A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

21 February 2012

21 FEB.'12


Black History


The Michael Savage Show Podcast 20


**Playlist: Grateful Dead


What Happens In Your Body When You Eat Processed Foods | Natural Society

Video: The Questions They Won't Let You Ask (Judge Napolitano In the 5 Minute Speech That Got Him Fired)


*Ron Paul Leaks His Choice for Vice President!!! - YouTube


Andrew Napolitano at FFF Conference, Part 1 of 4 - YouTube

Andrew Napolitano at FFF Conference, Part 2 of 4 - YouTube

Andrew Napolitano at FFF Conference, Part 3 of 4 - YouTube

Andrew Napolitano at FFF Conference, Part 4 of 4 - YouTube


Palestinians Foil Settlers Attack On Al-Aqsa Mosque Saed Bannoura

Why did Henry Makow CRASH and BURN… so dramatically?! | Henry Makow Watch

Has Romney Super Pac Violated Romney-CPAC Deal Over Attack Ads? | Sinclair News – LS News Group

What Will You Do Under a Second Obama Presidency?

Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran

Indiana next state for Obama eligibility protest

Lawmakers Move to Ban Bisphenol A BPA in Receipts | Natural Society

Full Disclosure Network® "the news behind the news": Breaking News: Lawsuit Charges L.A. County Supervisors Violated Brown Act

Statue of Liberty next on hit list?

Deadline Tuesday: Tell the EPA to reject the pesticide that's killing bees

Heavy Metals Lurking in Common Organic Foods, Baby Formulas | Natural Society

Corporatocracy: Ron Paul says US ‘slipping into fascism’ — RT

Huckabee: GOP would 'go further' ... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

Obama: Soldiers in Afghanistan Must Be Fired Upon to Receive Combat Pay

US officials: Israeli attack on Iran requires 100 planes - Israel News, Ynetnews

US Admits Israel is Arming, Funding and Training Terrorist Groups in Iran

Oil price hits eight-month high | Business | The Guardian

Germany bows to global pressure and signals Greek rescue deal - Telegraph

Iran nuclear weapons: Why can't they have the bomb? | Mail Online

Event Horizon Chronicle: If You Think It`s Crazy Now, You Just Wait ...

Event Horizon Chronicle: Minot Manifesto

Iran holds anti-aircraft exercises as nuclear inspectors arrive - Telegraph

Video: Iran showcases its military power - Telegraph


Free Hollywood -


Republican presidential primary candidate Ron Paul in Boise 02/18/2012 | Local News Photos |

Are those drones over Boise? Yes. | Local News |

Chinese spoken at Meridian elementary school | Education |

How To Use the Internet in 'Stealth Mode' (The Key To Staying Private When Big Brother is Watching) by Kyle Gonzales

6 Reasons to Consider a 2nd Passport

The Aftershock Survival Summit - YouTube

The Insanity of USA and Israel + How to Stop WW3 - YouTube

poorrichard's blog: A Global Death Cult Started World War III On 9/11 To Depopulate Earth

The Excavator: America, Persia, And Israel Are Being Sacrificed For A One World Order

The Excavator: The Last World War of The Modern Age Is Upon Us

Gallup Finds Unemployment Climbing to Nine Percent in February |

Tasered woman now brain dead - Democratic Underground

Dominique Strauss-Kahn arrested by French police for 'complicity in pimping' | Mail Online

China sets up fund to bankroll takeovers | Business | DW.DE | 17.02.2012

Kyrie Eleison - Anti-War Music Video - YouTube

Activist Post: Obama fights to keep unconstitutional warrantless wiretapping powers

Millions of Pounds of Toxic Poison to Flood US Farmland -

Jewish extremists graffiti "Death to Christianity" on Jerusalem church | Al Akhbar English

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : RT: FBI Tries To Coax Muslim Into Bombing US Capitol (LOVE THIS WOMAN!)

Monsanto's GMO Corn Linked To Organ Failure, Study Reveals

World Of Technology: The Obama Album

Anti-Neocons - Jon Corzine CEO of MF Global is a Criminal

ah, mephistophelis.: Contest For Google's New Motto....


Purim 2012 Red Alert: Fun For Netanyahu Might Not Be Good For You | Video Rebel's Blog

CNN: Ron Paul Leads Super Tuesday - YouTube

Why are so many people endorsing Ron Paul for President 2012? - YouTube

Media Blackout As Military & Vets For Ron Paul Lead DC March On White House

Veterans for Ron Paul March on the White House (Incredible Footage) - YouTube

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 2/20/12: Defend America, Not the World - YouTube

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 2/20/12: Defend America, Not the World - 12160

800 People Turned Away from Massive Ron Paul Event in Vancouver WA! - YouTube

Assessor-Recorder Phil Ting Uncovers Widespread Mortgage Industry Irregularity - YouTube

USA Today Scrubs Headline: 'PayPal founder gives $1.7M to Ron Paul super PAC'

History of Iran & USA in 10 min, Every American must watch this!! - YouTube

Internet Freedom Fighters Build a Shadow Web: Scientific American

The Ron Paul Renaissance - YouTube

Veterans for Ron Paul: Tanner Kuth (Wounded in Action) - YouTube

Syrian Girl - Syria's Relationships With Turkey & Iraq - YouTube

Ron Paul: US is slipping into a fascist system - YouTube

'Iran is already a nuclear power' - YouTube

Deputy Who Killed Marine Identified - Camp Pendleton, CA Patch

WW3: All War is Based on Deception + Greece, Riots and Revolution! - YouTube

Next False Flag: FBI DNS Virus in March / WW3: The Push for War with Iran + Syria - YouTube

poorrichard's blog: Pat Buchanan avoids 9/11 truth, gets fired anyway


The Michael Savage Show Podcast 20

The Michael Savage Show Podcast 17

The Michael Savage Show Podcast 16

The Michael Savage Show Podcast 15

The Michael Savage Show Podcast 14

The Michael Savage Show Podcast 13


Lugar defends Indiana residency

Senator Lugar Addresses Residency - YouTube

Dem Donnelly campaigns on Lugar residency issue

Richard Mourdock criticizes Richard Lugar as 'out of touch'

Protestors gather at Emanuel's home to protest CPS plans

Chicago police horses to get shields for summits

ComEd chief Frank Clark retiring after blazing hard career path

Aurora police say missing woman sighting was unfounded

For Fat Tuesday, Chicagoans stock up on paczkis -

Ron Paul's tough new anti-Santorum ad: Will it work? (+video)

GOP debates: Too much of a good thing?

Affirmative action in college admissions goes back before Supreme Court

Hearing set for 2nd teacher accused in LA child abuse scandal

+Small earthquake rumbles near Illinois-Missouri border

Monitoring of Muslim students sparks outrage

Gingrich: Obama has 'anti-American' energy policy

Obama to Congress: 'Keep going'

Police charge man in machete robbery of Supreme Court Justice Breyer

Police find remains of Ohio girl missing since 1999 in accused rapist's home

5-year-old girl in attempted drowning is still on life support

Mardi Gras celebration rocks New Orleans with Fat Tuesday music, revelry and parades - The Washington Post

‘Super’ PAC supporting Republican hopeful Rick Santorum has returned $50,000 foreign donation - The Washington Post

Ahead in Polls, Santorum Says Global Warming Is Politics, Not Science - YouTube

Nato apologises for Afghan Koran 'burning'

Syrian violence rages despite truce calls - YouTube

Multilateral Group Meets Friday to Help Assad Opponents

Yemen vote ousts Saleh, but will new leader bring change?

