A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

20 April 2012



How marijuana affects brain | TruthTheory


57 min./All New Cannabis Documentary! (PUFF, PUFF, RATE & SHARE) - YouTube

Botany of Desire (2009) - full - YouTube


Levon Helm Dies - Legendary Rock Drummer Remembered - YouTube


Levon Helm, Voice of The Band's Classic Songs, Dies at 71

The Hard-Won Lessons of Levon Helm's Life in the Record Business - Forbes


Levon Helm -


Bob Dylan & Levon Helm - Nadine - Grooveshark


Levon Helm and The RCO All Stars - Cheshire County Fairgrounds (Keene, NH) - Jul 2, 1977

Levon Helm and The RCO All Stars - Superdome (New Orleans, LA) - Feb 7, 1978

The Levon Helm Band - Newport Folk Festival (Newport, RI) - Aug 3, 2008

The Band - Carter Barron Amphitheater (Washington, DC) - Jul 17, 1976

The Band - Winterland (San Francisco, CA) - Nov 25, 1976

The Band - San Francisco Civic Auditorium (San Francisco, CA) - Dec 31, 1983

Bob Dylan & The Band - Boston Garden (Boston, MA) - Jan 14, 1974

Bob Dylan & The Band - Madison Square Garden (New York, NY) - Jan 31, 1974

Bob Dylan & The Band - Madison Square Garden (New York, NY) - Jan 31, 1974

Bob Dylan & The Band - Oakland Coliseum Stadium (Oakland, CA) - Feb 11, 1974

Bob Dylan & The Band - Los Angeles Forum (Los Angeles, CA) - Feb 14, 1974

Bob Dylan & The Band - Los Angeles Forum (Los Angeles, CA) - Feb 14, 1974


"It Makes No Difference" by The Band - Grooveshark

"The Wheel's on Fire" by The Band - Grooveshark

"Forever Young with Bob Dylan" by The Band on "The Last Waltz" - Grooveshark

"Baby, Let Me Follow You Down with Bob Dylan" by The Band - Grooveshark

"Further On Up Road" by The Band - Grooveshark

"Mystery Train" by The Band - Grooveshark

"Mannish Boy" by The Band - Grooveshark

"Such A Night" by The Band - Grooveshark

"When I Paint My Masterpiece" by Band - Grooveshark


The Michael Savage Show 04/19/2012

The Michael Savage Show 04/18/2012

The Michael Savage Show 04/17/2012

The Michael Savage Show 04/16/2012


UFO NEWS | RUSSIA | VIDEO: Jaime Maussan Says, UFOs Over St. Petersburg Were a 'Huge Spaceship'


* The Mother Of All Infographics: Visualizing America's Derivatives Universe | ZeroHedge


British Aviation Expert Critical of Mossad backed Israeli Airport Security « Eyre International – Bringing You The News No One Else Wants To Bring You

Breitbart Cause of Death Expected By Tomorrow

Was Stonehenge designed for sound? Researchers recreate what ancient site would have sounded like for Neolithic man | Mail Online

Scientists make 'sonic screwdriver' | UK news | The Guardian

Executive Orders: Is the Constitution Being Shackled? :

12,000-year-old unexplained structure - YouTube

The Gulf of Mexico is Dying

The Gulf of Mexico is Dying – Part II | Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference

EXCLUSIVE: First photos of Colombia escort in explosive Secret Service hooker scandal - NY Daily News

Protect Yourself From Digital Utility Meters - YouTube

“2012″ and Electromagnetic Effects on Consciousness | TruthTheory

GOP Senate Candidate-Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino

93% of Americans Have Plastic in their Blood & Urine: Bisphenol-A BPA - YouTube

BBC News - Evolution seen in 'synthetic DNA'

Step by step guide to Biometric Enrolment at the Post Office on Vimeo

Lyme Disease Spreads in Midwest | pilladvised


-Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law: Trayvon Martin & Marissa Alexander :


40 min./Florida's Stand Your Ground Law, Trayvon Martin, & Marissa Alexander - YouTube


BBC News - The American who quit money to live in a cave

Barclaycard PayTag: How your mobile phone can be turned into a credit card | Mail Online

Daphne Eviatar: Obama Administration Writes Rights Out of New Indefinite Detention Law

Daphne Eviatar: Promises, Promises: President Obama's NDAA Signing Statement

UFO's - Popocatépetl Volcano

Messiah Came To Conquer Death | Real Zionist News

Paul Drockton: Romney's Vision of a Gay America

Brown Recluse Spider Bite Leads To Loss Of Women's Breast | Simple Natural Health Secrets

A new view of Stephenville | De Void

Project Bluebeam to be Used to Create Fake Appearances of Religious Figures Worldwide? :

.:Middle East Online::Surprises in the Israeli-Iranian Duel:.

Breivik and Netanyahu | Opinion Maker

Damage in oil's wake | Home | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA

Gulf seafood deformities alarm scientists - Features - Al Jazeera English

George Washington: 2 Years After the BP Oil Spill, Is the Gulf Ecosystem Collapsing? « naked capitalism

Gulf Seafood Deformities Raise Questions Among Scientists And Fisherman (VIDEO)

The Associated Press: 2 years later, fish sick near BP oil spill site

Obama to Look into Bush’s War Crimes? :

America's delayed response to questions over attempted defection in Bo Xilai scandal - Telegraph

How China's Bo affair rattled the White House - Americas - World - The Independent

Defending The Indefensible

Leo Galland, M.D.: Lyme Disease: The Perfect Storm Is Headed Our Way


**New World Order Agenda Exposed - The Charlotte Iserbyt Story - Documentary - YouTube

Nazi Concentration Camps (1945) « Documentaries-Lectures

The Quickening (2011) « Documentaries-Lectures

(Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? - YouTube

Owned & Operated /

Lifting the Veil /


Max Igan -Trance Formation 1-7 (Mirrored) - YouTube

Max Igan -Trance Formation 2-7 (Mirrored) - YouTube

Max Igan -Trance Formation 3-7 (Mirrored) - YouTube

Max Igan -Trance Formation 4-7 (Mirrored) - YouTube

Max Igan -Trance Formation 5-7 (Mirrored) - YouTube

Max Igan -Trance Formation 6-7 (Mirrored) - YouTube

Max Igan -Trance Formation 7-7 (Mirrored) - YouTube


Nazis did not lose WW2 according to Charlotte Iserbyt - 'Skull & Bones'? - YouTube

