A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

19 February 2012

19 FEB.'12

Black History


**MAD Magazine Cover Art February 2012


**Playlist: Grateful Dead

**Dead Player

**Dead Player 2

Grateful Dead @ Deadman is Alive


CyclopsWarrior: Want To Research The Internets? Start Right Here At CyclopsWarrior!!!


+CyclopsWarrior: Ultra Rare Video Of Hendrix - Solo Starts at 4:20 Mark To 8:00 Mark Just Unbelievable Why He Is Considered The Greatest Guitar Player Ever


Paul Drockton M.A. Who "Turned" Henry Makow?

Paul Drockton M.A. Henry Makow's "Punch and Judy Show"

Exclusive Photos Of Huge New US Base In Israel - Pt 1

Exclusive Photos Of Huge New US Base In Israel - Pt 2

Rick Santorum Exposed: Knights of Malta Warmonger Connected to Sandusky - YouTube

FBI Arrests DC Muslim After Another Phony ‘Terror Plot’ -- News from

Activist Post: The Innocents Killed by Obama: They Never Saw it Coming

Preserving Human Diversity and Freedom! - YouTube

Rense & Richard Ostrow - Supercharge Immune System With Venus Fly Trap? - Carnivora - YouTube

Plastic Grass, GMO Ink, Nuclear Energy and Human CAFOs - The New "Green" Alternatives | Farm Wars

Genetically Engineered Bt Protein Toxic to Human Cells | Farm Wars

Celente - A Nuclear Iran And World Peace

New Dawn Special Issue 18 | New Dawn : The World's Most Unusual Magazine

Hitler had son with French teen - Telegraph

Could 'artificial leaf' technology power the cars of the future? Scientists aim to create 'oil' using photosynthesis | Mail Online

Are ocean plankton the key ingredient that decides the future of Earth's climate? | Mail Online

DNA machine can sequence human genomes in hours | Science | The Guardian

Under the Big Tent in the Circus of Appetite and Ignorance. Visible Origami

Paul Drockton M.A. Mitt Romney Vs. Joseph Smith

Financial sex aid: Students seeking 'Sugar Dadd - Flash Player Installation

The World According to America | Opinion Maker

Research: Roundup Diluted by 450-Fold is Still Toxic to DNA | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine | Consumer Advocacy

Nanoparticles in food, vitamins could harm human health, researchers warn

Meet plants' and algae's common ancestor: Primitive organisms not always so simple, researcher says

FDA Ignores Scientists, Dentists Warning of Amalgam Mercury Pandemic | Natural Society

California company develops lung cancer breath test |

How Clinging to Mommy and Daddy Is Ruining a Generation

Duck and cover... Astonishing video shows U.S. 'ground grunt' guinea pigs taking part in atomic bomb tests in the 1950s... with only trenches to protect them from radiation | Mail Online

Diet soda tied to heart attack, stroke risks: study | The Raw Story

Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam

Blog Bash: Making the Left Uptight For All The Right Reasons | Sinclair News – LS News Group

Congress set to hand our highways and freeways over to foreign corporations: New toll roads planned for all 50 states! « The PPJ Gazette

Google Translate:Political Analyst: Al-Qaeda carried out a U.S. agenda

31 Jan./Israeli Nukes Triggered Fukushima Quake, Crackpot Claims | Danger Room |




Benjamin Fulford Update: Takedown of The Satanic Cabal is Proceeding Smoothly - YouTube

Benjamin Fulford 2-13-12…”Controlled implosion of Federal Reserve Board and ECB continuing as planned” | Kauilapele's Blog


The Big Picture./(


Why a Root Canal is a Dangerous Dental Procedure

Newsvine - 911-II: Caught sleeping on the job or part of a contrived plot to blow up DWH?

Car Jack used to Breach Border Fence - YouTube

Truth, Obliterated: The “Obama Conspiracy Theory” Psychological Assault Weapon « Terrible Truth by Martha Trowbridge

Obama Identity Fraud « Terrible Truth by Martha Trowbridge

Real Men Would Defend US Women -

: Mortality Rates Are Underestimated

Lemon Global: Over 1,000 Votes Missing In Maine!!!

Could there be life on Mars? NASA probe could confirm methane clouds...meaning the conditions for life DO exist | Mail Online

Shocking levels of arsenic found in baby formula made with brown rice syrup

Lone Star Watchdog: Boehner Busted Conspiring With Obama Regime. (To Cover Up Operation Fast and Furious)

Obama joins crowd trying to buy the election


*film/Chemtrails : What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length HD) - YouTube

The Washington Monthly - Ten Miles Square - A Gasoline Conspiracy to Set Fire to the Obama Administration?

South Carolina Sheriff Adds Round-the-Clock Checkpoints to Growing Police State -

Goldman Sachs Code-Theft Conviction Reversed | Threat Level |

Lone Star Watchdog: Retailers Play Big Brother with Your Purchases

Activist Post: Lawmakers Move to Ban BPA in Receipts

sh*t government says - YouTube

America, Persia, And Israel Are Being Sacrificed For A One World Order

Activist Post: The Criminalization Of The Localized Economy

Activist Post: Monsanto Shareholder Meeting Infiltrated by Activist

Occupy Activist addresses Monsanto shareholders' assembly (video 1 of 3) - YouTube

Activist Post: Empire's Double-Edged Sword: Global Military + NGOs

Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex. - YouTube

Pro Libertate: The Global Land Grab

poorrichard's blog: Congress set to hand our highways and freeways over to foreign corporations: New toll roads planned for all 50 states!

Veterans for Ron Paul march on the White House | Washington Times Communities

Ron Paul outgains Romney 2:1 in Every Caucus! Trails by 11 |

Paul warns US slipping toward fascism at Mo. rally upstaging nearby Republican Party events - The Washington Post

Heroin production in Afghanistan has RISEN 61% | Mail Online

Anonymous And Internet Advocates: Where's Your H.R. 1981 Outrage?

Google Translate:Rick Santorum says: Dutch elderly are euthanized en masse

Succubi Hallucinations in Cellblock 99. Smoking Mirrors


*film/Iraq For Sale - Full Movie - YouTube


+Promo/Scruples ; The Game of Moral Dilemmas(


Shit Students CAN'T Say (About Israel) - YouTube

Century Of Income Tax: What Was The Average Income In 1913, Year Of The First 1040? - Yahoo!

