A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

16 March 2012

16 March'12




*ARTICLES:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'


Dave Mustaine (Megadeth) INFOWARS Exclusive Interview: Infowars Nightly News 2012-03-15 Thurs. - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 - YouTube

The Alex Jones Show Sunday Edition - March 11, 2012 - YouTube

Alex Jones Show: Monday (3-12-12) - Patrick Henningsen & Sean Stone- - YouTube

Alex Jones Show: Tuesday (3-13-12) -Greg Palast & Jon Rappoport- - YouTube

Alex Jones Show: Wednesday (3-14-12) -Roman Yampolskiy on Artificial Intelligence- - YouTube

Alex Jones 2012-03-15 Thursday - YouTube


The Michael Savage Show 03/15/2012

The Michael Savage Show 03/14/2012

The Michael Savage Show 03/13/2012

The Michael Savage Show 03/12/2012


Alex Jones - 2012-Mar-15, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2012-Mar-14, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2012-Mar-13, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2012-Mar-12, Monday

Alex Jones - 2012-Mar-11, Sunday


C2CAM - 2012.03.15 - Solar Killshots & ET Intervention - YouTube


15.3.2012 - 1/4 - Solar Killshots & ET Intervention - YouTube

15.3.2012 - 2/4 - Solar Killshots & ET Intervention - YouTube

15.3.2012 - 3/4 - Solar Killshots & ET Intervention - YouTube

15.3.2012 - 4/4 - Solar Killshots & ET Intervention - YouTube


The Girl From Ipanema - Antonio Carlos Jobim


The Katherine Albrecht Show 03-15-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 03-15-12 Hr 2


Kevin McCullough: Street Walkin’ 4 Obama! «

Steve Sanchez: Are We All Broke at Different Levels! «

Icy Saturn Moon Rhea Captured in New NASA Photos | Cassini Spacecraft |

Is this a picture of UFOs shooting laser beams at an airplane?

Chinese schoolgirls commit suicide in attempt to travel back in time: report - NY Daily News

Into Thin Air: Fortean Dissapearances That Have Kept Us Guessing | Intrepid Blog

Message Beamed Through Rock With Exotic Particles | Neutrino Communications | LiveScience

Leslie Kean: UFO Caught On Tape Over Santiago Air Base

Lizzie Borden Murder Case Gets New Look With Discovery of Her Lawyer's Journals - ABC News

Emails from dead man’s account helping family and friends find closure | The Sideshow - Yahoo! News

New Comet Takes 'Swan' Dive Into Sun | Sungrazing Comets |

Man creates his own pharoah tomb | Orange UK

The Thom Hartmann Program – March 13-14th, 2012 |


+Doomsday Survival List | Before It's News


Time Traps: Artifacts And Animals Caught In Time | Before It's News

Honey, I killed the superbug | The Australian

Critical Mass Approaching - The Shift Has Hit The Fan | Before It's News

Alien Spaceships To Attack Earth In November 2012! | Before It's News

List Of The World's Stargates | Before It's News

Lost Principles And Social Destruction | Before It's News

This Will Blow Your Mind - The Secret Power Of Words | Before It's News


Project Camelot interviews Benjamin Fulford - Part 1 of 3

Project Camelot interviews Benjamin Fulford - Part 2 of 3

Project Camelot interviews Benjamin Fulford - Part 3 of 3


Transcript of Part 1 of the video

Transcript of Part 2 of the video

Transcript of Part 3 of the video


News Articles(


**Cooking and Recipes


- US Invasion of Iraq Illegal - Without Congressional Approval And Now Revealed Also Without UN Approval - George Soros | Before It's News


29 min./George Soros - The Bubble of American Supremacy - YouTube


+Making A Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging | Before It's News


The World of PSYCHIATRY, Exploitation of The POOR , IGNORANT & DEFENSELESS - YouTube


Congress set to hand our highways and freeways over to foreign corporations: New toll roads planned for all 50 states! | Before It's News

How Internet Companies Would Be Forced to Spy on You Under H.R. 1981 | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Illuminati Messiah card shows Rapture and Satan being cast down.Freemason symbolism - YouTube

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube

Open Channel - Classified documents contradict FBI on post-9/11 probe of Saudis, ex-senator says

9/11: The Official Account of the Pentagon Attack is a Fantasy | Veterans Today

9/11 Whodunnitt? You Decide. - YouTube


+New 9/11 Footage: There Is No Plane - Filmed From Helicopter | Before It's News


+The 2012 Enigma by David Wilcock - YouTube

+DAVID WILCOCK at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, Sept 2009 - YouTube

Project Camelot: Jumproom to Mars / 44:12

David Wilcock: Occupy Your Self! Personal Spiritual Development - YouTube


9/11 Masterminds - Explosive Connections - YouTube


KONY 2012 Screening in Uganda Met With Anger

KONY 2012: State Propaganda for a New Generation

Obama’s Sodomite Past Comes Back To Haunt Him

‘Contagion’ or How Disaster Movies “Educate” the Masses

How the Illuminati Recruit & Network -

How to Identify Misinformation - US Department of State

The Road We've Traveled - YouTube

NASA | What Doesn't Stay in Vegas? Sprawl. - YouTube

9/11 Nuggets from Clues Forum | Before It's News

= • CGI Collapse footage.


* / Index Page


Mosquito Bioweapons: The History of Testing Inside the United States | Before It's News

Inside 9/11 - Who controlled the planes? - YouTube

Blagojevich defends actions on way to prison - Yahoo! News

Los Alamos sends reverse-911 call warning residents — People told to stay indoors — Container released unknown gas — Caused “flash” on contact with air — Roads closed, Hazmat team dispatched to Material Disposal Area B

Vidvir: Think Your SUV Safe? Horrible Wreck - Vid

Sandra Fluke…Will The Real Sandra Fluke Please Stand Up

The Occult Symbolism of the Los Angeles Central Library | The Vigilant Citizen

GMO Toxicity: Bt Toxin Kills Human Kidney Cells | Farm Wars

Inside NRL’s Laboratory for Autonomous Systems Research | Armed with Science

Liar, liar, pants on fire . . .

