A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

22 April 2012

22 April'12 : Earth Day 2012


The Beatles - Abbey Road [Full Album] - Video

Dream Theater - A Nightmare To Remember - Video

Alice In Chains - MTV Unplugged (Full) - Video

The Beatles - Live Budokan Stadium 1966 Night 1 (Tokyo, Japan HD 1080p RARE ORIGINAL) - Video

Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin (full Album HQ) - Video

Yes - Fragile [Full Album] - Video

Nirvana - Nevermind (1991) - Full Album - Video

Black Sabbath - Paranoid (Full Album) - Video

John Lennon - Imagine [Full Album] - Video

The Velvet Underground & Nico [Full Album] - Video

REM - Automatic For The People [Full Album] - Video

David Bowie- Hunky Dory [Full Album] - Video

The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour [Full Album] - Video

Boston - Boston (Full Album) - Video

Led Zeppelin - Houses Of The Holy (Full Album) - Video

Fleetwood Mac - Tusk [Full Album] - Video

Genesis - Foxtrot (Full Album Remastered) - Video

Bruce Springsteen - Born To Run (1975) [Full Album] - Video

Metallica - Metallica (Full Album) - Video

Nirvana - Incesticide (1992) - Full Album - Video

Metallica - Kill 'Em All (1982) [Full Album] - Video

The Beatles 1 [Full Album] - Video

The Beatles - Help (Full Album) - Video

The Beatles - Love Full Album (HD) - Video

David Bowie- Aladdin Sane [Full Album] - Video

Dire Straits - Brothers In Arms ( Full Album ) - Video

Led Zeppelin- Coda [Full Album] - Video

John Lennon, Plastic Ono Band, Full Album (HQ) - Video

The Beatles - Love [Full Album] - Video

David Bowie- Let's Dance [Full Album] - Video

Paul McCartney - McCartney [full Album] - Video

Beatles For Sale Full Album - Video

David Bowie- Low [Full Album] - Video

Kraftwerk - Autobahn (Full Album) - Video

Nirvana - Bleach (1989) - Full Album - Video

Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin IV (full Album HQ) - Video

AC/DC - Back In Black (Full Album) - Video

Grateful Dead - American Beauty (1970) [Full Album] - Video

Nirvana - Nirvana (2002) - Full Album - Video

Genesis - Selling England By The Pound (Full Album Remastered) - Video

David Bowie- The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars [Full Album] - Video

Frank Zappa - Hot Rats (1969) Full Album - Video

Fleetwood Mac - Tango In The Night [Full Album] - Video

Queen- A Night At The Opera [Full Album] - Video

The Doors- An American Prayer [Full Album] - Video

Yes-Close To The Edge (Full Album) 1972 - Video


Metallica- Black Album (full Album) - Video

Led Zeppelin- Presence [Full Album] - Video

The Beatles - Rubber Soul [Full Album] - Video

Sex Pistols - Never Mind The Bollocks [Full Album] - Video

The Stooges- Raw Power [Full Album] - Video

Queen- Sheer Heart Attack [Full Album] - Video

The Who - Who's Next (full Album) - Video

Neil Young - Greatest Hits (2004) Full Album - Video

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Pronounced 'Lĕh-'nérd 'Skin-'nérd (Full Album) - Video

Pink Floyd "Animals" Full Album Tribute - Out Of Phase - Video

Deep Purple In Rock [Full Album] - Video

[Full Album] Status Quo - On The Level (1974) - Video

Elton John- Elton John [Full Album] - Video

Simon And Garfunkel - Sounds Of Silence (1966) Full Album - Video

Dire Straits - Alchemy Live (full Album HQ) - Video

Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon (1973) [Full Album] - Video

Black Sabbath - War Pigs (Live Full Album) - Video

Herbie Hancock - Head Hunters (Full Album).wmv - Video

The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Full Album) - Video

Dire Straits - Live In Chester 1978 (full Album HQ) - Video

The Kinks - The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society (Full Album) - Video

