A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

30 March 2012

30 March'12


Pakistani Perspectives On U.S.-Pakistan Relations
Azerbaijani-Israeli Relations And The Iranian Threat
Campaign 2012: U.S. Policy Toward India
Chinese Firm Surpasses Exxon In Oil Production
Mali Sanctions Threat
Burmese Activist Speaks Out
Algeria Rejects Burial Of Toulouse Gunman
Japan Warning Over North Korean Rocket
French Police Swoop On Suspected Islamists
Suu Kyi Says Myanmar Polls Not Completely Fair
How Effective Will Romney Be In Foreign Policy Realm?

Congressman Paul Ryan Endorses Mitt Romney
Biden: "We Want To Create A Global Minimum Tax"
Todd: RNC Ad Hurts Case For Supreme Court Hearings On TV
AFL-CIO: Conservative, Right-Wing Policies To Blame For Trayvon's Death
Schultz: NRA Pushed "Stand Your Ground" Laws
Barney Frank On Mitt Romney: "There Is A Meanness At His Core"
DNC Web Ad Links Mitt Romney With Paul Ryan
RNC Web Ad Rips Obama Budget: "Zero Votes"
Biden: Romney Will Bring Economic "Momentum" To A "Screeching Halt"
Scarborough: The Right Is Politicizing Trayvon Martin's Death
Jon Stewart Slams Spike Lee: "Leave The Cyber-Bullying To Teenagers"
O'Reilly: Media Trying The Martin Case On TV
Cavuto: Obama's Intentions Look "Sinister"

Sen. Jeff Sessions: The Health Law Is an Unfunded Liability
President Obama Calls on Congress to Repeal Oil Subsidies
Remy Explains Skyrocketing Health Care Costs


George W. Bush: Why I Became a Dissident
Day Three at the Supreme Court

Krauthammer To Santorum, Gingrich: "It's Over"
Chris Matthews "Totally Unprepared" Obamacare Could Be "Ripped Off The Books"
Mark Levin: If I Had Another Son, He'd Look Like Brian Terry
Limbaugh: Obama's Solution To High Gas Prices Is To Attack Big Oil
Santelli: Why Doesn't Obama Go After Apple's Profits?
Allen West: Rep. Bobby Rush's Hoodie Stunt "Immature Gimmickry"
Carney: Obama "Pleased" With Administration's Defense Of Obamacare At Supreme Court
Carney Asked Why Obama Supported Tax Breaks For Oil Companies In 2005
Obama State Department Won't Say If Jerusalem Is The Capital Of Israel
Pelosi On Obamacare: "We Wrote Our Bill In A Way That Was Constitutional"
Jimmy Carter: Democratic Party Should Be More Pro-Life
Obama Keeping His Word: Creating Manufacturing Jobs
NBC Uses Trayvon Death To Get Black Anchors To Talk About Prejudice
Sheldon Adelson On Newt Gingrich: "He's At The End Of His Line"
Obama: End Tax Breaks For Oil In Order To "Double Down" On Wind And Solar
Scarborough To Those Blaming Trayvon: "You Will Look Foolish In The End"
House Democrat Goes Berserk At GOP, Keeps Yelling After Time Has Expired
Zimmerman's Father Blasts Obama: "So Much Hate Coming From The President"
Jon Stewart On Obama's Hot Mic Moment With Russian Pres
Howard Dean: Individual Mandate A "Terrible Mistake"
Klein: If Mandate Is Struck Down, Expand Medicare, Medicaid And SCHIP To Everyone
Cavuto: "Stick A Fork" In ObamaCare
Schultz: Romney Doesn't Care About The Uninsured
O'Reilly: Americans Have Not Warmed To Romney

The U.S. Mission In Afghanistan
China Slowdown Won't Last
Will Israel Bomb Iran?
Sanctions, Politics, The End Game
France Joins U.S., Britain In Oil Reserve Talks
James Baker On Syria
Suu Kyi Set For Parliament In Key Myanmar Vote
Elephant Runs Away From Circus
Tensions Rise In Spain General Strike
Brazil's Lula Returns After Cancer Remission
Syrian Opposition Meet In Istanbul
Nicholas Kristof On Sudan
Motorbike Gunmen Kill Five In Pakistan
Reaction To Obama Missile Shield Comments



The Michael Savage Show 03/29/2012 FULL

The Michael Savage Show 03/28/2012 FULL


» Sheriff Arpaio: Obama’s Records Are Missing Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Sheriff Arpaio: Obama's Records Are Missing - YouTube

Sheriff Joe Press Conference Arizona Capitol March 27,2012 - YouTube

People Waking Up to The Bilderberg Group with Ace Journalist Jim Tucker - YouTube

Bilderberg Group: The Secret Order Revealed with Mark Anderson - YouTube

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist Sues Obama Over NDAA 1/2 - YouTube

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist Sues Obama Over NDAA 2/2 - YouTube

» Court Hears Arguments In Lawsuit Against Obama Indefinite Detention Law Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Twitter: Spamming Celebrities Not OK, Advocating Murder is Fine Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Confirmed: Michigan pig ban will eliminate all heritage breeds, destroy thousands of small farms Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Disarming America: Homeland Security Buys Up Ammo Supplies - YouTube

Barbaric Abortion Policies In China: Is The U.S. Next? - YouTube

» A Cashless Society May Be Closer Than Most People Would Ever Dare To Imagine Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» More Evidence of Coordinated Effort to Sabotage Ron Paul Delegates Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Behind-the-Scenes Attempt to Kill Arizona’s Obama Eligibility Bill Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Propaganda of Agitation: The Tool of Tyrants Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» TacoCopter: Fake or Military Psyop? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Shocking Face Of China’s Brutal One Child Policy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Why Does The Department Of Homeland Security Need 450 MILLION Hollow Point Bullets? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

George Zimmerman's Father Blasts Obama: "So Much Hate Coming From The President" - YouTube

» Tea Party Members: Are you a Sheep in Wolf’s clothing? The GOP hopes so. Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Perhaps The Most Insightful Comment On The Trayvon Martin 'Culture' – Plus 2nd Round Of Trayvon Martin Tweets Found | Sad Hill News

» Central Banks Won’t Produce Natural Interest Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


*March 31: Operation Global Blackout: Hackers Intend to Shut Down The Internet Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Anonymous: Operation Blackout # OpBlackout (our rights are currently being violated) - YouTube

