A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

11 February 2012

11 FEB.'12





**How close is your home to a nuclear plant?



Negotiating Humanitarian Access
McFarland: Don't Get Distracted, Deal With Iran
Inside Israel's Terrorist Connection
Zakaria: Iran Loses In Syrian Civil War
Is Iran Threatening U.S. Interests Worldwide?
Officials Prepare To Respond To Syrian Uprising
Syrian Uprising Divides Minority Communities
Obama: U.S. Will Do What It Can To Help Eurozone
British Man Wanted In '93 Heist Nabbed In Missouri
Etna Spews Lava Into Air
Japan Snow Death Toll Rises
Gorbachev: Putin Is Not Capable Of Change
15 Bodies Unearth In Mexico
Eurozone Weighs Greek Deal

Obama: Contraception Rule Change A "Solution That Works For Everyone"
Harry Reid: GOP First Amendment Concerns Are "So Senseless"
Andrew Breitbart: We're Going To Vet Obama This Time
Mitt Romney: I Was A "Severely Conservative" Governor
Krauthammer On Obama's Contraception Compromise: "Smoke And Mirrors"
DNC Web Ad: Mitt Romney, Then and Now
Ann Coulter Slams Obama, Democrats At CPAC
Limbaugh: I've Never Heard Anybody Say "I'm Severely Conservative"
Obama To Reporters Asking About Contraception Issue: "Come On, Guys"
Krauthammer: Foreclosure Settlement Is A "Big Win" For Obama
O'Donnell: Santorum & Gingrich Have Written Romney Attack Ads For Obama
Page: "The Administration Will Have To Backtrack" On Contraception Rule
O'Reilly: Gas Prices Are Up 90% On Obama's Watch



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2011 TEDxManhattan Fellow: Stefani Bardin - YouTube


Daniel Plainview vs. the Reptilians - YouTube

Top Republican at CPAC: Jeb Bush could emerge as nominee at a brokered convention - Mail Online - Toby Harnden's blog

GOP Candidates Tout Conservative Credentials At DC Summit | Fox News

Rick Santorum: Obama helping Iran obtain nuclear weapons - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Republican for President? by Cindy Sheehan

Anonymous Hits CIA Website | Common Dreams

BK Lim - BP Deception In The Gulf - Part 1

BK Lim - BP Deception In The Gulf - Part 2

FEMA Doc And NDAA Could Bring Martial Law Crackdown :

Can America Survive The Cassandra Syndrome?

Focus On H5N1 Transmission Changes

EPA Lists Dry Cleaning Chemical Likely Carcinogen | Common Dreams

Is this the proof of a prehistoric elephant alive in remote Russia ... or is it a MAMMOTH hoax? | Mail Online

Fox closes Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano - YouTube

Freedom Watch: The economic impact of a popular host with low ratings - National Finance Examiner |

Who Is Citizens United?

The Pope will die within a year: Vatican 'assassination fears' revealed - Telegraph

Nat Rothschild loses libel action against Daily Mail | Media |

Elderly told: go back to work and downsize - Telegraph

End energy profiteering: The rich get richer, the poor get colder - Spend & Save - Money - The Independent

Facebook murder: Tennesse couple Billy Clay Payne and Billie Jean Hayworth killed in their home after 'defriending' Jenelle Potter - Telegraph

Frisbee throwers on LA beaches to be hit with £630 fine - Telegraph

Can we predict and prevent crime before it happens? – Telegraph Blogs

Twitter, Weibo Spread Rumors of North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un's Assassination | Reuters

Russia accuses West of arming Syrian rebel... JPost - Middle East

A ‘terrible disease of the mind’ | Jordan Times

Reuters TV | The Exchange: Guns, Strippers and Money

Robert Hoskins: Stalker who threatened to kill Madonna caught after escaping from a mental hospital | Mail Online

Syria: Iran's elite Quds force 'advising Assad regime' - Telegraph

Apple supplier Foxconn hacked in factory conditions protest | Technology | The Guardian

Duplicitous Mortgage Settlement Deal

Gonzalo Lira: A Tale of Two Settlements

Money Teachers | Silver Investing, Gold Investing, Silver Coins, Gold Coins, Silver Bars, Gold Bars and Drockton Bullion

Bobbing and Weaving and Seeking Relief. Smoking Mirrors

Laguna takes stand on San Onofre - Coastline Pilot

NRA official: Obama wants to outlaw guns in 2nd term - Washington Times

America's Sham Economic Recovery

George Carlin the illusion of freedom - YouTube

Highest level of radioactive cesium in San Francisco-area milk since August 2011 — Now at 150% of EPA’s maximum contaminant limit (CHART) «

China authorities demand nuke plant halt: Report

Regulator Approves Southern’s Reactors as Chairman Dissents - Bloomberg

U.S. approves first nuclear plant in decades | The Raw Story

Google Maps is watching you | Fellowship of the Minds

US Government & The politics of fear « The PPJ Gazette

Google maps vs. Yahoo! maps. Side by side comparison tool by Sergey Chernyshev

Smartphone pictures pose privacy risks - YouTube

How to Remove EXIF Data from Photographs - YouTube

Agenda 21 attack on property rights: California ONE BAY AREA « The PPJ Gazette

China launches global news TV station - Telegraph


CCTV America Initiates New Programming From Washington, D.C. -- WASHINGTON, Feb. 6, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

Site Pages

CCTV NEWS official website




Social Issues Retake U.S. Politics, 2012 Elections

Romney and Gingrich Do Who's on First - YouTube

"Maine's Choice: Liberty or Death (Ron Paul 2012 Rap Song)" by Smiley Chris MUST SEE HD!!!! - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Did Ron Paul Win Iowa, Nevada, Minnesota, Colorado and Missouri?

