A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

09 April 2012

Easter Weekend Review

Charade (1953)

And Then There Were None (1945)

Murder by Death - YouTube

The 39 Steps (1935)

Horror Express (1976)

Night of the Living Dead (1968)

Quicksand (1950)

Carnival of Souls (1962)


Global Europe: Game Over?
Alternatives To Attacking Iran
Israel Is On Its Own
Shelling Continues In Syria: Activists
Colombia's Volcano Spews Ash And Smoke
Raw Video: Huge Portrait Of Kim Jong Il Unveiled
Raw Video: China Throws Party For Polar Bear Cub
Afghanistan's First Bowling Alley Opens In Kabul
Political Impact Of Japanese Tsunami One Year Later
The U.S. Latin America And Caribbean
Joshua Rovner Talks About Iran
Campaign 2012: Foreign Aid
Why They Protest: Egypt, Libya And Syria
North Korea's Rocket Launch For Internal Purposes

Another Uncovered Clip Shows GSA Making More Music Videos On Job
RNC Web Video: Obama 2012: From "Hope" To Hypocrisy


Gingrich: I Will Work As Hard For Romney As I Would For Myself
Broadcast Legend Mike Wallace Dead At 93
Wasserman Schultz: Republicans Are "Rooting For Economic Failure"
"Meet The Press Panel" On Religion And Politics
Senators Conrad, Johnson Talk Budget Battle
Durbin Debates Kasich, Ask Romney For His Entitlement Plan
"This Week" Roundtable On Politics This Week And Women Issues
CNN: Is Mormonism A Problem For Mitt Romney?
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Rick Santorum Campaign
Baltimore Sun's Zurawik: Olbermann "A Nasty Kind Of Arrested Adolescent"


Chad Stone & Hannah Shaw Discuss March Jobs Report

Easter And Passover Greetings From President Obama
GOP Weekly Address: OK Gov. Fallin Says Obama Is "Hypocritical" On Energy


Obama To Women: I Wasn't Going To Come Over Until You All Settled Down
Durbin Says We Must Buy Hybrid Cars Because Of Tornadoes: "It's Your Money Or Your Life"
Jon Stewart Mocks Bill O'Reilly's Coverage Of GSA Scandal
Allen West: I Would Say Yes To VP Slot On GOP Ticket
"Special Report" Panel On The U.S. And Egypt
Fehrnstrom On Etch A Sketch Remark: Was Referring To The Race, Not The Candidate
O'Donnell: Holder Thought Of Campaign Before Writing Federal Judge
CNN On GSA "American Idle" Video: "This Is Just Really Remarkable"
O'Reilly: I Don't Think Obama Is A Bad Guy
Obama To Women: We've Made Progress On Economic Issues, But Not Yet On Dry Cleaning
Dem U.S. Senate Candidate Calls Opponent A "Whore" For Israel
Corn: GOP Hypocritical For Criticizing Obama's Supreme Court Comments
Levin On Obama Opining On Augusta: Where Is He On Women Out Of Work?
Wasserman Schultz: GOP "Callously Indifferent To Women's Health"





**Watch Series


Deadman is Alive



*ARTICLES:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'


Holy City Bible Code


+Concert Vault- Grateful Dead - Winterland (San Francisco, CA) - Oct 4, 1970


Dead Air with Uncle John 2012-04-08

Dead Air with Uncle John 2012-04-01

Dead Air with Uncle John 2012-03-25


The Daily Bell - Tax Bill Is Beginning of Formal Debt Criminalization

Selling You on Facebook -

Obama under fire for 'socialism' — RT

Foods that Improve Memory | Natural Society

Why Some Civil War Soldiers Glowed in the Dark - Mental Floss

Hi-Ho! The US is a Police State | This Can't Be Happening

Activist Post: CIA Home Invasion: Smart TVs and the 'Internet of Things'

Sailing the Uncharted Cosmic Sea « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

We Are EMR Guinea Pigs - YouTube

DARPA Cheetah Sets Speed Record for Legged Robots - YouTube

World’s largest laser fired, displays record-breaking power - Electronic Products

Draconian Cybersecurity Bills

Nasa scientist: climate change is a moral issue on a par with slavery | Environment |

DHS Purchases Bullet Resistant Checkpoint Booths Amid Large Scale Ammo Buildup :

Children don't just watch porn. Tragically, they now star in it | Mail Online

After birth abortions, psycho-surgeries and sterilization « The PPJ Gazette

Feds Attempt to Install Embedded Monitor In Sheriff Arpaio’s Office As His Cold Case Posse Continues Their Obama Investigation :

Human egg cells grown in lab 'could be fertilised' - Telegraph


Where Did Congress Go To College? (Full)


LARRY KING LIVE | VIDCAST: ". . . Have UFOs Shut Down Our Government's Defense Systems?"

Leonard Cohen takes stand in harassment trial -

Obama Authorizes Greater Wall Street Theft

Volcanic pits detected on Mars could offer a save haven for life, scientists believe - and could even be a | Mail Online

Americans Love The IRS And The Income Tax

Barack Obama Tackles US Torture Head On … He Hunts & Cages Those Who Expose it

How to Prevent Cavities | Natural Society

Cell Phones & Smartphones: AVOID The EMR Output! | The Health Coach

Operation Midnight Climax: How the CIA Dosed S.F. Citizens with LSD - - News - San Francisco - SF Weekly

Drilling fees pay for new national forest lands - Yahoo! News

BBC News - Inside America's Drone HQ

Drones Flying Under the Radar

US drone crashes at Seychelles airport - Telegraph

RPOF: It's Always The Cover-Up That Comes Back To Bite You..

Israeli architect of Oslo accords says Middle East peace process is over - Telegraph

Hammers and Nails and Avatars, Oh My. Visible Origami

Rothschilds to merge British and French banking operations to secure control - Telegraph

Russian officials to be prevented from buying foreign cars - Telegraph

'Merchant of Death' Viktor Bout sentenced to 25 years in prison - Telegraph

Murdoch hacking scandal spreads to Sky News | Reuters

Former CIA agent indicted for leaking to journalists - Telegraph

Manufacturers struggle to preserve 'shop math' skills | The Tribune &

Malaria: global battle to contain disease set back as powerful drugs lose potency | Society |

Pak-US: Masters and Slaves | Opinion Maker

Where Did Congress Go To College? (Full)

Secrets And The Silence

Doctors want to redefine autism; parents worried - Yahoo! News

Mercury Poisoning and/or Toxicity: Do you have it? | The Health Coach

Water Alkalizers & Ionizers: Is It Healthy To Drink Only Alkaline Water? | The Health Coach

Hashima aka Gunkanjima: Photos of desolate Battleship Island off the coast of Japan | Mail Online

Monsanto's Roundup Causes Morphological Changes in Tadpoles | Natural Society

Eau de toilette: Bill Gates pays to turn sewage into drinking water — RT

Agenda21 – Wildlands Plan is in full swing in California – 42 Roads to close in El Dorado National Forest « The PPJ Gazette

Rudolph Hess believed the Jews had hypnotised Churchill, according to the Nazi's psychiatric records | Mail Online


Vladimir Putin exposes the NWO Part 1 - YouTube

Vladimir Putin exposes the NWO Part 2 - YouTube

Vladimir Putin exposes the NWO Part 3 - YouTube

Vladimir Putin exposes the NWO Part 4 - YouTube


+Tea Party To Expose ‘America’s Fraud President’ To 1 Million Households!

America's silliest town names: Keep driving through Elephant Butte and before long you will face Truth or Consequences | Mail Online

+the fastest piano player in the world ever Yuja Wang - YouTube


**1:08:33/From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life: The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology (FULL LENGTH VIDEO) - YouTube



Lloyd Marcus » Blog Archive » A Black Man, The Progressive’s Perfect Trojan Horse

Activist Post: Global Great Depression and Population Reduction by 2030: MIT and The Club of Rome Prophecy

Next Megaquake Looking For A Weak Spot? | Before It's News

Activist Post: The Curious Case of Crime in the Media

Pope Benedict XVI ushers in Easter with candle lit vigil | Mail Online

Philippe Loret 'believes he is Adolf Hitler's grandson': French plumber tells family story | Mail Online

UK 'exporting surveillance technology to repressive nations' | World news | The Observer

Anonymous takes down Home Office website in attack against Government surveillance plans | Mail Online

EU Referendum: Big European Brother

'War on drugs' has failed, say Latin American leaders | World news | The Observer

World's Dictators More Scared of Tweets Than Opposing Armies - IPS

Nothing found for 2012 04 Logics-of-bounty-and-statue-of-liberty %27

Delusional Milestone | Opinion Maker

Margaret and Stuart Bentham: Robbed by a British court on the orders of the CIA | Mail Online

Documents reveal war crimes tribunal's fury at Libya's refusal to hand over Saif Gaddafi | World news | The Observer

For Army troops, prescription drugs may add to fog of war -

PressTV - Israel seeks automatic US aid: Author

404 - File or directory not found.

