A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

15 May 2012

15 May'12


Infowars Nightly News 2012-05-14 Monday - YouTube

The Alex Jones Show 2012-05-14 Monday - YouTube

Alex Jones Show Complete (Commercial Free) Sunday May 13th 2012 - Douglas Hagmann - YouTube


The Michael Savage Show 05/14/2012 FULL

Red eye radio show

red eye radio /15th 1

red eye radio /15th 2

red eye radio /14th 1

red eye radio /14th 2

red eye radio /11th 1

red eye radio /11th 2

red eye radio /10th 1

red eye radio /10th 2

red eye radio /9th 1

red eye radio /9th 2


» Why Is The Obama Administration Allowing The Chinese Government To Buy Up U.S. Oil And Gas Deposits Worth Billions Of Dollars? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Should Libertarians Be Conservatives? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Talking Surveillance Cameras Coming to U.S. Streets Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» FEMA and Pentagon’s National Guard Homeland Response Force Trains in New York Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» UN Guidelines Use Corporations in African “Land Grab” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Liars or ‘Genius?’ … Gaga, Zuckerberg and Obama Groomed From Childhood for Their Roles Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


» Ron Paul Has Dropped Out of the Presidential Race … Or Has He? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Ron Paul Has Not Suspended His Campaign - YouTube

Ron Paul has NOT Suspended His Campaign - YouTube

Ron Paul Did NOT Drop Out - The Truth - YouTube


Priorities USA Ad: Heads or Tails | ElectAd

President Obama Commencement Address At Barnard College, New York City, New York – May 14 2012 | ElectAd

American Future Fund Ad: Justice for Sale | ElectAd

RNC Ad: Empty Promises: Debt & Deficits | ElectAd

Feinstein: TSA Must Sexually Molest Public More Aggressively - YouTube

Bow Down To The Police States of America - YouTube

Street Lights Are Spying on You 'Intellistreets' Systems Now Being Installed in U.S. - YouTube

» Police States of America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Evidence TSA is a Mindless Machine: Henry Kissinger Gets Pat-down Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Laura Ingraham Describes “Heartbreaking” TSA Pat Down of Double Amputee Veteran Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Chicago Cops Buy Sound Cannon “To Provide Protesters With Public Safety Messages” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) - Combat Footage of Pittsburgh G-20 Protests - YouTube

» U.S. and Canada Implementing Beyond the Border Perimeter Security Initiatives Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


- Ron Paul Not Suspending Campaign, It is a Media Hoax Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


**Paul Campaign Convention Strategy


» OKC & 9/11 Investigator Victim Of Set-Up? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Women On The Front Lines – It Was Only A Matter of Time Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 58 Percent Of Americans Believe Economic Conditions In The United States Will Be Good A Year From Now Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Pentagon researching ‘narrative networks’ as way to hijack the brain with false stories Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» UN & World Bank Strangle Sovereign Nations Into Accepting Global Population Reduction Dictates Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Department of Homeland Security Prepares to Grab DNA From Kids Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Court OKs DNA Collection - YouTube

Overhead Bin - Report shows 'gaping hole' in airport security


+Establishment Dirty Tricks At Conventions Target Paul Supporters Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Obama ad calls Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital firm a ‘vampire’ - The Washington Post

Steel - YouTube

Ron Paul is Winning in Virginia! - YouTube


* Ron Paul to Continue Delegates Fight, But Ends Primary Spending Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


TSA Agents Conduct ‘Full Monty’ Pat-Down On Henry Kissinger « CBS DC

Scientists to build $1 billion city where no one will live

BBC News - Light-powered bionic eye invented to help restore sight


*Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging


**Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging - Full Movie (Documentary) - YouTube


» The Case of the Missing Terrorists Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Family Of Spur 601 Hit-And-Run Speaks To ABC-7 - News Story - KVIA El Paso

Postal worker says he was poisoned by mysterious leaking parcel from Yemen... but officials deny it ever existed | Mail Online

Oil prices to double by 2022, IMF paper warns - Telegraph

Husband of 9/11 victim goes to Guantanamo hoping to spare plotters from death penalty -

Antifascist Calling...: Why Is the State Department 'Arming' Mexico's Intelligence Agencies with Advanced Intercept Technologies?

» Monsanto’s Roundup Continuously Shown to Cause Birth Defects Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Did the White House Direct the Police Crackdown on Occupy? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» US State Department’s Russian “Journalist” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bilderberg Scheme To Save The Euro Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Uganda Displays Captive Kony Lieutenant Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Uganda displays captive Kony lieutenant -


**Prison » DHS Considers Collecting DNA From Kids; DEA and US Marshals Already Do


ICE DNA Collection Documents – pages 1-92

ICE DNA Collection Documents – pages 93-201

ICE DNA Collection Documents – pages 202-297

ICE DNA Collection Documents – pages 298-353


Prison » The Evaporation of Darkness: Mass Deprogramming And The End of The 9/11 Consensus

Prison » NDAA 2013 Headed to Full House; Smith/Amash Amendment Offered

European Union imposes emissions tax on US passengers, airlines

Prison » Ron Paul Campaign: “The Future Belongs To Us”

Prison » Fox News Analyst: First American To Shoot Down A Domestic Spy Drone ‘Will Become A Folk Hero’

Charles Krauthammer Opposes Drones? - YouTube

Prison » The Fed: Mend It or End It?

Ron Paul Texas STRAIGHT Talk - Take That FED! - Paul 2012 - YouTube

New US battle strategy against Iran in US movements and Israeli drill

Prison » Iran Hangs Nuclear Scientist Murderer

Spy under your car bonnet 'worth billions by 2016' • The Register

IAEA urges Iran to grant access to military site as Vienna talks begin over Islamic Republic's nuclear program - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Prison » Rogers: “Volume Is Not Going To Come Back. We’ve Had A Great 30 Years. That’s Finished!”

Prison » Show is Over? ‘EU doomed even if Greece opts out’

Show Over? 'EU doomed even if Greece opts out' - YouTube

Candles on a cake? That's an 'elf and safety problem | The Sun |News

Prison » Media Meltdown Over Antarctic Basin

Prison » Chemical drug can block free will, wipe memory

World's Scariest Drug (Documentary Exclusive) - YouTube

Prison » Myth busted: Vaccinations are not immunizations

Prison » 5 Ways to Replace Your Toxic Cleaners Naturally

Prison » Five foods you would never eat if you really knew what they were

Prison » Foreign-Born Now 13 Percent Of U.S. Population

Prison » Ron Paul: We Will Not Stop Until America Is The Greatest Country In The World

Prison » Policing The Bad Cops with Self-Defense Expert Tim Larkin

Policing The Bad Cops with Self-Defense Expert Tim Larkin - YouTube

The Truth About JP Morgan’s $2 Billion Loss -

Israel Is Using American Stealth Choppers To Ferry Iranian Spies Into Iraq -

Will multinational corporations someday end up owning all our land?