Why were Saudi royals with ¿links to 9/11¿ allowed to leave the U.S. without being quizzed by the FBI? | Mail Online

Buried Alive - Cruel And Unusual Punishment

Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad faces impeachment calls - Telegraph

Has the 'era of porn' led men to think rape is OK? | Mail Online

Agenda 21 on Steroids « The PPJ Gazette

Family Who Built Secret House In Woods Can't Be Evicted

'Red Deer Cave people' may be new species of human | Science | The Guardian

Fighting back: Incredible video shows a human immune 'T Cell' fighting against a cancer cell | Mail Online

'What do you MEAN it's not butter?: Margarine makes you aggressive - and should not be fed to school pupils | Mail Online

Scientists stumped by mysterious foam causing hog farms to explode | Mail Online

The Hunger Games and the teenage craze for dystopian fiction - Telegraph

The Latest Nazi-Bashing Effort From Jew Shill Alex Jone$tein | The Works and Research of ZionCrimeFactory

Mysterious planet-sized 'Death Star' captured on video as it 'refuels' at the surface of the sun | Mail Online

US military combines green and mean to fly drones on biofuels | Damian Carrington | Environment |

Bible society is unable to hand out Bibles bearing the Olympics logo at London 2012 - Telegraph - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: New EU rules wreck pensions

Hundreds of fighter jets paraded in South Korea as US displays its military might | Mail Online

Explosive new powerbase: Asia goes for broke with arms race - Asia - World - The Independent

How the Elite Rule and their Goals - YouTube

Activist Post: Secret "Occult Economy" Coming Out of the Shadows?

Hello! You've Been Targeted For A United States Drone Assassination!

UN Rights Council Delves Into US Voter I.D. Laws | Fox News

'Pink Slime' For Lunch: Schools Can Opt Out Of Ammonia-Treated Ground Beef Filler

National Iranian American Council (NIAC): Thirty-Seven Members of Congress Urge Obama to Redouble Iran Diplomacy, Warn Against War

Blog Bash & National Bloggers Club Keeps Breitbart Spirit

Paul Drockton M.A. Will Romney Fulfill Mormon Prophecy?

Obama, The Human Rights Hypocrite

Donald Trump: Say it is so, Sheriff Joe

Rob Reid: The $8 billion iPod - YouTube

FBI Can't Crack Android Pattern-Screen Lock | Threat Level |

EXPOSED: The Guardian's Assad Emails - YouTube


Ron Paul Walking into a Room of 5000 People! - YouTube

Ron Paul Rally Columbia Missouri March 15 2012 - YouTube

Ron Paul @ University of Illinois FULL EXPERIENCE - YouTube

Ron Paul - Full Speech - Sunday | Video Library | The Enquirer


"The Black Swan" author Nassim Taleb Cheers Ron Paul's Economic Platform on CNBC - YouTube


1 of 15 - The United States of Hypocrisy - Hawaii, Tibet of the Pacific 2001 Ken O'Keefe - YouTube

2 of 15 - The United States of Hypocrisy - Hawaii, Tibet of the Pacific 2001 Ken O'Keefe - YouTube

3 of 15 - The United States of Hypocrisy - Hawaii, Tibet of the Pacific 2001 Ken O'Keefe - YouTube

4 of 15 - The United States of Hypocrisy - Hawaii, Tibet of the Pacific 2001 Ken O'Keefe - YouTube

5 of 15 - The United States of Hypocrisy - Hawaii, Tibet of the Pacific 2001 Ken O'Keefe - YouTube

6 of 15 The United States of Hypocrisy - Hawaii, Tibet of the Pacific - 2001 Ken O'Keefe - YouTube

7 of 15 The United States of Hypocrisy - Hawaii, Tibet of the Pacific - 2001 Ken O'Keefe - YouTube

8 of 15 The United States of Hypocrisy - Hawaii, Tibet of the Pacific - 2001 Ken O'Keefe - YouTube

9 of 15 The United States of Hypocrisy - Hawaii, Tibet of the Pacific - 2001 Ken O'Keefe - YouTube

10 of 15 The United States of Hypocrisy - Hawaii, Tibet of the Pacific - 2001 Ken O'Keefe - YouTube

11 of 15 The United States of Hypocrisy - Hawaii, Tibet of the Pacific - 2001 Ken O'Keefe - YouTube

12 of 15 The United States of Hypocrisy - Hawaii, Tibet of the Pacific - 2001 Ken O'Keefe - YouTube

13 of 15 The United States of Hypocrisy - Hawaii, Tibet of the Pacific - 2001 Ken O'Keefe - YouTube

14 of 15 The United States of Hypocrisy - Hawaii, Tibet of the Pacific - 2001 Ken O'Keefe - YouTube

15 of 15 The United States of Hypocrisy - Hawaii, Tibet of the Pacific - 2001 Ken O'Keefe - YouTube


Privacy Paranoia: 5 companies you should think twice before trusting - 12160

The 9/11 Media Show And Its Victims | Veterans Today

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Are We A Victim Of Obama\\\'s 2008 Campaign?

Top 5 Place NOT To Be In A Dollar Collapse - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : RT: Why Is The Media Trying To Silence Ron Paul?

US admits Israel is arming and training terrorist groups to create terrorism - YouTube

9/11 FBI Releases Pictures Of Three Living Flight 11 'Hijackers' - YouTube

At Least 7 of the 9/11 Hijackers are Still Alive

WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn!

9/11 WTC 7 Demolition - Radio " ... There Is Another Building Ready To Come Down!" - YouTube

Activist Post: Why Are Bankers Jumping Ship In Record Numbers, Financial Collapse Imminent?

Officials After Seeing Surveillance Video Don't Believe Only 1 Soldier Involved In Civilian Shooting - YouTube


Shoot In The Foot: Iran oil ban to recoil on EU - YouTube


What Really Happened with Mike Rivero 15th Mar 2012 - YouTube

What Really Happened with Mike Rivero 14th Mar 2012 - YouTube


Helicopter crash kill 12 NATO soldiers in capital Kabul - KHAAMA PRESS | Afghan Online Newspaper

Activist Post: The Power of the Purse: The History of Money and Banking

Activist Post: The Saga of the Backyard Chicken Movement

Best Second Amendment Video Goes Viral ( - YouTube


NEW WTC7 Eyewitness - "Saw A Big Flash Then The Building Came Down" WPIX 5:55pm - YouTube

Just How Corrupt Will The United States Voting System Be In 2012? - VIRALIZE - YouTube

Former Google exec slams search giant as an ‘advertising company’ | The Raw Story

Marijuana Sobriety Checkpoints: New Legislation to Outlaw Driving While Stoned - 12160

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Matt Taibbi \"The \'Stress Test\' Is An Official Government Endorsement Of Widespread Banking Fraud\"

Britain pushes for mass surveillance society - YouTube


Monetary System Videos-1

Monetary System Videos-2

Monetary System Videos-3

Monetary System Videos-4

Monetary SystemVideos-5

Monetary System Videos-6

Monetary System Videos-7




TSA Precheck: $100 application fee to skip the song and dance - Boing Boing



+Free Courses Online -


The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center -

The NSA Is Building the Country's Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say) | Threat Level |

American ISPs to launch massive copyright spying scheme on July 12 | The Raw Story

80 Percent Of Americans Say That They Are Not Better Off Than They Were Four Years Ago -


Blacklisted Radio 3/15/2012 Podcast

Blacklisted Radio 3/14/2012 Podcast

Blacklisted Radio 3/13/2012 Podcast

Blacklisted Radio 3/12/2012 Podcast


* BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- March 15, 2012


9/11 in the Courtroom: Heads or Tails?

