A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

13 April 2012

13 April'12


*ARTICLES:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'


2MIN News Apr12 - YouTube

Red Giant Superwinds Send Stardust Storms Into Space | Space & Astronomy | Science | Epoch Times

Asteroid will miss Earth, scientists predict - Science - News - The Independent

Corrupt Canadian Banking System. - YouTube

North Korea rocket breaks up in flight -



2012 Media Myth On H3N2v Transmission


UFO over DALLAS - Filmed from Plane - 03/21/2012 - YouTube

Filer's Files #13 - India's – Vimanas (UFOs)

Filer's Files # 14 - Are we in a space war?

UFO NEWS | CONNECTICUT: A Green, Glowing Object Falls in Bantam Lake

US ‘waging war’ on whistleblowers — RT

Long Range Acoustic Devices to be Used on Chicago Protesters | Common Dreams

Obama and Hillary | Opinion Maker

President Obama Signs "Anti-Protest" Bill H.R. 347 (Free Speech & Protesting might get you jailed) - YouTube

Vote all you want: The flight plan doesn’t change « The PPJ Gazette

Welcome to our new lizard overlords: New study suggests alien worlds could be full of super-intelligent dinosaurs | Mail Online

Vatican and Oxford University share ancient texts online | World news |

Death of the paperback in e-reader revolution: Sales drop by 25% in a year | Mail Online

Nuclear Power Is Expensive and Bad for the Environment … It’s Being Pushed Because It Is Good For Making Bombs - Washington's Blog

Jesus discovery: Does 1st Century coffin lid found in Jerusalem reveal Jesus' resting place? | Mail Online

Fox News digs up a 'mole' and suspends him - Americas - World - The Independent

Mel Gibson 'hates Jews', says screenwriter Joe Eszterhas | Film |

Angela Corey Charging of Zimmerman: Politics & Money

Chris Kyle Intentions were to never call out Jesse Ventura

George Zimmerman to face second-degree murder charge | World news | The Guardian

The Pretenders

An Insider Account Of The Oil Situation In Libya

Media Scoundrels Promote War

Paul Drockton: Romney Tries Sympathy Ploy on Female Voters

The Babylonian Captivity of Washington « Zen Haven

Baby Bouncers and Car Seats to Blame for the Rise in Flat Head Syndrome? « Zen Haven

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria found in ancient cave could create new drugs | Mail Online

Fifth of children hear voices in their head - Telegraph

Sexting: a new teen cyber-bullying 'epidemic' - Telegraph

Dementia cases worldwide will triple by 2050, says WHO - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

Arctic oil rush will ruin ecosystem, warns Lloyd's of London | World news | The Guardian

First new concentration camps in Europe set to sprout on Greek soil | End the Lie – Independent News

Crazy warm March across U.S. shatters records | McClatchy

Girls Around Me - Creepy App Stalks Women Without Their Knowledge

The Preacher Hood of Wrongness « Zen Haven

Houston councilwoman warns of U.N. agenda in city projects - Houston Chronicle

NC Judge Rules Emergency Not an Opportunity to Restrict Constitutional Rights | Outdoor Life

Something Wicked This Way Comes

Navy Sued For Records Aimed at Exposing Deception of Congress Over Repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” | Thomas More Law Center

The Babylonian Captivity of Washington by Philip Giraldi --

Obama’s Drones Threaten World Civilization | Black Agenda Report

404 Not Found

Why lunch is No Longer Required in California « Zen Haven

404 - File or directory not found.

FDA Limits Usage of Antibiotics in Livestock | Natural Society

And You Thought It Was Just ‘Pink’ Slime - ProPublica

American exceptionalism

Report: Treasury Snubs Struggling Homeowners | Common Dreams

Articles | New Dawn : The World's Most Unusual Magazine

Romney Snub Gives Obama Opportunity

Roy Tov – 1984 is Now: Fleming on Vanunu, Tov and Zuckerberg


**Quick Veg Burger Ideas | Alchemy Angles


Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Newest Poll Shows Ron Paul Only One To Beat Obama!

Mortgage Movies: KingCast and Mortgage Movies sneer at CNN Money story that reads like a press release from the mortgage & banking industry.

Robosigner Bethany Hood and Fein Such & Kahn busted on phone and in person. - YouTube

World Of Technology: North Korea failed rocket launch increases likelihood of new nuclear test

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : The Biological/Neurological Reason We Do Not Need A Government Based on Force: Paul Zak on Oxytocin at TED


+ Nuked Radio #22 Earthquake Alert! - YouTube


North Korean Rocket Launch Fails: U.S. Officials - ABC News

24 Outrageous Facts About Taxes In The United States That Will Blow Your Mind

WOW! YouTube Censoring Me From Watching My Own Videos!!

The Lucrative Future of CCTV: Remote Biometrics and Behavioral Suspect Detection

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : MSNBC\'s Dylan Ratigan talks about Ron Paul Gold Standard

U.S. News - 4 feet of hail in Texas? Reports, photos cause quite a storm

Has NASA already found life on Mars? | Skymania News and Guide

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Gerald Celente: The Empire is Collapsing


Federal Government To Pay Indian Tribes $1 Billion Over Mismanagement : The Two-Way : NPR

The Twilight of John Edwards - National - The Atlantic Wire

Baked goods sold in USA contain potassium bromate, a carcinogen banned in Europe but allowed in the US due to chemical loophole

Scum of the Earth, Blood Hungry for the Kill. - YouTube

War Criminal Obama Gets The Kony Treatment


The Corporation - YouTube

The Yes Men fix the World - YouTube

The War on Democracy - YouTube

The Shock Doctrine 2009 - YouTube

Why we fight 2005 - YouTube

The End Of Liberty (Full) - YouTube


Live Free Or Die Radio - Thursday, April, 12, 2012

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair

David Duke Show

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

April 12, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 12 April 2012

The Michael Savage Show 04/12/2012

Blacklisted Radio 4/9/2012 Podcast

04/12 The Mark Levin Show

Kevin Trudeau Show

Alex Jones - 2012-Apr-12, Thursday

Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Redding News Review 04-12-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 04-12-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 04-12-12 Hr 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 04-12-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 04-12-12 Hr 2


showRSS (


Online Marketingw/ RSS Ray-Radio Podcast(


Jailing Americans for Profit: The Rise of the Prison Industrial Complex

Of Prophets, Power, and the Purpose of Intellectuals: Class War and the College Crisis -

Phantom Report » Blog Archive

The Ruling Class of U.S. Intelligence |

'It's 99% certain there is life on Mars': Shock finding as scientists re-analyse soil samples from Seventies Viking lander | Mail Online

Judge Napolitano: I Think the President Is Dangerously Close to Totalitarianism - YouTube

