A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

06 February 2012

6 FEB.'12

Black History






Top Obama advisers praise Clint Eastwood’s Super Bowl ad | The Raw Story

Does Obama deserve a second term? | The Raw Story

Republican candidate airs racially charged ‘Debbie Spenditnow’ ad during Super Bowl | The Raw Story

Ari Fleischer to advise Susan G. Komen charity on Planned Parenthood | The Raw Story

Arizona State University unblocks after outcry | The Raw Story

Panama ex-dictator Noriega suffers possible stroke | The Raw Story

Komen's Ambiguous Apology | The Nation

Why the Komen/Planned Parenthood Breakup—While It Lasted—Was Good for Feminism | The Nation

Why Is Paul Ryan So Angry About Reduced Unemployment? | The Nation

How Newt Gingrich Crippled Congress | The Nation

Global Business Elite Go Marxist at Davos! | The Nation

Drinking Coffee Could Help Those With Liver Disease, Study Shows – Mason Research

FAIR Blog » Blog Archive » Iran and the Threat of Not Having Future Wars

Is It Liberalism Or Marxism That's Destroying America?



Clint Eastwood’s ‘Half Time America’ Commercial | Disinformation

Clint Eastwood Chrysler Commercial - Its Halftime in America Southern Maine Motors Saco Me 04072 - YouTube

Chevy Silverado "2012" | Super Bowl XLVI Ads | Chevrolet Commercial - YouTube

Colbert Report Salutes Big Election Spenders | Disinformation

Ron Paul Vows To Continue Run For President | Disinformation

‘Supergiants’ Found Near New Zealand | Disinformation

Experts: Vets' PTSD, violence a growing problem -

The Lost Art of Sentimental Hairwork | Victorian Gothic

Hauling The Koch Brothers Into Congress | Disinformation

Activists Fight Green Projects, Seeing U.N. Plot -

Will You Still Be ‘Pro-Life’ After She’s Born? | MoveOn.Org

What Movie Starring Cancer Survivors And The Susan G. Komen Foundation Premiers This Week? | MoveOn.Org

The Most Heroic Response To The Susan G. Komen Foundation You Will Ever See | MoveOn.Org

Cutting the Cord: How to Ditch Your Cable Company | PCWorld

Right-Wing Media Rely On Discredited Evidence To Dismiss Positive Jobs Report | Media Matters for America

Sometimes The Journalism Is Just Too Big | Media Matters for America

CNN's Dana Loesch Uses Spot On ABC Panel To Hype Discredited Planned Parenthood Sting | Media Matters for America

Will America’s Solar Civil War Destroy The Industry? | TPM Idea Lab

Are Senate Dems About To Cave On GOP Union-Busting? | TPMDC

Green Super Bowl and Lucas Oil Stadium Make Strange Bedfellows | TPM Idea Lab

Super-PAC Aims To Take Down Incumbents — All Of Them | TPM2012

Autonomous Quadrotors Fly Amazing Formations | Autopia |

Spectacular High-Res Image of Earth: The Other Side | Wired Science |

Profit Driven Prison Industrial Complex: The Economics of Incarceration in the USA

Heading for War on Syria

The Noose is Tightened Around Iran

Lawsuit against Cheney, Rumsfeld: Going after Powerful People Who Think they’re Above the Law is "Frivolous"

Romancing the Drone…

TARGETTING IRAN: The Dogs of War are off the Leash

VIDEO: Protesters Slam War Threats Against Iran

Home Foreclosures and Shadow Banking: Why All the "Robo-signing"?

Lies and Double Standards: Crimes against Humanity: Syria or the US?

Employment report masks depth of US jobs crisis

New Statesman - The threat from far-right terrorism


Super-PAC Mania | Mother Jones


**The Superclass - YouTube


Shocking Collapse Of World Economy Warned Is Underway


+Radical Designs - Online Solutions and Websites for Non-Profits and Grassroots -Campaigns : A grassroots organizer's guide to getting online, for free, fast!


Elect Romney, Get War in Iran? | | AlterNet

Are Conservatives More Fearful Than Liberals? | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

How Privatizing Government Shovels Cash to Parasitic Corporations and Undermines Democracy | | AlterNet

US Empire Is Changing its Stripes: Drones, Special Operations Forces and the US Navy Are Changing the Way We Do War | | AlterNet

The 7 Most Irritating Superbowl Halftime Performers of All Time | | AlterNet

Bill Moyers: Newt's Strange Obsession with Saul Alinsky | | AlterNet

The Obama Administration's National Security Policy

A Discussion on the Obama Administration's National Security Policy

The Top 10 Middle-Class Acts of Congress

Putting a Freeze on Arctic Ocean Drilling

Daily Kos: Chrysler's Super Bowl ad removes union slogans—and stirs speculation it's pro-Obama

Daily Kos: The rightwingoverse

Daily Kos: This Week in Congress

Is Newt the Huckabee of 2012?

Obama 'worries' over super PACs

Why not a Santorum-Gingrich ticket?

Was Eastwood ad pro-Obama?

Reagan's legacy of bipartisanship

Jeff And Jan Smith - Morgellons...See What The CDC Calls Hallucinations ! - YouTube

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Jews don't want blacks in their cemetary (must watch)

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America - YouTube

+Nothing Left To Lose by George Paxinos

Newt Gingrich Denies Bohemian Grove Existence: Some People Have "Fantasy Lives" - YouTube

BLOCKBUSTER REVELATION! - MINI Documentary - Illegal Obama "Propped Up" By Congress! - YouTube

White House Insider: Obama Complains – I Wanna Be Cool Again! - The Ulsterman Report

Raw Video: Obama Sings Al Green - YouTube

An end to GM crop development for Europe -

Who’s got guts for global warming debate?