Hidden Human History ; HD Revised & Upgraded Version by ExomatrixTV April 2012 - YouTube

Supermarket Secrets


Where Next for Occupy? | TruthTheory

Blamed for Bee Collapse, Monsanto Buys Leading Bee Research Firm | TruthTheory

How is a “Spiritual Person” Supposed to Act? | TruthTheory

“2012″ and Electromagnetic Effects on Consciousness | TruthTheory


What is Killing the Tasmanian Devil? | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine


Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (04-18-2012) The OKC Bombing Revisited : Federal Jack

Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (04-18-2012) The OKC Bombing Revisited - YouTube


Last surviving FBI agent at JFK autopsy who 'did not believe the single bullet theory' dies | Mail Online


Paul & Napolitano~Restore Civil Liberties - YouTube

Paul & Napolitano~End the Wars - YouTube

Paul & Napolitano ~End the Fed - YouTube


National Whistleblowers Center -

5 Baffling Discoveries That Prove History Books Are Wrong |

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Judge Napolitano About The GSA Scandal

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : 'Military & elite benefit from war in Afghanistan'

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Sen. Rand Paul Pushes for Further Investigation of the GSA Scandal on Fox Business - 04/18/12

The Life Extension Blog: Another Deadly Chemical in Our Food Supply

How the US uses sexual humiliation as a political tool to control the masses | Naomi Wolf | Comment is free |

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Seems Romney doesn\'t allow black people or anyone wearing a Ron Paul t-shirt into his events now a days.


Welcome to Crazy Town: Special Forces Style Black Helicopters in Chicago, Debt, and More :

Black Helicopters and Heavily Armed Soldiers Conduct Drills In Downtown Chicago As Preparation for NATO Summit Confrontations Continue


Revealing who the Goverment (IRS DHS GSA SS ETC.) works for.... - YouTube

Russia Stunned After Japanese Plan to Evacuate 40 Million Revealed

Disabled America: 5.4 Million Join Social Security Disability Insurance Rolls Under Obama -

Food Stamp Rolls to Grow Through 2014, CBO Says - Real Time Economics - WSJ

End Times Now (2012)? Complete Compilation Signs & Wonders! - YouTube

IRS to Have Right to Take Away Firearms - YouTube

CIA WHISTLEBLOWER INSIDER -- This is how they will KILL us! | The Vulcan Report - (BLACK OPS TRADING)


Counterfeit Christianity - Full Sermon - David Wilkerson | The Vulcan Report - (BLACK OPS TRADING)


* Counterfeit Christianity - Full Sermon - David Wilkerson - YouTube


Obama the love child? | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED


The Suppressed History of America's Counter-Revolutionary Violence And Repression

Refreshing News: Passenger plane 'with 127 on board' crashes near Islamabad

New federal agency OFR stirs ‘Orwellian’ fears | StratRisks

Office of Financial Research (OFR) ;

Forget ’5 Minutes To Midnight’, We Are ‘An Inch From War’ -

Mozilla Firefox Web Browser — Getting Started with Mozilla Firefox —

Asian Call Center Workers Trained With U.S. Tax Dollars - Global-cio - Executive insights/interviews - Informationweek

Goldman Sachs Tied to the Sordid World of the Monied Elite -

Call for compulsory contraception | Radio Netherlands Worldwide

Illegal downloading 'more like trespass than theft' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

FBI Seizes Server from Progressive Internet Service Provider | War Is A Crime .org

Sean Egan: No Basis for SEC to Accuse Ratings Firm - US Business News - CNBC

The Proliferation of Invasive Surveillance Technologies and the Current Turmoil Unfolding in Syria :

Sociopathy Is Running the US - informationliberation

Mandatory 'Big Brother' Black Boxes In All New Cars From 2015 - informationliberation

Money and Finance as if You Mattered - informationliberation

We're All Branch Davidians Now - informationliberation

Is Gasoline Cheaper Than Water? - informationliberation

Hornberger's Blog - Drug War Interventionism

The Porn Addicts Formerly Known As The SEC Take Their Vendetta With Egan-Jones To The Next Level | ZeroHedge

The Way of the Drone: Emblem for an Empire of Cowards

How Obama Became a Civil Libertarian's Nightmare

8 Things to Know About Wealth and Poverty in the US

How to Control Society: Education and "National Security" - YouTube

Unplugging Americans From The Matrix

VIDEO: BP Blow-out Cover-Up: Two Years of Lies


Is Peace Getting in the Way of Our War Plans?

Ted Nugent: I'm OK with Secret Service - MJ Lee -

Problems of Empire by Justin Raimondo --

The Disappearing Terrorists by Philip Giraldi --

The inconvenient truth the Pentagon would prefer we didn't see | Ross Caputi | Comment is free |

Obama vs. Romney: Unknowable Foreign-Policy Differences - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

The 5 Dumbest Things the Obama Administration Has Said About Mexico's Drug War - Reason Magazine

Spy Satellite Clash for Military and Intelligence Officials -

The Associated Press: Ousted Secret Service supervisor joked about Palin

Currency Wars: Gambling With Other Peoples’ Money :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

China Buying Gold At Discount - Seeking Alpha

Earthquake swarm on Iran-Iraq border continues | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

Prison » Surveillance Net: “Beyond Anything That Has Ever Existed Previously”

INSIGHT-US barnyards help China super-size food production | Reuters

» Rights Group Demands Investigation Into Illegal Google Wiretapping Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Political Climate Change: Ron Paul on the College Campus Circuit

Ron Paul UCLA Rally 2012 Best footage compilation (in HD) - YouTube

World War II: The Last Constitutionally Declared War… (Well, Not Exactly…)

“Your” Car Won’t Be Beginning in 2015 | Eric Peters Autos

Brain Storming – Everything Is Allowed Altucher Confidential

Apr 19, 2012 U.S. Building a Domestic Population-Control Grid Based on Military Ops Lee Bellinger 321gold