'Anonymous' hackers plan to shut down the Internet this Saturday


Operation Blackout


Lisa Steed, 'Trooper of the year' admits violating DUI procedure | Mail Online

» Government Terrorizing Kids During Drills Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Class Action Lawsuit Challenges NYPD Patrols of Private Apartment Buildings | New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) - American Civil Liberties Union of New York State

Operation Clean Halls - YouTube

» USS Enterprise Prepares To Cross Suez Canal, Days Away From Anchor In Arabian Sea Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

USS Enterprise and Foreign Ships Conduct Maneuvering Exercise - YouTube

Alex Jones FBI Rant! - YouTube

Press For Truth Presents: The New World Order Of The 21st Century - YouTube

White House Aims to Tap Power of Government Data - Yahoo! News

» Will Government Confiscate all Gold and Silver under National Defense Resourse Preparedness? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

U.S. News - Neonicotinoid pesticides tied to crashing bee populations, 2 studies find

New Milky Way photo captures 1 billion stars | Fox News

Scalia on Obamacare Mandate: ‘If the Government Can Do This, What Else Can It Not Do?' |

» Arguments On Obamacare Conclude, SCOTUS Decision Due By Late June Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Assange and Anonymous As Elite Helpers? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Panic-buying of fuel continues despite prospect of peace talks | UK news | The Guardian

Ex-MF Global Treasurer Declines To Testify About Alleged Corzine Money Transfer | Fox News


* David Icke "This is Not a Bloody Game!" - YouTube


37 min./Alex Jones: It's Time to Choose A Side! - YouTube


Prison » Birther Controversy: Feds Refuse To Release Obama Draft Card

Prison » Behind the Scenes Attempt to Kill Arizona’s Obama Eligibilty Bill

'Cannibalism looms for N. Korea due to food aid cut' - YouTube

Prison » Israel Bought An Airfield Called Azerbaijan

Prison » Vehicles confirmed near N.Korea launch pad

Prison » Sarkozy Plays 9/11 Card in Election Stunt

Japan orders destruction of N. Korean rocket if necessary


38 min./The U.N. Plan for Global Control Under Agenda 21 with Dr. Corey Gold - YouTube


Prison » FDA Deletes 1 Million Signatures for GMO Labeling Campaign


Just Label It(


34 min./Dr. Steve Pieczenik: America is Held Hostage by The Military Industrial Complex - YouTube


Alveda King: Sharpton, Jackson should stop ‘playing race card’ over Trayvon Martin

Prison » We Are All Conspiracy Theorists Now: The Mainstreaming of 9/11 Truth


The Toronto Hearings on 9/11: Uncovering Ten Years of Deception - Trailer - YouTube


Prison » The Myth of Osama Bin Laden Is Dead, But The CIA’s Raid Against Reality Goes On

Barbaric Abortion Policies In China: Is The U.S. Next? - YouTube

Apple gadget maker has 'significant' labor issues: audit - Yahoo! News Canada

Brave New Bank? BRICS moot dropping dollar, IMF - YouTube

Fed Is Buying 61 Percent of U.S. Government Debt

Prison » Central Banks Won’t Produce Natural Interest

Prison » US Debt Ceiling D-Day: September 14, 2012

No smoking guns for Wall St. crooks - YouTube

$7, $8 Gas? Sen. Paul Tries to Blunt Bill That Would Push Your Gas Prices Higher

Sen. Rand Paul Introduces Amendments to Lower Gas Prices - 03/27/12 - YouTube

Milk Man Faces Multiple Felony Charges for Food Crimes! - YouTube

Fatal Shooting of Ex-Marine by White Plains Police Raises Questions -

Prison » Powder Keg: Rap Song Charges ‘White Man’ With Murder: “Strap On Your AK’s… Let’s Start a Riot”


Prison » Caught on camera: SEIU activists discuss $20 payment for Obamacare protest

Prison » It’s a Bad Day to be a Striped Pig

Prison » Monsanto’s Roundup is Causing DNA Damage

New 'life in space' hope after billions of 'habitable planets' found in Milky Way - Telegraph

Prison » Officials blame ‘mystery virus’ for widespread deaths of thousands of cattle

Prison » Massive public protests spur France to ban plantings of Monsanto’s MON810 GMO corn

Prison » Limbaugh sees heat over comments turn down to a simmer

IRS seeks 4,000 agents, $303 million for Obamacare | Washington Examiner

Mysterious Booms Return to Clintonville: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Prison » Vaccines And Autism: The Secret That You Are Not Supposed To Know

Prison » What Many Churches And The SPLC Have In Common

Prison » 20 Signs That We Are Witnessing The Complete Collapse Of Common Sense In America

Rock star: Obama not born in U.S.


FULL INTERVIEW: Dave Mustaine - YouTube


* Dave Mustaine Unchained: Infowars Exclusive - YouTube


Lord Monckton: Sheriff Joe, posse ‘right to be worried’

Feds refuse to release Obama draft docs to Sheriff Joe

Ex-communist nations expose Obama ‘fraud’

Desperate propagandists

Trayvon's tweets and black hate crimes

'Blacks are under attack!' – by other blacks

It's all about race now

Obama doubles down on his leftist radicalism

J. FARAH: A lesson in mass deception

L. ELDER: The media's selective outrage

C. MCMILLAN: Race-baiting: Only healthy industry in U.S.

A. COULTER: 'Post-racial' lynch mob

B. PRELUTSKY: On Marx, Iran and pond-scum pols

'Obama in Wonderland' – vulgar, vile propaganda

Catholic bishops ignore the poor

Bobby Rush in 2000: Obama a Harvard ‘educated fool’ who ‘thinks he knows all about’ the ‘civil rights protests’

The unintended Rubio effect

Jimmy Carter: Democrats Should Abandon Pro-Abortion Position |

Shock poll on Rubio as GOP’s VP pick

Ex-Scalia clerk: Obamacare ruling too close to call

Supreme irony? Top court poised to throw out Obamacare in echo of case Obama made against Hillary Clinton - Mail Online - Toby Harnden's blog

China, Iran form ‘strategic ties’

Mideast officials: Obama in secret talks with Iran

State confiscates newborn over vaccinations

How Hollywood raised your taxes

Hoodie-Wearing Gunmen Kill 1, Wound 5 in Bobby Rush's Chicago District

Jon Stewart Does the Right Thing: Rips Spike Lee for Trayvon Tweets

Ron Paul Rally Soldier Found in Violation by Defense Dept.

Pope Inspires Dissent, Castro Quashes

Mitt Romney Picks Up $1.5 Million From Hollywood

Malkin: Ginsburg Coached Pro-Obamacare Lawyer

Will NBC Stick with Roseanne 'Hate Tweets' Barr?