Blondie - Eat To The Beat (Full Album) - Video

JACO PASTORIUS Live In Italy 1986 Full Album Remastered - Video

The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Are You Experienced? (Full 'Experience Hendrix' Album) - Video

Bohemian Rhapsody By Queen FULL HD - Video

Foo Fighters. Wasting Light Live From 606. - Video



BBC - WikiLeaks: The Secret Life of a Superpower (Ep. 1) - YouTube

BBC - WikiLeaks: The Secret Life of a Superpower (Ep. 2) - YouTube


* Dylan Radio Player


A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, Including Your Location | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Video:Face Scanning Technology

When Everything Has To Be A Conspiracy

A Slick Trick on the NDAA and Indefinite Detention; Don't Be Fooled!

Are We Irradiated Mutants in a Techno-Spiritual Matrix? « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

Pelosi: Amend the First Amendment |

Drone Use Takes Off on the Home Front -

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Where the ‘Self’ Ends and the ‘West’ Begins

The Autism Epidemic and Disappearing Bees: A Common Denominator?

Pentagon urges controversial Florida pastor to stop Qu'ran burning plans | World news |

Cyber-attack cripples US website covering Bo Xilai scandal | World news |

Nine U.S. Banks Said to be Examined on Overdraft Fees - Bloomberg

Activist Post: Elite Power Threatened by Global Technological Progress

Activist Post: UN 'aid' program to be used in establishing NATO 'humanitarian corridors'

America's Gulf Disaster Revisited

Who is the Real Enemy? by E. Michael Jones | Darkmoon

Details of millions British air passengers will be given to American intelligence agencies to store for 15 years under moves approved by Brussels | Mail Online

There is no God-spot new research claims but instead spirituality exists across the whole brain | Mail Online

African continent 'sitting on vast reservoir' - Telegraph

Environmental Groups: New Fracking Rules Fall Short | Common Dreams

Obamacare: SCOTUS won’t save the day « The PPJ Gazette

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : CNN to RNC 'dump Ron Paul & Newt' Spread!!

Secret Service agent regularly posted photos of self with sexy women; three more agents booted -

News Forage: Forget WiFi, Connect to the Internet Through Lightbulbs

Army dumps Nugent from concert after Obama remarks -

“Throw Their Dirty, Filthy Ships Out of the Water!” | Veterans Today

Federal Government Turning The United States Into A Prison Camp

One Nation Under Debt With Endless Debt Slavery For All


**More Than Taboo 2011 (Oct) on Vimeo


Petrochemical Complex Containing Nuclear Fuel On Fire After Explosion


**Q1 2012 Fundraisers — Barack Obama


Jon Corzine Still Bundling for Obama | The Weekly Standard

'Euro-dollar failing, BRICS seek more say in IMF' - YouTube

Derivatives - The Unregulated Global Casino for Banks

U.S. oil production is up, so why are gas prices so high? –

HowStuffWorks "Oil Speculation Basics"

Wells Fargo Insiders Detail Foreclosure Fraud Practices: ‘It’s Exactly Like An Assembly Line’ | AlterNet

Farmageddon: Exposing Coordinated Mafia Attacks on Farming Communities - 12160

Homes abandoned amid riot warnings in Chicago

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : US \'intelligence war\' triggers \'Occupy spy base\' in UK

NSA Whistleblower: U.S. Government is Lying! Has Copies of Most of Your Emails | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Ron Paul 2012

Report: US Stockpiling Weapons in Israel - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Rethinking the War on Drugs -

Pentagon has ‘successful plan’ with hundreds of Tomahawks deployed near Iran — RT

U.S. plans for larger presence in Pacific - Army News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Army Times

Activist Post: China warns US: military confrontation could arise over South China Sea dispute

Activist Post: America's Gulf Disaster Revisited

Are Ross Perot Jr. and Google's Founders Launching a New Asteroid Mining Operation? -

Colombian authorities investigating whether women in Secret Service prostitution scandal were underage -

Pentagon Fears Global Technological Progress

Getting Paid 93 Cents a Day in America? Corporations Bring Back the 19th Century | Civil Liberties | AlterNet