Are Negative Thoughts Cutting Your Lifespan in Half? | Natural Society

Congress Calls for Accelerated Use of Drones in U.S. | Secrecy News

Record 1.2 Million People Fall Out Of Labor Force In One Month, Labor Force Participation Rate Tumbles To Fresh 30 Year Low | ZeroHedge

Could an infection be behind mysterious Tourette's-like syndrome affecting teenagers? | Mail Online

Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Gould-Werritty: the Continuing Cover-Up

Two Front International Struggle For Palestine | Opinion Maker

'Morgellons IS real': Thousands claim to suffer from the agonising skin condition but doctors claim it is psychological | Mail Online

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt on Lyme Disease

Hip replacement patients could face increased risk of cancer - Telegraph

Ten-year-old discovers 'new molecule' while tinkering with educational model | Mail Online

Stun gun used on woman who blocked NC drive-thru | World news | The Guardian

David Icke - Rothschild Zionism - David Icke Website

Rothschild Zionists Threaten Organiser of David Icke Events in Hawaii With 'Consequences' If He Doesn't Cancel - David Icke Website

Sanctions in Gallop 9/11 lawsuit send a message: seek justice at your own risk « Truth and Shadows

Is new form of pesticide to blame for catastrophic decline in honey bees? | Mail Online

McDonald’s confirms that it’s no longer using ‘pink slime’ chemical in hamburgers | The Sideshow - Yahoo! News

New Statesman - In the Assange case we are all suspects now

Takers Taking Over | Suppressed News

Blog: Let the Poor and Middle Class Pay Their Fair Share


**King James Bible


Professional Automotive News(


**Recipes - CBN

**Cooking and Recipes


Audio & Video/In Defence of Marxism(

David North speaks in Berlin: “In Defence of Leon Trotsky and Historical Truth”


Ether Zone - Federal And State Tax

Ether Zone - Hall Of Presidents

Ether Zone - CIA World Facts By Country

Ether Zone - State Government Information

Ether Zone - Congressional Resources

Ether Zone - Biographical Directory of the United States Congress 1774 - Present


2/06/2012 The Syrian Crucible

2/06/2012 Is Iran a Threat?

‘No Decision’ on War Yet, But Obama Vows ‘Lockstep’ Support for Israel -- News from

U.S. closes Syria Embassy, pulls all staff - CBS News

The Colonel Who Started Telling the Truth on Afghan War -- News from

Obama Terror Drones: CIA Tactics in Pakistan Include Targeting Rescuers and Funerals by Christina Lamb --

Truth, lies and Afghanistan - February 2012 - Armed Forces Journal - Military Strategy, Global Defense Strategy

AIPAC Obtained Missile Secrets by Grant Smith --

Wayne Allyn Root - Capitalist Evangelist - Forbes

Why Community Activists Shouldn’t Run The U.S. Economy : Personal Liberty Digest™

Why Community Activists Shouldn't Run The U.S. Economy - YouTube

Randall Balmer: Why Mitt Romney Needs To Talk Openly About His Mormon Faith | The New Republic

Madonna’s Super Bowl Halftime Show: Mad, Bad, and Glorious

Madonna - Half Time Show (Super Bowl 2012) HD 720p - YouTube

NYPD Muslim Spy Scandal Grows With Newly Revealed Plan to Target Shiite Mosques

Libertarian Political Realism - David S. D'Amato - Mises Daily

Ron Paul on Peace - Ron Paul - Mises Daily

Minimum-Wage Rates - Ludwig von Mises - Mises Daily

2012 Super Bowl ads: Coke, VW, Chevrolet and other highlights. - Slate Magazine

BBC News - Diamond Jubilee: Queen celebrating 60-year reign

The Well-Deserved Death of California's Redevelopment Scam

The Flaws of Mitt and Newt

Corporatism Is Not the Free Market

Top official: Drone critics are Al Qaeda enablers

Obama’s high-tech labor lies

10 worst Super Bowl XLVI commercials

Top 10 Super Bowl XLVI commercials

Obama: I 'get better as time goes on'

U.S. closes embassy in Syria, removes staff

TODAY: Woman reveals JFK affair on ‘Rock Center’

White House intern discusses 18-month affair with JFK

Romney's organized campaign in Colorado has roots in '08 win –

Husband Of Missing Washington Mom Kills Sons, Self; Kids 'verbalized' About Mom In Car Trunk | Fox News

Russian Scientists Reach Buried Antarctic Lake Vostok | Fox News

BBC News - Mahmoud Abbas to head interim Palestinian government

Larry McCarthy, Mitt Romney, and Restore Our Future Super PAC : The New Yorker


Public Citizen

GreenMoney Journal

POCLAD - Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy

The Campaign Finance Institute

Center for Digital Government

Project Vote Smart

iWatch News

Congressional Accountability Project

CGS - Center for Government Studies

US Department of Justice and US Government Abuse WATCH

2012 US Elections -


Politics1 -

Grassroots Enterprise:

Campaign Finance -

Campaigns & Elections /

Federal Election Commission /

Public Campaign /

+Presidential Candidate Comparison: Top Contributors, 2012 Cycle | OpenSecrets

+Banking on Becoming President | OpenSecrets


**Caucus Results | Nevada GOP Caucus


Gingrich the Spoiler

Obama Pulls Ahead

Another Kind of Mandate

Shattering the Susan G. Komen Pinkwashing

Robert P. Murphy, Lessons From Solyndra | Library of Economics and Liberty


**Video Library /Foundation for Economic Education

**Audio Library / Foundation for Economic Education


Around and Around - Chuck Berry

Be Bop A Lula - Gene Vincent

Bo Diddley - Buddy Holly

Boppin' the Blues - Stan Perkins

C'mon Everybody - Eddie Cochran

Farewell, So Long, Good Bye - Bill Haley & the Comets

Glad All Over - Carl Perkins

Gone Gone Gone - Carl Perkins

I Hear You Knockin' - Dave Edmunds

I'm Ready - Fats Domino

Johnny B Goode - Chuck Berry

Marie Marie - The Blasters

No Trespassing - The Ventures

Perfidia - The Ventures

Promised Land - Dave Edmunds

Race with the Devil - Gene Vincent

Rawhide - Link Wray

Sixteen Tons - Tennessee Ernie Ford

Sleepwalk - Santo & Johnny

Singing the Blues - Marty Robbins

Vaya Con Dios - Les Paul & Mary Ford

White Lightning (original) - Big Bopper

Wild Side of Life - Jerry Lee Lewis


Those Bad Old Days Are Still with Us - IPS

Police Can't Raid Our Dreams - IPS

Romney vs. Santorum? | The Weekly Standard

Obamacare vs. the Catholics | The Weekly Standard


+The Founding Fathers’ Guide to the Constitution


The Online Books Page: Search(


Obama: "I Deserve A Second Term" | RealClearPolitics

Again, Why Not Santorum? - Quin Hillyer - National Review Online

Santorum’s Last Stand - Katrina Trinko - National Review Online

Newt’s Plan, Mitt’s Morass - Deroy Murdock - National Review Online

Reforming Legal Immigration - Mark Krikorian - National Review Online

+Alzheimer's test shows who is at risk: take the quiz now - Telegraph

Silver bullet for cancer: Metal can kill some tumours better than chemotherapy with fewer side effects | Mail Online

How Grief Can Break Your Heart by Joseph Mercola

(links)The 10th Amendment Nullification Movement by Michael Boldin

Facebook and Fake Names by Bill Rounds

You Will Never Kill Piracy, and Piracy Will Never Kill You - Forbes

Suppose by Laurence M. Vance

The Path to Peace by Ron Paul

+Magnitude 5 Earthquake Strikes Near Iran’s Bushehr Nuke Plant | World | RIA Novosti

Fars News Agency :: Ahmadinejad: Iran's Scientific Progress to Serve Human Society

PressTV - 'US wages wars to avoid dollar collapse'

U.S. drones targeting rescuers and mourners -

Guest Post: The State of US Surveillance | ZeroHedge

See No Evil: A Strange Absolution of Obama’s Warmongering


**DRCNet Online Library of Drug Policy(


Drug War Facts(

Marijuana Policy Project -


America's Survival(


Vice President Rubio? Not so fast

Obama polishes his halo

Vote? Who? Me?

Waging war on the trifecta of tyranny

An Arab summer

California's troubled green future

Politicians sell out tea party

Vandalism? Not me!

LARRY KLAYMAN: American leaders bribed, again?

Gingrich: An operator, not an innovator

Bolton: U.S. ‘running up the white flag’ to Taliban

Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate Israel

PayPal, American Express implicated in bank fraud

Benefit of red wine chemical gets 2nd look - Health - CBC News

The new Christian abolition movement – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

OhGizmo! » Archive » We Are Now Able To Harvest Electricity From Cockroaches


+20 pg./The Journey from Gold Mountain: The Asian American Experience


BBC NEWS | Americas | Missing for 50 years - US nuclear bomb

A Nuclear Needle in a Haystack: The Cold War's Missing Atom Bombs - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Archive | July 12, 1999 | FDR's court-packing fiasco

MW - How Many Golf Balls on the Moon?

Press Man: Why They Wept for Hitchens « Commentary Magazine

'Simplifying the Soul' by Paula Huston: Book review -

John Kass: Obama the fundamentalist was giving the Republicans some h-e-double-hockey sticks -

Fake Rabbi Showdown | Culture | Religion Dispatches

Generic Evangelicalism | Books and Culture

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: Komen's abortion ties now more clear than ever - News with a Christian Perspective

Philip Jenkins: What To Do About Violent Biblical Texts?

Is This the End of Wall Street As They Knew It? -- New York Magazine

Things Are Not O.K. -

RealClearMarkets - Why Can't Mainstream Media Connect the Economic Dots?

People now see it is a system for the rich only -

Commentary: U.S. should reduce reliance on foreign oil to power truck and fleet-vehicle markets -

Are Gas Prices the New GOP Attack on Obama? - Shane Goldmacher -

To drill or not: We should, but we won't |

The Unfounded Fear of the 'Peak Oil' Monster - Energy Intelligence (

Keystone pipeline lobbied on by nearly everyone - Bob King -

The solar power compromise: Sacrificing desert to save the Earth -

Yucca Mountain Groundhog Day - Opinion -

Over 3 years later, "deleted" Facebook photos are still online

Virtual reality contact lenses that beam images directly into your eyes could be on sale in 2014 | Mail Online

Women to Facebook: Stop banning our breast-feeding pics | Technically Incorrect - CNET News

Facebook’s Mobility Challenge -

Google restores banned travel website

New Digital Spam: How Bad Guys Try to Trick You; How to Avoid the Traps | PCWorld

Senate: Bigger US role in corporate cybersecurity - Technology & science - Security -

AT&T Starts Throttling Unlimited Data Users after 2GB of Monthly Usage - Mac Rumors

Truth, lies and Afghanistan - February 2012 - Armed Forces Journal - Military Strategy, Global Defense Strategy

Russia and China Challenge the West on Syria: What Implications for Iran? | Global Spin |

The decline of the West revisited | European Voice

Alwaleed bin Talal: The Lesson of the Arab Spring -

When the moderates are radicals, you’... JPost - Opinion - Op-Eds

The Media’s Blinders on Abortion -

RealClearPolitics - The Future of the World Economy

RealClearPolitics - Box-Checking Obama in a Liberal Cocoon

Team Obama Shows Dangerous Penchant for Hubris: Albert R. Hunt - Bloomberg

CURL: Obama's made-up jobless numbers - Washington Times

Michael Tomasky on the GOP’s Economic Sabotage - The Daily Beast

Kathleen Sebelius: Contraception rule respects religion –

For Ron Paul, a Distinctive Worldview of Long Standing -

Page Not Found | Washington Examiner

Ayaan Hirsi Ali:The Global War on Christians in the Muslim World - The Daily Beast

Is Keith Olbermann the Last Hope for Gore's Current TV? - The Daily Beast

Editorial: Contraception mandate violates religious freedom –

The real source of American prosperity -

It’s Not  (Only) the Economy . . . and We’re Not Stupid | The Weekly Standard

A good week for Planned Parenthood -

PressTV - 'West uses UN as cover to wage wars'

Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Gould-Werritty: the Continuing Cover-Up

Is new form of pesticide to blame for catastrophic decline in honey bees? | Mail Online

Super Bowl Sunday and the Material, Kabala Girl. Smoking Mirrors

Ten-year-old discovers 'new molecule' while tinkering with educational model | Mail Online

Mystery High-Frequency Radio Waves’ in United Kingdom Cause Remote Car Locks to Malfunction :

Scientists say sugar is as toxic as alcohol - and there should be a drinking age for soda

Newt Gingrich, Lesbian Shocker? UPDATE : NO QUARTER

Cambridgeshire villagers near Army barracks locked out of cars 'by mystery high-frequency radio waves' | Mail Online

Sanctions in Gallop 9/11 lawsuit send a message: seek justice at your own risk « Truth and Shadows

Anesthesia may produce ADHD and Brain Damage

Cocoa from dark chocolate lowers risk from colon cancer


The Katherine Albrecht Show 02-04-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 02-04-12 Hr 2

World Crisis Radio 02-04-12 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 02-04-12 Hr 2


Ron Paul "I Don't See A Lot Of Difference Among Our Other Candidates Or Between The Two Parties" - YouTube

Jesse Benton on FOX News 02/04/12 - YouTube

Missiles & warships in London: UK gears up for Olympics or war? - YouTube

Keiser Report: The Vaporized & The Deleted (E245) - YouTube

Ron Paul Warns Of Federal Reserve Power Grab

The January Jobs Are Statistical Artifacts

Bill Gates Pours Millions Into Geoengineering

Cybercrime in Realityspace

Prison » Senate To Vote On Bill That Could Kick TSA Out Of Airports

Ron Paul: Focus On Delegates, Not ‘Must-Win’ States - Washington Wire - WSJ


» Newt Gingrich the Skunk Vomit NeoCon Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


33 MIN./The REAL Newt Gingrich - YouTube


» Arab League report leaked: slaughter in Syria is work of ‘foreign-backed subversives’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Egypt to prosecute Americans in NGO probe - The Washington Post

Activists Fight Green Projects, Seeing U.N. Plot -

» War of nerves: Iran’s warships arrive in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» A continuum of infinitely lived agents normalized to one Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Food Stamp Fraud Targeted As Election Season Brings Criticism

» Real Planned Parenthood scandal is Komen’s mammograms cause breast cancer Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Citizens United catastrophe - The Washington Post

The Associated Press: Arpaio office lawyers to meet with DOJ

» Obama’s DOJ Making it Harder for Military Families to Sue for Medical Malpractice Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fiscal Hawk Blocks Federal Aid for 9/11 Memorial Museum - Fox News

VIDEO:Prison » The TSA’s “Wiener Police”: Alex Jones Sunday Edition

VIDEO:Prison » The Inner Workings of Secret Societies with Fritz Springmeier

Justice Ginsburg causes storm dissing the Constitution while abroad

Prison » ACTA: The Corporate Usurpation of the Internet

PressTV - US-made bomb killed Iran expert: Report

Prison » “Iran will never be the initiator of any war”: commander

Prison » Congress Welcomes Drones Into American Skies ASAP

FDA is GMO Friendly Under Monsanto's Michael Taylor: Infowars Nighlty News - YouTube

Prison » Veterans, active duty to support Ron Paul with march on White House

Prison » Susan G. Komen and Planned Parenthood: The Bigger Story

The singularity: Mind-blowing benefits of merging human brains and computers | Mail Online

Prison » Is Obama’s Peace Prize About To Be Confiscated? Nobel Peace Prize Jury Under Investigation

Guardian Scolds Wall Street Journal For Climate Junk By Writing Its Own

The Komen fiasco: How to drive Planned Parenthood out of the abortion business. - Slate Magazine

Isotopes hint at North Korean nuclear test : Nature News & Comment

Activists Fight Green Projects, Seeing U.N. Plot -

Piltdown Man: British archaeology's greatest hoax | Robin McKie | Science | The Observer

Neglected tropical diseases: Hot tropic | The Economist

The giant that perished | ScienceNordic

In the Eye of the Creationist Storm - ScienceInsider

It’s Enough to Literally Make Your Head Explode - Reason Magazine

Why Do We Philosophize? - Blog

A battle of the vampires, 20 million years ago? | News & Research Communications | Oregon State University

Vetmeduni Vienna : Parasites or not? Transposable elements in fruit flies

Hearing metaphors activates sensory brain regions | Emory University | Atlanta, GA

Scientists Chart High-Precision Map of Milky Way's Magnetic Fields - U.S. Naval Research Laboratory

Chicago Preparing For Protests At G8 And NATO Summits

Bloomberg: You'd Think A Congresswoman Getting Shot In The Head Would Change Gun Control Views

Dana Loesch Pimps Discredited Pro-Life 'Sting' Of Planned Parenthood

If Obama Administration is 'At War' with the Catholic Church, So Are Most American Catholics

Komen Backlash Shows Conservative War on Women 'A Bridge Too Far'

No More Mister Nice Blog:ZERO UPLIFT MAN

Meet The Press Panel Continues 'Obama Hates Religious Liberty' Meme Over Contraception

McCain: Romney's 'Self-Deportation' Scheme Is Inhumane

Blue America Live Chat With Cecil Bothwell Tuesday

Matthew Dowd Calls Komen Backlash 'Corrupt, Poisonous Part of Democracy'

Santorum Suggests Abortion Causes Breast Cancer

Fareed Zakaria Wants Mitt to Know it's a Whole New World Out There

GOP Debates Exposing Conservative Dislike of Romney, Not So For '08 Dem Field

Ron Paul Fan At Gingrich Rally Now Suing For Assault

The Grey Matter: Another Romney Campaign Fail

The Impolitic: Rooting for Newt



*The Overthrow Of The American Republic - Part 54 US - Russian Great Secrets


Sherman Skolnick's Report(


The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America - YouTube

Activist Post: 25 Reports That Can Put You on the Terror Watch List

Activist Post: The Push Toward a Snitch Culture: New App Enables "fast, discrete, and intelligent" Anonymous Crime Reporting

M.I.A Flips off camera in super bowl half time show - YouTube

The Economics of Incarceration -

Monsanto Declared Worst Company of 2011 | Natural Society

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : "The Growing Cyber Threat & The Latest Attacks Launched By Anonymous"

Google, Facebook remove content on India’s order - 12160

'Deleted' Facebook photos are online up to three years later - and the company STILL won't fix the fault in its systems | Mail Online

'Lost World' reached: 20 million yr old Antarctic lake 'drilled' — RT

Soros: Obama, Romney 'Not Much Difference'

Do you encourage kids to embrace failure? - Your Community

poorrichard's blog: Democracy, Utopia or Opiate?