Launching the U.S. Terror War: the CIA, 9/11, Afghanistan, and Central Asia

Occupy and "The American Spring"

Is Iran a Threat to Global Security? Notes on Dr. Zogby’s “Dealing with Iran”

ELECTIONS 2012: Why Labor's Rank and File Won't Campaign for Obama

Why The Huge Spike in Oil Prices? "Peak Oil" or Wall Street Speculation?

A Decade of America Ravaging Afghanistan

UGANDAN OIL: US Africa Command a tool to Recolonise the African Continent

Both The Market and Government Are Irrational

"Trusted Messengers" and "Humanitarian Groups" Target Russia and China, Endorse the US-NATO Mandate

The Political and Social Crisis in Mexico

Challenging the Ruling Global Corporate Conglomerates. Regaining the Real Economy

African Ping Pong: US Plays both Sides in Uganda. The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) is a US-backed Guerilla Force

Massacre As Metaphor by Justin Raimondo --

Lobbying for War by Philip Giraldi --

The Afghan Curtain Falls More Rapidly by Ivan Eland --

78 Percent of Americans Oppose Invading Syria -- News from

The Associated Press: After bin Laden's death, a different kind of hunt

Attorney asks for dismissal in WikiLeaks case -

Blocking WikiLeaks emails trips up Bradley Manning prosecution -

Lawyer: Afghan Suspect Was Upset About Comrade's Injury

Evidence Shows Tehran Connection in New Delhi, Bangkok Bombings

George Clooney Arrested Outside Sudanese Embassy in Washington

Obama Ridicules GOP on Energy Policy

US Military Says Drug Violence Spreading Through Central America

Tom Woods Hosts Peter Schiff, 3/14/12: War Powers and Red Meat - YouTube

Nutritional McCarthyism: Red Meat To Blame for Death, Global Warming, Tsunamis, Mine Collapses, and Terrorist Attacks - informationliberation

Peter Schiff - The Atlantic Economy Summit 03/14/12 - YouTube

Peter Schiff vs Paul Volcker - YouTube

Jeremy Scahill: Obama insists to keep journalist in jail - YouTube

The Death-Dealing 'Divinity' in the White House - informationliberation

The Occult Roots of Scientology: Exploring the Influence of Aleister Crowley on L. Ron Hubbard

CBO: Obama Budget Creates $6.4 Trillion in New Deficits

Obama Data-mining Private Web Info to Target Donors

Trump: Obama's Weak Leadership Evident at Gas Pump

Geithner: No Quick Fix to Soaring Gas Prices in ‘Dangerous World’

Iran Takes 'Urgent Steps' As Saturday Cut-Off Looms

Bobbi Kristina dating ‘adopted’ brother | Online Journal

Insecticides linked to honeybee die-offs | Online Journal

Plants ‘remember’ droughts to prepare | Online Journal

Bozell: MSNBC Must Fire ‘Unhinged’ Ed Schultz

Richard Lugar Ineligible to Vote in Indiana Precinct

John Edwards Campaign Must Repay $2M to Treasury

Gingrich: I Don’t Need Billionaire Adelson’s Money to Stay in Race

Gingrich: I Won't Abandon Big Ideas

Syria Activists Urge Intervention as Annan Briefs Powers

Afghan Massacre Suspect Said Upset at 4th Tour

Gasoline Prices in Six States Jump Above $4

So What Inspired You To Write Your Book? by Charles Goyette

Why Did Georgetown University Call Me Out? Altucher Confidential

The Law Is Dead by C.T. Rossi

Blog: The Fisker Karma hybrid breaks down during Consumer Reports test

11 Natural Methods for Detoxing Your Body | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

The PROs of PROTEIN POWDER | Ready Nutrition

The Walt Kowalski Toolbox | The Art of Manliness

Doug Casey on the Nanny State

North American Command: U.S., Canada, Mexico by Gary North

What Do We Owe the State? by Joseph Sobran

Rush and the New Blacklist by Patrick J. Buchanan

A knee in the nuts that means serious trouble for Goldman Sachs – Telegraph Blogs

Carbonite crashing after Limbaugh trashing

Santorum gets boost in Obama’s back yard

Scheme opens door to tax the tax-exempt

‘Gay hate list’: Farah, Perkins, Colson, more

Muslim chief demands destruction of churches

The Senate’s wolf in elephant’s clothing

New York Times protects Islam from criticism

Businessman 1st to challenge contraceptive mandate

Many authors of psychiatry bible have industry ties - health - 13 March 2012 - New Scientist

The Clicker - 'American Idol' producers warn Colton Dixon that faith talk could hurt his chances

America’s colors: Red, white and porn

How Darwin took science 1 step too far

Well-Known Independent Journalist Rotting In Jail Because Obama Personally Requested It

Lost Principles And Social Destruction

Amnesty International's Ultimatum to Russia

Telstra Insider Drives Tank Through Cell Towers In Protest; Exposes Dangers of EMFs

Poll: 75% Say It's Okay for Christians to Smoke Marijuana Recreationally

College Education Economics

How to Overcome Prepping Procrastination

The Obama Flag: Who Decided That It Was Okay To Replace The Stars On The American Flag With The Face Of Barack Obama?

Government Explained - YouTube

Activist Post: Consumers Ingesting Mystery Meat Treated with Poisonous Gas



Petrus Romanus The Jerusalem Connection Part 1 — Logos Apologia

Petrus Romanus and the Jerusalem Connection Part 2 — Logos Apologia


The Prophecy of the Popes & the 2012 Connection

Why Take the Prophecy of the Popes Seriously?