The illuminati Exposed By Muammar Gaddafi - YouTube

Hypocrisy and Bullying By the Movie and Music Industry

Will Maine give Republican Paul his first win? | Reuters

**Fake War on Terror Videos**

Fake War on Terror-Part 1

Fake War on Terror-Part 2

Fake War on Terror Part 3

Fake War on Terror Part 4


Activist Post: Monsanto Employees Don't Even Eat GMOs

Political Strategist ; Tracy Davis(

Activist Post: Genetically Engineered Generic Drugs to Be Unleashed Without Mandatory Testing


**Videos:Iran is Next**

**Israel Videos**


Activist Post: Digging Deeper Into Who Controls The World

Ted Nugent Speaks out Against Obama and Gun Control. - YouTube

No more Prepping for Me - YouTube


Lone Star Watchdog: To Police and Military: Beware of Joining the Dark Side


**Chekist Russian drama film!!!! - YouTube


Iron Sky Official Theatrical Trailer [HD] - YouTube

Iron Sky (2012) - IMDb

Iron Sky:


CCHR: Over 20 Millions Kids Bogusly Labeled With Mental Disorders

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : 2012- 2013 The Next Great Depression

Local News | Split court says candidates can lie | Seattle Times Newspaper

Why Facebook Works and Democracy Does Not | Laissez-Faire Bookstore

Stop the State: Is it the Lawmakers or Law Enforcers who are to Blame?

Special report: The twilight of the Bond King | Reuters


The State Has Declared War On The American People

Fox Business Channel Cancels Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano « Blog

Mars Lost: NASA Cutting Mission To Red Planet « CBS Washington

Jesse's Café Américain: The Wall Street Conspiracy: Ascent of the Psychopaths and the Culture of Death

First Neanderthal cave paintings discovered in Spain - life - 10 February 2012 - New Scientist

Billionaire Gingrich Contributor To Cut Support

Jeb Bush could emerge as GOP nominee at a brokered convention, says top Republican | Mail Online

The Uncanny Valley: What Robot Theory Tells Us About Mitt Romney - Brian Fung - Politics - The Atlantic

The Afghanistan Report the Pentagon Doesn't Want You to Read | Michael Hastings | Rolling Stone

Your Kids & Their Kids Are Already Broke. This Movie Featuring Ron Paul Tells You Why. | Before It's News

US admits Israel is arming and training terrorist groups to create terrorism - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: America Cannot Afford Another Bush in the White House

PressTV - AIPAC to Obama: Attack Iran or let Israel do it

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Gerald Celente - If You Want PEACE Vote Ron Paul if You Don't Vote the Other Guy!

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Why Is The U.S. Government Watching YOU?

Debt Slavery: 30 Facts About Debt In America That Will Blow Your Mind -

Obama Screws Over America’s Women To Appease Religious Fanatic Men

Fraud & Technicals Converge to Make US Stock Markets Ripe for a Sell-Off | ZeroHedge

poorrichard's blog: The Coverup of Zionist Organized Crime!


32 min./The Coverup of Zionist Organized Crime! - YouTube



+Israel Did 9/11 – All The Proof | The Works and Research of ZionCrimeFactory

911 Missing Links: film


**IRAN (is not the problem), a documentary by Aaron Newman (2008) - YouTube


Asia Times Online :: Was Saudi Arabia involved?

Ron Paul Locked in a Duel with Mitt Romney at Maine Caucus, Expects First Victory in the GOP Race - International Business Times

Interview with Thomas P.M. Barnett: Military Strategist and Best Selling Author | StratRisks

Shyness, grieving soon to be classified as mental illness | Fox News

Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields -

Russia Set to Build World’s Most Powerful Laser Station -

Ancient Antarctic lake thought to harbor prehistoric life, Hitler clones -

Catholic Bishops: Obama's Solution 'Is Unacceptable'

Obama's Act of Tyranny

Obama's Attempt To Placate Religious Americans Nothing But a Gimmick

Even Obama's 'Compromise' Is Unconstitutional, Critics Say

Obama's Trampling on God's Turf Now

Santorum: 'Contrast,' Not 'Cash,' The Key To Victory

Obama: Americans Must Still Buy Sterilizations, Contraceptives, Abortifacients

White House Has 'No Opinion' on Whether the Senate Should Pass a Budget

Speaker Boehner: House Will Act to Reverse Obama Administration Attack on Religious Freedom

Pelosi: Contraception Mandate is About ‘Women’s Health,’ Religious Freedom is an ‘Excuse’

Sen. Levin: Military Chaplains Shouldn't 'Violate the Tenets of their Troops'

Obama Administration Waiting to See How Fatah-Hamas Deal Unfolds – But Wants PM Fayyad to Stay On

Indian Tribe Suing Beer Companies for Alcohol Abuse Problems

Congressman: Boehner, McConnell Can Stop Obama’s Contraceptive Rule Now with Congressional Review Act

Boehner: Rescind Contraception Mandate Entirely So Catholic Individuals—as Well as Institutions—Are Not Forced to Act Against Faith

Bipartisan Senate Resolution Says U.S. Is ‘Absolutely Determined’ to Stop a Nuclear-Armed Iran

Sen. Johnson: America at ‘Lower-Level of European-Style Socialism'

Boehner Says Conservative Reform Happens ‘One Step at a Time’

Pelosi: Republicans Want 'to Use the Excuse of Religious Freedom' to Harm 'Women's Health'

Rubio on Obama at CPAC: Good Father, Good Husband, 'Terrible President'

TV Network Started by Cloistered Nun Sues Sebelius

MSNBC's Bashir Hails Obama Contraceptive 'Compromise'