The Bullet Designed to “CLEANSE” the Lower 48? « The Story Behind The Story

Paul Drockton: Drockton Forces Mormon Leadership Changes

Paul A Drockton M.A. How Safe is Zions Bank?


** List of Speed Traps (


Does Josephus prove a historical Jesus?

How the Moon Affects the Date of Easter « Zen Haven

Easter and Passover 2012 marked by stunning 'pink moon' over New York skyline | Mail Online


How Olive Oil Is Made - YouTube


60 MIN./Sun Sea & Satan FULL DOCUMENTARY - YouTube

1:389:58/G20 RAW Full Documentary - YouTube

52 MIN./The Street Politicians - YouTube

1:02:50/The LONDON Riots 2011 - YouTube


+Baked Panelle with Orange Hemp Seed Sauce | Alchemy Angles


Two Del Monte Entities Argue Over Selling Fresh Fruit -

Dr. Michael J. Breus: The Sleep-Heart Connection


* Create Online Petition - PetitionBuzz.Com


Mike Wallace dead: ’60 Minutes’ legend was 93 | The Cutline - Yahoo! News

RIP Mike Wallace | VIDCAST | REDUX: Major Donald Keyhoe of NICAP Talks UFOs On The Mike Wallace Show (1958)



Study: No One Wants To Move Their Company To The US Anymore - Business Insider

Peak Civilization: MIT Predicts Global Economic Collapse By 2030

Refreshing News: Hillary Clinton 2016? Democrats clamor as America's top diplomat looks to the future


*40 min./The King Alfred Plan & Martial Law - YouTube

*1:31:35/Max Gerson Therapy - The Beautiful Truth - Full Length - YouTube


9/11 Manhattan Demolition - YouTube

9/11 WTC 7 Collapse Reported On BBC Several Times The Hour Before It Happened - YouTube


* 50 min./Cancer Killed by Cannabis - Weed - Pot - Marijuana finds UCLA research and others Full-length Doc - YouTube


Activist Post: Confirmed: Terrorist Organization Trained on US Soil by US Military

Paul & Napolitano~End the Wars - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Stossel \'s Take Ron Paul\'s Non-Interventionist

Feeding The Homeless BANNED In Major Cities All Over America

Refreshing News: US Navy F-18 jet crashes into Virginia apartment building

Refreshing News: Patron Busted After Calling 911 To Lodge Complaints About "Nasty" Hamburger She Purchased From Hardee's

Activist Post: Will Strip Searches Stop Terrorism and Save America?

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Terrorist With $10 MILLION Dollar Bounty Holds Press Conference Mocking U.S.

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : \"The Dept of Justice Is Very Good At Setting Up Theatrical Stings Impersonating Islamic Terrorist\"

College Board silent: US wars, NDAA, ‘non-academic, unsuitable,’ AP Govt topics? - National Nonpartisan |

ah, mephistophelis.: Man, Waterboarded A Record of 183 Times, Confesses Guilt For 9/11; Sentenced To Death

Thirty-Two Hours of Fame: How the Strange Story of Mohamed Merah Does Not Add Up :

Pakistan Wants 'Concrete Evidence' On Mumbai Suspect Sought by U.S.

Did The US Just Start A cyber War With Al-Qaeda?

Anti-Neocons ; Video: Full Ron Paul Berkeley Speech Here

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Obama Is Not A Keynesian, He\'s An American!

Blacks Beat and strip white man HATE CRIME - YouTube

The real reason why Gadaffi had to die - YouTube

RON PAUL REVOLUTION: A New Era Of Freedom - YouTube

CONFIRMED: Mohammed Merah was an ASSET of the French SECRET SERVICE. - YouTube


+What Really Happened with Mike Rivero 6th Apr 2012 - YouTube

+What Really Happened with Mike Rivero 5th Apr 2012 - YouTube


Lone Star Watchdog: The Power of Individualism Will Win the Ron Paul Revolution in the End.

2010-9/11 Ariel Sharon "Turning Point on Terror" Press Confrence 5:00 pm - YouTube


**Corruption Perceptions Index: Transparency International


Delusional milestone: Pastor Hagee’s Million Christians United For Israel | Veterans Today

Black Markets In Gold And Cigarettes Are Exploding In Greece - Business Insider

Refreshing News: Titanic explorer 'to dispatch deep-water robots to conserve the wreck'

Refreshing News: Prescribed drugs 'to blame over spate of violence among US soldiers'

Green tax on conservatories: Home improvements will trigger 10% levy | Mail Online

How Obama Can Cut Gas Prices And Lose The 2012 Elections. | Video Rebel's Blog

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Irwin Schiff Talks the Basics of Economics

Obama’s Supreme Court Rebuff :

The Importance of Selfishness :

GSA looked for motivation by mentalist - The Washington Post

Canada News: Ban on Gideon Bible handout at public schools sparks torrent of hate mail -

Delusional milestone: Pastor Hagee and his deadly million > Americas > Redress Information & Analysis

DOJ Distraction in Conjunction with Mainstream Media Launched Against Sheriff Arpaio :

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Peter Schiff Rebuts Bernanke on Fed\'s Role in Financial Crisis 4-2-12

SOPA back with Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (Updated with Supporters) | Journal Five

Leaked Video Shows US Contractors Randomly Killing Civilians - YouTube

How To Be a Crook - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : How Does The National Debt Affect The Average American?

Lone Star Watchdog: He Has Risen, He was Also Anti Establishment and Turned Over the Tables of the Money Changers

Refreshing News: US Police Can Copy Your iPhone’s Contents In Under Two Minutes

9/11 Anthrax Connection: June 2001 Biological Attack Drill Blames Iraq and Afghan Militants - YouTube

Chickens Fed Caffeine, Banned Antibiotics, and Prozac Often Without The Farmer’s Knowledge : TreeHugger

How the US uses sexual humiliation as a political tool to control the masses | Naomi Wolf | Comment is free |

Vatican Bank faces fresh controversy - Telegraph


Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, April, 06, 2012

Blacklisted Radio 4/6/2012 Podcast


America: A Government Out Of Control -

America: A Government Out of Control (Part 1) - YouTube

America: A Government Out of Control (Part 2) - YouTube

The Purpose of Education: Social Uplift or Social Control? -

Fear of Tyranny Is Now Treated As A Psychiatric Disorder In The West -

Tax Bill Is Beginning of Formal Debt Criminalization -

Higher Demand For Corn Equals Higher Stock Prices For Monsanto - Seeking Alpha

"Merchant of Death" Viktor Bout Sentenced to 25 Years; Trial Ignored His Ties to U.S., Dick Cheney » JPMorgan Illegally Let Lehman Bros. Count Customers’ Funds As Its Own

McGrath: “The Control Grid is Being Put Into Place to Handle What They Know Is Coming.” -

No More Rule By Slogans And Brands: Public Confidence In The PR State In D.C. Is Collapsing -

The Genetically Modified Food You Eat Every Day -

+ Margaret Sanger The Mike Wallace Interview Eugenicist Psychopathic Monsters Kill Millions - 12160

Matthew 27:51-53: The Bible’s “Night of the Living Dead” Passage | Prometheus Unbound

Guest Post: Ten Minutes After The Titanic Struck The Iceberg | ZeroHedge

Why Campaigning for Democrats Cripples Labor Unions

Obama Wreaks Duplicity

The True Cause of the Death of David Kelly

PUBLIC BANKING IN AMERICA: Philadelphia Freedom, Birthplace of the Constitution Takes Center Stage

NEW ARMS RACE? U.S. Fuels Massive Arms Spending in Asia

AMERICA'S "NEW IRAQ": "Vengeance Beyond the Grave". Killings, Kidnappings, Concentration Camps...