PID Interview on Petrus Romanus

P.I.D. Radio 2/26/12: Peter the Roman – The Final Pope


Dave Daubenmire -- Today's Pastors are 'Lip Service' Pastors


Obama and the Catholic fifth column - a match contrived in Hell - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online


J.P. Morgan Chase's Ugly Family Secrets Revealed | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone

How High Can the Fed Pile Manure? | ZeroHedge

Four Whistleblowers Who Sounded the Alarm on Banks’ Mortgage Shenanigans - ProPublica

Three in 10 young adults live with parents, highest level since 1950s -

American ISPs to launch massive copyright spying scheme on July 12 | The Raw Story

CIA Chief: We'll Spy on You Through Your Dishwasher | Danger Room |

Technology will really become part of your brain - Houston Chronicle

AlterNet: 8 Creepy Spy Technologies That Can Be Hitched to Your Neighborhood Drones

Obama Calls Critics of His Alternative Energy Plans: ‘Founding Members of Flat Earth Society’

‘Vigorous’ Santorum crackdown may catch Internet porn viewers with pants down

What if Obamacare Really was Like Auto Insurance?

65 Percent of Union Members Say Obama is More Liberal Than They Are

Obama Administration to Defend Cross on Mt. Soledad War Memorial

MRC To Expose MSNBC’s ‘Race-Baiting, Hate-Filled, Character-Assassinating Misogynists’ To Comcast Stockholders

After Film Warning Kids Not to Call Others 'Jerks,' Sebelius Tells Kids to Say: 'You're Being a Jerk'

Afghan Soldier Killed a U.S. Marine Last Month, But Pentagon Didn’t Reveal the Treachery

DEA: An Established ‘Nexus’ Between Drug Traffickers and Terrorism Exists

Obama Administration Spending Millions to Keep Nursing Home Residents Out of the Hospital

The Myth of 'Middle-Class' Uncle Joe

Cultivating Tobacco Harmful to Farm Kids? Labor Secretary Under Fire for ‘Overly Broad’ Regulations

White House-Backed Review of Energy Department Loans Omits Solyndra

Obama Insults Oil Drilling Advocates As ‘Founding Members of the Flat Earth Society’

Daily Kos Profanely Bashes Brent Bozell

Ending the Great College Ripoff

Anti-Catholic Ad OK in New York Times, But Similar Anti-Islam Ad Rejected

Video: Concerned Women for America Slams Obama For Ties to Misogynist Maher

Missouri Man Is First Private Business Owner to Sue HHS Over Contraception Mandate

Sen. DeMint: GOP Medicare Reform Plan Is ‘Kryptonite’ to Democrats

White House-Backed Review of Energy Department Loans Omits Solyndra

US consumer prices up because of higher gas costs

CBO: Regulations, Taxes Can Hurt Small Businesses

6 months later, what has Occupy protest achieved?

Rowan Williams to step down as Anglican leader

‘Nonsensical’: U.N. Human Rights Council Praises the Toppled Gaddafi Regime

NAACP Urges U.N. Human Rights Council to ‘Review’ U.S. ‘Voter Suppression’ Laws

Fiona Apple Makes Return to Spotlight at SXSW

Photo show offers rare glimpse of life in N. Korea

Top Ten Media Failures in the Iran War Debate

More Fun Atrocities

The International Criminal Court is, Racist. So why do Liberals Love it?

Homeless In The USA

Liberal 'Talking Points Memo' Blog Outclasses 'Objective' NYTimes in Fact-Checking Obama Speech |

WH National Security Official Cites U.N. as Early Career Inspiration, ‘To Make the World Better and a Safer Place’ |

'Agency Insiders' Charge DHS Is Releasing ‘False and Misleading’ Data on Border Crossers, Issa Says |

White House Chef: Michelle's 1700-Sq.-Ft. 'Kitchen Garden' Was 'Inspiration' for State Dinner Menu |

Former Rutgers student convicted in webcam case - Yahoo! News

Axelrod: Limbaugh, Maher sexist comments different – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Iraq War Veteran Accused In 6 Murders Tells Det - Flash Player Installation

Biden lauds Obama as man of 'steel' in campaign push - Yahoo! News Canada

In New Documentary, Obama Confronts a Country on the Brink -

Obama’s tip for fainting audience members: “You’ve got to eat” « Hot Air

The bin Laden plot to kill President Obama - The Washington Post

White rice link seen with Type 2 diabetes, says study - Yahoo! News Canada

Obama administration shifts its legal argument on Obamacare

Santorum says English is ‘condition’ for statehood

Pittsburgh-area site is chosen for major refinery

Santorum: Obama DOJ favors 'pornographers over children'

White House began patching frayed relations with its labor allies last summer

Obama mocks Rutherford B. Hayes as a technophobe

Charles Krauthammer: Obama’s oil flimflam

US rampage soldier saw friend's leg blown off the day before he attacked villagers

Deadline for hotel pools to be ADA-compliant extended

New York Times accused of Catholic bashing, double standard on religion

Man accused of sending $300 to terrorism suspect in Colorado is arrested in Philadelphia

Catholic bishops say fight against White House mandate a top priority

Vasectomies up during NCAA basketball tournament

Newt Gingrich in Chicago suburbs: Obama attacks Catholic Church, appeases radical Islam

McCain sees another Solyndra in Navy biofuels spending

Republican bill would enroll seniors in same health plans as lawmakers

Richard Lugar Can Vote in US Senate; But Not in Indiana

Military struggling to cut health-care costs

Bill that would give $1M to schools for anti-bullying program passes in Assembly, Senate

Home health care companies' profits up in 2010

Senate approves proposal to compel states to enact strict teen driving rules

NATO’s measured exit plan in Afghanistan faces new obstacles

Global economy: Mexican cartels branch out to Europe

House primary in Chicago area divides Democrats along ideological lines

Caller ID spoofing scams aim for bank accounts

In Senate race, Massachusett's Scott Brown outpolls Elizabeth Warren

Rielle Hunter, John Edwards’s ex-mistress, gets immunity

Meghan McCain gets personal in Playboy

The perfect running mate for Obama

Obama's cost-ballooning legislative Frankenstein

The lesbian, priest and conscientious objection

We'll hear Afghan thanks when hell freezes over

Onward to Iran!

