordan Maxwell - Today's Corruption is the Old Perfected - YouTube

Rense & Jordan Maxwell - Today's Corruption is the old Perfected Part 2 - YouTube

Rense & Jordan Maxwell - Today's Corruption is the old Perfected Part3 - YouTube


Officials Watch for Terrorists With Body Bombs on US-Bound Planes - ABC News

HAARP Continues To Murder Sea Life « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

S.S.R.Lies music video - 2012 edition - exposes the psychiatric drugging of children - YouTube

VIDEO | Unidentified Flying Objects: The True Story of Flying Saucers

How garlic can prevent a dicky tummy: Ingredient '100 times more powerful at fighting food poisoning than antibiotics' | Mail Online

Britain 'has worst social mobility in the Western world' | Mail Online

Exploding iceberg in Antarctica! - YouTube

Breaking AMAZING News caster tells people,goverment satanists exposed,wake up,29/06/11,MP4,mp4. - YouTube

Coroner of Andrew Breitbart Poisoned Amid Suspicious Circumstances As Trail of Death Continues :

Amtrak Forms New Department to be Headed by Former FEMA Official, Signals Tighter Integration :

Big vs Small Bank Loans :

One WTC ‘Freedom Tower’ is Now the Tallest Building in NYC as Terror Rhetoric Continues :


Nazi Engineers, Secret U.S. Military Bases, and Elevators To The Subterranean and Submarine Depths (Part 1) :

Where Are All the Deep Underground Military Bases? (Part 2) :


Letters From the Underground Mail Bag: Subterranean Labyrinths, Underground Bases, and Hollowed Out Norwegian Mountains :


L.A. to N.Y. in Half an Hour: 10,000 Plus M.P.H. Tunnel Train Used for Underground Bases? :


Richard Sauder and Underground Bases on the Intel Hub Part 1 - YouTube

Richard Sauder and Underground Bases on the Intel Hub Part 2 - YouTube

Richard Sauder and Underground Bases on the Intel Hub Part 3 - YouTube


Secret underground and underwater bases Richard Sauder on The Vinny Eastwood Show - YouTube


* The Very High Speed Transit System


Jason Bermas on Military Cyborg Contacts, Reptilian Overlords, Secret Service Scandal, and More - YouTube

Activist Post: FDA Allows Corporations to 'Recondition' Old Food

The Unexplainable Store -

“A Staggering Mess” as Tsunami Debris Hits Alaska Coast Early | The SunBreak

Video: Harley Davidson from Japan tsunami found on Canada beach - Telegraph

Inalienably Yours: The Regime's Guide to Good Citizenship

BP to start three new Gulf of Mexico oil rigs | Business | The Guardian

Phase one of the British Prime Ministers attempt to form a total “Police State” « Eyre International – Bringing You The News No One Else Wants To Bring You

A King’s Ransom | Kirwan's Art & Articles

National Alliance for Family Court Justice

FCC requires top market TV stations to post political ad data online | 89.3 KPCC

Union Power Exposed: Their Wallets Are Deep, I Mean DEEP

Why? – 21 Unanswered Questions That They Don’t Want You To Look Into

Activist Post: Amtrak forms new department to be headed by former FEMA official, signals tighter integration

Private Companies Intend to Strip Mine Asteroids :

U.S. Navy | Agriculture Defense Coalition

Video: China will overtake the US to become the world's largest economy in five years - Telegraph

Boeing's trade-in deal with Chinese airline | Business | The Guardian

If Murdoch Thought the Worst Was Over, He Was Wrong « Zen Haven

Adaptation of Egypt H5N1 Toward Human Transmission

Recognizing the Vitamin D and Weight Loss Connection

Murder At Harvard Law School: A Cold Case File, A Photo Of Obama « Terrible Truth by Martha Trowbridge

You Did It! The GMO Labeling Initiative WILL Be on the Ballot in California! | The Alliance for Natural Health USA

NBC: “Jay Leno on nuclear leak” at San Onofre (VIDEO)

Ehud Barak restates case for military strike on Iran's nuclear programme | World news |

Activist Post: A Morning of Empire TV Will Numb Your Mind

Activist Post: The Silent War Within the Brains of U.S. Soldiers

Revealed, the double standards of US over Mckinnon extradition as | Mail Online

London 2012: snipers to patrol skies over Olympic Games | Sport |

Olympic defence missiles 'don't work in bad weather' - Telegraph

Roy Tov – Israel About to Declare Early Elections in Late 2012

Why Were The Trillions In Fake Bonds Held In Chicago Fed Crates? | ZeroHedge

To Joliet jail for NATO offenders? - Chicago Sun-Times


+ Frontline On Financial Fraud -

+Watch Online | The Madoff Affair | FRONTLINE | PBS


FBI Hatches Another Terror Scare, Arrests 5 Anarchists in Plot to Blow Up Cleveland Bridge :

HSUS: No affiliation with pet shelters! « The PPJ Gazette

Top 10 genetically modified foods to avoid eating -

Law Professor: Megaupload Prosecution A 'Depressing Display Of Abuse Of Government Authority' -

The Advance of a One World Government and a North American Union -

Letter Shows Monsanto Planted GMOs Before USDA Approval -

How Monsanto Planted GMO Alfalfa Before Allowed by USDA - YouTube

This Is the First Time In History that All Central Banks Have Printed Money at the Same Time … And They’re Failing Miserably -

The CIA’s Inquisition: How Terrorism And Conspiracy Theory Became The New Blasphemy And Heresy -

The New World Order: Paranoia Or Reality? -

Obama Information Czar Cass Sunstein Confronted on Cognitive Infiltration of Conspiracy Groups - YouTube

Report: Guns used in Mexico lawyer's murder traced to Operation Fast and Furious - El Paso Times

Class Warfare Is Being Used To Divide America – And It Is Working -


US, Japan strengthen military ties against China

Public Schools Use GPS Uniforms to Track Students! (Nanny of the Month, April 2012) - YouTube

Ron Paul vs. Paul Krugman on Bloomberg TV - April 30, 2012 - YouTube

Key witness to RFK assassination says Sirhan Sirhan didn't act alone: "The truth has got to be told. No more cover-ups." - informationliberation

RFK Assassination Witness Comes Forward, Says There Was 2 Shooters - YouTube

Kentucky Supreme Court Rules Highway Checkpoints Illegal - informationliberation

Since bin Laden’s death -

Activist Post: One Year On, Still No Evidence For Osama Bin Laden's Killing

Al-Qaida porn: Terror group hid plans in sex video, reports say | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Bin Laden said to have wanted Obama assassinated - Yahoo! News

Elizabeth Warren Caught in Lie: Claimed To Be "Minority" -- Turns Out She's Only 1/32nd Cherokee Indian - informationliberation

The Ugly Truth About Obama's War on Medical Marijuana - informationliberation

HOT: Breitbart's Coroner Possibly Poisoned to Death - informationliberation

The Empire Strikes Back: Attack of the Drones - informationliberation

How Much Cheaper Everything Used To Be - Business Insider

Economics By and For Human Beings - informationliberation

Political Capitalism in Action by Wendy McElroy

Empire of Capital

David Horowitz and the Art of Slander

Video/Norman Finkelstein: American Radical

We Japanese Americans Must Not Forget Our Wartime Internment

So Long, US Dollar

Urban Revolution Is Coming

Bin Laden's Death Has Had Zero Impact on America's Security:


* BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- May 1, 2012


China’s Land Bridge to Turkey Creates New Eurasian Geopolitical Potentials

The King’s Propaganda

Bringing the ‘War on Terrorism’ Home by Justin Raimondo --

American Foreign Policy: Have Gun, Will Travel by Ivan Eland --

Waking Up to the Drones by Kelley B. Vlahos --

Obama in Afghanistan to Sign Deal to Continue War Through 2024 -- News from

Pentagon: Tons of Weapons Stuck in Pakistan -- News from

Irrational Exuberance? Libya Expects $1 Trillion in Foreign Cash -- News from

Is Rubio running for veep, or Globocop? | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Why Al-Qaeda May Never Die | The National Interest Blog