New Video of George Zimmerman Arrest Casts Doubt on ABC Report

Spike Lee

Must-See: Drunk Guy Sings Entire 'Bohemian Rhapsody' in Back of Cop Car

Dr. Drew: 'Spent All Weekend Apologizing' to 'African-American Friends' Because of Trayvon Case

Adam Carolla Brilliantly Identifies Media Bias in Facebook Suicide Story

Boston Globe Columnist Perpetuates 'White' Zimmerman Lie

ABC's Zimmerman Video 'Exclusive' Reveals Nothing

Sharpton Denies Calling Trayvon Shooting 'Race-Driven'

Israel Acquires Air Bases on North Iran Border

Obama State Dept. Refuses To Acknowledge Jerusalem Is Capital Of Israel

Chris Mitchum

In San Fran, $5 Footlong No Longer Profitable

Carney Dodges: Why Did Obama Vote for Oil Subsidies as Senator?

Obama in 2000: Mega Millions Lottery Unfair

New Black Panthers: 'Don’t Obey White Man’s Law'


High Tech Military Ray Gun Unused In War

Spike Lee Twitter Victims Speak About Living In Fear

Pelosi On Obamacare: 'This Game Is Not Over'

George Zimmerman's Father Speaks

SCOTUS, Mandates, and The Democrat Media Complex

Drudge Remains Powerful Voice In Political Media

ESPN Axes Ad Campaign for Religious 'Overtones'

Obama Snubbed Families of Brits Murdered in U.S.

Obama: Wind Is The Future

ObamaCare at the Court: Will We Be Citizens or Subjects?

Paul Ryan Endorses Romney

TSA Supervisor Arrested For Running Prostitution Ring

Obama Kills Atlantic Offshore Drilling For Five Years

Obama on Gas Prices: Don't Blame Me, Blame Big Oil

Opinion: Real Problem of Profiling Is Being Exploited for Political Gain

Justices Meet to Vote on Obamacare Case

Racial Beatdown in South Carolina

Obamacare Is 'the Most Important Case' in 50 Years

Homeland Security Makes Power-Grab for Sweeping Cybersecurity Authority

Like the Media, Tom Hanks's School Refuses Comment on 'Blackface' Incident

Charlie Sheen: Regrets? I Have A Few

Citizen Journalist Victory: Roseanne Apologizes For Zimmerman Tweet

'Mirror Mirror' Review: Postmodern Fairy Tale Casts Intermittent Spell

'Real Time' Tips for Bill Maher's Conservative Guests

Undermining Israel: Obama's PR War Aids Iran, Palestinians

Biden: 'We Want To Create What's Called A Global Minimum Tax'

Pravda Doth Protest Too Much on Potential Romney Presidency

White House: Russian Threats Won't Limit Missile Shield Plans

Clinton meets with Saudi king to explore Syria crisis

Israel closes off West Bank ahead of Arab protests

World View: Israel Cancels Army's Passover Vacations

Want to Cancel your Cable?

MSM Gives Zimmerman Friend Full 'Joe the Plumber' Treatment

Bush '41' Endorses Romney

NY Senate Trayvon Backer Attacks White Legislators, Jews

Newt Takes On College Student 'Offended' By Janitor Remark

'Soft-Boiled Babies': Left-Wing Org Cracks Graphic Koch Joke

Author Calls Katy Perry Video 'Propaganda for the Marines'

Report: Romney, Gingrich Hold Secret Meeting

Report: Illegal Overtime on Apple Assembly Line

Jon Stewart Slams Spike Lee: Sending 'Lynch Mob To Anybody’s Address' 'Bad Mistake'

SCOTUS Votes On ObamaCare

The Left: Merchants Of Despair

Happy Friday! Victoria's Secret Models Lounge In Bikinis

Facebook To Stop Insider Trades Before April IPO

'Wrath of the Titans' Review: Release the Special Effects!

Poll Shows Americans Don't Want Zimmerman Arrested

The Global Elite Are Hiding 18 Trillion Dollars In Offshore Banks |

UN-Backed Scientists Call For Mega-City Population Lockup |

If Monsanto Were a Person |

Anonymous: Cyber-Superheroes or Master Manipulators? |

Proof That ''Anonymous'' Is CIA, Government Operations, Cyber Terrorist's And Not Activist's - YouTube

Scary NSA Propaganda: Anonymous Cyberattack Will Take Down Power Grid |

Monsanto PR Firm Reportedly ‘Ended’ by Anonymous |

Sheriff Arpaio Opens New Can of Worms as US Selective Service System Director Now Involved |

Amalgam Fillings Leach Mercury Vapor Into The Brain

Money is Not Needed with Energy Abundance

TSA continues to expand operations outside of airports with VIPR teams

Monsanto’s Roundup is Causing DNA Damage

Giuliani openly promotes terrorism as a way to stop Iranian nuclear program

Fraud fears grow over contactless bank card technology - Channel 4 News


46 min./Lost Archives 14: The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla - YouTube


A Historical Look at Survival Under Atomic Attack

French 'Al Qaeda' Killer: Intelligence Asset With An Israeli Connection

Spread the news of imminent mass arrests of the criminal Cabal! - YouTube

Imminent Televised Event: Mass Arrests of 10,000 Global Cabal Members - 2012 - YouTube

Activist Post: Are We About To See The Imminent Mass Arrest of the Global Banking Cabal?


+Interactive Map Shows If Your House Will Be Underwater In 20 Years | Before It's News


Surging Seas:


+Obama Passportgate – A History | Before It's News

World Media Picking Up Obama Birth Certificate Fraud While America’s Media Remains Silent | Before It's News

The Nephilim Portrayed In The Stained Glass Of Chartres: The Female Giant Virgo | Before It's News

Pyramids Of Glass Submerged In The Bermuda Triangle | Before It's News

YouTube Video / Animal Planet: Navy Cover-Up Of Intelligent Beings Found in Ocean

Queen Lizzie's Eerie Transdimensional Portrait | Before It's News

ABC Faked The Zimmerman Video | Before It's News

Are You Alone? Or Strategically Placed! | Before It's News

Earth has a second moon: Our planet usually has at least one 'minimoon' in orbit - Alien Ufo network

President Obama will be forced by circumstances to apologise: Genuine Birth Certificate surfaces – Americans have been led to believe otherwise, revelation to change the political landscape « African Press International (API)


Consciousness TV | Micro-Chipping Agenda & RFID Chips Are Being Implemented


+Consciousness TV | ** In The Shadow of Hermes **


* Jura Lina - The Jewish Hand in Bolshevism/Communism Not Mentioned at School (Full Movie) - YouTube

+Consciousness TV | ** THE MATRIX ** FULL MOVIE

+Consciousness TV | ** The Corporation ** [Full Length]

Consciousness TV | ** UNGRIP ** -Full Length Movie-


Consciousness TV | ** 12 Chemicals In Cosmetics **

Consciousness TV | Adolf Hitler’s Los Angeles Nazi Empire Compound

Is A “Breakaway Civilization” Behind The Mysterious Secret Space Program? | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.