Derrick Bell: Professorial pretender

C. MCMILLAN: How you'll pay for Obama's campaign

The real hate group

Politicians fiddle while the earth burns

J. ABRAMOFF: The gas gauge rules politics

Why Obama's radicalism matters

L. ELDER: Sharpton lectures us on civility ?

This is Who Runs Global Government - YouTube

US and UK discuss censoring tactics? - YouTube

Prison » Ron Paul Draws Massive Crowd Of 5000 In Illinois

Prison » Exposed: Kony 2012 Scam Is a Soros/NGO Front

Angelina Jolie a war criminal, says Alex Jones - YouTube

Prison » Amnesty International’s Ultimatum to Russia

Prison » Intervention Blues: The Dangers of Sipping at Militarism’s Cup

Prison » Bob Barr Files Lawsuit Against TSA Over ‘Drudge’ Controversy

TSA Violating Personal Privacy of Americans May Soon Stop: Bob Barr Reports - YouTube

Prison » Blogger Who Exposed TSA Files More Lawsuits Against Agency

Prison » Remember Fukushima: Presenting The Radioactive Seawater Impact Map

Prison » The DHS plans to build a high-risk virus research center in the heart of America

Prison » US Sends Four Anti-Mine Ships To Strait of Hormuz

The bin Laden plot to kill President Obama - The Washington Post

Destroy all churches in the Arabian Peninsula – Saudi Grand Mufti — RT

Paul says GOP rivals itching for another war in Mideast - Nation - The Boston Globe

Beijing on the Potomac | Washington Free Beacon

ABC News: Online news, breaking news, feature stories and more

Prison » Obama Fanatic Pleads Guilty to Threatening to Kill Sheriff Arpaio

TSA Violating Personal Privacy of Americans May Soon Stop: Bob Barr Reports - YouTube

Skynet Rising: The AI Threat to Humanity's Existence with Dr. Roman V. Yampolskiy - YouTube

Prison » The World Is Running Out of Water … Again


Prison » As Chuck E. Cheese Goes So Goes America


Chuck E. Cheese Brawl - No Home Training PT-1 - YouTube

Chuck E. Cheese Brawl - No Home Training PT-2 - YouTube


Prison » Is Regulation Good for You?


50 MIN./Dr. Mary's Monkey: Uncovers Death of Cancer Researcher, Secret Lab, Oswald & JFK - YouTube


Prison » Does the Market Really Want ‘Smart Meter Version 2.0′?

Prison » Comment Posted on U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission Website

Prison » New Wall Street Hearings Redux: Now It’s JP Morgan’s Turn?

Prison » Is Goldman Resignation Part of an Elite Plot?

Prison » What Closing The Straits Of Hormuz Will Mean In 3 Simple Charts

Prison » Just one soda per day can cause heart attacks in men

Prison » The Top Pharmaceutical Drugs Causing Cognitive-Related Damage

The Globalist Crime Syndicate Pose as Liberal Trendies - YouTube

» Brzezinski: Syria is Not Libya Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The First Amendment Needs a Rape Kit

Lawsuit: Mobile apps accessing users' address books

Can the Secret Service Tell You To Shut Up? by Andrew P. Napolitano

» Neotame: 13,000 Times Sweeter Than Sugar And More Toxic Than Aspartame Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Gates Foundation gives $220 mln for TB research - Yahoo! News

Britons could be extradited as EU states to be given access to our DNA bank | Mail Online

How the FBI Monitored Crusty Punks, 'Anarchist Hangouts,' and an Organic Farmers' Market Under the Guise of Combating Terrorism

» Our ‘UN’ Marines: “Moving Towards the Sound of Chaos” in new recruitment ad Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Toward the Sounds of Chaos - YouTube

» Obama Fanatic Found Guilty of Threats to Kill Sheriff Joe and Family Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Sheriff Joe: Obama's Birth Certificate Is Fake - News - POLICE Magazine

» US Sends Four Anti-Mine Ships To Strait of Hormuz Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Blogger Who Exposed TSA Files More Lawsuits Against Agency Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Intervention Blues: The Dangers of Sipping at Militarism’s Cup Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

THE DAILY STAR :: News :: Middle East :: Most of Israel security cabinet backs Iran strike: report

Consumer Prices in U.S. Rose in February as Gasoline Jumped - Bloomberg

Doomsday Survey: 51% of Americans Believe a Financial Collapse Is Imminent; 85% Say Country Is Overwhelmingly Under-Prepared

» Lost Principles And Social Destruction Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Government Explained Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Government Explained - YouTube

» Dumb and Dumber Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» News Service That Spreads Government Lies Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Facebook’s (In)conspicuous Absence From the Do Not Track Discussions Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

DARPA Unveils Drone-Slaying War Laser | Fast Company

MTHEL THEL Mobile / Tactical High Energy Laser - YouTube

» Know the difference: ‘Natural’ foods are not organic, often have GMOs, toxins Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Guilty verdict in Rutgers webcam spying case

Afghanistan slaying suspect headed to US

Why Rick Santorum has only a 1 percent chance of stopping Mitt Romney

Afghan leader blasts US over probe into shootings

North Korea plans to launch long-range rocket

Obama's Campaign Documentary: Gloom You Can Believe In

Mayor says 26th Street is city's 'second Magnificant Mile'

Madigan won't say if Dem should step down after bribery arrest

Olivia Wilde, Jason Sudeikis filming a movie in Chicago this summer

Two charged with murder of taxi driver

How we got started on this neighborhood safety story in Englewood

Police: Man linked to Zion slaying through DNA

Karzai casts doubt on US account of rampage

George Clooney and dad Nick address crowd before being handcuffed - YouTube

Islamic Jihad seeks 'balance of terror' with Israel

St. Patrick's Day: A quiz on the man, the myths, the merriment

Reaction to the resignation of Archbishop of Canterbury

Bin Laden plotted to assassinate Obama, Petraeus, documents show

Evidence Shows Tehran Connection in New Delhi, Bangkok Bombings

Ex-Rutgers student guilty of hate crime, invasion of privacy

Obama visits Chicago, Atlanta for fundraising blitz

Arrest made in missing Anchorage barista case

Blagojevich's former aide's sentencing postponed

Suspicious man seen running from park where Sacramento girl slain

Politics vs. Policy: Violence Against Women Act Dustup in Senate

Obama team places focus on fundraising

Latino Bashing GOP Seeks Puerto Rican Votes

Rick Santorum declares war on pornography: I will ban hardcore porn if I’m elected President - NY Daily News

Pinterest - a modern twist on an age old concept

Romney: Obama is a 'lightweight' - YouTube

Newt Gingrich Has Become an Agent of Chaos

Gingrich: Obama lives in 'fantasy land'

Sarah Palin Predicts An Enduring Legacy For Conservative Blogger Andrew Breitbart