Wolf Blitzer Pulls Quote From Liberal Political Activist to Grill Santorum

NPR Slavishly Turns to EEOC, ACLU to Boost Federal Contraception Mandate

Rubio: America An ‘Energy Rich Nation,’ Should Use What ‘God Has Blessed’ it With

Senate Dems Turn Contraception-Mandate Controversy Into Fundraising Pitch

Republican Party Chairman: Obama Contraceptive Mandate ‘Unconscionable and Offensive’

Medved to GOP: Make Campaign About Big Government, Not the Economy

Harlem Students Rehearsing for Musical Based on 'MyPlate' Healthy-Eating Icon

Cain: ‘We Must Outsmart the Stupid People Running America’

India’s Reluctance to Comply With Iran Oil Sanctions Draws Fire on Capitol Hill

Geraldo Compares Bishops' 'Stick In the Eye' Resistance to Obama With Planners of Ground Zero Mosque |

Pelosi: Obama Reversed Himself on SuperPACs so ‘Koch Brothers (Won’t) Decide Who Will Be President’ |


**CPAC 2012


CPAC 2012 » Bolton: Obama’s Policy of Defense Weakness is “Provocative to America’s Enemies”

CPAC 2012 » Jindal: “When You Put Conservative Ideas Into Action, They Yield Great Results.”


Mitt Romney's Full Speech at CPAC 2012 | Video - ABC News

Newt Gingrich's Full Speech at CPAC 2012 | Video - ABC News


CPAC 2012: Mike Huckabee

CPAC 2012:Rick Santorum

CPAC 2012: Rep.Paul Ryan

CPAC 2012: Rep.Steve King

CPAC 2012: Former Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

CPAC 2012:Texas Gov. Rick Perry

CPAC 2012: Rep. Michele Bachmann

CPAC 2012: Sen. Marco Rubio

CPAC 2012: Sen. Rand Paul


2012 Election Central :Caucus & Primary

+2012 GOP Primary & Caucus Calendar


CPAC 2012: GOP Candidates Make Appeal To Conservative Voters Ahead Of 2012 Presidential Election

CPAC 2012 -- Less Divisive, More Inclusive, Than Ever! | Fox News

Full Speech: Governor Scott Walker at CPAC 2012 » The Right Scoop -

Full Speech: Allen West at CPAC 2012 » The Right Scoop -

Full Speech: Andrew Breitbart at CPAC 2012 » The Right Scoop -

Full Speech: Newt Gingrich at CPAC 2012 » The Right Scoop -

Activist Post: The Doomsday Machine -- Triple Threat to Humanity

Activist Post: The LAPD’s little known high-tech underground “war room”

Activist Post: Toxic Artificial Sweetener ‘Neotame’ May Be Lurking in Your Organic Food

Activist Post: Unknown Illness Strikes Cheerleading Competition

Activist Post: 4 Ways The FDA Proves It Doesn't Care About Your Health

The ‘Cairo 19′ Got What They Deserve by Justin Raimondo --

A House of Sand and Fog by Nebojsa Malic --

BBC News - Russian jailed for selling missile secrets to CIA

Rick Santorum: Obama helping Iran obtain nuclear weapons - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

UPDATE 1-U.S. says al Qaeda leader Awlaki directed underwear bomber | Reuters

City agrees to $6.2 million settlement with Iraq war protestors - Chicago Sun-Times

DEA investigation turns up allegations, evidence that Mexican governor got drug cash - The Washington Post

Gunmen Assassinate Syrian Army General

Egyptian Activists Plan Strikes to Mark Mubarak's Ouster

US Defense Focus on Asia Forces New Thinking in Europe

Obama Urges Congress to Pass Payroll Tax Cut

Mexico Cartels Paid Millions for Political Favors

Study: Chocolate, Strawberries Help Blood Pressure

Analysis: In cyber era, militaries scramble for new skills | Reuters

Le Roy High School: Could chemical spill from 1970 train crash be cause of Tourette's like outbreak? | Mail Online

Forget M.I.A’s Bird-Flip, Worry About Pop’s Sexual Moral Decline

Mass Media Promoting Transhumanism: the “Mind-Blowing Benefits of Merging Human Brains and Computers”

US Implausibly Denies Role in Israeli Terror Squads

Iranian Nuclear “Engineers Basically Needed Killing”

Fake “Dying Babies” Story in Iraq? Now Playing in Syria

How To Start a War

Their Version – “Markets don’t fail”

How the Arab League Has Become a Tool of Western Imperialism

Who is Behind Wikileaks

NATO's "Secret War" on Syria: Replicating the Libya Model

Drone lobby cracks open American Skies: "Enabling unmanned drones to fly freely in civil airspace"

Unemployment, Foreclosures, Rising Debts and Despair: AMERICA'S SOCIAL CRISIS

Threatening Russia: NATO Fighter Jets Can Patrol "Anything They Want"

UNSTABLE GEOPOLITICAL CHESSBOARD: India Joins NATO, Gulf Cooperation Council Against Syria

Thwarting the Pentagon's Military Roadmap: The Strategic Alliance between Russia and China

Preventing the UN Security Council from becoming Washington's "Rubber Stamp"

RECESSION: The Decimation of Bank Profits

Government Uses Anti-Terror Laws to Crush Dissent and Help the Too Big to Fail Businesses

VIDEO: The Pentagon is the Biggest Polluter on the Planet

Israel's Mossad Teams up with Terror Group to Kill Iran's Nuclear Scientists

Gingrich to Newsmax: Obama ‘Relentlessly Hostile’ to Religion

Conservatives Shrug at Obama Birth Control Rewrite

Romney to Newsmax: I Won't Be Lectured to by a Failed President

Romney to Newsmax: Obama in Dangerous Military Retreat

West: Obama Caved to Pressure on Contraception

Rep. King: Despite Obama Flip-Flop Catholics Still Compelled

Catholic League’s Donohue: ‘Obama Must Think We’re Stupid’