Top News, Latest headlines, World News & U.S News -

Hank Crumpton: Life as a spy - 60 Minutes - CBS News

Hank Crumpton reveals his life as a CIA spy on 60 minutes - Business Insider

When Global Corporations Sue Governments, Guess Who Usually Wins -

Obama Adopts UN Codex Alimentarius to Collaborate With Drug Corporations -

U.S. is the Fattest Country In The World: The Top Food Offenders That Make Us Fat -

BBC News - China buying oil from Iran with yuan


*Talk Stream Live


Where Ron Paul Stands In The Big Picture « SGTreport – The Corporate Propaganda Antidote – Silver, Gold, Truth, Liberty, & Freedom

Lone Star Watchdog: 14 State Governors Under Fire From White House for Forming Citizen Militias Not Under Federal Control.

Ron Paul Isn't Dropping Out, Spokesman Says : The Two-Way : NPR

Ron Paul Has WON IN ELEVEN STATES Now! - YouTube

6 Ridiculous Lies You Believe About the Founding of America |

Gerald Celente calls out Jamie "two-bit" Dimon and his Financial Crime Syndicate - YouTube


**When Mitt Romney Came To Town — Full, complete version - YouTube


Is Mitt Romney really a job creator? What his Bain Capital record shows. -

The girl killed by Barack Obama - she never saw it coming - YouTube

Activist Post: Living in a Banksters’ Paradise – Part 1 of 2

Activist Post: Living in a Banksters’ Paradise – Part 2 of 2

The Real Updated 2012 Delegate Count - YouTube

CNN Wants This Video Banned (SEE WHY) - YouTube

The Best Of Doug Wead: "Why Ron Paul Should Be President" - YouTube

NATO killings whitewashed: Civilian bombing raid victims ignored - YouTube

Israelification of American Domestic Security - YouTube

Ron Paul and the power of the " Matrtix " wins Oklahoma!!, - 12160

Geraldo Rivera "Manually Raped" by TSA Agent [VIDEO] | LimeLife

Obama Attacks Private Equity, Raises Funds from Private Equity Leaders | The Weekly Standard

Myth busted: Vaccinations are not immunizations

Activist Post: Illegal immigrant used stolen ID to work as airport security supervisor for 20 years

Superbugs mutate in India, rendering antibiotics impotent - and they are spreading

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Our Own Civil Rights Should Come First! - Obama Approves News Cyber Security Pilot Program

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : The State as Family

From Republic to Empire » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Local News | Gates Foundation invests in firms accused of abuses | Seattle Times Newspaper

No Secret Why CIA is Now Romanticizing 'Harsh Interrogation' Techniques | Common Dreams

Activist Post: Dimon Suggests That Billions Lost in Derivatives Fraud is Standard Banking Practice

Phone hacking: Rebekah Brooks and husband Charlie charged for perverting the course of justice | Mail Online

Acknowledging The Arrival Of Peak Government

Pentagon limits F-22 fighter flights - CBS News

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Could Ron Paul\'s delegates ruin Mitt Romney\'s nomination?

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Romney\'s 8 Steps to Obscene Wealth

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : John Stossel predicts hyperinflation by 2025?

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Petty Tyrants Consider Ignoring Will Of Voters & Taking Away Affordable Medicine From Those In Need

Inside 9/11 - Who controlled the planes? - YouTube


*10 Things That Every American Should Know About The Federal Reserve


Sodium Dichloroacetate (DCA) - The Cancer Cure - YouTube


Sodium Dichloroacetate Cancer Treatment | How To Buy & Use Pure DCA


What Is Sodium Dichloroacetate? | LIVESTRONG.COM


Blatant BLACKOUT of Ron Paul on CSPAN - YouTube

C-Span Caught Live On Air Claiming Pro Ron Paul Tweets Endorsed Romney


The Jones Plantation - YouTube


**Ron Paul Statement on Campaign Going Forward | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign CommitteeRon Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee


$500,000 'between friends': Russian oligarch & UK prince in cash row - YouTube

Was Industrial Sabotage at Play with Super Jet crash in Indonesia? > - Strategic Culture Foundation

Girls hawk DDoS service on YouTube - Networks - SC Magazine Australia - Secure Business Intelligence

700 National Guard Homeland Response Force Troops Set to Train in New York :

Kodak Had a Secret Nuclear Reactor Loaded With Enriched Uranium Hidden In a Basement

Chomsky: Occupy Wall Street "Has Created Something That Didn’t Really Exist" in U.S. — Solidarity

Docs Show White House, DHS, Pentagon Behind Occupy Crackdown To Protect Banks

Panetta, Barak to Announce More US Military Aid to Israel -- News from

Activist Post: UN Guidelines Use Corporations in African 'Land Grab'

Infobia | The Curious Case of Crime in the Media

Why the Occupy Movement Frightens the Corporate Elite

What Was The Ultimate Cause Of JP Morgan's Big Derivative Bust? The Shocker - Ben Bernanke!!! | ZeroHedge

Chris Hedges: Colonized by Corporations - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

The Maddow Blog - 'Engaging' on foreign policy -- after the election

Activist Post: Modern Swine Flu Scare is the Second Attempt to Vaccinate Every American

Former terrorist receives DOJ grant money, claims watchdog group - National Law Enforcement |

Occupy and Expose Bilderberg 2012 :

Obama says JPMorgan loss proves reform needed - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Canada News: National Roundtable on Environment and Economy eliminated for pushing a carbon tax, Conservative government says -

Mississippi Cops Warn Drivers Against Stopping for Homicidal Fake Cop - ABC News

Mother of 3 Arrested for Taking Pictures of Tourist Attraction at Airport


+Get Internet Access When Your Government Shuts It Down | PCWorld


+Amazing Singing Plants Phenomenon |


How Do “They” Go About Identifying All These Al-Qaeda People?

The wrong Carlos: how Texas sent an innocent man to his death | World news | The Guardian

The New World Order Exposed – Part I | Cosmic Convergence 2012

Barack Obama: Our First Gay-Female-Hispanic-Asian-Jewish President - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

Obama’s Alleged ‘Same-Sex’ Past | Real Jew News

First Read - First Thoughts: A day of contradictions

Obama's team of tech gurus to unleash 'Holy Grail' of digital campaigning | World news |

Activist Post: Latest Neocon Terror Propaganda: Electromagnetic Pulse 'E-Bombs'

The US-Israeli 'Special Relationship'

Jewish Hollywood’s Power In Action | Opinion Maker

Paul A Drockton M.A. Euro-Banksters Bleed Their Beast

IMF stresses need to increase reserves due to rising credit risk | | 3

: Bill To End Fossil Fuel Subsidies Introduced Into Congress

North Dakota: riding the oil rush | Environment |

Dessert Toppings and Floor Waxes. Reflections in a Petri Dish

UFO NEWS | VIDEO: UFOs Recorded Over Scottsdale Arizona


**Average IQ in US and 80 other nations


Source Code - Downtown Chicago Is The Next Target - YouTube

Metabolic Syndrome: Epidemic of the Modern Age | The Health Coach

Oil Pulling: An Oral Health Miracle | The Health Coach

Comfort Food Syndrome: Letting go of foods that ail us | The Health Coach

Chicago & The Battle Of New Orleans

NPN Email Alert: ADL Prepares for Internet Takeover

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority

Anonymous: 'We have access to every classified database in the US' — RT

Former CIA Agent Claims Americans Did Not Kill bin Laden | TruthTheory

Plume-Gate Tales from the Script: Data Mining, a “CNN Moment” and ‘Teflon’ Obama :

Obama: JPMorgan Is 'One of the Best-Managed Banks' !!!