Former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn questioned in prostitution case

Israel to free Palestinian hunger striker Khader Adnan

Afghan president: Pakistan crucial to peace talks

Robert Mugabe as 'fit as a fiddle' as he vows to hold elections this year

3 killed in Mexican prison riot

Italy steps up push to free marines held in India

Myanmar lifts rally ban after Suu Kyi's party complains

Russia 'Faces Orange Revolution Threat' After Polls

Germany Nominates Next President

As Tibet marks new year, self immolations mean there will be no celebrations

Santorum, Romney vie for the lead

Santorum challenges policy on prenatal testing

Gingrich backer willing to give $100M to benefit former House speaker

With election season in full swing, Obama to make 14th visit to Florida

Redistricting confusion plagues campaigns, parties

Ron Paul's money bomb exceeds $2 million goal

Daniels says he won't change his mind about running for president

Poll: Rubio, Rick, Christie top VP picks

Paul Hitting Jamestown, Bismarck on Campaign Swing

Alternative Mining Bill Proposed by WI Republican, Democrat

Mitt Romney's son to visit Tri-Cities today

State: Dates for some Mo. presidential caucuses changed

Santorum finds Steubenville support

LETTER: Paul has military background to help him as president

President Obama Reaches Out To NC College Students

FACT CHECK: Presidential candidates in Michigan squirm trying to explain auto bailout stances - NY Daily News

30 min./Newt Gingrich Speech on American Energy Feb 16 2012 - Excellent Speech - YouTube

33 min./Uncommon Knowledge Special Edition: Newt Gingrich - YouTube

Newt Gingrich in Cincinnati | Video Library |

*"America at Risk: Camus, National Security, and Afghanistan" - Newt Gingrich - YouTube


26 min./The Case Against Mitt Romney - YouTube

42 min./Greg Palast: Romney's Billionaire Vulture Paul Singer. - YouTube


37 min./America Is Waking Up! Ron Paul in Kansas City, Missouri - Union Station - YouTube

38 min./Veterans For Ron Paul - March on D.C. and the White House on President's Day 2012 - YouTube

55 min./Troops & Veterans for Ron Paul March on White House , Presidents Day 2012( HD) - YouTube

39 min./Ron Paul in Moscow, ID. February 17, 2012.wmv - YouTube

53 min./Ron Paul rocks Vancouver, WA (2/16/2012) - YouTube

46 min./Ron Paul Rally in Twin Falls, Idaho - Full Speech - YouTube

43 min./Huge Ron Paul Rally In Seattle! Fantastic Speech! - YouTube

37 min./Ron Paul comes to (Tri-Cities) Richland, WA 2012 Town Hall Meeting - YouTube

49 min./We Can Restore America to Its Greatness! Ron Paul Rally in Vancouver, WA - YouTube

22 MIN./Speech at Ave Maria University - YouTube

36 MIN.Rick Santorum in Tioga, ND (full townhall) - YouTube

43 MIN./Rick Santorum Addresses Detroit Economic Club - C-Span - YouTube

41 MIN./Rick Santorum Speech in Ohio » The Right Scoop - YouTube

21 MIN./Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney Visits Mesa, Arizona - YouTube

24 MIN./2 Romney speaks in Mayfield Heights - YouTube

21 MIN./Mitt Romney rally in Boise, Idaho - YouTube - Video: Roundtable: Fight for Michigan

Donald Trump on Whitney Houston, Bobby Brown and Presidential Politics - YouTube

Lyndn LaRouche - Short but relevant info about the creation of money and empire. - YouTube

Iowa Poll: Iowans narrowly favor bans on red light, speed cameras | Iowa City Press Citizen |

US Stocks Rise; S&P 500 Tops Highest Close Since June 2008

Shell: Nigeria can produce 4M barrels of oil a day

Microsoft, Google Argue Over Browser Privacy Issue

10 Steps To Smartphone Privacy

China Telecom to Become Nation's Second Carrier to Offer Apple's IPhone

Twitter signs first search deal in Russia with Yandex

'Chinese Pompeii' yields 300 million-year-old secrets

Fossilized, 'Pompeii' Forest Discovered Under Ash

It's Alive! There's Magma on the Moon

Scientists bring 30000 year old plant back to life

Dead for 32000 Years, an Arctic Plant Is Revived

Pretty Space Pics: A Rocket Arcs Across the Northern Lights

One-atom transistor to keep Moore's Law alive

Lab-grown meat is first step to artificial hamburger

Glenn marks 50 years since historic orbit of Earth

Mercury astronaut John Glenn recalls first orbit flight - YouTube

Climate scientist admits duping skeptic group to obtain documents

Wednesday's Mercury-Moon Challenge

Impact of burning Alberta's oil sands

MBHS robotics team is putting it together

Japan quake studies suggest harder jolt to NW possible

+DARPA plans smart, tough, fighting robots

FDA OKs New Cancer Drug Suppliers

Gluten-free diet may be a waste of money for some, new research suggests.

Hepatitis C death rates rise, 1 in 33 baby boomers has disease

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise

Plastic surgery takes years off your appearance, study finds

Adele and Blur lined up for UK music's Brit Awards

Recommended: Will Oscars honor Whitney Houston?

Cheryl Tiegs on 'Celebrity Apprentice': 'I was too nice'

Whitney Houston NAACP tribute was emotional, says Yolanda Adams

Munch's "The Scream" to be auctioned

Sheen apologizes for saying Kutcher sucks on 'Men'

Paris Hilton Wins $30000 While Celebrating Birthday in Las Vegas

Lindsay Lohan To Host 'SNL' For First Time Since 2006

Two US Senators Call For Arming Syrian Opposition Filled With al Qaeda Terrorists :

George Takei on the Japanese internment camps during WWII - EMMYTVLEGENDS.ORG - YouTube




Maxine Waters and her demons

Modern Israel: Greatest miracle ever?

Academia's worthless Ph.D. degrees

Santorum's 'theology' gamble

How to resolve death-penalty battle

The crisis at the Washington Post

Homeschool or die

Obama's war on religious liberty

China's copycat commies

Nutrition Nazis – at a school near you

J. FARAH: Why nation needs debate on eligibility

Should presidential candidates prove eligibility?

‘The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment’: U.S. in crosshairs

Gingrich helped lobbyist protect Freddie

State warned Obama fails ballot requirements

Congressman: Quit borrowing money!

Iran Says It Would 'act Without Waiting' To Protect National Interests | Fox News

Afghans protest disposal of Muslim holy books at U.S. base [Video] -

Santorum bashes public schools, says they're stuck in factory era - Los Angeles Times - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Showbiz :: Victoria Beckham: Give me a break! I look tired because I'm a working mum

Feds, get your filthy hands off ‘our Internet’


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Free eBook:Dictionary of Typical Command Phrases Dictionary of Typical Command Phrases by Richard W Wetherill


Video: Westminster Jr. Winner Visits FOX 5

Video: Victim's Mom Won't Forgive Daughter's Rapist

Video: 1 dies in Oklahoma storm

Video: Types of Physical Relationships

Video: Man in critical condition after being hit by UTA bus

Video: Budah at The Bayou restaurant celebrating Mardi Gras

Video: Search in on for abducted 17-year-old, police say

Video: WDSU Gets a Bird's Eye View of Mardi Gras

Video: Dog saves family in Clay Co. house fire

Video: RI Episcopal church closing after 290 years

Video: Get Designer Purses at Handbags for Hope

Video: 50 Jobs in 50 States

Video: Baby shooting death investigation

Obama to Congress: 'Keep going' on economy front

11 children removed from Texas home in abuse case

Appeals court says Gitmo suicide suit not allowed

Judge in Texas rules terror bomb suspect competent

Regulator outlines new plan to oversee Fannie, Freddie

Pakistan's Khar and Clinton to meet on Thursday

Obama to Congress: 'Keep going' on economy front

Suspect claims demon visited him before killing

Munch's 'The Scream' to sell in NY; may fetch $80M

Dow breaks 13,000 for first time since '08 crisis

Mardi Gras revelry, parades take over New Orleans

Officials in J'lem slam Adnan hunger strike deal

Egypt to boost Gaza power supply to ease crisis

US and Nato apologise for Afghan Qur'an burning

Byron York: Why Does HBO’s ‘Game Change’ Focus All Its Fire on Sarah Palin?

