A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

20 March 2012

20 March'12


Michael Savage Show Podcast 3-19


Libertarian Party (

Green Party -


U.S. Senate/ /

Government Information /


Classic Rockers Network - (


Beatles Radio(

Beatle Brunch/Stations:


Video: Widespread Panic;Austin City Limits @ PBS Video

Video: Steve Earle / Kris Kristofferson; Austin City Limits @ PBS Video


Grand jury to investigate shooting of Trayvon Martin

US joins search for Earhart after photo analysis clue

All Eyes on Illinois Election Day

Wave of bombs kills dozens in 12 cities across Iraq

Another chance for Romney to change perceptions

Illinois 'must-win' state for Romney

Lawyer: Bales wasn't drunk and can't remember

Sgt. Bales' money woes included $1M judgment

Santorum stokes GOP rift before Illinois votes

Lawyer: Bales broke down discussing rampage

Feds face challenges in Trayvon Martin case

Biden: Bin Laden plan most audacious in 500 years

Legal pot raises questions about drugged driving

Airlines issue warning over oil price spike

How politicians get mileage from gas prices

ABC Caught on Tape: Shocking Teacher Meltdowns

13 Things Diet Experts Won't Tell You About Weight Loss

Massacre Suspect Joined Army During Fraud Probe

Study: 'Coregasm' With Exercise Real

Online Tax Prep: Is It Cheap and Safe?

Economy forces Romney to change his tone

Chicago rejects NATO summit protest march plans

Illinois primary polls open to light voter turnout so far

Secret Service code names revealed for GOP rivals

Aaron Schock: Obama team elected Blagojevich

Illinois primary to decide fate of 2 veteran congressman

Axelrod: GOP 'Spectacle' Makes Dems Complacent

Mitt Romney Dog Treatment 'Inhumane,' Most Voters Say In New Poll

Gingrich stops in Shreveport for town hall meeting

Santorum: 'Issue in this race is not the economy'

Voter ID amendment sent to House floor

Ron Paul supporters win two Seattle legislative caucuses

Axelrod 'Mittzkrieg' Comment Draws Fire From Jewish Group

Polls show close race in Indiana, where Dick Lugar faces uphill battle

News Wrap: Apple Will Pay Dividends; Romney Targets Obama in Ill. - YouTube

Why Mitt Romney is likely to get to Republican Party convention a winner

The liberal double standard: Michelle Obama sits down with David Letterman

Who Is To Blame For The Price At The Pump?

For Mitt Romney, recovering economy poses political conundrum

Rice: We must "keep our nerve" in Afghanistan

Ailing K-9 who once caught man who shot officers gets NJ police salute before being put down - The Washington Post

Watch Members of Eisenhower's Family Testify Over a Planned Memorial for the Late President - Dwight Eisenhower - Fox Nation

Manhunt under way after French shootings

Motorcycle gunman kills four at Jewish school in Toulouse, France - YouTube

Scores dead after multiple 'al-Qaeda' Iraq bombings

Russia ready to back Annan's Syria mission

Human Rights Watch alleges abuses by Syrian rebels

China Seeks Peacemaker Role on North Korea

Egypt's Coptic pope: How he negotiated waves of sectarianism

Vatican praises steps taken by Irish church

Top Khmer Rouge accused calls key witness 'rotten wood'

US Stocks Fall as Commodities Decline on China Concern

Oil Drops From Three-Week High on Speculation of Supply

Using ETFs to Short the Treasury Market?...Read This First to Acquire Manufacturer of Robotics

Windows 8 Launch To Include Very Few ARM-Based Tablets, Report Says

iPad sales and Apple's dividend - YouTube

How to Play It: A dividend strategy with Apple in mind

State of the News Media 2012

Google Nabs Digg Founder To Boost Google+

NetZero to launch free wireless broadband service

Zynga Is In Talks To Buy “Draw Something” Maker OMGPOP

San Francisco Bay's Baby Gray Whale: Another Sign of Climate Change? - YouTube

Satellites identify thousands of small hills as ancient human settlements

Original Einstein manuscripts show first details of E=MC2

Yoga for the Spring Equinox

Mars for the 'average person'

Neutrinos clocked at light-speed in new Icarus test

Today in Research: A Gene Mutation That Causes One to Eat

Early Earth Turned Methane Haze On and Off?

Robotics Trends for 2012

Antioxidants Appear No Help for Alzheimer's

Synthetic Marijuana Usage Alarms American Pediatricians

Seven factors can help your heart - YouTube

Israeli law bans underweight models in ads

New Graphic Warning Labels on Cigarettes Pass Another Hurdle

Study Explains How Shock Therapy Might Ease Severe Depression

No Sex Required: Women Have Orgasms at the Gym

Mom's Meth Use May Affect Kids' Behavior

7 Heart-Healthy Behaviors That Could Help You Live Longer

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month

Ashton Kutcher set for space travel

Rosie O'Donnell Talks Cancellation Of OWN Show: 'It Was Fair'

Rep: Whitney Houston's daughter not engaged to 'adopted' brother

One Of Last Surviving 9/11 Rescue Dogs Gets New Chance At Life With Stem Cell Therapy | Fox News

National Native AIDS Day Promotes HIV Testing as Infection Rates Are Rising in Indian Country -

Zsa Zsa Gabor’s Daughter To Ask For Court Conservator To Oversee Her Mother’s Affairs « CBS Los Angeles


*Alex Jones Show: Monday (3-19-12) - Dick Gregory - - YouTube


Dick Gregory on COPA 911 panel 2002 part 1

Dick Gregory on COPA 911 panel 2002 part 2

Dick Gregory on COPA 911 panel 2002 part 3

Dick Gregory on COPA 911 panel 2002 part 4

Dick Gregory on COPA 911 panel 2002 part 5

Dick Gregory on COPA 911 panel 2002 part 6


+Page/Dick Gregory on COPA 911 panel 2002 | ParaPolitical Info


9/11 TRUTH: Hollywood Speaks Out (FULL LENGTH 720p HD Film) - YouTube


TSA Nabs Suspected Al Queda Terrorist At Chicago Airport, A toddler in a wheelchair - YouTube