A Call to ACTION is needed to STOP the Law of Sea Treaty | RedState

These boots are made for charging: 'Living generators' use viruses to turn the soles of our shoes into electricity supplies | Mail Online

Texting While Walking Banned in New Jersey Town - ABC News

If Evil Were Here…It Would Look Like This « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

Mark this date for potential disaster

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: UFO Crash/Retrievals in Chile

Sibel Edmonds: US government needs to keep the fear factor alive - YouTube

Ron Kaye: The Ugly Side of Los Angeles Politics


BLT Research -- PAT DELGADO and DAVE CHORLEY Images Appear on Video and Digital Cameras

BLT Research -- PAT DELGADO and DAVE CHORLEY Images Appear on Video and Digital Cameras


*US Supreme Court: Citizens must be permitted to use handguns for self-defense: Treaties Do Not Supercede The Second Amendment! | Political Vel Craft


Rense & Jay Weidner - Fukushima On The Brink and Obama OKs Gay Marriage - YouTube

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - From AIPAC to Gay-Pack

Roy Tov – USA to Announce Additional Funding to Israeli Missiles

Roy Tov – Nakba Day and Israel’s Ministry of Thought Control

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: Why so little condemnation of Israel's extremism? - Yasmin Alibhai-Brown - Commentators - The Independent

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - On The Jewish Lobby and the Prospect of World Peace

NPN Email Alert: Replacement Theology: Easy Target for Zionists

Merkel's party humiliated by shock election defeat

How Wall Street and Obama Killed Financial Reform « Zen Haven

Activist Post: The Birth of Fascism? A Wrong Turn On A One-Way Street

Michelle Obama, political liability?

Relationship between Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey 'breaks down' - Telegraph

FBI Wants Greater Surveillance Powers

Nationalism Is A Disease - YouTube

UFO NEWS | VIDEO: Mystery Solved! Sun UFOs Have Been Identified

SPACE NEWS | Free Floating Planets Could Harbor Alien Life, New Study Suggests

Single women using terminations 'as another form of contraceptive'

Wild Elephants Gather Inexplicably to Mourn Death of "Elephant Whisperer"

Self Massage: A Powerful Detox and Healing Therapy | The Health Coach

3 Morning Essentials — EVERYDAY! | The Health Coach

Are Your Addictions Getting The Best Of You? | The Health Coach

Scientists generate electricity from viruses

Newsweek Misses First Gay President Call By 3 Yrs

Obama & Emanuel - Members Of Same Chicago Gay Bath House

Terrorist Group Puts Out Propaganda Report Claiming Iranian Secretly Advancing Nuclear Weapons Program :

Time to PAY the Piper | Kirwan's Art & Articles

Mr. Jefferson's Whig Prophecy Fulfilled of the Anti-Christ, Rome, JFK's assassins and 9-11

White House & Dems Back Banks over Protests: Newly Discovered Homeland Security Files Show Feds Central to Occupy Crackdown | This Can't Be Happening

Hot pants bomb exposes the pathetic level of British/US Intelligence Services « Eyre International – Bringing You The News No One Else Wants To Bring You

9/11 9/11: Painful Deceptions

'The Amateur' by Edward Klein: Michelle Obama thought Oprah had gone too far | Mail Online

The Zionist Scenario: Now And In The Future

Five Reasons Drone Assassinations Are Illegal

The Horrible Things That The Empire Offer Us

The National Security State Wins (Again)

How Being 'The Party Of No' Is Working For The GOP

Dimon, the Whale Man, and Glass-Steagall


* BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- May 14, 2012


Bracing for Demographic Winter: The "Overpopulation Crisis"

Towards a North American Police State and Security Perimeter: US-Canada "Beyond the Border Agreement"

AMERICA: Desperate Times Demand Revolutionary Measures

No Mayan Apocalypse in 2012

U.S. government smear campaign against reporters exposing the drone wars

The Spread of Islamophobia is Part of America's Imperial Design

Drugs, Terror and the Mlitarization of Mexican Society

Google Shuts Down Another Conservative Blog: KSM Trial Edition

Laurie Roth - Endless distortion over separation of Church and State

Obama Has Signed 3 New Executive Orders | Pakalert Press

The Spirit of Geert Wilders - National Review Online

Drugs, Terror & the Militarization of Mexican Society - Washington is 'Arming' Mexico's Intelligence with Advanced Intercept Technologies | Before It's News

Does Ancient Prophecy Predict Russia Invades Israel and America? - Prophecy Depot Ministries

Human or Superhuman? | Daily News |

Frankenfoods at Whole Foods » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names


1)Petrus Romanus: The False Prophet and The Antichrist are Here

2)Petrus Romanus: The False Prophet and The Antichrist are Here

3)Petrus Romanus: The False Prophet and The Antichrist are Here

4)Petrus Romanus: The False Prophet and The Antichrist are Here

5)Petrus Romanus: The False Prophet and The Antichrist are Here

6)Petrus Romanus: The False Prophet and The Antichrist are Here

7)Petrus Romanus: The False Prophet and The Antichrist are Here

8)Petrus Romanus: The False Prophet and The Antichrist are Here

9)Petrus Romanus: The False Prophet and The Antichrist are Here

10)Petrus Romanus: The False Prophet and The Antichrist are Here

11)Petrus Romanus: The False Prophet and The Antichrist are Here

12)Petrus Romanus: The False Prophet and The Antichrist are Here

13)Petrus Romanus: The False Prophet and The Antichrist are Here

14)Petrus Romanus: The False Prophet and The Antichrist are Here

15)Petrus Romanus: The False Prophet and The Antichrist are Here

16)Petrus Romanus: The False Prophet and The Antichrist are Here


The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 1

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 2

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 3

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 4

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 5

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 6

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 7

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 8

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 9

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 10

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 11

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 12


State Dept. Poised to Remove Iranian Terror Group From Terror List -- News from

Nato must investigate the civilian casualties of its Libyan campaign | David Mepham | Comment is free |

What an Israeli attack on Iran will mean for the Muslims - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The U.S. Drug War Comes to Honduras | The National Interest Blog

Operation Lip Service by Chris Toensing --

The “Freedom Agenda” Was a Disaster for the Countries Affected By It | The American Conservative

World News - US nuke upgrade to trigger new arms race with Russia?