Washington Post Suggests Bilderberg Group To Pick Romney’s Running Mate

Dr. Kipp: PPACA HHS Slush Fund


Chicago Transit Authority - Fillmore West (San Francisco, CA) - Aug 17, 1969

Chicago Transit Authority - Fillmore West (San Francisco, CA) - Aug 17, 1969


Chet Atkins - Nashville (Nashville, TN) - Jun 6, 1985

Crosby, Nash and Young - Winterland (San Francisco, CA) - Mar 26, 1972

David Crosby, Graham Nash & Phil Lesh - Berkeley Community Theatre (Berkeley, CA) - May 15, 1998

Paul McCartney - RFK Stadium (Washington, DC) - Jul 4, 1990

Hot Tuna - Fillmore West (San Francisco, CA) - Jul 3, 1971

The Clash - Agora Ballroom (Cleveland, OH) - Feb 13, 1979

Jerry Garcia and Merl Saunders - Winterland (San Francisco, CA) - Oct 2, 1973

Jerry Garcia Band - Winterland (San Francisco, CA) - Dec 19, 1975

Grateful Dead - Fillmore East (New York, NY) - Feb 12, 1969

Jerry Jeff Walker - Bottom Line (New York, NY) - Dec 5, 1978

Jerry Lee Lewis - E.M. Lowes Theater (Worcester, MA) - Oct 5, 1984

Kris Kristofferson - Country Club (Reseda, CA) - Jun 25, 1982

The Band - Winterland (San Francisco, CA) - Nov 25, 1976

The Levon Helm Band - Newport Folk Festival (Newport, RI) - Aug 3, 2008

Little Feat - Henry J. Kaiser Auditorium (Oakland, CA) - Dec 31, 1988

Leon Russell - Fillmore East (New York, NY) - Nov 20, 1970

Mickey Hart & Planet Drum - Calaveras County Fairgrounds (Angel's Camp, CA) - May 30, 1999

The Neville Brothers - Warfield Theatre (San Francisco, CA) - Feb 27, 1989

The New Riders of the Purple Sage - Fillmore East (New York, NY) - Apr 29, 1971

Outlaws - Capitol Theatre (Passaic, NJ) - May 21, 1977

Ringo Starr & His All-Starr Band - Rosemont Theatre (Rosemont, IL) - Aug 22, 2001

The Rascals - Fillmore West (San Francisco, CA) - May 20, 1971

The Rolling Thunder Revue - Palace Theater Waterbury (Waterbury, CT) - Nov 11, 1975

Santana - Cow Palace (San Francisco, CA) - Dec 31, 1976


Santana and McLaughlin - Berkeley Community Theatre (Berkeley, CA) - Sep 5, 1973

Santana and McLaughlin - Berkeley Community Theatre (Berkeley, CA) - Sep 5, 1973


Talking Heads - Heatwave Festival (Bowmanville, Ontario) - Aug 23, 1980

Thin Lizzy - Tower Theater (Philadelphia, PA) - Oct 20, 1977

Uriah Heep - San Diego (San Diego, CA) - Feb 8, 1974

Vassar Clements - SUNY New Paltz (New Paltz, NY) - May 9, 1976

Warren Zevon - Capitol Theatre (Passaic, NJ) - Oct 1, 1982


Willie Dixon & The Chicago Blues All Stars - Great American Music Hall (San Francisco, CA) - Dec 13, 1973

Willie Dixon & The Chicago Blues All Stars - Great American Music Hall (San Francisco, CA) - Dec 13, 1973


Yes - Veteran's Memorial Coliseum (New Haven, CT) - Dec 10, 1974

ZZ Top - Capitol Theatre (Passaic, NJ) - May 4, 1980

Herbie Mann Quintet - Newport Jazz Festival (Newport, RI) - Jul 1, 1967


Grateful Dead Live at Rosemont Horizon Arena on 1989-04-13

Grateful Dead Live at Rosemont Horizon on 1988-04-13

Grateful Dead Live at Irvine Meadows on 1986-04-13

Grateful Dead Live at Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre on 1985-04-13

Grateful Dead Live at Hampton Coliseum on 1984-04-13

Grateful Dead Live at Patrick Gymnasium, University of Vermont on 1983-04-13

Grateful Dead Live at Catholic Youth Center on 1971-04-13

Grateful Dead Live at Ballroom, U. of Co. on 1969-04-13


Barb Adams: Titanic!

George Zimmerman to seek bond in Trayvon Martin case

Dems run away from Hilary Rosen comments

Egypt Islamists rally against ex-regime candidates

Iran nuclear talks to resume Saturday

Romney to Address NRA Convention

Divers search underwater for California girl after sonar images detect suspicious objects | Fox News

Gandhi On Jews And Hitler - YouTube

Propagandists are Failing to Divide the American People | _From the Trenches World ReportFrom the Trenches World Report

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Romney in 2002: My only connection to the GOP is I\'m a register Republican

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Chomsky explains Cold War in 5 min

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : The Deal with Jack Hunter: Is Ron Paul Right About Everything?

Crowd control a concern ahead of NATO summit; Chicago Police learn lessons from Pittsburgh |

Supreme Court tells Parliament to rewrite wiretap law - Canada - CBC News

Jailing Americans for Profit: The Rise of the Prison Industrial Complex - informationliberation

Will Justice Be Served in Zimmerman's Trial? - informationliberation

Obama's Progressive Goal: Make Us Poorer By Any Means Possible - informationliberation

Code Not Physical Property, Court Rules in Goldman Sachs Espionage Case | Threat Level |

A 13-Year-Old's Slavery Analogy Raises Some Uncomfortable Truths in School - Education - GOOD

Russia Planning Troops Deployment On Iran's Northern Border

The Irrationality of the Case against Iran’s Nuclear Program

The War On Terror is Corrupting all it Touches

The Guantanamo "War" Crimes Tribunal Worse than a Bush-era Horror Show

Starve the Beast of Empire ; Ax the Personal Income Tax

How did Mitt Make so Much Money and Pay so Little in Taxes?

Wealthy Group Seeks to Reform Election Giving in New York


+ Podcast Show #84: The Boiling Frogs Presents Jon Gold


Washington’s Bizarre Kosovo Strategy could Destroy NATO

The “Worst Recovery in History?”