Big Brother Obama And The Second American Civil War | Before It's News

Globalist Plan to Disarm America | Before It's News

10 surprising steps to staying cancer-free - Vital Signs - MarketWatch

More Than Half Of All Cancer Is Preventable | Before It's News

Are You Experiencing Mind-Pops? | Before It's News

A Blood Test Can Determine if You Are Low on D - 10 Facts About Vitamin D and Rheumatoid Arthritis - Rheumatoid Arthritis

Study Suggests Why Some Animals Live Longer | Before It's News

A Few Uses For Vinegar | Before It's News

Live Free Or Die Radio - Thursday, March, 29, 2012

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, March, 28, 2012

Blacklisted Radio 3/26/2012 Podcast

War On Words: NYC Dept. Of Education Wants 50 ' - Flash Player Installation

Virginia First State to Sell Naming Rights to Roads -

BBC News - Why would anyone buy naming rights to a highway?

PETA is first to propose naming Virginia road | Washington Examiner

AllGov - News - Virginia First State to Sell Naming Rights to Rest Stops

Patent awarded for “behavioral recognition” surveillance software system -

Microsoft censoring Windows Live Messenger chats under guise of fighting piracy -

Read the FBI Memo: Agents Can 'Suspend the Law' | Danger Room |

New Bill Seeks To Let DHS Agents Coordinate More With Private Companies In Seizing Property (Like Domains) -

CONFIRMED: Mohammed Merah was an ASSET of the French SECRET SERVICE. - YouTube

El Reg premieres PARIS: The Motion Picture • The Register

PARIS: The Motion Picture - YouTube

PLANET OF THE CHIMPS #2: Dont Worry USA Israel`s Behind You (VIDEO)

Ron Paul Stolen Democracy (this may be one of the most important election fraud videos ever!) - YouTube

Justices meet Friday to vote on health care case - Yahoo! News

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul Election Fraud Report 3-29-12 Washington State

IRS wants 4,000 new agents, $300 million budget to enforce Obamacare - 12160

2/15/11-Obamacare requires new IRS army of 1,054

IRS wants 4,000 new agents, $300 million budget to enforce Obamacare

Supremes should declare ObamaCare unconstitutional

IRS seeks 4,000 agents, $303 million for Obamacare | Washington Examiner

How the Media Manipulates the Word into War

Propagandhi - Haille Sellasse, Up Your Ass - YouTube

"Rock Star" treatment for Ron Paul - YouTube

Peter Schiff on BRICS and the demise of the dollar - YouTube

BRIC Stonewalls IMF and USD + WW3 Updates - YouTube

OWS: 'The rich, don't be surprised we are angry!' - YouTube

White Supremacist Hacks Trayvon Martin's E-mail Account | Hip-Hop Wired

Lone Star Watchdog: Is Obamacare Being Challanged in the Wrong Court?

NDAA press conference, Recorded live on my iPhone on 3/29/12 at 2:31 PM EDT Timcast on USTREAM. Citizen Journalist

Possessing Or Distributing Web Security Software To Become Criminal Offense

What Really Happened to Americans After Mom Went To Work In The Sixties: Mortgages And Taxes Doubled To Support The Growing 'Rich Get Richer' Elite: The Damning Stats | Before It's News

Navy Deploys SBX-1 From Pearl Harbor To Head Off North Korea Rocket Launch

Ron Paul - The 2012 TIME 100 Poll - TIME

Where Are The Normal Christians? | Veterans Today

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul : \"The Constitution is a Wild Idea to the Other Candidates!\"

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Judge Napolitano: Voters Will Unite Against Obama\'s Socialist March if Obamacare Nixed

Brave New Bank? BRICS moot dropping dollar, IMF - YouTube

Wall Street Won’t Let Democracy Work Here Anymore. | Video Rebel's Blog

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Lindsey Williams spills the Beans On Jeff Rense Show

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Obamacare #FAIL: Day 3 at the Supreme Court

John McCain Wants To Enforce The NDAA

Feds Using NDAA To Silence Journalists Critical Of Government

General: U.S. may export terror war tactics to fight drug gangs | The Raw Story

Michele Bachmann Thinks People 'Choose' To Not Have Health Insurance, Not Because They Can't Afford It | ThinkProgress

Studies show how pesticides make bees lose their way | Reuters

Lynn Szymoniak, Foreclosure Whistleblower, Says Bank Harassing 'The Living Hell' Out Of Her

Jon Corzine – A Real MFer | Dethrone The Banksters


+What Really Happened with Mike Rivero 27th Mar 2012 - YouTube


Alex Jones NIghtly News 2012-03-28

Alex Jones-Nightly News March 29 2012 with Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his investigation into Obama


Raw Video: Family Records Harrowing Escape From Fire - YouTube

CNN's Cooper Grills Black Panthers over Racism, "Uncle Toms" - YouTube

Are Voter I.D. Laws Racist? - YouTube

Mainstream fail - viewers leaving TV for the Internet - YouTube

Not a Good Day for Obamacare

Dr. Daliah: Should Republicans be Preparing for an Obamacare Overturn?

Funding Government by the Minute - YouTube

OBAMA: All countries are close allies!! - YouTube

Institute for Energy Research | Bill O’Reilly: Exporting Nonsense on Gas Prices

Witness details Trayvon Martin's killing -

Everybody's a Target in the American Surveillance State - informationliberation

Hornberger's Blog - Rejecting the CIA's Communist Methods

An Aging, Bankrupt Empire - informationliberation

Explaining Central Banking to the Publicly Educated - informationliberation

Mohamed Merah: Secret Service Informant?