Military families also pay price for repeated tours of duty | McClatchy

A Censored Race War? by Thomas Sowell

Rock and Roll and a Reason Why American Musicians No Longer Capture the World's Imagination? by Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers

The Chicago Criminal Enterprise by James J. Baxter

The Surveillance State: Knowing Every Bit About You

Understanding Acid Indigestion

What could possibly go wrong? U.S. Army wants to give war robots more power to 'make their own decisions' | Mail Online

Omega 3 Oils – Good Fats by Margaret Durst

Timeshift: Did Reality Reset After 911? | Before It's News

Discouraged Democrat Voters May Mean Historic Sweep for GOP

Who Is Buying American Firearms Companies? Why? | Before It's News

Mitt Romney's 1981 arrest and 4 other times he lost his cool - The Week

Photos: Mitt Romney's Bain defense: A convincing rebuttal? Slideshow - The Week

The Russian Woodpecker: experiments in global mind control?

Electromagnetic Frequency Mind Control Weapons

Experiments in Mind Control - YouTube

Up to 70% of British men are 'related' to the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun | Mail Online

Crop Circle Decoded: Return of the Maya’s Quetzalcoatl on May 20, 2012? |

Sugar Makes You Stupid: UCLA Study Shows High-Fructose Diet Sabotages Learning, Memory | Before It's News

Five Facts That Put America to Shame | Common Dreams

Recently Found Restricted Esoteric Sources From Pre Old Kingdom Egypt | Before It's News

How Our “Gay President” Learned About Sex

Obama Is A Killer | Before It's News

Is Obama’s Communist Regime Starting To Crack? | Before It's News

Scientists Cure Cancer, But No One Takes Notice (Well It Is A $200 Billion Cash Cow For Big Pharma !!!!!!!) | Before It's News

The U.S. "Will Be Simultaneously Insolvent And Ungovernable" | Before It's News

History of Most Murderous Entity Ever | Before It's News

Madonna photograph of her posing naked on a bed while smoking a cigarette sells for £15,000 | Mail Online

Beware of Global Strategies of Tension

JP Morgan too big to regulate? - YouTube

Paracord for Function and Fashion

TPP: Internet Freedom Activists Protest Secret Trade Agreement Being Negotiated This Week

Terrorism, HAARP & Futzing With the Weather - YouTube

Why Breasts Inspire Titters - YouTube

Keiser Report: Countdown to Armageddon (E288) - YouTube

California State Psychology Board Launches Psychiatric Probe of Activist Psychologist

Israeli and Palestinian Protests For Social Justice Continue

Obama Adopts UN Codex Alimentarius to Collaborate With Drug Corporations

FBI Wants Greater Surveillance Powers Following Latest False Flag Attack

Activist Post: The Global War on Children, part 1: Physical and Mental Health Assault

Activist Post: The Global War on Children, part 2: Predators, the Occult, and Pop Culture

Activist Post: The Global War on Children, part 3: Culling the Human Race

Activist Post: Family Freedom Fighters Interview with Activist Post Writer Paul Adams about The Global War on Children

Bush: 'Arab Spring' Is ‘Broadest Challenge to Authoritarian Rule Since Collapse of Soviet Communism’

Liberals Outnumber Conservatives 7-1 As Commencement Speakers At Top 100 Universities

Ratifying This Misrepresented Sea Treaty Would Cause Our Sovereignty To Be LOST

What The Washington Post Isn't Telling You About Obama, Clinton, And Kerry

Newsbusted: Travolta, Blago, Geraldo, And Obama (Of Course)

As the Boomers Head for the Barn

Obama Cites ‘Real Differences’ with Romney on Same-Sex Marriage

Obama: Same-Sex Marriage ‘Strengthens Families’

Boehner Promises ‘Real Cuts and Real Reforms’ in Upcoming Debt Limit Fight

Obama Cites Both Selma and Stonewall as Examples of What Young People Can Do

Obama's Budget Would Double the Interest Rate on Student Loans--After the Election

Obama to Graduates: Don’t Believe the Media

Army opens jobs in combat battalions to women

Newspaper Guild Head Chafes at ‘Limits of Democracy’

David Limbaugh Column: Obama's the Extremist, Not Conservative Talk Radio

Media Skip Obama Barnard Remarks Bashing Media, Men As Dumber Than Women

Lamar Smith Column: Media Spins Monthly Jobs Report

NBC Seizes On JPMorgan Losses to Promote Dem Calls For Regulation

Romney pins 'prairie fire of debt' on Obama

Shift on marriage energizes immigration activists

Romney: ‘Good People’ With No Faith Try to ‘Lead a Purpose-Driven Life’

Romney Against Gay ‘Marriage’ But Says Homosexual Couples ‘Have the Right’ to Adopt Children

Pro-Abortion Extremist Pleads Guilty to Making Death Threats Against Pro-Life Activists

Rush Limbaugh honored at Missouri's Capitol

Iran Fumes As Six Arab States Consider Saudi Plan for a Closer Union

Egyptians Want to Ditch Peace Treaty With Israel, Poll Shows

Looming U.N. Mega-Conference in Rio to Seek ‘More Sustainable Future’

Ellen DeGeneres Wins Top US Humor Prize in DC

Indonesia yanks Gaga gig, says she'll corrupt kids

Court strikes down NLRB rule to speed up union elections

Obama noncommittal on repeal of DOMA; Won't commit to a legislative fight

Barack Obama, the first female president

$10,000 worth of solar panels and related components stolen from NH recreation sites

Mexico's leading presidential candidate is handsome, popular and still a mystery

Donor sperm carries greater risk of genetic harm

Romney captures lead over Obama in new poll

25-year veteran of the FBI accused of trading child porn

Al Qaeda manual offers tips to potential Western recruits

Solyndra for sale: Company's high-tech plant to be sold

3 primaries to test GOP insurgency

Oregon mother, daughter reportedly sued for writing bad reviews of church online

Senate Republicans and Dems poised to use budget votes as election-year ammo

Broadcasters, FCC in spectrum turf war

Sen. Feinstein: Underwear-Bomb Leak Must Be Prosecuted |

Obama Cites ‘Real Differences’ with Romney on Same-Sex Marriage |

Bush: 'Arab Spring' Is ‘Broadest Challenge to Authoritarian Rule Since Collapse of Soviet Communism’ |