Support Police. Beat Yourself Up, Top Department of Justice Officials Connected To Big Mortgage Banks

Leaking & Damaged Nuclear Power Plants In The U.S. 1/2 - YouTube

The State of US Surveillance -

Not If, But When

A Tale of Two Republican Parties

Diabolical American Propaganda Storm Fogs Republic as 2012 Race Ticks Down

Santorum and St. Thomas Versus the Catholic Bishops

Debbie Schlussel:Best Supe Ad & A Word About Clint Eastwood’s Chrysler/Detroit Fraud

Debbie Schlussel:Super Duper Super Bowl Waste: DHS/ICE Spend Millions Keeping You Safe From “Terrorist Threat” of T-Shirts

Move Russia's 2018 World Cup to save Syria's innocents

Don't Waste Your Breath

Is there a Southern movement?

Conservatives, think past election day!

‘Debunked!’: Video Evidence Raises Doubt About Rush Limbaugh Nose-Picking During Super Bowl

Teamwork: AFL-CIO Union Plans Occupation of Conservative CPAC Conference

M.I.A. Obscene Hand Gesture Caught on Tape During Super Bowl Halftime Show

Ford Tells Chevy to Pull This Apocalyptic Super Bowl Ad

Confused? Sharpton Uses ‘Separation of Church and State’ to Defend Contraception Mandate

Exclusive: ‘Vampire’ Author Anne Rice Explains Why She Abandoned Catholicism & the Bible

Google India Removes Websites Deemed Offensive By the Gov’t

Insurgency in America? Upcoming GBTV Report on Mexico Border Will Show Horrific Violence and Instability

Watch Michael Bloomberg: ‘You’d Think That if a Congresswoman Got Shot in the Head‘ it Would Change Congress’ Views on Gun Control

Watch Fareed Zakaria Defends Romney on ‘Very Poor’ Comment: ‘The Guy Can’t Get a Break’

Watch Atheists Trying to Get ‘Bible Man’ Banned From AL Public School Assemblies

Why Is Earth Getting 50,000 Tonnes Lighter Each Year?

The Facebook Photos You Deleted Years Ago Could Still Exist…and Facebook Knows It

Watch ‘This Is What Flailing Looks Like’: Watch Fox Panel Rip Gingrich’s Nevada Speech

Speculation Fever Raises Administration Anxiety Over…Will Israel Strike Iran or Not?

Report: Iranian Agency Bans Simpsons Cartoon Dolls to Fight Western Cultural Influence

Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate Israel

Libyan militia accused of torturing to death ambassador to France - Telegraph

CURL: Obama's made-up jobless numbers - Washington Times

London 2012: 'Shoebomb' terrorist Saajid Badat to be released on opening day of Olympic Games | Mail Online

EDITORIAL: Obama's bogus jobs data - Washington Times

Egypt To Prosecute 44 Workers, Including 19 Americans, After Raids On Rights Groups | Fox News

Lawmaker Wants Ban On Taxpayer-funded Ad Campaigns Against Sodas, Junk Food | Fox News

My Way News - Army orders court-martial in WikiLeaks case

Gingrich’s Deep Ties to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -

Americans Are Better Than Who Obama Thinks We Are

The Civil Rights Movement's Wrong Turn

Santorum the 'Good Son'? Not So Much.

Health Care: The Straw That Should Break Newtmania's Back

America after Obama

Will Obama Cave to BP to Avoid Trial?

Obama signs order to impose more economic sanctions on Iran

Is the Homs massacre a sign that Assad is nearing his end?

Border Patrol Overtime is Taxpayers' Bargain

The fruits of Obama's 'engagement policy' told in 4 headlines

Reagan 101

President Obama has a very serious short-term memory problem

Health Reform via Super Bowl

Israel strengthens nuclear deterrent against Iran with fleet of German subs

A Real Person for President

Hezb'allah's Missiles

The Tobin Tax: Stealing from Not Just the Rich

Harvard's Middle East Outreach Center: Propaganda for Teachers

A World Tax? Keep Your Eyes on the Internet

The Left's Genocide of Minorities

America's One True Religion

The Fatal Backward Step: Penn State's Public Relations Catastrophe

We're All Nonprofit Now

Henry Kissinger: "If You Can't Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf"

DHS Report Compares Terrorism To “Ordinary Crime,” Omits Islamists | Judicial Watch

Fears for Antarctic 'alien' lake scientists | The Courier-Mail

9,000 year old Caucasian mummy found in Nevada - YouTube

Ancient walled city, older than Egypt's pyramids, unearthed off Georgia coast - Atlanta Road Trip Travel |

How TV Affects the Brains of Young Children (video)

Rubio Leads Catholics Outraged About Obama Birth-Control Rule

Giuliani Still Won't Endorse Romney, Changed on 'Virtually Everything'

De Borchgrave: Obama’s Asia Pivot Likely to be Pirouette

Reagan's 101st: Heritage Collects Messages for The Gipper

Chicago College Offers Class on Occupy Movement

Schoen & Blakeman: Gingrich Must Reorganize

Hacking Is Way of Life at Facebook

Senate Bill Presses Role Against Companies' Cyber Threats

Santorum Only GOP Candidate Beating Obama, Rasmussen Daily Poll Finds

Rapper Who Gave 'Finger' To Super Bowl Viewers Had Graphic Video Pulled By YouTube; Depicted U.S. Soldiers Shooting Civilians, Crack-Smoking, Nudity