On Second Thought, Senate Won't Debate Cybersecurity Before Floor Vote

HUGE explosion on Sakurajima Volcano in Japan! MUST SEE! - YouTube

poorrichard's blog: Buchanan Get’s It Wrong (Video)

Rick Santorum ad: Mitt "Rombo" - YouTube

What Romney Did To His Dog Is Nothing Compared To How Past Democrat Presidents Mistreated Animals (Photos) | The Tree of Mamre

Will Newt Romney Kill The GOP? | The Tree of Mamre

Who Killed The Jobs? | The Tree of Mamre

Was Santorum A Big Government Conservative While In The Senate? | The Tree of Mamre

Global War and Hunger Porn on the way to Fat City - YouTube

Ron Paul

Ron Paul: A political force, a Republican blasting war -

Ron Paul on Cnn Sunday 2-18 - YouTube


Ron Paul is the Choice of the Troops! March on the White House - Monday Feb 20 | Ron Paul 2012 | Peace . Gold . Liberty

Combat Veterans for Ron Paul 2012 | "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." -Samuel Adams

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul - "US Beware, We are Slipping Into a Fascist System!"

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : 800 People Turned Away from Massive Ron Paul Event in Vancouver WA!

If You Like Ron Paul, Except on Foreign Policy - Watch This Video

Even If You Don't Like Ron Paul You Should Watch This - Its Only 1 Minute


Ron Paul In Twin Falls, ID Feb 16, 2012 - YouTube


Ron Paul Boise Idaho 2-18-2012 - YouTube


Ron Paul - Boise Speech on February 18, 2012 - 1 of 2 - YouTube

Ron Paul - Boise Speech on February 18, 2012 - 2 of 2 - YouTube


3000 + @ Ron Paul KC Union Train Station Speech Kansas City Mo. - YouTube


Ron Paul comes to (Tri-Cities) Richland, WA 2012 Town Hall Meeting - YouTube


+Reader Photos from Ron Paul in Boise


Ron Paul Leads Obama In Iowa, According to New Poll - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine


Romney co-chair resigns after allegations of same-sex relationship with immigrant | The Raw Story

Refreshing News: US election: Newt Gingrich accuses Republican rivals of being 'chickens'

Ron Paul endorsed by state judge | The State Column

on Paul rallies supporters for third stop in Idaho

America Wakes Up to Reality - Ron Paul in Idaho Falls [© KIDK 3] - YouTube

Delayed Washington County GOP caucus completed | Wausau Daily Herald |

Escobar: Al-Qaeda agents worm into Syrian rebel army - YouTube

World Health Organization Decides to Release Research on Super Flu That Could Wipe Out Humanity :

New York Police Department monitored Muslim college students all over Northeast - 12160

Coincidence Theory: Is The U.S. Capitol Bomb Plot an Attempt At Damage Control? :

An Example of How Our Infrastructure Is being Sold To Foreign Corporations - YouTube

Occupy brief: Common Sense resources to end 1%’s War Crimes, looting, lies - National Nonpartisan |

Refreshing News: Boy genius publishes book about what it’s like to enroll in college at age 8

Atomic Bomb Test on human subjects - YouTube

Rick Santorum Exposed: Knights of Malta Warmonger Connected to Sandusky - YouTube

Refreshing News: Turning People Into Plastic

'Beijing will not tolerate US pressure on Syria' - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Mainstream Media The Mouthpiece for Government Propaganda

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Is Ron Paul Taking Over the GOP? Young Voters Fuel Movement!

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : POLICE STATE AMERICA : Police Shoot Unarmed 54 yr old Woman for Rolling Up Her Car Window

Why everyone should Occupy US 1% corporate media: they lie - National Nonpartisan |

Dominique Strauss-Kahn faces 'prostitution ring' questioning - 12160

poorrichard's blog: How credit ratings agencies rule the world

poorrichard's blog: ORWELLIAN DRONES: Eye in the Sky Spying on Americans

Ron Paul scores big wins in Hancock and Washington counties but statewide total doesn’t top Romney — Politics — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine

poorrichard's blog: Arthur Silber Destroys What The Brainwashed Left Calls "Dissent"


JFK ASSASSINATION: The Rose Cheramie story - YouTube


+List of U.S. states and territories by population - Wikipedia


Web Counter :


88.1 KKJZ - Jazz

88.3 Jazz88 FM - WBGO / Jazz

90.7 WWOZ - Jazz

91.1 Jazz 91 - KCSM - JaZZ

89.3 KUVO - Jazz


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Macca Radio

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ABC Beatles

Radio Revolution No.9


China central bank lowers cuts bank reserve requirements

Russia Thwarts U.S. Central Asian Counterdrug Program |

Locally-Grown Foods Account for Less than 2% of Total Sales in U.S. -

Italian police seize fake bonds worth a third of US national debt (VIDEO) — RT

Activist Post: Nigel Farage Speaks to Greece: You're Being Destroyed by the "Economic Prison" of the Euro

800 People Turned Away from Massive Ron Paul Event in Vancouver WA! - YouTube

Activist Post: European Super State One Step Closer or Approaching Imminent Collapse?

Activist Post: Google Wallet Shutdown Highlights Vulnerability of a Cashless Society

FBI, DHS, Pentagon, Fed using social media for spying, propaganda - YouTube

Activist Post: Infographic: Eastern vs. Western Medicine

US Envoy Visits Israel to Discuss Iran Tensions

Iran Halts Oil Sales to France, Britain

Suicide Attack Kills 19 at Iraqi Police Academy

Cars Circle Central Moscow in Anti-Putin Protest

North Korea Warns of Possible Retaliation for South Korea Exercise

British Muslims recruited to fight for 'al-Qaeda' in Somalia - Telegraph

US counterterror adviser pledges support for Yemen -

Neocon Arguments For Iran War Are Tired Cliches

Wikileaks Banned From UN Conference on Wikileaks | Common Dreams

Congrats, US Government: You're Scaring Web Businesses Into Moving Out Of The US | Techdirt | 02/18/2012 | Fort Benning soldiers get suicide prevention training