SPYING ON AMERICANS: Obama's Backdoor "Cybersecurity" Wiretap Bill Threatens Political and Private Rights

CRACKS IN THE PILLAR OF POWER: Top Financiers Expose Fissures Within the 1%

Washington Leads The World Into Lawlessness

The Obama Economic Recovery: Rhetoric and Reality

Judge Allows CIA, FBI Secrecy on Rendition

Chemical Warfare: The US Military's Pill Addiction | Common Dreams

New concerns rising over antimalaria drug - Navy News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Navy Times

North Korea insists rocket launch does not flout deal with U.S. - The Washington Post

BBC News - Dual-focus contact lens prototypes ordered by Pentagon

Nuclear Waste May Become a Safe Energy Source


*17 PG./Patent For Photo Deactivation Of Radioactive Waste


Isaac Newton, David Flynn & the Arrival of Petrus Romanus — Logos Apologia


*Newton on Biblical Prophecy @


As weather gets biblical, insurers go missing - Business - Stocks & economy -

The Ring Of Fire Is Roaring To Life And There Will Be Earthquakes Of Historic Importance On The West Coast Of The United States

Baja earthquake shook up view of Southern California faults | The Desert Sun |

M6 quake hits Fukushima at 6:10a ET — M4.5 in same location 5 minutes later

Coping: With Quakes and Spreadsheets | | UrbanSurvivalUrbanSurvival

Signs point to imminent major volcanic eruption

Underground Bases: Nick Redfern Uncovers Top Secret Places Governments Don’t Want You To Know About | Illuminati Mind Control

L.A. to N.Y. in Half an Hour: 10,000 Plus M.P.H. Tunnel Train Used for Underground Bases? :

What if the government rejects the Constitution? | Fox News

» Bernanke’s Warning: We Stand on the Precipice of Economic Destruction Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

El-Erian Breaches The Final Frontier: What Happens If Central Banks Fail? | ZeroHedge

Radioactive Wave From Japan Headed Towards United States, Full of Extremely High Levels of Radiation :

The US Military is Stocking Up On a Massive Amount of Anti-Radiation Pills In Preparation for Nuclear Fallout :

The April 11, 2012 Event: cluster of large earthquakes rattle the globe from Indonesia to Mexico | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond


**Pet Food Alternatives for Long-Term Emergencies | Ready Nutrition


Time for a New Concealed Carry Pistol?

My Small Contribution to the History of the JFK Assassination by Robert Wenzel

Someone Would Have Talked? Someone Would Be Crazy by Russ Baker

What If the Government Rejects the Constitution? by Andrew P. Napolitano

Ralph Raico on Authentic Liberalism by David Gordon

Obama’s Progressive Goal: Make Us Poorer By Any Means Possible by William L. Anderson

‘Democracy Can’t Be Fixed. It’s Inherently Broken’ by Frank Karsten

“The Hunger Games”: A Glimpse at the New World Order?

Massachusetts “Educational Center” Uses Violent Electroshock on Teenager

Poll: Romney Pulls Ahead of Obama, Might Be Closing Women Voter Gap

Jeb Bush: Obama Caved to Political Pressure on Trade

Obamas Paid 20.5% in U.S. Taxes on $789,674 in 2011 Income

Democrats Seek to Paint Romney As Man of the ‘50s

Healey to Newsmax: It's Obama Who's Out of Touch with Women

Romney: Obama’s Incompetence Helped Spark N. Korean Rocket Launch

Obama Slammed On Jet-setting

'Embarrassed' NKorea May Attempt Nuclear Test

Nicolle Wallace: Romney Wins Round One in Election

Palin: Rosen's Comments Awaken 'Mama Grizzlies'

Santorum Leaves Door Open to Another Run

Newark Mayor Booker Treated for Burns After Saving Neighbor

Edwards' Mistress, Daughter, Staff May Testify

Prosecutors: Zimmerman Did Not Use Racial Slur

Dershowitz: Zimmerman’s ‘Lawyers’ Crossed the Line

Stand Your Ground Legislative Group Loses Corporate Support

Pro-Lugar Group’s $500,000 Ad Campaign Against Mourdock

Court: Public TV Political Ad Ban Unconstitutional

Fragile Syria Truce Appears Holding as Opposition Plans Protests

NKorea Launch Draws Anger; Failure Wounds Pride

Egypt Islamists Rally Against Ex-Regime Candidates

Experts: Tax Loopholes Still Exist Within Buffett Rule

Bert Dohmen: For Global Economic Recovery, ‘the Gas Tank Is Empty’

'Danger for Economy': Inflation Outpaces Earnings, Threatens Spending

Jack Welch: Obama's 'Enemies List Would Make Nixon Proud'

Your Favorite Soda Is Killing You Five Ways

Ancient Drug-Resistant Bacteria Offer Superbug Clues

Study: Bug Bite Remedies Don't Work

Research Shows Baboons Can Learn to Spot Words

Barnes & Noble Unveils Glow-in-the-Dark Nook

Obama Releases Taxes, Does Not Qualify for Buffett Rule - Matt Vasilogambros and George E. Condon Jr. -

Biden Tells Crying Baby: You'll Have To Pay For Romney's Tax Cuts | RealClearPolitics

Obama: Spouses should be left alone - The Washington Post

Rosen: It’s not personal, it’s politics – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Moms Drive the Economy | Mitt Romney for President

Axelrod to CNN: Rosen is 'your employee, not ours' -

In Interview with Bruce Aune, President Rejects Rosen’s Comments on Ann Romney | KCRG-TV9 | Cedar Rapids, Iowa News, Sports, and Weather | Local News

Does Rahm Blame Daley For City Violence? | NBC Chicago

Fox News hits back at 'bitter' Newt Gingrich over claims of campaign bias | World news |

CMPA: TV News Bashes Romney, Boosts Horse Race

Ailes On Olbermann's Future: It'll Be A Pet Show In St. Louis Or Something

Obama's illegal immigrant uncle prepares to fight deportation process -

South Jersey Man Gives Up His Obama Flag But Not His Opinions « CBS Philly

New Mexico firm applies for first horse meat slaughterhouse - Washington Times

Chinese medicines contain traces of endangered animals - Telegraph

New Reasons to Hate Obamacare

Class Warfare and the Buffett Rule

Obama Places Politics Above Security

The Straight Dope on Legalizing Drugs

Shovel Ready in San Fran: $205,075 to ‘Translocate’ One Shrub from Path of Stimulus Project

Even Liberal Media See Absurdity Of Obama's Claim Reagan Would Support His Tax Goals

Real Moms of the GOP vs. White House SOP

Taming 'Taxmageddon'

Tea Party Group: President Obama is 'Targeting the Tea Party' is Using the 'IRS as a Weapon'

Labor Secretary: High Rates of Unemployment Are ‘Ridiculous in This Country’

State Department Misses Statutory Deadline for Delivering Human Rights Report

Ann Romney: Women Are Talking About Jobs and 'the Legacy of Debt'

Al Sharpton Equates Trayvon Martin Case With Jesus’ Crucifixion

Email Claims: Obama Promised Solyndra CEO He Would Look Into Buying Solyndra's Solar Panels for Gov’t Buildings