Gitmo trials ‘not the U.S. at its best’ - Other Views -

Why I Interrupted Obama Counterterrorism Adviser John Brennan by Medea Benjamin --

Jose Rodriguez CIA Book - Waterboards, Drones, and the Drones Who Love Them - Esquire

Drones invade campus -

Fukushima: A Nuclear War without a War: The Unspoken Crisis of Worldwide Nuclear Radiation

EURASIAN ECONOMIC BOOM AND GEOPOLITICS: China’s Land Bridge to Europe: The China-Turkey High Speed Railway


UN Mute Over NATO's Syrian Death Squads

MAY 1ST. Obama's Election Campaign. Labor Unions and the Occupy Movement

In 2012, Brace Yourself For Obama’s Occupy ‘Part Deux’

What Obama Knows

ISRAEL'S "MESSIANIC FEELINGS" TOWARDS IRAN: Israeli Military Intelligence Clashes with Government

Croatia and Nazi Germany : April 10, 1941: A Dark Day In History

Al-Qaeda in Syria: Pretext for Intervention

VIDEO: Nuclear "Security" and Nuclear Hypocrisy

China’s Rise, America’s Fall. Which Superpower is more Threatened by its “Extractive Elites”?

Obama's Election: The Democrats Need the Unions

Osama Bin Laden: Everyone Is Missing the Big Picture

Welcome to the Asylum: Capitalism, a Ceaseless and Futile Quest for Money and Goods

ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: India's "Bilateral Investment Treaties": A New Form of Colonialism?

The Piece of Paper that Killed Bin Laden

PAKISTAN'S NUCLEAR PROGRAM: Reagan-era Tensions over Early Pakistani Nuclear Program

Early "Psychological Warfare" Research and the Rockefeller Foundation

Insider Trading 9/11: Allegations that informed circles made substantial profits in financial markets in connection to 9/11

America's Drone Command Centers: Remote Warriors Operate Computer Keyboards and Joysticks

The Supposed Legality of Murder

The 9/11 Attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC): Unspoken Financial Bonanza

POLICE STATE: "Robots R’US": Military-style Drones on 63 Military Bases In The USA

CIVIL LIBERTIES, REMOTE SPYING AND THE DRONE LOBBY: Opening US Domestic Airspace to Unmanned Drones

'Festive, Righteous Anger': Occupy Makes May-Day Comeback With Massive Demonstrations

Why Is the Conservative Brain More Fearful? The Alternate Reality Right-Wingers Inhabit Is Terrifying

Why Are Universities Buying Up Drones Faster Than Police Departments?

Why the GOP's Really Afraid of a "Cool" Obama

Fascist America: Have We Finally Turned The Corner?

Friends, Followers and the Future: How Social Media Is Changing Our News and Our Lives

Class Warfare Is Being Used To Divide America – And It Is Working

the Hipcrime Vocab: What If A Collapse Happened And Nobody Noticed?

Martial Red Zone In America: Heavily Armed Security Teams To Patrol Chicago, Feds Prepare for Mass Detentions, Evacuation Planning Underway

‘War’ promised if IRS attacks church speech

*Audio: Lew Rockwell/CIA Killers

A Taste of Realism by Fred Reed

A Conservative Christian Warmonger by Laurence M. Vance

Greeks old and young united in disdain for ruling parties - Yahoo! News

Is Attachment Parenting 'Anti-Libertarian?' by Jessica McMaken

Roosevelt Demands Unconditional Surrender

The Wal-Mart Mordida Monster by Christopher Manion

The TSA's mission creep is making the US a police state | Jennifer Abel | Comment is free |

BBC News - Levittown at school: Life and debt in a gloomy economy

Ron Paul Wins Louisiana & Massachusetts Caucuses

Want an AR-15 in Your Arsenal?

12 Civilizations That Mysteriously Vanished | Before It's News

10 Forms Of Ancient Electricity | Before It's News

Joel Skousen : America to be Nuked This Summer | Gerald Celente Trends Blog




Bombshell! -- FEMA Camps Confirmed: Nightly News - Video | Before It's News




Benjamin Fulford: Chaos On Multiple Fronts As Controlled Implosion Of Financial Cabal Continues | Before It's News

5 Greatest Unsolved Archaeological Mysteries | Before It's News

Kill Em' All Kissinger's Satanic NWO Advice

The Definition Of Insanity

The Jesuit Oath And The Politicians The Jesuits Have Produced


Top 10 Facts About Nymphomaniacs | Before It's News


+ “12 Cool Startups Catering To The Homeschool Crowd | Before It's News


Seattle Attorney Andrew Basiago Claims U.S. Sent Him On Time Travels (VIDEO)


+36 min./Bob Tuskin Speaks with Andrew Basiago: Time Travel and Project Pegasus At Free Your Mind Conference - YouTube


Sexperiment: 7 Days to Lasting Intimacy With Your Spouse (Book Review) | Covenant Eyes

[Graphic] Horrific Proof Aliens Mutilating Humans | Before It's News

Alien Abductees - And The Pictures They Drew To Prove It | Before It's News

Raw Reports, Nuclear Threat from Germany (updated) | Veterans Today

New Obama Executive Order Pushes Us Closer To A North American Union | Before It's News

Shocking Longevity Miracles Of Qi Gong Masters | Before It's News

CHRIS HOLLY'S Paranormal World: Are We Visiting US from the Future or is it all Alien Intrusion ?


Real Politics Must be in the Streets: The Constitutional Crimes of Barack Obama | This Can't Be Happening

Obama Nazi Posters Go Viral | Before It's News

Farrakhan Unleashed: Obama Will Be Assassinated by ‘Hardcore Racists, Tea Party Zealots’ in His Second Term (PLUS: They Have Already Found the Muslim to Do It!) | Video |

Fox News Anchor Declares Obama is Eligible | Before It's News

Worlds Oldest Living Tree Discovered In Sweden | Before It's News

Tragic Brothers Develop 'Benjamin Button' Disease As They Revert To Childhood | Before It's News

Longer Sleep Times May Counteract Genetic Factors Related To Weight Gain | Before It's News

Clean Drinking Water For Everyone Even From Muddy Water | Before It's News

Zombie Apocalypse House Weapon | Before It's News

What Does The Bible Say About Salvation?

Living in Parallel Quantum Worlds | Before It's News

Whispers of Mystery: The Tree of Duality

World Trade Center 2004-2012- Time lapse Video | Before It's News

One World Trade Center 2004-2012 - YouTube

Gods Final Warning! The most important video you will ever watch in your life! (April 30, 2012) - YouTube

100 Black Teens Beat White Couple In Norfolk VA | Before It's News

The beauty of pollination - YouTube

10 Celebrated Geniuses Who Died Penniless | Before It's News

What Online Social Networks May Know About Non-Members | Before It's News


**Cooking and Recipes


David Icke - We Are Genius! - YouTube

The Hidden Secrets of Egypt Pyramids (Harun Yahya) | Before It's News

The hidden secrets of Egypt Pyramids (Harun Yahya) - YouTube


**Average Joe Bodybuilder: 103 Suspected 9-11 Criminal Coconspirators


+Baking Soda is Proving to be an Effective Treatment for Cancer | Before It's News

Bomb Explodes As Obama Leaves Afghanistan | Before It's News

Huge Explosion In Kabul Just Hours After Obama Splits | Before It's News


**Text - Obama’s Speech in Afghanistan -


USSA? Time For A New Solidarity! (Solidarnosc!) | Before It's News

Terrorist And Obama Mentor Bill Ayers Participates In #Occupy Freak Show | Before It's News

Former ’60s Activist Bill Ayers Among May Day Protesters - ABC News

New Poll: One in Four Democrats Favors Obamacare’s Repeal | The Weekly Standard

Russia Used Small EMP Mortars to Target Rebel Cellular Communications | Before It's News

1 MILLION pounds of Food on 3 acres. 10,000 fish 500 yards compost - YouTube

Symbolic Pics of the Month (05/12)

States To Use Gold and Silver as Legal Tender

Exposed: Military Internment/Resettlement Operations Manual - YouTube


Activist Post: Exposed: Military Internment/Resettlement Operations Manual


* 326 pg./Restricted U.S. Army Internment and Resettlement Operations Manual


+USArmy InternmentResettlement


The UN and Other Governances are Preparing for an Alien Invasion

UN Mute Over NATO's Syrian Death Squads

Immortal Technique on Occupy: "It's not that we're back, it's that we never left" - YouTube

The New World Order: Paranoia Or Reality?