Your comments: Full footage of Gov. Chris Christie vs. the "idiot" Navy SEAL critic |

Thousands line up worldwide to buy Apple's new iPad

Getting their hands on the New iPad - YouTube

Apple still sacrificing recyclability to make thinner iPads

New iPad And Enterprise IT: Exclusive Research

Digg Founder Kevin Rose Joins Google

Google says it will cooperate with any Safari privacy investigations

18 Firms Sued for Using Privacy-invading Mobile Apps

Mass Effect Wins Fans Over with World's Most Attentive Twitter Account

Richards apologizes to fellow Rolling Stone Jagger

Russell Brand Arrested And Released Following Phone Mishap in New Orleans

Not so fast, neutrinos. CERN says light's speedier still

Daredevil stuntman Felix Baumgartner carries out test jump from edge of space - YouTube

Sky diver, after free-falling 13 miles, sets sights on record 23-mile jump

Meet Noori, the World's First Cloned Pashmina Goat

Bright Galaxies with Black Hole Hearts Caught Bending Light Into Cosmic Lens

Asteroid near miss expected next year

Giant squid eyes are sperm whale defence

Floods spurred by rising seas threaten 5 million

Could neutrino technology be deployed by the military?

Wet summer could lead to climate confusion in Australia

Pentagon considers on-demand disposable satellites

The sky just swelled to contain over 560 million objects from the new WISE ...

NASA, GM Team To Develop 'Robo-Glove'

Doc finds dolphin lungs on beach

NASA reschedules launch of 5 rockets from Va. again, project will study upper level jet stream - The Washington Post

Mass. clinic offers free pizza for vasectomy during March Madness

US Backs Antismoking Ad Campaign

When Fruit Flies Strike Out, They Like To Booze It Up

Study: Does Eating White Rice Raise Your Risk of Diabetes?

US Foodborne Outbreaks From Imported Foods Rising

Lack Of Sleep Linked With Overeating

Want your fat kid slimmer? Lose weight yourself

“Greening” Us Back to the Stone Age

The Consensus Wants You

Praetorian Progressives and Their Imperial Dreams

Did Gloria Allred Falsely Report a Crime?

Fossil fuel production on federal lands at 9 year low

IER Responds to Obama Energy Speech

Corn insecticide linked to great die-off of beneficial honeybees

Killer silk: Making silk fibers that kill anthrax and other microbes in minutes

New study of pine nuts leaves mystery of “pine mouth” unsolved

New test could help track down and prosecute terrorists

The Secret Plan to Defend Obamacare

Newt Responds to President

Obama’s Abortion Funding Plan

‘Porno Palace’ Next to Convent Violates State Law

Solar Energy: Popular but Corrupt

Why Obama Wants the Contraception Mandate to Go to the Supreme Court

Birds of a Feather

'Racial Discrepancy' Madness Spreads

Breitbart Barack

Catholic Bishops calling out America's biggest lawbreaker: POTUS

Unleashing the government parasite

Obama Geographical Gaffe Makes Virginia Residents Angry

Tunnel vision nanny state

Our Ivy League educated president doesn't know much about American history

Louisiana gun rights decision not as bad as it looks

France insists Assad end violence before talks

Netanyahu Warns Again of Israel Taking Unilateral Action Against Iran

Republicans: Black America's True Friend

Global Warming and National Suicide

The Biggest Threat to Britain's National Security Is Barack Obama

Social Justice and the Catholic Vote

American Muslims and the Liberal Media Stereotype

Debbie Schlussel: Attn, Islamic Terrorists: Recruit Seniors or Pay $100 – TSA’s New Way to Avoid Profiling, Real Security

Debbie Schlussel: EEUUWW! – VIDEO: When Your March Madness Sportscaster Has an Odd ManCrush on Obama

Debbie Schlussel: OUTRAGE! Obama Denies Visa to Israel Parliament Member; Israeli Legislative Trip to US Canceled

Rick Santorum Declares War on Porn

War on Women: Best Ad Ever, Courtesy of

APWU Launches National Ad Campaign to Fight Postal Service Cuts

GOP Drops 'Obama Bear Market' Talking Point as Dow Hits 13,000

Moroccan Girl, Forced To Marry Her Rapist, Kills Herself. Where Do These Backwards People Get These Crazy Ideas?

Lawyer: Scott Olsen Intentionally Shot By Beanbag

SWAT Team Raids Occupy Miami Safehouse: This is What Democracy Looks Like?

Stupid Right-Wing Tweets: Dana Loesch Edition

Gingrich: Opponents Can't Comprehend My Big Ideas

Megyn Kelly Hits Romney on His Gaffes and Double Speak on Insurance Mandates

President Obama Compares Republicans To Flat Earth Society Founding Members


+15th/Labor News and Notes Round-up


PA Gov. to Women: Just Close Your Eyes During Forced Ultrasound

Orwellian: Bill O'Reilly Uses His Own Lie To Claim Media Matters Lied

Enough with the Liberal Hand-Wringing About Rush Limbaugh

Progressive Information Project: George Lakoff's Thinking Points

Romney, Santorum, and Goldman Sachs: Their Values Are the Same

A Brief Shining Moment: An Evening with Breitbart and Palin

Obama Stars In Anti-Bullying Documentary By Cartoon Network

Axelrod: Limbaugh, Maher Sexist Comments Different

'Game Change' Producer Hanks Narrates Obama's Propaganda Doc

These Gas Prices Are Obama's Gas Prices

RoboGate: The Breathtaking Scope of a Criminal Act

'Don't Tell Me We're Not Drilling'

Cop Has Sex On Duty, Leaves Microphone On

Pop Culture Propaganda: American Idol Pays Tribute To Obama

FLASH: Meghan McCain: ‘I’m Strictly Dickly… I Love Sex'

Obama Campaign Scrubs Negative Comments On Propaganda Doc


The Vetting: Obama Teaches Constitutional Law -- Part I

The Vetting: Obama Teaches Constitutional Law -- Part II

The Vetting: Obama Teaches Constitutional Law – Part III


Exclusive Video: Newt Responds to Obama's 'Flat Earth' Comment

Party With Bill Clinton? Bring Photo ID

Romney: 'We Need Alternative President' Not Alternative Energy

Obama's Misleading Statements On Oil Drilling

Angelica Huston: US Returning to ’Dark Ages’