A Second Look at Clint Eastwood and ‘J. Edgar’: Conservatives Too Quick to Judge Free-Thinking Director

Hollywood Actress Who Plays Sarah Palin Hates Sarah Palin

Palin Doc ‘The Undefeated’ to Debut on Reelzchannel

HuffPo Slams ‘Act of Valor’: Not Anti-Military, Anti-American Enough

BH Interview: Real-Life ‘Vow’ Couple Prays Audiences Will Commit to Marriage

Treasures From the Warner Archives: ‘The Human Comedy’ (1943)

Other Than the Propaganda, ‘Glee’ Gets Absolutely Nothing Right About Teaching

Piracy Has Negligible Influence On U.S. Box Office: Study -

Hollywood Hails U.S.-China Agreement - Wilshire & Washington on

Whitney Houston's dress, earrings up for auction

What Jeremy Lin Does for China’s Persecuted Christians

Army Commences Pregnancy Training… for Men

Oil Jumps to Nine-Month High After Iran Cuts Supply

The Egyptian Hostage Crisis: 1979 Revisited?

aUDIO:Sue Myrick: DOD and DOJ Anti-Terror Training Censored to Pacify Muslim Activists

Devaluing the American Hero: Veterans Take Backseat to Sports, Entertainment Figures

Navy SEALs: Obama’s Secret Army - The Daily Beast

aUDIO:Obama’s Energy Policy is Hurting the American Dream

Is a Questionable National Org with Democratic Ties Trying to Suppress Conservative Vote in Wisconsin?

Obama’s Still Unpopular in the States That Will Matter

Fire Fighter Union Boss Rips Off Taxpayers, Part 1: Quid Pro Quo

Michelle Obama Loves the Corporate Cash in Exclusive Colorado Ski Resort From Non-Union Employers

The Gaffetastic Santorum Campaign

Did Obama’s Energy Secretary Seek $1.4 Billion Bailout Loan to Prop Up The Failing Solyndra?

#Occupy State Rep Kelly Cassidy Wants to Tax Ammo in Illinois

EVIDENCE: Dem Gov Candidate in WI Sells Out to Unions

Of Profits and Power: Education Establishment Attacks Digital Learning

Santorum Calls Out Washington’s False Prophets

Berkeley Man Murdered While Police Monitor #OccupyOakland March

Jobs for Ohio Tour: An Invitation to GOP Presidential Candidates

aUDIO:Burr-Coburn Plan Offers Hope for Medicare Reform

Tuesday Morning Crib Sheet: Actual VA Law Remains Undisputed, Alan Colmes’s Gyno Fantasies

Religious Broadcasters Call for IRS to Investigate Media Matters

Democratic Undergrounds Hides Occupy Assaults, Smears Brandon Darby

The New “Potatoe?” Biden to Visit “Road Island”

CARTOON:UI: The Man Behind the Curtain

Heartland Institute: The ‘Gate’ Scandal That Never Was

Daily Kos Bans Blogger for Citing Concern with Radical Islam

Presidents Day Crib Sheet: SNL Flubs Birth Rates, ESPN Fires Staffer For Slur


21-Feb-12 World View

20-Feb-12 World View


**NEWS VIDEOS:Newt: Defeating Obama ‘Most Dangerous President In US History’ A ‘Duty Of National Security’

Grayson: Santorum Hate-Filled Paranoid ‘Tea Party Fanatics’ Candidate

Breitbart: Media, Protesters On Defensive For Occupy Rapes And Assaults

Occupy Members Intimidate Breitbart Contributors For Reporting On Movement

Former TX Solicitor General: ‘The Threat Today Is From Washington’

20th//Michael Moore: Republicans Hate African Americans And Detroit

Democrat Senator: Budget Will ‘Absolutely’ Confront Entitlements

Ryan On Obama Mandate ‘Compromise’: ‘Distinction Without A Difference’

Breitbart: Tea Party Secretly Wishing For Brokered Convention

Update: Ousted Daily Kos Writer Speaks Out More On Radical Islam

MSNBC’s Gregory: Santorum Underestimated

Soldier’s Dad Burns NJ Flag Over Christie’s Half-Mast Whitney Homage

Santorum Spokesman Slips: Obama’s ‘Radical Islamic Policies’

NYT: Romney vs. ‘Conservative Commentariat’

Mannyball: Ramirez Signs With Oakland

Santorum: Ryan Budget Not Enough

Trump: No Better Gift For Dems Than Unelectable Santorum

As Gas Prices Rise, Keystone Pipeline Battle Heats Up

Breitbart: ‘The Most Sinister Screenwriter’ Could Not Invent ‘Fast & Furious’

Directors Discuss SEAL Film ‘Act Of Valor’

Trotta Clarifies Controversial Comments About Women In Combat

Santorum Questions Obama’s World View, Not Faith

Tolerant Daily Kos Bans Blogger For Citing Concern Over Radical Islam

Flashback: Ron Paul Encourages Jury Nullification As Form Of Civil Disobedience

Man Repeatedly Pepper Sprayed At Disneyland

Merkel Names Gauck As German Presidency Candidate

Iran Halts Oil Sales To U.K., France Before EU Ban

Suicide Bomber Kills 15 At Baghdad Police Academy

Taiwan Animation Explains Presidents Day… Sort Of

Yosemite Waterfall Turns Into Virtual Lavafall

19th/Did ABC News’ Stephanopoulos Have Advance Knowledge Of Contraception Issue When He Sprung Topic At Jan Debate?

Newt: ‘You Can’t Put A Gun Rack In A Volt!’

18th/NY Archbishop Elevated To Cardinal In Rome Ceremony

Elderly Junkies Find ‘Freedom’ At Dutch Old-Age Home

Serious Injuries Linked To Yoga

More Food Police: CA Lawmaker Says Food Trucks ‘Threat’ To Kids’ Health

Maher: Only Neo-Nazi Party And Kirk Cameron ‘To The Right’ Of Santorum

Golden Eagles Killed By Environmentally Friendly Windmills

German President Resigns Amid Scandal

NYPD Monitored Muslim Coeds All Over Northeast

Jesse Jackson Shares Thoughts On Houston’s Death


Alex Jones - 2012-Feb-20, Monday

Alex Jones - 2012-Feb-19, Sunday

Bill Cunningham 1

Bill Cunningham 2

Bill Cunningham 3


*Space Missions/ Genetic Manipulation & Prophecy Video (02.20.2012) - YouTube


*Audio Interview: Brad Steiger


Binnall of America(


Obama and the Kenyan Band | ATLAH Media Network

The Top 6 Exploration Stories of 2012 | Wired Science |

Solar Tornadoes Dance Across Sun's Surface in NASA Video | Sun Tornado & Solar Flares | Space Weather, Sun Eruptions & Solar Dynamics Observatory |

The Italian mummies preserved in mercury for almost 200 years | Mail Online

Britain's biggest meteorite discovered after 80 years lying on doorstep |


The Manning Report – 20 February 2012

The Manning Report – 17 February 2012

The Katherine Albrecht Show 02-18-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 02-18-12 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 02-20-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 02-20-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 02-19-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 02-19-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 02-19-12 Hr 3

Redding News Review 02-20-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 02-20-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 02-20-12 Hr 3

World Crisis Radio 02-18-12 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 02-18-12 Hr 2

Feb. 20, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

02-20-2012.Kevin Trudeau Show

2012-02-20.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

2012-02-21.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

02/20 The Mark Levin Show



Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, February, 20, 2012


**The Blue Economy:(




New Critical Problem with ‘Smart’ Meters: The Switching-Mode Power Supply (SMPS) | (

Transmitting Smart Meters Pose A Serious Threat To Public Health(

Stop Smart Meters!(


Revealed, the esoteric interests of Britain's greatest scientist: Sir Isaac Newton's occult and theological writings posted online | Mail Online