Graphic: 12 Reminders for Obama Supporters

Obama Campaigns From Kabul: ‘The Tide Has Turned’

Obama in 2006: ‘I’ve had Enough of Using Terrorism as a Wedge Issue in our Politics’

Obama Suggests Romney Might not Have Killed Bin Laden

Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Accuses GOP of 'Making Sure That We Would Redefine Rape'

Obama Campaigns on ‘Contraception Coverage, Guaranteed’

NYT Blogger: 'Cuba May Be the Most Feminist Country in Latin America'

Equal Pay for Equal Work at MSNBC? Liberal Network Refuses to Say

Senator: 'Clearly, This Trip Is Campaign Related;' Obama's 'Spent Past Three Years Gutting Our Military'

Was Panetta Just A Pawn In Obama's Bid To Mislead Americans And Slip Out Of The Country Unnoticed?

Our Anti-Obama Press?

Campaigning in Afghanistan

Chen Case ‘An Engraved Invitation’ for Obama to 'Stand Up For Human Rights’

Taliban Attacks Kabul, Hours After Obama Says the Goal Is Not to Eradicate the Taliban

Obama Campaign Contends HHS Contraception Mandate Won’t Cover Abortifacients

Drug Czar: Legalization, Law Enforcement Approaches 'Not Realistic' in Fighting...

Three Years Have Passed Since Senate Passed a Budget

‘Taxmageddon,’ Coming in 2013, Means You’ll Work Longer Than Ever to Pay for Government

Sebelius Plugs Video Game Workouts for Kids

A Year After Bin Laden’s Death, Poll Finds Little Change in Muslims’ Views of Al-Qaeda

Napolitano: No Salvadoran Secret Service scandal

Sen. John Kerry Expected to Meet With Muslim Brotherhood Presidential Candidate

Judge to Consider Oversight of Zsa Zsa Gabor

YouTube Launches Female Drama, US Olympic Channels

Blaze hits backlot at Tyler Perry Atlanta studios

Secret files missing at National Archives

Environmentalists battle the development and export of coal, natural gas

Obama 'squandered the chance to fully explain his (Afghanistan) exit strategy'

Battle grows over extending tax breaks for wind energy producers

McCain to look into case of Yvonne Baldelli, American missing in Panama

George Zimmerman’s crude Myspace page from 2005 uncovered

Employers could save billions by dropping workers from health plans, report shows

Penalties will drop for pot possession in Maryland

Teens' use of marijuana on the rise, study says

Colorado Senate gives initial OK to stoned-driving limits

Kimmel to Barbara Walters: 'I'm very sowwy'

Obama leads Romney in Va. with or without McDonnell on ticket, poll says

News organizations break ranks on ‘secret’ Obama trip

Dems bet on former surgeon general to win U.S. Senate seat — and help Obama carry Arizona

The case for approving Keystone XL pipeline grows stronger

Think Canola Oil Is a Healthy Alternative to Olive Oil? Then Read This Little Known History | Food | AlterNet

Senators to Postal Service: Don’t close post offices until after Congress acts

Researchers say blue-eyed people may all be related

McConnell turns down Obama invitation to celebrate Kentucky win

The Satanic Salutes Of Alex Jones And Ron Paul | Before It's News

Obama, Karzai Sign US-Afghan Postwar Security Pact

Taliban Kills 7 in Kabul After Obama Visit

Citizens' Access to Information Limited in Many Countries

US Judge Rejects 'Immunity' for Former IMF Chief

Study: Warm Ocean Speeds Antarctic Melting

Multiplayer Computer Games are Big Business for Small Devices

No-Fly Zone To Be Enforced By Shoot-To-Kill Ord - Flash Player Installation

How The White House Smothered The News Of Obama's Trip To Afghanistan

My Way News - Stinging gas sends May Day protesters fleeing

Men Who Plotted To Blow Up Cleveland Bridge Had - Flash Player Installation

Rupert Murdoch's Fox broadcast licences targeted by US ethics group | Media |

Hang-Glider Death In Canada: Instructor Jon Orders Accused Of Eating Evidence In Lenami Godinez Case | World News | Sky News

New Slogan: 'Real Change Is Slow and it Never Happens All at Once' | The Weekly Standard

Michelle: We are “Blessed” to Have Barack | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

BBC News - China activist Chen Guangcheng leaves US embassy

French presidential rivals in last ditch TV debate | Reuters

Secret Service problems much bigger than prostitutes - The Washington Post

Provo report: Secret Service agents investigated after Olympics

Matthews: "So Proud" Of Obama Addressing Troops In Afghanistan | RealClearPolitics

Munch's 'The Scream' may fetch $80M at NYC auction - Yahoo! News

This Treasure Hunter Says He Has Located Bin Laden's Body

Newt Gingrich $4 Million in Debt; Staffers and Creditors Fume - Yahoo! News

New Jersey mother Patricia Krentcil arrested after daughter, 5, burned in tanning booth | Mail Online

Virgin launches Branson-shaped ice cube - Telegraph

Flashback: Network TV Uproar In 2004 At 'Poor Taste' of Brief 9-11 Images in Bush Re-Elect Ads |

Newsweek's Tomasky Spews Anger at GOP: 'Party of Whiners' over Bin Laden Death |

Romney's Gay Nat'l Security Spokesman Resigns After Critics Question His Conservatism |

Obama on Romney and Bin Laden: 'I’d Just Recommend Everybody Take a Look at People’s Previous Statements' |

Chu Memo on Federal Hydropower Reflects ‘Religious Fervor of the Radical Left,’ GOP Lawmaker Says |


+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – May 1st, 2012


42 min./The History of Modern Healthcare with Dr. Peter Glidden - YouTube


Human genes engineered into experimental GMO rice being grown in Kansas |

Dr. Mercola Discusses An Important Topic: GMO - YouTube


49 min./Key Underwear Bomber Witness Runs for U.S. Congress - YouTube


Hollywood’s Trolls – Electronic Frontier Foundation |

Keiser Report: How bankers stole Labor Day (E282) - YouTube

Fahrenheit 2012: Suppressing Dissent in the 21st Century - YouTube

Nuclear "Security" and the Monopolization of Power - YouTube

#OWS May Day Protests Met With Heavy Police Presence, Canine Units, And National Guard Troops With Machine Guns |

Obama Information Czar Confronted Over “Ban Conspiracy Theories” Paper |

YouTube Sends Hundreds of Ron Paul Videos to Memory Hole |

Barry O. and the 'gay thing'

This is happening in America?

Talking Turkey and a new caliphate

Opposing honor killing is 'Islamophobia'?

Liberal dummies on parade

Why accept 'politically incorrect' ads?