Rush: Obama's Birth-Control Rule Retreat Is Inadequate

First Lady's Trips Boost Health _ and Her Husband

Pelosi May Have Broken Ethics Rules

George Allen: I Want to Kill Obamacare With my Vote

In Maine, Paul Vies to Extend Romney Losing Streak

Ronald Kessler: Grover Norquist Says Obama Will Be Defeated

Santorum Amplifies Faith in Way GOP Rivals Don't

Ahmadinejad: Iran to Reveal New Nuke Achievements

Vatican Besieged by Leaks, Conspiracies

Pimco: Obama's $25 Billion Foreclosure Deal Hits Pensions Harder Than Banks

Larry Summers: I See ‘Virtuous Circle’ Building in US Economy

Underwater? Some Banks Paying People to Leave Homes

Obama Mortgage Plan Seen Helping 'Small Number' of Homeowners

Daily Aspirin Doesn't Cause Stomach Bleeding — Bacteria is the Culprit

Putin Gets 'Prehistoric' Water From Antarctic Lake

National Archives Shows Benjamin Franklin's Papers

"Repulsive Progressive Hypocrisy" and Why Peaceniks Should Oppose Democrats - informationliberation

Is it the Lawmakers or Law Enforcers who are to Blame? - informationliberation

Las Vegas DUI Checkpoint Refusal - YouTube

Time to impeach Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Justice Ginsburg's diabolical lineage

Government doesn't work!

Yes, it is the most critical election

Boehner sabotaging Fast and Furious probe?

The keys to revival in America

ALAN KEYES: The era of persecution has begun

Obama's trampling on God's turf now

JOSEPH FARAH: What's next? A world tax!

P. ELMORE: Holder's lies about gun shows

Why wasn't Obama in contempt of court?

Hate crimes: Bigotry in reverse

Obama called out on ‘sleight of hand’ over abortions

Romney says Obama ‘poster child’ for arrogance

Gingrich promises to roll back Obama agenda

Vatican Dismisses Report Of Plot To Kill The Pope As 'ramblings' | Fox News

Chinese colonel pushes for alliance with Moscow

Foods that fuel the fires of love

Buffett’s Bank of America | Washington Free Beacon

Shocking photos of teacher accused in California molestation horror surface - NY Daily News

Newt Gingrich's Full Address to CPAC |


**Ron Paul talks to Lew Rockwell;Ron Paul and the Youth Revolution


Chaotic Reflections On Heresy by Fred Reed

Career Dead-End or Stepping Stone? by Gary North

Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve

The Master Culture by Eric Peters

10 Ways to Forgive The Person You Want to Kill Altucher Confidential

A Mormon Leader's Promotion of Peace by Connor Boyack

Deep Military Integration: Towards a North American Combined Military Force by Dana Gabriel

The Deception of 0% Interest Rates, High Costs and Capital Destruction :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Obama Phone: Gov To Spend $2.4 Billion On Millions of Free Phones In 2012 by Mac Slavo

The Importance of Roughhousing With Your Kids | The Art of Manliness

Videos:Evidence Of Giants: Nephilim, Anunnaki | Before It's News

+FEMA Camps To Open 12/2/12? Bill Entitled The National Emergency Centers Establishment Act (HR 645)....Breaking News | Before It's News

Scientists Confirm Extraterrestrial Genes In Human DNA | Before It's News

The Mystery Of Barack Obama Continues | Before It's News

David Icke - They're in for the shock of their eternity!! - YouTube

BOATLIFT, An Untold Tale of 9/11 Resilience - YouTube

Planned US Internet Blackout On March 8 Raises Concerns | Before It's News

Bamboozeled- The NDAA Trojan Horse | Veterans Today

WEEKLY ADDRESS: Extending the Payroll Tax Cut for the Middle Class | Before It's News

Tibetan Secrets For Reversing Physical Aging | Before It's News - - Photo Gallery > The Lucisous Ladies of Red Bull

The Illuminati and the New World Order are One | Liberty Broadcasting Network

**The Hidden Faith of The Founding Fathers 2010 - YouTube

The Nicene Council/ Podcast(

Fisher's Catechism(

Does Historical Decline Disprove Postmillennialism? : Puritan Rising

Does Postmillennialism Undermine Being Watchful? : Puritan Rising


Bible Query(


Karl Rove Shamelessly Conflates Birth Control With Abortion

Rick Santorum Disagrees With Catholic Church... On Health Care Reform

White Nationalist Leader Peter Brimelow Among Panelists at CPAC

Breitbart to Occupy Protesters: 'Stop Raping People! You Freaks!'