For once, Richard Dawkins is lost for words - Telegraph

Keiser Report: Hang-a-Banker-a-Week! (E252) - YouTube

Pat Buchanan: 300 nukes in Israel yet Iran a threat? - YouTube

Troops March on White House for Ron Paul - YouTube

MSNBC: Obama's Secret Army - YouTube

Obama Civilian Security - YouTube

Obama's Civilian Army is now LAW and is Funded - YouTube

Geithner Doesn’t Care About the Future

Beware of Strawmen


GOP Candidates to Appear for Final Debate before Super Tuesday – CNN Press Room - Blogs

Have the 839 GOP debate questions reflected the 'citizens agenda'? | World news |

The GOP debates: what questions do journalists like to ask? | World news |

Focus of Republican debate in Mesa to go beyond border - News from The Arizona Republic


*GOP Presidential Debate Calendar@Race 4 2012

2012 Primary Debate Schedule(

2012 Allocation of Delegates(


Republican Party Presidential Primaries, 2012 - Wikipedia

Super Tuesday - Wikipedia


How Republicans are Losing Control of the Contraception Debate « Commentary Magazine

Political Animal - The Myth of “The Catholic Vote”

Winning with social conservatism? « Hot Air


Jared Bernstein: Manufacturing: Why We Should Help the Sector (But Not Too Much)

TaxVox » Blog Archive » Just How Big is the Payroll Tax Cut?

Foreclosure Fraud Settlement: Will There Be Terms, Or Just Suggestions? | FDL News Desk

Are There Republicans Who Think This Is a Good Idea? Seriously? | Power Line

RealClearPolitics - Ideological Hypocrites


Romney Inability To Clear Field Leads To Possibility Of Contested Convention, More GOP Names | Fox News

America’s last hope: A strong labor movement -

When George Washington Became Great by Myron Magnet, City Journal Winter 2012

RealClearPolitics - The Super PAC Confusion

The American Spectator : Crossfired

Obama’s Tax Policy Targets Slice of His Base - The Affluent -

RealClearPolitics - Debt Ceilings and Dirty Dealings

The Catholic Betrayal of Religious Freedom - George Weigel - National Review Online

Ron Paul’s Libertarian Roots : The New Yorker

Walter Shapiro: Why Mitt Romney’s Presidential Prospects May Not Be Salvageable | The New Republic

President's Stimulus Turns Three: Long-term unemployment Up 83%; National Debt Up 41% -

RealClearPolitics - How to Reverse Obama's "Soft Despotism"

The End of American Intervention -

The problem in public life isn’t Islam, but religion itself - The Globe and Mail

Trade Is War, By Other Means | The Weekly Standard

Religion an increasing source of strife in Africa | The Japan Times Online

China's (Probably Doomed) Plan to Partner With Hollywood - Damien Ma - International - The Atlantic

The Greek crisis: The end of the marathon? | The Economist

503 Service Unavailable

Robert McDowell: The U.N. Threat to Internet Freedom -

Prokhorov Is a New Kind of Russian Candidate - a Billionaire -

Enter China’s Security Firms | The Diplomat

Navy SEALs: Obama’s Secret Army - The Daily Beast

Nuclear Realities - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online

BusinessDay - GIDEON RACHMAN: Dangerous lightness of the West’s latest war talk

The Secret to Facebook's IPO Value | The Nation

America's economy is improving but four headwinds: debt, oil, Greece and austerity could stop the recovery | Business |

No Yen for the Yen…. | Global Macro Monitor

Ben Bernanke: Washington's Quiet Hero - The Daily Beast

The "Robo-Signing" Settlement: Seeds of Recovery, Or Chaos? - Forbes

Cutting Through the Spin: What Obama's Budget Reveals - Forbes

RAHN: Tax advice for GOP candidates - Washington Times

Big questions for the rest of 2012 - 1 - market forecast - MSN Money

How to Make the Penny Worth 1 Cent Again | How to Reduce the Production Costs of Pennies, Nickels | Changing the Chemical Makeup of the Penny |

One stem cell burger: $330,000 – Light Years - Blogs

Saga of the Northwest Passage - Archaeology Magazine

The Carp Must Die - Businessweek

FYI: Do Competitive Eaters Have Unusual Stomachs? | Popular Science

Is Radiation Actually Good For Some of Us? - Miller-McCune

Engineers Take Aim at Efficiency Barrier in LED Technology -

Quantum dots control brain cells for the first time - health - 14 February 2012 - New Scientist

The Oldest Living Trees in the World

World's most bizarre mating rituals | COSMOS magazine

Are Multiracial People More Apt to Be Successful? - Blog

Mother of pearl tells a tale of ocean temperature, depth (Feb. 16, 2012)

Scientists identify link between size of brain region and conformity | Wellcome Trust

Babies' Colic Linked to Mothers' Migraines |

John Glenn: The Man Behind the Hero | Guest Blog, Scientific American Blog Network

The skin we’re in » Scienceline

Open windows could help beat superbugs, says expert - Science - News - The Independent

Supernova Blast: Giant Star Eta Carinae to Explode Any Day - TIME

Google's Privacy Invasion: It's Your Fault - Security - Privacy - Informationweek

Q&A: Hacker Historian George Dyson Sits Down With Wired's Kevin Kelly | Wired Magazine |

Google Circumvents Safari Privacy Protections - This is Why We Need Do Not Track | Electronic Frontier Foundation

SOPA author strikes back with Internet surveillance bill; no one is safe | VentureBeat

Is Copyright Enforcement Hopeless? | Mother Jones

Little Brother Is Watching - J.P. O’Malley - The American Interest Magazine

Google Working on Password Generator for Chrome | PCWorld

WikiLeaks, a Postscript -

The Forgetting Pill Erases Painful Memories Forever | Wired Magazine |

Bruegmann: Driverless Car Could Defy Sprawl Rules - Bloomberg

The industrial robot revolution - robots, NASA, manufacturing, industry verticals, health care, hardware systems, Data Center, Configuration / maintenance - Computerworld

Spectrum Crunch: The cell phone industry hits its limits - Feb. 21, 2012

Envisioning a Post-Campus America - Megan McArdle - Business - The Atlantic

More design hobbyists, entrepreneurs use 3-D printing –

Credit-card security: Difference engine: Outfoxing the fraudsters | The Economist

Toward a True Free Market in Television Programming - Forbes

Mobile-Connected Devices Will Make the World Even Smaller | Techland |

Aussies' fix for 'stagnated' email

Google Developing Siri-Like User Interface for Google TV - Patently Apple

The new art experience – Matt Adams – The Kernel

Examining the Clean Air Act's Carbon Policy

Surging gas prices threaten to derail economic recovery -

Blame Iran And China For Rising Gas Prices - Forbes

EDITORIAL: Obama's gas-price spike - Washington Times

Debate Surrounds Race to Export America's Natural Gas | InsideClimate News

Peter H. Gleick: The Origin of the Heartland Documents

Energy Tribune- North Sea Oil and Gas Just Won’t Quit

Achieving universal energy access | Global development |

Does God Want Jeremy Lin to Win? | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches

The translators of the Book of Mormon | Deseret News | Another tipping point: Births outside marriage | Marvin Olasky

The True Story of the First Crusade -

Political Withdrawal?