RACISIM AND "HATE CRIME" IN THE U.S.: The Ku Klux Klan Still "Kill At Will"

DO YOU STILL BELIEVE IN THE "AMERICAN DREAM"? The "Frog Revolution", Mounting Social Inequality and the "Super Rich"

How the Politics of Intervention Encourage Bad Foreign Policy - Conor Friedersdorf - International - The Atlantic

Obama turns super-hawk - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

'Civil liberties? They're safe.' And if you believe that… | Technology | The Observer

In Hiding, Mali President Issues Resignation -- News from

The Genetic Social Network: Facebook has your Personal Information; Now Google wants your DNA | Old-Thinker News

Dozens Die as Suspected Muslim Terrorists Target Easter Service in Nigeria

Obama's Own War On Women

Pope: Without God and Morality, Technical Feats Are Dangers That Put the World at Risk

President Obama: ‘Jesus Knew Doubt’

Finalists emerge to redesign National Mall sites

Gingrich: Running for President 'Much Harder Than I Thought'

Homeowner association could be sued in Trayvon Martin case

Syrians fire across 2 borders as conflict deepens

Queen Elizabeth II grants Camilla new honor

Autism may be linked to obesity during pregnancy

France takes new look at radicalization in prisons

School vouchers prompt court fights in US

Police Say Revenge May Be Motive in Tulsa Murder Spree

Conservatives Trying to Retire Elderly GOP Sens. Lugar and Hatch

Congress: GSA's Gifts to Employees Described As a Taxpayer-Funded Giveaway

Obama: ‘Google, Facebook Would Not Exist’ Without Government Funding

White House: Meeting with Muslim Brotherhood Reflects Egypt’s New Reality

Report: North Korea Preparing Nuclear Test as Missile Readied

LIGNET: North Korea to Test Missile That Could Reach California

Pope's Easter Message: Syria Violence Must End

Rove Super PAC Takes Aim at Obama

Land: Santorum Should Consider Bolting Race

IRS Getting $500M to Implement Obamacare

Oddsmakers: Rubio Likeliest Republican VP

Cardinal Dolan: 'We Didn't Ask For Fight' Over Contraception Policy

Rasmussen: Supreme Court Ratings Jump

Romney Removes Anti-Santorum Ad While Daughter Recuperates

Sabato: Virginia's GOP Most Conservative in History

Roubini: I Don’t See Sustainable Recovery in ‘Anemic’ US Economy

Beware of Counterfeit Medications

Polar Bears Have Symptoms of Mystery Disease - US Agency

Ryan, Jindal Would Be Good VP Picks

Pope Chastises Rogue Priests

Syrian Peace Deal: UN's Cloak to NATO's Dagger

Flashback: USDA ‘Doesn’t Know’ if You Are Eating Cloned Meat

U.S. will reportedly demand closure of Iranian nuclear facility, stop to uranium production in talks

Activist Obert Madondo's Hunger Strike Against Canada's New Draconian Crime Bill

Artists and musicians needed to help create new renaissance

David Icke takes us on a tour of his house on the Isle of Wight - YouTube

Over 40% of California public school suspensions are for ‘willful defiance’ or disruption

MPAA Chairman Chris Dodd wants to resurrect SOPA, confirms secret negotiations

White House-approved war crimes: Bush-era torture memo finally released

New York Federal Reserve’s head of the markets group joins the bankster exodus, but why?


**Wheel of Humankind


White House has diverted $500M to IRS to implement healthcare law

White House abandons push for federal contractors to disclose political giving

Democrats see reason for hope in Senate races

Catholic leaders remain critical of Obama administration

Senator appears to call Obama 'stupid' over health care

Study examines the roots of homophobia

New Jersey Star-Ledger: Rutgers investigating satirical newspaper article as anti-Semitic bias incident

Defend CA Vaccine Exemptions - Oppose AB 2109 - YouTube

Exposing the Unemployment Farce

Putting Syria into Some Perspective: The Holy Triumvirate

US-Israel War on Iran: The Myth of Limited Warfare

Mitt Romney and Benjamin Netanyahu Are Old Friends

Video:Dem Candidate Calls Another A ‘Whore’ For AIPAC During Live Debate

Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land

The Hunger Games as a Metaphor for the Warfare State

US Jurists Must Pardon Terror Suspects Caught By Entrapment

+Download Mp3 : Dr. Marc Faber: Global Central Banks Are In The Money Printing Business--There Will Be More QE

Sequel to SOPA could see NSA spy on journalists, media pirates | The Raw Story

“The Hunger Games”: A Glimpse at the New World Order?

Megadeth’s “New World Order” and “We the People”: Metal With a Message

O'Keefe Voter Fraud Investigation: Young Man Offered Holder's Ballot

US Attorney General Eric Holder's Ballot to Vote Offered to Total Stranger - YouTube

For second time in three weeks, a CNN reporter says ‘n*gger’ on live TV [VIDEO]

CNN's Don Lemon: 'N--ger' Should Replace 'N-word' in News Reports |

New documentary shows shocking footage of 'Vatican-approved' exorcist at work | Mail Online

Team Obama unveils rich guy attack on Romney | Washington Examiner

Barbra Streisand won't sing at Obama's L.A. fund-raiser - Yahoo! News Canada

New video offers a glimpse inside federal agency's lavish Las Vegas conference -

Obama Administration Points To Rise In GSA Costs Under Bush Amid Conference Controversy | Fox News

Florida police pose as giant bunnys to catch illegal drivers - msnNOW

British sperm donor ‘fathered 600 children’ | The Sun |News

U.S. intelligence gains in Iran seen as boost to confidence - The Washington Post

Texas engineer, whose wife sent Obama his résumé, still unemployed | McClatchy

Rev. Wright: Clarence Thomas ‘Is Worshipping Some Other God’ | ‘White Supremacy’ Drives ‘World Policy’ | Video |

Supreme Court Update - Rasmussen Reports™

Hillary Clinton, citing her job, will skip DNC in Charlotte | & The Charlotte Observer Newspaper

Orlando's Rep. Adams: Rep. Sandy Adams fears Obama power grab - Orlando Sentinel

» Government Surveillance Crackdown On Internet Goes Into Overdrive Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Why We Need Voter-ID Laws Now - John Fund - National Review Online

Philadelphia Police, FBI Searching For Serial Robbers « CBS Philly

New Black Panthers: Race War For Trayvon April 9th 'Day of Action'

Puberty Before Age 10 | Strollerderby

Is NASA Tracking The Cosmic Shift? « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

Kelleigh Nelson -- The Culture of Death


**Cooking and Recipes


48 Psychological Facts You Should Know About Yourself | Before It's News

VIDEOS:Supernatural Abilities Of Qi Gong Masters | Before It's News


**2:40:00/Mindblowing What Nasa & Esa Do Not Want You To Know 2011 2Hrs39min HD1080p [Watch FullScreen] - YouTube


+Three ‘Healthy Foods’ You Should Avoid Eating ~ RiseEarth

'Universal' Cancer Vaccine Developed | Before It's News

10 Things To Know About Building A Natural Shelter | Before It's News

* A Brief History of Taxes (Infographic) | Before It's News

11 Books Every Introvert Should Read, | Before It's News

Next Megaquake Looking For A Weak Spot? | Before It's News

Breitbart Autopsy Completed

Extremum Spiritum – Last Breath of a Dying Civilization - 33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, What Every Person Should Know

The Excavator: Fear of Tyranny Is Now Treated As A Psychiatric Disorder In The West

'Hidden' Prehistoric Buildings Found By Archaeologists On Skomer Island | Before It's News

Sneaky Places to Store More Stuff, by Jessica Hooley -

4 Ways To Creatively Grow Your Own Fruits And Vegetables | Before It's News

Some Useful Condescending Phrases | Before It's News

The Beautiful Photography Of Zebras | Before It's News

75+ Gorgeous and Imaginative Female Portraits Photography | Before It's News

ITV News Alien Warning of whats coming in 2012 - YouTube

When Government Safety Nets Break by Gary North

Demise of Peak Oil Theory by David Deming

Tax Bill Is Beginning of Formal Debt Criminalization by Anthony Wile

Ask James: Psychics, Donald Trump, Foreclosing, Re-Energizing, Burn Out, Bad Bosses, and More! Altucher Confidential