J. FARAH: The election fraud lobby

L. KINSOLVING: The Supremes' Obama-burning questions

Here's to gridlock

Don't make trouble!

The 1 percenters support Obama

The inanity of gov't green schemes

YouTube pulls plug on Christian videos

Ohio bridge bombing suspect was Occupy member

New Obama slogan has long ties to Marxism, socialism - Washington Times

Twitter: A New Hideout For Hookers? « CBS Phill - Flash Player Installation

Are you living a ’10′?


28 min./Julian Assange's The World Tomorrow: Slavoj Zizek & David Horowitz (E2) - YouTube


Bill O'Reilly Absolutely DESTROYS Young Leftist Activist Monica Novoa - YouTube

Who is on the President’s Enemies List? Romney Donors

What is a Natural Born Citizen?

Globalist Infiltration of Society at Every Level - YouTube

Prison » Tennessee man Arrested And Imprisoned For Using Cash

Prison » This Is What Being “Unelectable” Looks Like!

Prison » Treasure Hunter Fears Assassination Over Search For Bin Laden’s Body

Homeland Security Official | May Day Solidarity | The Daily Caller

Prison » Tech Giant Warns CISPA Is “Alarming” Threat to Privacy

The Denial of Cass Sunstein: Just Admit What You Have Written - YouTube

Hugo Chavez & Officials Caught in Huge Drug Money Scandal! - YouTube

Prison » Corruption of Andrew Wordes case deepens

Prison » 95 Percent Of The Jobs Lost During The Recession Were Middle Class Jobs

Prison » New Obama Executive Order Pushes Us Closer To A North American Union

Prison » Europe’s Scariest Chart Just Got Scarier-er

Prison » “They Live”, the Weird Movie With a Powerful Message

Obama Moves "Forward" into Marxism - YouTube

Prison » The CIA’s Inquisition: How Terrorism And Conspiracy Theory Became The New Blasphemy And Heresy

Prison » The New World Order: Paranoia Or Reality?

Ethics watchdog asks FCC to revoke Fox's broadcast licenses - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

How The White House Smothered The News Of Obama's Trip To Afghanistan

New Obama slogan has long ties to Marxism, socialism - Washington Times

Sun may soon have four poles, say researchers - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

Prison » NaturalSociety Exclusive: Letter Shows Monsanto Planted GMOs Before USDA Approval

How Monsanto Planted GMO Alfalfa Before Allowed by USDA - YouTube

Cyborg down! New American military uniforms will test soldier's urine to warn of nuclear or biological attack | Mail Online

Prison » S.S.R.Lies music video – 2012 edition – exposes the psychiatric drugging of children

S.S.R.Lies music video - 2012 edition - exposes the psychiatric drugging of children - YouTube

Prison » Another former Westchester TSA officer guilty on federal extortion and bribery charges

+Prison » The History of Modern Healthcare with Dr. Peter Glidden


42 min./The History of Modern Healthcare with Dr. Peter Glidden - YouTube


39 min./Joel Skousen: The Origins of May Day and The Commies - YouTube

45 min./Could The Next False Flag be at Chicago NATO Summit? - YouTube


» From Communism Day to Government Loyalty Day Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul’s stealth state convention takeover - The Washington Post

» 95 Percent Of The Jobs Lost During The Recession Were Middle Class Jobs Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Volokh Conspiracy » Victims of Communism Day

» Tech Giant Warns CISPA Is “Alarming” Threat to Privacy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Rock Center with Brian Williams - President Obama: Bin Laden raid is 'most important single day of my presidency'

Obama Caught In Osama Killing Lies! - YouTube

Romney takes swipe at Obama over bin Laden mission - Video on

Obama to Grandstand Over Boogie Man Osama's Demise - YouTube

Osama bin Laden death: SEALs slam Obama for using them as 'ammunition' in bid to take credit | Mail Online

One Chance. - YouTube

No-Fly Zone To Be Enforced By Shoot-To-Kill Ord - Flash Player Installation

Roswell City Hall, faced with numerous threats, beefs up security - Atlanta buzz |

» Corruption of Andrew Wordes case deepens Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Terror Defendant Convicted in Plot to Bomb New York Subways -

» You are all suspects now. What are you going to do about it? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

John Brennan, White House Counterterrorism Chief, Defends Drone Strikes [UPDATE]

White House: U.S. drone killings legal to combat threats - Yahoo! News

Green Fascism: Death by Wind Turbine - YouTube

Maurice Strong shills for Rio+20 from Canadian newspaper boardrooms

Obama and His Serfs Wish to Keep America Impotent Until Socialism Rules

Maligned Fossil Fuels Engine of Economy

The Forwardism Disease

The Economic Paradox No One Wants to Talk About

Beyond “blood diamonds:” Fingerprinting other conflict minerals

“Miracle material” graphene is thinnest known anti-corrosion coating

Obama Swiftboats Himself

May Day For Communists Or Mayhem Day For OWS

First “microsubmarines” designed to help clean up oil spills

Will Pastors Risk Tax-Free Status to Help Save America?—Calling Black Robe Regiment II

Bin Laden Dead, but the Mission Remains

Proposed Law Would Force Churches to Host Drag Queen Parties

Obama’s Crucifixion of “Big Oil”

Big Brother, the Internet, and Your Right of Privacy

Is Government Running Away From Us or Is It Just The Politicians Running?

Bully Obamas use school rooms and campuses for their messages

Barack Hussein Obama is NOT a “Nice Man”

Debbie Schlussel/Homeland Security Intelligence Chief’s Guilty Plea Shrouds Mystery of Palestinian Muslim Intelligence Analyst

Debbie Schlussel/Navy SEALS “Too White,” Seek More Arabs, Muslims – Why Anti-Semitism Was Added to “Act of Valor”

Limbaugh Advertisers That Bailed Still Claim To Be Associated With Rush

Limbaugh: Behind The Scenes On The Campaign Trail In Kabul With Obama – Parody

Limbaugh: Please Take Us Back to the Mess Obama Inherited

HILARIOUS! May Day #OWS Monkey Cucumber Grape Experiment

Beck ‘Water Boards’ Radio Co-Host With Ensure to Mock ‘60 Minutes’ Report. #HILARIOUS

Rush: CNN Reporters Now Advising ‘Occupy’ On What They Need To Do To Be Taken Seriously

Rush: Dana Perino Is The ‘Piano Teacher’ on Fox News ‘The Five’

MSNBC ‘BROKEN NEWS’: Rush Mocks MSNBC For Using “BREAKING NEWS” Graphic On Year Old Story

Rush: It Was Bill Clinton Who Wouldn’t Pull The Trigger On Osama, Not Romney.

Rush: Maybe Elizabeth Warren Is A ‘White Indian.’ I Wonder If She Qualifies For A Casino.

Limbaugh Convinced Obama Question On Bin Laden Was A Set Up Planted Question

Limbaugh: This Election Is About Two Visions Of A Country… Right VS Left.

Limbaugh: Isn’t Obama’s Bin Laden Campaign Ad A Recruiting Tool For Terrorists?

Limbaugh: Had Obama’s Policies Been Enforced We May Not Have Ever Gotten Bin Laden

‘Team Obama’ Debuts New ‘Forward’ Campaign Video… Featuring Beck, Limbaugh, & Hannity

The Decision for Vice President

Gary Johnson Endorses Judge Jim Gray for Libertarian VP Nomination

Does Abolishing Corporate Tax Advance Individual Liberty?

FBI Kills Article V Convention

Ron Paul's Delegate Strategy (I)

Ron Paul's Delegate Strategy (II): The Ground War

Ron Paul's Delegate Strategy (III): Winning States?