US Drivers Are Heading to Mexico For Cheaper Gas | Fox News Latino

Obama: The Globalist Ultimate Puppet with Civil Rights Icon Dick Gregory - YouTube

Prison » Dick Gregory Got Warning To Leave New York Night Before 9/11

Obama Implementing Martial Law Coup! - YouTube

Prison » The Obama Administration: All Your Privacy And All Your Stuff Belong To Us

Prison » Obama Executive ‘Order’: US can seize any person, any resource, any time

Prison » If a President Has a Power to Assassinate You…

Prison » Obama Executive Order Paves the Way for Nationalization of Economy

Prison » Obama’s Latest Executive Order: Martial Law, Confiscation of Private Property and Forced Labor

Prison » UN’s Kofi Annan: An Agent of Wall Street

Prison » Aborted Babies Are Being Chopped Up And Sold To Researchers All Over America

Prison » Animals and 6-Month-Old Infants Are Getting Fatter

Prison » Obama: The Globalist Ultimate Puppet with Civil Rights Icon Dick Gregory

Prison » Demolishing Due Process

US justifying killing any American citizens accused of terrorism... Wow not even in Banana Republic! - YouTube

Mossad agrees Iran has no nuke bomb plot - YouTube

Pakistani Parliament Demands End to U.S. Drone Strikes -

AFP: Obama slams Iran's 'electronic curtain' of censorship

As Sweden Goes, So Goes the World: The Beginning of the End of Cash - Megan Garber - Technology - The Atlantic

Prison » Obama seizes control over all food, farms, livestock, farm equipment, fertilizer and food production across America

NSA’s Spy Program "Stellar Wind" Exposed

Important Message From JWR: The FBI's Cookie Caper and the VPN Imperative -

Prison » The Dawn of Martial Law Points To The Crisis of Political Identity In America And The West

Asia Times Online :: Insider trading 9/11 ... the facts laid bare By Lars Schall

Prison » Killing The Right To Think, One Public Crisis At A Time

KONY 2012 Scam... a British Perspective (incl. unseen footage) - YouTube

AFP story on Obama daughter’s Mexico trip scrubbed from Internet

Prison » Study Proves Bee Decline Linked to Top Insecticides

Prison » USDA green-lights field trials of Monsanto drought-resistant corn after admitting it performs no better than natural corn

Prison » Confluence of events in 2013 may drive idea of carbon tax: Waxman

Prison » 40 Weird Facts About The United States That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

U.S. accelerating cyberweapon research - The Washington Post

NSA Building Largest Spy Center Ever

Prison » Exposed: Lobbyist who helped kill California pot legalization ballot measure is getting rich off drug war


+ Blacklisted Radio 3/19/2012 Podcast

+ Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, March, 19, 2012


+Global Intelligence & Information Grid Goes Online: DI2E framework aims for streamlined intelligence sharing | StratRisks

Secret files reveal 9,000 Nazi war criminals fled to South America after WWII | Mail Online

Mexico Presidential Candidate Vows to End Drug War -

Americans Will Need “Black Markets” To Survive

War Drums: Iran War Game Predicts Dire Consequences For US Forces After Israeli Attack -

Russian Anti-Terror Troops Arrive in Syria - ABC News

U.S. News - Ron Paul: the incredible shrinking candidate


+Obama's Order Revealed: Hidden Executive Orders | Before It's News

Executive Orders(

Presidential Executive Orders(


EPA is in the passing lane.. bypassing congress.. the constitution and whatever else they can shred ... its a wild out of control Oscumbo department


Rense & Peter Davenport - Phoenix Lights + 15 Years - YouTube

Rense & Peter Davenport - Phoenix Lights + 15 Years Part 2 - YouTube


Paul Drockton M.A. My Mormon Mafia Neighborhood

Paul Drockton M.A. Mormon Inc. Changes to Red Ink.

Nuclear Risks at Bed, Bath & Beyond Show Dangers of Scrap - Bloomberg


Is this the future of Britain's 'wind rush'? | Mail Online

Al Sharpton Grabs Onto Another Family's Tragedy

iPocalypse? « Zen Haven

Corruption plagues all 50 states: study | The Raw Story

Of Statesmen, Bankers, and Long-tongued Liars « The PPJ Gazette

Antipsychotics Prescribed for Irrelevant Health Issues | Natural Society

How To Divorce Google | Before It's News

Roy Tov: Armageddon’s Alliance

Depths Of Deception

Political Dissent in the Land of the Sheeple

Are video games just propaganda and training tools for the military? | Technology | The Guardian

Free Preparedness Manual « Surviving the Middle Class Crash

The Truth About The Minimum Wage That Will Make You Gasp | MoveOn.Org

Executive-order panic: Martial law in U.S.?

An open letter to the citizens of the United States of America « The PPJ Gazette

9/11 Truth, Inner Consciousness and the "Public Mind"

Why did the DHS just order 450 million rounds of .40 caliber ammunition? | Fellowship of the Minds

+4 Parts:Questioning Reality – Max Igan

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – March 19th, 2012

» Cop Arrests NBC Reporters, Says “Your First Amendment Right Can Be Terminated” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

New Executive Order Seizes Control over Civilian Activities | Farm Wars

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : The CIA Wants to Spy on You Trough Your TV : Agency Director Says it Will Transform Surveillance

Obama’s Order Revealed: Hidden Executive Orders |

Obama Executive Order Paves the Way for Nationalization of Economy |

* Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness | The White House

A Primer On Martial Law |

Audio/95.1 FM The Bridge: The Chilean Coup of 9/11/1973, the CIA, Henry Kissinger and 9/11/01 |

Body of Evidence: Osama bin Laden, Stratfor, WikiLeaks, and Journalism That Isn’t - WhoWhatWhy | WhoWhatWhy

MSNBC Carries Florida-Saudi-9/11 Journalism!!! «

Media Screams for David Cameron 9/11 Memorial Visit, Ignores Important 9/11 Saudi Court Case Decision «