Diatomaceous Earth (Food Grade): Bug Killer You Can Eat! by Paul Wheaton

I Wish I Could Shout It from the Rooftops! | Mark's Daily Apple

Dr. David Brownstein - Holistic Family Medicine: The ADA Wants Nutrition Prisons

How To Skin Naive Conservative Donors, Decade After Decade, and How To Avoid Getting Skinned by Gary North

Anti-Authoritarianism Starts Within | Eric Peters Autos

Obama's Pretzel Logic by Peter Schiff

Hutaree Militiamen Cleared In Court by Chuck Baldwin

How to Be Less Stupid Altucher Confidential

45 Signs That America Will Soon Be a Nation With a Very Tiny Elite and the Rest of Us Will Be Poor

Too Busy to Exercise? Get Fit in 3 Minutes a Week by Joseph Mercola

11 Books Every Introvert Should Read - Online College CoursesOnline College Courses

Dehydrating Food - Chapter 4 Storing And Using Dried Foods | Before It's News


**Chocomize – CreatePersonalized Chocolate


**2:15:21/9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out, Full-length, Pre-Release-v1.3; Low-Res. - YouTube


3 PARTS/Max Igan on Vinny Eastwood Show – April 5th, 2012 |

30 MIN./Gerald Celente - Stansberry Radio - April 04, 2012 - YouTube


Gerald Celente - Coast to Coast AM - 05 Apr 2012 - YouTube


+The Thom Hartmann Program – April 6th, 2012 |

4 parts:Fear Based Mind Control and The Unlawfulness of Legality – Max Igan |


**Inside Job, Narrated by Matt Damon (Full Length HD) on Vimeo


Study: EPA-approved GMO insecticide responsible for killing off bees, contaminating entire food chain |

Militarization of Police in America: Trained by Mossad |

United States Police Departments Being Trained By Mossad, Treat Citizens Like Terrorists - YouTube

DHS Preparing For Civil War In The US? - YouTube

DOJ Attempts to Install Monitor in Sheriff Joe's Office - YouTube

The American People Will Be the Final Check on Obamacare and the Dictator’s Unlawful Decrees |

Rendered Defenseless: International Treaty Could be Devastating to Our Nation’s Right to Bear Arms |

Premier Obama Moves on Supreme Court |


Online College (


Urban Prepping -


Why Obamacare is clearly unconstitutional

The benign and benevolent President Obama?

Obama to blame for increased racial violence

Republicans nominate Romney

Rationing or death panels?

FARAH: When blacklisted become blacklisters

S. PARKER: Republicans' black, Hispanic problem

Putting on Ayers

Defeating Obama: Mission Not Impossible

PATRICE LEWIS: Rendering unto Caesar

HENRY LAMB: Why the president should be fired

Caught off guard by the scorpion

LARRY KLAYMAN: The biggest whore of all

J. FARAH: Jesus – not a commie, not a Muslim

NBC strikes again … and again … and again

Obama's demagoguery vs. the people's sovereignty

Justice Clarence Thomas vs. Jeffrey Toobin

When the blacklisted become the blacklisters

If Arpaio’s right, where’s ‘The REAL Birth Certificate’?

Facebook gives early picture of Tulsa suspects

Arpaio: GOP candidates ‘hiding’ from eligibility

Obama now haunted by his ex-political mentor

Orlando's Rep. Adams: Rep. Sandy Adams fears Obama power grab - Orlando Sentinel

House GOP: Don’t bother me with eligibility

Finally, the truth about Soviet spy Alger Hiss

BBC News - St Andrews student ripped pigeon's head off

Music legend returns to R&B, rock roots

Huffington gets more responsibilities at AOL - Apr. 5, 2012

Editgate, Spittlegate, and the Left's 'Race-Gating' Tradition

The Story Unravels: New Questions about Trayvon Martin's Final Hour

Time to Stop Being Intimidated by the Left

Textbooks Behaving Badly

Obama Will Say and Do Anything

Unelected EPA Bureaucrats Approve E15 Ethanol

U.N. Report: Happiness Is...World Socialism

Two Cheers for the Hoodie

Bigotry's Permanent Appeal

Authenticity: Politics' Little Black Dress

Life Lessons from Chávez's Cancer

The Resurrection

War in the Middle East May Be Inevitable

Government-Caused Depression?

Israel's Survival and American Assistance: It's Been Done Before

Chris Mitchum, Former Blacklisted Conservative Actor, Enters U.S. House Race

President Scofflaw

Time for a Military Approach to the Border

How Sturdy Is the Obama Narrative that 'Keeps Us Silent'?

President Obama, Meet Justice Brandeis

State Department's Blind Eye to Boko Haram Terrorists

Mr. Obama's Own War on Women

American Must Prepare for the Next War

'Fakegate': Climate Change Fanatics Wage War on Dissenters

What Happened to Black Pride?

The Rebirth of Birthers?

New Black Panthers 'booted, suited, and armed' for coming 'race war'

White House Won't Let Rep. Issa Question Key Staffer About Fast and Furious

White House stealthily diverts $500 million to IRS for Obamacare enforcement

How Obama's 'Recovery Act' paid for transferring military technology to Russia

Yippee! Free government money! Come and get it! Exploits Trayvon to Bring Down 1%

Hillary's Plan B

World Bank Mischief

Abake and Barack: Two Philanthropic Peas in a Pod

NY Times weaves a Netanyahu-Romney conspiracy tale

Are there really Neo-Nazis patrolling Sanford?

Obama an ignoramus on the causes of high fuel prices

Afghans to have 'oversight' of night-time raids by US military

Barack Obama's 'Doubtful' Easter Message

Black on White attack on St. Patrick's day in Baltimore caught on video

Free Speech Trumps Dearborn's 'Anti-Blasphemy' Efforts

Walmart heroes

Someone in California Finally Shows Some Intelligence, but then Folds

Violence may derail Syrian peace plan

Yemen's main airport closed after attack

The Left is Losing the Media Wars

NASA's Hansen: Climate change a moral issue like slavery

NBC's 'Rosemary Woods' defense of fired producer

Gallup: Job creation best in red state cities

Et Tu Tunisia? 'Blasphemy' Punishment in Liberated Tunisia

Yes, the Constitution protects freedom of religion

Unemployment data not what it appears

Legalize Murder?

Planned Parenthood: The Wrong Direction for America

The Need For Campaign Finance Reform

Limbaugh: Media Manufactured Tiger Woods’ Image As “Mr. Perfect”

Rush Caller Black Retired Military Pilot: This Stuff About Race Has Gotta Stop.

Limbaugh: Tea Party People Are Scratching Their Heads, “What The Hell Happened Here?”

Limbaugh: We Don’t Need No Stinking Subpoenas To Know Obama Played Politics On Keystone

Rush: No One Has Done More Harm To Women Than Barack Obama

‘Over the Top’: New Video Shows Excesses of GSA’s Vegas Trip in Stunning Detail

Updated: Armed Neo-Nazis Patrol Sanford As Black Panthers Hold ‘Survival’ Training Session

‘Warrior for Light’: Artist Thomas Kinkade Dies in California at Age 54

Woman Facing Felony Charges After Waitress Is Attacked for Delivering Wrong Order at Red Lobster

Iran Can Make Nuclear Weapons — But Won’t, Lawmaker Says

Anonymous Allegedly Hacks Britain’s Home Office Website in Response to ‘Draconian Surveillance Proposals’

‘Stay Out of Heavily Black Neighborhoods’: National Review Writer Under Fire for Racial Column

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Nominating Back-Up Presidential Candidate

‘The 99% Spring’ Launches by Training 100,000 Activists Between April 9-15

Egypt Sending in Troops to Secure Sinai Peninsula After Rocket Attack on Israeli City

Miami Marlins Manager Ozzie Guillen Apologizes for Saying He ‘Loves’ and ‘Respects’ Fidel Castro

‘I Saw a Head’: Thames Boat Race Brought to a Standstill After Protester Jumps Into the River

Watch ‘Targeting Black People to Shoot’: Early-Morning Shooting Spree Leaves 3 Dead, 2 Wounded in Okla.