Student Loans/ NDE - 05-01-2012 - YouTube

The Next Yellowstone Supereruption Is Closer Than You Think

5 Mind-Bending Facts About Dreams | Lucid Dreams & Nightmares | LiveScience

Tsunami motorcycle owner located in Japan - British Columbia - CBC News

BBC News - Oetzi the Iceman's blood is world's oldest

This Weekend's 'Supermoon' Will be Year's Largest | Supermoon Full Moon |

BBC News - Automata in the modern age

Who's in charge – you or your brain? | Science | The Observer

Before Her Untimely Death, A Controversial Abductee Declared That The Evidence Was In... | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.

Jurassic pain: Giant 'flea-like' insects plagued dinosaurs 165 million years ago

Ancient Egyptian Mummy Suffered Rare Disease | Mummy Science | LiveScience

Dark Matter May Collide With Atoms Inside You More Often Than Thought | Dark Matter Human Body Collisions |

Obama 2012: Stealing Bush's Legacy

Romney and the '60s

The Campaign Ads That Will Defeat Obama

Black Teen Run Off the Liberal Plantation

The Real Cost of a College Education

Three Cheers for Oil Speculators!

Lisa Jackson Must Go

What Dan Savage Doesn't Know about the Bible and Slavery

Feds to enforce 'no fly zone' during Chicago NATO meeting

Occupy Wall Street May Day 'Relaunch' a Monumental Fizzle

Why conservatives should oppose the renomination of Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana.

Regarding Debt - The Elephant In The Room

Obama's Midnight Ramble to Kabul

Obama, the Warrior?

Obama and the Oil Speculators

The Unintended Consequence of Allowing Student Loan Bankruptcies

The Realization of Osama bin Laden's Dream

Obama's Chicago-Style Campaign

America's Useful Idiots

Fingering Zimmerman: Payback for the Sanford Police?

The Ultimate Appeal to Persuade Fellow Blacks to Stop Voting Democrat

Tarring Jihad's Opponents

Victimhood and 'Choice'

Iran Says New Cyber Warfare Is Attack on Economy

From Russia with Love (of Oil and Gas)

Obama's Epic Green Fail

Seattle mayor issues emergency order after May Day mayhem | Fox News

Osama bin Laden death: SEALs slam Obama for using them as 'ammunition' in bid to take credit | Mail Online

Obama’s New Campaign Slogan “Forward!” Is a Hitler Youth Marching Tune (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

I thought the outside world was paradise, says the only North Korean to escape from prison camp - London Life - Life & Style - Evening Standard

The Volokh Conspiracy » Victims of Communism Day

New Obama slogan has long ties to Marxism, socialism - Washington Times

On surprise Afghanistan visit, Obama says goal of defeating Al Qaeda 'within our reach' | Fox News

Trashed Mission District businesses want answers

Europe’s Jew Hatred Isn’t Just On The Fringe | Via Meadia

Celebrating our "Warrior President" - Glenn Greenwald -

Medicare slush fund shows Obama's abuse of power | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Sovereign Immunity, Part 2

Sovereign Immunity, Part 3

Sovereign Immunity, Part 4

Daley pension deal: You've got to be kidding

Burke: 41 clients do business with City Hall, up 2 in a year

May Day protests might provide preview of what NATO will bring

Mitt Romney is a Swiss-bank-account-owning liar. So says Newt Gingrich. (+video)

Bronzed NJ mom: 5-year-old's burns not from salon

Ex-aide recalls John Edwards' visit with key donor

Warren features Obama in new campaign ad


** MIT, Harvard link up with free online courses


Is there room in the GOP for LGBT?

Barack Obama's Young Life, Relationships Revealed In Biography

Obama Enlists Bill Clinton to Draw in Donations for Re-Election

5 men charged in Ohio bridge bomb plot, FBI says

Rick Perry: God will forgive his 'oops' moment

Gov. Rick Scott rejects request to ban concealed weapons outside GOP convention in Tampa | Fox News

Obama Signs Strategic Pact With Afghan President Hamid Karzai - YouTube

Mystery of a spy found stuffed in a bag

Analysis: Obama has 2 narratives on Afghanistan

Egypt political chaos threatening to foment actual chaos

Human Rights Watch accuses Syria's Bashar Assad of war crimes

Aung San Suu Kyi takes Myanmar parliamentary oath

Murdoch raised during first minister's questions

Iran seeks sanctions rollback as nuke talk goal

UN 'appalled' by Israel treatment of hunger strikers

Parents of missing Madeleine 'more hopeful than ever'

Obama stresses future support role in Afghanistan

Irish Cardinal Rejects New Accusations on Pedophile Priest

Gingrich poised to embrace bitter rival Romney

Newt Gingrich: Frankly, not Mitt Romney's biggest supporter. - YouTube

Mitt Romney: Democrats 'just don't like business very much'

Romney campaigns for small-business vote in VA

The politics of the Bin Laden anniversary

Michael Bloomberg plays the endorsement game again

Senate Republicans push 'pork' aid to some schools

Ron Paul Balks At Supporting Romney, Vows To Take Campaign To RNC

How The Sun traced the Election Night robocalls

Ann Romney: Mitt can be "wild and crazy"

Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event – Las Vegas

How NOT to Investigate Mitt Romney's Mormon Ties

Bob McDonnell to campaign with Mitt Romney in Virginia this week: Another VP tryout? - ABC News

Amazon will make its own TV shows

What if Time Warner has peaked?

Greenpeace activist paraglides into French nuclear plant

Spotify app comes to iPad -- finally

Target Will No Longer Be Offering Amazon's Kindle

Google Street View Controversy Continues to Roil

German court rules against Microsoft on patents

Questions from Oracle v. Google jury hint at copyright violation

Google finally wins DoI cloud apps contract

Jawbone's Jambox, Now With More Jam

Facebook's Lousy Ad Business Is Making Its IPO Is Looking Hairier By The Minute - Here's Why It Doesn't Matter

Dinosaurs were DRAINED of blood by GIGANTIC HORROR FLEAS

Supermoon - Biggest Full Moon of 2012 Occurs This Week - YouTube

'Iceman' mummy holds world's oldest blood cells

'Supermoon' coming this Saturday

New research paints the clearest picture yet of the dinosaurs' final days

Nearly extinct, slew of new skinks found

Yellowstone Supervolcano Eruptions More Frequent Than Thought?

No aliens on Mars? No problem, we will look elsewhere

Foundation to Fund Institute for Theoretical Computer Science

US National Academy Gives Itself a Facelift

NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory sees Remarkable Outburst from Old Black Hole

30000 honeybees removed from Cape May attic

Mom Stumbles Onto Meteorite Worth About $20000

With shuttle's end, space firms seek new direction

Cassini to Probe Enceladus Gravity, Take Pictures

US Ranks 131st in Preterm Births

US to Expedite E. Coli Tracking

Teen marijuana use on the rise, study says

Study examines red wine's anti-aging ingredient

Employers save $422 billion if they dump health coverage. Will they?

Brain's dopamine may explain why some are "slackers" at work

Computer Use And Exercise Could Help Fight Dementia

Study: Teens brains' may predispose them to drug abuse, impulsive behavior

First Look: Amanda Seyfried Shows Some Skin in New Linda Lovelace Poster

Fire at Tyler Perry's studios limited to backlot facade

YouTube aims for 25 hours of original content per day

Video of Kate Upton dancing banned on YouTube

Jessica Simpson's daughter Maxwell Drew could be a $14 million baby

Dave Grohl Shares His 'Best-Kept Secret' In 'Sound City'

Epic New Ad Excoriates Obama For Exploiting Bin Laden’s Death

Okla. Supreme Court Rules Personhood Effort ‘Is Clearly Unconstitutional’

‘Spread the Wealth’: Blogger Offers $10,000 Bounty for Obama’s College Transcripts

Seattle Police Seize a Bag of Feces, Bombs, Rocks, Pry Bars & More From May Day Protesters

Did the Media and Police Ignore Mob Beating of Two White Reporters?