Is This Where All The Ritalin Went? -

Is it even food? -

The Bacon Sundae: Brilliant Or Tragic? : The Salt : NPR

GrubGrade | Test Market Nashville: Burger King BBQ Sandwiches, Bacon Sundae, Sweet Potato Fries

GrubGrade | Review: Bacon Sundae from Burger King

FDA Targets Nanoparticles in Food, Appliances Over Health Risks | Natural Society

Phantom Report » Blog Archive

Pentagon releases results of 13,000-mph test flight over Pacific -

The TSA's mission creep is making the US a police state | Jennifer Abel | Comment is free |


The 23 Biggest 9/11 Coincidences - - Conspiracies on truTV


High Finance, High Treason, And High Leaders: Wall Street, CIA, And The 9/11 Fraud | Before It's News


39 min./Terror Trading 9/11 - YouTube

German Computer Analysts Discover 9/11 Insider Trading Hard Disk Data - YouTube

24 min./2012 - NEWEST 9/11 DOCUMENTARY - PROOF 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB. - YouTube


Obama officially Ineligible | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Ron Paul 2012

Obama officially ineligible - Denver Conspiracy |

“2012″ and Electromagnetic Effects on Consciousness | TruthTheory

DID Our Government's Sell Us to the Greys? - Alien Ufo network

Police State Indoctrination of the Young :

The Truth About Bottled Water - YouTube

All Countries To Ban Cash, The March To A Cashless Society Has Begun. | Before It's News

MF Global: The Untold Story of the Biggest Wall Street Collapse Since Lehman | Economy | AlterNet

Alien Monolith Found on Saturn's Moon Iapetus? - Alien Ufo network

'You got a colour film, Jim?': Nasa recording reveals how astronauts almost fluffed the first-ever photo of our planet from space | Mail Online

Ground-Breaking Discovery Suggests Gravity May Not Be A Fundamental Force Of Nature -

Loch Ness Monster: New photo of 70ft 'serpent' hailed as best Nessie image for decades - Mirror Online

The Ganesh God Particle And The Shiva Stargates | Before It's News

How Obama plans to win

What Hypnosis Really Does To Your Brain | Before It's News

Nuclear Bomb Power: Infographic | Before It's News

The Ant People From Orion ... Underground Species and the Hollow Earth | Before It's News

War of the Sons of Light: On the Multi-Dimensional War of the Sons of Light

New Energy Bar From '800-Year-Old Recipe' | Before It's News

How the Media Whitewashes Muslim Persecution of Christians « British Freedom

Mary Pinchot Meyer, JFK Mistress, Assassinated By CIA, New Book Says

Gage concedes his entry into 9/11 Pentagon ‘quagmire’ has been divisive | Before It's News

The Next 9/11! | Before It's News


Mastering The Secret Brain Introduction | Before It's News

Mastering The Secret Brain Part 1 | Before It's News

Mastering The Secret Brain Part 2 / Esoteric Endocrine Anatomy | Before It's News


Interview/Panel Discussion on Nationalization of YPF - Press TV 19-April-2012 - YouTube

As children’s brains are being eaten by vaccines, parents urged to ignore the symptoms and ‘soothe’ their babies |


25 min./The Injustice System in America with Stewart Rhodes - YouTube


+NSA Whistleblower Speaks Live: “The Government Is Lying To You” |

Time to Bug Out of America?