Associated Baptist Press - Opinion: Lent for Baptists

MI5 files: Was Chaplin really a Frenchman and called Thornstein? - Telegraph

Which Is the Treasure: Jesus or the Sacraments?, Christian News

Ministry Matters™ | Articles | Shrove Tuesday Ushers in Lent

AP Virginia News |

Hitchens, Chesterton, and “The Fall into Mysticism”

- The Washington Post/“The Science of Yoga: The Risks and the Rewards ” by William J. Broad

Review: The Last and Final Way of Loving « Commentary Magazine

Whither Micronauts? On the long-delayed return to inner space | Books | For Our Consideration | The A.V. Club

The Reactionary - Magazine - The Atlantic

Avowed anti-communist opened China to the world | The Australian

Nixon goes to China: A smart journey looks even smarter - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

The Legacy of Malcolm X - US News and World Report

The Assassination of Malcolm X — Plots, Theories and Facts — Crime Library on

For Many, Marx's 'Manifesto' Remains Relevant

BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | World's best-known protest symbol turns 50

The War of 1812: Stupid but important - The Globe and Mail

Top 10 Bloodiest Battles of World War I | Top 10 Lists |

First World - Battles - The Battle of Verdun, 1916

Indefensible Internment - Reason Magazine


*19th/Transcripts:Guests: Newt Gingrich, House Maj. Ldr. Eric Cantor

Guests: Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann & Mitch Daniels

Interview with Senator John McCain

Guests: Representatives Paul Ryan & Chris Van Hollen

*21 Feb.

American Minute for February 21st

Today in History: February 21

This Day in History for 21st February |

Today in History: February 21

February 21 Events in History

February 21st This Day in History

February 21st in History

Today in History for February 21st - YouTube


*2-20-2012 Infowars Nightly News with Rob Dew, guest Aaron Dykes - YouTube


The Hegelian Dialectic: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

+Videos: Prison » Aaron Dykes Reports on Alex’s Reclaiming America Tour Just Held in Dallas, Tx

It's The Oil Stupid: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Prison » Is Germany Secretly Maneuvering To Kick Greece Out Of The Euro?

Prison » 10 Signs That America Is Decomposing Right In Front Of Our Eyes

Prison » Monsanto’s Bt GMO corn to be sold at Wal-Mart with no indication it is genetically modified

Prison » Terror War Cheerleader Gets Reality Check On Underwear Bomber Facts

C-SPAN Callers School Terror War Profiteers Cheerleader On Underwear Bomber Fairy Tale - YouTube

Prison » New Ron Paul 2012 Ad Slams Santorum As “Fake”

Ron Paul Ad - Rick Santorum a Conservative? - YouTube

Prison » Scary NSA Propaganda: Anonymous Cyberattack Will Take Down Power Grid

Iran to take pre-emptive action if endangered, warns top general - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Prison » Minority Report-Style Advertising Rolled Out In London

Minority Report Mall Scene - YouTube

Prison » Even Defense Contractors Support Ron Paul For President

Ron Paul Smacks Down Fox Moderators on Military/Defense Spending! January 16, 2012 - YouTube

White House: Netanyahu, Obama to meet in Washington on March 5 - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Prison » Iran intends to boost presence in int’l waters: Defense Minister Vahidi

Chinese newspaper accuses west of provoking civil war in Syria | World news |

Prison » The 10 Most Excellent Reasons to Attack Iran

Prison » Lack of security at labs handling world’s deadliest pathogens could lead to epic pandemic

Prison » Establishment Media: Critics of Obama Are Racists And Conspiracy Theorists

Asia Times Online :: Real cowards go to Tehran

Prison » FDA assault on Amish raw milk mirrors Spanish Conquistadors killing Inca for growing quinoa and amaranth

US Representative Seeks to Pull Spy Chips from Drivers Licenses

Feds Purposely Keeping U.S. Borders Wide Open, Experts Say

National City Police Look To Add Armored Vehicle - San Diego News Story - KGTV San Diego

Update on Rob Dew's G20 Wrongful Arrest Lawsuit: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Prison » Scientists Fear Antibiotics are Perpetuating Diseases Impossible to Treat

The All New McPetri:Test Tube Food for the NEW WORLD ORDER: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Prison » NutraSweet Company brags about the second coming of aspartame: Neotame now taking over world markets

Prison » Heavy Metals Lurking in Many Common Organic Foods, Baby Formulas

Leaked Memo Blows The Lid Off Of The Entire Greek Bailout

Prison » Slaves to Euro: Greece at austerity abyss

Slaves to Euro: Greece at austerity abyss - YouTube

Prison » EU’s Prodi Admits Leaders Knew Euro Would Cause Ruin but Hoped Political Union Would Follow

+Videos: Prison » Judge Harassed Witness During Underwear Bomber Trial: Kurt Haskell Reports

+Videos: Prison » On The Road with Alex Jones & Jim Marrs: The Banksters Authoritarian Control Grid

Prince Philip in 1984: Human Population "Reaching Plague Proportions" - YouTube

+The Northern and Western European Housing Bubble Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Election 2012 Just One More Crafted Illusion? — Rick's Picks

» Scary NSA Propaganda: Anonymous Cyberattack Will Take Down Power Grid Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Eugenics: Effective by Incrementalism Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Terror War Cheerleader Gets Reality Check On Underwear Bomber Facts Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Kennedy Space Center at 50: A spaceport in transition - The Washington Post

Returning military members allege job discrimination — by federal government - The Washington Post

» How Greece Could Take Down Wall Street Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Paul Gregory, Russia's Economy: Putin and the KGB State | Library of Economics and Liberty

The Daily Bell - EU's Prodi Admits Leaders Knew Euro Would Cause Ruin but Hoped Political Union Would Follow

The Daily Bell - Down With the Presidency

Google launches live share prices feed - Business News - Business - The Independent

» Tracking Radiation From Japan to the Pacific Northwest Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Private Property vs. ‘Your Stuff’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Senator Lindsey Graham: Interventionist, Warmonger, Man of Empire Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Signs of Iran activity in Yemen, US envoy sa... JPost - Headlines

» Pivotal 9/11 Petition Confronts Canadian Parliament Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

London-based oil executive linked to 9/11 hijackers - Telegraph

NIST and WTC7 - The Expanding Lie - YouTube

Pomona troops manned the Mexican border in 1916 as war seemed on the horizon -

Experts fear diseases 'impossible to treat' - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

Ten questions Britain’s William Hague won't answer about Iran crisis > Global > Redress Information & Analysis

» Gen. Dempsey: Iran rational actor, not after nukes Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Protest over burning of Korans in Afghanistan - Asia - World - The Independent

Israel: Public U.S. objections to military attack serve Iran's interests - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

UN team have no plans to inspect Iranian nuclear facilities - Middle East - World - The Independent

Poisoned spring: revolution brings Tunisia more fear than freedom - Africa - World - The Independent

Dominique Strauss-Kahn arrested by French police for 'complicity in pimping' | Mail Online

US special forces killed in Djibouti plane crash - Telegraph

NewsDaily: Saudi Arabia vows to end violence with "iron fist"

Scientists Fear Antibiotics are Perpetuating Diseases Impossible to Treat -

U.S. Official Warns About 'Anonymous' Power Play -

U.S., Mexico Sign Accord for Joint Oil Exploration in Gulf - Bloomberg

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – February 19th, 2012

2 Parts:Doomsday Prepper Gets Labeled “Mentally Incompetent” by The State, Loses Gun Rights |

**You May Already Be an FBI Terror Suspect: 85 Things Not to Do |

3 Parts:On The Road with Alex Jones & Jim Marrs: The Banksters Authoritarian Control Grid |

BFP Breaking News: Court to Order Bruce Fein Removed from Schmidt vs. Krikorian Case

The EyeOpener- TSA: Tyrants Sucker America

US Media: Washington’s Prostitutes Tell & Sell Lies

The New Mediterranean Oil & Gas Bonanza


* BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- February 20, 2012


For the second time in a year we are allies with al-Qaeda – co-incidence? | Dark Politricks

iPhone caught ignoring YOUR privacy again and uploading full address books without permission | Dark Politricks

Does the American public want more of the same, or more of the same under a different name? | Dark Politricks

Gallup: Romney First, Paul Second Among Young Voters

New Fears for Iranian Pastor on Death Row Who Refuses to Renounce His Christian Faith

Ron Paul on Social Conservatism: 'I Think It's a Losing Position'