All Aboard the Auschwitz Express: 'People Don’t Want To Believe It' by Mac Slavo


CELENTE: Part 1 'The Whole Financial System is a CASINO' - YouTube

CELENTE: Part 2 - Fascism USSA: "The only way out for Psychopaths is War" - YouTube









Why Do You Yawn? (It's Not What You Think...) by Joseph Mercola

The U.S. War Against the World by Jack D. Douglas

Ditching the Dollar by Marin Katusa

Liens Filed Against Federal Reserve Banks | Before It's News

Shocking Discovery: Noah's Ark Found! | Before It's News


A day used to celebrate marijuana


Fulford Tape Reversals Reveal Truth | Before It's News


Hour One/Radio Program

Hour Two/Radio Program

Hour Three/Radio Program


Reverse Speech/Full Transcript of Rense Fulford Interview


Hour One/Interview on the Jeff Rense Program

Hour Two//Interview on the Jeff Rense Program


An Ultimatum to the Illuminati - Reverse Speech Analysis - YouTube

'07/Chinese Secret Society Challenges Illuminati


IRS Ban on Travel Masks Fed’s Takeover of America

The 23 Biggest 9/11 Coincidences

If We Discovered Aliens, What's Our Protocol for Making Contact? | Will We Find Aliens? | Is There Extraterrestrial Life? |

Black-Eyed People: A Race In The Shadows | Before It's News

500-Mile Electric Car Battery


Obama: Three Video's His Lawyers Are Trying To Get Taken Down Right Now ! | Before It's News

Mario Apuzzo at NJ Ballot Challenge Hearing Part 1.m2ts - YouTube

Mario Apuzzo at NJ Ballot Challenge Hearing Part 2.m2ts - YouTube

Mario Apuzzo at NJ Ballot Challenge Hearing Part 3.m2ts - YouTube


25 Quotes On Who Really Runs America | Before It's News


GRAPHIC PHOTO: George Zimmerman |

Features on Mars Erased From Existence

Rare Extraterrestrial Crystal As Old As Our Solar System Discovered In Remote Region Of The World -

Mirroring - Time and rotation - Piramid Code - Time - Crown

Report: Zimmerman told cops Trayvon’s last words: ‘Okay, you got it’

Obama quietly seeking to cede U.S. oceans to U.N. law

Paper Thin Television With Weight Of A Sheet Of Paper Possible With Printed Electronics | Before It's News

The Real X-Ray Spex: New 'Terahertz' Scanner Lets Mobile Phones See Through Walls - And Through Clothes | Before It's News

First Human Infected with a Computer Virus | Before It's News

Why Walking Is One of the Best Forms of Exercise

The ABCs Of Detoxing & Find The Right Detox For You | Before It's News

Food Additives Explained

Cruciferous Vegetables Have A Profound Influence On The Health Of Your Bodys Cells | Before It's News

Modern Survival Blog - Emergency Preparedness

Shape-Shifting Lizards, Faked Moon Landings: Why We Love Conspiracy Theories | Before It's News

One Of These Men Will Be The Next Pope - Business Insider

Pelosi: Amend the First Amendment


Lifetime's Perky Prostitute



"Bare Naked" by Jennifer Love Hewitt - Grooveshark


EPA's Transparent Avoidance Of Transparency Regarding Keystone Pipeline Politics

Americans 'Suffering From Stockholm Syndrome' As Hostages Of Big Gov't, Senator Says At YAF Freedom Conference

‘Posse of Radicals’ Wants to 'Overturn the First Amendment,' Says Citizens United Founder

DOJ Alum: Crimes and Out-of-Wedlock Births in Black Community 'Elephant in the Room'

NOW President: 'Universal Birth Control' Could Reduce 'Common' and 'Necessary' Abortions

The Schein- Titanic Too: James Cameron Sails Towards Global Warming

Pelosi: 'This President Has Been So Respectful of the Republicans in Congress'

Obama’s Leadership Losing Luster Abroad, Poll Shows

Possible NATO Role Eyed in Syria Conflict

Religious Liberty in Peril Warn Speakers at National Catholic Prayer Breakfast

Ousted Secret Service Supervisor Joked About 'Checking Out' Sarah Palin

California Police Chief: Racial Profiling ‘Ineffective,’ ‘Insulting’

Republicans Consider Which Tax Breaks to Toss As Part of Their Tax Reform Plan

Democrats Call for New Amendment to Limit First Amendment Rights

Jackhammers used in search for missing NYC child

Alabama Bans Beer Brand Over 'Dirty' Name on Label

Newest Michigan museum showcases racist artifacts

Frontrunner in Egypt’s Presidential Race Is an Anti-Israel Holdover From Mubarak Regime

Austin to unveil monument to Willie Nelson

Seacrest Is Heir Apparent to Clark's Pop Influence

Rare baseball card sells for $1.2M at auction

New Zimmerman Photo Surfaces — Shows Injuries

Zimmerman to Be Freed on Bail, Will Be Monitored

Zimmerman Apologizes to Martin Family

Affidavit: Zimmerman Did Not Use Racial Slur

Jeb Bush Urges Rubio Pick for VP

Scott Brown Brags He Passed Dodd-Frank Bill

Rasmussen: 81 Percent Confident in Secret Service Protection

Solyndra Building for Sale

Obama 'Salesman of the Year' for Gun Industry

Romney Taps Fmr. Bolton Aide Grenell

McCain Dares Obama to Run on His Record

Syria, UN Chart Truce Mission; Hillary Clinton Demands Compliance

Hamas Leader to Jewish Paper: No Peace With Israel

Inflation Formula Critics: 'Real' Rate Over 10%, Unemployment Tops 20%

David Rosenberg: This Is ‘Weakest Recovery’ Since WWII

Ann Romney's MS: New Treatments That Could Help Her

Clean Teeth Protect Against Heart Disease

Scientists: Fish Are Sick Where BP's Oil Spill Hit

Powerful Govt Equals Powerful Problems

Obama's Autobiography Bites Him

“They Live”, the Weird Movie With a Powerful Message

Chris Matthews: Will Voters and Pundits Be Reluctant to Dump the First Black President? |