‘Stupid’: Senator Grassley Responds to Obama’s Supreme Court Comments

SNL: Mitt Romney Is Pro-Everything, From Cat-Neutering to Adult-Onset Diabetes

Rasmussen Reports: 77% Believe Jesus Rose From the Dead

Yikes: Bomb Squad Called in After British Child Finds Hand Grenade During Easter Egg Hunt

Watch Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Republicans ‘Rooting for Economic Failure’

Easter Bomb Blast Kills At Least 38 in Nigeria

Legendary ‘60 Minutes’ Newsman Mike Wallace Dead at 93

Watch MA Couple Finds Swastika Keyed into Their Car at the Beginning of Passover

‘I Think You Have to Be Realistic’: Gingrich Calls Romney ‘The Most Likely Republican Nominee’

‘Illegal Guns That Came From Out of State’: Bloomberg Comments on the Shooting of 4 NYPD Officers

Police Arrest 2 Suspects in Oklahoma Shootings

Congressman on MTP Calls Out NBC and Lawrence O‘Donnell for Saying ’Nasty Things’ About Mormonism

Atheists Post ‘Nobody Died For Your Sins. Jesus Christ Is a Myth’ Anti-Easter Billboard In IL Park

Easter Bunny Arrested For Being ‘Hopped Up’ on Illegal Prescription Narcotics

Facebook Page of Tulsa Shooting Suspect: My Dad Was ‘Shot by a F–king N—r’

Rev. Jesse Jackson: Jesus Was Killed Because He ‘Occupied’ the Corrupt Temple

‘Deeply Offensive & Blasphemous’?: Catholics Protesting ‘Ale Mary’s’ Bar in MD

U.S. Navy Makes Rare Decision to Send Second Carrier to the Gulf

We Now Know What Info Facebook Turns Over to the Cops When Subpoenaed

Exclusive: FOX News‘ Todd Starnes Breaks Down the Obama Admin’s ‘War on Religious Liberty’

Trayvon Martin Case Has Hollywood Scrubbing Material for New Stiller Comedy ‘Neighborhood Watch’

Rev. Billy Graham’s Daughter: ‘I Would Not Vote for…an Atheist’ (POLL)

Stunning Video of White Man Being Stripped and Beaten Outside Baltimore Courthouse Sparks Outrage

Advertising ‘Fail’: Miracle Whip Seemingly Embracing the ‘Socialist Fist’

‘Suited, Booted, and Armed’: Unbelievable Audio From the New Black Panthers on Bloody, Anti-Capitalist ‘Race War’ Against White Devils

Obama Admin Diverting $500 Million to the IRS for Obamacare

Vandals Deface Seattle Church on Easter Morning With Bizarre & Anti-Catholic Messages

Watch O‘Keefe Releases Video Allegedly Showing Stranger Offered Eric Holder’s Ballot to Vote

Watch Yes, a CNN Reporter Really Did Say ‘F***ing N****r’ on Live TV

‘Worst Cheap Shot Ever’?: This Dirty College Baseball Move Got One Player Suspended

Orlando's Rep. Adams: Rep. Sandy Adams fears Obama power grab - Orlando Sentinel

Pilots Eject As Navy Jet Crashes In Virginia Beach, Wiping Out Part Of Apartment Complex | Fox News

Pilots in fiery Navy jet crash faced tough choices - Yahoo! News

Controversial Flag Bearing The Face Of Presiden - Flash Player Installation

Trayvon Martin call was mistake, not deliberate: NBC | Reuters

Neo-Nazis patrolling Florida town where Trayvon Martin was killed -

The Six States Where Taxes Are Soaring | Fox Business

Hamas executes three by hanging -- one of whom 'spied for Israel' | The Times of Israel

Van Jones group plans American’s “Arab Spring” revolt | Washington Examiner

For Army troops, prescription drugs may add to fog of war -

Swiss village in Alpine valley votes to turns its back on $1.2 billion goldmine - Telegraph

Unseen Titanic: New book shows life aboard doomed Titanic | Fox News


Articles: Savage New Territory: Trickle Down Tyranny

Michael Savage's 'sobering wake-up-call' book 'Trickle Down Tyranny' released - Philadelphia Jewish culture |

Savage to Newsmax: I Wish Romney Would Show Some Spine

Michael Savage: It’s ‘do or die’ for America

Inside the Beltway: Savage unleashes more fury - Washington Times

Trickle Down Tyranny Is The Blueprint For Defeating Obama


The Michael Savage Show 04/06/2012

The Michael Savage Show 04/05/2012

The Michael Savage Show 04/04/2012

The Michael Savage Show 04/03/2012

The Michael Savage Show 04/02/2012


*9 pg./ComparisonOfSmoke:A Comparison of Mainstream and Sidestream Marijuana and Tobacco Cigarette Smoke Produced under Two Machine Smoking Conditions

NEA Calls for the Closing of Corporate Tax Loopholes

Justifiable Homicide Cases Tripled In States With Stand Your Ground Laws

Progressive Information Project: ALEC Exposed

'Civil Rights' Group Patrolling Sanford Florida

(6th)Megyn Kelly Allows ALEC Representative to Paint Organization as Innocuous

Bachmann Calls Obama a 'Health Care Dictator' Over Contraception Coverage

Sean Hannity Lobs Softballs to George Zimmerman's Father and Defense Team

The Daily Show Takes on Tucson's Mexican-American Studies Ban

Tea Party Report: Good Friday Edition

(7th)Allen West: I'll Be VP If God Ordains It

UFCW 400 Launches Rap Video In Support of Unions

Scott Walker Ramps Up the Extremism

Bernie Sanders: New Study Shows 93% of Income Growth Going to Top 1% in 2010

Michigan Republicans Illegally Passed Over 96% of Bills Under 'Immediate Effect'

Homes, Banks, and Politics: Round 2 of Settlement Talks

'Tax the Rich, End the Wars!'

(8th)National Review's John Derbyshire Pens Racist Screed With 'Advice' He Gave His Children on Avoiding Black People

Park Overall Asks 'Why is My Womb Attached to a Transportation Bill?'

Pastor Rick: Austerity For Thee But Not For Me

Rick Warren: Mormonism Denies Christian Doctrine

Want Jobs? Rescue Homeowners - and Spend, Baby, Spend

Rick Warren's Not Willing To Call Mitt Romney a Christian

Compare and Contrast: Barack Obama and Scott Walker Address Equal Pay For Women

Gingrich: GOP Not an Etch A Sketch Party

DNC Chair: GOP 'Callous and Insensitive' Towards Women

Greeks Rally Against Austerity After Pensioner Commits Public Suicide

Moscow Flash Mob Shows There's More Than One Way To Pick Favorites In A Presidential Election

Mormon Students Talk About Suicide in 'It Gets Better' Video

Greek News Presenter Pelted with Eggs and Yoghurt Live On-Air


flashback:April 5, 1994 - The Battle For Healthcare | Newstalgia


Prosecutor won't use grand jury in Trayvon Martin shooting case

Mike Wallace spoke out about his struggle with depression, suicide attempt to inspire others not to suffer in silence - NY Daily News

State of the Union - Is the GOP Waging a "War on Women"? - YouTube

GOP's Presidential Plans in Peril if Economy Keeps Improving

Schumer: 'No class warfare' on taxes

DNC's Wasserman Schultz calls Republicans 'callous' toward women

GOP hopefuls court Hispanics, but remain firm on immigration

"60 Minutes" wouldn't exist without Wallace

Journalist Mike Wallace Dies at 93 - YouTube

Jennifer Love Hewitt Gets Digital Breast Reduction in The Client List Ad

Lindsay Lohan accused of battery

Titanic 3D Nude Scene Spoofed by Ellen DeGeneres

Zooey Deschanel: Kids have 'never been my focus'

Whitney Houston Funeral: New Jersey Residents Outraged by Cost to Taxpayers

Obama kicks off 134th annual Easter Egg Roll

3 shot dead at Minn. day care; gunman sought

Judge issues gag order in Jerry Sandusky sexual abuse case

Obama leads among 'swing independents'

AOL Sells Patents To Microsoft In $1.056 Billion Deal

Does mortgage principal reduction work?

Pyongyang prepares for centenary celebrations - YouTube

Egypt election: Omar Suleiman criticises Muslim Brotherhood

Yemen: 44 killed in clashes with al-Qaeda fighters

Mali's future interim president meets coup leader

Aung San Suu Kyi invited to make debut in Burma parliament

Malawi's new president sacks police chief

3 Asian airlines change jets’ flight paths to avoid North Korea’s planned rocket launch - The Washington Post

Space station snaps photo of robotic cargo craft

5 baby fennec foxes born at Palm Beach Zoo

Green groups sue EPA over coal ash rules

On Mars, all is extreme: Witness the 12-mile-high dust devil

PCs in the Sky with Diamonds?