Obama Gives Himself a Shout Out While Addressing Troops: ‘We’ve Got Me In the House’

Fed Presidents: U.S. Could be Headed For ‘Fiscal Cliff’ by the End of 2012

Caught on Video: Cat Stuck on 20-Foot Pole With Doritos Bag on Its Head Falls, Lands on Feet and Lives

Dramatic Footage Captures Hit-and-Run… and the Victim Could be Charged (Graphic)

Defunct or Lying Low? Once Powerful Soros-Backed Project Goes Mysteriously Silent

Watch ‘Face of Progressive Hate?’ Gay Rights Activist Dan Savage Goes on Graphic Rant About Homosexuality & the Pope

Shocking: S. Carolina School Officials Filmed Slapping, Shoving Special Needs Student

Planes Be Warned: Aircraft Violating No-Fly Zone for Chicago NATO Summit Could Be Shot Down

‘I Had to Recycle My Own Urine’: Student Arrested and Forgotten in Cell Goes Days Without Food, Water

Jon Lovitz Sets the Record Straight About His Obama Tax Comments

Scientists Granted Rights to Publish Bird Flu Study With Possible ‘Pandemic’ Implications

Watch Revealed: The FBI Stopped the Cleveland Bomb Plot By Infiltrating Occupy Wall Street

This Microorganism Doesn‘t Fit Into the ’Tree of Life’ and May Become Founder of a New Kingdom

‘He Took My Weed’: The Most Bizarre Home Invasion 911 Call You’ll Hear This Week

‘Our Goal Is to Destroy al-Qaida’: Obama Gives Rousing Speech in Surprise Afghan Visit

Watch ‘Treasure Trove’ of Al-Qaeda Documents Found in…Pornographic Video

Scary? See This Giant ‘Silkworm’ Robot Weave Its Cocoon

Are Atheists More Inclined to Help Their Fellow Man Than Religious People?

What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Aussie Billionaire to Build Titanic II

Navy SEALs Unload on Obama Over Politicizing bin Laden Raid: ‘A No Brainer’

Anti-Gay Attacks Force Romney Foreign Policy Expert to Resign

Little White Lie: Obama Lands in Afghanistan After White House Denies Earlier Report

Ala. Police Chief Shocked to Find Out His Dept. Owns Drones

The Heart-Warming Video of Li Li the ‘Bike Hugging Dog’ You’ll Want to See

‘One of the Most Despicable Things You Can Do’: What Made Arianna Huffington Take Romney’s Side Over Obama?

65-Year-Old Dinosaur Expert Marries 19-Year-Old Student

Free Markets vs. Gov’t Intervention: Ron Paul and Paul Krugman Faceoff in Bloomberg Debate

Report: Five Anarchists Arrested for Allegedly Trying to Blow Up a Cleveland-Area Bridge, Had Similar Attacks Planned in Chicago

May Day Gets Violent Start in San Fran: ‘Comrades’ Smash Windows, Throw Paint Balls

Policy-Influencing Economists: Higher Taxes Won‘t ’Discourage Wealthy From Working Harder’

See the Aftermath of a Horrific Airplane Crash at German Airshow

Internet Security Firm Sees More Malware on Religious Websites Than Porn Sites

Video: ‘TacoCopter’ Drone that Delivers Mexican Food Has First Liftoff

What Is ‘Disruptive Innovation’ and Is it a Path to Political De-Polarization?

Obama Recycles John McCain’s Talking Points in Newest Anti-Romney Attack Ad

Serving the ‘Synagogue of Satan’: Farrakhan Says Joining U.S. Military Is Fighting ‘for the Enemy’

If Our President Were Muslim He Would ‘Get Something Done’: Farrakhan Encourages Obama to Convert to Islam!

President Obama Pledges Fidelity to Union Leaders, Attacks the GOP and Right-To-Work States

‘F***king Bulls**t’: Actor Jon Lovitz Doubles Down on His Anti-Obama Diatribe — ‘He’s President, Not King!’

‘Tax Me, For F@%&‘s Sake’: Author Stephen King Slams the GOP & Calls for Higher Taxes on the Wealthy In Virulent Op-Ed

Surviving the Death of the Constitution (Ad) | American Free Press


Obama's secret trip: why he wanted quick signing of pact with Karzai -

Obama playing defense, but has advantage on electoral map | Reuters

Medical examiner who battled Jackie Kennedy over JFK's autopsy dies at age 85 | Mail Online

Arpaio to release new Obama eligibility information - KSLA News 12 Shreveport, Louisiana News Weather & Sports

The Costs of War

Smokers dodge cigarette tax by switching to pipes, cigars –

President Obama Speaks Live To The Nation From Afghanistan

This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things--Economy Division

The Long Goodbye of Newt's Presidential Campaign Continues

Workers' Voice Gives Control of $4.1 Million To Members

Want To Win A Scholarship To Netroots Nation?

"Mislead. Mislead. Mislead".

Fox News Guest: 'Illegals' Can Go Home if They Don't Like the Slur

Mitt Romney, Then and Now: Osama Bin Laden Edition

Fla. State Sen. Chris Smith Concludes Independent 'Kill At Will'/'Stand Your Ground' Task Force

Cenk Uygur: Jose Rodriguez Should be in Jail Right Now, Not on a Book Tour

A Day Without the 99 Percent

Paul Ryan Tries Keeping Up With Etch-a-Sketch Mitt By Pretending His Ayn Rand Fandom Is an 'Urban Legend'

The Koch Brothers Give Candidates Millions... But We Have Guitars

UK Parliament Finds Rupert Murdoch Not "Fit" to Run Broadcasting Company


Newt Gingrich $4 Million in Debt; Staffers and Creditors Fume - Yahoo! News

US launches first-ever marketing campaign to halt falling numbers of tourists | Mail Online

Phantom Report » Blog Archive » International bankers and WWII

Martha Stewart on Obama: He 'Tried Really Hard'

Michael Moore: OWS Bomb Plot, Assault, Vandalism Equal 'A Good Day'

Jon Lovitz Destroys Obama's Class Warfare

One Percent-er Alec Baldwin: Romney's Wealth Makes Him 'Out Of Touch' With 'Average American As We Could Possibly Find'

Lovitz: Obama's Most Articulate Critic

Wednesday Call Sheet: Ebert's Ten Greatest Movies Ever, Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?

Mainstream Media Turns Savage Into Hero

Huffington Slams Obama's Bin Laden Ad

Chris Matthews Compares Obama To Henry V

The Hatred of Derrick Bell's 'Afrolantica Legacies'

Will MSNBC's Maddow Excuse Occupy Bomb Plot?

Will MSM Call Warren a 'White Native American'?

Exclusive: Jonah Goldberg - Piers Morgan's 'Hostile' Interview 'Proved the Point' of My Book

Exclusive: Has MSNBC Quietly Purged Another Conservative Voice?

Crown Heights Murder Victim's Brother Speaks Out Against Sharpton, Obama

If Mediaite Can Condemn Dan Savage, Why Won't Obama?

Media Silent After Obama Jokes About Boehner's Death By Bridge

Obama Team Faces Extensive NC Troubles

Texas Candidate's Ad Featuring Man Peeing On An Electric Fence

Occupy Bully Slams Female Cop In Back Of Head

Rush: Please Take Us Back To The Mess Obama Inherited

Bizarre: Woman Arrested For Exposing Daughter To Tanning Salon

Human rights showdown awaits Clinton in Beijing

N. Korea jamming affects flights: Seoul official

Obama: Mission Accomplished

Drum Scum: Occupier Strikes Female Officer in Head from Behind

Obama Tweets: No Red or Blue States...Barack States!