Launching the U.S. Terror War: the CIA, 9/11, Afghanistan, and Central Asia

+Thom Hartmann Show – March 19th, 2012

RonPaul Leader - YouTube

If Lead Bullets Are Banned, It Could Compromise Self-defense | Fox News

Environmental groups push EPA to ban lead ammo

Lead Ammo Should Be Regulated, Group Argues

Hunters Fire Back At Environmental Group’s Effort To Ban ‘toxic’ Lead Bullets | Fox News

CIA Director: Web-Connected Devices in Your Home Make it Easy to Spy on You

The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center

Researchers Develop a Speech-Jamming Gun That Can Silence People From a Distance

CIA Admits Using News To Manipulate the USA (1975 video)

The Occult Roots of Scientology: Exploring the Influence of Aleister Crowley on L. Ron Hubbard

GOP Expands Obama Energy Attack Beyond Solyndra to $1.6B in 2 Loans

Rep. Ryan Unveils GOP's Lower-Spending Budget With Tax Cuts

Rep. Ryan: Voters Ready to Embrace Budget Spending Cuts

Mystery Executive Order Raises Specter of Martial Law


*Supreme Court Juggles Several Options on Obamacare Decision


Ted Nugent: Holder Lies to ‘Brainwash’ People Against Guns

LIGNET: Is US at Risk of a Cyber Pearl Harbor?

Watchdog Group: Obama’s Earmarks Policy a ‘Charade’

U.S. Postal Service Expects $1 Billion in New Ad Sales

Krauthammer: Obamacare Is Dogfood

Obama's 99 Percent Contraceptive Use Claim ‘False’

IRS Flags Almost 2 Million Tax Returns in Anti-fraud Campaign

Study: Romney Most Unpopular Presidential Candidate in Generation

Texas Super PAC Hits Incumbents Across Country

Portrait of Illinois, Today's Republican Battleground

Rights Group Accuses Some Syrian Rebels of Abuses

Sarkozy: Killing Could Have Happened Anywhere

Harvard’s Feldstein: Obama’s Tax Hikes to Spark New Recession

Alice Schroeder: Buffett Message Is ‘Do as I Say, Not as I Do’

Experts to WSJ: Oil Poised to Surge Back to $150

Six Tricks to Boost Your Brain Power

Study: Antioxidants Kill Cancer Cells

Airline Passengers May Get a Break on Electronics

Job Seekers Balk at Revealing Facebook Passwords

Obama, Iran, and the Price of Gas by Justin Raimondo --

A Turn Right at the Left Forum by Kelley B. Vlahos --

Ret. Gen.: Massacre Could Force US From Afghanistan in Weeks -- News from

Pakistan’s Latest Hearing on US Ties to Center on Drones -- News from

Leonard Pitts: Where is the outrage over the killing of a U.S. citizen? | Detroit Free Press |

Commentary: Financing Terror | The National Interest

Ron Paul’s Common Sense -- In These Times

Demolishing Due Process by Rep. Ron Paul --

Pentagon says it has no records of bin Laden's death; CIA hasn't answered open records request |

Postman: Ayers family put ‘foreigner’ Obama through school

President Obama will be forced by circumstances to apologise: Genuine Birth Certificate surfaces – Americans have been led to believe otherwise, revelation to change the political landscape « African Press International (API)

Sheriff Arpaio: A Media Conspiracy ‘Bigger than Watergate’ – My Obama Investigation Was Covered-Up :

The Rising Tsunami of the Police State


Collapse of the Internet imminent?

Robotic Aircraft Controlled by Human Hand Gestures | Wired Science |

Star Trek becomes reality as Microsoft unveils 'Universal Translator' which turns spoken English into 26 other languages | Mail Online

The Ignorant Fishermen Blog: The Haters of Reality - Mankind's Delusional Progression from Adam’s Fall to the Mark of the Beast

The Department of Homeland Security plans to build a high-risk virus research center in the heart of America

Wood you believe it? The tent you pitch in the trees designed to help survivors of natural disasters | Mail Online

American's Asleep At the Wheel Driving Into Debt Slavery :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website


*ARTICLES:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'











**March 22, 2012 Press Release WARNING!!! - YouTube


House GOP unveil election-year budget blueprint cutting $5.3T beyond Obama plan - The Washington Post

Chicago Police Supt. Promises To Curb Gang Viol - Flash Player Installation

Axelrod Jokes About Voting Early And Often In Illinois | RealClearPolitics

National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

At two-year mark, health law's legacy is confusion - Washington Times

De Niro: Too soon for another white first lady -

Police Handcuff NBC Chicago Photojournalist | NBC Chicago

IRS policies help fuel tax refund fraud, officials say -

Museum confirms still life it holds is by Van Gogh - Yahoo! News

Afghan Murder Suspect Bales 'Took My Life Savings,' Says Retiree - Yahoo! News

Pakistan Parliament Demands End to US Drone Strikes

Police Crack Down on Opposition in Post-election Russia

Soaring Gas Prices Threaten Obama Re-Election

MIDDLE EAST: The CIA Operating behind a Web of "Pro-Democracy" NGOs

WIKILEAKS: COVERUP OF WAR CRIMES IN AFGHANISTAN: Washington Lied About 2009 Bala Baluk Massacre, Red Cross Concealed Truth

Small Business Owners and Labor in America: The Backbone of the Nation

The REAL Cause of the Global Obesity Epidemic. Are Toxic Chemicals Making Us Fat?

Violence is As American As Cherry Pie

Drugs, Guns and Nukes: Iran as the New 'Dope, Incorporated'

Twenty million could lose employer coverage under Obama health care overhaul

Libya: “Dawn” Turns Into Chaos

Murder Is Not an Anomaly in War

Video Documentary:The Ground Truth : The Human Cost Of War

Video:AIPAC Policy Conference 2012 Highlights

Activist Post: Election Fraud: Why Did ABC-TV Post Illinois GOP Primary Results 24 Hours Early?

A Year Later, Human Rights Watch Admits Syrian Rebels Guilty of Atrocities

‘US has become a police state’ -- PressTV interview with Brandon Turbeville

OWS activists’ bail affected by refusing iris scans after brutal crackdown

Who's Afraid of War Crimes Prosecution? Cheney cancels Toronto speaking event - YouTube

Activist Post writer, Brandon Turbeville, on Oracle Broadcasting discussing Obama E.O. with Bob Tuskin

+3 Tips for Replenishing Emergency Water Storage

+Internet service providers to launch biggest digital spying operation in history on July 12

Is ADHD an evolutionary gift in a rapidly changing world?