New US Initiative Takes Aim at Alzheimer's Disease

The Hidden Symbolic Meaning of the Movie “2012″

Rubio: Obama Using Gay Marriage To Distract From Dismal Record

Former Counterterror Chief: CIA Weakened Under Obama

Urban Radio Callers Blast Obama's Gay Marriage Decision

Rev. Wright Was a Second Father to Obama

Over 55 and Jobless, Americans Face Tough Hunt

Edwards' Campaign Finance Chairman Paid Mistress

Former IMF Chief Strauss-Kahn Seeks Damages From Hotel Maid

WP-ABC Poll: Obama Shifting Black Opinion of Gay Marriage

Hollande Becomes New French President Amid Eurozone Turmoil

New Studies Show You Can Be Overweight, but Perfectly Healthy

Scientists Warn: Too Much Sugar Harms the Brain

Report: New Apple Laptop Will Have Retina Display

Obama worth as much as $10 million

Obama has up to $1 million with JPMorgan Chase - Yahoo! News Canada

FAA To Ease Rules For Police Agencies To Fly Unmanned Drones « CBS Los Angeles

U.S. has 55 daily encounters with "suspected terrorists" - Yahoo! News Canada

Obama aide promises $1B in corporate-jet subsidies | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

'America's Got Talent': Howard Stern fails to boost ratings | Inside TV |

George Zimmerman Medical Report Sheds Light on Injuries After Trayvon Martin Shooting - ABC News

FBI may charge George Zimmerman with hate crime |

Rattlesnake Bites Medical Marijuana Grower At Washington Walmart « CBS Seattle

Good for Franklin Graham!

Out of the closet came Obama

The cheering on of black hoodlums

Arrest black supremacists or free the white ones

Defeat Law of the Sea Treaty – again

Obama didn't write his own love letters

The declaration of dependents

Romney understands America

Who's the real 'extremist'?

Neat stuff you get for your taxes

VIDEO: U.S. Army soldier brutally beaten in South Tampa |

All about me: Obama ‘stealing Reagan’s glory’

Commies storm Obama headquarters

Chris Matthews Bombs on 'Jeopardy!' After Repeatedly Mocking Palin for How She'd Do |

Forget Mayan calendar, here’s what’s coming

Christianity plays ‘switcheroo’ with God’s law

‘Existential threat’ to Western U.S. states

Same-sex couple barred from Lexington Catholic prom | Education |

Revealed: The evil lurking in libraries

U.S. and Canada Implementing Beyond the Border Perimeter Security Initiatives – Dana Gabriel |

S.O.S. alert: Help STOP Out-of-control Science from destroying us all – Mike Adams |

Popeye on Free Mind Report w/ James Lane & Holland Vandennieuwenhof (04-23-2012) - YouTube

Popeye Guest Hosts THE EDGE w/ John Stokes (05-09-2012) Underwear Bomber 2, 9/11 & No Fear - YouTube

Romney takes aim at Obama stimulus, likens federal debt to a "prairie fire"

John Edwards , Mistress and Daughter May Testify in Trial

Latest in Edwards corruption trial: A news guide

Edwards , mistress could still be called to testify

John Edwards trial: Elizabeth was 'volcanic' when she discovered husband's affair

Arrest warrant issued for husband of woman killed in wedding dress

Man imprisoned in Virginia charged with killing two Zion girls in 2005

Top cop: Neighborhoods will also have more police during NATO

Former Buddhist priest charged after fathering child with suburban teen

Murdoch exec Rebekah Brooks and husband charged in hacking case

Iran nuclear talks: negotiators cite progress ahead of Baghdad meeting

Hollande gets stormy welcome to power

Monitors caught up in Syria violence

Man sets himself alight outside Breivik trial

Chinese Blind Activist Speaks With US Lawmakers, Voices Concern About Relatives

Many will profit if Pakistan reopens NATO supply routes

Myanmar Vows to Cease Buying Weapons From North Korea

Iran criticizes Saudi-Bahrain union plan

Beijing summons British ambassador after Cameron and Clegg meet Dalai Lama

Could Ron Paul really have an impact on the GOP convention?

Gay Prosecutor Is Denied Judgeship in Virginia

Florida Mom Murders Four Children, Kills Herself

Obama kids Beckham about his age, underwear line

The economic case for same-sex marriage

White House threatens veto of GOP anti-abuse bill

George W. Bush offers tepid endorsement of Romney

Jerry Brown's plea to voters: 'Please increase taxes temporarily'

Catholic college drops health plan over contraception mandate

Pentagon restricts F-22 flights, safety a concern

U.S. News - Crime Stoppers offers record reward in unsolved slaying of Iranian medical researcher

Police say for first time that 6-year-old Tucson girl missing for nearly 4 weeks was abducted - The Washington Post

Warren Buffet buys 10 million shares of GM

Geithner Says Regulators to Take Close Look at JPMorgan

Walgreen adds 8000 medications to discount club

Can Yahoo Become a Modern Media Company?

Can Ron Paul's "Respectful" Delegation Shift the National Republican Agenda? - YouTube

President Obama to hosts on ABC's 'The View': You need to pay more taxes!

Nebraska's GOP Senate primary: another tea party surprise?

Romney's Budget Fairy Tale

Susana Martinez: What New Mexico's Governor Can Teach the GOP

Americans Elect forced to abandon campaign to break two-party system

Ohio gov signs bill to get rid of new election law

JPMorgan Loss Poses Early Test For Dodd-Frank Pay Rules

Debbie Stabenow has Republican competition for Michigan US Senate seat

Pawlenty Open to Another Run for Office

Bill Clinton, Axelrod Back Different Democrats In Primary Contest

As Facebook's IPO nears, half of Americans say shares are overpriced

GM to drop Facebook ads due to low consumer impact

Does your Facebook mobile app suck? Here's why

Facebook privacy head suggests company will serve ads on other sites

FCC Asks Verizon Wireless If Plan's Set for Airwaves Sale

Why Has Yahoo Killed Flickr? 5 Alternatives For Photo Sharing

As a despot, Baron Cohen goes on the offensive in `Dictator'

Tapping Howard Stern to be 'Talent' judge brilliant stroke by NBC

Lisa Marie Presley: Rock's Princess Finds Her Voice

Video: Willie Nelson, sons cover Pearl Jam's 'Just Breathe'

Raw Video: Soyuz Space Launch - YouTube

Private Space Taxi Builders Ponder Future Beyond NASA

Russia presents highest resolution image of Earth

Researchers discover oldest pollinators entombed in amber

Smokey Bear along for the ride to space station

Canada and US Among Top 10 Fossil-Fuel Gluttons: WWF

China, Japan, US to witness 'ring' solar eclipse

Ancient Bones from Peru Found in Florida

Study: Many mammals won't be able to outrun climate change

Brainput Project Takes a Load Off Humans' Minds

Highview Students Submit Drawings of Space Shuttle

Should we build a real-life Starship Enterprise and fly it to Mars? (+video)

Satellite Technology Reveals Clues to Lives of Mysterious Manta Rays

New Gene Therapy Treatment Increases Mice Lifespan 24 Percent - YouTube

Flesh-eating bacteria risk rare despite Ga. student case

How Cheap Meat Practices Beef Up Superbugs Like MRSA

Sleepwalking much more common than scientsits estimated

Marijuana may ease multiple sclerosis symptoms

New Gene Therapy Treatment Increases Mice Lifespan 24 Percent


2012 - Robots and Evolution Discussed !! - 05-14-2012 - YouTube


2012 - The Power of Crystals Discussed !! - YouTube


Kodak facility in New York state housed underground nuclear reactor, report says | Fox News

Most Popular Baby Names Revealed, and Isabella Loses No. 1 Slot | Baby-Naming Trends | LiveScience

American Culture War responsible for Mexican slaughter

Convenient Lies and Governance of the Earth


Governor Brown to California: We Have $16B Budget Gap—PLEASE Raise Your Own Taxes!