Former Dem Staffer Lawrence O’Donnell: Some Voter Fraud is ‘Perfectly Reasonable’ |

Deluded Matthews: 'People Don't Compare Conservatives to Dictators'...Except on MSNBC |

NYT's Krugman: Blame the Right Wing and 'Inequality,' Not Obama, for Today's Economic Paralysis |

Erratic plane over Gulf of Mexico tracked by U.S. government crashes | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Mary Pinchot Meyer, JFK Mistress, Assassinated By CIA, New Book Says

Obama, top Senate Democrat split on nuclear nominee | Reuters

Small Business Tax Break That Helps Wealthy Passed By House

Dick Clark's amassed estate worth hundreds of millions

Homeless Children Living On The Highway To Disney World

Kevin Forts, Anders Breivik's American 'Penpal,' Says Utoya, Oslo Murders Were 'Necessary'

911 dispatcher in Josh Powell murder suicide reprimanded for not sending help fast enough | Mail Online

Woman charged in death of Camp Pendleton Marine's wife –

Mel Gibson Rage Rant in Costa Rica: 'Filthy C---sucker Whore' (Audio) | The Wrap Movies

Democrats expressing buyers’ remorse on Obama's healthcare law

Obama reverts to 2008 plan: Blame Bush

NIH under fire for grants toward creation of homoerotic website

Gov. Rick Scott’s task force to explore Stand Your Ground laws

Karzai calls for quicker NATO withdrawal after photo scandal

Obama's new Office of Financial Research has unlimited budget...

Sociopathy Is Running the US by Doug Casey

End the Lie Radio with Madison Ruppert - Episode 12 - YouTube

Activist Post: End the Lie Interview With Activist Post Writer and Author, Brandon Turbeville

Man strips naked to protest TSA - YouTube

The American who quit money to live in a cave - YouTube

Groups standing against CISPA - YouTube

University of Texas researchers design chip allowing mobile devices to see through walls


*18 Venn diagrams showing how corrupted American ‘democracy’ really is


Rats on cocaine love Miles Davis, and other dumb animal research paid for with tax dollars - NY Daily News


"Autumn Leaves" by Miles Davis - Grooveshark

"Love For Sale" by Miles Davis & John Coltrane - Grooveshark

"A Night In Tunisia" by Miles Davis - Grooveshark


Rare penny sells for $1.15 million at Schaumburg auction

Karl Rove-linked super PACs raise $100 million for 2012 election

Obama to Appear on Jimmy Fallon Show Next Week

US election 2012: Chris Christie would help Romney close gap, polls show

Ron Paul touts $10.4M first quarter fundraising haul

Newt Gingrich comes to Buffalo

Mitt Romney and the Wealth Answer

GOP targets demographic groups that backed Obama in 2008

Orrin Hatch praises Ron Paul and son Rand

Ron Paul campaign warns Alaska GOP to stop meddling with delegates

Joe Biden: Obama’s Controversial Reforms ‘Like Legalizing Rattlesnakes In The Lobbies Of Hotels In Arizona’ | Mediaite

Investigators begin tearing up basement in Etan Patz case

State's Racial Bias Law Leads Judge to Overturn Death Sentence

Convicted murderer captured after Kansas jailbreak

Obama to Address Student-Loan Rates

APNewsBreak: Wis. governor reinstated merit raise program even as most workers took pay cuts

Passenger plane crashes in Pakistan killing all onboard - YouTube

Breivik describes hunting down panicked teens

China warns India of arrogance over missile launch

Rival European and Russia Resolutions on Syria

Tens of thousands swarm Egypt's Tahrir Square to protest military rule

China 'helped' North Korea with missile launcher

Palin Is Drawn Into Secret Service Scandal

Philippines: China Escalating Standoff Involving South China Sea

NATO head calls on China, Russia to help fund Afghan forces

Developments in British phone-hacking scandal

US Airways, American Airlines unions pushing hard for merger

IMF Projected to Top $400 Billion in Pledged Funds

Gulf seafood safe despite oil spill concerns, FDA says

'The Avengers' star name their favourite fight scenes - YouTube

The Avengers: Early Reviews Are In—Marvelous or Not?

Axl Rose Not Dead Despite Twitter's Best Efforts

Adele Leads Billboard Music Awards Finalists With 18 Nods

Eating meat helped early humans reproduce, spread around the globe

World's most dangerous volcano erupts in Mexico - YouTube

Earth Day 2012: Approaching a Billion Acts of Green

Has Our Galaxy's Dark Matter Gone Missing?

Dolphins Dying off the Coast of Peru

What's 'evangelical' about global warming?

US Scientists Climb to Everest Base Camp to Study High-Altitude Effects

The Get Lean Diet: Baby Steps To Healthy Weight Loss

Investigating Mysteries of Polar Bears' Ancestry With a DNA Lens

The Jason Lewis Show - Caller Phil - 4-17-12 - YouTube

Ron Paul Supporter Kicked Off Stage For Supporting Ron Paul! - YouTube

GSA Officials "Entitled" To Bonus Despite Obama's "Pay Freeze" - YouTube

Bill Whittle on The Narrative: The origins of Political Correctness - YouTube

Rand Paul Vice President? - YouTube

Who Hates Dogs More?