Animal rights group says drone shot down

Gallup: Santorum Surges Into National Lead Over Romney, 35 Percent to 29 Percent

100% of Catholic Bishops Oppose Obama’s Contraceptive Mandate

Illegal Alien Moroccan Arrested Near Capitol As He Allegedly Believed He Was About to Commit Suicide Bombing

Holder Won't Defend Military Against Suit to Force Recognition of Same-Sex Marriages

Whitney Houston remembered at NJ hometown funeral

Obama Contradicted: HHS Banned Determining Whether Mandate Was 'Cost Effective'

On 3rd Anniversary of Obama's $787B Stimulus, Unemployment Sets Record

Smithsonian Touts Jefferson’s ‘Genius’ in Editing Gospels--And Removing Resurrection

Bob Beckel Wrestles With the Past Tense of 'Tweet' - Loses Badly

Rep. Fortenberry: ‘We'll Let the Courts Decide’ If It's Constitutional to Force Companies to Provide Products for Free

Being a pill about the pill? Santorum vs US views

Rep. Barney Frank: Ron Paul 'Is An Intellectually Honest Libertarian’

Pelosi Criticizes Hearing That Featured Two Women: ‘Where Are The Women?’

Three Years Later, Some of the Stimulus’ Odder Projects: Basket Weaving, Polka Training, Rats on Meth

Democrat Blocks Rand Paul’s Attempt to Cut Aid to Egypt Because of Its ‘Insolence and Disregard’

Rep. Frank: U.S. Needs to be ‘Much Tougher’ with ‘Brutal, Repressive’ China

Repressive Regimes Rally Around Syria at the U.N., But Little Support From Islamic Nations

Krauthammer Schools Entire Inside Washington Panel: Payroll Tax Cut Is Crack Cocaine |

MSN Mocks Tim Tebow 'Awkwardly' Reading 'Green Eggs and Ham' for Charity |

Chris Matthews' Surprising Tribute to Pat Buchanan: 'I Miss Him Already' |

Alec Baldwin Calls Andrew Breitbart 'A Festering Boil on the Anus of Public Discourse' |

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: ‘Woman’s Health is a Priority. People Will Die if They Do Not Have the Proper Health’ |

'Feasibility Studies' for Tribal 'Clean Energy' Projects Will Cost More Than Actual Projects |

VIDEO: Open Seeds: Biopiracy and the Patenting of Life

SOCIAL MEDIA "TACTICAL INTELLIGENCE COLLECTION": Spying and Propaganda using Facebook, Twitter

Why Everyone Should Occupy US 1% Corporate Media: They Lie

VIDEO: FBI Latest Government Agency to Target Social Media

Instability in the Oil and Currency Markets: Petro-Dollars and the Oil Bourse

Global Systemic Crisis: Towards a Renaissance in European political and economic integration

Would You Vote For This Man?

VIDEOS: War Propaganda Corporate Media Steers World Toward Disaster

The .0000063% Election

85 Things That Might Get You on a DHS Terrorist Watch List

VIDEO: DHS Testimony on Social Networking and Media Monitoring

UNESCO Shuns WikiLeaks as Speaker at Conference on Implications of WikiLeaks

Torture, Assassination & the American Way of Life

DSK to be questioned by police over 'fraudulent payments' to illegal prostitution racket | Mail Online

ICE Long Beach shootout: As immigration cauldron boils, ICE agents buckle -

Duck and cover... Astonishing video shows U.S. 'ground grunt' guinea pigs taking part in atomic bomb tests in the 1950s... with only trenches to protect them from radiation | Mail Online

Obama plays active role in Dem primaries -

Poll shows Obama trailing three GOP challengers in Iowa - The Hill's Ballot Box

Santorum says Obama agenda not based on Bible | Reuters

Gas prices are highest ever for this time of year –

Data collection arms race feeds privacy fears | Reuters

Harvard Mapping My DNA Turns Scary - Bloomberg

The trick to D.C. police force’s 94% closure rate for 2011 homicides - The Washington Post

Police identify body as missing accountant Dara Watson who was shot in the head and buried by her fiance David Hedrick | Mail Online

Naked 300lb man tasered by police after he walked into Walmart and put on a pair of socks | Mail Online

Elizabeth Smart wedding: Kidnap victim gets married in Hawaii | Mail Online

‘Selling pornography to kids as science’

States march forward on anti-detention campaigns

Facebook shuts down pro-life message

Is lying protected free speech?

Ex-GOP congressman jumps into prez race

Ron Paul Says Santorum Can't Beat Obama - Alexandra Jaffe -

Buchanan liberated from MSNBC constraints

WND TV Interviews Pat Buchanan after his Blacklisting from MSNBC - YouTube

Is Obamacare just Romneycare 2.0?

Your splittin’ noggin might be more than stress

Man with half a head Carlos 'Halfy' Rodriguez explains how he got bizarre injury | Mail Online

After Controversy, Lesbian Couple Wins St. Joe's Alumni Contest | NBC 10 Philadelphia

Guess who’s been seen on YouTube 8 million times

Iran says Stuxnet virus infected 16,000 computers - Israel News, Ynetnews

‘Vengeance is mine,’ saith … Satan?

Bartlett man finds $26,000 in safe bought on eBay - Action News 5 - Memphis, Tennessee

Mass Media Promoting Transhumanism: the “Mind-Blowing Benefits of Merging Human Brains and Computers”

Millions of Christians Want to Start WWIII ”

Univision Goes Neoconservative

Video:Is This Why Judge Andrew Napolitano Was Fired?