On The Nature Of Self-Defeating Convictions

+BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- March 29, 2012

+BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- March 28, 2012

California Slammed With Fukushima Radiation


The Art of Warfare : Iran and The Gas Pipeline Battle"

"NUCLEAR TERRORISM": Obama’s Nuclear Disarmament Hoax

VIDEO: Nuclear Testing and America's Continued Nuclear Arms Race

THE "AFFORDABLE CARE ACT": The Supreme Court Debates the Health Insurance Mandate

Federal Reserve Boss Ben Bernanke Promises Record High Gas Prices Through Summer

Mitt Romney: In Your Heart, You Know He’s A Loser by Justin Raimondo --

Afghan Witnesses Say Sgt. Robert Bales Did Not Act Alone -- News from

Maliki: Arming Syrian Rebels Will Lead to ‘Proxy War’ -- News from

McCain, Lieberman and Graham: The Senate’s three war-crazed amigos -

Obama takes Bush’s secrecy games one step further -

The U.S. Military and Massacres by Tim Kelly

Will Helicopter Bernanke Become 'Hurricane Ben'? :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Dutch Since Exposes the Covert World of Chemtrails Weather Manipulation and Scalar Weapons |

HDTV: It’s not just crisper images and richer sound

The 18 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever - The Original Electric Car: Unplugged? - Conspiracies on

Biden: "We Want To Create A Global Minimum Tax" | RealClearPolitics

Not-So-Smooth Operator -

Did a 'Sea Monster' Wash Up on a South Carolina Coast? | KSEE 24 News - Central Valley's News Station: Fresno-Visalia - News, Sports, Weather | Local News

Vint Cerf attacks European internet policy - Telegraph

Santelli: Why Doesn't Obama Go After Apple's Profits? | RealClearPolitics

Meet the real-life Barbies: Internet craze sees teenagers turn themselves into freakish living dolls | Mail Online

Page Not Found | Washington Examiner

At world's end: Artists reveal stunning post-apocalyptic images of the world's major cities | Mail Online

Bad omen for health care law: Many comments from the justices -

My Way News - Justices meet Friday to vote on health care case

Justice Breyer on Obamacare: 'I Haven’t Read Every Word of That, I Promise’ |

Will a Tea Party Supreme Court guarantee Obama a second term? - The Week

Australian Drug Maker Close To A Cure For The Common Cold

Flight Crew Calls Police Due To 2 Unruly Children On Skywest Plane From Long Beach « CBS Los Angeles

Bigfoot Sleuth Stomped For Leading Tour On Federal Lands Without Permit | Fox News

Six-legged calf wins Swiss hearts | World news | The Guardian

Chief army officer in Afghanistan orders 'guardian angels' to protect U.S. troops from insider attacks | Mail Online

Bolton Accuses Administration Of Leaking Story On Israeli Planning Along Iran Border | Fox News

Israel's Secret Staging Ground - By Mark Perry | Foreign Policy

D.C. Selects Medical Marijuana Cultivation Centers | NBC4 Washington

Is Conservatism Our Default Ideology? - Miller-McCune

AFL-CIO Exec | Right-Wing Policies | Stand Your Ground | Trayvon Martin | The Daily Caller

Brother: Medical records will prove George Zimmerman's story -

Insight: Obama's North Korean leap of faith falls short | Reuters

Anti-government 'sovereign movement' on the rise in U.S. –

Obama team puts up confident front on health care

Bin Laden Lived 9 Years Undetected In Pakistan, Fathered 4 Children, Wife Says | Fox News

Mega-long Odds For Winning Record Jackpot, Now At $640 Million | Fox News

U.S. News - Lights on or off? Earth Hour challenged by Human Achievement Hour

Report: Zimmerman described as "Jekyll and Hyde" - CBS News

World News - Urine-soaked 'virgin boy eggs' are a springtime taste treat in China

Kofi Annan urges Syria government to lay down arms first - World - CBC News

Batman's Lamborghini pulled over by Maryland police - World - CBC News

On the run, bin Laden lived in 5 houses –

Canada to be penniless -- no new 1-cent coins after April

U.S. News - Bales' attorney claims 'information blackout' from government

U.S. News - Trayvon Martin case: Mayor says police resisted release of 911 tapes

U.S. News - Truck driver who killed hitchhikers gets life sentences in plea deal

Michigan Grandpa Accused Of Giving Grandson Drugged Juice | Fox News

U.S. farmers to plant most corn in 75 years | Reuters

Cop on disability faulted for side job: drug dealer | Reuters

Supreme Court again looks primed to confound a president -

JetBlue co-pilot tells of pilot's cockpit rant -

Life Inc. - The 'Rich List' kept getting richer in 2011

Poop-to-power tech begins to smell reasonable - Future of Tech on

Six Ways to Discipline Children -- That Work!

Sleep Apnea Linked to Depression

Hormones in cows and what it means for your health | Fox News

Clashes Mark Palestinian Land Day

Former Libyan Official Welcomes Kadhafi Family Assets Seizure

White House Confident About Health Care Outcome

Worries Boost Gasoline Prices and Stir Up US Politics

Obama Administration Won’t Prosecute Saudi It Claims Threatened to ‘Blow Up White House’

Justice Breyer: Can Congress Make Americans Buy Computers, Cell Phones, Burials? ‘Yes, of Course’

Feminists Tout Obamacare for Providing ‘Near Universal Access to Family Planning' and 'Contraception’

Ayatollah Khamanei Warns U.S.: Don't Intervene in Syria

CBS expands 'Face the Nation' to 1 hour on Sunday

Funeral for Banjo Innovator Scruggs Is Sunday

Sen. Ayotte on Next Government of Syria: The People Have to Decide

Recall election ordered for Wis. Gov. Scott Walker

Open Thread: Obamacare's Fate May Be Decided Today

Liberals Face Rude Awakening As Obamacare Case Forces Them To Acknowledge Conservative Arguments

Shall We Be Citizens Or Subjects?