D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton Praises Al Sharpton for ‘Making Social Justice a Reality’

U.S. Government's Ex-Im Bank Gave 44% of Its Financing to Just 3 Companies

Philly Mayor Doesn’t Worry About Terrorists – Because They ‘Wouldn’t Last 15 Minutes’ in Some City Neighborhoods

Romney: ’92 Percent of Job Losses during Obama Years Has Been Women’

Obama: 'That Wild-Eyed, Socialist, Tax-Hiking Class Warrior Was Ronald Reagan'

Suspect in NH police chief killing found dead

Tea Party Launches Group to Combat IRS

Chicago homicides up 60 percent in 3 months

Mexican Rights Body Urges Action to Overturn Death Sentences of 58 Mexicans in U.S. Prisons

Restrictive Fertility Treatment in Europe Draws Criticism

Study: Most gas pedal accidents involve women

NK Missile Launch: Clinton Expects ‘Appropriate Action’ From Security Council

Vietnam Mulls Rules That Would Compel Facebook, Google to Censor Data

Stossel: I told FoxNews -- ‘I Can’t Stand ABC Anymore, Please Hire Me’

Pakistani parliament unanimous declares U.S. must stop drone strikes and violations of sovereignty

Video of Boy Shocked 31 Times For Not Removing Coat Finally Released

Report slams last year’s ‘Occupy Davis’ pepper-spraying incident

US Attempting to Trigger Color Revolution in Pakistan

Anti-Bacterial Hand Sanitizers and Cleaners Fueling Resistant Superbugs

Washington Leads World Into Lawlessness

"I Am HAARP" - GAIA Consciousness - YouTube


Ron Paul "What If You Started Using Something You Grow & Stopped Buying Expensive Drugs!" pt.1 - YouTube

Ron Paul "What If You Started Using Something You Grow & Stopped Buying Expensive Drugs!" pt.2 - YouTube

Ron Paul "What If You Started Using Something You Grow & Stopped Buying Expensive Drugs!" pt.3 - YouTube

Ron Paul "What If You Started Using Something You Grow & Stopped Buying Expensive Drugs!" pt.4 - YouTube


Amnesty International Propaganda Targets Russia and Syria

Budget Prepping for A Buck


+5 Food-Medicines That Could Possibly Save Your Life


40 MIN./Phony KONY 2012: Security Crisis in the Sahel Region of Africa and Congo Basin - YouTube


Waking Up In Time - YouTube

NPR Runs to Obama's Defense on Economy; Romney Not Telling 'Whole Story' |

Rachel Maddow's Deceit About Michigan GOP Borders on Pathological |

Michael Steele Schools Joan Walsh on Romney-Rosen Dustup: Stay-at-Home Moms Aren't All Rich |

Fla. Civil Rights Group Welcomes U.N. Official’s Call for Reparations in Trayvon Martin Case |

Conditions in U.S. Supermax Prison Better Than Most in Europe, European Court of Human Rights Finds |

Catholic bishops issue 'call to action' on religious freedom

“I think Fox has been for Romney all the way through,” Gingrich said Wednesday

Report warns US educational failures pose national security threat

Union super PAC 'isn’t about political parties or individual candidates,' AFL-CIO says

Gov. Brewer signs Arizona bill banning most late-term abortions

Kathleen Sebelius: We don't have a health care backup plan

Biden calls Romney tax plan ‘out of step with American values’

Affidavit alleges George Zimmerman 'confronted' Trayvon Martin

- Drought expands throughout USA

Prom spending rises to average $1,078 this year, survey says

Tax refunds being used to pay for bankruptcy filings

Gibson Guitar case drags on with no sign of criminal charges

Gay rights groups vow more pressure on Obama to sign nondiscrimination order

Strange sounds in the sky 2012 (Oregon). - YouTube

Trooper, motorist: Mysterious object fell from sky | Detroit Free Press |


38 MIN./Gerald Celente: The Empire is Collapsing - YouTube


(Videos)Depleted Uranium (DU) Dangers And Effects On The Human Body | A Green Road Blog - Where Heart Shift Happens

Governments Everywhere Having Deep Money Problems – Bob Chapman |


Joni Mitchell to quit music to help Morgellons sufferers -

Jeff And Jan Smith Morgellons See What The CDC Calls Hallucinations |

MORGELLONS : IN THE LABORATORY Clifford E Carnicom / May 22 2011

Jeff And Jan Smith - Morgellons...See What The CDC Calls Hallucinations ! - YouTube


*Morgellons Exposed(


Strike Two for Marlin Manager Ozzie Guillen

Obama and Redistribution of Your Wealth

You feel me, my fellow Americans?

Bread and Racial Circuses


**Major Obama Crony-Contributor company to count and manage 2012 US Vote results?


Bad Amendments of the 20th Century

Karl Marx Preached “Fairness” Too

+There is Historical, non-Biblical Proof of an Actual Jesus Christ of Nazareth

Without an extension and widespread tax reform, America is teetering on economic ruin

The Internet Taxes that Could Be Coming

Obama’s “Fairness” Equals Socialism

GOP Primary: What We Have Learned and Where We are Going

Santorum: Pandering to the social conservatives

Debbie Schlussel:HILARIOUS: Moronic Men Walk Mile in High-Heeled Women’s Shoes to “Fight Violence”

Debbie Schlussel:Muslim “Civilization”: Qatar Worried About Inbreeding, Brings Israeli Jew to Warn About Arab Disease

Debbie Schlussel:Sharona Shapiro: Far-Left Jewish Moron Hosts Muslim Extremists @ Passover Seders

What is Supergeometry? - Behind the Cosmic Veil

The Importance of Physics In The Spiritual and Supernatural - Behind the Cosmic Veil

The End of Materialism and a Return To God (Part 2) - Behind the Cosmic Veil

Quantum Mechanics, The Paranormal and Hypocrisy - Behind the Cosmic Veil

Stephen Hawking and Atheism - Behind the Cosmic Veil

Aliens and UFOs - Behind the Cosmic Veil

Paranormal Puzzles - Behind the Cosmic Veil

Psychic Self-Defense | The Paranormal Network


+Coast To Coast AM: Consciousness & Psychology / Parapsychology & Ghosts 4-12-2012 - YouTube


Tesla Conference 2011 - (

Tesla Memorial Society of New York(


Uri Geller - Archive of Articles(


'Monolith' Object on Mars? You Could Call It That | '2001: A Space Odyssey' | NASA Mars Images |

The Space Craze That Gripped Russia Nearly 100 Years Ago | Wired Science |

Raymond Moody, Man Behind 'Near-Death Experience' Ponders The Afterlife

Apocalypse: 'Doomsday shelter' being built below Kansas prairie | Mail Online

North Korea Fires Test Missile Into Ocean – White House Tweets a Water Fight | The Gateway Pundit

North Korean missile launch torpedoes Obama’s engagement strategy | The Cable

The Associated Press: NKorea launch draws anger as failure wounds pride

MILLER: Beware lame-duck Obama - Washington Times

Hostile Workplace | Washington Free Beacon

Mayor Bloomberg launches campaign against gun laws - Yahoo!