Conservative Counter-Protesters: 'We're Not Going To Be Intimidated' By Occupy D.C. Rowdies

Republicans Can't Run a Caucus

Media Unrelenting In Their Efforts To Cover For Obama, Blame GOP Challengers

Mauling the Military

Obama: 'I Deserve A Second Term'

GOP (Finally) Ends Nevada Vote Count; Romney Takes 50%

U.S. Seeks New Alliance Outside U.N. to Hasten Departure of Syrian Leader

Ambassador: US 'Disgusted' by Russian, Chinese Veto of UN Resolution on Syria

Obama: US has 'very good' intelligence on Iran

Rohrabacher Wants Immediate End to Forced Birth Control Coverage, Rest of Obamacare

Matthews Dismisses Mitchell's Defense of Bush 41 Over Scanner Non-Gaffe

Obama Bemoans Wife Being Dragged Into Politics

Obama Re-Election Could Alter Stance of Federal Appeals Courts, Supreme Court

Komen Drops Plans to Cut Planned Parenthood Grants

Few answers in death of sons of missing Utah mom

American Fried Chicken Comes to Palestinian Territories

Queen celebrates 60 years on throne

Palestinians move toward end of political rift

HBO Movie Shows Sarah Palin on Verge of a Nervous Breakdown

Rachel Maddow Falsely Claims Santorum Wants States to be Able to Ban Contraception |

The Growing Iranian Military Behemoth?

U.S. Leak on Israeli Attack Weakened a Warning to Netanyahu

Cynicism Around Syria

Exposed: The Arab Agenda in Syria

Newt Gingrich Suggests Obama Is A Muslim-Appeasing Traitor

Muslim: Quip Led to Terror Probe

A War Anniversary that U.S. Wishes to Forget

Laws For Thee, But Not For Me: 'I'll Bet You $10,000' Romney Says He Opposes Online Gambling - informationliberation

Space Rock of Love: Asteroid Eros Attracts Skywatchers in Earth Flyby | Asteroid 433 Eros Earth Flyby & Asteroid Eros Photos | Asteroids & Comets, NASA NEAR Shoemaker Mission |

Matt Ridley on Early Humans Leaving Africa | Mind & Matter -

World's Smallest Woman Jyoti Amge Goes Big With Right Wing Party In India

An incredible, time-lapse vision of fireflies in the wild

FINAL EVENTS: UFOs, Demons and the Government: UFOs & Ouija

My Way News - Norway mass killer demands medal at court hearing

Madonna Super Bowl halftime show 2012: Singer suffers only a small slip up | Mail Online

Burglars Torture Man With Red-Hot Spoon, Steal Van Used For Disabled Son « CBS Chicago

News from The Associated Press

Biden Admits Government Subsidies Have Increased College Tuition | RealClearPolitics

Mexican vote may determine future of drug war - Washington Times

JFK’s teen mistress in explosive new tell-all -

60’s Drug And Sex Columnist ‘Dr. Hip’ Expecting Child At 77 « CBS San Francisco


This Day In History February 6th 1911 Ronald Reagan Was Born - YouTube


**NEWS VIDEOS:Atlanta Street Gang Videotaped Brutal Hate Crime

Obama: I’m Getting Better At This

Gisele Bad-Mouths Patriots Receivers After Husband Brady’s Super Bowl Loss

Pelosi On Unemployment Benefits Extension: I’d Rather Not Pay For It

Exclusive: ‘Fast & Furious’ Expert Destroys Bashir’s Charge Investigations Are ‘Witch Hunt’

Angry Parents Protest LA Elementary School Over Horrific Abuse Scandal

Syria Burns As US Closes Embassy

Dem Congressman: I Make Sure Peter King ‘Doesn’t Single Out Muslims’

Happy Birthday, Mr. President

Dem Senator: Newt Certifiable ‘Kook’

Dem Congressman: Fox News ‘Enemy,’ GOP ‘Terrible People’

Will, Loesch Smack Down Huffington On ABC’s ‘This Week’

Arianna: Americans Don’t Want A Strong Military

Super Bowl Ad: Man’s Best Friend

NAACP’s Ben Jealous: Florida Gov Wants To Suppress ‘Darky’ Vote

5th/Exclusive: Breitbart Has Dinner With Bill Ayers

+NY Giants Win Super Bowl

Flipping America The Bird

Super Bowl Ad: Broderick Stars In Honda’s Homage To ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’

Super Bowl Ad: ‘Star Wars’ Theme Performed By Canine Choir

Super Bowl Ad: Acura Brings Out Seinfeld’s Soup Nazi

Super Bowl Ad: Coca-Cola Polar Bears Play FootCoke On Ice

Super Bowl Half Time: Madonna High Heel Malfunction

Super Bowl Ad: Critters Hitch Joy Ride On Chevy Sonic

Super Bowl Ad: Shopper’s Inner Confidence Comes Out

Super Bowl Ad: Doritos Grandma Uses Baby As Sling Shot

Super Bowl Ad: Groom Confides Cold Feet To Talking E*Trade Baby

Super Bowl Ad: It’s Halftime In America

Newt Hammers NBC News’ Gregory For Parroting Obama Talking Points

Maddow’s Contraception Fear-Mongering Featured On NBC’s ‘Meet The Press’

CNN Calls Romney ‘Governor Mormon’

3rd/Supreme Court Justice To Egypt: South Africa’s Constitution Better Model Than U. S.

Planned Parenthood To The Rescue: New Ad Defends Obama’s Forced Contraception Edict


Minimum Wage in Southern Africa Results in Apartheid, Blood Diamonds, War

Mexico Party Nominates First Major Female Presidential Candidate

Obama On The End of Iraq War: No Ticker Tape Parades, But Dinner With Me?!