Eco-Scams Are as Easy as “A123”

Liberals Prepare To Vilify The Supreme Court If They Don't Get Their Way

Pelosi: Bobby Rush Displayed ‘Courage’ for Wearing Hoodie on House Floor

Sen. Kerry: Forcing Manufacturers to Give Contraceptives Away for Free ‘Way Beyond' What Congress Would Consider 'At Present'

House Panel Plans to Subpoena Interior Department for Info on Job-Killing Oil Drilling Moratorium |

Liberals in Shock as Obamacare Hearings Force Them to Realize Conservatives Aren't Morons |

Chris Matthews: I Was 'Totally Unprepared' for 'Prospect' of ObamaCare Being 'Ripped Down' |

Bolton Charges Obama Purposely Undermining Israel

Santorum: US Weak on Iran, Israel During Obama Era

Koch to Newsmax: Holder 'Dead Wrong' on Muslim Surveillance

Saudi Minister: We Want Lower Oil Prices

Paul Ryan Endorses Romney

Gingrich: Romney 'Clearly the Front-runner'

Biden Confident High Court Will Affirm Healthcare

WSJ: Obama Expands His Executive Power

Bin Laden Fathered 4 Kids, Lived in 5 Houses on the Run

Dempsey: Latin America Ties Key to War on Terror

Rep. West Introduces Bill to Halt Afghan Pullout

Sen. Ayotte: Defense Cuts Will Sink US Shipbuilding

Romney Attacks Santorum in Wisconsin Ad Blitz

State Senate Votes to Repeal Ohio Election Law

No Easy Path to Trial for Syria War Crimes Suspects

Japan Will Intercept NKorean Rocket If Threatened

MasterCard Warns Banks of Possible Security Breach

Drug Breakthrough May Stifle Colds

Astronomers: Billions of Planets Might Support Life

Foot Discovery Shows Prehuman Walked at Same Time as Lucy

Conservatives, GOP Ramp Up High-Tech Voter Targeting

43,000 Brazilian Students Will Be Required to Wear Locator Chips on their Uniforms

Interstate Commerce Argument Is Slippery Slope

Obama Continues His Leftist Radicalism

The Politics of the Supreme Court

All Americans Don't Consume Healthcare


China: 'Growth on surface, lots of problems underneath' — RT

The 1946 battle of Athens, Tennessee…How veterans broke up a criminal governmentt « The PPJ Gazette

Madonna's New Age End Time Satanism

Supermassive swirling solar tornado 5 times the size of Earth | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

Does Marco Rubio Endorsement Help Or Hurt The FL Senator? | Sinclair News.Net

A spy’s report from inside the Romney campaign « Doug Wead The Blog

Why We Don't Care

The curse of the internet trolls - Telegraph

For iPhone and Android Users, This Video Is Absolutely Horrifying -- Society's Child --

Paul Drockton. FDIC in Serious Trouble

WHAT BOUNCED OFF THE SUN??? - Alien Ufo network

Legislating Greater Wall Street Theft

German Gorbuntsov shooting cover-up and a worryingly unaccountable police force | Mail Online

Strawberry Celebration! Pesticide Company Leaves U.S. | Rodale News

UFO Debunkers: Irrational, Uninformed and Ignorant

Scientists pin down historic sea level rise | Reuters

Wind Map of US patterns blows you away - Telegraph

97% of dietitians recommend supplements: CRN survey

Fears GM wheat that fends off greenfly could affect humans | Mail Online

Why all our bird flu research should be published | Ab Osterhaus | Comment is free | The Guardian

A history of major flu pandemics | World news |

Judge Napolitano Day 2 Analysis of Supreme Court Health Care Debate 1/2 - YouTube

World Bank Nominee Tied to Monsanto Shareholder Bill Gates | Natural Society

Activist Post: Soros Criminal Conviction Exposes "Human Rights" Scam

Omega-News: Animals Effected by Electrosmog

Activist Post: Is Your Cell Phone Killing You?

"May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor"

CFR: Educational Decline is a National Security Threat :

Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure | Natural Society

U.S. News - End of coal power plants? EPA proposes new rules


*Veg Pepperoni and Pizza | Alchemy Angles


Activist Post: Is Your Cell Phone Killing You?

"May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor"

CFR: Educational Decline is a National Security Threat :

Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure | Natural Society

U.S. News - End of coal power plants? EPA proposes new rules

Teacher ratings overhaul forges on despite lack of union approval

George Bush endorses Mitt Romney - YouTube

Gingrich: GOP rivals agree, time to focus on Obama

Can Twitter make Roth IRAs trendy for young?

Biden confident top court will uphold health law

Joe Biden: GOP candidates won't beat Obama

Paul on Ballot 50 States, Calls ObamaCare "Unconstitutional Monstrosity"

Elizabeth Warren, Madeleine Albright allied vs. Scott Brown

A Long Shot Mulls Switch To the GOP

Obama Loses Another Tax Battle to Big Oil, but the War Isn't Over

Romney Supporters Yearning for the Personal Side

Record Mega Millions jackpot grows overnight, up to $640M

Conservatives warn against rush to judgment in Trayvon Martin case

Romney gets Bush backing, but no sign of George W.

Why Obamacare May Stand: Reading Justice Kennedy, the Supreme Court's Swing Vote

SC mother sentenced to 35 years for killing 2 sons

Arkansas court strikes down law banning teacher-student sex

Judge backs VaTech over its 2007 gunman warning

Osama bin Laden widow: Two bin Laden children born in Pakistan hospital

Afghan Policeman Kills Nine Comrades

Iran says expects nuclear talks on April 13

Exclusive: China Communist Party scandal triggered by British man's death: source

Natural-Gas Vehicles Will Run Best Without Subsidies

Did Zynga Buy OMGPOP Literally the Day It Peaked?

Yahoo Plans Support for 'Do Not Track' Web Privacy Tool

Will Google-Branded Tablet Crash And Burn?

Engineers rebuild HTTP as a faster Web foundation

Connected Computing Devices To Double By 2016

Legally blind man takes to wheel of self-driving car

Apple Should be Careful What it Signs up For!

2 Studies Point to Common Pesticide as a Culprit in Declining Bee Colonies

'Cyberplasm' Micro-Robot Could Detect Disease

Neutrino 'faster than light' scientist resigns

Spectacular brain images reveal surprisingly simple structure

Iconic 'Lucy' and her kin not alone, fossil indicates

Billions of alien habitable planets, right here in our galaxy

Best Time to Observe the Moon This Month Is Now

Report: Projects to control Great Lakes unlikely

FDA scrutinizes diet drugs and BPA; Barbie gets bald friend

'The cinnamon challenge' is no child's play, poison control warns

Bacon Coffin To Put 'Fun' Back In Funerals

Facebook Hurts Body Image

Harry Potter tour focuses on behind-camera wizardry

'Twins' May Find Long Lost Triplet In Eddie Murphy

George Jones battles upper respiratory infection

Recommended: Goodness gracious, Jerry Lee Lewis weds for seventh time

Senate defeats Democrat measure to kill ‘Big Oil’ tax breaks, 51-47

Catholic student group to leave Vanderbilt campus over 'anyone allowed' policy

Obama tapes message for Planned Parenthood, pledging support

Dems fume over Justice Scalia’s comments during healthcare case

White House: Ryan budget 'fails the test' of fairness for America

Emanuel pushing $7.3 billion plan to rebuild Chicago’s infrastructure

Murkowski invites Obama to 'milkshake' summit to discuss ANWR drilling

Chelsea Clinton to Sandra Fluke: I can relate

GOP stockpiles $21M for eventual nominee

Obama’s campaign cash haul trailing pace of ‘08

Vice President Biden drops in for President Obama fund-raiser

Congress approves 90-day highway bill, sends to President Obama

The gas price ad Obama doesn’t want you to see « Hot Air

The American Spectator : Constitutional Contempt

The Roots of the Court’s Obamacare Panic -- Daily Intel

Three Branches in Historic Clash Over Health Care : Roll Call News

The Media and Black Homicide Victims - By Heather Mac Donald - The Corner - National Review Online