5 Ways to Improve the Public School Experience with Unschooling Techniques

Security Council Authorizes 300 Syrian Monitors

Nigel Farage: Euro Break-Up Just a Question of How - YouTube

FDA Targets Nanoparticles in Food, Appliances Over Health Risks

U.S. Patriot Act Kept Somalia Starving

The Simple Truth in Chomsky's Words

Ron Paul Shocks Campaign Staff With New Position On Israel

Prostitution and Empire

The TSA's Mission Creep is Making the US a Police State


VIDEO: BP Gulf Contamination: Sealife Deformities Alarm Scientists

MALTHUS AND DARWIN: The Population Boon

Obama has Prosecuted More Whistleblowers than All Other Presidents COMBINED. But Refuses to Go After White Collar Criminals

VIDEO: IMF "Solutions" Cannot Solve Eurozone Crisis

GMO AND THE DEVASTATION OF BEE COLONIES: Blamed for Bee Collapse, Monsanto Buys Leading Bee Research Firm

COVERUP AND DENIAL: America's Gulf Disaster Revisited

Google Inc: "Don't Be Evil"

"HUMANITARIAN TERRORISM": CIA to Expand "Remote Control Assassinations" in Yemen


"FIGHT THE NET": Pentagon Media Psyops and "Black Propaganda"

Unplugging Americans From The Matrix

VIDEO: BP Blow-out Cover-Up: Two Years of Lies

CHALLENGING ECONOMIC AUSTERITY. The Student Movement: Radical Priorities

Is Peace Getting in the Way of Our War Plans?

Problems of Empire by Justin Raimondo --

Still the Land of Dreams: 150 Million Want to Immigrate to U.S.

Daily Kos Week in Review: Must Be The Money

Pelosi: 'This President Has Been So Respectful of the Republicans in Congress'

Transgender Activist Chaz Bono Wins GLAAD Media Award

US Lawmaker Dismisses Iran's Claims of Building Drone Copy

Earth Day Prompts Calls for 'Green' Acts

CNN's Crowley Asks Rep. Cummings: Are You More Concerned for Obama's Safety Because He's Black Than You Were Bush? |

Krauthammer: If Rubio Refuses to Be Romney's Veep 'He’ll Find a Horse’s Head in His Bed' |

“They Live”, the Weird Movie With a Powerful Message

Chuck Colson, Founder of Prison Fellowship, Dies

Washington Remembers Charles Colson

Earth Day Turns 40 Years Old

Supreme Court Immigration Case Weighs States' Powers

Zimmerman Urged to Keep Low Profile After Release

White Sox Pitcher Humber Throws Perfect Game

Sen. Collins: Secret Service Needs More Female Agents

Rep. Cummings: President at Higher Risk Due to Secret Service Scandal

Rubio: I Support Nonimmigrant Visas for College Students

Romney to Formally Declare Primary Season Victory Tuesday

Indiana Gov. Daniels: Not Me for Vice President

Sarkozy's Job on the Line as French Head to Polls

UN Monitors Visit Syria Opposition Stronghold

Chavez' Weeklong Silence Spurs Uncertainty

Starbucks to Stop Using 'Crushed Bug Dye' In Drinks

Does Giving Antibiotics to Animals Hurt Humans?

FDA Outlines Rules for Nanotechnology in Food

Hollande beats Sarkozy in French vote, both in round 2 - Hindustan Times

American Professors Gather in Tehran for Occupy Wall Street Conference | The Weekly Standard

Arpaio-team prosecutor targeted in ‘witch hunt’

Are the inmates now in charge of asylum?

Will Christians really vote for Romney?

How to delete yourself from the Internet - Yahoo! News

Marijuana-infused wine produced at Calif. vineyards: Dangerous? - HealthPop - CBS News

Cruise Ship Doesn't Stop For Fishermen in Trouble -

Child dies in fall at Peachtree City airport | Online Athens

Obama Campaign Faces Dropoff in Big Donations -

Mort Zuckerman: President Obama's Economic Programs Have Failed - US News and World Report

Kopimism, Sweden's Pirate Religion, Begins to Plunder America - US News and World Report

Chip lets smartphones see through walls, clothes - Yahoo! News Canada

Axelrod: Obama Hasn’t Been ‘Good To West Virginia’

Maher Attacks Romney's Children, Calls Them 'Shiny,' 'Remarkably Life-Like'

An Important Earth Day Message: 'If I Wanted America To Fail'

Axelrod On GSA Scandal: 'We're Saving Taxpayers Money All The Time'

Prager University: Walter Williams On 'The Power Of Profit'

Matthews: Voters Reluctant to Dump First Black President?