Manufacturing Illusions

The Illegals: Another Angle

Report: U.S. drones flying over Syria to monitor crackdown

Gaddafi supporters outside Libya form new grouping

+Bradley Manning made an example of by the Obama administration? Video

Record Gas Prices Bolster GOP Arsenal Against Obama

Santorum Says Obama Agenda Not 'Based on Bible'

Obama Campaign Shifts to Targeting Santorum, Too

Rep. Ryan: Obama Budget Filled With 'Gimmicks,' 'Tricks'

Scholar Charles Murray: US in Danger of Following Europe's Slide

Obama's Slogan: Looking to Replace Hope and Change

David Koch Faced 100 Death Threats Last Year

Glenn Reunites With Mercury Team to Mark Flight's 50th Anniversary

Bachmann: Republican Party Isn't Anti-Woman, Obamacare Is

White House National Security Adviser in Israel

CBO: US in Longest Stretch of High Unemployment Since Depression

Live Local TV on iPhones, iPads Expected to Be Challenged

Data Collection Arms Race Feeds Privacy Fears

Youth Shaping Future of Online TV, Movies, Music

Challenge to Google Privacy Policy Is Baseless, US Says

At Houston funeral, stories of faith, courage and love -

Bobby Brown Explains Why He Left Whitney Houston’s Funeral - ABC News

CNN's Piers Morgan and Soledad O'Brien 'Obama Bump' Roberta Flack at Whitney Houston Funeral |

Gingrich: Home states must wins for GOP candidates

Secretive Navy SEALs take starring role in new film - Yahoo!7

Pope wants to see Fidel Castro on Cuba trip: source | Reuters

North Carolina Mother Diane Zambrano Says Her Daughter‘s Homemade School Lunch Wasn’t Healthy Enough | West Hoke Elementary |

Santorum questions Obama's Christian values | The Detroit News |

Breaking: FBI Arrests Patsy in Capitol Terror Plot: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Morrocan Man Arrested In Suicide Bomb Plot On US Capital Building - YouTube

Washington DC: FBI Foils Own Terror Plot (Again) – Tony Cartalucci |

Syrian Girl - Why Al Qaeda is Al CIAda - YouTube

Monsanto blocks research on GMO safety |

The Resistance Needs YOU |

+Videos:The Billionaires’ Brokered GOP Convention with BBC’s Greg Palast |

+Videos:Surviving The Coming Collapse with Survivalist James Wesley Rawles |

The Last World War of The Modern Age Is Upon Us |

When Debt Is More Important Than People, The System Is Evil |

BBC: Let’s Kill the Internet and Start Over |

Central Banks ‘Good’, Ron Paul ‘Bad’? |

Rep. Jackie Speier Stands Up Against DHS Big Brother Policies :


Activist Post: Elite Think Tanks, Neuroscience, and Military Mind Wars

FAST Technology-Future Attribute Screening Technology coming soon - YouTube

*Neuroscience, society and policy | Royal Society

*Neuroscience: implications for education and lifelong learning (module 2)

*Neuroscience, conflict and security (module 3)

*Neuroscience and the law (module 4)

Brain Waves | Royal Society


Newt Gingrich Ties to Secret Gay Resort at Bohemian Grove: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

FEMA Follows DHS in Monitoring News Coverage of Its Activities: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

FBI To Spy on Goldbugs Via 'Suspicious Comments' App?

Face Masks, Snipers and Aerial Surveillance: Chicago's Newest Anti-Protest Measures Revealed | Truthout


The Nephilim And The Pyramid Of The Apocalypse | Before It's News


The Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocalypse - YouTube

C2CAM The Nephilim Built the Pyramids -The Great Separation - Patrick Heron - YouTube


Ancient Walled City, Older Than Egypt’s Pyramids, Unearthed Off Georgia Coast | Before It's News

UFOs In The Nasa Archives 2012 Alien UFO Film - YouTube


**Ron Paul News 2-18-12 |


Inalienably Yours: The Resistance Needs YOU

James Howard Kunstler: The big banks vs Reality

Budget 2012: Clean energy and the environment are on the front lines, again

Grammy Awards: Chipotle wants us to cultivate a better world

Election 2012: Romney collapsing, Santorum surging

David Brin: The truth about taxes (the Tea Party is wrong)

America, Persia, And Israel Are Being Sacrificed For A One World Order

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Another Casualty of The White House's War on Free Speech


**Cooking and Recipes


Gingrich: 'You Can't Put a Gun Rack on a Volt'

What the Hell is Rick Santorum Thinking?

Republicans Claim Obama's Budget Proposal is a 'Roadmap to Greece'

Santorum: Mainline Protestants Are ‘Gone From The World Of Christianity’

Some People Listen To Rick Santorum And Hear The Voice Of God

Worst of the Worst: Rob Walton, Walmart

Melissa Harris-Perry: All Workers Do Well When Union Workers Do Well

Longshore Workers say Occupy 'Crucial' in Union Settlement

San Francisco Foreclosure Audits Estimates 84 Percent Are Illegal

Cordray: Consumer Finance Companies Have 'Gone Unsupervised' For Too Long

Chris Matthews Warns Santorum He'd Better 'Fix' Statement From Friess or Kiss Off Women Voters

United Auto Workers Criticize Romney's 'We Should've Let Detroit Go Bankrupt' Remark

Chris Matthews Says He'll Miss Pat Buchanan at MSNBC

Rick Santorum’s ‘Iran-Contraception Scandal’ | The Satirical Political Report

Class Warfare: Which Side Are You on? | The Smirking Chimp

Will foreclosure reach the White House?

President took on the wrong issue, now he has a tiger by the tale!

Romney’s Religion: The Most Scrutinized Doctrines of Mormonism

Where are the men of America?

Booing the Gluttony of the Obamas

A President’s Priorities (Mimi Alford)

Progressives: Dedicated apostles of the “lowest common denominator

When Conservatives Wax Liberal: Is Sex a Qualification?

Guns, Butter, Jobs and Birth Control

Oil Independence, America: One Last Chance

Harvard, Jew haters, motherhood and Israel

Some Mormons Less Cultic Than Others?

Would you trust these people with $1 billion?

Are Conservatives with Ginsburg or the Founders on the Constitution?

Obama and the Negotiator's Tactic

Enfant Terrible , or Why are American Parents Inferior?

War, Tragedy, and Hope

The Myth and Danger of Non-Interventionism

Does Ryan Now Agree with Gingrich?

The Car Bomb: From Belfast to Baghdad

Are Conservatives with Ginsburg or the Founders on the Constitution?

Project Gunrunner Wasn't Fast and Furious by Any Means

The Big Picture on Why the Palestinians Always Say 'No'

Obama Perverts Ex-Im Bank into Competitor for Domestic Banks

Egypt set to try American democracy activists

Obama for Pope?

The Greek Tragedy is a Case Study in Class Warfare

Outrage in California over Republican official's mountain lion hunt

Is Canada 'muzzling' its scientists?

Wanted: New slogan for Obama 2012 campaign

Iran retaliates: Cuts off oil sales to UK, France

Small protest in Damascus a sign of things to come?