Qurans Burned in Afghanistan Reportedly Contained Extremist Messages

Protestants Join Catholics in Opposing Contraceptive Mandate

100% of Catholic Bishops Oppose Obama’s Contraceptive Mandate

Sensenbrenner: Don’t Know If Gov’t Birth Control Mandate Is Constitutional

California Requires Companies to Disclose What They’re Doing to Eradicate Slavery and Human Trafficking

Sex-Changing Treatment for Kids: It's on The Rise

Greece secures bailout to avoid debt default

Idol's Adam Lambert to Sing with Rock Band Queen

Magic Johnson Starting TV Network Targeting Blacks

Sorvino to Debut Film Funded by Pennsylvania Taxpayers

Comcast to Start New Minority-Owned Cable Channels

$35,000 of Stimulus Money for Indian Basket Weavers

Smithsonian Touts Jefferson’s ‘Genius’ in Editing Gospels--And Removing Resurrection

Conservative Arizona Sheriff, Outed As a Homosexual, Urges Voters to Stick With Him

Mich. voters: Santorum connects better than Romney

As Santorum Seizes Social Issues, Romney Steers Clear of Them

Gingrich Woos Voters With Prospect of $2-a-Gallon Gas

Gen. Allen Apologizes About Improper Disposal Of Qurans

Obama ordering government to buy more biobased products

Military gay group growing, aiming for more rights

First family is front and center in campaign ad

Va. mosque vandalism draws sympathy for long-persecuted Muslim sect

GOP super PACs report millions in fundraising in January

Mustached Americans seek tax break for grooming products

Summer students get taste of Occupy movement at Maryland community college

Trial in Manchester brings Rwandan genocide to NH

Religious colleges join fight over contraceptives

President Obama taps environmentalist as Colorado campaign director

Porn industry may boogie out of L.A. over condom law

Rick Santorum aide gaffe: Obama’s ‘radical Islamic policies’

Pelosi praises Bush 41 at College Station event

Climate researcher admits leaking Heartland Institute documents

Paul Babeu ex-boyfriend appears on CNN

Former IMF chief Strauss-Kahn to be questioned over suspected prostitution ring

Douglas Brinkley: Bill Clinton Is a 'Folk Figure in America' Like 'Babe Ruth or Buffalo Bill' |

Leftist Cartoon: Bishops Say 'Our Will Be Done, Keeping Women Down a Rung' |

Ed Schultz Falsely Claims Santorum's 'Phony Theology' Charge an 'Attack on the President's Faith' |

Chris Matthews Sneers: 'If You're Really Anti-Gay, You Become Catholic Now' |

Rick Santorum Says 'Phony Theology' Controversy Is 'Media Trying to Destroy Conservatives' |

Rev. Franklin Graham: Obama Helps Islamists, Ignores Christian Persecution

Rev. Franklin Graham: Romney Not a Christian

Santorum: Obama's 'Radical Theology' Is Not About His Faith

Gingrich: Obama ‘Most Dangerous President in History’

Pro-Romney PAC Has 26 Times More Money Than Santorum

Trump: I May Run If Santorum Gets GOP Nod

Santorum: Obamacare is Bad for Marriage

Adelson: I May Give Newt $100 Million

Clinton Signs Pact With Mexico to Cooperate on Gulf Oil Drilling

Palin's Eight Best Pokes at Romney

Rev. Franklin Graham: Obama Helps Islamists, Ignores Christian Persecution

De Borchgrave: New Mideast War Coming Soon

Obama Slams Santorum on Economy

Christie Proposes $32.1 Billion NJ Budget

Jagger, B.B. King, Ready to Sing Blues for Obama

Murdoch Tweets: If Santorum Wins Michigan, 'Game Over'

Farleigh-Dickinson Poll: Rubio Is Top Choice for GOP Veep

Gallup/USA Today Poll: Majority Oppose Brokered Convention

Democrats Realize Recent Good Fortune May be Fleeting

Romney Burning Through Campaign Cash

Rush Predicts Newt Comeback

Greek Debt Could Easily Derail Again: Report

Yemen Vote Ensure Saleh's Ouster After 33 Years

Big Questions Still Unanswered in Thai Terror Plot

Trump: Gasoline to Hit $7 a Gallon This Year

Former Comptroller Walker: US Will Look Like Greece in 2 Years

Zinc: An Important Mineral For Boosting Immunity

Researchers: Everything You Know About Dieting Is Wrong

Bilingual Babies Talk Later

Stonehenge May Have Been Attempt to Duplicate Sound Illusion

Russians Revive 30,000-Year-Old Frozen Flower

Russian Officials Feed Pelicans in Frozen Caspian

YouTube Enlists Big-Name Help to Redefine Channels

Transistor Made Using a Single Atom May Help Beat Moore’s Law

Tax Advice for Republican Candidates

Pope Warns of Abuses

The Big One Cometh by Justin Raimondo --

Veterans for Ron Paul by Kelley B. Vlahos --

Iran Warships Dock at Syrian Port as Warning to US -- News from

IAEA Visit to Iran May Quash ‘Hysterical War Talk’ -- News from

Karzai Demand on Night Raids Snags US-Afghan Pact by Gareth Porter --

Does AIPAC Want War? Lieberman "Capability" Red Line May Tip AIPAC's Hand | Just Foreign Policy

Crisis and the creeping militarization of American society | The Daily Caller

Hypnotized into an endless dirty war -

Hard lessons from Predator strike gone wrong - Air Force News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Air Force Times

Propaganda Alert: The Ninja Threat From Iran

Iran Welcomes Back IAEA to Dispel Nuclear Weapons Allegations

Cameron and Sarkozy Announce Joint Military Command Centre After Libya “Success”

Scientists Fear Antibiotics are Perpetuating Diseases Impossible to Treat

RT: FBI Tries To Coax Muslim Into Bombing US Capitol (LOVE THIS WOMAN!) - YouTube

34 Questions About Australia's Censored Corruption Crisis in the Schapelle Corby Case

5 Biggest Misconceptions About Unschooling

The intensifying Silicon Valley data collection arms race

Silencing the Critics

Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran

Heavy Metals Lurking in Many Common Organic Foods, Baby Formulas

Prepping: A continuum of short-term self-reliance to long-term self-sufficiency

Why Pacifists Should Support Private Gun Ownership

SCHOOL SUCKS: The American Way - YouTube

POLITICS - Chemical weapons used against Syrians, says defected soldier

Buffet Mischaracterizes Gold’s Bull Market | The Daily Gold

Armed Self Defense: The UN To Use Appropriate and Gradual Force In Gun Confiscation

Power Struggle Between Vatican, Pope's Secretary Of State - Baltimore News Story - WBAL Baltimore

Ice age plant brought back to life - mammals next?

Freaky Physics Proves Parallel Universes Exist | Fox News

Geoengineering Program Promoted by Corporate Media :

Stonehenge was based on a 'magical' auditory illusion, says scientist | Science | The Guardian

Whitney Houston and the 2012 Grammy Awards Mega-Ritual

What Happened to Whitney Houston?

Mass Media Promoting Transhumanism: the “Mind-Blowing Benefits of Merging Human Brains and Computers”

Former SEAL Team Six Commander Hits the Target – Part 1

Former SEAL Team Six Commander Hits the Target – Part 2

Citizens Take Self-Defense Into Own Hands | American Free Press

Unemployment Stats Manipulated by Feds | American Free Press

Obama, Ginsburg: Constitution a Nuisance | American Free Press

Anonymous promises attacks every Friday — RT

Americans consider Iran to be U.S.'s greatest enemy, poll shows - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Horror as father of three who was playing hockey with son on a frozen pond falls through ice and dies | Mail Online

Man stays in motel room with girlfriend's corpse for TWO DAYS | Mail Online

Couch-towing stunt proves fatal

'SWIFT Boating' Iran: Economic War a Prelude to Military Attack

The Butterfly Effect

US in Violation of Geneva in Afghanistan

Real Threats?