Obama team jabs Romney over dog incident - YouTube


The Alex Jones Show 2012-04-19 Thursday - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News: Thursday (4-19-12) - Joel Skousen - - YouTube


54 min./IRS Runs The U.S. Police State: Bob Chapman Reports - YouTube


43 min./Soviet Red Terror in America - YouTube


» Democrats Push for Constitutional Amendment to Roll Back First Amendment Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bill Allowing IRS To Revoke Passports Described as “Stalinist” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Occupy Crowd Plans to Blockade Golden Gate Bridge on May Day Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Your Car Set To Become Part of ‘The Internet of Things’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Mandatory ‘Big Brother’ Black Boxes In All New Cars From 2015 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» America: Being Conditioned to Pay More – and Get Less. Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» ‘Super Hero’: Comic Book Paints Eugenicist Bill Gates as a Savior Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

[HD] Bill Gates Comic Book Hero Microsoft - YouTube

Bill Gates Scandal: Bill Gates Pays Media to Say He's A Super Hero! - YouTube

» Unplugging Americans From The Matrix Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Forbes Writer Scoffs at Infowars “Freak Out” On Mandatory Black Boxes Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Spy Drones Over America: Lawmakers Demand Answers On Privacy Safeguards Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Wanted! Phone app IDs your nearest criminal — RT

Revealed: Official fears from U.S. and UK over President Obama's 'anti-American and 'anti-white' father | Mail Online

» Misleading Chart Understates U.S. Debt Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Roundup Herbicide Linked To Parkinson’s-Related Brain Damage Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Welcome to Forbes

Depopuation: Bill Gates And His Eugenics Lie - YouTube

Trayvon Martin shooting: a turning point in gun rights debate? -

Pentagon Asked Newspaper Not to Publish Photos -

» Arctic Sea Ice Area Highest For The Date In Over Ten Years Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ignorance Is Bliss — Gullible Public Or Lying Media & Government Or All Of The Above Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Biderman's Daily Edge 4/16/2012: Ignorance is Bliss Regarding Economic Data - YouTube


**OKC Bombing Star Witness Reveals Staged Government Terror Attack - YouTube


CISPA Another Fascist Takeover of the Internet - YouTube


**3:43:47/Secrets in Plain Sight 1-23 (Full video) - YouTube


April 15, 2012 / Russia Stunned After Japanese Plan To Evacuate 40 Million Revealed

Daniel Jenky, Peoria Catholic Bishop: President Obama Following 'A Similar Path' As Hitler, Stalin (VIDEO)

Prison » Bill Allowing IRS To Revoke Passports Described as “Stalinist”

Barak to Panetta: What is your bottom line for Iran?

Climate change is a 'feminist' issue, claims MEP - Telegraph

Islamists Removed From Egyptian Presidential Race

Guantanamo 9/11 detainee contests court’s secrecy rule | The Raw Story

Prison » Obama attorney affirms released birth certificate “not evidence” of identity, birthplace

Proof Obama's 4/27/11 "Long Form Certificate of Birth" is Forged! - YouTube

Prison » There Is Not Going To Be A Solution To Our Economic Problems On The National Level

Prison » The Man Who Fired The Shot Heard ’Round The World

Prison » USA Today Website – Politics Page has ALL the Presidential Candidates in the Race…. Except ONE

Goldman Sachs facing a new insider trading probe | Reuters

Prison » BIS: Asian Central Banks Are Pretty Good!

Google and Twitter can’t police web content, says British AG | The Raw Story

Prison » Colony Collapse Disorder in bees triggered not just by pesticides, but also by GMO high-fructose corn syrup

A Vivid Reminder of How The Climate Debate is Broken - Forbes

Romney won, right?

The Need for Outlawing the Death Penalty

How Romney can tackle Obama

Rubio shows he is no conservative!

Debbie Schlussel: LA Times: No Prob Releasing Photos That Kill US Soldiers, But Won’t Release Video of Obama w/ HAMASnik

Debbie Schlussel/VIDEO: This is Kinda How I Feel About Romney (& You Know You Do, Too)

How the American and Canadian far left won the release of terrorist killer Omar Khadr

A War by Any Other Name is Still War

Palestine: Quartet and UNESCO In Head-On Collision

Liberal “Political Psychology” Propaganda

Why America is Devolving Towards Absolute Government Control

Oprahism and the Church of Obama

Genocidal Green Quotes

Obama, Self-Proclaimed Unifier, Morphing Into A Divider and Conqueror

Debut of Obama, the Sanctimonious

Obama Admin Report Reveals that the U.S.Has 26% of World’s Recoverable Conventional Oil Resources

The Language of Liberalism

Illegal Means Illegal: Close the Border

The “Watering Down” of Our Country

Liberty is Null and Void

Oklahoma Legislature Expected to Declare that Life Begins at Conception

The Battle the Democrats Cannot Afford to Win

Obama: The Lying King

The Generic Ballot Bomb

Dehumanization and the Ultimate Combat Photo

Deja Vu all over again: Recovery is faltering

Obama Quotes Lincoln

Knowing Your Enemy is a Crucial Aspect of a Winning Political Campaign

Obama campaign's wooing of women

Why Obama Lies

The Sea Change: Obama's Confirmed Forgeries Are Not Going Away

Apple, Sweatshops, and the Media's Latest Attempt to Demonize Productivity

The First Lady's Curious Theology

Is the Wage Gap a Red Herring?

237 year anniversary of 'The Shot Heard 'Round the World'

Obama As Messiah Is Getting Really Old

Some More Obama Dog Observations

FREE Rush Limbaugh Jeremiah Wright iPhone Ringtone “Mitt Romney Ain’t Never Had To Eat No Dog Meat”

Nugent Reveals Date of His Secret Service Interview In Epic Glenn Beck Interview: ‘We’re Going to Have a Little BBQ’

You’ve Got To Be Kidding! Limbaugh’s Own Affiliate Calls Angela Corey And Misquotes Rush As Saying ‘She Was Incompetent’

Former Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman: 'Bush, Cheney Could Still Be Held Accountable For Iraq War And Related Crimes'

Varney and Horowitz Blame Liberal Arts Students For High Student Debt

Romney: Obama 'Intent on Punishing People' Instead of Creating Jobs

+33 Corporations Which Paid No Taxes from 2008-2010 Have Ties to ALEC

Cantor Hints at Anti-Semitism In The House GOP Caucus

Rush Limbaugh Discovers Siri has a Liberal Bias

Jon Stewart Hits Republicans for Having Trouble With Math on Buffett Rule

Hannity Asks Romney About Obama Eating Dog as a Child

Romney and Falwell: A Wholly Unholy Alliance

Romney Responds to Obama's 'Silver Spoon' Comment with a Non Sequitur

If It's Sunday, It's a Conservative, Redux

Bachmann: Obama 'Waving a Tar Baby in the Air'

Threatened, ALEC Sics Right-Wing Bloggers on 'Liberal Media'

Soledad O'Brien Asks Allen West To Name Names

Progressive States Network Gives Details On State Efforts Against Wage Theft

Tavis Smiley, Cornell West: The Rich and the Rest of Us

Watch Epic Vid: Giant Spider Battling Snake Caught on Film (Arachnophobes and Ophidiophobes Beware!)