Mitt Romney Lies About His Stem Cell Stance In #CPAC Speech

AFGE Renews 'Explain It To Me, GOP' Campaign

Congressman Sets Record Straight on Food Stamp President(s)

Google Only Full Sponsor at CPAC

Romney Tells CPAC: 'I Can’t Wait to Get My Hands on Washington'

Obama Finesses Furious Catholic Bishops On Contraception Issue

Occupy Y'All Street: Charlotte Activist Shows the Problems With the Movement

Rick Santorum is Officially the New Republican Frontrunner

Rachel Maddow Responds to Cal Thomas' Ugly Remarks at CPAC

Santorum Trifecta Angers Romney's GOP Supporters

Father Jonathan Morris of Legion Of Christ, Created By Sex Criminal, Lectures Americans on Birth Control

McConnell at CPAC: Obama Stop Picking on Fox News

Santorum Steps In It: Women Shouldn't be in Combat Because of 'Other Types of Emotions'

Dispatch From CPAC: Day 1, Mitt Romney Called a Mexican

Stuart Varney Thinks Pro-Obama Ad Directors Tricked Clint Eastwood Into Chrysler Ad

Lawrence O'Donnell: The Single-Payer Solution

Breitbart: 'Crooks and Liars is a Radical Leftist Website'

Staff at The Sun tabloid arrested in bribe inquiry

First lady's trips boost health _ and her husband

Ahmadinejad: Iran to reveal new nuke achievements

Justice Department calls Swiss Bank a "fugitive"

24 min./Jeffrey Smith GMO update January, 2012 - Monsanto, Roundup, Bayer, DuPont and more - YouTube

Will Maine give Republican Paul his first win? | Reuters

Watch Ann Coulter Serve Up Jokes And ‘Red Meat’ During Her CPAC Speech | Mediaite

NRA official: Obama wants to outlaw guns in 2nd term - Washington Times

FBI's Megaupload bust 'has done nothing to reduce internet piracy' says study | Mail Online

Interpol accused after journalist arrested over Muhammad tweet | World news |

Religion burns Obama again -

D.A.: No criminal probe in Bevilacqua’s death -

Saadi Gaddafi warns of uprising in Libya: TV | Reuters

Gingrich struggles to revive campaign with speech to faithful - The Hill's Ballot Box

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – February 9th, 2012

2 Parts:Max Igan – Australian Government Criminality – Sydney Workers Radio |

DHS To Launch Insurgent-Tracking Drones Inside America |

Romney Loses 66%++ of Votes From 2008 - HE CAN'T BEAT OBAMA - YouTube

As Santorum and Romney battle, Paul slams both as liberal – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Smart Tip: Peel an Entire Head of Garlic in 10 Seconds Saveur | The Kitchn

How Obama Betrayed His Constituents, and Why They Won't Care

How Incompetence and Malfeasance Infect the Voting Process

Why Obama Loves Ginsburg Best

It's Bush's Fault

North Carolina Apologizes for Past Sterilizations. What about the Present?

The Revealing Moon Debate

No Warming for Fifteen Years. But Does It Even Matter?

Has the Constitution Lost Its Sex Appeal?

Obama deficit this year will be bigger than 2011

If Mitt Romney Can't Attract Conservative Support, We May Need a Brokered Convention

America Desperately Needs A Hero...but Who?

The Great Election Undercurrent

On the Church, the Military, and the Descent into Tyranny

The Political Reality Behind the HHS Mandate

Ten Things to Consider Before Launching an Attack against Iran

Debbie Schlussel:INTERESTING Video: Facebook Graffiti Artist Becomes a Quarter Billionaire

Debbie Schlussel:Huh? Navy Ship Named for American “Hero” . . . Gabby Giffords?!

Debbie Schlussel:Crescent News Network: CNN Fires All Jewish Reporters in Israel; But No Tears for the Self-Haters

Debbie Schlussel:“Bourne Legacy” Trailer Debuts and – YAY! – No Matt Damon

Once Again We Find No Trust in Our High Court Judges

‘Agenders’ and Right Wing Conspirators

Obama’s Anti-Religious Implosion

Occupier whines on Iranian television about oppressive American police

The High Cost of Liberalism – 10 Million Jobs

Obama Still Poised to take over Churches and Eliminate First Amendment

Progressive Obsolescence

All Aboard Obama’s Transformation Train

What Everyone is Missing About Obama’s Attack on Catholics!

The Fatah-Hamas peace process

Occupy Wall Street Comes to CPAC, Unions in Command

Andrew Breitbart Kicks It at CPAC 2012 [Full Speech]

Ann Coulter Hot, Funny and Dead On @ CPAC [FULL]

Rush On Romney @ CPAC: I Have Never Heard Anybody Say “I’m Severely Conservative”

Limbaugh: Obama Didn’t Cave on the HHS Mandate

Hannity: Ameritopia’s Mark Levin: Alarming New Issues Injected Into Presidential Race

AWESOME: Sean Hannity Takes Alec Baldwin To The Wood Chipper

Quirky News | Orange UK

CBBC Newsround - Black hole in Milky Way 'vaporising huge asteroids'

How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy - Magazine - The Atlantic

Astronaut feels space's toll on his body – Light Years - Blogs

‘Mermaids’ scare off workers - Back Page | IOL News |

Samuel L. Jackson: ‘I Voted for Barack Because He Was Black’

Four Key S.E. Cupp Interviews Direct From CPAC (Including Chuck Woolery!)

Why Did Ron Paul Skip CPAC?

‘I Locked Eyes With Her and She Just Gunned It’: Sandusky’s Wife Nearly Runs Over News Reporter

CPAC: Day Two Compressed Into 100 Seconds of Video

Update: High School Senior to File Complaint After Third Racy Photo Rejected From Yearbook

14-Year-Old Boy Shoots Himself in School Cafeteria While Horrified Classmates Watch

Clothes Iron to the Face Kills Home Invader — Massive Fight Breaks Out at Funeral

Ellen DeGeneres Thanks Bill O’Reilly for Defending Her in JCPenney Debate

Buffett Stands to Profit Handsomely From Mortgage Abuse Settlement

Twitter Rumor Claims Kim Jong-Un Murdered by Ninja Assassins

Marine Sniper Suffering PTSD Found in Snow After Two Days

Satellite Spots Tanks in Syrian City

Why Are Hundreds of Dolphins Dead on Peruvian Beaches?