Silencing The Critics

VIDEO: Open Seeds: Biopiracy and the Patenting of Life

SOCIAL MEDIA "TACTICAL INTELLIGENCE COLLECTION": Spying and Propaganda using Facebook, Twitter

Political Prisoners in America's Gulag

The “Global Crises of Capitalism”; Whose Crises, Who Profits?

The Prison: "Humane Alternative" or A Tool of Social Control?

US Military and CIA Interventions since World War II.

Manipulating Reality: Shaping Threats, Destroying Democracy

VIDEO: Real Wealth vs. The Debt Bubble

VIDEO: "Food Rules" for Healthy People and Planet

VIDEO: DHS Testimony on Social Networking and Media Monitoring

"Progressive Homeschooling" is a Crime against the Holy State, Insists Lefty Think Tank Wonk - informationliberation

A Warning Label for Government... [Pic] - informationliberation

Big Sis Hires Hundreds Of Security Guards To Protect Government Buildings - informationliberation

"Santorum says killing Americans good, but killing Iranians is wonderful" - informationliberation

"Santorum says killing Americans good, but killing Iranians is wonderful" - YouTube

Eternal Copyright: a modest proposal – Telegraph Blogs

The Pirate Bay Faces UK ISP Block After High Court Ruling - informationliberation

Pirate Bay ISP Block Challenged For Censoring Lawful Content | TorrentFreak

Is Taxation Voluntary? - informationliberation

Election 2012: ‘Santorum’s Satan Warning’ | PhillyNow | A blog about Philadelphia news, politics and culture by Philadelphia Weekly

Santorum In 2008: Satan is Systematically Destroying America | MRCTV

Suspect claims demon visited him before killing - Yahoo! News

UCD Researchers Close To Developing Vaccine For - Flash Player Installation

Fetus Found in Sewer Pipe: Cops | NBC 10 Philadelphia

Girl Who Borrowed Asthma Inhaler Expelled From - Flash Player Installation

51 year old woman graduates from Army boot camp | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Supreme Court extends health care arguments - Washington Times

Supreme Court will consider challenge to affirmative action at University of Texas - Yahoo! News

My Way News - GOP 'super PACs' overtaking campaigns' fundraising

Ron Paul on Social Conservatism: 'I Think It's a Losing Position' |

One Dead After Vehicle Crashes Into KFC | NBC4 Washington

Obama Super PAC Leans on Chicago Machine | Washington Free Beacon

Carney: Obama Didn't Turn Down The Keystone Pipeline | RealClearPolitics

U.S. motorists drive fewer miles in 2011 | The Detroit News |

My Way News - Obama peddles modest American dream

Oscar Show is Going Heavy With Heavy Hitters - Forbes

Cops: Ohio Woman's Breast Implant Exploded During Domestic Assault | The Smoking Gun

Hepatitis C Surpasses AIDS As Killer, Hitting Baby-Boom Generations Hardest « CBS Philly

National Review Goes on a Crazed Attack of Ron Paul Monetary Economics by Robert Wenzel

Senator Lindsey Graham: Interventionist, Warmonger, Man of Empire by Michael S. Rozeff

Math Matters by Walter E. Williams

Corporatocracy: Ron Paul Says US ‘Slipping Into Fascism’

Gottfried Takes on the Straussians by Allen Mendenhall

5 Biggest Misconceptions About Unschooling

Academic Hypocrisy by Thomas Sowell

Orwellian Drones: 'Eye in the Sky' Spying on Americans by Stephen Lendman

James Rickards: Paper, Gold or Chaos? by Chris Martenson

How To Use the Internet in 'Stealth Mode' (The Key To Staying Private When Big Brother is Watching) by Kyle Gonzales

Swedish man Peter Skyllberg survives in frozen car for two months by eating handfuls of snow | Mail Online

Pasta, Not Bacon, Makes You Fat. But How? by Joseph Mercola

Your last 26 days of life... (webbot clif high) March 2012 WW3 Conspiracy Breakthrough Point - YouTube


Did Jesus Really Exist? The Evidence | Before It's News


**The Lost Gospels. (Full Documentary) - YouTube

UFOs In The NASA Archives 2012 Alien UFO Film | Before It's News


24min./UFOs In The Nasa Archives 2012 Alien UFO Film - YouTube


+Eastern Washington hole is shrouded in mystery | KLEW CBS 3 - News, Weather and Sports - Lewiston, ID | - Lewiston, Idaho | Local & Regional


Ancient Aliens The Doomsday Prophecies | Before It's News


43 min./Ancient Aliens - The Doomsday Prophecies [S04E02] - YouTube


The Secret To Long Life? Starve Yourself On Alternate Days To Boost Brain Power And Shed Weight | Before It's News

Extraterrestrials: China Releases Moon Footage Of Alien Bases | Before It's News

Alien Moon Base Captured By Chang'e-2 Orbiter 2012 - YouTube

We Are The New World Order | Before It's News

Village Of The Dead: The Anjikuni Mystery | Before It's News

Beware The False Signs Of Spring In America | Before It's News

Werewolves Terrorize Wisconsin | Before It's News

Obama Gives To Russia Strategic Alaskan Islands | Before It's News

Scientists Identify Link Between Size Of Brain Region And Conformity | Before It's News

Honey Naturally Speeds Up Wound Healing - Alien Technology Can Exist On The Moon Says Scientist

The Footprint Of God Has Apparently Been Found In South Africa | Before It's News

The Founding Fathers And Free Energy | Before It's News

FEMA looking to track nationwide news coverage of their activities around the clock | End the Lie - Independent News

Oil Executive Linked To 9/11 Hijackers | Before It's News

9/11: Planes/No Planes and “Video Fakery” | Veterans Today

A Global Death Cult Started World War III On 9/11 To Depopulate Earth | Before It's News

9/11 Laugh Riot? | Veterans Today

The military's 'magic plan' to make enemies hallucinate - The Week

Questions surround government’s actions in “underwear” bomber case

Smart Meters Big Brother of Our Day

Maurice Strong Sustainability protégé headed for jail

The Cult of Warm

Obama says more – O’Reilly says less – Not theirs to decide

Failure to Honor Washington: a Triumph of the Left

Greener Than Thou

Obama Against Pope Benedict: A Case of Diplomacy and Betrayal

Romney’s Religion: The Most Scrutinized Doctrines of Mormonism

Back to their Old Ways? Iran, Hizbollah, and International Terrorism

Free Speech for Conservatives

Protect Your Kids from Identity Thieves

Why Pay to Read Lies? Newspapers in Decline

Blind Ideology

‘Buying’ House Votes for Unpopular Legislation

Fond Memories of Ronnie

ebbie Schlussel:EXCLUSIVE: Obama ICE Chief Ignores Agent-Shootings; In NYC Job-Seeking @ NBC, Viacom, to LA for Oscars (on Your Dime)

Limbaugh Blasts Obama For Purposely Destroying Hope

Rush: Obama’s Limited View Of Potential, Freedom And Possibility In America

Limbaugh: GOP Whisper Campaign “Hey Santorum, Screw You. Hey Newt, Screw You. Hey Paul, Screw You.”

Rush Caller: Limbaugh Doing Better Job At ‘Operation Chaos’ In GOP Primaries Than Andrea Mitchell

Limbaugh: If Romney Loses Michigan Watch For Re-emergence Of Newt

Limbaugh: Republican Establishment In A Panic Over Santorum, Social Issues.

Limbaugh: Nothing At Whitney Houston Funeral Could Ever Be Uttered At Democrat Convention Podium.

Rush: ESPN Blew It On Jeremy Lin “Chink In The Armor” Headline. Should Have Made Fun Of His Christianity.