Barack Obama: the World Establishment’s Uncle Tom Card in the Re-Colonization of Africa

Better off than you were 4 years ago?

Both parties spawned from the same seed

The glaring inequality of Obamaville

The welfare state: Rhetoric vs. reality

Santorum's worst problem: His home state

Obama's top-50 'accomplishments'?

J. FARAH: Rush is right about Arpaio

H. LAMB: Who's right about Agenda 21?

Why the NAACP went to U.N.

H-1B visas take American jobs

Why do Democrats object to voter ID?


+China aiming to disable U.S. defenses


*136 pg./Occupying the Information High Ground: Chinese Capabilities for Computer Network Operations and Cyber Espionage - News - All the information you need! Anytime, anywhere! - Crime, Intelligence, Terrorism, Drugs, Technology, Defense & Security


Chinese hack Microsoft

Congresswoman: We’re Not ‘Promoting Sterilization’ of College Girls, We're Just Making It Free

Commodities Expert: Obama's Energy Policy 'Is Actually Supportive Of Higher Prices' For Oil

The Glaring Inequality of Obamaville

Political Rope-A-Dope

Kochs and Cato: It’s Quite Simple

'Not Me': Condoleezza Rice Nixes VP Talk

WH: ‘Hundreds of Millions’ Spent Attacking Obamacare Has Stirred Americans’ Opposition to the Law

Obama Refuted by CDC Report: Not True 99% of Women Have Used Contraceptives--13.9% Have Never Had Sex

Virginia AG: If Obama's Mandate Stands, the Gov't ‘Can Order You To Do Anything’

First Lady: 2012 ‘Will Determine Nothing Less Than What Kind of World We’ll be Leaving for Our Children’

White House Calls Executive Order ‘Standard and Routine’ After Web Eruption

GOP Whip: Obama Believes 'All Of The Above' but 'Nothing From Below' With Energy Policy

Obama, DNC February Fundraising Shows Weakness Versus 2008

U.S. Chastises U.N. Human Rights Council for Skewed Focus on Israel

Porn Exec Scorns Santorum: 'Won't Appeal to Mainstream Population'

Mothers/Lawyers Launch Petition Against Obamacare Contraceptive Mandate – 20,000 Signatures So Far

Pakistani parliament says no to US drones

Oprah Winfrey Network Lays Off One-Fifth of Staff

Whitney Houston's Daughter Wearing Mother's Ring

Sheen's Ex-Wife Pleads Guilty to Drug Charge

Job seekers getting asked for Facebook passwords

House GOP, Seeking Contrast With Obama, Set to Release Budget Blueprint

Free Sterilizations Must be Offered to All College Women, Says HHS

Virginia AG: If Gov't Can Order You to Buy Something, 'They Can Order You to Do Anything'

WH: ‘Hundreds of Millions’ Spent Attacking Obamacare Has Stirred Americans’ Opposition to the Law

GOP Whip: Obama Believes 'All Of The Above' but 'Nothing From Below' With Energy Policy

Santorum: 'Issue in This Race Is Not the Economy,' It's Oppressive Gov't |

Bristol Palin Asks Obama 'When Should I Expect Your Call' Concerning Maher's Remarks About Me? |

Surprise! CNN Legal Analyst Whacks Conservative Case Against ObamaCare Mandate as 'Really Weak' |

CBS's Rose to Santorum: Why Are You Focused on Porn, Obama as 'Appeaser'? |

Bret Baier Strikes Back At President's Alleged Claim Fox Says 'Obama Is a Muslim 24/7' |

NYT: Santorum's 'Circuslike' Position on Terry Schiavo Right-to-Die Case 'Left Public Aghast' |

An Introduction to Indian Club Training | The Art of Manliness

Intro to Indian Club Training - YouTube

Dr. David Brownstein - Holistic Family Medicine: Don't Let the FDA Get Away With It!

Wacky Is as Wacky Does by Brian Wilson

Demolishing Due Process by Ron Paul

Launching the U.S. Terror War: the CIA, 9/11, Afghanistan, and Central Asia by Peter Dale Scott

Prison » Obama Executive Order Paves the Way for Nationalization of Economy

Race and Rhetoric by Thomas Sowell

Data: Many marijuana cardholders in Arizona are over 50

Apple says $60 billion will remain overseas until US tax law changes

House Republicans to propose major reshuffling of the nation’s tax code

Problem schools put U.S. security at risk, task force says

Mayor: Chicago will do more to fight violence after bloody weekend

In vitro babies born in Israel denied U.S. citizenship

Fatal crashes involving senior drivers renew debate over licensing, testing requirements

Report: US government spent at least $945M on advertising in 2010

Obama blamed troubles on Fox News, book says

Supreme Court rejects Christian campus groups' appeal of discrimination policy

House GOP planning new bill to thwart EPA rules that raise gas prices

House GOP budget to slash taxes

Romney: 'I don't see how a young American can vote' for a Democrat

Iran cleric: ‘Obama is a deceitful fox’


+Breitbart editor: We won’t probe eligibility

Breitbart Editor Ben Shapiro: We're Going to Vet Obama Except His Forged Selective Service Card - YouTube


Hillary whistleblower: ‘I’m a political prisoner’

Chicago cop chokes out mouthy drunk guy - YouTube

Cop Arrests NBC Reporters, Says "Your First Amendment Right Can Be Terminated" - informationliberation

Former Lincoln Patrolman sentenced to 10 years suspended - YouTube


Pirate Bay ‘Financier’ Will Serve Sentence Electronically Tagged | TorrentFreak



Google Defends Hotfile (and Megaupload) in Court | TorrentFreak

Chamber of Corporatism - informationliberation


* Billionaire Hedge Fund Index

Who Makes Money on Wall Street? Altucher Confidential


Hank Hill vs. the Bureaucrats - informationliberation

Warehouse Robots at Work - YouTube


* Moon Hoax Proven? | Before It's News


Claim: Aliens Hiding Major Bases Near Volcanoes | Before It's News


45 min./Klaus Dona : The Hidden History of the Human Race (March 2010) - YouTube


+Curing Ulcers With Aloe Vera Juice | Before It's News

Ginseng : A God's Gift to Humans to be immortal! | Before It's News


+5 More Survival Blogs You Should Be Reading | Before It's News


Barrack Obama Chronicled For Impeachment By The United States Constitution! | Political Vel Craft