A rise in homicides after ‘Stand Your Ground’ - The Washington Post

The ‘flexibility’ doctrine - The Washington Post

The Never-Ending Crusade -- In These Times

Ronald Reagan’s recovery vs. Barack Obama’s—James Pethokoukis -

Politicians have no cure for the middle-class blues - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

RealClearPolitics - Paul Ryan's Irreplaceable Contribution

The Obama Administration's 'Limiting Principles' Seem More Like Expansionary Principles - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Not-So-Smooth Operator -

The Obama EPA’s Attack on Coal - By Henry Payne - Planet Gore - National Review Online

The Anti-Energy President -

Rising Gas Prices Don’t Actually Affect Americans’ Behavior -

New Gas And Oil Reserves In North America Have The Potential To Radically Change The World -

Coloring outside the lines: a dubious green-jobs count |

Old Power Plants Need New Rules -

Five short stories from World Energy Outlook | The Energy Collective

RealClearPolicy- You Can't Handle the Truth About the Mandate

Alito’s correct: The individual mandate was never about saving money « The Enterprise Blog

Trayvon Martin: Cato fellow Walter Olson argues for stand your ground - Orlando Sentinel

Are White House Housing Plans Really Stymied by the Regulator For Freddie and Fannie? - ProPublica

Low-hanging fruit: A good time for infrastructure investment | The Economist

The Health Care Disaster and the Miseries of Blue | Via Meadia

The Strange Bedfellows of Arne Duncan Vs. John Kline, or Why a Bipartisan Movement Will Remain That Way | Dropout Nation: Coverage of the Reform of American Public Education Edited by RiShawn Biddle

What Are We Doing? | Jared Bernstein | On the Economy

Will the Supreme Court Create Zombie Obamacare? | Mother Jones

What a religious freedom rally looks like » GetReligion

How Faith-based Groups Became Involved in the Supreme Court Health Care Case | Politics | Christianity Today

How religion has been used to promote slavery – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

If We Discovered Aliens, What's Our Protocol for Making Contact? | Will We Find Aliens? | Is There Extraterrestrial Life? |

Is Wall Street Full of Psychopaths? - James Silver - Health - The Atlantic

For Science Ph.D.'s, There Is No One True Path - Commentary - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Questions scientists and journalists still need to answer | Alice Bell | Science |

Deep-sea exploration: The age of Aquarius | The Economist

Handprints may give away your height, gender › News in Science (ABC Science)

Do animals commit suicide? | Can animals get depressed? |

College Learning: The Student is Responsible - Blog

Once Considered Mainly ‘Brain Glue,’ Astrocytes’ Power Revealed - News Room - University of Rochester Medical Center

How the Cost of Computation Restricts the Processes of Life - Technology Review

UCLA Engineering researchers use electricity to generate alternative fuel / UCLA Newsroom

Cosmic Log - Study tracks how conservatives lost their faith in science

Trust In Science Has Declined Among Conservatives - Why?

Spectacular Brain Images Reveal Surprisingly Simple Structure | Nerve Fiber Organization | LiveScience

Entering the world's premier antimatter factory - physics-math - 29 March 2012 - New Scientist

Obama’s Flexibility Doctrine - Charles Krauthammer - National Review Online

RealClearPolitics - Toward the Conquest of World Poverty

Arab states redraw the map of alliances after revolutions - The National

The Cloud Will Cure Cancer | TechCrunch

Facebook Delves Deeper Into Search - Businessweek

Apple's supply chain: A portrait of a Foxconn factory worker | Apple - CNET News

Faster than 50 million laptops -- the race to go exascale -

Is New Legislation Needed to Protect Online Privacy?

Six strikes and you’re screwed: What the upcoming piracy crackdown means for you

OnStar Family Link: Real-time tracking of teens and errant spouses | ExtremeTech

Kinect lab boss on the future of computer interfaces - tech - 28 March 2012 - New Scientist

Windows 8 Consumer Preview - Your PC's Getting a Bit Touchy - Personal-tech/desktop-os - Desktop Operating Systems - BYTE

The year's hottest, and creepiest, apps -

‘Theft’ Law in the 21st Century -

The Coming War on Used Games - Forbes

Can Willow Garage’s “Linux for Robots” Spur Internet-Scale Growth? | Xconomy

Six Paths to Longer Battery Life - IEEE Spectrum

'Digital wallet' will transform smartphone and how we spend - Technology & Science - CBC News

RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

How Obamacare Derailed the Economic Recovery

Washington Post Misleads Readers About Paul Ryan, Tax Rates and Deficits - Forbes

3 ways to write down mortgages without moral hazard - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Water: vital to life and an investment essential - Commodities Corner - MarketWatch

Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson: Who Captured the Fed? -

Why Wall Street Hates the Lazy Portfolios Strategy -

Last hope for the left | Prospect Magazine

Machiavelli's The Prince, part 1: the challenge of power | Nick Spencer | Comment is free |

The Reagan shooting: A closer call than we knew - CBS News

What changed after the Reagan shooting - CNN

Account of the Trial of John W. Hinckley, Jr.

Top 10 Traitors | Top 10 Lists |

‘Rawhide Down,’ a gripping account of the day Reagan was shot - The Washington Post

+ NSA Surveillance, Mysterious Objects - Booms, & Fukushima - 03.29.2011 - YouTube

Mysterious Stone Monolith Likely an Ancient Astronomical Calendar | Wired Science |

Engineering Humans: A New Solution to Climate Change? | Global Warming & Geoengineering | Human Enhancement | LiveScience

Hippies head for Noah’s Ark: Queue here for rescue aboard alien spaceship - Europe - World - The Independent

Probe's Flyby of Saturn Moons Reveals Haunting New Photos | Cassini Pictures |

A Rosie Future: Jetsons -Like Gadgets with "Ambient Intelligence" Are Key to Smart Homes and Cities: Scientific American

Most Ancient, 'Impossible' Alien Worlds Discovered : Discovery News

BBC News - Fossils foot bones hint at mystery walker

Obama's Ship of Fools at U.S. Embassy in Jamaica

The Obama Shift

Democrats Ignore Real Racism while Exploiting Trayvon for Obama 2012

The Tea Party Call to Duty

Why the West is Best: A Muslim Apostate's Defense of Liberal Democracy

Gov. Nikki Haley to be indicted for tax fraud?