The President’s ‘_hit List!’

Using Earth’s blessings to better mankind and planet

Obama: “We’ve Begun to See What Change Looks Like”—America: “No Thanks, Barack!”

What Would It Be Like If Rush Limbaugh Ran CNN?

Rush Makes Fall Season TV Prediction: Mostly Gay Content

Limbaugh: Obama’s ‘War On Women’ Has Backfired Big Time

Now about Obama's Teenage Years!

Barack Obama in the Twelve-Step Program

'Marriage Equality' and the Public Interest

For Obama, Gay Is Green

Still Clueless: What Is the Tea Party?

Deception Fatigue

Discouraged Democrat Voters May Mean Historic Sweep for GOP

Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson on Moran's Show

Hollande sworn in as French President

Dear Barry: About that Bain Capital attack ad...

You can't fool all the people all the time

Two-Thirds of Likely US Voters Are Islamo-Realistic

North Carolina DA seeks fraud investigation of black studies at UNC

Documentary on Fast and Furious Scandal in Production Phase

Is Obama Leader Of The Free World?

The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House

Does the Gay Agenda Supersede the Human Agenda?

The Problem with Gays and Voters: Whom can we trust?

Can Obama Learn from the Successful Economies?

Your Money or Your Schools

Did Steven Chu Sabotage BP's Top Kill Effort Just as It Was Succeeding?

The Spy on Your Cell Phone Is a Professional

Rush: TIME Mag Blew It. Breastfeeding Mom Was Too Pretty.

+Listen To Rush Limbaugh’s Speech As He Is Inducted Into ‘Hall of Famous Missourians’

O’Reilly Accuses Obama Camp Of ‘Political Terrorism’

Watch Noam Chomsky: Sarah Palin Was Right About Obama

See Will Smith‘s Shocked Reaction to France’s Proposed 75% Tax Rate…After Just Advocating for Higher Taxes in U.S.

Prom Picture Pandemonium: Deck Collapses Underneath Students During Photo Op!

Watch ‘World’s Ugliest Woman’ Who Got Nearly 5 Million YouTube Hits Shares Her Story

Did You Know Soros & Other High-Ranking Democrats Met for an Ultra-Secret Conference Last Weekend?

VIP Donors Phones Confiscated at Obama Fundraising Event

Latest James O’Keefe video: ‘Non-Citizens’ Voting in North Carolina

Sen. Coburn’s Dark Warning: U.S. Will Face a ‘Financial Meltdown’ in 2-5 Years

Have Minnesota Cops Been Drugging Occupy Minneapolis? There’s Some Interesting Video

‘Star Trails’ Captured in Awesome New Composite Image Taken From Space Station

What Military Equipment Used in ‘The Avengers’ Is Actually Real?

Meet the 23-Year-Old Obama Hired to Head His Religious Campaign Outreach

Chris Matthews Admits: The ‘Reason the Media Are on Obama’s Side Against Romney‘ Is ’Partisanship, Obviously’

Popular Canadian ‘Marxist’ Muslim: Obama Has ‘White Man’s Guilt’ & Sharia ‘Has No Place In Islam’

Moses: First Union Boss, Epic Community Organizer! Listen To Stephen Lerner’s Retelling of Exodus

GM‘s OnStar Patent Suggests Technology to Tailor Billboards to You ’Minority Report’ Style

Author Reveals Identity of Man New Obama Book Says Tried to Bribe Jeremiah Wright

Want to Walk in Jesus’ Footsteps? Check Out the World‘s First Facebook Game Based on Christ’s Life

Laura Ingraham Reveals Witnessing TSA Pat Down of Apparent Double Amputee Veteran

‘Cult’: Pastor Sues Family for $500,000 for Posting Negative Internet Reviews of His Church

Plagiarizing Newspaper Editor Writes Check for ‘Bull S***’ After Video Confrontation With Persistent Local Blogger

FL Fire Capt. Demoted After Trayvon Martin Facebook Post Blasts ‘Sh*tbag, Ignorant, Pathetic’ Parents

‘Terrorized’: Uses Romney Bully Incident To Show What He Would Do to America & the ‘99%’

NJ Woman Scams $450K by Using Soros’ Name in Ponzi Scheme

New Obama Book Shocker: Kennedys and Obamas at War — Caroline Considers Obama a ‘Liar’

Tony Blair: ‘A World Without Faith Would Be a World on the Path to Tragedy & Disaster’

New York Man Accused of Smuggling Crack in His…Crack

Holder Could Be Prosecuted if He Stonewalls Gun Probe Any Further | American Free Press

What’s NATO Ever Done? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Anonymous: 'We have access to every classified database in the US' — RT

'Over-consumption' threatening Earth - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Jordan News Agency (Petra) |Israel arrests 800,000 Palestinians since 1948

Ready or not, Afghan forces taking control - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times

Politics Seen in Obama’s Same-Sex Marriage Support -

Top 9 reasons Congress is broken - Insufficient presidential leadership -

Chris Matthews Goes After Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers for Opposing Violence Against Women Act

Pat Robertson: Vote Romney Because 'You Don't Have Jesus Running'

Perino Calls Marriage Equality 'Crass Politics of the Left'

Fox News Conjures Pat Buchanan to Attack President Obama for Support of Gay Marriage

RNC Chair Calls for Less Regulation of Wall Street After $2 Billion JPMorgan Loss

It Wasn't All Gloom And Doom Out Of North Carolina Last Week-- Patsy Keever Won

Mitt Romney to Attack President Obama on National Debt While Proposing to Increase It

MA Senate Race Battle Between Wall Street's Favorite Senator and Wall Street's Toughest Critic

On Romney's Olympic Record: Does He Even Have An Ethical Compass?