Putin running against US in election

Spanish socialists pour into the streets to protest

Santorum says Obama's agenda not based on the Bible

Leni Riefenstahl: Congratulations on the HHS Regulations

Who Truly Deserves a State? The Kurds or the Palestinians?

Islam Detoxification

Foreign Aid and American Priorities

Mitt Romney's Cross of Gold?

Lost in the Magoo: Women and the Great Political Divide

The Left's Hatred of Religion

Our Father, Who Art in Washington

Hatred versus Occupation

Griswold vs. Obama

Why is the Catholic Church Surprised?

When Conservatives Wax Liberal: Is Sex a Qualification?

Money is Common Sense Part I: Definitions

Money is Common Sense II: All Paper Money is Debt

Santorum: ‘I Wasn’t Suggesting the President‘s Not a Christian’

Atheists Raise $41,000 Reward for Teen Behind Prayer Mural Ban

Watch Sen. John McCain Endorses U.S. Talks With the Taliban: ‘Important to Have Talks Wherever You Can’

Watch ‘We’ve Got to Do the Job’: Former Netanyahu Chief of Staff Says Israeli Strike on Iran ‘Imminent’

SNL: Michelle Obama Debuts ‘The Obama Show’

Ron Paul: U.S. ‘Slipping Into a Fascist System’

SNL: The Real Bill O’Reilly Shows Up

Blaze Readers: Here Are Your Faith Poll Results — The Bible, Conscience Protection & More

Santorum Criticizes Obama Agenda as Based on ‘Some Phony Theology…Not a Theology Based on the Bible’

Protesting Barack Obama Brings Tea Party and Occupy Side-by-Side in San Francisco

Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu Quits Romney Campaign After Allegations by Gay Lover

AP: NYPD Monitored Muslim Students All Over Northeast

Country Star in Feud With Chris Brown After Criticizing Grammy Praise for Domestic Abuser

Watch Whitney Houston Remembered at Funeral in Newark

Update: Pastor’s Daughter Dies After Accidental Shooting Inside Church

Pope Benedict Officially Appoints 22 New Cardinals

Yes, This Is Al Sharpton‘s ’Lin Forward’ MSNBC Ad

Watch Buchanan on His MSNBC Dismissal: ‘A Blacklist of Conservative and Traditionalist Thought’

Chris Matthews Passionately Defends ‘Blacklisted’ Pat Buchanan: ‘I Miss Him Already’

Texas Teacher Fighting for Job After Telling Student ‘Go Back to Mexico’

Death Toll Rises for Russian Police and Security Troops Fighting Islamist Insurgency in Caucasus

Iranian Warships Pass Through Suez Canal for Only the Second Time Since 1979

‘Reduced to…Entertainment’: GOP Considering Major Changes to Presidential Debates

Wrong-Way Driver Filmed by Friends Banned From Roads for Three Years

‘Afraid’: Gingrich Mocks Rivals for Pulling Out of CNN Debate


Art Bell - Bob Lazar - UFOs 2 Hours Video

C2CAM - 2011.12.26 - ET Encounter - YouTube


Area 51 - David Adair (1997) - YouTube


+ART BELL Legends-"MEL'S HOLE"-Mel Waters - YouTube

Eastern Washington hole is shrouded in mystery | Local & Regional | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News

Mel's Hole - Wikipedia


Ancient Biblical Gardens 'Bloom' Again | Biblical Kingdom of Judah & Ramat Rahel | Old City of Jerusalem | LiveScience

Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens, former pentagon consultant claims | Mail Online

Stonehenge was based on a 'magical' auditory illusion, says scientist | Science | The Guardian

Cosmic Log - Device turns gestures into song

Swedish man survives for months in snowed-in car - Yahoo! News

Project Avatar: U.S. military researches ways for soldiers to control robot 'surrogates' using just their minds | Mail Online

Cars Without Drivers: Get Ready to See Automated Automobiles on the Open Road - International Business Times

BBC News - Buxton Mermaid origins probed at University of Lincoln

Video: Ryan: Obama Has 'Paternalistic, Arrogant' Attitude

Video:SNL's Cosby Show Parody: 'The Obama Show'

Video:Did ABC News' Stephanopoulos Have Advance Knowledge Of Contraception Issue When He Sprung Topic At Jan Debate?

Video:O'Reilly On SNL: 'What Up With That?'

Video:Houston hearse arrives at cemetary

Video:New Romney Ad Attacks Santorum On Earmarks

Video:MSNBC Panel: GOP White Southern Old Man Party

Video: AZ Sheriff Says He's Gay After Misconduct Claims

Video:Teacher Of The Year Tells Student 'Go Back To Mexico'

Video:Newt: 'You Can't Put A Gun Rack In A Volt!'

Romney faces questions about intensity of support

China's Vice President Xi kicks off Dublin visit

Merkel backs opposition's choice for president- sources

"Undefeated" on the gridiron of life. At Oscars, too?

High court examines lying about military exploits

Whitney Houston laid to rest at private NJ burial

Gay Arizona sheriff resigns from Romney campaign

Greek premier rushes to Brussel to secure bailout

Santorum scales back attack on Obama's faith

Elizabeth Smart marries at Hawaii temple

'Safe House' leads movie box office charts

British fugitive lived inconspicuous life in US

U.N. inspectors to press Iran over nuclear concerns

'Safe House,' 'The Vow' beat out new 'Ghost Rider'

Spaniards hold mass protests against labor reforms

Hamas, Fatah feud over political platform of gov't

Lessons from the flawed 'Rothschild model'

Time to shift the sterile fiscal policy debate

Greece must default if it wants democracy

Colleagues: Shadid a 'giant' among Mideast reporters

Baidu: search for mobile profits

Militias turning Libya into vigilante state

European banks: lost decade looms

Obama nears his nuclear moment

Hague: If Iran gets nukes, there will be war or a cold war

Police arrest 18 Palestinians near Temple Mount

North Korea warns South over military drill near sea border

Police shooting leaves man in critical condition

PM: Al-Dura libel acquittal a 'victory' over propaganda

'Likud would win 39 seats, Lapid only 6,' poll finds

Tehran halts oil sales to UK and France

Hostage Crisis in Egypt: Will Obama Fare Better than Carter?