Endeavour's cockpit comes alive one more time

The Shroud of Turin continues to spark debates

Endangered Species: Penguins, Ice Caps, and Arctic Monitors

Nasa scientist: climate change is a moral issue on a par with slavery

Finally, A Better Way To Cool Computers

Cameron Exclusive: After Record Dive, Why Go Back to Mariana Trench?

IBM, ZSE Partner On 'Green' Highway For Electric Vehicles

Missing Russian Antarctic yacht crew battles through ice, fuel running low

Navy Scientists Spot New Solar Structures

Another solar system has more planets than ours...and here's what we're going to do about it!

Arts high school's new home will be the old Malcolm X College

Chicago parents coalition releases white paper on ultra-long school day

Smash-up over Chicago schools

Man accused in botched $2 robbery used plastic toy gun, prosecutors say

In an old Chicago meat plant, greens and fish grow

Obese moms may be more likely to have autistic child, study suggests

Obesity May Be Linked to Autism - YouTube

Obese Kids: Genes and Junk Food Share Blame

Homophobic people likely to be repressing same-sex attraction, study finds

Does Your Child Have Autism? Black Kids Less Likely To Be Diagnosed

10-year-old Colombian girl gives birth to healthy baby daughter | Mail Online

UFOs and Secret Experiments | Mysterious Universe

Controversy Deepens Over Pesticides and Bee Collapse | Wired Science |

High in Chilean Desert, a Huge Astronomy Project -

Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal Phenomena, Bigfoot, Mothman, UFOs and Other Unexplained Anomalies

To-do list written by Leonardo Da Vinci goes on show | The Sun |News

Nine Exoplanets Discovered in Solar System's 'Twin' : Discovery News

Saucer UFO Spotted Over Monument Valley (Video) | Gather

Scientists Working On Device To Travel Through - Flash Player Installation

Loophole Could Allow Private Land Claims on Other Worlds | Wired Science |

BBC News - Print-your-own-robots developed in US

Cosmic Log - Reality check on Russia's 'zombie ray gun' program

iBrain headband analyses brain waves and could one day read your mind | Mail Online

Did Shroud of Turin Inspire Spread of Christianity? | Jesus Christ | LiveScience

Vintage Photos Enter Spooky Afterlife as Animated GIFs | Underwire |


Energy Psychology - 04-07-2012 - YouTube

Life of Jesus/Titanic Stories - 04-08-2012 - YouTube

The Food Conspiracy - 04-03-2012 - YouTube

Mars, Ancient Life, & 'John Carter' - 04.02.2012 - YouTube

Cosmology & Creation - 04-01-2012 - YouTube

9-11 Conspiracies & Lunar Civilizations - 03-31-2012 - YouTube

NSA Surveillance, Mysterious Objects - Booms, & Fukushima - 03.29.2011 - YouTube

Science Breakthroughs & Artificial Intelligence - 03.27.2012 - YouTube

Cells & Healing - YouTube

UFO Abduction Investigations - YouTube

Odd Disappearances - YouTube

Climate Change - YouTube

Area 51 Exhibit - YouTube

Abundance & the Future - YouTube

Undercover Police & Drugs - YouTube

Wizardry & Strange Creatures - YouTube

Ancient Sites & Solar Changes - YouTube


50 min./Professor Norgaard Urged Obama to Enforce Climate Change by Executive Fiat - YouTube


Economic Hit Men: Paid Professionals who Cheat Countries Out of Trillions - YouTube

Supreme Court rules strip searches for all? - YouTube

Zimmerman's 911 call: Audio enhanced again - YouTube

President Obama Calls It Social Darwinism; I Call It Liberty…

Obama in 2006 Accused GOP of Engaging in Social Darwinism - YouTube

Van Jones on the GOP's cheap patriotism - YouTube

Barack Obama is Fiscally Conservative?

What is Judicial Activism?

Local Government: It’s Time to Get Our House in Order

Dr. Daliah: Prozac in Our Chicken?

How Media Distractions Work: French Bulldog Investigates - YouTube

Austin's Fluoridated Water Supply is Poisoning Our Children - YouTube

» New Black Panthers and Nazis Hijack Trayvon Martin Case Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

New Black Panthers Calling for Race War - YouTube

» Video: Rep. Vicky Hartzler Doubts Pres. Obama’s Birth Certificate Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Vicky Hartzler: "A lot of doubts about" Obama's birth certificate - YouTube

Obama Is Trying To Start A Race War: Exploiting Trayvon's Death - YouTube

» TSA Body Scanners Set To Be Exposed as “Giant Fraud” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Pentagon Gifts Local Cops with “Cast Off” Military Hardware Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Secret Plan Underway To Revive Internet Censorship Bill SOPA Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Iran Sanctions Cost You About 25 Cents a Gallon: Experts - Christian Science Monitor - US Business News - CNBC

» Elites Destroy Endangered Species on Purpose? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Your Cell Phone Makes You A Prisoner Of A Digital World Where Virtually Anyone Can Hack You Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Security Specialist Exposes TSA Body Scanners as "Giant Fraud" - YouTube

» False Flag Attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Melinda Gates: Worrying About Population Control “Has Led To Much Suffering And Death” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» US-Israel War on Iran: The Myth of Limited Warfare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Sy Hersh: U.S. Funded and Trained (on U.S. soil) Iranian Group on State Dept. Terror List Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Fukushima Reactor 4: Life On Planet Earth in the Balance Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Real Face of Bernanke and the Federal Reserve Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Do the Media Want a Race War?

» Fear of Tyranny Is Now Treated As A Psychiatric Disorder In The West Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

DOJ Attempts to Install Monitor in Sheriff Joe's Office - YouTube

Resistance to Tyranny: Infowarriors Rising Up - YouTube

» Confirmed: Terrorist Organization Trained on US Soil by US Military Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» SPLC Declares Tulsa Shootings a Racist “Hate Crime” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Two Men Arrested in Tulsa Shooting Spree - YouTube

» Bill Cosby Blames the Gun in Trayvon Martin Case Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Man Knocked Out, Stripped Naked And Robbed Of Everything As Crowd Of Onlookers Laugh Hysterically Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

VIDEO: Black Mob Beats, Strips & Robs Tourist As Onlookers Laugh in Baltimore - YouTube

» Mental health disorders mean high-profit business for prescription drug cartel Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Israel 'would not be able to destroy Iran's nuclear programme with pre-emptive air strike' - Telegraph

For Army troops, prescription drugs may add to fog of war -

» Study: EPA-approved GMO insecticide responsible for killing off bees, contaminating entire food chain Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Genocide-Endorsing Climate Alarmist Calls For Global Tax on Carbon Emissions Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Antidepressant Drugs Causing Epidemic of Mania, Mayhem and Murder Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

15 Fundamental Problems with Fiat Currencies | Ron Hera | FINANCIAL SENSE

» Peak Civilization: MIT Research Team Predicts Global Economic Collapse & Population Decline Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The U.S. Military and Massacres by Tim Kelly

» Leaked Stratfor emails show US security firm SCG is helping Syrian rebels Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Militarization of Police in America: Trained by Mossad Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

United States Police Departments Being Trained By Mossad, Treat Citizens Like Terrorists - YouTube

» Photos: U.S. Army Domestic Quick Reaction Force Riot Control Training Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Louisiana to get $559,000 for ‘FEMA playgrounds’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

IRS to Suspend Passport Rights if You Owe Taxes

War porn: The new safe sex By Pepe Escobar

» This Month In Fascism Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Patriot Act Interpretations Would "Stun" Americans - YouTube

» Your Cell Phone Makes You A Prisoner Of A Digital World Where Virtually Anyone Can Hack You Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Justice served to Obama

Legal loophole could let billionaires BUY other planets before human settlers arrive (and they could even snap up the Moon) | Mail Online

Iran can make nuclear weapons - but won't, says top politician | World news |

DailyTech - DHS Looks to Spy on Video Game Consoles in Search of Pedophiles, Terrorists

» Monsanto Threatens Lawsuit Over GMO Labeling Bill Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Is sugar toxic? 60 minutes 1 April 2012 - YouTube

» Donald Trump publicly links vaccines to autism Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Paralysis Cases Spike in Wake of Bill Gates’ Polio Vaccination Effort in India Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Last Mile: Eradicating Polio in India | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - YouTube

The True Reason For Obamacare | Western

The Creeping Cost Of Consumer Inflation; The Uncertain Emplyment Market Of Low Wage Work