Seattle Cops Ask SCOTUS To Hear Appeal On 9th Circuit TASER Ruling

Elizabeth Warren Calls For Dimon To Resign From NY Fed Board

Hilary Rosen: Straight People Don't Need Any Help Tearing Down the Institution of Marriage

'Family Guy' Does the Tea Party

RNC Chair Priebus: Gay People Deserve Dignity and Respect, As Long as That Doesn't Include Allowing Them to Get Married

Wisconsin's Scott Fitzgerald Says His Challenger is a Puppet...for Her Husband

Tamron Hall Ends Tim Carney's Spin Doctoring By Tossing Him Off Her Show

Jan Brewer Signs Arizona Big Brother Birth Control Surveillance Law

Gun Sales Go Boom, Thanks to NRA's Paranoid Fearmongering About Obama

Barney Frank Takes Marsha Blackburn to Task for Deregulating Banks

NBC Anchor a Keynote Speaker at Conservative Fundraiser

FL Gov. Rick Scott's Chief of Staff Resigns Amid Scandal

Business Insider CEO: Wall Street Is Just A Bunch Of Kids Playing With Dynamite

Shades of 2000: Is Florida Going to Purge 180,000 Hispanic Voters?

Evidence: Trayvon Had Bruised Knuckles, Zimmerman Broken Nose

Evidence: Trayvon Had Bruised Knuckles, Zimmerman Broken Nose

Politics in Play: DeGeneres Named Next Mark Twain Prize for American Humor Honoree

Demeaning the Office: Obama Jokes About 'Sex Book' On 'View'

Liberal Entertainment Weekly Dubs Obama's 'View' Appearance 'Waste of Time'

Stern Doesn't Have Ratings: Shock Jock's Judge Debut Fizzles

Obama Budget Doubles Student Loan Rate After Re-election

Obama Campaign Won't Commit To Support Dem In WI Election

Obama: 'Civil Unions Weren't Sufficient'

Panic: Obama Campaign Already Coming Off the Rails

Obama Lowers His Own Grade on the Economy

Mitt Romney and Homosexuals: The Record

MoveOn's Justin Ruben Fundraises over Objections of Hazing Victim's Family

Will America Follow Europe Leftward?

Wendell Berry's Speech Reveals Washington's Disconnect

Superb Romney Ad Tells Personal Stories of Struggle Under Obama's Failed Economy

Obama 'Stereotyped, Simplified and Used' Us

Principled Conservative Action Will Lead this Nation

Her Heritage Claims Utterly Disproven, Elizabeth Warren Doubles Down

Politico Busts Elizabeth Warren--Almost

'Gay Obama' Newsweek Mag Also Shoehorns in a Knock on Palin

Juan Williams Runs Interference for Eric Holder, Fast & Furious

Chris Matthews To Black Bishop: 'I Hope You Evolve'

Police Raid Berkley Occupy Encampment, Nine Arrested

WH: Bush 'Greatest Contributor To Our Deficit Right Now'

Obama 2008: 'I Want To Go Through Federal Budget Line By Line, Page By Page'

Bobby Jindal: 'President Obama Never Ran A Lemonade Stand'

Bill Clinton 'Feels Sympathy' For Romney

Flashback: Obama Believes Marriage Between A Man And A Woman

Ron Paul Ends Primary Campaign

Obama: 'Civil Unions Weren't Sufficient'

Poll: Half Of Americans Call Facebook 'Fad'

Socialist Sanders Goes Ballistic On Reporter While Defending Non-Existent Senate Budget

Carney Runs Defense For Obama Campaign From WH

WH Called Out For Skipping Female Reporter

US defends Afghan police despite critical report

Tehran Celebrates Success in Nuclear Talks; Ross Calls Talks 'Not Serious'


**Obama's Commencement Speech at Barnard College

**News Video:

Matthews: Obama Ad "Reminds Me Of Karl Rove" Tactics
RCP's Tom Bevan Discusses "Poison Pill" Bills In Congress
RCP's Tom Bevan And NYT's Michael Shear Discuss 2012 Race
Obama Campaign: NYT/CBS Poll Is "Biased"
Romney Ad: "American Dream"
O'Reilly: Democratic Party Stokes "Class Envy"
Maddow: Mitt Romney's Bane Is Bain
Cavuto: Media Only Reports "Suspicious" Stuff About Romney
Heilemann: Obama Has A Weak Hand On The Economy

Senator John McCain: 'Defining American Interests in Asia'
Syria, Iran Create Informal 'Shadow Army'?
Drawing Could Shed Light on Iran's Secret Nuclear Work
What Happens if Greece Leaves the Euro?
Complications in U.S.-Afghan Strategy
Risk of Contagion if Greece Exits the Euro
Soyuz Space Launch
Mladic to Stand Trial on Bosnian War Crimes
Palestinians Rejoice Over Hunger Strike End
Francois Hollande Becomes French President
Dalai Lama Gets Prize, Trades Barbs With China
Top Afghan Peace Negotiator Buried in Kabul
Towards a Digital Tahrir
Syrian Refugees: 'We Just Want Freedom'


Elizabeth Warren: "I'm Proud Of My Native American Heritage"
Obama Slams Media At College Commencement: Full Of "Sensationalism And Scandal"
Pat Buchanan: Biden "Dragged Barack Obama Out Of The Closet"
Obama: GOP Message Is "You're Frustrated And It's Obama's Fault"
Obama To College Women: "You Can Be Stylish And Powerful"
Obama Ties "Forward" Campaign Slogan To The Constitution
Krauthammer On Drones Flying In US: "Stop It Here, Stop It Now"
Chris Matthews: Jesus Would Have Protected Kid Romney Chased
Obama: "Question Is Not Whether Things Will Get Better, They Always Do"
Book: Obama Confidant Tried To Bribe Rev. Jeremiah Wright
Newsweek Columnist Likens "Insufferable" Ann Romney To Hitler, Stalin Ad Hits Romney Over Women's Issues
SNL Goofs On Biden, George W. Bush After Gay Marriage Announcement
Obama Campaign Ad Hits Romney On Bain
Romney Explains How His Family Rescued Family In Sinking Boat
Warren: Wall Street Fighting A "Guerrilla War" Against Regulations
Former Obama Car Czar Calls Romney Attack Ad "Unfair"
60 Minutes: Disabled Troops Inspire Gary Sinise To Give Back
RNC Web Ad: "Empty Promises: Debt & Deficits"

Sino-Indian Relations
Rep. Rogers: White House Wasn't Straight on Bomb Plot
Transition of Power Leaves Afghanistan's Poor in Limbo
Death Toll Rises In Mexico Massacre
Queen Arrives in Carriage for Diamond Jubilee Pageant.
Sen. Feinstein Talks National Security
Raw Video: Thousands Protest Austerity in Spain
Greek Crisis Deepens With No Breakthrough in Coalition Talks
Is Austerity to Blame for Europe's Economic Woes?
Will the Violence Ever End in Syria?