New Film Exposes the Lifestyles of ‘Tiny House People’ Who Live in Bizarrely Small Homes

Do You Know the Real Story Behind the ‘Jefferson Bible’? David Barton Shared it With Beck

West Doubles Down on Communist Comments In Glenn Beck Radio Interview

Dem Gov. Says Romney’s Polygamous Family Roots Are Politically Problematic (What About Obama’s?)

Palin Responds to Agent’s Racy Facebook Joke: ‘I Hope His Wife Kicks His Okole to the Dog House’

MSNBC‘s Bashir Uses Book of Mormon to Warn Romney of ’Eternal Damnation’ for Alleged Lies

CNN Anchor Has Testy Exchange With Allen West Over Communist Remarks: ‘Name Names’

Court Denies Physicist’s Infamous Math Problem Is What Got Him Out of Traffic Ticket

Powerful Iranian Cleric Says Gays Are Lower Than Dogs & Pigs

Irony: Farrakhan & Nation of Islam Release E-Book Condemning ‘Extreme Language’ That Is Endangering the Obamas & Making ‘Racial Conflict Inevitable’

New Bible Translation Replaces ‘Christ,‘ ’Angel’ & ‘Apostle’

Texting While Flying Is Dangerous Too: Pilot Forgets to Lower Landing Gear

‘Why the F–k am I Not on MSNBC?!’: New Book’s Juicy Allegations Against Anthony Weiner

Hamas Leader Pledges: ‘We Will Not Recognize Israel as a State’ if Given Official Palestinian Homeland

Does Cohabitation Damage Marriages? Dueling Op-Eds Weigh the Odds

Acura Apologizes for Seeking ‘Not Too Dark’ Black Actor for Seinfeld Super Bowl Ad

Did You Know The Marriott Offers Special Discount Packages for Being…Gay?

Harry Reid: ‘Seniors Love to Get Junk Mail…Only Way of Communicating or Feeling Like They‘re a Part of the Real World’

Scenes From The National Action Network Annual Convention: National Black Anthem, ‘We Have a Race Problem & No One Wants to Talk About It’

Soros: If I Wasn’t Retired, I’d Bet Against The Euro

DOE’s Vehicle Fleet Roughly The Size of Its 15,000+ Staff, Inspector General Calls The $60M Spent Annually on Travel a ‘Paltry Amount’

Photo of Black Student Hitting Pinata Shaped Like White Woman Causes Controversy

Rev. Wright Bans Media From His ‘Bible-Based’ Sermon at a TN Church

Watch Romney Refuses to Answer Hannity‘s Questions About Obama’s Dog-Eating Past

VA Teacher Arrested After Allegedly Lining Students Up and Firing Blanks at Them

Hannity Panel Explodes Over Discussion of President‘s Economic ’Successes’

Nancy Pelosi Wants to Change First Amendment to Allow Regulation of Corporate Speech

Van Jones Unloads: Conservatives Want ‘Slavery, Segregation, Children in Factories’ & Working at Walmart & McDonald‘s As Bad As ’Selling Drugs’ (Plus – Beck Is a ‘Hater’)

Here‘s What You Need to Know About the Gov’t Possibly Mandating Vehicle ‘Black Boxes’

WV Sen Candidate: Smoking Regs The ‘Same Thing’ As Nazis Forcing Jews To Wear The Star of David

Obama‘s ’Bridge to Work’: Allows People To Collect Unemployment While Testing Jobs

Afghanistan's Taliban appeal for donations - Telegraph

By A Long Shot, Obama's Negatives Scarier Than Anything Involving Romney -

Marco Rubio pushes his own DREAM Act - ABC News

Twin GSA, Secret Service scandals pose new threat to Obama -

Jim Webb: Health-care law represents a leadership failure for Obama - Election 2012 - The Washington Post

Children grow up addicted to online porn sites: Third of 10-year-olds have seen explicit images | Mail Online

Rare ancient statue depicts topless female gladiator | Fox News

Researchers Claim Sex Robots Will Be Future Of Sex Tourism « CBS Las Vegas

Astrology & Predictions - Coast to Coast AM 19.4.2012 | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

TOP 10 DEVELOPMENTS IN FRINGE-OLOGY: 2 | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

BBC News - Neolithic acoustics of Stonehenge revealed by academics

Swedish Stonehenge? Ancient Stone Structure Spurs Debate | Ales Stenar & Astronomical Calendar | LiveScience

Is Obama disowning online birth certificate?

Guess who rejects America's founding ideas?

Stop calling Al Sharpton 'reverend'

Planet IRS

Hilary Rosen is right about Ann Romney

Will U.S. reap the French whirlwind?

As France goes, so goes Europe?

THE JUDGE: Big government: Wasteful and lawless

The gun you need to protect your castle

W. WILLIAMS: Why good economists are unpleasant

Zimmerman trial an O.J. redux?

Rubio insists No. 2 slot not for him

Obama: Prosperity comes from bottom, not top - Washington Times

Dershowitz Blasts Zimmerman Prosecution: 'Not Only Immoral, But Stupid'

Biden: Republicans Will 'Carpet Bomb' Obama With Negative Ads

Zimmerman And Martin's Parents Face-To-Face

Rove rides again, as a force behind Romney

MSM Covers for Obama's Failing Economy

'We've Begun to See What Change Looks Like'

After 'White' Exposure, Obama 2012 Tries for 'Diversity'

McCain: Mr. President, My Son's Dog Isn't On The Menu

Will Media Excuse Obama in Grisly Army Photo Scandal?