Best-Selling Author Jeffrey Zaslow Killed in Car Accident

An Honor Beating in Arizona? Iraqi Woman Arrested After Beating, Tying Her Daughter to Bed for Talking to Man

Limbaugh on So-Called HHS ‘Accommodation’: There‘s no ’Compromise,‘ It’s all BS!

Jewish Groups Accuse Presbyterian Church of Facilitating Anti-Israeli & Anti-Semitic Sentiment

Watch Panetta Calls for New Probe Into Controversial Nazi SS Marine Photo

Watch Syria: Suicide Bombings Ravage Aleppo Leaving 28 Dead, Over 200 Wounded

Listen ‘He’s Our Man, Yes We Can!’: Pro-Obama Song Taught to Kindergarteners at TX School

Chris Matthews Scolds Reporter for Using White House Talking Point on Contraception

CNN: Pelosi May Have Broken the Law With Fundraising Comment on Capitol Hill

Boeing 787 Test Pilot Draws Company Logo In the ‘Sky’ — See How

Was Santorum Really Bashing Female Soldiers’ Emotions? He Clarifies

‘The Story of Us’: New Obama Re-election Vid Replays All His Viral Moments

Viral Video: Angry Dad Shoots Daughter’s Laptop With .45 Pistol After Finding Secret Facebook Post

This Tiny Mobile Home Is Only 27-Square-Feet — and It’s Electric

Holder Begins Criminal Investigation Regarding Article V Convention

If Ron Paul Dropped Out



‘Occupy CPAC’ protesters paid $60 for the day [VIDEO]

Feds release new details about underwear bomber - Washington Times

Pew Study Shows Young People Have Suffered Worse Than Anyone From Obamanomics -

CIA fears drone downed in Iran failed to dump sensitive data -

Savage: Founders envisioned ‘petty dictator’ like Obama

Disgraced 'rubber room' teacher Alan Rosenfeld retires -

Cops: Officer fatally shoots man who hit him after ramming garage door with van

Chicago Auto Show: Muscle cars still have the power

Lipinski takes on liberal newcomer, again

Paul and Romney Face Off in Maine

Mitt Romney tries makes his case to conservatives - YouTube

Santorum, Romney sell selves to conservatives

At CPAC, candidates decry President Obama's 'war on religion'

POTUS likes Wilco, Raphael Saadiq and Sugarland: Barack Obama's Spotify Playlist

Santorum amplifies faith in way GOP rivals don't

Romney aides to speak at super PAC events

Romney appeals to US business with harsh China talk

Few Texas GOP candidates willing to make presidential preference known

Pence GOP rival shy of goal, eager for duel

Election 2012: Voter registration deadline nears

Obama Mortgage Refi Plan Makes a Dent in Foreclosure Crisis

Poll finds broad support for Obama's counterterrorism policies

Rand Paul to Obama: do you hate rich people?

Obama holds private fundraiser at Washington hotel

W&L parade puts the 'mock' in mock convention

Mock Convention(

Ann Coulter Addresses CPAC Part 1 - YouTube

Ann Coulter Addresses CPAC Part II - YouTube

Investigators find blood-stained comforter in Powell case

First lady fixes on must-dos prior to election run

Obama wants payroll tax cut extension as deadline approaches

Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin under investigation: source

Woman who stole baby 24 years ago (and raised it) pleads guilty

Report: Non-Solyndra energy loans could cost $3B

Powerball jackpot hits $325 million: What you should know

Syrian army general assassinated in Damascus

Ahmadinejad: Iran to Unveil New Nuclear Achievements

Aung San Suu Kyi campaigns for the first time in her constituency

Putin's rivals face pressure, biased coverage

Nelson Mandela banknotes to be issued by South Africa

Kim Jong (the) Un Dead

For Pakistan's prime minister, a question of loyalty

Google Wallet Flaw Allows Digital Pickpocket

Google Accused of Not Being Forthright in Report to Feds

US to Clear Google's Deal

Google At Work On Some Sort Of Home Entertainment System

Keeping It Real at Facebook

Google to Open Retail Location in Dublin

New 3-D could prevent catastrophic earthquakes

Makeup of rain forest may have been altered by farmers

Hovering isn't difficult if you're top heavy

Asia and Americas on Course for Arctic Collision

Hear This: Ship Noise Stresses Whales

Watery Alien Planets Might Be Stripped Dry by Gravity

Like How Your Hair Hangs? Praise the Laws of Physics

Is this Iceland's Loch Ness Monster? Amateur footage shows 'giant serpent' slinking its way through lake | Mail Online

California's size lands state big share of foreclosure settlement

Goldman Snags Old AIG Bonds

MF Brokerage Has $1.6 Billion Shortfall to Pay Commodity Claims

Wireless service providers lose $$$ on iPhones, is it time ditch the contracts?

Alzheimer's brain plaques 'rapidly cleared' in mice

Mad-cow disease unlikely in Marin cases

Male Genes May Explain Higher Heart Disease Risk

Chemo in pregnancy does not necessarily harm baby, says study

Michelle Obama: 'Let's Move' continues to promote exercise

Study finds jolt to the brain boosts memory

C-Sections not always best for small babies

Doctors telling more adults: Get out and exercise

Plastic Surgeries Continue Grow, Despite Sluggish Economy, USA

Madonna: Not happy about MIA's gesture

Tony Bennett and Carrie Underwood do Grammy duet

McCartney set for 'Mad Men' cameo

Video:Report: Three Other Federal Agencies Knew About 'Fast & Furious'

Video:Adam Carolla: 'Fu*king Government, Get Out Of The Way'