Mrs. Biggest Loser Set to Appear on 'The Biggest Loser'

Santorum still within striking distance of Romney in Wisconsin

Israelis think Obama administration leaking to media to prevent Iran strike

The high cost of China's low prices

19 Islamists arrested in French raids prior to presidential election

Canada ditching the penny; is US next?

The Republic, if We Can Keep It

The Trayvon Martin Case and the Rule of Law

Can We Learn Something from the Classics about Vetting Obama?

The EPA's Unreliable Science

Obama's 'Space' for Russia

What Happened to Preserve, Protect, and Defend?

The World According to Obama

Slimy Reportage Defames Sterling American Industry

For Tomorrow’s ‘Earth Hour’ Let There Be Light

Why the EU Airline Tax Won’t Fly

Australia Can Rescue UNESCO From Palestine Decision

Where Does the Supreme Court Get Its Power?

What Would the World be like without Cash or with one Currency

Abolish The EPA

How much is the U.S. dollar worth?

Real American energy could create real American jobs

“Earth Hour’s” Global Propaganda Campaign

The Bankrupt Race Card

Debbie Schlussel: WTF?! Obama Gives Temporary Protected Status to All Syrian Illegal Aliens in US

Debbie Schlussel:Obama’s Immigration Agency, Avoiding Immigration Enforcement, Creates Phony Air Bag Scare – Abu Moskowitz Alert

Debbie Schlussel:Olympics Drops Volleyball Bikini Requirement to Appease Muslims

Debbie Schlussel:Low Class “Uptown Girl”: Christie Brinkley, Fraudulent Feminist Who Needs to STFU

Another $17 trillion surprise found in Obamacare

WSJ: Obama Expands His Executive Power

Dad kills daughter for having US actors on her mobile phone - Emirates 24/7

Irish Examiner USA: Race Relations Are Much Worse Under Obama

U.S. News - Condo association tries to force owner to remove Jewish mezuzah

» What people say about ABC News

World News - Was Islamist gunman Mohamed Merah an informant for French spies?

Romney rivals seen 'tilting at windmills' in convention ploy - Washington Times

300-pound hero flight passenger said he had no choice when he took down crazy captain -

United Airlines bans transport of certain breeds of dogs | Fox News

O‘Reilly Scolds Media for ’Convicting’ George Zimmerman on Television as Al Sharpton Tries to Convict Zimmerman on Television

Internet Goes Nuts Over Santorum‘s Alleged ’N-Word’ Slip — But Did He Really?

ObamaCare Could Bankrupt America, AARP Makes Billions

Listen Oops: Anti-Koch Filmmakers Caught Leaving Hot Mic Voicemail — They Eat ‘Scrambled Babies’

Meet the ‘Taliban Transvestites’ Who Cross-Dressed In an Attempt to Infiltrate U.S. Forces

Watch Former Tea Party Spokesman Cleared of Kidnapping, Rape Charges After Alleged Victim Recants

Invoking Saul Alinsky: Beck Explores Why Wisconsin Is ‘Ground Zero’ for Union Thuggery

Catholic Group to Leave Vanderbilt Campus After Refusing to Comply With Non-Discrimination Policy

‘Counterterrorism Czar’ Says Every U.S. Company Has Been Infiltrated by China

‘Insane Attempt’: Man Wearing Wingsuit Allegedly Launches Himself Off Cliff Using Mini Cooper

CAIR Protests Muslim’s Appointment to Religious Freedom Watchdog: ‘Sock Puppet for Islam Haters’

Rumors of Rush Limbaugh’s Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Study Finds Conservatives’ Trust in Science at Record Low: Do You Agree With Its Reasoning?

Famed ‘Brownsville Revival’ Church Is on the Edge of Financial Ruin

Drunk Man Protests His Arrest by Singing ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’…All of It

Should Democrats ‘Tone It Down’ on Abortion? Jimmy Carter Thinks So

iPhone Quiz: What Does Siri Really Mean?

Circus Elephant Flees Bath Time and Escapes Into Busy Ireland Parking Lot

High School Food Fight Lands Four Teens in Jail With Misdemeanors

Sharia In Action: Egypt Bans Porn

Listen ‘Immature Gimmickry’: Allen West Rips Bobby Rush for Wearing Hoodie on House Floor

Exposed: DC ‘Metro’ Subway’s Racially Biased, Willfully Incompetent Policies

Woman Sues McDonald’s, Blames Company for Making her Become a Prostitute

Does This Video Show SEIU Protesters Admitting Getting Paid to Picket Supreme Court?

Congresswoman Can‘t Quite Remember Name of ’Young White Female’ Murder Victim of Equal Concern to Martin Case

Limbaugh: How ObamaCare Could Be Found Constitutional

Rush Limbaugh Stunned That WaPo Writes The Truth About His Program

Limbaugh: Obama Needing Enemies. Big Oil.

Limbaugh: Obama Kicks Up His Community Organizing Against Big Oil

Limbaugh: Media Tries To Paint Zimmerman As A Member Of The KKK

Limbaugh: Elena Kagan Doesn’t Have The Slightest Idea What She Is Doing

‘Rush Limbaugh Show’ Ratings Up 60% Since Sandra Fluke Controversy

Limbaugh: All Of ObamaCare Must Be Thrown Out. According To The Letter Of The Law.

Rush: What Happened This Week At The Supreme Court Is Profound, Regardless The Outcome.

Limbaugh: The Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Month For The Left

*30 March

American Minute for March 30th

March 30th This Day in History

Today in History: March 30

March 30 Events in History

March 30th in History

Historical Events on 30th March |

Today in History: March 30

Today in History, Friday, March 30th - YouTube


March 29, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 29 March 2012

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair

David Duke Show 30

David Duke Show 29

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

The Alex Jones Show 03-29-12 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 03-29-12 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 03-29-12 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 03-29-12 Hr 4

The Katherine Albrecht Show 03-29-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 03-29-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 03-29-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 03-29-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 03-29-12 Hr 3

Jesse Peterson Radio Show

03/29 The Mark Levin Show

Kevin Trudeau Show 30

Kevin Trudeau Show 29



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