Democratic lawmakers hail George Zimmerman murder charges - MJ Lee -

Rep. Allen West says 'about 78 to 81' House Democrats in Communist Party - NY Daily News

George Zimmerman makes brief court appearance | Fox News

Claudia Schiffer, 41, looks like a young Brigitte Bardot in sexy new Guess campaign | Mail Online

12 Christians in Iran await verdicts after Easter Sunday apostasy trial | Fox News

Police chief weeks from retirement killed in New Hampshire drug bust shooting, 4 officers hurt | Fox News

Billings School Board member charged with sending lewd messages to minors -

Limbaugh: TIME Mag Gets Snarky On Zimmerman “America Is More Lawless Than War”

Limbaugh: Obama Has Launched A “War On Motherhood”

Limbaugh: Dems Trying To Kill Ann Romney, Politically. She’s Too Effective.

Limbaugh: Why Is The Left Declaring War On Welfare Moms?

Sarah Palin: All Women Are Suffering Under Obama’s Economy

‘We Must Repeal the Stand Your Ground Law’: Jesse Jackson Tips His Hand After Zimmerman Arrest

Hilary Rosen Apologizes to Ann Romney: ‘Let’s Put the Faux ‘War Against Stay-at-Home Moms‘ to Rest’

See the NYC Subway Fight Broken Up by a Man Calmly Eating His Pringles

‘Fairness’: Labor Sec Says ‘Millionaires & Billionaires‘ Have an ’Obligation’ To Pay More Taxes

Is Christianity Negatively Impacting American Society?

Police Recover 26 Pages of ‘Invisible Words’ Written by Blind Woman Who Ran Out of Ink

Watch Jay Carney Dodges Question on Dem Strategist’s White House Visits: ‘I Know Three’ Hillary Rosens

Gay Republican Presidential Candidate Fred Karger Accuses Pro-Marriage Activist of Being Secretly Divorced

T. Boone Pickens: ‘We’re The Only Country in The World Without an Energy Policy’

Don’t Want Facebook to Read Your Messages?: Meet the Start-Up Making Communications 100 Percent Private




Privly · (


'This e-mail will self-destruct...' (here's how) | How To - CNET


OneShar Helps Create One-Time Use URLs for Emails That ‘Self-Destruct’ |



‘I Told Myself I Was Imagining It’: Parents Find ‘Stillborn’ Baby Alive in the Hospital Morgue, Condition Now Critical

‘Erotic’: CA Professor Allegedly Shows Full-Length Pornographic Film to Her Students

Blaze Original Video Farrakhan’s Wild New Claims: Jesus Was a Black Muslim & Elijah Would Be the ‘N***er at the Door’ (Plus the Bible Was Wrong About Cain!)

CNBC Analyst Loses It Over Obama’s Buffett Rule: ‘Absolutely Not!’

The Wild Video of a Vietnamese Cop Stuck to the Front of a Moving Bus!

‘My God Will Wipe This Country From the Face of the Earth’: The Real Louis Farrakhan in His Own Words on GBTV

Watch Utah Mall Accused of Kicking Out Customers ‘for Looking too Gay’ & Having Visible Tattoos

Watch ‘Shut the Fu** Up’: CT Mayor Sorry After Exploding at GOP Councilman During Wild Union Outburst

O‘Reilly Challenges Trayvon Martin’s Mother on Al Sharpton: He ‘Should Apologize’

President, VP Taxes Revealed: Guess Who Doesn’t Qualify for Buffett Rule and Who Gives 1.5% to Charity

Taxpayers Foot Over $200k Bill to Move ‘Wild’ Bush to Secret Location in San Fran

White House ‘Scrubs’ Obama’s Missed 3-Pointers From Official Video?

See the Incredible Pictures of the Creepy Chinese Ghost Malls

Dramatic Footage: Retired NYPD Lt. Guns Down Gang Robber Who Opened Fire on Female Officers

Watch Obama Confronted by Local Reporter About Non-Stop (And Expensive) First Family Vacations

Race-Baiting in the Era of Obama

Obama: The Narrative Versus the Evidence

Obama criticized for 'jetting around,' expensive vacations

Syrians pour into the streets during cease fire to protest Assad rule

Stay at home moms not all 'rich': US Census

Damage already done: Too late for Obama to distance himself from Rosen

The Class War The Hilary Rosens Are Waging is Far from 'Faux'

Hilary Rosen's and NOW's Karma Ate Their Dogma

The Unmentioned Significance of Recent GSA Shenanigans

Arizona Ups the Ante on Border Security

The Bad Faith President

The Ironic War on Women

Multiculturalism in the Workplace

'Buffett Rule' Millionaire Pays Thirty Times His Secretary's Taxes (and Not Such a Different Rate)

Medildos: The Media and the Zimmerman-Martin Case

What? The Magic Words Aren't Working!

Do-It-Yourself Proof of the Obama Birth Certificate Fraud

Obama's Constitutional Trap for Conservatives

Poisoning the Kids

Lessons from Rome about Liberal Unity

Obama as Farce

Obama's America: Why Black Grievance Will Never End


The Alex Jones Show 2012-04-12 Thursday - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News: Thursday (4-12-12) - Agenda 21 - - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News for Wednesday, April 11, 2012 - YouTube

The Alex Jones Show 2012-04-11 Wednesday - YouTube


Are Roswell Police Covering Up Death of "The Chicken Man"? - YouTube

Mattel Markets Cancer Barbie to Normalize Children's Cancer Epidemic - YouTube

Monsanto 'Poisoned Workers' Causing Devastating Birth Defects - YouTube

Prison » Infowars Reporters Harassed by Cops For Asking Questions About ‘Chicken Man’

Infowars Reporters Bullied by Roswell, GA Police for Investigating Andrew Wordes Murder - YouTube

State Seizes Property Under Green Zoning Laws - YouTube

InfoWars Crew Kicked Out of City Hall - YouTube

Agenda 21 Green Kiss of Death - YouTube

Prison » Big Green Oil Money: WWF founded and ran by Royal Dutch-Shell

Prison » Debt Crisis Plotted to Deliver the Euro to the IMF?