Islam’s Establishment of Government Religion Not Protected by First Amendment

A President’s Priorities: Kennedy More Committed to Teenage Mistress than Cuban Freedom Fighters

Audio: Bill Gertz: 35 HASC Republicans Challenge Obama’s 80% Cut to Nuclear Stock Pile

US Officials: Iran Sanctions Only Delaying Inevitable Military Conflict

Media and Obama Administration Reserve Harsher Treatment for U.S. Soldiers than Taliban

Thai Police: Iranian Terrorists Visited Sex Workers Prior to Arrest

Hostage Crisis in Egypt: Will Obama Fare Better than Carter?

Pope sets Oct. 21 to make US saints

Hitler had son with French teen - Telegraph

Cartoon: UI: Meanwhile at MMFA

NPR’s Imbalanced Report On Payroll Tax Cut

Chimichanga-Gate: The Left’s Racism Rears Its Ugly Head in WaPo

NewsBusted: What Is Obama’s Smile Worth to You?

CBS Radio News: Still Attacking Sarah Palin in “News” Reports

Fahrenheit 9/11 Lies Revisited: Leftist Filmmakers Split Profits From Tragedy, Defamation

False Narrative Abounds Over Virginia’s Sonogram Law

Left-wing foundations lavish millions on Media Matters

The Hounding Of Pat Buchanan - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Beast

Rep. Allen West Delivers Epic Speech on GOP’s Proud History of Fighting For Black Equality

Sundays with Sherrod: Unemployment Benefits Create Jobs

Poll: Obama Trailing 3 GOP Challengers in Swing State Iowa

Sen. Bill Nelson ‘Farms’ Six Cows to Dodge $43,000 in Taxes, All While Supporting Obama’s Spending Spree

Elevated to Cardinal in Rome, Timothy Dolan Says We Must ‘Call America Back to What Has Made It Great’

Should ‘Political Intelligence’ Firms Be Required to Register as Lobbyists?

Obama Cuts Weather Satellites for Defense…But Not For Commerce

2012 Campaign: When Did Honesty Become Optional?

Federal Union Flips Out Over 0.8% Increase in Pension Contribution

Why Aren’t the Democrats Keynesian on Taxes?

Native Americans Get the Last Laugh on Government Regulation

Public Employees PRAISE Wisconsin’s Labor Reforms in New Ad

BH Interview: Bernie Mac’s Widow on What Compelled Comic to Create His Groundbreaking Fox Sitcom

Houston’s Spectacular, Spiritual Going Home Ceremony

Comedy Cowards: ‘SNL’ Hammers GOP, Gently Teases First Lady’s Obesity Campaign

Cherry Tree Books: American Stories for America’s Kids

‘Coriolanus’ Review: Fiennes Directorial Debut Does Shakespeare Proud

Alec Baldwin: Andrew Breitbart ‘A Festering Boil on the Anus of Public Discourse’

BH Interview: ‘Twilight’ Audio Book Narrator Ilyana Kadushin – The Saga’s Unsung Star

Welcome to China!: White House Gives Hollywood Another Reason to Make Bad Movies

‘Fahrenheit 9/11′ Lies Revisited: Leftist Filmmakers Split Profits from Defaming President Bush

Maher: Only Neonazi Party and Kirk Cameron are to the Right of Santorum |

Moore Singles Out African American on House Panel as 'Token Man' - Michael Moore - Fox Nation


19-Feb-12 World View

18-Feb-12 World View

17-Feb-12 World View

16-Feb-12 World View

15-Feb-12 World View

14-Feb-12 World View

13-Feb-12 World View

12-Feb-12 World View

11-Feb-12 World View


Excessive regulation: Tangled up in green tape | The Economist

Pushing beyond limits on gun rights | The Des Moines Register |

Jeremy Lin Means More Than Wins for the Knicks - The Daily Beast

News Desk: Postscript: Anthony Shadid, 1968-2012 : The New Yorker

RealClearPolitics - A Year After Uprising, Militias Hold Sway in Libya

RealClearPolitics - Is Santorum Too Socially Conservative to Defeat Obama?

The New Democratic Litmus Test - Reid Wilson -

Obama not so welcome in the OC? - Brian Calle: Uncommon Ground : The Orange County Register

A Third Voice for 2012 -

Voting Rights Act under siege - Josh Gerstein -

Barack Obama's Budget Is Even Worse Than It Looks - Peter Roff (

The Trouble With Mitt -

Morning Jay: Democrats, Inc. | The Weekly Standard

Why Obamacare is good for America - The Denver Post

Can Obama's Manufacturing Initiative Really Work?

STEWARD: Voodoo environomics - Washington Times

Venture Capitalists Seek Big Wins in Big Data

The Defender of Private Equity Tax Breaks - Businessweek

Study: Working on Wall Street Is Bad for Your Health | Business |

Q&A: Hacker Historian George Dyson Sits Down With Wired's Kevin Kelly | Wired Magazine |

SOPA author strikes back with Internet surveillance bill; no one is safe | VentureBeat

Google Circumvents Safari Privacy Protections - This is Why We Need Do Not Track | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Big data skills bring big dough — Cloud Computing News

Congrats, US Government: You're Scaring Web Businesses Into Moving Out Of The US | Techdirt

The End of American Intervention -

What did Pakistan know about bin Laden? - The Washington Post

The problem in public life isn’t Islam, but religion itself - The Globe and Mail

Trade Is War, By Other Means | The Weekly Standard

Religion an increasing source of strife in Africa | The Japan Times Online

China's (Probably Doomed) Plan to Partner With Hollywood - Damien Ma - International - The Atlantic

U.S.-China relations: Toward healthy U.S.-China relations -

EDITORIAL: Obama's unilateral disarmament - Washington Times


**NEWS VIDEOS:Dems Embrace ‘Urban Unity’ As 2012 Convention Poster

Ryan: Obama Has ‘Paternalistic, Arrogant’ Attitude

Tribune’s Page Flat Out Lies About Santorum’s Contraception Position

New Romney Ad Attacks Santorum On Earmarks

O’Reilly On SNL: ‘What Up With That?’

SNL’s Cosby Show Parody: ‘The Obama Show’

Did ABC News’ Stephanopoulos Have Advance Knowledge Of Contraception Issue When He Sprung Topic At Jan Debate?