Ousted Maldives President Claims Obama Approved Islamist Coup

North Korea Warns Retaliation if U.S. Stops Food Aid

World View: India Tests Missile Capable of Reaching China

Japan all-girl group ad 'encourages homosexuality'

Lagarde assures IMF able to boost crisis funds

NOW Launches 'Enough Rush' Campaign

Current's Cenk Uygar Responds To Breitbart/Romney Interview: 'If Only' Media Matters Were To 'Run The Media'

NBC News' Mormon Obsession Continues: Romney Will Be 'Thrust Into Hell' For Lying

Phil Donahue: Racism in 2002 Iraq War Vote

Synergy: Soros-Funded Groups Create, then Report Anti-ALEC Campaign

Van Jones: An Untruthful Truther

Van Jones Attacks 'Hater' Breitbart; Conservatives Want ‘Slavery, Segregation, Children in Factories'

Gov. Romney Seizes on Reagan's Gutsiness

Fast & Furious Suspect Arrested & Released THREE times

1,086 Days Since Senate Democrats Passed a Budget

Left-Wing Teachers Plan to ‘Occupy’ Justice Department to Defend Cop-Killer

House Approves Business Tax Cut

Unions in Depressed Illinois Rally Against Mitch Daniels, Right-to-Work

Obama Admin Politicizes Obesity with 'Food Deserts'

'Think Like a Man' Review: Long Steve Harvey Infomercial Disguised as Rom-Com

American Beat: When Your Book Sucks...

New Vinyl Album Releases Give Record Stores a Kick

Damon Defends Bush on AIDS Relief Funding, Makes Excuses for Obama

Hollywood Producer Mocks Obama's Fairness Obsession

George Clooney Deigns To Dine With Commoners For Obama


'Mr Guitar' Bert Weedon Dead at 91


"Guitar Boogie Shuffle" by Bert Weedon - Grooveshark

"Roundhouse Rock" by Bert Weedon - Grooveshark


Biden: Republicans Will 'Carpet Bomb' Obama With Negative Ads

'Secret' British Colonial Papers Made Public

Alaska Distillery Launches Hemp Vodka

Romney: The Breitbart News Interview

Romney: Obama 'In Over His Head'

Romney: Obama 'Doesn't Believe In Economic Freedom' The Way I Do

Romney On Conservative Vote: 'They'll Be Highly Motivated And Energized'

Reid: Fighting With Prostitute Over Money 'Stupid'

Great White Shark Kills Man In Cape Town Waters

Natural gas: Notes from underground | The Economist

High Oil Prices Cut the Cost of Natural Gas - Businessweek

Peak Oil Off: Great Game On - Forbes

Big Oil's Regulatory Coup - The Demos Blog - PolicyShop

BOOK REVIEW: 'Alger Hiss' - Washington Times

Was Adolf Hitler Leader or Follower? –

Making Sense of Robert E. Lee | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine

Andrew Gumbel explains what really happened on the day of the Columbine massacre - and why | World news | The Guardian

The Littleton School Massacre — Hidden Rage — Crime Library on

The History Place - Rise of Hitler: Adolf Hitler is Born

BBC NEWS | Europe | Eyewitness: Hitler's last days

The Red Baron, Manfred von Richthofen - Top WW1 German Ace

NOVA | Inside the Red Baron's Mind

Tax prep as Ignatian practice | The Christian Century

Eyes on the Future | Catholic Exchange

Religion News Service | Politics | Election | Mitt Romney holds huge lead among white Catholics and evangelicals

The Catholic Post : Article - Full text of Bishop Jenky's homily at men's march and Mass

The New (Non-Mormon) Politics of Mormon Persecution

Are evangelical Christians on another planet? | Andrew Brown | Comment is free |

Ministry Matters™ | Blog | Is Mass Evangelism Dead?

Say Hello to Stratolaunch, the World's Largest Plane - Popular Mechanics

RealClearTechnology- Do Video Games Make You Kill?

Microsoft's Design Drive - Businessweek

Online identity: is authenticity or anonymity more important? | Technology |

Networking is under attack: Here’s Cisco’s plan — Cloud Computing News

Can a robot pick hits better than Simon Cowell? Artificial intelligence could make TV talent show judges obsolete | Mail Online

Avoid Techy Distractions on the Job - Wired How-To Wiki

Stuck With a $10,000 Cellphone Bill -

Facebook, Google Must Adapt as Users Embrace 'Unsocial' Networks - Businessweek

SoC vs. CPU – The battle for the future of computing | ExtremeTech

The Fight For The Fifth Screen (Fifth Screen!?) In Your Life | Fast Company

Anonymous Builds New Haven For Stolen Data - Security - Vulnerabilities and threats - Informationweek

Did Einstein's First Wife Secretly Coauthor His 1905 Relativity Paper? - Technology Review

Mixing Ignorance and Democracy - Reason Magazine

Finger length not affected by fetal testosterone

New report recommends NASA rethink how it avoids contaminating other worlds

The Escapist : News : Science Brings Dr. Who's Sonic Screwdriver To Life

What truths does "truth serum" sodium pentothal actually reveal?

Birds Know Where They Are Not Wanted

New Brain-Machine Interface Moves a Paralyzed Hand : Northwestern University Newscenter

BBC News - 'Extreme Universe' puzzle deepens

DNA alternative created by scientists | Science | The Guardian

Team Obama: Tax Predators On The Prowl - Forbes

Delta’s Oil Refinery Plan Flies Against Economic Sense - Bloomberg

Chairman Conrad's Embarrassing Quasi-Budget

Volcker Rule Gets Murky Treatment -

RealClearPolicy- Dick Durbin's Backward Approach to FDA Reform

Are Lawmakers Asking Too Much of Our Schools? - Jean Johnson - National - The Atlantic

Saving For Health Care: The Policy Pros And Cons Of Different Vehicles – Health Affairs Blog

Moving on Up: How Tuition Tax Breaks Increasingly Favor the Upper Middle Class

Home Economics: “Second Thoughts on Second Homes and the Mortgage Interest Deduction” | Progressive Policy Institute

College Scholars, Mindless Borrowers? | Cato @ Liberty

Energy fact of the week: The gold price-oil price nexus « The Enterprise Blog

Off the Charts Blog | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities | States Leaning Heavily on Spending Cuts to Balance Budgets

Fear Itself: Americans Believe Iran Threat On Par With 1980s Soviet Union - Max Fisher - International - The Atlantic