Richer Democratic States With Lower Unemployment Got Bulk Of Obama Stimulus

Pam Anderson's Skimpy Onesie

'Dog Eater': The Music Video

Unauthorized Bio Spills Simon Cowell Secrets

NBC News Host Ridicules Target Of Sexism In Workplace For 'Bragging About' Incident

Matthews: Presidents 'Look Scared' When They Don't Run On Their Records

Five Trillion Obama Dollars Later Axelrod Warns Of GOP 'Bankrupting Our Country'

Weekly Address: More Money For College Loans

Billionaires To Form New Space Exploration Company

$60 Light Bulbs For Earth Day!

Tea Party Forces Primary For Multi-Term Incumbent Hatch

Haitian Daughter Tea Party Favorite Grabs UT Congressional Nomination

The Hand that Rocks the Cradle, Rules the World

Union: Right-to-Work Law Like Slavery

Pelosi and Democrats Move to Change First Amendment

AP: Romney Hates Poor and Disabled, Loves Guns

ABC Flip-Flops on #ObamaAteADog

Time's Touré Racially Profiled Own Wife

Iran Says Copying US Drone, Reveals 'Codes'

Fallen Soldier's Wife Learns Of Death On Facebook

N. Korea, China Talk Post Missile Firing

Spy Drones Over America: Lawmakers Demand Answers On Privacy Safeguards


**Secrets of Survival with Joel Skousen - YouTube


Prison » Who Is Lying: The Federal Reserve Or… The Federal Reserve? And Why Stalin “Lost”


+24 pg./The Treasury-Fed Accord – A New Narrative Account


Residents of State Street Condo Told To Leave Chicago During NATO Summit

*Suicide riddle of weapons expert who worked with David Kelly: Scientist tells wife he is going for a walk, then takes his life in a field... just like his friend

Prison » Influential Senator Warned in 1975: “Th[e National Security Agency's] Capability At Any Time Could Be Turned Around On The American People”

Prison » Anti-NDAA Bills Worth — and Not Worth — Supporting

Andrew Breitbart Died of Heart Failure: Coroner | ABC News Blogs - Yahoo! News

Prison » TSA pushing to have body scanners nationwide?

TSA pushing to have body scanners nationwide? - YouTube

Prison » As children’s brains are being eaten by vaccines, parents urged to ignore the symptoms and ‘soothe’ their babies

Prison » A Collapsing Mythology: The Death of The 9/11 Myth And War on Terror Consensus

Prison » SOPA mutates into much worse CISPA, the latest threat to internet free speech

Prison » The Injustice System in America with Stewart Rhodes

Prison » Huge Water Resource Found in Africa: World Bank Steps In?

The Third Gun | Washington Free Beacon

Govt Plans To See Dogs Fitted With Microchips - Yahoo! News UK

Prison » FDA Targets Nanoparticles in Food, Appliances Over Health Risks

Stop Assaulting Americans, Scumbag Filthy Maggots! - YouTube

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: U.S. Police State Masquerades as A Democracy - YouTube

» 100% Certainty of Total Catastrophic Failure of Entire Power Infrastructure Within 3 Years Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Cyber expert on SMART GRID: massive vulnerability, who's accountable? - YouTube


+Scientists To Soon Create Unlimited Supply of Humans In The Lab Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


The TSA's mission creep is making the US a police state | Jennifer Abel | Comment is free |

» Stigmatizing Resistance to Authority: The medicalization of rebellion Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Infected PCs may lose Internet in July –

Irish Examiner USA: Gun Laws Are Only For Law-Abiding Citizens

'Stalinist' Internal Passport System Coming to America - YouTube

Colombian authorities investigating whether women in Secret Service prostitution scandal were underage -

» Study Finds Soda Consumption Increases Overall Stroke Risk Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

More firings expected in Secret Service scandal

Rep. King wants to know whether 'per diem' used to pay Colombia prostitutes

Bee Gees Singer Robin Gibb Wakes from Coma, Astounds Doctors

Md. neighborhood watch trial set against Fla. fury

Charles W. Colson, Watergate Felon Who Became Evangelical Leader, Dies at 80

What Walmart Might Do With Its Dirty Mexican Laundry

IMF is set to get its bigger bazooka

Orrin Hatch close call in Utah: Tea party rising?