Food on Demand – The Zombies are Already Here | Before It's News

The Power of Satan (Obama) | Before It's News

Natural Bug Repellents | Before It's News

Another hidden secret in Obamacare “RFID Chip Implants” |

The Pleiadian High Council: Events on Earth are Manifesting with Emerging Lighted Templates | Before It's News

Demon Caught on camera (discretion advised) - Alien Ufo network

FYI: Government Buying Out All The 5.56 Military Surplus Ammo & Is Telling Ammo Dealers To Stop Selling To Their Vendors & Civilians. | Before It's News

Shock: Soviet Superweapon Attack On Shuttle Almost Started WWIII | Before It's News

Extraterrestrial Contact: Are We Ready? | Before It's News

"Lost" Great Wall of China Segment Found?

Video -- The Great Wall of China -- National Geographic

















Researchers Library of Ancient Texts - YouTube


+7 Effective Privacy Techniques for Reducing Risk of Identity Theft by Bill Rounds

5 Reasons to Read The Survival Mom Book | Ready Nutrition

Hitler's Los Angeles bunker from which he planned to run Nazi empire after the war | Mail Online

KONY 2012: The Charity of Death with Ugandan Activist Sanyu & Writer Patrick Henningsen - YouTube

» Strange Bedfellows: How the U.S. and Egypt control the destiny of the region Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

BRICS Bank Could Change the Money Game - IPS

» ‘Iraqi civilians were being killed all the time’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» New study: Radiation treatments create cancer cells 30 times more potent than regular cancer cells Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Law to expand New York's DNA databank signed

Overseas Exile: More Americans Giving Up Citizenship Than Reported

» Finally: ‘Proof’ of Osama bin Laden’s Death Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

“Conspiracy theorist” – just another form of namecalling from the class who want to be Global Rulers « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax

States take aim at digital bullying -

The Daily Bell - Schwarzenegger's Horrible UN-Backed Sustainia Project

Connecticut Advances RFID License Plate Legislation

» The Truth About “Free Trade” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Stratfor Emails: Google Behind Middle East Regime Change Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Demolishing Due Process Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

In Poland, embracing Europe but not the euro - The Washington Post

» The U.S. Economy: Soul Crushing Total System Failure Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Seaman: 'Americans pay the Government for being spied on' - YouTube


America’s Inter­est Time Bomb (Part 1)

America’s Inter­est Time Bomb (Part 2)


The Constitution: Keeping a Promise (H.R. 347)

H.R. 347 Makes You a Criminal for Protesting Around Protected Politicians

While We Were Distracted, Did We Lose Free Speech? (H.R. 347)


21 min./Bob Tuskin and Larken Rose Discuss Obama Martial Law Executive Order - YouTube


The Dawn Of A Dictatorship

Debbie Schlussel: Four Shot Dead @ Jewish School in France: Guess the Religion

Debbie Schlussel: Media Work Overtime to Erase Story on Malia Obama Spring Break w/ 25 Secret Svc Agents

Limbaugh: “Mr. Civility” Barack Obama Has Cee Lo Sing “F-You” At Obama Fundraiser

Limbaugh: Halperin Has Been Vindicated For Calling Obama A ‘D*ck’

Rush: The Trick Boehner Played On Obama Over Debt Limit Was ‘Giving Him Everything He Wanted’

Limbaugh: ‘Brain Dead’ Elle Macpherson Let’s ‘Socialist’ Cat Out Of The Bag On Obama

Limbaugh: Obama’s Base Voters Think He’s A Wuss

@Limbaugh Tweets About Astroturf Boycott Campaign Against Rush Limbaugh

Kirsten Powers On Hannity: Left’s Refusal To Call Out Bill Maher For Misogyny Is ‘Disgusting’

Rush Advertiser Says ‘This Is Not A Boycott,’ It’s An ‘Organized Terrorist Attack.’ Decides To Double/Triple Ads.

Two vetoes later, Russia says it will now back UN plan on Syria

What does Pakistan want from US? An apology, more money, no drones

+Trayvon Martin case draws celebrities, feds join investigation

Drug testing: Florida aims to be first to test public workers

DICED is UN’s Environmental Constitution for the World

US Secret Service Says No Anti-Obama Rallies Allowed!

Obama’s Policies Returning America to Slavery

Gordon Gekko in Red

Obama’s Half-Truths and Big Lies

A Man for all Treasons and the US Constitution

One of last surviving 9/11 rescue dogs gets new chance at life with stem cell therapy

What George Clooney Doesn’t Get about Islam’s Genocidal War in South Sudan

Government takeover of the Land of the Free?

Government Increasingly Set as Only Source of “True Knowledge”

Five Big Carbon Lies

Telling truths, misleading half-truths on oil production

Hunting for scapegoats won’t lower pump prices

The Fear of Martial Law

World Government Lobby Frets Over Fate of Lugar

Homogenizing America

Obama’s war on liberty

China's Rare-Earth Power-Play

Presidents, Emperors, and Volunteer Forces

Could Forrest Gump Plan Our Economy?

Obama, Russia, and Gasoline Prices

Obama versus the Democrats

What the Mailman Knows about Ayers and Obama

US war gaming Israel attack on Iran

Hollywood Celebrities are in Obama's Pocket

ATF Agent Caught and Released Gun Smuggler During Fast and Furious

Fairness Indoctrination

Poll shows deep pessimism about Obama's policies

Brother of AQ leader Zawahiri to be freed in Egypt

Crony Capitalism and Algae Energy

Barack Obama, Euro-Socialism, and the 2012 Election

The Optics of Obama's Failures

Conservative Class Warriors?