Euro Crisis: The Selfishness Of Welfare Economics

Obama Counters Panetta: ‘I Don’t Think Israel Has Made a Decision’ to Strike Iran

New Craze in Germany: Animal Brothels

Iranian Organization Helped Organize Communist Protests in U.S.

Army Bans Catholic Chaplains from Reading Letter Critical of Obama Policy

Should the United Nations Have the Power to Impose Global Taxes?

Crooks And Liars Repeats Lie About Live Action Investigation

Monday Morning Crib Sheet: Bill Maher Turns On OWS, Daily Kos Bullies Food Pantry

The New York Times Runs Fast and Furious Defense for Holder

New Republic Article Slams Romney’s Wealth, Ignores Dems’ Millions

Chronicling MSM’s Coverage Of Holder’s Fast and Furious Testimony

NewsBusted: Would Reagan Be a Democrat Today?

Remembering Ronnie: Reagan At 101

Big Labor Bosses Demonstrate Why Right-to-Work Is Necessary

The Internet Bureau of Over-Regulation and Crony Socialism

Audio: The DOJ and IRS Have Declared War on Swiss Banks

Facebook: The Aftermarket Economy

Minnesota Lawmakers Take on Teacher Seniority, Lefty Media Yawns

L.A. Teacher Accused of Molesting 23 Children to Keep Lifetime Health Benefits; Not His First Investigation

Trump: How About Letting Us Make Our Own Choices?

Fast and Furious: Rep. Burton to Holder, ‘There Are Things You Don’t Want Us to See’

‘Hope’ for a ‘Change’ Need Not Be Abandoned.

Sundays with Sherrod: Planned Parenthood Pep Talk

U.S. Park Service Moves in Against Occupy D.C. Encampment at McPherson Square

WTO Says China Illegally Restricting Export of Metals

Cartoon:3rd Time’s the Charm.

Daily Call Sheet: Harrison Ford in ‘Blade Runner 2? Redbox Streams! ‘Game Of Thrones’ Deal

+On Reagan’s Birthday, Let’s Remember the Gipper’s Film Career – Part 1

Eastwood’s Chrysler Super Bowl Ad a Nod to Obama?

Which Celebrity Had the Best Super Bowl Ad?

Super Bowl Trailer Round Up: Big Money, Big Trailers for ‘Act of Valor,’ ‘Battleship,’ ‘John Carter,’ More…

Consequences Rule: GOP Lets Hollywood Twist in the Wind on SOPA

Rapper M.I.A. Flips 100 Million Americans the Bird During Super Bowl Halftime Show

Madonna Delivers Shock-Free Halftime Show

‘Chronicle’ Review: Found Footage Cinema Grows Up

‘SNL’ Roasts Gingrich Over Moon Colony Plans

‘Super Bowl XLVI’ Earns 47.8 Overnight Rating; 3rd Highest Super Bowl Overnight Ever - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers

BD Horror News - RIP Bill Hinzman

‘Atlas Shrugged’ Sequel Will Officially Hunt Down John Galt | Film School Rejects

Republican Gingrich suggests 'covert' Syria action


6-Feb-12 World View

5-Feb-12 World View


Study: Child abuse bigger threat than SIDS

Sexually transmitted disease rates rise among elderly: Why?

4 dead in fiery wrong-way crash: 'Worst thing you ever could imagine'

Gov. Quinn signs bill to allow speed cameras near schools, parks

Romney campaign criticizes Santorum on health care claims

Santorum campaign says it has more signatures for Indiana ballot

With economy improving, Obama would beat Romney: poll

Vice President Joe Biden touts college affordability plan in Tallahassee

Tax reform in this election year: It's not likely

Rick Santorum's grace - and lack of it

Rick Santorum: We'll do 'exceptionally well' in Missouri

Why Mitt Romney should open up on Mormonism

Ron Paul says unemployment numbers don't tell the whole truth

Obama: Super PACs mean negative ads will have a place in the 2012 campaign

Romney looks more like front-runner headed into Feb. 7 primaries

No matter who wins Republican nomination, Colorado will be competitive in the fall campaign - The Washington Post

Few Answers in Death of Sons of Missing Utah Mom - YouTube

Husband Of Missing Washington Mom Kills Sons, Self; Kids 'verbalized' About Mom In Car Trunk | Fox News

Queen Elizabeth II celebrates 60 years on throne (+video)

US closes Damascus embassy over security fears - YouTube

Will Ron Paul be last rival standing to Mitt Romney?

UVA Lacrosse Murder Trial: George Huguely Pleads Not Guilty

When Richard Holbrooke Met Malcolm X

Man Who Claimed Dallas Home for $16 Told to Leave

What Is It Like To Own A Nest Thermometer?

Obama on presidency: 'You get better as time goes on'

Former White House intern Mimi Alford reveals details of Kennedy affair

Ronald Reagan and More Actors-Turned-Politicians

Powerful Pennsylvania lawmaker found guilty of corruption

Landfill search begins for body of Jhessye Shockley, missing 5-year-old Ariz. girl

What The Mortgage Relief Plan Would Do For Homeowners

Facebook may be readying mobile ads

Court defers Facebook, Google case till March 1- NewsX - YouTube

Atlantis "grid" disappears from Google Maps

Does Facebook really embody “The Hacker Way”? Famous hackers discuss

Google Unveils “Solve For X,” A Secret Project To Solve The World's Biggest Problems | Fox News

Google unveils 'Solve for X' website, hints at TED-like think tank | The Verge

"Alien" matter beyond solar system spotted by NASA probe

5 bright spots in moonlit night

The Full Snow Moon comes Tuesday, and see the far side... - Capital Weather Gang - The Washington Post

NBC, NFL apologize for MIA rude gesture at Super Bowl

Video of M.I.A's Obscene Halftime Gesture - YouTube

The 2012 Super Bowl ads

Super Bowl 2012: Clarkson sings national anthem

Eastwood 'Halftime' Super Bowl ad for Chrysler scores tops with users

Glenn Close's Daughter Partied With Demi Moore Prior to 911 Call

Brad Pitt: Wife Angelina Jolie is 'still a bad girl ... delightfully so'

*6 Feb.