Fracking Tied to Unusual Rise in Earthquakes in U.S. - Bloomberg

Prison » Washington Leads World Into Lawlessness

Prison » The Ring Of Fire Is Roaring To Life And There Will Be Earthquakes Of Historic Importance

Prison » Gallup CEO: High Unemployment Will Make Romney President

Prison » Yesterday’s North Korea Missile Failure Could Spell Big Trouble For Kim Jong Un

'It's 99% certain there is life on Mars': Shock finding as scientists re-analyse soil samples from Seventies Viking lander | Mail Online

Prison » How the Elites Manipulate Big Stocks – and Why They’re Failing

Prison » Amnesty International Propaganda Targets Russia & Syria

Prison » 27 Statistics About The European Economic Crisis That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

Prison » War Criminal Obama Gets The Kony Treatment

Prison » Latest Elite Meme: Autism Caused by … High Fructose Corn Syrup?

Prison » Biden Pushes “Patriotic” Tax Hike on the Rich

Prison » It’s official: Prescription drugs named in Whitney Houston’s autopsy report

Prison » Chemical in Common Plastics May Double Diabetes Risk

TRENDING: Tax fight gets personal as Obama and Biden returns released – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs


Prison » Pardon Me, Your Food is Glowing


Prison » FDA assault on herbal cancer products continues with raid on Missouri distributor


Chickweed Healing Salve (


+Complete Chickweed information from


Bilderberg to Pick Romney's Puppet Mate - YouTube

Prison » Visibly Annoyed and Aloof Obama Gets Slammed by Brazilian President Over U.S. Monetary Policy

Visibly Annoyed Obama Gets Lecture Form Female President of Brazil

Prison » Was The SEC “Explanation” Of The Flash Crash Maliciously Fabricated Or Completely Flawed Out Of Plain Incompetence?

Tea Party Accepts IRS Tax Exemption, Then Complains of IRS Intrusion

» Tyranny 101: US Federal Gov’t ‘Waging War’ on Whistleblowers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

“The New Debate in the Republican Party Needs to be Between Conservatives and Libertarians” - Reason Magazine

» First Newspapers, Now TV – the Internet Reformation Rolls On Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» NAFTA Partners Take Steps to Boost Trilateral Relationship Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Under 5 Minutes - YouTube

Libya's failure to hand over Gaddafi son must be referred to UN, says ICC counsel | World news |

» ‘Syrian ‘opposition’ are a West-controlled proxy paramilitary’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Two arrested after hackers attacked anti-terror hotline - Telegraph

European Court Says Britain Can Send Terror Suspects to U.S. -

» Banned: Lawyer for Pakistani Drone Victims Denied U.S. Visa Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Mike Tyson: Kill George Zimmerman Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Pentagon sets up fast track for buying cyber war tools | Reuters

Don’t Celebrate That Tax Refund : Personal Liberty Alerts

No, Mr. President, we’re not that stupid: Buffet Rule is a stunt, not sound policy to revive the economy - NY Daily News

» Voting is Not the Problem… Americans Are the Problem Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama engagement policy 'in tatters' after North Korean rocket defiance

Obama's federal tax burden drops as book revenues dip

Palin: We are all suffering under Obama

Romney: Mom did hardest work possible - YouTube

Campaign focus shifts to guns and taxes

Obama, Romney tax plans for ultra-rich offer window on disparate economic views

The Genius of Kanye West

Washington Extra – The Romney Doctrine?

Walker TV Ad: 'We're Turning Things Around'

NOM Launches Global Anti-Gay Campaign Against Starbucks

GOP focus turns to Romney's pick for VP

Surprise bail hearing for accused Trayvon Martin killer George Zimmerman announced

Murder, hate crime charges in Tulsa shooting spree

Court orders more talks on fate of MegaUpload's data

+Court rules to allow hearsay in Drew Peterson case

Obama issues executive order on natural gas

Man attempts bank robbery with toilet plunger, cops say

China Property-Sales Drop Shows Risk of Hard Landing

A To-Do List for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Instagram hits 40 million users after Facebook deal

Facebook Now Lets You Download More of Your Account History

Scientists find 'comet massacre' around one young star

Reading Monkeys - YouTube

Baboons Can Recognize Words (But Won't Read My Blog)

Mars Viking Robots 'Found Life'

Photon Pairs Get More Commercial

Intelligent space dinosaurs: How worried should we be?

Dr. Robert Ballard shares his discovery in 'Titanic - 12450 Feet Below'

UFO video shot over South Korea: Is it fact or fake?

Poor sleep found to lead to obesity, diabetes

Menthol Cigarettes = High Stroke Risk

Obesity Weight Loss Strategies Show Promise

Mental, Physical Health Go Hand in Hand

Ancient antibiotic-resistant bacteria found in isolated cave

+13 Freaky Facts for Friday the 13th

Stem Cells Can Seek And Destroy HIV

Can gel manicures increase cancer risk?

Exclusive Interview: Palin Talks Pain at the Pump Ahead of Fox News Special

Flashback: Breitbart Predicts Trayvon Race Row at 2012 CPAC

Dershowitz Slams Zimmerman Prosecutor

Obama Distances Self from Surrogate Attack

Video: Obama Lays Groundwork for Rosen's Attack on Ann Romney

RUSH: Attack On Ann Romney 'Not Out Of The Blue'

A Quick Guide to Florida Homicide for the Trayvon Martin Case

NBC's Affirmative Action For '30 Rock' Elites About To End

Flashback: Dem Chairwoman Accuses Romney, GOP of Waging 'War On Women'

74 Democrats Join Radical Group to Force Israel Into Concessions

China, Philippines Face Off in South China Sea

David Axelrod Dispatched For 'War On Women' Damage Control

HBO Broadcasts Young Girl Sucking on Huge Plastic Penis Cup

See-Through Dress Shocks Red Carpet Crowd

'The Avengers' Come Together On The Red Carpet

Disney Will Help China Develop Animation Industry

Box Office Predictions: 'Stooges' No Match for 'Games'

Shakira Visits Cartagena To Aid Colombian Children

Green Day Prepares 'Epic' Trilogy of New Albums

WH To Hilary Rosen: Do I Know You?

Case Against Zimmerman Claims Screaming on 911 Call is Trayvon

No Paper or Plastic: LA Bids Bags Goodbye

Dershowitz: Zimmerman May Be Acquitted

Was Hilary Rosen The Obama Spin Doctor Behind Sandra Fluke?