MSNBC Panel: GOP White Southern Old Man Party

Teacher Of The Year Tells Student ‘Go Back To Mexico’

Newt: ‘You Can’t Put A Gun Rack In A Volt!’

GOP: Obama Debt Putting U.S. On ‘Roadmap To Greece’

18th/Santorum Blasts Obama’s ‘Phony Theology…Not Based On Bible’

Whitney Houston’s Funeral Ends To ‘I Will Always Love You’

Bobby Brown Leaves Early; ‘Bullied By Security’

Serious Injuries Linked To Yoga

NYPD Monitored Muslim Coeds All Over Northeast

Houston’s Manager Says Her Belief In God ‘Absolute’

Whitney Houston Mourned In Song And Prayer

Houston's Casket Arrives At Church For Funeral

Jesse Jackson Shares Thoughts On Houston's Death

Costner: Houston Only One For ‘Bodyguard’

Sharpton Jumps ‘Linsanity’ Shark With ’Lin Forward’ MSNBC Ad

Sheriff Babeu Comes Out; Acknowledges Sending Racy Photos

Krauthammer Slams Tax Deal: ‘Selling Crown Jewels For Crack’

Huckabee: Media Matters ‘Operating Illegally,’ David Brock Like ‘Paranoid Schizophrenic’

More Food Police: CA Lawmaker Says Food Trucks ‘Threat’ To Kids’ Health

Buchanan On MSNBC Firing: ‘Blacklist Of Conservative And Traditionalist Thought’

NY Archbishop Elevated To Cardinal In Rome Ceremony

Elderly Junkies Find ‘Freedom’ At Dutch Old-Age Home

Chaplin’s Birth A Mystery

Dutch Prince Buried Alive By Avalanche

German President Resigns Amid Scandal

Take That! Murdoch Expands Sun Tabloid Despite Scandal, Pressure From Left

Maher: Only Neo-Nazi Party And Kirk Cameron ‘To The Right’ Of Santorum

Golden Eagles Killed By Environmentally Friendly Windmills

Obama Touts Manufacturing, ‘Shared Responsibility’ In Weekly Address

17th/Stewart Lauds Schweizer’s Congressional Insider Trading Exposé

16th/Sebelius Admits No Consultation With Catholics On Contraception ‘Compromise’

Energy Secretary On Solyndra Investigation: ‘I Work For The White House’

Wisconsin Public Employees Praise Gov. Walker’s Reforms In New Ad

Santelli Demolishes Comparison Between Tea Party And Occupy

Pelosi: ‘98 Percent Of Catholic Women’ Use Birth Control

15th/WH Budget Director Contradicts Administration, Admits ObamaCare ‘Fees’ Not Taxes

14th/Brandon Darby Confronts #OccupyCPAC

Israeli Armor Saves American Lives

12th/#OccupyCPAC Points Out ‘Right-Wing Troll’ Brandon Darby

Greece In Flames

11th/Report: Three Other Federal Agencies Knew About ‘Fast & Furious’


"Facebook Promised To Keep Your Private Info Private... THAT WAS A LIE!" - YouTube

» The Last World War of The Modern Age Is Upon Us Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*Videos: Dark Satire by Alex Jones Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Dan Dicks Interviews Alex Jones On The Future Of The Internet ( - YouTube

» UN Guidelines: Recruiting Religious Leaders as “Agents of Change” for One World Religion Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Monsanto accuse US farmers of ‘evading EPA rules’ for its freak-tech corn Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Monsanto Attacks Farmers for 'FREAK-TECH' Corn: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Drugstores Pushing Poison On Customers! - YouTube

» Anonymous: CIA Cybernetic Sleepy Hollow Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Proof That ''Anonymous'' Is CIA, Government Operations, Cyber Terrorist's And Not Activist's - YouTube

Is WikiLeaks A CIA Operation? 1/3 - YouTube

Is WikiLeaks A CIA Operation? 2/3 - YouTube

Is WikiLeaks A CIA Operation? 3/3 - YouTube

The rise and rise of the American Sugar Daddy - Americas - World - The Independent

Irish social workers are horrified by their ruthless English counterparts - Telegraph

Creeping Fascism, Part One: Return of the Company Town —

Face Masks, Snipers and Aerial Surveillance: Chicago's Newest Anti-Protest Measures Revealed | Truthout

The Volokh Conspiracy » Drones, Privacy, and Air Rights

The Hegelian Dialectic: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

*Videos: Prison » Surviving The Coming Collapse with Survivalist James Wesley Rawles

*Prison » 25 Signs That America Is Rapidly Becoming More Like Nazi Germany

Prison » 20 Signs You Might Be A Typical American Worker


*Videos: Prison » Romney’s Billionaire Vulture Paul Singer: The GOP’s Baddie Sugar Daddie

*Videos: Prison » Navy Seals Say False Flag to be Blamed on Iran May Happen at Anytime: Ed Asner

*Videos: Prison » A Depressed World Economy is Here To Stay: Bob Chapman Reports

*Videos: Prison » The Billionaires’ Brokered GOP Convention with BBC’s Greg Palast


Activist Post: European Super State One Step Closer or Approaching Imminent Collapse?

Prison » An Honest Assessment of Neoconservatism

Prison » Zombify to Unify: ‘Euro schools pour propaganda brainwash’

Zombify to Unify: 'Euro schools pour propaganda brainwash' - YouTube

Prison » BBC: Let’s Kill the Internet and Start Over

Emanuel mounting challenge to census showing

Man stays in Joliet motel with girlfriend's corpse nearly two days

DuPage probes shooting by off-duty police officer at Fermilab

Officers save man who tried to rescue dog from Belmont Harbor

Lt. Governor Says She'll Cut Budget by 9.4 Percent

Republican debate in Ariz. takes on higher significance

AZ Sheriff Says He's Gay After Misconduct Claims - YouTube

Newt Gingrich says his focus is on Super Tuesday

Politics chase Romney to Olympic celebration

Callista Gingrich Speaks on the Campaign Trail

Ron Paul blasts Santorum's 'atrocious' voting record [Video]

Poll: Obama Would Lose Iowa

Attack ads hurting GOP and Dems

Paul Vows to Continue White House Bid

GOP candidate Ron Paul hits Tri-Cities

Ron Paul ignites crowd at Boise, Idaho rally

After Washington, Ron Paul still loses Maine to Mitt Romney

Senate hopefuls vying to face McCaskill tangle in Kansas City

Sarah Palin and a Brokered Convention

Former Va. Republican Rep. Virgil Goode announces presidential bid

Bill Maher: Rick Santorum 'Thinks Life Begins At Erection'

Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu still has a friend in Sen. John McCain despite ex-boyfriend’s deport claim - NY Daily News

Santorum said Obama’s faith not the issue, but ‘phony ideal’ promoting Earth and abortions - The Washington Post

NASA salutes John Glenn, Mercury astronauts

Montana teacher, Sherry Arnold, victim of random attack by crack fiends: document

Police: Mom, baby abducted at gunpoint while out walking

Carolyn Maloney, Eleanor Holmes Norton walk out of contraception hearing

Immigrants trickling back to Alabama despite crackdown

Military, Police Square off Over Marine's Death

Police probe skeletal remains found on LI

Mother of naked girl found eating trash faces charges

Official: ‘Very, very intense’ struggle for gun before agent fatally shot at LA-area office - The Washington Post

2 Senators Suggest Helping Syrian Rebels

38 killed in Mexican prison riot

Indian fisherman killing: Two Italian marines taken into custody-NewsX - YouTube

Latvians Reject Russian as Second Language

Nicolas Sarkozy saved France from 'catastrophe', 7000-strong rally hears

Ireland looks to China for trade boost

1st phase of capsized cruise ship fuel removal completed off Italy's coast

Rudd Says He's Changed as Australia Lawmaker Tells Gillard to Go

St. Patrick's Faithful Celebrate New York's New Cardinal

German government, opposition agree on new president

Swedish man survived in snowed-in car for two months

Dow nears psychological milestone: 13000

Thousands In Athens Protest Austerity; Youths Clash With Police

What's Next for Renewable Energy in the Mediterranean?

Postal Service seeks 50-cent stamps

BP idles large Washington state refinery after fire

12 Tax Scams to Avoid

You Might Be On The Hook For Way More Of The $40 Billion Mortgage Settlement Than You Thought - Business Insider

NASA seeks orbital broom for space junk

Fruit flies take on parasitic wasps with alcohol: Study

Vast solar tornado spied on the sun

Fracking contamination downplayed

Look for Mercury shining bright in the evening sky

Eagle Cam Returns: New Chicks Coming Soon

China to Launch 3 Astronauts to Space Laboratory by August

Gingrich's Limbaugh troubles spell out climate divide

Gecko-inspired adhesive sticks TVs to walls, holds up to 700lbs

High Winds Scrub Launch of New Military Satellite

Hubble finds cluster of blue stars around 'massive' black hole in cannibal galaxy

Stonehenge mystery may have been solved

Project offers window into world's oceans

Google's Privacy Invasion: It's Your Fault

Data collection arms race feeds privacy fears

DARPA plans 'Avatar' surrogate robots

YouTube: Father shoots daughter's laptop -- and he'd do it again

Chinese Retailers Temporarily Stop Selling iPads

Nevada Approves Rules for Self-Driving Cars

Deadly bird flu studies to stay secret for now: WHO

FDA to review inhalable caffeine

Microchip Used to Deliver Bone Drug

Research shows substituting with smokeless tobacco saves lives

Organic Brown Rice Syrup: Hidden Arsenic Source

King-size candy is dead! Long live smaller bars?

Heart Attack Grill owner defends his restaurant

"DNA Origami" Robots Target Cancer Cells

Fake Cancer Drug Found in US

Whitney Houston, RIP: Singer Laid to Rest at Fairview Cemetery

Raw Video: Houston's Casket Arrives at Cemetery - YouTube

Lindsay Lohan -- Doing 'Saturday Night Live' Was My Idea

Matt Groening discusses 'The Simpsons' hitting 500 episodes

Miley Cyrus -- New Bicep Tattoo [PHOTO]

Stephen Colbert to Resume Taping 'Colbert Report' Monday

Michaele Salahi Bodyguard Arrested at Airport Over Gun Mix-up

Newspaper study: Oscar voters mainly white, male

A Champion in Purgatory: Muhammad Ali Returns to Vegas

Efforts started to photograph, preserve old barns

Chris Cornell Covers I Will Always Love You At Obama Fundraiser

"Undefeated" on the gridiron of life. At Oscars, too?

2012 Academy Awards: Who will win on Oscar night -- and who should

*19&20 Feb.

American Minute for February 19th

February 19 Events in History

This Day in History for 19th February |

February 19th in History

February 19th This Day in History

Today in History: February 19

Today in History: February 19

Today in History for February 19th - YouTube


American Minute for February 20th

Today in History: February 20

Today in History: February 20

February 20th This Day in History

February 20th in History

This Day in History for 20th February |

Today in History: February 20 - YouTube


Gibbs: GOP Primary "Has Been A Race To The Bottom"
Santorum Hits Charlie Rose For "Gotcha" Question
Paul: Our Momentum Is Picking Up
Daniels: Obama "Totally AWOL" On Debt
Romney Says He Loves Trees, Lakes And Cars In Michigan
Ryan, Van Hollen Debate Economy, GOP Race, Social Issues
Santorum Questions Obama's "Worldview"
"Meet The Press" Roundtable On 2012 Election
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On 2012 GOP Primary
"This Week" Roundtable On The GOP Michigan Race
"Face The Nation" Panel On 2012 Race
RCP's Erin McPike On "Real Time"


Obama Weekly Address: Continuing To Strengthen American Manufacturing
GOP Weekly Address: McMorris Rodgers Calls Obama's Budget A "Roadmap To Greece"


Warren: Scott Brown Wants To "Roll Back The Clock" On Women's Health
Romney Ad Attacks Santorum On Earmarks
Romney: "People Are Going To Have A Hard Time Finding Someone More Conservative Than Myself"
Santorum Hits Romney For "Inconsistency" On Bailouts
Col. Martha McSally Says She'd Like To Kick Santorum "In The Jimmy"
Reich: Republicans "Shipped Jobs Abroad"
Romney Web Ad Slams Obama On Stimulus Anniversary
O'Reilly: Where Is The Media On Drug Addiction?
Klein: Romney Has Become A "Mudslinger, With Nothing Positive To Say"
Krauthammer: There's "A Chance" For Peace Talks With Taliban


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