'Game Change' Explained?: Bombshell '08 Memo Details Plan to Save Steve Schmidt

Don't Know Much About History: Obama Smears 19th Century President

Francis Fox-Piven: Occupy Should Sell Out to DNC

'Casa de mi Padre' Review: Ferrell's Mediocre Spanish Better than Tepid Telenovela Spoof

'21 Jump Street' Review: Crude and Rude, but the Channing/Hill Tandem Scores

Vietnam Veteran on Tom Hanks: 'He Turned Away From Me'

The Vetting: Obama Still Community Organizing In WH

Certain 'Bad Habits' Not That Bad

Flashback: Sexist Schultz Slurs Phyllis Schlafly

Ed Shultz Republicans Want To See You Die

CBO: Obamacare Twice As Expensive As Projected

YouTube Not Allowing Negative Comments On Obama Campaign Film; Feel Free To Do So Here

Dean: Santorum Would Beat Romney


NYT Buries Obama's Tanking Poll Numbers

NYT: Anti-Muslim Ads Endanger Troops

US Conference of Catholic Bishops Fights Obama War on Religion

Egypt Facilitates Cease Fire On Behalf Of Hamas

CNN Panel: Violence Against Women Act Democrat 'Political Maneuver'

CNN's King Calls Out Obama's Hypocrisy On Gas Price Politics

Obama Foreign Policy Blunders Fueled by Unchecked Ideology

Gaga And Mama Do Oprah

'Seeking Justice' Review: Cage Commits to Latest Throwaway Thriller

'American Idol' Shills For Obama

Clooney Bends Obama's Ear on Sudan's Humanitarian Crisis

Thursday Call Sheet: Seducing Sharon Stone, '24' Delay, and How To Boost Oscar Ratings

Huntsmans Daughter's Glare Of Death As Luke Russert Cuts Her Off

Google To Change Search Results

Carlson: Smith, Buzzfeed 'Water Carriers' for DNC

MSM Ignores CBO Report on Doubled Obamacare Costs

Is Sandra Fluke Helping Rush Get Listeners?

Bill O'Reilly Calls Out Media Matters

Leader Of Russian Anti-Putin Protests Jailed

Interview: Doug Lamborn on China's Rare Earth Mineral Monopoly

+Google Talks Up Big Search Changes | Techland |

The damage caused by the FED

Will unqualified voters be key to Romney nomination?


Dem Candidate's Racist Ethnic Cleansing Video

Libtalker Equates Herman Cain With Penn State Molester

MSNBC Libtalker: We Ought To Rip Out Cheney's Heart

Libtalker: Our Violent Threats Are Just A Joke, Don't You Get It?

Blago Behind Bars

Ayers: 'Revolution' Needed To Stop 'White Supremacy'


Video:Greenberg: Goldman's 'Change in Culture' Hurts Clients

Video:GM CEO: Volt Under Political Microscope

Video:George Clooney Arrested At Sudanese Embassy

Raw Video: Cameron Visits 9/11 Memorial

Video:Panetta Talks Afghanistan Mission, Base Attack

Video:Daniels: It'd Be Really Hard to Lose to Obama, "But We've Got Just the Team That Could Do It"

Video:Schultz: "Obama Campaign Is Picking Up On" What We Talked About On This Show

Video:Cavuto: The State Dinner Guest List Was Politicized

Video:O'Reilly: Media Research Center Is Sinking To The Left's Level

Video:Gingrich: "Obama Represents The Flat Earth Sierra Club Society"

Video:Carney: Calling GOP "Flat-Earthers" Was A "Policy Message"

Video:Carney: "Vast Preponderance" Of Obama's Time Is Not Spent On Campaigning

Video:Obama: Republicans Are Members Of The "Flat Earth Society"


Natural Born Drillers -

Daniel Yergin: What's Behind Rising Gas Prices? -

Obama in Full Crisis-Control Mode on Gas Prices - Coral Davenport -

The Wind Industry’s License to Kill » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names



The 30 pg./Making of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


West Point in the Making of America

Afghan killings: The Devil dwells in all of us and when he possesses a soldier, it's fearful to behold | Mail Online

NASA - Dr. Robert H. Goddard, American Rocketry Pioneer

Omar Sultan Haque Reviews Irshad Manji 's "Allah, Liberty And Love" | The New Republic

Fight your fate -

Wikipedia Didn't Kill Britannica. Windows Did | Epicenter |

Bryan Young: Paul Cornell Talks About His New Political Comic Book, Saucer Country

The Goldilocks Principle - By Aaron David Miller | Foreign Policy

Taliban Halts Talks With U.S., Puts NATO on Collision Course with Pakistan - The Daily Beast

RealClearWorld - Finding Foreign Policy in the French Elections

When the chips are down, Israel s... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Why U.S. Tax Evaders Can No Longer Rely on Swiss Secrecy - TIME

Iran Branches Out in Search for Proxies « Commentary Magazine

Future of China economy will force political reform -

Hussein Ibish for Democracy Journal: Arabian Fights

Contraception and Causality; r/K Selection and Population Growth — The League of Ordinary Gentlemen

Privilege Has Its Rewards — How Longevity Will Become The New Class Inequality | Singularity Hub

The Coming Medical Ethics Crisis - Reason Magazine

Gamma-Knife Surgery Halts Growth of World’s Tallest Living Human | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

Cigarettes as radioactive as x-rays › Dr Karl's Great Moments In Science (ABC Science)

Nasty nasal parasite | ScienceNordic

Scientists in Indian Kashmir clone rare Himalayan goat to increase cashmere wool production - The Washington Post

Pi Day Fun Facts! : Starts With A Bang

Lost Leonardo da Vinci Mural Behind False Wall?