How Obama Makes Decisions

Obama Faces Fearful Political Geography in November

Taking Socialism Seriously

Reports of the Tea Party's Death are Greatly Exaggerated

All Hail Obama

Nelson Rockefeller's Lesson for Mitt Romney

The Problem With Intellectuals

What servicing our debt has really cost us

Philanthropists, do you know where your money is?

U.S. population growth slows

Education Reformer Parts Company with 'Right Wingers'

Obama Talks about Standing Up While Sitting Down

Top Level USDA Reps Showing Up in US Lunchrooms

Santorum on Target about Netherlands' Euthanasia Laws

A One-University Solution?

The Obama Obfuscation Alliance

Media Matters For America vs. An Ordinary American

From Obama, What Next?

The Heartland Institute Flap

Georgia and Birthright Citizenship

Articles: How Obama Makes Decisions

The Jew Flu: The strange illness of Jewish anti-Semitism - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

MB Spokesman Describes Caliphate "Dream" :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism

Under the U.S. Supreme Court: Ruth Bader Ginsburg stepping down in 2015 -

Women's mug shots from 1920s Australia | Mail Online


**Cooking and Recipes


Busted! Finnish President’s Husband Caught Ogling Danish Princess Mary

Rev. Franklin Graham Refuses to Say Obama & Romney Are Christians During Contentious MSNBC Interview

Indiana Lawmaker: Girl Scouts Is a ‘Radicalized Organization’ that ‘Sexualizes’ Young Girls

Want to See Allen West Mock Liberal Blogs Using a High-Pitched Voice?

‘Serious Lapse’ of My Judgment and Ethics: Impostor Who Took Think Tank’s Global Warming Docs Revealed

Victoria’s Secret Model Who Quit Over Faith Tells Beck: ‘There’s No Happiness‘ in Getting ’Half-Naked’

Chris Matthews Explains ‘If You’re Really Anti-Gay, You Become a Catholic Now’ Comment

Ancient Forest Found Buried Under Volcanic Ash & Preserved ‘Like Pompeii’

Messiah College Professor: ‘Obama May Be the Most Explicitly Christian President in American History’

Watch ‘Die, Die, Foreigners!’: 2,000 Angry Afghans Rally Against the Burning of Korans at a U.S. Air Base

Bill O‘Reilly Interviews Oliver Stone’s Son About His Conversion to Islam in Iran

Over 2,500 Faith Leaders Sign Letter Asking Obama to Uphold Religious Freedom

The Advanced F-35 Fighter Straps On Its Missiles For The First Time Ever

Inside the Highly Organized World of ‘Community Organizers’ Who Are Busy Organizing People to Organize Other People

Taking the ‘Southern’ Out of Southern Baptist? Panel Recommends More Inclusive-Sounding Name

Watch ‘Tough as Nails’: Colbert Returns to Air Honoring His Ailing Mother

Berkeley Police Too ‘Occupied’ to Deal With Brutal Beating That Left Man Dead

PayPal Co-Founder and Libertarian Heavyweight Donates $1.7M to Ron Paul PAC

Like Clockwork: Iran Announces Cut in Oil Supply, Oil Hits 9-Month High

Exposed: ‘Prison Riot’ That Led to Slaughter of 44 Rival Cartel Members Acted as Cover for Prison Break

British Minister Seeking to Reform Nationalized Healthcare Ambushed by ‘Left-Wing’ Activists

Is Google Sneaking Around Internet Explorer Privacy Controls Too?

Sheriff Babeu Denies Quitting Romney Campaign Over Gay Lover’s Allegations: I Was Smeared Because I’m a Conservative

CNN‘s Soledad O’Brien Grills Santorum Staffer Over ‘Phony Theology’ Comments

Longest Kidney Donation Chain Saves 30, Now Broken

See the World’s Largest, Fastest V8 ‘Amphibious Vehicle’ in Action

Shock Vid: Angry Man Attacks Disney Staffer, Gets Pepper-Sprayed Outside ‘Tower of Terror’ Ride

Oops: Santorum Rep. Accidentally Cites Obama‘s ’Radical Islamic Policies’ During MSNBC Interview

Islamic Worshipers Caught Hurling Stones at Christian Tourists Near Temple Mount

U.S. Special Ops ‘Spy’ Plane Crashes in Africa Killing Four

Congress Bans Access to Welfare Cash From ATMs Within Liquor Stores, Stripclubs and Casinos

Watch See Adam Carolla and Penn Jillette‘s Debut on New Season of ’Celebrity Apprentice’

School Tells Mom to Declare Son ‘Racist’ After He Asks Classmate ‘Are You Brown Because You Come From Africa?’

Do You Have a ‘Right to Be Forgotten’ Online?

» Former CIA Boss Says Iran Will Attack Statue of Liberty Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Obama To Congress: Don't Spend Time On "Phony Political Debates"
Pat Buchanan: "We Are Becoming A Tower Of Babel"
Franklin Graham: Ask Obama If He's A Christian
Gingrich: "You Can't Put A Gun Rack In A Volt"
Ron Paul Ad Hits Santorum: "Is This Dude Serious?"
Matthews: Are Rising Gas Prices Obama's Fault?
O'Reilly: "We're Redistributing Money To Oil Companies"
Maddow: Romney Still The Winner Of The Maine Caucuses
"Special Report" Panel On Latest Middle East Events

Over-Militarized U.S.-China Strategy?
Time For U.S. To Arm Syrian Rebels?
Tensions On The Korean Peninsula
Can Israel Get U.S. Support For Attack On Iran?
McCain: Syria Is A 'World's Community Problem'
China's Xi Jinping Praises Ireland On World Tour
Poverty On The Rise In Greece As Austerity Bites
Olympus Top Executive Found Dead
Raw Video: Samba Spectacle At Rio's Carnival
Greece To Get $170B Bailout, Reduce Debt
UN Inspectors Return To Iran's Nuclear Facilities
U.S. Commander Apologizes For Koran Desecrations
Should U.S. Intervene In Iran, Syria?
Analyst: Israel Not Ready To Attack Iran


Brit Hume: "No Evidence" The Media Is Trying To Help Mitt Romney
Moore: Republicans "Hate" Anything To Do With African Americans
Fleischer: Santorum Has "Decent Chance" Of Beating Romney
DeWine On Santorum Switch: I "Bought Into Conventional Wisdom" On Romney
Grayson: "Gaping Chasm" Between Tea Party And Rest Of America
Santorum: "National Media Trying To Destroy Conservatives"
Mark Levin: Obama's Policies Are Driving Up Gas Prices
Romney Adviser: Michigan Primary Not A "Must-Win"
Brian Williams: What Was Santorum Trying To Say?
Rubin: "Perfectly Acceptable" Not To Grill Romney Over Religion
Santorum Aide Mentions "Radical Islamic Policies The President Has"
Ron Paul On Social Conservatism: "I Think It's A Losing Position"
RCP's Scott Conroy On "Reliable Sources"
Melissa Harris-Perry: "Jobs Are Simply Not Located In My Uterus"
AZ Sheriff On Gay Relationship With Illegal Immigrant
Gingrich: If Romney Loses MI, "I Don't See What He Says The Next Morning To His Donors"
Rep. Chaffetz: Democrats "Don't Have A Plan" On Debt
Sen. Conrad: GOP Has "Convenient Amnesia" On Budget

Supreme Leader Succession
What Will Iran Nuclear Talks Achieve?
Syrians Divided On The Way Forward
Iran's Defiance Against Increased Sanctions
Clinton: If Iran Talks Resume, Must Be Sustained Effort
Crew Rescued From Burning Boat
Syrian Flashpoint City Homs Pounded For 15th Day
Myanmar Declares War On Opium
Suicide Bomber Kills 15 At Baghdad Police Academy
Raw Video: Libyan Town Holds Its First Election
Post-Election Yemen: What's Next?
Campaign 2012: Afghanistan And Pakistan Policy
Iran's Nuclear Threat
Israeli Approach To Iranian Nuke Quest


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