Obama on brink of clinching Democratic nomination

Ways to Observe Earth Day Year Round

Synthetic DNA substitute gets its own enzymes, undergoes evolution

FDA outlines proposed rules for food and cosmetics containing tiny nanoparticles


The Mexican Invasion and Occupation: Mexico Builds the LA RAZA "THE RACE" SUPREMACIST Welfare State.: ROMNEY and ILLEGALS: Will He Hispander for Illegals' Illegal Votes Like Obama?


National Council of La Raza / Action on Immigration Reform


Chicago mom charged with brutalizing 11-month-old son in 'bout of frustration'

DCFS Investigates Death of 4-Month-Old Girl from Mount Prospect

Muslim Mob Burns Catholic Church in Sudan Capital

Chinese & Russian navies exercise in Yellow Sea

Ukraine ex-PM refuses treatment, returned to jail

After NYC Boy Vanished, Era of Anxiety Was Born

State of the Union - Axelrod: Romney way off to the right - YouTube

John Edwards facing start of trial

Supreme Court to hear Arizona immigration case this week

Search continues in Tucson for missing 6-year-old girl last seen in bedroom

GOP Obscures Its Role In Blocking Immigration Reform

Republicans eye health plan should court overturn reform

Md. civil rights leader Carl Snowden charged with marijuana possession

Mitt Romney plays the victim card

Gas prices stabilize – but will the price continue to decrease?

Obama adviser: Romney running a campaign of distortion

US Supreme Court immigration case weighs states' powers

Obama-Clooney dinner an exercise in creative campaigning

Obama Re-Election Faces Challenge In New Voter Registration Laws

Romney's 'Cookie-Gate' Frosts Baker

Pa. primary to provide test run of photo ID law

Earth Day: Would you buy a $60 energy-efficient light bulb?

Facebook clarifies changes to its terms of use

Happy Earth Day! Celebrate With Google Doodles [PICS]

Hundreds of thousands may lose Internet in July

YouTube loses music clip copyright battle in court

Chip could let smartphones see through walls -- and clothes

Has the Pinterest bubble burst already? Figures reveal dramatic drop in site's active users | Mail Online

Gay media group honors Chaz Bono, Betty White

FOX 25th Anniversary Special Sunday, April 22nd

7. 'Dark Shadows' TV star Jonathan Frid dies at age 87 - Todays News

NYC photo exhibit captures Warhol as young artist

Opinion: It's hard to celebrate Earth Day while facing crisis of climate change

Becoming interested in the environment

George Cowan, nuclear scientist on Manhattan Project, dies at 92

DARPA Finally Released The Results Of Last Year's 13000-MPH Missile Flight

The question is: If not dark matter, then what?

Roseville, Tips For Going Green on Earth Day or Every Day

Phone data shows romance 'driven by women'

Brain Implants Help Paralyzed Monkeys Get a Grip

Feeding Tube Diet Bride: It's Not Crazy, Besides "I Lost The Weight"

Mystery surrounds deaths of 877 dolphins washed ashore in Peru -

Gigantic Great White Shark Caught in Mexico on Sunday - Cerritos-Artesia, CA Patch

Great white shark caught by fishermen in Mexico - YouTube


The Enneagram with Peter O'hanrahan - YouTube

Alchemy and the Endocrine System - an interview with Jose Barrera - YouTube

The Pharmacratic Inquisition - entire online version - YouTube

5:11:28/The Soul Travelers full length - YouTube

Aquarius - The Age Of Evil (Full Movie) - YouTube

3:43:47/Secrets in Plain Sight 1-23 (Full video) - YouTube


Don’t Be Evil but Don’t Miss the Tech Train -

Android, Java, and the tech behind Oracle v. Google (FAQ) | Business Tech - CNET News