Precognition studies and the curse of the failed replications | Professor Chris French | Science |

Futuristic And Freaky: This Monstrous Coal Plant Would Be Over 3,000 Feet Tall | Co.Design: business + innovation + design

Why giant squid have basketball-size eyes - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

Research-based cookbook for cavemen and Vikings | ScienceNordic

Sex and death ... not-so-strange bedfellows

Why Is Chocolate Bad for Dogs? - Mental Floss

When Paperwork Attacks! Five Ideas for Smarter Government | Progressive Policy Institute

Civil liberties and the 2012 Democratic Party platform - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

A time for risk-taking - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

Natural Born Drillers -

The High Cost of Low Interest Rates

Feast on higher food prices - 1 - commodity investing - MSN Money

The Religious Language In U.S. Foreign Policy : NPR

A curious case of Old Testament proof texting » GetReligion

Too Much 'Me' Focus in Evangelical Community, Says Gospel Project Editor, Christian News

USCCB Blog: Catholics Care. Catholics Vote: Political Engagement is Every Catholic's Duty

Trial on Antiquities Fraud Ends, But Not the Controversy | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Catholic bishops: Birth control debate about ‘religious freedom,’ not access to contraceptives - Under God - The Washington Post

'10 commandments judge' Roy Moore poised to return to Alabama Supreme Court – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Atheist Alain de Botton challenges Christopher Hitchens' assertion that ‘religion poisons everything’ | Holy Post | National Post

Apologists: It's OK for Christians to Not Know All the Answers, Christian News

The NSA Is Building the Country's Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say) | Threat Level |

China Corporate Espionage Boom Knocks Wind Out of U.S. Companies - Bloomberg

Is Google Siriously Nervous About Search Innovations? | Fast Company

Why has Yahoo gone nutso & started acting like a troll? — Tech News and Analysis

How to Get Started 3D Modeling and Printing - Popular Mechanics

Netflix, Please Fix Your User Interface On… Everything | PandoDaily

ISPs To Begin Punishing BitTorrent Pirates This Summer | TorrentFreak


+Transcripts:14th/Press Conference with Pres. Obama & PM Cameron


Palin: Breitbart Is Here

Jonathan Cohn: No, Obamacare’s Cost Didn’t Just Double. Sigh. | The New Republic

The Myth Of Scarce Oil — U.S. Has 60 Times More Crude Than President Obama Claims -

How Blagojevich went wayward on the Chicago Way -

Breaking up with Goldman Sachs - Right Turn - The Washington Post

The right way to make money

U.N. to Investigate U.S. Voter I.D. Laws | Power Line

RealClearPolitics - Racial Quota Fallout

Rove: Obama's Money and the Enthusiasm Gap -

Give juvenile convicts a shot at hope - The Washington Post

Stop the demagoguery on oil and gas, Mr. President | Washington Examiner

Goldman Sachs exec's parting exposes the firm –

Four Questions for Bill Maher - ABC News

Meet the New Boss - Atlantic Mobile

RealClearPolitics - Afghan Ambivalence

RealClearPolitics - In Illinois, Intra-Party Congressional Races Get Testy

Mitt Romney has the GOP strapped to the roof of his car - The Week

RealClearPolitics - Obama's "Road" Ad Frames Crises, Change

Column: Obama is the Candidate of Fear | Washington Free Beacon

RealClearPolitics - Obama Flubs U.S. History -- Again

Obama compares Republicans to ‘flat earth society’ for stance on green energy - The Washington Post

York: Why do islands play key role in GOP race? | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Illinois Primary: Santorum's Momentum Meets Romney's Money | Swampland |


March 15, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 15 March 2012

The Manning Report – 14 March 2012



03/15 The Mark Levin Show

Kevin Trudeau Show

Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Redding News Review 03-15-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 03-15-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 03-15-12 Hr 3

Live Free Or Die Radio - Thursday, March, 15, 2012

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair

David Duke Show With David Duke 16

David Duke Show With David Duke 15

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

**News Video:

Daniels: It'd Be Really Hard to Lose to Obama, "But We've Got Just the Team That Could Do It"
Schultz: "Obama Campaign Is Picking Up On" What We Talked About On This Show
Cavuto: The State Dinner Guest List Was Politicized
Fineman On Romney: "You Don't Say You Made A Lot Of Money"
O'Reilly: Media Research Center Is Sinking To The Left's Level

Campaign 2012: United Nations
Setbacks For U.S. In Afghanistan
Double Blow To U.S. Strategy In Afghanistan
China Will Continue To Grow At A Fast Pace
Raw Video: Cameron Visits 9/11 Memorial
Carney: No Change In Afghan Drawdown Strategy
Panetta Talks Afghanistan Mission, Base Attack
Fitch Places UK On Negative Watch
Kabul Helicopter Crash Kills 12
Explosions Darken Hama Skyline
T-shirt Maker Rides Wave Of Suu Kyi Fervor
Raw Video: Intense Fighting In Syria
Police Bus Torched In Chile Clashes
George Clooney Arrested At Sudanese Embassy


Raw Video: Panetta, Karzai Meet In Afghanistan
Syria More Complex Than Libya
Beyond The BRICs
Appraising Obama's Foreign Policy Strategy
Damian Green On U.K. Border Security
U.K. Official Visit Arrival Ceremony
Obama Reaffirms Commitment To Afghan Strategy
Obama, Cameron Hail 'Special Relationship'
Suicide Bomber Kills Four At Somalian Presidential Compound
Legal Issues Surround Soldier In Afghan Killings
China Sacks Leadership Contender Bo Xilai
Violence Continues In Syria
The U.S. / U.K. Alliance

Obama Campaign Biopic: "The Road We've Traveled"
Biden: Republicans Will "Bankrupt The Middle Class Again"
Krauthammer: Troops Leaving Guns At The Door Like Helicopters On Roof Of The Embassy
MSNBC's Melissa Harris Perry: Rev. Wright Was "Exactly Right"
Carney: Calling GOP "Flat-Earthers" Was A "Policy Message"
Gingrich: "Obama Represents The Flat Earth Sierra Club Society"
Romney: Obama's Policies "Responsible" For High Cost Of Gas
Carney Denies Reports Of Deal To Release Oil From Strategic Reserves
Carney: "Vast Preponderance" Of Obama's Time Is Not Spent On Campaigning
CNN's Burnett Challenges Axelrod's Hypocrisy Over Liberal Attacks On Women
Obama: Republicans Are Members Of The "Flat Earth Society"
Gingrich: No "Obligation To Automatically Salute" Santorum
Obama: "Do Not Tell Me That We're Not Drilling. We're Drilling All Over This Country"
Obama Knocks Former President For Not Being Progressive Enough
Gibbs: Obama "Quite Comfortable Being The Underdog"
Charlie Rose Attends White House Dinner For British PM
O'Reilly: Left-Wing Media Dishonesty
Reich: Huge Spending Helped Reagan & Bush Have Great Economies
Liz Cheney On Obama's Broken Promise On Gitmo
Klein: "Romney Won" Tuesday Night's Primaries
Santorum Super PAC Ad: "Meet The Real Mitt Romney"


**16 March

American Minute for March 16th

Today in History: March 16

March 16 Events in History

March 16th This Day in History

March 16th in History

This Day in History for 16th March |

Today in History: March 16

Today in History for March 16 - YouTube

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