The Executive Order Controversy

Cheaper Gasoline Starts at the EPA

The President's Great Gas Price Spike Media Blitz

The Iranian Threat Is Clear and Present, Not Obscure and Distant

Sweden moving towards cashless economy - CBS News

The Kennedy assassination: Did Castro know in advance? - Miami-Dade -

Is There Life After Death? | Does Heaven Exist? | What Happens When You Die? |

Spring Equinox Makes Earliest Arrival in a Century | Vernal Equinox 2012 |

This is maybe the weirdest map of North America ever printed

BBC News - 'Metal moles' begin work below London

Romney: 'I Don't See How a Young American Can Vote for a Democrat'

Fox News Lies; An Elderly Woman Dies

Randi Weingarten of AFT Takes On High-Stakes Testing

Romney's New Line of Attack: Obama Didn't Clean Up W's Mess Fast Enough

Rick Santorum: 'Not Concerned' About Unemployment, Country Needs A 'Strong Fighter For Freedom'

GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Wrote Book on Soliciting Prostitutes

Police Arrest Two Ron Paul Supporters After Disruption at St. Charles, MO Caucus

NYPD Brutally Beat Occupy Protesters, Media at Zucotti Park

Fox's Cashin' In Panel Attacks Food Stamp Recipients

Despite a 36-Year Ban On Political Contributions, Government Contractors Donate To Romney's Super PAC

AFL-CIO Lays Out Plans for Improving the Country

Reince Priebus Calls 'All of the Above' Energy Policy 'Ridiculous'

Obama Reelection Campaign Lagging Behind In Big-Money Donations

Romney Beats Santorum, Collects All 20 Puerto Rico Delegates

Clooney: Obama's Chances Are Good, But Don't Get Cocky

The BRAD BLOG : Pandemonium at MO GOP Caucus as Party Leaders Seen Attempting to Steal It From Paul Supporters


* C2CAM - 2012.03.19 - Ancient Sites & Solar Changes - YouTube


Robert M. Schoch:


Oberon Zell Ravenheart-Intentional Communities - YouTube

Oberon Zell Interview - YouTube

Neo-Paganism's Father - Oberon Zell Ravenheart - YouTube


Mythic Images Catalog @


+13 Colors of Magick :: The Grey School :: Online Magickal Education for Youths and Adults


Drag Queens Create Spoof Music Video Targeting ‘Right-Wing Bible-Thumping’ Chick-Fil-A

Chow Down (at Chick-fil-A) - YouTube


Emotional Michelle Obama Tells Letterman: ‘This Isn’t Oprah’

‘Racist?‘ Tom Hanks Appears With Man in ’Blackface,‘ Bashes O’Reilly at 2004 Fundraiser

Did Beck Just Uncover the Origins of Obama’s New Documentary?

JPMorgan Chase Closes Vatican Bank Account

Are Free Apps Like ‘Angry Birds’ Giving Advertisers Access to Your Private Information?

Biden Pours On the Obama Praise: Killing Osama Was Most ‘Audacious Plan’ in 500 Years

Springtime for Occupy! Piven & Lerner’s Six Risky, Strategic Steps Forward for the Evicted Movement

Ryan Unveils New Budget Blueprint…and Here’s a Rundown

‘I’ll be Fine. I‘ll Do It’: Helmet Cam Video of Fourth-Grader’s First Ever Ski Jump Will Pump You Up

TN Nurse Arrested on Gun Charges at 9/11 Memorial Takes No-Jail Plea Deal

Chicago Cops Arrest Local Journalists: ‘Your First Amendment Rights Can Be Terminated’

Report Suggests Obama Jobs Adviser Jeffrey Immelt Dumping Obama for Romney

Pastor Introducing Santorum Criticized for Allegedly Telling Non-Christians to ‘Get Out!’ of America if They Disagree

‘Is Maybe One Term Enough?’: New Video Reveals ‘The Road We’ve Really Traveled’

Watch Rick Santorum Reacts to Obama Allowing Daughter to Vacation in Mexico: ‘Set an Example’

Why Is the Story About Malia Obama Vacationing in Mexico Disappearing from the Web?

White House Admits to Asking News Agencies to Pull Malia Obama Vacation Story

The Vetting: Bell's Critical Race Theory Promoted in Public Schools

Pacific Educational Group: Radicalism for Kids, on the Taxpayers' Dime

Illinois Mom: PEG Trained Teachers on 'Institutional Racism'

Iranian Thugs Intimidate Dissidents At U.N. Human Rights Council

Questions Surround Apple's Real Worth

Swimsuit Model Busted For Allegedly Running Global Drug Syndicate

Santorum Goes After Romney on Bain Capital

Progressive Media Fawns over Occupy Violence

Republican Catholics cool so far to Rick Santorum

Confident Romney Renews Calls for Opponents to Drop Out

Media Labels Hispanic Man White in Shooting of Black Teen

Adam Carolla: Unions, Democrats Have Bankrupted California

'Hate Speech': NBC's Ann Curry Attacks Kirk Cameron's Religious Beliefs

Lucky Oprah: Rosie Won't Talk To Her

Obamas Hobnob with Whoopi 'Rape-Rape' Goldberg, Charge $5,000 For Bowling

When Hollywood Was Patriotic

New Blacklist: Chuck Norris Robocalls For Newt

Chris Rock To Be Presenter at Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Richard Gere Regrets 'Pretty Woman' Because it Glorifies ... Bankers

Hancock Launches International Jazz Day

Clooney: Dems Lousy at Explaining How Great Obama Is

Sinbad: Tina Fey's Palin Impersonation Helped Obama Win in 2008

Battle for the Land of Lincoln

Ill. Primary Decides Fate of Jesse Jackson, Jr, Don Manzullo

Harry Reid Grinds STOCK Act to a Halt

Juan Williams: Welfare Isn't Working

The Ryan Plan Explained

Dennis Miller Challenges Santorum On Social Issue Stance

Fast and Furious Emails Reveal A Subterfuge for Gun Control

The Left's Internal Battle Against Voter ID

Louisiana Teachers Use 'Professional Development' Day to Protest at State Capitol

+6 Potential Outcomes in Supreme Court Review of ObamaCare

Santorum: 'Issue in This Race Is Not the Economy'

- Supreme Court To Rule on Life Sentences for Teen Murderers

Obama Falsely Accuses Fox News Of Calling Him A Muslim

Radio Lefty Advises On Limbaugh: Go After Program Directors

Pelosi's Daughter: HBO Uncomfortable With 'Freeloading Welfare Queen' Video

Media's 'Smartest President' Fails History

Media Matters Accuses U.S. Of Bombing Al Jazeera Bureau

Occupy Riots All Part Of The Business Plan

Credit Where It's Due: AC 360 Talks ICE Agent Jaime Zapata

MSM Ignores Obama's Friday HHS Mandate Expansion

Russia Ships 'Anti-Terror' Troops to Syria

China In Economic Downturn?