How Yahoo Killed Flickr and Lost the Internet

Engineering Tricks That Helped Facebook Win -

The Facebook IPO – US Business News — As Investors Fawn Over Facebook, Poll Finds User Distrust, Apathy - CNBC

Inside the Skynet ghost town built by bunker-based boffins • The Register

Gadgets work under your skin – but are you ready? - tech - 14 May 2012 - New Scientist

Truth, Lies & Facebook Advertising - Forbes

The Facebook-Free Baby -

5 Transformative Uses for Disney's Touch-Sensitive Technology - Technology Review

Is There a Future for Laptops? | Tim Bajarin |

Walking as Search: Google Glasses May Not Be a Good Idea | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

Thwarting terrorism with creativity and lots of data — Cloud Computing News

How to save social readers from extinction - Fortune Tech

Physics, Ivy Bridge, and the slow death of overclocking | ExtremeTech

Does Yahoo even know how to be a modern media company? — Tech News and Analysis

Browsers on Windows RT: It's a tough antitrust case to make | Business Tech - CNET News

We are powerless against porn in a new digital era | Media | The Guardian

The PC market's last, best hope - Fortune Tech

The JPMorgan mess: Revive Glass-Steagall

Has anything changed on Wall Street? « Hot Air

HHS Sends $5.9 Million to Program Run by Obama Buddy | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Defining diversity at Harvard Law -

How John Roberts Orchestrated Citizens United : The New Yorker

Articles: The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House

Ignore Myths and Half-Truths of JPMorgan’s Trading Losses - Bloomberg

Dodd-Frank law: Too big to succeed - Chicago Sun-Times

How Wall Street Killed Financial Reform | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Barack Obama, the first female president - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - Expect a Desperate Obama to Dump Biden

RealClearPolitics - Some Dems Fretting Over Team Obama's Ineptitude

The Lesson of JP Morgan's $2 Billion Loss: Break Up the Big Banks - David Rohde - Business - The Atlantic

Small-Business Owners Struggle To Survive Amid An Unprecedented Federal Regulatory Onslaught -

RealClearPolitics - One by One, Obama Targets '08 Coalition for Boost

Kansas lawmakers pass effective ban on Islamic law | Reuters

The President, Gay unions, and the problem of selective Christianity | Archdiocese of Washington

Seven Things in the Church That Will Not Change

Arianna Huffington: My Conversation With the Dalai Lama: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality (VIDEO)

Professor Benedict lectures the professors |

Atheism’s new clout -

God In The Machine | Politics & Media |

Wallace Is Shot, Legs Paralyzed; Suspect Seized at Laurel Rally

Energy Tribune- Brazil Tested by Latin America Energy Populism

Hybrid and Electric cars too quiet: Why they’re dangerous to pedestrians. - Slate Magazine

Clean energy as culture war | Grist

The Rebranding of Global Warming (Demoting an exaggerated issue) — MasterResource

Taco USA -

Influence of classic literature on writers declining, study claims | Books |

(Middle) Class War by Paul Constant - Seattle Books - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper

George Wallace - Telegraph

Ronald Reagan launched political career using the Berkeley campus as a political target

The governor's race

Palestine : The British mandate -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

Ray Kroc and the Fast Food Industry

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

The Awkward Attack on Bain Capital - By Reihan Salam - The Agenda - National Review Online

Why Dodd-Frank could be a harder sell than Obamacare - The Washington Post

Financial Reform Returns to the Political Agenda | FDL News Desk

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : We're Not as Stupid as Barack Obama Thinks

RealClearPolicy - Opinion, News, Analysis and Videos

Pro-subsidy does not equal pro-business -

RealClearPolicy- How a Bill to Rein in the Fed Could Help Bernanke

Innovation In The Health Care Sector Marches Forward - Forbes

CONVERSABLE ECONOMIST: Why Does the U.S. Spend More on Health Care than Other Countries?

Student Loans Weighing Down a Generation With Heavy Debt -

The High Cost of Unpaid Internships | Next New Deal

Video/Ross: NatGas to Triple in Price

Video/Boehner's 'Line in the Sand' on Debt

VideoGM to Stop Advertising on Facebook

Video/Arends: We're All J.P. Morgan Now

Why We're All J.P. Morgan Now -

Dimon may be ‘stupid,’ but he’s right on banks - David Weidner's Writing on the Wall - MarketWatch

Why J.P. Morgan's Jamie Dimon Should Resign - Economic Intelligence (

Banking: Same as It Ever Was (JPM)

China Investment Boom Starts to Unravel - CNBC - Asia Business News - CNBC

RAHN: Killers of banks and jobs - Washington Times

How Roe v. Wade Empowered U.S. Investors - Bloomberg

Review & Outlook: Obama's 'Vampire' Capitalists -

Mad About Facebook! -

Student loans like housing bubble—J.T. Young -

How Yahoo can get its mojo back - Fortune Tech

Gold Is A Commodity, Not A Currency | The Big Picture

Barack Obama, the Great Deceiver « naked capitalism

Sex, Money and Largesse: The Hidden Depression

Dr. Ed's Blog: Crude Oil & Stock Prices

Housing markets: Boom ahead? | The Economist

The Human Disaster of Unemployment -

Future U: The stubborn persistence of textbooks | Ars Technica

Ancient language discovered on clay tablets found amid ruins of 2800 year old Middle Eastern palace - Archaeology - Science - The Independent

New Planet Found in Our Solar System?

If the Interstate System Were Designed by a Slime Mold | Surprising Science

What Are Science’s Ugliest Experiments? | Cross-Check, Scientific American Blog Network

Darwin's Creepiest Experiment Brought Back to Life | Wired Science |

CPA Australia presents An Audience with Neil Armstrong

Optoelectronics: Graphene shows its colours | The Economist

Antimatter Propulsion Engine Redesigned Using CERN's Particle Physics Simulation Toolkit - Technology Review

Kidding Yourself Is No Laughing Matter |

Low-cost artificial leaf to help the world’s poorest | COSMOS magazine

What If Our Hands had Six Fingers? | Why Do Humans have 10 Fingers? |

Scientists Study How Humans Hide and Seek - Blog

Dream deterred | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Oldest Known Mayan Astronomical Calendar Stuns Scientists - TIME

*16 May

American Minute for May 16th

May 16th in History

Today in History: May 16

Today in History: May 16

May 16 Events in History

This Day in History for 16th May |

May 16th This Day in History

Today in History for May 16th - YouTube


May 14, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 15 May 2012

The Manning Report – 14 May 2012

Alex Jones - 2012-May-15, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2012-May-14, Monday

Alex Jones - 2012-May-13, Sunday

05/14 The Mark Levin Show

Kevin Trudeau Show

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 15th

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 14th



The Katherine Albrecht Show 05-14-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 05-14-12 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 05-15-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 05-15-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 05-14-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 05-14-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 05-14-12 Hr 3

Redding News Review 05-15-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 05-15-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 05-15-12 Hr 3

David Duke Show 15th

David Duke Show 14th

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair 14th


ATLAH Media Network | All Jesus, All The Time

I Announced Obama’s Homosexuality 4 Years Ago | ATLAH Media Network

Same-Sex Marriage is an Obama-Nation | ATLAH Media Network

Douglas Hagmann Internal View of Obama’s Martial Law Plans | ATLAH Media Network

Did FOX News Whack Andrew Breitbart? | ATLAH Media Network

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