Nasty Season Already: Obama Attacks Romney On Swiss Bank Accounts

Exclusive Excerpt -'Tyranny of Clichés': Andrew Sullivan

Derrick Bell, Critical Race Theory Pioneer, Remains a Hero to His Students

Factory orders suffer largest drop in 3 years

Gingrich Ready to Campaign for Romney

Trolls, Wizards, and the Pitfalls of Patenting

Wisconsin Teachers Union Teams up with Radicals

Big Gov Unions Pour Millions Into Effort to Oust Scott Walker

'Dinner With Barack': A Monologue

Obama Ignores Real War On Women

Teamsters President Cool With Communists

Democratic Swanky Socialists of America Wine and Awards Dinner Soirée

Now You, Too, Can Soak the Rich!

Obama Campaigns in Afghanistan

Obama Admits Negotiating With Taliban; 'Can Be A Part Of This Future'

Obama Turns to Bill Clinton for Foreign Policy Cred

World View: Russia and China Prepare for Central Asia Meltdown when U.S. Pulls Out

Policymakers Guide to Unlocking U.S. Energy Bounty

Hot Summer Could Put Market Operators On The Hot Seat

A better case for Keystone XL - The Washington Post

The American Spectator : Another 'Green Energy' Failure?

Can Energy Startups Be Saved? - Technology Review

Energy Tribune- The Rise of Eco Fascism

The hybrid premium: How much more does a hybrid car cost? | Green Tech - CNET News

‘Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power’ by Steve Coll

Energy, Security, and Climate » The American Energy Boom, Seen From Abroad

Exclusive Map: The Tar Sands Pipeline Boom | InsideClimate News

RealClearPolitics - The New World Disorder

A universal digital library is within reach -

Book Review: Psychology's Ghosts -

Jim Cullen: Review of John B. Thompson's "Merchants of Culture: The Publishing Business in the Twenty-First Century" (2nd, ed., 2012) | History News Network

Battle of Alcatraz

Washington Decoded: The FBI According to Weiner

'They raped every German female from eight to 80' | Books | The Guardian

BBC - History - World Wars: The Battle for Berlin in World War Two

The Art of Soviet Propaganda: Iconic Red Army Reichstag Photo Faked - SPIEGEL ONLINE

ShadowSpear Special Operations - Operation Neptune Spear (2011)

Review: A Woman in Berlin by Anonymous | Books | The Observer

How to Build an 8-Bit Computer

Google's problem is that it now believes itself above others – even governments | Technology |

Bandwidth explosion: As Internet use soars, can bottlenecks be averted?

Deliberate excellence: Why Intel leads the world in semiconductor manufacturing | ExtremeTech

Google TV: First Version Was A Mess, Here's How We're Going To Fix It - Business Insider

Why 96% Of Americans Are Nervous About Mobile Pay--And Why They Shouldn't Be | Fast Company

Engineer in Google’s Street View Is Identified -

Zuckerberg’s Dinners with Girlfriend Help Spur Life-Saving Facebook Tool - ABC News

How to leave the internet without going unplugged | The Verge

Immersive Social Games Bringing Families Together | TechPinions

The Automotive Black Box Data Dilemma - IEEE Spectrum

US Clean Energy Policy Needs a Reality Check

Dinosaurs in Decline Before Mass Extinction?

Potential Dark Side to Diets High in Beta-Carotene

Is This the Perfect Face? : Discovery News

Top tip: do not steal food from ant traps | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine

The Perfect Milk Machine: How Big Data Transformed the Dairy Industry - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic

New GM Crops Could Make Superweeds Even Stronger | Wired Science |

Fingerprinting Conflict Minerals | April 30, 2012 Issue - Vol. 90 Issue 18 | Chemical & Engineering News

Digital data: Bit rot | The Economist

Inkfish: Math Shows Today's Writers Are Less Influenced by the Past

Color Coding Shows Word Origins In Famous Texts | Co.Design: business + innovation + design

Why do old books smell? [video] | GrrlScientist | Science |

How Can Birds Migrate 18,000 Miles? - Blog

Congress Wants Broken Laser to Zap North Korea's Broken Missiles | Danger Room |

Why Can't All Animals Be Domesticated? | Why Can't Zebras Be Domesticated? | Animal Domestication |

The Ideal Woman Through the Ages: Photos : Discovery News

Top tip: do not steal food from ant traps | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine

The Perfect Milk Machine: How Big Data Transformed the Dairy Industry - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic

New GM Crops Could Make Superweeds Even Stronger | Wired Science |

Fingerprinting Conflict Minerals | April 30, 2012 Issue - Vol. 90 Issue 18 | Chemical & Engineering News

Digital data: Bit rot | The Economist

Inkfish: Math Shows Today's Writers Are Less Influenced by the Past

Color Coding Shows Word Origins In Famous Texts | Co.Design: business + innovation + design

Why do old books smell? [video] | GrrlScientist | Science |

How Can Birds Migrate 18,000 Miles? - Blog

Congress Wants Broken Laser to Zap North Korea's Broken Missiles | Danger Room |

Why Can't All Animals Be Domesticated? | Why Can't Zebras Be Domesticated? | Animal Domestication |

Can Billboards Kill Religion? | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale ... about the seven deadly sins? | Following Faith | The Salt Lake Tribune

Vatican Radio - When Pope Benedict beatified John Paul II ...

Catholics, Methodists unite to craft paper on Eucharist, ecology | National Catholic Reporter

Greg Carey: Jesus and the Torah

The First Rule of Being Cool | First Things

What's wrong with Joel Osteen? | The Daily Caller

Joel Osteen worships himself -

Other People’s Dead

What distinguishes “evangelical” from “fundamentalist?”

What people of conscience need to kno... JPost - Opinion - Op-Eds

RealClearWorld - Must America Go to Mars for Minerals?

China’s War on Baby Girls - Jing Zhang - National Review Online

Central banks face new frontiers - The Irish Times - Wed, May 02, 2012

Rumsfeld: I don't think it was a tough decision to kill Bin Laden - Interviews - On the Record - Fox News

Barack Obama’s decision to go after Osama Bin Laden: how the president overruled his advisers in ordering the assassination - Slate Magazine

Since when has G-anything run the world? | The Great Debate

RealClearWorld - Welcome to the G-Zero World

Stopping North Korea

"The Resistible Rise of Asia?" by Brahma Chellaney | Project Syndicate

China & America—John Bolton -

Bin Laden’s last stand: In final months, terrorist leader worried about his legacy - The Washington Post

Politics, Power, and Preventive Action » How Risky Was the Osama bin Laden Raid?

Dispute Over Island of Abu Musa Unites Iran -

Tehran Politics: Are the Mullahs Losing Their Grip? | World Affairs Journal

Benzion Netanyahu, 1910-2012, scholar and prime minister's mentor | The Times of Israel

Why Israeli Challenges to Netanyahu on Iran May Help Obama's Nuclear Diplomacy | Global Spin |

Dumb and Dumber - by Charles Kenny | Foreign Policy

Video/Gross Warns of Another U.S. Downgrade

Video/Schiff: U.S. Coming Off Stimulus Induced High

Video/Feldstein: Stocks in Fed-Fueled Bubble

Video/Greenspan: U.S. Stocks 'Very Cheap'

Video/Energy Security in North America?