Video:CPAC Goes Hollywood: Allen Covert Charms Conservative Conference

Video: World's Greatest Sports Trivia Championship

Video:Police identify suspects in five Walmart thefts

Video: New Book Teaches Children About The History Of Mardi Gras

Video:Missing Child Rescued After Three Hour Search

Video: The Real Facts About ADHD Symptoms And Diagnosis With Dr. Corey Hebert

Video: Guides For Urban Planning

Protests erupt across Europe against web piracy treaty

US govt to restore quote on King memorial

Remains in Calif. ID'd as serial killers' victim

Texans on wrong side of border fence grow anxious

First lady fixes on must-dos prior to election run

Top US general meets Egypt's Tantawi amid NGOs row

Police seek man after 3 found dead in Wash. home

Penn class teaches students how to live like monks

White House didn't foresee birth control backlash

The Beatles Love By Cirque Du Soleil Performs Opening Act To Honor Sir Paul McCartney At The 2012 MusiCares Person Of The Year Gala

Communist East Germany back in haunting new film

Egypt seizes Gaza-bound anti-aircraft missiles

The Jewish retail giant and the black community

Maine caucuses: Ron Paul seeks new upset against Mitt Romney

'Gunmen assassinate senior Syrian military official'

Treasures From the Warner Archives: ‘The Super Cops’ (1974)

‘Lady and the Tramp’ (1955) Blu-ray Review: Timeless, Charming Story Looks Gorgeous In High-Def

The Politics of ‘Star Trek’: ‘Patterns of Force’

Carolla Slams Progressives for Ruining a Day at the Beach

Zombie Founding Fathers Rap Bloated Government

Box Office Predictions: George Lucas Overrun by a Chick Flick?

New Judicial Watch Film to Expose Solyndra, Acorn Corruption

Your Obama Apologist of the Day:

CPAC NEWS: ‘Grandma’s Boy’ Star Allen Covert Ready for President Palin, Promotes Patriotic Children’s Books

Denzel’s ‘Safe House’: Hollywood Loves WikiLeaks Spilling Security Secrets

Maher Slams Santorum as the 'Little Creep That Could,' Romney Arrived With 'Fetus in a Jar' |

'Roseanne' Redux as John Goodman Signs on for Barr's New Pilot | TheWrap TV

AP Interview: Star says Obama watches 'Homeland'

EXCLUSIVE: Adam Hasner Interview, Allen West’s and Marco Rubio’s Reinforcement in Palm Beach

Ohio: Self-Proclaimed ‘Tea Party’ Candidate Doesn’t Know Who Andrew Breitbart Is?

Ron Paul Makes Push to Win Maine Caucus

Obama’s Decline Among Catholics and Everyone Else, By the Numbers

Fast and Furious: Rep. Darrell Issa Blinks, No Contempt Charges for Holder

Gingrich Eschews Rhetoric for Substance in CPAC Address

Cartoon:Standing Still on the XL Pipeline

‘Occupy CPAC’ Protestors Paid $60 Per Head; Brain Freeze Over Simple Question

Member of Education Establishment: Parents Don’t Know What’s Best for Their Children

‘The Impeachment of Richard Nixon and Other Things That Never Happened,’ by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee

CPAC: Romney Tries to Be Not-Romney

Mortgage ‘Settlement’ Is a Bailout for California

Spencer Bachus: It’s Time for You to Go

Hamas ‘Will Never Recognise Israel,’ Gaza Premier Says

The Real Occupation: Occupy Has Always Hated the Jews

The Religion of Peace in Court: ‘Redacted’ Killer Gets Life, Would-Be Obama Assassin Pleads Guilty

Is It the Time for Peace in the Middle East?

Euro Crisis Looms as Six Greek Cabinet Ministers Resign in Austerity Plan Protest

Iran Using Gold and Oil to Surpass U.S. Sanctions

‘Anonymous’ Threatens Crusade Against Israel: ‘The People of This World Will Rise Against You’

Spain’s Scott Walker Moment: Crucial Labor Market Reforms Pass

French Parfumier on Trial in Paris for ‘Racism’

Sun Staff Arrested In Bribe Inquiry

CPAC: Loesch Receives Accuracy in Media Award; Breitbart Delivers Speech on Media Bias, Unity

Want to Help Blow the Dog Whistle On the Media?

RETRACTION REQUEST: Gawker Lies, Claims Conservatives Drop “N” Word at CPAC

Dog Whistle Progressives Fabricate Racial Incident at CPAC

NewsBusted: Liberals Like Abortion More Than Cancer Research

Media Matters Makes It Up Over CBS And AIM Award

Wolf Blitzer Pulls Quote From Liberal Political Activist to Grill Santorum |


11-Feb-12 World View

10-Feb-12 World View

9-Feb-12 World View

8-Feb-12 World View

7-Feb-12 World View

6-Feb-12 World View

5-Feb-12 World View

4-Feb-12 World View

SITE: - Teaching About Islam And Giving Muslims Hope Through Jesus

NEWS - Operation Deadlight

EMC - Eisenhower Stories - Why Didn't General Eisenhower Try to Capture Berlin


Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Windows Workstations

The Real Culture Wars - New York Times

Amazon Publishing bookshop boycott grows | Books |

Penguin Severs Ties with OverDrive

JFK, Monster | The New Republic

Can we help Syria without making things worse? - The Washington Post

Syria is not Iraq. And it is not always wrong to intervene | Jonathan Freedland | Comment is free | The Guardian

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Columnist :: 42 reasons to dismiss Susan Rice’s rage

Commentary: Al-Qaeda Grows in Sinai | The National Interest

The neocons’ big Iran lie -

Obama Shifts on Contraception, Remains Mired in Politics of Health and Faith | Swampland |

The Obamacare Decree Isn’t Merely an Affront to Religious Liberty | The Weekly Standard