» “Not In Labor Force” At New All Time High Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» New Version of American Flag Bearing the Face of President Obama Hangs in New Jersey Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama Flag Flying in South NJ Has Vets and Residents Upset - YouTube

Hail Obama! Ode of the Obama Youth! - YouTube

GSA looked for motivation by mentalist - The Washington Post

» Tulsa Shooters: The Media’s Next Race Obsession Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Neo-Nazis pledge to descend on Sanford, Fla., where Trayvon martin was killed, to protect 'white citizens' - NY Daily News

NBC Fires Producer in Flap Over Manipulated 911 Call in Trayvon Martin Case - The Hollywood Reporter

Van Jones group plans American’s “Arab Spring” revolt | Washington Examiner

Secret Service agent shares memories of Jackie Kennedy - books -

» “Strange sounds” reports Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

VIDEO: Black Mob Beats, Strips & Robs Tourist As Onlookers Laugh in Baltimore - YouTube

Prison » IRS Commissioner: Paying Taxes Is Pathway to Citizenship for Illegal Aliens


58 min./NPC Luncheon with Douglas Shulman - YouTube


Microsoft's Kinect System is Watching You - YouTube

Prison » Antidepressant Drugs Causing Epidemic of Mania

Prison » Genocide-Endorsing Climate Alarmist Calls For Global Tax on Carbon Emissions

The Press Association: Iran hints at nuclear compromise

Prison » Report: U.S. operated inside Iran to collect information on nuclear program

Prison » MARC FABER: This Is Just The Beginning

Fed Denies Link to Watergate, Iraq’s Saddam Hussein

GOP lawmaker calls for change to how government measures unemployment -

Prison » Gold Surges As Indian Jeweller Strike Ends, Equity Futures Slide

Prison » Tax Bill Is Beginning of Formal Debt Criminalization

Prison » Elite Meme: Anything Is Better Than Gold

Prison » McGrath: “The Control Grid is Being Put Into Place to Handle What They Know Is Coming.”

Prison » Elite Meme: Anything Is Better Than Gold

Prison » US Needs To Generate 262K Jobs Each Month To Get Back To Break Even

Prison » Greece Launches Rent-A-Cop To Fill Empty Public Servant Coffers

Prison » The Lawless Roads: America’s Ever-Expanding Torture Matrix

UK ‘exporting surveillance technology to repressive nations’ | The Raw Story

Prison » Elites Destroy Endangered Species on Purpose?

Prison » Mental health disorders mean high-profit business for prescription drug cartel

Scientists rewrite rules of human reproduction - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

Prosecutor won't use grand jury in Trayvon Martin shooting case -

Prison » Crazy Talk Vs. Baby Talk Vs. Real Talk On Five Controversial Subjects

Fund: 'We Need Voter ID Laws Now'

Washington Cuts Pay For GM Executives

Five Ways to Reduce Government Spending Now

Corporate Progressivism: Arby’s Aligns with Leftists and Fails

NBC News President: Zimmerman Audio Removed by 'Mistake, Not Deliberate'

Top 10 Overrated Songs of All Time

No preconditions: Iran rejects West's nuclear demands

Rick Warren: ‘Newsweek’ Exploiting Easter with Religious Cover

In Memoriam: Mike Wallace

Report: Gas Prices to Spike Higher Through Spring

Earmarks to Return if GOP Porkers Get Their Way

Crucifixion Reenactment in Venezuela

Nanny of the Month: Bloomberg Halts Donations to Private Homeless Shelters

Report: Video Appears to Show Top Saddam Deputy

NBC's Nameless Scapegoat Raises More Questions

Exodus: MJ Rosenberg Sacrificed For Media Matters' Sins

New Record: 87,897,000 Americans Not in Labor Force

GOP Superdelegates: It's Over, Romney the Nominee

Washington Ex-Mayor Marion Barry Under Fire for Racist Smear

Palin Vindicated: Obama Still Pals Around With Terrorists

Police Probe Tyler Perry Racial Profiling Claim

Belafonte Slams Obama: 'Failed' to Focus on Poor

Panel Recommends Discharge for Marine's Anti-Obama Facebook Comments

Obama Cracks Joke About Dry Cleaning to Female Audience

Newspaper Mogul: Future of Journalism Digital, 'Participatory'

Current TV Files Countersuit Against Keith Olbermann

Lampanelli: Arsenio Hall Dropped C-Word on 'Apprentice' Co-Star

ABC's 'Scandal' Rips Republicans, Embraces Gays in Military

Van Jones: Koch Bros To Blame For Trayvon Shooting

Solyndra Redux: Feds Prep New Round of 'Green Energy' Loans

'Mad Men's' Left-ward Lurch Hits Veterans

'Saturday Night Live' Attacks Romney - Again - in Opening Sketch

SNL's Epic Romney-Bashing Sketch: Cockfighting

Dolly Parton 'Will Always Love' Whitney Houston

Cosby on Trayvon Case: Disarm Neighborhood Watchmen

Watch Jennifer Lopez Debase Herself for Relevancy

Hollywood looks to China for box office growth

Celeb Obama Appointee Accuses Repubs of 'Legislative Violence Against Women'

BH Interview: 'ATM' Director on Why Less Gore Equals More Tension

Win Brando's 'A Streetcar Named Desire' on Blu-ray

Gingrich: Romney Will 'Most Likely' Be Republican Nominee

Debbie Wasserman Schultz's War On Americans

Santorum cancels campaign events to be with sick daughter

7 Devastating Facts About the Obama Economy

Gingrich: Romney Will Run as a Conservative

Reaping the Rewards of a ‘Progressive’ America

Supreme Court to Review Montana Law Banning Corporate Political Speech

Panetta's commuting tab: about $860,000 so far

Does Texas Lt. Gov. Dewhurst Have a Soft Spot for Socialized Medicine and Individual Mandates?

Obama Sees the Constitution Through a Progressive Lens

Bleak Jobs Report a Challenge for Obama Campaign

Nikki Haley Impeachment Rumors Swirl

The Vetting: Meet Obama's Catholic Mentor, Father Michael Pfleger

CNN's Media Watchdog Kurtz Virtually Ignores Editgate

CBS News Asks Sally Quinn And Andrew Sullivan For Expert Views On Church/State Issues

Will, Noonan Pound Dyson For Charging 'Racism' When Obama Criticized

Murder in Chicago: Why Re-elect These People?

The Olbermann Suit: Top 10 'Under The Bus' Moments

World View: Kofi Annan's Syria Peace Plan Collapses

Department of Justice Must Prosecute Palestinian 'Oprah'

Mubarak spy chief, Brothers spar on Egypt presidency

Occupiers Meet with All-Star Collection of Domestic Terrorists

N.Korea presses on with anniversary rocket launch

Anonymous leaks emails hacked from Tunisia's leaders

Mali president formally resigns: mediator

World View: Signs of Major Political Crisis Emerge in China's Leadership

Pope holds Easter candle at basilica vigil

World View: Sobbing Hugo Chavez Begs God to Let Him Live

O'Keefe's Latest: Voter Fraud Investigation Lands On Eric Holder's Doorstep

Rev. Wright: Obama Heard Every Word

Obama Introduces 'To Kill A Mockingbird'

Royal Navy Begins Building 'Largest And Most Powerful Warship'

Dan Rather: Didn't Expect Black President In My Lifetime

Cardinal Dolan: Contraception Debate Not Over

Face The Nation: April 8

Flashback: Kennedy Stresses Political Independence From Catholic Church

Pinterest Becomes Third Most Popular Social Network

Rare Coca-Cola Collectibles Up for Auction

Hero Teens Save Lives In Spring Break Accident

MSNBC Dem Guest: We Need To 'Take Out' Republican 'Occupiers'

New Online Peek: 'The Avengers'

Video Appears To Show Top Saddam Deputy Still At Large

LA Radio Host To DWS: Don't Come Into OUR House And Praise Failure Mayor

'Hunger Games' Star Jennifer Lawrence: 'Screw PETA'

Pope Benedict: 'May The Risen Christ Grant Hope to the Middle East’