Video/Economic Throw-Down! Krugman vs. Ron Paul

12 stocks to hang on to this summer - Mark Hulbert - MarketWatch

The Real Tragedy Of The Euro - Forbes

China’s Vanishing Trade Imbalance -

News Corp shareholders must decide whether Rupert Murdoch really does value trust - Telegraph

Murdoch Unfit? - The New York Sun

Calls for mortgage assistance get louder in Washington -

Flight Attendant Unionists Tells Customer To Drop Dead - Forbes

Furor Over Executive Pay Is Not the Revolt It Appears to Be -

The Buffett Rule Is Built On The Myth That Some Get To Keep Too Much Of The Money They Earn -

Issues 2012 | An Audacious Promise: The Moral Case for Capitalism

The Approaching Reallocation Rally - TheStreet

TheMoneyIllusion » More nonsense on taxes

Realistic Retirement Planning | Above the Market

Obama Fails to Stem Middle-Class Slide He Blamed on Bush - Bloomberg

Now is not the time for boring central bankers -

Investing ideas that can Save the World - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Charles Gasparino: An October Surprise on Wall Street

Let China's banking woes help you - 1 - market forecast - MSN Money

Can American Companies Compete Without Bribing? - The Daily Beast

Companies, Flush with Cash, Share More With Shareholders. Finally. | Business |

Ron Paul Vs. Paul Krugman On Bloomberg TV - Business Insider

The 2009–2010 Slowdown in Health Spending - By James C. Capretta - The Corner - National Review Online

New child farm labor regulations dead — thanks to Sarah Palin’s expertise? | Grist

"The Particle-Emissions Dilemma" by Henning Rodhe | Project Syndicate

Romney’s Former Bain Partner Makes a Case for Inequality -

Jason Richwine: Overpaid Public Workers: Actually, We're Moving Toward Consensus

Why Paul Ryan’s Reform Conservatism deserves a chance - The Washington Post

Cyber-Anonymity « Acculturated

RealClearPolitics - Obama: Afghan Pact Signals Goal "Is Within Reach"

RealClearPolitics - The Hypothetical President

Republicans Against Markets | Swampland |

Blahous and Capretta: Exposing the Medicare Double Count -

Does The Supreme Court Understand What's At Stake In The Lawsuits Against The Affordable Care Act? | The New Republic

Obama earned the right to tout Osama Bin Laden raid - NY Daily News

Obama’s lack of modesty suits a politician, but not a president -

It's starting to look over for Dick Lugar - War Room -

Elizabeth Warren’s needless ‘Native American’ problem - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

White and wrong: On the reservation with Elizabeth Warren -

RealClearPolitics - A Cynical Process

Robert Reich: The Tinder-Box Society

Labor: Wrong on Right to Work | Richmond Times-Dispatch

On bin Laden death anniversary, stay focused –

Should Obama boast of his success on bin Laden? -

Will The Navy SEALs Swift Boat Obama?

Can He Pull it Off? | The Weekly Standard

Obama v Romney: the economic match-up | Harry J Enten | Comment is free |

RealClearPolitics - A Referendum on Obama's Leftism

Rise of Generation Occupy - Occupy Wall Street -

RealClearPolitics - Keeping Nature Exactly as Is ... Forever

*2 May

American Minute for May 2nd

Today in History: May 2

May 2 Events in History

May 2nd in History

May 2nd This Day in History

This Day in History for 2nd May |

Today in History: May 2

Today in History for May 2nd - YouTube


*30th/Transcripts : Obama's Remarks with Prime Minister Noda of Japan

Interview with Representative Jason Chaffetz

Analysts on the Wisconsin Recall and 2012 Elections

Roundtable on Escaped Chinese Dissident

Remarks By Secretaries Clinton & Panetta


The Manning Report – 1 May 2012

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 2nd

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 1st

05/01 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2012-May-01, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2012-Apr-30, Monday

Alex Jones - 2012-Apr-29, Sunday

The Katherine Albrecht Show 05-01-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 05-01-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 05-01-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 05-01-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 05-01-12 Hr 3

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, April, 30, 2012

Blacklisted Radio - Tuesday, May, 01, 2012

May 1, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN



Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair

David Duke Show 2nd

David Duke Show 1st

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

Kevin Trudeau Show

**News Video:

Revitalizing NATO
Rumsfeld: It Wasn't A Tough Decision To Kill Bin Laden
May Day Puts Austerity In Focus
Civil Lawsuit Against Strauss-Kahn Moving Forward
Anti-austerity Anger Sweeps Europe On May Day
Taliban Hit Kabul On Osama Bin Laden Anniversary
Dissident Leaves U.S. Embassy
Pelley On Obama Visit And Afghan Pact
Syria Ceasefire Fails To End Violence
Privatization And Argentina's Economic Crisis
President Obama Speaks To Troops At Bagram Air Base
Kerry Kachejian On The Importance Of Military Readiness
Korea Update
Afghanistan Pact: What It Does, What It Doesn't Do

Rumsfeld: It Was Not A "Tough Decision" To Kill Bin Laden
Romney Ad: Broken Promises: Jobs And The Economy
Michelle Obama On Barack: "We Are Blessed To Have Him"
Obama Ad: Newt Gingrich, Not Mitt Romney's Biggest Supporter
Rather: People With Political Agendas Can Ruin Reputations On Internet
Vets Group Slams Obama Over Bin Laden: "Heroes Don't Spike The Football"
Jon Stewart Slams GOP For Attacking Obama Over Bin Laden Ad
O'Reilly: Obama Did A Good Thing By Going To Afghanistan
Cillizza: Romney Has To Prove He Can Be Commander-In-Chief
"Special Report" Panel On Anniversary Of Bin Laden' Death
Maddow: Congress Is More Partisan When Income Inequality Rises


Matthews: "So Proud" Of Obama Addressing Troops In Afghanistan
Obama's Full Speech From Afghanistan On Bin Laden Anniversary
Limbaugh: Obama Has Disliked U.S. Since The Days It Was Founded
Boxer On Obama Touting Bin Laden: "I Hope He Reminds People All The Time"
Andrea Mitchell Slips Up, Says "We" Instead Of "White House" Politicizing OBL
Chuck Todd Likens Osama Kill To VE Day And VJ Day
Romney Heckled At NYC Firehouse Event: "You're A Racist"
Michelle Obama: "The Vision That We Have For This Country Is The Right Vision"
Sen. Coburn: Debt More Of A Threat Than Al Qaeda
Romney: "Very Disappointing" For Obama To Politicize Bin Laden
Obama: "Our Goal Is Not To Build A Country In America's Image Or To Eradicate Every Vestige Of The Taliban"
Jon Lovitz Explains Expletive-Laced Anti-Obama Rant To Dr. Drew
Elizabeth Warren Claimed To Be Native American To Get Minority Status In Law Professor Directory
Obama On "Direct Discussions" With Taliban: "They Can Be A Part Of This Future"
Lugar Ad Slams Conservative Challenger Mourdock As Unethical
Newt Gingrich Thanks Supporters Before He Suspends Campaign
Mark Levin: Obama Is Still Spiking The Football Over Bin Laden Mission
Fineman: There Are Dubious Claims In Obama's Seven-Minute Ad
O'Reilly: God Wants Us To Be Sane
Dionne: Obama Needs Bill Clinton To Reach Big Contributors
"Special Report" Panel On Chinese Dissident Fleeing China
Obama Ad Hits Romney For "Swiss Bank Account"

The Rise Of The Asia Pacific
Obama: U.S. Consistently Presses China On Human Rights
Obama Sidesteps Talk Of Chinese Dissident
Pakistani Analysts Reflect On Bin Laden's Legacy
UN Chief Ban Hails Suu Kyi's Myanmar Compromise
Motorcycle Bomb Kills Two In Thailand
Russia Backs UN Resolution On Sudan Conflict
Released Bahraini Activist Feted
Violence In Idlib Shakes Syrian UN Truce
The U.S.-Japan Summit: Three Things To Know
India Continue Search For Ferry Disaster Survivors
Anti And Pro Government Rallies In Syria
Libya To Citizens: Give Up Your Guns
Top Terrorism Adviser Defends Drone Use In Pakistan

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