Instagram’s billion dollar idea wasn’t photos after all - GeekWire

An Interview With Linus Torvalds | TechCrunch

Nick Denton wants to turn the online media world on its head — Tech News and Analysis

Top 10 Clever Tricks Built Right Into Gmail

Networking is under attack: Here’s Cisco’s plan — Cloud Computing News

CNS STORY: Religious liberty: Why a battle 1,700 years ago is relevant today

RealClearMarkets - The Lie That's Bankrupting the Country

Obama’s race to save the Rust Belt -

Celebrating Earth Day: Is Another Half-Acid Apocalypse On the Way? - Forbes

Origins of the Indebted American Homeowner - Bloomberg

Colombia is more than drugs and prostitutes - Thomas Kostigen's Impact Investor - MarketWatch

This Year's Fight Over Taxing the Middle Class—and the Rich - Linda Killian - Politics - The Atlantic

Economist's View: Republicans Want to Repeal Resolution Authority

Tax fairness would increase growth

In Nothing We Trust - Ron Fournier and Sophie Quinton -

The Great TARP Cover-Up - Reason Magazine

Down With Everything -

Can the Tea Party Take Japan? - Magazine - The Atlantic

RealClearPolitics - If CAIR's Attacking You, You Must be Good

The Paradox of College: The Rising Cost of Going (and Not Going!) to School - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

Demography: China’s Achilles heel | The Economist

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

Iran may get what it wants out of global nuclear tensions - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Post-unification nationalism

The science of civil war: What makes heroic strife | The Economist

American values vs. Euro values!

Public Broadcasting System is unAmerican due to its bias.

FREE Rush Limbaugh Jeremiah Wright iPhone Ringtone “Mitt Romney Ain’t Never Had To Eat No Dog Meat”

Feds eye retirement-fund tax to cut $16 trillion-plus deficit -

Analysis: Did U.S. fumble chance to peer inside China's secretive leadership? | Reuters

Oops! Dem Governor Bashes Romney for Polygamist Roots – Forgets About Obama’s Polygamist DAD | The Gateway Pundit

The tab for U.N.’s Rio summit: Trillions per year in taxes, transfers and price hikes | Fox News

ZUBRIN: Earth Day's dark side - Washington Times

Are We Headed Toward the Constitution or the Communist Manifesto? This Breakdown Tells You

After Hitting Scott Brown on ‘Buffett Rule’ Opposition, Elizabeth Warren Admits She Didn’t Pay Higher Taxes

Romney Gets Heat for Hiring Gay Spokesman

Van Jones: My Opponents Should ‘Sit Down and Shut Up’

GOP Senator Asks Whether White House Aides Were Involved in Colombia Prostitution Scandal

Propane Tank Explodes in McDonalds Drive-Through

‘Historic Upset’: Orrin Hatch Forced Into Primary Fight After Failing to Secure GOP Nomination

Matt Damon: ‘I Would Kiss George W. Bush on the Mouth’ For His AIDS Work…But No Tongue

Unlikely Celebrity in the Colombia Sex Scandal? Meet Cabbie Jose Pena…

UK ‘You’ve Lost Mate’: Driver Tackles Carjacker at 80mph After Clinging Onto Speeding Vehicle

‘It’s True’: Arianna Huffington’s Email Allegedly Hacked by Nigerian Scam Artists

Watch ‘Where’s Your Brains Coming From?’: British Game Show Puts on Awesome Display of Game Theory

This Week's Exploding Cigar: Obama, the Dog Eater

The Secret Service and the Imperial Presidency

Pro-Romney Super-Pac out raises Obama group 3-1

2 Insightful Pro-Industrial Quotes for Earth Day

Government training foreign workers to take English speaking jobs

Obama's Justice Department now referring media inquiries to Media Matters

Obama's Smoke-and-Mirrors Student Debt Campaign

Occupy agitators have big plans next month and beyond

The Green Nazi Tycoon Alfred Toepfer

Most Easter Lamb This Year Was Halal

Obama Suckering America into Loving Russia

Politics and Property Rights in Israel

Is It Time to Occupy Credit Scores?