The Gospel According to Obama - Charles Krauthammer - National Review Online

The Freedom to Choose Birth Control -

Review & Outlook: Immaculate Contraception -

Mimi Alford: The day JFK took my virginity in his wife's White House bed | Mail Online

Rex Murphy on Obama’s war against Christianity: When the Church struck back | Full Comment | National Post

Newt Gingrich Rips GOP Establishment at CPAC Conference - The Daily Beast

President Obama's Latest Budget Is Again Long On Empty Promises, Short On Real Solutions -

Obama Budget Lessens Focus on Deficit -

Mark Steyn: Obama goes Henry VIII on the church | church, one, catholic - Opinion - The Orange County Register

False dawns and public fury: the 1930s are not so far away -

Upside: Why Money-Market Accounts Are Better Than Money-Market Funds -

For SEC, investigating insider trading in Congress presents complications - The Washington Post

When the best way to save a neighborhood is to tear it down - The Washington Post

We're All State Capitalists Now - By Niall Ferguson | Foreign Policy

*11 Feb.

American Minute for February 11th

February 11 Events in History

February 11th in History

February 11th This Day in History

This Day in History for 11th February |

Today in History: February 11

Today in History: February 11

Today in History for Friday, February 11th - YouTube


*The Federalist Papers

* AntiFederalist Papers


The U.S. Constitution

The Bill of Rights

Declaration of Independence


**NEWS VIDEOS:Report: Three Other Federal Agencies Knew About ‘Fast & Furious’

Adam Carolla: ‘Fu*king Government, Get Out Of The Way’

Shrum: Rush, Tea Party ‘Can’t Deal With Fact That Black Man Is President’

CPAC Goes Hollywood: Allen Covert Charms Conservative Conference

10th/Breitbart Calls For Conservative Unity: ‘Ask Not What Your Candidate Can Do For You…’

Perry To Run Again

Santorum Rips Romney & Obama; Gets CPAC Standing Ovation

Obama Gives No Child Left Behind Waivers To 10 States

EXCLUSIVE: Police Stop Left-Wing Protesters’ Second Attempt At CPAC Invasion

‘They’re Using Insurance For Communism’ Ann Couter Rocks CPAC

Under Pressure Obama Tweaks Birth Control Mandate

Union Goons Attempt To Occupy Conservative Conference

Father Shoots Daughter’s Computer For Disrespectful Facebook Post

Pelosi: ‘Sad’ People Are Using Religious Freedom ‘Excuse’

Dem Jackson Lee: Republicans ‘Take Away Essence Of All Religious Faith’

Cardinal To Obama: Back Off, Stop ‘Intruding’ Into Church Business

‘Come On Guys’; Obama Begs Reporters For Relief From Contraception Controversy

Michelle Obama, Jimmy Fallon Turn White House Into Personal Playground

9th/CNN’s Lemon Implies Religious Conservatives Complicit In Street Gang Gay-Bashing Attack

MSNBC Anchors Attack Mormons, Evangelicals

Study: Distrust Of Government A Mental Disorder

#OccupyPortland Terrorizes Citizens, Screams Obscenities At Police

Congresswoman On Contraception Mandate: Being ‘Exposed’ To Pregnancy ‘Danger To Women’s Health’

Hot New Film: ‘Occupy Unmasked’

Rubio Crushes Obama’s Contraceptive Mandate

Ryan Open To VP; Doesn’t Rule Out Convention Draft

Santorum: Obama Putting America On ‘Path’ Of Executing Religious People

8th/New Hampshire’s Ayotte First Woman Senator To Condemn Obama’s Contraception Law

Boehner: Obama’s Attack On Religious Freedom ‘Will Not Stand’

Haunting 911 Tapes: Social Worker Could Not Have Saved Powell Children

#OccupyDC Denies Unlawful Plans For CPAC Protest

Bishop: Catholics Will Be Instructed How To Vote

7th/Greatest Trailer Ever: OSOMBIE

Congressman Takes Onion Article Literally

‘Glitter Bomb’ Thug: Secret Service Apprehend Man At Romney Event

Man Stabs Brother Over McDonald’s Brownie

Matthews: Obama Birth Control Mandate ‘Frightening’

Students Have Access To ‘Morning After Pill’ From Vending Machine

Boxer: Republicans Are McCarthyites, Planned Parenthood Like YMCA


Do As We Say, Not As We Do! | THE PLAIN TRUTH by Judge Napolitano 2/03/12 - YouTube

Rand Paul "I Have A Question For The President... Do You Hate ALL Rich People?" - YouTube

Ron Paul "The Other Candidates Don't Question Anything In Foreign Policy Or Monetary Policy" - YouTube

Lake Vostok Discovered, May Hold Key to Unparamounted Discoveries

*Videos:Entering into The Age of Darkness with Dr. Francis Boyle Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Globalist Controlled News Network Axes Show for Telling The Truth - YouTube

15,000 elite Iranian special-ops 'head' to Syria - YouTube

Apple worth more than Google, Microsoft combined - The Washington Post


Alex Jones - 2012-Feb-10, Friday

Alex Jones - 2012-Feb-09, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2012-Feb-08, Wednesday

Feb. 10, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Feb. 9, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN


*Videos:Prison » Nuclear Armageddon if WWIII Starts: Lyndon LaRouche Reports

*Videos:Prison » Foreign DNA Found in Vaccine Can Cause Disease: Curt Linderman Sr. Reports

Asia Times Online :: The return of the Keyboard Warriors

Prison » Unemployment, Foreclosures, Rising Debts and Despair: AMERICA’S SOCIAL CRISIS

Prison » Ron Paul Issues Statement on Obama Contraception Decision

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