Gawker's Fox News Mole Destroys Career for $5,000

Axelrod to CNN: Rosen is 'Your Employee, Not Ours'

Nick Kristof and the New York Times' Ties to Child Sex Trafficking

Obama Scapegoat Hilary Rosen Ducks 'Meet The Press'

Rosen: Romney Outrage On Mom Remark a "Distraction"

Journalists' Panel Discussion Shows Critical Race Theory Mainstream to Left

Left Tries to Carry Murdoch Prosecution Across the Sea

NPR Lies Again About Zimmerman

Matt Lauer: Editgate Segment 'Sloppy,' 'Not Acceptable'

Healthcare Journalists: HHS Barred Us from ObamaCare 'Listening Sessions'

Obama Sends $147 Million to Hamas-Run Gaza

Israeli Ambassador: 'We Are At The Critical Stage' On Diplomacy With Iran

World View: North Korean Rocket Launch a Humiliating Failure

British 'Ethicists': Babies Can Be Killed

Kim Jong-Un named supreme leader in mass rally; no mention of rocket failure

Putin unveils $500 bn offshore energy drive

Iraqi's homemade plane lands him in jail

Obama's Labor Sec Admits Woman's Equal Pay Bill Did Nothing to End Pay Gap

Obama's Labor Sec Admits Woman's Equal Pay Bill Did Nothing to End Pay Gap

Obama: I Hope It's A Positive Campaign

New York Groper Caught On Video

Rally Organizer Sharpton Scolds Reporter: 'Are You Advocating Or Intervewing?'

Peru Deploys Troops to Rescue Hostages

Water Cannons Fired On Protesters In Peru

Blitzer To Hilary Rosen: Democrats 'Throwing You Under The Bus'

Obama On Rosen: 'I Don’t Have A Lot Patience' For Those Types Of Comments

Atty: Zimmerman Bail Hearing Next Week

Zimmerman Attorney: He's Frightened

Dershowitz Slams Zimmerman Prosecutor: 'Unethical,' 'Irresponsible'

Bloomberg Loses Cool At Zimmerman Press Conference

Lucas, Cameron, Abrams, Bay Bring You 'Titanic 4D'!

New E-Reader Adjusts To Light Level

Clinton Warns Syria, North Korea, Iran On Security Issues

Unmanned Boats Used For Dangerous Jobs

One World Trade Center Nears Completion

Happy Birthday, RomneyCare! You're Growing So Expensive So Fast! - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

The Maddow Blog - The 'Romneycare' anniversary

How Obama Can Attack the Supreme Court—and Win - Jack M. Balkin - Politics - The Atlantic

History News Network:Historians Have Yet to Face Up to the Implications of the Katyn Massacre

The Katyn Controversy: Stalin's Killing Field — Central Intelligence Agency

Hitler vs. Stalin: Who Was Worse? by Timothy Snyder | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books

Top 10 Greatest Warriors | Top 10 Lists |

NASA’s Finest Hour « White Eagle Aerospace History Blog

April 13, 1953: CIA OKs MK-ULTRA Mind-Control Tests | This Day In Tech |

A journalist and neurologist examine FDR’s ‘Deadly Secret’ - The Boston Globe

Ban ‘Pure’ Speculators of Oil Futures -

Will U.S. Avoid a Recession in 2012? (Part 4): Shilling - Bloomberg

Keynesian "Easy Money" Is Nothing But Currency Devaluation - Forbes

Obama Impugns Romney in a Flagrant Abuse of Power

The Buffett Rule: Obama's Community Organizer Understanding of Taxation - Forbes

Cannibalize the Future -

The Surprising Reason Why Colleges Raise Tuition

Simon Johnson: How the Banks Endangered Medicare -

Gaines and Rivers: What's a 'Fair' Tax for the Mega Millionaires? -

A Tax Code of Politics, Not Practicality -

RealClearMarkets - The Individual Mandate Won't Save Obamacare

Is suspension the solution? | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Here's How to Maintain America's Medical Innovation Edge - Forbes

Human Eggs Grown in the Lab Could Produce Unlimited Supply of Humans | Popular Science

Ticks wander into airless high-radiation; act like it's a picnic

Why Everyone Believes in Magic (Even You) | Belief in Magic Explained | Magical Thinking |

Amino Acids, Sugars, Chirality, and Dinosaurs from Space - Blog

Dying Sun-like stars drive off dust that seeds other solar systems

OMG, Look At This Robot With Real Muscles | Co.Design: business + innovation + design

What Is the Impact of High Oil Prices on the Global Economy?

Is Big Oil Rigging Gasoline Prices?

Guest Post: The Energy Dashboard Delusion, Part 2 : Greentech Media

Is That Feeling Of Pain At The Pump A Good Thing? Your State Might Think So -

Have gas prices peaked? - CBS News

Analysis: As oil runs hotter, stocks could get burned | Reuters

The US is Energy Independent Right Now

Oil and the Real US Trade Deficit - Business Insider

The only good coal is coal left in the ground | Grist

Do energy restrictions raise electricity prices? -

America's energy job machine is heating up - Fortune Tech

Could Solar Power Boost Saudi Oil Exports? | The Energy Collective

Getting exotic with clean energy technology | Energy | The Earth Times

BBC News - Quantum computing: Is it possible, and should you care?

Will Data Monopolies Paralyze the Internet? - Forbes

The Future Retail Wasteland - Businessweek

The Dark Side Of Smartphone NFC Tech | Fast Company

Andrew Weinreich: Why Time Warner Cable's Business Model Makes No Sense

Artificial Intelligence Could Be on Brink of Passing Turing Test | Wired Science |

Computing's next milestone is "thinking" - Fortune Tech

What happens when you die? | ExtremeTech

Microsoft Word is cumbersome, inefficient, and obsolete. It’s time for it to die. - Slate Magazine

Getting ready to cross Ivy Bridge: The layman’s guide to Intel’s latest processors

Scientists Build First Working Quantum Network | News & Opinion |

Wikipedia Goes To College | Fast Company

BBC News - Has Instagram made everyone's photos look the same?

North Korea's Tragic Rocket Launch Failure

A Short History of Political Islam

Capitalism and Peace (PDF)

Pipeline to Nowhere: The Beijing-Moscow Dance Continues | World Affairs Journal

Why North Korea Gets Away With It | Foreign Affairs

Iran: We do not want nuclear weapons - The Washington Post

Six Ways to Measure Progress in the Iran Nuclear Talks -

Battle for Bahrain: What One Uprising Meant for the Gulf States and Iran | World Affairs Journal

World News - Money, drugs, guns and gangs: Child actors shame Mexico's politicians with mockumentary

North Korea's botched "satellite" launch: Admission of failure | The Economist

North Korea’s ‘hidden gulag’ - The Washington Post

War Looms for Obama in Iran, Syria, and North Korea - The Daily Beast

"Cyber War and Peace" by Joseph S. Nye | Project Syndicate

Louis A. Ruprecht, Jr.: The Tale of the Confused Christian Calendars

Associated Baptist Press - Opinion: Remembering Noah

And now, the myth of the “Jewish voter” » GetReligion | Look of an atheist | Les Sillars | Apr 21, 12