Deconstructing the 99%ers

In the Age of Obama, the Eagle Has Fallen

Taxing Thoughts from Justice Sotomayor

Proclaiming Emancipation: Following Reagan on Abortion

Is It Too Late to Save the Constitutional Republic?

Merchants of Despair : Robert Zubrin vs. Malthus, Darwin, and Others

Today's liberals are much like England's 18th century leaders

The Battle the Democrats Cannot Afford to Win

Dehumanization and the Ultimate Combat Photo


Project HAARP & Mind Effects - 04-18-2012 - YouTube

C2CAM - Astrology & Predictions - 04-19-2012 - (Coast To Coast AM) - YouTube

C2CAM - Numerology & Energy Patterns - 04-21-2012 - (Coast To Coast AM) - YouTube


UFO Over France Analyzed and Enhanced (Video) | Gather

The spooky TV movie that caused post-traumatic stress disorder

The mum who weeps diamonds | The Sun |Woman|Health|Health

Faces of Cleopatra and Antony's Twin Babies Revealed | Egyptian Artifacts | LiveScience

Who wants to live forever? Genetic breakthrough could pave way for drugs that slow - or halt - the ageing process | Mail Online

BBC News - 'Eggless' chick laid by hen in Sri Lanka

Was Earth a Migratory Planet? : Discovery News

Bill Maher Goes After the Media for Hyping a Potential Race War in the Wake of the Trayvon Martin Shooting

Meet Scott Walker's Billionaires

Kick Joe Manchin Out of the Caucus

Lawmakers And Activist Groups Pledge Support For Amendment Overturning Citizens United Decision

Up With Chris Panel on Chasing the Unequal American Dream

Eric Alterman: I Fear I've Written the Eulogy For Economic-Based Liberalism

Cenk Uygur Calls Out SE Cupp for Suggesting Girls Marry Rich

Bashir: Book of Mormon Promises 'Eternal Damnation' for Romney's Lies

Occupy Homes MN Marches to US Bank CEO's Home

USA Today Reporters Smeared After Investigating Pentagon Propaganda Outsourcing

New Report Shows State Budget Cuts Have Hurt the Economy

Democracy Now Interviews NSA Whistleblower William Binney on Growing State Surveillance

PCJF Releases More FOIA Documents Indicating Feds Helped Coordinate Occupy Evictions

Social Security In US Less Generous Than Similar Countries


World Crisis Radio 04-21-12 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 04-21-12 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 04-21-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 04-21-12 Hr 2

Saturday, 4/21/12 - Batchelor 9pm

Saturday, 4/21/12 - Batchelor 10pm

Saturday, 4/21/12 - Batchelor 11pm

Saturday, 4/21/12 - Batchelor 12am

Saturday, 4/21/12 Larry Kudlow

**22 April

American Minute for April 22nd

April 22nd This Day in History

This Day in History for 22nd April |

April 22nd in History

Today in History: April 22

Today in History: April 22

April 22 Events in History

Today in History: April 22 - YouTube

The first Earth Day — This Day in History — 4/22/1970


(Video)Dr. William F. Pepper: MLK Assassination Conspiracy Trial - 10 Parts

+MP3 audio of the 1999 trial - William Pepper's Closing Statement to the Jury


A Course in Miracles - online

The Two Babylons

Common Sense - Thomas Paine

The Second Treatise of Civil Government, by John Locke

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, by John Locke

**News Video/21st

Obama: Build An Economy Where Everyone Does Their Fair Share
Blunt Gives GOP Address: Obama "Focused On The Wrong Things"
Orrin Hatch To Face Primary
Romney On Keystone: "I Will Build That Pipeline If I Have To Myself"
Shields: Romney "Never Made The Case Why He Should Be President"
"Real Time" Report: Race Tensions In Sanford, FL A Myth
Chuck Colson Dies At 80

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