April Is the Cruelest Month … for China - By Sophie Richardson | Foreign Policy

Don’t Blame China’s Currency for U.S. Trade Deficit - Bloomberg

RealClearWorld - Obama's Latin American Disconnect

Stephen Harper out of step with Latin America over Cuba -

PJ Media » Avoiding a Bloodbath in Venezuela

Demography Is Destiny | The Weekly Standard

Why LBJ Should be Ranked Alongside Lincoln | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine

Noam Scheiber: From Hope To Hardball | The New Republic

Barack Obama's re-election bid is already in deep trouble - Mail Online - Toby Harnden's blog

America's Crisis of Character -

Barney Frank Makes a Misdiagnosis on Obamacare - Bloomberg

Obama can’t keep kicking Bush - NY Daily News

RealClearPolitics - The Right-Wing Bully Machine

PRUDEN: Party rolls on at the GSA and Secret Service - Washington Times

Money Rules in Washington Politics -

Why the 2012 election is set to break all the rules | Harry J Enten | Comment is free |

Rosen: Obama's budget game - The Denver Post

The GOP’s very peculiar unity -

Judging, the cosmic way - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Touré: Inside the Racist Mind | TIME Ideas |

Touré, 9/11 Truther


April 19, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 19 April 2012

Live Free Or Die Radio - Thursday, April, 19, 2012

Blacklisted Radio - Thursday, April, 19, 2012

Kevin Trudeau Show

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 20th

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 19th

04/19 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2012-Apr-19, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2012-Apr-18, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2012-Apr-16, Monday

Alex Jones - 2012-Apr-15, Sunday

The Katherine Albrecht Show 04-19-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 04-19-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 04-19-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 04-19-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 04-19-12 Hr 3

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair

David Duke Show 20th

David Duke Show 19th

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2



*April 20

American Minute for April 20th

April 20 Events in History

April 20th This Day in History

Today in History: April 20

April 20th in History

This Day in History for 20th April |

Today in History: April 20

Today in History for April 20th - YouTube


Zimmerman Takes Stand, Says He Did Not Know If Trayvon Was Armed Or Not
Obama In 2008: We Have To Return To The Fiscal Responsibility Of The 1990s
Graphic: New Photo Shows George Zimmerman's Bloodied Head
Carney: Palin "Politicizing" Secret Service, Afghanistan And GSA Scandals
Biden: Republicans Will "Carpet Bomb The President With Negative Ads"
Pelosi: Obama "Has Been So Respectful Of The Republicans In Congress"
Krauthammer: The U.S. Is Doing Nothing To Stop Slaughter In Syria
Warren: "Are We A People Who Say 'I Got Mine. The Rest Of You Are On Your Own'?"
O'Reilly: Obama Doesn't Understand The Limitations Of Bureaucracy
Robinson: Extremely Difficult For Romney To Win Latino Voters
Todd: Obama's Base Is Still Fired Up For Him
Pelosi Says Obama Not Campaigning: "The President Has Been Engaged"

The Rise Of The Rest
Bo Xilai Investigation Continues
India's Nuke Threat Underestimated?
Debate Over Global Policy In Syria
Pentagon: We'll Be Ready If Needed For Syria
Advance Team Of UN Monitors Active In Syria
Lagarde, Zoellick On The Global Economy
China Assisting North Korean Missile Program - Panetta
Bahrain Security Tight As Grand Prix Begins
Syrian Fighting Continues Despite Ceasefire
Breivik Arrives In Court
U.S.-China Mutual Vulnerability
Libyan PM: Fair Trial For Saif Gaddafi

Grover Norquist on Stimulus Spending
The Quest for Food Justice in the Face of Finite Resources


Bashir Uses Book Of Mormon To Sentence Romney To Damnation
Palin To Secret Service Agent: "Check This Out, Bodyguard -- You're Fired"
Matthews: Will Voters Be Reluctant To Dump The First Black President?
Ann Coulter To Black Americans: Buy A Gun, Join The NRA
Carney: Taxpayers Don't Pay For Obama's Campaign Travel
Obama: "I'm Probably Going To Need A Helmet Between Now And November"
Carney: Making An Issue Out Of Obama Eating Dog Sounds Like Someone Is In The Doghouse
Fineman Gushes Over Obama's New Stump Speech Touting "Change"
Rubio Slip: "If I Do A Good Job As Vice President"
Michele Bachmann: Obama "Waving A Tar Baby In The Air"
Perry Interested In Another Run For President In 2016
Obama: "In This Country, Prosperity Does Not Trickle Down"
West Doubles Down: Stand Up To Communist, Progressive And Statist Politicians
Obama: "We've Begun To See What Change Looks Like"
Reich: Without Government, Who Would Make The Workforce Competitive?
Jon Stewart Mocks Media Coverage Of Which Candidate Is Funnier
Mark Levin: Obama Is An Imperial President
Robin Leach: "Socialist" Obama Is "Whipping Up This Racial War" And Economic Divide
Van Jones: Conservatives Want "Slavery, Segregation, Women Not Voting"
Krauthammer: Suicide Attackers Don't Treat Own Bodies With Respect
Romney: Obama Is A Nice Guy, But We Can't Afford Four More Years
Dept. Of Energy: State & Federal Gov't Were Unprepared To Address Stimulus
Sabato: Obama's Coattails Are A Huge Problem For Scott Brown
Ed Schultz: Mitt Romney Has A Ted Nugent Problem
Martin Bashir Scoffs At Idea Of Liberal Media
O'Reilly: Obama Is Expanding The Government In Record-Breaking Ways

The Rise Of China
Mini E-cars Taking Over Rural China
Clinton, Panetta Talk Afghanistan, Troop Photos
Tony Blair: One-On-One
Geithner: U.S. Key In Helping Europe
Parking Violation In Brazil
Taiwan Conducts Military Drill
Clinton: Syria At 'Turning Point'
India Tests New Long-range Missile
Deadly Blasts In Baghdad, Northern Iraqi Cities
China's Exchange Rate
Solving The South China Sea
Can We Ever Ban Nuclear Weapons?

Treasury Secretary Geithner: We're Moving in the Right Direction
U.S. Health Care Myths Exposed

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