American Minute for February 6th

February 6th in History

February 6 Events in History

February 6th This Day in History

This Day in History for 6th February |

Today in History: February 6

Today in History: February 6

Today in History for Feb. 6 - YouTube


Alex Jones - 2012-Feb-05, Sunday

Alex Jones - 2012-Feb-03, Friday

Alex Jones - 2012-Feb-02, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2012-Feb-01, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jan-31, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jan-30, Monday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jan-29, Sunday

02/03 The Mark Levin Show

02/02 The Mark Levin Show

02/01 The Mark Levin Show

01/31 The Mark Levin Show

01/30 The Mark Levin Show

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 6

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 3

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 2

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 1

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 31

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 30

The Manning Report – 3 February 2012

The Manning Report – 2 February 2012

The Manning Report – 1 February 2012

The Manning Report – 31 January 2012

The Manning Report – 30 January 2012

Feb. 3, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Feb. 2, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Feb. 1, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Jan. 31, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Jan. 31, 2012 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show

Jan. 30, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, February, 03, 2012

Live Free Or Die Radio - Thursday, February, 02, 2012

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, February, 01, 2012

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, January, 30, 2012

Kevin Trudeau Show 3

Kevin Trudeau Show 3

Kevin Trudeau Show 2

Kevin Trudeau Show 1

Kevin Trudeau Show 31

Kevin Trudeau Show 30

David Duke Show With David Duke 6

David Duke Show With David Duke 3

David Duke Show With David Duke 2

David Duke Show With David Duke 1

David Duke Show With David Duke 31

David Duke Show With David Duke 30

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 3

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 2

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 1

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 31

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 30

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 3 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 3 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 31 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 31 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 30 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 30 2

Paul Drockton Show 1st

Paul Drockton Show 1st 2

Paul Drockton Show 31st 1

Paul Drockton Show 31st 2

Paul Drockton Show 30th 1

Paul Drockton Show 30th 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 01-30-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 01-30-12 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 01-31-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 01-31-12 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 02-01-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 02-01-12 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 02-02-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 02-02-12 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 02-03-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 02-03-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 01-29-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 01-29-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 01-29-12 Hr 3

Redding News Review 01-30-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 01-30-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 01-30-12 Hr 3

Redding News Review 01-31-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 01-31-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 01-31-12 Hr 3

Redding News Review 02-01-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 02-01-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 02-01-12 Hr 3

Redding News Review 02-02-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 02-02-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 02-02-12 Hr 3

Redding News Review 02-03-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 02-03-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 02-03-12 Hr 3

Redding News Review 02-05-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 02-05-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 02-05-12 Hr 3


**Phenomenon zecharia sitchkin The Lost Archives / Genesis Revisited - YouTube

The Moon Is Hollow: How Come? | Before It's News

The Case For Alien Control Of Earth | Before It's News

David Icke - The Reptilians and the Moon - YouTube

The Butterfly Effect In Nanotech Medical Diagnostics | Before It's News

Grading The Online Dating Industry: New Scientific Report Finds Some Positives, Many Areas for Improvement | Before It's News

Your Last 26 Days Of Life... Half Past Human | Before It's News

+4 PART:Regaining Independent Thought & Reshaping Reality – Max Igan

Illuminati Super Bowl Half Time Show Symbolism Explained – Madonna, Nicki Minaj, M.I.A |

Illuminati Super Bowl Half Time Show Symbolism Explained - Madonna, Nicki Minaj, M.I.A - YouTube

War on Iran Propaganda: The Lord High Almighty Pooh-Bah of Threats – William Blum |

GMO foods alter organ function - YouTube


Blockbuster Revelation- mini-documentary


+promo:Brinno PeepHole Viewer PHV1325


**Cooking and Recipes


Chile's Past, Present, And Future
Abdelali: Gaddafi Son Will Face Trial
Putin Rally Organizers Fined Over Crowd Numbers
Israel May Bomb Iran, Leaked Story Says
Clinton: Vetoed U.N. Syria Resolution 'Travesty'
Obama: U.S., Israel Will Work Against Iran Nukes
Susan Rice On Americans In Egypt, Syria Sanctions
Former Dictator Noriega Hospitalized
Lahore Factory Collapse Kills Three
Abbas To Head Unified Palestinian Government
Deadly Quake Strikes Philippines Island
Syrian Refugees In Jordan
The Arab Spring Turns One Year Old: What Next?
Khamenei: Iran To Aid Anyone Confronting Israel


Obama: People Want To Be Told "How Are You Going To Help Me Right Now?"
AfP Ad Celebrates Reagan Birthday While Dinging Obama
Trump On Romney's Win In Nevada: "I Will Accept That Credit"
Chuck Todd: Romney "Whiny" About Giving Obama Credit For Economy
Obama On Being President: "You Get Better As Time Goes On"


Obama: "I Deserve A Second Term"
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On The Catholic Church And The WH
Ron Paul: "Intellectual Revolution Going On With Young People"
Hoekstra Runs Controversial Ad With Chinese Girl Against Dem Sen. Stabenow
Newt Gingrich: Romney's Policies Are "Timid" And Like Obama's
"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Contraception, GOP Nomination Fight
Rachel Maddow: "Republican Party Is Waging War On Contraception"
Rick Santorum: "This Race Is A Long, Long Way From Being Over"
George Will: Romney Is The "Inevitable Nominee," Race "Is Over"
"This Week" Roundtable On Romney, Komen And Culture Wars
Singer MIA Flips Middle Finger At Super Bowl Halftime Show
Armey: Gingrich Has Made A "Second-Rate Campaign" Into "First-Rate Vendetta"
Presser: Gingrich Continues Vow To Campaign Until The Convention
Romney In Nevada: Obama Should "Be Apologizing To America"
Coulter Asks Tea Party To "Wrap It Up" For "Sake Of Beating Obama"
Chris Matthews: "I Speak For The Media; The Left, Right And Center"
CNN's John King Calls Mitt Romney "Governor Mormon"

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