PTSD Possible Defense In Afghan Killings

Brazil Holds American Oil Executives For Spill

Sadr loyalists protest spotty power, dirty water on anniversary of Iraq invasion


'Thank God For Anarchists' Rich Dude Moore Roots For Revolution

NBC's Schultz Slammed For 'Conflict Of Interest' With Union Money

Prager University: The Welfare State And The Selfish Society

Minor Law Breakers To Be Added To NY Permanent DNA Database

Sarcastic FLOTUS: Obama Never Calls Boehner An Idiot

Obama 2004: 'We Need To Have All Military Options Reserved' For Iran

White House: ObamaCare Unpopular Because Of Attack Ads

David Corn Has A Tantrum

Chuck Norris Doesn't Endorse: He Makes Reality - YouTube

Official 'Prometheus' Trailer


Southern Command General Reveals Iranian Terror Proxies in South America

Brazil Hires 'Batman' To Fight Crime

Gold Rebounds

Alleged Afghanistan Shooter 'Already' Integrated To 'Pretrial Confinement'

American Killed In Yemen Accused Of Promoting Christianity

Missing Hot Air Balloon Pilot's Body Found

Secretary Clinton Meets With Northern Ireland Leaders

Politico Author: Obama Said 2010 Losses Result Of Fox Painting Him 'Muslim 24/7'

White House To Congress: Pass Job Bill

MSNBC On Poor Obama Fundraising: 'Now We Know Why' He's Attending So Many Campaign Events

Mets Owners Settle With Bernie Madoff's Fraud Victims

Injured Soldiers To Carry Olympic Torch

Racist Robert Deniro » Blog Archive » Yes He Can » Blog Archive » Divide and Conquer » Blog Archive » “Profit From Our Own Evil” » Blog Archive » Watch President Numbnuts Chastise Iran For Controlling The Flow of Information To Its People

Tom Friedman’s False Narrative On Oil Dependence | The Energy Collective

How Much Higher Will Oil Prices Go? | Business |

Obama's Upcoming Visit To Keystone Pipeline Site: 'So Hypocritical And So Ironic' - Forbes

EDITORIAL: Obama's gasoline excuse machine - Washington Times

Grid Operator’s Report Details Energy Market Shift to Clean Energy - CleanTechnica

Russian Arctic looking to lure Big Oil - MarketWatch First Take - MarketWatch

Rare Earth Minerals: China’s Got ‘em, We Want More

What the laws of oil say about the U.S. presidential campaign | The Oil and the Glory – A Study of Future Trends and Predictions by Futurist Thomas Frey » Blog Archive » The Coming Coder Wars

Why the Demise of Print Media Is Bad for Humanity | PCWorld Business Center

EXCLUSIVE: The gadgets of 2025: Frog unveils vision of the future | Fox News

Cell-to-Wi-Fi Roaming is on the Way, but May Come with a Price

Many Sites Chart a New Course as Google Expands Fees -

U.S. accelerating cyberweapon research - The Washington Post

"Boy CEO" Mark Zuckerberg's Two Smartest Projects Were Growing Facebook And Growing Up | Fast Company

Computer Viruses Could Cross Frontier Into Biological Realm, Researchers Say | PCWorld

How to get a hot job in big data | It jobs - InfoWorld

Seeking Ways to Make Computer Passwords Unnecessary -

Neutrinos and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence : Starts With A Bang

Albert Einstein's complete archives to be posted online | Science | The Guardian

Dineutron emission seen for the first time -

Introverts run the world -- quietly -

A mindless future » Scienceline

A Good Scientist Flip-Flops. You Should, Too. - Blog

Honeybee Colonies Benefit From Queen’s Promiscuity -

Vernal equinox 2012: Spring equinox means egg-balancing acts -

Geologic map of Jupiter’s moon Io details an otherworldly volcanic surface | ASU News

Cosmic Rays Alter Chemistry of Lunar Ice

New paper examines poison resistance in snakes around the world // News // Notre Dame News // University of Notre Dame

Is modern medicine ill with dehumanization? New article offers a diagnosis, unveils its causes, and prescribes a humanizing cure - Association for Psychological Science

Is Boeing’s 737 an Airplane Prone to Problems? - The Daily Beast

Vikings Spread the Humble House Mouse During Ancient Conquests | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

What Music Do Pets Like? | Animal Psychologists Discover What Music Animals Prefer |

The Miraculous, Magical, Magnificent History Of Beer [Infographic] | Co.Design: business + innovation + design

Your face gives the game away when you lie, says study - Science - News - The Independent

The Rising Price Of the Falling Dollar - Forbes

Paul Ryan: The GOP Budget and America's Future -

Productivity gains in manufacturing are overstated, economists say in new report - The Washington Post

Jeffrey Immelt sours on Obama—Charles Gasparino -

5 Things That Surprised Me About A Career on Wall Street | The Big Picture

President Jimmy Carter Authors New Bible Book, Answers Hard Biblical Questions

Do They Know Who They’re Messing With? | Catholic Exchange

Got news? Destroy all churches! » GetReligion

The Book of Numbers » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

RealClearReligion - Why Are These People Still Catholic?