*9th,8th&7th April

American Minute for April 9th

American Minute for April 8th

American Minute for April 7th

Today in History: April 9

Today in History: April 8

Today in History: April 7

This Day in History for 9th April |

This Day in History for 8th April |

This Day in History for 7th April |

April 9th in History

April 8th in History

April 7th in History

April 9 Events in History

April 8 Events in History

April 7 Events in History

Today in History: April 9

Today in History: April 8

Today in History: April 7

April 9th This Day in History

April 8th This Day in History

April 7th This Day in History

Today in History for April 9th - YouTube

Today in History for April 8 - YouTube

Today in History for April 7 - YouTube


Vampyre Subculture - 03-30-2012 - YouTube


Double Cross: The True Story of the D-Day Spies by Ben Macintyre – review | Books | The Guardian

New Statesman - Twitter is just a new home for old bores

Christopher Hitchens, Romantic - Reason Magazine

Bad news for independent bookstores: Is Google becoming 'another Amazon'? -

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

Walter Russell Mead: The Myth of America's Decline -

Eric Trager: The Muslim Brotherhood's Mendacious Charm Campaign In Washington | The New Republic

Waiting to Lose in Afghanistan - Leif Babin - National Review Online

Why China Wants to Break Up Its State Bank Monopoly - Forbes

To Seriously Improve Global Health, Reinvent the Toilet - Bloomberg

CARDENAS: Meet Latin America's next Hugo Chavez - Washington Times

France election 2012: Islam takes centre stage in battle for France - Telegraph

Iran’s limited escape options - The Washington Post

The Wages of 9/11 - By James Traub | Foreign Policy

The Rise of Global Feudalism | The Diplomat

WPR Article | The Realist Prism: U.S. Must Move Beyond Binary Approach to Foreign Policy

Your Safety Net on Block Grants | Jared Bernstein | On the Economy

Why Supreme Court Justices Shouldn't Serve For Life | The New Republic

Obamacare for the Financial Industry | The Weekly Standard

Paul Ryan’s Radical Budget : The New Yorker

Crovitz: Complexity Is Bad for Your Health -

How opinions scooped the news on the JOBS Act’s problems | Ben Walsh

JOBS Act: Now ordinary people can lose big investing in startups, too. - Slate Magazine

The Demographic Lull Continues, Especially in Exurbia - Up Front Blog - Brookings Institution

RealClearPolicy- In Praise of the JOBS Act

Bottom Line - The reason it's called Texas Tea: Most oil-rich states

Stephen Harper jabs Barack Obama on oil—Editorial -

North American energy independence remains elusive - Arab News

CO2 Makes Us Hotter | Mother Jones

There's little you can do about rising gas prices | London | News | London Free Press

Obama energy policy: very few of the above -

The rules that should govern energy subsidies - Energy -

Environmentalists feeling burned by rush to build solar projects -

Identification: It’s Good For Everything Except Voting | Power Line

Obama’s big fundraising night « Hot Air

Behind the Disappointing March Unemployment Report -

Obama's New Math on Medical Research - ScienceInsider

Californians Worry About Extreme Genetic Engineering

...But What If There Was More Time? : Starts With A Bang

Why you should read the book Before the Lights Go Out

The neuroscience of Bob Dylan's genius | Music | The Guardian

Age and wisdom: Older and wiser? | The Economist

What Does the Easter Bunny Have To Do With Easter? : Discovery News

How Hypnosis Actually Affects Your Brain - Blog

Is Some Homophobia Self-phobia? : Rochester News

How the Moon Affects the Date of Easter: Scientific American

Painkiller addiction: Is it really an epidemic? -

What Does Sweetness Sound Like? | Food & Think

Animal testing: Be nice to mice… | The Economist

The cost of changing your mind | ScienceNordic

Q&A: The Surprising Phenomenon of Exercise-Induced Orgasms | Popular Science

The Fruitless Debate over Tomato Classification - Blog

Asimov's Robots Live On Twenty Years After His Death | News Service - Inside Science

Motifs in Wagner’s ‘Ring’ Cycle, and in Our DNA -

It's Not What You Sell, It's What You Believe - Bill Taylor - Harvard Business Review

In Chief Executives’ Pay, a Rich Game of Thrones -

Walter Russell Mead: The Myth of America's Decline -

RealClearMarkets - This Is Not FDR's Social Security

Democratize Wall Street, for Social Good -

Obama's jobs countdown - Apr. 6, 2012

Online Porn Is Huge. Like Really, Really Huge. Who Knew? - Businessweek

The Forgotten Student: Has Higher Education Stiffed Its Most Important Client? - Laura McKenna - Business - The Atlantic

For Your Ads Only: 50 Years of James Bond Product Placement - Businessweek

The Next Time Someone Says the Internet Killed Reading Books, Show Them This Chart - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic

Why the Supreme Court Will Strike Down All of Obamacare - Forbes

‘Rawhide Down,’ a gripping account of the day Reagan was shot - The Washington Post

Why the South Lost the Civil War – Cover Page: February '99 American History Feature

American Experience . MacArthur . Capture and Death March | PBS

Designing the Perfect Astronaut | Vintage Space

Judge Roy Hofheinz has gilded the Houston Astrodome with - 04.12.65 - SI Vault

Toppling the statue of Saddam Hussein in Iraq : The New Yorker

An American Gospel - Kevin D. Williamson - National Review Online

Judith Valente: Lessons from a Benedictine monastery –

A Global Assault On Religious Liberty - Forbes

Were the Israelites Enslaved in Egypt? » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

The Vetting: Obama Exploited Catholics To Push Universal Health Care In Illinois

A society that persecutes Christ is heading for terrible trouble - Telegraph

Military, Church Struggle To Address Catholic Chaplains Shortage | Fox News

From Arab Spring, Winter is Coming

Exclusive: a behind-the-scenes look at Facebook release engineering

BYOD is unstoppable. Smart companies must build apps — Tech News and Analysis

Ex-Facebook insiders building next wave of Silicon Valley firms -

How to Budget Megabytes Becomes More Urgent for Users -

After killing SOPA, Internet activists take aim at a new House cybersecurity bill - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Daily Dot | How “The Atlantic” successfully spammed Reddit

How to: create your own iPhone ringtones

Selling You on Facebook -

Three futuristic products you'll never own - Computerworld

Bieber-Vision? Google Glasses and the Ever-Weirder Future - The Daily Beast

Why Is Instagram So Popular? | PCWorld – A Study of Future Trends and Predictions by Futurist Thomas Frey » Blog Archive » Printable Houses and the Massive Wave of Opportunity it will bring to Our Future

The Future of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Is Open - IEEE Spectrum

Fighting Back Against Spam Texts -

Google's Search for Clean Energy - Technology Review

The Absurdity of the Digital Divide | John C. Dvorak |

RealClearPolitics - When Liberals Stop Being Wimps

RealClearPolitics - The Political Battles You Cannot See

Obama: A brand in search of a slogan - Donovan Slack -

A Disappointing Jobs Report | The Weekly Standard

Cultural Liberalism Is Not Enough -

RealClearPolitics - Zionism, Health Care and the Illiberalism of Progressive Minds

Why Obama Should Run Against the Supreme Court - Marvin Ammori - Politics - The Atlantic

RealClearPolitics - The Liberal Attack on the Court

Mark Landsbaum: Working longer for government’s sake | tax, taxes, money - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Reich: The recession is over - if you're rich

Obama’s Court-Packing Plan - The New York Sun

Naked activism: The Supreme Court oversteps with unreasonable jail searches - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Examiner Editorial: For Obama, green is the color of money wasted on more Solyndras | Washington Examiner

Mike Wallace Remembered by Former CBS News President | Entertainment |

Nameless Scapegoat Watch | The Daily Caller

Why We Need Voter-ID Laws Now - John Fund - National Review Online

RealClearPolitics - The Origins of Entitlement

CURL: Carney is twisting himself into knots - Washington Times

Crovitz: Complexity Is Bad for Your Health -

The Gullible Center -

It's "Game On" In Chicago

Barack Obama’s no-hope 2012 strategy—Dick Morris -


* 5th/Transcripts:Obama Signs The JOBS Act

Analysts Debate the JOBS Act

4th/Legal Experts on Health Care and the Supreme Court


April 6, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

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04/06 The Mark Levin Show

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Alex Jones - 2012-Apr-06, Friday

Alex Jones - 2012-Apr-05, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2012-Apr-04, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2012-Apr-03, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2012-Apr-02, Monday

Alex Jones - 2012-Apr-01, Sunday

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Saturday, 4/7/12 Larry Kudlow

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Calling Sheriff Arpaio and Joseph Farah on the Carpet - YouTube

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