To Some Hindus, Modern Yoga Has Lost Its Way : NPR


*11 April/Transcript:Obama's Remarks on the Buffett Rule

*11 April:Panel on Health Care and the Deficit

+10 April:Panel on Obama and the Buffett Rule


Robert Caro’s Big Dig -

Michael Sean Winters Reviews Timothy Matovina's "Latino Catholicism" | The New Republic

The Smart Set: The Posthumous Star - April 11, 2012

+Rep. Paul Ryan Bush Center Address on Tax Reform

+Joe Biden Interview on Jobs and the Economy

Keep Military Manufacturing in American Hands

The Key to Replacing Obamacare

The Facts About Voter Suppression

RealClearPolicy- GOP Settled on Repeal, But Still No Replacement

Bank Lobbyist on Rep. Maxine Waters as Chair of Financial Services Committee: “Just the name sends shivers up the spine” « naked capitalism

The Culture of 'Can't' in American Schools - Frederick M. Hess & Whitney Downs - National - The Atlantic

10 Big Companies That Pay No Taxes (and Their Favorite Politicians) | Mother Jones

"The Trouble with Libertarian Paternalism" by Raghuram Rajan | Project Syndicate

Uwe E. Reinhardt: Is There a Republican Alternative to Obamacare? -

Political Calculations: The Age Demographics of Minimum Wage Earners

The Ryan budget as a philosophical wedge…and thorn in Obama’s side / Ryan Streeter

Retention of students can work –

William Galston: Seven Ways 2012 Won’t Be Anything Like 2008 For Team Obama | The New Republic

Ryan’s Cuts Diss the Republican Party’s Founders - Bloomberg

Opinion: The empty election - Patrick H. Caddell and Douglas E. Schoen -

Why We Need a 'Buffett Rule' For Now | Jared Bernstein | Politics News | Rolling Stone

RealClearPolitics - President of the Twilight Zone

Taking a Different Look at the Gender Gap : Roll Call Politics

Newt Gingrich, Fox News victim -

Obama and Romney both come from a ancestry of polygamy - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Zimmerman Problem

Nation divided over Trayvon Martin case? -

The GOP Tries to Woman Up | The Nation

Barack Obama presses for Buffett Rule—Editorial -

Health-care reform is no budget-buster -

KUHNER: Romney's running mate - Washington Times

Rational Irrationality: After Santorum’s Exit: Can Obama Be Beaten? : The New Yorker

Rebuffing Obama’s ‘Buffett Rule’ - The Washington Post

George Zimmerman's trial could be as divisive as OJ Simpson's | Gary Younge | Comment is free | The Guardian

ObamaCare Is the Embodiment of Fiscal Disaster - Forbes

If Obamacare Is Struck Down, These Americans Are in Trouble | Mother Jones

Ruy Teixeira: Why There Are Many More Swing Voters Than You Think | The New Republic

Obama Willing to Risk Accusations of Socialism for Chance to Whack Romney’s Wealth | Fox News

Washington’s Counterproductive Consensus on Taxes - Bloomberg

A win for social justice -

Prosecutor's quandary: Zimmerman may be indicted, then acquitted -


The Free Syrian Army
Maj. Gen. James Marks On North Korea Rocket
Keep Expectations For The Iran Negotiations Low
Christopher Sabatini On Latin America
Afghan Amputees Reflect More Powerful Bombs
Clinton Says G8 Welcomes Ceasefire In Syria
British PM On Historic Myanmar Visit
Syrian Opposition Says 3 Killed, Dozens Arrested Since Ceasefire
Titanic Cruise Departs Halifax
North Korea Fires Long-range Rocket, Launch Fails
Despite Failed Test, North Korea Still A Threat

Gingrich Accuses FOX News Of Playing Favorites In GOP Race
O'Reilly: The November Vote Will Be Very Close
Walsh: Every Mother Is A Working Mother
"Special Report" Panel On The Buffett Rule
O'Donnell: Is The Death Penalty Worth Laying Off School Teachers?


Obama: Hilary Rosen "Needs To Rethink Her Statement"
Levin: Private Sector Treated As Second-Class Citizens Under Obama
Obama: "I Hope It's Not Just A Negative Campaign"
Sarah Palin: "All Women Should Be Standing Up For Each Other"
Robert Reich: Consider Raising Taxes To 50% To 70%
Rosen: "This Is Going To Be An Ugly Campaign Season"
Biden Tells Crying Baby: You'll Have To Pay For Romney's Tax Cuts
Carney: "I Know Three, Personally, Women Named Hilary Rosen"
Limbaugh: Obama Has Launched A "War On Motherhood"
Obama: "Most Folks Understand How Hard I Work"
Alan Dershowitz: Zimmerman Arrest Affidavit "Irresponsible And Unethical"
Carney: Obama Feels People Aren't "Informed" About Buffett Rule
Axelrod To CNN: Rosen Is "Your Employee, Not Ours"
NBC News: "Most" Say Prosecution Of John Edwards "Is A Waste Of Taxpayer Money
Biden: Hilary Rosen Made An "Outrageous Assertion"
Trayvon Martin's Mom: Shooting "Was An Accident"
Politico's Vandehei: Buffett Rule Is "Total Gimmickry"
Obama On Michelle: "We Didn't Have The Luxury For Her Not To Work"
Conservative Web Ad: "There's A Tax For That"
Rosen Doubles Down: "It's Not About Ann Romney"
Sabato: No Sign Of Obama Going "Moderate" Like Clinton Did In 1996
Santelli: How Do Millionaires Affect The Opportunities Of My Children?
Obama Campaign Celebrates Anniversary Of RomneyCare
Krauthammer: Health Care Will Be Major 2012 Issue After Jobs
Cain Solutions Ad: "Chicken"
Ann Romney On Rosen: "She Should've Come To My House"
O'Reilly: The Many Lessons Of The Santorum Campaign
Maddow: The Republicans Are Losing Women
Schultz: Santorum Was Too Afraid To Face Romney In Pennsylvania

Covering The Globe
U.S. And Iran Negotiate Nukes
North Korea Worker's Party Conference
Indonesia Escapes Fury Of 8.6 Magnitude Quake
Water Cannons Fired On Protesters
Waiting For The Rocket Launch
Mali: Gao Attacked By Armed Forces, Population Flee
Interview With Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos
Subversive Diplomacy & Internet Freedom
Catherine Ashton: Democracy Is More Than One Election
Blair: No Confidence In What Syria Says

President Obama Speaks on the Buffett Rule


*13 April

American Minute for April 13th

April 13 Events in History

April 13th in History

Today in History: April 13

April 13th This Day in History

This Day in History for 13th April |

Today in History: April 13

Today in History: April 13

Today in History for April 13 - YouTube

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