A Legacy of Tragedy: Sergeant Robert Bales and America's Two Wars - Robert W. Merry - International - The Atlantic

Curveball: How US was duped by Iraqi fantasist looking to topple Saddam | World news | The Guardian

Will Bush be vindicated? A case for the Iraq War, by Jeff McIntyre - National Observer, No 84, 2011

Sarin - Council on Foreign Relations

March 20, 1995: Poison Gas Wreaks Tokyo Subway Terror

The Aum Supreme Truth Terrorist Organization — Blind Ambition — Crime Library on

The Tom Caricature

Faulty wires behind CERN test results that debunked Einstein's theory of relativity? | Mail Online

Why Speakers Earn $30,000 an Hour - Confessions of a Public Speaker - O'Reilly Media

‘The Road We’ve Traveled:’ A misleading account of Obama’s mother and her insurance dispute - The Washington Post

Despite GOP Claims, High Gas Prices Are Not Obama's Fault - TIME

The Expanding Wealth Of Washington - Forbes

Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh and the Supreme Court on Health Care : The New Yorker

Obama Still Lying About Mother’s Health Insurance Problem « Commentary Magazine

There’s a Chance! Yes! | The Weekly Standard

RealClearPolitics - Obama Heading West to Counter His Energy Critics

Opinion: Challenging the two parties - David Boren and Christine Todd Whitman and William Cohen -

Health Care: Up, up & away | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Without Precedent | The Weekly Standard

Jonathan Cohn: Obamacare At The Supreme Court: The Case Of The Century? | The New Republic

Works and Days » Liberal Illiberalism

Federal Reserve Stress Tests Make Us All Muppets - Bloomberg

China To Change Power

BusinessDay - GIDEON RACHMAN: Political crisis or civil war will not stop China

Comment: Sergeant Bales’s Shame and Ours : The New Yorker

The parallel universe of Bashar al-Assad - The Globe and Mail

Protecting France’s Jews - JPost - Opinion - Editorials

France attack on Jews is not just a national tragedy, but a political drama - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Chinese Leader: Cultural Revolution Coming to China - Forbes

Republican foreign policy message: TBD - Alexander Burns and Maggie Haberman -

Robert Bales was no ‘lone gunman’ - NY Daily News

Video: Apple Cracks Open War Chest


March 19, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 19 March 2012



Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair

David Duke Show 20

David Duke Show 19

Jesse Peterson Radio Show2012-03-20.

Jesse Peterson Radio Show2012-03-19.

Kevin Trudeau Show 20

Kevin Trudeau Show 19

Alex Jones - 2012-Mar-19, Monday

Alex Jones - 2012-Mar-18, Sunday

03/19 The Mark Levin Show

The Katherine Albrecht Show 03-19-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 03-19-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 03-19-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 03-19-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 03-19-12 Hr 3

*20 March

American Minute for March 20th

Today in History: March 20

March 20th This Day in History

Historical Events on 20th March |

Today in History: March 20

March 20th in History

March 20 Events in History

Today in History for Tuesday March 20th - YouTube


Obama is a Muslim and his Mother was a Hippie - YouTube


Playing For Change/Connecting The World Through Music

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein; Archives @The Hebrew University of Jerusalem(

Einstein Archives Online(


WH Economic Adviser Sperling: Ryan Budget Puts Medicare In "Death Spiral"
Axelrod Jokes About Voting Early And Often In Illinois
Chu Gives Himself An "A" For Handling Higher Gas Prices
WH Press Laughs At Biden Calling Bin Laden Most "Audacious" Plan In 500 Years
Michelle Obama: "Malia Will Ask Barack To Explain Macroeconomics"
Michelle Obama: We Teach Our Kids South Chicago Values
Axelrod: Selling Healthcare Reform Has Been A "Communications Challenge"
O'Reilly: The Decline In America Power Continues
Romney To Contraception Heckler: If You Want It Free, Vote For Obama
Obama Sends Nowruz Greetings To Iran
Todd: The RNC Doesn't Understand Its Own Nominating Rules
RCP's Tom Bevan On 2012 Fundraising, Illinois Primary
"Special Report" Panel On Romney's Puerto Rico Win
Shrum: Romney Won't Get The Latino Voters He Needs To Win

Europe Is The Cornerstone Of U.S. Engagement
Should The UN Intervene In Syria?
Lamy On China Rare Earth Row
Six Convicted Of Watching Arab Spring Videos
Romney: Strong Economy Helps Strong Military
UK's New Road To Recovery
Sarkozy Vows Justice For School Killer
South Korean Protesters Rally Against The North
Deadly Shooting Outside Jewish School In France
Gun Battle Rages In Syrian Capital
China Forest Fire
Iraq Bombings Kill Dozens
Barack Obama Sends Nowruz Greetings To Iran


The Enemy Of My Enemy
Romney Discusses War In Afghanistan
Surprise At Protest In Syrian Province
U.S. Strategy Questioned After Afghan Massacre
George Clooney Discusses Trip To War-Torn Sudan
Time To Get Out Of Afghanistan?
Bin Laden Aimed To Assassinate Obama, Gen. Petraeus
Egypt Mourns Coptic Pope
Car Bomb Kills 2 In Aleppo, Syria
Lavrov Says Moscow Disagrees With Syrian Decisions
St. Patrick's Day Turns Violent In Canada
Greek Soccer Fans Clash During Match
'Kony 2012': Simplicity Or Oversimplification?
War Weary In Afghanistan

Corn: Obama Camp Says Romney Wants To Take Away "Free" Mastectomies
Hume: There Is An "Unwillingness To Acknowledge Romney Is Winning"
Limbaugh: Where Is The Media On Cee Lo Green?
Krauthammer On Dislike Of Obamacare: "It's Not The Advertising, It's The Dogfood"
Michelle Obama Talks Daughters On Letterman: "This Isn't Oprah!"
Paul Ryan: The Path To Prosperity Budget
Carney: Obama Speaks About Obamacare "On Occasion"
Carney Unsure When Obama's Policies Will Have Effect On Gas Prices
DNC Web Video: GOP Candidates Are "Wrong For Women"
Rove: Chicago For Romney, Downstate For Santorum
Michael Moore Heckled At Occupy Rally
Romney: "I Don't See How A Young American Can Vote" For A Democrat
Lugar Ad: Primary Rival Mourdock "Misleads" Voters
Trump: Gas Prices Will Make Obama Lose In Landslide
TSA Pats Down Child In Wheelchair
Longoria: Romney On Wrong Side Of Every Issue Pertaining To Latinos
Santorum: Romney "Doesn't Have A Core"


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